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The Fifth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland


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The Fifth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland

Date of Article: 18/03/1807
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
Sourced from Dealer? No
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To the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, in Parliament ajfembled. r * The FIFTH REPORT of the Commissioners, appointed to enquire into the Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites, and Emoluments, which are or have been lately received in certain Publick Offices in Ireland; and also, to examine into any Abuses which may exift in the same ; and into the present Mode of receiving, colle& ing, issuing, and account- ing for Publick Money in Ireland, WHEN the Resignation of our late Colleague, Mr. Jackson, left us without further Hope of the Assistance which we had expected to derive from his extensive Knowledge and Experience in Matters of Excise, we lost no Time in directing our Attention to this arduous and intricate. Subject. On a View of the different Sources of this Revenue in Ireland, we could not fail to be impressed with the superior Importance of the Duties on Home- made Spirits or Strong Waters, the Collection and Management of which, we shall therefore make the Subject of a separate Report. It seems expedient, in the first Place, shortly to describe the Process of Distillation from Grain, as practised in Ireland. This Description will include an Explanation of such technical Terms, as we shall hereafter have Occasion to employ. The Grain used in Distillation is ground and put into a Vessel, called the Mash Kieve, and then mixed with a Quantity of hot Water, for the Purpose of extracting the farinaccous Part of the Grain; this Process is called the First Mashing, and the Produce or Extract when drawn off, the First Worts ; nearly equal Quantities of Hot Water are afterwards, at two several Times, in like Manner added and drawn off, con- stituting the Second and Third Mashings, and producing the Second and Third Worts, which last are termed also Small Worts, anu arc commonly used instead of Water for the first Mashing of the next Brewing. Three Mashings are, called a Brewing. The first and second Worts are passed from the Kieve into large shallow Vessels called Coolers; and when suf- ficiently cooled, run in a Vessel called a Back, where they retain the name of Worts, until Fermentation is excited by the Addition of Yeast or Barm, when they become Wash or Pot Ale. The Gravity of Worts, pre- vious to Fermentation, is considerably greater than that of Water, but is 44. A 2 nearly
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