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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland


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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland

Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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If- j • 111' I i ' IS I HI llif 14 ill m will ir* « ft- m i 1 ill IP iu 1 t Number of Benefices. 20. • I. 22. 23- 24. 26. E C C L E S I A S T I C A L RE P O R T S , IN IS O 73 [ Killaloe. 1. c c £ o 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1. 2. 3- 4- 5- 1. 2. 3- Karnes of B E N E F 1 C E S and DENOMINATIONS; Number of PARISHES in each Benefice ; Their Diftances from eac'i other ; and, Eftimated Extent of fuch as are Contiguous. Kilseily Vicarage. Killurane - - - - Vicarage. Kilconry - - Vicarage. Clonlea Vicarage. Kilnoe - - Vicarage. Kilfinaghty Vicarage. Tomfinlogh , Vicarage. Clonloghan . . _ - . Vicarage. Bunratty - -- -- - Vicarage. Finogh Vicarage. Kilmurrynigaul Vicarage. These parishes are contiguous: estimated extent from N. to S. 10 miles, from E. to W. 10 miles. INCUMBENTS; Whether hairing Cure of Souls ; Where Refident; if not Refiderit, for what Caufe; and by whom the Duties are performed. The Revd William Miller, A. M.; has cure- of souls; is resident; and is assisted by a Curate, the Rev. Si- mon Holland, A. B. who is also re- sident. i„ 2. 3- 1. 2. 3- BENEFICES, When United, and By what Authoiity. By authority of the Diocefan, the ifcth day ol March 1790. Kilmurry Clandralaw ----- Vicarage. Killosin Vicarage. Kiimacduane — Vicarage. Kilfedane Vicarage. Killeymur — Vicarage. These Parishes are contiguous : eftimated extent from N. to S. 3 miles, from E. to W. 8 miles. The Revd John Butler ; has cure of souls ; is resident. Quin - -- -- -- - — - Vicarage. These Parishes are contiguous: eftimated extent from N. to S. 3 miles, from E. to VV. 5 miles. The Revd Michael Fitz Gerald, A. M.; has cure of souls ; is resi- ; dent in the town of Ennis by per- mission of the Diocesan, where he is master of an endowed school, and distant from the Union about three miles; the duties of the Union are performed by the Incumbent. Kilmihill - — - -- -- -- - Vicarage. These Parishes are 5 miles diflant from each other. The Revd Michael Davoren, A. M.; has cure of souls; is not resident; his Curate, the Rev. An- drew Davoren, A. 8. is resident in the parish of Kilfarboy, and per forms the duty; the Bishop has ordered the Incumbent to reside. Stradbally or Castleconnel - Red' & Vicc. KilnegarrufF The like. These Parishes are contiguous: estimated extent from N. to S. 2| miles, from E. to W. 4 miles. The Revd Josiah Crampton, A. B.; has cure of souls; is resi- dent. Aghancon Rectory & Vicarage. The Revd James Everard, A. B.; has cure of souls; is resident. Kilcoleman - -- -- -- -- - Rcdory. Lockeen - -- -- -- -- -- Vicarage. These Parishes are contiguous : eiiimated extent from N. to S. 5 miles, from E. to W. 6 miles.- The Revd Edward Synge, D. D.; has cure of souls ; is resident, and is assisted by a Curate, the Rev. William Grattan, who is also resi- dent. Castletownarra - - - Redory &• Vicarage.' Youghalarra ._- - The like. These Parishes are contiguous: eflimated extent from N. to S. 5 miles, from h. to W. 4 miles. The Revd John Parker, D. D.; has cure of souls; is resident near Killaloe, with the consent of the Diocesan, he being Vicar General of the diocese of Killaloe ; the du- ties are performed by his Curate, the Rev. Standish Grady Parker, A. B. who is resident. By authority of th; ocefan, the 31ft day 0: a>' j774- By authority of the 799- By authority of the By authority of the Diocesan, the 24- th day o! Augull 1803. No Union. By authority of th Diocefan, the i6: h day of May 1785. By authority of the Diocesan, the 2cthday of February 1781. 1 iKillaloc.] FOR PROVINCE OF MUNSTER. 4- Numb- i of CHURCHES; W, iuhcr in Kipair, and in wiic Parifh they ( land. Two Churches, in goo. repair, one in the paiifh of Killedy, and the ot er in the pariih of Kilfi- naghty. A Church, in tolerable repair, in the parifli of Kilmurry. A Church, in good re- pair, in the pariih of Qui:. A new Church, in the pariih of Kilfaiboy. A new Church, in th pariih of Ca. lleconnel. A Church, in guod re pair. A Church, in good re pair, in the town of Jxrr, A Church. , n good re- pair. in the pariih ot Caliletownarra. 5- CLEBE HOUSES; In wha: Parifh;— what Glcbs Lands;— Whether contiguous^ or Haw far removed fr m each ether, at d from, the Church, or Site of the old Church. No Glebe Houfe; glebe land 2 A. IS. 36P. in the paiiih of Kilconiv, and 3 A. I R. 26 p. in the par;( h of Tomfinlogh; cach not far from the lite of tb.- old church. No Glebe Houfe; glebe land 1 A. 3 R. 10 P. in the parifh of Kilrnurry, adjoining the chu ch- yard ; 2 A. 2 R. 5 r. in the parifn ofKilfedan;; and 1 A. OR. 10 P. in the parifh of Kiileymur, each convenient to the lite of the old churches. No Glebe Houfe; taincd. glebe'' land cannot be afcer- 6. C U'R A TES Salari. j in Cafes of pnmitted Non- refidence of the Incumbents; whether RtfiJe. it or not. LIVINGS of a V. il. ie t o fmall, to aS'jrd Comi'orjr to the Incumbents. Each cf thefe pariihes, feparately, too final!. Each of thefe parifhes, feparately, too imali. No Glebe Houfe; no glebe land. No Glebe Houfe: gl. be land 1 A. OR. gr and 1 A. o R. 5 p. both in the pariih oi Kiinegar- ruff. diliant from each other about j a mile, and . bout the fame dillance from the fue of old church. A G'ebe Houfe build'ng; glebe land 15 A convni< nt to the church. A Git be Houfe in the parifh of Bi r; glebe land in ( aid oari - 1 191. adjoining the chmcnyard, in thepo ilho! K: oleman ; 10 A. ibout trree miles uUhmt from tae former, ana i. eur tne lite of the Id caa> ch. No G' « * b> Houfe; glebe 1,- nd 3 A. in the parifh of CaftUtownana, one mile dlih. nt from the chu ch ; 1 A. in " he parfh of Youghalarra, con- venicnt to the fitu of t < i old church; 3A. and 3R. in the pariih of Burg^ fs, botn near the file of the o'd cnuich. Duties performed as in the 4th Column ; Salary, 5c. per annum. Each of thefe r- arifhes, feparately, too fmall. Each of thefe parifnes, feparately, 100 fmall. Salary £. 75. 73.
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