The Fifth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
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The Fifth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
Date of Article: 18/03/1807
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No. 42.] on FEES, GRATUITIES, & c.-( Excife.) 8g tw fr0m ltS Tendency> and Regulations it contains, wholly in- app! cable to this Country, and as it cannot be acted upon without overthrowing the Tmnlp'anH r' ^ ' I^ P^^^ ability of carrying its Provifions into Effect, anTDrnger1* the ^ Frauds being committed without' I con fide r it, therefore, my Duty to call your Lordfhips and Honours Attention to !• i ,, ^ the SubJf&' m 0rrfer ^ have fo lame and imperfeft an Aft altered, and iuch Modification of its enading Claufes introduced, as will render it efficient in this Country, and enable the Officers to aft upon it with Eff- ct. With this View, I
fhall fubmit fuch Obfervations as I have from Time to Time made on the Subject, together with fuch Faffs as I have been able to colled. Worn the Account with which I was furnifhed, by Order of your Lordfhips and Honours, it appears that One of the Rectifying Houfes in Cork'received by Permit in the Year ending the zyth September 7804, 03,811 Gallons of X Waters, and that the fame Houfe fent out by Permit, in that Year, 136,336 Gallons, being ( within a fractional Part on fo large a Quantity) One Third more, and which the Borri will be pleafed to obferve, amounts to the full Allowance for the Increafe of Water that the Law
permits, namely, 50 per- cent. I beg leave, however, to bring to the Recollection of your Lordfhips and Honours, that this Proportion of Water, or indeed any at all, is allowed upon the cxprefs Con- dition that the rectified Spirits fent out by Permit, fhall not be of a greater Strength than 1 in 5, which is 20 per cent, under Hydrometer Proof; and that the Stock on Hand, when it comes to be caft up, fhall be computed at the Strengch of" One in Three and Three- Fourths under Hydrometer Proof, which is 20 Two- Thirds per- cent. Now it is evident, that this Reduction of Strength being imperatively put on the Dilliiler by the Act of
Parliament, is for the exprefs Purpofe of depriving him of the Credit he has in Water. On referring, however, to the Store Book in the Cuftom Department, I found that 60,739 Gallons had been exported by this Moufein the Year before mentioned, and that it averaged at the Strength of Four percent, above Irifh Proof, which is zbout 13 Englifh. By this it is manifeft, that the Rectifier claimed, and was allowed, the full Proportion of 50 per Cent, for Water, and that he not only actually fent it out 33 per Cent, ftronger than the Law allows, but he drew back the Duty upon the Quantity of Water which was added to reduce his Spirits from
about 12 or 14 per- cent. to 4, and was enabled to permit away the Remainder of his Stock at anv Strength he pleafed, probably from 20 to 30 per cent, above Proof; and it is not affuming too much to fay, that the Revenue was doubly defrauded in paying a Drawback upon Water, and in lofing the Duty, in the firft inftance, upon a confiderable Quantity of Spirits. In a future Part of this Report, I will fubmit to your Lordfhips and Honours, the Frauds that have been practifed in obtaining Drawbacks for Spirits exported, which will require fome ftrong Regulation, and fome Amendments in the Law, to prevent hereafter. The Cafe I have
cited is unqueftionably the very worft that has prefented itfelf to my View, and I fele& ed it for the Purpofe of proving how improper an Ufe has been made, and may ? gain, ofaa- Ad that is not only nugatory, but affords • Protection and Encouragement to Fraud. I had no Opportunity of afcertainmg the Strength of any Part 01 the stock I alluded to, excepting fuch of it as had been exported ; but I took, on feveral Occafions, the Strengths of the redified and grofs Spirits on Hand in the different Reftifying Houfes. and invariably found them to be from 23 to 30 percent on a very correct Hydrometer, made by Mr. William Speer, the
Principle of which has been highly approved of by a Scientific Committee of the Royal Academy ; and I have no Reafon to doubt, that the far greater Part of the Spirits fent out by Permit ( excepting what was exported) was of ths fame Degree of Strength. I muft here remark, that the Quantity of Cordial Waters made and fold Rectifie s, bears a very fmall Proportion to the other Part of tae btock, nor at all be fau: to account for the Increafe in any of them. The Contiguity of the principal Rectifying Houfes in Cork to the Grofs D^ lene , having as I oUed befL, fluently e^ iteT much ufpicion imputed^ oThem, are^ in EffS c^ Z ve, clf I feel
myfelf juftified in delivering my Opinion, that with regard to then aift. Il. ng from he raw Material, there does not cxift ths molt diftant Appearance. I do not conceive 44. Z by the can it that