The Fifth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
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The Fifth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
Date of Article: 18/03/1807
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No. 4.] ON FEES, GRATUITIES, hc.—{ Excife.) 43 have been enlarged after having been gauged and tabulated. He makes a Return upon Oath to the Board of all the above Particulars before a Licenceis granted to the Diftiller. It is his Duty to fee that the Gaugers and Surveyors under him are well acquainted with their Duty; but he is not aware that they are required to have any- Book of written Inftru& ions, nor has he ever feen any fuch in their Cuftody. When- ever any Accident happens to a Still, or any Alteration takes place in it, it is his Duty to examine it, and if there be any Alteration to correct it immediately; Accidents
requiring his Attendance frequently occur, at lead Eight or Ten Times in the Courfe of the Year ; within the lad Year they have been more frequent. It is his Duty alfo to examine the Officers Vouchers, to deliver out Books, and to communicate fuch Orders of the Board as he is required, to the inferior Officers, which he has ufually done verbally. A principal Part of his Duty is to make frequent Check Infpeftions of the Diftilleries in his Diftrict; he never has made any at Night, unlefs in Cafe of fpecial Information. In moft Cafes he enters the State of the Houfe in the Minute Book kept in the Diftillery, and if any material Difference
appears, he reports it to the Board. He fometimes omits to make an Entry of his Vifit in the Minute Book, in order to keep the Officer in Ignorance of the Account he has taken ; but he makes no Entry of his check Vifits in any other Book. The Reports to the Board, as they occur, are made on loofe Papers ; no Book is kept for that Purpofe. He does not report every Variation that he finds, as where in a Stock of 30,000 Gallons of Wafh, where, on taking the Dips in the Backs, he finds a Difference of no more than 1,000 or 2,000 Gallons from that appearing by the laft Entry in the Officers Books, he does not think it neceffary to
report the Circumftance to the Board, as it may frequently occur with- out any Negligence of the Officers : for during a State of Fermentation, it is fcarcely poffible that the Backs can be dipped with greater Accuracy. He never fuffers any Perfon belonging to the Diftillery to ufe the dipping Rule for him, and takes the Dip with his own Hand, unlefs when affifted by an Officer, and then he is at hand to exa- mine whether it be correftly done. In dipping the Backs, as alfo Spirit and Singling Cafks, he has frequently found Stools introduced with a View of deceiving the Officer. On his Infpe& ions, he has generally found the Entries made
by the Officers in the Minute Book to be very correct. He is not required to vifit at any particular Time, but he makes his Infpection about once a Week, when not otherwife officially employed. The Surveyors and Gaugers in his Diftrift are ordered through him to make their Vifits as follows; the Gauger Three Times on each Day, between the Hours of Six in the Morning and Ten at Night; the firft Vifit fhould be made between Six and Nine in the Morning, the fecond Vifit between One and ' l hree in the Afternoon, and the third from Eight to Ten, but as near Ten as poffible. The Surveyor is to make one Vifit daily, and that before One
o'Clock. He does not recollect to have called on the Officers to vary the Hours of their Vifits between the Times limited. It is Examinant's Bufinefs to report if the Officers fail in making their Vifits accordingly, unlefs they account fatisfa& orily for the Omiffion. Examinant thinks that Diftillers make more Spirits than they pay Duly for, but to what Extent he cannot fay. He conceives that this is done by Night- work, and by the Renewal of Backs, which may be eafily done, fo as to evade Dete& ion by the Officer, as he is of Opinion that Pot Ale may, in Six Hours, by haftening the Procefs, be made to appear like Pot Ale Three Days old,
which has undergone the regular Fermentation. He is of Opinion that the Manner in which the Diftillers now hurry their Work in order to make private Spirits, is attended with very great I. ofs to them, by reafon of the inadequate Produce extracted from the Grain. He has underftood, that where Diftillers were accuftomed formerly to draw from Seven to Eight Gallons of Spirits from a Barrel of Corn, they do not now in manylnftances extract more than from Five to Five and a Half Gallons per Barrel. He thinks that an ufeful Check would be obtained, by obliging theDiftiller to proportion the Kieve to the Size of the Still. The Fees he
receives now are as follows ; Twenty Guineas for every Meafurement of the Body and Head of a Still; whenever any ma- terial Accident happens fo as to require a Piece to be put on the Still, or any Alteration, to be made thereon, or in the Head, Notice is ferved on him, and he attends to re- meafure them, and receives a frefh Fee. He thinks he has been called on to meafure each Still in his Diftri£ t about Three Times in every Year. He is entitled to One Guinea for every Pupil inftructed : the general Number is from Twenty to Thirty in the Year. He receives for Braziers Permits at the Rate of 5/ 5 for each, about FiveGuineas a
Year. Thefe were the ufual Fees received by the Infpector General at the Time of this Exa- minant's Appointment. Having ftated thefe and other Fees, which he does not now receive, to the Board, both in the Years 1802 and 1804, and the Board having ex- preffed no Disapprobation thereat, he has confidered himfelf juftified in continuing to 14 receive