Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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No Pages: 2
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2.6 E C C L E S I A S T I C A L R E P O R T OF THE I_ RaphoE. Number of Bin- nets. ii < 5 • i a E. s 10. 11. 12. 13- 14. " V 16. « 7- 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 24. JJ. C c 2. I. I. —} Names of BENEFICES and DENOMINATIONS; Numb- r of PARISHES in each Benefice ; Their Diftance from each other ; and, The ertimated Extent of fuch as are contiguous INCUMBENTS, Whether having Cure of Souls; whether R< fi entj if not Uefident, for what Caufe ; and by whom the Duties are difcharged. Bannagh - Dun^ een - ••" I ( Refto'y Zc. Vicarage 5 miles by 3 Ballyfcullen - - - - Reftory & Vicarage. Bul'ynafcreen - - - Reftory & Vicarage.
CuldafF Reftory Sc Vicarage. Clencha - Reftory & Vicarage. Clonmany Reftory & Vicarage. Gamus Junto Morne, Reftory & Vicarage. Cappah Clonleigh Reftory & Vicarage. Prebend of Cumber, J D „ . , r. Upper - iReSory & Vicarage Cumb: r, Lower - Camus Park Barn Defertligny - - . Donagh - - - - - Donaghmore Donaghedy - - - Drumraght - - - Revd George Blacker; not re- fident; beneficed in the Diocc e o! Vicarage 4 miles by 3. Dromore, ard does duty in that D ocefe. Duty done by his Cu- rates. Revd Thos Spotfwood ; rcfident; his cure of louls, and difcharges the duties. Rev" 1 Gardner Young; refident: has cure of fouls; and
difcharges the duties, aflilled by a Curate. Revd Wm Chichefter; not refi- dent ; on account of o: d age, ill health, and expofed fnuation of Glebe Houfe, refides in the neigh- bouring parifh. Duty done by a Curate. Revd Ed Chichefler; refident; has cure of fouls, and difciiarges the duties. Revd Abm Hamilton; not refi- d » nt ; has a bent lice i ' heDiicefe of Raphoe, and refide? in that Dio- cefe. Duty done Dy a Cu ate. Revd Stew" 1 Hamilton ; rrfident; has cure of fouls ; and difcharges the duties, aiTilted by a Curate. Rev" 1 Doft. Rob' Burrowes; no* refident, but ( fen vifits his pariih, and fpends his vacations in it. Is Principal of the
endowed School of Enr. iflcillen. Duty done by a Cu- rate. Revd Averal Daniel; refident; has cure rf fouls; and dilcharoes the 1 • duties, aflilled by a Curate. Rev* Rob1 Gouldfbury ; refident; has cure of fouls, and difciiarges the duties. Rev1 Fran5 Brown'ow; not refi- deni; lately collated, and preparing to refide. Du. y done by a Curate. Revd Harrun Balfour; refident; has cure of fouls, and difcharges the duties. Revd J. Patterfon; refident; has cure of fouls, and difcharges the duties. Revd Pitt Kennedy; refident; has cure of fouls, and difcharges the duties. Reftory Vicar2ge. - Reftory & Vicarage. \ - Reftory & Vicarage. - Reflory &
Vicarage. - Reftory k Vicarage. - Reftory Sc Vicarage. - Reftory Sc Vicarage. Revd Mich1 Spence; rou! s; . refident; has cure of fouls; and difcharges the duties, affiited by a Curate. Revd Andw Hamilton ; refident; has cure of fouls, and difcharges the duties, aflilted by a Curate. Revd DoftorStack; refident; has cure of fouls, and difcharges the duties, affifted by a Curate. BENEFICES, whether United, ar. d by what Authority.
Dcrry ] P R O V I N C E CF A R M A G H : I8G6. J H 4- Numb » r of CHURCHES; Whether in Rep lit, and in which of the Pariihes they ( tand. 5- GLEBE HOUSES) la what Parifli;— what Glebe Lands Whether contiguous; How far removed from each other, and from the Church, or Sl'eof thr eld Church. A Church, in good order. A Church, old, and not in good order. A Church, in repair. A Church, in repair. A Church, old and de- caying. A Church, old and de- caying. A Church, in good order. Mo Glebe Houfe ; 4C0 acres of glebe near the church. No Glebe Hcufe; 4^ 0 acres of gltbe near the church, and 4 raiks from the glebe of
Bannagh. A G'ebe Houfe ; 63 acres of glebe, one part of the glebs \ of a miie from the church, the other pait 3 and £ miles. A Glebe F- loufe ; 2 glebes, one 95 acres, 2 mile \. E. cf church; another 448 acres, 1 mile S. VV. of the church. A G't- be Houfe; 67 acres of glebe 1 mile from the church. No Glebe Houfe; 27j acres of glebe 2 miles from the church. No ^ lehs Houfe ; 3e6 acrei of gltbe about mile from the church. A Church, lately re- No Glebe Houfe; 350 acres of glebe 3 miles paired, and now in per- feft order. A Church, in good order. A Church, in perfect order. A Church, under re- pair. A Church, in repair. A Church, under
re- pair. A Church, in good order. A Church, old, but in repair. A Church, in repair. A Church, in good order. A Church, in good order ; tower building. 6. CURATES Salary m Cafes of permitted Noii- Rendence of the liicurr. bent, and whether Kefuient or not. A Curate refident. Sa- lary 75. per ann. H Curate refident. Sa- lary £. 75. per ann. Curate refident in the Glebe Hcufe. Salary 60. per ann. A Curate refident. Sa- larv £. 75. per ann. LIVINGS of a Value too fault to afford Comfort to the Incumbent. 73. from the church A Glebe Houfe ; one glebe on which the houfe ( lands of 370 acres, 1 miie from the church; another of 220
acres, 2 miles from the church : and a third of 340 acrts, 4 rniies from the church. No Glebe Hotife; 427 acres of glebe, one glebe 2 miles from the church, another 5. A Glebe Houfe ; 1,138 acres of glebe near the church. A Glebe Houfe ; 106 acres cf glebe near the church. A Glebe Houfe; 212 acres of glebe, 1 glebe near the church, another 3 miles from it. No Glebe Houfe; 200 acres of glebe near the church. A Glebe Houfe; 162 acres of glebe 1 mile from the church. A Glebe Houfe ; 750 acres of glebe near the church. A Glebe Houfe; 1,800 acres of glebe i miie from the church. A Glebe Houfe; 550 acres of glebe 4 miles from
the church. D A Curnte refident. Sa- lary /. 75. per ann. A Curate lately appointed, and not yet refident. Sa- lary £. 75. per ann. None.