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The Fifth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland


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The Fifth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland

Date of Article: 18/03/1807
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
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Nos. 20, 21 ON FEES, GRATUITIES, kc.—( Excfe.) No. 20. The Examination of Mr. GEORGE BIRCH; taken on Oath, the 26th of December 1806. This Examinant faith, That he is a Diftiller near the . Town of Rofcrea; that during the laft: Year he worked at one Time a Still of about 1,478 Gallons Content, at another a Still of 1,750 Gallons Content. He believes, that he ufually made a Quantity of Spirits ex- ceeding the monthly Charges, but in what Proportion he cannot fay. He never found Nine Gallons of Wafh to produce Three Gallons of Singlings, nor Three Gallons of Singlings to produce One Gallon ot Spirits, which are the Proportions prefcribed by law; he was obliged therefore to have recourfe to the Practice of re- newing his Backs as often as Occafion required, in order to make up for the Defi- ciency. This Praftice was always attended with a confiderable Lofs of Produce. If the Duty of the Officer had been ftrictly executed, no Renewal could have taken place. He begs Leave to decline entering into the Particulars of the Connection which fubfifted between him and the Officer. He has always ufed a Turf Fire, but as he has never ufed a Coal Fire, cannot flate their comparative Strengths ; he thinks that the Coft of Fuel for his Diftillery in the laft Year was about £ 2,000. He h3S made as hot a Fire with Turf as his Still could well bear, but thinks the Turf Fire is lefs fteady, and more damped by every Addition of Fuel. He has now a Still of 1,769 Gallons, which he has not yet worked. He does not think he fhall be able, in future, to fill his Still with more than about Two- thirds of the Quantity which the Law confiders to be a Still Charge; and, from having worked a Still of the fame Size laft Year, he is of Opinion he will not he able to make near the Quantity of Spirits now required by Law. Gorge Birch, J. S. Rochfcrt. Fred- Geale. Robert Alexander. Chas Saxtcn. No. 21. The Examination of Mr. JOHN CASSIDY; taken upon Oath, the 17th and 21 ft of January 1807. This Examinant faith, That he is a Diftiller at Monaftereven ; he works now, and has for many Years pafl worked a Still of 500 Gallons Content. Previous to the 29th September laft, he had a large Head and Condenfer, which enabled him to do more Work : fince that Time, when thefe Appendages became chargeable, he has reduced them to as fmall a Head as the Stili can work with. Previous to the 29th of September he made confiderably more than the Quantity required by Law, fince that Time, he has worked better than Four Weeks; he was deficient about 1,400 Gallons of the Quantity chargeable by Law, in the firft Four Weeks : he expects that in the enfuing Four Weeks, he will be able to make near the Quantity required. The Officers in Charge of his Diftillery, were in the Habit of receiving Fees. He worked with a Turf Fire until the Year 1804, when the Number of Charges were increafed, and he was unable to make the Quantity required ; fince that Time he has worked v/ ith a Coal Fire, which he thinks more powerful. Previous to the Commencement of his working under the laft Act, lie added a Round of Copper, of about Twelve Inches Diameter, to the Top of the Worm, and one to the Bottom, of the fame Diameter with the reft of the Worm, which he believes is about Six Inches. In confequence of this Alteration, he is enabled to do more Work than he could have done if the Worm had not been altered, without a greater Supply of cold Water to keep the Worm cool. John CaJJidy, J. S. Rcchfort. Fredl Geale. I: obert Alexander. ( J. arles Saxtcn. 44. R
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