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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland


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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland

Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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232 Ecclesiastical REPORTS, IN i 8 0 7. [ Lifmore. Number of Benefices. 41. 43- Names of BENEFICES and DENOMINATIONS; Number of PARISHES in each Benefice; Their Diftance from eacli other; and Eftimated Extent of fuch as are contiguous. Derygarth Vicarage. Union of OUTERAGH. Outeragh Entire Rectory. Mortlestown D°. These parifhes are contiguous: Outeragh parish contains about 1,107 acres; Mortles- town parish contains about 900 acres. INCUMBENTS, Whether having Cure of Souls; , Where Refidcnt; if non- Rendeiit, for what Caufe; ai d by whom the Duties are perio med. Revd Thomas Crawford ; has cure of souls; resides in Lismore, where he is a Vicar Choral, and performs the duties of all the Vicars Choral; the duties of this Benefice are performed by the Curate of a neighbouring parifh. Revd Gabriel Stokes; has cure of souls; resides on his Benefice in the Diocese of Kildare ; the dutie performed by the Vicar of Cahir on one side, and by a Curate of a neighbouring parish in the Diocese of Cashel, on the other. A Chapel of Ease, founded by the Earl of Grandison, at Villarstown, in the parish of Aglis, and county of Waterford. The Revd Harris Oldfield ; has not cure of souls ; resides at Dro- mana, within half a mile of th Chapel, and performs the duties himself. BENEFICES; when Uniced, and by what Authority. Epifcopally united in the year 1805, when the prefent Incumbent took poffeffion of it. DIOCESE OF LISMORE. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS :— Containing ANSWERS to QUERY 1st, Sefl. 6th: Queries the 3d, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th; all the other Queries being anfwercd in the Columns. Query 1.1 IN my opinion, the Rectory of Ardmore ought to be perpetually united to the Vicarage, and to the Vicarage Sect. 6. j of Ballymacart; though these may appear extensive, yet a very large part of them is uncultivated and un- inhabited mountain. The Rectory and Vicarage of Derrygart ought to be perpetually united ; and if a Church and Glebe House were built on this Union, it would be a good arrangement. I do not approve of the Union which constitutes the Corps of the Archdeaconry, but it cannot be altered unless by changing the Corps altogether, which I should hope to be practicable. I would recommend this to be done, by taking from it the Rectory of Kilmolash, and the Entire Rectory of Kilrush, and adding to it the Vicarage of Ballybacon. This would be a natural Union. The Entire Rectory of Kilmolash, and the Entire Rectory of Clashmore, ought to be perpetually united: though this may appear extensive, yet it contains very much uncultivated and uninhabited mountain. If Glebe Land was purchafed at Clashmore, and a Church and Glebe House built there, I conceive this would be a good arrangement. The Entire Rectory of Kilgobnet, and the Entire Rectory of Kilrush, ought to be perpetually united, and a Church built at Kilgobnet, and a Glebe House on the Glebe at Kilrush ; or if it could be exchanged for Glebe Land near the scite of the Church, it would be better. The Rectory and Vicarage of Tullaghorton ought to be perpetually united. The Vicarage of John Baptist Grange ought to be perpetually united to the entire Rectory of Mora, though they do not join, but are divided from each other by a very small neck of the parish of Donaghmore; either of these alone would be of much too small value to afford comfort to the Incumbent, being very small parishes. Tne Crown is the Patron of the Vicarage of John Baptist Grange. The Bishop is the Patron of the Entire Rectory of Mora. The Lifmore.] FOR PROVINCE OF MUNSTER / 233 4- Number of CHURCHES; Whether in Repair, and in what Parifh they Hand. No Church. No Church. 5- GLEBE HOUSES; In what Parifh;— what Glebe Lands;— Whether contiguous; or how far removed from each other, and from the Church, or Site of the old Church. No Glebe Houfe. A. Glebe Lands - - - — - - - 16. Clofe to the fite of the old church. R. 2. P. 24. 6. CURATES Salary in Cafes of permitted non- Refidence of the Incumbent, whether Refident or not. The duties performed gratis by the Curate of a neighbour- ing parilh, who refides in Clonmell. LIVINGS of a Value too fmall to afford Comfort to the Incumbent. This is not, I be- lieve, worth £. 160. r ann. No Glebe Houfe. Glebe Lands : A. R. P. In Outeragh parifh ----- 12. o. o. In Mortleftown d°. 10. 3. 36. Thefe Glebes are not contiguous: Outeragh Glebe is very near the fite of the old church; the bounds of Mortleftown Glebe are not afcer- tained; it is not in pofleliion of the Incumbent. The duties performed gratis by the Vicar of Cahir, who refides in Cahir, and the Cu- rate of an adjacent parifh in the Diocefe of Cafhel. ( Signed) POWER, Water ford 8$ Lifmore, January 7th, 1S07. The Redtory and Vicarage of Dyfart and Kilmoleran ought to be perpetually united. The Redtory and Vicarage of Modeligo ought to be perpetually united. The Reftory and Vicarage of Sefsenagh ought to be perpetually united. The Redtory and Vicarage of Kilrofanty ought to be perpetually united. The Vicarages of AfFane and Aglis ought to be perpetually united, and Glebe Land purchafed, and a Glebe Houfe built. The Vicarages ofLefgennan and Kinfalebeg ought to be perpetually united ; and if a Church and Glebe Houfe were built in the parifh of Kinfalebeg, I think this would be a good arrangement. The Vicarages of Templemihil andKilcockin ought to be perpetually united, and Glebe Land purchafed in the parifh of Templemihil, and a Glebe Houfe built on it. The Vicarages of White Church, Lofcowran, and Coligan, ought to be perpetually united ; Glebe Land ought to be purchafed in the parifh of White Church, near the Church, and a Glebe Houfe built on it. The Duke of Devonfhire is the Patron of the Vicarages of White Church and Colligan. The Bifhop is the Patron of Lofcowran Vicarage. The Vicarages of Rathronan and Kilronan ought to be perpetually united, though they are feparated from each other by the town of Clonmell. They are each of too fmall value to Hand alone. There is a very good Church in Rathronan parifh; and if Glebe Land could be purchafed near it, and Glebe Houfe built on it, I think thefe two Vicarages would form a good Union. The Duke of Devonfhire is the Patron of both ; and his Grace is not the Patron of any of the parifhes contiguous to either of them. The Entire Redtory of Monksland, and the Vicarages of Donhill, Newcaftle, and Kilbarrymeaden, ought to be perpe- tually united ; a Church ought to be built in the parifh of Donhill, and Glebe Land purchafed, on which a Glebe Houfe ought to be built. The Corporation of Waterford are the Patrons of Dcnhill and Newcaftle Vicarages. The Crown is the Patron of the Entire Redtory of Monksland ; and the Bilhop is Patron of the Vicarage of Kilbarrymeaden. The Vicarages of Rofmere, Fues, and Ballylaheen, ought to be perpetually united. Glebe Land ought, to be pur- chafed near the Church in the parilh of Rofmere, and a Glebe Houfe built on it. 78. V ' 3 N The
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