Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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4 2jS E C C L E S I A S T I C A L R E P O R T - S , I N 1 8 0 7, [ Limerick 1. Number of Benefices. o « o e 0 = ° £ 0 4) Q JO. II. 12. 1. Z. 3- 1. 2. 3- 1. 2. KAMEi of BENEFICES, and Sub- Denominations of each : Number of PARISHES in each; Diftanies of Pavifnes from e^ ch other, when not contiguous : Eftimared Extent of fuch Parifhes as are contiguous. The Treasurership: To which belong, as the Corps thereof, Saint Patrick's - - - Entire Rectory. Cahirvally Entire Rectory. Emlygrennan Rectory & Vicarage. These Parishes are not contiguous; Saint Patrick's is close to the city of Limerick, part of it being on the North, and part
on the South of the River Shannon ; Cahirvally is about 4 miles from Saint Patrick's, and Emilygrennan about feven from Cahirvally. I'he Archdeaconry : to which belong, as the Corps thereof, Saint Michael's - - - - Entire Rectory. Killdeemo -------- Entire Rectory. Ardagh Entire Rectory. These Parishes are not contiguous; Saint Michael's lies in and adjoining to the Toivn of Limerick ; Kilideemo 7 miles from Li- meriok; Ardagh 18 miles from Limerick, and ahout 12 from Killdeemo. In Killdeemo there is a perpetual Curacy lately erected, and endowed with Glebe andTythes. The Prebend of Saint Munchin : to which belong, as the
Corps thereof, Saint Munchin's - - - Entire Rectory. Killonehon ----- Rectory & Vicarage. Thefe Pariihes are not contiguous; Saint Munchin's Parith lies in the city and neigh- bourhood of Limerick; Killonehon five miles distant from thence. The Prebend of Donoghmore, consisting of Donoghmore ------ Entire Rectory. This Parish is very near the City of Limerick. The Prebend of Ballycahane; consisting of Ballycahane ------- Entire Rectory. The Prebend of Killpeacon; consisting of Killpeacon- ------- Entire Rectory. Knocknegaul ------ Vicarage. These Parish: s are contiguous; they con- tain 1,777 acres. The Prebend of Tullybracky;
consisting Tullybracky ------ Entire Rectory. I. The Prebend of Killeedy ; consisting of Killeedy ------ Rectory & Vicarage. The Prebend of Disert; consisting of Disert Entire Rectory. 2. NA ME S of INCUMBENTS, Whether havirg Cure of Souls, and in wlut Parifhes ; Where Relider. t, and if Non- Refident, for what Caufe; By whom the Duties are difcharged. Revd Thos Quinn, A. M.; has cure of souls in each parish ; is be neficed in another diocese, where he has a church and glebe house, and is therefore not required to reside at Limerick. Duties in each parish performed by the resident Curate of an ad- joining parish, who is paid
by Mr. Quinn. Revd Averell Hill, D. D.; has cure of souls in each Parish ; resides in Saint Michael's Parish, Limerick, and is also attendant on the Cathe- dral. He performs the duties of Saint Michael's Parish himself, as- sisted by a Curate. An endowed Curate resides in Kildeemo, where the Arcndeacon also frequently attends in person. The duties of Ardagh Parish are attended by the Incumbent of the contiguous Parish of Rathronan. 3- Date of UNION of PARISHES, and By what Authority. United at a period prior to any exillir. g record; probablyat the firft infli- tution of the Dignity, and by fuch authority as was then competent. At
a period prior to any exifting record: pro- bably at the firft inftitu- rion of the Dignity, and by fuch authority as was then competent. „ r Revd John Duddell, A. M ; has cure of souls in each parish ; is re- fident in Limerick, and performs the duties of Saint Munchin's parish himself. The duties of Killonehon are attended by the Curate of th. neighbouring parish of Killpeacon. Revd William Lewis, A. M.; has cure of souls; resides in Limerick, where he serves an important Cu- racy, and performs the duties of Donoghmore himself. Revd John Parker ; has cure of souls; resides m Limerick, and is attendant on the Cathedral. He i an old
man, who did for many years reside on a small benefice, with which he parted on being collated to Ballycahane. The duties are performed by the Curate of the adjoining parish of Killpeacon. Revd James Wilmot Ormsby, A. VI.; has cure of souls; is bene- ficed in another Diocese, where he lefides. Duties resident Curate. performed Oy Revd Thomas Franklin; has cure of souls; is not resident, but is under orders to build a Glebe House, and reside. Duties per- formed by Vicar of Bruff, conti guous to Tullybracky. At a period prior to any exifting record; pro- bably at the firft inllitu- tion of the Prebend, and by fuch authority as was
then competent. In 1803— By Aft of Council. Revd Edward Geraghty; has the cure of souls ; resides in the parish, and performs the duties himself. Revd William Massey ; has cure of souls; resides in Diocese of Cashel, where he serves a Curacy; is not required to reside at Disert, because of the poverty of the parish, which is also small in extent; has 10 glebe; and the duties of which ire perfomed with perfect conve- niency by the Incumbent cf Croom.
Limerick.] FOR PROVINCE OF MUNSTER. * 39 4- Number of CHURCHES; Whether in Repair, and in what Pariflies they ( land. No Church. CLEEE HOUSES ; and in what PARISHES fituatei ; Glebe Lands, whether contiguous, or flow far removed from each other: Diftlnees of Glebe from Church, or from Site of old Church. No Glebe House. Glebe of Saint Patrick's, ne- r fite of old church - -- -- - - 9 acres. D° of Emlygrennan - » 30 acres. This Glebe is near the old church. The Treasurer has alfo a finall lot of ground near the Cathedral. A Church, in Saint Munchin's parish, in good repair. No Church. SALARIES paid to Curates
in Cafes cf permitted Non- Refidence : Refidente of CURATE S. The Curate of Sainf John';, pariih, Limerick, ispaidjf. io. a year for attending to the du- ties of Saint Patrick's parith and the Rector of Killeely i.- paid J^. J. a year for that par of it to the North of the Shan- non ; the Curate of Killpeacon is paid £. 5. for Cahirvally, and the Curate of Killmallock 5. for Emlygrennan. PARISHES too fmall to afford to Relident Incumbenti • he means of Comfort Each of thefe Parifhes feparatcly. A Church, in Killdee- An Archdeaconry House in Limerick; a G'ebe mo, in good repair.— Houfe on the Curate's glebe at Killdeemo ; glebe Saint
Michael's Church of Saint Michael's ( close to site of old church) Ihas been ordered to be 1 rood 7 perches; Archdeacon's glebe at Kill- ] re- built, and a cefs ha* deemo ( close to church) an acre and a half; been laid 011 for that Curate's glebe at D° ( adjoining to the Archdea- purpofe. con's), fix acres and a half; glebe cf Ardagh ( clofc to five of old church) one acre; and another glebe a mile from it, containing 14.1. 2 R. 36 P. Curate of Killdcemo resides: s no filary, having been en- dowed by the Archdeacon with glebe and tythes. Incumbent jf Rathronan is paid £. 20. a year for attending to the du- des oi Ardagh rariQi. Each of
thefe Parifhes Separately. A Glebe Houfe in Saint Munchin's, with a garden near it; glebe in Killoriehon, clofe to the iite of the old church, and in three divifion 5 A, 1 R. 24 P. No Glebe; no Houfe. No Church. The Curare of Killpeacon. paid £. 3. a year for attending the- duties of Killonehoji pariili A Glebe, clofe to t e fite of the old church: rontaining 5 acres; no Glebe Houfe. A Church, in Killpea- con, in good repair. A Glebe Houfe ir Knccknegaul. Glebe in - D° - 10 A. 3 R. 59 p. This Glebe is about a mile from Killpeacon church, and clofe to the fite of the old church of Knocknegaul. No Church. , 1 H Chuich, which will fhertly be in
good repair. No Church. Ciebe, clof. to fite « jf old church. 7 seres D ® , a mile and half diflant. 38 2. R. Total 45. 2. No Glebe Houfe. A Glebe Houle to be built him immediately ; glebe near the church 26 A. 3 R. 17 p. No Glebe ; no Iloufe. The Curate of Killpeacor s paid £. 3. a year for attend ng the duties oi Ballycahar. c Kiiioaehon. Donoghmore. Bailycahane.^ The Curate Glebe Houfe ; a year. refides in the paid £. 60 is The Vicar of Bruft" is paid £ 5. a year for attending du- ties of Tullybratky. The Rector of Crocm i paid £. 2. a ye « r for attending to the duties of Difert. Killpeacon. Knocknegaul. Difert.