The Fifth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
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The Fifth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
Date of Article: 18/03/1807
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No Pages: 1
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io8 ( Ireland.) — FIFTH REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS [ Appx. of the Minutes thereto fubfcribed, an Order iiTues for the Payment of the Bounties and Expences. Sometimes, within the two laft Years, this Bounty to the Officers, Conftables, and Yeomanry, has been reduced by One Half, in Cafes not accompanied with the Recovery of Penalties againft the Townlands or Parilhes ; " but in order to ftimulate the Exertions of the Officers, Conftables, and Yeomanry, to the two former double the original Bounty, and to the latter the original Bounty is paid, where thofe Penalties have been recovered. J. Stoyte. J. S. Rochfort.
Fredk Geale. Robert Alexander. Chas Saxton. No. 5 8. The Examination of Mr. JOHN NOBLE TALBOT; taken on Oath, the Seventh and Twentieth Days of February 1807. This Examinant faith, He is keeper of the Diaries in the Office of the Secretary to the Commiffioners of Excife; that quarterly Returns of the Number of uniicenfed Stills feized are made to the Board of Excife, in order to entitle the Perfons making the Seizure to the Bounties allowed by the ftanding Regulations of the Board; that thefe Re- turns do not in general contain fuch Particulars of the Seizure, as may enable the Board to judge of the Propriety of
commencing a Profecution, unlefs where Officers have been fpecially fent out for the Purpofe; in which cafe, either the Officer reports the Circumftances of the Seizure, or returns Drafts of Information founded thereon to the Board, for their Approval. Jno Noble Talbot. J. S. Rochfort. Fredk Geale. Robert Alexander. Chas Saxton. No. 59. General Order, N° 21. Sir, The Board having taken into C on fi deration, the heavy Expence attending the Seizure of private Stills, he. in the different Diftridts of this Kingdom, and the general Inefficacy of the Services, as in the Majority of thofe hitherto performed, the Still, Head, and Worm, have
not been feized, but onlv a Part, as the Still, or the Still and Head, or the Still and Worm. That the Veffels in many Inftances have not been deltroyed, nor the Pot Ale fpilled ; and that where the Whole are not taken or deftroyed, there remains Encouragement to the private Diftiller to commence again ; and that there has not been that proper and neceffary Exertion to perfect the Service : And the Board having, through his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant, com- municated with the Commander in Chief upon a new Syftem refpe& ing the Military, and his Exccllencv and the Commander in Chief having approved of the fame, the
Board direct that'the following Regulations do take place:*' The Excise Office, Dublin, 1 It September 1794.