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The Fifth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland


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The Fifth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland

Date of Article: 18/03/1807
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
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Dijiilleries. 3 ON FEES, GRATUITIES, & c. was unlicensed, or that the Parish or Townland mentioned in the Informa- tion was the Parish or Townland wherein such Still or other U, ensil was found or used, or shall offer to prove that such Still or other Utensil ' ound in such Parish or Townland was collusively left or brought there for the Purpose of charging the Parish or Townland with the Penalty, or that the same were not used in Distillation within such Parish or Townland, the Court is required to try the Fact or Facts so offered to be controverted or proved, in the same Manner as the Trial of a Traverse to any Presentment of a Grand Jury, upon which Trial the Person giving the Information is a com - petent Witness ; and if a Verdict should be given agreeable to the Info ma- tion, or if no Person should appear at such Assizes or Presenting Term, to controvert or prove the Facts, the Court is required to fine the Pa. ish or Townland in the Sum of^. jo ; and to direct the Treasurer of the County to issue his Warrant for levying the : aid Sum of £. 50 off the Parish or Townland in which it shall appear by the Information that such Still was found or used ; which said Sum of £. 50 is to be levied by the Collector of the Grand jury Cess, in like Manner, and with like Powers, Authorities, and Remedies, in case of Non- payment, as are provided in respect to any Money to be levied under any Presentment of a Grand jury. The Fine, after deducting the Costs of Recovery, is to be applied, One Moiety to Charitable Purposes therein mentioned, the other Moiety to the Officer of Excise or Customs, who shall have given the Information ^ nd prosecuted the same, to be disposed of in rewarding himself and his Assistants, under the Direction of the Commissioners of Excise j or if t: e Informer be not an Officer of Excise or Customs, then such Moiety, under the Directions of the Court, to be paid to the Informer; or to the Justice of the peace, to be applied according '. o his Discretion, in rewarding the Persons who gave the Information ; or towards suppressing unlicensed Stills in his jurisdiction. Any One Inhabitant or Landholder of a Parish or Townland, who shall have paid Money on Account of the Penalty, may, at any Time within Three Years, proceed, on behalf of the Parish or Town and, to recover by Civil Bill against the Owner of the unlicensed Still or other Liemil, or against the Person who made use of the same, or against the Person in whose Tenement it was seized, the Whole of the Money so paid, the same with full Costs to be recovered, in like Manner as any Demand in ordinary Cases recoverable by Civil Bill, and to be paid to the Person suing for the same, to be by him applied in Repayment to himself, and the other Landholders and Inhabitants of the Parish or Townland, oi their iecpec'ive Shares of the Penalty paid by them, in such Manner as the Assistant Barrister or judge of Assize, before whom the Recovery is had, shall, direct. Not more than One Person can recover on Account of one and the same Penalty ; and if more than One shall sue for the same, the Bill of any other than the Person first proceeding, must be dismissed. Any Person coliusively. leaving in, or bringing into any Parish or Townland an unlicensed Still or Utensil for distilling Spirits, whereby the Parish or Townland may become liable to a Fine, is subject to a Penalty of£. io- 3 and being either an Officer of Excise or Custom, is, upon Conviction, rendered incapable of holding any Office, Civil or Military, in the Service of His Majesty. . It appears, that at the last Spring Assizes a great N umber ot Informations A ^ were prosecuted, many Convictions had, and Penalties levied to the Amount Mos 51,53, of
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