Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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254 E OC L E S I A S T I C A L PlEPORTS, I. N 1S07, [ Ardfert Sr Nunibrr ' of Benefices. > 7- .18. O q U A § H u o I. J9. 20. 2 1. 23- 2+. 1 . N AJM E S of B£ N E F I C E S, ami Sub- Denominat ons of each : Number of P A R I S H E S in each : Diltances of " Parifties from cach other : Eftimated Extent of t'uch Parilhes as are contiguous. Tralee - - - Entire Reftory. NAMES of I N C U M B E N TS ; Whether having Cure of Souls, and in what Parishes ; Where Refident, and if NoiwRefident, for what Cauf--; By whom the Duties are performed. Rev. James Day, A. M. Killtallagh - - - - Rectory and Vicarage. Killgarrinlander D° D°.
Currence — — - Entire Rectory. Knockane - - - - Rectory and Vicarage. Killorglin ------- Entire Rectory. Killtallagh is contiguous to X0i 2 & 3, and lies between them. According to the Down Survey ( which however gives no idea of the real extent cf these Parishes) they contain 8z6 acres. Nos 4 & 5 are contiguous, and separated from the rest by the River Mang, and by the Parish of Killcoleman ( which is always included in the Patent with those 5, but is, and was in 1669. enjoyed by the Crosbie Family as an Impropriation); 4 5 contain, by the same Survey, 885 acres. Brosna - Rectory and Vicarage. Rev. Edward Day, A. M.; has
cure of souls in each Parish; resides in the Union, and performs the duties, assisted by a resident Curate. 3- Date of UNION of PARISHES, and By what Authority. In 1669 Knockane was separated from the rest, which were then held to- gether. It was united to them, by the Institution of the Incumbent of Knockane, to the others, in July 1682; ii nee whicn time they have been held together, but are con- sidered as only Episco- pally united. Rev. Joseph Jones; has cure of souls; is permitted to reside at Rathkeale, in Diocese of Limerick, because he there serves an im- portant cure, to the many duties of which he assiduously
attends, and would have little duty at Brosna, which lies in the moun- tains. The Curate of Listowell is paid for attending this Parish. Killaneare Vicarage. Killgobban \ - - Rectory and Vicarage. Cloghane D° D°. These Parishes are contiguous, though the Parish of Killeiny is interposed between moft parts of them. They contain .... Aglish - - - - Vicarage. Rev. William Godfrey; has cure of souls; resides in the contiguous Parish of Killcoleman, where he is Curate, and performs the duties of Killaneare in person. Rev. Thomas Orpen Stewart has cure of souls in each Parish; resides in Glebe House, and per- forms the duties himself.
These Parishes, and Killeiny, were held toge- ther in 1669, and so con- tinued till about the year 1760, when they were separated, and remained so during two Incumben- cies, till the year 1795, when they were again united by authority of the Diocesan. Rev. Walter Stewart; has cure of souls; resides in Kenmare, where he settled himself when Curate to that Union, which he served many years; is not now required to remove, being an old man in embarrassed circumstances, the duties of Aglish being very few, and having no Glebe House therein ; duties performed by Curate of Killarney, the adjoining Parish. Marhen - - -
Vicarage. Dunqueen - - - D°. Dingle Entire Rectory. Rev. John Goodman; has cure of souls; resides in the adjoining Parish of Dingle, where he is Curate, and performs the duties of these Vica- rages himself. Were held together in 1669, and have been so held ever since, but are considered as only Epis- copally united. An Impropriation, belonging to Lord Ventry ; Rev. J. Goodman, Curate, resides, and performs the duties in person. Killeiny ----- Rectory and Vicarage. The duties performed by Incumbent of Killgobban. Honble. and Rev. Fredk Mullins; has cure of souls; resides in the Parish of Killtallagh, where he is Curate. This
is at present per- mitted, as he has 110 residence in Killeiny, the glebe of which has been several years withheld ; it is now likely to be recovered, when h will be required to build and reside.
A^ hadoc.] FOR PROVINCE OP MUNSTER. ' M , y </// a55 Number of CHURCHES; Whether in Repair, and in what Pjrifli- i they ( land. A Church in Trale lately new- roofed, and in good repair. GLEBE HOUSES ; and in what PARISHES fituatcd ; Glebe Landi, whether contiguous, or how far remored from each other: Diftancei of Giebe from Church, or fiom Site of old Church. A Church, in Killtal- lagh, in good repair. No Glebe Houfe. Glebe lying in the Parilh of Ratafs, and two miles from Tralee church, 11 A. OR. 29 P. ; Incumbent purpofes to procure a giebe clofe to the church, and build on it. 6. SALARIES paid to Curares in
Cafes of permitted Non- Refidence: Refidence of CURATES. PARISHES too fmall to afford t* Refident IncumbenH the means of Comfort. A Glebe Houfe in Killtallagh. A. R.. r. Killtallagh glebe, clofe to church - 6. o. 3. Killgarrinlauder d°, clofe to old church - - - - - - - [ j. 2. 14. Currence - d° - - - d° - - - 4. 3. 16. There is a glebe, faid to belong to Knocking, furrounding the old church, of about 13 acres; but it has not been poflefi'ed by the fix laft Incumbents. No Church. No Glebe Houfe. A. R. P. Glebe close to site of the old church 3. 1. 2. No Church. No Glebe Houfe or glebe. There is a piece of ground in the Parilh, called " The
Glebe," but has not been poflefied bv the Incumbents within the memory of man. It is near the ancient church. A Church, in Killgob- ban, in good repair. A Glebe Houfe in Killgobban. A. R. P. Glebe in D°, near to church - - 11. 0. 4. No Church. No Glebe Houfe. A. R. P. Glebe, near to old church - - - 14. 3. 1. No Chuich. • No Glebe Houfe or glebe. Church has been in ruins above 20 years; will fliortly, it is hoped, be re- built. No Glebe Houfe; whether glebe or not, not regiflercd. No Church. No Glebe Houfe. A glebe, of about 9 acres; has been withheld for many years by the tenant to the Bifhop's lands in Killeiny, which furround it. It
is now likely to be rcllored. Curate's Salary, £. 10. Brofna. Killaneare. Each of thefe Pa- rifhes feparately. Curate of Killarney paid £. 10. a year, for duties of Aglifh. Aglilh. Curate's Salary, £. 30 was formerly one. third of the Tythes, which would now produce about £. 100. This Union. The entire Tythes the property of Lord Vcntry. The offi- ciating Clergyman paid but £. 30 a year. Incumbent of Killgobban, paid [ 8 a year, for attend- ing the duties ofKilleiny.