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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland


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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland

Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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S52 JL CC L- E SJ A S TI C A L R. EPORTS, I U I 8 O 7, [ Ardfert £ Number of » Benefice*. 12. j6 C < b C G 1. 2. 1. NAMES OF BENEFICES, au J Sub- Denominations of each : Nutr brr of PARISHES in each : Diftances of Parities from each other: EiHmate.* Jixtsnt of Inch Parifhes as are contiguous. Cahir Glanbehy Killenear Recty and Vicarage. D°. D°. These Parishes are contiguous. They contain: NAMES oflNCUMBENTS; Wherher havug Cuie of Souls, a: id in what Pari flies j Where Reiident, and ir Nen- Refident, for what Caufe ; By whom the Duties are performed. Rev. Barry Denny; has cure 0' ou's; has but lately been insti tuted, and is now repairing the Glebe House for his residence. Duties performed by him, assisted by a Curate, Thefe Pariihes hnv.- but lately been fep. rate.^ rom the th'f' in I alt N Tney have been always neld together, but hie on fide red as only Epif- . opaliy un. ted. Kenmare - Killcrohane Templence Tuosist - - Kenmare lies 5 - - Rectory and Vicarage. D°. - D". - - Entire Rectory. between Tuosist ( on the Rev. Stephen Dunlevie; has cure of souls in each Parish ; resides ir Kenmare, and performs the duties ' n perfon. East of the River Kenmare) ; and Temple noe on the West of the river; it is contigu- ous to both ; Templenoe is contiguous to Killcrohane, which runs down to the mouth of tr. e river; the entire length of this Union being near 40 miles. Aghavallin - ----- Vicarage D°. - - - D°. D". Murhir D « . Killinaghlin - - — - -- - Da. Disert - D » . Finage ------ D°. Listowell - D » . Knockenure -------- D". These Parishes are so far contiguous that they lie together without the intervention of other Parishes; they contain 74 lquare miles. Lisettin - - - - Killaheny - > ----- Galy - -) - 1 • - in} -- Vicarage. D°. Killflynn Killtoomy Killaghin Killihinane - N BallynacoUrly Minard - - Stradbally The four first Parishes are contiguous; th; amber of acres in them not ascertained. ame uncertainty as to three last, which are alfo contiguous. - D°. - D°. Entire Retf^. _ ... - Vicarage. - - - - Entire Recty. Thefe Parifhes are in the pa. ronage of the Crown ; have been he'd together fince 1763, but ire confidered to be only Epilcopally united. Be ore 1763, Kenmare and Puofiit were held by on. Incumbent ; Templenoe ind Killcrohane by auc- her. Rev. Anthony Stoughton; has cure of souls in each Parish; is principally resident at Bath, on ac count of an infirm state of health and delicacy of constitution. The duties are performed by four resi- dent Curates; one for Aghavallin one for N° 2, 3, & 4; one for N° 5 & 6 ; and for N° 7, 8, 9 & 10. Drishane - - Vicarage. Nohuval Daly - D". Cullen - - - > - -- -- - D°. Killmeet - L ------ D°, DrumtarrifF ) ------ D°. These Parishes are contiguous, and ein- nr. ee a very mountainous- region; their con enrs ca not be ascertained. Rev. Edwin Thomas; has cure of souls in each Parish. Resides in Tralee, and performs the duties of N° 1, 2, 3, & 4, himself; this ha hitherto been permitted, as Mr Thomas had no Glebe, and wa unable to procure a residence. A Glebe is now immediately to be purchased by the Board of First Fruits, and he is then to build a Glebe House and reside ; he duties ol I\° 5 & 6 are attended by a resi- dent Curate; those of Stradbally b} the incumbent of Killgobban. Rev. William Maunsell, cuie of fouls in each Parish; re, sides, and performs the duties, assist ed by a resident Curate. has 3- Date of UNI& N of PARISHES, and By what Authority. Thefe Pariihes were divided into four Bene- ; ices in 1615, from thai year to 1669 there is no cord; in 1669 they ere all held by one In- ; umb nt, and have been o held ever fince, but inly, it is confidered, bv Epifcopal Union. About the year 1750. The 4 firft were hejd together in 1669, and have fo continued ever fince, except for one In cumbency, about 1732, \ vhen the perfon in whom aefe 7 Patilhes wer after- wards united, held only Kiilaghin a;, d Kill oomey, and Minard, v\ i. h them. 5 & 7 have " been held together fince 1669; the whale is con fidteied as only Epifco- pally united. la 1615 theie Parifhes were not thus united; from thence to 1669 no record. In 1669 the were all held together, and have been fo ever fince, but are corfidereo to be only Epi: copa; l) united. h jhadoe.] FOR PROVINCE OF MUNSTER. 2 53 4- Number of CHURCHES; V/ hethcr in Repair, and in what Pariihes they ftand. A Church in Cahir in bad repair; orders have been ilfued for its imme- diate repair: but the In- habitants having ever re- fufed to pay Church Rates, it may be very difficult te carry thele orders into effedt. GLEBE HOUSES ; and in what PARISHES fituated : Glebe Lands, whether contiguous, or how far removed from each other: Diftances of Glebe from Church, or from Site' of old Church. A Church in Kenmare, in good repair. No Glebe Houfe, but one about to be built at Kenmare. Kenmare Glebe, two miles from 7 A. R. P. the church - - - - - - J o. 4. Tuofift Glebe, near cne mile from 7 old church ^ 4. o. 30. Templenoe D° - - - D8 - - 18. o. 17. Killcrohane is a craggy deep mountain, con- taining about 500 acres; it is four miles from old church. A Church in Aghaval- lin, in indifferent repair. A Church in Lifettin, in indifferent repair. A Church in Killinaghlin and in Liftowell, both in good repair. A Church in Killflynn, in good repair ; a Church in Ballynacourly, in goo repair. A Glebe Houfe in Cahir. A. R. P. Cahir Glebe near the church - 36. 1. 36. 4- o. 59- Glanbehy Glebe clfife to church 3. o. 21. Killenear D ® - - - - D° - - 6t. 2. 33. Old people fay, Glanbehy Glebe fhould be 14 acres. The prefent Incumbent pof- feffes but two. No Glebe Houfe. Glebe in Killinaghlin, two miles from the church niles | OA. 3R. 7p, No other Glebe now belonging to the Vicar in any of thofe Parifhes, but there are Glebes in fome of them belonging to the Lay- Impropriator of the Redtories, fome of which were formerly poffeffed by the Vicar. No Glebe Houfe. Ballinacourly Glebe, ( i£ mile from the church) 4 acres. A Glebe at Stradbally of above 20 acres, clofe to the church ; is faid to belong to the Redtor, but has not been poffefTed by him or his predecefforj for many years. The Lay- Impropriator has fe- veral Glebes in the Parifhei. A Church in Drifhane, I in good repair. 78. A Glebe Houfe in Drifhane. D°, a 6. SALARIES paid to Curates in Cafes of permitted Non- Refidcnce: Refidence of CURATES. Curate's Salary £. 75.; but prefent Ir. cnmbent means to do his own duty without any Curate from March next. PARISHES too fmall to afford to Refident Incumbents the means of Comfort. Curates Salary at Aghavallin - - - £• 70 At Lisettin, & c. At Killinaghlin At Listowell, & c. Total - - 75 - - 75 - - 5° - £- 27° The Curates Salary at Bal- linacourly, £. 45.; Incum- bent of Killgobban is paid £. 2. a year for Stradbally. Glebe in from the chujch mile - 18 A. and a half 3 R. 10 p. Each of thefe Pa- rifhes feparately. Each of thefe Pa- rifhes feparately; — but they would form two very fufHcient Benefices; viz. Ken- mare and Tuofift in one; Killcrohane and Templenoe in the other. Each of thefe Pa- rifhes feparately. Each of thefe Pa- rifhes feparately. Each of thefe Pa « rifhes feparately. 3 s
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