Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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234 G E NE it A L O B s K LI V A T i o X s.— continued. The Entire Rectory of Tallow may ftand alone ; a Glebe Houfe ought to be built on the Glebe. The Vicarage of Kilwatcrmoy ; nay ftand alone. A Church ought to be built in this parifh, and alfo a Glebe Houfe. The Vicarages of Stradbally and Clooea ought to be perpetually united, and Glebe Land ought to be purciiafed in the pariih of Stradbally, and a Glebe House built on it. T e Vicarages of Mothil and Rathcormick ought to be perpetually united ; fome additional Glebe Land ought to be purchafed in the parifn of Mothil, and a Glebe House built on it. The Entire Rcftories of
Clonegam and Fenoa ought to be perpetually united to the Vicarage of Gilkah. Gkbe Land ( houltl, if poifible, be purchafed in the pavilh of Cionegnm near the Church, and a Gltbe Houfe built upon it. The Crown is the Patron of Clonegam Entire Reftory. The Bifhop is Patron of Fcnoa Entire Reftory ; and the Corpora- tion of Wateriord are the Patrons of Gilkah Vicarage. « The Entire Ileftories of Templemihil and Grangemoclare, and the Vicarages of Garrongibbon and Kilcafh, ought to be perpetually united A Church ought to be built in the parifh of Garrongibbon, and Glebe Land purchafed near it, and a Glebe Houfe built upon it.
The Bifhop is Patron of the Reftory of Templeniihil. The Llepe of Ca? far Suiton, Efq; is Patron and Impropriate Vicar, and is Patron and Impropriator of the Entire Reftory of Grangemodare, and of the Vicarage of Garrongibbon. The Crown is Patron of the Vicarage of Kilcalh. The Entire Reftory of Kilmurry, and the Vicarages of Carrick and Ardcollom ought to be perpetually united ; and a G. cbe Houfe ought to be built in the parifh of Canitk. The Entire Reftory of Ncwtownlen2n may very well ftand alone. A Church ought to be bu; lt in this parifh, and Glebe Land purchafei near it, and a Glebe Houfe built upon it. The Vicarages af
Kilfheelan, Killaloan, and Templeethny ought to be perpetually united, and a Church built in the pariih of Kilialoan, where a Glebe ought to be purchafed, and a Glebe Houfe built. The Crown is the Patron of Kil- laloan and Templeethny Vicarages. The Earl of Ormond is the Patron of Kiliheelan Vicarage. The Vicarage of Tubrid may ftand very well alone. The Reftory Entire of Clonmell and the Vicarage of Kilgrant ought to be perpetually united. Kilgrant would be of too fmall value to ftand alone; and I have already provided fur all the other contiguous parifhes. John Bagwell, Efq; is the Patron of the entire Rectory of Clonmell, and
the Crown is the Patron of the Vicarage of Kilgrant. The Vicarages of Shnnrahan and Tcmpletcnny ought to be united perpetually. Though thefe parifhes may appear very exter. five, they are in great part uninhabited and uncultivated mountain. Glebe Land ought to be purchafed in the £ anih of Shanrahan, near the Church, and a Glebe Houfe built upon it. The Vicarage cf Cahir may very well Hand alone. The Entire Reftory of Inniflonnagh may very well ftand alone. Glebe Land ought ( if poflible), to be purchafed near the Church, and a Glebe Houfe built upon ir. The Union of Ardfinan, as it now ftands, ought to be made
perpetual; and a Glebe Houfe ought to be built on the • Cleared Glebe to the Church. The Union of Outeragh, as it now ftands, ought to be made perpetual, and a Glebe Houfe built on the Glebe. The Vicarage of Dungarvan and the Vicarage of Rinagona ought to be perpetually united; and a Glebe Houfe ought to be built on the Glebe in Dungar. van. The Entire Reftory of Lifronagh may very well ftand alone; and a Glebe Houfe ought to be built upon the Glebe. All the other Parifhes within this Diocefe form the Corps of the Deanery, the Vicars Choral, the CEconomy, or of fome of the Chapter. ' Though I have taken great pains in
making the foregoing arrangement of the Parifhes within this Diocefe; yet it U - jjoffible, that, upon reviling, it may admit of much alteration. Query III.— I have in the Columns anfwered this Query with regard to the Livings as they now ftand united ; but fhould fuch Unions and Diftribution ofParilhes take place as I have recommended, the following will be of too fmall value to afford to each Incumbent the means of comfort, and the bell mode of improving their condition. The Union of Affane and Agiis, which I have recommended, would, I apprehend, be of much too fmall value to afford Comfort to the Incumbent; but might be very
advantageoufly encreafcd by the purchafe cf Glebe Lands. The Union of Templemihil and Kilcockin, which I have recommended, would, I apprehend, be of too fmall value to afford comfort to the Incumbent; but might be advantageouily encreafed by the purchafe of Glebe Land near the Church cf Templemihil. Should the value of the Vicarage of Kihvatermoy be too fmall to afford comfort to the Incumbent ( of which I have doubt), it could be encreafedby the purchafe of Glebe Lands. In the arrangement which I have recommended, there may be other Benefices of too fmall value to afford comfort to the Incumbent, of which. I am
not at prefent informed. Queries V. VI. VII. and VIII.— For Anfwers to thefe, I refer to my General Obfervations for the Diocefe of Water- ford. POWER, Waterford # Lifmore. January 7th 1807.