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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland


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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland

Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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No Pages: 2
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; \ 2.6 E C C L E S I A S T I C A L R E P O R T OF T HE I_ Raphoe. 1. 2. 3- r Nmvter . f Bcnences IR « c u 2 S - 5 — O a \ Names of BENEFICES and DENOMINATIONS: Numb: r of PARISHES in each Benefice; The'r Dill irce from each other j and, Th Eltima e. i Extent rf f ch as are contiguous. INCUMBENTS, Whether having Cure nf Souls ; whether Refident; if not Refidsnt, for what Ca. fe ; and by whom the Duties are difcharged. BENEFICES, whether United, and by what A'Jthori; y, 19. I. Drumkeeran — - - Rectory & Vicarage. Revd Hugh Tuthill ; resident; has cure of souls, and discharges che duties. 20. I. Drummore - - - - - Rectory & Vicarage. Revd Visct Lifford ; not resident; lives on his other Benefice in Ar- magh; has cure of souls; duties discharged by a Curate. 21. 1. Drummully - - - - Rectory & Vicarage. Revd Jas Hastings; not resident; lives on his other Benefice in the Diocese of Dublin; has cure of souls; duties discharged by a Curate. By Act of Council 1804; after the present Incumbency, the great N. W. Division of this Parish will become part of the Parish of Gal- loon, the corps of the Chancellorship; the remainder will be joined to Drumkrin, which will then take the name of Drummully. 22. 1. Vacant. 23- I. Ennilkillen - - - - - Rectory & Vicarage. Revd Thos Smith ; not resident; lives on his other Benefice in the Diocese of Dublin; has cure of souls; duties discharged by 2 Curates. 24. I. Errigal . . _ _ . Vicarage. Revd Thos Brooke; resident; has cure of souls, and discharges the duties. 25. I. Findonagh - - - - - Rectory & Vicarage. Rev d Wm Atthill ; resident; has cure of souls, and discharges the duties. —- 26. I. Galloon - - - — Rectory & Vicarage. This ? s to be the new Corps of the chan- cellorship ; this part from Drumkrin only has accrued ; the part from Drummully on which t e Church stands, will be added, and the Benefice completed on the next vacancy of Drummully. Revd John Story; not resident; being- Assistant Curate to the Dean of Clogher; has cure of souls; duties discharged by the Rector of Drumkrin. 27- „ I. Inniskeen - - - - - Rectory ci Vicarage. Hon. and Revd GEo. Gore; resi- dent ; has cure of souls, and dis- chargcs the duties. 28. I. Innismarsaint - - - Rectory & Vicarage. Revd Thos Brooke Clarke; not resident; Chaplain to the Prince of Wales; has cure of souls; duties discharged by 2 Curates. 1 29. I. Killany - — - - - Rectory & Vicarage. Revd Harot Lees; resident; has cure of souls, and discharges the duties, assisted by a Curate. " 30. Killeevan ----- Rectory & Vicarage.^ Dramsnat - - Vicarage. 3 N. B. The Parish of Killeevan was sepa- rated from the corps of the chancellorship in 1804. these Parishes are contiguous, and extend about 8 miles. Revd Andrew Allen; resident; has cure of soul", and discharges the duties, assisted by a Curate. Episcopally united time immemorial. 31, I. Kilmore Revd Geo. Hay Schombergh; resident; has cure rf iou. s, and discharges the duties. 1 Clogher.] PROVINCE OF ARMAGH: I3O6. 33 4- Number of CHURCHES; Whether in Repair, and in which of the Parities they ftand. A Church, in good ondition. A Church, under re- pair. » A Church, in good condition. 5- GLEBE HOUSES; In what Panfh ;— what Glebe Lands ;— Whether contiguous; How far removed from each other, and from the Church, or Site of the old Church. No Glebe House, or glebe. No Glebe House, 388 acres of glebe, part near the church. No Glebe House, but on the next vacancy one ill be built on the glebe, of 154 acres, about 1 mile and \ distant from the church. A Church, in good condition; 2 Churches, in good condition. A Church, in gooc condition. A Church, in gooc condition. ' No Church.- CURATES Salary in Cafes of permitted Non- Refidence of the Incumbent, and whether Refident or not. LIVINGS of a Value too I'mall to afford Comfort to the Incumbent. A Curate; refident; Salary £. 75. perann. A Curate; refider. t; Salary £• 75- Per ann- No House or Glebe. A Glebe House, and a glebe* A Glebe House; 40 acres of glebe, near the Church. A Glebe House; 400 acres of glebe, about 1 mile distant from the church. A Glebe House ; 56 acres of glebe, one mile and § distant from the church of Drummully, which, on the next vacancy, is to be the church of this Parish. 2 Curates; reticent; Salary of one, /. 75. per annum ; of the otijer, £. 60 per annum. A Church, in gooc condition. 3 Churches, 1 in good condition, the other 2 under repair. A Church, in good condition. A Church, in good condition. A Church, now build- ing. A Glebe House ; 35 acres of glebe very near the church. A Glebe House; 540 acres of glebe, not distant from the churches. A Glebe House; ico acres of glebe, 1 mile distant from the church. A Glebe House; 64 acres of glebe near the church. No Glebe or House. A Church, in good condition. A Glebe House; above 40 acres of glebe near the church. 2 Curates; resident; Salary Drumfnatt. 78. jc
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