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The Fifth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland


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The Fifth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland

Date of Article: 18/03/1807
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
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42 ( Ireland.)— FIFTH REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS [ Appendix, No. 3. A SCHEME of CHARGES on STILLS, calculated proportionably to the Superficial Inches of the Bottom and One- fourth of the Side, commencing with the Charge impofed by the 46 Geo. III. Cap. 88. on a Still of 3,000 Gallons. No. 4. The Examination of NICHOLAS FANNING, Infpeftor General of Excife j taken on Oath, the 19th, 23d, and 24th of September 1806. This Examinant faith, That he is an Infpector General of Excife; that he was appointed in the Month of Oftober 1801. His Duty is, before the 29th of September in every Year, to meafure the Stills andUtenfils of every Diftiller in his Diflrict who wifhed to take out a Licence. The whole Excife of the Diftrift of the City of Dublin was in his Charge, conjointly with another Infpedtor General, till about Eight Months ago, when it was divided into Two Diftricts, and he was put in Charge of a Northern one. His Duty is now confined to the Infpettion of Diitillers and Tanners alone. There are but Five Diflilleries in his Diftrift. He takes the Dimenfions of the Stills, to fee that they are conform- able to the Shape required by Law, and afcertains the Content by filling them with Water. In meafuring the Stills he generally ules a Five Gallon VefTel, which he has previoufly afcertained to be corre£ tr He has found frequent Attempts made to deceive him when afcertaining the Contents of Stills, fuch as lining them with Copper Colour Tiles, and introducing blown Bladders. He has Reafon however to believe that other Officers have been deceived ; and he has now a Still under Seizure for containing 35 Gallons more than the Licence was granted for. He regularly gauges and tabulates all the other Utenfils. He has found, upon fubfequent Examination, that fome Backs * have
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