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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland


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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland

Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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! 20 E C C L E S I A S T I C A L R E P O R T S , IN 1 8 0 7, [ Waterford & 1. NAMES of BENEFICES, and Siib- Denominacinns of each 1 Number or PARISHES in each : D. ftance of Parifhei rrom each other, when not- contiguous-; Eftimated Extent of fuch 1' arifii s as are contiguous. The Prebend of Ardcanny ; consisting of Ardcanny ----- Rectory & Vicarage. The Prebend of Croagh ; consisting of Croagh ------ Rectory & Vicarage. 2. NAMES of INCUMBENTS, Whether having Cure of Souls ; and in what Pciifhes; Whether Refident, and if Non- Refident, for what Caufe : By whom the Duties are difcharged. Revd Thomas Burgh; has cure of souls; resides in the Glebe House, and performs the duties himself. The Prebend of Effin ; consisting of Effin - Rectory 6c Vicarage. Revd Edward Jefferies, A. M. has cure of souls; resides very near the parish, and performs the duties in person. He has hitherto been unable to procure a residence in the parish, or a Glebe sufficient to build on. Revd James Ellard : has cure of souls; resides by permission in the contiguous parish of Killmallock, of which" he is Curate, being sufficiently near to perform the du- ties of Effin in person; The Union of Killmallock ; viz. Killmallock - - - - Vicarage. Kilbreedy Major - - Entire Rectory. Ballingaddy - - - - Rectory & Vicarage. Athnassy Entire Rectory. Parbeles Entire Rectory. These Parishes are contiguous ; they con- tain 8,000 acres. The Dean and Chapter of the athedral Church of St. Mary, Limerick, Incumbeuts of this Union, by Char- ter from the Crown in the year 1674. The duties are performed ( as required by the said Charter) by a resident Curate, who is alio a Member of the Chapter. The parishes are contiguous, and united by the Charter in per- petuity. Saint John's - - - - Vicarage, in the city of Limerick. - Killeely - Rectory & Vicarage. Killmurry Derrygalvin - - - [ Entire Rectory These Parishes are contiguous— they con- tain 2,542 acres S- Date of UNION of PARISHES, and By what Authority. Revd Henry Johnstone, A. M. has cure of souls; resides in Lime- rick, and performs the duties, as- sisted by a Curate. Revd George Gustavus Baker; has cure of souls, and performs the duties of the parish in person; resides in Glebe House. Revd Henry Ivers Ingram ; has cure of souls; resides in Glebe House, and performs the duty cf the Union in person. By authority of the Diocefan, in 1792. Killkeedy - Redo, 7 & Vicarage. Vicaia^ e. Vicarage. Thefe Parilhes arc contiguous— they ccn- ain 4,500 acres. Fedamore Glanogra Mungret - Vicarage. O • This Parish is about a mile from the city of Limerick. Crecorah - - Vicarage. Revd Richard Dixon ; has cure souls; is resident; and performs the duties of the parish in person. Revd Thomas Westropp; has cure of souls in both parishes ; has ^ ot yet been resident, but is under ders immediately to re de.— Duties performed by a resident Curate. Vacant. The duties have hither- to been performed by the Curate of St. John's, Limerick. Thefe parifhes havebefn held together as far bach as any record of the J), o cefe reaches ; it is confi dered however, that the Union is only an Epif- copal one. Revd Joseph Jones; has cure of souls; refides by permission in Rath- keale, where he serves a very important Curacy ; the duties of Crecorah are very few, and the income inadequate to his comfortable support. The duties are performH bv the Curate of the adjoining parish of Killpeacon. Saint Laurence - - Entire Rectory. Bruree - - - - - - - Vicarage. Revd Thomas Shepherd ; has cure of souls; resides in Limerick, near the parish, which runs into the town, and performs the duties in person. Revd Thomas Shepherd, A. M. has cure of souls; is permitted to reside in Limerick, where he serves important Curacy, having neither Church nor Glebe House in Bruree, and the income of .. 1 <- , !. ) JTL, the parifn inadequate to his fupport, ing parifli of Athlacca. The duties are performed by the Curate of the adjoin A Church, in good •' epair. A Glebe Houie; glebe clcfs to church A. 3 K. 20 p. A Church, in r pair. A Church, in repair. A Church in Kili- lurry, in good repair. A Vicarage Houfe. No glebe. A Glebe Houfe; glebe 2 miles from the urch, but clofe to the ancient fite, 11 A. 3R. 8P Gle'- e Houfc in Killmurry; 5 diviions of glebe in ditto, all near the church, and containing 11,4. 2 R. 10 p. l'nere is a glebe in Dennygalvin, fo which rent is paid, but the bounds not known ; it is faii to be near the old church, and to contain about 6 acres. I A Church, in goo^ j A GleDe Houfe ; glebe wear the church, 43 A. fep. iir. 12k.* 5P. Saint- John's. Dsiyiygulvin., A Church in Feda- Imorc, in geod repair. No Church. Biuret. No Church. No Chu ch. Mungret. ' A Church, repair. No Giebe or Glebe Houfe. Saint Laurciicc. 5- CLESE HOUSES} ami in what PARISHES fituated} Glebi Li. ii,, whether coati& u i. s, or hove ir removed fr" m rach other: Diftancea ot G. be from ' hurch, or from Site of old Church. Crecorah. SALARIES paid to Curates in Cafet of f^. a. tceJ Non- l'. el. Jeace : ReTicenCe of C U II A T. E S. 7- P A R 1 S E S too fma! l to afi'oid Rcfident Incumbent! the means of Comfort. in good A fmall Glebe : icar the church, conteiaing cniy 47 perches. No Glebe Hauic. No Church. A G » wch in K ck, in good lepa. r. Four aivifions of Glebe. No houfe. A. R. P. Firft g'ebe clof; to fir1: of old church, i. 2. 3. zd. d" net far from firft' - - - 1. 1. 25. 3d. d° - - d° - r - - - 2. 1. 34. 4th. d8 - - da - - - - - 1. I. 20. N'o G1 - be Houfr A gkbe in Kilrnallock ( on ich it is prou fed io :. utld ^ 1. oe hottfe) about a mile from t i- church, i i acres: fcversl glei. •. it" . erfed ir> the other parifhes, containing in all about 85 acres. Curate's falary, £. 90. He refides in the parilh. Each of thefe pa- ifhes fcparately.
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