The Fifth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
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The Fifth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
Date of Article: 18/03/1807
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No*. 36,37.3 ON FEES, GRATUITIES, tzc.^ Excife.) H might afterwards reduce fuch ftrong Spirits to the ufual Strength, and fend them out in fmall Quantities in the Courfe of his retail Trade In examining the Certificate Book of an Officer in Charge of a Redifying Diftillerv he found feveral Permits, where the leffer Numbers were of a Date pofteHor to the . greater ; that is, the Permit No r. was of a Date fubfequent to N0.4 which having excited a clofer Examination of the Permits, he found that the Numbers of thl Permits had been altered, by expunging the original Writing, and then filling up the Permits for large Quantities of Spirits
from grofs Diftillers and Fadors. The Du- plicates in the Officer's Permit Book were different from the Permits thus altered. He apprehends that this Fraud was committed by the Redifying Diftiller himfelf without any Collufion with the Officer, becaufe he conceives, that if the Officer had' been privy to it, he would have taken care to make the Duplicate to correfpond with the Permit. This Examinant faith, that he has found himfelf much at a Lofs to interpret the Ad, which regulates the Bufinefs of the Redifying Diftillers, as the Aft has frequent Reference to an Hydrometer, and to a Computation of Strengths not generally underftood.
Examinant has a Salary of £. 60. fubjed to the ufual Dedudion of £. 1. 10. for the Charity Fund, befides which, the Fees of his Situation are about Three hundred and Fifty Pounds, of which Sum, about Forty Pounds are the Fees paid to the Infpedor General of Redifiers, at the Rate of Three Guineas for each St ill above 100 Gallons, and of Two Guineas for every other in his Infpedion, and by him made over to this Examinant. The Remainder arifes from a Payment of Halt- a- Crown, every Time a Still is unlocked for the Purpofe of being fet to work. Examinant dots not receive or take, either diredly or indiredly, any other Fee,
Gratuity, Per- quifite, or Emolument, of any Nature or Kind whatfoever. John Morgan. J. S. Rochfort. Frederick Geale. Robert Alexander. Charles Saxton. No. 37. The Examination of Mr. EDWARD WILSON, Gauger 3 taken on Oath, the 29th and 30th September, ift, 8th, 10th, and 15th Days of Odober 1806. This Examinant faith, That he is a Gauger, and is now in Charge of Finglass Walk over the Tanners and Paper- makers ; that, previous to his Removal to this Diftrid, he had been in Charge as Gauger over RedifyingDiftilleries ; he had at firft Four Diftilleries in Charge, but latterly onlv Two. His Duty was to take Stock. This he
did fometimes daily, and fometimes only once in Two or Three Days. It was alfo his Duty to fee that no rrofs Spirits were brought into the Redifying Diftillery without Permits; and like- wife, when the Still had been charged, to note down the confequent Decreafe of grofs and Increafe of redified Spirits and Feints. He confidered an Increafe of redified Spirits, within 10 or 12 perCent. of the Quantity of the grofs Spirits decreafed, to be the average Proportion. „ , * , For the Purpose of keeping the Account of the Redifier s Stock, Two Books were made ufe of, the One called a Minute Book, which was left in the Diftillery, the other a
Stock Book, which remained with the Officer. In thefe Books which are Duplicates of each other, whenever it appeared at his Vifit that the Stock^ had undergone any Change, he entered the Particulars of the Stock found at each V ifit. The Account taken of Stock comprehended the grofs, the redified and the com- pound Spirits and Feints in the different Veffels and where Femts had been worked off an Account was taken of their Produce ; for this Purpofe all the Veffels were dipped 1ndina7ge Veffels the Contents afcertained by Means of Tabulation, and in Si Ones by 1 r king a mean Area ; the Kind of Spirits was taken from
the Deck- ration of the Redifierf but was fometimes afcertained by Examinant's Tafte. He in no ^ fe has ewr tried the Strength of the Spirits by the Hydrometer, norwasheeve. ^^ I^ ire^ lw^ Still'is charged, the Redifier is obliged to give Notice in