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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland


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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland

Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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No Pages: 2
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E C C L E S I A S T I C A L R E P O R T OF T H E [ Clogher. i' I. 2. 3- ( Number of Benefices. 11 1! Names of BENEFICES and DENOMINATIONS; Number of PARISHES in each Benefice; Their Diftance from each other ; and, The ellimated Extent of fuch as are contiguous. INCUMBENTS, Whether having Cure of Souls; whether Resident; if not Resident, for what Cause ; and by whom the Duties are discharged. BENEFICES, whetner United, and by what Authority. 32- 1. - Rectory & Vicarage. Revd John Stack; resident; has cure of souls, and discharges the duties, assisted by a Curate. — 33' 1. Revd & George Jas Caulfield ; not resident; has cure of souls; duties discharged by a Clergyman in an adjoining Parish. 34- 1. Magheracrofs - - - Reftory & Vicarage. Revd John Irwin; resident; has cure of souls, and discharges the duties. 35- 1. Magheraculmoney - Reftory & Vicarage. Revd Wm Elliot; not resident; lives on his other Benefice in the Di- ccefe of Meath ; has cure of souls ; duties discharged by a Curate. 36. 1. Monaghan - - - - - Reflory & Vicarage. Revd Robt Montgomery; not resident from pecuniary circum- stances ; has cure of souls ; duties discharged by a Curate. 37- 1. Muckroe - - - - - Reflory & Vicarage. Revd Thos Lendrum ; resident ; has cure of souls ; duties discharged by a Curate. 38. i. P. offorry - - - - - - Reftory & Vicarage. Revd Alexr Aughenlick; not resident; has cure of souls; duties discharged by a Curate. 39- 1. Tedonagh - - - - - Reflory & Vicarage. Revd Howd St George ; not re- sident ; by permission, has cure of souls; duties discharged by a Curate. — 40. 1. Tehallon - - - - - Rcftory & Vicarage. Revd Ed. Stanley ; resident; has cure of souls, and discharges the duties. —• 41. 1. Templecarne - - - - Reftory & Vicarage. Revd Thos Wall is; resident; has cure of souls; duties discharged by a Curate. —• 42. 1. Tullycorbet - Reftory & Vicarage. Revd John Hussey Burgh ; re- sident ; has cure of souls, and dis charges the duties, assisted by a Curate. 43- 1. Trorey — - - - Revd Wm Weir; resident; has cure of souls, and discharges the duties. The Diocese of CLOGHER consists of forty- three Benefices, two of which are Unions; on these Benefices, twenty- seven Incumbents actually reside ; of the sixteen who do not reside, eight are resident upon other Livings, which they hold by faculty, seven Benefices. Unions. CHURCHES. BENEFICES without CHURCHES. GLEBE HOUSES. BENEFICES without GLEBE HOUSES. BENEFICES with GLEBES. 43- 2. Fifty- one. Four. Twenty- nine. Fourteen. Forty. 6 Clogher.] PROVINCE OF ARMAGH: 1806. 3$ +• Number of CHURCHES; Whether in Repair, and in which of the Parifhes they ( land. A Church, in good condition. A Church, in good condition. GLEBE HOUSES; In what Pariih ;— what Glebe Lands;— Whether contiguous ;— How far removed from each other, and from the Church, or Site of the old Church. A Glebe Houfe; 1,115 acresofglebe, near the church. A Glebe Houfe ; 40 acjres of glebe, near the church. A Church, in good ! No Glebe Houfe; about 300 acres of glebe, ( condition. I inconveniently lituated, and about 3 miles aiflant from the church. A Church, in good ( condition. A Church, in good condition. A Church about to be built. A Church, in good condition. A Church, in good condition. A Church, in good condition. A Church under re- pair. A Church, in good condition. A Church, in good condition. A Glebe Houfe. No Glebe Houfe ; 24 acres of glebe, a mile dillant from the church. No Houfe or Glebe. No Glebe Houfe ; 98 acres of glebe, for the moll part, in another parilh. An exchange of glebe will foon be effedted, and a houfe will then be built. A Glebe Houfe ; 40 acres of glebe, £ a mile dillant from the church. A Glebe Houfe; 40 acres of glebe, very near the church. A Glebe Houfe; 140 acres ofglebe, 1 mile diflant from the church. A Glebe Houfe; 40 acres of glebe, near the church. A Glebe Houfe ; 60 acres of glebe, n ear the church. 6. CURATES Salary in Cafes of permitted Non- Re( idence of the Incumbent, and whether Refident or not. A Curate, refident ; Salary £. 75. per ann. A Curate, refident; Salary £. 75. per ann.„ A Curate, refident; Salary 70. per ann. A Curate, refident; Salary A Curate, refident; Salary £• 75-. per ann. LIVINGS of a Value too fmall to afford Comfort to the Incumbent. feven are abfent with permiflion, and one Benefice is vacant. There are filty one Churches, twenty- nine Glebe Houfes, and forty Glebes; four Benefices are without Churches, fourteen without Glebe Houfes, and three without Glebes. BENEFICES without GLEBES. INCUMBENTS a& ualiy refident upon their refpe& ive BENEFICES. INCUMBENTS who have no Houfes in their Parifhes, but who live fufficiently near to difcharge the Duties. INCUMBENTS who refide on other LIVINGS. INCUMBENTS who are afcfent with Pcrmiilion. INCUMBENTS who are abfent without Permifiion; and Livings vacant. Three. Twenty- feven. None. Eight. Seven. One vacant. Til
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