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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland


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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland

Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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E C C L E S I A S T I C A L R E P O R T S , IN I S 0 7* [ Killaloc. 1. 2. INCUMBENTS; Whether having Cure of Souls; Where Refident; if not Refident, for what Caufe ; and by whom the Dimes are performed. 3- BENEFICES, When United,, and By what Authority, r INu1 ^ bev 0' Benefices. No. of Denominatio • • Na . es of BENEFICES and DENOMINATIONS"; . Number of P ARI jj b in eich Benefice ; Their Dilt- ances from each other ; and, Eftimated Extent of fucli as are Contiguous. — 1 37- I. 3- Kilmore - - - — - Vicarage. Kilnaneave ----- Rectory & Vicarage. Lisbunny - The like. Kilmore and Kilnaneave are contiguous, and are one quarter of a mile distant from Lisbunny: estimated extent from N. to S. 4 miles, from E. to W. 7 miles. The Revd Gilbert Holmes, A. 3.; has cure of souls; is not resident; has a Faculty for holding the Deanery of Ardfert with this bene- fice ; the duties are performed by his Curate, the Rev. George Rose, A. B. who is resident. Bv au. horit) of the Diocefan, the 18th day cf July 1801. 38. 1. Templederry Rectory & Vicarage. The Revd Edmond Jordan, A. B.; has cure of souls; is resident, and assisted by a Curate, the Rev. Tho- mas M'Culloch, A. B. who is also resident. No Union. 39. 1. 2. Monsea Vicarage. Kilodiernan Rectory & Vicarage. These parishes are contiguous: estimated extent from N. to S. 4 miles, from E. to VV. 4 miles. The Revd William Parsons, A. B.; has cure of souls ; is resident near Birr, with the consent of the Diocesan, on account of his bad state of health ; the duties are per- formed by his Curate, the Rev. Richard Studdert, A. f>. who resides within two miles of the church. By authority of the Diocefr. n, the 1 ith day of October 1805. 40. 1. 0 _ Nenagh ------ Rectory & Vicarage. Knigh The like. These parishes are contiguous: estimated extent from N. to S. 3 miles, from E. to W. 5 miles. The Revd Henry Bayly, A. B. ; has cure of souls ; is not resident ; buc ordered by the Diocesan to re- side ; the duties are performed by his Curate, the Rev. Thomas Fal- kiner, A. B. WHO is resident. By Aft of Council, the 16th day of February 1798. 41. 1. 2. 3- Kinnitty - Half Rectory and the Vicarage. Letterluna The like. Roscomroe Vicarage. These parishes are contiguous: estimated extent from N. to S. 4 miles, from E. to W. 4 miles. The Revd Abraham Downs, A. B.; ,-, as cure of souls, and is resident. By Adl of Council, the 14th day of December 1796. 42. 1. 3- 4- 1 Roscrea Rectory & Vicarage. Clonfertmulloe, or Kyle - - - - T e iine. Kilcoleman - -- -- --- - Vicarage Ettagh ------ - Rectory & Vicarage. These parishes are contiguous: estimated extent from N. to S. 6 miles, from E. to W. 7 miles. The Revd Thomas L'Estrange, A B. ; has cure of souls ; is resi- dent, and performs the duty of Roscrea and Kyle; his Curate, the Rev. Rickard Kennedy, A. 8. is resident in the parish of Ettagh , and performs the duty of Ettagh and Kilcoleman. Bv authoritv of the Diocefan, the 28thdayof July 1779. ( 3J134- Kiilaloe.] FOR PROVINCE OF MUNSTER. * 4- Number of CHURCHES; Whether in Repair, and in what Parilh they fUnd. A Church, in good re- pair, in Ki; mcre. A Church, in good re- pair. A new Church, in the parifh of Monfea. A Church, in good re- pair, in the town of Ne nagh. GLEEE. HOUSES; In what Pariih ;— what Glebe Lands;— Whether contiguous ; or How far removed from each other, and from the Church, or Site of the old Church. No Glebe Houfe ; no glebe land. 6. CURATES Sa'a ie; in Cofes of permitted N on- Refidence of the Incumbents; whether Rcfident or not. LIVINGS of a Va'uc too l'rra! l to afioia C'oir. furc to i he Incumbents- Salary, £. J0. Kilmore and Kil- nar. eave each of them too fmall. No Glebe Houfc ; no glebe land. No Glebe Houfe ; glebe land 3 A. I R. in the parilh of Moufea, near the chuich. No Glebe IIoure ; glebe land, Z A. in the parifh of Nenagb, near the church ; and 16 A. 3R. m the parifh or Knigh, two miles dillant from the former ; Incumbent ordered to biiiid. Too fmail ; the Incumbent receives £. 30 per annum fionithe- FiiftFiuits. Salary, £. 75. F. ach of thefe parifhes, fepaiately, too fnialL Salary, £. 50. A Church, in good re- pair, in the parifh of Kinnitty. No Glebe Houfe; glebe land 21 A. I R. II P. in the parilh of Kinnit. y, convenient to the church : Incumbent ordered to build. Two Churches, in No Glebe Honfe ; glebe land, IA. 2 R. 28 P. good repair, in the pa- in the parilh of Rofcrea, convenient to the ifhes of Rofcrea andx'hurch; 23 A. I R. 30 P. in the parilh of Kil- littagh coleman, near the fite of the old ciiurch; 24A. OR. 18 p. in the parifh of littagh, near the church. 78. 3 2
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