Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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E C C L E S I A S T I C A L R E P O R T OF T HE [ Clogher. i. Number of Benefices. I. ' 10. II. • 12. I3- 44. - 16. > 7- 18. Names of BENEFICES and DENOMINATIONS! Number of PARISHES in each Benefice; Their Distance from each other; and, The estimated Extent of such as are contiguous. Carrickmacross Clenish - - . - - Vicarage. Rectory & Vicarage z. INCUMBENTS, Whether having Cure of Souls ; whether Refident; if not Refident, for what Caufe : and by whom the Duties are discharged. Clones Rectory & Vicarage. Clontibert - Rectory & Vicaragc. : s N. B. On the first establishment of the Protestant Religion in this
part of the King- dom, George Montgomery ( after a vacancy of 35 years) appointed Bishop of Clogher, united and appropriated these two Parishes to the Archdeaconry of Clogher, March lit 1613. At present the Archdeacon is only in possession of the Rectory of Clontibert; Mr. Wright receives the Vicarial Tithes thereof; and Mr. Roper the Rectorial and Vicarial Tithes of Clones. In this Union, which the corps appropriate to the Archdeaconry, the Parishes are distant from each other about nine miles. currin ------ Rectory & Vicarage. Drumkrin ----- Rectory & Vicarage These two Parishes, contiguous and inter- mixed, are about 7
miles in extent; and, to- gether with the Parishes of Aghnabog, Ema tres, Killeevan and Drumsnatt, had been all united and appropriated time immemorial, as the corps to the Chancellorship of the Cathedral. By several Acts of Council ( the last bearing da'e 17th January 1804) they have all been separated. By this Act, Drum- krin was divided into two parts, one whereof being a portion of the new corps of the Chan- cellorship, and being resigned, the Incumbent retained the other part in Episcopal Union with Currin, March 6th 1806. The part retained will merge in, or take the name of Druinrnully on the next vacancy. Derrybrulk -
Rectory & Vicarage. Revd Wm Pinching; resident; has cure of souls, and discharges the duties. Hon. and Revd Percy Jocelyn; not resident; does duty on his other Benefice in the Diocese of Armagh; has cure of souls; duties discharged here by 3 Curates. Hon. and Revd Richd Heny Roper; resident; has cure of souls'; duties discharged by z Curates, the Rector being infirm. Revd John Wright; resident; has cure of souls, and discharges the duties. BENEFICES, whether United, and by what Authority. Revd Wm Moffet; resident; has cure of souls, and dischargcs the duties, assisted by a Curate. I. Derrybullen - - - - Rectory &
Vicarage, Devnish 1. Donagh - 1. Rectory & Vicarage, Vicarage. Donaghmoine Vicarage. Revd John Brinkley; not resi- dent, being Professor of Astronomy in Trinity College, and living at the Observatory thereof; has cure of souls; duties discharged by Curate. Revd George Miller ; resident ; has cure of souls, and discharges the duties, assisted by two Curates. Revd John Caulfield; not resi- dent ; lives on his other Benefice in the Diocese of Armagh; hai cure of souls; duties discharged b) 2 Curates. Revd John Leslie ; resident; has cure of souls, and discharges the duties. Revd Wm Stopford; resident; has cure of souls, and
discharges the duties, assisted by a Curate.
Clogher.] PROVINCE OF ARMAGH: 1806. ' c? 4- Number - of CHURCHES; Whether in Repair, and in which of the Parishes they stand. s- GLEBE HOUSES; In what Parlfh ;— what Giebe Lands ;— » Whether contiguous; How far removed from each other, and from the Church, or S te of the old Church. 6. CURATES. Salary in C. ifes of permitted Non- Refider, ce of the Incumbent, and whether Refider. t or not. A Church, in good condition. 3 Churches, one only in good condition; til hers repairing. 2 Churches, in good condition. A Church, in good condition. A Glebe House ; 112 acres of glebe near the church. A Glebe House ;
about 70c acres of glebe near 4 miles from the church. A Glebe House, in indifferent order; about 700 acres of glebe near the church. A Glebe House; 40 acres of glebe about half a mile distant from the church. A Church, building. A Church, in good condition. 3 refident Curates whofs Salaries arife from reipei'tivt portions of Tithe. LIVINGS of a Value too fmall to affo- d Comfort to the Incumbent. No glebe. No glebe ; both these Parishes will be provided • " 1 • 1 with glebes on the next avoidance of tne Parish of Drummully. No Church ; in ruins time immemorial. 2 Churches, in good condition. 1 Churches, 1 in good condition; the
other a mean thatched Building, ill fituatcd. A Church, in good condition. No Glebe House; 40 acres cf glebe near the ruins. A Glebe House; about 600 acres of glebe i mile distant from the church. No Glebe House; about 400 acres of glebe, part near the church. A Glebe House ; 40 acres of glebe 1 mile distant from the church. A Curate ; refident; in ad joining Pariih. 2 Curates; refident; fa- lary of one, £. 75. per ann. ; of the other, 50. per ann. A Church, in good A Glebe House; 40 acres of glebe } mile condition. distant from the church.