The Fifth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
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The Fifth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
Date of Article: 18/03/1807
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58 ( Mand.)— FIFTH REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS [ Appx. he believes has been more frequent in other Diftilleries. He is of Opinion, that if the Officers did their Duty, the Diftillers could not do much fraudulent Work. As the Trade is now carried on, the Diftiller is fubjeCt to very great Inconveniences and Loffes. He is obliged to fell his private Spirits to the Retailers and Confumers at, from 1/ 9 to 2/ 2 per Gallon under the Price of permitted Spirits; he is alfo fubjeCt to the Rifk of Seizures, to LofTes from hurrying and fhifting his Wafh, and to heavy Payments to Officers to enable him to evade the Duty ; the Amount of thefe
he cal- culates at nearly is. per Gallon on all the private Spirits made ; befides which if he fells private Spirits to a M- in who is inclined to take Advantage of him, and not to pay for them, the Diftiller cannot enforce the Payment by Law, nor prove the Debt under a Commiffion of Bankruptcy. In Addition to this, he muft always be in the Power of his Servants, and be obliged to give them high Wages, and keep them in his Service though they may be idle or fraudulent, or he may not have Uccafion for them. On the whole, he is of Opinion that the Diftiller fuffers in thofe various Ways, to nearly the full Amount of the Duty that would be
payable to the Crown on all the private Spirits made, and that the Diftillers would be in a better Situation if all Evafions of the Duty could be effectually prevented. James Forbes. J. S. Rochfort. Fred* Geale, Robert Alexander. Cbas. Sax ton. No. 13. The Examination of Mr. ROBERT HAIG j taken on Oath, the 18th and 20th of November 1806. This Examinant faith, That he is a Grofs Diftiller; he formerly worked Stills of 1,500, r, 000, and 500 Gallons Content, but previous to the 29th September laft he worked a Still of 500 Gallons, and is now preparing to work one of 1,500 Gallons. This Examinant faith, that for fome Years paft
confiderable Quantities of Spirits have been made, he thinks more than Double the Quantity chargeable by Law, or for which the Duty was paid. The Diftiilery was ufually kept correfpondent with the Entries in the Minute and Stock Books, fo as to be" found correCt at the occafional Vifits of infpeCting Officers, who were not in Collufion with the Diftiiler; the Ink ufed in making thefe Entries could be readily difcharged, and other Entries fubftituted. Examinant faith, that very confidcrable Sums of M> ney have been paid to Officers in charge of Diftilleries. The Officer was paid, and the Diftiller did what he pleafed. The Officer and Dif tiller regulated the State of the Houfe in fuch a Manner, that the Account taken in the Minute and Stock Books might fubjeCt the Diftiller to no more than the Duty arifing from the Number of Doublings impofed on him by Law. Examinant begs not to be required to enter into further Particulars. The ordinary Gravity of Worts made in Dublin, is from 50 to 60 Pounds to the Barrel, by Dicas's Saccharometer. Prveious to the 29 September laft, Stills commonly ufed in Dublin were fitted with a Condenfer, Stopper, and Line- pipe, which, operating as a Head to the Still, enabled this Examinant to charge his own Still completely full. But in
confequence of the Regulations adopted under the laft Diftillery Aft, which require thefe Appendages to be meafured in a> Part of the Still, he has been induced to alter the ConftruCtion, and thereby loft this Advantage. This F. xaminant thinks the Allowance of One- eighth, made for Liberty of the Still to work, is upon the prefent ConftruCtion very inefficient, This Infufficiency muft necefTarily expofe the Diftiller to repeated In- fractions of the Law, as the Decreafe of Wafii ufed at each Charge of the Still, can never be proportionate to the Still Charge required by Law, and thus the Diftiller muft be unavoidably left at the Mercy of the
Officer. This Examinant is of Opinion, that a like Hardfhip would occur if the Charge ( hould be drawn from the Singlings, in as much as the Spirits, whenever they begin to come off from the doubling Still at a lefs Strength than that of pa cent, above Irifh Proof, arc run into theSinglingv 3 V Receiver,