The Fifth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
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The Fifth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
Date of Article: 18/03/1807
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Nos. 6,7-] ON FEES, GRATUITIES, kc.—-( Excife.) 49 Week are brought to a Total and examined by the Surveyor. The Quantity of Spirits to be charged, and the Amount of Duty thereon, are entered in a printed Form called a Voucher, which is figned by both Surveyor and Gauger, and returned to the Col- leftor of the Diftridt, as the Charge on the Diftiller for the Week. Examinant has feldom known the Still to be locked down by the Officer. In cafe the Quantity of Spirits found in Diftiller's Stock, { hall exceed the Produce of his Decreafes of Wafh or Singlings, the Duty is charged on the Increafe, in cafe of any Decreafe of Stock
without a Permit the Diftiller is liable to a Penalty of Ten Shillings per Gallon on fuch Decreafe. In taking Stock he ufually takes the Contents of the moveable Calks, according to the Declaration of the Diftiller, unlefs he Ihould fufpeft, from the View, that any of the Cafes were under- rated or over- rated, in which cafe he guages the Calks to afcertain the real Contents thereof. Examinant has fometimes found Backs renewed, and has brought them to charge. Where Backs are renewed, he believes it to be done by taking a Part from the Back molt forward in Fermentation, and replacing it from the Back next in the Order of Procefs,
and fo on till it comes to the youngeft Back, which is replaced with Wort. By this Mode the Renewing may be accomplifhed, fo as to efcape the Dete& ion of the moft vigilant Officer. No Spirits can be permitted till the Duty thereon has been paid, to check which the Collectors Receipts are produced to the Guager and Sur- veyor, to prevent Permits from being granted for any Spirits on which the Duty has not been paid. Previous to Examinant's late Removal to Dublin, he was on a Diftillery Survey in a Country Diftrict, in which there was a Still of 1,500 Gallons Content. There is no Difference in the Mode of doing the Duty either of
Gauger or Surveyor in the Country Diftri& s, from that pradtifed in Dublin. Examinant faith, that the lJiftillery Laws are in many Inftances fo complex, that he frequently finds a Difficulty in the Difcharge of his Duty. Examinant now receives Twenty Guineas per Month from each Diftiller in his Survey ; he did not do fo for near Six Months after his Removal to Dublin ; but from the unavoidable Expence Examinant was at in fupporting hitnfelf and Family, and the very inadequate Means his Salary afforded him of doing fo, was thereby driven to the Neceffityof receiving the above ftated Fee, which he would not have done had he been
enabled by a reasonable Salary to fupport himfelf and Family independant thereof. Beauchamp Hill. J. S. Rochfort. Fred. Geale. Robert Alexander. Cbas. Saxton. No. 7. The Examination of Mr. ADAM LEICH, Surveyor; taken upon Oath, the 2ift and 25th of Auguft, and 2d September 1806. This Examinant faith, That he was appointed a Surveyor in the Year 1802, having been a Gauger from the Year 1778 tili that Time. He is at prefent in charge of a Survey to which he was appointed in May laft. In this Survey there are Two Diftilleries j there is but One Still in each: the Content of one is 1,560 Gallons, and of the other 1,033. The
Con- tents of the Stills were afcertained by the Infpeftor General, who entered them in the Minute Books. He received from his Predeceffor in this Survey, the Tabulation of the different Utenfils ufed in thefe Diftilleries. When a new Still is to be erected, the Diftil- ler muft give Notice to the Commiffioners, to the Collectors, to the Infpe& or, and to the Surveyor; after which it is gauged by the lnfpedtor General. He vifits the Diftilleries in his Charge every Day in the Week, except one on which he is employed in examin- ing the Books and Vouchers which contain the Week's Charge, and fometimes he vifits the Diftilleries on that Day
alfo. By a late Regulation, the Surveyor is ordered to make his Vifits before One ; he ufually vifits after Breakfaft, but fometiines before it. At his Vifits he dips all the fixed Utenfils containing Liquor, and enters their refpeftive Dips in the Minute Book, making an Allowance for the Fermentation of fuch Backs as require it. He in general allows the Perfon who attends on the Part of the Diftiller, to immerfe the Rule in the Back ; in any Cafe where he finds it to be neceffary, he takes 44. N the