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The Fifth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland


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The Fifth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland

Date of Article: 18/03/1807
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No Pages: 1
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N° 59.] ON FEES, GRATUITIES, & C.—( Excife.) General Order, Excife Office, Dublin, ill September 1801 N° 10. Sir. The very great Expence which has attended the Seizure of private Stills in many Parts of Ireland, having for fome Time pad been a Subjeft which has much engaged the Board's Attention and having maturely confidered the fame, they are perfuaded that the principal Caufe of the Accumulation of this Expence, is owing to the Revenue Officers not obferving a ftrift Adherence to that Part of their General Order of the lit September 1794, which relates to the Officers taking out a greater Number of Affiftants than neceflary, without pofiiive Informations. _ In order therefore to remedy this Abufe, and to reftrift the Officers Power, the Board will not in future admit of any Officer calling out a ftronger Military Party, than One Serjeant, One Corporal and Twelve Private Men, except on particular Occafions ; and in fuch Cafes it muftbe functioned with your Approbation, the Neceflity of which you are to certify upon the Officers Quarterly Return. And as in many Diltrifts hired Men have been taken out with the Military, the Board direft, that the Practice of doing fo be difcontinued, except in fuch Places as the Army or Yeomanry are not Rationed, or whofe Affiftance cannot be readily obtained, which you are alfo to certify with the Quarterly Return. And the Board having obferved, that the Affidavits of the Officers have been frequently returned, without the Serjeant cr Corporal and Conftable being inc; uded, agreeably to the Standing Order; you are to enjoin your Officers to a Compliance with this Rcquifite, 011 pain of the Board's Difpleafure. And the Board expeft that you will be particular in not tranfmitting any Return of Services, without their being perfectly made according to Regulation, and herewith you will receive a fufficient Number of the Forms of the Returns, to be diltributed through your Di ft rift ; and the Certificate of ths Demolition of the" Stills, he. is to be made exaftly agreeable to the Alteration therein. And the Board will not admit of or receive any Return of Sefrvice'that fhall not come through the Collectors; and acquaint you, that in every Inltance where the Returns fhait be made Contrary to the" ftanding Regulations, the fame will be fent back without the Poftagc being paid. And, in order that the Officers may not plead Ignorance on this Subject, you are to furnifh each of them with a Copy of this Order for the Government of their Conduct, in addition to the Board's Order of the ift September 1794. By Order of the Commissioners, A. Worthington. 4
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