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The Fifth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland


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The Fifth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland

Date of Article: 18/03/1807
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
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j, o; ( Ireland)— FIFTH REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS [ Appx. Proportion of the different Seizures made by them, to which they are entitled, re- ceive their Share along with their own, and feldom account with the Military for any Part ihereof. You are to hold in your Hands the Proportion of each Seizure^ to which the Military fas AffiftantsJ are' entitled, and pay the fame to the Commanding Officer of the Regiment, or Detachment, to which the Party may belong, and to no other Perfon ; giving a regular Statement of the Produce of fuch Seizure, and the Divifion thereof, with the fame. And the Board inform you, that in any Inftance where you depart from this Order, they will compel you to pay the Military fuch Sum or Sums as may be loft to them by your Neglect. And you are to take fpecial Care, that all Still, be. Services are returned to you, agreeable to the Form herewith fent you, and that they be properly filled, before you tranfnlit them to the Board; all which Regulations are to take place fromthe Firft of October next inclufive, to which Time you are to call upon your Officers for a Return of all Services which have been performed prior thereto, and tranfmit them to the Board in Fourteen Days from that Day, or fubject yourfelf to a Fine of i 2. 9. which will be increafed in Proportion to the Delay ; and if the Officers omit making their Returns in proper Time, to enable you to comply herewith, their Expence will not be paid. And the Returns are to be made henceforth for each Quarter, ending on the 31ft Day of December, 31 ft Day of March, 3cth Day of June, and 30th Day of September, in every Year, in Fourteen Days after the above appointed Periods ; that is to fay, the faid Returns mult be put into the Poll Office by you, fo as to be with the Board on the 14th January, 14th April, 14th July, and iath October, after each preceding Quarter; and if there is no affirmative there mud be a negative Return ; or failing therein, you will incur the Penalty before- mentioned ; and you are to inform your Officers, that if the Fault of net making the Returns in proper Time lies with them, the Board will not order them the Bounties hereby appointed. Herewith you will receive a fufficient Number of Copies of this Order, and of the Specimen of the Return; and you are to deliver to each Officer in your Diftrict, Preventive as well as Revenue, one of each, which he is to keep by him, both for the Government of his Conduct, and that he fhall not have an Excufe of want of Knowledge of the Regulations or Form — the Board being determined never to admit of any for the Difobedience of thefe Orders. Bv Order of the Coinmissioners, j ~ Vaun Montgomery. General Order, Excife Office, Dublin, No. 2. 8th January 1795. Sir, Application, in fome few In ( lances, having been made to the Board, refpeCting the Diftribution of the Produce arifing from the Sale of Stills, Hei; ds, and Worms feized, when cut up and fold after Condemnation ; and it having been the invariable Rule to give fuch Produce to the feizing Officer, in lieu of fun dry Expences in- curred by him, the Board did not think it neceffary to make any Remark upon that Particular in their General Order of ill September laft. I am diredted by the Board, to inform you that the entire Produce by the Sale of fuch Stills, Heads, and Worms, as fhall be feized in your Diftrict, is to be paid to the feizing Officer, as heretofore, the Board confidering the Bounty paid to the Military upon fuch Seizure, as fully compenfating them for their Trouble. Of all other Seizures, the Military are to have the Share of Affiftants, as mentioned in General Order of tft September laft ; and it is the Defire of the Board, that this Order be annexed to faid General Order of 1 ft September. By Order of the Commissioners, Vaun Montgomery.
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