The Fifth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
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The Fifth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
Date of Article: 18/03/1807
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( Ireland.)— FlFTII REPORT o? in* COMMISSIONERS [ Appv. brewing at Six o'Clock in the Morning, the firft Worts were run off into the under Backs; and required from an Hour to an Hour and a Half to be forced up into the • Cooler ; the fecond Worts came off at th. e End of two Hours from the Difcharge of the firft, and required about the fame Time to pafs into the Coolers. The fir. ail Worts were generally run off late at Night, and being then, or early on the following Morn- ing, put into i he Copper to be uled for the next Brewing, were feldom fhewn on the Coolers. He thinks that any Dccreafe of the Worts by Evaporation, whilfr.
on the Coolers, mutt have been very inconfiderable, and that a correct Gauge of the Worts might be taken in the Coolers as well as in the under Backs. The Quantity of Wafh in the Backs, was found to be nearly corrcfpOndcnt with that of the ftrbng Waters which had been on the Kieve and in the Cooler. The Fermentation of the Worts was produced by means of Yeaft, and was in general fo contrived as to be apparently kept up for the full Time allowed by Law; he has however ufuallv had his Wafh ready for the Still in 24 Hours from the Time in which it was fet; during Fermentation, the Officer could not take an accuratc Dip, but
made the Entry from the Declaration of the Diftiller, or from the laft Entry previous to Fermentation, in the Minute and Stock Books, whilft the Di( tiller was conftantly varying the Quantities, as his Intereft or Inclination directed ; and frequently during the whole Procefs of Fermentation, the Quantity was taken folely from the Declaration of the Diftiiler, for the Officers very rarely dipped or tafted the Liquors that they ftocked. Backs are renewed in two Ways, either by Additions made to them from other Backs in the Diftillery, each fup- plying a certain Portion of Wafh to the Back which is next before it in the Order of Fermentation, whilft
the neweft and leait fermented Wafh is replenifhed by Worts, or when the Fermentation is down, by an entire Subftitution of Worts, which exhibiting no Sign vf Fermentation, may be miitaken for Wafh in that State, and in due Time difpofed of in Manner above described, or fhewn as frefh Worts, whichever the often- iible State of the Houfe requires. The former Pra& ice prevails when a Part of any Back, and the latter Pra& ice when the Whole has been clandestinely worked off. The Cotnmiffioners of Excife difpenfed with the Requifites of the 45th Geo. 3d. c. 104. relative to the Size of Backs, for Six Months, in favour of this
Examinant, that he might be enabled during that Time to alter them agreeably to the Law; but no Alteration had been made by him up to the Time of his quitting Bufinefs, in June He has ordinarily, in courfe of Work, charged a 500 Gallon Still with Wafh, and run it off in from 20 to 23 Minutes; he hasfeen a i, coo Gallon Still charged and worked off in 28 or 30 Minutes. He underftands that it is now the Practice of fome Dif- tillers to heat the Wa( h nearly to the State of boiling, before the Still is charged with it, by which Means he believes the Procefs to be accelerated by Three or Four Minutes. He lias feen a i, cco Gallon Still
charged with Singlings, and worked off in from 40 to <; o Minutes, and thinks a 5ooGallon Still requires nearly an equal Time. Feints from Pot Ale ufually are run off in from 6 to 7 Minutes ; making Allowance for every Delay, about Six Charges of Spirits may be run off in the 24 Hours, from a Still of 500 Gallons Content, each Charge eftimated at 150 Gallons. The Feints were always put back into the Pot Ale Receiver; 20 Gallons of Feints is the ufual Quantity run from a 500 Gallon Still charged with Singlings ; he thinks there is more Spirit extracted from Feints than from Pot Ale; there was no Delay between one Charge of Pot
Ale and another, nor between one of Singlings and another, and between a Charge of Pot Ale and Singling; the Still could be cleaned in lefs than a Minute : it very rarely occurred, that the ordinary Accidents which happen to the Still delayed the Work to any confiderable Degree. Diftillers ufually work the Whole of Saturday Night, and " till about Ten o'Clock on Sunday Morning, when the Fire is drawn, and the Houfe prepared for the Vifit of the Surveyor. After he has made his Vifit, and after the Injury ( if any) fuftained by the Still in the Week, has been repaired, the Bufinefs is recom- menced ; the Still is never charged with V\ affi
beyond about Seven- eighths of the Still, r. or with Singlings beyond about Four- fifths, exclufive of the Head. The Diftillers in Dublin differ very materially from each other in their Practice, in almoft every Stage of the Procefs. The Charge is madeagainft the Diftiller on the Decreafe of Wafh, or the Increafe of Spirits, which ever is found to produce the higher Duty. This Decreafe and Increafe are calculated from the Dips of the different Veffets, as entered by the Officer 111 the Minute and Stock Books. The Officer does not always immerfe the Rule himfelf; he often allows the Diftiller, or the Perfon who attends for him, to do it. He
thinks, however, that the Dips, when made, are generally cor redly taken, and the laft.