The Fifth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
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The Fifth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
Date of Article: 18/03/1807
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No Pages: 1
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ON FEES, GRATUITIES, & C.-(!<*#) Cavan Diftrich in the Quarter ended 30th of September 1 806 Subfiftence to Co! Ic£ lor's Report on each Still, & c. and alfo whener or not Prcfentments have been recovered on Townlands where the Stills are fcized, or Fines infllfted on the Pcrfons with whom the fame arc found. Officers Rcmaiks Militarv-- and Where feized- ana! , from whom Conliabks Seizure not in the Scheme All serviceable, except Four Stills and Four Worms, which therefore rejected ; but not being dated, I cannot ascertain them ; therefore any Four may be taken. Near Murmod Hill. Olagh Rocks, & c, Rafora Miltone floor I\ Talt No Fine or Information, Drumorlagh Bo; Near Laffagortand River. At Tacard Leake. Near Carrack Auger Rocks Near Balliborrow, Near the Billens, Marracloon River, Cortmore Mills, Phill. Ward, Revenue Officer, and Owen Reilly, Conftable, jointly and feparately make Oath, That on the particular Days fet forth they performed the feveral Services thereto annexed, with the Parties Hated; that they made diligent Search in and about the feveral Diltillejjes, where the faid St lis, & c. were feized, for Spirits Singling*, Pot Ale, and Veffels • and that fuch as could not be carried away to the King's Stores were effeftually broken
and burnt; that Deponents have not, by themfelves or any Perfon for them, received any Sum or Sums, nor will they receive any from the Diftiller to whom the faid Stills, & c. belonged, or any Perfon ton their Account, in Consideration of leaving them any Part of the Utenfils, Liquor, or Veffels with them, or in Confederation of their not being profecuted for the Penalties to which they are liable. And Deponent Phill. Ward and Owen ReiUy fur. her W That they wiU if they can profecute the Proprietors thereof, to bring them to Conviftion for the Penalty which the Law infhdts ; and that no Article whatfoever was feized, but what is Fully
and fairly included in the above Return. Phill Ward Sworn before me, this 2Cth Day of Oftober 1806, Owen Reilly. V ™ y Darbh Collector., ra. irk CI Certify, That the above Stills, Heads, and Worms, have been in my Prefence effeftually cut to Pieces, Collector's S and totally rendered Ufelefs for Drilling, and that the same were serviceable and capable of being Collector s ) ana tot; nr^ t fuch as, have particularly remarked; and I consider them of that Description, Certificate. £ - ai fairly and justly entitled to the Board's Bounty. ^ ^ ^^