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The Fifth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland


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The Fifth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland

Date of Article: 18/03/1807
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No Pages: 1
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/ T ill 1- 1'• Hi1! iii Si 50 ' ( Ireland.) - FIFTH REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS, [ Appx. the Rule himfelf. An Inflrument called a Top, was formerly ufed to afcertain the Height of Fermentation in the Back-. He never was furnifhed with one, nor has he ever known it to be ufed fince he came on Dublin Duty. Whenever he fees Worts in the Coolers he dips them. He thinks that the Dips taken by the Gauger in the Coolers, cannot always be an efficient Check on the Backs, as the feveral Parts of the Mafhings may have run into the Coolers, and been difcharged thence in his Abfence. He generally taftes both Worts and Wafh at every Vifit: he likewife in general taftes the whole of the Stock which he finds on the Premifes. He takes an Account of Feints in the fame Manner as of Pot Ale or Singlings; he never has feen them either fpilled or mixed with Pot Ale. nor has he ever been called on for that Purpofe. If he happens to find a Decreafe of Feints, and an Increafe of Pot Ale, unaccounted for, he con- cludes that the Feints have been put into the Pot Ale Receiver. He keeps no regular Diary, but he returns One quarterly to the Examiner of Sur- veyors Diaries, the Particulars of which he takes from the Minute and Stock Bocks. This Diary mufl contain, in Addition to the daily Occurrences, the Produce of the Ouarter, and the Produce of the corresponding Quarter in the Year preceding, the Character and Conduft of the Officers, their Age, the Number of Years for which they have been employed, and the Numbers in their refpe& ive Families. At the Clofe of every Week, he examines the d; fferent Charges made by the Gauger in the Stock Bock during the Week, but does not remember to have feen the Charge at any Time come from the Singlings, and thinks that it feldom can, as the Pot Ale is frequently ran into Singlings, and the Singlings run into Spirits, in the interval of the Officer's Vifits. The Week's Charge is entered in a printed Form called a Voucher, which is figned by both Surveyor and Gauger, and returned to the Colle& or. If at any Time the Decreafe of Wafh is not equal to One Still Charge, he charges a whole Still Con- tent ; wherever the Decreafe exceeds One Still Charge, he charges only for the Decreafe of Wafh: it feldom or never happens that the Decreafe is lefs than a Still Charge. At the Clofe of every Week he compares the Gauger's Regiftry of Permits, granted for Spirits during the Week, with the Permit Book, and alfo compares the Entries in the firft with the Duplicates of the Permits in the latter, and with the Entries in the Stock Book, and fees that the Quantity returned as permitted is correct. The Amount of the Duty on fuch Permits as have been granted, is likewife entered in a Voucher, figned by the Surveyor and Gauger, and returned to the Collector, together with the charge Voucher. With refpeft to Spirits warehoufed, he compares the Quantity deducted from fhe Week's Work in the Stock Bock, with the Storekeeper's Receipts and the Duplicates of the Permits ; fmall Differences between the Quantity permitted, and the Quantity fpecified in the Storekeeper's Receipt, frequently occur. In taking Stock he examines the Veffels fhewn to him as containing Spirits, to fee that the Decla- ration is correct; if they are fixed Veffels, the Contents are fhewn in the Tabulation Book, if they are moveable ones, he takes the Contents from the Declaration of the Diitiller, unlefs he fufpe& s Fraud, in which Cafe he gauges them. The Contents are not marked on each Cafk. The Cafks ufually fhewn in Stock contain above 100 Gallons. Examinant receives a Salary of ,£. 70. per Annum ; he receives from the Diftillers no fixed or regular Fee; but he receives a Gratuity for uncertain Amount of gauging new Utenfils that are put up; in Return for which he furnifhes the Diffiller with a Copy of his Tabulation Book. Before the Diftillers can take out a new Licence ( which they are obliged to do annually ) they mufl give into the Excife Office Returns of the Con- tents of all their VeiTels certified by the Surveyor to be correft, for doing which Exa- minant expeds to receive a Gratuity. Examinant faith, he gauged a new- charging Back for one of the Diflillers in his Survey, and gave him a Tabulation thereof, and that for that and other Attentions he did receive a Compliment of Twenty Guineas; from the other he has not as yet rectived any Money. He has received from the Two Diftillers about One Gallon of Spirits in each Week, for the Confumption of his own Family, and fome other trifling Advantages, amounting in the Whole to not more than Ten Guineas. This Examinant faith, that he has not, eiiher dire£ tly or indirectly, received or taken any other Fee, Gratuity, Ferquifite, or Emolument, of any Nature or Kind whatfoever, except fuch as have arifen from Seizures made by himfelf, or from Penal- ties recovered upon his Profecution: nor has he taken 01* received any Pee or Gra- tuity, for having in any Manner negle& ed or omitted to do his Duty. A'" Leich. J. S. Rochfort. Fred. Geale. Chas. Saxton. Mi I m bt Tffikp gfr gptt kirn El ® kBd r Iriw ' JL
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