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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland


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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland

Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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E C C L E S I A S T I C A L R E P O R T S , I N I 8 O J , I. Number of Eenefices. 25. . s S - C I. 29. 3°- 3i- 32- 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 1. 3 3- 34- 36. NAMES of BENEFICES, and Sub- Denominations of each: Number of PARISHES in each: Diftances of Pariihes from ejch other : Eftimated Extent of fuch Parifhes as are contieuous. Killcoleman - - - Entire Rectory. 1. Ventry ------- Rectory & Vicarage. Killbonane 1 — - - Vicarage. Mollahiffe i D\ Killcredane J D°. Killquane f Entire Rectory. Dunurlin ) D°. These Parishes are contiguous; they con- tain, by the Down Survey, 4 Plowlands and 45 reduced acres, or 285 reduced acres. They are mostly mountainous, and on the Sea Coast. Killury - — ... Redtory & Vicarage. Killgarvan Vicarage. 2. NAMES of INCUMBENTS; Whether having Cure of Souls, and in what Parilhes ; Where Refident, a d if Non- Refident, for what Caufe ; By whom the Duties aie performed. An Impropriation, possessed by the Earl of Glandore ( though sup- posed to be included in the for- feiture of Edward Spring to the Crown, along with the Parishes composing the Union of Killtal- lagh, and included in every Patent for those Parishes) ; duties per- formed by Rev. William Godfrey, the Curate, who is resident. Reverend Samuel Colliss ; has cure of souls ; is Curate to Killeiny and the adjoining Parishes, in one of which he resides ; duties of Ventry performed by the Curate of Dingle. Rev. Maurice Mahon ; has cure of souls ; is beneficed in Diocese of Elphin, and resides there ; du- 3- Djte of UNION of PARISHES, and By what Authority. Killbonane and Killcre- dane were first united in 1678. Molahiffe was added 1755, the exact year not ered an Episcopal Union. Rev. John Day; has cure of Prior to the date of any souls; is permitted to reside at existing Records. They Lislowell, where he is Curate ; and are considered however has important duties, to which he as only Episcopally unit' assiduously attends. At Killquane ed. and Dunurlin he has no glebe houfe, and could get no residence. The Curate of Dingle is appointed to attend these Parishes. Rev. John Talbot; has cure of souls; resides near the Parish, and performs the duties, assisted by a resident Curate. Rev. William Hughes; has. cure of souls; resides at Limerick where he is Residentiary Preacher at the Cathedral ; duties performed by Rev. Walter Stewart, residing close to the Parish at Kenmare. No glebe house or church, and the income of the Parish inadequate to the fupport of Incumbent. I. I. 1. 2. I. Killaha Vicarage. O'Brennan - - - - Rectory & Vicarage. Rev. Arthur Herbert; has cure of souls; is beneficed in the Diocese of Ross, and resides there; duties per- formed by Curate of Killarney. Rev. John Kerin ; has cure of souls; resides at Ardfert, where jhe is Curate, having neither glebe, glebe house, or church in his Parish ; duties per- formed by the Curate of Ballymacelligott, the contiguous Parish. Killcaragh Rectory & Vicarage. Duagh Vicarage. These Parishes are not contiguous. Kinnard Rectory & Vicarage. Honble and Rev. Maurice Cros- bie ; has cure of souls ; is also Dean of Limerick, but is inca- pable of performing the duty, or attending to any business ; resides in county Wexford. Since thus circumstanced, duties performed by Curate of Listowell. Rev. George Studdart; has cure of souls ; resides near Limerick, having neither glebe nacourly. Some time between the year 1721 and 1732; they are considered as only Episcopally united. or house at Kinnard ; duties are attended by Curate of Bally Ballyseedy Vicarage. Rev. Francis Spring Eagar; has cure of souls; is Curate of Aghe- vallan ; refides there ; the income of Ballyseedy would be incompetent'to his support and no church, glebe, or house ; duties attended by Curate of Bally McElligott. liailoc.] FOR. P R O V I N C E OF M U N S T E R. 3/ l* * S7 4- Numb: r of CHURCHES; Wnither in Repair, and in wh't Pa- ifhcs they ftand. No Church. GLEBE HOUSES : and in whit PARISHES fituated ; Glebe Lands, whether contiguous, or how far removed from each other s Didanccs of Glebe from Church, or from S' e of old Ch j.- ch. No Glebe Houfe ; whether there be any glebe. not rtgiftered. No Glebe Hcufe. Glebe in three divifions, l ft - 2d One of the glebe is ^ . clofe to the old church 3 No Church. No Church. A Church, in goot repair. No Glebe Houfe. No glebe. 6. S A L A P. I E S paid to Cerates in Cjfes of permitied Non- Rcftdenc: Rifiderc- rf CURATE S. Curate's Salary £. 50. Curate of Dingle is paid £. \ 2. a year for the duties cf Veil try. Curate of Killcoleman i paid £. 15. a year for the du ties of thefe Parilhcs. PARISHES too fmall to affVd to Re!'. dent I imn. benti the means of Comfort. The entire Tythes the p operty of the I: 1 rl of Gia « dore. The officiating Clei- gyman paid but £. 50. a year. Ven try. No Giebe or Houfe. À. R. p. á. 1. 20. A glebe in Killquane - - - . furrounding the old church. The glebe of Danurlin cannot be afcertained, having been withheld for many years. No Glebe Houfe. Glebe, 3 A. I R. 30 P. near the church. No Church. No Church. No Gleb'- Houfe. A giebt of about 4 acres. It is near the old church, and it is fuppofed that it ought to con- tain » 1 acres; but no other evidence exifts of its extent than Vallancey's copy of the Down Survey. Curate of Dingle is paid 20. a vear for duties of thefe Parifiies. Curate's Salary £. 35. No Glebe Haufe or glebe. No Church. No Glebe Houfe or glebe. No Church. No Church. No Church. 7 » . No Gleb « . Houfe. Several fmall glebes in Duagh, A. R. A. near the old church, making - 6. 2. 6. Glebe of Kilcaragh, clofe to the old church 13. o. 15. No Glebe Houfe or glebe. No Glebe Houle or glebe. Curate's Salary £. 6. Curate's Salary £. 5. Curate's Salaiy £. 4. 11 s. Curate's Salary £. zo. Curate's Salary £. 6. Curate's Salary £. 5. Each of thefe Pa- riihes feparaiely. Each of thefe Pa- ifliss feparately. Killgarvan. Killalia. Qc£ renr. an. Thefe Parilhes fe- parately. Kinnard. Ballyfeedy. 3 T
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