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The Northampton Mercury


Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton 
Volume Number: 87    Issue Number: 4
No Pages: 4
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The Northampton Mercury
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The Northampton Mercury

Date of Article: 28/03/1807
Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton 
Address: Northampton
Volume Number: 87    Issue Number: 4
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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ortftontytoii tvtntp* w! ES • i • 1 Vol. 87. SATURDAY, March 28, 1807 No. 4. Ready Money is exported ) with Advertisements. j! t Circulated through EVERY Town and populous Village in the Coun ies of Northampton, Leicester, Huntingdon, ( ( Bedford, Buckingham, Hertford, Oxford, Warwick; i'art of Cambridge, Nottingham, Lincoln, and Rutland. $ PIllCE SIXPENCE, j S'amp- Duty ...... 34c!. I Paper and Print • > 2id. Sunday and Tuesday's Posts. LONDON, March 24. * THREE Denmark Mails have been received this morning, bringing Hamburgh and Altona Papers to the 12th of March. The intelligence which they bring us from the seat of war, is ot the same complexion with that which had formerly reached us. It appears that the Russians received, after the battle of Eylau, the important re- en- forcement of 40,000 men; and it is stated that they have, 011 the Turkish frontier, been joined by 60,000 Servians, an accession of high consequenee in that quarter. The Russians in Poland, it appears, are concentrated on the Pregel; and the French being straitened fmr provisions, have fallen back towards the Vistula. There is no appearance of an intention on either side to come again to the | A. lipxON, are requested to meet at theG EOSGE IN. V, the conclusion ef the unfavourably in NORTHAMPTON, on THURSDAY ihe 2D Day of STONY- STRATFORD, PUCKS. JOHN SI R K T I, Grocer, Tea - Dealer, and Clittndler, WHOLES A i. E AND RETAIL, BEGS Leave most respectfully to inform his Friends and the Public in general, tint he has OPENED that old- established SHOP, in the above Trade, situate in the MARKET- PI. ACE, late in the Occupation ot Mr. JOHN LEWIS PASTEUR, where he humbly solicits the Favours of the Public; a> syving those Friends who may honour him with their favours, that the greatest Attention and Dispatch shall be nsed in executing the same.— He also begs Leave to inform his Friends, that he has purchased a fresh STOCK of GOODS in the above tine, wlj'rch he flatters himself will be found, on Trial, torivetlieutmost Satisfaction. HAT STAMPS. ^ PHE Manufacturers of, and Dealers in, HATS, A resident in the Town and County of NOPTH- conflict, till season, Dutch Papers to the 15th were received on Sa- turday. They furnish no fresh accounts from the armies. It was reported at Berlin., in the beginning of the month, that the King and Queen of Prussia, with their Court, had left Ronigsburgh, and taken un their residence at Metm- l. The towns of Killing, Marlcnbourg, and Mariefiwerder, have been again occupied by the French, who are also in possession of the whole of the coast along the Gulf of Frisch- haff; but no considerable body of troops had arrived in the suburbs of Dantzic, for the purpose of commencing the siege of that city. Tho re- duction^ of Graudentz was, it was understood, to be effected before regular approaches were made against Dantzic. A large detachment of the Bata- vian army, and a corps of 6000 Saxons, were on the point of marching to join the Grand Army in Poland. A body of 5000 Russians, taken prisoners at the battle of Pultusk, arrived the latter end of February at Cassel, on their way to Mentz. A great number of troops from Italy were on their route through the Tyrol, for the purpose of effecting a junction with the Grand Army. Private letters received by the Jamaica Mail state, that a most alarming plot of revolt among the Negroes, in the parishes of St. George and St. Thomas in the East, was discovered about the end of December, and the object most happily frus- trated. It appears that the privates in one of the Black Corps had for some- time been employed in drilling the discontented Negroes by night, of whom not less than 3000 had entered into the plan of revolt. The 28th of December was the time ap- pointed for the execution of the plot; but, on , the preceding day, the Governor, most happily, re- ceived an intimation of the dreadful design. The necessary measures of precaution ware imme- diately adopted; the ringleaders were arrested; and the object of the conspiracy effectually frus- trated. We are happy to add, that at the date of the last advices, the Island was in a state of perfect tranquillity. Saturday, the arrival of the long- expected ship, the Christiana, from Bengal, was announced at the East- Indiji House. By this ship, the account of the capture of the Fame East- Indiaman is con- • firmed. She was fallen in with on the 4th of Sep- tember by the J'tedinontese French frigate, of 16 guns, on her passage from Bombay to Bengal. An action immediately ensued, and the Fame supported a severe contest for some time, against the very superior force of the enemy. At length,^ Captain Jameson, his officers, and crew, surrendered, were taken on hoard the frigate, and all put on board an Arab ship, with the exception of the surgeon and boatswain. In the House of Commons on Friday, Mr. Praed brought up a Bill for regulating the payment of the Stores of the Grand Junction Canal, for ex- empting the same from Parochial Rates, iV- c. The Bill was read a lirst time, and on the question for the second reading, Mr. Cartwright strongly ob- jected to any measure for granting an indulgence to this Company which no other enjoyed. The question being put, was negatived, and the Bill lost.— The Bill to make Real Property Assets for • payment of Simple Contract Debts, has been thrown out. On Tuesday, the Corporation of the City of Dublin met pursuant to requisition,, for the purpose cf taking into consideration the propriety of pre- senting a petition to Parliament against the claims of the Catholic Body. Mr. Giffard having concluded a long speech on the suhject, moved—" That a Petition be presented to both Houses of the Im- perial Parliament, praying them to maintain the Constitution in Church and State, by refusing the present demands of the Roman Catholics of Ire- land."— After a long debate on the subject, a divi- sion took place, which was as follows:— For the Petition 39; against it 13— Majority 26. The following answer, perhaps, was not an improper reply from a Tenant to his Landlord, from whom he had lately experienced some op- pression:—" For why do you pass me," said the Landlord, " without pulling off your hat?" " Sir," cried the Tenant, " though ray purse, at present, is not so long as your's, I have that in my pocket, which may speedily render me your equal, namely, three Shares of t ickets in the glorious Lottery Scheme, which begins Drawing APRIL 14th." The following melancholy accident happened lately in the parish of Berkeley:— Charles Chair, aged 13, on his return home from a mill, having occasion to get off his horse, tied the halter round his middle; when the animal took fright and ran off at full speed, dragging the boy a considerable distance, till his bowels were torn out! He sur- vived the accident only n few hours. To BOOKSELLERS. The attention of the Trade is par ticularly called to the design and plan of a new monthly work, de- voted to the immediate use of Booksellers. It in- cludes an universal statement of the progress of Literature, by presenting a correct account of all mot ks • announced for publication, or published; offering a clear and concise statement of the design and plan of every tiers work, and specimens of the mumitr in which that design is executed; thus forming the most complete Literary Register which a Bookseller can lay before those customers who enquire after the merits of new publications: and it is therefore a work indispensibly necessary for every individual of the trade. The first three numbers of this work, entitled Records of Literature, are just published, price Out Shilling each, by C. Taylor, 108, Hattun- Street, London, with the patronage and assistance of the LONDON BOOKSELLERS. Authors, publishers, and booksellers, living in the country, are particularly requested to send up notices if their warkt in preparation, and copies of morlts published, that accounts of them may be in- serted in this work; as it is the ctnlral point for literary information. APRIL next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon', to take into Consideration the Propriety of co- operating with others in the Trade, in Yorkshire and other Parts of the Kingdom, in endeavouring to obtain a Repeal of the present Duty, as now laid on Hats, ( which is very much evaded, and consequently injurious to the fair Trader, and the Cause ol frequent vexatious Pro- secutions) ; and to endeavour to propose a'iax on Hat*, or on the Trade, more efficient, and less oppressive Several Resolutions passed at Leeds, on the Sub- ject, and which have been tiansmitteit to raw ot the principal Towns in the Kingdom, in order to obtain the general Sentiments of the Trade, will be laid before the Meeting. Northampton, March 20, 1807. HARLESTON ASSOCIATION^ \ T the Annual Meeting of this Society, held on THURSDAY last at the Sign of the FOX- AND- HOUNDS, in HARLESTON, the Treasurer paid One Guinea to Mr. John Bliss, of Stow, as a Reward for detecting and convicting Thomas Sharman. of Patti- shall, of stealing a Hurdle Stake, out of a Turnip Close in the Lordship ot" Stow, belonging to Mr. Thomas Bliss, of that Parish ( a Member of this Association), who had previously lost several Stakes from the same Close.— And a like Reward of One Guinea would have been paid to Wm. Warwick, of Stow, for detecting Thomas Jakeman, of that Parish, in stealing some Ash Poles there, belonging to Mr. Richard l. innell ( another Member), if he had volun- tarily informed Mr. Linnell of the Theft; but as he did not, only 2s. 6d. was paid to the said. Wm Warwick, for his Loss of Time in going before the Magistrate to convict Jakeman. Such of the Members of this Associition as did not attend the above Meeting, are requested to pay their Annua) Subscriptions to Mr. BUSWSLI., theTreasurer, at his Office in NORTHAMPTON, within fourteen Days from the Date hereof, or ( according to the Association Article*) they will be excluded all Benefit from this Society, if they should sustain any Loss before Pay- ment. N. B. The Bloodhounds belonging to this Asso- ciation, and which are kept at Mr. James Watts's at Kislingbury, have been repeatedly exercised Hunting, and afforded great Satisfaction to those Mem- bers who attended. The Hounds will meet at the above Inn, at Harleston, on Thursday theSdof April next, precisely at Nice o'Clock in the Forenoon, tor the Purpose of being again exercised in Hunting; when as many of the Members a> convenicntlv can are invited and lequested to attend and see them Hunt. RD. BUSWELL, Treasurer and Solicitor. Northampton, 2< Stb March, 1807. HARBOROUGH WAGGONS. To be DISPOSED OF, ONE Nine- inch and one Six- inch WAGGONS, with eight Horses, in high Condition, and Harness complete. For Particulars, enquire of Mr. GEORGE ROCK, Woburn; or of Mr. THOMAS WATERFIELO, Market- Harboroush March 1!) th, 180?. Weedon Royal, Northamptonshire. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CON TRACT, EITHFR IN ONE OR TWO LOTS, AFARM- HOUSE, situate in the Town of WEEDON ; together with its Yard, Earn, Staole, Orchard, and Homestead adjoining, containing 12 Acres, be the same more or less, cf excellent Pas- ture Land; aiid also 30 Acres, or thereabouts, of Plough and- Meadow Land, together with a Earn situate thereon, and being on the Kverdon Side o: Weedon Field, now in the Occupation ot Mr. T. Barnett, of the- Bull Inn, or his Assigns. For further Particulars, enquiie of Mr. Kirby, Attorney at Law, Towcester; or Mr. Deacon, Sur- geon, of the same Place. SMOKY CHIMNIFS TJI7TLL be undertaken, NO CURE NO PAY, • » by JOSEPH BAY. FS, Mason, KETTERING. Reference may be had t « Mr. Pi. cK, Surgeon, Wel- lingboroug. V KETTERING rj^ HE Inhabitants in th. Elegant household- Furniture To be SOL 1) by A iJ < J T I O N, By Mr. B R OO KS, On the Premises, at CLOPHILL, ( ieds, on Saturday the 28th ot March, 1807, and two following Day's ( Sunday exceoted), ALL the genteel HOUSEHOLD- FURNI IT 111', and sundty valuable EFFECTS, of the late JOHN D1LLY. Esq.; consisting of lofty Four- post Bedsteads, with Mahogany Feet Pillars ; Morine and other Furnitures; lestoon Window - Curtains; Cranky Mattresses ; fine seasoned Goose a id other Feather- Beds; Quilts, Counterpanes, and fine large Blankets ; elegant Mahogany Chest of Drawers, with Secretary Drawer and Book- Case, with glazed Doors; Mahogany double, single, and Dressing Chests of Drawers; a good Rose- Wood Linen Chest; Dinmg, Dressing, Card, and Claw Tables, in Mahogany; noble Pier Glasses, with Borders and Gilt Frames; Girandoles; good Eight- day Clock, and a 30- Hour Ditto; Wilton and other Carpets; commode Fenders and Fire- Irons; Mahogany and Cottage stained Chairs; Sofas; Nigh'.- Tabies, Sideboards, Bureaus, and liason- Stands; Wine Celleret; China, Glass, and cream- coloured Ware; a good Iron Chest; Kitchan- Furni- ture in general; Iron- bound Vessels, & c. ; also, a neat One- hoKse Chaise and Flarness. The Sale to begin precisely at Half. past Ten o'clock each Dav. May be viewed on the Mornings of Sale. Catalogues may be had at the Place of Sale; and of Mr. Brooks, Sworn Appraiser and Auctioneer, Clophill, Beds. Genteel Household- Furniture, fine Hay, § c. To he S O L O by A U C T 1 O N, By Mr. BROOKS, On the Premises, on Monday the 6th of April, 1807, and following Day, rnHE genteel and modern' HOUSEHOLD- I FURNITURE, CHINA, GLASS, andsunury valuable EFFECTS, of M. DOMINICETI, D. M at his Residence, at FLITWICK EAST F. ND, Bedfordshire, who is leaving tiie County ; consisting ofneat Four- post, Field, Settee, and Bureau Bedsteads, with India figured Cotton and other Furnitures; Window- Curtains in suit; Calico, Crankey, and Wool Mattresses; fine Goose and other Feather- Beds, in bordered Ticks ; white Cotton Counterpanes, Quilts, and fine large Blankets; Mahogany Dining, Dressing, Card, Claw, and Night Tables; Bason- Stands; Dumb- Waiter; an excellent Eight. day Clock, in Mahogany Case ; Mahogany Bureaus and Chests of Drawers, with Secretary Drawer; good Mahogany Chairs; Elbow Dirto to match; Sofas; handsome Piar Glasses, in rich Gilt Frames; Turkey and Scotch CarpeUs; japanned Cabinet ; China, Glass, and Plated Ware; good Brass- mounted Fowling- Piece ; seven n* at Sets of polished Fire- Irons; Kitchen- Furniture in general; good 80- Gallon Copper, and two smaller Ditto; three Lead Cisterns, upwards of 60 Yards of Lead Pipes, with Brass Taps to Ditto; two Bathing- Tubs; r, ew Riding- Saddle; two Cocks of good upland Hay, 10 Tons ot Hay, and about two Tons ot trussed Ditto; and sundry other useful Articles. May be viewed on the Mornings of Sale, which will begin precisely at Eleveno'Clock.. Catalogues may be had at the Place of Sale ; and of Mr. Brooks, Sworn Appraiser and Auctioned, Clophill, Beds. BF. AUME 1) E VIE. pHI. S long- celebrated Medicine fortifies the I Organs of Dige tion, purities the Rlood and Juices, and gives to the whole System its natural Tom.. From these Qualities, it has proved so emi- nently serviceable in Gouty, Rheumatic, Bilious, and Scorbutic Habits; and h : n vcr tailed'O relieve in Languid, Nervous, and Hypochondriac Cases; and in Female Disorders it has been found particularly beneficial. Bj tavour of the Commissioners of the S'tafaips, the Names T. BECKIT and Messrs. DICEY & Co are engraved on the Stamps ; the couiverfeiting of which is a capital Offence. Sold Wholesale, by DICEY & Co. No. 10, tfow Church- Yard, London; and, Retail, by the Printers of this Paper; and b\ ail respectable Venders in Town and CountryPrice 3s 6d. Stamp. included. To be SOLD b7 A i IC TiTTnT" By RICHARD SMITH. On Wednesday and Tlnfrsdav the ist and 2d Days of April, lyQ7, on the respective fauns at SOUTH- WICK. and ASHTON, . lear £' UML£, North- amptonshire, without Reserve, rt if P. valuable LIVE and DEAD STOCK, S IMPLEMENTS in HUSBANDRY, and other '.. f FECTS, of the late Rev. Mr. LODINGTON, deceased, viz. At^ SouinWicK, on the first Day's Sale, 80 Ewes, lambed and In- lamo, and 35 Shearhogs and Thenves; one fat Cow, four Four- year- old Steers, three Three- \ ear- oid Ditto, tour In- calf Heiters, two In- calf Cows, two Thiee- year- rld Heiters ( barren), and four Yearlings; two Filly Foals; three Bullock- Cribs, and two Sheep- Troughs. The Company a; t requested to meet at the Lynn Anns, at Eleven © ' Clock in the l orenocfi, where a cold Collation will b provided, and to proceed to Sale punctually at Twelve o'Clock. At ASHTOT. on ihe second Da) ' s Sal", 60 lambed and In- lamb Ewes, and 58 Lambhogs; five Milch and ln- calf Cow-, and four weaning Calves; two Cart Mares, Ill- foal, two Four-) ear- old Mare , one barren Mare, a-. id one useful Gliding, one Sow and three Pigs, and lour store Hogs; two capital Nairow- wheel Waggons, one Six inch- wheel Cart, and one light Market Cart ; Ploughs and Harrows; Hovels; Horse, Cow, and Sheep- Cribs; Stoi. e and Wood Troughs, and a Water- Trough, lined with Lead; Ladders, Field- Roll, and five Dozen of Hurdles; Drilling- Machine compUte; Harness for six Horses; Bean- Mill, Chaff- Box, Winnowing - Machine, four Dozen of Sacks, and other Barn Tackle three Hovel Cloths; Deal Barn Floor; and a Variety of other Implements in Husbandry; also, Part ui a Cock of Hay, in Eimington Close. file Auctioneer respectfully informs the Public, the above Stock and Effects are worthy their Atiention.— The Sheep in Ashton will be penned, tor Inspection, by Nine o'Cinck, and the Sale will commence on them exactly at Pen o'clock in the Forenoon. Nine Months' Credit will be given for all Bargains of and above I ive Pounds, on approved joint Security, or a legal Discount allowed on prompt Pay. To he ' S O I. D by A I. iT 1 ION, By RICHARD SMITH, On Friday the 3u Day of April, 1807, on the Pre- mises, M ' CHESTERTON, near Peterborough, riHlE valuable LIVE STOCK belonging to Mr. i THO V1AS Will i WO RTH, who is leaving his Farm; consisting of 200 weli- bred Ewes, lambed and In- lamb, 130 Snearhogs ( 40 of which are fat), and 130 Lambhogs ; eigii! very re^ h Rums, five tat Heifers, eight ohrupsnire Four- year- old Beasts, six South Wales L'ilto, two Two- , . ar- oio Steer-, one fat cut Bull, 24 harreu Ci « ' s, 1G . t wo- year- old York- shire He icis, and 16 Yeatl ngs; six v. ry use.' ul Cart Horses and Mares, one Four-) ear- okl Haekney Mare, a yearling Cart lill), one well- bred Nag Foal, and o;, e Cart Ditto ; six Store ' logs, and one in- pigged Yelt. Also, on Tuesday the 7th Day of April, will be SOLD. by AUCTION, on the same Premises, All the DEAD STOCK., IMPLEMENTS of HUSBANDRY, and BREWING and DAIRY REQUISITES'; consisting ot two Waggons, rtvo tirosa- whsel Cart.-,, one Natrow- wheel Ditto, Cart Body, and one Water Cart; several Ploughs and Harruws; a capital Scuttier complete; Field- Roll, an. i Horse and Cow- Crins; Winnowing- Machine, Fan, sieves, Bea - Mill, and Malt- Ditto; tour Drays; 30 D'.-> zen o! Hurules and Trays; Grain and Water- l roughs ; Harness lor seven Horses; Ladders, and other Implements; fiv. Dozen of young fat bowls, aid five Hives of Bees; Barrel- Churn, two Milk- Leads, two large Salting- Troughs, lined with Lead, and Milk - Pails; a new Hogshead Copper, small Ditto, Mash- Vats, Working- Ditto, Tubs, six sweet Iron- bound Pipes, some Hogsheads, and Half Ditto; two Servants'Bedsteads and redding; Dough- Stand, a Quantity of Cheese, Ba^ on, and a Variety of other Articles. K The Sheep will be penned, for Inspection, by Half- past Nine o'clock, and the Sale will commence on tliem punctually at Eleven in the Forenoon, and on the Dead Stock at Ten o'clock. Six Months' Credit will be given for all Bargains of or ubove £. o, on approved joint Security, or a legal Discount allowed on prompt Pay. To We SOLD by AUGTIO N, By R 1C HA R D 6' M IT H, At the House ot William Fisher, the Lord's- Arms, in Woodford by Thrapston, in the County ot Northampton, on Saturday the 4th Day of April ( instead of Thursday the 2d Day of April, as ad- vertised last Week;, un- Lss previously disposed of by Private Contract, Stone - built and Slated MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, with the Butche;' s Shop and Outbuildings, Yaid, Gafden, and Orchard tnereto belonging, situaie at WOODFORD aforesaid, in the Occupation of Jacob Gunn. Al o, a smatl PIECE of GROUND, now used as a Garden, witli a Barn standing thereon, in the Oc- cupation of Benjamin Tiney. For tiifiher Particulars, apply to Messrs. SHERARS, Solicitors, Thrapston and Ouridle. . BREWERY. Town and Vicinity df KETTERING, and the i'tfblic in general, are re- spectfully informed, that the BREWERY CON- CERN, lately under the Management of John Boon, of Kettering, in Consequent of his Death,, will in future be carried on by THOMAS WILSON on his own Account, and who is di'iy authorized to receive all Debts owing to the said Concern? and with whom any Demands against the same are desired to be left, in order to their being discharged; and by whom all Orders will be thankfully' received and' punctually attended to. Kettering, 20r/ j of the ? J Mcnth, 1807. RoweU Hundred a' Manor Courts. IV^ OTICE is hereby g4 - n, That the Views of the FRANK Pt. EC ; E, with the COURTS LEET and COURTS BAROof GEORGE HILL, Esquire, his Majesty's Seric nt at Law," for his HUNDRED of RO VV E LI., ~ - ho for lus MANOR of ROW ELL, in the County be held at the usual Place, on; Day ot APRIL next, at Ten o'' when and where the icspecti concerned aie required'to maK ance, do their respective Sui tneir respective Quit- Rents : the said Lord for the said idj the Constables for the *>-- K" i within the said Hundred, are required to auind with their Suit and Service and Fealty Rolls; and the new Constables, Thirdboroughs, and Parish- Officers, to be sworn into Office, and the old ones to be discharged, on Pain of the Penalty to be incurred by Default. JOHN NEWTON GOODHALL, Steward. March Yith, 1807. ; Northampton, will n U R S D A Y the SECOND lock in the Forenoon ; Tenants and Persons i! • ir personal Appear- - : d Scrvice, and pay other Rents, due to and Manor; and Northamptonshire Quarterage- Money. rPHE Chief Constables are to collect and pav 1. in, at the ensuing Sessions, Six single Quar- terly Payments. " CHR. SMYTH, Clerk of the Peace. Northampton, March 1- lj/ j, 1807. Northamptonshire Quarter- Sessions. " VJOIICE is hereby given, That the next - GENERAL QUARTER- SESSIONS of the PEACE for this COUNTY, will commence on THURSDAY the 9th Dav of APRIL next, \ at Ten o'Clock in the Morning preciselyf and that the Conn will immediately impannel the Grand Jury, and transact ether formal Business, and at Twelve o'Clock proceed to the ' Trial of such Appeals as were entered at the last, and respited until the ensuing Sessions. I hose Magistrates who have taken Recognizances lor t he A p pea ranee of Persons at this Sessions^ are requested to rc in them to the Clerk of the Peace on or before iucsuay the 7th. And all Persons who are bonnd ovoi i, y Recognizances to prosecute, cr to give Evidence on any Bill or Bills of Indictment, are required to at- tend ,1 , d deliver the prbper Instructions at the Clerk ot the : eace's Office on Wednesday Evening, as the Grand J'trv will be discharged as early as the public Busing; tiU perm:'. And it is recommended to the Solit!_ t^ r and Parish- Officers, who have Appeals to try, t. V cr'.,. t:- Briefs to Counsel on the Wed. ne.- day Evening, and to be ready to try the same the next Morning, as the Court will be punctual in en- tering on that Business at the Time above- mentioned By Order of the Court, CHR. SMYTH, Clerk of the Peace. Northampton, March 21 tt, 1807. A To be S O I. D bv A U C 1 I t) N, By RICHARD SMITH, On Wednesday the 8thof April, 1S07, and following Day, on the Premises, at G LATTON, near Stilton, Huntingdonshire. rgMlB LIVE and DEAD STOCK, and other .1.' EFFECTS, belonging to Mr. JOSEPH FARR, who is lgiiving his Farm ; consisting of 160 lambed and in lambed Ewes, 70 Shearhogs & Two- shear Sheep, and 110 Lambhogs; eight young Cows, in full Profit, six in- calved Cows, and lour ' Two- year- old Heiters; twelve valuable Cart Horses and Mates, one Hackney Mare, two Two- year- old, and one Yearling; 30 Store Hogs and Porkets ( which will be sold in small Lots), and two Sows, with 21 Pigs; three Narrow- wheel Waggons, five Carts, Ploughs, Harrows, Harness for eight Horses, Sheep- Cribs, Trays, and other Imple- ' ments of Husbandry; also, a Hogshead Copper, Mash- Vats, Tubs, sweet Hogsheads and small Casks, & c See. The Sheep and Horses will be disposed of the first Day's Sale, the Remainder on the second, and to commence on the Sheep punctually at Eleven o'Clock. Seven Months' Credit will be given for all Bargains of or above £, 5, on approved joint Security, or a legal Discount allowed on prompt Pay. Valuable Oak, Ash, and Elm Timber. To be SOLD bv AUCTION, By R IC HA R D SMI TII, On Monday the 13th Dav of April, 1807, on the Estates of Mr. JOHN AUSTIN, at OUNDLE and KLMINCTON, ' T f PVVARDS of 100 Lots of useful TIMBER vJ TREES, for Carpenters, Wheelwrights, In- cisures, & c.. fee. The Sale to begin at T « n o'Clock in the Forenoon. HARLINGTOK, March 12th, 1807. \ LL Persons who have any Claims or Demands upon Mr. LETCH, late of HARLINGTON WOOD END, in the County of Bedford ( who has lately retired from Business), are requested to deliver to him an Account thereof, that the same may be discharged.— And all Persons who stand indebted to the said Mr. Letch, are requested to pay their respective Debts either to him, or to Mr, Eagles, Solicitor, Ampthill, • Bedfordshire, on or before the 12th Dav of May next; in Default theieof, they will be sued for the same without further Notice. WF. LDON, March 9th, 1807. ALL Persons who have any Claims or Demands upon the Estates or Flfects of Mr. ADAM YORKE, late of GREAT- WELDON, in the County of Northampton, Grazier, deceased, are desired forth- with to send an Account theieof to Mrs. Yorke, or Mr. Yorke the Elder, the Executors; or Mr. John Yorke, of Liveden- Lodge, or Mr. Wm. Bellamv, of Great- Weldon aforesaid; in order that the same may be discharged.— And all Persons who stand indebted to the said Estates or Effects are hereby required to pay their respective Debts to the said Mr. John Yorke, of Liveden- Lodge, or Mr. Wm. Bellamy, of Great- Weldon, who are duly authorized to receive the same, on or before the 6th* Day of April next, other- wise Proceedings will be commenced to recover the same. NOTICE TO CREDI TORS. A LL Persons having any Claim or Demand on L\ JOHN WOOD, late of BCRCOTT- I. O'DCE, in the Parish of WING, in the County of Bucks, Dairyman, and who have not already delivered Par- ticulars of th^ ir Demands, are hereby desired to send the same to Messrs. Willis & Son, Solicitors, Leigh- ton- Buzzard, on or before the 5th Day of April next, in order that they may have the Benefit of the Com- position intended to be offered on their respective Debts; as such Creditors making Default in sending their Accounts within the Time above limited, will lose all Benefit of the said Composition. Hertfordshire. To be SOLD iy AUCTION. By Mr. DURHAM, At the Sun, in Market- Street, on Monday the 30th of March, 1807, at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, ACapital and truly valuable COPYHOLD ESTATE, very desirably situate at MARKET- STREET, in the County of Hertford, nearly adjoin- ing the Chester Turnpike- Road, four Miles from Dunstable, four from Luton, eight from St. Alban's, seven from Hempstead, and 30 from London : Com- prising a very substantial and well- built Brick and Tiled Dwelling- House, with Parlour, Kitchen, and other Conveniences, on the Ground Floor; four comfortable Sleeping Rooms and two Garrets ; a com- modious Brewhouse, calculated for carrying on the Business of a Common Brewer, having been u* ed for that Purpose; a very compact Malthouse, capable of working about 20 Quarters a Week, with mutable Lofts, and a capital Weil of Water, with a good Pump therein, adjoining the Cistern; Counting- House, large and convenient arched Cellars; two Stables for four Horses each ; a Two- Bay Bam, Pigsties, and other Offices ; a good walled Garden and an Orchard, containing together about one Acre. The Whole is exonerated from Land- Tax, is subject to a Fine certain on Death or Alienation, and a small Quit- Rent of 4s. 3d. per Annum. Particulars may be had at the several Inns in the Neighbourhood, and of the Auctioneer, Dunstable; and may be viewed by applyiug at the Sun, Market- Street. To be SOLD " bv AUCTION, By ATT ON BUS IF ELL, On Tuesday the 31st of March instant, upon the Prc- misesofMr. JOHN HICKS, Jun. of f'otberinghay, in the County of Northampton, who is leaving lus Farm, rpHE valuable LIVE STOCK and I'ARMING- I UTENSILS: Consisting of 400 Sheep, viz. 160 Ewes in- lamb, 160 Lanibhngs, and 80 fat Sheep; 18 Beasts, viz. three in- calved Cows, eight two and three Year old Beasts, and six fat ditto; six Horses, viz. four Cart Horses, one very fine Four- year- old Mare, likely to make a capital Hunter, by Brast, and one Three- year- old bay Colt by ditto; 11 Store Hogs; several Dozen of Fold Trays, and two Dozen of Fence ditto; one Narrow- wheel Waggon, one Cart, two large Water- Ttougbs, ten small ditto, and several Troughs for Oil- Cakes or Flour; also one bay Horse, Afed. N. B. The above Sheep are well worth the Attention of the Public, being bred with great Care from Rams of the Dishley Breed, for upwards of 30 Years. Gentlemen are respectfully informed, the Sale will begin precisely at Ten o'Clock, on Account of the Number of Lots. Well- bred J. eicestersliire Sheep, 4' C. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By J. MALDEN, On Tuesday the 7th Day of April, 1807, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, on the Farm of the Rev. ROBERT POINTER, at SOUTHOE, near Hunt- ingdon, rpHE entire STOCK of EWES and LAMBS, .! L LAMBHOGS, TUPS, & c. ; consisting of 215 prime young Ewes, with Lambs at Foot; 170 Lamb- hogs; nine Ditto Tups., and one Two- shear Ditto; one fine Fat and one Store Oxen; four fine Store Hogs; Sow and Pigs; Fowls, & c.; eapilal Thrashing- Ma- chine, with a Corn- Mill and Chaff- Cutter, on an improved Construction ( nearly new), capable of thrashing from thirty to forty Quarters of Barley in one Day; Dressing- Machine; several large Wood and Iron- cogged Wheels, belonging to a Machine; thirty Sacks, and a general Assortment of good Barn Tackle; a capital Dung- Cart; Sheep- Cribs, Troughs, and Hurdles; a Malt- Kiln Wire, with stout Iron- work, on a circular Plan, eleven Feet in Diameter; circular Door and Windows, all nearly new, with various ether Effects. The above Sheep have been bred with great Care and Attention from the Stock of Mr. William Waller, of Woolsthorpe, nearGrantham; and six Months' Credit will be given on approved Security. Catalogues may be had, ten Days before the Sale, at the George, Huntingdon, St, Ives, Buckden, and Potton; Wheat- Sheaf, Alconbury ; White- Lion, Kim- Catalogues may be had, six Days previous to the bolton; Falcon, St. Neots; at Southoe Toll- Bar Sale, of Mr. Austin, in Oundle; or of the Aus- • Printing. " tioneer, in Thrapsrton, Office, Biggleswade. Bedford; and of the Auctioneer, SPARROWS- IIERNE TURNPIKE. NOTICE h hereby given, ' I hat the Trustees of this I urnpike- Road will meet, by Adjournment on TUESDAY the 31st Day ol this instant MARCH at the .^ INC'S- ARMS INN, at BERKHAMFSTED SAINT- 1 ITER, in the County of Hertford, by Ten of the Clock m the Forenoon, when they will examine the lreasurer's Half- yearly Accounts.— Dated the 13th Day of March, 1807. HARRY GROVER, Clerk to the said Trustees. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN^ ripHAT the next Half- yearly Meeting of the A Trustees of the Turnpike- Road leading from Buckingham, in the County ot Bucks, to Aynhoe, in the County of Northampton, wiil be held at the WHITE- HART INK, in BUCKINGHAM, on TUESDAY the SEVENTH Day of APRIL next, at Twelve o'clock, at Noon. » ROBERT MILLER, Clerk to the Trustees. Buckingham, 10th March, 1807. To be LETT, " And entered upon at Midsummer next, AN old- accustomed DRAPE It's SHOP, with a neat DWELLING HOUSE, situate in th* FORE- STREET, KIMBOLTON. Enquire of Mr. JOHN LUCCOCK, who is declining the Drapery Business. Northamptonshire. COUNTRY RESIDENCE to be LETT. SPRATTON- PLACE, on the Manchester, Nottingham, and Chester Roads, seven Miles frsm Northampton, seven from Welford, in a fine Sporting Country, and the Vuinity of several Fox- Hunts of the first Celebrity; together with th « attached and detached Offices, spacious and productive Gardens, Pleasure- Grounds, See. and from 20 to 30 Acres of excellent Land contiguous to the Mansion- House, more or less, at the Option ot the Tenant. To be viewed on Tuesday or Thursday Mornings.— Particul. fs may be had at Highgate- Hou- e, in ih « Parish of Spianon ; and the Terms'by Application to Mr. Bosworth, Holoenby; or by Letter to J. W. Robe, s, t o. Ini rnbv- Grange, near Northampton. To Bakers. To be SOLD or LETT, And may be entered upon immediately, ASubstantial I)\ V ELLIN G - HOU-> E and BAKEHOUSE, in full Trade, with convenient Out- Offices, in good Repair, Yard, and Garcen, pleasantly situate in the Market Town o! jimpt/ AU, in the County of hediord, in the Possession ol the Proprietor; together with an ALLOTMENT of GROUND, lying at a short Distance tiom the Pre- mises, and containing about an Ace. Apply for further Particulars to Mr. T. FLFTCHER, Marstori- Mortaine J Mr. JOHN ANSTB t, Loughton- Regis; or Mr. EACLES, Auoraev at Law, Ampthill. Ampthill, Feb. I'ith, 1807. Lusmore, near BruMey, Northamptonshire. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, UPWARDS of 12U0capital tins OAK IIMBER TREES, the greatest Part of which are very large and fine Navy Timber, from 50 to 120, f eet Meetings, now standing, with Top, Lop, and tark ; anu it not sold in a short Time, they will be felled, and the Bark disposed of separate Loin the Timber t auo, 800 ENDS ot ELM, fal. en, greatest Part of which are very fine large Navy Timber, from 5' J to i'iO Feet Meetings. The above Timber is only six Miles Irom the Oxford and Coventry Canals, eight Irom the wrand Junction Canal, and eighteen nom the Thames Wharf, Oxtbra. For furriiar Particulars, and to treat for the same, apply to Messrs. HOPORAKT & SON, Crowton, neat Brackley ; and for a View of the same, at Tusmore- House. Splendid Drawing- Room Suits, elegant Cabinet Fur- niture, sumptuous Bedding, Turkey and other Carpets, Marble Slabs, brilliant Mirrors, tier and Chimney Glasses of great Magnitude and Perfection, India Caoinets, rare old China, valuable Paintings, Phiio- sophical Instruments, Merlin's Hygtian Chair, Post- Chaise, two Gigs, Pleasure- Boat, and other valuable Ejects. ADDERBURY- IIOUSE, OXFORDSHIRE. TO be SOLD by AUCTIO N, By Mr. GARDNER, On the Premises, on Monday the 30th Day of March, ^ 807, and following Days, rjpHAT very extensive and magnificent As- J. semblage of superb ar. d co tly F URNITURE, at ADDERBURY- HOUSE, the genuine Property of J. C. FIELD, Esq. ( who is retiring to a distant Part of the Country;; comprising Diawing- Room Suits, of the most distinguished Splendour arid Taste; excellent Cabinet Furniture, in Mahogany and Satin Wood; Pier Tables and large Marble Slabs; brilliant Pier and Chimney Glasses, Mirrors, Sec. of very large Dimensions; Turkey, Wilton, Brussels, and Kidderminster Carpets; India Cabinets; curious old China; a fine large Painting of the Lion and Lioness, by ' l'resham; another valuable old Painting ( Dvn ScotusJ, by Spanniolet; and two others, by Back- hausen; a Camera Obscura, Electrical Machine, Air Pump, Pair of 12- lnch Globes, Telescope, & c.; Merlin's Chair for the Infirm, aiid his Hygeian Swing Chair; a Bedstead and Furniture of extra- ordinary Magnificence, the Canopy about six Feet deep, arrayed in rich Crimson Silk Damask ; a Va- riety of Four- post and other Bedsteads and Furniture; ail the Feather Beds, which are remarkably clean and well seasoned; Wool'and curled Hair Mattresses; Blankets, & c.; a long prihted Table Service ; Glass; Plated Articles; and tlie usual Description of Culi- nary and Kitchen Requisites • all the Beer Casks ( in excellent Preservation), 100 Dozen of Glass Bottles, and many other Effects, too numerous for Insertion. Also, a PLEASURE- BOAT, with four Oars; a POST- CHAISE, two GIGS, & c. The Goods may be viewed four Days previous to the Sale, between the Flours of Eleven and Three, but not on the Mornings of Sale. Catalogues will be ready for Delivery on the 19th . Instant, at 6d each ( to be/ returned to Purchasers), and may be had at the P. riutcrs'.' pf tjie Northampton, Warwick, and OMord PajMfsVffll'. tttS-' principal Inns in the Neighbourhood; Place of Sale; anu of the Auctioneer, Banbury. Wednesday and Thursday's Posts. LONDON, March 26. PARIS Papers to the Slat ult, have been received. Their contents are of the . first importance. — The papers contain the 63d and 64tl> bulletins, of the Grand Army. The 65d bulletin repeats the intelligence which was brought by the Dan. ijh Mails. It states, that the loss of the Russians, in the battle of Eylau, amounted to tventy Generals and nine hundred Officers killed and wounded. Two more Russian Generals are mentioned as having been killed in the battle of Ostrolenka. The bul- letin, however, reserves all mention of names. A Danish Mail was yesterday received, the contents of which are of the highest importance. By this conveyance Hamburgh and Altona Papers to the 19th instant, have been received. It is with infinite satisfaction we learn that the French troops are on their retreat from Poland. Bonaparte the Great, notwithstanding his rumoured victories over the poor feeble Russians, is said to have solicited an armistice from General Bennigsen, whom he is reported so often to have beaten ! The brave Russian replied, that he came to fight, not to ncgociate. A private letter from Altona, dated the 17th of March, states—" The situation of affairs m Poland • nd l. ast Prussia, has assumed a more favourable aspect: the French' have found it necessary to retreat, and are seeking safety in Brandenburgh and Berlin, where the head- quarters of Napoleon are said to be transferred. If the report speak true, in the memorable battle of KyJau Bonaparte was wounded in the buck, and although his head- quarters were pretended to be at Osterode on the 8th, there are persons jiere who actually saw him at Thorn. He is said to be at variance With m « t of his General Officers, several of whom have left the army in disgust with his proceedings.— This evening private letters have been received, which State that the Russians have their advanced posts at Warsaw, and that the French have been com- pletely defeated near Thorn bv the combined Prus- sian and Russian army; the latter is said noiv to consist of 100,000 men." The Dutch Papers mention the loss of the Blanche frigate, near Brest, on the night of the 4th instant. The Captain, Sir Thomas Lavie, with the whole of the Officers and crew, except about thirty of the latter, were fortunately saved. It is at length confirmed, beyond all farther possibility of doubt, that under the influence of the French intrigues, the Porte has declared war against England.— Mr. Arbuthnot, the English Ambassador, with difficulty made his escape. It is stated that Another Revolution was effected in St. Domingo on ihe 11th of February, whereby much blood was shed. Christophe fell in the general carnage. lie was succeeded in his honours and aommand by General I'ichon. On Monday, in the House of Commons, Lord Euston presented a petition from the University of Cambridge, praying that the Bill for allowing Roman Catholics to hold Commissions in the Army and Navy might not pass.— On Wednesday, Sir Samuel Roipilly observed, that certain prejudices against the Biil he had before introduced having caused it to mis carry; yet ti ding from the arguments used against it, that if certain parts of it were omitted, those gen- tlemen who opposed it would not object to a Hill of a similar nature, lie should move " tor leave to bring ill a Hill to make the Freehold Estates of Traders that are indebted, assets for tile payment of their debts." At Worcester assizes, a traverse was tried upon an indictment against John Lester, lard of Co- ventry, for enticing from the guardianship of her father, Susannah Hyett, she being under 21 years of ajc, and procuring the solemnization of matri- mony between i . iem. The jury pronounced him guilty; and the Judge, after declaring the marriage null ( iitd void, sc. ienccd him to be imprisoned twelve months, and to stand in the pillory. At Kingston assizes, J. Maycock, for the murder of Mrs. Pooley, of Horsleydciivn; and W. Duncan, for the murder of Mr. Chivcrs,, of Clapham ; received sentence of death. The Judge, in passing sentence on Maycock, observed, it was a murder the most barbarous and cold- blooded he had ever heard or read of. it appeared that on Mrs. ' Pooloy's opening her door, Maycock seized and held her by the throat until she was strangled. The prisoner often laughed during the trial; and sentence being passed on him, he said, on going from the dock, " Thank ye fur that.; I'm done, snug enough!"— On Monday morning, Maycock was executed on the top of the New Gaol, in Horsemonger- lane. His conduct at the fatal spot "." as perfectly consistent with his behaviour at the time of trial, and exhibited the most hardened - depravity. — Duncan was respited until Thursday. Yesterday was executed in the Old Bailey, pur- suant to his sentence at the last January sessions, Patrick Pendergrast, for robbing the house of Mr. Bell, of Edgware Road. He was very penitent. — Owing no doubt to the melancholy accident which attended the last execution, the spectators were few in number. To Ladies and GenlUtm, LADIES' RIDINC- HABITS, AND FASHIONABLT DRESS D FOB GKNTLFAI I N, IETRICHSEN, LADIES HABIT- MAKER, -' at his old - established' Warehouse, No. 12, RATHBONE. PI. AC?, OXFORD- STREET, LONDON, begs Leave to return his sincere Acknowledgments to the Nobility and Gentry for their repeated Favours during a Series'of Years,' and particularly for the very numerous additional Customers, antj increased Number of Orders, for LADIES' RIDING - DRESSES, with which he has been favoured during the last Season in particular; to merit a Continuance of which, the utmost Attention to. Fashion and Fitting will always be observed. F.' D. requests Permission to add, that, in the Spring of last Year, he commenced also executing Orders for GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHES, in Partner- ship with S. CLARK, TAILOR ( late Foreman to Mr. Allen). DIETRICHSF. N CLARK, TAILORS, having had the Happiness to experience unprecedented Success and Patronage from MEN oV FASHION, " Since their Commencement, thev beg Leave to solicit the further Orders of the Nobility and Gentry in Town and Country,, to whose Commands ( addressed as above) the strictest Attention will be paid ; and where a large Stock of fashionable CLOTHS, K JRSLY- meres, Sec. Sec. isalyvays kept for Inspection. LEATHER BREECHES. REGIMENTALS, YOUNG GENTLEMEN'S DRESSES, LIVERIES, itc. elegantly made. P" Bankers, Merchants, Manufacturers, and Country Residents ill general, may have an Order executed as above, at a very short Notice after their j LJ"^-* Arrival in London, or may be informed by Letter how i ou " NemTHAMPTONSHiRE. DEFENCE OF THE REALM* IN Pursuance of an Act of Parliament passed in the forty- sixth Year < f His present Majesty's Reign, infilled, " An Act td enable His Majesty " annually to train and exercise a Proportion cf " his Subjects in England, under certain lieguln- " tions; und more effectually to provide for the " Defence of the Realm;" ' • NOTICE IS HEREBT GIVEN, That the Lord- Lieutenant of the suid County of Northampton hath issued his Precepts to the Deputy Lieutenants of the severul Subdivisions of the suid County, appointing Meetings to be held at the Times and 11 laces hereinafter- mentioned, for the Purpose of balloting and enrolling the Number of Persons apportioned or appointed to serve under the said Act, i for the several Hundreds c> f such Subdivisions re- J spec lively; when the Constables, Headboronghs, or \ other Peact- Officers of the several Parishes and Places in each of such Subdivisions are to attend, and the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor may be present if they shall think Jit ( that is to say), For the Subdivision of Brackley, At the THREE- CON I ES, in I'HORPE- MANDEVILLE, on SATURDAY the 11th Day of APRIL next, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon For the Subdivision of Daventry, At the WHF. AT- SHEAF INN, in DAVENTRY, on SATURDAY the 11th Day of APRIL next, at the same Hour For the Subdivision of Kettering, At the WHITE- HAHT INN, in KETTERING, on THURSDAY the 9th Day of APRIL next, at the same to send up their Measure. C'LEliGY CHARITY. rTJHE EASTER VISITATIONS of the Rev. the 3 ARCUDEACOI.' « F NORTHAMPTON, are appointed to be holder! at the following Times and Places, viz. For the Deanries of BR SCHLEY and DAVENTRY, on MOSBAV the 13th Day of A MI I. next, at DAVENTRY. For the Deanries of NORTHAMPTON, PRESTON, and HADDON, on TUESDAY the i- itfi Day of APRIL naxt, at NORTHAMPTON. For the Deanries of'ROTHWJLL and HICHAM, on WEDNESDAY the lotll Day ot APRIL next, at WEL- LING BOROUC H . I or the " Deanries of OUNDLE and WELDON, on THURSDAY til; 16th Day of APRIL next, at OUNDLE. For the Deanries of PETERBOROUGH and RUTLAND, on FRIDAY the 17th Day of APRIL next, at SAINT MARTIN'S STAMFORD- BARON. At which respective Times and Places, the Receiver to the Clergy Charity for the. Relief of the Widows and Orphans of Poor Clergymen, and of the Neces- sitous Clergymen, of the Diocese of Peterborough, will attend to take the Subscriptions of such of the Benevolent as shall be pleased to order Payment ef the same. Peterborough, March 25M, 1807. ON production of siicti certificate to any Deputy Lieutenant, or Justice of the Peace of the division, or to the Officer, Serjeant, or Constable of the parish or place to which such person shall remove, such person to be entered as if balloted in such parish or place, and to be there trained and exercised, and tQ have credit for the days of exercise contained in his certificate. Producing Of such certificate, and conforming to the regulations of the said Act, in the parish or place of subsequent residence, to exempt'from fines, for non- attendance, in the first parish or place. During absence from parish, certificate of training and exercise in any other parish to be received, and to exempt from fines in parish of enrolment for those days. Persons enrolled, and afterwards leaving Great. Britain, and giving notice to Constable, discharged from penalties fbr not training and exercising, so long as they shall continue out of Great- Britain. Pefsons absent, for temporary purposes only, from the parish of enrolment, and training and exercising, who shall, on return, prove to satisfaction of any Deputy Lieutenant, or Justice of the Peace, or Ma- gistrate, that he could not train or exercise during such absence, either by reason of travelling, or not continuing a sufficient length of time in one place, or there being no training or exercising in the parishes or places in which he shall have been during such ab- sence, may, by such Deputy Lieutenant, or Justice, or Magistrate, be discharged from fines during such absence. FOR MISCONDUCT. For ir/ egular conduct, or not behaving in an or- derly manner, or disobeying the lawful commands of any Officer or Serjeant commanding, or training cr exercising, to forfeit pay of the day, or pay of the day and any sum not exceeding 10s. at the discretion of any Justice of the i'eace, Magistrate, or Deputy Lieutenant. Oificer or Serjeant empowered to deliver any such person into the custody of the Constable, to be by hi in taken before a Justice of the Peace, or Deputy Lieutenant, so that such person shall not be kept in custody for any night previous to being taken before a Magistrate. All fines may be levied by distress under the Ait; and, if uo distress, offender may be imprisoned for any period not exceeding two days, for non- payment of my fine not exceeding. 6s. ; and not exceeding five days, Buckinghamshire. Quarter- Session*. VfGTICE is lierebv given, That the next GENERAL QUARTER- SESSIONS of the PEACE for this COUNTY, will commence at AYLESBURY, on THURSDAY t » ie 9tli Day of APRIL next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon precisely :— That immediately att'.: r, the Court will pro- ceed to the Trial of all Appeals that may be entered in due Time. It is proposed that the Grand Jury shall tjejnvpaunelled as soon " as they are assembled; and all Persons who are bound over by Recognizance to pro, secute, or to give Evidence upon any Bill or Bills of Indictment, arc required to' attend and deliver the pro- per Instructions at my Office on Wednesday Evening, as the Grand Jury will be discharged as early as the public Business will permit. And it is recommended to all Solicitors and Parish- Officers who have Appeals to try, to deliver their Briefs to Counsel on the Wed- nesday Evening, and to be ready to try the same the next Morning, as the ^ ourt will be punctual in enter- ing on that Business immediately stter the opening of the Court. ACTON CHAPLIN. Clerk of the Peace's Office, Aylesbury, Mirth 20, 1807. 8EMINARV TON TTTJKG TABLFEI ST, PAUL'S. SQUARE, BEDFORD. "]\/ F RS. SHARP respectfully informs her Friend^ TV I. that with the Assistance of two Teachers frorrf tlis first Seminaries in London, YOUNG LADIES are boarded and instructed in French, English G rammaff Geography, and all Kinds of plain and fancy Work; for 30 Guineas per Annum.— Tea twice a Day, and separateBeds( ifrequired), included. — Music, Dancingj Drawing, the Use of the Globes, Writing, and Arith- metic, on the usual Terms; but no Entrance of any" Kind, nor any Day- School. A Quarter's Notice, or a Quarter's Terms, Will be expected previous to leaving the Seminary. Household- Furniture, tyc. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DAY, On Monday next the SOth of March, on the Premises at C. REENSNO RTON, near Towcester, THE HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE and other EFFECTS, of the late Mr. RICHARD MAYO JONES: Comprising Bedsteads, with Furnitures) Feather- Beds, Quilts, and Blankets; Drawers; Ma- hogany Tables, Chairs, Bureau and Book- Case, ami portable Writing- Desk; sundry Volumes of Books, Chambers's Dictionary, Blackstone's Commentary, Burn's Justice, Sec. Sic. Fowling- Piece and Pair of Pocket- Pistols, Silver Watch, Bed and Table Linen, Kitchen- Grate, Pewter, Brass, and Copper; a Pocket of Hops, Beer- Casks, Brewing- Tubs, and vattous other Articles. The Sale to begin exactly at Eleven o'Clock. To" be SOLD" bTTuC i ION, By JOHN DAY, On Tuesday. next the Ulst of March, on the Premisej of Mr. THOMAS LIDDI NGTON, at HILLSDON, near Buckingham, who is leaving his Farm, • SUNDRY EFFECTS; comprising two Carts, two Hovel- Frames, Ladders, Faggots and other Fire- Wood, Quantity of Slabs and Poles, t ig- Troughs* Copper and Grate, Pewter and Brass, Tables, Chairs, i and various other Articles. The Sale to begin exactly at One o'Clock. Capital Simejy und other Stock. ~ ~ - - by ^ AUCTION, To be SOLD tor any tine not exceeding 20s. in addition " to any ad- ' ,-, By JOHN' DAY, judged imprisonment. > On Wednesday • For the Subdivision if Northampton, At the RECORD- ROOM, adjoining the County- Hall, in the Town of NORTHAMPTON, on SATURDAY the 11th Day of APRIL next, at the same Hour. for the Subdivision of Oundle, At the TALBOT INN, in OUNDLE, on WEDNESDAY the 8th Day of APRIL next, at the same Hour. For the Subdivision of Peterborough, At the AUGEL INN, M~ PETER » OROUGH, on FRIDAY the 10th Day of - APRIL next, at the same Hour. For the Subdivision of Ttmcester, At the NEW' WHITV- HORSR' INN, in TOWCESTER, on MONDAY the I3th Day of APRIL next, at the same Hour. ' Fbr the Subdivision of Wellingborough, At the HIND INN, in WELLINGBOROUGH, on SA- TURDAY the lltli Day of APRIL next, at the same. Hour. And Notice is hereby further given, that it is in and | who shall train ' and exercise, of his having trained i ard ten we'ch Runts ; two stout by the said Act of Parliament enacted, that in all j and exercised according to the Act, and of the number j Waggon, and one Nine- inch and . the 1st Day of April, 180", on the MUSTER ROLLS. ! £ re ™ , s? s>. « CAYHURST, near Newport- Pagneil, Muster Rolls to be kept by Serjeant and Constables, I ( w. Ith° ™ Reserve), to be returned to Clerk of Subdivision Meetings, and I m- V1 » « able MOCK, & e. the Property of to Commanding Officer of district. ! 1 Mlss WRIGHTE, having lctt the Land in her . Roll to be called at the hour of meeting. ' own Occupation ; comprising 51 Western Ewes 2P Persons coming after roll- call not to be entitled to \ f,°. utll-. D° w" Ditt0. J8 Leicester Ditto, and 21 Welch be inserted in muster. Ditto ( the Whole with Lambs and to Lamb), and two Serjeants and Constables to give certificates, on j South- Down and one Western Tup ; four Dairy Cows j demand, to every person belonging to anyother parish, i , Hei'{:. rs; Two- year- old and one yearling Bull", * Cart Hoises; one .. .. one Narrow- wheel Cart; one Drainmg- Plough, and two others; one large stent Drag- Harrow ( new), Field- Roll, Horse Harness, and various other Etfccts. cases ill whichany persons between the ages of 18and I of days, specifying the days on which he" shaiT ha" v" e 30 years', and fit for military service, shall voluntarily I so exercised. ' enrol themselves for military service, under the pro-' Serjeant or Constable taking any money or bribe or visions ot the said Act, in any parish, and shall j gift of any sort, tor any false muster, or for the . ,, , .... ,. , --.., • t * - v -. v., v. ... » , _ abo* e- S » pc. k, is jyeU worth the Notice of the agree to be trained and exercised and to serve according training or exercising of any men, or for any etr- 1 " hUc, great Attention ( risking been paid in selectine to the. provisions thereof, it the pgrsons so voluntarily tificate, to be fined £. 10, and treble the monev ot , , he s;, me bV competent Judges. enrolling themselves, and agreeing to be so trained and ! value of gift received, and imprisoned at discretion of ' The Sale will commence at the Farm adioinine the exercised and serve, shall amount to the number to be j the Justice ot Deputy Lieutenant, not exceeding two i Roatt from Northampton to Newport- 1' agnell exactly enrolled by ballot under such apportionment as afore- ! months ( to be recovered and applied as an/ penalty or I at Ten o'clock. ' under .£. 15 may be recovered under'the IN- GENERAL TRAINING ANO MILITIA SmtANCE- OmCE, No, 63, Newman- Street, Oxford- Street, Ijjndon, ( removed from King- Street J ; Established in 1801. ri-' HE Proprietors of this Office respectfully i inform the Public, that the Number of Persons to be balloted under the Training Act being one ill four of the whole Population of the Kingdom remaining liable to, and lit for. Military Service, the Terms of Insurance against the Elfect of/ til Ballots for that and ' he Militia, throughout the Whole of England and Wales, are £. 1 10s. for Persons whose annual Income does not amount to =£. 100; all others £. 3. Receipts and Particulars of this Office may be had 5n Northampton ot Mr. FICANCIS BIRDSALI., Post- Office; and ot proper Agents in almost every Market Town throughout the Kmgdoi WOUGHTON ASSOCIATION, Ftr tie PROS ECVT ION of ROB IS ERS. TWENTY GUINEAS REWARD. \ X7 iIKREAS on Saturday Night, or early on iV Sunday Morning, the 21st or 2A1 of this instant March, some Person or Persons did feloniously STEAL and CARRY AWAY from NORTH- FIELDS MEADOW, in SIMPSON, A F A T L A M B, the Property of Mr. WILLIAM S1PTHORP, of WALTON : Whoever will discover the Offender or Offenders, may, on his or their Conviction, receive a Reward of TEN GUINEAS of Mr. SJPTMOSP, and a further Reward of TEN GUINEAS of Mr. COOCH, of Newport- Pagneil. Newptrt- Pagne//, 25th March, 1807. By Order of the Hight Hon. Charles 26! h March, 1807. : Kingdom. G. LEMON, Clerk. To bo LETT or SOLD, A New- Milch'd' ASS, and FOAL ten Days old. . V Enquire at the Sign of the . Sun, Kettering. March U, 1807. HAY. To be S O L D, A BOUT 55 Tons of excellent OLD MEADOW XV HAY, standing in two Ricks, at NETHER- JlEYroRD, Northamptonshire. Enquire of JOHH STACEY, of Nether- Heyford. TURNPIKE- TOLLS TO LETT. " VTOTICE is hereby given, That the TOLLS - A. ^ arising at the several Toll- Gates upon the Turnpike- Road leading troin Biggleswade, in the County of Bedford, to Alcotibury- Hill, in the County of Huntingdon, will be LETT bv AUCTION, either together or separately, to the Best Bidder, at the CROSS- KEYS INN, in Si. NEOTS, in the said County of Huntingdon, op TUESDAY the IWENTY- EIOHTH Day of APRIL next, between the Hours of Twelve and Two of the same Day, in the Manner directed by the Act passed in the 13th Year of the Reign of his present Majesty King George the Third, " for regu- lating the Turnpike- Roads:" Which Tolls were lett, the last Year, at the several Sums hereunder- men- tioned, clear of all Charges of collecting the same, and will be put up at such Suin sr Sums respectively. Whoever happens to be the Best Bidder, must, " at the same Time, give Security, with sufficient Sureties, to the Satisfaction of the Trustees of the said Turn- pike- Road, for Payment of the Rents agresd for, at rtch Time:, as thev shall direct. Scalhoe Gete =£ 976 Q 0 Terns ford ditto 743 0 0 i, fj/ « tw4 ditto 5- 16 0 0 J. WELLS, ClerK. to the Trustees. fymiury, lith March, IW To be SOLD bv A U C TIO N, By Mr. CHENEY, On Thursday the 2d Day of April, 1807,. upon the Premises in the Lordship ofSU I. BY, Northampton- shire, in a Close known by the Name of Hacknil, adjoining Naseby Field, A N exceeding choice. FLOCK of capital- bred £ Jl SHEEP: Consisting of 40 Ewes and L.. mbs, and ' 23 Shearhogs ; also four good barren H EI F E KS ; the Property of Mrs. HANNAH HENSON, who is leaving the said Close at Old Lady- Day next. The Auctioneer solicits the Favour ot the Company to meet upon the Premises by Ten o'Clock in the Morning, when the Sheep will be penned for their Inspection; and the Sale will commence at Eleven exactly. TtT~ be SOLD bv AUCTION, By Mr. 6LAB Y, On Thursday the 2d Day of April next, on the Pre- mises of Joseph Thompson, Coal- Merchant, situate in Bridge- Street, in the Town of NORTHAMPTON, ALL the HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE and IL EFFECTS of the said JOSEPH THOMPSON: Consisting of Beds, Bedsteads, Bedding, Tables, Chairs, Clock and Case, Kitchen Requisites, & c.& c. two Horses, one barren Cow, Quantity ef good Oats and Peas, one Waggon, L20 Tons of Harecastle Coals, a Quantity of Hops, and sundry other Articles. The Sale to begin at Ten o'Clock. And at Six o'clock in the Evening will be Sold by Auction, at the Fleece Inn, in Northampton, All that FREEHOLD MESSUAGE orTENEMENT, with the Bakehouse; Outbuildings, Yard, Garden, and Wharf, in Bridge- Street aforesaid; in the Occu- pation of the said Joseph Thompson ; with two other TENEMENTS in Front, in the Occupation of Nathan Thompson and Collis.— These Premises will be found a very desirable Purchase for any Person wish- ing to carry on a Mercantile Concern. For further Particulars, apply to Mr. Blaby, at Floore; 1 or Mr. Howes, Solicitor, at his Offices iii Northampton or Towcester. The above- named JOSEPH THOMPSON having assigned all his Estate and Effects to Mr. Joseph Robinsqn, of Breeder's- Hall, near Wellingborough; Mr. John Manning, of Orlingbury; and Mr. Joseph Shaw, of Huntsbury- Hill, near Northampton, for the Benefit of his Creditors; all Persons having any De- mand upon the said Joseph Thompson, are desired to apply at the Office of Mr. Howes, in Northampton, and execute the Deed of Trust; and all Persons in- debted to the said Joseph Thompson, are desired to pay their Debts to the said Mr. Robinson, Mr. Manning, Mr. Shaw, Mr. Blaby, « r Mr. Howes, immediately. said, in any such parish, then' no ballot shall take ] forfeiture place In such parish ; and if the persons so voluntarily 1 Act), enrolling themselves, and agreeing as aforesaid, shall 1 Fines to be collected by Constable, or any Overseer ; not amount to the number required to'be enrolled by 1 of the Poor, and to be paid to Overseer of the Poor, | ballot in any such parish, under such apportionment | and the account kept by them of amount, as aforesaid, then the number of persons so voluntarily j To be subject to distribution according to orders i enrolling tliOmselves, and agreeing as aforesaid, are to s under the Act. be deducted from the number so required to be en- j Deputy Lieutenant may, with approbation of Lieu- rolled by ballot as aforesaid, and the remainder only | tenant and his Majesty, establish rewards for skill ui : are to be balloted for in such parish. And all persons 1 iiring at target with ball, under any regulation to be so voluntarily enrolling themselves, and agreeing as : approved of by General Officer of the district aforesaid, are to be trained and exercised ami serve in . Lieutenant, to be defrayed out of fines, thesame manner, and at the same time and places, and under the same regulations, and be subject to the same provisions, as if thev had been balloted for. And it is in and by the said Act of Parliament further enacted, that it shall be lawful for his Majesty, if he shall see tit, to order and direct, by any one of his j Principal Secretaries of State, that any such voluii- j teers shall receive pay of Is. per day, for any addi- tional number of days of training and exercise not ex- ceeding 24 days in addition to the 21 days in the schedule to the Act mentioned; or if he shall see fit in like manner to order and direct, that any volunteers, training and exercising under the said Act for any number of days not less than 24, shall receive, at the expiration of such number of days' training and exercise, any SUM not e* cet: ig 10s. in ae'. uitlon to the pay of Is. per day in the schedule to the said Act mentioned, to be paid to » ueh volunteers in such manner and in Such proportions as his Majesty, shall please to direct. And notice is hereby also further given, that the following rules and regulations relate to all such persons as may be enrolled under the Act of Parliament before- mentioned:— All persons enrolled to be trained and exercised under the Act,, to continue liable t ® be trained and exercised according to the provisions thereof, until the 1st day of November, 1807. " No person enrolled for training and exercise, and who shall have been actually so trained and exercised, to be liable to be balloted for again during the two succeeding years after the expiration of the year in which he shall have bc; n enrolled, trained, and exer- cised ; such years being to be reckoned from the 1st day of November in one year, to the 1st day of November in the succeeding year. B .... , uln- Any volunteer or person, balloted and enrolled,; pike- Road from the East End of Brotnham Bridge, ! 3T within sonh nprinft ' Ir, th » .. e o... liV.-. l . u.. '.> - i.. j Oak, Ash, and Elm Timber. To be SOLD, by AUCTION, By JOHN DAY, On Thursday the 2d Day of Apnl, 1807, on the Pre- mises at ST'EWKLEY, near Wing, Bucks, in Lots, OIXTY- FOUK OAK UMBER TREES, forty- ij seven ASH, ten ELM, and sixteen MAPLE; with the LOP and TOPS. The Bark growing on all the Oaks will be sold in one Lot, separate from the and ' limber. — The Trees are growing in Gunersmurc j Closes, on a Farm in the Occupation of Mr. John 4 I Willis between Stewkley and Drayton- Parslow, and Northampton, March 28th, 1807. RIVER NEN NAVIGATION. " jVJ'OTlCE is hereby " iven, That a Meeting of i* the Commissioners of the Eastern Division of the River Nine or Nen Navigation will be held at'the TALBOT INN, in OUNDLE, 011 TUESDAY the 31st of M ARCH, 1 Sir?, at Fleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, to • consider the present Bye- Laws, and to rescind or alter the same, and make such new ones as may be thought necessary, and to transact other Business. By Order, JOHN BALDERSTON, Clerk to the Commissioners. ROAD MEETING, rj ifIR next Meeting'' of the Trustees.- of the I Turnpike- Road leading from the Town of North- ampton to Newpsrt- Pagnell, in the County of Bucks, will be held at the NEW IN&, in HACKLEION, on MONDAY the 30th ef MARCH inst. at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon. ROB. ABBEY, Clerk to the Trustees. Dinner at Half past Two o'Clock. Northampton, March 20, 1807. tioneer, in Stony- Stratford. TURN PIKE- ROAD M EE TIN G. 1NJ ^ TICE is hereby given, That the General T^* Annual Meeting of the Trustees of the Turn- refusing or neglecting to appear within such period, and at such place as shall be appointed for that purpose, and to sign the regulations provided by the Act, to forfeit :£. 10; or if a person not having Stony- Stratford, Bucks. To be SOL I) by AUCTION, By JOHN DAY, At the White- Horse Inn, in STONY- STRATFORD, on Friday the 3d Day of April next, bet ween the Hours of Three and Five o'Clock in the Afternoon, ALL those two FREEHOLD Brick and filed MESSUAGEg or TENEMENT?, in good Repair, with the Garden and Well ot good Water, and Appurtenances thereunto belonging; conveniently situated for Trade, in the HICH- STRELT, and adjoin- ing the said White- Horse Inn; in the Occupation of William Crick and Joseph Storton.— Immediate Pos- session may be had. For further Particulars, apply to Mr. LUCAS, Soli- citor, Newport- Pagnel 1.— For a View ot ihe Pre- mises, apply to the Auctioneer, in Stony- Stratford. BOROUGH OF BUCKINGHAM, Modern Household- Furniture and Effects ; Lease of the Premises, § c. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DAY, On Tuesday the 7th of April, 1S07, and following Days, rpHE su the County of Bedford, to the Turnpike- Road leading from Wellingborough to Olney, in the County of Bucks; and also the Road from the said Turnpike- ?. or receiving j Road at or near the South End of the Town of Olney any annual sumot money, profits, gains, allowances, ( aforesaid, to the Turnpike- Road leading from North- or other income, amounting in the whole to £. 100, the sum ot £. 5; and the payment of the tine to! exempt such person from training and exercise for that j year, and no longer. If any person balloted shall, at any time, whether j before or after his being so balloted, have enrolled or ! enrol himself as a volunteer in any corps which shall, ; at that time, have been accepted by his Majesty, and j produce a certificate thereof from the Commanding j Officer, such person to be struck out of the enrol- 1 ment, and be exempt from ballot, and from bein; ampton to Newport- Pagneil, in the same County will be held at the BULL INN, in OLNEY aforesaid^ on THURSDAY in Easter Week, being the SECOND Day of APRIL next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon. JOHN GARRARD, Clerk to the Trustees. Ohey, March 25// J, 1807. To be » ) 7I) by PRIVATE CONTRACT, Y CLOSE of ARABLE LAND, containing continue in such volunteer corps; but every person Acres and 19 Perches, lying and being in HOOKNORTf" ' County of Oxford claiming such exemption i's," between ^' the 10th day of • r r September and the 1st of October, in the year succeeding ! Pan ' c ™ C'LURE, OF'JOS,"!! HARRIS, that in which he claims such exemption, to produce i of ° rove- Ash' neJ' Sanford' '" the said County, a certificate from - the Commanding Officer of such j To be SOLD by AUCTION, corps, bearing date between the 10th ot September \ p M UAIYTYH ' and the 1st of October, of his being at that time an At . v.. whin, lion Inn ;„ S rl, . , . effective member of such corps: and in default of the i N! h! f?:'' i0,",, 1""'^ F'a" bury, Oxfordshire, on scarce a , .... , of the late JOHN WILLIAMS, M. D.: Comprising Four- post and Tent Bedsteads, with Dimity, Chintz, and other Furnitures, and Window - Curtains to correspond; fine Goose- Coat and other Feather- Beds, Mattressfs, Cotton Counterpanes, Quilts and Blankets; Mahogany Dining, Tea, Card, and other Tables; Mahogany Drawers, Chairs, & c. ditto Bureau and Book- Case, with glazed Doors; a Sofa, Side- Board with Cellerets; Dumb- Waiters; Turkey, Wilton, and Scotch Carpets ; a Mahogany Gouty Chair ; with Writing and Reading Desk very complete; Convex Mirror in burnished Frame; Chimney, Pitfr. and Swing Glasses; Chimney Ornaments on Marble Pe- destals and bronzed Figures: elegant Set of Tea China, 1 C ..... V T\' • - , - „ • .. •,— e. —" '"-"' 6 ••• ) a complete Set of Wedgwood Dinner and Supper Ser- " S I the~ new Inclosure of HO OK NO RTON jvi(: e, very neat; Plate, Bed and Table I. inen, Tirne- . 1„„ H Mcrcsed'under the Act, SO longas heshall | soimiORP, in the County of Oxford, 111 the Clock and Case, Glass, and Earthen Wa.' e : trained ana exerci I Upwards of 600 Volumes of Books on various Sub- jects, amongst which are Ainsworm's Dictionary, bv Morell; Flume's History of England, with Smollett's Continuation; Robertson's Historical Work ; Dods- lev's Annual Register complete; Swift's, Addison's, and Pope's Works ; scarce and valuable Medical Books, as Albinus's Anatomical ' fables, on large Paper, fins Impressions; Hunter's Plates ; Woodville's Medical Botany, with coloured Plates; ar. d various others, as will appear In the Catalogues. Also Kitchen- Furni- ture in general; Brewing and Washing Coppers, Beer- Casks, Tubs, & c. a Hacknev Horse, Saddles, Bridles, small Cart, Iron Garden- Roll and Garden Tools, with numerous other Articles. The Books will be sold on Thursday. production of such certificate, such person to be liable to pay a fine of =£. 15. No person to be required to attend any greater number ot days' training and exercise jn the whole than 21 days in the year; or to go for the purpose of being so trained or exercised to any greater distance from his usual place of residence than five miles. All persons trained under the Act to be allowed pay for 24 days, at Is. per day'. To attend at the pikes and times fixed for exercise, , . ,,, _ and obey all orders of Officers or Serjeants relating to , « WYKHAM. Banbury. Thursday the 2d Day of April next, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, in one or more Lots, as may be settled at the Time of Sale, npWO COPYHOLD MESSUAGES, COTTAGES, I- or TENEMENTS, and an ALLOTMENT, con- taining 14A. OR. 5P. in Lieu of one Yard- Land ; situate in the Fields of WROXTON, in the County of Oxford; late the Estate of John Lucas Carpenter, deceased. For further Particulars, apply to Messrs. BICNELL { attl^ o^ f^ ttnSwt^ ul^ I L ™ ***> Wenentsjn Husbandry, and Freehold Farm, Bedfordshire. To be SOLD bv AUCTION, By Mr. CHRISTIE, At his Great Room, Pail- Mall, London, on Thursday the 9th of April, 1807, at One o'Clock, ASmall FREEHOLD FARM, situate at EVER- SHOLT, in the County of Bedford, about four Miles from Woburn, and about the same Distance from Ampthill; consisting of a Farm- House, Build- ings, and about 36 Acres of Land, of which about 14 are Arable, about 13 are Pasture, and about 9 are Meadow; now in the Occupation of Mr, Smith, Tenant from Year to Year. All the Lsnd lies adjoining to the House, extept the Meadow, which is at a very small Distance. Tie Tenant will shew the Farm; and printed Par- ticulars may be had of the Printers of this Paper ; at the chief Inns at Woburn, Ampthill, and Dunstable; of Messrs. Bray, Great Ruisell- Street, Bloomsbury ; at Gangway's Coffee- Ffouse, Cornhill, and of M » . Christia, Pail- Mall, London. FINES roa NON- ATTENDANCE. Forfeiture of pay, and 10s. for every day short of I eight days in each four months, if days shall be so appointed; or for every day short of 24 days, if days shall be appointed yearly. Persons not having or receiving any annual sum of money, profits, gains, allowances, or other income, amounting in the whole to £. 150 per annum, to forfeit 5s. instead of 10s. tor each of such absences. Persons not having any annual sum of money, profits, gains, allowances;- orpther income, amounting in the whole to £. 50 per annum, to forfeit 2s. instead of 10s. for each of such absences. Persons excused from poor rates, or being part of the family of any persons excused from poor rates, by reason of poverty, and who are by reason thereof exempt from the payment of such rates and duties, to forfeit 2s. insteadof 10s. for each of such absences. Persons prevented by illness, certified by Physician, Surgeon, or Apothecary, actually practising, or Cler- gyman and Constable, to the satisfaction of Deputy Lieutenant, or Justice of the Peace, or Magistrate, to forfeit only pay. Persons absent on business, and making good days on any succeeding period, to have fines returned for such days by order of Deputy Lieutenant or Justice, on certificate of Serjeant and Constable. Persons removing, during the year, from the parish OR place of residence, to have a certificate of exercise, up to the time ® f removal, from the Officer or Serjeant; or, in the absence of any Officer or Serjeant, the - Constable or other Peace- officer of the parish or place ( which they are required to give,. on demand thereof, without tee or reward.) Exactly at Twelve o'Clock on the first Dav's Sal.-, will be sold, on the Premises, The LEASE of the House, Garden, Out- buildings, & c. thereunto be- longing, 16 Years and a Half of which are unexpired • pleasantly situated near the Church in Buckingham aforesaid, in complete Repair, and fit for the Reception of a small genteel Family. House/ mid'Furniture/ To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. SMITH, On Wednesday and Thursday the 1st and 2d of April, 1807, at Ten o'Clock, on the Premises of Mr. THOMAS COOK, at STOW, near Kimbolton, the County of Huntingdon ( who is leaving the Farm), ALL the capital LIVE STOCK, IMPLEMENTS in HUSBANDRY, and Part ot the HOUSE- HOLD FURNITURE ; consisting of 115 valuable, well- bred, young Ewes and Lambs, 51 Guest Theaves— 100 Lambhogs, 22 Head of Neat Cattle, 9 stout, Bony Cart Horses and Mares, 1 capital black Cart Stallion, 6 Years old ( sure, and full of Bone), 3 Yclts, In- pig— 1 Sow and Pigs— 1 Boar; one Narrow- wheel Waggon, three Carts, Gin, Ploughs, , Harrows, Rolls, Harness for six Horses, 20 Dozen ri 1WELVE Acres, one Rood, and 15 Perches, of new Hurdles, Cribs, Troughs, & c. ; Bedsteads,! J of rich S WE A RD- LAN D, in Lots, adjoining Feather and Flock - Beds anH H « Minc R.' —— c— « - genteel Famijy. The Goods may be viewed the Day before Sale, aud Catalogues had, in due Time, at the following li. rs — Bell, Winslow ; White- Hart, Tingewick and Buck- ingham; White- Horse, Towcester; Red- Lion, Brack- ley; and of the Auctioneer, in Stony- Stratford. N B. All Persons having any Demands on the lat: Dr. Williams, or who are indebted to him, art re- quested to send in and settle all'Accounts, at Mr. Southam's, Surgeon, Buckingham. Freehold Land, Braunston, Northamptonshire. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DAY, On Monday the 13th of April, 1907, between the Hours of Two and Four e'Clock in the Afternoon; at the House of Mr. Stubbs, the King's- Arms Inn, in BraunsWn aforesaid, r, ' TU * ^ rd , ® ufeau> j each other and the^ OxYord^' ana!, divided^ by^ Admea- Chairs Tables & c.; three large Milk- Leads, Six- surement, and now staked out as follows dozen Barrel- Churn, and all Dairy Requisites; three 1 - - tollovv, s • Hogshead Casks, Barrels, Tubs, and various other E fleets. Catalogues may be had on the Premises; at the Inns at Huntingdon, Kimbolton, Buckden, St. Neots, Thrapston, and Wellingborough; and of Mr SMITH, Auctioneer arid Land- Surveyor, Market- Harborough. The Live Stock and Implements in Husbandry will be sold on Wednesday, the first Day's Sale.— The first Lot of choice Couples will be put up punctqally at Twelve o'Clock. . • _ - - A Lot 1 2 2.... 2 R. P. 0 2 1 18 Lot 3 2 4 3 5 2 15 S 12 TJie above- mentioned Land is now in the Occupation ot - Mr. Samuel Lea, who will shew the same. Three of the Lots are extremely well situated for building Wharfs thereon. On the Whole of the Land there is excdlent Brick Clay, and the Situation is very de- sirable for carrying on a Brick Trade, & c. For Particulars, apply to the AUCTIONS!*, ia' Stony- Stratford, Bucks. 1 _ L FHday and Saturday's Posts, LONDON, March 27. CHANGE OF MINISTRY. SINCE our last an important change has taken place in the Administration of the Country ; the reason assigned f » r which is, the objections bf a Great Personage to tiie measure for the admission of Catholics, into the Army and Navy. •— The Duke of Portland, in concert with Lords Eldon and Hawkesbury, having received his Ma- jesty's commands to prepare and make out a new list; and the members of the late Administration having resigned their Seals of Office on Wednesday tnorning ( except the Lord Chancellor, who will deliver up his Seals in a few days'), his Majesty, in the afternoon, and on the following. day, held private Levees, when the following had the honour of being presented, and kissed hands oa their several appointments:— Tile Dukeof Portland, as First I. ordof the Treasury. Lord Hawkesbury, Secretary of State for the Home Department, The R jjht Hon. G. Canning, Secretary for the Foreign Department. Lorn Castiereagh, Secretary for the War end Colo- nial Departments. The Farl of Westmoreland, Lord Privy Seal. Mr. Terceval, Chancellor of the Exchequer. Earl Camden, President of the Council. Lord Mulgrave, First Lord of the Admiralty. Lord C. Somerset, Joint Paymaster of tiie Forces.. The Earl ot Chichester, one of the Postmasters. General. Earl Bathurst, Master of the Mint, and President of the Board of Trade. Mr. Robert Duudas Sanders, President of the Board of Controul. Mr. Long, Joint Paymaster of the Forces. Lord Louvaine, a Member of the India Board. After the Levee yesterday, his Majesty held a Privy Council, at'which Mr. Perceval and Mr. R. D. Sanders were introduced, sworn in members, and took their scats at tho Board accordingly. ft I? AND CONCERT At> D BALL. " Tl/ TESSRS. MARS HALLS, WEB BE, and 1YJL BOTTERILL, respectfully inform the Ladies and Gentlemen o! LUTTERWORTH; RUGBY, and adjacent Villages, that they intend to have a CONCERT and BALL on TUESDAY the 31st of MARCH, at the DENBIGH- ARMS, LUTTERWORTH; and at the SPR EA D- EAGLE, RUGBY, on FRIDAY the 3d of APRIL, 1807. Rev. T. BURNABY, Rev. H. WOOLLEY, Kev. J. SJ. EATH, W. BUTLIN, Esq. - Stewards. Lutterworth, March 31. Part I. Overture Bernice— Handel. Duet, Violin and Piane- Forte— Messrs. W. & F. Marshall. ' Song— Mr. Jager. Grand Concerto— Handel. Overt. Surprise— Haydon. Glee. Part II. Violin Concerto— Mr. W. Marshall. Quartqno— P ley el. Song— Mr. Jager. Concerto— Coreili. Concerto, Piano - Forte, with God save the King. Leader of the Band, Mr. W. Marshall; Principal Violoncello, Mr. J. Marshal; Piano. Forte, Master F. Marshall. Amongst the Performers are Messrs. Dob- neys, Hodget, Mackewan, Holmes, and several emi- nent Gentlemen Performers. Principal Vocal Per- former, Mr. JAGER, of Lichfield. Ladies' Tickets 3s. ( id. each, Gentlemen's ditto 5s.; to he had ot J. Botterill, Lutterworth; R. Webbc, Rugby ; and at the Denbigh- Arms and Spread- Eagle. Doors open at Half past Six, anu begin at Halt past Seven o'Ciock. Rugby, April 3. Part 1. Overture, Esther— Handel. Trio, Violin, Violoncello, and Piano- Forte— Mess. W. J. and F. Marshall. Song— Mr. Jager. Concerto Violin— Mr. W. Marshall. Overture, with a Duet for Flute and Violoncello, by Mr. Marshall and Mr. Mackewan. Glees. Part I1. Concferto— Coreljl. ( Juartetto— l'leyel. >-!< ftg— Mr. Jager. Concerto, Piano- Forte— F. Marshall. Overture— Lodoiska. Tuesday's garotte contains accounts of the capture of the following vessels, belonging to the ; customary Char enemy:— La Bellone, a very large fast^ ailingpri- ^ ARROTT, E va'reer; La Henriette, of 20 guns and men; Lisle de France, of eight gnus and 70 men; L'Emilien, o. 18 guns and 180 men; and a brig, of two long guus. In the House of Commons on Wednesday, the ousted Ministry ( in reference to a report that the 1 C HEAP COALS, OF excellent Quality, from HAWKE? BURY NF. W COLLIERY, are now selling at . NORT' I AMPTON WHARF, at Eleven- fence jtr Hundredj Weight, and delivered into any Part of the i'o'. vii . it > One Shilling fer Hundred Height, exclusive ot the ! Charge tor Loading, & c. by FRANCIS j T, Esq & Co. Proprietors of the atore aiu Colliery. ipj The said Coals are particularly recommended' to all great Consumers, and are warranted to be ti e best Coals, . at the stated Prices, ever ottered foi Sale to the Inhabitants ot the ' town and County of Northampton. *,* HAVV:; ESBURY COALS do hot take'Fire so quick as the best Stanordshire Coals, but when t.< irly Mr. M'KOltKF. LL 1} feSPECTFULLY acquaints the Nobility, . L- Gentry, and his Friends, he will give a BALL to his PUPILS in - NORTHAMPTON and its Vicinity, early in May, and for which Cards of Invi- tation will be sent in due Time. The Band of Music Will consist of eminent Performers ( as engaged at his annual Ball); the Harp by Mr. Willeox. The Quarter commences at the Academy on Monday next, where young Ladies and Gentlemen will have the Advantage of double Lessons every Monday After- noon, atid the same Evening. Parade, Northampton, 28/ i March, 1807. MAlt FELL & PALMIER RESPECTFULLY inform their Friends and the Public in general, they have opened a Ware- house in the SPIRIT LINE, in the HIGH- STREET, DAVF. N'TRY, where they intend to carry on the above Business on reasonable Terms; and hope, by a strict Attention to the same, and serving them with a good Article, to merit their Favours, which will be gratefully acknowledged. Messrs." WILL AN & LEVI D ESPECTFUI. LY inform the Public, that from I t . MONDAY the 9th Instant, their NORTHAMPTON LIGHT COACII, ( To carry four Insides only J% will leave LONDON and NORTHAMPTON at Seven o'clock every Morning, and continue to set out daily from each Place, at the same Hour; and will arrive in London and Northampton ev. ry Afternoon at Half- past Four. The- NORTHAMPTON OLD COACH, at re- ducd Fares, leav- s London and Northampton at Five o'Clo « ; k every Morning. Inside Fare 15s. Outside Ditto 7s. Inside front Newport. 10s. Outside train'' Ditto 5s. Passe'gets by this Coacfl will Breakfast at the Swan Inn, Newport. Pagneit, every Morning, in their Way to l'own, at Sevsn o'Ciock Places seemed, and Parcels booked, at their Coach- Office, Ram Inn, Newport-* Pa'ghifll. To the WORTBY and IJ,' T> EPSJ.- NEI> T ELF. CXOES of j their adVicc on this subject; iihder any oircrue* Convenient A Duchy » f Lancaster was to he made a patent place kindled are equal in Heat, and will continue so One' for life, and given to Mr. Perceval, in addition to third longer, by the Use ol which will the Chancellorship of the Exchequer,) moved, and Saving to the Consumer of forty per Cert carried by a majority of 93, the question for an , ^ als. GenUemcn^ desir, ed^ eh^ i A, Urak. tn his \ 1; iit> t,|- w pnt- rnnfinff nini not. to irrailt. , ., . . - 1 Address to Majesty, entreating him not grant, for life, offices already granted during pleasure To PRINTERS. ACOMPOSITOR is WANTED by the PttrsTERs of this PAPER.— A young Man who has served his Time in the Country weqid be preferred. " V17 ANTED, by a Clergyman in Priest's Orders, V * in either of the Counties of Northampton, i Derby, or' Leicester, A CURACY, with a good be tout: For these re for Mr. bury Coals, who constantly attends at the said Northampton j Wharf; of whom may be had, piime WEDUTSBURY | ( COALS, at Thirteen- fcnce, at the Whart; delivered: | into the Town at Fourteen- pence per Hundred Height, j I And for further Particular.,, apply t » Mr. STEPHEN | j YATES, Bedworth, near Coventry." nd ( otifar table Mouse, und Land. To be L K T T, And may he entered vpon immediately, I. L those convenient and well - adapted PREMISES, situate and being in the pleasant rowY. ct WEST- HADDON, in the County of North- ampton, now in the Occupation of Mr. Curtis.— The : House consists of a good Hall, Parlour, Kitchen, Pantry, two Cellars, a Dairy, arid Cheese- Room, on : the Ground floor; four good Sleeping- Rooms, on : thefii^ t Floor; also suitable Attics; spacious paved I Yard, Barn, excell- nt Three- stall Stable, Coal- House, Piggeries, Lead Pump, and a Well ot good Water; two Gardens, well fenced, and planted with choice I Fruit Trees; also an excellent, rich, fertile Orchard 1 or Close of Land, adjoining the same, in high Culti- vation, exceedingly well fenced, and a Barn on the j same, containing 3A. OR. 6l\— The Whole forming a j compact desirable Situat ion for a genteel Family, or ! any Person requiring Room. WEST- HADDON is situate ten Miles from North- the TOWN of NORTHAMPTON GENTLEMEN, HIS Majesty having leen graciously phased tn call me to the arduous and important Office of Chancellor of His Exchequer, my Seat, as ohe of your Representatives in Parliament, lias necessarily become vacant; and I. am therefore under the Ne- cessity of soliciting a Rcnezcal and Cont. invunce of that Confidence with which you have already so repeatedly honoured me. I cannot permit myself to suspect, for a Moment, that the Circumstance of my hailing quitted itiy Profession, at the Cull of my Sovereign to afford him my Services, in this important Office, can have any Tendency to diminish your former Confience. 1 have the firmest Reliance, that my Pretensions to the good Opinion and Confidence of every Suljcct attached to the Crown, the Establishment and the Constitution of our Country ivitl be increased, rather than im- paired, in Consequence cf my coming forward in the Service of my Sovereign, and endeavouring to stand by hun at this- important Crisis, when he is making so firm, and so necessary a Stand for the Religious Establishment of the Country ; and though it is a peculiarly sacred Duty in his Majesty to defend the established Religion of his Kingdom from all Approach < of Danger, yet it must,- 1 am persuaded, be felt by you to be the common Interest and Duty if us all. 1 have the Honour to be, Gentlemen, Your much obliged, and obedient Servant, SPENCER PERCEVAL. LincolnVInn- Fields, March 27, 180". __________ DRESS- MAKE It and MILLINER, T> E l UKNSbcr most grateful Acknowledgments a t to the Ladies of DUNSTABLE and its'Vicinlty for the many Favours she has received, and assures her Friends, every possible Attention shall be paid to their Commands. An APPRENTICE WANTED IMMEDIATELY to the above Business. ' Dunstable, March Tub, 1307. To bff SOLD, BOUT 16 COUPLES of very excellent HARRIERS. Apply to Mr. COLKMAN, of Glendon, near Ket- tering, Northamptonshire. stances. This they felt to be totally iiia » mist* nt with their oaths as Privy C'ttlnsellors; and com- pletely subversive of the British Constitution, as it would shift responsibility' from Ministers to the Crown. 1'— It was admitted, therefore, that a mis- understanding had taken place With the King; but that any stirprise or deception was used, is denied by Lord fioviick and iiis colleagues. — The subject will be taken into'consideration, by both. Houses, immediately after the holidays, on the notices of the Marquis of Stafford, and the Hon Mr. Brand. PR- ICE OF STOCKS. Bank Stock 3 perCt. Red. 3 perCt. Cons. 4 per Ct. Cons. Omnium Cons, for Acc. Sat. Mon. Tu. Wed. Th. Fr, -— 229 op Holi. Hoi. shut - .62 i mu fi2 61% —— 62fiU 1 shut 9531 95IJ j3s4s p 3s4sp 2sn p;, oals p pahp lsp 2s -— o « 2s liipr | 1 Ui ' SAIN 62* 62 " A1 Valuable Live Stock. To he SOLD by A U C T I O N, WITHOUT RISER VE, FOR READY MONEY, By S. BRAMPTON, On Saturday the 4th Dav of April next, 1807, on the Premises of Miss PHILIPS, at GKEA- I- HAR- ROWDEN, in the County of Northampton, who is leaving her Farm, ALL the valuable sisting of 184 well- bred Shearhegs, and 59 F. wes and Lambs; 37 barren Cows, and six ln- fcalt Ditto; ampton, seven Miles from Daventry, eight Miles from . one useful grey Mare, and one Three- year- old Colt; BROOM, March $ 3d, 1307. LI. Persons having any Claim or Demand on the Estate and E fleets of' Mr. JOHN BARBER, I Rugby, and six Miles from Welford. For further Particulars, enquire of Mr. JOHN CURTIS, at Milfoil; or Mr. JEYES, Solicitor, North- ampton. To bo Parsonage. House, & c. and some Glebe- Land, with a Prospect of not being disturbed for sonic Time. Enquire of the Printers. ~ To ^" FACULTY. AYOUNG PERSON, qualified to attend in the various Branches of his Profession, wishes to engage a.-, an ASSISTANT. Address to A. B. Leicestershire. by AUCTION, ,, - VORES, StJof BROOM, in the Parish of SouthiU, and County I . Wednesday next, April 1st, 1807, at the Black- y to send in . 1 lown of Northampton, at SOLD By Mr. ; of Bedford, deceased, are hereby required j their respective Claims, in ' Wri'ing, stating the j I Nature of such Demands, to Mrs. Barber, the Widow j ! aad Executrix of the said Mr. J. Barber •; and all 1 I Persons standing indebted to the said late Mr. John ! ! Barber af tiie lime of his Decease, are desired to pay the same immediately to the Widow and Executrix, as aforesaid. ELIZABETH BARBER. I'ost. Office, Market- Harborough, WAITED immediately, a YOUNG LADY, as an APPRENTICE to , the M1I. INERY BUSINESS. Apply to M. LOE, Sheep- Street, Northampton. WANTED, as nn APPRENTICE, for five or six Years, in the WHOLESALE DRAPERY and MANCHESTER LINE, An active LAD, of an industrious Disposition, who can write a good Hand He will be treated as one of the Family ; will be prepared for, and, if required at the End of the En- gagement, a lucrative Situation found him, according to Merit Apply to Mr. MUM FORD, Daventry. " 1 I ' An-. l), A l OOTMAN; a steady middlc- * » aged Man, who perfectly understands his Business, and can have an undeniable Character from his la t Place. Apply to Mr. R-. CHARDSON, or Mr. CAVE, Red- Lion. Brack ley. [ 7 AN FED, in a small Family, A_ MAN- SERVANT.— He will have to'wait at Table, awl to take Care of one, and occasionally two Horses. Apply to Mr. THOMAS, Hind Inn, Wellingborough. TtTTANTEDT A PLUMBER, GLAZIER, and * « PAINTER. A good Hand may have constant Employ and good Wages, by applying to F. GIBBS & SON, Towcester, Northamptonshire. An APPRENTICE, is also WANTED. To be LETT, And entered upon immediately, \ MILLINER and DRESS- MAKER^ SHOP, XX in a flourishing Market Town, not more than 5Q Miles from LONDON. The Stock, which is small, to be taken at a fair Valuation. For Particulars, apply to Miss CHECKLE*, Coat Inn, Gold- Street, Northampton. , - , — Six o'Ciock in the Afternoon, A N ORCHARD or GARDEN, called the CISTERN CLOSE, situate on the MOUNTS, in the Parish of St. Sepulchre, NORTHAMPTON, late m the Occupation of Mr. Wm. Pointer. Immediate Possession mav be had. A' To be \ v A1 BROWN's BANKRUPTCY. rpHE Dividend Metering in this Matter, ad- - I. vertised last Week to ho* held at the PEACOCK INN, NORTHAMPTON, on the EICHXH Day of APRIL next ( is unavoidably postponed J. JOHN NEWTON GOODItALL. Wellingborough, March Ibtb, 1807. To~ bc" S OLD by AUCTIO N, By ROBERT ANDREWS, On Mondav next the 30th of March, on the Market- Hill, in OLNKY, Bucks, rpHIRTY EWES and LAMBS, and thirty Dry . J SHEEP.— Sale to begin at Ten o'clock. Valuable Household- Furniture, & c. To be SOLD by A U C T 1 O N, lly Mr. ABBOTT, At EUven o'Ciock, on Monday the 6th of April, 1807, and following Day, ALL the genteel and valuable HOUSEHOLD- 1 FURNITURE, BREWING UTENSILS. and CASKS, fine OLD WINES, LIVE STOCK, and HAY, belonging to the Rev. Mr. MILNES, at his Residence, at BRAMPTON, in the County of Hunt- ingdon; comprising handsome Four- post and Tent Bedheads, with Mahogany Feet Pillars; Chintz, Dimity, and Morine Furnitures; excellent seasoned Goose Feather- Beds; Wool and other Mattresses; I superfine Blankets and Counterpanes ; Window- Curtains; Pier and Dressing Glasses; valuable Ma- hogany Bureaus and Chests of Drawers; two very ex- pensive Wardrobes ( fine Wood); Mahogany Night- Tables ; Dressing and Shaving- Stands; a handsome Bet of Mahogany Dining Tables, with circular Ends; Pembroke, Card, and other Tables; Sofas; handsome Sitin Wood, Mahogany, and other Chairs; large Wilton and Kidderminster Carpets; beautiful China, Glass, and Earthenware; neat polished Fenders and Fire- irons; Kitchen Requisites, in Copper, Brass, and Tin; capital Brewing Utensils; excellent Iron Garden- Roll; a Caw, in full Profit; twelve polled Ewes and Lambs, six Lambhogs, and one Tup; two Stacks of Hay, about 40 Bushels of Potatoes, to- gether with a Number of other valuable Effects; also, a neat Single- horjc Chaise, with Plated Harness. May be viewed on Friday and Saturday preceding the Sale. Catalogues may be h « d at the George Inns, Hunt- ingdon, Buckden, and Bedford ; White- Lion, Kim- bolton; Place of Sale; and of Mr. Abbott, General Appraiser and Surveyor, Market- Place, St. Neots. The above compact FAMILY RESIDENCE, in complete Repair, situate at BRAMPTON, within two Miles of Huntingdon, to be LETT, and entered upon immediately; containing six airy Bedchambers, five Garrets, and a Dining and Drawing- Room, of spacious Dimensions; a Studv; two Kitchens, and good Cellars, with Offices of every Description ; Coach- House, and a Five- stalled Stable, with Rooms over each ; productive Garden, walled round, and about 18 Acres of rich Pasture Ground, Tythe- free. For further Particulars, and to treat for the same, apply personally, or by Letter ( Post- paid), to Mr. RICHARD MILLS, at the Whitehall Public- House, in Brampton aforesaid; or Mr. ARSOIT, Auctioneer, He. St. Neotn, Huntingdonshire. Household- Furniture. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. KIR. SHAW, On Tuesday next the 31st of March, PART of the neat,' genteel, and useful HOUSEHOLD - FURNITURE and CHINA of Mrs. LAW, in Abington- Street, NORTHAMPTON, | who is leaving the Country; consisting of Four- post j and other Bedsteads, Feather- Beds, Blankets, Quilts, | Mahogany Tables ( circular Ends), Chairs, & c.; Pier i and Swing Glasses, Earthenware, Kitchen- Requisites, ! in Copper, Brass, Pewter, and Tin; with various useful Articles.— Sale to commence at Ten o'Ciock. The House, advertised to be lett in last Week's Paper, is di- sposed'Of: To be ~ SOL D T » v A U C TIO N, " By Mr. KIRS HAW, At the White- Horse Inn, in Silston, otherwise Sil- verstone, in th& County of Northampton, on Friday the 3d Day ef April, 1S07, at Two o'Cloek in the Afternoon,' Li. those several PIECES and PARCELS of ARABLE LAND, LEY, MEADOW, and PASTURE GROUND, containing ten Aores, or thereabouts, with the Commons and Appurtenances thereunto belonging, situate, lying, and being in the open and common Fields of SILSTON, otherwise SI LV E RSTON E aforesaid; now in the Occupation of Mr. John Botterill; together with the extensive Right of Common thereto belonging, in Whittlebury Forest. The above Premises are Copyhold of Inheritance, but the Fine on Admission being certain, and very small, they are equal in Value to Freehold; and the Purchaser may have immediate Possession. The TENANT will shew the Premises; and for further Particulars, apply to Mr, HOWES, Solicitor, at his Offices in Northampton or Towcester. A1 S O L D by A U CTIO JM, y.' f Mr. t'ORES, On Friday next, the 3d Day of April, 1S07, on the Premises, in W ESTON- FAVELL, near the Town of Northampton, LI. the genteel and neat HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE of a GENTLEMAN, leaving the Place; consisting of lofty Field Bedsteads, with Dimity and printed Cotton Furnitures; seasoned Feather- Beds ; Counterpanes and Blankets; Mahogany Dining, Card, and Pembroke Tables; Chests of Drawers; Pier and Dressing Glasses; japannei'Cha; rs, Chamber Ditto, and Sofa, with a loose Cover; Carpets; Bath- Stovei, Sets of Fire- irons, Fenders, Copper and Grate, and Kitchen Requisites; Glas's, Deit, a Two- feet Six- inch Acromatic Tclescope, and a Surveying Cirtumfercntor, with various other Articles. The Sale to begin at Ten o'Ciock, as the Whole is intended to be sold in one Day. To be SOLD by ~ A U C TIO By Mr. FORES, At the Stag's- Head Inn, in the Town of Northampton, on Wednesday the 8th Day of Ap/ il, 1807, at Four o'Ciock, M- IE following FREEHOLD ESTATE, in five Lots, viz. Ten substantial Stone- built Messuages or Tene- ments, now in the Occupation of ; situate in Cow- LANE, in St. Giles's Parish, in the Town of NORTHAMPTON; the Whole in good Repair. Further Particulars in next Week's Paper. — - —— Attorney, Welton. J T NORTHAMPTON, SATURDAY EVENING, March 28, MARRIED.] On Monday se'imight, Mr.' F Palmer, to Miss Eli*. Liiley, both of Pitchlcy: ill this eounty. DIED.] On Wednesday se'ijnight, David Le'. r , Esq, an eminent solicitor, and town clork of Grantham. On Sunday last, in her 76th year, Mrs. St. John, of Leicester. On Monday last, at Wellingborough, in thi* county, aged 68, deservedly and sincerely la- mented by all who had the happiness of being ranked amongst her list of friends, Mrs. Mary Mather, wife of Benjamin Mather, Esq. of that, place. She was the only surviving daughter of the late Edmond Ashby, Esq. and Elizabeth Judith his wife. On Sunday Se'nnight, after a long illness, Mrs. Catherine Treacher, wife of Mr. John Treacher, of the Swan inn, Buckingham. On Monday se'firtight, Mrs. Whitehead, wife of Mr. W. Whitehead, of Wellington, near Peter- borough. On Wednesday last, at the Parstsnage, at Cold- Higham, in ' his county, after a short illness; Mrs.. Bishop, wife of the Kev. John Bishop, rector of LIVE STOCK, & c.; con-! th^ Parif . . ' . c Tl. t Yesterday mormng, at her house tn St. John s, Bedford, in her 88th year, Mrs. Towersey, relict of the Rev. Edward Towersey. •' - i. oecvtt*--- A new writ has been issued for the County of Buckingham, in the room of the Right Hint hf Marquis of Titchjjeld, appointed one of th" . Lord; of the Treasury. . The Rev. Joseph Procter, 1 D. D. Master <• ~ Catherine- hall, was on Monday Se'nniglit iustitu n. by the Bishop ot Lincoln, to the rectory ci'.- teei ic- Gidding, in the county of Huntingdon, on the presentation of John Heathcote, Ksq. Current Prices of Canul Shares.— The inllov . were the average prices of Navigable Canal - nai L- s; at the office of Mr. Scott, 25, New Bridge- Mreet, London, in February, 1807.— The Grand Junction Shares, ex. di\ idend.— Dilto fifth Optional Loan, at £. 96 for <£. 100.— Ditto Mortgage Bonds, .£. 31 10s. per cent. dis.— Ashton and Oldham, ,£. 100.— Peak Forest, £. 55 to ,£. 58.— Worcester and Birmingham, £. 36, including ali calls paid;— Ashby- de- la- Zouch, £. 24. At Derby assizes, William Webster, for admi- nistering poison to eight persons, two of whom died, was, after si triai of IS hottrs, found guiltv ; Joseph West, for uttering a forged Bank- note, and Wm. Page, for shee|>- stealing, were alto capitally convicted, and received sentence of death. Webster was executed yesterday se'nnight; West is also left for execution ; but Page was reprieved before the Judge left ths town. At Leicester, Sarah Bent, for stealing of clotli; Thomas Hayes, for highway robbery ; J. Stretton, for sheep- stealing; W. Bennet, for horse- stealing; and Wm. Aldridge, for stealing a watch; were severally convicted, and received sentence of death. J. Hern, far stealing a pig; S. Blathenvick and II. Todd, for robbing a boat; to be trans- ported for seven years.— Hayes, known by the name of the bloody gardener, is left for execution At the above assizes, an action of trespass com- menced by Earl Ferrers, against Mr. Randall Lovell, f". lshnrrfiniT Ilicf nrrlctiin'^ n.' l'l.. one Narrow- wheel Waggon, one Narrow- wheel Cart, and about 30 Lots of Implements in Husbandry.' The Sheep will be penned, for Inspection, by Ten o'Ciock; and the Sale will commence at Lleven o'clock precisely. Warwickshire. To be SOLD by AUCTION, IN SEVERAL LOIS, At the Spread- Eagle, in Rugby, on Saturday the 4th Day ot April next, at Four o'Ciock in the After- noon, unless before disposed of by Private Contract, Capital and very improvable FREEHOLD ESTATF ; consisting of the Manors of Grat. d- I borough and Woolscott, of two Farm- Houses, ano : i49 Acres and upwards of very rich Arable and old i Pasture and Meadow Land, situate in the, Hamlet of ! WOOLSCOTT, in the Parish of GRANDBOROUCH, in the County of Warwick, adjoining the Chester Turnpike- Road. The Land- Tax and Poor's Rates are remarkably low. Apply, for further Particulars, to Mr. BURTON, Diventry; or Mt. JOHN COWLKV, at Fat Sheep. To be SOLD bv AUCTION, By RICHARD SMITH, At the Swan Yard, in THRAPSTON, on Tuesday next the' 31st of March, at Three o'clock in the Afternoon, THIRTY FAT SHEEP, which will be put up in small Lots for the Accommodation ot the Public. May be viewed in the Morning ; and three Months' Credit given on approved Security. be SOLD bv AUCTIO N, By THACKER " S? CARTER, | At the Hare- and- Hounds, at Wardington, in the ! County of Oxford, on Wednesday the 8th Day of j April, 1807, | AFREEHOLD MESSUAGE or TENEMENT;! . with a Bakehouse and Meal- Chamber over the i same, Brewhouse and two good Cellars; together with ] a Garden, Yard, Stable, Cow- hovel, and large Furze ! Bam, with a, Well of excellent Water and a Pump t therein, all in very good Repair; situate iri the upper Find of WARIHNGTON aforesaid, in the Occupation of Mr. John Izard, who will shew the Premises.— Immediate Possession may be had. Valuable Live and Dead Stock, &- c. for ready Money. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By RICHARD SMITH, On the Premises at ALDWINCKLE, Northampton- shire, on Saturday the lltli of April, 1S07, on the Premises of Mr. THOMAS COALES, ( who is leaving Part of his Farm), nnilE following LIVE and DEAD STOCK, viz. .1. 44 fat Sheep, 64 Shearhogs, 29 Wether Lamb- hogs, four fat Oxen,. 12 fresh Three- year- old Steers, three barren Cows, two in- calved Heifers, two barren Ditto, one Two- year- old Steer, one very useful Four- year- old Cart Horse, one Aged Ditto, and two Welch Galloways; two stout Narrow- wheel Waggons, two Broad- wheel Carts, one Narrow- wheel Ditto, Field- | Roll, Harndss for six Horses, Ploughs, Harrows, ) Cow- Cribs, Winnowine. Fan, Screen, Sieves, Forks, Rakes, two Dozen of Sacks, and other Implements in Husbandry. The Sheep will be penned for Inspection by Ten o'Ciock; and the Sale will tually at Eleven o'Ciock. begin with them punc- Freehold Estate. To be SO L D by A U C T I O N, By Mr. KIRS HAW, On Thursday the 9th of April, 1807, at Four o'Ciock in tiie Afternoon, at the Stag's- Head Inn, in Great- Billing, near Northampton, ALE that Stone- built' and Tiled MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, in the Occupation of Thomas Coldwell and others, situate in the Centre of the airy and pleasant Village of GREAT- BlLl. ING : Consisting ot a Parlour, Kitchen, Pantry, and Cellar, on the Ground Floor; three good Sleeping Rooms on the One Pair, with suitable Attics; large- Yard and Garden, with convenient Out- offices; also a Well of excellent Water. For further Particulars, enquire of L. K- IRSHA. V, Surveyor and Auctioneer, Northampton. 1 To he SOLD by AUCTION, By EDWARD NEALE & S O N, On the Premises of Mrs. MARTHA and Mr. WM. LUCAS, of GREAT- CLAYBROOK, in the County of Leicester, on Wednesday and Friday, the 1st and 3d Days of April, 1807, > UE remaining Part of the LIVE STOCK, all the IMPLEMENTS of HUSBANDRY, the genteel and useful HOUSE HO). D- FU RNITU RE, BREWING and DAIRY UTENSILS, and other EFFECTS. The Implements of Husbandry consist of one Six- inch Wheel Waggon, Narrow- wheel Ditto, one Six- inch Wheel Cart, a tilted Cart and Wau- r- Cart, two Pair of double Harrows, double and single Wheel Ploughs, | a Furrowing Plough, Spoking Chain, Cart- Ropes, Barn- Tackle, Gearing for five Horses, about 1 i Dozen of Fleaks in Lots, with numerous other Articles. The Live Stock consists of seven Tegs, three Shearhogs, two Dairy Cows, two capital Draught Horses rising four Years old, and a Hackney Mare three Yeats old, a very fast Trotter. The House- hold- Furniture comprises Four- post and other Bed- steads, with green Damask and other Furniture; well- sea'soncd Feather and Flock Beds, Blankets and Bed- quilts; Oak Dining, Dressing, and other Tables; Oak Bureau and Chest of Drawers, Swing- Glasses, Brew- ing- Copper, Mash- Tub, with smaller ditto to corre- spond, some well- seasoned Barrels, Dairy- Utensils, Barrel- Churn, and sundry other useful Articles. The Live Stock, Implements of Husbandry, and Part of the Household- Furniture, will be sold on Wednesday; and the Remainder of the Household- Furniture on Friday.— The Sx'i to fcegia each Day at . Tea o'Cloek. To be SOLD, At the George inn, in the Town of Northampton, on Wednesday the 8th Day of Aoril next, between I the Hours of Seven. and Nine in the Evening, before the major Part of the Commissioners named and . - authorized in and by a Commission of Bankrupt awarded and issued, and now in Prosecution, against JOHN BELLAMY and EDWARD BELLAMY, both late of Brigstock, ill the Parish of Brigstock, in the County of Northampton, Butchers, Graziers, and Chapmen, and Partners in Trade, A LI, that Tythe- free ALLOTMENT of rich J:\ PASTURE LAND, containing 2A. 2R. 15P. flittle more or less;, lying near to the Town of BRIGSTOCK aforesaid, between the Road leading to Geddington and Cock Rd-. td, and lately in the Tenure or Occupation of tliC said* Bankrupts. The above Allotment is Copyhold Inheritance of the Manor of Brigstock ; Fine certain. For further Particulars, apply to Mr. C. MARK- HAM,. Solicitor, in Northampton; or to Messrs. EDWARDS, Solicitors, Stamford. 1^ 1 OTfCE is hereby given, That > T the Trustees appointed by TURNPIKE- TOLLS ro LETT. a Meeting of Act of Parliament for repairingthe Highways from Old- Stratford, in the County of Northampton, to Dunchurch, in the County of Warwick, will be held, by Adjournment, at the NEW WHITE- HORSE INN, in TOWCESTER, in the. said County of Northampton, on THURSDAY the 30th Day of ATRIL next, at Eleven o'Ciock in the Forenoon of the same Day, for transacting such Matters as shall be then thought necessary for repairing the said Highways; at which Time and Place the TOLLS arising at the two several Toll- Gateson the same Highways, called OLD- STRATFORD GATE and STOW- HII. I. GATE, will be LETT to FARM, by AUCTION, to the Best Bidder or Bidders, between the Hours of Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon and Three of the Clock in the Afternoon of the same Day, in the Manner directed bv the Act passed in the 13th Year of the Reign of His present Majesty King George the Third, for regulating Turnpike- Reads. Whoever happens to be the Best Bidder or Bidders, must forthwith pay Fifty Pounds in Advance for each Gate, and produce sufficient Sureties, and give Se- curity, for Pavment of the . ResiduiS of the Rents, at such Time or Times as shall b ® then agreed on between them and the said Trustees. By Order of the said Trustees, A. MIERES, their Clerk, Doventry, March Ttth, 1807. J. OS DON,,. March 28. YESTERDAY morning arrived two Ilusum bags. The Dantzic Gazette states, that on the 25th ult. the Hettman Platow took, near Leibstadt, a great quantity of baggage, a transport of flour, as well as the French escort which accompanied it, and liberated 200 Russian prisoners. The siege of Stralsund is retarded for want of heavy artillery : the first transport of that artillery was taken some time ago by a Prussian party, who spiked the guns and threw them into the sea. • It was rumoured at Altona, at the time of sending off the last letters, that the Russians had entered Thorn, Polosk, Praga, and Warsaw, and that the French had entirely disappeared from the Prussian bank of the Vistula, but the dates of these move- ments are not given. Two Gottwiburgh Mails also arrived yesterday. — By private letters from Gottenburgh, of the date of the 1 l- th of March, we are informed, that the Swedish Government has detained there, a part of the .£. 500,000 sent out by this country for Russia, which part is to pay subsidies due from the latter to Sweden: these subsidies, it is said, amount to 375,000 rix- dollars; r, nd to answer this sum, 64 casks of Spanish dollars, containing 5000 each, have been stopped and lodged in the Government house at Gottenhurgh. y On Thursday night, Lords Grenville and Howick detailed to the Lords and Commons the circum- stances which led to their removal from Office; hy which it appeared, ( hat the introduction of the Catholic Bill into the House of Commons, by Lord Howick, was the cause of the sudden change in his Majesty's mind, respecting his confidential servants. — Lord Grenville stated, that " finding no modi- fications could make the measure accord with the original intentions of Ministers, and tiie hopes of the Catholic party, it was thought proper to drop- it altogether. But Ministers f* lt that some expla- nation would be bailed for. They made a resti ve \ to that extent, nor was it at the time objected to; I but soon after a demand was made, that they •[- should bind themselves, in writing, never to renew 1 w. — for shooting in hisLordship's preserve, atThrussiuu- ton, was tried at Nisi Print; wherein, upon proof of the fact, the plaintiff obtained a verdict: and the Judge ( Mr. Baron Graham) gave a certificate under the 8. and 9. W. 3. C. 11. for costs; declaring that the species of trespass for which the action was brought, notwithstanding the defendant ha< j not been previously warned to keep off che plaintiffs lands, was wilful and malicious, and the plaintiff in consequence entitled to costs, although the damages were under forty shillings. There was not a single prisoner for trial at Coventry assizes.. On Saturday last an inquisition was taken at Dunstable, before R. A. Reddall, Gent, Coroner for the Honor of Ampthill, upon view of the bwdy of Jos. Hudson, hostlei at the Nag'o- IIead public- house, who the same morning was found dead ip his bed. Verdict, Died by the Visitation of God. On Tuesday last, G. Oleff was fully committed from Marlborougli- street Office for stealing two horses from High- Wycombe, in Buckinghamshire; one of which, worth ^£'. 10, he had offered to sell for 30s. which vast disproportion in value led to his detection. , On Thursdav last was committed to the gaol r; f this county^ Jjy Vincent Wallis, Esq. Mayor of Higham- Ferrers, Wm. Collier and David Evans; the former charged with stealing divers pieces of leather, of the value of 40s. the property of James Brown, of Iligham- Ferrers j and the latter with buying and receiving the said leather, knowing it to be " stolen. And yesterday was cemmifted to the said gaol, by the Rev. I. angham Rokeby, Clerk, W'm. Co. r, charged with stealing a pig- troueh and other articles, the property of Wm. Ward, of Naseby. $ 3" The order to discontinue the advertisement of House, Stc. at Ampthill, to be lett or sold; and the alteration in the advertisement of the sale of Furnitures &? c. at Adderbury- H" use ( both inserted in the fitat page); came too late to be attended to. PRICE of CORN per Quarter at Northampton, Saturday, March 28. Wheat,, 76s. to SOs. Od. Rye, 50>. Od. to 51s. Barley, 33?. 6s!/ tO- 37s. Od, Oats, 20s. Od, to 25s. fid, .1. GRAFTON, Inspector. Beans, 33s. fid. to 42s Od. Peas, 0s Od. to 0-.. Od, By the Standard Mrasure, . LIST . of. FAIRS, from March 30, to April 11, within the Circuit of this Paper. M. Mar. 30 Olney, Siutkim, Warwick, Hinckley, and Lutterwrtb. T. 3L Davcniry, : ' flame, Ashhy- dtt- U- Zouchi ' GcdmdMcEtster, and Brallit. 1. Wellingborough and Rugby. 3. Bicester. 6. Northampton, Xhefford, and Hitcblrn 7. Atherstone. 8. Burnet ( lasts U> rce days). W. April F. STATE - LOTTERY, Begins Drawing Ur. h APRIL, 1807. rpICKEI'S and SHAKES are now sellms bv 1 J BRANS COMB & Co. joint Contractors for The present Lottery, and Proprietors of the Lnc'V ' " II 0* 7 VHII. L, : first the lust £ 25,000, were both divided into Shares; and, ill the two last Years' Lotteries, the following CA- PITALS were sold by them in 2S7 different Shares* namely, Lottery- Offices, No. 11, Honons, 37,. COR NHI MID 38. HAYMARKET, PICCADILLY; where the t £ $ 0,000 Prize ever Sold, likewise No. 1-', 719, Nos. 3,330 entitled to 1,000 17,477 2 S ,699 16,801 17,913 4,077 11,871 With 16 1,000 - 1,000. - 2,000 - 2,000 - 5.000 - 5,000 of £ ' .100, Nos. .£• 13,747 entitled to 10,000 450 9,219 11,643 - 7,686 7,757 12,719 20,000 20,000 « o, oro 20,020 20,022 25,000 Prizes ot -£'. 500, and a great Number of £. 100, £- 50, ate. Sec. Please to observe, there are more Capital Prizes in the present Lottery than ever weic in any former one, with only 25,000 Tickers, therefore, an early Purchase is recommended, as the first- drawn on the four first Days will he entitled to £. 20.000 each, over and above the Chance of all the floating Capitals. TICKETS and SHARES are likewise selling by Mr. If". BIRDS ALL, AGENT, NORTHAMPTOK. STATE - WRIMYR Fintilrayn Tickets entitled to Capital Prim. Hazard, borne, & e<>. NO. 93, iWt.- EXCHANOE, LONDON ( bv whom every Prize of the above Description was sold and shaied in the last Lottery, are now selling TICKETS and SHARES for the STATE- LOTTERY which will begin Drawing the llrli of AmL. ' 1 he first- drawn Tickets on the four first Days of Drawing will be entitled to Twenty Thousand Founds each • and the first- drawn on the filth and ; itth Days to I'm Thousand Pounds each ; and the first- drawn 3000 Tickets, in Addition to any other Benefit that may fall to them, will be entitled to Ten Pounds each. The Capital Prizes in the last Lottery sold at their Office, weie, 1. . of. .£. 30,000 I 1 - - of. .£. 5,000 1 . of . 20,000 and 2.. of.. 1,000 1.. of. - 10,000 I All in Shares; And one of £. 5, C00 in a Whole Ticket. Orders from the Country, with Remittance, at- tended to on the same Terms as it present. TICKETS and SHARES, for the above Office, are also on Sale by , Mr, ABEL, Bookseller, NORTHAMPTON. " STATE - LOTITRY, Begins Droving 14th of pint, isor. First- drawn Ticket, £. 20,000. THE SCHEME CONTAINS 4 Prizes of £. 20,0 0 JO Prizes of £. 1,000 4 10, OCO 10 500 4 5,000 - ic. tec. See. TICKETS and SHAR. ES are selling by Mr. J. WEBB, Printer, BEDFORD, For SWI FT & Co. of LONDON ; By whom CAPITAL - PRIZES to an immense Amount have been sold and shared, particularly in the last and lite Lotteries. This Lottery contaiijs an unusual Number of the highest Capitals; and gives to the first 3000 Tickets £. 10 each, independent of any other Prizes that may be drawn against them. ' SHARED by HORNS BY & Co7 IN THE LAST LOTTERY: No. 19,541, Prize of £. 20,000, in fifteen Shares, 8,716, Prize of £. 6000, in five Shares, 1,350, Prize of £. 500, in nine Shares, • 44, Prize of £. 500, in sixteen Shares. J" IKEWISE in former Lotteries, No. ? S, 979. JL r, nd No. 42,569. both Prizes of £. 50,000, and two hundred and thirteen Prizes, from £ 500 to £. 30,000, have been shared and sold by Hbrnsby & Co. The Tickets, Halves, Quarters, Eighths, and Six- teenths, are now selling at the lowest Piices; and the Money tor the Prizes paid on Demand. The Scheme contains much Nsvelty, and is highly- approved of. The Drawing begins on the 14th of Next Month, with a £. 20,000 for the first- drawn Ticket, on the first Day; £. 20,000 second Day; £. 20,000 third Dav; £. 20,000 fourth Day, £. 10,000 fifth Day; £. 10,00) sixth Day.' Orders, by Letter or Carrier, executed exactly on the same Terms as if present, at either of thejr Li- censed State- Lottery Offices, 26, Cor » hiIl, 52, Charing Cross, and St. Margaret's Hill, Borough. GOVERNMENT STATE - LOTTERY BEGINS DRAWING, And containt Two Hundred and Ffly Thousand Pounds ( in sterling Money), F f "' HIS is . the most extraordinary SCHEME ever j| produced in the Annals of Lotteries — The un- precedented Number of GRAND PRIZES MAKES Every Lottery . Office a Tern; le of IVeaith ; Evety Adventurer is in the Road to Riches ; • Every Ticket drawn 14th April will be a Prize; Every Prize will he paid as soon as drawn. Advantage d- ii Seru- Uv. NORWICH UNION FIRE- OFFICE. T^ VERY Person who insures in this Office JUL beepmes a Member, and has the Advantage ot receiving track, every seven1 Years, the Premium he has paid during that Period with Interest, after de- ducting his Proportion of Expences for the Time he has been insured. Those Members whose seven Years are expired, have received from £. 60 to £. 75 per Cent. ; and no Doubt can be entertained but the Office will afford as much to ail its Members, as their Term sf seven Years respectively expires, . Lists. of the Trustees, Directors, & c. may be seen, also printed Proposals had, by applying to the . fol- lowing Agents, viz. Mr. ABEL, Northampton, who is likewise Agent for Wellingborough ( in Lien of Mr. SPONO), with the Assistance of Mr. STANTON, Grocer. Mr. THOMAS WILKINSON, Druggist-, Daventry. Mr. Jostpii ME EN, Biggleswade. Mr. W. WftiT- woRTH, Attorney, Bedford. Mr. JOHN RAJAH, Olney. Mr. THOM AS GURDEN, Harborougli. Mr. JAMES GURDEN, B'cesrer. Mr. E. HANSCOMB, Ampthill. Mr. J. W. MORRIS, Dunstable. Mr. JOSEPH YVALLIs, Leicester. T BRITISH FIRE. OFFICE, LONDON. " THE BRITISH FIRE- OFFICE, desirous of ex- . tending their liberal J'lan of Insurance on . Houses, Buildings, Goods, Merchandize Shipping, | and Farming- Stock, have appointed Agents in the } Cities and large Towns in Great- Britain, of whom f the Proposals may be- had gratis, a> well as at the principal Offices in the Strand ahd Corn hill, London. | actual service. Insurances due at Lady- Hay must be paid on or No Admission Fees are required; nor is any Charge PROVIDENT INSTITUTION, - • For LIFE INSURANCE and AXKUIT1E8, SociHAMPION- STREIT, STRAND, LONDON. President, The Most Noble the Marquis of BUCK INCH A « I K . G. Vice- Presidents, The Most Noble the Marquis of SALISBURY, K. G. The Right Hon. Viscount BULKELEY. The Right Hon. Viscount CHETWYND. The Right Hon. Viscount Du- CANNON. The Right Hon. Lord B- RAYBROOKE. Trustees, The Most Noble the Marquis of BUCKI NOHAM. The Right lion. Lord BRAYBROOKE. WILLM FRAED, Esq. M. P. rf, IlE Object of this Institution is to entourage - 0- the truly laudable Design, of Lift Insurance, and Provision for old Age, by reducing tho, e Transactions to Principles of the utmost possible public Benefit. With this View, an extensive Society of Noblemen and Gentlemen . have entered into a Subscription of £," 250,000, to constitute an original Capital; and taking upon themselves the sole Responsibility of the Establishment, they entitle the Insured and An- nuitants to participate in Profits after the Expences of an economical . ianagement are defrayed, in which the Presidents, Directors, Trustees, and Auditors, ! act gratuitously. Thus; by the specific Sums in- sured, and the Division of contingent Profits, every Member has the fullest Value possible for his Pay- ments, without being subject to Calls upon any Losses whatever,— This important and unprecedented Ad- vantage is peculiar to the Provident Institution. . Military Men, insured at this Office, are not charged with an; additional Premium, unless called into SCHEME, i Prizes of ^. 20,000 are ,£.£ 0,000 4 —_ 10,000 40,000 4 5,0f' 0 20,000 10 3,000 10,000 - 10 .900 5,000 30 100 3,000 40 50 2,000 3.000 20 60,000 3,000 first- drn. Tickets lO each 30,000 25,000 Tickets. ,£. 250,000 First- drawn Ticket .. 1st Day £. 20,000 Ditto 2d Day 20,000 Ditto 3d Day V0 000 Ditto 4th Day 20,000 " D itto 5th Day 10,000 Ditto 6th Day 10,000 TICKETS AND SHARES ARE SE I. LI NO At all the old- established Offices in England, Ireland, and Scotland. The first- drawn Ticket will receive £. 20,000. j PRESENT PRICE. Ticket £. 19 17s. Half £. 10 3 0 1 Eighth £. 2 13 0 Quarter ... .. 5 3 01 Sixteenth 1 6 t » ' CORDIAL HALM or GILEAD. T CLARKE, Printer and Bookseller, says, the • " . Demand for the Cordial Balm of Gilcad, in the Town and Neighbourhood of Stockport ( at which Place he is the only Vender), increases daily; and judging from the Celebrity it has so universally gained, as well as from the local Evidence, he entertains not a Doubt of its Efficacy in those Complaints for which it is recommended. As Vender ot the Cordial Balm of Gilead I de- clare, that I have heard the greatest Encomiums be- stowed upon it as a Medicine in great Repute, and which has given universal Satisfaction. T. SCHOFIELD, Printer, Liverpool. The CORDIAL BALM of GII. EAD is sold in Bottles, Price Half- a- Guinea each, thee are also"* Family Bottles, Price 32s. containing equal to four Bottles at 10s. 6d. hy which the Patient saves 9s. including also the Dutv. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by the Printers of this Paper; also, Ketail, by Marshall, and Edge, North- ampton; Collis & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Dawson, and Harrod, Harborough; Marriott, Banbury ; Inns, and Gallard, Towcester; Seeley, Buckingham; Kichatdson, Stony - Stratford; Edge, and Mather, Wellingborough; Robins, » nd Wilkinson, Daveiury ; Okelv, and I'algrave, Bedford; Fox, St. Neots i Barringer, and Inwo'od, Newport- Pagnell; Swinfen, Leicester; by the- Printers of the Country News- papers; and by all the reputable Medicine Venders, Booksellers, & c. in eVerv principal Town in England, Ireland, Scotland, and America, who will deli » tr Pamphlets gratis, with a Variety of authentic Docu- ments noted theicin. (£ 3* Dr. Solomon, when consulted, expects his usual Fee ot ttalf- a. Guinea, Such Letters should, for Safety, be thus directed—" Money Letter. Dr. Solomon, Gilead^ House, near Liverpool." before the 9th Day. of April, Common Insurance, 2s. per Cent.— Hazardous, 3s. — Doubly hazardous, 5s. Farming- Stock, 2s. 6d. perCent. only. ROBERT SK. ELTON, Sec. Messrs. FLETCHER and 1> ODD, Agents at NORTHAMPTON. ALBION I lilE AND" LIFE~ INSURANCE COMPANY, oi- LONDON, Established 1804, For Insurance from FIRE, throughout Great - Britain and Ireland, and in Foreign Countries ; fur the In- surance D/ LIVES ;' and fir the gtantf/ tg C/ AMNUITI SS. Capital- 7- 0NE MILLION. rpHE following Persons have been appointed J[ RESIDENTS for the Couipanv, for the under- mentioned Places, and their respect ve Neighbour- hoods; and have been authorized to uno'e. take In- surances from Fire and oil Lives, on the Company's Behalf, viz. Mr. SPENCER HESKETII, of Northampton, Mr. JOHN WHITF, of Dunstable, Draper. A laig- Deduction is made on the Premiums of all Fire Insurances, out of London-, and a very liberal. Commission is allowed on Insurances on Lives. No- Charge is made for Policies, or Indorsements; nor is the Person insuring responsible for the Losses pf others, as is the Case in all Contributionship Societies, whether tor Insurance from Fire or on Lives. The Company's Proposals may be had of the said Persons; by which it will be found, that other material Advantages ate afforded. • By Order of the Court of Directors. WARNER phi; PS, Secretary. BIRMINGHAM FIRE- OFFICE, ~ . HI^ H- STREET, BIRMINGHAM, Foe insuring Houses, Warehouses, Manufactories, and other Buildings, Farming. Sroci, Goods, [ Fares, Mer- chandise, and other Property, from Loss and Damage hy Fire. riTlE Directors of this Office, impressed with M. a lively Sense of Gratitude for the distinguished Patronage and Support with which they have been honoured, most rt. pectfully tetuin Thanks to their Friends and the Public, and beg to inform tnose Persons whose Insurances become due at Lady- Day next, that printed Receipts for the Renewal thereof are ready for Delivery by the respective Agents;' of whom Proposals, containing the Rates ana Conditions of Insurance, may be had gratis. • FARMING- STOCK, on any Part of a Farm, or in any- Building thereon, may be insured, in one Hum, on the following Terms :— J. d. For One Year, at 2 6 perCent. Six Months 2 0 Three Months 1 6 exclusive ot the Duty, which will be charged in Pro- portion to the Period. Ixisses frl- m I ire by Lightning made good. No Charge made for Policies where the Premium amounts to 6s. ; nor to Persons removing from other Offices. By Order of th: Directors, R. I. WITHE RIDGE, Secretary. Birmingham, March 1807. AGENTS. Northampton,— FRANCIS BIRDS ALL. Peterbotough,— GEORGE CLIFTON. Thorpe- MaU-. r, near lettering,- JOHN MEADOWS. Daventry,— WILLIAM GODRICH. Woburn,— RICHARD CAMPS. Ampthill,— SAMUEL MAY. Buckingham,— JOHN SODTH/ M; Newport- 1 agneil,— EDWARD CLEAVER. ' Leicester,— 1' UOMAJ AIREY. Hinckley, — EDWARD THORNLEY. Lutterworth,— SAMUEL EURDETI. J Loughhorougn,— S A M U E L MARTIN. ROYAL- EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. Established by Royal Chatter in the Reign of George I. fa- assuring Houses, Buildings, Corn, Hay, Goods, < 3c and also for Assurance of Lives. MARCH 1' 8, 1807. rjMlE CORPORATION of the ROYAL- JL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE do hereby give Notice, that they have authorized their respective Agents to receive Proposals for- the Assurance of Farming Stock at the Rate of 2s. 6d. per Cent, per Annum. Persons whose Annual Premiums fall due on the 25th Instant, are her by informed, that RECEIPTS are now ready to be delivered by the COMPANY'S respective AGENTS under- mentioned ; and the Parties assured are requested to apply for the Renewal of'their Polic ies, on or before the 9th Day of April next, as the usual fifteen Days allowed for Payment beyond the Date of each Policy will then expire. SAMUEL PENNING, Jun. Secretary. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Northampton,— THEOPHILUS JEYES. Thrapston,— J A MES ROBINSBN. • Towcester,— JOHN JENKINSON. Wellingborough,— J. N. GOODHALL. Daventry,— R. SHEPPARD. BEDFORDSHIRE. Bedford,— M. PARTRIDGE. Biggleswade,— JOHN LANCASTER. I. eighton,— D. WILLIS. Luton,— D. L. WILLIS. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Aylesbury,— LUKE TURNER. Beaconsfieid,— Tnos. WITTS WAI. FOR » . Buckingham,— ROBERT MILLER. Chesham,— CREED & BAYLIE. Great- Marlow,— THOMAS EMES. Newport- Pagnell,— R. COLLISSOW. Olney,— RICHARD HARROLD. Stony- Stratford,— J. DAY. Winslow,— R. READING, - HUNTINGDONSHIRE. Huntingdon,— ROBERT STAFPORB. St. Neots,— WM. DAY. Stilton,— J. BODGHR. LEICESTERSHIRE. Leicester,— JOHN KING. Market- Harborough,— WM. SPRIGO. M el ton- M owb/ ay,— E D w. BRIGHT. WARWICKSHIRE. Birmingham,— JAMES KINDON. Coventry,— JESIMIEL SMITH. Kiueton,—- THOMAS ARBOTTS. Rugby,— RICHARD FOX. N. B. Fire l'- tiiicies will be allowed, free of Ex- pence, . where the Annual Premiums amount to 6s. or upwards. • ( fry This Company have invariably made , good Losses by Fire, occasioned by Lightning.— Proposals may be iiad of the different Agents. * » * Assurances on Lives being found to be advan- tageous to Persons having Offices, Employments, Estates, or other Incomes determinable on the Lite or Lives of themselves or others, Tables of the Rates for such Assurances, and for rbe granting Annuities on Lives, may be had of the said Agents. And f r rhe greater Convenience ' of the Public, the Company have determined to extend ( ay special Agreement) the As- surances on Lives to the .-\ ge of 75 Years. made for Policies. insurance and Annuities may be effected any Day within Office Hours, which are from Ten till lour o'Clock. A Pamphlet, which fully explains the Principles and Terms of the Institution, may be had of the Agents, and at the Booksellers, Price Sixpence. AGENTS. Northampton,— Mr. BURN HAM. Aylesbury,— Mr. LUKE TURNER, Town- Clerk. . '. Northamptonshire. TO COVER, this Season, 1807, at the Horse- Shoe, in D A V F. N T R Y, D R A Y M A N; A capital brown Cart Horse, rising five Years old, the Property of Mr. SALMON, of Hardwick, in the County of Oxford.— Drayman's Sire was the Pro- perty of Mr. iiiomas French, of Wardington, in the Coan. y of Northampton. The Old Lincolnshire Horse has distinguished himself many Years for a ciplfuVStock- getter i his Dam, a capital Mare, was aiso the Property of Mr. Salmon.— He stands sixteen Hand* and a Half high, with very short, clear Legs, partictlSkriy full of Bone, has proved himself a sure Foal- getter, and his Stock are very capital ; many have been sold, at the proper Tunc of leaving the Mare, from ' 20 to 25 Guineas each. He will stop, every Monday, at the Red- I. ion, Culworth; Tuesdays, eo- through Moreton, Canon's- Ashby, PrtfSton. Capes, Newuham, to the Horse- Shoe, Daventry, ami remain theie for the Maihet; returns thiough Charvvelton and Byfield, to the Rose- and- Crown, Ghippingwarden, in the Evening; and attends at Banbury Market on Thursday. Drayman will cover at 25s. each Mare — The Money to be paid on the 29ih Day oi July next, at the Horse- Shce, in Davemry; or, on the 30th, at the White- Lion, in Banbury. To COVER, this Season, 1807, At Mr. WM. BADLEY'S, FROX, FIELD- GATE, WOBURN- PARK, Bedfordshire, r jPHAT noted Stallion, F1 D G E T, at Two a Guineas, and Flalf- a- Crown the Groom.— He was got by tiorizel, his Dam by Old Matchem, out of an own Sister to Sweetoriar; he lists had but few Elood Mares, from which are several good Runners; mid has got a better Stoyk ot Hunters and Road Horses than any Stallion in England.— For his Performances, see the Racing Cal ndar for 17S5, 86, 87, 88, and 89 PELICAN OFFICE, LOMBARO- STKEM & SPRINC- CAPDENI;, CKARING- Citoss, LONDON, For Insurance on Lives and Endowments of Children. r | > HK great Adiantagcs resulting to Society from - I Lije insurance, require, that the leading Prin- ciples to which it attaches should be detailed, in order that ( he benefit to be derived therefrom may be more generally known. Life Insurance is of material Concern to all veho hold Estates Income dependent on Lives; as by Payment of an Annual Piemium, it enables the Person assured to make provision for his Widow, Children, or whoever he is desirous of agisting; to NOTICE IS HEREBY CfvLv, rpiIAT the next Half- yearly Meeting of thai 2 Trustees of the Turnpike- Road leading from Wendover to Buckingham, in the County of Bucks, will be held at the BELL INN, in WINSLOW, in the said County, on FRIDAY the THIRD Day of APRIL next, at Eleven of the Clocli in the Forenoon. LANCELOT WYATT, Clerk to the Trustees of said Turnpike- Road. H'iltiluw, March 5th, 1807. ' Spilsburfs Antiscorbutic! Drops. rlJIIK Return of Eruptive Complaints at this - i. Season, when the cold Weather prevents the Perspiration from acting as a Corrective, is shewn in many Habits by itching, and much Irritation under the Skin. It is now ascertained, that the Action of SPII. SBURY'S PATENT ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS gives; instant Relief, by removing all Obstructions in the secretory Vessels, even when under the Action ot" S. iofula.' lis good Effects as a Medicine in giving '.-., , etite, pleasant to take, and requiring no Cessation oi Easiness or Recreation, and iu Existir. ce as a Re- medy in various Compjaints for more than thirty Years in Repute, are Facts that deny Deception. Mr, SPILSBURY is not accountable for any Mixture sold, unless the Words " By the King's Patent" are inserted at Length on the Bill of Directions, Bottle, and Wrapper; the Stamp also ( the King's Duty) is printed in black Ink instead of red Ink. Sold ai the Dispensary, No. 15, Soho- Sqttare, London, in Bot- tles of 5s. Sd 10a. and £. 1 2s, Duty included.— Compound Essence 8s. (; 3f Sold also hy the Printers of this Paper; Mr. Okely, and Mr. Palgrave, Bedford; Mather, Wel- lingborough; Collis & Dash, and Munn, lettering; Robins) and Wilkinson, Daventry ; Corrall, Lutter- worth; and by most Venders of Patent Medicines in Town and Country. - FIDGET, a, three Years olc, was purchased bv the , _ ANTI- BILIOUS PILLS, late Duke of Beolord, of Richard Vernon, Esq. for I Sv J" - V e, ltcmcd tor thclr easy ancl certain 2500 Guineas. | Operation in removing all Bilious Complaints, Obstructions in the Liver, Indigestion, Sick Head- Ach, Jaundice, & c. They are an excellent Remedy for Persons of Bilious or Costive Habits; fi> r Per- sons of sedentary Liv es, where sufficient Action of the Bowels is not kept up; also for Persons' who He will not travel - this Season. — Good Accom- I modation for Mares at the usual Price. At the same Place, HERCULES, at One Guinea and a Hait, and Five Shillings the Groom.— He is a , remarkable tine brown Horse, seven Years old, 16, , . . , --. Hands! inch and a Half high, full of Bone, has I have impaired their Constitutions by free Living 5 and been hunted, and Master of high Weights; he was cjr'y Attacks of the Gout are peculiarly ust- iuI, hied by Eaii Grosvenor; was , ' " ' " • ' ' Dam, Cowslip, own Sister to t by Highflyer; Grandam, own Sister to Tandem, bv I PREP? ni^ u vveignts; ne was 1 : V • • — got by Alexander; his ' alleviating the Severity of the Fit, and shortening > the Maid- ot- aU Work, ! lts duration. They have been found highly useful Syphen — Regulus— Snip — Cottingham's Warlock Galloway, by Snake— Bald Galloway, & c. & c. HKRCULES will attend Luton, 1. lghton- Buzzard, Ampthill, Steny- Stratford, and Newport - 1 agnell Markets; will be at Home every Night except Fridays. Alexantier was got by Old Eclipse, out of Grecian Princess, by Forester, Colatio's Colt, Son of the Godoiphin Arabian— Bustard— Lord Leigh's Charmfng Molly, by Secund, & c. At CHARWELIO.., near Daventry, Northampton- •.- I'. n. i^ ii, > * t « ^ * i i v i <} vivjiiv'i^ wi cmi i. t,, , ; . , . ' J j w • - 1*. Persons in Possession of good Estates, it will provide I s- nre, ESPERSYKES, at Thine Guineas and a Half, ~ " "" ' Blood Mares; all others at One Pound Five Shillings ; and Five Shillings each the Groom. a Sum of Ready Money, for the Purposi of discharging Incumbrance:, immediately on the Decease of the Person whose 1 ife is insured; and will be found to operate very beneficially, in a Variety of Transactions, loo numerous to recite. tables, containing the Rates of Insurance, aJid ex- plaining tlie I'erir- of Endowments, may b; had by Application to THOMAS GURDEN, Agent, Market- Harborough. Fhanu Firc- Ofhee, Lotnkard- Slreet, London. ' 4 " HE firm Support which the PIKENIX- OFI'ICE I continues to icceive from its numerous Friends, demands tl'. e Thanks of the Directors. This Office has ever been impressed with an ardent Desire to give Encouragement to th,- Agricultural Interests ot the Kingdom; and the Directors rely, that the Regulations which they from Time to Time have introduced tor tnat P irpose, will be satisfactory to the Public, and secure the Continuance of its Favour and Patronage; Stock on a Faun maybe insured in one Sum, with- out tiie average Clause. The Receipts for Policies falling doe at Lady Day are now in th.* H,. nds of t:: e several Agents. :>~ T The important Sums annually paid by this Office to Sufferers by Fine, trotgly prove the Benefits resulting from Insurance, as weli to Noblemen a.: d Gentr men o secure the Value of their Mansions and Effects, as t Rar. uers, Manufacturers, and ail the Commercial Onier... * » * Persons insuring for Three Hundred Pounds, or upwards, will not be charged for the Policy. lie Order of the Directors, H. A. HARDY, Sec. of Country Department. For all Disorder;, in the Eyes. THE GENUINE Dr. KHIN SO.^ s GOLDEN OINTMENT, Prepared by WILLIAM SINGLETON, NO. 2, UNION- PLACE, LAMBETH, Surrey, r i Ml IS Ointment is tut effectual Remedy in In- fitmmations, Films, Specks, or any other Dis- order incident to tne Eyes; having completely effected some Thousands of Cures when all otner Means have failed • T Purchaser; are requested to see tint the Bill of Direction iriven thet: v ih this Article, has got the Proprietor's Name as is ui'. derwritten : Ail not so signed are Counterfeits. This Ointment? ,,, „• , . „ <; No. C, Union- Place, preparedbyme, rVm- Su^! eton' } Lambeth. • Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Messrs. Dicey & Sutton, Bow Church- Yard, and at their Warehouse in Northampton; and, Retail, by Robins, Da- ventry; Inns, and Gallard, Towcester; Harrod, Harborough ; Inwood, and Pairinger, Newburt- Pagnell; Mather, Wellingborough; Collis & Da.- h, Kettering; and bv ali other Verniers of Medicines ' n tlv « Kingdom; Price Is. 9d. per Pot, with full Directions For Rheumatisms, Sprains, Chilblains, \ c. Dr. STEERS's OPODELDOC. THIS Medicine, from its extraordinary Efficacy,. is justly entitled to the Reputation it has soiorg acquired above every other Preparation " f the Kind. By its warm, penetrating, and attenuating Qualities, it is found to be the most powerful Application in Rheumatisms, Spasms, and Palsies; as also in Cramps, Bruises, Sprains, Burns, Scalds, fresh Cuts, and the Sting of venomous Insects. It is particularly recom- mended in Contusions, occasioned by Gun- shot Wounds, and to refresh the Legs and Feet after long Exercise in walking. It speedily removes Chilblains, and if used in Time, will prevent them trom breaking, but for this Purpose it should be dissolved and applied warm. Sold only by F. Newbery and Sons, No. 45, St. Paul's Church- Yard, London, in Bottles, Price ' ig. 8d. each; and by their Appointment, by Dicey & Sutton, Marshall, and Edge, Northampton; Seeley, Buck- ingham ; Barringer, arid Imvood, Newport- Pagnell; Green, Ampinill; Collis & Dash, Kettering ; Robins, Daventry ; and Bull, Sen. Harborough. N. B. Observe that the Words " F. Newbery, No, 45, St. Paul's," . are engraved in the Stamp. ~ SOI. OMON's GUIDE 10 HEALTH.~~ This Day is published, Price 3s. in one Volume, Octavo', of near 300 Pages, with an elegant Portrait of the Author, A new Edition ( with Additions), of AGURDE to HEALTH; or, ADVICE to both S EXES, in a Variety of Complaints; explaining the most simple and efficacious Remedies for those Diseases which are treated on under the following Head., viz. Astlxna, Observations on Bathing, Bash- fulness, Bowels, Cold, Consumption, Nervous Dis- eases, Dejection, Deficiency of natural Strength, Difference between Venereal Symptoms and those often mistaken for them, Digestion, Fits, Gout, Heart- burn, Hysteric Affections, Leprosy, I. owness of Spirits, Loss or Defect of Memory, weak Nerves, Rheumatism, Scurvy, Scrofula, See! See.— To which is added, an Essay on an incidental Disease, and con- sequent Weakness. By S. SOLOMON, M. D. ( P3" For the very excellent Character of this Work, see the different Reviews. *** Upwards of 95,000 Copies have actually been sold of " Solomon's Guide to Health." as certified under the Hands of the Printers themselves. A Num- ber so uncommonly large must be the best Criterion et'tlie Merit of the Wark, and the Approbation of the Public. London: Printed for th? Author; and sold by Mathews & Lei^ h, No. 18, Strand, and H. D. Sy- ntonds, Paternoster- Row ; also by all Booksellers in the United Kingdom, Price Hi. only, free of Cariiage. To COVER, this Season, 1807, CANTERBURY, the Property of WILLIAM" J HIGGINS. OI HighamsPark, atfwo Guineas and Half- a- Crown each Mare. CANTERBURY was got by I'otgos, his Dam by Alfred, an own Sister to Tickle Toby ; his Grand- dam j by King Herod, his Great- grand- dam an own Sister to I Eclipse. In iis) 9, Canterbury won a Sweepstakes at Stamford, b ating Vandal, Duplicity, and l'ankersly, late Sir Solomon,, and Sir F. Stanuish's b. c. by Sir Peter, out ol Storace, l. i 1800, he also won the Claret Stakes at New- market, beating Vivaldi and Sir I . Standish's Brother to Spread E- gle; lie aiso won the Petwoith Stakes at Brighton, beating Bobtail, Cadet, and His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales's Speculator; he also won the King's Plate at Canterbury, beating Katita; likewise won £. 50 tiie next Day, beating Tuneful and Sopiiia. In 1801, he won £. Si) at Stamford, beating Truss and Cockboat ; he won a Sweepstakes the' same Day, beating Fanny, Georgina, Mr. Watson's c. byDaiphini; ha received ft. from Mr. F. Ncale's Humbug, first 3 M. of B. C. In 1802, he won £. a<) at Newmarket, beating French- horn, Whirligig c. by Toby, and Mr. Sitw'ell's Clayton; he also wow two Fifties at Huntingdon, and ran a good Race at Lincoln, with Sir Solomon. N. B. Good Grass fur Mares, with Care, at Is. 6d. per Week. For Coughs, Consumptions, 4 f. PECTORAL ESSENCE OF COLTSFOOT. r| MiE Herb Coltsfoot, called Tussilago by the fi Ancients, was distinguished by them, as its Name sufficiently conveys, for its Excellence in the Cure oi Coughs, and other Pulmonary Complaints; and this Essence has, in the Course of a long Prac- tice, been found ttie most safe and effectual Remedy for Coughs, Asthmas, and all Disorders of the Lungs, i j It gently opens tiie Breast, and immediately gives j | Liberty of Breathing, without any Danger ot taking ' Cold; it admirably aila\ s the tickling which pro. • Yokes frequent Coughing, cleanses the small Glands, ' relaxes the r io. es, and thereby enlarges the Cavities ! of the Vessels. Thus it will p, event Consumptions, if j taken before, the LuSgs ate ulcerated. It cures also; ali husky and dry Coughs, heals Rawness airtl Sore • eparatory to, or during Sea Bathing, these Pills xequire. no particular Regimen or Confinement, arsd d » not contain any Mercurial or Antimonial Prepa" rarion. Prepared and sold by W. Wyman, Surgeon, Ket- tering. Sold, Wholesale, by Dicey & Sutton, No. 1( 7, Bow Church- Yard; London; and. Retail, by the Printers ot this Paper, Edge, and Marshall, North- ampton ; Sanderson & Beale, and Mather, Welling- borough ; Robin,, Wilkinson, and Bates, Daventry; Reev, Higham- Ferrers; York & Summers, Oundle; Beesley, Banbury ; Barringer, and Inwood, Newport- Pagneil; Queneborough, Dunstable; Al. op, Luton- Harrod, and Bull, Market- Hurbcrough; Inns, and Galiard, Towcoster; Seelev, Buckingham; Hawkes, Lutterworth; Palgrave, Bedford; Gardner, Biggles- wade; Richardson, Stony- Stratford ; l. oggin, Ayles- bury ; Wards, Hinckjey ; Eaton, Thrapston ; Jacob, Peterborough; Roberts, Southam; Sharpe, Warwick; - I. uccock, KUiibolton; Emc* ry, St. Neots; Jenkinson, Huntingdon; ' Lapp, and Darton, Hitchin; Wallis, Olney; Rowell, Rugby; Ward, Stratford- upon- Avon; Rollason, and Mertidew, Coventry; ana' by every Vender of Medicines in the Kingdom. Price 2s. 9d. per Box, Duty included.— Be careful to ask for WYMAN'S Antibilious Pills. Propriety of personal Appearance. BEAUTY and HEALTH sannot be more essentially promoted thaa by attending. to the Preservation of M'" R. NEWTON's RESTORATIVE TOOTH . POWDER having received the Approbation ot the first Nobility, Centry~, and a generous Public, by an extensive Consumption tor a Series of Years, as well as the Attestation ot its superior Excellence, from the Analysis of its component Parts, by the most distinguished Medical Characters, who have pro- nounced it the most pleasant Vegetable Tooth- Powder known, to increase the Beauty of the Enamel, and promote the Durability of the Tooth; and which has, m Consequence of its experienced Advantages, b'een honoured with the immediate Ptitronage of their Ma- jesties, and the various illustrious Branches of the Royal Family, Nobility, Gcmrv, See in the United Kingdom.— NEWTON's TOOTH- POWDER is an Astringent and Antiscorbutic Powder, a delicate Aro- ma'ic, extremely grateful to the Palate, and pleasant in its Use; in fine, to those who apply it, it is a certain Preventative to Pain or Decay of. the Tooth to the latest Period of Life. It continues, to be faithfully prepared by Mr. Newton ( only), at his House, Kennington- l'lace, - VaujfHall ( late of Great Russell- Street), London, from the genuine Recipe of . the late Sir Richard Jebb, Physician to their Majesties, & c.; andsold, Wholesale^ Retail, and for Exportation, by Messrs. Shaw & Edwards, No. 6( i,- St. Paul's Church- Yard, whom he has em- powered to make a liberal Allowance to his Town and Country Venders; Merchants, & c.; also, Retail, by Dicey & Co Edmonds, and Marshall, Northampton; Smith', Bedford; M'erridew, and Rollason, Covenirv; Robins, Daventry; Quenebordugh, Dunstable; Coil'is & Dash, arid Munii, Ketteting; ' lavvson, and Harrod, Harborough; In wood, Newport- Pagnell; Richardson, uess of the Breast, and gives Relief to'those who" i Stony- Stratford; Mather, Wellingborough; and by .. ... - I J . - ,, . _ ' Ptrfumer \ Pilirtn,..^ Ur ti„. thiough Age or Infirmity, are deprived of Rest or 5 leep. This Essence is prepared by JAMES RYAN, Sur- geon, in Bristol; and sold. only oy F, Newbery & Sons, No. 45, the East End of St. Paul's, London,' in Bottles, .' is. Od. each, Duty included; and none are genuine but ' those which have the Word's " F. Newbery, No. 45, St. Pauls," engtaved on the Stamp. Soidalso by Dicey & Sutton, Marshall, and Edge, Northampton; Seeley, Buckingham, Barringer, and Inwood, Newport- Pa'gnell, G teen, Ampthill; Coliis 6 Dash, Kettering; lather, Wellingborough; and Biili, Sen. Harborough. The Great Restorative to Health is MANN's APPROVED MEDICINE, RECOMMENDED BY THE FACULTY, And patronized by Ladies and Gentlemen < sj the first Distinction. • jVTO Medicine, in so short a Time, has been so - 1 .^ f singularly blessed in restoring such Multitudes, when all Hopes of Recovery had been given over, in violent Coughs, Colds,' Convulsion Fits, Hooping- C'ough, Consumptions, Influenza, long - standing Asthmas, Relaxed Habits, and Debilitated Consti- tutions. Ladies, in a pregnant State, afflicted with Coughs, & c. may take Doses of 15 Drops with the greatest Advantage; and from the Infant in the first Week, to the Aged in any State. The few remarkable Cases, wrapped round each Bottle thereof, present not the hundredth Part ot the Cures performed by this very superior and established Remedy, it is hoped will be sufficient fos the Afflicted to give it a Trial, and especially so where the Faculty and other Means have not succeeded. Facts are Facts, on such alone Mr. Mann relies ; and feeling that his Discovery is entitled to public Confidence, so he boldly and candidly asks it. He cannot give Length of Days where " Days are num- bered," nor does he profess Infallibility; but ample Experience has taught, and constantly teaches him, that this gieat Medicine will reach and remove deep- seated Maladies, where the healing Art in general has not only tailed, but- also consigned the decaying Suf- ferer to an untimely Grave. As the Character of this Remedy has given Rise to many Counterfeits, so Persons should be very cautious pf whom and where they purchase, and observe, that " Thomas Mann, Horsham, Sussex," is engraved on the Stamp ; all others are Counterfeits. Sold, in Bottles, at 2s. 6d. and - Is. 6d. each, Duty included, Wholesale and Retail, hy the Proprietor, at his Warehouse, Horsham; and by Dicey & Sutton, Row Church - Yard, London, and at their Ware- house in Northampton; and Retail by Robins, Daventry ; Beesley, & Marriott. Banburv ; Inwood, & Barringer, Newport- Pagnetl; Osborn, Woburn ; Bull, Harrod, and Dawson, Market- Harborough; Gregory, and Swinfen, Leicester; Wilcox, and Gallard, Tow- cester; Seeley, Buckingham; l^ algrave, Bedford; Richardson, Stony- Stratford; Loggin, Aylesbury; Sanderson, Thrapston; York & Summers, Oundle; Horden, arid Jacob, Peterborough ; Munn, Kettering ; Emery,. and Fox, St. Ncots; Jenkinson, Huntingdon; Wallis, Olney; Mather, Wellingborough; and by all the principal Venders of Medicines in the United" Kingdom. every Perfumer and Medicine- seller in the Kingdom, in Boxes, at 2s. 9d. each. Iff. B. Please to ask for Newton's Tooth- Powder; and see that B. H; Newton is wrote on each Box, with red Ink, as all others sold as Newton's are Impositions. BANKRUPTS required to SURRENDER. James Freeman, of Bermordsey, Surrey, victualler. —— William Mortimer, of Wivenhoe, Essex, maltster. Will lain Smith, of Wolverhampton, butcher.—— William Hancock, of Sheffield, tallow- chandler. Thomas Susham, ef Creak, Norfolk, hawker. Robert Rawlinsan, of Kingston- upon- Hull, merchant. Isabella Watklns, Frances M'Clure, and Lucy llincksman, ot New Bond- street, milimcrs. Wm. Watts, of Castle- lane,' Borough, leather- dresser. William Bloxam, of New Road, St. George's in the East, cooper.-:— Letiria Collins, Ann Jones, and Eliza Kerney, of New Bond- street, milliners. Charles Husey and Nicholas Husey, of New^ ate- street, linen- drapers. John Newsham and Thomas Newsham, of Preston, Lancashire, cotton- manu facturers. OIVIDEND to tig made to Creditora April 14. Thomas Taylor, of Birmingham, gun- barrsj- maker, at the Swan tavern, Birmingham. MARKETS.— London, March 23. We had a short supply of Wheat this morning; the sales weie in consequence brisk, and price's fully equal to those of last week.— Barley likewise has come sparingly to market,' and has advanced 2s. and Ss. per quarter — Malt also is dearer.— White and Grey Peas, and Beans of both sorts, were heavy, upon the terms specified below.— Not having many Oats, rather more money is demanded for prime samples.— Other articles nearly as last. Wheat.. 56s. to fi6s. 70s. Fine Do. — s. to 74s. 79s. Rye . - . 36s. to 44s. Od. Barley.. 36s. to 40s. Od. Malt... 66s. to 74s. Od. PRICE of FLOUR.- HOPS, per Pocket. Oats 22s. to28s. 3is. HorseBeans36s. tolls. Od. Tick Ditto 29s. to ,' 14s. Od. White Peas50s. to6Rs. Od. Grey Ditto 36s. to 4bs. Od. Fine 0s. to 70s. Od. Kent, 51. 0s. to 61. 10s.- Sussex, 41.15s. to 61. Os. — Farnharh, Si. 0s. to 91. 9s. SMITHFIELD, March 23. To sink the offal. Ox Beef, 4s. Od. to 5s. Od. Wether Mutton, 4s. 4d. to 5s. 4d. Veal, 4s. 6d. to 6s. 4d. Pork, 4s. Sd. to 5s. 8d. Sold this day, Beasts, 2200— Sheep and Lambs, 18,000. NEWCATF. and LKADENHALL, March23. By the carcase. Beef, 3s. Od. to4s. 4d. Mutton, 3s. Hd. to 4s. 8d. Veal, 4s. Od. to 6s. Od. Pofk, 4s. 8d. to 5s. 8d. TALLOW..— Town, 59s. 6d. White Russia, 52s. Od. to — s. 0d. ( Soap,), — s. Od. to 52s. Od. Melting Stuff, — s. to 44s. Od. Ditto rough, — s. to 23s. Good Dregs, 10s. Od. Graves, 10s. Od. LEATHER, per lb. Butts, 50 to 561b. ? 2d. to23Jd. Ditto, 60 to 651b. 24d. to 2Ed. Merchants' Backs, 21d. to22d. Dressing Hides, I7d. to lfijd. Fine Coach- Hides, 18> id. to 20d. Crop Hides for cutting, 21d. to 23Ad. Flat ordinary, 17 jd! to20d. Calf Skins, 30 to 40lb. per doz. S6d. to 42d. Ditto, 50 to 701b. pet doz. 33d. to 40u. Ditto, 70 to 801b. 3Sd. to 40d. Small Seals, per lb. — d. to — d. Large Ditto, per doz. doz. — s. to — s. Goat Skins, — s. to — s. per Tanned Horse- Hides, 24s. to 32s. per Hide. NORTHAMPTON: Printed ai « l Published by and for T. DICEY and IV. SUTTON.
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