The Fifth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
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The Fifth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
Date of Article: 18/03/1807
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Nos., 11, 12. ON FEES, GRATUITIES, See.— C& cife.) 55 Diflillery, the Day and Hour of each Vifit. He makes his Charge on the Dec. reafe of Wafh, the Increafe of Spirits, or the Still Charge, whichever he finds will produce the greatefbDuty. He has'been directed by his fuperior Officer, not to make any extra Charge on a difproportionate Decreafe of Wafh. The Still was filent for the firft Week after the 29th of September, and did not commence work till the 6th of O& ober ; the Increafe of Spirits which appeared at his Vifit on the Morning of Sunday the 12th, was 8,181 Gallons, " which was worked in Six Days, and the Increafe of
Spirits at his Vifit on Sunday Evening the 19th, he found to be, for the Week, 8,423 Gallons. He has lately had ( hewn to him by the Diftiller 738 Gallons of Spirits, which appeared, by Examinant's Books, to be the Produce of One Still Charge of Singlings, and 1,203 Gallons of Spirits as the Produce of Two Still Charges of Singlings. The Permits are granted to the Diftiller in the fame Manner as before the 2c, th September laft, but he has received particular Inftruftions not to ufe the Diftiller's Ink in filling up the Permits, or making Entries in his Stock Book. The Ink he ufes he provides for himfelf. And. Holt on. J. S. Rochfort. Fred.
Gale. Robert Alexander. No. 12. The Examination of JAMES FORBES, Efquire; taken on Oath on the nth, 15th, and 18th Days of September 1806. This Examinant faith, That he has been concerned in different Diftilleries, and a few Years fince he was concerned in one wherein there were Two Stills, of 1,000 Gallons each, and one of 500 Gallons ; latterly he has been concerned in one wherein there was only a 500 Gallon Still. The Dijtiller is required to give Notice of the Quantity of Corn in- tended to be brewed, but he believes that Notice is feldom given of more than One- half of the Quantity really ufed. The Procefs of
Diftillation is as follows : the Corn Is firft. ground, then rnafhed with Water, and the Worts, after being cooled, are fet for Fermentation, to promote which aQuantity of Barm is added to them, and they become Wafh ; the Wafh is then palled through the Still, and makes Singlings, and thefe being again palfed through the Still, produce Spirits; the latter Pait of this Running being weak is called Feints. When Singlings are put into the Still, a fmall Quantity of Soap is added to prevent the Still from running Foul ; a Defert- fpoonful of Vitriol, well mixed with Oil, is put into a Punchoon of Spirits, to make them fliew a Bead when reduced
with Water ; this is only done with Spirits, intended for Home Confumption, and no Vitriol is ufed in any other Part of the Procefs. In his Diftillery, the former Practice was to ufe about One- fourth Part Malt, and the Remainder aMixture of ground Oats and Barley and Oatmeal; latterly, the Cuftom has been to ufe only as much as would prevent the Kieve from fetting. He has found that Malt alone produced a greater Quantity of Spirits, than the Mixture of Malt and raw Corn of the fame Quantity, with that of which the Malt had been made. He generally put from 50 to 54 Gallons of Water to every Barrel of Corn of 12 Stone. Each
Brewing was divided into three Mafhings nearly equal ; the Produce of the two firft was put into the fer- menting Backs, and the Produce of the laft, which was fmall Worts, was put into the Copper, for the Purpofe of being heated, and ilfed as Water to the next Day's Brew- ing, when as much. Water was added as would make, with the fmall Worts of that Brew- ing, 54 Gallons to each Barrel of Corn. The Kieves were fo tabulated, that he always knew the Quantity of Worts which would come off at eachMafhing. Their Strength he afcertained by Saunder'sSaccharometer, ana at the above Proportions he obtained, from a Mixture of
the two firft Worts, an Increafe of Gravity from 20 Pounds to 22 Pounds perBarrel of 36 Gallons, above Water Proof, at aTemperature of about 8 8. The fmall Worts gained at the fameTemperature about 6 Pounds. The Grain, after the laft Worts were off, retained nearly the fame Bulk as when put into the Kieve ; the whole of the Grain was put in at the firft Mafhing ; he never knew any frefh Grain to be added to the fecond Mafhing. The Worts of the firft and fecond Mafhings were run through the Mafh Kieve into th under Back, in which State they were ufually found to correfpond with the Computa ion made, from the Mafh Kieve
and under Back, in* the latter of which a correct Gauge might be taken of them. He ufually commenced brewing