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The Fifth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland


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The Fifth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland

Date of Article: 18/03/1807
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No Pages: 1
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( Ireland.)— FIFTH REPORT or THE COMMISSIONERS [ Appv. receive them. He does not, either directly or indire& ly, receive or take any other Fee, Gratuity, Perquifite, or Emolument, of any Nature or Kind whatfoever. Nicb. Fanning, J. S. Rochfort. Ir Gen' Excife. Fred. Geale. Robert Alexander. Cha. Sax ton. No. 5. The Examination of Mr. HILL CLEMENTS; taken on Oath, the nth, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 26th, 29th, and 30th of Auguft, and 3d of September 1806. This Examinant faith, That he was appointed an extra fupernumerary Gauger in the Year 1789, in the Diftridt of Dublin; in about a Year and a Half afterwards he was appointed a Supernu- merary, and in about Three Years after his Appointment as extra Supernumerary, he was made a full Gauger, which he now is. Shortly after his Appointment in 1789, he was removed to Cork, where he remained till June i 805, during that Period he was employed in various Branches of the Excife, moftly in attending Malt Houfes, but for the lafl Three Months he was in charge of a Diftillery. On his firft Appointment, he was put under the Inftruftion of a Surveyor and Two Gaugers for One Month, and by them certified to be duly qualified ; before he was permitted to go on Duty, he received a printed Book of Inftru& ions from the Infpe& or General, and has fince, occafionally, received from the Board further Inftru& ions and Abftra& s from feveral Acts oi Parliament relating to the Excife, which have been fubfequently palled. On his Return to Dublin in 1805, was at appointed to the Charge of Two Dif- tilleries, but latterly has been confined to the Attendance on One, the only Still in which is of the Content of 1,560 Gallons ; this Content he afcertained from an Entry, made by the Infpedor General in the Minute Book, which is a Book lying in the Diftillery for the Ufe and Inflection of all Officers who vifit. In this Book and in the Stock Book kept by Examinant, is a particular Account of the fixed Utenfils ufed in the Diftillery, for Worts, Pot Ale, Singlings, Spirits, and Feints, and a feparate Column opened for each Vefiel or Utenfil. All thefe Utenfils, except the Coppers and Mafh Kieves, have been, as he believes, previoufly gauged by the proper Officer, and their Contents entered in the Tabulation Book, of which they are Four Copies One in the Cuftody of Examinant, One for the Surveyor, One for the Infpe& or, and One for the Examiner of Gaugers Books ; this Book fhews the Contents agreeable to the Dip of the different Utenfils. The Inches of the Dip are not marked on the Vefiel, but are always afcertained by the dipping of the Rule, which he ufes himfelf. The Cooler has neceflarily a Degree of Declenfion for the Purpofe of letting off the Liquor, and by Experiment, the Average dipping Place is afcertained, which is marked, and the Dip is always taken there. No check Dip is taken, to afcertain whether or not the fame Degree of Inclination of the Cooler is preferved, becaufe as no Charge is made from the Cooler, he confiders it unnecefiary. Since his coming into Charge of this Diftillery, he has not re- gauged any of the old Utenfils, but relies on the Corre£ t- nefs of the Tabulation Book inrefpedt to their Contents, which he received from the Surveyor. All the Utenfils which have been made fince his coming into Charge, have been gauged by this Examinant and the Surveyor, or by the Surveyor. He is ordered to vifit the Diftillery Three Times each Day, except Sundays, which he does but feldom earlier than Eight o'Clock in the Morning, or later than aboutNine in the Evening, except on the Evenings of Saturdays, when he ufually vifits between Eleven and Twelve o'Clock, and generally takes Care to have the Fire drawn; at this Vifit he does not take with him his Stock Book, as from the Latenefs of the Flour it might be attended with Danger of his being robbed of it on the Way. The Three Vifits are made nearly at the famePIour each Day. He never vifits after Twelve o'Clock at Night, or before Six o'Clock in the Morning. He vifits only once on Sundays, and then generally between Four and Seven o'Clock in theEvening, to fee that the Still and Houfe are filent, and that there is no Appearance of working for that Day, as the Diftillery is not allowed to work on Sunday0. At every Vifit, except thofe on Sun- days; he requires the Diftiller to exhibit all the Veflels or Utenfils ufed in the Dif- tillery ;
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