Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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243 Ecclesiastical Reports, in 1807, [ Ardfert & {• ' rid SB" if ) N° 2. continued.— DIOCESE OF MIDFEET _ Jt 1. 2. NAMES of INCUMBENTS; Whether having Cure of Souls, and in what Parifiies; Where Refident, and if Non- Refident, for what Caufe : By whom the Duties are performed. 3- Date of" II, UNION of PARISHES, ]|. and By what Authority. 11 r Number of Benefices. a 0 o 1 % 0 6 z e _ c < u Q NAM t S of BENEFICES, and Sub- Denominations of each: Number of PARISHES in each: * D: ftsr. ces of Parifhes from cach other: Eftim?.: ed Extent of luch Pariilies a? are contiguous. 1. I. Ardfert Entire Redory. The five
Dignitaries of Ardfert Cathedral have cure of souls, and keep a resident Curate in Ardfert. This Parish has been thus circum- stanced time immemorial. Each Dignitary pays a fifth of the Cu- rate's Salary. This Parifh has always s been united to the corps e of the feveral Dignities ; a fifth part belonging to ; each. J Si uw ji 2. 1 1. 2. 3- The DEANRY of ARDFERT: To which belong, as the corps thereof, One- fifth of Ardfert Parish. Ratass - Entire Rectory. Killanear Rectory. These Parifnes are not contiguous. Ard- fert is about 3 miles from Ratass, from which Killanear is 6 miles, and from Ardfert 10. Rev. Gilbert Holmes ; has the cure
of souls in Ratass, and jointly with the other Dignitaries in Ard- fert; is beneficed in Diocese of Killaloe, and resides on his Bene- fice there. The duties of Ratass are attended bv the Incumbent of Tralee, into which Town the Pa- rish runs. At a period prior to any exifting Record; pro- bably at the firft inftiiu- K tion of the Deanry, and by fuch Authority as was 1 then competent. Ln n 3- 1. 2. 3- The Precentorship of Ardfert: To which belong, as the corps thereof, One- fifth of Ardfert Parish. Killfeighny - -- ..-- - — Vicarage. Ballyconry ... Vicarage. The Parishes are not contiguous. Kill- feighny is 4 miles from Ardfert and 6 from
Ballyconry. Rev. Samuel Monsel; has the cure in both Vicarages, and jointly with the other Dignitaiies in Ard- fert ; is resident on his glebe of Ardfert. The duties of the Vi- carages are performed by the In- cumbent, or Curate of a conti- guous Parish. At a period prior to any exilting Record; pro- bably at the fir It inftitu- i tion of the Dignity, ard by fuch Authority as was < then competent. Is: 1 • r-' w Ik r x. 1. 2. 3- The Chancellorship of Ardfert: To which belong, as the corps thereof, One- fifth of Ardfert Parish. Killmellchedor Vicarage. This last is a small Island, 3 miles from Ardfert, from which Killmellchedor is dif- tant 25 miles. Rev.
Henry Crofton, A M. has cure of souls in Fenet and Killmel- chedor, and jointly with tiie other Dignitaries in Ardfert; resides at the Foundling Hospital in Dublin, where he has many years been bene- ficially employed as Chaplain, or. which account he has not been re- quired to reside as Chancellor, the ncome arising from'which is very small; as also because of his having no church or Glebe House. At a period prior to any exilting Record; pro- bably at tne firft inftitu- tion of the Dignity, and by fuch Authority as was then competent. 4
/ / / ^ Indoc. l FOR PROVINCE O? MUNSTER. 249 O —- ANDAGHADOL 4- Number of CHURCHES; Whether in Repair, and in what Pariflies they ftand. A Church, in good repair. It is alio the Cathedral Church of the Diocefe. GLEBE HOU' rS; and in wha- PARISHES fituated: Gicbc nds, wiietncr co .'-. uous, or how far removed from eitn o her: Dillanccs of Glebe from Chu'cb, or from Site of old Chut ... The feveral D; rTnitaries ( except the Chan- cellor) have glebes nerej viz. The Dean The Precentor - The Treafurer - - - - - Tlie Archdeacon - - - - A. 37- 7*- + 5- R. I. O. o. Or 12. o. o. The Minor Canon alfo has a glebe of - — - 1: 2.
o. o. No Glebe Houfe. Thefe gleb.' s lie all together, and about one mile from the Cathedral. The Mi ior Canon's glebe reaches into the i'own of Ardfert. Nn Church, except that of Ardfert. No Glebe Houfe. Glebe in Ardfert as above. Glebe in Ratafs - - - - - A. R. p. 8. 2. 12. No Church, except that of Ardfert, No Glebe Houfe. Glebe in Ardfert, as above. Glebe of Killfeighny - - - 10 acres. 6. SALARIES paid to Curates in C.: f? s of permitted Non- Rctidence: " sfiderce of CURATE S. Curate's Salary £, 75. PARISHES too fmall to affo d to Rrfi lent Incumbents the means of Comfort. Ardfert. Incumbent of Tralee paid £. i j. a year for
Ratafs. Each of thefe Pi- idles feparately. No Church, except that at Ardfert. No Glebe Houfe. Glebe in Killmcllchedor, near the fite of old church. Incumbent of Killflyn is paid £, to. a year for Kill feighny. Curate of Lifeltin, £. 2. a year for Ballyconry. Curate of A rdfert paid £. 3 a year for Penec. Curate of Dingle paid £. 5 a year for Killmellchedor. ? 8. Each of th'fe Pa- rifhes feparately, and alfo the Union. Esch ofthefe Pa- rifhes rep. irately, ma alfo the Unu/ n,