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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland


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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland

Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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No Pages: 2
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go 6 Ec C L'ESI AS TIC A L REPORTS, I W 1807, [ Killaloe. . Number of Benefices. 13. I 4. l6. 17- 18. J. 9- a - E if" ° 1. 2. 3- 4- 1. ^ - y Names of BENEFICES and. DE N" O M I N AT IONS; Number of - PAKIoilES in each Benefice; Their DVItaiues from etch other ; andrEftunatJd Extent ot fuch ab a re Contiguous. - - - Vicarage. Inniscalthra - - — - Maynoe ------ Clonrush ------ Ogonilloe - -- -- -- -- -- Vicarage These Parishes are contiguous :— E.' ti- niated extent, from N. to S. 4 miles, from E. to W. 3 miles. - Vicarage. - Vicarage. DromclifFe Kilnemona Kilanaly - - Redtory. Rectory. Rectory. Dromcliffe - - - Kilmaly ----- - Kilnemona - - - Templemaly - - ------ Vicarage. ------ Vicarage. ------ Vicarage. ------ Vicarage. .--_-- Vicarage. Thefe Parishes are contiguous: estimated extent from N. to S. 4 miles, from E. to VV. 8 miles. ' Kilraghtis • Traddery Rectory: containing, Tomfinlogh Rectory. Kilnasoologh ...... Rectory. Kilconry - -- -- -- -- -- - Rectory. Kilmaleere - -- -- -- -- -- Rectory. Clonloghan — - -- -- -- -- Rectory. Dromline - -- -- -- -- -- Rectory. Finogh - -- -- -- -- -- - Rectory. Bunratty ------- Rectory. Kilrush - Rectory, held by a separate Title. 1. 2. 3. 4- 5- 6 7* 8. Ogashin Rectory : containing Quin - -- Rectory. Clonie - - - -- -- -- -- -- Rectory. Dowrie - -- -- -- -- -- - Rectory. Kilraghtis Rectory. Templemaly - -- -- -- -- Rectory. Kilmurrynegaul - -- -- -- - Rectory. Tulloh - - - Half Rectory. Omullud - -- -- — - -- -- Rectory. Clonlea - -- -- -- -- -- - Rectory. Kilfinaghty Rectory. Kilseily Rectory. Killurane - -- -- -- -- -- Rectory. Killokennedy - - Rectory. Kilnoe Rectory. Feakle - -- -- -- -- -- -- Rectory. Ogonilloe Half Rectory. 1. 2. 3> Kilfarboy .-_„___ Rectory. Kilchrist - -- -- -- -- -- Vicarage. Killadysert - -- -- -- -- - Vicarage. These two Vicarages are contiguous: estimated extent from N. to S. 3 mil- es from E. to W*. z\ miles. INCUMBENTS; Whether having Cure of Souls; Where Relident; if not Refident, for what Caufe; and by whom the . Duties are performed. The ReVd Richard Martin, A. B.; has cure of souls ; is not resident ; resides at Killaloe as Register of the diocese, by permission of the Dio- cesan, and the duties are performed by the Incumbent, who resides but three miles from the Union. 3- B E" N E K I C E S, When United, and By v\ hat Authority. By authority of th< or. e August 1803. Diocesan, he 26th day c The Revd Dean Joseph Palmer, 1 By authority of the A. M. has no cure of souls; is not Diocesan, the 7th day of refident. November 1803. The Revd Robert Weldon, A. B.; has cure of souls; is resident. The Revd Standish Grady, A. B.; has no cure of souls; is not resi- dent. The Revd Arthur Young, A. B.; has no cure of souls; resides in England. The Revd George Macartney, I - L. D.; has no cure of souls; is not resident. The Revd William Hadlock, A. B. ; has cure of souls; resides in Ennis, j 2 miles from the Vicarages, by permission of a former Bishop, which has not been withdrawn by the prefent; the duties are per- formed by the nearest officiating Clergyman. By authority cf the Diocesan, the 20th day cf August 1802. By authority of tht Diocesan. the 30th day of November 1802. By authority of tne Diocesan, the 25th dayo) October 1802. By authority of the Diocesan, the 18th day o) September 1805. Py authority of the Diocesan, the 5th day of September 1801. I Killalue.] FOR PROVINCE OF MONSTER. - iVcy 4- Number of CHURCHES; Whether in Repair, and in what Parifh thev ( land. A Church in good re- ir in the parilh of In- ifcaltnra. GLEBE HOUSES; In what Parilh ;— what Glcte Lands ;— Whether contiguous; or How far removed from each other, and from the Church, or Site of the old Church. No Glebe Iloufe ; no glebe land. 6. CURATES Salaries in Cafes of permitted Non- Refiience of the Incumbents; whether RcGdent or not. A Church in good re- pair, in the parilh of Dromclitfe. No Glebe Houfe ; glebe lard 4. A. OR. OP. in the parilh of DromciifFe, one mile from the church; and 3 R. 14 P. in the parilh of Kil nemona ; and 3 r. 28 P. in the parifh of Templemaly ; the two latter convenient to the fite of the old churches. LIVINGS of a Value 100 fmall to afford Comfort to the Incumbents. Thefc parilhes collectively a^ e too mall, making but 5 8. per annum. Each of thefe Parilhes, feparaiely, fmalL No Church. No Glebe Iloufe; no glebe land. Each of thefe Parifhes, fcparaiely, too fmall.
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