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The Northampton Mercury


Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton 
Volume Number: 87    Issue Number: 9
No Pages: 4
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The Northampton Mercury
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The Northampton Mercury

Date of Article: 02/05/1807
Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton 
Address: Northampton
Volume Number: 87    Issue Number: 9
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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-^ ny^ j Vol. 87. SATURDAY,. May < 2, 1807. No 9- Ready Money is expected ) with Advertisements. ) $ Circulated through every Town and populous Village in the Counties of Northampton, Leicester, Huntingdon, } I Bedford, Buckingham, Hertford, Oxford, Warwick ; Part of Cambridge, Nottingham, Lincoln, and Rutland. S PRICE SIXPENCE, \ S/^ p- Duty / (, Paper and Print • 34, i. 2 I Sunday and Tuesday's Posts. From the LONDON GAZETTE. SATURDAY, April 25, 1807. THIS day's Gazette contains an account of tiie ) capture of a Spanish polacre and a French privateer, hy the Emerald, Captain Mai'tlan'd, in the Channel.— Also, of the capture of a French Schooner, and the destruction of the Fort of Satnana, which gallant action is described by Captain Dacres in the following words:— " Having captured the French national schooner which I found was well known in Samana ( that nest for privateers), and having consulted with Captain Wise, of the Mediator, whom I fell in with off the Mona, under similar orders to myself, cruising for the annoyance of the enemy ( whose vessels are principally privateers in those Seas) I took him under my orders, and arrived at a deter- mination to' send the captured vessel in, under her former colours, to disguise this ship ( Bacchante) as a prize, and the Mediator as a neutral, which stratagem so completely deceived them, that we got through the intricate navigation of the harbour, and anchored within half a mile of the fort, before the enemy discovered their mistake, and opened their lire upon us from the Fort; which, after a heavy cannonade of four hours from the ships, was carried hy storm by the seamen and marines of both ships, landed under the command of Captain Wise, assisted bv Lieutenants Baker, Norton, and Shaw. We found in the harbour an American ship and an English schooner, prizes to the vessels aforementioned, and two French schooners then fitting for sea as cruisers."' The fort and cannon being destroyed, the fjace was then evacuated. Unfortunately, we had two seamen killed,- and sixteen wounded. The Gazette likewise, contains an account of the capture of a French privateer, by the Venus, Captain Matson, of Barbadoes; the appointment of Sir A. Paget, to be Plenipotentiary to the Sublime Porte : and announcing the blockade of the ltiver Oder by the Swedes. . ^^ FFTSORN-^ . LONDON, April 28. Paris Papers to the 17th, and Dutch to the 22d instant, have been received. They bring the ( 59th bulletin, which is' entirely uninteresting. It states that not a shot had been fired, even at th » ad- vanced posts, for the preceding fortnight. The frost still continued; and as soon as the thaw com- mences, the country will for several - weeks be entirely impracticable; so that no operation of any importance may be expected for some time. New- York and other American Papers, to the 13th of March, have arrived. They bring the intelligence that the treaty between this country and America is about to be submitted to the Senate, by the President. Satisfactory explanations have been given by Mr. Erskine, the British Minister, on the subject of the objectional parts of the treaty; and it is not thought at all likely that it will be rejected by the Senate. Colonel Burr, who bad been held to bail in 10,000 dollars, has forfeited his recognizance, and suddenly disappeared from the seat of Government: Warrants are therefore again issued in all directions for his apprehension. • Dispatchrs have been received at the Admiralty from Sir Richard Strachan, commanding our squa- dron off Ilochefort. The - are dated the 20th iust. and although we have not been so fortunate as to eimage the enemy, we have, on this occasion, prevented the escape from port of a squadron which has so often sailed and returned with im- punity. Despairing of eluding the vigilance of our indefatigable sailors, the French ships have retired into the harbour, and arc now entirely dismantled. Their squadron consisted of one three- decker, and five seventy- fours. The crews are landed. The Lords of the Admiralty have appointed Sir HomePopham to the command of a small squadron to cruise off the Continent, in the llivers, & c. witli a roving commission. Letters hjve been received from a Petty Officer • of the'Nautilus, of eighteen guns, Captain Palmer, wrecked on'a desert island in the Mediterranean, stating, that about seventy of the survivors, among whom" was the Captain and First Lieutenant, had escaped the horrors of a watery grave, to encounter a more dreadful death- by starvation. These poor fellows were without food nearly ten days. The Captain and First Lieutenant, with the greatest part of those on tire island, perished from hunger. The few survivors were taken off by the boats of Admiral Louis. In the House of Commons on Friday, on the order of the day for reading the first of Mr. Whitbread's Poor Bills, which related solely to the education of the children of the poor, a long and desultory conversation took place, in which Mr. Whitbread, and the supporters of the bill, contended strenu- ously for the measure ; and that a general education among the poor would uot only promote morality, but its consequences tend greatly to- reduce the rates. The advantage of education in Scotland was particularly enforced, and its good effects evi- dent in the industry and morality of its inhabitants. On the other hand it was contended, that the plan was nugatory; that it would hardly be possible to get the poor to send their children to attend school; and that in every event it would be improper to appropriate two years of lit? to education, without occupying a part of the same period for rearing them to industry, by profitable labour. Mr. Wind- ham, in particular, was adverse to the Bill,' and bestowed much huuTorous and metaphysical rea- soning upon the subject. Mr. Whitbread's four Bills, comprising the above, are as follow :— 1. For establishing parochial schools in England and Wales, for the instruction of the children of the poor. . 2. For promoting and encouraging industry among the labouring classes of the community, and for the relief and regulation of the necessitous poor. 3. For establishing a fund, and an Assurance Office, for investing the savings of the poor. 4: Forempowering Justicesot the Peace in England and Wales, at their General or Quarter Sessions of the Peace, to make fair and equal County Rates; and for enabling them to grant relief in certain cases out of such rates, to. parishes highly assessed to the poor rates. Atrocious Murder and Robbery.— On Thursday last, about three o'clock in the afternoon, Alex- ander Williamson, topsman to John Corson, of Dal what, on his way from Dumfries to Kirkcud- bright, stopped at Drumjohn, in the parish of Kirkganeion, to look upon sonic cattle ; and hav- ing gone about a quarter of a mile off the high road tor that purpose, he was most barbarously murdered by a pistol shot, and- thereafter robbed of a letter, containing a bill upon London for ^ .800, his watch, a purse containing some silver, and some papers. The murderer was soon after apprehended, and ha; been committed to Kirkcud- bright gaol. HOUSE of LORDS, Monday, April 25. Their Lordships met this day at a little before three o'clock. The Commons, with their Speaker, soon afterwards appeared at the bar, when the Royal assent, by commission, was given to one public and one private bill. The Lords Commissioners present were, the Lord Chancellor, Lords Walsingham andHawkes- bury. PROROGATION. The LORD CHANCELLOR . then addressed the follow- ing Speech to the Members of both Houses of Parlia- ment, on the part of the Commissioners :— " My Lords and Gentlemen, " We have it in command from his Majesty to inform you, that his Majesty has thought fit to avail himself of the first moment which would admit of an interruption of the sitting of Parliament, without material inconvenicnce to the public business, to close the present Session; and that his Majesty has therefore been pleased to cause a Commission to be issued under the Great Seal for proroguing the Parlia- ment. " We are further commanded to state to you, that his Majesty is anxious to recur to the sense of his people, while the events which have recently taken place are yet fresh in their recollection. " His Majesty feels, that in resorting to this mea- sure, under the present circumstances, he at once demonstrates, in the most unequivocal manner, his own conscientious persuasion of the rectitude of those motives upon which he has acted, and affords to his people the best opportunity of testifying their deter- mination to support hiin in every exercise of the Pre- rogatives of his Crown, which is conformable to the sacred obligations under which they are held, and con- ducive to the welfare of his Kingdom, and to tiie security of the Constitution. " His Majesty directs us to express his entire con- viction, that after so long a reign, marked by a series of indigencies to his Roman Catholic subjects, they, in common with every other class of his people, must feci assured ot his attachment to the principles of a just and enlightened toleration, and of his anxious de- sire to protect equally, and promote impartially, the happiness ' of all descriptions of his subjects. '' Gentlemen of the House of Commons, " His Majesty has commanded us to thank yon, in his Majesty's name, for the supplies which you have furnished for the public service. lie has seen, with great satisfaction, that you have been able to find the means of defraying, in the present year, those large but necessary expences for which you have provided, without imposing upon his people the immediate burthen of additional taxes. " His Majesty has observed with no less satisfac- tion, the enquiries which you have instituted into subjects connected with public economy; and he trusts that the early attention of a new Parliament, which he will forthwith direct to be called, will be applied to the prosecution of these important objects. '' My Lords and Gentlemen, " His Majesty has directed us most earnestly to recommend to you, that you should cultivate, by all means in your power, a spirit of union, harmony,' and good will, amongst all classes and descriptions of his people. " His Majesty trusts that the divisions naturally and unavoidably excited by the late unfortunate and uncalled- for agitation of a question so interesting to the feelings and opinions of- his people, will speedily pass awaj>; and that the prevailing sense and deter- mination of all his subjects to exert theirunited efforts in the cause of their country, will enable his Majesty to conduct to an honourable and secure termination, the great contest in which he is engaged." Then a Commission for proroguing the Parliament was read. After which the Lord Chancellor said — 1' My Lords and Gentlemen, " By virtue of his Majesty's Commission under the Great Seal, to us and other Lords directed, and now read, we do, in his Majesty';: name, and in obedience to his commands, prorogue this Parliament to Wed- nesday the 13th day of May next, to be then here holden ; and this Parliament is accordingly prorogued to Wednesday the 13th day of May next. . W1NSLOW, m- CKS. T II 0 M AS ST M C 0, Linen and Woollen- Draper j Haberdasher, 4' C- ETURNS his most sincere Thanks to his A, Friends 3ntl the Public in general, for the very liberal Encouragement he has received since his Com- mencement in Business, and takes the earliest Op- portunity of informing tljem, he is just returned from LONDON with a new and fashionable Assortment of every Article in the above Line, which he doubts not, on Inspection, will meet with the Approbation of a generous and discerning Public; whose Favours it will be his Study to merit, by constantly procuring the best as well as most fashionable Articles, which he is determined to sell upon the most reasonable Terms, far ready Money. — MEN'S and BOYS' HO- SIERY, Sec. FUNERALS completely furnished. May 1st, 1807. APRIL 10th, 1807. JThe Undersigned, JOHN SMITH, of BADBV, 5 in the County of Northampton, Labourer, having, in the Month ° f October'last, violently as- saulted CHARLES TUCKER, one of the Servants of the Rev. Sir John Knightley, Bart, of the Parish of Badl'. y aforesaid, for which a Prosecution hath been commenced against me, which the Prosecutor hath kindly withdrawn;— 1 do therefore acknowledge my- self to be sorry for the said Offence, and promise in future never to be guilty of the like. JOHN SMITH. COCKING. rnilTS is to give Notice, That there will be a • MAI r- J of COCKS to be fought vo THURSDAY the 7th Day of MAY, 1807, at LUTTERWORTH, in the County of Leicester, for Four Guineas a Battle and Twenty Guineas the Main. COX and COLLINS, Feeders. UNION CANAL. j - jVTCTICE is hereby given, That the next Half- i ^ yearly General Assembly of the Pronrietors of the LEICESTERSHIRE and NORTHAMPTON- SHIRE UNION CANAL, will be held at the GEORGE INN, MARKET- HARBOROUGH, on MONDAY the" 18th Day of MAT, 1S07, at Ten o'clock in the Forenoon. J. E. CARTER, ? Clerks to the G. WARTNABY, S Company. ' l'usmore, near Bruckley, Northamptonshire. To be SOLO by, PRIVATE CONTRACT, r TPWARDS of 1200 capital fine OAK TIMBER TREES, the greatest Part of which are very large and fine Navy Timber, from 50 to 120 Feet Meetings, now standing, with Top, l. op, and Bark; and if not sold in a short Time, they will be felled, and the Bark disposed of separate from the Timber; also, 800 ENDS of ELM, fallen, greatest Part of which are very fine large Navy Timber, from 50 to 120 Feet Meetings. The above Timber is only six Miles from the Oxford and Coventry Canals, eight from the Grand Junction Canal, and eighteen from the Thames Wharf, Oxford. For further Particulars, and to treat for the same, apply to Messrs. HOPCRAFT & SON, Crowton, near Brackley ; and for a View of the same, at Tusmore- House. Valuuble und desirable Freehold Estate, eligibly situate in St. John's, Bedford. To be SOL D by AUCTION, By B ROIV N 6f SON, On Tuesday the 5th Day of May, 1807, at the King's- Arms Inn, St. Mary's, Bedford ( subject to such Conditions of Sale as will be then produced), at Six o'Clock, in one Lot, AParticularly desirable FREEHOLD and Part LIFEHOLD" ESTATE; comprising a very genteel DWELLING. HOUSE, eligibly situate near the London Road, ST. JOHN'S, BEDFORD, late'in the Occupation of the Owner, Mrs. Ann Towersey, deceased; consisting of a neat genteel House, Sash Front, with a convenient Kitchen, Brewhouse, Pantries, Cellars, Sec.; two handsome Parlours, Hall, with a genteel Entrance; six airy Bed- chambers, Closets, Store- Rooms, & c.; a neat paved Yard, and a Pump of excellent Water; large Barn, and Stable, with Loft over the same; Pleasure- Garden, with Summer- House, bounded with good Fences, and in genteel Taste; the Whole Freehold, in good Preser- vation, and complete Repair. Likewise adjoining, is a large and extensive Kitchen and Pleasure- Garden, with good Fences, agreeably laid out, and planted with numerous and choice Fruit Tre.- s. — This Part of the Estate is Lifehold, subject to three Lives, of St. John's Hospital, Bedford, which will be more fully explained at the Time. of Sale. The above Premises are particularly eligible in Point of Situation, very airy, with Gardens opening to the Fields, and combining the Advantages of a Town and Country Residence. For a View of the Premises, and for further Par- ticulars, apply to BROWN & SON, Agents to the British Fire and Westminster Life- Office, Bedford. Freehold Estates, Bedfordshire. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By B RO IV N & SON, By Order of the Assignees, on Friday the 8th Day of May, 1807, at the Swan Inn, Elstow, at Five o'Clock in the Afternoon, ALL those valuable FREEHOLD ESTATES, con- sisting of that well- established INN, called the SWAN, and extensive Premises, pleasantly situated at ELSTOW ; and five Acres of inclosed rich ARABLE LAN D ( be the same more or less), lying in the Parish of KEMPSTON, near Elstow; in two Lots ( under such Conditions as will be then produced). Lot 1 comprises all that substantial well- built Inn, in full Trade, called or known by the, Sign of the Swan, situate in the Centre of Elstow atoresaid, now in the Occupation of Mr. Thomas Eyles, a Bankrupt ; con- sisting of a large and convenient Kitchen, with a Bar adjoining, neat back Parlour, and excellent front Parlour, with Kitchen orHall in Front, and capital Cellar ; four good Bed- chambers, with Closets, & c. add Servants' Rooms ; an extensive Yard, Pump of good Water, excellent- built Stalled Stable, Brewhouse, Butcher's Shop,' Barns, well- fenced Garden, with every Conveniency thereto belonging foran Inn in full Traoe. The above Inn has been recently fitted up, and for many Years been accustomed to brew their own Beer, is a very reputable House, and a desirable Purchase for continuing the Public Line of Business, situated in the populous Village of Elstow, within one Mile of the Town of Bedford.— The Fixtures to be taken at a fair Valuation. Lot 2 comprises five Acres of rich inclosed Arable Land, Ty the- free ( be the same more or less), situate in the Parish of Kempston, adjoining the said Parish ot Elstow, now in the Occupation of the said Mr. Thomas Eyles. For a View of the Estate, apply on the Premises, Where Particulars may be had ; also at the Cross- Keys, Ampthill; George, Wobum ; Cock, Hitchin ; Swan, Biggleswade; Falcon, St. Neots, Green- Dragon, Higham- Ferrers ; Fountain, Wellingborough; and ot Brown & Son, Auctioneers, and Agents to the British Fire and Westminster Life- Office, Bedford. Valuuble Furming- Stock, § c. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By B RO IV N Sf SON, On the Premises, on Monday the 11th of May, 1807, and following Day, at Ten o'CT^ ck each Dav, ALL the truly valuable LIVE and DEAD STOCK, large WHEAT- HOVEL, HOVEL of clean BEANS, WAGGON, CARTS, IMPLE- MENTS in HUSBANDRY, DAIRY Se BRE WING UTENSILS, HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, and other EFFECTS, late the Property of Mrs. Cununing, at the MANOR- FARM, at G RE A'l'- BA RFORD, in To ' ION, he SOLD bv AVICI By WILLI AM" B EES LEY, At -. lie House known by the Sign of the Green- Man, at SYRFSHAM HATCH, in the County of North- ampton ( removed there for the Convenience of Sale), oil Mondav the 4th Day of May, 1F07, A Genteel Assortment of TIOUSEHOLD- FUH- ±\. N ITU RE ; comprising Bedsteads, with printed Cotton Furnitures ; Feather and Flock Beds; Blankets, Bedquilts, Counterpanes, & c. ; sundry good Oak Chests of Drawers; Tables and Chairs; Kitchen Furniture in general, & c. & c. Sale to begin exactly at Ten o'Clock. Leicestershire, on the Borders of Rutland. To be SOL D bv A U C T 1 O N, By. Messrs. SKINNER, DYKE, & Co. On Wednesday the 6th of May, 1B07, at Twelve o'Clock, at Garraway's Coffee- House, ' Change- Alley, Cornhill, London, in one Lot, AValuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate in the Parish of COLD- O Vfe RTON, in tiie County of Leicester, nearly adjoining the Turnpike- Road from I. angham to Melton- Mowbray, four Miles from Oakham, six from the capital Market Town of Melton- Mowbray, and ten from Uppingham; con- sisting of a very, improvable GRAZINC FARM, con- taining ONE HUNDRED and out ACRES of MEADOW and OLD PASTURE LAND, plentifully supplied with excellent Water, now in the Possession of Mr. George Brvan, as Tenant at Will, at thevery low Rent of ONE HUND- RED POUNDS per Annum. This Farm is capable of the greatest. Improvement, and in Point of Situation very desirable. To be viewed bv applying to JOHN WOOD, the Shepherd, near the Church, at Cold- Overton.— Printed Particulars may be had at the Crown, Oakham ; Falcon, Uppingham; Swan, Melton- Mcwbray; of Mr. Price, Printer,. Leicester; Mr. Newcomb, Printer, Stamford; Messrs. Dicey &] Co. Printers, Northampton; at the Place of Sale; and of Messrs. Skinner, Dyke, & Co. Aldertgate- Street, London. the County of Bedford, who is leaving the Farm ; consisting of 110 exceeding fine Couples, 32 Wether Sheep, 87 Lambhogs, 11 Gist Ewes, and one fine Ram ; two ln- calf Cows, two fine i, liched Covrs in full Profit, Cow and Calf, and one barren Cow ; Sow and 30 Pigs, three fine In- pig Yelts, two tine Stores, and 10 store Pigs; seven useful Draught Horses, two Ditto Mares, and one tine Two- year- old Filly ; a great Number of Poultry, & c. ; a stout Waggon, and six Carts; two Fallow Plough^,. three Seed Ditto, and three Stirring Ditto ; three Pair of new Harrows, and Oak Shatt Roll; 14 Dozen of Hurdles, and 30 Dozen of Stakes ; a Quantitv of Plough and Cart Timber; four Iron Drags, Rakes, Forks, See. ; a Number of Sacks, and Barn Tackle in general; six Cow- Cribs, and long and short Ladders; exceeding good Gears for 12 Horses; a large Wheat- Hovel, containing about 80 Loads, and a Hovel of clean Beans, about 50 Loads ; Wheat- Hovel Frames, Waggon- Hovel, and boarded Pigsties; Hog- Troughs; Wood and Faggots; and various other Out- door Effects. The HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, DAIRY UTENSILS, & c. consist ot exceeding good Four- post, Tent, and other Bedsteads, with neat Cotton, Plaid, and Other" Furnitures ; six exceeding good Feather- Beds ; Bolsters and Pillows; Counterpanes, Quilts, and Blankets; double and single Chests of Drawers, in Mahogany and Wainscot; Dressing- Tables and Glasses; Chamber Chairs ; Mahogany Two- leaved Dining, Pembroke, and other Tables; neat Mahogany Chairs; Tier Glasses; Bath- Stoves, Fenders, and Fire- irons; ex- ceeding good Eight- day Clock; Kitchen Tables and Chairs, and Kitchen Requisites in general; 100- Gallon Brewing- Copper and Grate, and a 27- Gallon Ditto, with Lead Kirb and Wood Cover; 12- Bushel Mash- Vaf, Pipes, Hogsheads, and smaller Casks; eight good Milk- Leads, exceeding good Six- dozen Churn, on Brasses, complete, and Dairy Utensils in general; a Quantity of Earthenware; and various other Articles. Credit will be- given until the 13th Day of No- vember next, to all Purchasers above =£. 10, o » ap- proved joint Security; or a Discount allowed for prompt Payment. Catalogues may be had, in due Time, at the Swan, Biggleswade-; Falcon, St. Neots; White- Lion, Kim. bolton; Fountain, Wellingborough ; Swan, Newport- Pagncll; Cross- Keys, Ampthill; Towns adjacent; and of Brown Se Son, Auctioneers, and Agents to the British Fire and Westminstei Life- Office, Bedford,, BUCKINGHAM ASSOCIATION, For Protection af Persons and Property. nPHE General Annual Meeting of the Sub- - L scribers to this Association will be held at the COBHAM- ARMS INN, in BUCKINGHAM, on MONDAY the 18th Day of MAY instant, at the Hour of Twelve at Noon, for the Purpose of examining and passing the Treasurer's Accounts, renewing their Subscrip- tions, and appointing a Committee for the Year ensuing. ROBERT MILLER, Treasurer and Solicitor. Buckingham, May Id, 1807. Dinner at Two o'Clock, as usual. { J5T Any Person in the neighbouring Parishes may be admitted a Member of this Association, with tlis Approbation of the Committee, on Payment of 10s. 6d. for the first Year, and signing the Agreement to conform to the Regulations which is deposited in the Hands of the Treasurer — Subscriptions for the subsequent Years have been 5s. only. The Rules of the Society may be Ji « l gratis of the Solicitor. CLARK AND HALL's BANKRUPTCY. \\ J HF. REAS a Commission of Bankrupt is v T awarded and issued forth against JOHN CLARK and HENRY HALL, now or late of MARKET- HARBOROUSH, in the County of Leicester, Worsted and Carpet- Manufacturers and Copartners, trading under tfce Firm of CLARK & HALL, and they being declared Bankrupts, are hereby required to surrender themselves to the Commissioners in the said Commission named, or the major Part of them, on WEDNESDAY the 20th Day of MAY next, at Four o'clock in the Afternoon, and on'THUR SDAY the 21st Day of the same Month of MAY, at Eleven in the Forefioon, at the SWANS INN, in MA RKET'- H AR BO- ROUGH aforesaid; and on TUESDAY the J6th Day of JUNE next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, ar the ANGEL INN, in the same Town; and make a full Discovery and Disclosure of their Estate and Effects ; when and where the- Creditors are to come prepared to prove their Debts, and at the second Sitting to choose Assignees ; and at the last Sitting the said Bankrupts are required to finish their Examination, and the Creditors are to assent to, or dissent from, the Allowance of their Certificate.— All Persons in- debted to the said Bankrupts, or that have any of their Effects, are not to pay or deliver the same but to whom the Commissioners shall appoint, but give Notice to Messrs. Kinderley, Long, & Ince, At- tornies, Holborn- Court, Gray's- Inn, London; or to Mr. GEORGE WARTNABY, Attorney, in Market- Harborough aforesaid, Solicitor to the Commission. RICHARD GRE. SLEY. WILLIAM WARTNABY. P. O. ADAMS. Market- Uarhorougb, April Tub, 1807. ARMY CONTRACTS. Commissary- General's Office, Great. George- Street, London, 15t0 April, 1807. NOTICE is hereby given to all Persons desirous of contracting to supply the following Articles, for the Use of the Army, viz. BREAD, to His Majesty's Land Forces in Canton- ments, Quarters, and Barracks, in. the under- men- tioned Counties, and Islands, Alderney, Hunts, Bucks, Isle of Man, Cornwall, Isle of Wight, Derby, Jersey, Devon, Kent, Dorset, Middlesex, Guernsey, Norfolk, Hants, Northampton, Hertford, Oxford, OATS, to His Majesty's Cavalry in Cantonments and Quarters, in the under- mentioned Counties and Islands, Berks, Isle of Wight, Berwick, Kent, Cambridge, Leicester, Chester, Lincoln, Cornwall, Middlesex, Derby, Norfolk, Dorset, Northampton, Hants, Northumberland, York." Hunts, Oxford, FORAGE, viz. OATS, HAY, and STRAW, to His Majesty's Cavalry in Barracks, in the under- mentioned Counties, Devon, Nottingham, Hants ( including the Somerset, Isle ot Wight), Suffolk, Kent, York. That the Contracts will be entered into for the Period of five Months, except in the Islands ot- G uern- sey, Jersey, Alderney, Man, and Scilly, for which Islands they will be entered into forfour Months only. The Deliveries in the former1 are to commence on and for the 25th Day of May, and in the latter on the 25th Day of June next, and to continue until the 24th Day of October inclusive ; that Proposals in Writing, sealed up, and marked Tender for Army Supplies, will be received at this Office on or before the 4th Day of May ( but none will be received after Eleven o'Clock on that Day), and if sent by Post, the Postage must be paid. Proposals must be made separately for each County and Island, and the Names of two sutiicient Sureties, with their Places of Residence, must be inserted at the Foot thereof; and no Proposals will ba noticed unless made qn, or annexed to, a printed Tender, and the Prices expressed in Woids at length ; nor unless the Party, or their Agent, attend at this Office, on the following Day, to know the Decision thereon. Particulars of the Contracts may be had upon Application at this Office, between the Hours of Ten and Four; at the Office of Mr. Deputy- Commissary- General Assiotti, Edinburgh ; at the Office of Mr. Assistant- Commissary Rawlings, Guernsey; and at the Office of Mr. Assistant- Commissary Dumaresq, Jersey. AW.— As some very material Alterations '. mve been made in the Bread, Oat, and Forage Tenders, spch Persons as may be desirous of tendering to supply the same, mustjipply for the proper I'artioulars. Expeditious Canal Conveyance rg^ KOMAS & MATTHEW and JAMES & 1 MATTHEW PICK Ft? RD & Co. beg Leave to return thanks for the liberal Encouragement • so long experienced; and at the same Time take this Op- portunity of informing iheir numerous Friends and the I ubhc in general, that their old- establislied E L Y - BOA T S continue to pass through the different Lines of Canal • and that they have established a LANU. C ARR I AGE from their Boats, at Blisworth Wharf, to tho Town of Northampton; by which Conveyance GOODS will be daily delivered and forwarded from all Pans of til- United Kingdom. For Freight and Particulars, apply to THOMAS HARTUP, at Messrs. Pickfords' Warehouse, Horse- Market, Northampton. When Canals are rendered impassable by Frost or otherwise, the Proprietors ( if required) will forward Goods by Land, at a Land Rate. tha County Salop, Scilly Islands, Stafford, Suffolk, Surrey, Sussex, Warwick, Worcester, York. Salop, . Somerset, Stafford,' Suffolk, Sussex, Warwick, Wilts, s may be had of Mr. Coocn. t- Psgnell. ARMY CONTRACTS. Commissary- General's Office, Great George- Street, London, April 27th, 1807. NOTICE is hereby given to all Persons desirous' - L\ of contracting to supply the following Articles for the Use of tin' Army, viz. BREAD, to His Majesty's Land Forces in Canton- ments, Quarters, and Barracks, in the under- men- tioned Counties:—• Cardigan, Chester. OATS, to His Majesty's Cavalry in Cantonments and Quarters in the under- mentioned Counties: — Bedford, E- ssex. Carnarvon, 1 FORAGE, viz OATS, HAY, and STRAW, to His Majesty's Cavalry in Barracks in the under- mentioned Counties in South- Britain :— Essex, Norfolk, Lancaster, Warwick; and in North- Britain, the following Counties:— Edinburgh, Lanark. That the Contracts will be entered into for the Period of five Months; that the Deliveries are to commence on and for the 25th Day of May next, and to continue until the24th Day of October, inclusive; that Proposals in Writing, sealed up, and marked Tender for Army Supplies, will be received at this Office on or before the 9th Day of May ( but none will be received after Eleven o'Clock on that Day), and if sent by Post the Postage must be paid. Proposals must be made separate for each County, and the Names of two sufficient Sureties, with their Places of Residence, must be inserted at the Foot thereof; and no Proposals will be noticed, unless made on or annexed to a printed Tender, and the Prices expressed in Words at length; nor unless the Party, or, their Agent* attend al this Office. on the following Day, to know the Decision thereon. Particulars of the Contract may be had upon Appli- cation at this Office, between the Hours of Ten and Four; andat the Office of Mr. Deputy- Commissary- General Assiotti, Edinburgh. Note.— As Some very material Alterations have been made in the Bread, Oat, and Forage Tenders, such Persons who may be desirous of tendering to supply the same, must apply for the proper Parti- culars. APRIL 30th, 3807. THR KING's - HEAD PUBLIC- HOUSE, in J- SHERRINGTON, Bucks, which was to have been SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. KNIBB, on the 29th - 1 nstant, is disposed of ty Private Contract. . Capital large Maiden Oak L'V.. ler Trees, ^- c.. To be SOLD hy A POTION, By JOHN DAY, On^ Tuesday the 5th Day of May instant, 1S07, at George Inn, in Stoke- Ooldington, in the Cot of Bucks, TTPWARDS of 150 OAK TREES and SPIRES, with LOP, TOPS, and BARK, growing on the ° F MISS WRIGHTE, in the Parishes of GA\ MURST, LATHBU RY, and STOKE. GOLD- ' IN- GTON,' near N EWPORT- PAGN ELL, Bucks.— The limber is remarkably large and fine, fit for the Navv Builders, See. Sec. Catalogues may be had, six Days before Sale, at the Angel Inn, Northampton; Bull, Olney; Anchor, Newport. Pagneli; the Place of Sale; and of the Auctioneer, in Stony- Stratford. The Timber is within four Miles of the Grand Junction Canal, and near tho Turnpike- Road to Northampton. Credit will be given on approved Security.— May be viewed by applying to Mr. WILLIAM KILPIN, of Stoke- Goldington aforesaid. Freehold Land, Tickford Eield, Newport- Pagr. ell, Bucks. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DAY, On Thursday the 7th Day of May instant, at the Swan Inn, ill Newport- Pagneli aforesaid, between the Hours of Three and Five o'Clock in the Afternoon, rip WO undivided FOURTH- PARTS of several 0- PIECES and PARCELS of ARABLE MEADOW, and PASTURE LAND, dispersed in the Common Fields of TI CK FOR D aforesaid, con- taining tugether, by Estimation, 83A. 1R. in the Occupation of Mrs. Atterbury. A Bill is now in Parliament for inclosing the said Fields. Further Particulars Solicitor, in Newpott- Live and Dead Farming- Stock and Effects. To be SOLD by A U C T ION, By JOHN DAY, On Friday the 8th Day of May instant, on the Pre- mises, at NEWTON. BLOSSOMVILLE, near Olney, Bucks, r| PHE under- mentioned EFFECTS, the Property - L of Mr. AUSTIN SHEFFIELD, who is leaving his Farm; comprising four stsut Cart Horses; seven In- calf and new- milch Cows, and one Bull; 60 Ewes with Lambs, 16 barren Ewes, and 50 Tegs; one Sow with Pigs, ene Ill- pig Sow, two Boars, and six store Pigs; two Carts, Ploughs, Horse Harness, and Barn lackle ; one Oak Timber Tree, sawed Stuff and Plough Timber, Elm and Ash Boards, and Faggots and Fire. Wood; two large Corn- Garners; Churn, Milk- Leads, tubs, » ml Buckets; Beer Casks; several Lots of Household- Furniture; and other Effects. Grand Junction Canal. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DAY, At the WHARF, at OLD - STRATFORD, neat STONY- STRATEORD, on Wednesday the 6th Day of May instant, at Twelve o'Clock, HPHE said WHARF, with the Appurtenances, - 1- for the unexpired Term of upwards of 24 Years, with a Covenant for Renewal as therein- mentioned; consisting ot useful and extensive Accommodations for carrying on a large Scope Of Mercantile Business, - with a capacious Bason for Boats and Barges, so com- fnodiously situated that Goods may be loaded and unloaded on both Sides of it, and at the End. The Wharf Yards are inclosed, and are spacious and very convenient. On one Side of the Bason is a Ware- house of large Dimensions, in the Centre and under the Roof of which is an Opening from the Yard to the Bason, and in it a Crane of large Power for the loading and unloading of Goods, and under Cover; and to the Warehouse are annexed a Storehouse for Salt at one End, and at the other End a Storehouse for Cokes, with capacious arched Vaults under the whole Building. On the opposite Side of the Bssori is a Lime- Wharf, with Lime- Kilns and Limehouse; also well- adapted Conveniencies for Boat- building, with a Storehouse for Boat- builders' Stores and Uten- sils.— At the Entrance into the yard is a convenient neat House, for the Residence of a Manager or chief Clerk, with a Counting- llouse, good Garden, and Stable, and a good Weighing- Machine and Machine- House adjoining the Counting- House. Also, included in the same Lease, a DWELLING- HOUSE, in the Village of OLD- STRATFORD, situated at the Entrance of the Road to the Wharf, with a Bakehouse and Stable, and a small Pightle, now in the Occupation of Mr. Hawley, Baker, ai Tenant at Will. And also, a FREEHOLD CLOSE of rich- GRASS LAND, situated near the said Wharf, containing 4A. 2R. 25P. or thereabouts, in. which is a'com- modious Bason, communicating with the Canal, for the Reception of Boats and Barges. This Close is a valuable Appendage to the Wharf, and in it is a Quantity of Brick Earth; a considerable Brick- Work has there been carried on, and may be continued. And also on the same Day, at Four in the After- noon, will be Sold by Auction, on tile Premises, jie « r Thorp Bridge, The spacious and commodious WHARF, called THORP BRIDGE WHARF, under the same Lease with the Wharf at Old- Stratford. This Wharf is also well situated and well adapted for Trade; on an exten- sive Scale. There is a good Warehouse, and Dwelling- House now used as a Public- House, in the Occupation of Ann Palmer, Widow, as lenant at Will; adjoining to which is a comfortable Tenement, for the Residence of a Clerk or Book- keeper, a good Weighing- Ma- chinc, and Machine- House; the Whole is inclosed, and a Lime Work may here be carried oa if thought desirable. The Whole of the Premises at both Wharfs have been entirely new- built within the last seven Years, and are in perfect Repair; nor are they inferior for all the Purposes of an extensive Mercantile Concern to any Situation on the Grand Junction Canal. The Purchaser may have Possession on the 1st Day of June next, on the Terms mentioned in the Conditions of Sale; and may be accommodated with thirteen Trading Boats, and with all the Stock, then unsold, of Cfals, Cokes, Salt, Yorkshire Flags, Welch Slates, and Bilston Grinding- Stones; and also with all the Stores, Utensils, & c. at a fair Valuation. Sliould the Pursliaser decline taking the Stock, Utensils, and Stores, together with the Farming- Stock, Cattle, Sheep, Horses, and Husbandry Implements, then they will be Sold by Auction, on the respective Premises, on Wednesday the 20th of May; the Sale to begin precisely at Ten o'Clock; and Catalogues of the same will be ready to be delivered in due Time. Mr. Griffiths, at the Counting- House, at the Wharf at Old- Stratford, and Mr. Daniel Kightley at the , Thorp Bridge Wharf, will shew the Premises. For further Particulars, apply to Mr. J. F. CONGREVE, Solicitor, Stony- Stratford. Wednesday and Thursday's Posts. LO NDON, April 30. YESTERDAY his Majesty held a Privy Coun- cil, at which he signed the Proclamation'for dissolving Parliament. The Writs are to be re- turnable on tlie 22d of June, when a' short Ses- sion will be held, to expedite what remains of the public business, and to accomplish those arrange- ments which the Ministers desire for their own accommodation. . Foreign Papers to the date of Monday last have been received. They contain the 70th bulletin from the Grand Army, which however' communi- cates nothing of importance from the seat of war. : The siege of Dantzic is continued ; but the gar- rison had received a reinforcement of Russians by sea, and nothing but the destruction of the works is likely to effect its reduction. The two armies remained at rest, and the thaw being set in, nothing of magnitude can be attempted till the country is in some measure dried. The impression respecting an armistice and peace, still prevails 011 the Continent. It seems to be pretty strongly believed, that - the Court of Vicuna is engaged in actual negoeiations for bring- ing the French and the Russians to terms of accommodation. No dispatches have yet been received from . Admiral Duckworth. An opinion, however, has gained ground, that an arrangement has been ef- fected with the Porte, notwithstanding those statements which have reached us. The appoint- ment of Sir Arthur Paget as Ambassador to that Court,, anil some other circumstances, have been adopted as a presumption that the Ministers be- lieve the negotiations not to be in a hopeless - situation. The most active preparations continue to be made for the Continental expedition. About 3000 of the Guards, the whole of the German Legion, and skorne other regiments, will be employed oil this important occasion. Lord Cathcart will com- mand the expedition, and is to be accompanied by General Wellesley, and the Marquis of Huntley. | As the whole of the business of Parliament falls ' to the ground by the dissolution, Mr. Paul 1/ has \ given up the scrutiny for Westminster.— The Com- mittee of Finance is likewise stopped in its career, after having just diSoovcred the most extravagant abuses in some of the departments of Government; besides a great public accountant, who is charged with embezzling the public money, another dis- covery, of ,£. 100,000 illegally misapplied, is, also said to have been made by the Committee.— County Chronicle. Sunday se'ntiight the Duke of Richmond arrived in Dublin- Castle, where n council of state was im- mediately held, tind the usual oaths administered to his Grace,, on his. assuming the government of that country. Sir Francis Burdett has signified, in a public ' address to the Electors of Middlesex, that he declines offering himself a Candidate to represent any plac€ in the ensuing Parliament. A melancholy. affair has taken place at Li- verpool; one of the hanks has- stopped payment; and on Tuesday se'nnight one of the partners hung himself. The failure of the house is attributed to the Abolition of the Slave Trade! The stake for which the Lancashire pedestrian ran over. Newmarket heath last week ( as men- tioned in our last paper), is said to have been .500 guineas, and considerable bets were depending*; during the race the odds were two and three to ope, in his favour; he ran the first eight miles in 48 minutes, and the first twenty miles in two hours and sever; minutes. lie is a remarkably fine tall well- made man. lie ran without shoes or stock- ings, and had only a pall- of flannel drawers aud a jacket upon him, and at no time appeared fatigued or overcome by this most extraordinary exertion. When he had completed half the distance, he jumped into a post- chaise and took the refresh- ment of a glass of wine and a crust of bread or biscuit. There were numerous riders who found it difficult to keep their horses up with him— he is supposed to have sprung nearly two yards every step; the wind was so very, high, as to occasion him considerable inconvenience. His arms kept nearly equal motion with his legs; the spot chosen was the four mile course, which he ran round ten times. Duncan, the gardener, of Clapham, lias received a conditional pardon, to be transported to Botany Bay for life,. and'has been conveyed on board the Retribution Ilulk, at Woolwich, on his way thither. DIED.] On Friday last, at a very advanced age, Mrs. Kemble, relict of Mr. Roger Kemble, and mother of that family who are properly considered as the great supporters of the modern Stage. BRIGGS's PUNCH- HOUSE. Wines, Brandies, Rum, Hollands Geneva, British Gins, and rich Cordials, of the . finest Flavour, Wholesale and Retail. " ft lj BRIGGS begs Leftve to inform her nu- vi*- 8 . merous Friends and the Public in general, that she has laid in a laige Stock of Felix Calvert's real BROWN STOUT and MILD LONDON PORTER. — Rich HEREFORDSHIRE CYDER,, of the first Quality, barreled or bottled. ' M. B. returns, in Gratitude, her sincere Acknow- ledgments for the many liberal Favours she has at all Times received; and hopes, by an unremitting Atten- tion, to be worthy of their future Orders, which will be punctually attended to and most carefully executed. Silver- Street, Northampton, May Id, 1807. ANTED, in either of the bordering Coun- ties, BOARD, WASHING, and LODGING for an ELDERLY MAN, in any plain Family. A Farmer's House would £> e preferred. The Person is of a good Disposition; and Nothing will be wanted but in a homely Way. Salary, not exceeding =£. 30 per Year, to be paid as required. Letters ( Post- paid) directed for M. K. No. 160, Drury- Lane, London, stating Particulars, will be attended to. ANTED immediately, An ASSISTANT to w and- Retail Druggist, and who ha « been accustomed to mixing up Physicians' Prescriptions. An AP- PRENTICE is also wanted immediately. Diiec- t to Mr. PULLEY, Surgeon, Ampthill, Beds. N. B. No Person need make Application who can- not bring with him a Character from his last Place, for Sobriety and Capability. W ANTED immediately, A YOUNG PERSON v V of respectable Character, as an ASSISTANT in the MILLINERY and DR E SS - MAKIN G BUSINESS.— Also, an APPRENTICE. Enquire of Miss NEWMAN, 1' aulerspury, near Towcester, Northamptonshire. 1 ANTED, A YOUTH, of a respectable » » Family, as an APPR ENTICE to the LINEN and j WOOLLEN- DRAPERY BUSINESS.— A hand- i some Premium will be expected. 1 Apply ( if by Letter Post- paid) to Messrs. FREEMAN i Se WHIT\ V ® RTH, Northampton. ANTS a Situation, as . MONTHLY NURSE to a LADY, A P E R SON who can be well recommended for her Abilities in Needle- Work or Domestic Affairs, and for Honesty and Sobriety. — She is now in a Gentleman's Family, where Reference may be had. Has no Objection to nurse any Person in Illness. Enquire of Mrs. MARSHALL, or Mrs. STANTON, Mercer's- Row, Northampton. Fafrtivmble Mii! lifiayt Ituo& dasdterfy-, ' atti Tandy Dress Warehouse, ( LATE M. Pears,) HIGH - STREET, BEDFORD. JMEACOCK, deeply impressed with the „ liveliest Sense Of Gratitude for the very liberal and flattering Support he has experienced since his Commencement in Business, begs respectfully to re- turn his most sincere Thanks to his Friends and the Public in general, and to inform them, in Addition to his old- estiiblished Trade he has taken the Premises as a'rsove, where ho has just laid in an extensive and fashionable Assortment of every Description of Goods in the MILLINERY, HABERDASHERY, and FANCY DRESS LINE, of the very first Quality and Fashion, selected from the most respectable Houses in the Trade; and that the Business will be conducted by Miss WHITE, from Lundon, who will regularly be supplied with the different Fashions as they appear Monthly.— And Ladies, by applying at his Wj RE- ROOMS, may at all Times be furnished with every Article of Fashion equally as soon as in London, and on the most reasonable Terms. J. MEACOCK embraces this Opportunity to inform his Friends and the Public, he has now on Sale, at his old- established Shop in the HIGH STREET, an extensive Assortment of every Description of LINEN and WOOI. LEN- DRAPERY, peculiarly adapted for the Spring Trade, and most earnestly solicits a Con- tinuance of that liberal Patronage he has uniformly experienced; assuring them, it shall be his utmost Study and Endeavour to merit their future Encourage- ment and Support. Bedford, April SO/ A, 1807. ( J3* The different Articles of MILLINERY and FANCY DRESSES are now ready for Inspection. To the GiKTLtxtx, fctj& Gr, and EKKEKOLDERS of the COUNTY of HUNTINGDON. WE beg Leave to solicit the Favour of your Votes and Interest, on the Election of Reprt- sentatives for this County in the ensuing Parliament; and we hope, that our well- known Attachment to the Principles of our glorious Constitution, and our firm Determination to support it in Church and State, will insure us your Support. We have the Honour to be, Gentlemen, With the greatest Respect, Your much obliged, and faithful humble Servants, IIINCHINGBROOK, WM. HENRY FELLOWES. Hinchingbrook, April ISth, 1807. To the WORTHY ELECTORS of the BOROUGH and HUNDREDS of AYLESBURY. GENTLEMEN, IN Consequence of the Dissolution of Parlia- ment which has just taken Place, I beg Leave again to solicit your Votes and Interests for the Honour ot becoming one of your Representatives. Should you once more favour me with your Support, I trust that you will have no Reason to repent your Choice. I shall take the earliest Opporiunity of paying ray Respects personally to you all. I have the Honour to be, Gentlemen, Your grateful and obedient Servant, G. NUGENT. Aylesbury, April IRth, 1807. To of To Grocers, Chandlers, and Ironmongers. WANTS a Situation, A YOUNG MAN, as an ASSISTANT to either of the above- men- tioned Businesses. Letters addressed to W. V. Post- Office, Bedford, will be duly attended to. To Bakers and Millers. WANTED, SIX JOURNEYMEN BAKERS and TWO good GRINDERS. Apply to THOMAS FROST, Cotton- Mills, North- ampton; or JOSETH JOHNSON, Twiekett's Mills, Hind Inn, Wellingborough. Gheap and expeditious Travelling to London in a new and elegant T E L E G R A P H COAC H, . To carry only foar In sides ; , " tTTTIHCH sets out from the above Inn every » T Morning ( Sundays excepted) punctually a" t Five o'Clock, to the WINDMILL INN, ST. JOHN'S- STREET, and the GEOROE- AND- BLUE- BOAR INN, HOLBORN, LONDON ; from whence one returns on the same Mornings precisely at Six o'Clock. Performed by GILBERT, ROGERS, & Co. The Proprietors beg Leave to say, in Consequence of the numerous Applications from the Inhabitants of Wellingborough and its Neighbourhood, they have been induced to establish the above Coach, as a daily Conveyance, tor their Accommodation, and as such hope to meet with their Interest; assuring them and the Public in general, that Nothing shall be wanting j to lender it tlw most comfortable Conveyance on the 1 Road, having provided Coaches upon a new Principle; 1 and every Attention will be paid to the early Delivery j of Parcels, See. Places may be taken at the Pull Inn, Olney ; and! Parcels regularly booked as usual. The Timeof leaving Olney will be Seven o'Clock in the Morning. The Proprietors request the Public to t ike Notice, that they will not be accountable for any Article lost or ' damaged, above the Value of Five Pounds, unless entered as such and paid for accordingly. April 30th, 1807. the GENTRY, CLERGY, and FREEHOLDERS the COUNTY of BUCKS. GENTLEMEN, HIS Majesty having been pleased again to . dissolve the Parliament, I beg Leave to offer myself, as a Candidate for the COUNTY of BUCKS, to that Favour and Protection to which 1 have so long and so frequently been indebted. I. n every Situation of Life in which I may find myself, it shall be my most earnest and constant En- deavour to promote the Welfare and the Interests of the County, to which 1 am bound by every Tie of Gratitude. S lion la I again he honoured by . your Support, I can only promise you a Continuance of the same Zeal in your Service, which has hitherto guided my Pailia- mentary Conduct. I have the Honour to be. Gentlemen, With the creates! Respect and Devotion, Your very faithful and obedient Servant, CHANDOSTEMPLE. To ~~ Ai Towcester. A To Paper- makers, Millers, Ironmongers, & c. AMES BUTLER, WIRE- WEAVER and SIEVE- MAKER. No. 2, SAFFRON- STREET, near GREAT SAFFRON- HILL, LONDON, makes and sells all Sorts- of Brass and I roil Wire Sieves, for Tobacconists, Seeds- men, Bakers, Corn- Chandlers, Colourmen, Founders, Bricklayers, Plasterers, Stone- Masons, Grocers, Druggists, Tallow- Melters, Glass- Grinders, and Farmers ; Brick, Emery, and Plaster of Paris Makers; Hair Powder and Turpentine Manufacturers, Glasu Houses, Sec. Also, al* Sorts of Wire Work for Gunpowder and Paper Mills, Wholesale, Retail, and for Exportation. N. B. Wove Wire for Paper Moulds. ' To COVER, this Season,' AT GREAT- BILLING, near Northampton, at Two Guineas each Mare, that beautiful BROWN HORSE, SIR PETER, now rising four Years old.— He was got by Sir Peter Teazle, his Dam by Javelin; Sir Peter'teazle was got by Highflyer, his Dam by Snap; Javelin was got by Eclipse, out of a Spectator Mare, bred by the Duke of Cumberland. He is not inferior to any Blood Horse in the Kingdom for Substance, Symmetry, anil Action. The Money to be paid at Midsummer next. Billing, April 24/ A, 1807. ANTED, A PERSON to undertake the MANAGEMENTand MAINTENANCE of the POOR of the Parish of MOULTON, in the County of Northampton. Apply to the Parish- Officers, at a Vestry to beheld on Tuesday theSth'Day of May, 1807. The Management and Maintenance of the Poor of LONG- BUCKRY, in the County cf Northampton, io let I. VftTANTED immediately, A PERSON of * » Respectability and Responsibility, to under- take the MANAGEMENT arid MAINTENANCE of tile POOR within the said Parish until Easter next. There is a convenient Workhouse, and liberal Terms will be ollered to any Persoh who may meet the Ap- probation of the Churchwardens and Overseers; and no Person but of the above Description need apply, as it is a considerable Concern, and as none but Persons who are respectable, or can find sufficient Sureties for the due Performance of their Agreement, according to the Conditions to' bs produced at the Time of letting the same, will be attended to. Any Person qualified as above, may apply to the CHURCHWARDENS, and OVERSEERS of the Poor of LONG- BUCKBY aleresaid, of whom further Particulars may be known. To be SOLD L7 A U C I'To N, By RICHARD SMITH, On t) ie Premises, at BENEFIELD, near OUNDLE, Northamptonshire, 011 Wednesday the 6th Day of May, 1807, and two following Days, punctually at Eleven o'Clor. k in the Forenoon, npHF, genteel HOUSEHOLD - FURNITURE, S. BREWING UTENSILS, PRINTS, PAINT. INGS, LIBRARY of HOOKS, LIVE and DEAD STOCK, and other EFFECTS, of the Rev. JOHN HUNT, deceased. Catalogues may be had, six Days previous to the Sale, at the following Inns, viz. Crown, Stamford; Golden- Lion, Peterborough; Angel, Stilton; Hind, Wellingborough; White - Hart, ' Kettering; George, Weldon; Pr inting- Ofiice, Oundle; and of the Auc- tioneer, Swan, Thrapston. Lorn Farm, Gamlhigay, Cambridgeshire. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By THOMAS HAGGER. On the Premises, on Monday the 11th of May, 1807, ALL the truly valuable LIVE STOCK, F A R MIN C; IM P L E M E NTS. and B R E WIN G UTENSILS, of Mr. RICHARD ROWELL, who is leaving the Farm; consisting ot 120 polled Ewes with Lambs, in good Condition, six Gist Ewes, 80 I. ambhogs, four Tups, and a Ram; two new- milched To be L E T T, And entered upcm at Midsummer next, Very aood established BOARDING and DAY- SCHOOL for YOUNG LADIES ; the Dwelling- House very pleasantly situated in DUN- STABLE- STREET, AMPTHILL, in the County of Bedford. For Particulars, apply to Mrs. STONE; if by Letter, Post- paid. Ampthill, April Tlth, 1807. Mansion- houses U7id Manors, in Dorsetshire, to lett. To be LET!', for a Term of Years, rrilE very elegant MANSION - HOUSE of 8- CRITCHELL, partly furnished, with such Part of the handsome Park belonging as may be agreed on, and the Right of sporting in several adjacent Manors, where the Game is abundant. Also the IS LAN D and CASTLE of BROWIJSEA, situate at the Entrance into Poole Harbour.— The Land consists of above five hundred Acres, and the Castle is partly furnished, and forms the most com- plete Marine Residence in England. Also the MANSION- HOUSE of GRANGE, with the Manor attached thereto ; and an adjoining FARM, which may be lett together with the Manor, or separate. Further Particulars may be known by Application to Mr. EVANS, Surveyor, Wimborne, Dorset; and Messrs. MACDOUGALL & HUNTER, Lincoln's- lnn, London. CAPITAL OAK TIMBER] To be' SOLD, On Thursday and Saturday the 7th and 9th Days of this instant May, 1807, rfMIREF, hundred and forty OAK TIMBER 1 TREES, without the BARK, in 95 Lots, blazed and numbrrcd, and now standing in the several Parishes of FAWSLEY, BADBY, PRESTON- CAPES, SNOSCOMB, and DODFORD, all in the County of Northampton ; they are of prime Quality, of large Dimensions, and fit for all Uses. The Sale will commence, in Badby Wood, at Half- past Ten o'Clock, on Thursday Morning the 7th Instant; the Dodford Timber will be sold in the Afternoon of the same Day, at the House of Mr. VVm. Douglass, the Sign of the Windmill, in Badby aforesaid; and on Saturday the 9th Instant, will begin in Preston Wood, at the same Time in the Morning. Catalogues of the above may be had at the Wheat- Sheaf Inn, Daventry ; Bull, VVeedon; Windmill, Badby ; and the'Plume- of- Feathers, Everdon ; where proper Persons are appointed to shew the Timber. the GENTLEMEN-, CLTIRCY, and FREEHOLDERS of the COUNTY of BUCKS. GENTLEMEN, j S the Circumstances under which, on the 9th Instant, you re- elected me one of your Represen- tatives, continue the same, I have no Hesitation in again offering myself to your Notice; and I hope I i may feel a well- grounded Confidence, that in solicit- ! ing a Repetition of that distinguished Honour which | so lately you unanimously conferred upon me, i com- ply with, what I believe to be, the general Wish to preserve the Peace and Independence of the County; ind that you will honour me with your Votes and Interest on the Day of Election. 1 have the Honour to be, Gentlemen, With the greatest Respect, Your most obedient, and most humble Servant, SCOTT TITCHFIELD. London, April 19th, 1807. " LIUSHTON ASSOCIATION, For prosecuting Felons, < Sc. ri1IIE Annual Meeting of this Association will be L be held at the LORD- CULLEN'S- ARMS INN, in RUSHTON, in the County of Northampton, 011 THURSDAY the 7th Day ot MAY next, at Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon; when and where the Members are requested to attend, and pass the Trea- sure's Accounts, and to transact the other Business of this Society. Dinner on the Table precisely at Two o'Clock. THOS. MARSHALL, Treasurer and Solicitor. Kettering, 22J April, 1807. T GOLDEN DA B, TO COVE R, this Seaspn, 1807, at Mr. FIOWES's, AYNHO- GROUNDS, Northampton- shire, at Two Guineas and Five Shillings ( bred by- Earl Grosvenor). He was got by PotSo's, his Dam ( Muse) by Herod, Grand- dam by Shepherd's Crab, Great Grand- dam ( Miss Meredith) by Cade, I. ittle- Jlartlev Marc. He is a sure Foal- getter, full 15 Hands * sPacl three Inches high, of great Bone and Power, and timing proves himself to get capital Stock. The Money to be paid at the Time of Covering. Good Accommodation for Mares at Five Shillings per Week. old Stone Colt, two Mares with Foals, and a yearling Filly; two Sows; and three Geese; 10 Ploughs, three Pair ot Harrows, a large Ditto, and a Set of ( Jingling Hai- ows; Shaft- Roll; four Dung- Carts, Tax- Cart and Harness, and good Market. Waggon ; Barn- Tackle; Harness for nine Horses; Brewing Utensils; some Household- Furniture, and other Effects. Sale to commence precisely at Ten o'Clock. Catalogues may be had at the Red- Lion, Bedford • Wh ite- Horse, Biggleswade; Ram, St. Ives; Cock, Gamlingay; of Mr. Fox, Printer, St. Neots; and of the Auctioneer, Potton. Six Months' Crsdit will be given for the Livestock, on approved Security. Bedfordshire. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Messrs. HILL & SON, On Monday, May 11th, 1807, at the George Inn, Luton, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, in one Lot, ^ Commodious Brick and Tiled DWELLING- Buckinghamshire.' To be S* O L D by AUCTIO N, By JOSEPH DUDLEY, At the Bell Inn, Winslow, on Friday the 29th Day of May inst. 1S07 ( unless before disposed of by Private Contract); AVery compact and desirable FREEHOLD . ESTATE, situate in SWANBURNE, in the of excellent Meadow and Pasture divided into two Grounds, witlia Cow- House standing thereon.— The above instate is well watered by a constant Stream, and the Fences are in very good Condition. For a View of the Premises, apply to the Pro- prietor, Mr. THOMAS HENI. Y, of Swanbume aforesaid ; and fot further Particulars, or to treat for the same by Private Contract, to Mr. LANCELOT WYATT, Attorney • vt Law, or to JOSEPH DUDLEY, the Auctioneer, of Winslow. HOUSE, with Sashed Windows in Front, situate in the BROAD- STREET, at LUTON, late in the O ccupation of Dr. Kirby, deceased ; comprising a spacious Hall, with a light and cheerful Staircase, Dining and Breakfast Parlours, a good Kitchen, Wash- house, Pantries, Cellars, Sec.; fivegood Bed- chambers, with convenient Closets, a back Staircase, and Attics ; a convenient Yard, and Orchard, with Out- buildings ; a large capital Garden, walled in, and well planted with Fruit Trees.— The Whole forming a complete Resid erice for a genteel Family; and Possession may be had immediately. Also, adjoining'the Estate are FIVE convenient Brick and filed COTTAGES. On the next Day, Tuesday, May 12th, 1807, will be SOLD by AUCTION, All the neat HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, & c. & c.; comprising Bedsteads, Beds, and Bedding; Ma- hogany Dining, Pembroke, and other Tables; Bureaus and Bookcases; capital Eight- day Clock; Pier and said County of Bucks; consisting of 30A. 2R. 6P. , t Land, properly Chimney Glasses;' Chests of Drawers ; Carpets and . 1 1:— Hearth- Rugs; Kitchen- Furniture in general; Stoves and Fire- Irons; Tubs, Casks, Fire- Wood, a neat Single- horse Chaise and Harness, Garden Utensils, and a Variety of other Articles. The Sale of the Furniture to begin at Ten o'Clock, 011 Account of theNumberof Lots. The Estate may be viewed any Day previous to the Sale ( Sundays excepted); and Particulars may be had on the Premises; at the Inns . in the neighbouring Towns; and of the Auctioneers, Luton, Beds. To be SOLD by A U C T I O N, By THOMAS MARIAN, At the Saracen's- Head Inn, in Daventry, in the County of Northampton, on Wednesday the 27th Day of May inst. between the Hours of Three and Five o'Clock in the Afternoon ( subject to such Conditions as will be then and there produced), ALL that MESSUAGE or TENEMENT,' with the Yard, Garden, Out- buildings, and Ap- purtenances, and all that COTTAG E or T E N E M ENT thereto adjoining, desirably situate in the HIGH- STREET, in DAVENTRY, late the Property of THOMAS TITE, Liquor-. Merchant, a Bankrupt. The above Premises are well calculated fora Liquor- Merchant, which Business has been carried on there, and a considerable Expenoe incurred in making the Premises commodious for that or any other Business requiring - Room. Immediate Possession may be had. For further Particulars, apply to Messrs. NOCK Se BAKER, Factors, Birmingham; Mr. GEO. COOKE, Stoneythorpe, near Southam, Warwickshire; Messrs. ROLLS Se S ® N> Solicitors, at their Offices in Southam or Prior's- Marston, near Southam; and of the AUC- TIONEER, in Southam. Freehold Estate, Ampthill, Betjjbrdsliire. To be SOLD ' ky AUCTION, By JVM. WHITE, On Tuesday the 12th Day of May, 1807, about Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, at the Cross- Keys Inn, at Ampthill ( subject to such Conditions as will be then produced), in two Lots, THREE FREEHOLD Brick MESSUAGES or. TENEMENTS, with Yards, Gardens, and Out- houses, situate in BE » FORD- STREET, in the Town of Ampthill, in the several Occupations of Messrs." Bellamy, Chapman, Sharpe, and Purser, Tenants at Will. For further Particulars, apply to Mr. EAGLES, Solicitor, at Ampthill; or to the AUCTIONEER, Bedford. Capital Lu> e and Dead Farming- Stock. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By W. f^ HITE, On the Premises, on Thursday, May 14th, 1807, PART of the LIVE STOCK, IMPLEMENTS in HUSBANDRY, and other EFFECTS, the Property of Mr. WM. BARRINGER, of MILTON- ERNEST, in the Coanty of Bedford; consisting « f 90 well- bred Leicestershire Ewes with Lambs, 60 Ditto Lambhogs, 22 fat Shearhogs, and 14 Ditto Gist Ewes ; four Cows and Calves, four In- calf Heifers, one new- milched Cow, one Ditto down- calving, two barren Ditto, and two fat Ditto ; three good Draught Horses, and one Hackney Ditto ; fine Sow, and 24 store Pigs; stout Narrow- wheel Waggon, and four Ditto C » rts; 28 Dozen of Fold Hurdles and Stakes, and other Effects. Six Months' Credit, on approved Security, to Pur- chasers above =£. 10; or Discount for ready Money. Catalogues may be had at the neighbouring Towns; on the Premises; at the Pfiuting- Office, and » f the Auctioneer, Bedford. GEDDINGTON ASSOCIATION, For the more effectual protecting the Persons and Property of the several Subscribers from Horse and Sheep- SteaUrs, Felons, and Thieves of every Denomination ,- and for ultimately prosecuting to Conviction z « ch Offenders. '' T^ HE Annual Meeting of this Association will X be held at the D UKE'S- ARMS INN, in G EDDI NG- TOM, in the County of Northampton, 011 MONDAY the 11th Day of MAY next, at Eleven of the Clock in the Fofenoon ; when and where the Members are requested to attend, and pass the Treasurer's Accounts, and to transact the other Business of this Society, Dinner on the Table precisely at Two o'Clock. THOS. MARSHALL, Treasurer and'Solicitor. Kettering, lid April, 1807, 2b Carpenters, Joiners, Plough and Wheelwrights, Hfc. fyc. To be S O L D - by AUCTIO N, By S. C ATT E LL, On Tuesday the 5th Day of May, 1807, at the Red- Lion, at IIE LLI DON, in the County of North- ampton, agreeable to the Conditions of Sale then to be produced, jT] jnVARDS of 2000 Feet of capital quartered Inch Oak Boards, upwards of 3000 Feet of quartered Inch Elm Boards, 400 Feet of quartered Half- inch Elm Boards, and 400 Feet" of Two- inch Oak Planks; a Quantity of wide Elm Planks, from li Inch to3 Inches thick, in Lots; a Quantity'of Oak and Ash Squares, in Lots ; a Quantity of Beech, in Planks, Boards, and Scantlings; a Quantity of Wal- nut- Tree Planks, two Inches thick; a Quantity of Ash Planks, for Waggon- Rails, Plough- Handles, Sec. ; several Pair of Oak Gate- Posts; a Quantity of Scantlings and Slabs, & c. Sec. in Lots; also, two capital As!) Timber Trees, and two Elm Trees, felled and lying in a Close at Hellidon aforesaid. The Whole will be put up in small Lots, for the Convenience of the Trade. The Sale to begin at One Clock in the Afternoon. To tire GENTLEMEN, CI. S » GY, and FRISHO: of the COUNTY of BEDFORD. GENTLEMEN, ADissolution of Parliament having tnktsn Placed I most earnestly solicit the Honour of beinjj again chosen one of your Representatives. I trust that my Parliamentary Conduct, during the short but eventful Period which has elapsed sinct you last elected me, will not have lessened the fa- vourable Opinion which you have so often expressed towards me ; and I hope that 011 the present Occasion you will not think me unworthy of enjoying a Con- tinuance of your Confidence— an Honour which it will be the first Object of my Life to deserve. I have the Honour to be, Gentlemen, Your most faithful and obedient Servant, J. OSBORN. I Chichsand's- Prioty, April 1$ th, 1807. To the WORTHY and INDEPENDENT ELECTORS of the BOROUGH of BEDFORD. GENTLEMEN, npHE King's Ministers have rashly advised His JL Majesty to dissolve the Parliament, which was first assembled tor the Dispatch of Business 011 the 15th of December last; its Duration has been short, but its Career has been memorable. The Assiduity with which all public Business has been dispatched, is without Precedent; the Works which it has performed, and those in which it was engaged at the Moment of its Dissolution, will be recorded to its Honour. In Consequence of judicious Arrangements, the Election Petitions, which have usually occupied the Time and Attention of the House of Commons during two or three Years, would all have been decided in the Course ot one Session.— After Wars so protracted and expensive as you know those in which we are unhappily engaged to have been, a Plan of Finance was devised and adopted, notwithstanding the Opposition of the Persons now in Power, adequate to the Exigencies of the State, without imposing any fresh Burthens upon the People ; a Committee was appointed to Controll 1 and reduce the public Expenditure, and to diminish the Amount of Salaries; a Bill was brought in, under the Sanction of that Committee, for prohibiting the Grant of Places in Reversion; a Plan lor the- Reformation of the Poor Laws, and bettering the Condition of the labouring Classes of Society, was under Consideration ; Measures for the Improvement of the Courts of Justice in Scotland were in Progress through the j House of Lords; the Slave Trade, after a Struggle cf I twenty Years, was abolished ! I At the Moment the Commons were precipitately | summoned so attend His Majesty's Commission for the Prorogation of Parliament, preparatory to its Dissolution, there was actually at their Bar a special : Report from the Committee abovenrentioned, stating j the Discovery of some gross Abuses in the Depart- ; ment of the Paymaster- General, which was thereby i stopped; the Bill to prohibit the Grant of Places in Reversion is lost; more than one hundred private Bills csrried to advanced Stages, at great E- Kpence to [ the Parties interested in them, drop; and the lm- ! provement of the Country is impeded. At the same j Moment, the Scorch Judges were in Attendance in j the House of Lords, with their Answers 10 certain : Questions relative to the Administration ef Justice ! in Scotland, for which Purpose thev had been ex- pressly called to London, to the Interruption of the ordinary Duties of their important Offices. The usual Act of Appropriation of the Funds voted by Parliament, has not been passed. Under these Circumstances, the King has been ad vised, to dissolve the Parliament; and in the Speech delivered bv the Lord Chancellor, in His Majesty's Name, the Assertion is made that no material Inter- ruption of the public Business will take Place. In that Speech, Satisfaction is expressed a( the Adoption ot those F- inahcial Measures which exempt the People from the Burthen of additional Taxes; but which the King's present Ministers would have persuaded the House of Commons to reject; and the Completion ot vyhich has been prevented by their late Conduct. It is professed to inculcate a Spirit of Union, Har- mony, and Good- will, among all Classes and De- scriptions of the People; when at the same Time the only Appearances of Discord have been excited by the Attempt of one of his Majesty's Ministers, to sow the Seeds of religious Animosity in the neighbouring County of Northampton, upon a Ground which his Colleagues have not avowed; and against his Prin- ciples in that Particular, many of them have been heretofore solemnly pledged. In a Situation so alarming, and when the Councils of the King are guided by such Persons, I have thought " necessary to make this Exposition to you, my To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. BLABY, At the George Inn, in Crick, in the County of North- ampton, on Tuesday the 5th Day of May, 1807, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, under such Con- ditions as will be then and there produced ( unless previously disposed of by Private Contract), in one or more Lots, \ N exceeding well- built DWELLING- HOUSE; 1 \ consisting of two Parlours, a Halt, Kitchen, Brewhouse, Sec. ; five Sleep ing- rooms on the second Story, and five in the Attic ; with large Barn, Stabling for ten Horses, Cow- houses, and other requisite Out- buildings; two Gardens, planted with choice Fruit- Trees, and a productive Orchard, together with seven Closes of very rich Arable, Pasture, and Meadow Land, lying contiguous, containing 50 Acres, more or less, situate and being in CI. AYCOTON, in the said County,, now in the Occupation of Mr I. ovell, the Proprietor, who is going to reside in a distant Part. The above Premises are a desirable Situation for a Sportsman, being within reach of five or six Packs of celebrated Fox- Hounds. A considerable Part of the Purchase Money may remain upon Security of the Premises, if more agree- able to the Purchaser. For Particulars, enquire of the said Mr. LOVELL, upon the Premises; or of Mr. DENNY, Solicitor, Long- Buckby. earliest, best, and constant Friends: I have treated with Freedom the Acts of Government, and the To be SOLD by AUCTION, WITHOUT RESERVE, By Messrs. R. Sf E. BLABY, On Friday the 8th Day of May next, now lying upon the Grand Junction Canal Wharf, at WEEDON- BECK, in the County of Northampton, UPWARDS of 100 Loads of OAK SLABS, in Lots, tor the Accommodation of Purchasers, adapted to the Use of Carpenters, Farmers, and Piles for Canal Works; together with a Quantity of OAK TOPS, for Gate- Posts, Pen- Posts, & c.; and a Quan- tity of BOAT KNEES, being the Ends and Skirtings of Oak Timber used at that great Work carrying on at Weedon- Beck aforesaid ; also, a Quantity of WAGGON RAVES, FELLIES, and other Wheelwrights' Stuff; likewise, from 30 to 40 Loads of capital ASH POLES, for the Use of Coopers, Carpenters, Fprmers, Sec. in Lots. On Account of the large Number of Lots, the- early Attendance of the Company is requested, as the Sale wilt commence exactly at Ten o'Clock. I For turthct Particulars, apply to the Auctioneers, i at floors. „ --— — ( as it appears to me) Countenance is given in the Terms of that Speech that the King can everact without an Adviser; if that Position be admitted, the People may be without Redress, or the Sovereign without Security - by the Constitution, both are impossible. Of my own Conduct, durins; the important Inter- val which has elapsed since 1 last addressed you, 1 say Nothing, because it has been so public that it cannot have escaped your Notice. I court vour En- quiry, and if you are satisfied in the Result of it, 1 hope tor your Votes. at the present Election. If you do me the Honour again to return me, I shall indeed be proud of it, and 1 will again endeavour to do my Duty. ' I have the Honour to be, Gentlemen, With every Sentiment of Attachment and Respect. Your grateful and obedient Servant, SAMUEL WHITBREAD. Dover- Street, Aprfl 2$ th, 1807. N OITCETOCREDFIORS. ' HPHE CREDITORS of THOMAS DAWKES, X late of SHERRI NGTON, in the County of Bucks' Horse- Dealer, who have executed the Deed of Assign- ment made for their Benefit, m » y receive a Dividend arising from his Effects, by applying at the Office of Mr. LUCAS, Solicitor, in Newport- Pagnell, from ar. d after the 1st Day of May next. Neiuforl- Pagnell, April, 23d, 1807. To be SOLD by A U C T I O N, By BRO WN' & SON, On the Premises, on Wednesday the 13th Dav of May, 1807, ALL the LIVE and DEAD STOCK, IMPLE- MENTS inHUSBANDRY, DAIRY UTEN- SILS, HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE; and othef EFFECTS, the Property of Mrs. MARY COW- LAND, at the PASTURE- FARM, in the Parish of CAKDINGTON, near Bedford; consisting of two In- calf Heifers, and two barren Cows ; one In- foal Marc, one useful Draught Horse, and fine yearling Filly; twenty store Pigs, and about eighty Fowls; stout Waggon, three Carts, Fallow and Seed Ploughs, Oak Rolls, and a Number of Hurdles; Cow aud Sheen- Cribs, one Ditto on Wheels ; IOIIK and short I. addeiS • exceeding good Gears and Harness for four Horses, with Housings complete; Oak Wheat Hovel Frame; eighteen Sacks, ami Barn Tackle in general ; Forks, Rakes, Drags, a Quantity of old Iron, Sec.; a gooo* Three- dozen Churn, Millc- Kivers, Pans, and Dair » Utensils in general. The HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE comprises three ex- ceeding good Feather Beds, Bolsters and Pillows ; two Flock Ditto; Four- post and other Bedsteads, with green and blue Furniture ; Quilts and Blankets; Chest of Drawers; Chamber and Kitchen Chairs ; Dressin- Tables and Glasses; Thirty - hour Clock ; China" Glass, and Earthenware; Brass Pots and Kettles', Thirty- six- gallon Copper and Grate ; Quantity ai' Pewter; Dresser and Shelves Mash- Vat, large Tubs, Iron- bound Pipes, Hogsheads, and smaller Casks, ill good Condition; Grindstone and Frame; two Stocks of Bees; Fowling- piece, and numerous other'Articles. Or Sale to begin at Ten o'Clock, and the Whole to be sold without Reserve. To be " SOLD by AUCTION, By P. WE S TO N, At the White- Lion Inn, in Banbury, in the County of Oxford, on Friday the 22d Day of May, 1807, between the Hours ot Four and Seven o'Clock in the Afternoon, AFREEHOLD and TYTHE- FREE ESTATE, situate » t WEITI- IORP, near Banbury aforesaid; con- sisting of a Farm- House and Out- buildings, Yard, Garden, Orchard, and four Closes of very rich ^ yable and Pasture Land, containing in the Whole 40 Acres, or tjiereabouts, and now in the Occupation of Mr. John Johnson, at the yearly Rent of £. 150, under an Agreement for a Term of Years which will expire on the 5th Day of April, 1811. For a Vie . v of the Premises, apply at the Farui- House; and for further Particulars, to Messrs. ROLLS. Solicitors, a: their Offices in Piior's- Marstoii and Southern. : ks ce; i" S the nee fa- sti ion on- I it • N. " 7f His was the prt, has > rks was be ious . lave fcuse tall » .— 1 how lave fed, how late, pie ; lute ( Ullt lion P of a of ! the ton; ( ot the feci ( tely ) for t its fecial • ting |> art- ireby es in ivate ceto 1m- sume : e in frtain istice | ex- i the The ed by j been leech nter- Lln iption eopls vhith uaded letion Duct. Har- i De- le the ) y the I sow luring : h his Pi in- been unci]* ought i, my reated d the ting's lately' ars to ? eech, f that . thout y the Inter- ' ou, I liat it r En- Fit, I If you indeed So rr. y spect,_ ID. [ ICES, Ricks, ssign- vidend lice ot im and lay of | T. E- TEN- Sothef tOW- isli ot to In- n- fosl irling • wis ; Sughs, k lories. Erne; Forks, I good • Dairy le ex- ;; t iv o ! with Chest fe fttles. Sty « f Tubs, ks, in Stocks tides. Whole ' N, • ounty . 1807, ock in iituate ; COLL- ' Yard, Arable Acres, > f Mr. Wer an Jire on Farm- KOLLS, JH and *> t Friday and Saturday's Posts. LONDON, May 1. A MERICAN Papers to the 22d ult. have been ji received. The Grand Jury of the Mississippi territory have discharged Colonel Burr from the charges preferred against him 5 his conduct has been' pronounced unequivocally legal, and the pro- ceedings against him have been reprobated. The Spaniards are said to have made some fresh de monstrations of hostility against the. American territory in their vicinity. There is nothing new in these Papers relative to theTreaty with England. Government yesterday received dispatches from the Cape of Good Hope, dated the beginning of last month; at which time every thing wa< s quiet there, and the troops ill good health. A Leeward Island Mail has arrived, by which we are informed of the capture of the Asia from London- te- Surinam, laden with Government stores, by a French privateer, after a smart action, in which a Captain of the Army was killed, and Lieutenant- Colonel Sir J. Wood wounded, 011 our side. The prize was carried by the enemy into Guadaloupe. A letter from Tortola, dated on the 29th ult. mentions that Admiral Cochrane, with five sail of the line and frigates, was cruising off Martinique. A rumour obtained circulation last night, of the Spanish fleet in Cadiz harbour having been joined by ten sail of the line from Toulon, making the combined force of the enemy greatly superior to that of Lord Collingwood. The following is a statement of the distribution of our Naval Force, up to this day:— At sea, » 4 sail of the line; 11 ships from 50 to 44 guns ; 121 frigates; 142 sloops, and 174 gun- brigs and smaller vessels; making a total of 532 ships of war. The number iu commission is— 141 sail of the line ; 22 froin. 50 to44 gurus; 167 frigates; 210 sloops, & c. and 238 gun- brigs; making a total, at sea and repairing, of 778. Sir Cecil Bishopp's claim to the Barony of Zouch was finally decided 011 in the House of Lwrds last week. The report states that it is a female Barony, and that Sir C. B. has clearly made out his descent from the eldest daughter of the last Lord. It remains with his Majesty to con- firm the claim, as he has recently done in the case of the Barony of Rous. To the GENTLTWF. N, CLERGY, and FHEEHOLDERS of the COUNT Y of NORTHAMPTON. HAVING received His Majesty's Writ for the ELECTION of TWO'KNIGHTS to serve in Parliament fir the COUNTY of NORTH- AMPTON, I do hereby appoint a Public Meeting of the Gentlemen, Clergy, and Freeholders of ike said County, to b& holden at the COONTY- HAJ. L, m the Toyrn of NORTHAMPTON,' ore THURSDAY the SEVENTH Day of MAY inttant., at the Hour of Eleven vi the Forenoon, to consider of and nominate proper Persons to. serve in Parliatneut for the said County. THOMAS TRYON, Sheriff. 7" NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. HAVING received His Majesty's Writ, under the Great Seal of Great- Britain, tome directed, fir the ELECTION of TWO KNIGHTS to serve in PurliaHicnlfor the said County, , I DO HEREBY OIVF. NOTICE, That a SPECIAL COUN'IY COURT will beholden at the COUNTY- HALT., in the Tdien of NORTH- AMPTON, in the c, aid County, bn THURSDAY the FOURTEENTH Day of. MAY instant, at the Hour of Ten in the Forenoon, for tkp Purpose, only, of proceeding to such Election, of which all the Free- holders of the said County and others concerned are required to take Notice. .. THOMAS TRYON/ Sheriff. To the GENTLEMEN; CLERGY, and FREEHOLDERS of the COUNTY of NORTHAMPTON. GENTLEMEN, . , rrMIP. Dissolution of Parliament has again f. called upon you to choose your Representatives , [ I must therefore take the Liberty of ottering you a ! Renewal of my Services, hoping, that in the short Trial which you have had of me, you have not seen I ! any Reason to repent of your Kindness towards me. ! j 1 can only repeat what 1 so lately and so frequently 1 1 promised you, that should you honour . me with your < Choice, no Exertion of mine shall be wanting to render myself worthy of your Approbation. 1 have the Honour to be, Gentlemen, Your most obliged, and obedient humble Servant, A1. THORP. Althtrp, May Id, 1807. To the GENTLEMEN, CT. EUOY, and FREEHOLDERS of the COUNTY of NORTHAMPTON. ADissolution having taken Place, I beg Leave to repeat the Otter of my Services, as one of your Representatives in Parliament; and to assure you of my firm Adherence to the same Principles, which have invariably governed my Conduct since I have had the Honourof representing you ; ai d which tution, and the general Good of the Empire, will never cease to be the leading Object of my Life; and I trust I need late Husband, and the Public, for their numerous j not add, that I shall ever be attentive to the local To the WORTHY and INDF. PEKDFNT ELECTORS of the TOWN of NORTHAMPTON. GENTLEMEN, „ • - ITake the Liberty of offering myself again to you as a Candidate for . the- Honour which I have now so l » ng enjoyed, of being one of your Repre- sentatives in Parliament. The Report which has been circulated of my Intention to stand for the University of Cambridge, is wholly Without Foundation. The Otters of Support which 1 received from many of the most respectable Members of that Body, were cer- tainly such as to have encouraged me with a fair Prospect . of Success; and a Seat for the University is so proud and honourable a Distinction, that under almost any other Circumstances I should have been eager, to accept it. But 1 could not bring my Mind to forget what I owe, in Gratitude, to so numerous and respectable a Body of Constituents, whose steady and tried Friendship has no less than seven Times proved itself, by returning me as their Representative in Parliament. I could not bear to have it thought that I ceased to be desirous of continuing my Con- nection with you, because I might no longer want your Assistance. Having so recently- received, on my late Re- election, the strongest Mark of your undiminished Confidence, I do not think it ncccssary to lengthen this Address by any additional Observations. I shall pay my Resp? cts to you as soon as I can; but if my En- gagement in public Business should prevent me, as 1 fear it will, from going through a general Canvas of the Town, I trust you. will ascribe it to any other Cause than that of intentional Disrespect to any of you. I am, Gentlemen, With great Respect, Ybur much obliged, and faithful Servant. SP. PERCEVAL London, Afrii 30th, 1807. IT ' COVE & STRONG, • Lad Manufacturers, Milliners, Haberdashers, fyc. <$- c. BRIUGE - STREET,. NORTHAMPTON, ESPECTFULLY ihform their Friends and the Public, that the latter- has just returned from LONDON with an Assortment of fashionable MILLINERY, which will be ready for inspection 011 WEDNESDAY next. C. Sc S. beg Leave to return their most grateful Thanksi for the liberal Encouragement they'have so long experienced; and ho£ 4 that moderate Charges, and strict Attention to Business, will ensure them a Continuance of it. ' k LONDON PORTER ( Hanbury & Co.' s), Old and mild Ale, and Table and Small - Beer, OE THE FIRST QUALITY, MERCER'S - Row, NORTHAMPTON. JDURHAM returns his Thanks to his Friends . and the Public in general, for the Favours he has received since he commenced the PORTER and COMMON- BREWERY BUSINESS, and wishes to inform them, he is now selling the above Articles at the lowest Price, free of Carriage ten Miles. Northampton, May If/, 1807. EDWARD CHAPMAN'S INSOLVENCY. ^ I^ HOSE Persons who have not yet paid the I - Accounts due to the Assignees of EDWARD CHAPMAN, of LETTERING, Shoemaker and Grocer, are hereby required immediately to pay the Amount of their respective Debts to Mr. Marshall,' Solicitor, or Mr. D. Hennell, both of Kettering, as the Assignees will have a Meeting in a few Weeks ; at which Time it is intended to order Proceedings to be commenced against all such as have not discharged their Accounts. Kettering, April31th, 1807. NORTHAMPTON, ilay 1st, 1807. MILLICENT DONNE, Widow of the late ' it " is now ten " Years'sinLel'publicly" avowed." JOHN DONNF, W I N E and BRANDY- The Preservation of our happy Constituti MERCHANT and HOPFACTOR, returns her1 " sincere Thanks to. the Friends and Customers of her I < ) Favours, and takes this Opportunity ot informing them, that she purposes to continue the Business, for the Benefit of herself and Family; and being deter- mined to have a good Supply of the different. Articles in the above Branches, of the best Quality, and at the lowest Prices, hopes by that Means, and the strictest Attention, to merit a Continuance of those Favours which were so liberally bestowed upon her late Husband ; and the same' will be always thankfully received, and gratefully acknowledged. A large Quantity of mild and brown- stout LONDON J PORTER just received. fff All Persons who have any Demands upon the 1 late Mr. DONNE, are desired to send an Account thereof j to Mr. Charles Duke, of Mr. John Dunkley, of Northampton, the Executors.— And all Persons who stand indebted to Mr. Donne, are desiied to pay their respective Debts to the said Mr. Dunkley or Mr. Duke, as soon as convenient. " BULL INN, STONY- STRATFORD, BUCKS. " I OHN PHILI. IPS, from LONDON, having entered • I on the said INN, respectfully solicits the Favours of hjs Friends and the Public in general, and informs them he has fitted up the same in a neat Manner, with comfortable Beds, a good L » rder, with Wines and Liquers of the- first Quality; capital stalled Stabling for upwards of thirt^ Horses. Also, a Quantity of rich Sweard Land, dry Lare, Sec. for the Convenience of Droves, adjoining the Turnpike- Road.— J. P. flatters himself, that his Accommodations are such that will give Satisfaction to those who may honour liim with their Commands. Stony- Stratford, May 1st, 1807. Meeting of Creditors of WM. COOKE, of HILL- MORTON, in the County of Warwick, Coal- Dealer. rpHE CREDITORS of the said WILLIAM I COOKE are desired to meet on TUESDAY the 5th of MAY instant, at Eleven o'Clock in the Fore- noon, at CASTELL'S, in Hi LLMORTON aforesaid, in order to produce an Account of their Debts, and to give Directions relating to the Disposal of the Effects of the said William Cooke. COUNTY FIRE OFFICE. At a General Meeting of the Subscribers to the County Fire Office, holden this Day, pursuant to public Advertisement, SCROPE BERNARD, Esq. M P. in the Chair, riTIE Establishment of the Office was taken into I Consideration, and the following Regulations, among others, were resolved on unanimously :— That the' Association for a County Fire Insurance shall comprise the Counties of Bucks, Middlesex, Bedford, Northampton, Berks, Nottingham, . Hertford, Oxford, Leicester, Warwick, Lincoln, Yotk. That in those Instances where Applications for Shares on the first Day of the opening of the Subscrip- tion exceeded the Extent proposed, the Subcriptions tor above five Shares, in one Name, be so reduced as to admit all those applying at that Time to a Share in the Proprietorship. That the first Instalment be paid into the Hands of the Bankers appointed to receive the same, on or be- fore tlie 14th of May, of which immediate Notice shall be given to the Subscribers individually, and b> Advertisement in the Provincial and principal London Newspapers. That if the first Instalment upon any Subscription be not paid within seven Days after the aforesaid 14th of May, such Subscription be erased from the List, and the Shares thereby reserved, ottered in Pre- ference to those Gentlemen who have applied since the Subscription has closed. SCROPE BERNARD, Chairman. Provident Institution for Life Insurances, Southampton- Street, Strand, London, April 28//), 1807. The following Gentlemen were afterwards put in Nomination for Directors in the undermentioned Counties:— BUCKS. WM. PRAED, Esq. M. P. Tyringham. SCROPE BERNARD, Esq. M. P. Nether Winchcnden. SIR WM. CLAYTON, Bart, llaileyford, Grejt Marlow. PHILIP BOX, Esq. Banker, Buckingham. BEDFORD. D. QUENEBOROUGH, Esq. Banker, Dunstable. LEONARD HAMPSON, Esq. Banker, Luton. JOSEPH BARNARD, Esq. Banker, Bedford. MARK BROWN, Esq. Dunstable. BERKS. GEO. VANSITTART, Esq. Bisham Abbey. GEO. KNAPF, Esq. Banker, Abingdon. JOHN STEPHENS, Esq. Banker, Reading. OSMAN VINCENT, Esq. Banker, Newbury. HENRY PROCTOR, Esq. Windsor. HERTFORD. J. S. STORY, Esq. St. Alban's. WM. WILSHIRE, Esq. Banker, Hitchin. RIOHARD BRABANT, Esq. Banker, St. Alban's. THOS. HAWORTH, Esq. Barham Wood, near Elstree. JOHN CRABB, Esq. Banker, Hitchin. MIDDLESEX. The Right Hon. LORD NORTHWIOK, Harrow. CHARLES POOLE, Esq. the Grove, Stanmore. HULL, Esq. Banker, Uxbridge. THOS. TALBOT GORSUCH, Esq. Queen's- Square, West- minster. J. T. BARBER, Esq. Hampstead. OXFORD. TIMOTHY COBB, Esq. Banker, Banbury. RICHARD HEYDON, Esq. Banker, Banbury. RICHARD WOOTTON, Esq. Banker, Oxford. RICHARD KIRBY, Esq. Banker, Bicester. JOHN DAVIS, Esq. Bloxham. SCROPE BERNARD, Chairman. A Interest of the County of Northampton. I have the Honour to be, . Gentlemen, Your ebligtd and faithful Servant, W. R. CARTWR1GHT. Aynho, May H, 1807. To the GENTLEMEN, CLEHGY, aud other FICEE- HOLDKRS of the COUNTY of NORTH- AMPTON. Dissolution of Parliament having taken Place, 1 feel it incumbent upon me to declare, that it is not my Intention to solicit the Honour ot becoming one or your Representatives at the ensuing Election. 1 am happy to avail myself of this Opportunity of again expressing my warmest Thanks to all those Friends who honoured me with their Approbation and Support on a recent Occasion; and with every good Wish for the true Interest and Prosperity ot the County of Northampton, I remain, Gentlemen, With the greatest Respect, Your obedient and humble Servant, WM. LANGHAM. Cavendish- Square, April 30th, 1807. To the Printers if the Northampton Mercury. GENTLEMEN, THE Sheriff having given so short Notice of the Meeting on Thursday last, 1, in common with many other distant Freeholders, who, on Sub- jects of such great national Importance, are in Habits of thinking for ourselves, was not apprized of it till the Noon of the previous Day. As in the Course of 52 Miles Horses need some Refreshment, as the dreary Tract I had to pass, remarkable for the Badness of i; s Roads, was not likely to furnish any Accommodation in the dead Solitude of . Night, 1 was obliged to defer the Undertaking till near Daylight. Determined, if possible, to be present, 1 arrived at Northampton in seven Hours; but being extremely dissatisfied with several Things which occurred at the Meeting, parti- cularly with some Slights passed upon a jcung No- bleman, of TMents the most auspicious, 1while in the very Act of speaking, and finding my Name omitted in the honourable and respectable List of Protesters against the Resolutions of the Day, I request you to insert this Letter, and to believe me not less ardent in the Cause than any other Native of the County. SAMUEL HOPKINSON. Morton, Lincolnshire, AprilVSd, 1807. Freehold Estate, ISLJP, near Thruptton, North- amptonshire, To be SOLD by AUCTION, liy IV. ELK IN, On Wednesday the 6th Day of May next., 1807, at the House of Mr. Blunsom, the Woolpack Inn, in Islip aforesaid, at Fout^ o'Clock in tne Afternoon, subject to such Conditions of Sale as will be then produced ( unless disposed of in the mean Time by Private Contract, of which timely Notice will be given). Lot 1. \ Substantial Stone- built and Slated DWELLING- HOUSE, with a small Garden, and the Appmtenances thereto belonging, situated in the Centre of the Town of IS I. I P aforesaid, now in the Occupation of Mr. Ephraim Slanson. Lot 2. A new Stone- built and Slated DWELLING. HOUSE, adjoining Lot I, with the Appurtenances thereto belonging, now in the Occupation of Mr. John Loveday ; also, 4 M ESSUAGE or TKNEMENT, opposite the said House, in the Occupation of Samuel Carpenter. Lot 3. 11VE MESSUAGES orTENii MENTS, with a Barn, Garden, and a small Plot of Ground, adjoining the aforesaid Premises, now in the Occupations of Mary Dunmore, Hills, Sheffield, and others. For further Particulars, and to tr^- at for the same by Private Contract, apply to Mr. GIOROF. SLANSON, of Brigstock ; or to the AUCTIONEER, Kettering; ar. d for a View of the Premises, apply to Mr. BLUNSOM, at the Woolpack Inn, in lslip aforesaid. To be 1( 1 L D by A U C T I t) N, By ANDREW GARDNER, On Wednesday the 13th Day of May, 1807, PART of the genteel and valuable HOUSE- HOLD- FURNITURE, a neat Single- horse CHAISE, TAXED CART, the complete SHELL of a>. APO'l'HEC A'RY's SHO P, Sec. on the Premises of Mr. CAREY, Surgeon, WOBURN, Beds, who has removed from the said Town; consisting of Four- post and other Bedsteads, with Mahogany Feet Pillars ; fine printed Cotton, Damask, and Check Furnitures; seasoned Goose Feather- Beds, in fine bordered Ticks ; Mattresses, Blankets, and Counterpanes; double and single Chests of Drawers; large Mahoganj Wardrobe, fine Wood; Harpsicord ( by Longman & Broderip); Pier and Dressing Glasses, in Gilt Frames; Mahogany Dining and Card Tables; Mahogany Parlour Chairs, covered with Hair Cloth, and double Brass- nailed ; Kidderminster Carpet, 3 Yards by 4 Ditto; neat Cabriole Sofa ; large Marble Sideboard, 5 Feet by 2 Feet 6 Inches ; Kitchen- Furniture in general; Mangle, Garden- Roll, neat Single- horse Chaise, Taxed Cart, Horse Harness, & c. ; Nests of Drawers, neatly painted and labeled; large Quantity of Double- Flint Ground- Stopper Bottles, of different Sizes; Glass and Earthen Pill- Pots, and Syrup- Ditto; Counter, with Drawers, Shelves, Sec. ; Marble Mortars and Pestles; large Belmetal Ditto; Weights and Measures ; with various other useful Articles. Surgical and Midwifery Instruments, Electrical Machine, and an Assortment of Drugs and Chemical Preparations, to be disposed of at afair Appraisement. The Sale to begin exactly at Eleyca o'Clock in the Morning. To the WORTHY and INDEPENDENT ELECTORS ef the TOWN of NORTHAMPTON. . GENTLEMEN, I'M MEDIATELY after the Dissolution of Par- liament, I took the first Opportunity of waiting on you, he ping that in the short Period since you had elected me your Member, and for the fourth Time, I had not done any Thing by which I had forfeited your Confidence. • ' . Yesterday I finished my Canvas: I may say, that it was as flattering to me as 011 any, former Occasion. I therefore shall indulge myself in the Expectation of again having the Honour of being elected a Member tor the TOWN of NORTHAMPTON. 1 have the Honour t » be, Gentlemen, . Your much obliged, and sincere humble Servant, E. BOUVERIE. Detapre- Abbey, May Id, 1807. ~ THEATRE, NORTHAMPTON. MR. ROBERTSON most respectfully in- forms the Town of NORTHAMPTON and its Vicinity, that the THEATRE will OPEN, for his usual Season of six Weeks, On WEDNESDAY, MAY 6th, 1807, with the new Comedy of WHO WAISTS A GUINEA ? Barford, Mr. ROBSON, From the Theatres- Royal, Bath and York ( his first Appearance here these three Years). Andrew Bang, Mr. J. BROWN ( from the Theatre- Royal, Liverpool. Fanny, Miss JACKSON ( from the Theatre- Royal, York. To which will be added, the Musical Farce of LOCK AND KEY. ( pa* Doors opened at Six, and to begin at Seven o'clock. The new, grand, dramatic Romance of THE FORTY THIEVES, With new and appropriate Scenery, Dresses, Deco- rations, & c. And other new and popular Pieces, ARE IN PREPARATION, And will speedily be brought forward. Days of Playing— Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. To be DISPOSED And may be entered upon at Midsummer next, AN old- established SCHOOL- HOUSE.— The School may be had without the House, if more agreeable. This is a very advantageous Situation for a Pio.' ossional Gentleman ; and the Coming- in easy. Desks, Forms, and a few Fixtures, to be taken at z fair Valuation. A small Premium will be expected. — The present Master is going to leave the Country. For further Particulars, and a View of the Pre- mises, apply to Mr. KNIBB, Auctioneer and House- Agent, in Newport- Pagnell, Bucks; all Letters re- lative to the Business must be Post- paid. KINGSTHORPE "^ y^/ TLL be opened BOWLING- GREEN 011 THURSDAY next, MAY 7th, 1807. Dinner at Three o'Clock, as usual. NORTHAMPTON VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. MAY 2d, 1807. r|^ IlF. above Corps is requested to meet, for fi- Exercise, on MONDAY the 11th Instant, in the MARKET- SQUARE, at Six o'Clock in the Morning. HENRY LOCOCK, Major- Commandant. NORTHAMPTON, SATURDAY EVENING, May 5. MARRIED.] On Monday last, Pryee Edwards, Esq. of Talgarth, to Miss Browne, only daughter of Herbert Gwyne Browne, Esq. of Imley, m this county. On Tuesday se'nnight, Mr. William Carter, of Sulgrave,, to Miss M. Adkins, third daughter of Mr. John AdkiiiSj ofHelmdon, both in this- county. On Wednesday se'nnight,- the Jtov. T. II. Whoi- wood, A, M. of Headington- House, Oxfordshire, to Miss Grape, eldest daughter of the late Rev. W. Grape, of Worcester. On Thursday se'nnight; Thomas Terry, M. D. of Coventry, to Miss Sales, daughter of Aslley Sales, Esq. of Spondon, Derbyshire; Lately, Mr, Charins Brown, wine merchant, of Oxford, to Miss Uobbins, only daughter of the late Mr. Hobbins, many years a very opulent mercer of Alcester, Warw ickshire. A few days ago, Mr. Aaron Chambers, needle and fish- hook- manufacturei\ of Redditch, to Miss Choice, eldest daughter of 1 Choice, Esq, of VVootton- Wawen, Warwickshire. On Tuesday last, Mr. Mason, of Kimbolton, . to Miss Blott, of Weston- Favell Lodge, near this town. On Thursday last, Mr. L. Saunderson, jun, to Miss Coe, both of Grendon, in this county. DIED.] A few days siticc, Willoughby Wood, Esq. of Thoresby, Lincolnshire. Lately, aged 53, Mr. R, i'estel, sttr?< y 1 i Wai viclc sf Will kshire. •. . Jwhri Guest, liersioue, War* WANTED immediately, TWO TAILORS.— Good Hands may JOURNEYMEN have constant Employment, by applying to Mr. JOSEPH GREEN, Tailor and Habit- maker, St. Mary's, Bedford. Market- Hurborough and Welford Turnpike Roads . from Northampton. NOTICE is hereby given, That the next Meeting of the Trustees of the said Turnpike- Ro^ ds will be held at the House of Mrs. BOSWORTH, called HIGHCATE- HOUSE, in the Parish of SPRATTON, in the. County of Northampton, on F « tij » v the 15th Day of MAY instant, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon. CHARLES MARKHAM, Clerk to the Trusteos. Northampton, May Id, 1807. A' OAK. TIMBER. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. KIRS HAW, On Wednesday the 6th Day of May, 1807, on the Premises, at FOXLEY, in the County of North- ampton, now standing, blazed and numbered, BOUT 80 OAK TREES.—>— The Sale to commence at Ten o'Clock. FOXLEY is situate about three Miles from Towcester, two Miles from Foster's- Booth, and within a short Distance of the Grand Junction Canal. Freehold Estate. Te be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. KIRS HAW, At the Nag's- Head Inn, at Wollaston, near Welling- borough, in the County of Northampton, ACLOSE of" LAND, situate and being in the Parish of WOLLASTON aforesaid, containing 25A. 1R. be the same more or less. For further Particulars, apply to Mr. KIRSHAW, Surveyor and Auctioneer, Northampton. Further Particulars will be given in next Week's Paper. Freehold Estate. To be SOLD bv A U C T I O N, By Mr. V O RES, On Thursday the 7th Day of May instant, at Six o'Clock in the Afternoon, at the Griffin Public- House, in the Parish of Pitsford, in the County of Northampton, in two Lots, riMVO MESSUAGES or TENEMENTS,- with X Barns, Out- offices, Garden Ground, and a Pump of good Water, situated in the Centre of the pleasant Village of PITSFORD aforesaid, now in the Occu- pation of Samuel Clayson and Frances Tempson. The Whole are in substantial Repair. be 8 O L D A L' C T I < 7N7 By JOHN DAY, On Thursday the 7th Day of JWay instant, at the House of Mr. Holloway, known by the Sign of the Two- Brewers, in Castle- Thorp, Bucks, between the Hours of Two and Three in the Afternoon, S^ OUR several COTTAGES or TENEMENTS, .1 with the Yard, Garden, and Blacksmith's Shop, and Appurtenances, thereto belonging, situate in HART WELL, Northamptonshire, and now in the respective Tenures of Robert Gutteridge, Richard Brice, Wm. Adams, and Wm Tiinson. For further Particulars, apply to the Auctioneer, ill Stony- Stratford; orto Mr. ARROWSMUH, Solicitor, in Newport- Pagnell. Houses, in Wellingborough. To be SOLD by ADCTIO N, By Mr. T H O MS O N, At the White- Hart Inn, in Wellingborough, in the County of Northampton, on Thursday the 14th Day of May, 1S07, at Six o'Clock in the Evening", in Lots, ALarge Brick DWELLING- HOUSE, with an excellent Shop and Warehouses, Brewhouse, Wash- House, Stables, Coach- House, and a large Yard and Garden adjoining, in complete Repair, sitaate in the MARKET- STEAD- QUARTER, in WEL- LINGBOROUGH aforesaid, and late in the Occu- pation of Mr. John Cary. The above Premises ate desirably situated for car- rying on any large Manufactory or Trade; and im- mediate Possession may be had. Also. FIVE MESSUAGES or TENEMENTS, situate in the EAST- END- QUARTER, in WELLING- BOROUGH aforesaid, in the several Tenures of Joseph Plaekett, Potter Cibbs, William Clark, Joseph Clay, John Clark, and Michael Perrien. The above Estates are Copyhold of Inheritance, held of the Manor of Wellingborough, and are subject to a Quit- Rent of 2s. 7d. For further Particulars, or to treat by Private Contract, apply to Messrs. HODSON, Solicitors, Mr. GASCOICNE TRENCH, at the Sun, or to the Auc- tioneer, in Wellingborough aforesaid. Carriages. 1 To be S O L D, AFashionable CURRICLE, with HARNESS complete; also, TWO LIGHT GIGS, with HARN ESS. 1 { inquire of J. CLARK, Parade, Northampton. To be apothecary, of Stratford- upon- A shire. -> Lately, at Lapworth Park; ^ Mr. T. Devis, late of Ken. Uw. 3i t A few days ago, aged pawnbroker and auctioneer, of wickshire. On Monday se'nnight, aged 80, after a lone illness, Mrs. Neale, of Suiton- Joldlie. d, War- wickshire. On Saturday night last, , it T0. wcc. 1t3r, in a decline, in the 19th year of her age, Miss .: aue Kirby, eldest daughter of Mr. Kirby, attorney at law, of that place. On Sunday last, after a gradual decay of na- ture, in his 75th year, Mr. Thomas Wright, of Kettering, the regular carrier from that place to London for'upwards of half a century. Same day, in the 75th year of his age, Mr. Burnaby, an eminent fanner and grazier of Bur- ton- Latimer, in this county. His Majesty's Proclamation for the Dissolution of Parliament was published 011 Wednesday night. — The election for two Members to represent this Borough is fixed for Tuesday next. The day of nomination for the County is fixed for Thursday next, and the day of election for the Thursday following.- r-[ See Advertisements.] At eight o'clock on Tuesday evening, the Duke of Bedford and his suite arrived at Woburn Abbey, from Dublin. His Grace was met at Stony- Stratford by the principal gentlemen aud yeomanry of the neighbourhood, many of whom SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. £ N I B B, On Monday the 4th Day , of May, at the Swan Inn, in Newport- Pagnell, between the Hours of Five 1 and Six, FPWO FREEHOLD MESSUAGES or TENE- !_ MENTS, at LITTLE- CRAW LEY, in the j had been waiting there all the preceding day. The Parish of North- Crawley ; together with a. CLOSE ! inv with which hi. Or. ™ , vns of rich PASTURE adjoining, containing, by Esti- mation, six Acres, in which are many thriving Ash and Elm Timber Trees; late the Estateof Mr. ROBERT ANDREWS, deceased For further Particulars, Newport- Pagnell. apply to Mr. Coocii, To be SOLD by AUCTION, By MY. TITE, On Wednesday the 6th Day of May, 1807, on the MARKET- HILL, DAVENTRY, in the County of Northampton, ~ NE new Narrow- wheel WAGGON, ONE DITTO, ONE new POT CART, ONE Broad- wheel CART, and ONE Narrow- wheel DITTO; > capital CHAFF- ENGINE ( by Lester, of Northampton), with Wheel and Knife, complete; and upwards of 50 Lots of IMPLEMENTS in HUSBANDRY, & c. Sec. The Sale will commence precisely at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon. Of LONDON, ASeries of letters are given in the, last French Papers, which are said fo have been written by Mr. Arbuthnot, the English Minister at. Con- stantinople, and Admiral Duckworth, to the Sublime Porte. " If these articles be genuine, they exhibit the conduct of the British Commander in a very mysterious point of view, inasmuch as it appears from them, that after a neg* ciation of a week, which commenced in a peremptory dictation of terms, that were to be answered in half an hour, the British force withdrew, 011 finding that the whole period of correspondence had been occupied by the Turks in putting themselves in such a posture of defence and offence, as it was not thought prudent any longer to insult; during the last tiiree days of which period, the language of threat had been changed into supplication, ' for the release of a midshipman and four men, who had been d - tained in a flag of truce !— Packet. Reports of a pacific character prevail in the city, one of which states, that. Bonaparte having failed in his attempt to negociate separately with any of the Continental Powers, has consented to include this country.— An answer to this propo- sition, it is said, has been sent off, which js said to meet it favourably..— Packet. A vessel from Batavia, arrived at Malacca the latter end of June, bringing intelligence that Admiral Hartsinck was lying in the Roads with four sail of the line and a frigate ; and that a 74, com- posing a part of his squadron, had been lost near the Bantam, crew saved ; also that a violent dis- temper was raging at Cheribon, which had swept off several thousands of the inhabitants'. —<'> n! ea0tjs:<;>— FORTUNATE LOTTERY TICKETS. First day. — No. 16,787 ( as firsf- drawn, a prize of =£. 20,010.— No. 8323, £• 1010. — No. 11,885, ^'. 510. — Nos. 12,589 and 17,4: 15, =£. 110 each. Seefddnjf.— No. 24,305 ( as first- drawn), a prize of .£. 20,030. No. 21,937, = 6.1010. No. 2860, =£. 5i0. No. 127, =£. 110. joy with which his Grace was received, bears as unequivocal a testimony to his private virtues, as the universal regret which was felt at his Grace's departure from Ireland did to the mildness'and wisdom with which he discharged his vJce- regal duties in that kingdom. At night, the inhabitants testified their rejoicing by a splendid illumination. We understand that a sixteenth share of the ticket No. 24,305, drawn a prize of ^. 20,030 on. Thursday se'nnight, has fallen to a club of eleven persons principally tradesmen, at Thame,' in Ox- fordshire. , ' The wonderful Durham Ox, which has been exhibited in all parts of tha kingdom, was slaugh- tered at th « Crown inn, Oxford, on Wednesday se'nnight. It weighed thirty score per quarter. The following inscription is painted under a portrait at Stow- Hall, in Buckinghamshire : " Lady Esther Tempje, wife of Sir Thomas Temple, of Stow, who lived to see from 4 sons and 9 daughters, upwards of 700 children and grandchildren's children, proceeding from her own." ln the Court of King's Bench, last week, Mr. Wilson moved for a new trial in the case'of Taylor i'. Lady Page Turner, tried before Mr. Justice Grose, at Bedford, and was an action for servant's wages. ' The plaintiff had discharged himself from the service of the defendant, at Woburn, and insisted upon half- a- guinea for his carriage back to London. This was refused, and an action brought. The Jury thinking him entitled, gave him a verdict. The grounds upon which a new trial was asked were, first, That as the plaintiff' had discharged himself, he was m » t entitled to have his carriage back to London; secondly, that if ho was entitled, the conveyance on the outside was suited to his condition, and, in point of fact, he had so travelled, though he claimed for the inside; and thirdly, that two of the Jurymen were themselves in menial stations, and consequently not exactly qualified to dccidc upon tho case in question. The Court granted a Rule to shew cause. O11 Monday se'nnight, an inquisition was taken at Aynho, in this ceunty, before John Lovell, Gent, one of his Majesty^ Coroners for the said county, 011 view of the body of Win. Watson, who, 011 the preceding Saturday, was killed in a sand- pit by a large quantity of earth suddenly falling in upon him. Verdict— Accidental Death. Oil Saturday last, another inqirest was taken at Stoke- Bruerne, before the same Coroner, 011 the body of a man unknown, who suddenly died in the cabin of a boat as it was passing along the Grand Junction Canal through that parish. Verdict—- Died by the Visitation if God. And, 011 Monday last, two other inquests were taken before the same Coroner, one at Easton- Neston, on the body of Alice Pettifer, an infant, who fell into a tub of water, and was drowned. Verdict— Accidental Death. The other was held, at Cosgrove, on the body of Mary Ward, who died suddenly in her bed. Verdict— Died by th » Visitation of God. ' Bank Stock .. 3 per Ct. Red. 3 per Ct. Cons 4 prr Ct. Cons. 5 per Ct. N... Imp SperCts. India Stock .. I ndia Bonds . - Exc. Bills ... Omnium Cons, for Acc. Sat. Holi. P1MCE OF STOCKS. Mon. Tu. iWed. 234£ ; 239i 62i em 6' Jt 6ii 62I 804} 80 } f 80| 97I 97 I % LII 4s5sp Is. p. i lii 63i 4s5s p pals d HI 6' Jii Th. 233 62414 S0i 974 98 4s5s p Is. p. 1 0i 63iJi 1874 4s5s p lsd pa Hi pi Fr. Hoi. Corn- Exchange, London, Friday, May l." There are not many fresh arrivals of Wheat to- day, and the remaining quantities making but middling supplies, sales are nearly at prices unaltered.— Barley in considerable quantities, and is rather lower. — Of the two sorts of P% as and Beans there are but few, the latter are dearer.— Oats arrivi " 111 abundance, with many Foreign, and this article is extremely dull of sale, and a: rathu lower Prices. — Flour in plenty, PRICE of CORN per Quarter at Northampton, Saturday, May 2. Beans, 37s. Od. to 42 » Od. Peas, — s. Od. to— s. Od. By the Standard Measure. Wheat, 76s. to 80s. Od. Rye, 52s. Od. to 51s. Barley, 31s. Od. to 33s. Od Oats, 21s. Od. to 25s. Od, J. GRAFTON, Inspector. M. T. W. - Th.- IiST of FAIRS, from May 4, to May 16, within the Circuit of this Paper. and Erith. May 4. Northampton, Ampthill, 5. Marloiv and l% rapston. 6. Oakham, Risborougb, Buckingham, Chip- ping- Norton. and Ivinghoe. 7. Higham- Ferrers, Weldon, St. Neots, Bea- eon ' field, WinsU- w, Yaxley, Banbury, llalloughtin ( lasts two days), Hanslope, ilemelhempslead, Loughborough, and Lut- teriuortb. F. 8. Aylesbury and Market- Basiverth, M. 11. Stamford, Southam. and Hinckley. T. 12. To'Mester, Sto- w- on- the- Would, Warwick, Wendover, Harrold, Little - Brickhill, Leicester, and Litchfield. W. 1 13. Spaldwick and Silsoe. Til. 14. Nuneaton and Stratford- upon- Avon. F. 15. Kettering, Rugby, and El slew. Just publuhed, In 3 Vols. Foolscap 8vo. Price 15s. Boards, 3 MIK S 1' RANGER in ENGLAND; or, TRAVELS 4. ' REAT. BRITAIN ; containing Remarks on tPolitics,. I. aws, Manners, Customs, and distin- Cliaracters of that Country, and chiefly its Metropolis, with Criticisms on the Stage; the Whole i., t- isp" ised with a Variety of Characteristic Anec. dotts, from the German of C. A. G. GOEDE. London: Printed for MATHEWS SC LEJCH, No. Strand. . 18, THE FINE ARTS. This Day mis publish til, In twelve Numbers, koyal Folio, each Number con- taining six elegant Engravings, Price 6s. Set. each, f tpUE complete INSTRUCTOR in DRAWING. 8 By W. M. CRAIG. The first six Numbers consist of six Royal Folio Plates each, contain a complete Series of progressive I. esso".; in l. and; « ape, with Instructions to accompany each; the last six Numbers contain similar In- structions and Lessors on Figures. Mr. CRAIC has the Pleasure of announcing to the Public, that his < on the STUDY of NATURE ia DRAWING LANDSCAPE having been long out of Print, and yet having been constantly enquired for, he has made Ayrangem nts for revising it under the Title of 1 be complete Instructor in Drawing. London: Printed for and sold by Thomas Ostell, S, A ve- Maria- Lane; and every respectable Print and Bookseller in the Kingdom. This Day was published, Price 8s. bound, rnHE ELEMENTS of EUCLID, viz. the first " six Books, together with the 11th and 12th.— The Errors by which Theon, or others, have long vgo vitiated these Books, are corrected, and some of Euclid's Demonstrations arc restored; also, the Book of Euclid's Data in like Manner corrected. By ROBERT SIMSON, M. D. Emeritus Professor of Mathematics in the University of Glasgow. To this eleventh Edition are also annexed, ELEMENTS of PLANE and SPHERICA L TRIGONB- METRY., revised and compared with the Author's last Edi'ion. By JOHN WSI GHT, Esq. Advocate'. Edinburgh : Printed for Mundell, Doig, & Steven- son ; and Cutheir & Martin, and Thomas Ostell, Ave- Maria- Lane, London. This Day was published, In one Volume, Octavo, Price 7s. 6d. Boards, DISSERTATIONS on the EXISTENCE, ATTRIBUTES, P R O V I D E N C F,, and MORAL GOVERNMENT of GOD ; and on the DUTY, CHARACTER, SECURITY, and FINAL HAP- PINESS of H is R I G HTEOUS SUBJECTS. By the Rw. DAVID SAV I LE, A. M. Edinburgh. Edinburgh: Printed for Mundell, Doig, Sc Steven- son; arfd T. Ostell, 3, Ave- Maria- I. ane, London; and B. Dugdale, and M. Keene, Dublin. In Times like the present, of prevailing Infidelity, Temptation, and Vice, it becomes every Friend of Religion to sound the Alarm to his Brethren, and shew them the Safety and Excellence of the Ground on which they are exhorted to stand. Irreligion and immorality are as injurious to the Peace ami Order of Society, as to the best Interests of the Individual. He, therefore, who honestly en- deavours to counteract their baleful Influence, may well be considered as a Friend to his Species. . Just published, Price 9s.' Boards, Complete in one handsome Volume, 8vo. printed on fine yellow Wove Paper, and embellished with a superb Portrait of the Author, from the Pencil of HOLBEIN, engraved in the best Manner byHopwooD, ACOMMENTARY on ST. PAUL's EPISTLE to the G A L ATI AN S, by MARTIN LUTHTFR; to which is now added, the LIFE of I. UTHER, and an impartial History of the Tim; s in which he lived; bv the late Rev. F, « ASN-. US MIDDLETON, B. D. Rector of Tu/ vey, Bedfordshire. " Error chiefly bec ® mes formidable from its Con- cealment, And a Defection of Falsehood generally dispels its Charms." London: Printed for MATHEWS SC LEIGH, No. 18, Strand. „ The Life prefixed to this masterly Production of the gre^ t Reformer, will be read with peculiar Pleasure and' Satisfaction at this important Crisis, when Ca- tholic Emancipation occupies the Mind of the World at large: Mr. Middletoh has laboured more than any other Biographer of his Day, to mark the Progress of the Glorious Reformation, which Luther was ordained by Heaven to accomplish, in Opposition to the Power and Artifice of toe Church of Rome. We have Reason at this Moment to look back to that Period as the must important in the Annalij of the World. The Portrait of Luther is the best that ever was published, it is accompanied by an ingenious Device, emblematical of the Downfall of Popery. J E S U S CIIR1S T, The only True God, in wham dwells the Divine ' Trinity of lather, Son, and Holy Ghost. I F any Christian wishes to see a satisfactory Explanation of this great Sf ipture Doctrine of a TRINITY in UNITY, and thus to he preserved from the dangerous Errors which are at this Day spreading wide their baneful and destructive Influence through- out the Christian World; and if he be desirous at the same Time to comprehend tiie true Ground of the Truth of Revelation, or of the Divine Inspiration of the Sacred Scriptures; and also the true Nature, Ex- cellence, and End of the Christian Life, together with the Reality of that Blessed Kingdom to which it conducts; it is earnestly recommended to him to study diligently the following Writings of that en- lightened Servant of the Lord, Emanuel Swcdtnborg, in which he will find those important Subjects dis- cussed in the fullest and most convincing Manner: — Arcana Ccelestia; or, Heavenly Mysteries contained in the Word ot the Lord; 12 Volumes, Octavo, Price £ A lis. True Christian Religion; fourth Edition, 4to. 15s. Apocalypse Revealed; two Volumes, 16s. Angelic Wisdom, concerning Divine Love, 6s. Angelic Wisdom, concerning Divine Providence, s. fid. • A. Treatise concerning Heaven and Hell, 5s. 6( 1. A Treatise on Spiritual Influx, or the Nature of the Communication between Soul and Rody, Is. fid. A Treatise on the Lord the Redeemer, 2s. A Treatise on the Sacred Scriptures, 2s. A Treatise of the New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine, 4s. The Delights of Wisdom concerning Conjugal Love; after which follow the Pleasures of Insanity concerning Scortatory Love, 4to. 15s. Doctrine of Life for the New Jerusalem, Is. 6d. Of tha Earths in the Universe and their Inhabitants, 2s. 61. Summary Exposition of the Internal Sense of the Psalms, 3s. Of the White Horse mentioned in tlie Revelations, Chapter xx. Is. Of the Last Judgment, & c. 2s. Sd. Continuation of Ditto, Is. General Explication of the Ten Prscepts of the Decalogue, Is. 6d. An Hieroglyphic Key to Correspondencies, Is. ' lfhe above Works may be had of Messrs. J. Sc E. Hodson, No. 15, Cross - Street, Hatton- Garden, and of Mr. Evans, Pall- Mali, London; of Mr. Wright, Liverpool; of Messrs. Clarke, Manchester; and of ail other Booksellers. Of uuhom a'. so may be baJ, The following WORKS, by the Rev.. I. CLOWES, M. A. Rector ot St. John's Church. Manchester: — Dialogues between Sophron & 1' hiladelphus, 2s. fid. Letters to a Member of Parliament on the Character and Writings of the Hon. E. Swedenborg, 4s. A new Translation of the Gospel according to Matthew, with Explanatory Extracts from the Writings of E. S. 7s. fid. ft few plain Answers to the Question, " Why do you receive the Testimony- of Baron Swedanborg >" addressed from a Minister to his Congregation, 2s. And, just published, Price 2s. ' fid. ". Letters to the Editors of the Christian Observer," in Replv to their Remarks on the above last- mentioned Pamphlet. Vn this Work, the follov. ing Subjects are discussed :— 1. On the Person and Character of Jesus Christ, as being exclusively the God of Heaven and Earth.— 2. On the Internal Sense of the Sacred Scriptures.— 3. On Justification.— 4. On the extraordinary Mission of Baron Swcdcnborg, as an Expositor of the Sacred Scriptures. GOVERNMENT STATE - LOTTERY ^ NOW DRAWING, r pHE first- drawn Ticket 23d of April, heipg. 1 the second Day of Drawing, will be entitled to =£. 20,100. First- drawn, 3d Day, May 2 £. 20,( 00 First- drawn, 4th Day, May. 12 20,000 First- drawn, 5th Day, May lfi 10,000 First- drawn, " Jth Day, May 19, 30,000 The above Prizes will be given to the first. drawn Tickets, over and above any of the numerous floating Capitals the Wheel contains. TICKETS and SHARES ARE SELLING At all the Licensed Lottery Offices in England, Ireland, and Scotland. Road Meeting.— Appointment if Surveyor. " jVTOTICE is hereby given. That the Trustees L% of the Turnpike- Road leading from St. Mary.' s Bridge, in the Panshof I. ittle- Bovvden, in the County of Northampton,' to the Town of Rockingham, in the same County, intend to hold their next Meeting at the House of Mr. JOHN WALK DEN, the G EORGE 1 NN, in MARKET- HARBOROUGH, in th? County of Leices- ter, on MONDAY the 4th Day of May next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon; at which Meeting the Trustees will be ready to lett the Repairs of the said Road to any working Surveyor or Surveyors, or other Person or Persons, desirous of taking the same, from the 15th Day of the same Month of May, at such Sum of Money as shall be then agreed upon. By Order of the Trustees, GEORCE WARTNABY, their Clerk. Market- Harbonugh, April 22./, 1807. NOTICETISIIEREBY GIVEN, npHAT a Special Meeting of the Trustees J. appointed by the several Acts of Parliament fbr repairing and WidenuK the Road leading from the Toll- Gate in the l arish of Kettering, through the Town of Wellingborough, in the County of North- ampton, and through Olney, over Sherrington Bridge, to Newport- Pagneil, in the County of Bucks, will be held at the HIND INN, in WELLINGBOROUGH aforesaid, on TUESDAY the FIFIH Day of MAY next,- at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, for the Purpose of pulling down and altering the Situation of the Toll - Gate or Turnpike situate upon the said Road, at or near a certain Place called Bozeat- Wold, in the Parish of Rozeat, in the said County of North- ampton; and tor erecting or rebuilding the same at or upon a certain Place in the Lordship of Warrington, and Parish of Olney, in the said County of Bucks, adjoining or near adjoining to the Cross- Road leading from Lavendon, in the said County of Bucks, to the Town of Northampton ; and also for the Purpose of erecting Side- Gates on the North or North- West, and South or South- East Sides of the said Tufnpike- Road, near to or adjoining to the Place whereon the said Toll- Gate or Turnpike is proposed to be rebuilt. JOHN HODSON, Clerk to the. said Trustees. Dr. FOTIIERGIL's NERVOUS CORDIAL DROPS this Season to pronounced to be certain in removing all Lowness and Depression of the Spirits, the most alarming Diseases of the Head and Stomach, Palpitation of the Heart, horrid Thoughts! vain Fears, frightful Dreams, Loss of Memory, Relaxation, debi- litated Habits from a long Continuance in hot Cli- mates, and a sedentary Life; Palsies, dorsal Con- sumptions, and Weaknesses incidental to both Sex^ s; and ior Spasms, from an Influx of vital Heat into the affected Muscles.— This Grand Antispasmodic Remedy never yet failed in a single Instance for 18 Years past, in bilious Cases, Indigestion, slow, nervous, putrid, malignant, petechial Fevers, and broken Constitutions. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, at Mr. Butler's No. 4, Cheapside, Corner of Paternoster- Row, London ATt LI T-\ J\ JL ARE strongly recommended at I the Fair Sex ; and are pronoun Loggin, Aylesbury; Higgs, Market- Harborough, and by most Medicine Venders in every Town ; in Bottles at 4s. Gd. and lis. each, with ample Directions. ~ LIGNUM'* ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS. SIR, Rochdale, Nov. 15tb, 1806. [ Am desired by BETTY KERSIIAW, of Rake- Sitborough, near Rochdale, to communicate to you the great Benefit she has received from the sole Use of your A riTi SCOR Bon c DROPS. She for a Series of Time has been greatly afflicted with a Scrofulous and Scorbutic Complaint, with which her Body Was from Head to Foot nearly covered : She also was severely afflicted with Rheumatic Pains in various Parts of her Body. Thus her complicated Maladies, be assured, rendered her Life more a Burden than a Pleasure to her. Such were her Sufferings and Unstress when she first applied to me for your Drops; a few Bottles of which, to the Astonishment of herself, and Wonder of her Neighbours, restored her to a good State of Health. It may perhaps be unnecessary for me to observe, that before she began to take your Drops she had been at a considerable F. xpence by Application to numerous Gentlemen of tire Faculty, but all their Efforts proved unsuccessful.— For the Good of her Fellow- sufferers she desires this may be made public. Signed, BETTY KE RSI! AW, x her Mark. ALICE OR. MODS. Attested by T. GR. EFNI. ECS. To Mr. John Lignum, Surgeon, 57, Bridge- Street, Manchester. *** To prevent Counterfeits, observe these Words— " John Lignum, Bridge- Street, Mane" iter," en- graved on a black Stamp, by Favour of His Majesty's Commissioners; to imitate which is Felony. ( pT These Drops are sold in moulded square Bot- tles, at lis. and 4s. fid.— One lis. Bottle is equal in Quantity to three 4s. 6d. ones. They pray be had, Wholesale and Retail, at Mr. LIGNUM'S, NO. 57, Bridge- Street, Manchester; and, by Appointment, of Howard & Evans, 42, Long- Lane, West- Smithfield; Dicey & Co. 10, Bow Church- Yard ; Barclay & Son, 95, Fleet- Market; Shaw & Edwards, 66, St. Paul's Church- Yard; Butler, 4, Cheapside; and Newbery & Sons, 45, St. Paul's Church- Yard, London ; and Retail of Dicey & Sutton, and Marshall, Northampton ; Green Sc Taylor, Ampthill; Gardner; Biggleswade; Palgrave, Bedford; Beesley, Banbury; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry; Ridge, Newark; lnwood, Newport- l'agnell; Tookey, Oundle; Jacob, Peterborough ;* Inns, Tow- cester ; Paul, St. Ives; Jenkinson, Huntingdon; Collis & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Mather, Welling- borough; Darton, Hitchin; Simson, Hertford; and of the principal Venders of genuine Medicines in the United Kingdom. _ CORDIAL BALM,; OF GILEAD. FROM BIRMINGHAM. Extract of a Letter from Mr. SVVINNEY, Letter- Founder, Birmingham, to Mr. Schofield, Printer, Dale- Street, Liverpool. " Novetnlerlth, 1798. rc J^ RAY have the Goodness to inform Dr. S SOLOMON, that a Gentleman in this Neigh- bourhood was for a Year and a Half so ill, that lie could s'carcelv keep Sustenance enough on his Stomach to Support Life, and that he is now perfectly recovered by the Cordial Balm of Gilead." Mr. Swinney, Printerof the Birmingham Chronicle, in a Letter to Dr. SOLOMON, says, that he has fre- quently sold Bott'tes of the Cordial Balm of Gilead to the same People, at various Times, and never had any Complaint to its Prejudice; on the contrary, the Demand being so great for it, that he requests an im- mediate fresh Supply per first Convenience. The CORDIAI. BA I. M of GILEAD is sold in Bottles, Price Half- a- Guimea each; there are also Family Bottles, Price 33s. containing equal to four Bottles at 10s. 6d. by which the Patient saves 9s. including also the Duty . Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by the Printers of this Paper; also, Retail, by Marshall, and Edge, North- ampton; Collis & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Dawson, and Harrod, Harborough; Marriott, Hanbury ; Inns, and Galiard," Towcester; Seeley, Buckingham; Richardson, Stony - Stratford; Edge, and Mather, Wellingborough; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry i Okelv, and I'algrave, Bedford; Fox, St. Neots; Barringer, and lnwood, Newport- Pagneil; Swinfen, Leicester; by the Printefs of the Country News- papers; and bv all the reputable Medicine Venders, Booksellers, & c. in every principal Town in England, Ireland, Scotland, and America, who will deliver Pamphlets gratis, with a Variety of authentic Docu- ments noted therein. v ( PI- Dr. Solomon, when consulted, expects his usual Fee ot Halt'- a- Guinea. Such Letters should, for Safety, be thus directed—" Money Letter. Dr. Solomon, Gilead- House, near Liverpool." To COVER, this Season, 1807, One Guinea each Mare, and One Shiliinj: / A the Man, A capital BLACK CART FIORSE, rising four Years old, the Property of THOMAS Tint L AND, of BUCBROOK, in the County of Northampton.— He was got by Mr. Wiggins's Samp- soil, out of a Mare by that noted Horse T. Turlaiul had a few Years since. He will be at Home all the Season. The Mares covered by this Horse last Year have nearly all proved with Foal; of which References will be given. — No Trials on the Sabbath Day. The Money to be paid at the Time of Covering, or at Midsummer next. To COVER, this Season, 1807, AT Mr. WM. ODELI.' S, Abington- Street; NORTH- AMPTON, at One Guinea and a Half each Mare, and Half- a- Crown the Groom, YOUNG HUE- AND- CRY. He is rising seven Years old, perfectly sound, stands 15 Hands 2 Incfles high, and is of particular good Action.— He was got by that well- known Horse Pretender ( which trotted 16 Miles within the Hour, late the Property of Mr. Chiislopher H'rc. ot, of Long- Sutton), his Dam by Old Hue- and- Cry; her Dam was bred by Mr. Parker, of Thorney, out of a Mare got by the Duke of Bolton's Mogul, and is own Brother to Dash and Enchanter. * YOUNG HUE- AND- CRY will be at Towcester, every Tuesday; at Home, every Tuesday Night; Daventry, every Wednesday; George Inn, Crick, every Wed- nesday Night; Lutterworth, every Thursday; Talbot Inn, Welford, every Thursday Night; Highgate- House, every Friday ; and at Northampton, every Friday Night, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Mares to be paid for the last Time of going round ; the Groom to be paid at the Time of Covering. To COVER, this Season, 1807, CANTERBURY, the Property of WILLIAM HI GG I N s, of Higham- Park, at Two Guineas and Half-' a- Crown each Mare. CANTERBURY was got by PotSos, his Dam by Alfred, an own Sister to Tickle Toby ; his Orand- dam by King Herod, his Greal- grand- dam an own Sister to Eclipse. In 1799, Canterbury won a Sweepstakes at Stamford, beating Vandal, Duplicity, and Tankersly, late Sir Solomon, and Sir F. Standish's b. c. by Sir Peter, out of Storace. In 1800, he also won t'he Claret Stakes at New- market, beating Vivaldi and Sir F. Standish's Brother to Spread Eagle; he also won the Petwortb Stakes at Brighton, beating Bobtail', Cadet, and His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales's Speculator; he also won the'King's Plate at Canterbury, beating Ratifa; likewise won £. 50 the next Day, beating Tuneful and Sophia. iu 1801, lie won £. 50 at Stamford, beating Truss and Cockboat; he won a Sweepstakes the same Day, beating Fanny, Georgina, Mr. Watson'sc'. by Delphini; he received It. from Mr. F. Neale's Humbug, first 3 M. of B. C. ' In 1802, he won £. 50 at Newmarket, beating French- horn, Whirligig c. by Toby, and Mr. Sitwell's Clayton; he also won two Fifties at Huntingdon, and ran a good Race at Lincoln, with Sir Solomon. This Stallion will attend at the following - Places and Markets once a Fortnight, from the 20th of April, viz. Bull, Olney, on Mondays; Wollastoa, on Mon- day Nights; Swan, Thrapston, on Tuesdays; White- Hart, Wellingborough, on Wednesdays; White- Lion, Kimbolton, on Wednesday Nights; Cross- Keys, St. Neots, on Thursdays ; Temsford, on Thursday Nights ; Barley- Mow, Bedford, on Saturdays; at Home, on Sundays;— Swan, Oundle, on Monday Nights; Swan, Thrapston, on Tuesdays; White- Hart, Wellingbo- rough, on Wednesdays; Black- Boy, Northampton, on Wednesday Nights; Red- Lion, Brixworth, on Thursday Morning from Nine o'Clock to Ten; George, Kettering, on Fridays; Barley- Mow, Bedlord, on Saturdays; and at Mr. Kni'ght's, Hatrold, on Sundays. N. B. Good'Grass for Mares, with Care, at 4s. 6d. per Week.— The Money to be paid at Midsummer next. . THRAPSTON TURNPIKE- ROAD. j r jPllE Yearly General Meeting of the Trustees | a of the Turnpike- Road leading from Market- i Harborough, in the County of Leicester, to the Vound, ! in the Parish of Brampton, in the County of Hunt- , ingdon, will be hulden at the' WHITE- HART INN, in ; THRAPSTON, in the County of Northampton, on , MONDAY the 4th Day of MAY next ( and not on Friday j the 1st, as advertised last Week), at Eleven o'Clock ' in the Forenoon ; and at the same Time and Place new j Trustees will be elected and chosen in- the several Places and Steads of such Trustees as shall then be dead.— Given under our Hands this 1st Dav of April, 1807. THOMAS MARSHALL, WILLIAM MARGETTS, A1 their Clerks. I > HEUMATISMS, Lv tions, with their Palsies, and Gouty Affec- usual Concomitants, Spasm, or hying Pains, Flatulency, Indigestion, and general Debility ( originating in whatever Source), are relieved To COVER, this Season, 1007, T One Guinea and a Half each Mare, and Half- a- Crown ihe Groom ( the Money to be paid at Midsummer next), YOPG REGULUS, the Property of Mr. ROBINSON, of THRAPSTON. He is rising five Years old, 15 Hands 3 Inches high, " a beautiful Bay with very little White, fiee from Blemishes, has good Action, and excelled by very few in Symmetry , is able to carry 18 Stone with the fleetest Hounds, having been hunted last Season with Earl Fitzwilliam's Fox- Hounds. YOUNG REGULUS was got by Regulus, late be. longing to W. P. NEF. DHAM, Esq. ( out of an excel- lent Hunter); he was bred by A. Boucherett, Esq. and was got by that well- known llorse Young Regulus, his Dam bv S'oung Traveller, Old Cade, Bolton, Fear- nought, li. iito, Duke of Newcastle's Turk, the Byerley Turk, out of a Barbary Mare.— Young Regulus and frequently curecFby l^^/ i^ e^ of M^ j T^&^& E& kS* W ™ ser's Snake, Pills, atter every other Means have failed. The Fluid Essence of Mustard ( used with the Pills, in thos- e Complaints where necessary) is perhaps the most active, penetrating, and ellectual Remedy in the World, generally curiug the severest SPRAINS ASJI BRUISES. 2s. 9d. each Box or Bottle. They are also sold by the Printers of this Paper, and every Medicine Ven- der in the United Kingdom. G5T Tlie Genuine lias a black Ink Stamp, with the Name of R. Johnston inserted on it. Spilsbury's Antiscorbutic Drops. APerson, aged 36, had a small Scrofulous - Ulceration in her Fland, giving her much Pain ; it then broke out in her Wrist, both her Shoulders, and her Knee, each Ulceration discharging much, and not disposed to heal; it then affected her right Elbow; and these Ulcerations, with a Disposition to general Debility, she sutiered for twelve Years. Her Knee was healed in the Worcester Infirmary; and she experienced some Benefit while a Patient, for a short. 1' eriod, in St. Bartholomew's Hospital; wh'en she made Application for the Benefit of SPILSBURY'S PATENT ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS, at the Dispensary, No. 15, Soho- Square, London. By the Application of the Drops for six Months, her Ulcers gradually healed, and she regained her Strength and Appetite; it is now a Twelvemonth since, and shj remains per- | fectly well.— Any Information of the above Fact may be obtained at No.. 9, Duke's. Court, Drury- Lane. S Mr. SPILSBURY is not accountable for any Mixture I sold, unless the Words " By the King's Patent" ; are inserted on the Bill of Directions, Bottle, I and Wrapper; the Stamp also ( the King's Duty) is i printed in black 1 nk instead of red lr. k. Bottles 5s. 6d. double Bottles 10s. and larger i'. l 2s. Duty in- cluded. ( fST Sold also by the Printers of this Paper; Mr. Okely, andWlr. Palgrave, Bedford; Mafher, ' Wel- lingborough; Collis & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry ; Corrall, Lutter- worth ; and by most Venders of Patent Medicines in Town and Country. Lister Turk, out of the Dam of Old Cato, a Daughter of Old Partner ; Young Traveller by- Traveller, Bartlet's Childers; Mr. Durham'sgrey Mare by a Son of the Bald Galloway, Daffodel's Dam by a Foreign Horse of Sir Thomas Gascoigne's. Old Regu- 1 us was got by the Godolphin Arabian, his Dam Grey Robinson, Grand- dam by Snake, out of Old Wilkes, a r « .... u * rwu .... .<•- • •• performances, hereby certify, for the said Re- W. P. NEEDHAM. " Louth, Feb. 15th, 1807." . The Mares covered by Young Regulus last Season, generally prove to be with Foal; those that do not, will be covered at 16s. and Half- a- Crown the Groom. TURNPIKE- TOLLS TO LETTT~ NOTICE is hereby given, That the next Meeting of the Trustees appointed by an Act of Parliament —••' — ' -••• " and keeping in Repair, the Road leading from a Place called Morton's Corner, in the Town of Welling- borough, in the County of Northampton, to the East End of Abington- Street, in the Town of North- ampton," will be held at the House of CHARLES THOMAS, known by the Sign of the HIND, in WEL- BIOGRAPHY OF EMINENTLY PIOL'S CHRISTIANS, Printed in Octavo, on a s- nperjine Demy Paper, and beautiful veiu Letter, To be completed in One Hundred and Twenty Weekly Numbers, each Number decorated with a FORTR A IT of some celebrated Gospel Minister, or Delineation of a particular Passage in their Lives and Writings, „„,„„,,. Views of Chapels, & c. engraved in a most masterly I of each Bottle and Box.— Sold, Wholesale Manner by Artists ot the first Reputation. On Saturday, April 11, 1807, was published, embel- lished with a striking Likeness ot the late Rev. T. Copy if a Letter from T. Bernerd, Esq. to the liev. If. Barclay. Upper- Crescent, Bath, July 26th, 1805. SIR, ON Receipt of this I request you will send me six double Boxes of your BARCLAY'S ANTI- BILIOUS PILLS, and twelve Bottles of SPECIFIC.— Inclosed is a Draft for £. 50, pay yourself for the Medicine, andapply the Remainder to the Publication of the following Case :— For the last fourteen Years I have been afflicted with the Gout; and for the last four Years this is the first Letter 1 have been able to write, which 1 think ought to be addressed to you, acknowledging my perfect Cure by using your Antibilious Pills and Specific. 1 am, Sir* Your most obliged humble Servant, THOS. BERNERD. The Fair Sex, in particular, will find such Relief in the free Use of the Pills, as will insure to them, by a Continuance, Comforts which they have not experienced, probably, for Years before. OBSERVE, the Rev. W. BARCLAY is engraved on a black Stamp, which is affixed on the outside Wrapper — u u—. i » ~ ' 1 at Mr. Butler's, No. 4, Cheapside; and Retail by Edge, Marshall, Dicey & Sutton, and Lambert, North- ampton ; Palgrave, Bedford ; Inwood, Newport- C, " . --- , .' VM^ U , 1H.. UUM, L\ CWUUI[- Wills, A. B. neatly ornamented With a Repre- Pagnell ; Swinfen, and Coombe, Leicester; Loggin, sentation of that zealous Divine preaching in the i Aylesbury ; and by most Medicine Venders' in every Fair at Kidderminster ( Price only Six- pence), 1 ' r - NUMBER 1. of a new Work, entitled IEVANGELICAL BIOGRAPHY; being a JL complete and faithful Account of the LIVES. SUFFERINGS, EXPERIENCES, and nappy DEATHS of EMINENT' CHRISTIANS, who have shone with distinguished Lustre; alphabetically arranged. With Lists of their principal Works, in Chronological Order, and occasional Extracts therefrom. " These are they which cameeut of great Tribulation, and have washed their Robes, and made them white in the Blood ot the Lamb." REV. vi, 14. " The Lord forsaketb not his Saints, they are pre- served fbr ever." PSALM xxxvii. 28. BIOGRAPHY is a Species of History which records the Lives and Characters of remarkable Persons ; and it is indeed the most instructing and entertaining Kind of History, especially when the Persons recorded arc such only as have been sliuiing Characters in the Religious World, whose pious Lives were finished with Joy, and only departed a little before to inherit the Eternal Mansion which the Redeemer himself went to prepare for them. Such a Work must be peculiarly edifying to all those who love the Lord Jesus Christ in Sincerity. It is remarkably evident that Infidelity and Irre- j Medicine Venders iu every Town, in Bottles at 2s. 93. ligion abound in this Country on the one Hand, and i each, with ample Directions. that the pernicious Tenets of Popery and. other Here- j tical Sects are making large Strides upon the Reformed \ Religion on the other; and therefore it lias been j esteemed Requisite by many Ministers and serious Town. MR. EDGE, NORTHAMPTON, HAS received a fresh Supply of Dr. Freeman's GUTTA SALUTAR1S, for a certain Disorder, under its various Appearances, and complicated At- tacks, which may be speedily and secretly eradicated from the System by the Use of Dr. FREEMAN'S DROPS; which, for their salutary Effects in cleansing the Blood from all Impurities, whether from a certain Disorder or Scorbutic, are termed GUTTA SALUTARIS. By persevering in the Use of this Remedy, the Patient gradually loses all Pain and Infiannriatioii, all foul and corroding Ulcers, Lumps in. the Skin, and other corresponding Symptoms of this cruel and relentless Disease. Nearly thirty Years' Practice hath proved to Dr. Freeman that all this is accomplished by the Drops, without the Aid of Surgical Operations, or the usual Application ofgreasy mercurial Preparations. Sold by Appointment ot Dr. Freeman, of Hatton- Garden, by R. Butler, No. 4, Cheapside, London; Edge, Marshall, Dicey & Sutton, and Lambert, North- ampton; Palgrave, Bedford;. Inwood, Newport- Pagnell; Svinfen, and Coombe, Leicester; Loggin, Aylesbury; Higgs,' Market- Harborough ; and by most SOLOMON's ANTI- IMPETIGINES. DR. John Hunter and many other Medical Men have treated masterly on certain Complaints, but they all follow the Steps of their Predecessors: Mercury— Mercury is still their grand Climacteric! and which, notwithstanding all its alledged Improve- ments and Combinations, is Mercury nevertheless. Persons, to oppose a Torrent of Wickedness and Delusion, which see. ns to threaten with Destruction all before it; and as the best Means to accomplish so desirable an End, the Biography ot our Evangelical Forefathers is presented to the Public. . ANTI- IMP ETIGI N ES has l'ong teen used in tioMre Gkirv tl^ o^ S ! P- tice, andm ^ Multiplicity exemplified in the Conduct ot the Servants of Jesus Christ, deserve attentive Consideration, we humbly hope that the Readers of THE EVANGELICAL BIOGRAPHY separately, by AUCTION, for two Years, to the Best Bidders, between the Hours of Elevt" and One o'tlock of the same Day, in the Manner di. ted by the Act passed in the lilth Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, for regulating the Turnpike- Roads ; which Tolls will be put up at such Sum as the Com- missioners shall think fit. Whoever happens to be the Best Bidder or Bidders, must forthwith give Security, , vith sufficient Sureties, to the Satisfaction of the Trustees, for Payment of the respective Rents, at such Times as they shall direct.— Given under my Hand the third Day ol April, in the Year of our Lord 1807. JOHN HODSON, Clerk to the said Trustees. _______ BLOOM OR WHITE CEPHALIC SNUFF. IN all Complaints of the Head, particularly the common llead- ach, it gives immediate Ease; and at this Season, in particular, sh « uld be taken after Dinner, to prevent the ill Consequence of Drow- siness, too often experienced after a full Meal.— The Injury common Snuff does to the Head anu Stomach, may be prevented by mixing a little of this whole- some Snuff with it. In obstinate Nervous Com- plaints, l'aintness, Lowness of Spirits, Wind in the Stomach, Fits of every Kind, Hysterics, Palsy, Le- thargy, and Rheumatic Complaints, not only taken as a Snulf, but also mixed in any agreeable Liquor, and taken by the Mouth, its Effit- acy has been asto- nishing in many thousand Instances, which cannot be said ot any other Snutfcxtant.— Price 2s. 3d. a Bottle. Sold Wholesale by Dicey Sc Sutton, No. 10, Bow Church- Yard, and at their Warehouse in Northamp- ton; and Retail by Edge, Marshall, and Edmonds, Northampton; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry; Inns, Towcester; Mather, Wellingborough; Collis & Dash, Kettering,; Palgrave, and Okely, Bedford; Loggin, Aylesbury ; and by every Verier of Patent Medicines in the United Kingdom. BANKRUPTS required to SURRENDER. Robert- Dent, of Stoke- Golding, Leicestershire, grocer, May 11, 12, and June 9, at the Bull's- Head inn, Hinckley. Attorney, Mr. Jervis, Hinckley. James Dodd, of Pali- Mall, London, hatter and hosier. Wm. Darnall, of George- yard, Lombard- street, London, stationer. Elisha Pearce, of the Haymarket, Middlesex, music- seller. John Suter, of East- Ret ford, Nottinghamshire, mercer. Michael* Laird, of Redbuin, Hertfordshire, straw hat- manu- faeturer. Wiiliam Marke, of Liverpool, timber- merchant. Joseph Vipond, of" Penrith, Cumber- land, flax- dresser. Henry Wilcock & John Wileock, of Manchester, stay- makers. William Young, of Lcatou, Yorkshire, gtocer. Silas Cox, of Beurton, Dorsetshire, miller. Charles Thomas Skurray, of Kensington, Middlesex, underwriter. John Chap- man, of Martin'S- lane, Cannon- sireet, London, dry- salter. John Hewlett, of Gloucester, cabinet- maker. Bartholomew Short, of Finsbury- plaee, Middlesex, merchant. Samuel Poole, of Cheap- side, London, haberdasher. Robert Iligh& m, of Preston, Lancashire, corn- merchant. Wm. Nixon Dawson, of Tabernacle- square, Finsbury, Middlesex, draper. Edward Oates, of Leeds, Yorkshire, dry- salter.—— William Drake, late of Gutter- lane, Lon- don, warehouseman. William Stevens, of Little St. Thomas Apostle, London, money- scrivener, i John Allen, of the Platform, Rotherhithe, coal- merchant. Joseph Bisshop, of St. Swithin's- lane, London, merchant. Charles Medley, of the Bolt- in- Tun inn, Fleet- street, London! coach- master. Alexander Cassano, of Piccadilly, London, auctioneer. - William Brown, of Liverpool, tailor. Wm. Hope, of Manchester, grocer. Edmund Lansdown, of Bridgwater, Somersetshire, innholder. Thomas Barrowclough, of Leeds, Yorkshire, clothier. DIVIDEND to be made to Creditors. June 2. John Hanford, of Alford, Lincolnshire, inn- keeper, at the White- Hart tavern, Kin'gston- upon- Hull. may receive that lasting Impression which their pious Actions are apt to inspire us with, and which it may not be in the' Power of Time to efface. This Work, which has been long in Preparation, is now brought forward in Weekly Numbers, at only Six- pence each ; the Author being persuaded there are Thousands who might spare a small Sum Weekly, that would be debarred that Blessing, if published at once, at a Price beyond their Means. The first Number will be a faithful Specimen of the Whole; should it not meet the Approbation of the Reader, it may be returned. A Promissory Note will be given to deliver all above 120 Numbers gratis. A List ot Subscribers will be given at the Conclusion of the Woik. The Editors solicit the Assistance of, and Commu- nications from, Ministers of the Gospel and other eminent Christians, who may be in Possession of Materials; which may be addressed to the Publisher, and shall be gratefully acknowledged. Among the Engravings in a State of Forwardness, are Portraits of the following eminent Gospel Mi- nisters, & c. Rev. T. Wills, A. B. W. Romaine, A. M. 1. Watts, D. D. Torial Jo$ s, 1 S. Medley. W. B. Cadogan. A. M. J. Ryland, A. M. W. Shrubsole. R. Winter, B. D. W. A.. Gunn. J. Harvey. A. M. Toplady. F.. Ashburner. Printed for J. STRATFORD London: and sold by all United Kingdom. Rev. G. Whitfield, A. M. S. Brewer, B. D. J. Conder, D. D. J, Berridge. C. Mends. T. Jollie. F.. Middleton, A. B. W. Wildbore. A. Booth. W. Cowper, Esq. C. Townsend, Esq. See. See. , No. 112, Holborn- Hill, other Booksellers in the an , of Instances found to be a sovereign, a safe; a speedy, and effectual Remedy for every Stage and Symptom, and is the best Substitute ever discovered for Mercury ; it sweetens the Blood, and stimulates it to expel all noxious and impure Juices; gives Strength and Tone to the Nerves, enlivens and invigorates at one and the same Time both Body and Mind; it justly claims a Pre- eminenceover all ether Medicines, being decidedly adapted for the speedy Removal of these Complaints', as well as the Scurvy, Scrofula, King's- Evil, and even the Leprosy itself; it is not to be paralleled in the whole Materia Medica. High as the Faculty now stand in the Opinion of the World, their Sanction is daily given to this ad- mirable Preparation, which takes its Name under the Authority of the great CULLEN, of Edinburgh ( by whose Nosology on the Practice of Physic every Phy- sician is directed); its Efficacy being well- established for those direful Calamities, which comprehend Scor- butic, Leprous, Scrofulous, and Yenereal Complaints, and for which the Anti- 1 mpetigir. es is happily ad ited. Sold in 10s. fid. and 33s. Bottles; the latter cc/. itain four of the former, by which the Purchaser saves 9s. Every genuine Bottle has a Stamp, which bears the Proprietor's Name and Address, " Saml. Solomon, Liverpool," to imitate which is Felony. ( J3" The Postage of all Letters to the Doctor must be paid, and 10s. 6d. as a Fee, inclosed for Advice. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by the Printers of this Paper; also. Retail, by Marshall, and Edge, North- ampton; Collis & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Dawson, and Harrod, Harborough; Marriott, Ban- bury; Inns, and Gallard, Towcester; Seeley, Buck- ingham; Richardson, Stony- Stratford; Edg£, and Mather, Wellingborough ; Robins, an< j Wilkinson, Daventry; Okely, and Palgrave, Bedford ; Fox, St. Neots; Barringer, and Inwood, Newport- Pagneil; Swinfen, Leicester; by the Printers of the Country Newspapers; and by all the reputable Medicine Venders, Booksellers, Sec. in every principal Town in England, Ireland, Scotland, and America, who will deliver Pamphlets gratis, with a Variety of authentic Documents noted therein. Oats. 21s. to27s-: 30s. HorseBeans38s. to 41s. Od. Tick Ditto 32s. to 38s. 0d" White Peas 50s. to 75s. 0d" Grey Ditto 32s. to 42s. Od. - Fine 65s. to 68s. Od. Rent, 51. 5s. to 61. 16s.- MARKETS.— London, April 27. Our supply of Wheat this morning was not large, and the demand considerable ; hence prices advanced 3s. ; ind 4s. per quarter on tine samples, and in pro- portion on the other sorts.— Barley holds its price; the supply not large. — 1 n Malt no material alteration. — White Peas are still dear, and sell nearly at last week's cuirency.— Grey Peas, likewise, as per former report.— The two sorts of Beans are dearer. — Oats continue at out last quotation; we have tolerable supplies of this article.— Flour, incon- sequence of the rise in Wheat, is getting up; 68s. pet sack named as the price of good. Wheat.. 50s. to 60s. 68s. Fine Do. — s. to 70s. 76s. Rve . -- 36s. to 44s. Od. Barley. - 28s. to 38s. Od. Malt . .. 60s. to 70s. Od. PRICE of FLOUR.- HOPS, per Pocket — , ... - Sussex, 51.0s. to51". 18s. — Farnliaiti, 81.0s. to 91. 9s. SMITHFIELD, April 27. To sink the offal. Ox Beef, 4s. Od. to 5s. Od. Wei her Mutton, 4s. 4d. to 5s. 4d. Veal, 4s. Od. to 5s. tid. Pork, 4s. Oil. to 5s. Od. Lamb, 5s. 6d. to 6s. Hd. Sold this day, Beasts, 1600— Sheep and Lambs, 13,000. NEWGATE and LEADENHALL, April 27. By the carcase. Beef, 3s. Od. to 4s. Od. Mutton, Ss. 4d. to 4s. 4d. Veal, 3s. Od. to 5s. Od. Pork, 4s. 0d. to 5s. Od. l. amb, 5s. Od. to6s. 4d. TALLOW.— Town, 58s. Od. White Russia,— s. Od. to 52s. Od. ( Soap),— s. Od. to 52s. Od. Melting Stuff, — s. to 43s. Od. Ditto rough, — s. to 28s. Good Dregs, 10s. Od. Graves, 10s. Od. • LEATHER, per lb. Butts, 50 to 561b. 21d. to22Jd. Ditto, 60 to 651b. 24d. to 25d Merchants' Backs, 2T) d. to21£ d. Dressing Hides, 17d. to 18d. Fine Coach- Hides, 18Jd. to 20d. Crop Hides, 45 to 501b. per doz. 20d. to 23d. Ditto, 30 to 351b. 17d. to ISid. Calf skins, ?<> to 401b. 38d. to 42d. Ditto, 50 to 701b. 38J. to 42d. Ditto, 70 to SOlb- 35d. to 37d. Small Seals, per lb. 45d. to 4Rd. Large Ditto, per uoz. 100s. to 170s. Goat Skins, 25s. to 60s. per doz. Tanned Horse- Hides, 20s. to 33s. per Hide. NORTHAMPTON'* Printed and Published by and for T. DICEY and IV. SUTTON.
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