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The Fifth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland


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The Fifth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland

Date of Article: 18/03/1807
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
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62 ( Ireland.)—. FIFTH REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS [ Appx. and are generally referred to this Examinant, that he may report to the Board whether they are Accidents for which an Allowance ought to be made, and alfo the Proportion of fuch Allowance. The Proofs recommended by Examinant are then laid before the Board, who make their Order thereon ; in Cafes where the Allowance fought for is made, a Notice fignifying the fame is fent by the Board to Examinant's Office for the Purpofe of his paffing it when he meets it in his Examination of the Officers Books. Examinant receives from the Board a Salary of ^ 300. a Year, befides which he receives about 30 Guineas per Year from the Sale of old Books. He does not receive any Fee or Gratuity of any Kind whatfoever. Will. Knibe. J. S. Rochfort. Fred; Geale. Robert Alexander. No. 17. The Examination of Mr. WILSON BOMFORD, Clerk of Deliveries in the Storekeeper's Office ; taken on Oath, the 13th and 26th of November 1806. This Examinant faith, That he is Clerk of Deliveries in the King's Stores. Confiderable Quantities of Irifh Spirits are ufually ftored in the King's Stores within the Cuftom- houfe, and alfo in Out- ftores. On fpecial Application to the Board, Diftillers are fometimes permitted to provide Stores, in which their Spirits are warehoufed, but thefe Stores are always under the joint Locks of the Storekeeper and Diftiller. A Difliller gives Notice to the Storekeeper of the Time he intends to Warehoufe any Spirits ; the Spirits are brought to the Stores, accompanied by a Permit ; they are then gauged, and when gauged received into the Store: the Permit is given up to the Storekeeper, who files it, and gives to the Diftiller a Receipt for the Number of Calks, and the Quantity of Spirits received ; the Strength is always tried by the Hydrometer, and marked on the Back of the Receipt. The Particulars of the Spirits ftored are entered in a Day Book, from which they are transcribed into a Ledger, folely kept for Irifh Spirits ware- houfed. In thisLedger there are Columns for the Date of the Diftiller's Notice to Store, the Number and Date of Permit, Marks, Numbers, and Gallons permitted, the Date of Storekeeper's Receipt, the Numbers and Marks of each Calk at ftoring, and Con- tents in Gallons, the total of Gallons ftored, the Name of Difliller ftoring, the Place where ftcrcd, the Date ofNotice to ffiip, theNumber ofCafks and Quantity in Gallons to be fhipped, the Time when fhipped, the Ship and Mafter's Name, the Name of the Shipper, or, if for Home Confumption, the Perfon to whom difcharged, the Deftination of the Veffel, or the Perfon to whom permitted, the Date of bonding if exported, or of Duty paid if taken out for Home Confumption, the Quantity bonded, or Duty paid for, the Date and Number of the Storekeeper's Permit, where permitted to, and the Number of Cafks and Gallons permitted. Before Spirits are intended to be fhipped for Exportation, a Certificate, figned by the Deputy Comptroller, is brought to the Storekeeper, certifying that Bond had been entered into for the due Exportation, according to Law, of the Number of Caffis of Irifh Spirits mentioned in the Certificate J alfo mentioning the Date of the Entry outwards, the Name of the Exporter, the Name of the Veffel and Mafter, and the Port of Deftination. The Storekeeper then grants a Permit for the Quantity of Spirits to be fhipped, and delivers them to a Debenture Officer to be fhipped. Entry is then made of the Spirits fo delivered, in the feveral Columns of the Ledger before- mentioned. When Spirits are intended to be taken out for Home Confumption, the Storekeeper gives a Ticket, figned by him, mentioning the Diftiller's Name, the Number of Calks of Irifh Spirits, the Marks and Contents in Gallons, and the Date when ftored, on the Back of which the Gauger alfo indcrfes theNumber ofCafks, and the Quantity in Gallons ware- houfed. This Ticket is brought to the Collector, who enters on it the Duty and Intereft, and gives on it a Receipt for the Amount of both. A Duplicate of this Ticket and Receipt is lodged with the Storekeeper, on which he grants a Permit for the Spi- rits fpecified, and delivers them to the Perfon producing the Ticket ; he files the Ticket, and enters in the afore- mentioned Ledger the Number of Cafks delivered, the Name of the Perfon to whom delivered, the Date of Payment of the Duty, Quantity of Spirits for which Duty has been paid, and Number of the Storekeeper's Permit, and 14 " the
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