The Fifth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
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The Fifth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
Date of Article: 18/03/1807
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No Pages: 1
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/ ioS ( Ireland.)— FtFTH kEPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS No. 54. OP P * . A RETURN of Informations profecuted at Summer Affixes JSO( 5, for Recovery of penalties on Pariflies where unlicenfid Stills were feized, and on which the Parilhes were fined. COUNTIES. MONAGHAN ARMAGH ANTRIM • TYRONE • DONEGAL BERRY CLARE SLIGO PARISHES. Kilmore Tydaverett Ballybay Clones - Drumsnatt Ditto - Ditto - Killewap Clontebrill Cregan Derrymore Killevy Cregan Newtownhamilt0n Culfaghter Ardstraw Ditto - Donagh Kilbannon Lower Faughan Culdaff Ditto - Lower Moville Ditto - Upper Moville Ditto -
Faughanvale - Banagher Tamlaughfinlaggin Fermaning Maghrafelt Kilmurry Ditto 1 Ditto - Inchacronan Kilraghtish Kilnabory Dysart - Templemaley Kilmacderan Kilno - Ballisadere Kilmactraney John Tobin - Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto John West - Francis Giddens John West - Thos Butler - Christn Crawly John Tobin Fredk H. H. Dutton Ditto Ditto David Kennedy Morton and McCoy Morton and Gevan O'Neill John Pollock O'Neill and Morgan Wm Hendrick O'Neill Ditto Morgan Ditto Vandeleur Robt Thompson O'Kane Ditto Bazil Gray - Ditto James Mahon Alexr King - Theos Contol John Downes Ditto Ditto John Downes Ditto James
Mahon John White - Andw Graham Litto Total of Monaghan — Armagh — Antrim — Tyrone — Donegal — Derry — Clare —<• Sligo On the Munster Circuit 27 Penalties recovered TOTAL di 1,000 300 50 100 550 250 J> 35° c£ 5,100