The Northampton Mercury
Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton
Volume Number: LXXXVI
Issue Number: 52
No Pages: 4
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The Northampton Mercury
Date of Article: 28/02/1807
Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton
Address: Northampton
Volume Number: LXXXVI
Issue Number: 52
No Pages: 4
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Vol. LXXXVI. No. 52. f Ready Money is expected } ) with Advertisements. S SATURDAY, February 28, 1807. Sunday and Tuesday's Posts. I. ONDOIN GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY, Sunday, February 23. ADMIRALTY - OFFICE, Feb. 21. CAPTAIN Lydianl, of his Majesty's ship the Anson, arrived here with dispatches from Vice- Admiral Dacrcs, Commander in Chief of bis Majesty's ships and vessels at Jamaica, to William Marsden, Esq. of which the following are topies:— SIR, Shark, Port- Royal, Jan. 11th, 1807. I have much satisfaction in congratulating my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty on the capture of the Island
of Curacoa, on New- Year's t) av, in the morning, by the four frigates named iu " the margin*, under the orders of Captain Brisbane, of the Arethusa, a copy of whose letter 2 inclose for their Lordship's information. Whilst I contemplate the immense strength of the harbour of Amsterdam, and the superior force contained in its different batteries opposed to the entrance of the frigates, I know not how suffi- ciently to ad nil e the decision of Captain Brisbane in attempting the harbour, and the determined bravery and conduct displayed by himself, the other three ( Captains, and all the officers and men under his command; and is
another strong instance » f the cool and determined bravery of British learner. Captain Brisbane being, from his situation, ofitiged to act as Governor, I have, as an « cteo*- ledgemcnt and high approbation of his conduct, continued him in that situation till his Majesty's pleasure shall be known; and request, in the strongest manner, that their Lordships will be pleased to recommend him for that appointment. Captain Lydiard ( who will have the honour of delivering this, and who fully partook of the eonquest, and has before distinguished himself off ' the llavannah) I beg to refer their Lordships to for any information. 1 shall put an
acting Captain into the Anson until his return, or I receive di- rections thereon. ( Signed) J. R. D AC RES. • Arethusa, Latona, Anson, and Fisgard. SIR, Arethusa, Curacoa, January 1. It is with the most lively and heartfelt satisfac- tion I have the honour' to inform you, that his Majesty's squadron under my command has this dav opened the new year with what I humbly flatter myself will be deemed an enterprize of considerable importance to iny country. I proceeded in the execution of your orders the S9th of November with every possible avidity; but the adverse winds and current prevented nie from reaching this island before
the first instant. In my way up I met Captain Bolton, of the I'isgard, going to Jamaica; 1 took him under my orders, according to your directions* and proceeded with the squadron off this port, having previously re- solved on that system of attack which British seamen are so capable of executing. My ar- rangements having been previously made known to the respective Captains, I was satisfied nothing further remained for me than to put it iu exocu- tion. My line of battle consisted of the Arcthus'a, Latona, Anson, and Eisgurd; and, very soon after the break of day, 1 made all possible sail with the ships in close order of battle,
passing the whole extensive line of sea batteries, and an- chored the squadron in a style far surpassing my expectations. Being still desirous of having the « ffusion of human blood spared, 1 w rit the en- closed, No. 1. on the capstan of his Majesty's ship Arethusa, during the action, which was not rczarded, as they did their utmost to destroy tis. Words cannot express the ability of the squadron. The harbour was defended by regular fortifications of two tier of guns, Fort Amsterdam alone con- sisting of sixty- six picces of cannon; the entrance only fifty yards wide, athw art which was the Dutch frigate Hatslar, of thirty- six guns,
and Surinam, of twenty- two, w ith two large schooners of war, one commanded by a Dutch commander; a chain of forts was on Miselburg commanding height; and that almost- impregnable fortress Fort Re- publiquc, within the distance of grape- shot, en- filading the whole harbour. At a quarter past six o'clock, we entered the port; a severe and destructive cannonade ensued; the frigate, sloop, and schooners, were carried by boarding; the lower forts, the citadel, and town of Amsterdam, by storm: all of which, by seven o'clock, were in our possession. For humanity's sake, I granted the annexed capitulation, arid, at tcu o'clock,
the British flag was hoisted in Eort Republique. The whole island is in our quiet fossession. The strength, commerce, and value, understand, is immense. It is now become a pleasing part of my duty, although impossible to do justice to the merits, gallantry, and deter- mination of Captains Wood, Lydiard, and Bolton, who so nobly headed their respective ships' com- panies to the storm; and the same gallantry and determination are due to the officers, seamen, and marines, for following up so glorious an example. Inclosed is a list of the killed and wounded in his Majesty's squadron. I have not yet been able to ascertain that of the
enemy, except those in the ships. The Dutch Commodore was killed early in the action, and the Captain of the Surinam se- verely wounded. 1 have appointed, by procla- mation, Wednesday next, the 7th instant, for the inhabitants ( which amount to 30,000), to take the oath of allegiance to our most gracious Sovereign ; those that do not choose will be instantly embarked as prisoners of war. For any further particulars, 1 must refer you to that gallant officer Captain Lydiard. I have the honour to he, & c. ( Signed) CHARLES BRISBANE. To J. R. Dacrcs, Esq. Vice- Admiral of the White. No. 1. SIR, Arethusa, Curacoa Harbour,
Jan. 1. The British squadron are here to protect, and not to conquer you; to preserve to you your lives, liberty, and property. If a shot is fired at any one of my squadron after this summons, I shall immediately storm your batteries. YOB have five miuutes to accede to this determination. 1 have, & c. CHARLES BRISBANE. To his Excellency the Governor of Curacoa. [ Here follow the Articles of Capitulation, by which it was agreed that the garrisons of Fort Re- publique and Curacoa should be prisoners of war, and be sent by his Britannic Majesty to Holland, not to serve this war before they shall be regularly exchanged. The civil
officers, merchants, planters, and other inhabitants, to be respected in their per- sons and property, provided they take the oath of allegiance to his Britannic Majesty. Three seamen were killed and 14 wounded on board the four English frigates.] By C. Brisbane, Esq. senior Officer of his Ma- jesty's ships at Curacoa, & c. His Excellency Lieutenant- Genera"! Changuion, Governor and Commander in Chief of the Island of Curacoa, and its dependencies, having refused • t » taks tht oath of allegiance to his Britannic Ma- jesty, and surrendered himself prisoner of war, I have thought proper to appoint myself Governor of the said
island and its dependencies, until the pleasure of the Commander in Chief is made known; and I do hereby appoint myself accord- ingly.— Given under my hand at Curacoa, this 4th day " of January, 1807. C. BRISBANE. [ The Gazette concludes with Capt. Brisbane's address to the inhabitants, requiring them to meet on the 7th of January, at the Government House, to take the oath of allegiance to his Britannic Majesty; with assurances of protection and favour, and that the happiness and welfare of the inhabi- tants of the island and its dependencies weuld be promoted.] L O N D U N, February 24. On Friday last, Mr. Grenville
presented at the bar of the House of Commons, the warrant issued by the Board of Admiralty, for the arrest of Capt. Sir Home Popham, ( a Member of that House); together with the order issued by the Board, for bringing Sir Home to trial by a Court- Martial, for having sailed without orders for the river La Plate, and attacked the town of Buenos Ayres with the armament under his command. But as it was not thought fit that ht should be subject to greater confinement than was necessary, he was allowed to be at large, on giving his honour to appear at the time of his trial.— An order was made that the same be entered on the
journals of the House. The trial of Sir II. Popham is fixed for Monday next, on board a flag- ship at Portsmouth. The Court will consist of nine Admirals and four Post- Captains. The Slave Trade Abolition Bill was taken into consideration yesterday in the House of Commons. A debate of considerable length took place; and at half past four o'clock this morning, the House divided— For the Abolition 283 Against it Iti Majority — 267 Catholic Meeting.— In consequence of a re- quisition to that effect, a meeting of the Catholics took place, the Jfth instant, at the Rotunda, in Dublin. Lord fingal in the chair. The draft of a petition to
Parliament was read, in which the claims of the Catholics were stated, when Lord French moved, by way of amendment, that a de- cision 011 the question be postponed for three weeks, in order to give the Catholics of the country time and opportunity for delivering their opinions. The amendment was, however, rejected, and the petition was ordered to be prepared substantially according to the draft which was read, and the Committee directed to submit it to the perusal and amendment of an aggregate meeting, to be held the 2( 3th, It is said to have been intiinnted to the meeting, that the army and navy would be fully open to
the Catholics, but that Govern' ment strongly disapproved of the agitation of the question. O' CHEAP COALS, F excellent Quality, from HAWKF. SBURY NEW COLLIERY, are now selling at NORTH- AMPTON WHARF, at One Shilling per Hundred Height, and delivered into any Part of the Town at Tbirteen- Pence per Hundred Height, exclusive of the customary Charge for Loading, Sec. by FRANCIS 1' ARROTT, Esq. & Co. Proprietors of the aforesaid Colliery. ftny The said Coais are particularly recommended to all great Consumers, and are warranted to be the best Coals, at the stated Prices, ever offered for Sale to the
Inhabitants of the Town and County of Northampton. *,.* HAWKESBURY COALS do not take Fire so quick as the best Staffordshire Coals, but when fairly kindled are equal in Htat, and will continue ss One- third longer, by the Use of which will be found a Saving to the Consumer of forty per Cent. For these Coals, Gentlemen are desired to enquire for Mr. JIRRTRY, Clerk for the Hawkifsbury Coals, who constantly attends at the said Northampton Wharf ; and for further Particulars, apply to Mr. STEPHEN YATES, Bedworth, near Coventry. Mr. IM MANUEL, ARTIST AND DRAWING - MASTER, ( PROM THE ROYAL ACADEMY),
MOST respectfully informs the Nobility and Gentry, that he " now resides in BEDFORD, and w ill be proud to instruct Pupils in the Town and its Vicinity. Specimens of his Abilities may be seen at Mr. WEBB'S, Printer and Bookseller, where Cards of his Terms may be had. He continues his Attendance at Huntingdon, on Mondays; Biggleswade, on Tuesdays; Baldock, on Wednesdays; and at Bedford and its Vicinity, the Rest of the Week. Bedford and OShefford ORIGINAL C'OACII, To LONDON, AT SEDUCED FAKES. TH E Proprietors respectfully inform their Friends and the Public, that the above- mentioned COACH sets out,
as usual, from the SWAN INN, BEDFORD, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Morning, at Seven o'Clock ; from the WHITI- HART INN, SHERRORD, at a Quarter after Eight; and ar- rives at the CROSS- KEYS INN, ST. JOHN'S- STREET, LONDON, at Three in the Afternoon: Returns Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Mornings, at Seven. Performed by COOKE, Bedford BARRY, Hitchin BROWN, London. Not accountable for any Parcel or Passenger's Luggage, above Five Pounds Value, if lost or da- maged, unless entered and paid for accordingly. THOMAS WRIGHT MOST respectfully informs his Friends and the
Public, that his KETTERING and THRAPSTON STAGE- WAGGONS to LONDON, will, on and after the 17th of February instant, leave Kettering every Tuesday Night, and fiinpstun early on Wednesday Morning; will arrive at the Cross- Keys Inn, St. John's Street, every Frida? Morning, at Four: Return the same Morning, at Trn o'Clock, and will beat Thrapston every Monday Morning, and Kettering the same Evening. tjrf Will not be accountable for any Phte, China, Glass, or any Valuables whatever, if lost, or damaged, unless entered as such, and a suitable Premium paid on Delivery. Kettering, Feb. 9th, 1807. " KETTERING
ASD HIGHAM - FERRERS COACH, TO LONDON, AT REDUCED FARES. THE Proprietors, with gratefi I Acknowledg- ments for past Favours, and earnest Solicitations for future Patronage and Support, respectfully inform their Friends and the Public, that the above- men- tioned Coach sets out, as usual, from the WHITE- HART INN, KETTERING, every Tuesday, Thursday, and Satmday Morning, at Six o'Clock; from the QUEEN'S- HIAD INN, HICHAM- FERRZRS, at Half- past Seven; and arrives at the WHITE- HART INN, ST. JOHN'S- STREET, LONDON, at Half- past Six in the Evening: Returns Monday, Wednesday, and
Friday Mornings, at Six; arrives at Higham- Ferrers at Five, and at Kettering at Half- past Six in the Evening. Inside . 21s. Outside 12s. Inside from Higham- Ferrers .. 19s. Outside 10s. Performed by WRICHT, Kettering COOKI, Bedford BARRY, Hitchin BAITIN, Welvvyn, and STEVENS & FIELD, London. Kettering, Feb. Utb, 1807. N. B. Not accountable for any Parcel or Passenger's Luggage, above Five Pounds Value, if lost or da. maged, unless entered and paid for accordingly. HOGSTON, Feb. 16th, 1807. STRAYED, last November, into the Grounds of Mr. THOMA « INGRAM, of Hogston, Bucks, A BLACK CROPPED
MARE, Aged, About 14 Hands high. Any Person proving satisfactorily to Mr. Ingram that she is his Property, may receive her by paying for the Keep and other Expences; but if she is not owned before the 6th of April next, she will be sold to pay the Expences. NORTHAMPTON TURNPIKE- TOLLS. NOTICE is hereby given, That the Commis- sioners appointed by/> r under an'Act of Parlia- ment made and passed in the 18th Year of His present Majesty's Reign, intitled, " An Act for Paving, " Cleansing, Lighting, and Watching the Town of " NORTHAMPTON, and for removing and pre- " venting Incroachments, Obstructions, and
An- " noyances therein;" or by or under another Act of Parliament, passed in the 37th Year of His said present Majesty's Reign, intitled, ' i An Act for « ' altering and amending t< ie said last- mentioned Act, " and for continuing the Teryl ot certain Tolls by " the said Act granted," will, on MONDAY the 2d Day of MARCHnext, between the Hours of Four and Six in the Afternoon, at the Gut LDH ALL, in the said Town, LETT to FARM, by AUCTION, to the Best Bidder, for the Term of one, two, or three Years, as shall be then agreed on, commencing the 28th Day ot April next, the TOLLS arising at the Gate or Turnpike erected near
the South Bridge, in the said Town ef Northampton ; which Tolls were lett the last Year at the Sum of j£. 736, and will be put up at that Sum. The Best Bidder must forthwith pay £. 40 in Ad. vance, and produce sufficient Sureties, and give Se- curity, to the Satisfaction of the Commissioners, for the due Payment of the Residue of the Rent. CHARLES MARKHAM, Clerk to the Commissioners. Northampton, Feb. 14th, 1807. BOROUGH of HUNTINGDON LADY- DAY FAIR. AT the Request of many respectable Farmers, Graziers, and Others, the above FAIR will be- held on WEDNESDAY the 23th of MARCH, 1807, for all Sorts of
CATTLE ; and all Cattle brought for Sale to the said Fair, on that Day, whether sold or not, will be allowed to pass into and through the Town TOLL- FREE. By Order of the MAYO R. To Bakers. To be SOLD or LETT, And may be entered upon immediately, ASubstantial DWELLING- HOUSE and BAKEHOUSE, in full Trade, with convenient Out- Offices, in good Repair, Yard, and Garden, pleasantly situate in the Market Town of AmfMll, in the County of Bedford, in the Possession of the Proprietor; together with an ALLOTMENT of GROUND, lying at a short Distance from the Pre- mises, and containing about an Acre. Apply for
further Particularsto Mr. T. FLETCHER, Marston- Mortaine; Mr. JOHN ANSTEE, Houghton- Regis ; or Mr. EACLES, Attorney at Law, Ampthill. Amptbill, Feb. 13M, 1807. To Bakers.— Li HanJ. To be LETT or SOLD, ASubstantial DWELLING - HOUSE, with a new. erected BAKEHOUSE, Brick- built and Slated, 18 Feet Square, and a Patent Oven therein.— These Premises are most desirably situated in the Centre of the large and popnldtss Villjgc of W E E DON- ROYAL, in the County of Northampton, and oc- cupy a Corner of one of the two capital Streets that cross each other at right Angles, and immediately facing and
adjacent to the great Works of Government, the Royal Depot, and stand at the only Passage from thence to the Village, where it must command Trade. — Weedon is now very populous from its local Situ, ation to that great Work, and is likely to become much more so; the Neighbourhood is very respectable, the Villages very thick, and within four Miles of Da- ventry, seven from Towcester, and eight from North, ampton, all Market Towns, and good Turnpike- Roads; the Grand Junction Wharf joins the Village, where Coals are cheap.— There is a large Garden, walled round, anda Pump of fine Water, on the Premises. For
Particulars, and to treat for the same, apply to Mr. CHARLES SMITH, Weedon. Royal aforesaid; or Mr. BLABY, Auctioneer, Floor. WARWICKSHIRE, Sale of Capital Timber. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By WILLIAM LONG, On Monday the 2d Day of March, and the following Days, on the Estate at UPTON, UPWARDS of 270 Lots of fine large MAIDEN OAK, ELM, ASH, FIR, WAL- ' l'o COVER, THIS SEASON, 11107 AT ECTON, near NORTHAMI'TO , at Two Guineas a Mare, and a Crpwn the Groom, A beautiful BLOOD BAY ARABIAN. . Enquire for fuulier Paiticuhys ot JOHN PETTJT. at Ecton. Z O F L O Y A WILL COVER,
this Season, 1307, at HAR- * T LESTON- PARK, near Northampton, at One Guinea and Three Shillings.— He was got t'. v Moor- cock ( own Brother to the Duke of Grafton s'Grouse, by Highflyer, out of Georgiana, Sister to Conductor), his Dam by Alexander, a Son of Eclipse, out of Kiss- mv- Lady.— He is of a dark- brown Colour, live Years old, full fifteen Hands anda Ha'f hifh, per- fectly sound, and from his lilood, Shap>, and Action, he is likely to get capital Hunters. Good Grass, See. for Mares, at the usual Prices. 1' 1 O N, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, rpHAT the PARTNERSHIP lately subsisting 1 between Messrs. WM.
YORKE, ROBERT SHERARD, and C A RYE R SHERARD, Solicitors, at OUNDIE and THRAPSTON, in the County of North- ampton, if this Day dissolved by mutual Consent; and the Business will in future be carried on by the said ROBERT SHERARD and CARYER SHERARD only, at Oundie and Thrapston aforesaid; and they are au- thorized to receive and pay all Debts due to and from the said Partnership.— Dated the 9th Day of February, 1807. WILLIAM YORKE. ROBERT SHERARD. CARYER SHERARD To be SOLD by A U C By Mr. HA WT >' A', On Thursday the 5th Day of March next, at ihe While- Lion Inn, in
Banbury, in the County o. Oxford, ALL that MESSUAGE and HOMESTEAD, together with 92 Acre* ot A R A B 1 L MEADOW, and PASTURE LAND adjoining* situate at BLOXHAM, in the County of Oxtct, and late in the Occupation of Mr. Johr Bei, deceased, and which may be en ered upon immediately' For further Particulars, applyi> Me sr-. WAlf0* eI GOLBY, & WAI. PORD, Solicitors, Banbury. All Persons who have ai y Claims or Demands on the Estate and Effects of the aiwve- mentioned JOHN' BENNETT, deceased, are desired to deliver an A-- v. •> » of the same at the Office of Messcr. V- Sltord, - , i & Walford,
Banbury. HOCKLIFFE ROAD. " VTOTICE is hereby given, That the TOLLS J-> arising at the Toll- Gate situate upon the Turn- pike- Road leading from Hocklifie, in the County of Bedford, to Stony- Stratford, in the County of Bucks, called the TWO- MILI ASH GATE, with the WEIGH- INC- ENGINE at the same Gate, will be LETT to FARM, by AUCTION, to the Best Bidder, at the COCK INN, in STONY - STRATFORD aforesaid, on THURSDAY the 19th Day of MARCH next, between the Houri. of Eleven and Three o'Clock, in the Manner directed by the Act passed in the 13th Year of His present Majesty's Reign, for regulating
the Turnpike- Roads; which Gate and Engine produced the last Year, above the Charges of collecting, and will be put up at, the Sum of 655. Whoever happens to be the Best Bidder, must at the same Time give Security, with sufficient Sureties, to the Trustees, for Payment of the Rent agreed for, at such Times as they shall direct, and pay down a Deposit of £. 60, if the Sureties shall be approved of; and in Default thereof, the next Best Bidder to be the Taker of the same Tolls and Engine upon the Terms above- mentioned. By Order of the Trustees, THOMAS EWESDIN, Clerk. StonyStratford, Feb. Vub, 1807. NOTICE TO
CREDITORS. RJMIE CREDITORS of WILLIAM HALL, Jun. I. late of 1 RTHI. INOBOROUR. H, are requested to send in their Accounts, and sign the Deed of Assign- ment, on or before the 21st of March, after which Time no Claim can be admitted of, as on the 25th of March, a final Dividend will be made.— The Deed of Assignment is with Mr. Tuck, Grocer, Welling- borough, for the Signature of those who have not signed. Wellingborough, Feb. 28th, 1807. Creditors and Debtors of Mr. William Blick, deceased. ALL Persons who have any Claims or Demands on the Estate and Effects of Mr. WILLIAM BLICK, late of MAULDEN,
in the County of Bedford, deceased, are requested to deliver forthwith an Account thereof to Mr. Davis, Attorney, at Ampthill.— And all Persons who stand indebted to the said Estate, are desired to pay their respective Debts to Mr. Davis, without Delay. Ampthill, 20/ 16 Feb. 1807. Sir Richard Helley, Knight, deceased. ALL Persons having any Claims or Demands upon the Estate and Efleets of Sir RICHARD HETLEY, late of ALWALTON, in the County of Huntingden, Knight, deceased, are requested forth- with to transmit their Accounts, with the Nature of their Securities ( if any), to Mr. Compton, of Water- Newton, near
Wansford; or Mr. Torkington, Attor- ney, in Stamford, the Exccutors, in order to the same being discharged. And all Persons who stand indebted to the 5state and Effects of the 6aid Sir Richard Hetley, are desired to pay their respective Debts to the said Mr. Comp- ton, or Mr. Torkington, immediately, otherwise Pro- ceedings will be commenced for the Recovery thereof. Feiruary Uth, 1S07. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the General Annual Meeting of the Trustees appointed by Act of Parliament for re- pairing the Highways from Old- Stratford, in the County of Northampton, to Dunchurch, in the County of Warwick, will be
held at the NEW WHITE- HORSE INN, iu TOWCRSTIR, in the said County of Northampton, on THURSDAY the 26th Day of MARCH next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon of the same Day, for transacting such Matters as shall be then thought necessary for repairing the said Highways; at which Time'aod Place the respective TOLLS arising at the four several Toll. Gates on the said Highways will be LETT to FARM, by AUCTION, to the Best Bidders, between the Hours of Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon and Three of the Clock in the Afternoon of the same Day, in Manner directed by the Act passed in the 13th Year of the
Reign of His present Majesty King George the Third, for re. gulating Turnpike- Roads ; which said several Tolls were lett forduring the last Y'ear ( clear of the Salaries for collecting the same), the respective Sums herein- after- mentioned ( that is to say), The Tell. Gate at Old- Stratford =£. 600 The Toll- Gate at To- wcester 612 The Toll- Gate at Strut. Hill 590 The Toll- Gate in Drayton- Lane ... 607 and will be respectively put up at those respective Sums, under such Conditions as shall be then and there produced. Whoever happens to be the Best Eiddsr or Bidders, must forthwith pay Fifty Pounds in Advance for each Gate, and
produce sufficient Sureties, and give Se- curity, for the Payment of the Residue of the Rents at such Time or Times as shall be then agreed on between them and the said Trustees; and at the same Time and Place new Trustees will be elected and chosen in the several Places and Steads of such Trustees as shall be then Dead.— Dated the 19th Day of February, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seven, fcy Older of the said Trustees, A. M1ERES, their Clerk. NUT, SPANISH CHESNUT, and other TIMBER TREES, with the TOPS, LOP, and BARK, all blazed and numbered, now standing on the dillerent Farms adjoining the
MANSION ( except one Farm, being at WARMINGTON, about three Miles distant), well calculated for Shipping, Building, Wheelwrights, and other Purposes. r UPTON adjoins the Turnpike- Road, and is distant from Banbury six Miles, troin StratforJ- on. Avon ten, and from Warwick fourteen, through either of which Places the Canal passes. For a View thereof, appty to THOMAS WEAVER, at the Mansion, ten Days previous to the Sale, of whom Catalogues may be had, with Conditions of Sale annexed; also, at the following Inns, viz. White- Lion, Banbury; Red- Lion, Kineton; White- Lion, Stratford; Swan Hotel, Birmingham;
Kirig's- Ilead, Coventry; Warwick- Arms, Warwick; Wheat- Sheaf, Daventrv ; Peacock, Northampton ; George, Shipston; Star, Oxford; Crown, Chipping- Norton ; King's- Arms; Bicester; Cobham- Arms, Buckingham; at the Office of Messrs. Bignell & Wykham, Banbury; and of the Auctioneer, Witney. Credit will be given till the first of September, if required, upon the Purchasers producing an ap- proved S& urity. Capital 1' reeJiold Manors and Estates, HUNTINGDONSHIRE. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By WILLIAM LEAK, At the Bell Inn, Stilton, on Monday the 2d of March, 1807, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, in Lots, subject
to such Conditions of Sale as will be then produced, AN improvable FREEHOLD ESTATE ( Land- Tax redeemed); consisting of the Manors of Sawtry- Beatns, Stilton, and I- ittle- Gidding; and sundry valuable Farms, Lands, and Tenements ( the greater Part Tythe- free), containing 2184 Acres of excellent Arable, Pasture, Meadow, and Wood Land, situate in the Parishes of SAWTRY, STILTON, CAL- DICOT, and LITTLE- GIDDING, six Miles from Peterborough, twelve from Huntingdon, and about seventy from London; at present lett to respectable Tenants from Year to Year, at old Rents, amounting to only J£, 2277 per
Annum, capable of very con- siderable Increase. The Public are informed, that for the Convenience of Purchasers, the Manor and Estates at Stilton will be sold in different Lots; Particulars of which will be ready previous to the Sale. To be viewed by applying to Mr. J. HINDI, the Agent, at Sawtry, where printed Particulars, and Plans of the Lots may be seen; also, at the Bell, and Angel Inns, Stilton; Angel, and Talbot, Peterborough; Swan, and Talbot, Stamford ; George, St. Martin's Stamford; Talbot, Oundie; Fountain, and of Mr. Sweeting, Solicitor, Huntingdon; Sun, Cambridge; Gesrge, Northampton; of George Booth Tyndale,
Esq. Lincoln's- 1nn Fields, London; Messrs. Matile Sc Sweeting, Solicitors, Huntingdon; and of the Auctioneer, at Fletton. Huntingdonshire. r- Freeholds. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JAMES BIRD, ( Under a Deed of Assignment) on Tuesday the Sd Day of March, 1907, at the George Inn, at Spaldwick, in the County of Huntingdon, between the Hours of Four and Six o'clock in the Evening, subject to such Conditions of Sale as will be produced ; Lotl. A LL that FREEHOLD new- erected HOUSE A and BAKEHOUSE, situate in OLD WESTON, in the said County; with a Barn, Yard, and Garden adjoining; in the Occupation of Mr.
John Bright. Lot 2. All those two new- erected HOUSES, large Yard, Barns, Stables, and other Out- Buildings, with a good Garden in Front of the Houses; also a capital POST WIND- MILL on the said Premises, with two Pair of Mill Stones, Machine and Flour Mill complete; together with one Acre of ARABLE LAND lying near, and in the open Field of Old Weston aforesaid. For further Particulars, enquire of Messrs. MAULE and SWEETINC, Solicitors, Fluntingdon. Prime fut Beasts and other Cattle, Implement: f Husbandry, fyc. The Property of a GENTLK » , AV, lc - off Farming, Sec. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By B i< A M P TO
N if Co On Thursday the 5: h Day of March 1 .. . ; : 7, f. BEAL'S FARM- V ARIJ, in'Gold- Strei t, 11 . Xi't BOROUGH, ill tlit Count) ot Northampton. ACapital FAT OX and MAIDEN Hi'.*[ F£ R ( boih Home- bred), supposed to - weigh ai. • 170 Sttr. e each, three fat Bullocks, a short- honac . and Calf, two Sturks, one short- horned < " Vf two yearling Calves; also, an exec. lent L. • Tradesman's) Horse ; a Sow and Pigs thee fcrl-': - 33 well- bred in- lamb'd l. wes, 33 Lambnogs, anu < rat Sheep. Also, several Lots of FARMING- UTENsli S Sec ; consisting of one Narrow- wheel Waggm one- Cart, a good Field- Roll, Hariow^ a 1 lough.
Win- nowing- Fan, and Barn'Tackle; 10 Dozen ot . urdles some very large Trays, Sheep and Cow- Cribs, a ca- pital Steel Mill, and a Variety of other Articles. Also, about 10 Tons of piiine MEADOW HAY about eight Tons of CLOVER and TARES, and * COCK and CORE of CLOVER HAY The Sale to begin precisely at Ten o'Uoc' . and to commence with tile Farming Utensils, & c.— T. ie Beasts and Sheep, & c. will be put up exactly at Two o'Clock. ' The Beasts may be viewed anv Day in the Week pre- ceding the Sale. The Sheep will be penned in the Morning of Sale for Inspection. Two Months' Credit will be given on approved
Security, • NOTICE is hereby given, arising TURNPIKE - TOLI5 TO LETT. . _ . That the TOLLS „ at the I urnpike- Gate leading trom Royston, in the County of Hertford, to W . r. sford Bridge, in the Coumy of Huntingdon, called cr known by the Name of the GODMAKC UTER 1 URN- PIKE- GATE, will be I tl' bv AUCTION, lot Three Years, to the Best Bidder, at the C. URT- HALL, in the Town of HUNIINODON, on FRIDAY th 2<'; h Day of MARCH next, oetweeu the Hours of ileven and Twelve in the Forenoon, in the Varncr iliiec'et; by an Act of Parliameu pa-. sed in the 13th Year <.;' the Keien ot His present Majesty King ' eoree
th- Third, " for regulating the Turnpike- Roads;" wMc'h Tolls were lett the last three Yeirs at the Ren •£ ^. 625 per Annum, and will be put up at that Su. Wnoever happens to be the nigi. est ... » ... s « the same Time give Security t'c ti e Satiil.• the T rustees ot the said Road, for l awn - ™ Rent agreed for, and at such Times as he , ill direct. G. MAULE, Clerk to the Trustees. Freehold Estate. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. CHENEY, On Thursday the 5th Day of March, 1807 ( if not sooner disposed of by Private Contract), at the Sign of the Red- Lion, at Clipstone, in the County of Northampton, between the Hours of Three and
Five o'Clock in the Afternoon, ACLOSE of rich PASTURE LAND, known by the Name of ASHBY'S CLOSE, containing 1A. 3R. ( more or less), and in the Occupation of Mr. Benjamin Brown, who i » under Notice to quit at Lady- Day next; together with THREE MESSU- AGES or TENEMENTS, upon the Premises, in' good Repair, situate and lving in the pleasant Village of CLIPSTONE aforesaid. To treat for the same by Private Contract, apply to the Auctioneer, at Naseby. The Purchaser or any other Person mav be accom- modated with 30 Acres of exceeding good Pasture and Arable Land to rent, contiguous to the Town.
HYDROPII OBIA; Or, a Cure for the bite of « Mad Dog. PAULNEWENS, pf WING, in the County of Bucks, is the sole Preparei . fa Medicine ,- 5 never, in any Instance, failed to. eradicate iht die ;' ul Malady occasioned by the Bite of a Mad 1';„)!, ,...( » which has been prepared with universal Sue est these last forty Years and upward,, by the s.. d i'sul Newens; and, before that l ime, by the late J » •• <, « c. POLLARD, his Predecessor, for foriy Ye.' MD no. wards; and at this Time Jus dreadful Malady le' r so very prevalent in different Parts of the t. o. t. trv it is considered the bou. iden Duty that one Fei'-' w- Creature owes to
another, to make known - o ' tie Public in general, that the said Medicine in. u oe had of the said Paul Newens, of Wing . ifore u ia Bottles, sealed with his Seal, with primed Directions for usiug the same — The said Medic ne has oee , u ed in the Neighbourhood of Wi. ig afor. said, and f eigh- ton. Buzzard, Beds, with the greatest Success, 5nd has been proved infallible: as for a> i li. statu e, , ee the Certificate hereunder, the Original of which is ii ihe Custody of the Churchwardens of Wing.— A » y Person considering themselves endangered, may take the above Medicine with the greatest Safety, and the numerous Cures that
have been made bv the said Paul Newens, in the Vicinity of Leighior,- Buzzard and Wing, are beyond Cone p. ion.— Dated, at Wing, the 23d Day of February, 1S07. " This is to certify, that ELIZABETH KEMPSTER, Servant to Mr. William Stevens, of Marsvorth, n the County of Bucks, Farmer, had every A ipea'ance of an Hydrophobia, but on Paul Newens's Medicine being administered, was in the Course of four Hours entirely released and cured."— Witness our hands, J. R. FAWCETT, Surgeon of Trii. g, Herts. JOHN GRIFFIN, Minister of Marsworth. WILLIAM STEVENS, of Marsworth Dated, at Tring, the 1st Day of
December, 1790. Dr. SOLOMON'S ABS1 ERGEN J LOllO. M SHAVIM.. THIS Lotion is the only Remedy a Gentleman can have Recourse to when Shaving is bee.. me a dreadful Operation by an eruptive Dis^ a » t on tho Face. It may be used withou 1 tie smallest Hazard, for a more sovereien Remedy cannot be r. evi c ' for even the most delicate Frame, than this admirable Lotion. It clears and beautifies the Skin, removes speedily, without Pain or Trouble, i ll Kinds of Pimples, letters, Ringworms, Spots. i; eine>„, Swellings or Carbuncles of the Nose, Blotciic, every Species of cutaneous Eruptitn on rhe Surface cf the Human
Body. £ 3" Price 4s. 6d. a Bottle, Duty included — A Government Svamp is pasted on each Bottle, with th-.- • Name and Place of /' bode of the Pioprietor, thvi: " Saml. Solomon, Liverpool," engraved therein; ; imitate which is Felony. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by the Printers of t! i a Paper; also, Retail, by Marshall, and Edge, No'th. ampton; Collis Sc Dash, and Munn, Ketteriig; Dawson, and Harrod, Harborough; Marriott, ' An- bury ; Inns, and Gallard,. Towcester; Se? i. , Buck- ingham; Richardson, Stony- Stiatfordj Edge, and Mather, Wellingborough; R. obin » , and Wilkinson, Daventry; Okely, and Palgrave, Bedf id; Fox, St.
Neots; Barringer, and Inwood, Newpor . Pagnell j Swinfen, Leicester; by the Printers of the Country Newspapers; and by all the reputable Med'cine Venders, Booksellers, Sec. in every prii cipal Town in England, Ireland, Scotland, and America, who will deliver Pamphlets gratis, with a Variety of authentic Doumencts noted therein.
Wednesday and Thursday's Posts. LONDON, February 26. SEVERAL mails arrived yesterday from the Continent"; they bring intelligence of impor- tance from the seat of war, which is given in such RII official form as to leave little doubt of its ac- curacy to a certain extent. The following brief summary is extracted from the Abeille du Nurd of the 13th inst. being the substance of an official account published at Elbing, on the eastern mouth of the Vistula, on the 29th of January. « Marshal Bemadotte was defeated on the 26th • of January, near Morringen, with the loss of 4000 men, 10 pieces of cannon, and 2 standards. The
remainder of his corps is Completely surrounded; and it was the intention of the allied army to bring on a general engagement. The King of Prussia had returned to Koningsburgh ; his troops took possession ef Marienwerder, and the Russians of Culm; they also raised the siege of Graudentz.— Accounts from Warsaw, of the 29th of January, state, that many of the French troops had re- crossed the Vistula to go into winter quarters in Silesia." The Counsellor Thcveust writes as follows to the Government of Dantzic. His dispatch is dated Marienwerder, ( hi Prussia) January 27: — " On the 24th and 25th of January, two actions
took place at Morringen, in which the divisions of Ney and Bernadotte were almost entirely destroyed or dispersed, and the remains of the latter officer's corps is cut otf. Murat is wounded and taken, Bernadotte is severely wounded, Rapp killed, and General Fourbier made prisoner. " Bonaparte is ill at Warsaw of a nervous fever. The Polish insurgents are in a wretched condition. The contributions of Elbing, amounting to 60,000 crowns, are re- taken atMorriugen, with the entire equipage of Bernadotte. " The blockade of Graudentz is raised; the bridge of Thorn has been carried awVty by the ice, . which renders the passage of
the French across the Vistula very difficult. " Lannes has lost both his'legs; 6000 Freneh are killed, and 4000 wounded. The victory was obtained by the arrival of the two corps of Ben- ningsen and L'Estocq. A general engagement is expected. General Victor, who has been made prisoner, is arrived at Dantzic." All the Danish reports agree as to the principal fact, that Bernadotte was defeated at Morringen, and that the junction between him and Ney was - prevented. In the 54th bulletin it is mentioned that a number of light battalions belonging to Ney's division returned to their cantonments, after marching twenty leagues ant|
alarming the right • wing of the Russian army, it is not said, what the object of this extensive excursion was, and an equal silence is preserved as to the circumstances which compelled the expedition to return. It was, no doubt, occasioned by the defeat of Bernadotte, and if the junction had not been prevented, both divisionswptjld have appeared before Koningsburgh; perhaps advanced to ISlemel. A private letter from Altflna, dated February 13, domains the following intelligence:- Cheap, Safe, and Superior Travelling. THE LIGHT NORTHAMPTON COACH, EVERYDAY, CARRYING TOUR IKSIDES. TIIIS Coach leaves
WILLIAM CULLEN's, the ANGEL INN, NORTHAMPTON, every Morning, at Five o'Clock, and arrives at the ANCEL INN, ST. MARTIN'S LE GRAND, LONDON, every After- noon, at Four; and from the ANGEL INN, ST. MARTIN'S LE GRAND, at Five o'Clock every Morning, and arrives at the ANGEL INN, NORTHAMPTON, at Four in the Afternoon. WILLIAM CULLEN ( the Proprietor of the above Coach) begs to inform the Public, that the best of Beds, and every other Accommodation possible, shall be provided for Passengers at his House ; where they may be accommodated with POST- CHAISES to any Part of the Country.
This Coach is well known, ever since its Establish- ment, to have been supported by the genteelest Com- pany, both in the Town and Neighbourhood of North* ampton.— WILLIAM CULLEN will further pay every Attention to Passengers in the Town of Northampton and assures them, their Parcels shall be delivered im- mediately on the Arrival of the Coach. Places taken and Parcels booked, as usual, at the GENERAL COACH - OFFICE, WILLIAM GROSS' Hair- Dresser, Bridge- Street, NORTHAMPTON, and at WILLIAM CULLEN'S, Angel Inn, to any fart of England. The Proprietors of the above Coach will not be ac- countable
for any Parcel or Package, of any Kind whatever, above the Value of £. 5, unless entered as such and paid for accordingly. PERFORMED BY WILLIAM CULLEN, Angel Inn, Northampton. CLARK, Saracen's- Head, Newport. HAYWOOD, White- Hart, St. Alban's. ISAAC NEWTON, Red- Lion, Barnet. JOHN ROBINSON, Angel Inn, St. Martin's Le Grand, London. / 3% ssrs. WILLAN & IVXl RESPECTFULLY inform the Public, that from MONDAY the 9th Instant, their NORTHAMPTON LIGHT COACH, ( To cairy four Insides only), will leave LONDON and NORTHAMPTON at Seven o'Clock every Morning, and continue to set out
daily from each Place, at the same Hour; and will arrive in London and Northampton every Afternoon at Half- past Four. The NORTHAMPTON OLD COACH, at re- duced Fares, leaves London and Northampton at Five o'Clock every Morning. Inside Fare . 12s. Outside Ditto..... 7s. Inside from Newport 10s. Outside from Ditto 5s. Passengers by this Coach will Breakfast at the Swan Inn, Newport- Pagnell, every Morning, in their Way to Town, at Seven o'Clock. Places secured, and Parcels booked, at their Coach- Office, Ram Inn, Newport- Pagnell. ESSEX! S PATENT WOOL mics. JAMES ESSEX wishes to return his ftiost
grateful Acknowledgements to the Nobility, Gentry; and others, for the numerous Favours con- ferred upon him, and the high and very liberal Patronage with which he has long been honoured, for manufacturing WOOL M ATS or RUGS of COTTED WOOL : he has now the Pleasure to inform the Public in general, that he is manufacturing elegant WOOL RUGS, of various Colours, Figures, Pat- terns and Sizes, suitable for Carriages, Halls, Parlours, Hearths, Bedsides, See. for which he has obtained HIS MAJESTY'S ROYAL PATENT, and which may be had at his House in Bridge- Street, Northampton. Ac NOTICE TO
DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. ALL Persons who stood indebted to the late Mr. CHRISTOPHER CARTER, of MARKET- j HARBOROUGH, Plumber and Glazier, deceased, are desired to pay their respective Debts to Mr. George . j Stableford, Mr. Thomas Bull, Jitn. and Mr. James Over, all ot Market- Harborough aforesaid, Assignees of the Estate aiid Eftects of the said Christopher Carter, on or before the 25th Day of March next, otherwise they will be under the Necessity of suing for the same without further Notice.— And all those to whom the said Christopher Carter stood indebted, are requested to Send in their Bills to the
said George Stableford, Thomas Bull, and James Over, on or before the said 25th Day of March, as the Assignees wish to make a ' Dividend of the said Christopher Carter's Estate and Effects as soon after that Day as possible. Market- Harborough, Feb.% tb, 1807. WHEREAS a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded and issued forth against THOMAS TITE, of DA v ENTRY, in the County of Nortliampton, Auctioneer and l. iquor- Merchant, and he being de- clared a Bankrupt is hereby required to surrender himself to the Commissioners in the said Commission named, or the major Part of them, on FRIDAV the SIXTH, and
SATURDAY the SEVENTH Days of MARCH next, and SATURDAY the FOURTH Day of APRI L next; at Five e'Clock in the Afternoon of the first Day, and Eleven ot the Clock in the Forenoon of the two last Days, at the House of JOHN MOORE, known by the Sign of the GRITFIN INN, in SOUTHAM, in the J County of Warwick, to make a full Discovery and Disclosure of his Estate and Effects; when and where the Creditors are to come prepared to prove their Debts, and at the second Sitting to choose Assignees ; and^ at To Marble Masons and others. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. KIRS HAW, On Thursday the 5th Day of
March, 1807, on the Premises of the late Mr. MIDDLETON, of TOWCESTER, Mason and Builder, ALarge Quantity of BID FORD STONE, in Slabs ( suitable for Chimney Pieces, and which receives a fine Polish, and is equal to veined Marble); several carved and ornamented Grave- Stones, plain Ditto; Moulton- Park Stones, of different Dimen- sions; 24 Chimney Pieces of Ditto, worked with Slabs; several Hornton Ledgers, Helmdon Ashler, | varioui Head- Stones, Kingsthorpe rubbed and tooled ! Paving, several Sink- Stones, and Statuary and veined Marble; one four- wheeled and one two- wheeled Stone j Carriages;
Benches, and Tools in general; Stone Jars, with a Variety of Articles useful to Masons and Builders. The Sale to begin at Ten o'Clock. Prime Slock, 4' C. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. Kl'RSHAW, On the Premises of Mr. J. CLARK, at WOOTTON, near Northampton, who is leaving his Farm, on Monday and Tuesday the yth and 10th Days of March, 1807, UIE entire LIVE and DEAD STOCK, IMPLEMENTS- in HUSBANDRY, BREW- ING and DAIRY UTENSILS, & c. Sec. of the j said Mr. CLARK; coissisting of thirteen Dairy ; Cows, nine barre- i Ditto, three fat Ditto, five in- I calved Heifers, seven Sturks, four Calves, one two-
- year- old long- horned Bull, and one yearling sliort- I homed Ditto; 162 in. lambed Ewes, 20 Dorset Ewes and Lambs, and 145 Tegs; five Cart Horses and ! Mares, two yearling Colts, one Foal, and a Hackney | Mare; three fat Hogs, and eight Porkets; Gears- for i twelve Horses; three Waggons, one Six- inch Ditto, with double and single Shafts ( nearly new), and four Carts; two Field- Rolls, deuble Plough, two single- wheeled Ditto, three others, and Sheet and small Harrows; Ladders, Cribs, Hurdles, Horse and Pig Troughs, with numerous other useful Articles.— Dai- ry M. N E W M A N, MILLINER and DRESS- MAKER,
CKNOWLEDGES, with Gratitude, the many Favours she has received, and assures her Friends, that every possible Attention shall be paid to their Commands. An APPRENTICE WANTED IMMEDIATELY, to the above Business. Paulerspury, Fei. Tlth, 1807. T OUNDLE ASSOCIATION. AT a General Meeting of the Subscribers to a Fund for the more effectually preventing FELONIES and other MISDEMEANORS within th'e Town and Neighbourhood of OUNDLE, in the County of Northampton, held at the T'AI. BOT INN, in OUNDLE aforesaid, on TUESDAY the 21th Day of FEBRUARY, 1807, Ordered, That the Subscribers to
this Fund do pay into the Hands of Mr. BALDERSTON, or Mr. PRENTICE, both of Oundle, the Treasurers to this Society, on or before the . 31st Day of March next, the Sum of Five Shillings each, for their Subscription for the Year ensuing; and that the several Subscribers who have not made good any of their former Subscriptions, do pay up their Arrears, otherwise the present Year's Subscription cannot be received; and that this Order be advertised in the Northampton and Stamford Newspapers. Capital Live Stock and Farming Utensils. To be SOLD by A U C T I O N, WITHOUT RESERVE, By THOMAS PULL, On Thursday
and Friday the 5th and 6th of March, 1807, on the Premises, at ASHLEY, in North- amptonshire, ALL the LIVE and DEAD STOCK, IMPLE- MENTS in HUSBANDRY, & c. with PART of the HOUSEHOLD- FURNITUKE, late the Pro- perty of Mr. THOMAS BKRKY, deceased. The LIVF. STOCK consists of 21 Ewes in- lambed, 20 Shearhogs, and 18 Lambhogs; four useful Draught Horses; two in- calved . Cows, three barren Ditto, two Three- year- old Steers, five Sturks, and three weaning Calves ; a Yelt, and in- pigged Sow. The DEAD STOCK comprises Hvrness for six Horses; a large Hovel of Wheat, Ditto of Beans, and Hovel
Frames; a Core of . old Hav, and a. Core of new Hay, together about 15 Tons; four large lots of Manure, and a Quantity of Pigeon Dungj a Rick of Stubble; I four stout Waggons, and two Carts; Plough and j Harrows; a leaded Horse- Trough; Bam Tackle; with ! N " V ORIPFTT RVF <-\ FV>< » >- A PROVIDENT INSTITUTION, For, LIFE INSURANCE and ANNUITIZE > SOUTHAMPTON- STREET, STRAND, LONDON. FL President, ™ The Most Noble the M arquis of B u c K I N C H A M , K , C, Vice. Presidents, The Most Noble the Marquis of SALISBURY, K. C. The Right Hon. Viscount BULKELEY. The Right Hon. Viscount
CHETWYND. The Right Hon. Viscount DUNCANNON. The Right Hon. Lord BRAYBROOKE. Trustees, ^ The Most Noble the Marquis of BUCKINGHAM. - J The Right Hon. Lord BRAYBROOKI. WILLIAM PRAED, Esq. M. P. RPHE Object of this Institution is to encourtjt X the truly laudable Design of Life Insurance, ind Provision for old Age, by reducing tho, e Transactor.! to Principles of the utmost possible public Benefit With this View, an extensive Society of Noblemeii and Gentlemen have entered into a Subscription ot ^. 260,000, to constitute an original Capital- m taking upon themselves the sole Responsibility ot the
Establishment, they entitle the Insured and An- nuitants to participate in Profits after the Expend of an economical Management are defrayed, in whitfr the Presidents, Directors, Trustees, and Auditiw act gratuitously. Thus, by the specific Sums n. sured, and the Division of contingent Profits ever? Member has the fullest Value possible for his Kay. ments, without being snbiect to Calls upon any Losii whatever.— This important and unprecedented Ad- vantage is peculiar to the Provident Institution. Military Men, insured at this Office, are not charged with any additional Premium, unless called into actual Service. No Admission
Fees are required; nor is any Chare made for Policies. Insurance and Annuities may be effected any D » » within Office Hours, which are fiom Ten till Four o'Clock. A Pamphlet, which fully explains fhe Principles and Terms of the Institution, may be hail of Agents, and at the Booksellers, Price Sixpr- nce AGENTS. Northampton,— Mr. BURNHAM. _ Aylesbury,— Mr. LUKE TURNER, Town- Clerk it 1 iples , J .1 and Brewing Utensils in general. The Public are respectfully informed, the Sheep i a va" ety of other Articles, have been bred with great Care from some of the 1 - - THE FURNITURE consists first- rate Flocks in this
County, and will be found deserving the Attention of Gentlemen Breeders. The Sale to begin at Ten o'Clock in the Morning of each Day's Sale. Catalogues may be had at the Swan Inn, Newport- "• gnell ; White - Horse, Towcester; Bull, Stony- Stratford ; Saracen's- Head, Daventry; Hind, Welling- the last Sitting the said Bankrupt is required to finish | borough; Angel, Market- Harborough; Talbot, Wel- his Examination, and the Creditors are to assent to, ford; on the Premises; and of the Auctioneer, By most respectable private advices received I or dissent from, the Allowance of his Certificate. from Stockholm, via Copenhagen,
under date of the 9th inst. it appears, that Bonaparte has been indefatigable in his attempts to make his Swedish Majesty renounce his alliances. Mortier was his principal agent in these dark and insidious nego- tiations, in which Napoleon promised to reward Swedish perfidy with Norway, which belongs to Denwark,' with which power the French feign to lie on such a friendly feoting. These base terms were patiently heard, and transmitted to the Court of Malmoe, but, being only verbal, tlie. Swedish Cabinet sent orders to have them in writing, which request was also complied with. Hereupon the Swedish Monarch sent copies of
the perfidious offers not only to the Courts in alliance with him, hut even to his neighbour, the Danish Court, who will now plainly perceive what it is to be the friend of such a being as Bonaparte. Suffice it to say, that the terms were scornfully rejected by the Swedish Monarch, who sent for an answer, the following laconic lines: ' I shall never in my life become the ally of such a robber as you !' This anecdote is authentic, and communicated from a most unexceptionable source. " Not only with Sweden, but even with the Emperor of Germany, Napoleon uses the same diabolical intrigues of state, hut with as little • uccess. By
respectable private- advices from Vienna, of the lsc inst. the Hungarian army was arrived, in great part, over the Carpathian moun- tains, on the confines of Gallicia; and all the temptations, and alluring baits, held out by the great dispoiler of morality and mankind, are re- jected by the Austrian Court. As the latter has paid up all the arrears of the contributions due to the French, the fortress of Brannau will, it is said, be delivered up again." Dispatches have been at last received from Lord flutchinson. They arrived yesterday tinder charge of Mr. Jackson, our late Minister at the Court of Berlin. Any particulars which they contain have
not transpired; but they are said to confirm the statements of the advantage gained hy the Rus- sians at Morringen ; and to afford a very satis- factory account of the condition, strength, and position of the Russian and Prussian armies. The Gazette of Tuesday contains a list of 48 fillips of war iflid private armed vessels, captured and destroyed by his Majesty's squadron on the Jamaica station, commanded by Admiral Dacrcs, during the year 180G. And a letter from Captain Carteret, of the Scorpion sloop, stating the cap- ture of the Bougainville, French privateer, of 16 guns, and 93 men. On Thursday and Friday last, a cause
was tried in the Court of King's- Bench, Dublin, which, from the extensive connexions of the parties in the higher circles, excited much interest. Lord Clon- eurry brought an action against Sir John Bennet Piers, Bart, to recover a compensation for crim. ooti. with Lady C. The Jury found a verdict for his Lordship, with twenty thousand pounds damages. Shocking Accident.— On Thursday last, a child belonging to Mr. Wright, bookseller, Broad- street, St. CUes's, was burnt to death in the following dreadful manner:— As she and her sister were amusing themselves in the kitchen, dressing their dolls, with a candle plaeed on a chair
beside them, she had occasion to stand upon the chair to take down a work- hag hanging on the wall, when her clothes caught fire. Her sister was so terrified, that she could render her no assistance. The child whose clothes caught fire, ran up the kitchen stairs, in appearance like a ball of flames, where her mother and grandmother met her.— The feelings of the mother can b « better conceived than expressed. Sibe was so overcome with the shock, that she was rendered wholly incapable of giving any assistance. — The screams attracted the attention of several people passing at the moment; when a woman / ashed in,
wrapped her in her cloak, and extin- guished the flames, which by this time had extended ^ o her whole body. Her ears were burnt almost to a cinder. She lingered in the most excruciating agony for upwards of forty hours, when she breathed her last. — The Coroner's inquest was held on tha body on Tuesday, and returned a verdict of Hci/ uUrMl Vi3th. All Persons indebted to the said Bankrupt, or that have am of his Effects, are not t ® pay or deliver the same but to whom the Commissioners shall appoint,- but give Notice to Joseph Egerton, Solicitor, Gray's Inn- square, London; or Richard Lyndon Rolls, Soli- citor, Southam,
Warwickshire. " To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, " RPWO FREEHOLD Brick and Tile MESSUAGES S. or TENEMENTS, in good Repair, with Gardens, k Well of good Water, and Appurtenances thereunto belonging; conveniently situate for Trade in the HICH- STR EF. T, on the West Side of STONY- STRATFORD, in the County of Bucks; late in the Occupation of Mr. William Ctick and Mr. Joseph Storton'. Immediate Possession may be had. For further Particulars, and to treat for the Purchase, apply to Mr. I. UCAS, Solicitor, Newport- Pagnell. February 1807. To l^~ s7> TD by AOCTIO N, By ROBERT ANDREWS, On
Thursday the 5th Day of March, 1807, ALL the FARMING, DAIRY, and BREWING UTENSILS, some HOUSEHOLD- FURN 1- Northampton. Farming- Stock and Utensils, To be SOLD by AUCTIO N, By Mr. KIRS HA If, On Thursday the 12th, and Friday the 13th of March, 1807, on the Premises ot Mr. N. JONES, who is leaving his Farm, at ABINGTON, near Northampton. r IM1E LIVE STOCK consists of 90 Ew. es and A Lambs, 25 Tegs, five Store Pigs, two Four- year- old Bay Blood Colts, and two Three- year- old j Ditto, good Workers, and warranted sound. The DEAD STOCK consists of Gears for six Horses; | Steel Bean-
Mill, Corn- Screen, Winnowing- Mathine ! and Fan, with Sieves, and Barn Tackle in general; eight Cow- Cribs;' one Narrow- wheel Waggon, with Iron Arms ( nearly newj, three other Waggons, two Six- inch Carts, and two Market Carts; one double Plough, two Single- wheel Ditto, with several Swing Ploughs; two Sheet and three Pair of Harrows; a Quantity of Hurdles, Sheep- Cribs and Troughs, three Hovel- Frames, and Field- Roll; a Quantity of Oak square Scantlings, Elm and Ash Boards, Oak Hurdle Heads, with various useful Hovel Timber. Also, Part of the useful HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE ; j consisting of Bedsteads and
Bedding; Tables and j Chairs; large Clothes Press; Mahogany Bureaus; of two Bedsteads and Hangings, two Flock- Beds, Chairs and Tables, Brass and Pewter, Kitchen- Range, Ash- Grate, & c. ; a 40- Gallon Copper, 6- BusheI Mash- Vat, Tubs, and Barrels; two Barrel Churns, Cheese- Press, with various other Articles belonging to the Dairy. The Grain, Hay,, and Straw, must be taken oft" the Premises by Lady- Day. Sale_ to commence each Day at Ten o'Clock. The Live Stock, Grain, Waggons, and as much as Time will permit of the Farming Utensils, will be sold the first Day. Six Months' Credit will be given for all Bargains
above =£. 1Q, by giving an approved joint Security, or a Discount of 6d. in the Pound for'ready Money. PAULERSPURY, Feb. 23d, 1807.- QTOLEN, early on Saturday Morning last, out K J of a Farm- Yard belonging to THOMAS FROST, of FAULERSPURY, near Toyvcester, Northamptonshire A BAY FILLY, rising three Years old, about twelve Hands high, with black Mane and Tail; the Tail long, if not altered, and. the uvo fore Feet white, but no higher than the fetlock, with a white Nose. Whoever will bring the said Fillv toTHos. FROJT as above, shall receivs TWO GUINEAS REWARD and all reasonable Charges. A young
Man, who once lived in the above Parish, is strongly suspected: He is about 30 Years of five Feet nine Inches high, stout made, has ligi',% Hair, cut very short, and an awkward Gait, but ill yvell dressed. To he LETT by AUCTION, At the Moot- Hall, in Daventry, x> n Thursday the F2th Day of March, 1807, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions as will be then produced, Lot 1. \ Capital MESSUAGE, near the FTJ AUXJT- JTV HILL, in DAVENTRY ( Parcel of, and attached to, the Moot- FIallj, with a large Garden, Yard, Stables, and Outbuildings, conveniently and advantageously situated for an Inn, or for any
Trade I that requires Room and Publicity. I Lot 2. The PROFITS to arise from the BUTCHER'S SHAMBLES and other STALLS, to bs set upon the Scite ot the old Moot- Hall. 1 I Apply, for furtiier Particulars, to Mr. BURTON Attorney, in Daventry. A TURE, Sic. the Property of Mr. WM. MANNING, I u"'",'' n? f,„ J c u1 ,? latlofny at LITTLE.. HOUGHTON, near Northampton; consisting L6 ™ ^?"^ Scullery Utensils in general; of three Narrow - , wl Waomns. W t ™ Ditto ' sweet > ron- bound Casks ; with a Variety ot useful of three Narrow - jwheel Waggons, '- and two Ditto Carts; three Ploughs, one Pair of Harrows, a ca- pital Two horse Field- Roll, and Harness for five Horses; Winnowing - Gig, Corn - Screen, Sieves, Sacks, and Barn Tackle; two Corn- Bins, two long Ladders, very good I. ead Horse - Trough, Forks, Rakes, Sec. ; a good Two- dozen Barrel- Churn and Frame, four Miik- Leads, two Pails, and other Dairy Utensils; a 36- Gallon Ce> pp: r and Grate, two Mash- Vats, a new Cooler, Work- Tubs, Vats, & c.; four Iron- bound Hogsheads, one Puncheon, & c.; a large Quantity of" old Iron, > Set of Harrow Tines, some Horse Ties, & c.; Wool Bed and Bedding; two Bedsteads; Chairs and Tables; Saddle, Bridle, Side- Saddle, & c, & c. The Sale to
begin at Ten o'Clock. To Dyers. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. HA WT Y N, On Friday the Sth of March, 1807, under a Com- mission of Bankrupt, awarded against Mr. JAMES WARD, on the Premises, at his DvEHOUSE, in NEITHROP, near BANBURY, Oxfordshire, A LL the valuable STOCK of DYING MA- XI TERIALS and UTENSILS in BUSINESS, as will be more particularly explained in the Cata- logues, which may be had, in due Time, at the said Dyehousc; and at the Office of the Auctioneer, in Banbury. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By WILLIAM BEESLEY, On Saturday the 7th Day of March, 1807, at the Bull Inn,
WAPPENHAM, in the County of Northampton, removed there for Conveniency of Sale, OME HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE; a 50- Gallon Brewing Copper, and a 20- Gallon Brass Ditto; Hogshead, Iron- bound Casks, and several Half- Hogshead and other Casks; Clock and Case; Feather- Bed and Bedstead, with Furniture; Brass Kettles and Pots; Pewter and Brass; Tables Se Chairs; one Gun; Roasting - Jack, Kitchen - Grate, and Kitchen- Range; a Six- dozen Churn; and several other Articles. The Sale will commence at Twelve o'Clock. and convenient Articles. Denford, Northamptonshire. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By
BROWN & SON, Oh Thursday the 12th Day of March, 1807, PART of the genteel IIOUSEIIOLD- FURNI- TURE, CHINA, GLASS, BREWING- UTENS1I. S, and other EFFECTS, the Property of Mr. LUCAS, at DENTORD, in the County of Northampton; comprising handsome Mahogany Bu- reau and Bookcase, with glazed Doors; Mahogany Two- leaved Dining Tables, and Card Table ; Mahogany Sofa, and Covers; six handsome japanned Chairs, with stuffed Seats, and two Elbows to match; Ma- hogany Pole Fire- Screens; Tea- Urn; Pier Glass; large handsome Damask festoon Window- C tirtains; Carpets; excellent Mahogany
Wardrobe; Night Table; neat japanned Chamber Chairs; Bath Stove and Fire- irons; China and Glass; Fowling- Piece; capital polished Kitchen- Range, with winding Cheeks, Patent Wrought- iron Oven, large Copper, Saucepans, Coal- Scoop, and other Kitchen Requisites; 60- Gallon Brewing Copper and Grate, and 30- Gallon Ditto ; five Iron- bound Pipes, Mash- Vat, and Tubs; several Dozen of Glass Bottles, a large Quantity of useful Iron, and numerous other Articles. Sale to begin at Ten o'Clock. Catalogues to be had, in due Time, at the Inns at Highain- Ferrers, Wellingborough, and Thrapston; Place of Sale; at the Printing-
Ofike, and of Brovm Sc Son, Auctioneers, Bedford, Farming - Stock, ADDERBURY- HOUSE, OXFORDSHIRE. To be SOLD by A U C T 1 O N, By Mr. GARDNER, On the Premises, on Monday and Tuesday, the 9th and 10th Days of March, 1807, ALL the valuable LIVE & DEAD FARMING- STOCK., AGRICULTURAL IMPLE- I MENTS, DAIRY UTENSILS, See. the Property of J. O. FIELD, Esq. at ADDERBURY- HOUSE ! ( who is retiring to a distant Part of the Country); I consisting of one Alderney and seven o'. her Cows, Lady- Day In- calf, six Heifers, In- calf, two barren Cows, 1' 0r 3 v a four- year- old Bull, six Sturks, six
Calves, and a I Bull Calf; three well- bred Leicestershire Rams, 140 i Ewes, In- lamb, 1S8 Ewe and Wether Tegs, six Ram ; Tegs, and 10 fat Sheep, all of the Leicestershire Breed; ' four In- pig Sows, one other Soyv, nine little Pigs, | and a Boar; a well- bred four- year- old Filly, and a useful Cart Mare; 65 Tons of excellent Meadow Hay, and 25 Tons of Clover Hay ; two Waggons, two I Carts, and a Water- Cart; two Ploughs, six Sets of I Gearing for Oxen, and sundry Horse Gearing ; Patent i Winnowing - Machine, Chaff- Bin, Sieves, Sec.; I three Cow- Cribs, 15 Sheep- Racks, and 10 Pair of Hurdles; 10 Milk- Leads, with Churns,
Buckets, Tubs, and other Dairy Utensils. Catalogues may be had at the principal Inns in the ! Neighbourhood ; the Place of Sale; and of the Auc- 1 tioneer, Banbury Kettering, Northamptonshire. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By THOMAS PELL, At the White- Hart Inn, in Kettering, on Monday the 9th Day of March, 1807, between the Hours of Five and Seven in the Evening, subject to such Conditions as will be then and there produced, Truly - desirable COPYHOLD ESTATE or ESTATES of INHERITANCE, held of the MANOR of KETTERING aforesaid, and which will be disposed of in the three following Lots;— Lot 1. A
substantial, Brick and Slated Messuage or Tenement and Dyveiling- House, and extensive Shop anct Out- houses, with good Stabling and Hay Lofts, Yard, and large inclosed Garden, pleasantly situated near the Market- Place, in Kettering, late in the Occupation of Messrs. Cobb & Benton. These Premises, in Point of Situation and Room, are . truly desirable for . any Person in Trade, and wherein an extensive Business in the Ironmongery and Grocery Line has been lately carried on ; or at a little Expence might be converted into a genteel Re- sidence for a private Family. Lot 2. Three Messuages, Tenements, or Dwellings, with
Gardens at the Back thereof, situate in Goose- Pasture - Lane, in Kettering aforesaid, and in the several Occupations of Hipvvell, Smith, and — Askew. Lot 3. A Messuage or Tenement, in the Occupa- tion of Nathaniel Tunnel; together with a valuable and convenient small Close of Pasture Land or Ground, and large Garden adjoining, situate at the Bottom of the aforesaid Lane, called Goose- Pasture- Lane, and late also in the Tenure or Occupation of Mr. Benton. Possession of the aforesaid Premises may be had at ' ™ next. iew of the Premises, apply to the Auc- tioneer; and for further Particulars, to Mr. J. C. GOTCH,
orTHOMAS MARSHALL, Solicitor, Kettering. To be SOLD by TOCETHER OR 11, AUCTION, At Mr. Hodson's, the Pied-' Bull Inn, at Peterborough, in the County ot Northampton, on Friday the 13th Day of March, ISO/, at Three o'Cloc't in the A ftemoon, A FARM- HOUSE, with the Outbuildingf, XI Garden, Orchard, & c. situated at G LINTON i and about 60 Acres of LAND, in the Field, and four lnthe Lordships of PEAKIRK- GLINTON and . WARRINGTON, in the said County ot Northampton. CLINTON is situated by the Turnpike- Road leading V?', n D. eePu, 5 t0 Peterborough, and is within three Miles ot the former, and five of
the latter For further Particulars, apply to the Tenant, Mr. JAMES JOICE, of Clinton aforesaid. 4 GOVERNMENT STATE - LOTTERY, To begin Drawing 14th APRIL. SCHEME. Prizes of if. 20,000 10,000 5,000 J, 000 500 100 50 20 4 4 4 10 10 30 40 3,000 3,000 first- drn. Tickets 10 each 25,000 Tickets. To be SOLD by A U C T I O N, By THOMAS PELL, On Wednesday and Thursday the 18th and 19th of March, on the Premises, at BRIGSTOCK, in Northamptonshire, ALL the genteel and useful HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE of Mr. THOMAS BELLAMY, and PART of the EFFECTS of Mr. JAMES BELLAMY, deceased;
comprising a lofty Bedstead, '•' Dimity Furniture, full Valance, and Cornice with Superb Furniture, ADDERBURY - HOUSE, OXFORDSHIRE. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. GARDNER, On the Premises, on Monday the 30th Day of March, 1807, and following Days, ^ TMLAT very extensive and magnificent As- A semblageof splendid and costly FURNITURE, at ADDERBURY- HOUSE, the Residence of J. C, FIELD, Esq. ( who is retiring to a distant Part of the Country). / Further Particulars will appear in due Time. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By PETER WARREN, At the George Inn, in Kimbolton, on Friday the ISth Day of
March, 1807, about Four o'Clock, in two Lots; Lot 1. \ FARM- HOUSE, HOMESTEAD, and A OUT- BUILDING S, situate in SWINE SHE AD, in the County of Huntingdon, with a CLOSE of PASTURE GROUND adjoining, containing two Acres ( more or less), in the Occupa- tion of Thomas Smart; and a CLOSE of PASTURE, called BUTTON'S CLOSE, containing about three Acres ( more or less), and in the Occupation of John Fox ; and 39 Acres ( more or less) ot ARABLE LAND, LEY, MEADOW, and PASTURE GROUND, in the Open Fields of SWINESHEAD aforesaid, Part in the Occupation, of the said John Fox, and Part of
the said Thomas Smart; with the Commons there- unto belonging. Lot 2. A COTTAGE or TENEMENT and GARDEN, in SWINESHEAD aforesaid, in the Occupation of William Edmunds. Note.— Part of the above is Freehold, and Part Copyhold; but the Copyhold Fines being certain and very low, render the same nearly equal in Value to Freehold.— One- half Part of the Purchase- Money may remain oh Security of the Premises. The Tenants will shew the Premises ; and further Particulars may be known of Mr. DAY, Solicitor, St. Neots. complete; four Bedsteads, with Check and other Furnitures; five seasoned Feather- Beds;
Blankets and Counterpanes; tyvo Servants' Beds and Bedding ; ! 13 Mahogany Chairs, modern Pattern; Mahogany Chest ot Drayvers; Mahogany Dining and other Tables; an Eight- day Clock, in Mahogany Case, and Thirty- hour Ditto; Pier Glasses, in Mahogany and Gilt Frames; an Assortment of Oak Chairs and ; Tables, an Oak Bureau, Brass and Pewter, Kitchen l Requisites and Breyving Utensils in general, with a Variety of other Articles too numerous to par- ticularize. Sale to commence each Day at Ten. The above Furniture will be found worthy the Attention of a respectable Company, as most" of it has been new within
a few Years. Neat Cattle, valuable Sheep, 4' C. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By EDWARD NEALE & SON, On Monday the 9th Day of March, 1807, on the Pre- mises of Mr. SETH HOPKINS, of WILLEY, in the County of Warwick, yvho leaves his Farm at Lady- Day next, rpHE truly valuable BREED of EWES, TEGS, J_ DAIRY COWS, HEIFERS, STURKS, and YEARLINGS, capital NAG and DRAUGHT HORSES, in- foaled MARES, and about 100 Acres of GRASS KEEPING until the 5th Day of April next. The LIVE STOCK comprises 51 Ewes, in- lambed, 21 Theaves, 75 Tegs, two neyv- milch Cows, eight in- calved Ditto, four
in- calved Heifers, three Sturks, and six yearling Calves; two Draught Mares, in- foaled, one Draught Horse and one Mare, rising three Years old, one capital Nag Horse, four Years old, and one Ditto, three Years old. The valuable Breed of Sheep have been bred with great Care from Rams of Mr. Grundy's, of Drayton- in- the- CIay. The Dairy Cows are'descended from Bulls of Mr. Grundy's, and other respectable Breeders. The Draught Mares are in- foaled by a Horse of Mr. Powers', of Stretton- tinder- Foss. The above Stock will be found well worth the At- tention of Purchasers. The Sale to commence at Nine o'Clock in the
Morning. Catalogues may be had at the Hind and Denbigh- Arms Inns, and of the Auctioneers, Lutterworth. re =£. 80,000 — 40.000 — 20,000 — 10,000 — . 5,000 — 3,000 — 2,000 — 60,000 30,000 .£. 250,000 Capitals determinable. First- drayvn Ticket.. 1st Day ^. 20 090 5 » t0 :... 2d Day 20,000 -..-. 3d Day 20.000 J^! tto 4th Day 20,000 "! tto 5th Day 10,000 Ditto ---- r 6th Day 10,000 TICKETS AND SHARES Are on Sale at EVERY LICENSED LOTTERY- OFFICE. PRESENT PRICE. Ticket j£. 19 16s. Half £. 10 Quarter 5 Eighth Sixteenth ...£. 1 12 1 6 I he above Scheme will point out the Necessity of an early Purchase, as
four Prizes of =£. 20,000 each will be sure to be rfrayvn in the first four Davs, ex- clusive of Other Capital Prizes. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, '" I'TIAT a Meeting of the Trustees of the Turnpike- Road leading from Banbury, in the County of Oiford, to the South End of Mill Field, in the Parish of Luttenvorth, in the County of I ei- cester, will be held at the RED- LION, in BANBURY, on FRIDAY the20th Day of MARCH next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon; at which Meeting the Trustees will take into Consideration, and determine upon the Propriety of erecting a Side- Gate upon the said Road, at or near a Place called Grimsbury
Green — Dated the 26th Day of Februarv, 1.807. By'Order of the Trustees, • EDM. BURTON. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, ri^ HAT the next Meeting of the Trustees ap- .1- pointed by an Act of Parliament made anri passed in the thirty- seventh Year of the Keign of His present Majesty King George the Third, intituled, " An Act for amending, widening, altering, and keeping in Repair, the Road leading from a Place called Morton's Corner, in the Town of Welling- borough, in the County of Northampton, to the East End of Abington- Street in the Town of Northampton ;'" will be held at the HIND INN, in WELLINGBOROUGH
aforesaid, on MONDAY theTHiRTiETH Day of MARCH next; at which Time and Place the respective TOLLS arising at the several Toll- Gates on the same Road will be LETTto FARM, separately, by AUCTION, for two Years, to the Best Bidders, between the Hours ot Eleven and Four of the same Day, in the Manner directed in the Act passed in the thirteenth Year of the Reign of His said present Majesty, for regulating Turnpike- Roads; which said several Tolls were lett in the preceding Year ( clear of all Salaries for collecting the same) for the respective Sums hereinafter- men- tioned ( that is to say), £. d. The Wellingborough
Gate ,. 188 0 6* The Abington Gate 190 1 0 and which Tolls will be respectively put up at these respective Sums. Whoever happens to be the Best Bidder or Bidders, must forthwith give Security, with sufficient- Sureties, tor Payment of the respective Rents, at such Time or Times as shall be agreed on between them and the said Trustees,— Dated this twenty- sixth Day of Februarv. 5807. JOHN HODSON, Clerk to the said Trustees.
Friday and Saturday's Posts. LONDON, February 27. THE King of Prussia, it appears, is exerting every nerve to preserve what yet remains lo him of his kingdom, and recover what he has lost. The Princes of the Blood are raising Volunteer Regiments in Poland and Silesia; and if credit may be given to so many letters all concurring to the same report, the affairs of this Monarch begin to wear a promising aspect. The loyalty of the Prussian and Silesian ^ peasantry is said to have ex- ceeded the most sanguine expectations; and not to be in any degree inferior to that which, in a former war, was exhibited by tiie Tyrolese towards
the House of Austria. Mr. Jackson, who has arrived with dispatches from Lord Hutchinson, brings with him from the Continent the conditions of the treaty of peace feetween the Courts of London and Berlin, which are so much to the satisfaction of both, and in such forwardness, that the formality of ratification is alone wanting to its being confirmed. Although, in the present state of affairs, this instrument may be considered bv some as a mere formality, inasmuch as the essentials pf peace, even to the extent of warlike co- operatiort, exist in point of fact between both countries ; yet let it be remembered, that in this critical moment,
when Prussia has lost almost every thirtg except her honour, it is the strongest and most satisfactory ft pledge that can he given by that State, that no ' negociation, hostile, or separate from the interests of this country, will, under any circumstance, be entered upon by it with Bonaparte. It is said that the Emperor of Russia, in return for pecuniary assistance, has transmitted to our Government the draft of a commercial treaty, which puts the British trade to the Baltic, on a level with that of the native Russian merchants, from port to port. The greater part of the alien duties, as far as respects Great- Britain, are to be taken off From
accounts laid before the House of. Com- mons, it appears, that from 1774 to L768 ( both years included), the annual average consumption of Tea in this country was 4,3l3,92Glbs. From 1797 to 1806, this average increased to 16,981,6421bs. — A similar hut not an equal rise has taken place in the article of Brandy'. The annual average consumption in the former period was 611,905 gallons; and in the latter 1,580,711 gallons. On Saturday last died, in Bath, the Marchioness of Ely, Telict of the late Marquis of Ely, and mother to the present Marquis. In the Court of Exchequer, on Wednesday the 18th inst. an information was tried
against the • proprietors of a nettly- established brewery in Southwark, for frauds on the revenue, in the use of certain noxious ingredients mixed with the beer; and a verdict was givc- n for penalties to the amount . of £. 1500. WANTED, An Apprentice to a SURGEON and APOTHECARY. Enquire of'Mr. GRAY, Surgeon, Buckingham. ________ WANTED, A WRITER, accustomed to the * v Business of an Attorney's Office, who can be well recommended for Honesty and Sobriety. Further Particulars may be had by a personal Application to Mr. GOODHALI., Solicitor, Welling- borough; or by Letter, Post- paid, stating References.
, An ARTICLED CLERK WANTED.— Apply as above. \\ TANTED, A HALF- BOARDER. inT^ dl, ~ T genteel LADIES' BOARDING- SCHOOL, where » he will be requested to teach little Children Reading, and to attend on the younger Ladies in every other Respect; she will be treated as one on the Establishment. < For Particular!, apply ( if by Letter, Post- paid), to the Printers of this Paper. ANTED, A COOK and HOUSEKEEPER. — No one need apply who is not in every • Respect calculated for that Situation. Enquire of Mr. TF. AR, Tailor, Northampton ; or of Mr. ROBERTS, White- Hart, Kettering. ANTED, as COOK, A steady,
middle- aged WOMAN, who perfectly understands her Business, and who can have an undeniable Cha- racter from her last Place. Enquire, for Particulars, of Mrs. BRICHTON, of Brackley; or to Mr. RICHARDSON, Sheep- Street, Northampton. To Master Millers. WANTS a Situation, as FOREMAN in a MILL, and t ® attend Markets if required, A SINGLE MAN, who is well acquainted with his Business. Letters addressed to B. F. to be left at the Post- Oflice, Towcester, Northamptonshire, will be imme- diately attended to. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. * NOTICE is hereby given, That a General Meeting of the Lieutenancy of the
County of Northampton mill be held at the GEORGE Ins, in the Town if NORTHAMPTON, on SATCRDAx. the 14th Day of MARCH next, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon, for. putting into Execution an Act of Parliament passed in the 4Oth Year of His present Majesty's Reign, intit. led, " An Act to enable His Majesty " annually to train and exercise a Proportion of " His- Subjects in England, under certain Regti- " / ations; and. more effectually to provide for the " Defence of the Realm." By Order of the Right Hon. Charles Earl of Northampton, Lord- Lieutenant of the County of Northampton, CHAS. MARKIIAM, Ckrk of the General
Meetings. Northampton, Feb. 27tii, 1807. r NORTHAMPTON VOLUNTEER CAVALRY. rpHE Gentlemen of the Troop of NORTH- 1 AMPTON VOLUNTEER CAVALRY are requested to assemble, in exercising Order, on the MARKET- HILL, NORTHAMPTON, on THURSDAY the 5th Day of MARCH next, at Half- past Nine in the Morning. WILLIAM KERR, Captain- Commandant. ( 33". The Roll will be called precisely at Ten. T OUNDLE THIRD BALL XX 7" ILL be at the TAI, BOT INN, on WEDNESDAY Vl the 4th of MARCH, 1807. ROBT. SHERARD, Esq. ) MILES BERKELEY, Rewards. Household- Furniture, Chandlery,
Grocery, fyc. § c. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DAY, BY ORDER OF THE ASSIGNEES, On the Premises, at S'l'ON Y^ STRATFO RD, in the County of Bucks, on Thursday the 5th Day of March, 1807, and following Day, M1E neat HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, re- maining PART of the STOCK in TRADE, & c. of Mr. JOHN LEWIS PASTU R E, a Bankrupt ; comprising Four- post and other Bedsteads, with printed Cotton, Morine, and other Furnitures; Goose and other Feather- Beds; Cotton Counterpanes, Blankets, Mattresses, Sec.; Mahogany Night- Tables arid Bason- Stands; Pier and Swing Glasses; Wilton and
Scotcli Carpets; an Eight- day Clock, in Oak Case; Mahogany Dining, Tea, and other Tables; Parlour and Chamber Chairs; Bed and Table Linen ; two Silver and one Metal Watches; handsome Set of Tea China, Glass, and Earthenwaie; Smoke- Jack and Kitchen- Furniture; Beer Casks and Brewing Vessels; and other Efleets. The, STOCK in TRADE comprises 17 Cwt. of Tallow, 100 Dozen of Candles,, three' Pockets of Hops, one Pipe of Vinegar, half a hundred Weight of Gun- powder, a Quantity of Sugar, 10 Cwt. ot Clover Seed, and a Quantity of Drugs; a new Cart, with Tilt and Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Pannels, and
various other Articles. The Furniture will be sold on the first Day's Sale, d the Stock the following Dav.— On / the great Number ot Articles, the Sale will commence GRAND PIANO- FORTE. JABEL begs Leave respectfully to inform the . Public, that among the Musical Instruments, of every Description, which are on Sale at his Shop, he has a fine- toned GRAND PIANO- FORTE, with ad- ditional Keys, in excellent Preservation, to be sold very cheap. Northampton, Felz- lith, 1807. JJ5R FINEDON DRIED APPLES on the same Terms as from the Person who prepares them at Finedon. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. • N Obedience to the
Directions of an Act entitled, An Act to enable His Majesty annually lo " train and exercise a Proportion of his Subjects " in England, under certain Regulations; and " more effectually to provide for the Defence, of " the Realm ;" a General Meeting of the Lieute- nancy of the County of Backinghdm is hereby ap- pointed and directed to be holden at the. COBHAM- ARMS INN, in BUCKINGHAM, on SATURDAY the 7th Day of MARCH next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, for the Purpose < f putting the said Act into Execution. By Order if the Most Noble George Marquis tff Buckingham, Lord- IJeutenant, ROBERT MILLER,' Clerk
of the General Meeting. Buckingham, Feb. 24th,' 1807. FEBRUARY 20th, 1807. ALL Persons who have any Claim or . Demand upon EDWARD PITTAM, late of WESTON- j and Day.— Account of UI'U NF KLNRTLIIMIH- NN QLIR. R » . I T'N/ A IYPPOI MNMLII. P J-, 4-' A » • » W, 1 ,->,, C,. L„ ! 17 „ To be RY- WEEOON, in the County of Northampton, Shop keeper, who have not executed the Deed of Trust, are 1 exactly at Ten o'Clock each Day. desired to apply to Mr. William Shcpheard, of1 Blakesicy, one of the Assignees \ in whose Hands the Deed is left), and exetule the same within the Space of two Months from the Date
hereof, or thev will be excluded the Benefit of the final Dividend intended to be made immediately afterwards.— And all Persons who stand indebted to the Estate of the said Edward Pittam, are desired to pay their Debts to the said Mr. Shepheard, Mr. Thomas Aris, of Oakley Bank, or Mr. Bartlett, Draper, Banbury i the other Assignees, within the Space of one Month, or they will be sued for the same without further Notice. FEBRUARY 21st, 1807. I^ OUND, about a Month ago, in a Close - belonging to Mr WILLIAM SHAW, of COTTON- END, in the Parish of Hardingston, near Northampton, A BLACK MARE, of the Curt Kind.
Whoever owns the said JMai'e, by applying as above, and describing her Mark's and paying tiie Charges, may have her again; if not owned in a Month from the Date hereof, she will be sold to defray Expellees. To be SOLD, ANeat fasbiohable CURRICLE, in the modern Style, with Harness complete; also, a very I good CURRICLE, in a good State of Preservation, ' with Harness; and a neat fashionable GJG, with Harness complete.— The above Carriages are fit for immediate Use. Enquire of J. CLARK, Coach- Maker, Northampton. Ash Poles, To be SOLD, On Wednesday the lltii of March, 1807, in the Lord- ship of
STANFORD- ON- AVON," in the County of Northampton, and in the Lordship of WOSTER- HILL, in the County of Leicester, UPWARDS of 30 Lots of capital ASH POLES, the Property of HENRY OTWAY, Esq. The Company are requested to meet at Horse- Shoe Spinney by Teno'Clock in the forenoon. Capital Sheep, SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DAY, On Monday the 9th of February, 1807, on the Pre- mises of Mr. RICHARD LONGMAN, at CAL- VERTON, near Stony- Stratfbrd, Bucks, who is leaving his Farm, IflGIlTY- NlNE EWE SHEEP, with Lambs i >( and to Lamb, 6- 1 HE TEGS, 33 EWE DITTO, and TWO TUPS.
These Sheep are well worth the Notice of the Public, having been bred, with great Care and At- tention, from the Flock of Mr. Earl, of Dallington, I near Northampton, which are well known for their i Utility, Sec. j The Sale to begin exactly at Eleven o'Clock. I — —-—- — Bull Inn, Stony- Stratford, Bucks. To be SOLD by' AUCTION, By JOHN DAY, On the . Premises, on Friday the 13th of March, 1807, exactly at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, the Pro- perty of Mr. WILLSON, who is leaving the said Inn, Freehold Es'ale, in Thrapston. To be SOLD by AUCTIO N, By Mr. ROBINSON, At the Whiie- Hart Inn, in Thrapston, on Tuesday
the 24th Day of March next, 1807, between the Hours of Three and Six in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions, and in such Lots, as shall be specified at the Time of Sale, AValuable FREEHOLD & TYTHE- FRF. E ESTATE, situate near the MARKET- PI ACE, in Thrapston aforesaid; consisting of a Dwelling- House, an Apo- thecary's Shop and Stable, newly fitted up, a Basket- Maker's Shop and Barn, and another large Barn, with the Yards, Sec. to the same belonging, containing, in Statute Measure, 2R. 30P. ; a Close of excellent Pasture Land adjoining, containing 1A. 3R. 6P. Statute Measure; and a Close of excellent
Meadow or Pasture Land, lying on the North Side, and adjoining the last - mentioned Close, containing 4A. 1R. IP. Statute Measure ; all which Premises now are, or late were, in" the Occupation of Widow Scales and others. For further Particulars, apply to Messrs. SHERARD, Solicitors, Thrapston or Oundle; or to Mr, HARE, at Castor, near Peterborough. Warwickshire. To be SOLD by AUCTION, IN SEVERAL LOTS, At the Spread- Eagle, in Rugby, on Saturday the 4th Day of April next, at Four o'Clock in the After- noon, unless before disposed of by Private Contract, Capital and very improvable FREEHOLD ESTATE ;
consisting of the Manors of Grand- borough and Woolscott, of two Farm- Houses, and 349 Acres and upwards of very rich Arable and old Pasture and Meadow Land, situate in the Hamlet of WOOLSCOTT, in the Parish of G R A N DBOROUGH, in the County of Warwick, adjoining the Chester Turnpike- Road. The Land- Tax and Poor's Rates are remarkably low. Apply, for further Particulars, to Mr. BURTON, Daventry; or - Mr. JOHN COWLEY, at A Attorney, Welton. Gr j ri- WO POST- CHAISES, four Sets of HARNESS, | .1. six POST HORSES, in good Condition, a large ' Quantity of rich MANURE, & c. Sec. . May be viewed
at the said Inn any Time before Sale. To Miliars. WANTED immediately, A steady, single YOUNG MAN, as GRINDER, either for a Windmill or Watermill. Apply to SAMUEL HOI. MAN, Haversham- MILL, rear Newport- Pagnell, Bucks. /" ANTED immediately, TWO good Hands in the MATTING LINE. Enquire of Mrs. WAI. MSLEY, Oundle. TV WANTED immediately, BUTCHER.— He A JOURNEYMAN : must be a good Hand at iiis Business, and have a good Character from his last Place. Enquire of Mr. WOOLSTON, Wellingborough. WANTED, IN THE CO H PS OP - ROYAL MILITARY ARTIFICERS, Commanded by the Earl of
Moil a, A NUMBElt OF CARPENTERS, MASONS, SMITHS, MINERS, SLATERS, COOPERS, SAWYERS, BRICKLAYERS, WHEELERS, PLASTERERS, TILERS, COI. LA K- MAKERS. Men, of good Character, bred to any of the above Trades, not being more that! SO Years of Age, nor under 5 Feet 5 Inches high, will receive A Bounty of FAcoen Guineas, if found, on Trial, to be good Workmen. The Advantages and Pay in the above Corps are very great, and worthy the Attention of YOUNG MEN of ABILITIES, as they may look for immediate Advancement, there being FIFTEEN CORPORALS TO EVERY COMPANY.
BRINGERS of such RECRUITS as shall be ap- proved of, will receive A REWARD of THREE GUINEAS. APPLY TO The COMMANDING- OFFICER of ROYAL ENCIMERS, Royal- Depot, WEEDON. I II ' } • CRANFORD- SAINT- JOHN ENCLOSURE. NOTICE is hereby given, That the Coinrnis missioner named and appointed in and by an Act of Parliament passed in the 45th Year of His present Majesty, intituled, " An Act for inclosing Lands within theManor andParishof CRANFORD- SAINT- JOHN, in the County of Northampton," will hold a Special General Meeting at the House of WILLIAM SMITH, known by the Sign of the
STAC, in CRANFORD- SAINT- JOHN aforesaid, on SATURDAY the 21st Day of MARCH next, at Two of the Clock in the Afternoon, for the Purpose of reading over and executing his Award, in the Presence of such of the Proprietors . who may attend such Meeting.— Dated this 27th Day of 1' ebruary, 1807. By Order, THOMAS MARSHALL, Solicitor snd Clerk to the Commissioner! To be SOLD by AUCTION, At the Sign of the Red- Lion, in Long- Buckbv, on Monday the 9th Day . of March, 1807, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, ACLOSE of very rich LAND, situate in LONG- BUCKBY, in the County of North- ampton;
containing, by Estimation, about four Acres, now or late in the Occupation of Messrs. John and Joseph Neal. Enquire of Mr. Abbey, Solicitor, Northampton. To be SOLD by A U C T 1 O N, By Mr. BRA MP T O N, On Monday the 9th Day of March next, 1807, on the Premises of the late Mr. JOHN RII'PIN, at G R. DD IN c. TON. Northamptonshire, i^ HE following i The ESTATE in WELLINGBOROUGH, belonging to Mr. THOMAS KNIGHT, advertised last Week to be Sold by Auction, by Mr. Thomson, at the White- Hart Inn, in Wellingborough, on Thursday the 12th March next, Is disposed of by Private Contract. To be SOLD by
AUCTION, By Mr. THOMSON, OB Thursday the 12th Day of March, 1807, on the charging that attempts had been ' miide Premises in W ELL ? NGBG ROUGH, North- amptonshire, PART of the new and genteel HOUSEIIOLD- FURNITURE, BREWING - VESSELS, STOCK in TRADE, and other EFFECTS, the Property of Mr. THOMAS KNIGHT ( who is going to reside in London). The HOUSEHOLD - FURNITURE consisting of an elegant Four- post Bedstead, with Mahogany carved Posts, and Chintz Furniture, lined throughout and fringed; several other Four- post and other Bedsteads, with Cotton Furniture; good Feather-
Beds, Bolsters, and Pillows; Blankets, Sheets, and Bed- quilts; j double Chest of Mahogany Drawers; Mahogany Bu- , reau; single Chest of Diawers; a Set ot excellent Mahogany Dining Tables, circular Ends; Dressing ! and Tea Tables; an elegant Mahogany Horse- Hair Sofa; Parlour, Kitchen, and Chamber Chairs; Pier LIVE and DEAD STOCK, i. HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, & c.; consisting j and Swing Glasses; Dimity and other Window- Cur- - year- tains and Rails; Parlour and Be'dside Carpets; a of five useful Cart Horses and Mares, one three- y old Filly,, two two- year- old. Colts, one yearling Filly, and a Foal; a Milch
Cow; twp store Hogs and ten Pigs; Narrow- wheel Waggon, one Six- inch Ditto, Tea- Urn ; an Eight- day Clock ; Stair- Mats and Rods; several fine glazed Prints; several Sets of Fire- Irons; 1 a Gun; a Writing- Desk ; a Backgammon Table; Bells with Iron Arms, and a Narrow- wheel Cart; Harness j and Cranks; Brass, Tin, and Eartlien- ware; a 30- complete for six Horses; Ploughs, Harrows, Corn- Screen, Chaft- Box, Malt- Mill, Rakes, a Pair of Wheels, Lots of Six- inch and narrow Fellies, and Lead Pump; also, several Lots of Household- Furni- ture, in Pewter, Brass, Chairs, Tables, & c. Sec. The Company are requested to
attend by Ten o'Clock, \ vhen the Sale will commence, as the Whole is intended to be sold in one Day. Capital Public- House. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. SPONG, On the Premises, on Tuesday the 10th Day « f March, ISO", at Four in the Afternoon, NPHE BELL PUBLIC- HOUSE, in Wollaston, J. near Wellingborough, in the County of North- I ampton, now in full Business, and in the Tenure of | John Lea, Tenant from Year to Year. Apply, for Particulars, to Mr. ORRELL, Solicitor, : Winsley - Street, Oxford - Street, London; or to Messrs. HODSON, Wellingborough. To he S O L D by A U C T 1 O N, By Mr. GRIMES, On
Tuesday the 10th Day of March next, 1807, upon the Premises of Mr. THOMAS POWER, at CLIFTON, near Rugby, in the County of Warwick, ALE the STOCK of CATTLE, SHEEP, DRAUGHT MARES, GEARING, TWO STACKS of good HAY, and ONE of CLOVER, WAGGON, CARTS, HARROWS, PLOUGHS, BARN- TACK LE & BAGS, various IMPLEMENTS in HUSBANDRY, and other EFFECTS. The LIVE STOCK consists of 21 fat Wether Sheep, 28 clean sound Ewes, In- lamb, 20 Wether Tegs, and 12 Ewe Tegs; five very useful Cows, In- calf, one In- calf Heifer, a very neat young fat Cow, two Sturks, and two Yearlings;
and two very useful Draught Mares, In- foal. An early Attention to the Sale is requested, as the Sheep will be the first Lots on Sale, which will com- mence precisely at Ten in the Forenoon, under usual Conditions; an Accommodation will be given to re- spectable Purchasers. Dr. GREGORY'S NEW CYCLOPEDIA," JUST COMPLETED. Mr. PHILLIPS respectfully announces the recent Completion of Dr. GREGORY'S NEW CYCLOPEDIA ( the only modern Work of the Kind), in two large and magnificent Quarto Vo- lumes, illustrated by one hundred and forty En- gravings, Price £. 5 15s. in Boards. It is doubtless understood by
the Public, that this Work contains the present State of every Branch of Knowledge, including all recent Discoveries and Im- provements; and that, although it is comprised in only two Volumes, which are sold at a sixth or eighth Part of the Expence of other Cyclopedias; yet, by the Rejection of extraneous Subjects, not properly connected with a Dictionary of Arts and Science;, all Objects of useful or probable Reference, and all important Facts and Principles, are given as much at large as in Works ten Times the Bulk. Either of the twelve Parts may be had separately, at 9s. ; and Persons disposed to take in a Part Weekly or
Monthly, may be supplied regularly by all Book- sellers. No. C, Bridge- Street, Blacifriers, feirtaryii, lgU7. Gallon Copper and Grate; Mash- Vat and Brewing- Vessels ; Casks and Thralls; several Hand- Glasses; a Butcher's Stall, a Child's Coach, Cucumber Frame and Lights, a Wheelbarrow, Glass Bottles, Coals, Wood, and a Variety of other Articles. And the STOCK in TRADE consisting of between 20 and 30 Sole Hides, 17 Butts, 1 Cwt. of Grain Shoulders and Bellies, 11 Cwt. of Horse Butts, 1 Cwt. of Calf offal, 721bs. of Welts, 6 binding Skins, 12 Basils, Men's and Women's Upper- Lea- thers, Spanish Tops, Sole Pieces,
Cordovan, Chil- dren's Tops, 22 Pair of Men's Shoes, 8 Dozen of new Lasts, Scales and Weights, Steelyards, upwards of 120 Bottles of fine Liquid Blacking and several Black- ing- Cakes, Liquid for cleaning Boot- Tops, and a Variety of other Articles. The Sale to begin at Ten o'Clock. G3T All Persons who have any Claim or Demand I against the said THOMAS KNIGHT, are desired forth- with to send in their Accounts to Mr, Goodhali, So- licitor, Wellingborough, in order that the same may j be liquidated and paid; and all Persons standing in- i debted to the said Thomas Knight, are desired to pay ! the Amount of their Debts to
Mr. Goodhali imma- | diately, and prevent the Trouble of further Appli- cation. { One Concern.) Wellingborough, % th Fe f. 1807. / JESStas^ LONDON, Feb. 28. OVF. RNMENT, has this morning received dispatches from the River Plate, brought by ! the Nereide. frigate, whidisailed with the squadron under the command of Commodore Stopford. The report is that Monte Video was captured by his Majesty's forces, on the first of January; but no official confirmation of the fact has been sent to the Lord- Mayor.— London Packet. Several private letters from Tonningen and Altona have been received, all of which concur in
representing the result of the battle on the 26th of January, at Morringen, as a complete triumph on the part of the Russians. The Swedish Ambassador at the Court of Loudon has received dispatches, stating, that 28 French armed vessels had made an attempt to land a body of troops, in order to take possession of a Swedish fort in the Baltic; but they were so vigorously attacked by a squadron of Swedish gun- brigs, that all the vessels were taken, and also a great portion of the troops which were not able to effect their escape in boats. A petition on behalf of Mr. Paull was on Thurs- day laid upon the table in the House of
Commons, charging that attempts had been ' made by the agents of Mr. Sheridan to suborn certain witnesses to keep out of the way from giving evidence before the Committee to try the merits of the Westminster Election.— The Petition was ordered to be taken into consideration on Monday. We understand that Lord Melville is arrived in town on his way ts Portsmouth, having been sum- moned there, in consequence of the trial of Sir Home Popham, which takes place on Monday next. Report says, that while his Lordship was at the head of the Admiralty, he gave unlimited in- structions to Sir H, I'epham, but neglected to enter
them in the Admiralty books. His Lord- ship was not at the head of the Admiralty when the expedition sailed. The Court Martial on Sir Home Popliatn, is deferred from Monday to Thursday next. We are happy to state, that none of the unfor- tunate persons hurt at the late execution, and taken alive to St. Bartholomew's Hospital, have died. Several have since been sufficiently recovered to be removed, and no apprehension is enter- tained for the safety of those remaining.— The total number of those who perished is 33. PRICE OF STOCKS. I Sat. Bank Stock .- 226 3 per Ct. Red. 3 per Ct. Cons. 4 per Ct. Cons. 5 per Ct. N...
Imp. 3 per Cts. India Stock . - India Bonds .. Exc. Bills Omnium 63| 63 62414 R0i 96I pa2s d| 2slsd Cons, for Acc. | 62| J| : 62| f Mon 22SJ 63 62| 62r 80' 955 96 1S5J 4s. p Tu. Wed. Th. Fr. Hoi. Hoi. 227 m 62563 ——- 6i » - i ii 81 i KH • H5i % 184^ , ls4s p : is4sp pa2s d 2sdpa — 63JJS 62JJ NO R TEA MP TON, SATURDAY EVENING, Feb. 28. CAPITAL BOOKS ON AGRICULTURE; Forming, by themselves, a complete Library, the sixth Edition, improved, in one large Volume 8vo. Price Half- a- Guinea in Boards, rjpHE FARMER'S CALENDAR; containing a JL full Account of the Business necessary to be performed on all
Kinds of Farms during every Month of the Year, with the latest Improvements, and the Mode of executing them. By ARTHUR YOUNG, Esq. F. R. S. Secretary to the Board of Agriculture, and Member ot various Philosophical and Agricultural Societies in Europe and America. ( PIT" It is impossible, in the Compass of an Adver- tisement, to enumerate the important Contents, and the great practical Advantages, which must result, in the Management of Land, from a constant Reference to this useful Work. Many theusand Copies are sold in every year; and intelligent Farmers and Country Gentlemen in every County in England
have acknow- ledged, not only that it enables them to perform every Operation in the best and most successful Manner, but effects, in the general Business of a Farmer, a Saving of from ten to twenty- five per Cent. 2. A NEW EDITION, corrected to January 1st, 1807, in two large Volumes Quarto, illustrated with nearly one hundred Engravings, representing the most im- proved Implements, the various Grasses, and the principal Breeds of Sheep and Cattle, Price Four Guineas in Boards, A COMPLETE SYSTEM of PRACTICAL AGRICULTURE; including all the modern Im- provements and Discoveries, and the Results of all
the Attention and Enquiry which have been bestowed I on this important Science, during the last 30 Years ; , the Whole combining and explaining fully, exten- ! sively; and completely, the Principles and Practice 1 of the modern Art of Husbandry in all its Branches and Relations. By R. W. DICKSON, M. D. Honorary Member of the Board of Agriculture. Printed for RICHARD PHILLIPS, Bridge- Street, BUckfriars; and to be had ef all booksellers. MARRIED.] Lately, Mr. John Green, brundy- merchant, of Market - Harborough, to Miss A. Berridge, daughter of Mr. Thos. Berrjdge, grazier, of North- Kilworth, Leicestershire. Lately, Mr.
Sanderson, farmer, of Etton, in this county, to Miss Edgsoii, of Savvtry, Hunt- ingdonshire. DIED.] Tuesday last, whilst hunting, Richard Booth, Esq. of Glendon- Ilall, in this county, a gentleman who was universally respected ; he- had long laboured under symptoms of angina pectoris, in a fit of which he died.— Mr. Booth served the office of Sheriff for this county for the year 1794; and was chosen Lieutenant of the Kettering troop of Northamptonshire Yeomanry on the first formation of the regiment; to this appointment he paid unremitting attention, and had gained the perfect confidence and entire esteem of every individual of
the troop. Lately, at Whichford, Warwickshire, the Rev. Edward" Walker, vicar of Sandford and Steeple- Barton, in Oxfordshire, and Eatington- Infetior, Warwickshire. A few days ago,, at Ilinxworth, Hertfordshire, Miss Harvev, only daughter of the late James Harvey, Esq. of' Hill- Hall, Bedfordshire, and sister " of the late John Harvey, Esq. of Ickwell- Bury, in the same county. On Sunday sennight, at Barham- IIall, Cam- bridgeshire, In the 93d year of her age, Mrs. Lsnsdale, widow of the Rev. Christopher Lonsdale, formerly Fellow of Peterhouse. Same day, after a short illness, in the 62d year of his age, Mr. John Davies,
attorney, ot' Castle- Donnington, Leicestershire; and on the same day, in the 64 th year of his age, Mr. Win. Older- shaw, farmer, of that place. On Monday sennight, Mr. Banks, engineer, of Wyken Colliery, n » ar Coventry. tin Monday Se'nniglit, aged 17, Mr. Sttmu'.- i Ellis, bf Peterborough. On Wednesday se'nnight, in the 3Gth year of her age, Mrs. Leeson, wife of Mr. Win. Leeson, master of an extensive academy at Casile- Dou- nington, Leicestershire. Lately, Charles Dymocke Willaume, Esq. of Tingrith, Bedfordshire. A few days ago, in the 88th year of his age, at Claydon, in Suffolk, the Rev. Mr. Drury, rector of Overstone
and Little- Billing, in this county. On Saturday last, suddenly, aged 77, Mr. Wm. Flint, of Heminingcon, Leicestershire, an opulent farmer and maltster: while the family was at dinner, he fell from his chair in the parlour, and instantly expired. On Sunday last, at an advanced age, at his house in Bedford, Charles Fyshe Palmer, sen, Esq. of Luekley, in the county of Berks: a gen- tleman of the most polished manners, and of unblemished character. Same day, Mr. Richard Charles, many years proprietor and occupier of the Unicorn inn, Banbury.— He had just sold his houste, in order to retire from the public business, wheh the morti fication of a carbuncle in his face, suddenly put an end to his prospects of retirement and earthly- comfort. On Monday last, at Cliellington, Bedfordshire, Elizabeth, wife of the Rev. Wm. Hooper, rector of Carlton cum Chellington, in the same county. Vj'io— The Bishop of Peterborough intends to hold his next Ordination, at the Cathedral, on Palm Sun- day, March S2d, as we are credibly informed. Ilis Majesty has appointed Edward Dawson, of Whatton- Hpuse, Esq. to be Sheriff of the countv of Leicester, in the room of William Burlton, of Wykeh, Esq. deceased. Wednesday being appointed by Royal Procla- mation as a General
Fast, and national humilia- tion, the same was observed in this town with suitable reverence and devotion. \ - . The following prisoners are to take their trials at our Assizes, which besyn on Monday next, before the Right Hon. Sir James Ma/ isfield, Knight, and the Hon. Sir Robert Graham, Knight, viz. Samuel Giles, bound by recognizance at the last assize for his personal appearance at this assize, lie being charged with buying seven pigs of John Bennett and William Bennett ( knowing and being informed previous to the sale that, the same were stolen), of the value of ,£. 10, the property of Charles Stought, of Chadlington,
Oxfordshire, farmer. — IT'illitm Coles, charged with robbing Thomas Cattell, of Wellingborough- Lodge, on the highway, of 6 or 7s.— Robert Stafford, charged with mixing poison in a quantity of tea and flour, with intent to murder his wife; and Hannah Se& ton for aiding and abetting the said Robert Stafford.— John Curtwright, charged with stealing a quantity of lead, in the parish of Great- Hougbton, the pro- perty of John Higgins, Esq. of Turvey- house, Bed- fordshire.— John Leek, charged with stealing 14 sheep, in the parish of Tiffield, the property of Thomas Hill, of Hulcott.— Richard Talis, charged with stealing an ass, the
property of Thomas W ood, of Milton.— William Itickason, for having con- cealed himself in the house of Charles Danes, of Kingsthorpe, with intent to commit a burglary.— George Adams, charged with breaking open a leather trunk, and stealing therefrom a letter directed fu- tile Rev. Dr. Inglis, containing Bank- notes, & c. to the value of £. 30 17s. 6d. the property of Cor- nelius Ives, Esq. of Bradden.— Thomas Panterr charged with stealing from William Humphries, of Rowell, a tobacco- pouch, containing four seven- shilling pieces,-* two half- guineas, a crown- piece, and some other silver.— Edward Wallis, charged with
stealing a quantity of peas, the property of Wm. Alington, Clerk.— And John James, charged with stealing two chickens, the property of Wm. Gilbert, of Watford. Charles Bliss, charged with stealing a mare, the property of J. Brewer, of St. Allan's, is expected to be removed bv habeas corpus to Hertford gaol. On account of the great fall of snow last week, the public coaches were so impeded, that the Glasgow mail did not reach Stamford from London on Wednesday until one o'clock— four hours after the usual time of arrival. Many of the roads in that neighbourhood were impassable. On Wed- nesday morning the drivers of the
coaches from Leicester and Cambridge, found it would be im- possible to reach Stamford, and therefore returned after proceeding a few miles. About six o'clock on Monday morning the 16th inst. a person of Coventry, undertook for a con- siderable wager to walk from thence to Oxford and back in 36 hours; which he performed in two hours less than the time allowed, walking the last two miles in about 24 minutes:— He returned from Oxford to Sturdy's Castle the same night, where he stopped to rest and refresh himself five hours.— The whole distance is about 102 miles. Caution to Apprentices.— John Ash, a youth about. 18,
was last week committed to Warwick gaol, for trial at the next assizes, for having inlisted intc, the 32d regiment of foot, now recruiting at Birr mingham, and fraudently obtaining, on being, attested, the sum of five guineas, from Mr. Edw. Thompson, he well knowing at the same time that he was an apprentice. A few days ago, Mary Walker, who resided at Rough Close, near Stone, returning from Litchfield ( where shefiad been to administer to her husband's effects, not exceeding £ .80), was thrown from the top of the I. iverpoel mail- coach, by its breaking down; from which accident she received so much injury as to occasion her
death, after lin- gering a few days; The inhabitants of Litchfield have liberally commenced a subscription for the benefit of her family, consisting of seven children. Oil Tuesday the 17th inst. a coroner's inquest was held at- Whittlesea, on view of the body of Geor « e Burnham, a lad about 14 years of age, who was found murdered early on Monday morning, his head being almost dashed to pieces and his body dreadfully bruised. Verdict— Wilful Murder some Person or Persons unknown. On Tuesday evening, an inquisition was taken before Charles Freeman, Gent, one of his Majesty's Coroners for this town, upon view of the
body of Edward Townsend, who had in the afternoon sud- denly dropped down dead,- as he was serving a customer with a small quantity of beer at the Lion- and- Lamb public- house, in this town. Verdict— Died by the Visitation of God. —— iSO& if— PRICE of CORN per Quarter at Northampton, Saturday, Feb. 28. Wheat. 76s. to 80s. Od. * ye, 50s. Od. to 52s. Barley, 34s. Od. to 37s.' fid, Oats, 20s. 6d. to 24s. 6tf. J. GRAFTON, Inspector. Beans, 40s. Od. to 42s. Od. Peas, 38s. Od. to 42s. « l. By the Standard Measure. Corn- Exchange, London, Friday, Feb. 27. There not being much Wheat at market te- day, the sales of
that article are made heavily.— Barley, witn Teas anil Beans of each kind, are dearer.— Oats main- tain their prices.— In Flour. no alteration. LIST of FAIRS, from ' March . to '• March 14, within the Circuit of this Paper. M. Mar. 2. Stamford and l. eicester. T. —. 3. Market. Harbonugb. VV. 4. Brackley. S. 7. Nottingham, Uppingham, Buckingham, Chipping- Norton, and Higham- Ftmrs. M. P. Stamftrd.
VTXtf THE HARP OF SORROW. T Gave tny Harp to SORROW'S hand, - 1 And she has rul'd the chords so long, They will not speak at my command, They warble oidy to HER song. Of dear departed hours, Too fondly lov'd to last, , „ — The dew, the breath, the bloom of flowers, That died untimely in the blast. Of long, long years of future care ' Till lingering nature yields her breath; And endless ages of despair Beyond the judgment day of death— The weeping Minstrel sings; And while her numbers flow, My Spirit trembles thro' the strings, And every note is full ot woe. Would GLADNESS move a sprightlier strain, And wake
this wild Harp's clearest tones; The strings, impatient to complain, Are dumb, or only utter moans. And yet to soothe the mind With luxury of . grist, The soui, to suffering all resign'd. In SORROW'S music feels relict. Thus, o'er the light iEolian lyre, The winds of dark November stray, Touch the quick nerve of every wire, And on its magic pulses play j Till all the air around, Mysterious murmurs fill, — A strange bewildering dream of sound, Most heavenly sweet— yet mournful still. O snatch the Harp from SORROW'S hand, HOPE, who hast been a stranger long:— O strike it with sublime command. And be the POET'S Life thy
song! Of vanish'd troubles sing, Of fears for ever fled, _ Of flowers, that hear the voice of Spring, And burst and blossom from the dead! Ot home, contentment, health, repose. Serene delights, while years increase; And weary life's triumphant close 1 n some calm sunset hour of peace Of bliss that reigns above, Celestial May of Youth, Unchanging as JEHOVAH'S love, And everlasting as his truth j— Sing, heavenlv Hope!— and dart thine hand O'er my frail Harp, untun'd so long; That Harp shall breathe, at thy command, Immortal sweetness thro' thy song.* Ah ! then this gloom controul, And at thy voice shall start A new
Creation in my Soul, And a new Eden in my heart! . mHtM^ KKSS***"" 1 OLD- BAILEY, Friday, February 20. MURDER OF MR. STEEL. . Tohn Holloway, alias Oliver, alias Long Will, and Owen Haggerty night Hollinvaj brought the hat in a handkerchic- f, bowing to the right and left, addressed the mob and we went to Westminster Bridge, filled the hat in a firm and loud tone of voice to the following ana uwen naggcev, alias Eggertv, were indicted for the wilful murder of Mr. Steel, in the month of November, 1802, upon Hounslow- Ileath. Thomas Meyer, brother- in- law of the deceased, Henry Manby, and Win. Hughes, described
the manner in which the body of the deceased was found buried near a clump of trees on the Heath; and Henry Frogley, a surgeon, described the wounds he found upon the body when lie examined it, one of which, an extensive fracture m the lore part of his head, he had no doubt, was the imme- diate cause of death. Benjamin Han held, the accomplicc, was next examined, the record of his pardon having been first read, without which his deposition could not have been taken. The. pardon, however, only applied to the offence for which he was suffering at the time he made the confession on board the hulks at Portsmouth. He
deposed nearly as follows :— I have known Haggerty eight or nine years, and Hollowav six or seven. We were accustomed to meet at " the Black- Horse and furk's- Head public- houses in Dyot- street. I was in their company m the month of November, 1302. Hollowav, just before the murder, called me out from the I urk s- Hr. ad and asked me if I had any objection to be in a good thing? I replied t had not. He said it was a " ATo Toby," meaning a footpad robbery. I asked when and where. He said he would let know. We parted, and two days after we met and Saturday the 6th of November was I asked who was to go with us. He
ine again appointed. _ — replied that Haggerty had agreed to make one. They all three met on the Saturday at the black- Horse, when Ilolloway said, our business is to « vTwe" a Gentleman on Hounslow- lieatb, who I understand travels that way with property.— We then drank for three or four hours, and about the middle of the day we set off for Hounslow. We stopped at a public- house, the Bell, and took some porter. We proceeded from thence upon the road towards Beltout, and expressed Our hope good booty. We stopped j with stones, and having tied the lining over it, threw it into the Thames. The witness was then crose
examined. He said hc had made no other minutes of the transactions lie had been detailing, than what his conscience took cognizance of. It was accident tiiat led to his disclosure. . lie was talking with other prisoners in Newgate, of particular robberies that hail taken place; and thu Hounslow robbery and murder being stated amongst others, he inadvertently said that there were only three persons who knew ot that transaction. The remark was circulated and observed upon, and a rumour ran through the prison that he was about to turn " nose," and he was obliged to hold his tongue, lest he should be ill- used. Whep at
Portsmouth, on board the hulks, the compunctions of conscience came upon him, and he was obliged to dissipate his thoughts by drinking, to prevent him from divulging all he knew. At last lie was questioned by Sir John Carter, and at length an Officer arrived' frou* London, and he made a full confession. He admitted that he had led a vicious life, that he had been concerned in several robberies, and had entered and deserted from several regiments. He had served in tho East and West London Militia, had enlisted into the 9th and 14th Light Dragoon's, and had been in the Army of Reserve, lie added, that he was ashamed and
sorry at what lie had been, and would endeavour to mend his life in future. After some witnesses hail been examined, in order to bring the two prisoners and the accomplice together about the time of the robbery and murder, and several Police Officers had been called to shew that they were all three considered to be of reputed bad character and connected, Justice Nares was examined, who gave an ac- count of the several examinations the prisoners underwent before him. In those examinations Il^ ggerty denied any knowledge ef Hollow- ay, and said he had never seen Ilanlield, the accomplice, in all his life. They both denied
being at Ilounslow in their lives, or that they had ever entered the Black- Horse, or the Turk's- llead public- houses in Dyot- street. Another head of evidence was to prove that they had been seen at both the public- houses men- tioned, and that they had also been seen in IIoun- slow and its neighbourhood. The next and principal head of evidence was that collected from the prisoners' own tnouths. It appeared that they were confined in separate apart- ments after their separate examinations; but as there was only a slight partition betwixt them, they were enabled to converse together. An Officer had taken the precaution of
placing himself in a situ- ation where he could over- hear their crftiversation, and by that means became possessed of every thing they said to each other. They deprecated the villainy of Hanfield, and flattered themselves that the crime could not be brought home to them, and that it was possible that Hanfield might suffer lor his perfidy. They confided to each other that they had denied having any acquaintance with the ac- complice, and, in fact, recapitulated to each other the whole of their examinations. In one of these conversations the following colloquy passed: Hag- gerty—" Where did iie say we parted after the murder r"
liolloway—" At Hounslow." Haggerty —" Where did he say we had the gm?" Holloway —" At the Black- Horse in Dyot- street." Haggerty —" We must have had the gin there." A deal more of this conversation was given " in evidence, which only went to confirm the knowledge the prisoners had of the transaction; and the hat, shoes, and bludgeon found upon the Heath, were produced in Court. Holloway, when called upon for his dofcnce, said that Hatifield was a Mrangt. r to him, and he was iunocei. t of the crime allcdgcd against him. II « said Hanfield had accused him to get his own liberty. He then pointed out what he called
con- tradictions in his evidence, and called for Mr. Nares to witness for those contradictions. Mr. Nares could see nothing like contradiction in the story tohfby the accomplice. Mr. Justice Le Blanc summed up the evidence in a very clear and perspicuous manner, making Some humane observations upon the nature of the testimony given by accomplices. He was near two hours in his address, and left no point either for or against the prisoners unobserved upon, leaning at all times to the side of mercy. The Jury retired for a few minutes,! when they returned a verdict of Guilty against both the pri- soners. The Recorder passed
sentence in the most solemn and impressive way, and the unhappy men were ordered for execution on Monday morning. They went from the bar protesting their inno- eft'ect: " Innocent! Innocent, Gentlemen! No Verdictf No Verdict! Innocent, by G— d !" At this moment, and while in the act of saying some- thing more, the executioner proceeded to do liij office, by placing the cap over his face; to which ceremony he, with apparent reluctance, submitted, wishing to say more to the multitude. This btring denied him,' he continued to repeat the word " Innocent" till the platform fell. The female malefactor, Elizabeth Godfrey, came on
the platform attended by the Rev. Dr. Ford, who seemed to afford her much consolation; she was dressed in white. Her figure was inte- resting, and her decent deportment excited much pity in the beholders. She appeared very tranquil, and met her unhappy fate with great fortitude. This unhappy woman never deuiftl the justice of tier sentence, but invariably declared she had not the most remote intention to murder Prince. The ropes being all properly fixed, on a signal from the Clergyman, the drop of the platform was struck away, and they were launched into eternity. The woman was dcael in a few moments; the men struggled
much, particularly Holloway. Just before the culprits mounted the scaffold, the feelings of the spectators w ere agitated to a most alarming degree, by the deplorable and piti- ! able situation of a very great number of persons in the crowd ( w hich bad now amounted, according to the best calculation, to nearly 30,000), who, from the extraordinary pressure and other causes, were every moment in danger of being suffocated or trampled to death. In all parts there were con- tinual cries of Murder! Murder! particularly from the female part of the spectators, and young boys, some of whom were seen expiring, without the possibility of
the least assistance being afforded them, every one being employed in endeavours to preserve his own life. The most affecting scene of distress was witnessed at the corner of Green- Arbour- Lane, nearly opposite the debtors' door. The terrible occurrence which took place near the spot, is attributed to the ^ circumstance of two Piemen attending there to dispose of their pies, and one of them having his basket overthrown, which stood upon f sort of stool with four leg, some of the mob not being aware of what had happened, aud at the same time severely pressed, fell over the basket and the man, at the moment he was
picking it up, together with its contents. Those who once fell were never more suffered to rise, such was the violence of the mob. At this T To Grating Farmers, and all Dealers in Cattle. This Day was published, the second Edition, in one large Volume, 8vo. Price 12s. extra Boards; to which is now added, several valuable Articles on Wool, Livestock, & c. with many beautiful Wsod- Cuts of the different Breeders of Cattle; also, two useful Dogs, and other Copper- Plates; M1E COMPLETE GRAZIER; or, FARMER ami CATTLE- DEALER'S ASSISTANT; containing Instructions tor buying the best Breeds of Live Stock, breeding,
rearing, and fattening of Cattle ; Treatment of the Diseases of Cows and Ewes at the Times ot calving and yeaning; the general Economy of a Grass Farm; various Methods ef preparing Food for Cattle in severe Winters and Times ot Scarcity ; the general Management of the Dairy, Watering Meadows, & rc. See.. illustrated by Engravings of the various Imple- ments used, 011 Wood and Copper- Plates. By a LIN- COLNSHIRE GRAZIER, assisted by several Yorkshire, Norfolk, and Leicestershire Farmers". London: Printed for B. CROSBY & Co. Stationer's- Court, Ludgate- Street-, and sold by Birdsall, Abel, Burnham, and
Watts, Northampton; Robins, Da- ventry ; Inwood, Newport - Pagnell; Webb, and Barnes, Bedford; and Collis & Dash, Kettering. that, we should get - „ „ . , • . r. . ., near the eleventh mile- stone, and secreted our- , cence, and apparently careless, ot the miserable aelves in a clump of trees. While there, the moon gut up, and Hollow ay said we had come too soon. * After loitering about a considerable tune, Hol- loway said he heard a footstep, and we proceeded towards Belfont. We presently saw a man coming towards us, and on approaching him we ordered him to stop, which ho immediately did, Hollowav went round him, and
told him to deliver. I le said eve should have his money, and hoped we would not ill- use him. The deceased put his hand m his pocket, and gave Haggerty his money. I demanded his pocket- book. He replied that hc had none. Holloway insisted that he had a book, and it he did not deliver it, he would knock him down. I he deceased again replied that he had no bank, and Holloway knocked him down. 1 then laid hold of his le* s. Holloway stood at his head, and swore if lie cried out he would knock out his brains. The deceased again said, he hoped we would not ill- use him. Haggerty proceeded to search him, when the
deceased made some resistance, ftnd struggled so much that he got across the road. He cried out severely, and, as a carriage was coining up, Hol- loway said, " lake care, 1 will silence the b— r, and immediately struck him several violent blows on the head and body. The deceased heaved a heavy groan, and stretched himself out lifeless. I felt alarmed, and said, " John, you have killed the man:" Holloway replied, that it was a lie, for hc was only stunned. I said 1 would stay no longer, and immediately sat off towards London, leaving Holloway \ ind Haggerty with the body. I came to Hounslow, and stopped at the end ot the
town for near an hour. . The prisoners then caine up, and said, they had done the trick, and, as a token, put the deceased's hat into my hand. The hat Holloway went down in was like" a soldier's hat. I told Holloway it was a cruel piece of business, and that I was sorry I hud any hand in it. We all turned down a lane, and returned to London. As we came along, I asked Holloway if hc had got the pocket- book. He replied it was no matter, for as I had refused to share the danger, I' should not share the booty, li t' came lo the Mack- Hone in Dyot- street, liud half a pint of gin, and parted. Ilaggerty went down in shoes, but I don't know
if he camc back in them. The next day- I observed Holloway had a hat " upon his head which was too small for him. I asked him if it was the same he got the preceding night. He said it was. We met again on the Monday, when I told Holloway that he acted imprudently in wearing the liar, as it might lead to a discovery. He put'the hat into my hand, and I observed the name of Steel in it. I repeated my fears, fate that awaited them. They were both ill- looking men, particularly Holloway, whose appearance was the most brutal and ferocious that can be imagined. On Saturday, W. Freeman and W. Eisher, were found guilty* of
forgery. James Mackay, the pickpocket, was likewise found guilty, but not capitally. EXECCTIOM of the MURIMRERS— md a DRJADJUL CATASTROPHE. The crowd which assembled on Monday morning to witness the execution of Holloway and Haggerty, for the murder of Mr. Steel, and of Elizabeth Godfrey, for the murder of Richard Prince, was unparalleled. The fatal catastrophe which hap- pened in consequence, will cause the day long to be remembered. By ei^ hl o'clock not an inch of ground was unoccupied in view of the platform. The pressure of the crowd was such, that before the malefactors appeared, numbers of
persons were crying out in vaiH to escape from it: the attempt only tedded trf increase the confusion. Several females of low stature, who had been so imprudent as to venture amongst the mob, were in a dismal situation. Some who could be no longer supported by the men, were suffered to fall, and were trampled to death. This was also the case with several men and bovs. A few minutes before eight o'elock, Holloway and Haggerty were led into the Press- yard, where they had their arms pinioned in the usual way with cords. Several noblemen and persons of distinc- tion, the Lord- Mayor and some of the Aldermen, were
present. As soon as the executioner had pinioned Ilolloway, he fell upon his knees, and protested his innocence in the most solemn manner, and prayed to God that he might be dealt with hereafter according to his innocence or guilt; then rising, he concluded by an oath that his companion and he were both innocent of the crime imputed to them. Haggerty has also on all occasions invariably declared he was not guilty of the murder of Mr. fata! place u man of the name of Ethrington was thrown down, who had in his hand his youngest sow, a fine boy about 12 years of age. The youth was soon trahipled to death; the father
recovered, i though much bruised, and is amongst the wounded j in Bartholomew's Hospital. A woman, who was so 1 imprudent as to bring with her a child at the breast, was one of the number killed: whilst in the act of falling, she forced the child into the arms of a man nearest to her, requesting him for God's sake to save its life; the man finding it required all his exertion so preserve himself, threw the infant from him, but it was fortunately caught at a distance by another man, who finding it difficult to ensure its safety or his own, got rid of it in a similar- way. The child. was again caught by a person who con- trived to struggle with
it to a cart, under which he deposited it until the danger was over, and the mob had dispersed. In other parts the pressure was so great that a horrible scene of confusion ensued, and seven persons lost their lives by suffocation alone. As fast as the mob cleared away after the execution, nnd those on the ground could be picked up, they were conveyed in carts ijnd on boards to Bartholomew's . Hospital, where every atteution was shewn and every assistance afforded, to those who exhibited signs of life. Thirty persons, con- sisting of men, women, ami boys, ,; ere dreadfully mangled by being trampled upon, and were already
dead; of these 27 were taken to Bartholomew's Hospital, two to St. Sepulchre's church, and one to the Swan public- house, to he owned. Fifteen men and two women were conveyed tu the Hospital severely bruised, the greater part of whom are in a fair way of recovery. As soon as the bodies of the deceased were washed, and in a tit state to be exposed, they were laid out in the Elizabeth Ward, in order to be claimed by their friends. No language can describe the anguish of the scene when the people first recognized these mutilated remains: some found a brother, Some a son, and others a father.. It was truly affecting to see
the persons who had missed their relatives so strongly agitated between hope and fear, as they entered the room to view the dead. Some had not resolution enough to convince themselves of that they wished to kn » w. As fast as the bodies were owned, they were put into shells with the name of the parties upon them. At the conclusion of the day, 20, out of 27, had been owned, but they were not suffered to be taken away until a Coroner's inquest had sat upon them. Report from St. Bartholomew's Hespital. The Great Restorative tu Health is MANN's APPROVED MEDICINE, RECOMMENDED BY TH* FACULTY, And
patronized by Ladies and Gentlemen vj the first Distinction. ] VJ O Medicine, in so short a Time, has been so A.^ l singularly blessed in restoring such Multitudes, when all Hopes of Recovery had been given over, in violent Coughs, Colds, Convulsion Fits, Hooping- Cough, Consumptions, Influenza, long - standing Asthmas, Relaxed Habits, and Debilitated Consti- tutions. Ladies, in a pregnant State, afflicted with Coughs, & c. may take Doses of 15 Drops with the greatest Advantage ; and from the Infant in the first Week, to the Aged in any State. The few remarkable Cases, wrapped round each Bottle thereof, present not the
hundredth Part ot the Cures performed by this very superior and established Remedy, it is hoped will be sufficient for the Afflicted to give it a Trial, and especially so where tile Faculty and other Means have not succeeded. Facts are Facts, on such alone Mr. Mann relies ; and feeling that his Discovery is entitled to public Confidence, so he boldly and candidly asks it. He cannot give Length of Days where " Days are num- bered," nor does he profess Infallibility; but ample Experience has taught, and constantly teaches him, that this great Medicine will reach and remove deep- seated Maladies, where the healing Art in general
has not only failed, but also consigned the decaying Suf- ferer to an untimely Grave. As the Character of this Remedy lias given Rise to many Counterfeits, so Persons should be very cautious of whom and where they purchase, and observe, that ** Thomas Mann, Horsham, Sussex," is engraved on the Stamp ; ; dl others are Counterfeits. Sold, in Bottles, at 2s. Gd. and 4s. 6d. each, Duty included, Wholesale and Retail, by the Proprietor, at his Warehouse, Horsham; and by Dicey & Sutton, Bow Church - Yard, London, and at their Ware- house in Northampton; and Retail by Robins, Daventry ; Beesley, & Marriott, Banburv ;
Inwood, & Barringer, Newport- Pagnell; Osbom, Woburn ; Bull, Harrod, and Dawson, Market- Harborough; Gregory, and Swinfen, Leicester; Wilcox, and Gallard, Tow- cester; Seeley, Buckingham; Palgrave, Bedford; Richarelson, Stony- Stratford; Loggin, Aylesbury; j Sanderson, Thrapston; York & Summers, Oundle; j Horelen, arid Jacob, Peterborough; Munn, Kettering; Emery, and Fox, St. Neots; Jenkinson, Huntingdon; Wallis, Olney; Mather, Wellingborough; and by all the principal Venders of Medicines in the United Kingdom. , PELICAN OFFICE, LOMSARD- STR RET & SPRINC- GARDKNS, CI'. ARINC- CROSS,
LONDON, Fur Insurance on Lives and Endowments of Children, rI " Ml F. great Advantages resulting to Society from X Lije Insurance, require, that the leading Prin- ciples to which it attaches should be detailed, in order that the Benefit to be derived therefrom may be more generally known. Life Insurance is of material Concern to all wh « hold Estates or Income dependent on Lives; as by Payment of an Annual Pieinium, it enables the Person assured to make Provision for his Widow, Children, or whoever he is desirous of assisting; to Persons in Possession of good Estates,, it will provide a Sum of Ready Money, for the
Purpose of dischaiging Incumbrances, immediately on the Decease ot the Person whose Life is insured; and will be found ta operate very beneficially, in a Variety ot Transactions, too numerous to recite. Tables, containing the Rates of Insurance, and ex- plaining the Terms of Endowments, may be had by Application to THOMAS GURDEN, Agent, Market- Harborough. For Coughs, Hoarsenesses, GREF. NOUGH's LOZENGES of TOLU, so justly celebrated for their superior Efficacy in immediately removing all Coughs, Hoarsenesses, Sore Throats, Shortness of Breath, Defluxions upon the Lungs, Soreness of the Breast, & c.
And TWO TINCTURES; the one for cl ansing and preserving the Teeth, arid effectually curing the Scurvy in the Gums, preventing the Teeth from further Decay, and rendering the Breath perfectly sweet j tSt other for the Tooth- Ach, which gives immediate Ease, without injuring the Teeth or Gums. 5T The above Articles have been held in the highe » Esteem for fitly Years past; but as the great Belief- 1 to be derived from them can only be secured by having them Genuine, every Purchaser is requested to observe," that R. Hay- ward, No. 10, Ludgate- Hill, is primed on the Stamp; all others are Counterfeits. They are prepared
and sold by R. HAYWARD, Chymist ( Successor to T. Greenough, the Investor), No. 10, Ludgate- Hill, London ; and sold also by Dicey & Sutton, J. Edge, and G. Edmonds, Northampton; and ther Venders of genuine Medicines throughout the United'Kingdom ; Price Is. l$ d. each. CHURCII's COUGH DROPS, The cheapest and best Medicine for Coccus, COLDS, and ASTHMAS, A fresh Proof of their astonishing Efficacy. HPHOMAS EDMUNDS, Guard to the Bir- 1- mingham and Sheffield Mail Coach, declares his Life was preserved to his Wife and Family by the sole Use of CHURCH'S COUGH DROPS. One Bottle of which,
purchased at Mr. Swinney's, Bookseller, High- Street, relieved him from a most suffocating Asthmatic Cough ; and that by persevering in taking them, to the Number of five Bottles, was enabled to resume his Employment, aud is now perfectly re- stored, which he voluntarily certifies under his Hand, at Birmingham, the ISth of March, 1805. THOMAS EDMUNDS. Messrs. SHAW & EDWARDS, 66, St. Paul's Church- Yard, Lonelon, having purchased this and all Mrs. CHURCH'S Medicinest none can possibly be genuine but such as have their Names engraved on the Stamp, " Shaw IS Edwards, 66, St. Paul's Church. Yard;" the
Imitation of which is Felony.— Price only 2s. 6d. per Bottle. Sold, Retail, by Dicey & Sutton, Edge, and Marshall, Northampton; RobiHs, and Wilkinson, Daventry; Gallard, Towcester; Collis Sc Dash, Ket- tering; Mather, Wellingborough; Harrod, Harbo- rough ; and by all other Dealers in Medicines in the United Kingetom. BANKRUPTS required to SURRENDER. Thomas Tite, of ' Daventry, Northamptonshire, auctioneer, March 6, 7, and April 4, at the Griffin inn, Southam.— Attorney, Mr. Rolls, Southam Thomas Eyles, of Elstow, Bedfordshire, butcher, March .'), 14, and April 4, at Guildhall, London.— Attorney, Mr. Giles, Great
Shite- lane. John Ayres, of Amersham, Buck;., butterman, Feb. 27, 28, and April 4, at Guildhall, London.— Attornies, Messrs. Taylor & Son, Feathersione- build- ings, Holborn. William Catlin Johnson ar. d John Wilshire, of Hunt- ingdon, drapers, March 3, 10, and April 7, at Guild- hall, London.— Attorney, Mr. Evans, Kennington- Cross. Ray Whalley, of Cullum- street, Fcnchurch- street, London, brandy- merchant, Feb, 24, March 3, nd April 4, at Guildnall.— Attorney, Mr. Evans, Kcn- nington- cross. George Pritchard, of St Paul's Church- yard, Lon- don, chinaman, Feb. 24, March 3, and April 4, at Guildhall.— Attorney, Mr.
M'Michael, Savage- gar- dens. George Perring, of PJtfield- street, Hoxton, London, upholsterer, Feb. 28, March / , and April 4. at Guild- hall.— Attorney, Mr. Crawford, Craven- buildings, City- road. John Hood Smith, of Water- lane, Tower- street, London, wine and spirit broker, Feb. 27, 28, and April 4, at Guildhall.— Attorney, Mr. Elstob, CaT therine- court, Trinity- square. Henry Newport, ofVillier's- street, Strand, London, cabinet- maker, Feb. 28, March 7, and April 4, at Guildhall.— Attorney, Mr. Humphreys, Tokenhouse- yard, Lothbury. Joseph Field, of Old- street- road, London, carpenter, Feb. 24, 28, and April 4, at Guildhall
— Attorney, Mr. Eallachey, Capel- court, Stock- Exchange George Burgess, of Wood- street, Cheapside, London, warehouseman, Feb. 28, March 7, and April 4, at Guildhall.— Attornies, Messrs. Palmer, Tomlinsons, and Thompson, Copthall- rourt, Throgmorton- street, John Cauce, of Great Wakeriug, Essex, shopkeeper, Feb. 28, March 10, and April 4, at Guildhall, Lon- don.— Attornies, Messrs. Leigh & Mason, New Bridge- street, Blackfriars. Richard Zouth Troughton and John Andrews, of Cooper's- row, Crutched- fr- ars, London, wine- met. chants, Feb. 28, March 7, and April 4, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Hackett, Crown office- row, Temple. Henry Mew, of Newport, Isle of Wight, shop- keeper, Feb. 24, March 14, and April 4, at GuildhaiJ, London.— Attorney, Mr. Dodd, Threadneedlc- stieet. John Bingley, of Upper John. street, St. l'ai. cias, Middlesex, statuary and mason, March 3, 10, and April 7, at Guildhall, Lonelon — Attornies, Messrs. B. and P. Good, Howland- street, Fitzroy- square. George Perry, of Liverpoul, marble- m rcharit, March 14, 16, and April 4, at the Globe tavern, Liverpool.— Attorney, Mr. Woods, Liverpool. William Garner, of Thetford, Norfolk, merchant, Sfl- ll R 1 an/ 1 Anrtl A I, , h.. U- ll Inn ' Pl. r,. .. t Killed— Men and boys
Women Wounded— Men and boys Women 24 3 — 27 13 2 — 15 Steel. Haggerty, as a Roman Catholic, was at- tended by the " Rev. Mr. Devereux, to whom he appeared to pay much attention. As the clock struck eight, Haggerty, a slight man, came on the platforms apparently much im- pressed with his situation, lie took little notice of the surroundiug multitude, but was very atten- tive to the executioner whilst preparing the cords, — Holloway came forward on the platform At j seemingly with an undaunted spirit, and first Total in St. Bartholomew's Hospital 42 Besides two lying dead in St. Sepulchre's Church, and one at the
Swan public- bouse. Propriety of personal Appearunee. BEAUTY and HEA; TH cannot be more essentially promoted than by attending to the Preservation of the TEETH. MR. Nl'. WTON's RESTORATIVE TOOTH POWDER having received the Approbation of the first Nobility, Gentry, and a generous Public, by an extensive Consumption for a Series of Years, as well as the Attestation of its superior Excellence, from the Analysis of its component Parts, by the most distinguished Medical Characters, who have pro- nounced it the most pleasant Vegetable Tooth- Powder known, to increase the Beauty of the Enamel, and promote
the Durability ot the Tooth ; and which has, in Consequence of its experienced Advantages, been honoured with the immediate Patronage of their Ma- jesties, and tjte various illustrious Branches of the Royal Family^ Nobility, Gentry, & c. in the United Kii'igdom.— NEWTON'S TOOTH- POWDER is an Astringent and Antiscorbutic Powder, a delicate Aro- matic, extremely grateful to the Palate, and pleasant in its Use; in fine, to those who apply it, it is a certain Preventative to Pain or Dccay of the Tooth to the latest Period of Life. It continues to be faithfully prepared by Mr. Newton ( only), at his House, Kennington- Place, Vauxhall
( late of Great Russell- Street), London, from the genuine Recipe of the late Sir Richard Jebb, Physician to their Majesties, &<;.; and sold, Wholesale, Retail, and for Exportation, by Messrs. Shaw & Edwards, No. 66, St. Paul's Church- Yard, whom he has em- powered to make a liberal Allowance to iiis Town and Country Venders, Merchants, & c.; also, Retail, by Dicev & Co. Edmonds, and Marshall, Northampton; Smith, Bedford; Merridew, and Rollason, Coventry; Robins, Daventry; Queneborough, Dunstable; Collis Sc Dash, and Munn, Kettering ; Dawson, and Harrod, Harborough; Inwood, Newport- Pagnell; Richardson,
Stony - Stratford; Mather, Wellingborough; and by every Perfumer and Medicine- seller in the Kingdom, in Boxes, at 2s. 9d. each, N. B. Please to ask for Ntwton's Tooth- Powder ; and see that E. H. Newton is wroteon each Box, with red Ink, as all others sold as Newton's are Impositions. Spilsbury's Antiscorbutic Drops. '" rVHE Return of Eruptive Complaints at this L Season, when the cold Weather prevents the Perspiration from acting as a Corrective, is shewn in many Habits by itching, and much Irritation under the Skin. It is now ascertained, that the Action of SPILSBURY'S PATENT ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS gives instant
Relief, by removing all Obstructions in the secretory Vessels, even when under the Action of Scrofula. Its good Ellects as a Medicine in giving Appetite, pleasant to take, and requiring no Cessation of Business or Recreation, and its Existince as a Re- medy in various Complaints for more than thirty Years in Repute, are Facts that deny Deception. Mr. SPILSBURY is not accountable for any Mixture sold, unless the Words " By the King's Patent" are inserted at Length on the Bill of Directions, Bottle, and Wrapper; the Stamp also ( the King's Duty) is printed in black Ink instead of red Ink. Sold at the Dispensary, No. 15, Soho-
Square, London, in Bot- tles of 5s. Gel. 10s. and ^'. 1 2s. Duty included.— Compound Essence 8s. Q5T Sold also by the Printers of this Paper; Mr. Okely, and Mr. Palgrave, Bedford; Mather, Wel- lingborough; Collis Sc Dash, and Munrifc Kettering; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry ; Corrall, Lutter- worth ; and by most Venders of Patent Medicines in Town and Country. CORDIAL BALM OF GILEAD. RS. GRIFFIN, aged 43 \ ears, w- as so ill, - that she could not walk out isf the House, and for near three Years confined to her Bed with extreme Weakness. She was afflicted with strong Nervous AlFections, Trembling, Debility,
Lowness of Spirits, and subject to Fits; by which she was reduced to a mere Skeleton. After trying the best Advice in our Neighbourhood in vjiin, she had Recourse to your CORDIALBALM of GIIEAD, which was purchased of Mr. Simmons, of Blandford; by taking four Bottles of which she was entirely cured some Time since, and now remains perfectly well, to the Astonishment of all her Neighbours. Witnesses— WILLIAM SHAVE, Overseer of Wat- combe, near Blandford. SAMUEL SIMMONS, Blandford. To Dr. Solomon, Giiead- House. The CORDIAL BALM of GILIAD is sold in Bottles, Price Half- a- Guinea each; there are also
Family Bottles, Price 33s. containing equal to four Bottles at 10s. 6d. by which the Patient saves 9s. including also the Duty. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by the Printers of this Paper; also, Retail, by Marshall, and Edge, North- ampton ; Collis & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Dawson, and Harrod, Harborough; Marriott, Banbury ; Inns, and Gallard, Towcester; Seeley, Buckingham; Richardson, Stony - Stratford; Edge-, and Mather, Wellingborough; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry ; Okely, and Palgrave, Bedford; Fox, St. Neots i Barringer, and Inwood, Newport- Pagnell; Swinfen, Leicester; by the Printers of the Country News papers ; and by all the reputable Medicine Venders, Booksellers, & c. in every principal Town in England, Ireland, Scotland, and America, who will deliver Pamphlets gratis, with a Variety of authentic Docu- ments noted therein. ( p?" Dr. Solomon, when consulted, expects his usual Fee of Half- a- Guinea. Such Letters should, for Safety, be thus directed—" Money Letter. Dr. Solomon, Gilead- House, near Liverpool." March 6, 7, and April 4, at the Bell inn, Tlietfcrd.- Attorney, Mr. Cole, Thetford. John Atkinson, of Birmingham, iron- founder, Feb. 27,28, and April4, at Dunn's Hotel, Birmingham.— Attorney, Mr. Lowe, Birmingham,
William Surman and Ephraiin Ford, of Chelten- ham, Gloucestershire, linen- drapers, March 5, 6, and April 4, at the Booth- Hall inn, Gloucester.— Attorney, Mr. Ward, Gloucester. John Thullier, of St. Leonard, Devonshire, mer- chant, March 9, 11, and April 4, at the Hotel, Exeter. Attornies, Messrs. Eales and James, Exeter. William Lance, of Grove, Berkshire, woolstapler, Feb. 26, March 17, and April 7, at the Lamb inn, Abingelon.— Attorney, Mr. Morland, Abingdon. William Woods, of Liverpool, stone- mason, April 1, 2, and 7, at the Globe tavern, Liverpool.— Attor- ney, Mr. Blackstock, Liverpool. John Worrall, of Manchester,
silk- dresser, March 16, 17, and April 7, at the Star inn, Manchester.— Attornict, Messrs. Johnson and Bailey, Manchester. DIVIDENDS lo be made, to CrrdUors. March 17. James Webb, ofMoulton, Northampton- shire, laceman, at Guildhall, London. March 16. Arthur Lewis, of Banbury, Oxfordshire, mercer, at the White- Lion inn, Banbury. March 19. Thomas Johnson, of Leicester* carpenter, at the White- Hart inn, Leicester. MARKETS.— London, Feb. 23. Our supplies of Wheat were rather short this morn- ing, and which procured for fine samples a small advance in price.— Barley retains its value at the subjoined currency.—
Malt the same, but with no briskness in the sale.— White and Grey Peas ar* rather a short supply; they all keep their prices.— Beans of both sorts hive been subject to veiy little afteration.— Oats, and indeed most other articles of Grain, have come sparingly to market; oil whic'i account there was no abatement from last Monday's terms.— The Bakers appear to be pretty well fur- nished with Flour; the price steaely at 70i. per sack. Wheat.. 50s. to 60s. 68s. Fine Do. — s. to 70s. 78s. Rye . .. 36s. to 46s. Od. Barley.. 32s. to 38s. Od. Malt... 60s. to 70s. Od. .. ii- - rue • lith ( Oats 22s. to28s. 31s. HorseBeans36s. t « 42s. Od. Tick
Ditto 30s. to 38s. Od. White Peas 50s. to 70s. Od. Grey Ditto 36s. to - 16s. Od. PRICK of FLOUR.— Fine Os. to 70s. Od. HOPS, per Pocket. — Kent, 51.0s. to SI. l? s.— Sussex, 41.16s. to51. 15s. — Farnham, 81. Os. to 91. 9s. SMITHFIELD, Feb. 23. To sink the oflal. Ox Beef, 4s. Od. to 5s. 4d. We. her Mutton, 4s. 4d. to 5s. Gd. Veal, 5s. Od. to 7s. Od. Pork, 5s. Od. t » ( is. Od. Sold this day, Beasts, 1800— Sheep and Lambs, 16,000. NIWCATE and LEADENHALL, Feb. 23. By the carcase. Beef, 3s. 4d. to 4s. 6d. Mutton, 3s. 8d. to 4s. Rd. Veal, 4s. 8d. to 6s. Gd. Pork, 5s. Od. to 6s. Od. TA LLOW.— Town, 61s. Od. White
Russia,— s. Od. to53s. Od. ( Soap),— s. Od. to 53s. Od. Melting Stulf, — s. to 47s. Od. Ditto rough, — s. to 30s. Good Dregs, 10s. Od. Graves, lis. Od. LIATHIK, per lb. Butts, 50 to 561b. 22d. to 23d. Ditto, 60 to 651b. 24cl. to26d. Merchants' Backs, 21d. to 22d. Dressing Hides, 17d. to 18Jd. Fine Coach- Hides, 18id. to 20d. Crop Hides for cutting, 21d. t* 23jd. Flat ordinary, 17d. tol8Jd. Calfskins, 30 t ® 401b. per doz. 26d. to 36d. Ditto, 50 to 701b. per doz. S3d. to 39d. Ditto, 70 to 801b. S2d. to 34d. Small Seals, per lb. 42d. to 45J. Large Ditto, per doz. 100s. to 140s. Goat Skins, — s. to — s. pet doz. Tanned Horse- Hides,
20s. to 33s. per Hide. i N O R T H A M P T O N : Printed and Published by and for T. DICEY and IV. S U T T O N .