The Northampton Mercury
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Volume Number: 87
Issue Number: 20
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The Northampton Mercury
Date of Article: 18/07/1807
Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton
Address: Northampton
Volume Number: 87
Issue Number: 20
No Pages: 4
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- b' ii'. lLVi/ RX Vol. 87. SATURDAY, July 18, 1807. No. 20. Ready Money is expected \ with Advertisements. $ < Circulated thronsh every Town and populous Village ( Bedford, Buckingham, Hertford, Oxford, Warwick; in the Counties' of Northampton, Leicester, Huntingdon, } Part of Cambridge, Nottingham, Lincoln, and Rutland. $ PRICE SIXPENCE, > ^"" I'- Duty 3id. 1 Paper and. Print • - 2Jd. Sunday and Tuesday's Posts. LONDON, Jw/ j/ 14. SATURDAY, a Tonningcn Mai! brought French Papers to the 2d instant, containing the BOth Bulletin of the French Army; in which is given a note of General Bennigsen to the Russian
Prince Bngrathion, to forward to the French Emperor, proposing an Armistice, to prevent, after the torrents that have flowed, a farther useless effusion of human blood.— The following is a copy of the Armistice between France and Russia:— Article 1. An Armistice shall take place between the French and Russian Armies, in order that, in the mean ti ne a peace may be negociated, concluded, and signed,' to put an end to that bloodshed which is so contrary to humanity. Art. 2. If either of the two contracting parties shall incline to break this Armistice, which God forbid ! the party so inclining shall be bound to signify this at the
head- quarters of the other army, and hostilities shall not again commence until one month after the above notification. Art. 3. The French and Prussian armies shall conclude a separate Armistice, and officers shall be appointed for that purpose.— During the four or five days requisite for the conclusion of this Armistice, the French army shall undertake no hostilities against the Prussians. Art. 4. The limits of the French aud Russian armies, during the Armistice, shall be from the Curiseh Half, the Thalweg of the Niemen, and up the left bank of that river to the mouth of the Ararna at Stakbin, and pursuing the course of that river to
the mouth of the Bobra, following this rivulet through Rozano, Lipsk, Habin, Dolitawo, Oomadz, and Wyna, up to the mouth of the Bobra in the Narew, and from thence ascending the left bank of the Narew by Tylyoczyni, Suratz, Narew, to^ the frontiers of Prussia and Russia. On the Curisch Nehrung, the limits shall be at Nidden. Art. 5. His Majesty the Emperor of the French and his Majesty the Emperor of Russia, shall name Plenipotentiaries within the shortest time possible, who are to be provided with the nccessary powers for ncgociating, concluding, and signing, a definitive peace between these two great and powerful
nations. Art. 6. Commissaries shall be named on both sides, in order to proceed immediately to the exchange ot prisoners, which exchange shall take place by rank for rank, and man for man. Art. 7. The exchange of the ratifications of the present Armistice shall take place within 48 hours, or sooner, if possible, at the head- quarters of the Russian army.— Done at Tilsit, this 21st of June, 1807. ( Signed) The Prince of Neufchatcl, Marshal A. BERTHIER. Prince I. ABANOFF VON ROSTROW. Approved of, Tilsit, 22d June, 1807, ( Signed) NAPOLEON. ( Undersigned) By the Emperor, The Minister and Secretary of State, H B.
MARET. " I hereby ratify the whole contents of the Armi- stice concluded between the Marshal Prince of Neuf- chatel, and Lieutenant- General Prince I. abanoff Von Rostrow. " ALEXANDER, " In testimony ot my approbation. " Teurogen, 11- 23 June, 1807. ( Undersigned) Major- Gen. Marshal A. BERTHIER, Prince of Neufchatel. All speculations concerning the probability of a peace upon the Continent, may now be brought to a termination. Paris Papers to the fith instant have also been received, bringing the 81st, 82d, and 83d bulletins of the French army.— The bulletins consist chiefly of a continuance of the details of the
battle of Friedland. The 8* 2d contains the following Proclamation of the Emperor and King to the Grand Army. " Soldiers, on the 5th of June we were at- tacked in our cantonments by the Russian army. The enemy mistook the cause of our inactivity. He found too late that our repose was that of the lion— he regrets having disturbed it. " In the affairs of Guttstadt, Heilsberg, and the ever- memorable one of Friedlautl, in a ten days' campaign, in short, we took 120 pieces of cannon, 7 standards, killed, wounded, or took 60,000 Russians, carried off ull the enemy's maga- zines and hospitals— Konigsberg, the 300 vessels that were
there, laden with all sorts of ammu- nition, 150,000 fusils, sent by England to arm our enemies. " From the banks of the Vistula, we have reached the borders of the Niemen with the ra- pidity of an eagle. You celebrated at Austerlitz the anniversary of the Coronation; you celebrated this year, in an appropriate manner, the battle of Marengo, which put a period to the second Coalition. " Frenchmen, you have been worthy of your- selves and of me. You will return to France, covered with laurels, after having obtained a glorious peace, which carries with it the guarantee of its duration- It is time that onr country should live at rest,
secure from the malignant influence of England. My benefits shall prove to you my gratitude, and the full extent of the love I be\ ir you. " At the Imperial Camp at Tilsit, June 22." The 03d states the capitulation of Niesse, and that 300,000 lbs. of gunpowder, and 300 pieces of cannon, were found in the place. The garrison consisted of 0000 infantry, and 300 cavalry. A Messenger likewise arrived on Saturday with dispatches from Lord Hutchinson, dated Memel, June 34th. According to his Lordship's account, the several engagements between the Russians and French, previous to the 14th, were in favour of the former; that of the
14lh was decisively on the side of the French, who, notwithstanding their 79th bulletin, lost 13,000 men ; the Russians exceeded 20,000. Captain Lapetiotierre, of the Orestes, arrived at the Admiralty yesterday; and by him Govern- ment has received official dispatches, dated Tilsit, the 29th ult. These, we understand, not only confirm the former intelligence of the conclusion of an Armistice between France and Russia, but also the report of Prussia having entered into similar terms with the enemy. Sweden, it is added, '' as been invited to the adoption of a similar line of conduct; and from the present situation of affairs, there can
be little doubt of her accepting the invitation. The Emperor of Russia, King of Prussia, and Bonaparte, are stated to have had an interview at Tilsit on the 29th ult. This circumstance is very naturally considered as the forerunner of a peace between these several Powers; but at the date of the last advices, the Preliminary Treaty, though in a state of great forwardness, was not signed. The next arrival, however, will probably inform us of that event having taken place. A private letter from Altona, of the 30th ult. mentions, that a report prevailed in that city, of General Brune having received orders to recom- mence hostilities with the
King of Sweden,— The spirited and loyal manner in which his Swedish Majesty has not only resisted, but exposed, the intrigues and views of the Usurper, is said to have enraged him to such a degree, that he has pub- licly vowed, never to lay down arms until this Prince was entirely expelled from the German Continent. Ministers are said to have received advices from Tonningen; from which it appears, that Bonaparte has informed the Danish Government, that if the British expedition is permitted to pass the Sound, bf: shall consider it as a declaration of war; in consequence of this threat, the Danish Government is stated to
have issued a prohibition against our expedition passing the Sound. This, in the present state of Continental affairs, is a matter of no immediate moment; but, as an act of hostility to this country, we find it will meet with a speedy reply. A Board of Admiralty was held yesterday, at which Sir Samuel Hood attended, where " it is understood he received his instructions and ap- pointment as Comfaiodore of the squadron destined to force the passage of the Sound.— Of six sail of the line ordered for that purpose from Portsmouth, three, viz. the Spencer, the Maida, and the Brunswick, arrived in the Downs on Sunday. The ships from
Portsmouth will, it is said, be joined by our North- sea squadron, and other vessels, making in the whole 21 sail. The Danish navy amounts to about 20 sail of the line, including one 90- gun ship, two of eighty- four, 13 of seventy- four, and four of sixty- four guns, exclusive of frigates, & c. The Russian army, on the 22d, amounted to 103,060 men, from w hich it appears that it lost between 30 and 40,000 men during the three pre- ceding weeks. Reinforcements were crowding to the Russian army ; a corps of upwards of 20,000 men had, on the 22d, arrived on the Swola; another body was at Rosen, and a third at Wilna, making in
the whole upwards of 60,000 men. Accounts have been received from Malta, stating that the garrison of Alexandria has been re- inforced by two regiments. A letter has been very lately received from Monte Video, dated the 6th of April, which men- tions, that the principal part of the Spanish Mer- chants at that place had been arrested, in conse- quence of their having been detected in a corres- pondence with the French Commander at Buenos Ayres, in which they gave a most minute descrip- tion of the British force at Monte Video, as well as of the reinforcements which were expected to arrive, when an attack would be made
on Buenos Ayres. The King has permitted the 75th regiment to bear the Royal Tiger, with the word " India," on their colours and appointments, as a testimony of their distinguished conduct, during 19 years in India.— Gaxette. A Conge d'Elire has passed the Great Seal, enabling the Dean and Chapter of Exeter, to elect a Bishop, in the room of Dr. Fisher, translated to the See of Salisbury, and recommending the Bishop of Bristol to be by them elected.— Idem, We understand that the pension of her Royal Highness the Duchess of Brunswick, is to be in- creased from „£ .5000 to £ .10,000 a year. Mr. Whitbread last night took an
Opportunity of enquiring, whether Ministers were prepared to bring forward any measures to meet the present situation of the country, rendered so alarming by the late successes of the enemy on the Con- tinent. The Chancellor of the Exchequer gave notice of his friend Lord Castlereagh's intention of bringing forward a motion to that effect on Friday next.— See Debate in our last page. State of the jBrea'fr_ t/.— Statement of the quan- tity of Beer, denominated Porter, brewed in London by the twelve principal houses, between the 5th of July, 1806, and the 5th of July, 1807 : Barrels. Barrels. Meux 170,879 Combe 80,273
Barclay 166,60( 1 Goodwyn 72,580 Hanbury 135,972 Elliot 47,388 THOMAS CLARKE TAKES the earliest Opportunity of announcing to the Inhabitants of WOBURN and its Vicinity, that he has taken the SHOP and PREMISES late in the Occupation of Messrs. THORNTON & DRAKE, where he intends carrying on the LINEN and WOOLLEN- DRAPERY, in its various Depart- ments, and earnestly solicits the Support of the Friends of the late Mr. Thornton, and the Public in generalassuring them, that no Exertions shall be wanting on his Part in procuring Articles, of such Qualities, as cannot fail to afford general Satisfaction. The
Stock will be sold off, at very reduced Prices, as soon as T. C. enters on it, which will be early in August next; when Shopkeepers and private Families will lirid it worthy of their Attention, as it will be disposed of considerably under the common Course of Trade. The Executors of the late Mr. Thornton are desirous of returning their Thanks to their Friends and a generous Public, for the many Favours conferred upon Mr. T. during a long Series of Time, and earnestly recommend Mr. CLARKE as his Successor, not doubting that he will be found perfectly adequate to afford general Satisfaction. IVoburn, July \\ th, 1807. JOHN
DRAKE RETURNS his sincere Thanhs to his Friends and a liberal Public, for the Battering Counte- nance and Support he has been honoured with since he has been acting Partner in the Business of the late Mr. Thornton, now carried on under the Firm of THORNTON & Da AKE ; and begs Leave toinform them, that as he could only secure the Tenure of his present Shop for a very limited Period, he lias taken the Premises ( next Door) now occupied by Mr. Porter, which he intends entering upon op the 5th of August next, and purposes carrying on his present Trade in ill iti Brunches ( viz. LINEN and WOOLLEN- DRAPERY, as
well as WOOL TRADE).- J. D. trusts, that by an unremitting Attention in selecting the best Articles, from the first Markets, he shall ensure a Continuance of those l avours he has already received, and which it will be his Ambition to deserve. IVoburn, dune \ hh, 1807. THOMAS PORTER BEGS Leave to return his sincere Thanks to his Friends and the Public in general, for the very liberal Support he has hecn favoured with in the diflerent Branches of his Trade, and takes the Liberty to inform them, that he intends declining the LINEN and WOOLLEN - DRAPERY BUSINESS in August next, in favour of Mr. DRAKE, for whom he
earnestly solicits a Continuance of that Patronage he himself has so long enjoyed, not doubting but that Mr. Drake will in every Respect be found deserving of it. fr- r T. p. continues the LACE TRADE as usual. N. B. THOMAS PORTER most respectfully informs the Gentlemen Graziers and others, that he purposes commencing ( at the same Time he declines the Dra- pery) the WOOL TRADE, in Conjunction with Mr. DRAKE ; and humbly hopes tor the united Support ot both their Friends. E8 Brown Se Parrv.. Whitbread .. I. . F. Calvert. 125,654 104,251 83,004 Clowes 38,554 J. Calvert 37,038 Harford 33,283 Cure for the
Hooping- Caugh.— Dissolve a scruple of salt of tartar in a gill of water, and 10 grains of cochineal, finely powdered : sweeten this with fine sugar; give to an infant the fourth part of a table- spoonful four times a day; and from four years upwards, a spoonful may be taken. The relief is immediate, the cure, in general, within five or six days. Mr. Pearson, the pedestrian, went on Saturday morning, from Pimlico to Datchet Bridge and back ( upwards of 37 miles) for a wager of lOOgs.; his bet was to perform the journey in five hours and a half, but he did it three minutes within the time given. Cautions.— It may be useful to mention,
that three houses have lately been burnt, in different parts of the kiflgdom, on a Sunday afternoon, when the families nave all been out, and probably without taking proper precaution respecting fires left for domestic purposes.— Three stables, three horses, atul a house, have been destroyed by fire, at Falmouth, from the hostler leaving a candle stuck against the icall. Last week a dreadful fire broke out in the village of North Moreton, near Wallingford, in Berkshire, which consumed three considerable farm- houses, ten cottages, a large quantity of corn, hay, and straw, with several calves, pigs, & c. On Friday last, a dreadful fire
broke out at Stevenage, in Hertfordshire. It began at a wheel- wright's shop, at twelve o'clock at noon; and communicating to the ont- buildingsf which were covered with thatch, and excessively dry, it ran like wildfire, and was only stopped by the pulling down of a house, after having consumed upwards of forty houses, and fifteen ricks of fine hay, belonging to Mr. Cass, of the Swan Inn. The hay estimated at £. 3000. The Swan Inn escaped undamaged. Mr. Kemp, farmer,' at Toothill, near Ongar, in Essex, has lately had three fine Cows bit by a mad dog, all of which were soon after seized with the hydrophobia. One became so
very outrageous, that no person dared enter the place where she was confined; she was permitted to remain in that state several days, for the purpose of observing tlje progress of the disorder, when she was shot. The other two are also dead. The dng was pur- sued. and killed in a farm- yard about two miles distant. ^ SCAPED from Justice, about the 25th of March last, THOMAS S II E L T O N, Of IIICHAM- FERRHUS, in the County of North- ampton, Currier. Whoever will apprehend the said Thomas Shelton, and deliver him into the Hands of the Constable of Higham - Ferrers aforesaid, shall receive FIVE GUINEAS
REWARD, either from V. WALLIS, Esq. Mayor, or ol Mr. JAMES BROWN, of Higham- Ferrers aforesaid. The said I homas Sheiton is about zu "> ears of Age, about 5 Feet 9 Inches high, has rather dark Com- plexion, stoops a little in his Shoulders, wears his own Hair short and dark j had on when he went away a dark- brown Coat, and greasy Waistcoat and Bree ies*; he was sometime since seen in the Neighbourhood of Peterborough, and lately near St. Neots. LOST, ( Supposed to be stolen,) ON Monday Night the 29th of June last, from SOUTH K- ILWORTH, in the County of Leicester, A large WHITE SETTER, Aged, with
a cut Bushy Tail, a Liver- coloured Spot on the Inside of one Ear, and answers to the Name of DASH. Whoever will give Information of the said Dog to the Rev. J. P. CHAMBERS, of South Kilworth, if stolen, shall receive FIVE GUINEAS, and all reasonable Charges ; if strayed, shall be handsomely rewarded for their Trouble, and have all reasonable Expences paid. South Kilworth, July 13/ 4, 1807. WING, & c. ASSOCIATION. LOST, ( Supposed to be stolen), ON Thursday Night last, the 25th Day of June, out of a Close at WING, Bucks, A MARE, of the Nag Kind, Dark- bay, brown Muzzle, four Years old, about 14 Hands 3
Inches high, has a white Star in the Forehead, black Mane and Tail; her Tail cut, and Legs '. rimmed. Whoever will ghe Information of the said Mare, if stolen, to Mr. JOHN HART, of Wing, or bring her to the Black- Lion Inn, in Leighton- Buzzard, Beds, shall receive a Reward of FOUR GUINEAS, on Conviction of the Delinquent or Delinquents, and all reasonable Charges, by applying to me, over and above FORTY POUNDS allowed by Act of Parliament; if strayed, by giving Information to Mr. Hart or me where she may be had, or bringing the same to the Black- Lion Inn, shall be handsomely rewarded for their Trouble, and have
all reasonable Expences paid. DAVID WILLIS, Solicitor and Treasurer. Leightim. BuKV. ard, June 30th, 1807. JOSEPH OKELY, Grocer, Tea- Denier, fyc. Bedford, RETURNS his most sincere Thanks to his Friends and the Public, for the liberal Encou- ragement he has met with in the WINE, SPIRIT, and PORTER TRACE, during his late Partnership with Mr. BROWN, and respectfully informs them, that that Partnership is now dissolved.— As he purposes to con- tinue the same Business on his own Account, and on his own Premises, he hopes to be favoured with the Continuance of their Orders; which he engages to execute
with Care and Attention, on the best possible lerans, having laid in his WINES, LI « UORS, Sec. of the first Qualities. The kind Support he has hitherto enjoyed in the TEA TRADE, & C. calls for his warmest Gratitude and Thanks, and Assurances of his continued Attention to Orders in every Part of his Business. GRAND JUNCTION CANAL. WHEREAS the PARTNERSHIP in the TRADE at the Wharfs at OLD- STRATFORD, and near CASTLE- THORP BRIDGE, in the County of Northampton, and at STANION- H I LL, in thetounty of Bucks, under the Firm of the O LD- STRATFOR U WHARF COMJAHV, T „, R dissolved by
mutual Causait on the 11th of JUNE, 1S07 : Notice is hereby given, That all Debts due andr owing to and from the said Company, will be received and paid by Messrs. Harrison, Oliver, Sc Kitelec, at the House of Messrs. Oliver & Co. Bankers, Stony- Stratford; by whom the Trade at Old- Stratford and Stanton- Hill will, in future, be carried on, where they respectfully request and hope for a Continuance ot the Favours of their former Friends, who may rely on being served with Articles, in the usual Branches of Trade there, of the best Quality, and on moderate Terms. HARRISON, OLIVER, & KITELEE. July 10/ i, 1807. R GRAND
JUNCTION CANAL. JUNE, 1807. , OPER & Co. desi re to return I hanks to V their numerous Friends, for the very liberal Favour they have experienced in the CA RRYING TRADE; and having disposed of their BARGES and BOATS to Messrs. SK. EY 6C BIRD, of - BIRMINGHAM, beg Leave to request a Continuance of similar Favour to them; who promise, that every Attention shall be paid to all Goods consigned to their Care. Three IIAMBOROUGII WHARF, Cranes, Queen - Street, Cbeapside, London, CRAND JUNCTION WHARF, Broad- Street, Birmingham. SKEY & BIRD having, in Addition to their Business, taken to the
BARGES and BOATS of Messrs. ROPER Se Co. beg Leave to inform their Friends and the Public, that GOODS are now con- veyed, daily, from the above Wharfs to the following Places:— Uxbridge Northampton Rickmanswortll Kettering Chesham Wellingborough Watford Oundle Hemelhempsted Thrapston St. Alban's Cambridge Berkhampsted Peterborough I, ring Wendover Aylesbury Leighton- Buz- zard Fenny- Stratford Woburn Stony- Stratford Winslow NewportPagnell Olney Bedford Brackley Buckingham Towcester Blisworth Nottingham Manchester Stockport Liverpool Dudley Tipton Walsall Wolverhampton
Stourbridge Kidderminster Stourport Worcester Gloucester Bridgnorth Shiifnal Wenlock Newport Coalbiookdale Salop, and all Parts of North Wales NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN T& AT the GREAT ROOM at A8TROP- * H'l; LLS wi| l be opened on MONDAY the " O h Day ot JULY instant; and there will be a PUBLIC BREAKFAST every Monday Morning during the Season. GENERAL INFIRMARY) NORTHAMPTON, . July 18, 1807. I , 15 to Klve Notice, That on SATURDAY the 1st Lay of AUGUST next, will be held a General Court, at Twelve o'clock in the Forenoon, to take the Reports ot the Committee concerning the present •
State ot this Society. And such Persons as wish to serve the Intrrmary, are desired to send their Pro- posals, sealed up, to the Secretaiv. on or before Twelve o'Clock on that Dav, mentioning at wl at Rate they are willing to furnish the following Ar- ticles, for the ensuing Quarter, viz. BUTCHERS- MEAT, FLOUR, BREAD, made of all good Wheat, in Loaves ot 14 Ounces each, Candles, Riee, Sugar and Soap, in order that the most reasonable mar Lie accepted. ' And it is further requested, that the Bills due bv the Infirmary to the 1st of August next, may be then sent in to be examined and discharged. By Order of the Committee,
W. INGMAN, Secretary. GENERAL INFIRMARY, NORTHAMPTON, „, mc . „ . July 38, 1807. ' I ™ 1S to pre Notice, That the ANNUM, L STATED COURT of tV, Governors of this Infirmary will be held here on SATURDAY the 1st of August next, at Twelve o'Clock in the Forenoon- at which l'ime and Place all Persons subscribing Two Guineas or more per Annum ( being Governors accord- ing to the second Statute), are desired to give their Attendance; that being the Court now appointed for the Examination of the Conduct of the Infirmary for the past, and the Direction of it fur the ensuing Ye n As the first Saturday in August is
the Day now fixed by the Statutes for the Commencement of our Year, and as all our Annual Accounts are constantly made up to that Time, the Subscribers are earnestly desired to send or pay their Subscriptions for the ensuing Year at thts Annual Stated Court. It is taken for granted, that all the Subscribers ( even those whose last \ ear's Arrears are yet unpaid) will continue their Annual Subscriptions, unless tliev send the Governors Notice, in Writing, oil or before this Annual Stated t- ourt ill August, of their Intention to withdraw their Subscriptions. By Order of the Committee, t. „ W. INGMAN, Secretary, ( pi Linen Rags are
very much wanted for the poor Patients; it any Ladies or others have any such to dispose of, it would be deemed an acceptable Present to the Charity. Inn and Coal- Wharf Grand Junction Canal. To be LETT, or SOI. D, And may be entered upyn at Michaelmas next, r| MIE NAVIGATION INN and COAL- I. WHARF, at FENNY - STRATFORD, in the County of Bucks, now in full Trade; with a complete Dock aud Shed for building and repairing Boats. For a View of the Premises, apply to the Tenants, Messrs. Hanscomb Se Gale; and for Particulars, to Mr. John Roper, I'otterspury, near Stony- Stratford. July, 1807. Market - " Har borongh Huntingdon Weedon Daventry Leicester Lutterworth Tamworth Hinckley Atherstone Coventry Warwick Birmingham Litchfield The Potteries Derby J. SILLS, SONS, & Co. Wharfingers, London. Boats load for Gloucester, Bristol, and all Parts of the West of England, and South Wales, every Spring Tide, from their Warehouses, Birmingham, Wolver- hampton, and Stourport. June, 1807. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, And may be entered on at Michaelmas next, FPHAT capital well- known INN, now in full J Trade, called the WHEAT- SHEAF, in Daventry, in the County of Northampton, 72 Miles from London, and
on the great Road from thence to Liverpool, Chester, and Holyhead, the Property, and in the Occupation of Mrs. FRANCES ASHWORTH, who wishes to retire from Business on Account of ill Health. For Particulars, apply to JOHN BURNETT, Esq. No. 14, Tindal- Place, Islington; or Messrs. LAMB Se WARDLE, Solicitors, in Daventry, To be S OLD by AUCTION, By THOMAS MARTIN, On Thursday the 23d Day of July instant, at the Bull Inn, at Weedon, in the County of North- ampton, either in one or more Lots, as may be agreed upon at the Time of Sale, subject to such Conditions as will be then produced, LL that
MESSUAGE, TENEMENT, or FARM- HOUSE, situate in WEF. DON afore- said, in the Occupation of Francis Hipwell; and also, all those several CLOSES of LAND, situate in the Parish of WE EDON aforesaid, now also in the Occupation of the said Francis Hipwell and others, containing, by Estimation, 64 Acres, be the same more or less.— The above Premises are contiguous ro the great Works carrying on at Weedon, and on that Account particularly desirable. For a View of the Premises, apply to Mr. DAVID ATCHISON, of Weedon; and for further Particulars, to Mr. ROLLS, Solicitor, Southam, Warwickshire. N. B. Notice is
hereby given, That all Persons who are indebted to the Estate of Mr. DAV ID ATCHISON, are hereby requested to pay the same to Messrs. Ivins, or Mr. R. L. Rolls, of Southam, in the County of Warwick, who areduly authorised to receive the same, and who will attend at the Bear Inn, at Daventry, between the Hours of Two and Five in the Afternoon, every Wednesday, for the Purpose of receiving the same. LOS T, T( Supposed to be stolen), ATE on Sunday Night, or early on Monday „ f., M ™ m! > ast, from the Grounds of Mr. R. 1EW, of BYFIEI. D, A BLACK NAG MARE, with a white Speck on the near Eye, and two Lumps
about the Size of a Pigeon's Egg on the Backbone it stolen whoever will give Information of the ferson or Persons. who stole the same, shall, on his Conviction, receive a Reward of FIVE GUINEAS of Mr. RICHARD LYNDON ROLLS, solicitor to the Northamptonshire and Warwickshire Association for the Prosecution of Felons- or if SLrar! etL' whoever bring her to the said Mr. Tew shall be paid his Expences, and rewarded for his trouble. Southam, July 15th, 1807. A correspondent observes, he is extremely concerned to find our commercial interest so much affected by the late calamities which have attended our Allies upon the
Continent, as the article of Wool, the staple commodity of the kingdom, plainly evinces, when it is considered how much it is depre- ciated in value, as will be seen from the statements of the following markets:— At Yoik wool market, long wool, in the fleece, sold at from 12s. to 13s. per stone of 161b. which is 2ls. per tod of 281b.— At Doncaster, mixed wools, in tne fleece, fetch only from 12s. to 14s. per stone of 151b. which is about 24s. per tod of 231b ; best fine Forest, from l^ p. to 20s. per stone of 151b. which is several shillings per Stone less than last year's sales. Buckinghamshire Freehold. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By
ANDRE1V GARDNER, On Saturday the 8th Day of August next, at the Swan Inn, Fenny- Stratford, in the County of Buckingham, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions as shall be then produced ( unless previously disposed of by Private Contract), AVery desirable Tythe- free ESTATE, plea- santly situated in SIMPSON, in the County of Buckingham; consisting of a substantial and con- venient Messuage or Farm- House, Barns, Stables, Yard, Garden, and other Appurtenances thereunto belonging, and several Closes of very rich Arable and Pasture Land, containing together 21 Acres, or there- abouts;
now in the Occupation of Mr. Norman, as Tenant from Year to Year.— The Fences are in good Condition, and well planted with fine thriving Timber Trees. Simpson Is a very pleasant Village, adjoins the Chester Road, is 45 Miles from London, about one Mile from Fenny- Stratford, and the Grand Junction Canal runs through the Parish. Apply for further Particulars, or to treat for the Estate by Private Contract, to Mr. ROTHERHAM, Eversholt, near Woburn; or to JVlr. EAGLES, At- torney, Ampthill, Bedfordshire. Ampthill, July lath, 1807. A1 BIGGLESWADE, July 13th. 1S67. ALL Persons having any Claims ur Demands . upon
the Estate and Effects of GEORGE COOPER, late ot BIGGLESWADE, in the County of Bedford, Miller aud Mcalman, deceased, are requested to send in the same to Samuel Wells, of Biggietwarts aforesaid, Brewer, or John Foster, of the same Place, Merchant, Executors of the aid George Cooper, in order that the same may be discharged.- And all Persons who stood indebted to the said George Cooper at the Time of his Decease, are desired to pav their respective Debts to the said Executors To the CREDITORS of WILLIAM BR() WN, late of HOLCOT, in the County of Northampton, Woolcomber and Shopkeeper, a
Bankrupt. ~ V[ OTICE is hereby given, That such of the - L^ CREDITORS who have dulv proved their Debts under the Commission of Bankrupt awarded and issued against the said WILLIAM BROWN, may receive a further and final Dividend of One Shilling and Fivepence in the Pound, by applying at the Office of Mr. Goodhall, Solicitor, Wellingborough. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Messrs. HILL & SON, On Tuesday, July 28th, 1807, at Mr. Ginger's, at the Bell Inn, Leighton- Buzzard, in the County of Bedford, at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, IN TWO LOTS, ABOUT 20 Acres of rich FREEHOLD ARABLE LAND, situated in the
open Fields near STANDBRIDGE, in the Parish of LEICHTON, in the Occupation of Mr. Wilkes. Also, a PIECE of rich COPYHOLD ARABLE LAND, called BASKERVILLE'S PIECE, near the Town of LEIGHTON, containing seven Acres. May be viewed by applying to the Tenant, and Mr. John Chantriall ( Herdsman), of whom Particulars may be had; also at the Inns at Dunstable, Hock- llfte, and Woburn; Place of Sale, and, of the Auc- tioneers, Luton, Bedfordshire. To V' Freehold, Copyhold, and the Dean and Chapterhold Farms and Lands, at Alconbury and Weston, Huntingdonshire. To he SOLD by AUCTIO N, By Messrs.
SKINNER, DYKE, & Co. On Thursday the 20th of August, at Twelve o'Clock, at Garraway's Coltee- House, Cornhill, Xondon, in four Lots, ALUABI. E FREEHOLD, COPYHOLD, and the DEAN and CHAFTERHOLD ESTATES, advan- tageously situate at ALCONBURY and WESTON, divided by the high North Road to Alconbury- Hill, through Buckden and Huntingdon, five Miles from each, 10 from St. Neots and Stilton, and 66 from London; comprising the Deanery Manorof Alconbury, and four eligible Farms, containing 1120 Acres of inclosed Meadow, Grazing, and Arable Land, with. Farm- Houses and Out- buildings, and the
great Tythcs arising from the adjoining Land; the Whole in the Occupation of Messrs. Green, Bowker, Crawby, Holmes, and others, Tenants at Will, who have Notice toquit; the present Rental only One Thousand and Sixty- four Pounds, Fifteen Shillings per Annum, CAPABLE OF IMPROVEMENT. To be viewed ; and printed Particulars had, of the Tenants; also, at the Wheat- Sheaf, Alconbury- Hill; Fountain, Huntingdon; George, Stamford; Bell, Stilton; Cock, Eaton; Sun, Biggleswade; of Mr. Hodson, Cambridge; Mr. Newcomb, Stamford; Messrs. Dicev Se Co. Northampton; at the Place of Sale; of Messrs. Brays, Solicitors,
Great Russel- Street, Bloomsbury ; Messrs. Jones Se Green, Salis- bury- Square; and of Messrs. Skinner, Dyke, 3c Co. Aldersgate- Street, London. Sale of His Majesty's Spanish Sheep. be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. SMITH, On Tuesday the 11th of August, near the Page da, in KEW GARDENS, QEVF. RAL EWES and RAMS, selected from O His Majesty's pure Flock of Merino Sheep. Catalogues will be ready for Delivery bv the 25th Instant, at the Blue- Anchor, Richmond; Ram Inn, Smithficld; at Hatchet's Hotel, Piccadillv; and at Mr. Smith's, Auctioneer, Windsor, and at his House, No. 9, New Broad- Street Buildings,
Royal- Exchange, London. Towcester Road. TURNPIKE- TOLLS TO BE LETE ] VJOTICE is hereby given, That the TOLLS arising at the several Toll- Gates upon the Turn- pike- Road leading from Towcester, in the County of Northampton, to the Turnpike- Road in Cotton- End, in the Parish of Hardingston, in the said County, called or kne wn by the several Names of TIFFIELD GATE, with the WEIGHING- M'ACHINF. and SIDE- GATE, DUSTHILL- LANK SIDE- GATE, BLISWORTH GATE, exclusive of the WEICHINC- MACHINE, FAR- COTIO N GATE, with the SI DE- G ATE across Harding- ston Meer- Way, will be LETT by
AUCTION, to the Best Bidder, at the House of WIDOW STUBBS, known by the Signjef the DUKE- OF- GRAFTON'S- ARMS, at BLiswORTrtafbresaid; on MONDAY tile 20th Dayof JULY next, between the Hours of Twelve & Two o'Clock, in the Manuei prescribed by the Act passed in the thirteenth Year of the Reig- » of His Majesty King George the Third, for regulating the Turnpike- Roads ; which several Tolls produced the last Year the respective Sums following Jviz. ) at Tiffield Gate, with Dusthill- I. ane Side- Gate, the Sum t f £. 19 4s. lid.; at Blisworth Gate, the Sum of £. 11 17s. 6d.; and Far- Cotton Gate, the Sum of £.
10318s. 2d. above the Expencesofcollecting them, and will be put up at those respective Sums. Whoever happen to be the Cest Bidders, must im- mediately pav down into the Hands of the Treasurer a Deposit of Five Pounds on the Bidding made, which will be allowed on the Pavment of the first Month's Rent; and at the same Time give Security, with sufficient Sureties, to the Satisfaction of the Trus- tees of the said Turnpike- Road, for Pavment of the respective Rents agreed for, and at such Times as they shall direct. By Order of the Trustees, W. T. SMYTH, Cleik. 11th June, 1807.
Wednesday and Thursday's Posts. LONDON; July 16. " AMBURGH and Paris Papers to the 8th, mid Dutch Journals to the 12th instant, reached ; rday.— They confirm the accounts which ready received, of the signing of Pre- H' town yester we had already -... „ _ liminaries of peace. The interview between the French and Russian Emperors took place on a raft, in the middle of the Niemen. They remained in conference without witnesses for about two hours. Every demonstration is now exhibited to inspire the belief, that the utmost confidence is established between them. The Emperor Alex- ander rode through the town of Tilsit
along with the Emperor Napoleon, dined with that Emperor, and one half of the town of Tilsit has been de- clared neutral, that the Emperor Alexander may take up his residence in it, and both Sovereigns inhabit the same town. What are the plans of policy that are in view does not yet appear. When we obtain the Pre- liminaries, we shall in some degree be able to judge. There is nothing said which can lead us to suppose, that the King of Prussia is included in the preliminaries with Russia. The favourable terms, which Bonaparte may allow him, must be the effect of the bounty and liberality of the conqueror, not of a joint
negociation. It is un- derstood, however, that the greatest part of the Prussian dominions will be restored. No con- jectures are offered respecting the destination of Poland. It is not very probable, that Bonaparte will attempt to make of it a separate kingdom. It is stated, that the Emperor of Russia has consented to expel all the British from his do- minions. This is not worthy of credit. But there is little room to doubt, from the effects which appear to have been produced on the Russian Councils, and the use which Bonaparte is qualified to derive from his present position with the Em- peror, that he will entirely dissolve our
connection with that power, at least for a time. The councils of that rude Government are too fickle aud wavering, not speedily to alter; but the battle of Friedland is one of the things which is calculated to make the, deepest impression on it. The Paris Papers contain the 84th bulletin of the French Army, which mentions the ratification of the Armistice, and the interview between Prince J. abanoff and Bonaparte. the Sd ' nncHd instant, the fust division of the Ex- pedition from England had passed the Sound without the least interruption. The second divi- sion had not then arrived. The number of ships, however, ordered into the
Baltic, leads us to sup- pose that Government imagine the French will endeavour, though they have not done it yet, to drive the Danes from their system of neutrality towards this Country, as soon as the Grand Army in Poland is at liberty to enforce Bonaparte's mandates. It is a humane policy in this country to send so respectable a force into'the North Seas, as may justify the Court of Denmark in refusing to comply with his demands. We understand that On Monday the Duchess cf Brunswick had iier first interview with the Queen and the principal part of the Royal Family, at the Queen's Palace : she was accompanied by the
Princcss of Wales, in an open landau. The Duchess appeared in ex- cellent health and spirits. She is very lusty, and is very like the King. She was dressed in mourning. ' The persons assembled in front of the Palace, cheered their Royal Highnesses. Iu the House of Commons, on Tuesday, the House resolved itself into a Committee oil his Majesty's Message, requesting the House to enable the King to settle upon her Majesty, during life, SQUARE, NORTHAMPTON. li. TRS. and Miss FREAKES respectfully an- JeVA nounce to their Friends, their SF. M1NARY will be opened on MONDAY, JULY 20th, 1807. DAVF. NTRY, July
8th, 1807. TVTISS COOPER respectfully acquaints her ill Friendsand the Public, that her SEMINARY re- opens on MONDAY the 20th Instant. N. B. A VACANCY for one HALF- BOARDER. " BOARDING - SCHOOL, KETTERING, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. ISS JONES begs Leave to inform her Friends and the Public, that her SCHOOL opens, M it will be more formidable than it was at first men- j daughters the Princesses. A resolution to intro- Frogmore- bouse and grounds, with descent to her > after the present Vacation, on MONDAY, JULY 20th tioned, viz. to consist of at least 22 sail of the line, and a proportionate number
of frigates and smaller vessels. The ships of war altogether are expected to amount to about 40 sail; and the most happy result may be expected from this necessary effort of vigour, not merely for a point of commercial interest, but for the honour and character of the country. Admiral Gambier, it is now said, is to have the command. All the Pilot's who are thoroughly acquainted with the passage of the Sound, are ordered te assemble at Yar- mouth immediately, for the purpose of embarking on board the ships of war. ' The third division of the expedition is not ex- the duce a Bill to that effect was agreed to. Lord H. Petty
afterwards moved, that the House do now resolve into a Committee on the several Acts re- lating to the Finances. The question, on being put from the Chair, passed in the negative. The petition of Mr. Sheridan against the return of Lord Cochrane, is1 presented to the House of Commons on the ground of bribery and corruption. Viscount Ilowick vacates Appleby, and will succeed Gen. Fitzpatrick for the borough of Tavistock. A friend of the Ear! of Lonsdale is expected to be returned for the former place. Report states, that the principal feature of the measure for the defence of the Country, to be pected to sail, in consequence ot
recent , , . V N • . i „ ! brought forward to- morrow in the House or LOIN disasters in Prussia; at least, the transports ap- i *> . MISS HARRISON respectfully informs her Friends and the Public, that her SCHOOL will open on MONDAY the 27th Instant. atony- Sir at ford, July 10 th, 1807. LADIES' BOARDING - SCHOOL, AMPTHILL, Beds. IIS. TAYLOR respectfully informs her Friendsand the Public, her SCHOOL re- opens on MONDAY the 20th Instant. Ampthill, July 8th, 1807. An APPRENTICE WANTED.— Letters ( Post- paid) will meet with an immediate Answer. M1 BATTLE or FRIEDI. AND, Sec. C, iVs of the dispute/ its
from General Bennigsen to the Emperor Alexander. [ X N ANSIAT ION.] Head- quarters at Wehlau, June 3- 15. The enemy having immediately directed the whole of his force from Heilsberg towards Fried- land and Wehlau, with an intention to cutoff my army from Pregel, I humbly beg leave to inform your Majesty, that I could not form any position at Schippenbejl, but made a forced inarch to I'riedland on the lst- lSth instant. The advanced detachment, which I sent forward to occitpv that town, found the place at three P. M. m the possession of four squadrons of . the enemy, which were, however, driven out imme- diately. In
order to keep possession of the town, that my troops might vest from their fatigue, I sent some infantry to the left bank of the Alle during the night; but in tH morning, at, break of day, the enemy attacked my advanced posts, and at half- past five the cannonade commenced. I there- fore sent another division of my army across the jiier, to support the other troops, as I had reason n, suppose ' Jt.-' t the enemy's van only had come up. The enemy was repulsed at every point, and the troops fought for 14 hours together with the greatest bravery, and proved always victorious. General Oudinot, whose division formed the light wing of
the enemy, attempted to make an attack with the, bayonet; but my left wing eagerly ad vanced upon him, and destroyed an entire column. Another column was routed. The cavalry of my right wing also made an impetuous and successful attack upon the enemy's cuirassiers, pursuing them as far as Heinrichsdorff, which village sup- ported the left wing of the enemy. At three in the afternoon, Bonaparte arrived in person, with the rest of his array, and, sheltered by a wood, he reinforced his right wing in such a degree, that at six, when he commenced a fresh attack, and opened upon my left wing a masked battery of 40 pieces of
cannon, I was under the necessity of resolving to commence my retreat, which was effected in the best order, and toy rear stopped the whole force of the enemy until all my troops had crossed the Alle. Although my loss, during a battle which lasted 16 hours, and from my army's being obliged to file off over a bridge, which was exposed to the enemy's artillery, can- not he inconsiderable, the enemy must have lost an equal number at least, since the attack with the bayonet, and that of the cavalry, has caused him a great. loss, and as in the former we took from him the Eagle of the 15th regiment of the line. Nor has the enemy
taken any other pri- soners but such as were wounded dangerously, and which could not be removed from the town ; and only some dismounted pieces of cannon be- longing to the regiments, with a few which could riot he removed because the horses attached to them had been shot, fell into his hands. On the other hand, all our pieces of camp artillery were got off safe, f am now taking with my army a position behind the Pregel, near Wehlau, causing all the passes of that river, as far as Konigsberg and Insterbufgh, to be occupied hy my troops, in consequence whereof I have re- opened a commu- nication with General
L'Estocq. If the enemy • hould venture to cross the Pregel, I shall attack him immediately, and the reinforcements which already are on their march, will soon supply niv loss, and enable, me once more to cope with the enemy. ( Signed) BENNIGSEN. AKOTIUR DISPATCH. From the Camp at Schillupischken, June 5.17. After the surrender of Konigsberg, my position at Wehlau was no longer tenable, and having in- formed General L'Estocq that I should make my retreat on the road of Tilsit, I requested him to follow me; 1 commenced the retreat yesterday. I am happy must humbly to inform your Royal Majesty, that I have this
day formed a junction with that General, and that my army, besides, has this day received a reinforcement of 3000 men. Moreover, the division from Moscow will pass the frontier to- morrow, consequently my loss will not only be replaced in a very short time, but I shall ( 5ven » stronger than I was before the battle of Friedland. Thus, of all the results of that lost battle, the surrender of Konigsberg proves the worst; for, unless the enemy pursue ine with too great a superiority of numbers, and provided he allow me sufficient time to draw towards me xny reinforcements, I shall directly advance, and I hope to recover from the enemy
the advantages which ho line nKtninft^ , he has obtained. ( Signed) BENNIGSEN. We are happy to state, that the alarms respect- : ne a rupture with Denmark, are at least pre- mature, if not unfounded. By the Danish Consul letters have been received, i » 0t) 0uncin£, that on pointed for the embarkation, remain atSheerness, A Danish sloop of war passed the Downs yes- | terday, but our cruisers took no notice of her, ! and the Danish traders remain unmolested. A vessel arrived in the river yesterday from Ton- ! uingen, which place she left on the evening of the ] 6th instant; but brings nothing new, farther than, j that the British
Consul had issued a second note to the Commanders of English vessels, in which he j repeated his request, that they would lose no time i in using their best efforts to join the squadron of ships of war lying at Vollerweick. This order had been so promptly obeyed, that not more than three British vessels remained on the 6th in the port of Tonningen. It is said, that a formal notice of the rejection of the treaty between England and America has been received by Government. The chief ob- jection is understood to be made to the right of searching American vessels. New- York Papers to the 6th ult. arrived yes- terday. The Virginia
Argus announces the deter- mination of Mr. Jefferson to decline standing a candidate for the Presidency at the ensuing election, and expresses a confident expectation that he will be succeeded by Mr. Maddison.— The trial of Mr. Burr commenced on the 1st of June, at Richmond, Virginia. The Court was opened at 12 o'clock, and 25 or 20 Gentlemen were called, as Grand Jurors. Colonel Burr objected to so large a num- ber, and 16 were appointed. The Chief Judge read a Charge which occupied about a quarter of an hour. The names of 17 witnesses in behalf of the United States were called over, and ordered to appear on
Saturday.— The trial was not over when the last acc » unts received at New- York left Richmond. Accounts have been received from Major- Genera! l'raser, dated Alexandria, the 1st and 6th of May, with Brigadier- General Stewart's reports of his failure in the attack of Rosetta. It appears, that our chief loss was occasioned by the advanced corps at El- IIamid being surrounded, and after a gallant resistance, taken prisoners. Our loss in the last engagement consisted of about 750 men, chiefly of the 35th and llolle's regiment. i The following is a copy of a letter from an Officer in Egypt, dated Alexandria, May 6th, 1807 ••—" Sinc e
our return to Alexandria, so far from experiencing a famine, we have fouiad the market well supplied with sheep and some bullocks; wheat and barley are brought in every day on camels; some days a hundred arrive, on others two hundred, arid one day four hundred came in. The troops and squadron have hitherto been sup- plied with mutton and beef daily, which, as you know, is not reckoned necessary, and is therefore an indication of plenty. 1 he army has soft bread every day, and it is confidently said, that the Com- missary has wheat for a month's consumption. All this is independent of the quantity of rice which is said to
be in the town, and which, those who should be best informed on the subject assure I me is abundant. " Besides all these stores, there is in the mer- i chant ships in the harbour a considerable quantity of provisions, which we do not allow to be ex- ported. If, however, the Turks and Albanians march forward, we may have to depend on our intercourse by sea for support. In the mean while we have again opened the cut in the canal of Alex- andria to fill the Lake Mariotis, which was drying up fast; this will contribute to the health of the garrison, and prevent the enemy's cavalry crossing over; and if they go round by the Desert, and
come in to the Westward, we shall be able to annoy them, and support our lines with gun- boats, which we are fitting for that purpose." Letters from Malta, of'the 1st of June, mention, that the Spartan frigate had arrived there a few days before from a cruise, and had been chased by two different French squadrons out of Toulon. Her crew had been roughly handled by an unsuccessful attempt to cut out a large vessel in the port of Nice. Out of 70 men employed, there were 58 either killed or wounded ; both the first and second Lieutenants lost their lives. Jerome Bonaparte is, it is said, to be Sove- reign of Hanover, and of part of
the Prussian possessions in Westphalia, and part of Hesse, with the title of Grand Duke of Hanover.— The King of. Prussia is to regain all his territories as far as the Elbe; the Grand Duke of Berg is to have Hesse, as far as Ilanau; and the greatest portion of Westphalia is to be added to Holland. Bonaparte, in a formal letter to his Bishops, has ordered Te Deum to be sung all over France for his victories; the 5th instant was the day ap- pointed for the observance qf this ceremony. The Prince of Hesse Philipsthal effected his escape to Reggio with fifty followers, by riding sixty Italian miles without intermission: lie im- mediately
embarked, and was not ten minutes at sea, when the French Gen. Abbe entered Reggio. The Grand Seignior, Selim, died in prison on the 2d ult. His death is ascribed to grief; but was, probably, occasioned by poison or the bow- string. On Friday night last, the boats of the Desperate gun- brig, made an attempt to cut a vessel out of Boulogne Bay, but found her full of soldiers, and perfectly prepared for them; they were therefore obliged to abandon their enterprise, with the loss of one man killed, and the Commander and four seainen badly wounded. Commodore Owen, who commands our cruisers stationed off the French
coast, had yesterday a long conference at the Admiralty; it is supposed, on the subject of some information lately obtained on that station, and by which it is the intention ef Government to direct some operations they have in view. The report of the Rochefort squadron having put to sea is said to be unfounded. It was re- connoitred ten days since, bv one of our cruisers, and remained in ' the same state in which it had been far some months. j mons, hy Viscount Castlereagh, is to allow one- I third of the'Militia to volunteer into the line, j The Harvest.— The following General Order ' has been circulated throughout the Southern i
District:— " His Royal Highness the Commander in Chief I has signified his assent to a portion of the regular i and militia regiments being permitted to assist iii : getting in the approaching harvest. His Royal Highness has been farther pleased to direct, that the number to be thus employed is on no account to excced one- fourth part of any battalion, and that this indulgence shall be granted only to such men as are of good character and proficient in their exercise. Commanding officers are to be held responsible that their men work within one mile of their camp or quarters, and the Adjutant is to be acquainted with the names and
residence of the employers, and on the shortest notice every man i LADIES' SCHOOL, MARKET- H. 4RBOROUGH, Leicestershire. e | A! ISS SMITH gratefully acknowledges the - • . iv a. very liberal Encouragement she has experi- enced in her DAY- SCHOOL, and having made con- venient Accommodations, intends, with the Assist- ance of her Sister, to BOARD and EDUCATE a limited Number of YOUNG LADIES, at Sixteen Guineas per Annum, and One Guinea Entrance. N. B. The School, for Boarders, opens July 27th; the Day- School, oil the 20th. Mrs. MACKENZIE I> F. GS Leave to inform her Friends and the Public,
that her SCHOOL, at HUNTINGDON, will re- open on MONDAY the 20th Instant. Mr. MACKENZIE teaches French and Drawing in Schools and private Families. ST. PETER'S, BEDFORD, July 14th, 1807. MRS. COPE, with grateful Acknowledgments to her Friends for the very liberal Encou- LO. NEON, July 16th, 1807. I& ICHARD AtTEN BOROUGH, SHEET* « •' SALESMAN, begs Leave to inform the Gen- tlemen Graziers and others, that his SHEEP will continue to be collected by his Brother JOHN ATTLK- BOROUCH, of Titchmarsh, instead of Walter Stretton. R. A. also takes this Opportunity of thanking Ins Friends for
their past Favours, and hopes, by a.: assiduous Attention to their Interest, to merit a Con- tinuance of them in future. CLARK & HALL'S BANKRUPTCY. THE several Persons who stand indebted to the joint or separate Estates of JOHN CLARr^ & HENRY HALL, now or late of MARKET- HARROROUGH, in the County of Leicester, Worsted and Carpet Manufacturers, Bankrupts, are hereby required to pay the Amount of their several and re- spective Debts into the Hands of Mr. Win. Hensmar, of Kimbolton, in the County of Huntingdon ; Mr. Edward Bracebridge, of the Borough of Leiceste: ; Mr. Matthew Wilson, of Kettering, in
the Courny of Northampton; Mr. James Goddard, or Mr. The;. Gurden, of Market- Harborough aforesaid; the A:- signees of the Estate and Effects of the said John Clark and Henry Hall, on or before the first Day of September next; after which Day, all Debts re- maining unpaid will be sued for without further Notice. By Order of the Assignees, GEORGE WARTNABY, Solicitor Market- Harborough, July 14th, 1807. To be S O LD by AUCTION,-"' By JOHN DAY, On Monday the 27th Day of July instant, at the Black Swan Inn, in Warwick, at Eight of tie Clock in the Evening, subject to such Conditions as shall then be produced, ALL
that FREEHOLD and desirable MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, with the Bakehouse, Stable, Barn, Yard, Garden, and Backside thereunto belong- ing, pleasantly situate in SHEEP- STREET in the Borough of WARWICK, between the County- Hall and the High- Church, and within one House of the Hall, now in the Occupation of Mr. Thos. Garratt These Premises may, at a little Expence, be mad; very desirable for a Gentleman who has retired fiom Business; or tor a Tradesman, as the Situation particularly eligible. To'• see the Estate, apply to Mr. GARRATT; and for further Particulars, to Messrs. TOMES & HEYDON, Solicitors, in
Warwick; orMr. KIRBY, Solicitor, in fowcester. i ragement she has hitherto met with, takes this Oppor- tunity of respectfully assuring them, her unremitting { Endeavours will be constantly exerted to deserve their ! future Favours. ) Mrs. C.' s SEMINARY will re- open MONDAY, is to repair immediately to his company; nor is JULY 20th.-- Terms 20 per Annum, including Tea, this permission to interfere with any of the public works 011 which the troops are employed." Washing, Geography, fine Works, and separate Beds. French, Music, and Drawing, by approved Masters, The foundation of an Asvlum for Deaf Ion the usual Terms;
and Dancing taught by Mr. I and . M'Korkeli. A Dumb was laid on Saturday by the Duke of Glot- i- i cester, in the Kent road, nearly opposite the j Bricklayers- arms. . | Sunday night, about eleven o'clock, a young | VACANCY for a Halt- Boarder. Freehold Houses, Hunslop, Bucks, To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DAY, On Thursday the 30th Day of July, 1807, at the Green- Man, near the Church, in HANSLOP aforesaid, exactly at Five o'Clock in the After- noon, in the following Lots, viz. Lot 1. 17IVE MESSUAGES or TENEMENTS, X situate in the Centre of CHURCH- ENH, several Occupations of James Woodland .1, T: L\.
LIR _ 1 . .. ' the GRAMMAR- SCHOOL, DAVENTRY. HE Rev, Mr. FALLOW FIELD respectfully ... . .... informs his Friends, thai his SCHOOL, fo'r man named Thomas Colstone, a journeyman brick- i Classical and Commercial Instruction, will open T layer, in Old- street- road,, having occasion to go j again 011 MONDAY the 2oth of JULY instant, into the yard, was struck to the ground by the j • ~ " lightning, and was in an instant deprived of the sight of both his eyes. MARRIED.] On Saturday last, at St. George's, Hanover- square, the Rev. Anthony Hamilton, son ot Archdeacon Hamilton, to Miss Farquhar, daughter of Sir W.
Earquhar, Bart. DI ED.] On Tuesday, of a paralytic attack, Geo. Saville Carey, the well- known Lecturer, lie had been announced for an exhibition that evening.- Lately, at Ford, in Northumberland, aged 85, Robert Sanderson, who was orderly Serjeant to General Wolfe at the attack on Quebec, and the person represented on the plate as supporting the British General after I he had received his fatal wound. , O1 Just published, Price Is. 6d. BSERVATIONS on the AGRICULTURE in the North of" BEDFORDSHIRE. By JOHN FOSTER, Esq. Bedford: Printed and sold by J. WEBB ; and may be had of Fox, St. Neots; and MARCH,
Wel- lingborough. \\ J ANTED, as an APPRENTICE to a SURGEON * T and APOTHECARY, in genteel and ex- tensive Business, A YOUTH, about 15 or IS Years olfl, of promising Appearance; a fair Premium will be expected, as he will be handsomely treated, and accommodated with the best Medical Books. For Particulars, apply to Dr. KERR, Northampton. \\ T. ANTED, as an APPRENTICE uTa GROCER, TALLOW- CHANDLER, & c. A YOUTH, about 15 or 16 Years of Age. 1 For further Particulars, apply ( if by Letter, Post- j paid,) to T. SANDERS, Higham- Ferrers, North- j amptonshire. DAVENTRY ACADEMY. HOMAS
SANDERS respectfully informs his Friends and the Public, that his SCHOOL wiil open again on MONDAY the 20th Instant. TOW CESTER SCHOOL. WHITE respectfully acquaints his Friends i . and the Public, that he purposes 10 resume the Business of his School on MONDAY the 20th. July 6th, 1807. Rowr. i. i., July 10th, 1807. MASON respectfully informs his Friends, . that his SCHOOL opens 011 MONDAY the 20th Instant. w. SEMINARY 1011 YOUNG GENTLEMEN, MARKET - HARBORO UGH. F. 8SRS. GILL & FOX very respectfully inform their Friends and the Public, that the Business of the above SEMINARY will be
resumed on MONDAY, JULY 27th. Market- Harbor cntgh, July 13th, 1807. ADDERBURY SCHOOL. MESSRS. WOOLSTON EV SON RESPECTFULLY beg Leave to inform their Friends and the Public, that their SCHOOL will open again 011 MONDAY the 20th Instant. Terms and Particulars of'the above will, on Ap- plication, be immediately forwarded to any Lady or Gentleman requesting them. Addcrbury, July 6th, 1837. I Elizabeth Tincey, Mary Woodcock, Mary Amos! 1 and Joseph Tite. Lot 2. A MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, in the Occupation of Joseph Monday. May be viewed by applying to the TENANTS, who have Notice
to quit at Michaelmas next. Particulars may be known by applying to the AUCTIONEER, in Stony- Stratford. To be peremptorily RE- SOL. D, Pursuant to an Order ot ihe High Court of Chancery, made in the Causes SMITH against SMITH, and SMITH against Homs, with the Approbation of John Ord, Esq. one of tiie Masters of the said Court, on Friday the 28tli Day of August, 1807, at the Cock lun, in Stony- Stratford, in the County of Bucks, at I'wo o'clock in the Afternoon pre- cisely, in two Lots, \ CLOSE ot LAND, containing, by Estima- tion, two Acres and six Perches," or there- abouts, Iving near the Town of CAJ. VERTON, in
the said County; and TWO CLOSES of good LAND, adjoining each other, containing, by Esti- mation, 21 Acres, or thereabouts, lying h. the Fields of CALVERTON aforesaid, one of which Closes is now in Pasture, and the other in Tillage; and all which Closes are Copyhold, held ot the Manor of Calverton, on the West Sideof Stony- Stratford afore- said, at a Fine certain, are Tytbe- free, and now lett 10 Richard Longman, as Tenant at Will, at the annual Rent of £. 11, clear of all Deductions. Printed Particulars may be had ( gratis) at the said Master's Chambers, in Southampton- Buildings, Chancery- Lane; of Mr. Jones, Solicitor,
Millman- Place, Bedford- Row; of Messrs. Kindcrley, Long & I nee, Solicitors, Gray's- lnn, London; and of Mr. Jeyes, and Mr. Howes, Solicitors, Northampton. WANTED, A PERSON MANAGEMENT and " VY ANTED, as an APPRENTICE to a BAKER, * T A stout active LAD, not less than 16 Years of Age, as he will be immediately put to Business. Apply to SAMUEL MEE, Baker, High- Street, Wellingborough. V/ TTANTED, FOUR JOURNEYMEN JOINERS, • v good Hands; Wages according to merit. Apply to THOMAS HUCHES, Carpenter and Joiner, Towcester. \ Y ANTED immediately, a JOURNEYMAN * *
WHEELWRIGHT.— No one need apply but a good Hand, as the Care of the Business will be left principally to him. Enquire of EDWARD MASTERS, Carpenter and Joiner, Kilsby, Northamptonshire. Constant Employ and good Wages will be given. to undertake the MAINTENANCE of the POOR of the Parish of SPRATTON, in the County of Northampton, either by the Whole, or at per Head. Apply to the PARISH- OFFICERS of SPRATTON aforesaid. BIGGLESWADE, July 6th, 1807. WANTED, on Annuity, from ,£. 500 to £. 1200, to build a HOUSE for the Use of the POOR of the Parish of BIGGLESWADE, in the County of
Bedford; sufficient Security will be given. Apply to the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of the said Parish. M T) N~ EY! ~ NOBLEMEN, Gentlemen, & c. may be sup- plied with Money to any Amount," on Terms equal to Mortgage, secured on Freehold, Copyhold, Leasehold Land or Houses, Money in the Funds, Marriage Settlements, Widows' Jointures, Clergy- men's Livings, or any other Property. Gentlemen will find every liberal Accommodation without delay. Letters ( Post- paid) atldressed to Messrs. WILLS & Co. No. 10, South>- Street, Berkeley- Square, London, will be attended to. A Freehold and Tythe- J'ree
Estate. To be SOLD by AUCTION, ( WITH IMMEDIATE POSSESSION,) On Wednesday the 29th Inst. 1807, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, at the White- Hart Inn, Ampt- hill, Bedfordshire, unless disposed of by Private Contract, of which timely Notice will be given, AVery neat, well- built, Brick and Tile Sashed HOUSE, in good Repair, pleasantly situated in CHURCH- STREET, AMPTHILL, Bedfordshire, fit for the Reception of a small independent Family; consisting ot a good Kitchen, Pantry, Cellar, two neat Parlours, four Sleeping- Rooms, with neat Fire- places and Closets, three good Garrets, a detached Scullery, vritli a
Pump and Well of good Water therein, a good Laundry, a Two. stall Stable and large Loft, a Yard, and a good Garden, well planted with Wall and other Fruit Trees; and an Acre of Land near the sarfie. STT The Fixtures, Sec. to be taken by Appraise- ment. For a View, and to treat for the same, apply to Mr. DAVIS, Attorney, Ampthill; or Particulars! i EDWARD BOVINGDON. TF EDWARD ROVING DON and ANN his K Wife, late of 1- OUG. HTON, in the County of Buckingham, will apply at the Office of Messrs. Tomes & Burman, Solicitors, in Southam, in the County of Warwick; or to Messrs. Congreve Se Worley, Solicitors, in
Stony- Stratford, in the said County of Buckingham ; they will heat of Something to the- ir Advantage. Southam, July 1 ftrh, 3807. To Jintggists. To be DISPOSED OF, rpiIE STOCK in TRADE and FIXTURES 8 of a DRUGGIST, CHEMIST, and PER- FUMER, lately resident at LEICESTER; together with the Lease of the Shop and Dwelling- House, if more desirable to a Purchaser. The Stock has be'en laid in, from the first Markets, within these last six Months, and has been selected with great Care. The Situation is very elesirable, being in one of the prin- cipal Streets in the Town. For further Particulars, apply to Mr. SULTZER, .
Draper, Market- Place, Leicester. ' To SOLD bv PRIVATE CONTRACT, - st capital GENTLEMAN'S- LATHE, for be AMost GENTI. EMANV turning small Work in Ivory and hard Woods, handsomely mounted in Mahoeany and Brass ( bv litiltxapfell), with turning Tools complete; also, a Machine for grinding the Tools. For Particulars, apply to the Rev. Mr. MONT- GOMFRY, Milton, near Northampton ( where the Lathe may he seen standing); or to Messrs. DENNIS & SON, Northampton. A desirable Purchase. To be SOLD bv AD C'T IO N, By Mr. P. 11' E S T O N, At the Sign of the Cro^ s, in Helmdon, in the County of
Northampton, oil Monday the 20th Dav of July instant, between the Hours of Two and Five in the Afternoon, subject to stich Conditions as shall then be produced ( unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, of which Notice will be given), rpllE following FREEHOLD ESTATE, « ituate _ L at HELMDON aforesaid, in Lots .— Lot 1. A Messuage or Tenement, with a Bakehouse in good Trade, a large Barn, Stable, Garden, and a small Close thereto belonging, now in the Occupation of Mr. John Parkins, the Proprietor. Lot 2. One other Messuage or Tenement, with a Barn and Garden thereto belonging, now in the Occu pation of William Bull. HELMDON is very populous, and conveniently si- tuated between Banbury, Towcester, Brackley, and Buckingham, and is a very desirable Situation for a Baker, there being no other than the Proprietor, whose Health the Business dees not agree with, re- sident therein. To see the Estate, apply to the Occupiers; and for fusther Particulars, or to treat for the same, to the Proprietor, or Mr. KIRBY, Attorney at Law, in Towcester; or the Auctioneer, at Hinton, near Brackley. Freehold Estate. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By P. WE ST ON, On Monday the 27th Day of July instant, between the Hours of Two and
Five in the Afternoon of . the same Day, at the Chequers, in Wappenham, in the County of Northampton, ALL that CLOSE of rich ARABLE LAND, containing, by Estimation, one Acre, or there- abouts, be the same more or less, situate in the Parish of WAPPENHAM aforesaid, now in the Tenure or Oc- cupation of Mr. Robert Cockerill, Tenant at Will. For a View, apply on the Premises; and for further may be known of Mr. AMES, Market- Street, Hert- j Particulars, to Mr. BUXTERFIELD, Attorney, Brack- fordshire; if by Letters, Post- paid. N. B. A Coach by the Door three Times a Week I Bracklcy iley; or the Auctioneer, Hinton- in the- Hedges, near to London. I Brackley, July 10th, 1807. BY THE KING'S PATENT. RYMER's CARDIAC AND NERVOUS TINCTURE. rriIE following, from a married Lady of Dis- 1- tinction, is a further Proof of the Efficacy of the above Medicine in alarming Cajgj of Spasm : To Mr. RYMER, Surgeon, Reigate, Surrey, SIR,— La » t October I was taken with an unpleasant Sensation in my Head, atteneled with a Degree of Drowsiness unusual to me. The Medical Gentleman who attends us, bled me moderately, and applied a Blister to my Back, which relieved my Head ; but soon after 1 was seized with an alarming Spasm on my
Chest, with invariably a Pain down my lett Arm, and which would only give Way to some very warm Medicine, or a little strong Brandy and Water: This, by occasioning an Eructation immediately, removed it for some Hours; but at length it recurred period- ically, and attacked me at Five in the Morning, Eleven in the Forenoon, and Six or Seven in the Evening, and sometimes oftener. The Physician having strong Reasons to suspect my Case to be angina pectoris, his Prescriptions were principally Opium, combined with warm nervous Medicines ; but the momentary Benefit derived from them was counterbalanced by the Effee
produced by their costive Quality. Carminatives, Sec. were also prescribed, but they afforded only a transcient Relief. Being very nervous, hysterical, and dispirited, a Friend recommended yirir Tincture, which I am happy to say in a few Weeks, entirely removed the Complaints, without the least Return for more than a Month. I perhaps acted unwisely „ s to the Medicine, by discontinuing it too abruptly, : s the Spasms returned.— After some time I again ad- verted to your Medicine, mixing the proper Quantity in Camomile Tea, and have found it equally efficacious as at first. Its effects are, warming the Region of in? Breast,
expelling tile Wind, and'acting as a gent!* Aperient. I have taken one Pint and five Half Pints of your inestimable Tincture, which I purchased at Messrs. Hazard and Binns's, of this City. Fr, , n tin: dread" i feel of the recurrence of the Spasms, 1 shall not willingly be induced to leave it off; and as we have taken a House at Weymouth for the Summer, 1 wish to have your Advice, and what Quantity you think necessary for my future Use, immediately frein yourself, and a Remittance shall be duly made for the Amount, Sec. I have the Pleasure to subscribe myself, Sir, your truly obliged humble Servant, Bath, May 15/ 4, 1806. I.. D. {
pf The frequent Instances of sudden Death from Spasmodic Diseases, induce Mr. Rymer to state, that the CARDIAC and NERVOUS TINCTURE is used with the greatest Success in all Gouty, Nervous, and Paralyse Spasms in the Stomach, Chest, and Head, generally termed Gout or Cramp in the Stomach ; Spasmodic Asthma, Palpitation of the Heart, Vertigo, Apoplectic Habit, Sec. In all violent Attacks of those Complaints, which by Neglect, or improper Treatment, so often terminate fatally, the above VIedicine gives instant Relief. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Dicey & Sutton,, Bow Church- Yard, London, and at their Ware-! house in Northampton ; and Retail by Edge, and. Marshall, Northampton; Robins, Bates, and Wil- kinson, Daventry; Mather, and Broughton, Welling- borough; Fisher, Higham- Ferrers; Rollason, anet Merridew, Coventry ; Sliarpe, Warwick ; Roberts, Southam; Gregory, Leicester; Harrod, Harborough ; Munn, and Collis & Dash, Kettering; Newcomb, Stamford; Eaton, Thrapston; York Se Summers, Oun- dle; Jacob, and Horden, Peterborough; Jenkinson, Huntingdon; Hodson, Cambridge; Palgrave, & Okely, Bedford; Inwood, and Barringer, Newport- Pagnell; Queneborough, Dunstable ; Darton, ar. dTapp, Hitchin; Inns, and
Gallard, Towcester; Seeley, Bucking- ham; Jones, Oxford; Richardson, Stony- Stratford; Hawkes, Lutterworth; Brinkler, Bicester; and bv every Vender of Patent Medicines in the United Kingdom ; in Bottles ot 2s. 9d. 6s. and lis. each; also in Pint Bottles, at 22s. by which there is a considerable Saving. Of whom may likewise he had, RYMER's PECTORAL MEDICINE WITH VITAL AIR, a Preventive of the Consumption ot the Lungs, commonly called a Decline; in Bottles at 2s. 9d. 6s. and lis. each, Duty included. *
Fridav and Saturday's Posts. LONDON, July 17. TIIE Princess of Wales cutter, which arrived at Yarmouth yesterday, brought over Co- lonel Harvev, with dispatches from Lord Hutchin- son. She lauded the Colonel at Whitby the day before, whence he set off immediately for town. The contents of these dispatches had not trans- pired^ but they are believed to relate to the con- ference:; that have taken place between the two Emperors, and the consequences likely to result from them. ' 1 he following Notice was yesterday posted at Lloyds:— " Tonningen, July 8th. " The order given by the English Consul, for all British ships to
leave this port, is counter- manded ; there being 110 reason to apprehend arty hostile measure in this quarter." An American paper states, that the Phaeton frigate, of 36 guns, Captain Cockburn, had captured, in the Indian Seas, a Spanish ship from Manilla, with upwards of a million dollars 011 board, and carried her into Mocha. The Austrian Government has appointed a max- imum on bread, meat, & c. in consequence of the Mr. M'KORKELL RESPECTFULLY acquaints his Friends, the > next Quarter commences at his ACADEMY, in the SQUARE, on WF. DNF. SDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 29th, for YOUNG LADIES and G
ENTLE- MEN; and where the most particular Attention will be given to facilitate their Improvement. Northampton, 18th July, 1807. NORTHAMPTON VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. THE above Corps is requested to parade 011 TUESDAY next, at Ten o'Clock, for an Inspection by Lieutenant- Colonel Deiaval. HENRY LOCOCK, Major- Commandant. July 18rA, 1807. bakers and butchers of Vienna having demanded i 0f tjie sufferers to exorbitant prices for those articles. In the action of the 14th of June, Lord Hut- chinson, who was near General Bennigseii, had a verv narrow escape. His horse was killed untler him by the bursting of a
shell. We are happy to add, that his Lordship was not wounded, though considerably bruised. It is reported, that advices have been received of the second division of our expedition having passed the Sound, and that the Archduke C011- stantineis to be created Kmg'of Poland. The American Treaty Indemnity Bill passed the House of Lords on Wednesday. To be L E T T, APEW, in ST. SEPULCHRE'S CHURCH, NORTH- AMPTON . Enquire of the SEXTON. Lodgings to lett, ready furnished. AGENTLEMAN or LADY, or TWO SINGLE LADIES, may be accommodatcd with commodious APARTMENTS, in an airy and pleasant
Situation in the Country; the Particulars of which may be known by Application to J. ABEI., Northampton. SILVERSTONE FIRE ~ npHE Committee who have undertaken the X Management of the Contributions for the Relief of the unfortunate People whose Properties were destroyed by the FIRE, return the grateful Thanks DISSOLUTION ot PARTNERSHIP. rg'MIE Partnership between CHARLES LONG- 1- ST A 1 F li and WILLIAM SANDERS, of the Town of NORTHAMPTON, IRONMONGERS and SEEDSMEN, was this Day dissolved by mutual Consent. Witness our Hands this 10th Day of June, 1807, CHAS.
LONGSTAFFE. WM. SANDERS. Witness; THEOPH. JE. YES. £. s. .. 21 0 W. R. Cartwright, Esq. for the Sum of And to the different Parishes herettnder- mentioned, for the several Sums they have charitably collected: — The Parish of Tiffield 6 6 Litchborough 7 11 Slapton 0 16 Plumpton 0 12 iilakesley and Woodcnd 7 0 Braunston 5 6 Greensnorton Marston- St.- Lawrence Welford Sibbertoft TllOS. GIBB1iSS 4 CHAS. LONGSTAFFE, IRONMONGERS AND SEEDSMEN, MOST respectfully acquaint their Friends and . the Public, that they have entered into PARTNERSHIP, and beg Leave to solicit a Con- tinuance of their
Favours; assuring them, no Exer- tions on their Part shall be wanting to merit their Patronage and Support. The Trade will in future be carried on at the Premises of Mr. GIBBINS, in the Market- Place. Northampton, Julyith, 1807. DRAPERS', NORTHAMPTON^ ILLIAM SANDERS, IRONMONGER and SEEDSMAN, returns his most grateful Thanks to his Friends and the Public, for Favours received during his Partnership with Mr. LONGSTAFFE; and begs Leave to acquaint them, that the above Businesses will be continued on his own sole Account, at the Shop and Premises in the DRAPERY, NORTH- AMPTON, where the
Partnership Concern was carried on, and humbly solicits their future Favours, which it will be his Study to merit, by having a gene- ral Assortment of Goods of the first Quality, and upon the most reasonable Terms. N. B. An APPRENTICE WANTED. w Brandt/ - Vaults, BEDFORD. We understand the two vacant Blue Ribbands , T]) e Committee take this Opportunity of assuring are to be given to the Maiquis ot Hertford and , the pubUc> that the Report of a Surplus having al- the Earl of Lonsdale, and that a Chapter ot the | ready been received is totally unfounded. They have Order of the Carter is to be held at Windsor, on I
distributed the Sum of ^'. 65 lis. among the poorer Saturdav, for the purpose of investing them. Sufferers, which with i'. 82 12s. 6d. above- stated, 1 makes £ 14S 3s 6ci Yesterday Elizabeth Bennet was charged before | They ,; ave been ' informed, that about =£. 300 has Alderman Shaw, the sitting Magistrate at Liuild- j been received by Mr. GATES, of Nortl tmpton. and hall, with stealing a female child, about three i other Gentlemen who have kindly interested th. m- wceke old, from a poor woman of the name of I selves on the Behalf of the Sufferers; and as it appears Bedekin; who told tile Alderman, that she had I b7 the
Statement expressed in the Letter which was jjeutMii, v> i. i » " « > , I circulated, that the Loss amounted to the Sum ot lain- JJ about five weeks since 111 St. Andrews ^ JGGGGS. 6d. it is much to be feared that the Contri- wockhouse, Gray's Inn- lane, and that soon after | butions will fall far short of the Loss which was sus- » he came out, she was taken with a lit in IJolborn, j tained. The Committee likewise assure the Public, during which timelier infant was stolen away from that the four principal Sufferers, whose Losses her; that she had made her complaint ' to the amount to 1124 3s. lid exclusive of the Insu. . j i i j , . ' j .. „.„,.,
i I ranee, were Occupiers ot their own Houses; that the officers of St. Andrew s, who advertised a reward, u 1 lime, Rum, und H I GH- STRE ET, \;\* n. l. l \. M BROWN takes the earliest Op- ' • portunity of informing his numerous Friends and the Public, that the PARTNERSHIP lately I subsisting between himself and Mr. OKELY, in the 0 J WINK, SPIRIT, and PORTER TRADE, is dissolved. jj j — He returns his most sincere Thanks for the Jj i Favours already conferred in the above Business, 0 ! and most earnestly solicits a Continuation of the 6 same; assuring them, it shall be his constant Study b ; always to have a Supply ot
the choicest Wines and " ; Spirits, of the first Importation, on the most rea- ~ 1 sonable Terms; and by a strict Attention to Business st. bz 1- 6 he hopes to be honoured with their future Commands. July Kth, 1807. .13 8 .15 14 . 3 1 . 1 16 by hand- bills, for the child; in consequence of which she was informed that, it was at nurse with utmost Attention was paid to the Circumstances of the several Sufferers ; that five People who received [ Injury were not admitted into the List, because they j a woman in Red- Lion- coui't, London- wall, and had were thought capable, either by their Insurance or been placed there bv the prisoner:
she described j their ow » Properties, of bearing the Loss; and that, • .1 I 1 r' I- i , l„ ,,|,„„ 1... 1 after a very minute Investigation, the Committee are a mark on the childs face, and the clothes it had thbroughl£ collvince( i tha8t the'Sums £ tated are in- 1 on when it was stolen, which corresponded with j adequate to ' "" " ' " " the infant's appearance. PETERBOROUGH, JTILV 9th, 1807. RPHE Annual Meeting of the STEWARDS and I. SUBSCRfBERS to the CHARITY tor the RELIEF of the WIDOWS and ORPHANS of POOR CLERGY M E N, and of the N F. C E S SI TO U S CLERGYMEN, within the DIOCESE of PETER BOROUGH, will be held at the WHITE- HORSE INN, in TOWCESTER, on TUESDAY the 2ist Day of JULY instant. By Order of the Stewards and Subscribers, WILT l.\ M GATES. Jun. Secretary. ' To toaaiers and others. A NY PERSON found Angling, Trolling, J- 1 Netting, or in any Manner disturbing the WATER in the Liberties of KINOSTHORPE or DALLINGTON, will he prosecuted according to Law. To MASONS. NOTICE is hereby given, That a Meeting of the Commissioners of the Western Division defence, said the child was her own; that she had laiu- in four weeks since, in Mary- le- bonne work- house ; that she had left
it a week sooner than usual, us she did not wisli to swear the child, whose father sh « had lived with about a twelvemonth, but who was now in the King's Bench.— The Al- derman ordered the matrons of the workhouses to attend on a future day; in the mean time, he told the nurse to take care of it till the real mother would be found; but this the one who lost the child could not agree to, but cried bitterly, saying she would not part with her infant, but would even go to prison with it. The Alderman at last agreed she should take charge of the child, and go to the workhouse till the next examination. HOUSE of COMMONS, Thursday,
July 16. VOLUNTEERS. Sir T. TURTON mpved for a return of the actual Effective Force of the Volunteers of Great- Britain and Ireland. He rejoiced that measures would be to- morrow proposed to the House by the Noble Lord ( Castiereagh), who had paid the utmost attention to every part of our military defence, and particularly to the Volunteers. There were Returns on the table up to the 6th of December, 1806. Those Returns were, however, known to be very inaccurate, and haidly to be depended upon. It would be in vain to conceal that the Volunteer Force had decreased to an alarming degree ; and it was no wonder that it
had so happened, when the language as well as the conduct of the late Administration with respect to the Volunteers, was taken into consideration. He knew, however, that the hearts and spirit of the body of them weie sound; and he was convinced that, with but . little encou- ragement frosi the Government, their former order might easily be revived. He did not see that any thing so effectual could be substituted in the place of the Volunteer System. The CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER allowed that the last Returns could not be absolutely relied upon, as they were made by the Olficers in their own way, without any
directions or check from the Government. He thought that the best returns of the situation of the Volunteer Force were likely to ba got from the reports of the Inspecting Field- Officers. Mr. SHAW I. EFEVRF. warmly contended, that the reason of the decrease ot the Volunteer Force, was by no means from any conduct pursued, or any language heidby the Jate Administration, but merely because there did not appear any immediate necessity for their services, as the enemy was not on the coast. But, should the enemy return to the coast, lie was con- vinced it would soon appear that there was no falling off, either in the numbers
or spirit of the Volunteers. The Papers moved for were then granted. ' of the River Nen, will be holden at the G CILDHALL, in the Town of NORTHAMPTON, on MONDAY the 10th Day of AUGUST next, at Eleven o'Clock in the , Forenoon; when they will receive Pioposals for re- " Public, as'they & and S^ nwtrk S^ unfh ^ C°"° n Sums which have been collected, thev will nublish ! Stanw,. ck Stau" cl1- after a very minute Investigation, the Committee are thoroughly convinced, that the Sums stated are in- . ? » '• adequate to the Damage done; and thev further assure IM-. o. The prisoner, in her | the Public, that as soon as thev
have received the I P"" ™ '* , he. MaM> ni> Work at LONDON, July 18. YESTERDAY arrived a Tonningen Mail, which brings no confirmation of the account of Preliminaries of Peace having been actually signed between Russia and France; letters from Holland, however, continue to insist upon the fact, as ap- pears from the following postscript to one frora Rotterdam, dated July 11, at night:—" We have but time to inform you, that an express from the French head- quarters brought the intelligence, that on the ^ th of June, the Preliminaries of Peace were signed between France, Russia, and Prussia. The particulars are not yet
known." From this statement it would appear, that Prussia is included in the negociation, and it is even added, that the following terms, among others, have been agreed upon, viz. " That Poland shall be possessed, as before, by Prussia and Russia; that all the Prussian territories are to be restored, except Silesia and Westphalia; that the fortress of Magdeburgh shall be garrisoned by the French, until peace between Great- Britain and France shall take place; and that all the ports and places on this side of the Elbe shall henceforward be under the dominion and controul of France. It is conjectured, that Bremen, Ernbden, and the
whole of East Friesland, are to be united to Holland; and that Silesia is to be erected into a separate Principality." The Minerva of Guernsey, which sailed from Monte Video on the 27th of April, has arrived; and brings advices, that no attack had been made oil Buenos Ayres up to that date. The Captain reports, that the Spaniards, to the number of 2000 and upwards, beaded by a Frenchman, made an attack on Maldonado, a few days before his departure. The place was defended by an in- ferior British force. The conflict, whilst it lasted, was desperate, but never was for a moment doubt- ful. Our troops soon put the Spaniards to
flight, and made great slaughter amongst them; and many prisoners were taken. Our loss did not exceed three men killed, and a few wounded. The Spaniards who were suffered to remain at Monte Video after its capture, had contrived to secrete in their houses a quantity of arms and ammunition, for the purpose, no doubt, of at- tempting an insurrection; but their plans were timely discovered, and the arms and ammunition seized. Since that affair, an order was issued by the Governor, that no Spaniard should be absent from home after eight o'clock in the evening, on pain of being severely punished. We are happy to announce
the arrival of the homeward- bound Jamaica fleet, under convoy of the La Pique frigate. The fleet consists of 170 sail. NORTHAMPTON IAMPS. ANY Persons desirous of entering into Contract for LIGHTING the public LAMPS in the Town of NORTHAMPTON, with Patent Burners, are requested to send their Proposals, Post- paid, to the Clerk to the Commissioners, on or before the 3d Day of AUGUST next, in order th. it the same may be laid before the Commissioners, at their Meeting to be held on the following Day, at the GUILDHALL, in the said Town, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon. T he Number of Lamps to be lighted is
327, which are to be all lighted up by one Hour after Sun- set, and to continue burning until Twelve o'Clock at Night, fbr one hundred and twenty- six Nights, at Intervals, between the 23d Day of September next, and the 5th Day of April following. CHARLES MARKFIAM, Clerk to the Commissioners. Northampton, July 18th, 180?. NO RTHAMPTONSHIRE. Valuable Freehold Estate, Tythe- free, and Land- Tax redeemed. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. SMITH, At the Hind Inn, in Wellingborough, in the County of Northampton, on Thursday the 20th Day of August, 1807, at Four in the Afternoon, , AMost capital FREEHOLD
FARM, Tythe- free, situate in the Parish of FTNEDON, within two Milesof Wellingborough aforesaid ; con- sisting of upwards of 206 Acres of fertile Arable, Pasture, and Meadow Land, whereof about 40 Acres are Meadows, and the Remainder dry, healthy Turnip Soil, a great Part of which has been used as a Sheep- Pasture for Time immemorial. ' The Whole lays to a Southern Aspect, with an easy Descent from a public Road to the Meadows, which extend to the River Ise. This is one of the most improvable Farms, and best adapted to the Turnip Culture, that have ever been offered to the Public in this County, and is an
extremely desirable Situation for a Residence. The Roads are good, and Manure at easy Distances j and reasonable Rates compared with most Parts of the County in which it is situate. For further Particulars, apply to Messrs, HODSON, Solicitors, in Wellingborough, a correct Account of the Receipts,' together'w^ hrte jN i^ ™ '* ™ : b° Seen ** ,0 Mr'Holi' Mode of Distribution which they have pursued i in. hr/ tool If any Doubt should still remain, they beg to refer ! Noithampton, 1 ith July, 1807. to the Circular Letter, where it will be seen, that the Losses are testified by seven Magistrates ( totally un- connected with the Sufferers)
not to be over- rated; by whom their Case is strongly recommended to the Benevolence of the Public. SAM. BLENCOWE. THOS. FAWCETT. H. BEAUCLERK. G. FLESHER. Capital Live and Dead Stock, Growing Crops of Corn, Hay, Keeping, 4' C. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By ROBERT ANDREWS, On Tuesday and Wednesday the 21st and 22d Davs of July, 1807, on the Premises of the late Mrs. CLAYSON, deceased, at the Castle- Farm, in LAVENDON, Bucks; CONSISTING of 90 well- bred Couples, 80 Tegs, six good Dairy Cows, two In- pig Sows, four Store Hogs, seven Draught Horses, and three yearling Colts;
Harness for 10 Horses; one Narrow- wheel Waggon, five Ditto Carts, Fallow and Seed Ploughs, large and small Harrows, two Field Rolls, All important Addition to the Slock of Books of Education. This Day is published, printed on good Paper, and in a clear Type, corresponding in Size with Dr. Mavor's British Nepos, Price 5s. bound, with the full Allowance to Schools, riW, CLASS- BOOK; or, Three Hundred and - 1 Sixty- five READING LESSONS, for Schools of either Sex; combining, with - he Elements ot all Knowledge, a greater Number of reading Exercises, from the best Authors, than are to be found in any other Work of
the same Description; every Lesson having a clearly- defined Object, ar. l teaching some Principle of Science or Morality, or some important Truth. By the Rev. DAVID BLAIR. The Author has been stimulated to compile these Exercises in Reading, by the Observation, that although there at present exist several excellent Books fbr teaching Reading and Elocution, the Object of them does not extend beyond the mere Combination of Words ; and they consist almost entirely of Passages, selected with Reference to Beauty of Composition only. In the present Work, Elegance has been united with Utility; Sound and Sense have
been and Lead Pump, long aiid short Ladders, Hovel Frames, Forks. Rakes, Hoes, Drags, Pig- Troughs, & c. ; a new Two- dozen Barrel- Churn and Frame, five Milk- Leads, Milk- Rivers, and other Dairy Uten- sils. The CROPS consist of about 42 Acres of Wheat, 27 Ditto of Barley, and 10 Ditto of Beans, in Lots. Also the Keep of 22 Acres of Seeds, and five Acres of Grass, till Old Michaelmas next. Part of a large Rick of prime old Flay and Clover, one large Rick and one Cock of new Hay ; to be taken off the Pie- mises. The HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, BREWI NG- UTKN- SILS, & c. consist of two Bedsteads and Furniture,
four Servants' Bedsteads and four Wool Beds, Quilts and Blankets, Pier and Swing Glasses, Oak Chest of Drawers, Ditto Bureau, square Dining, Tea, and other Tables, Oak- framed and Kitchen Chairs, a Thirty- hour Clock and Case, a Quantity ot Pewter and Brass, China, Glass, Earthenware, & c. ; a very good 80- Gallon Copper and Grate, a smaller Ditto, Vats, Tubs, & c.; five Beer- Pipes, two Puncheons, one Hogshead, two Pipes of Table Beer, some small Casks, & c. The Live and Dead Stock, Growing Crops of Cofn, Hay, and Keeping, will be sold the first Day; and the Household- Furniture, Brewing and Dairy Uten- sils,
the second.— The Sale to begin at Ten o'Clock each Day. The Hay and Straw to be taken off the Premises; and three Months' Credit will be given on approved Security. ~ To be SOLD bv AUCTION, By Messrs. R. E. BLABY, At STOW- HILL VVHARF ( the Day of Sale will appear in a future Paper), PART of the HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, and sundry EFFECTS; consisting of Bureau and other Bedsteads and Hangings ; Feather- Beds ; Dressing and other Tables; Mahogany and Walnut Chairs; Coflee and Tea- Urns; large Kitchen- Range ; large Dough - Trough, Cheese - Press, two Pair of Scales ( one with Chains), good
Iron Beams, and Weights of various Sizes; a One- Horse Chaise, with Harness complete ; Hovel- Timber, Hovel- Posts and Caps, a Quantity of Fire- Wood, old Iron, Boat Lines, and about sixty Dozen of well- made new Hurdles, Tables for Brick- making, Wheelbarrows, and a Variety of other Articles. Also, at UI'PER- WEEDON, in two Lots, ( if not dis- posed of by Private Contract, of/ which Notice will be given), TWO several HO USES ; the first of which consists of a Kitchen, Parlour, back Kitchen, Brewhouse, Pantry, Cellar, four good Lodging - Rooms and Garrets, Stable and Wood- House, with two Gardens, Orchard, and
Homeclose attached ; the second consists of a Cottage, Garden, and Orchard ( both the Orchards containing excellent Fruit Trees); the first Lot has a Pump, the latter a Well of exceeding good Water. From the above Premises, there is a most perfect Prospect of the magnificent Buildings at the Royal Depot. Likewise, that valuable BRICK- YARD, situate in WEEDON- BECK; now in full Work for the Royal Depot. The Kilns and Implements to be taken at a Valuation. Its local Situation renders it very de- sirable. The public Road passing on the one Side, and the Grand Junction Canal on the other Side, gives it the Advantage over
most other Yards for the Conveyance of Bricks by Land or Water. Q^ T WILLIAM HODGKINSON being about to quit Stow- Hill- House and Wharf, and not intending to stop long in this Neighbourhood, requests the im- mediate Settlement of all Debts due to him; and also hereby gives Notice, that unless the same is complied with, he shall put them into his Soli- citor's Hands, to enforce the Payment. PRICE OF STOCKS. Bank Stock .. 3 per Ct. Red. 3 per Ct. Cons. 4 per Ct. Cons. 5 per Ct. N._. Imp. 3per Cts. India Stock .. Omnium Cons, for Acc. Sat. Mon. Tu. Wed. 1 Th. —— .—— 230 63* 62| 162* 624 62} H 63* ti 61* 8I- J81
8041 WHS SIMJ urn 9hi 95:, 9o 94 k 61 j 187 17 8 J i Ipr • Ipr. i nr. ipr. i d. OH Mi 63M 63| 63 Fr. ilii ijdis culated to make the young Reader both wiser and better. i The Author's own Experience as a Teacher, sug- gested to him the Division of his Book into three hundred and sixty- five Lessons, or one tor every Day in the Year; in each of which, the subject Matter is generally finished within the suitable Length of a Lesson. This Division, it is obvious, will be at- tended with an equal Degree of Convenience to the Tutor and Pupil in the actual Business of a public Seminary. Printed for RICHARD PHILLIPS, NO. 6, Bridge- Street,
Blackfriars, London ; and to be had of all Booksellers in the United Kingdom. IMPROVED BOOKS, By Means of which the Art of Reading may be taught in half the usual Time. THE FILTST BOOK. rpHE LONDON PRIMMER; or, First Book; .1 containing the Alphabet, the simple Sounds, and a Gradation of easy and intelligible Phrases and Les- sons, ornamented with sixty pleasing Cuts. By M. PELLAM. The20th Edition, Price Sixpence. THE SECOND BOOK. Dr. MAVOR'S SPELLING- BOOK, being an Improvement of all other Spelling- Books, and uni- versally acknowledged to be the most useful, chaste, and practicable Book
of this Kind ever published. The 35th Edition, Price Is. 6d. bound. ' I HF. THIRD BOOK. BLAIR'S READING EXERCISES, consisting of easy, familiar, and instructive Tales, Narratives, Fables, Descriptions, and Poems; to each of which is prefixed, the long and hard Words, divided and accented in the Manner of Brown's Testament, with numerous Cuts, Price Half- a- Crown. THE FOURTH BOOK. BLAIR's CLASS BOOK, or Lessons for every Day in the Year; combining elegant Composition with Instruction on every Subject of Human Know- ledge, and calculated in every Page to create good Taste, and at the same Time make
the Pupil wiser and better, Price 5s. bound. THE FIFTH BOOK. CLASSICAL ENGLISH POETRY, consisting of the most admired arid popular Pieces of Poetry in the English Language, selected and revised by Dr. Mavor and Mr. Pratt, Price 5s. 6d. bound. Printed for RICHARD PHILLIPS, No. 6, Bridge- Street, Blackfriars; sold by Birdsall, Burnbam, and Abel, Northampton; Rusher, Banbury; Harrod, Har- borough ; Collis & Dash Kettering ; and by all other Booksellers and Stationers, with the largest and fullest Allowance to Schools. N. B. Mr. PHILLIPS has also published the fol- lowing valuable Elementary Books, as Exercises
in miscellaneous. Reading, for the Use of Schools and young Persons: Mavor's British Nepos, 5s. Mavor's Plutarch, 5s. Mavor's Natural History, 6s. Gregory's Polite Education, 5s. Goldsmith's Popular Geography, 12s. Goldsmith's History of England, 3s. 6d, Mavor's History of England, 10s. Mrs. Charlotte Smith's History of England, in Letters to a young Lady at School, 3 Vols. 15s. Bumey's British Neptune, 7s. 6d. Burney's Naval Heroes, 7s. 6d. Mavor's Universal History, 25 Vols. £. 5. Mavor's Roman History, SVoIs. 12s. Mavor's Grecian History, 2 Vols.. 8s. Watkins's Scripture Biography, 5s. Mavor's Father's Gift, 2 Vols. 9s.
The Books of Trades, Ranks, Games, Bible Stories, Tales of the Castle, Ai, kin's Poetry, & c, & c, & c. the parish- church of OverStone", in this county, lately built on a new scite, in lieu of the ancient fabric, which had been for some time before in a ruinous state; and after hearing divine service, and an appropriate sermotij the Sacrament was administered by his Lordship to several coinlnuiii- cants, and the new church- yard was then conse- crated by him, in the presence of a large assem- blage of persons, under a temporary covering prepared for that purpose. Two Petitions were presented in the House of Commons, last
week, complaining of a double return for the borough of Banbury;— one com- plaining of the return of the Hon. Dudley North, and the other complaining of the return of W. Praed, Esq.— Ordered to be heard on Wednesday the 22d instant. On Tuesday last, at a petty sessions held as Kettering, Henry Robinson, of Little- Oakley, was committed to the house of correction in this town, for fourteen days, for not duly performing a contract in husbandry.— It is hoped this wilt operate as a caution to others, it being at this time a practice too prevalent in this county. At. Oxford Assizes, Charles Cpllis, for stealing two sheets of copper
from a barge at Sandford, the property of Messrs. L. & R. Wyatt, burgo- masters, received sentence of death, but is sin.: e reprieved. Charles Rose, convicted of being accessary to the above felony after the fact, to be imprisoned two years. Benjamin Jones, for stealing a quantity of barley. from a barn at Burcot, the property of C. Tawney, Esq. t> he transported for seven years. Esther Marv Gamble and Charles Collins, the former on suspicion of having stolen a gold watch and a silver watch from the dwelling- house of James Coster, of Henley; and the latter for receiving the same, knowing them to be stolen; both to be
imprisoned two years. Richard Ash, for stealing a quantity of hay, of the value of 6d. to be privately whipped and discharged. And Thomas Higgs, for marrying Charlotte Tant, at Stretton Ardley, his former wife being living, to be imprisoned for twenty- four hours. Oil Monday morning, the 6th inst. about one o'clock, Mr. Wain, of Ibstock, who was on a visit at his son's ( a respectable mercer and draper), T.'. mworth, rose in his sleep and walked out of a two- pair of stairs window, nearly 30 feet high, and fell on an irregular stone pavement, provi- dentially without receiving auv serious injury, as he only complained of his feet being
bruised," and of being much shttken. On Wednesday se'nnight, an inquisition was taken at Loughton, in the county of Bucks, before James Burnham, Gent, one of his Majesty's Coroners for the said county, on view of the body of a man unknown, who was found drowned iii the river Ouze. The deceased was first discov ered by the driver or coachman belonging to the Daventry stage, on his return from town, be- tween the hours of four and live, standing upright in the said water, and his hat lying on the opposite side of the bank; and is supposed to have been a person employed as a labourer upon the Grand Junction Canal.— J
urors' verdict, Accidental Death. On Thursday se'nnight, an inquisition was taken at Woburn, in the county of Bedford, before R. A. Reddall, Gent. Coroner of the honor of AniptUill, upon view of the body of John Brown, aged 10 years, who the day preceding, as he was bathing in a nond in the parish of Woburn, got out of his depth and was drowned. Means were used to restore animation, but without effect, the body having been a considerable time in the water. Verdict— Accidentally drowned. CAMBRIDGE, July 10.— Tuesday last ( being Com- mencement Day) the following gentlemen were ad mitted to the under- mentioned
degrees:— 4 Doctors In Divinity.— Drs. Richard Ramsden, fellow of Trinity ( by mandate); Thomas Acland, of St. John's, rector of Christ- church, Surrey; Gerrard Andrewes, of Trinity, rector ofSt. James's, Westmin- ster; and John Bristow, of Clare- hall, rector of St. Mary's, Nottingham. 4 Doctors of Physic.— Drs. John Warded) ot Em- manuel, physician at Warwick ; Richard Sill, of Em- manuel, fellow of Clare- hall, and physician in Cambridge; Charles Larchin, of Emmanuel, phy- sician to the army; and Tristram Whitter, of Christ college, physician at Worthing. 8 Bachelors in Divinity.— Rev. John Kempshorne, Gawen
Biaithwaite, Thomas Jackson, and Thomas Waldron Hornbuckle, of St. John's ; Samuel Chilcott, fellow of Sidney; John Gilpin, of Mag- dalen; William Evans, of Pembroke- hall; and Thomas C. Fell, fellow of Jesus college. 2 Honorary Masters of Arts, 6 Bachelors in Civil Law, and 96 Masters of Arts. Mr. Crowther, of Magdalen, and Mr. Paul, of Christ college, are admitted Bachelors of Arts. Mr. R. B. Byaui is admitted a fellow of King's college. Mr. John Fiott, of St. John's, is elected into one of the travelling fellowships founded by j Wm. Worts, Esq. in the room of Mr. Thomas '; Jones, of Peterhouse. | The Bishop of London has
transferred twelve ! hundred pounds stock to the Master and Fellows ! of Christ college, Cambridge, and directed the i interest of it to be laid out annually in the purchase I of three gold medals, to be contended for by 1 the Students of that college; one of fifteen guineas, a prize for the best Latin dissertation on some j evidence of Christianity; another of fij'teen guineas, NORTHAMPTON, SATURDAY EVENING, July 18. SIR. BIRDSALL, Bookseller, NORTHAMPTON, respectfully informs the Gentlemen of the FACULTY, and STUDENTS in MEDICINE, within the circuit of this Paper, that the first Number of a new Volume of that
valuable Professional Work, the MEDICAL and PHYSICAL JOURNAL, conducted by Doctors BRADLEY, BATTY, and NOEHDEN, teas published on the first. Day of this Month; and Persons who are disposed to take it in regularly from this Time, are requested to give their Orders to him, the Nezcs- men, or their respective Booksellers, on or before the 25th instant. BIRTH:] On Sunday last, at his Lordship's house, in Hertford- street, May- fair, London, Lady Milton, of a daughter. MARRIED.] On Thursday last, at St. George's, Hanover- square, the Right Hon. Lord St. John, of Bletsoe, Beds, to Miss Rouse Boughton, daughter of
Sir C. W. R. Boughtan. On Monday se'nnight, at Melton- Mowbray, Leicestershire, the Rev. Charles Tovvnsend, to Miss Lucy Jesse, youngest daughter of the Rev. Wm. Jesse, of West- Broinwieh, Staffordshire. On Thursday se'nnight, Richard Davrell, Esq. of Lillingstone - Dayrell, Bucks, to Miss Dax, daughter of John Dax, Esq. of London. Same day, at Studliam, Bedfordshire, Robert Bentlev, Esq. of Bedford- street, Covent- garden. London, to Miss Goodwin, daughter of George Goodwin, Esq. of Studham. DIED.] On Monday morning, at Fitzroy Farm, | a pnze for the best English composition on some the Right Hon. Dowager
Lady Southampton, j moral precept of the gospel; and one often guineas, On Monday se'nnight, after a lingering illness, ja prize to the most distinct and graceful reader in, Mrs. Bullivant, wife of Mr. Bullivant, solicitor, j of Oakham. ] On Wednesday se'nnight, at Wallington- House, ' the Master.— The subjects will not be given out Surrey, of a decline, in the 2ad year of his age, , till October; which, in this first instance, it is Mr. Brooke Bridge.', late of Magdalen College, | probably that the Bishop will propose himself. Oxford, and eldest son of Mr. John Bridges, of [ OXFORD, Jul¥ ll.- Rev. Richard H. Amphlett, Maldon, Essex. 1 — - -
• •• -- • - •• Same day, in the 64th ; i R. Mundy, formerly rector cestersliire. Same day, after a few days' illness, Mr. John Johnson, farmer and cow- dealer, of Easington, near Banbury. Lately, at High- Wycombe, Bucks, in the G6th year of his age, Mr. Jacob Allen, upwards of 30 years coach- master of that: place. Last week, at Felmersham, Beds, aged 17, Eliza, second daughter of Mr. John Miller, some- time of Finedon, in this county. Having endured a long and painful illness with exemplary resig- nation, she departed in the full assurance, and in the rapturous foretaste, of a blessed immor- tality. Oil Saturday last, at his house
in Miliman- street, London, John Short, Esq. of Edlington, Lincolnshire. On Sunday last, at Ampthill, Beds, after a short illness, aged 45 years, Mrs. Ann Morris, wife of Mr. William Morris, baker. The variety and obscurity of her case seemed beyond the reach of medicine, and to bafne the most anxious elfbrts of eminent medical experience, which has deprived the community of a valuable member. She was of the society called Friends, and a character generally re- spected; but the privation will be more poignantly felt by a large family left to deplore the loss of an indulgent parent. The Rev. Kingsman Forster, B. A. of St. John's
college, has been instituted to the rectory of Dowsby, in Lincolnshire, on the presentation of the Rev. Thainas Forster, of Tinwell, near Stamford. On Sunday last, the Lord Bishop of this diocese, attended by his Chaplains, his Chancellor, and other proper officers, was pleased to consecrate and regular attendant at, Chapel; and the surplus, if any, to be laid out in books, and distributed by = I UXFORD, July 11.— Kev. liicnaru ix. Ampniett, - , • .1 II I of University colloge ( Grand- Compounder); Rev. year of his age, the Rev . j- Belfiel( i (/ Qnel aUll Rev. T. Pearce, of ctor of Claybrook, Lei- ExetcJ; areadmitted Masters of Arts.- Ur.
Kvanci^ Owen, of Christ- church, is admitted Bachelor of Arts. ( 13* The prisoners in the county gaol return thanks to the gentlemen of the Grand Jury at the assizes, lor 0s. 6d.; also to the gentlemen of the Grand Jury at the quarter- sessions, for 7s.; left in the hands of the gaoler. PRICE of CORN per Quarter at Northampton, Saturday, July IS. Wheat, 66s. to 72s. Od. Rva, 50s. Od. to 51s. Barley. 36s. Od. to 39s. Od. Oats." 26=. Od. to 32s. Od. J. GRAFTON, Inspector. Beans, 40s. 0d. to— s. Od. Peas, — s. Od. to— s. Od. By the Standard Measure. Corn- Exchange, London, Thursday, July 16. The supply of Wheat to- day is
rather inconsiderable, and sales in this trade are nearly at the last prices. — Rye is dearer.— A short supply of Barley, which is at better price.— Scarce any White Peas, which are at an uncommon advance in price.— Grey are higher.— Beans of each kind are higher also, and but few at hand.— There are several fresh arrivals of Foreign Oats, and but few of first quality, which are dearer.— In Flour but little variation. LIST of FAIRS, from July 20, to Aug. 1, within the Circuit of this Paper. M. July 20. Fatheringhay. W. 22. Ramsey and Chesham. S. 25. Erith. M. 27. Stow- on. the- JVould, Stratford- upon- Avon, and Leighton. Bux.
xard. Th. — SO. Higham- Ferrers. F. 31. Market- Harborough and Char/ bury. S. Aug. 1. Leicester.
MY MOTHER, AH, who is she, who e pensive face, * The soft maternal smile adorning. And mild blue eye still bids me trace The promise bright of life's gay morning? When once a gem of beauty rare, She shore, unrival'd by another; Meek, modest, wise, as she was fair, In youth's sweet morn— such was my Mather. The duteous daughter, faithful friend— The tender wife— soft, mild, forbearing; Still did her polish'd presence lend A charm to life— ah ! how endearing. Still shrinking from the public view, In all the pride of youthful beauty, No childish thirst for fame she knew, But strew'd with flowers the patli of duty. And oft, when
fate's unerring dart, Death to a mother's hopes has given, Still did she teach her breaking heart Submission to the will of Heaven. O ! thou great power, whom well I know, Of gvery earthly good the donor, Still shield her future life from woe, And shed thy choicest blessings on her. O ! grant a daughter's fervent prayer, One only boon, I ask no other; That still thro' life, each circling year, With every joy may bless my Mother! And when these fragile mortal ties, The awful word of fate shall sever, O ! may her children spotless rise, To dwell with her in bliss for ever. 1 HOUSE of COMMONS, Friday, July 10. NAVAE ABUSES. Lord
COCHRANE stated, that from a wish to give authenticity to the motions he was about to submit, he was induced to move for the production of a variety of documents, which would shew the state in which the Channel Fleet had been kept in 1805. The first document he should move for, was a letter from the Captain of the Phoenix schooner, to Captain Keats, commander of the Rochefort squadron. That letter would describe the state in which the officers and crew of that vessel were, after having been for a long period at sea. The Captain stated, that their stock was out, and that they were waiting for clean shirts and fresh
provisions. This was only eight weeks before the Phcenix went down. The letter also com- plained to Commodore Keats, that the Phoenix sailed worse and worse; and that it would be difficult, if not impossible, ever to bring her into an English port. It was also proper tor him to state, that the Atalanta sloop came on board his Lordship's frigate while olf' Rochefort. She ( the Atalanta) had been out eight months, and had undergone much severe weather. The Captain of the sloop applied to the Commander in Chief for a survey to be taken of the sloop, which was granted, but the officers of theAtaUnta thought a survey
unnecessary, and it was not entered into, though at the moment the vessel was making 20 inches of water an hour; and, generally to describe her, she was wholly unfit for sea. His Lordship s'ated, that soon thereafter he landed at Ply- mouth, and told the master- builder there, that the first news he would hear from Rochefort would be, that the Atalanta had gone down. This prediction, he lamemed to say, had been verified, though he was happy to state that all her hands had been saved. The next pa er tor which he should move, was an account of the number of vessels and men employed in the squadron blockading
Rochefort, described the dif- ferent lengths of time they had respectively been at sea. One ot these, the Plantagenet, had been eight months off Brest, wiih the exception of twelve days she lay wind- bound at Plymouth. At that time, no man was allowed to put his foot on land. The next ppper for which he should move, would be an account descriptive of the quantities of fresh provisions sup- plied to the squadion from the 1st ot January, 1805, to the 1st of January, 1807 ; and from that document would appear thefact of the scurvy prevailing through- out the squadron in every ship. Captain Cooke, that transcendant navigator,
described hftnself, in one of his voyages round the World, as having been at sea for 117 days, and no appearance among his crew of that dreadful scourge of seamen, the scurvy. How came it then, that the fleet cruising off Rochefort and Brest for- eight months, though within four hours' sail of the coast of England, was afflicted with this dreadful and disgusting malady. The answer was obvious, as no man was allow'ed to set his foot on shore; and it was a fact, that he had seen sailors, when deprived of the means of getting on shore, and ot purchasing themselves the comforts of life, blow their Bank- notes overboard. He could
dwell upon these subjects at great length, but it was only necessary for him to sum up. All these things had happened from the misconduct of a person most unworthily employed by the late Administration. ( Here a cry of Name, Name.) Lord Cochrane said, he did not think it regular to mention the name of any individual, but if he was obliged to do so, he would say Lord St. Vincent was the man. He concluded by moving for the first account, described in the outset of his speech. Sir S. HOOD vindicated the conduct of Lord St. Vincent, during the time he commanded the Channel Fleet, and said, that if blame was attributable to
any one, for the losses of the Phcenix schooner, and the Atalanta sloop, it was to Commodore Keats and himself. He had had the honour to command seven or eight ships of the line, ofT Rochefort, and never heard any complaint in respect to supplies of all kinds and medical attendance. Admiral HARVEY concurred in the accuracy of the statement made by the gallant Baronet, and disapproved of officers of the rank held by the Noble Lord, making such complaints, as they must be productive of injurious consequences to naval discipline. Admiral MARKHAM went into the details of the system adopted on the recommendation
of Lord St. Vincent, for supplying the fleet with fresh provisions, of which he highly approved. He further stated, that the regulation for preventing any seaman from being sent on shore till he had been visited by the Admiral's surgeon, was to put a stop to a practice which had become too common, of officers anxious to have a choice crew sending ashore individuals they did not like, with sick certificates. He was confident Lord St. Vincent would have no objection to the production of any papers the Noble Lord might wish tor. Mr. PERCEVAL objected to the motions, on the ground that a sufficient case had not been made out.
After sonic remarks to the same effect from Mr. Windham, Mr. R. Ward, Sir C. Pole, and Mr. Sheridan, and Lord Cochrane in reply, the motion was negatived without a division. Saturday, July 11. General Fitzpatrick, having been returned for the County of Bedford, ar. d the Borough of Tavistock, made his choice to serve for the former. A new writ was issued for Tavistock. Mr. WHITBREAD brought ttpa Bill, for establishing in England and Wales parochial schools, for the education of the children of the poor.— Read a first, and ordered to be read a second time on Monday. The CHANCELLOR of t. fe EXCHEQUER moved for
postponing the election petitions until next Session. He did not mean, however, to extend this to cases of double return alone, which could be soon settled, or reduced to a scrutiny. The Right Hon. Gentleman then moved accordingly. Ordered.— A day was fixed in September ( fro forma) for farther proceedings in the petitions. Monday, July 13. Mr. WHITOREAD'S Bill for the encouragement of industry among the labouring classes of society, and relief of the necessitous poor, was read a first time, and ordered to be read a second time this day se'n- night. DEFENCE O? THE COUNTRY. Mr. WHITSREAD took the present
opportunity of putting a question to his Majesty's Ministers, whether in the present alarming situation of affairs, after the melancholy intelligence which had been received from the Continent, it was their intention to bring forward shortly any proposition to meet the exigency of the present crisis. Mr. PERCEVAL assured the Hon. Gentleman, that it had been his intention, as soon as his motion had been disposed of, to have risen and given notice that his Noble Friend the Secretary of War and Colonies fiord Castlereagh), intended to bring forward, on Friday next, a plan relative to the Army. lord HOWICK rose to ask a question
which he thought must have some itlation to the measures which were to he opened on Friday. The King's Speech, at the beginning of this Session, had men- tioned engagements and treaties with Foreign Powers. He wished to he informed, whether it was the inten- tion of his Majesty's Ministers to give the House any information respecting those treaties. Mr. Secretary CANNING replied, that a communi- cation would be made either at the latter end of the present week, or in the beginning of the next. MESSAGE FROM HIS MAJESTY. Mr. PERCEVAL brought down a Message from his Majesty, stating his Majesty's anxiety to
settle upon the Queen, and her Royal Daughters, F rogmore- House and Giounds. The Message entreated the House to take the most speedy and effectual means for enabling his Majesty so to do. Referred to a Committee of the whole House to- morrow. COMMITTEE OF SUPPLY. In the Committee of Supply, the SECRETARY at WAR moved the grant of the following sums for Army Extraoidinaries:—.£. 793,710 for Extraordi- naries, which exceeded the Estimate voted from the year 1804 to 1806. For the Extraordinaries of the present year, ^'. 2,950,000 for Great Britain, and £. 600,000 for Ireland. He also moved certain
Reso- lutions tor the. Paying and Clothing of the Militia of Great Britain.— The Resolutions were accordingly agreed to. COMMITTEE OF WAYS AND MEANS. Mr. PERCEVAL rose to propose a Lottery, or l. ot. ries, for the next year, in which the tickets should not exceed 100,000, at i', 10 a ticket. There had been a suggestion made to the Treasury, that it might have a better effect, if the prizes in the first Lotteries of the year were to be paid in Lottery tickets instead of money. Upon this subject they had come to no reso- lution, but he thought it proper to inform the Com- mittee of the suggestion. He therefore proposed that the
Lords of the Treasury should be authorised to contract with such persons as were disposed to bid for a Lottery or Lotteries, containing 100,000 tickets. PAROCHIAt SCHOOL BILL. Mr. WHITBREAD moved the Order of the Day for the second reading of this Bill. Mr. D. GIDDY could not forego this opportunity of declaring his opinion of the system of the Poor Laws which existed in this country. He really thought that the Poor Laws would at length throw the country into such a situation, that the arm of the Civil Magistrate would be far too weak to pre- serve the peace of the different counties. Mr. ELLISON gave great credit to the
Hon. Gentle- man who brought in this Bill, as well for his good intention in bringing it forward, as for his care in circulating it for the consideration of the Magistrates throughout the kingdom. It had been fully con- sidered ; but every Magistrate with whom he con- versed, was decidedly averse to it, and instructed OUNDLE with ASHTON INCLOSURE. E, whose Names are hereunto subscribed, being Commissioners for the said Inclosure, do hereby give Notice to such of the Proprietors of Lands and Estates, and other Persons interested in the said Inclosure, as have not delivered in their Claims agreeably to the Notice already
given for that Purpose, that they are hereby required to deliver the same to us at our next Meeting to be holden at the TALBOT INN, in OUNDLE, on MONDAY the 27th Day of JULY next, or before that Time, to our Clerks, Messrs. Robert Sherardand John Balderston, or either of them. — Dated this 27th Day of June, 1,807. EDWARD HARE. HENRY CROFTS. w OUNDLE INCLOSURE. E, whose Names tire hereunto subscribed, being Commissioners appointed in and by an Act of Parliament passed in the 47th Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, intituled, " An Act for incfosing I. ands in OUNDI. E, and in the Hamlet of
ASHTON, in the Parish of OUNDLE, in the County of Northampton," do hereby give Notice, That we shall meet at the TAI. BOT INN, in OUNDLE aforesaid, on TUESDAY the 28th Day ot JULY inst. at Ten of the Clock in the Forenoon ; when we intend to enquire into, ascertain, determine, and fix, the Boundaries of the Manor or Lordship of Oundle; for which Purpose, we shall perambulate the Boundaries of the said Manor or Lordship, beginning at the River Nen at Barnwell Bridge, and proceed progressively round the Boundaries of the said Manor or Lordship against the Parishes, Townships, or Places of Barn- well - Saint -
Andrews, Stoke - Doyle, Churchtield, Biggin, Glapthorn, Cottcrstock, Ashton, and Pole- brooke. EDWARD HARE. HENRY CROFTS. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, r~ pWO CLOSES of exceeding good MEADOW 1 LAND, situate in the Parish of CHARWEL- TON, in the County of Northampton, near to a Lane there called Warwick- Lane, containing together 13 Acres, or'thereabouts ( more or less), and now in the Occupation of Mrs. Newcomb, of Ciiarwelton afore- said. For a View of the Premises, apply to the Tenant; and to treat for the same, to Mr. ROLLS, Solicitor, Prior's- Marston, Warwickshire. their
Representatives to oppose it. After a few observations from several other Mem- bers, Mr. WHITBREAD made a most able reply to all the arguments against his Bill, and was astonished that any Member of that House should suffer his prejudices to carry him so far, as to argue that a state of brutal ignorance was more conducive to the happiness of the labouring class of the community, and to the good order and prosperity of the government under which they lived, than a state of instruction. Nine- tenths of the unfortunate persons brought to the gallows, under the sanguinary criminal code of this country, owed their fate to the
want of education, On the question for committing the Bill the House divided Ayes, 47— Noes, 13.— Adjourned. STATE- LOTTERY. SECOND DAY OF DRAWING WILL BE ON TUESDAY NEXT, JULY 21st. sfi. 30,000 40,000 20,000 10,000 5,000 4,000 2, COO 1,500 50,000 37,500 20,000 Tickets. =£. 200,000 First- drawn Ticket fourth Day, being the only fixed Capital, Thirty Thousand Pounds. (£ f The Drawing will be regularly 3000 Tickets each Day. Tickets and Shares on Sale at all the Licensed Lottery- Offices, and by their Agents in England and Scotland. SCHEME, 1 Prize of ,£. 30.000 is 2 20,000 2 —:— 10,000 1 .
5,000 .5 1, 1,000 8 500 20 I, 100 30 . 50 • 2,500 20 2,500 15 Propriety of personal Appearance. BEAUTY and HEALTH cannot be more essentially promoted than by attending to the Preservation of the TEETH. LI/ FR. NEWTON's RESTORATIVE TOOTH AVI. POWDER having received the Approbation of the first Nobility, Gentry, and a generous Public, by an extensive Consumption tor a Series of Years, as well as the Attestation of its superior Excellence, from the Analysis of its component Parts, by the most distinguished Medical Characters, who have pro- nounced it the most pleasant Vegetable Tooth- Powder known, to
increase the Beauty of the Enamel, and promote the Durability ot the Tooth; and which has, in Consequence of its experienced Advantages, been honoured with the immediate Patronage of their Ma- jesties, and the various illustrious Branches of the Royal Family, Nobility, Gentry, Sec. in the United Kingdom. — NEWTON'S TOOTH- POWDER is an Astringent and Antiscorbutic Powder, a delicate Aro- matic, extremely grateful to the Palate, and pleasant in its Use; in fine, to those who apply it, it is a certain Preventative to Pain or Decay of the Tooth to the latest Period of Life. Itcontinues to be faithfully prepared by Mr. Newton (
only), at his House, Kennington- Place, Vauxliall ( late of Great Russell- Street), London, from the genuine Recipe of the late Sir Richard Jebb, Physician to their Majesties, & c.; and sold, Wholesale, Retail, and for Exportation, by Messrs. Shaw & Edwards, No. 66, St. Paul's Church- Yard, whom he has em- powered to make a liberal Allowance to his Town and Country Venders, Merchants, See.; also, Retail, by Dicey & Co. Edmonds, and Marshall, Northampton; Smith, Bedford; Merridew, and Rollason, Coventry; Robins, Daventry; Queneborough, Dunstable; Collis & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Dawson, and Harrod,
Harborough; Inwood, Newport- Pagnell; Richardson, Stony . Stratford ; Mather, Wellingborough ; and by every Perfumer and Medicine- seller in the Kingdom, in Boxes, at2s. 9d. each. N. B. Please to ask for Newton's Tooth- Powder ; and see that B. H. Newton is wrote on each Box, with red Ink, as all others sold as Newton's are Impositions. OUNDLE INCLOSURE, In the County of Northampton. WE, whose Names are hereunto subscribed, being Commissioners appointed by an Act ot Parliament tor the 6aid Inclosure, do hereby give Notice, That we have set out and appointed the following public Roads and Highways,
through and over the Lands to be divided and inclosed by Virtue of the said Act, as ami for all the public Carriage, Bridle, and Drift- Ways or Roads, to be hereafter used over the same ( that is to say), In OUNDLE. A public Carriage, Bridle, and Drift- Road and Highway, of the Breadth of 30 Feet at the least, on all such Parts of the Town as adjoin to the Lands to be divided and inclosed. Another public Carriage, Bridle, and Drift- Road and Highway, of the Breadth of 40 Feet, from the Road on the North Side of the Town, in the present Course of the Road leading towards Glapthorn ; and a like Road, of the same Breadth,
branching out of the same, along the Course of the present Road leading towards Cotterstock and towards Stamford, by Perry- Lane. Another like public Carriage, Bridle, and Drift- Road and Highway, ot the Breadth of 40 Feet, branching out of the Turnpike- Road leading towards Benefield, and proceeding Northward by the Side of an ancient Inclosure belonging to Sir Isaac Pocock, and across the Field to the End of a Lane between a Wood and an old Inclosure, and from the other End of the same Lane across the Green by the new Pasture to the Lordship of Biggen, being the Road leading towards Uppingham, over the
Forest. Another like public Carriage, Bridle, ar. d Drift- Road and Highway, of the Breadth of 33 Feet at the least, from the Turnpike- Road near the End of | Biggen- Lane, by the Side of the old Inclosures in Biggen, to the Lordship of Churchfield, being the Road leading towards Brigstock. Another like public Carriage, Bridle, and Drift- Road and Highway, of the Breadth of 40 Feet, from Stoke Bridge, at the West End of the Town ot Oundle, over How- Hill Field, along the Course of the present Road leading to Stoke- Dovle. In the Hamlet of ASHTON. One public Carriage, Bridle, and Drift- Road and Highway, of the Breadth of 30
Feet at the least, from the Turnpike- Road at the Toil- Bar to a Lane at Ashton Mill ; and a Continuation there, of 40 Feet wide, from the South End of the same Lane to a public Road in the Parish of Polebrook. One other public Carriage, Bridle, and Drift- Road and Highway, ot the Breadth of 40 Feet, from a public Road in Elmington to another public Road in the Parish of Polebrook. One publ. c Bridle- Way across the Wold, of the Breadth of 16 Feet, from a Road in Tansor to another in Polebrook. ' And we- do give Notice, that we have not directed, changed, or altcted, the Course of any Turnpike- Road either in Oundle or
Ashton. And we do also give Notice, that we have ascertained the aforesaid several Roads by Marks and bounds-, and have pre- pared a Map, in which such Roads are accurately laid down and described, and that the same, signed by us, is deposited with our Clerks, Messrs. Robert Sherard & John Balderston, for the inspection ot all Persons concerned. And we do further give Notice, that we shall meet at the TALBOT INN, in OUNDLE, on MONDAY the 27th Day of JULY next, at Twelve o'Clock; when and where all Persons having any Objections to the above Roads, or the Omission of any others, are required to attend to
make the same.— Dated this 27th Day of June, 1807. EDWARD HARE. HENRY CROFTS. ARCHITECTURE. This Day mis published, elegantly engraved on 20 Plates, large Quarto, Price 7s. in Boards, SKETCHES IN ARCHITECTURE; CONSISTING of original DESIGNS for COTTAGES and RURAL DWELLINGS, suitable to Persons of moderate Fortune, and for convenient Retirement; with Plans and appropriate Scenery to each, and some general Obser- vations. By T. W. DEARN, Architect to bis Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence. Published by J. TAYLOR, at the Architectural Library, No. 59, High - Holborn, London;
where may be had, Price 3s. a new Edition ot 1. The BUILDER'S PRICE BOOK; including the Advances on Timber, and corrected to May, 1807. 2. TOD'S Plans, Elevations, and Sections of Hot- Houses, Green- Houses, Conservatories, & c. on 27 Plates, Folio, coloured, £'. 1 12s. 6d. Boards. 3. LUGAR'S Designs for Farm- Houses, Farm- Yards, Dairies, Cottages, & c. 21 Plates, Quarto, =£. 1 5s. in Boards. ORNA MEN TA L A RCHITECTURE. This Day zcas published, by J. TAYLOR, at the Architectural Library, No. 59, lligh- Holborn, Ixtndon, 1. I > AND All's COLLECTION of DESIGNS H- V for Villas, Casinos, Mansions,
Lodges, and Cottages, in the Grecian, Gothic, and Castle Styles, with Descriptions, elegantly engraved in Aqua- Tinta, on 34 large Quarto Plates, £.' 1 12s. 6d. A few Copies are printed on Imperial Folio, > 3s. 6d. 2. Lugar's Sketches for Cottages, Rural Dwellings, and Villas, in the Grecian, Gothic, and Fancy Styles, with Observations, Sec. 38 Plates, Quarto, =£. 1 lis. 6d. and elegantly coloured, £. 112s. 6d. 3. Plaw's Sketches for Country Houses, Villas, and Rural Dwellings, on 42 Plates, Quarto, £. i lis. 6d. 4. Plavv's Ferme Ofnee, or Rural Improvements.— A Series of Designs, for Parks, Fences, Cottages, Sec. 38 Plates,
Quarto, £. 1 lis. 6d. 5. Plaw's Rural Architecture; Designs from the simple Cottage to the decorated Villa, 62 Plates, Quarto, 36.2 2s. 6. Laing's Hints for Dwellings, original Designs for Cottages, Farm- Houses, Vilias, Sec. 34 Plates, Quarto, =£. 1 5s. 7. Soane'-; Sketches for Cottages, Villas, & c. with appropriate Scenery; to which is added, six Designs, for improving and embellishing of Grounds, with Explanations; 47 Plates, Folio, £ .2 12s. 6d. 8. Malton's Cottages, on twenty- three Plates, Quarto, £ 1. lis. 6d. 9. Miller's Designs for Cottages, Farm- Houses and Yards, Lodges, & c.; 32 Plates, Quarto, 10s. 6d. I Ladies u ho volar
their Persons, and trisi to ul'iirn a pearly Set oj icelh, and prevent thai dre. uiftti iv'a- lady the 1 ooth- At. h, are recommended the b'sc *> j BUTLER's TOO! H- POWDER, PL PA lU'. D from the original Recipe of the late Dr. P. 11. DIMSDALE, which possesses such wonderful Powers in curing the Tooth- Ach and Scurvy in the (, 11ms, in whitening, cleansing, and preserving the Teeth, and communicating a delightful Fragrance to the Breath.— It is used and recommended by the Queen, the Princesses, the Empress of Russia, ttie Duchesses of Yotk, Devonshire, St. Albiins, Leeds, and Rutland, and most of the Nobility. Sold,
Wholesale and Retail, at Mr. Butter's, No. 4, Cheapside, London ; and Retail by Edge, Marshall, Dicey & Sutton, and Lambert, Northampton; Palgrave, Bedford; Inwood, Newport- Pagnell; Swinfen, and Coombe, Leicester ; Loggin, Aylesbury ; Higgs, Market- Harborough; Mather, Wellingborough; and by most Medicine Venders in every Town. Agricultural Concern.— To Breeders and others. 1}< DGE's SHEEP- POWDER, for annoying and preventing the Fly from striking to either Sheep or Lambs in the hot Months. The decided Superiority of this Powder over all other Compositions, has, by its regular Success for several Years,
been fully established. Many curious Graziers having divided their Flocks, and dressed one Part therewith, and another Part with other; the Result of which proved, that those dressed with the above Powder remained wholly untouched by the Ely, while the other were very much struck; this fully ascertains the Superiority of it, and demonstrates it to be the surest Antidote to Impregnation from the Fly. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Mr. JOSEPH EDGE, Chemist, Northampton, and at his Shop in Wel- lingborough on Market Days; and, by his Appoint- ment, by Mr. Thomas White, Wisbeach; Mr. Edward Hutchins, Stony - Stratford;
Mr. Inwood, and Messrs. Barringer & Son, Newport- Pagnell ; Mr. Richard Tandy, Sherrington; Mr. John Cheney, Naseby; Mr. Robert Rowell, Rugby; Mr. Sander- son, Thrapston; and Mr. Joseph Gregory, Hanslope; in Packets of 2s. and 4s. each; the smallest ot which is sufficient to dress forty Sheep and Lambs, and the largest eighty. Observe to enquire for Edge's Sheep- Pov.' der, and that the Direction is signed in his own Hand- writing. An extensive List of Gentlemen Breeders, Shep- herds, Sec. who approve and patronize this Powder, will be seen inserted in the Bill ot Directions for using this Powder. For Eruptions on the
Shin. PURIFYING SWEET CAKES. rpHESE CAKES, which are the Invention of J a Medical Gentleman of great Experience, and which act as an Alterative, without any sensible Operation, are particularly adapted to the Palate and Stomach of Children, and are a most safe and effec- tual Remedy for all Eruptions upon the Skin, whether arising from original Impurity in the Blood, from the natural Small- Pox, Measles, Sec. or acquired by the Vaccine, or Variolous inoculation. Sold by F. Newbery & Sons, at the only Warehouse for Dr. James's Powder, No. 45, St. Paul's Church- Yard, London, Price 2s. a Box ( containing 20
Cakes or Doses) and 3d. Duty. Observe that the Words " F. Newbery, No. 45, St. Paul's," ate engraved in the Stamp. Sold also, by their Appointment, by Dicey & Co. Marshall, and Edge, Northampton; Seeley, Buck- ingham ; Barringer, and Inwood, Newport- Pagnell; Green, Ampthill; Collis & Dash, Kettering; and Bull, Sen. and Higgs, Harborough. DISTEMPER, MAXOI^ AND OTHER DISEASES OF DOGS. THE following most valuable Medicines ( dis- covered and prepared by Mr. BLAINE, Veterinary Surgeon, No. 5, Wells- Street, Oxford- Street), are patronized and used by several Branches of the Royal Family, by almost all
the Nobility, and by every cele- brated Sportsman in the United Kingdom. DISTEMPER.— His Medicinal Powders for Dis- temper, Price Is. 6d. per Packet, usually sufficient for the Cure, are actually in request in every Part of the Globe. MANGE.— His Specific Ointment for Mange is the most easy and infallible Remedy ever discovered, Price2s. 6d. per Box, amply sufficient. WORMS.— His Worm Powder, Price 2s. 6d. per Set, destroys all the variousKinds of Worms, without ever failing. CANKER IN THE EAR.— Blood or Matter within- side of the Ear teazes Dogs almost to madness; but the Complaint is readily removed by his
Canker Wash, Price 2s. 6d. per Bottle. CANKER ON THE FLAP OF THE EAR, 2S. 6d. per Box: this Ointment is a speedy and certain Cure. CORDIAL BALM OF GILEAD. SIR,' Tavistock, Ub Feb. 1806. IN various Cases to my certain Knowledge, your Cordial Balm of Gilead, and Anti- Impe- tigines, have been of great Service in this Part of the Country ; and from my Observation, those who have purchased either of them from my Warehouse, have given me repeated Instances of it. This is literally a true Statement, and you are at Liberty to make Use of this Declaration as publicly as you think proper. I remain, Sir, Your very
obedient Servant, J. CUMMINS. To Dr. Solonuin, Gilead- House. The CORDIAL BAI. M of GII. EAD is sold in Bottles, Price Half- a- Guinea each; there are also Family Bottles, Price 33s. containing equal to four Bottles at 10s. 6d. by which the Patient saves 9s. including also the Duty. Sold, Wholesale and Reta'H, by the Printers of this Paper; also, Retail, by Marshall, and Edge, North- ampton ; Collis & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Dawson, and Flarrod, Harborough; Marriott, Banbury; Inns, and Gallard, Towcester; Seeley, Buckingham; Richardson, Stony - Stratford; Edge, and Mather, Wellingborough; Robins, and Wilkinson,
Daventry 1 Okely, and Palgrave, Bedford; Fox, St. Neots; Barringer, and Inwood, Newport- Pagnell; Swinfen, Leicester; hy the Printers of the Country News- papers ; and by all the reputable Medicine Venders, Booksellers, Sec. in every principal Town in England, Ireland, Scotland, and America, who will deliver Pamphlets gratis, with a Variety of authentic Docu- ments noted therein. ( PJ" Dr. Solomon, when consulted, expects his usual Fee ot Half- a- Ouinea. Such Letters should, for Safety, be thus directed—" Money Letter. Dr. Solomon, Gilead- House, near Liverpuol." Spilsbury's Antiscorbutic Drops. APerson, aged 36, had
a small Scrofulous Ulceration in her Hand, giving her much Pain ; it then broke out in her Wrist, both her Shoulders, and her Knee, each Ulceration discharging much, and not disposed to heal; it then affected her right Elbow; and these Ulcerations, with a Disposition to general Debility, she suflered for twelve Years. Her Knee was healed in the Worcester Infirmary; and she experienced some Benefit while a Patient, tor a short Period, in St. Bartholomew's Hospital; when she made Application for the Benefit of SPILSBURY'S PATENT ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS, at the Dispensary, No. 15, Soho- Square, London. By the
Application of the Drops for six Months, her Ulcers gradually healed, and she regained her Strength and A ppetite ; it is now a Twelvemonth since, and she remains per- fectly well.— Any Information of the above Fact may be obtained at No. 9, Duke's- Court, Drury- Lane. Mr. SPILSBURY is not accountable for any Mixture sold, unless the Words " By the King's Patent" are inserted on the Bill of Directions, Bottle, and Wrapper; the Stamp also ( the King's Duty) is printed in black Ink instead of red Ink. Bottles 5s. 6d. double Bottles 10s. and larger £. 1 2s. Duty in- cluded. ( pT Sold also by the Printers of this Paper; Mr. Okely, and
Mr. Palgrave, Bedford; Mather, Wel- lingborough; Collis & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry; Corrall, Lutter- worth ; and by most Venders of Patent Medicines in Town and Country. ' WYMAN's ANTI- BILIOUS PILLS, SO justly esteemed for their easy and certain _ Operation in removing all Bilious Complaints, Obstructions in the Liver, Indigestion, Sick Head- Ach, Jaundice, & c. They are an excellent Remedy for Persons of Bilious or Costive Habits j for Per- sons of sedentary Lives, where sufficient Action of the Bowels is not kept up; also for Persons who have impaired their Constitutions by free
Living; and in early Attacks of the Gout are peculiarly useful, by alleviating the Severity of the Fit, and shortening its Duration. They have been found highly useful preparatory to, or during Sea Bathing. These Pills require no particular Regimen or Confinement, and do not contain any Mercurial or Antimonial Preparation. Prepared and sold by W. Wyman, Surgeon, Ket- tering. Sold, Wholesale, by Dicey & Sutton, No. 10, Bow Church- Yard, London; and, Retail, by the Printers of this Paper, Edge, and Marshall, North- ampton ; Sanderson & Beale, and Mather, Welling- borough ; Robins, Wilkinson, and Bates, Daventry; Reeve,
Higham- Ferrers; York & Summers, Oundle; Beesley, Banbury; Barringer, and Inwood, Newport- Pagnell ; Queneborough, Dunstable; Alsop, Luton ; Harrod, and Bull, Market- Harborough; Inns, and Gallard, Towcester; Seeley, Buckingham ; Hawkes, Lutterworth; Palgrave, Bedford; Gardner, Biggles- wade ; Richardson, Stony- Stratford; Loggin, Ayles- bury; Wards, Hinckley; Eaton, Thrapston; Jacob, Peterborough; Roberts, Soutliam ; Sharpe, Warwick; Luccock, Kimbolton; Emery, St. Neots; Jenkinson, Huntingdon; Tapp, and Darton, Hitchin; Wallis, Olney; Rowell, Rugby ; Ward, Stratford- upon- Avon; Rollason, and Merridew,
Coventry; and by every Vender of Medicines in the Kingdom. Price 2s. 9d. per Box, Duty included.— Be careful to ask for WYMAN'H Antibilious Pills. SWINFEN's ORIGINAL SHEEP POWDER, Prepared and sold at his Warehouse in Leicester, HAS been in general use, by many of the most respectable Sheep Breeders and Graziers in the Kingdom, for near Twenty Years and has always been found ( when used according to the ample Directions given with each Parcel), to be the most infallible and sate Prevention against the Fly STRIKING SHEEP OR LAMBS. It improves the Quality and good Appearance of the Wool, and
the Colour immediately washes out when scoured. Sold, in Parcels at Four and Two Shillings each, or six of the large Parcels for One Guinea ; and by the Proprietor's Appointment it may be had genuine of Messrs. Dicey & Sutton, and Marshall, Northampton ; Goddards, Harborough; Dunn, Nottingham ; Adams, Sen. Loughborough ; Robins, & Wilkinson, Daventry; Leigh, Atherstone; Beesley, Banbury; Merridew, Coventry; Hulse, Hinckley ; Simpson, Wolverhamp- ton; Morris, Nuneaton; Munn, Kettering; Inwood, Newport; Loggins, Aylesbury ; Hawkins, Bucking- ham ; Knott Se Lloyd, Birmingham; Jacksons, Oakham; Freeman,
Uppingham; Albin, Spalding; and by a reputable Vender in most Market Towns, where the Country is noted for Breeding of Sheep. N. B. Be pleased to ask for Swinfen's Sheep Pow- der, there being many Preparations for the same Purpose. fJ5T In Addition to the many respectable Gentle- men, whose Names have already been published, to recommend this valuable Sheep Powder, the following amongst many others have recently honoured the Proprietor with their Sanction, viz. John Corsar, Bttshby, y Mr. Wm. Corsar, Water- Eaton, C All near Wolver- Mr. Thos. Green, Chillington, C hanipton. Mr. Thos. Miller, Dunstall, )
Wm. Whitehouse, Esq. Studley,? v, Alc- ster Mr. Daniel Prosser, Hardwick. S Alc- ster. F. flomfray, Esq. Hyde, Mr. Thomas Lea, Hagley, FOULNESS AND ITCHING OF THE SKIN are removed, as well as Condition promoted, by his Alterative Con- dition or Mange Powders, Price 2s. per Set. PURGING BALLS, a safe, but effective PurgatWe, Price 2s. 6d. per Box. These Medicines arc sold by his Wholesale Agent, T. Boosey, No. 4, Old Broad- Street, where Mr. Blaine attends every Wednesday, from Eleven till One; Barclay & Son, Fleet- Market, London; Messrs. Dicey Sc Co. Wilkinson, Edge, and Marshall, Nortl# » amp'. on;
Robins, Daventry ; March, Welling- borough ; Jacob, Peterborough ; Jackson, Oakham ; Webb, Bedford; inwood, Newport Pagnell ; and all other Venders throughout Town and Country. — saCOiSOC: '•"' BANKRUPTS required to SURRENDER. James Arkell, of Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, cornfactor, July 29, 30, and August 22, at the White- Hart inn, Evesham, Worcestershire. Attorney, Mr. Griffiths, Broadway. William Bellamy, of Great- Grimsby; Lincolnshire, tailor, July 22, 23, and August 22, at the George inn, Kingston - upon- Ilull. Attorney, Mr. Dickinson, Hull. Edward Jones, of Swan- lane, near Thames- street, London,
slate- merchant, July 18, 25, and August 22, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Sudlow, Monument- yard. Robert Grater, of Plymouth- Dock, money- scri- ' vener, July 15, 25, and Aug. 22, at the Hotel, Exeter. Attorney, Mr. Turner, Exeter. William Mitchell, of Merthyr Tydvil, Glamorgan- shire, victualler, July 28, 29, and August 22, at the King's- Arms, Merthyr Tydvil. Attorney, Mr. MCY- rick, Merthyr. Mildred's- court, Poultry. Richard Spencer Fern, of Cannon- street, London, dry- salter, July 18, August 4, and 25, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Sherwood, Cushion- court, Old Broad- street. Barnet Barnett, of Slieppy- yard, Minories, London,
dealer, July 21, 28, and August 25, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Isaacs, George- street, Minories. Thomas Bates, of Cheetham, Lancashire, and Joshua Bates, of Halifax, Yorkshire, woolstaplers, August 3, 4, and25, at the White- Lion, Halifax. Attornies, Messrs. Wigglesworth & Thompson, Halifax. Thomas Clift, of Westbury, Wiltshire, clothier, July 27,28, and August 25, at the George inn, Frome Selwood, Somersetshire. Attorney, Mr. G. Rotton, Frome Selwood. John Holland, of Nottingham, butcher, July 24, 25, and August 25, at the Punch- Bowl, Nottingham. Attorney, Mr. Latham, of Melton- Mowbray, Lei- cestershire. Willi3m
Chambers, of Carlisle, draper, Aug. 13, 14, and 25, at the Grapes, Carlisle. Attorney, Mr. Saul, Carlisle. DIVIDENDS to be maile to Creditors. Aug. 3. J. Simms, of Sheepy- Parva, Leicestershire, miller, at the Sun, Sheepy- Msgna. Aug. 14. J. Usher, of Great- Kingston, Warwick- shire, butcher, at the Flying- Horse inn, Banbury. CERTIFICATE to be granted. Aug. 1. Daniel Htckling, of Frisby, Leicestershire, butcher. Near Stourbridge. Important Information to the Female Sac, In which their Health, Welfare, and Happiness, are materially considered. PULLlN's FEMALE PILLS, ARE universally acknowledged, and proved by an
extensive Practice of near fifty Years, to be the best Deobstruent Female Medicine ever yet in- vented.— By an easy, safe, and peculiar Mode ot Operation, they cleanse, purify, and cause a free Circulation of the Blood, and remove Obstructions which young Women are frequently afflicted with. The Proprietor of these Pills could produce many thousand Instances of their salutary Effects, attested by Persons of the first Rank and Consequence, hut, from Motives of Delicacy, declines; presuming, in full Confidence, that the great Sale, and general Use and Esteem they are held in, is the most satisfactory and convincing Evidence
of their Superiority over all other Medicines in Female Complaints. Price Is. lid. the small Box, and 2s. 9d. the large; and also Family varnished Boxes, for the Use of Governesses at School, or Ladies who purchase them for Family or Charitable Purposes, at 10s. 6d. each, which contain twelve small Boxes, and makes a Saving of Three Shillings. Each Box of Pills is sealed under Cover, with printed Directions. Prepared and sold by EDMUND SWINJEN, Apo- thecary, in Leicester; and by his Appointment, sold by Dicey Se Sutton, Edge, and Marshall, Northampton; Harrod, Harborough; Hulse, Hinckley; Coral, Lut- terworth ;
Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry ; Beesley, Banbury; Inwood, Newport- Pagnell; Rollason, and Merridew, Coventry ; Perry, Warwick and Stratford ; Freeman, Uppingham; Burbage & Stretton, Not- tingham ; and by the general Venders of Medicines throughout the United Kingdom. MARKET S.— London, July 13. We had again a short supply of Wheat to- day, and which has advanced about 2s. per quarter.— Rye is likewise dearer.— Fine Malting Barley has also ac- quired better prices by 3s. per quarter.— There are scarce ly any White Peas at market; and for Boilers, as high as £. 5 per quarter was demanded.— Small Beans
are dearer; the supply short.— Ticks also, are rather higher, alid not many here.— Ojts, of which we have had large foreign arrivals, continue nearly at last currency; the ordinary, however, of this article, very heavy sale. Wheat.. 52s. to 58s, 68s. Oats 20s. to25s. 30s. Fine Do. — s. to 70s. 75s. HorseBeans44s. to 50s. Od. Rve . .. 42s. to 46s. Od. Tick Ditto 36s. to 42s. Od. Barlev. _ 30s. to 36s. Od. WhitePeas— s. tos. - Od. Malt. .. 58s. to 70s. Od. Grey Ditto44s. to 50s. Od. PRICE of FLOUR.— Fine 60s. to 65s. Od. HOPS, per Pocket. — Kent, 51. 12s. to 71. 10s.— Suijex, 51. 10s. to 71. 0s. — Farnham, 81. 0s. to ' 91. Os.
SMITHFIELD, Julv 13. To sink the otfal. Ox Beef, 4s. Od. to 4s. 8d. Wether Mutton, 4s. Od. to 4s. 8d. Veal, 4s. Od. to 5s. Od. Pork, 4s. 4d. to 5s. Od. Lamb, 5s. Od. to 6s. 4d. Sold this day, Beasts, 1800— Sheep and Lambs, 18,000. NIWGATE and LIADINHALL, July 13. By the carcase. Beef, 3s. 4d. to4s. Od. Mutton, 3s. 4u. to 4s. 2d. Veal, 3s. Od. to 4s. 8d. Pork, 4s. 4d. to 5s. 0d. Lamb, 4s. 4d. to 5s. 8d. TA LLOW.— Town, 58s. Od. White Russia,— s. Od. to 56s. Od. ( Soap),— s. Od. to 55s. Od. Melting Stuff, 43s. to 43s. 6d. Ditto rough,- — s. to 28s. Good Dregs, 10s. Od. Graves, 10s. Od. LEATHER, per lb. Butts, 50 to
561b. 21fcd. to22* d. Ditto, 60 to 651b. 24d. to26d. Merchants' backs, 20£ d. to21Jd. Dressing Hides, 17d. tc 18Jd. Fine Coach- Hides, 18id. to 20d. Crop Hides, 35 to 401b. per doz. 20d. to 23d. Ditto, 45 to 501b. 17Jd. to20d. Calf Skins, 30 to 401b. 30d. to 42d. Ditto, 50 to 701b. 34d. to 42d. Ditto, 70 to 801b. 33d. to 36d. Small Seals, per lb. 44d. to 46d. Large Ditto, per doz. 100s. to 160s. GoatSkins, — s. to — s. per doz. Tanned Horse- Hides, — d. to — d. per lb. NORTHAMPTON: Printed ai « l Published by and for T. DICEY and IV. SUTTON.