The Fifth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
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The Fifth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
Date of Article: 18/03/1807
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No. 40, 4.1.) CN FEES, GRATUI TIES, & c.-( Excfe.) tha" the Perfon wh W^ ^ ^ Iri( h Standard- He ^ underftood, that the 1 erfon who preceded him in this GrofsDiftillery, had not in the laft Year of BarrI° of M^'^^ TV^ 3nd a Half^ four Gallorl; ofSphS^ m^ e pS s'oTrS ' h6 ^ T*' f ™ 1 Hurr>' in ^ Procefs, in an Attempt P ' PrVate SP. hs- ie Pays the Surveyor over his Diftillery a Fee of Half- a- JS RMrtlmC 6S is charged, and pay bTwo Guineas a Month to theGauger. Fredk Geale!'' Tbo Carey- Robert Alexander. No. 4i. The Examination of Mr. WILLIAM DONOGHOE ; taken on Oath, the 9th, 1 3; h, 16th. and 28th of Odtober 1806.
This Examinant faith, That he is Partner in a Rectifying Diftillery in the City of Dublin, in which there are 1 wo Stills, One ot 515 Gallons Content, the other of 114. He receives all Spirits from Grofs Difhllers at a Strength, on the Average, of 14 per Cent, above Standard by Saunder's Hydrometer. Private Spirits are fometimes purchafed of the Grofs Diftiiler, from which the Rectifier derives confiderable Advantages, as they are bought at is. per Gallon under the Price of permitted Spirits. Reftified Spirits are ufuafly drawn at a Strength of from 22 to 23 per Cent, above Standard, and are made either into Rum, Brandy, and Geneva,
and fold to the Retailers without any Reduction of that Strength, or into Compounds, with a confiderable Redudion of Strength. Of the rec- tified Spirits he makes rather more than a Third into Compounds. In making Com- pounds, the Mixture is feldom more than One- Half Spirit, and fometimes lefs. For this Purpofe he ufes only redtified Spirits. A Charge from the larger Still is run off in about 15 or 16Hours, from the finaller one in about 12. The Difference in Bulk between the Grofs Spirits, and their Pro- duce in rectified Spirits, including the Wafte, is a Decreafe of from 11 to 12 per Cent, upon the latter. The Quantity of Feints
produced in running off a Charge of the larger Still amounts to above 6 per Cent, befides which there is a Wafte of about 10 per- Cent, which is called Organs. He fometimes ferved Notice on the Officer, when a Still was intended to be charged. On receiving the Notice, the Officer, if he had the Key, either attended to unlock the Still or fent the Key ; but the Key was gene- rally left in the Diftillery. The Gauger vifited almoft every Day, and the Surveyor lefs frequently, for the Purpofe of taking Stock. Since his coming into the Bufinefs, it has been the Practice of the Officers to dip and take an Account of all the Spirits and
Compounds found in the Diftiilery. When Water was to be added to Spirits for the Purpofe of making Compounds, he fometimes gave Notice to the Officer, but even then the Water was more frequently added in the Officer's Abfence. When Water had been fo added, the Officer calculated the Quantity of fuch Addition from the apparant Decreafe of redtified Spirits, and the Increafe of Compounds. Exa- minant thinks, that the Demand for rectified Spirits, would be lefs, if they were reftric- ted to a Strength not exceeding that of Grofs Spirits. Spirits of Wine are ufually taken off at a Strength of 30 per Cent, above Irifh Standard, of
this the Officer keeps no feparate Account, nor does he ever ufe an Hy- drometer. He has paid to Gaugers Five Pounds a Month, and to the Surveyor Haif- a- Crown for every Time each Still is charged. Befides being a Redtifier, he occa- fionallv adts as a Spirit Merchant, and fends out Grofs Spirits. _ About Two Years ag- o, Examinant was concerned in a Grofs Diftillery, in the County of Weftmeath, m the Diftridt of Athlone, about 50 Miles from Dublin ; the Content of the Still was 500 Gallons. He was chargeable with Twenty- three Dou- blings per Month, but he ufually made from 35 to 36 Doublings in the Courfe of a Month.
He found no Difficulty in difpofing of his private Spirits. He fent out the private Spirits without Permits, and feldom met with any Interruption Notwith- Lnding the Quantity of private Spirits which he made he derived very little Advan- tage from it, in confequence of the low Price at which Spirits could be had from Dublin. He had paid the Duty to the Collector of the Diftndt Monthly which he did in Cafli and 3 , Day Bills, allowing thereon a Difcount at the Rate - 6 per Cent. per Annum. * J. S. Rochfort. Fred Geale. Robert Alexander.