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The Fifth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland


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The Fifth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland

Date of Article: 18/03/1807
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No Pages: 1
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( Ireland.)—. FIFTH REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS [ Appx. No. 10. The Examination of Mr. PAT. FITZGERALD ; taken on Oath, the 5th and 8th Days of September 1806. This Examinant faith, That he was appointed a Supernumerary Gauger in the Year 1800. Fie has been on Dublin Duty as full Gauger for the laft Four Years, and is at prefent in charge of a Diftillery in which there is but one Still of 1,053 Gallons Content. It is his Duty to vifit three Times each Day, the Morning Vifit is made between Nine and Ten, the Mid- day Vifit between One and Three o'Clock, the Evening Vifit between Seven and Eight o'Clock, and fometimes fo late as Nine, and on Saturday Evening at Ten o'Clock. He is not required to, and does not make any Vifit between the Evening and the Morn- ing Vifits ; at each Vifit he takes Stock ; the Diftiller attends with a Rule, and dips the Backs, which are entered by this Examinant. He has fometimes known the Backs to have been in a State of high Fermentation, from Two to Five Days. Though he dips the Coolers, he does not confider that thefe Dips can be any Check on the Backs, becaufe he never finds an entire Brewing on the Cooler, and the Diftiller frequently runs his Worts off at a very late Hour of the Night, although he dips the Backs at every Vifit. He enters the Dips of tho'fe which are in high Fermentation, the fame as the laft Dip previous to the Fermentation. In order to prevent any Change or Renewal of a Back, he taftes every Day, though not at every Vifit, the Liquor in the Backs ; he can feldoin make his Charge from the De- creafe of Singlings, becaufe they are frequently added to and diminifhed in the Interval of his Vifits, fo as to preclude the Poflibility of his keeping any accurate Account thereof. He keeps no Account of Feints, as his Diftiller has no Veffel for Feints, nor does he know whether they are fpilled or mixed ^ ith Singlings or Pot Ale. He makes the Entries in the Minute and Stock Books, and fills up Permits with the Ink which he finds in common Ufein the Diftillery. When the 1 ) iftiller requires a Permit for the Removal of Spirits, either for warehousing or for private Confumption, . he applies to Examinant, who grants the fame; and he does not always attend at the Removal, not conceiving it to be his Duty fo to do, nor does he take Stock till the next Vifit, when he decreafes the Quantity permitted. Examinant receives s. Salary of /". 40 per Annum; he conceives himfelf entitled to receive from the Diftiller a Fee of Thi ee- pence for every Permit he grants, which he thinks might have amounted in the laft Year to about 30.; he has never made any regular Charge on Account of this Fee, but has received from the Diftiller in Sums of . various Amount, during the laft Year, about Seventy Pounds* in lieu of the above Fees, . and for exWa Accommodation afforded to the Diftiller, by remaining at his Lodgings certain Hours each Day more than his Duty requires, to grant him Permits ; faith he has not, either direftly or indire& ly, received or taken any other Fee, Gratuity, Per- quifite, or Emolument of any Nature or Kind whatfoever Patrick Fitzgerald. y. S. Rochfort. Fred. Geale. Robert Alexander. Cha. Saxton. No. 11. The Examination of Mr. ANDREW FIOLTON, Gauger; taken on Oath, the 20th and 23d Days of October 1806. This Examinant faith, i. That he has been in Charge of a Still of 1,575 Gallons Content, fince the 2zd Day of September laft ; fince the 29th September, the Condenfer has been very much re- duced in Size, notwithftanding which the Contents of the Still is increafed 15 Gallons, as; the Condenfer is now meafured in, which was not the Cafe before. He " vifits three Times each Day at uncertain Hours, the lateft Night Vifit is made at Nine o'Clock. At every Vifit he dips the feveral Veffels, and takes an Account of Stock, which he enters in his Stock Book, and afterwards enters in a Minute Book, which is kept in a Divifion Office belonging to the Excife. There is not any Minute Book now kept in the Diftillery; he enters on a Slip of Paper, which is kept in the Diftillery,
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