The Northampton Mercury
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Volume Number: LXXXVI
Issue Number: 51
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The Northampton Mercury
Date of Article: 21/02/1807
Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton
Address: Northampton
Volume Number: LXXXVI
Issue Number: 51
No Pages: 4
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f) am]) ton Herasrp Vol. LXXXVI. { Roadv Money is expected ) No. 51. } with Advertisements. S SATURDAY, February 21, J 1807 PRICE SIXPENCE, ^ amp- Duty...... 8Jd, I Paper and Print • '' id Sunday and Tuesday's Posts. LONDO N, February 17- THE Gazette of Saturday contains two letters fromCapt. Corbet, of the Nereide frigate, dated off Madeira, stating the capture of El Yeloz, Spanish corvette, pierced for 20 guns, but only 10 mounted, and 75 men ; and II Brilliant, Spanish lugger privateer, of four guns and 50 men. this Gazette likewise gives the order of the Commander in Chief, that^ in addition to the per- mission
recently granted to the 75th regiment of foot, for placing the words Hindoostuii, in their colours and appointments, the regiment shall be allowed to place the Elephant in their colours ami on their appointments, inscribing the word llin- doostun around it, as a distinguished testimony ot their good conduct and exemplary valour during their service in India. —-^ xvsv— Paris Papers to the 8th inst, and Gottenburgh and Husum Mails, arrived yesterday, bringing Ham- burgh Papers to the 1st inst. by which we learn the important intelligence, that Swedish Pomerania has been sudfftenly invaded in a formidable manner by the French.
The intelligence is conveyed in the following article :— " Denrnin, Jan. 28. The various reports that our neighbourhood and Swedish Pomerania would continue free from scenes of war, have suddenly vanished; as for some days past, and even last night, set eral regiments of French troops under Gen. Dupont, mailing themselves of the strength of the ice, have passed the widely- extended waters of the river I'eene, and entered Swedish Pome- rania. We are now busy in restoring the bridges destroyed by the Swedes, in order that the artil- lery and cavalry may follow. The Swedish beacons are every where lighted. Grisswald,
Wolgast, and Grimm, will be'in the hands of the French tu- dav, " Three o'clock iu the afternoon.— The. bridges fire ready for the rest of the troops. The whole truiy is passing w ithout opposition. Marshal Mor- fer has this day arrived from Anclain, ayd entered ' omeratiia." It is not known what is the amount of the Iwedish force appointed for the defence of this territory; hut it is believed to be respectable, and aiimated with such a spirit as will make a brave isistance. The feint of departing for Poland, the » ws of which had reached Gottenburgh, appears t have been a French stratagem. The French Papers contain the 53d bulletin ;
by * jich it appears, that General Victor, who was tr; veiling in his chaise, at a distance from his men, wis encountered by a patrol of Prussian chasseurs, and made prisoner. Three fortresses in Silesia have surrendered to the arms of Jerome Bonaparte; aud all the rest are invested. There seems little to oppose the French in that quarter. In one of the Hamburgh Papers is an account dated from the head- quarters of Davoust, of the fighting antecedent to the 26th of December, and of the serious affair of that day- Even by this account, the French were- severely handled ; they rere obstinately and bravely opposed ; and it is
evident that they most have suffered deeply. It is ascertained that all active operations ceased on both sides from that period. Bonaparte seems to be making preparations to re- commence hosti- lities with extraordinary effect; and the Russians io not yield to him in these important efforts. It is stated from various quarters, that the Porte las actually declared war against the Russians; nd it is to" be expected that French intrigues will • jeeeed to produce this effect. The Flushing Courant says, " The Eurptror Na- pleon is still at Wat- saw, busied in arrangements Jr the early commencement ofthe campaign, when lis supposed he will
lead upwands of 200,000 men gainst the Russians, independent of the Polish Igions, and the other troops of the conquered oun tries, which have joined the Imperial standards. 1 the mean time, hopes are entertained that the inewalof the war will be averted by the blessings c" peace." The collection made in the city of Amsterdam, fir the unfortunate inhabitants ot Leyden, amount- fd, at the end of January, to no less a sum than 132,613 gilders, All the regular theatres in Holland were to be opened one night, for the benefit of the sufferers. The Inveterate gun- brig, has anchored at Deal, from the coast . of France, with dispatches
from the Admiral on that station. ' Hie French are col- lecting their small craft on the whole line of their coast, and availing themselves of every opportu- nity of stealing along their shallows to their more northern depots. The substance of the dispatches, by thes, Inveterate gun- brig, is believed to be an nrgtnt'rcquest to Government for the, employment of i still smaller craft, and mi addition to the force of die gun- brigs now upon that station. It appears, that the lire of the larger ships cannot reach the sevral flotillas which skirt along the coast, and escipe uuder their very eyes. A change of system seens to have lately taken place in
this part of theFrcnch marine. Whatever may be their pur- pose, they are recovering from their long inoctit ity. It appears by tljeir several motions, as if a general orler of some kind or other had been issued by th'i Frcnch Admiralty. It was mentioned in the French Papers received lastweek, that an English frigate had been cap- tured. The vessel alluded to was the American ship Washington, w hich had been detained near tbeSpanish, coast by the Blanche frigate, who put forty men on board her to take her to England, bho- tly after a gale came on, v- hen she was obliged to ifcike sail for St. Sebastian's, Hie late Dutch Papers
mention the landing of 110 British seamen, subjects of this blockaded country, upon the French coast, near Bourdeaux, whtie they took a battery, spiked tlie cannon, blev up the gunpowder, and returned in safety to their vessels. Accounts Irom the River Plate, of so late a date as the 6th of, December state, that Sir II. Popham with his squalron, was cruizing in the River Plate, and had cut iff all intercourse with Monto Video aud Buenos ilyres— a circumstance which annoyed the Spaniard: beyond every other consideration. Sir H. Pophan was . said to be very much dejected since the surrender of BIUJIAIS Ayres; he was ex tremely auxins to receive re- enforcements, and calculated tint with 3000 men, in addition to the prcsentforctsjie should be able to make a conquest of Monte Vtd- o. All idea of capturing it on this side facing thewater was given up. His plan was to re- enforc< l « troops at Maldonado, and attack the place frcm he land side; the distance is about forty- five leitges.' The Spaniards, aware of the intention, wtrfortifying themselves at ( hat point. They had alsotceived information of thecxpectefl arrival of British forces, and therefore meant to make a speedy attack upon Maldonado before our garrison could be l e- euforced. Tares.—
According to an account presented to the House of Commons, the produce of the Per- manent Taxes for the last year, ending January 5, wns ,£. 33,549,032 Os. S& d". and that of the . War Taxes, „£, ll ,821,252 16s. 2jd. making together the sum of £. 48,370,284 17s. -. A surveyor of taxes i^ Crat'eh lately surcliargcd • A blind man for yiydoi'o* duly; hut. on all appeal before the qommissioiuTS, the surcharge was dis- charged, on accotwit of the poor, man being de- prived of one of the greatest blessings. A sweet'arid 1 agreeable 6il has lately been ob- tained from the lia/ le- nut; and the black mulbery- trce has been found to
contain a large quantity of saccharine matter, which may be obtained in a state of syrup or concrete sugar. Substitute for harm, which may prove generally useful:— To a pint of fresh beer or porter put a table- spoonful of brown sugar, and as much flour as will convert it to the consistence of a batter; put the mixture into a small jar or bottle, corking it close, as it is apt to fly.— Shake it well twice a day for six days, it will then be fit for use. The above will work fourteen pounds of flour— leave about a tea- cupful in the bottle, and add the same quantity of beer, sugar, and flour; it will be fit for use in three days.— Leave the barm to
spimge with the flour some time in the day, make the bread at night, and bake it early next morning. The barm is to be beaten up with a little warm water to spunge in the flour as soon as it. is out of the jar, and left for about six hours before the • bread is made. Agriculture.— Mr. Leroi, who has made many successful experiments in agriculture, advises persons by no means to procure grain for sowing from a soil north of their own land, but from a country south of it ; because1 he says it is a general rule, that the product of seed improves in going from south to north, and that it decreases in virtue in going from north to south. 1-
Ie recommends boiled carrots as an excellent and cheap food for the fattening of pigs; and he- adds, that by steeping' raw carrots in water to deprive them of their acrid principle, then by boiling them, and causing them to ferment, an ardent spirit may be. drawn from them, more wholesome than brandy distilled from rye. Shooting.— The late season afforded much sport to Lord Rendlcshani and his party, and proved unusually destructive to the game on his extensive manors; the total number having amounted to 3725 head during the last week of the season. The account stood thus:— On Monday, at Butley, killed 70 pheasants,
46 hares, besides partridges, woodcocks, and rabbits ! on Tuesday and Friday, they shot partridges only; on Wednesday, at Butley again, 80 pheasants, with other game; on Thursday, at Whirmorc: Wood, 192 pheasants, witli wood- cocks, & c. and on the last day, 195 pheasants, besides hares, & c. Awful instances of sudden death— A short time since Sir. Stephen* Robinson, of Leake, in Lin- colnshire, went from home to attend a public meeting, leaving his wife in good health -. On his return he found her dead. Soon afterwards he was himself taken ill, and died in a few hours, leaving three small children. SURGERY AND
MIDWIFERY. J. Z. GILLET, M. D. ( Member of the Reyal College of Surgeons), 1VVING embraced extensive Opportunities of acquiring Information", In SURGERY and MIDWIFERY, begs Leave to inform the Inhabitants of Dunstable, and- the Neighbourhood, that he intends to practise as SCKr; EoN, APOTHECARY, and MAN- MIDWIFE:— Having had a liberal Education, and several Years' Practice in His Majesty's Service, he is induced to hope, with the Assistance of Mrs. GILLET in Cases of Midwifery, to merit the Satisfaction of all who please to repose Confidence in them. Dunstable, Feb. 16th, 1807. W. FREEMAN'S
Stock of Lineti and Woollen- Drapery, Hats, Hose, IS now selling off at prime Cost end under, for Ready Money only, with a Variety of GOODS in HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE— The remaining Stock in Trade will be Sold by Auction before I. ady- Day next, if W. F. neither sells or letts the House and Shop betore that Time. Weldon, Northamptonshire, Feb. 9th, 1807. Sir Richard Hetley, Knight, deceased. ALL Persons having any Claims or Demands upon the Estate and Effects of Sir RICHARD HETLEY, late of ALWALTON, in the County of Huntingdon, Knight, deceased, are requested forth- with to transmit their Accounts, with
the Nature of their Securities ( if any), to Mr. Compton, of Water- Newton, near Wansford; or Mr. Torkington, Attor- ney, in Stamford, the Executors, in order to the same being discharged. And all Persons who stand indebted to the Estate and Effects of the said Sir Richard Hetley, are desired to pay their respective Debts to the said Mr. Conip- ton, or Mr. Torkington, immediately, otherwise Pro- ceedings will be commenced for the Recovery thereof. February \< ith, 1807. OL. NF. Y, Feb. 10th, 1807. rj^ lIE Commissioners in a Commission of Bank- L rapt awarded and issued forth against ANN MARRIOTT, of OLNEV, in the
County of Bucks, Milliner and Haberdasher, intend to meet on TUESDAY the 24th Day of FEBRUARY instant, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, at the BULL INN, in STONY- STRATFOHD, in the said County of Bucks, in order to make a Bividend of the Estate and Effects of the said Bankrupt; when and where the Creditors who have not already proved their Debts, are to come prepared to prove the same, or they will be excluded the Benefit of the said Dividend ; and all Claims not than proved will be disallowed. JOHN OARRARD, Solicitor to the Assignees. CARLTON, CLLELI JNGTON, & STEVENTON ENCLOSURE. "
ftyfOTICE is hereby given, That the Commis- _ LN sioners named and appointed in and by an Act of Parliament, intituled, " An Act for inclosing " Lands in the Parishes of CARLTON, CHEL- " L1NGTON, and STEVENTON, in the County " of Bedford," will hold a Special General Meeting at the SWAN INN, in the Town of BEDFORD, in the said County of Bedford, on TUESDAY the 24th Day of FEBRUARY instant, and continue such Meeting till FRIDAY the 27th Instant; on which Day, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, their Awards will be read over, in the Presence of such of the Proprietors who may attend to haar the same,
and will afterwards be executed by them at the same Meeting.— Dated the 2d of February, 1807. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, RRITAT the PARTNERSHIP lately subsisting j . i between Messrs. WM. YOJUCE," ROBERT ' SHE RA RD, and CA RYE P. SH EK A RD, Solicitors, j at OUNDLE and THRAPSTON, in the County ot North- | ampton, is this Duy dissolved hy mutual Consent ; and the ; Business will in future be carried on by the said j ROBERT SHERARD and CARYER SHERARD only, at | Oundle and Thrapston aforesaid; and they are au- thorized to receive and pay all Debts due to'and from the said Partnership.—
Dated the 9th Day of February, 1307. WILLIAM YORKE. ROBERTSHERARD. CARYER SHERARD. RIVER NINE OR NEN NAVIGATION. " V! OTICE is hereby given, That a Meeting of 1 the Commissioners of the Western Division of the above Navigation will be holden at the G UUDHAI. I., in the Town of NORTHAMPTON, on WEDNESDAY the FOURTH Day of MARCH next, at' Eleven o'Clock in the Fo'enoon, to consider the Bye Laws made, and now in Force, relating to the Western Division ofthe said Navigation, and to rescind or alter the same, and to make such new ones as may appear proper and ne- cessary ; and
also to transact other Business concerning the said Navigation. By Order of the Commissioners, SAML. HOLT, Clerk and Treasurer. Northampton, Jan. IHd, 1807. To COVER, THIS SEASON, 1807, AT ECTON, near NORTHAMPTON, at Two - Guineas a Mare, and a Crown the Groom, j A beautiful BLOOD BAY ARABIAN. ! finquire for further Particulars of JOHN PETIIT, i at Ectsn. ' I LADIES' BOARDING- SCHOOL, WESTON. FAVF. LL, neur Northampton. \\ T SPENCER announces to the Parents of » » . the young Ladies instructed under, lus late Wile, that he has engaged an able and expertehced 1!-, ACHER to conduct
the Management of the said Seminary, hoping to merit the Patronage and Sup. port which his late Wife experienced from a generous Public. The School will re- open on MONDAY next, the 23d Instant, on the usual Terms. Weston- Fa : ell, 18th Feb. 1807. Leicestershire Freehold Estate. be SOLD by AUCTION, Angel Inn, Mutket. Harborough, in the JDAY ENTRY MARKET WAGGONS. 01 IN ADAMS, having purchased the WAG- GONS, HORSES, and STOCK, in TRADE, of his late Brother, WILLIAM ADAMS, Carrier, j deceased, solicits the Continuance of the Favours of the Friends and Customers of his late Brother and the
Public in general; assuring them, that no Exertions on his Part shall be wanting to conduct the Trade with Punctuality and Dispatch. Olney, Turvey, and llarrold Association. ^ jPHE Annual General Meeting ofthe Members - B- of this Association will be held at the TINKER INN, in TURVEY, in the County of Bedford, on THURSDAY the 26th Day of FEBRUARY instant, at Twelve o'Clock. ' JO.\ N GARRARD, Secretary. Olney, Feb. 10th, 1807. To Bakers. To be SOLD or LETT, And mat/ be entered upon immediateh/, \ Substantial DWELLING- HOUSE and il BAKEHOUSE, in full Trade, with convenient Out- Offices, in good Repair,
Yard, and Garden, pleasantly situate in the Market Town of Ampthill, in the County of Bedford, in the Possession of the Proprietor; together with an ALLOTMENT of GROUND, lying at a short Distance from the Pre- mises, and containing about an Acre. Apply for further Particulars to Mr. T. FLETCHER, Marston- Mortaine ; Mr. JOHN ANSTEE, Houghton- Regis; or Mr. EAGI. ES, Attorney at Law, Ampthill. Ampthill, Feb. 13th, 1807. Hay and Strom. To be S O L D, QEVERAL Tons of NEW and OLD CLOVER • 7 ai- d MEADOW HAY, and WHEAT, BARLEY, BEAN, and PEA STRAW, lying at BLISWORTH, close to the Canal. For
Particulars, enquire of Mr. LINNETT, at the Sun- and- Stars, in Blisworth. Capital Stock of Cozes, Bulls, and Pigs. To be S O L D bv A U C T I'D N, Hy CHURCHILL ' tsf TURNER, On Monday the 23d Day of February, 1807, on the Premises, without Reserve, ALL the valuable STOCK of COWS, BULLS, - and PIGS, of Mr. E. CREEK, of Rousham, in the County of Oxford, who leaves his Farm at Lady- Day next; consisting of 15 In- calf Cows, 13 Ditto Heifers, five Sturks, four Yearlings, two Two- year- old Bulls, and two yearling Ditto; four Sows, In- pig, two Boars, and 33 Stores. The Tow Stock are of the long- horned Sort, and
principally descended from the celebrated Rollright Breed, and from the Stocks of Mr. Honeyborn and Mr. Freeman. The Sale to begin at Eleven o'Clock in the Fore- noon.— Catalogues mav be had in due Time of the Printers of the Northamoton, Warwick, and Oxford Papers; at the Inns at Banbury, Chippingnorton, and Bicester; at the Place of Sale; and of the Auction- eers, in Woodstock. THOMAS WRIGIIT OST respectfully informs his Frie. nds and It I- the Public, that his KETTERt. NG and THRAPSTON STAGE- WAGGONS to LONDON, will, on and after the 17th of February instant, leave Kettering every Tuesday Night,
and Thrapston early on Wednesday- Morning; will arrive at the Cross'- Keys Inn, St. John's Street, every Friday Morning, at Four: Return the same Morning, at Ten o'Clock, and will be at Thrapston every Monday Morping, and Kettering the same Evening. ( jST Wiil not be accountable f » r any Plate, China, Glass, or any Valuables whatever, if lost, or damaged, unless entered as such, and a suitable Premium paid on Delivery. Kettefing, Feb. 9th, 1807. KETTERING AND HtGiIAM~~ FERRERS COACH, TO I. OX I) ON, AT REDUCED FARES. rjPHE Proprietors, with grateful Acknowledg- . L meats for past Favours, and earnest
Solicitations for future Patronage and Support, respectfully inform their Friends and the Public, that the above- men- tioned Coach sets out, as usual, from the WHITE- HART INN, KETTERING, every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Morning, at Six o'Clock; from the QUEEN'S- HEAII INN, HICHAM- FERRERS, at Half- past Seven; and arrives at the WHITE- HART INN, ST. JOHN'S- STREET, LONDON, at Half- past Six in the Evening: Returns Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Mornings, at Six; arrives at Higharn- Ferrers at Five, and at Kettering at Half- oast Six in the Evening. Inside ' 21 s. Outside 12s. Inside from Higham-
Ferrers .. 19s. Outside 10s. Performed by WRIGHT, Kettering COOKE, Bedford BARRY, Hitchin HAITIN, Welwyn, and STEVENS & FIELD, London. Kettering, Feb. 14th, 1807. N. B. Not accountable for any Parcel or Passenger's Luggage, above Five Pounds Value, if lost or da- maged, unless entered and paid for accordingly. NORTHAMPTON TURNPIKE- TOLLS. NOTICE is hereby given, That the Commis- sioners appointed by or under an Act of Parlia- ment made and passed in the 18th Year of His present Majesty's Reign, intitled, " An Act for Paving, " Cleansing, Lighting, and Watching the Town of " NORTHAMPTON,
and for removing and prc- " venting Incroachments, Obstructions, and An- " noyances therein;" or hy or under another Act of Parliament, passed in the 37th Year of His said present Majesty's Reign, intitled, " An Act for " altering and amending the said last- mentioned Act, " and for continuing . the Term of certain Tolls by " the said Act granted," will, on MONDAY the 2d Day of MARCH next, between the Hours'of Four and Six in the Afternoon, at the GUILDHALL, in the said Town, LETT to FARM, by AUCTION, to the Best Bidder, for the Term of one, two, or three Years, as shall be then agreed on, commencing the 28th Day of
April next, the TOLLS arising at the Gate or Turnpike erected near the South Bridge, in the said Town of Northampton; which Tolls were lett the last Year at the Sum of £. T36, and will be put up at that Sum. The Best Bidder must forthwith pay £. 40 in Ad- vance, and produce sufficient Sureties, and give Se- curity, to the Satisfaction of the Commissioners, for the due Payment of the Residue of the Rent. CHARLES MARKI1AM, Clerk to the Commissioners. Northampton, Feb. Uth, 1807. BURGLARY. O/ neit, Turvcy, and llarrold Association. WHEREAS ' the DWELLING - HOUSE of WILLIAM ANDREWS, Esq. of OLNEY, in the
County of Bucks ( a Member of this Associa- tion), was last Night BROKEN OPEN, and the following Articles STOLEN THEREOUT, viz. A stout drab- coloured Great Coat, with plated But- tons, the Skirts of which arc very large, and button on; a drab- coloured Spencer; a Bot/' s drab- coloured Great Coat; a Boy's brown Coat; a Boy's Hat; and a Quantity of Glass Bottles: If any Person will give Information of the Offender or Offenders, so that thereupon he, she, or they shall be thereof convicted, such Person will be paid a Reward of TWENTY GUINEAS, by Mr. ANDREWS; and a further Reward- of THREE GUINEAS, upon his,
her, or their Commitment to Prison for Trial for the Offence, out of the Fund belonging to this Association. JOHN GARRARD, Secretary. Olney, Saturday, Feb. 1th. 1807. HOGSTON, Feb. 16th, 1807. STRAYED, last November, into the Grounds of Mr. THOMAS INGRAM, of Hogston, Bucks, A BLACK CROPPED MARE, Aged, About 14 Hands high. Any Person proving satisfactorily to Mr. Ingram that she is his Property, may receive her by paying for the Keep and other Expences; but if she is not owned betore the 6th of April next, she will be sold to pay the Expences. FEBRUARY 20th, 1807. ABRAHAM PARKER'S, STOW IIILI. TO at Freehold Estate, Dunstable, Beds. be SOLD bv AUCTION, By Mr. DURHAM, At the Red- Lion, Dunstable, on Tuesday, February 24th, 1807, at Two o'Clock,' ASubstantial and well- built Brick ' and Tile DWELLING- HOUSE, FREEHOLD, and ex- onerated from LAND- TAX, very advantageously si- tuate near the Centre of the Town of DUNSTABLE, and well adapted for carrying on ail extensive Trade; comprising a Parlour, Shop, Kitchen, Wash- House, Closets, tec. on the Ground Floor; large and com- modious Cellars; three comfortable Sleeping- Rooms, on the first Floor, and three Garrets; Yard, Stable, Loft, and
other Offices; in the Occupation of Mr. Samuel Gutteridge, and lett on a repairing Lease, which expires at Michaelmas 1810. Particulars may be had at the several Inns in the Neighbourhood; and of Mr. DURHAM, Land- Sur- veyor, Auctioneer, See. Dunstable. ' F I M B E R. To be SOLD by AIJ G T ION, By DENNIS & SON, On Thursday the 26tli Instant, on the Premises, j70RTY OAKS, 20 ELMS, and a few AHliS, j 1 n6w standing, blazed and numbered, on llarpole j Woods Farm. The Company are requested to assemble at the Farm- House, at Ten o'Clock. To At the County of Leicester, on Tuesday the" 3d Dav of March next,
about Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions of Sale a* shall be then produced, A Valuable and very desirable FREEHOLD 1\ ESTATE, situate at THED1NG WO RTH, in " the County of Leicester; consisting of a Close and Meadow of capital Grazing Land, called PEAR- TRF. E CLOSE and OLD CLOSE MEADOW, containing to- gether 94 Acres, or thereabouts, iu the Occupation of Mr. Joseph Heyi. ock", who will give immediate l'o^ ession on Payment of the Purchase Money. For further Particulars, apply to Mr. HETCOCK, of Saddington; or GEORGE WARTNABY, of Market- Harborough. WARWICKSHIRE.
Sale of Capital Timber. To be SOLD by AUCTIO N, " By WILLIAM LONG, On Monday the 2d Day of March, and the following Days, on the Estate at UPTON, FTP WARDS of 270 Lots cf fine large \ MAIDEN OAK, ELM, ASH, FIR, WAL- NUT, SPANISH CHESNUT, and other TIMBER TREES, with the TOPS, LOP, and BARK, all blazed and numbered, now standing on the different Farms adjoining the MANSION ( except one Farm, being at WARMING'TON, about three Miles distant), well calculated for Shipping, Building, Wheelwrights, and other Purposes. UPTON adjoins the Turnpike. Road, and is distant from Banbury six
Miles, from Stratfor. l- on- Avon ten, and from Warwick fourteen, through cither of which Places the Canal passes. For a View thereof, apply to THOMAS WEAVER, at the Mansion, ten Days previous to the Sale, of whom Catalogues may be had, with Conditions of Sale annexed; also, at the following Inns, viz. White- Lion, Banbury; Red- Lion, Kineton; White- Lion, Stratford; Swan Hotel, Birmingham; Kirig's- Head, Coventry; Warwick- Arms, Warwick; Wheat- Sheaf, Daventry; Peacock, Northampton, George, Shipston; Star, Oxford; Crown, Chipping- Norton ; King's- Arms, Bicester; Cobham- Arms, Buckingham; at the Office of
Messrs. Bignell Wykham, Banbury; and of the Auctioneer, Witney. Credit will be given till the first of September, if required, upon the Purchasers producing an ap- proved Security. HI LLM ORTON, Warwickshire^ Freehold Estate. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By EDWARD NEALE & SON, On Tuesday the 3d Day of March, 1807, at the House of Mr. George Hull, the Sign of the Woolpack, in Htllmorton, between the Hours of Three and Five in the Afternoon, subject to Conditions of Sale then to be produced, AModern and substantial Brick and Tiled DWELLING- HOUSE; comprising a roomy Kitchen and Parlour in front, four Bed rooms, two Attics, good Cellars, back Kitchen, Brewhouse, Dairy, Sec.; together with suitable Out- Offices, a spacious Yard, with a Well of good Water and a Pump in the same; a very productive Garden, well planted with choice Fruit Trees; also, two Dwelling- Houses, with a Bam. Stable, Cow- Sheds, & c.; toge- ther with a small Close and Meadow of rich Pasture I- and adjoining, well fenced and watered, containing about four Acres, more or less; pleasantly situated in HILLMORTON aforesaid, late in the Tenure of Mrs. Ann Smith, deceased. For a View of the said Premises, apply to Mr. RICHARD SMITH, of Hillmorton
House; A D for further Particulars, apply to Mr. Fox, Attorney at Law, in Rugby. Immediate Possession maybe had. Also will be SOLD by AUCTION, by the said EDWARD NEAI. F & SON, on Wednesday the 4th Day of March, 1807, on the said Premises, All the genteel and useful HOUSEHOLD- FUR- NITURE, BREWING - VESSELS, and other EFFECTS; comprising Four- post Bedsteads, with fluted Mahogany Pillars upon Castors, and printed Cotton and other Furniture; well- seasoned Feather- Bed; Flock- Mattresses and Blankets; Oak Dining, Dressing, and other Tables; Oak- frame and other Chairs; a Thirty- hour Clock,
in neat Oak Case; Brewing Copper and Iron Furnace; Mash- Tub, with smaller Ditto to correspond ; well- seasoned Barrels, Iron- bound; Brass Pots and Kettles; with numerous other Articles, & c. The Sale to commence at Tea o'Clock in the LEFT TURNPIKE, about a Year and a Half since, A PARCEL; Containing Gun- Locks und Puns, and several other Articles: Directed to Mr. R. FARMER, Jun. of STOW, near Weedon, Northamptonshire. There being no such Person living there, the right Owner thereof describing the other Articles contained in the Parcel, and paying the Carriage, and Expenceof this Advertisement, may have
it again by applying as above, within one Month from the Date hereof; otherwise the Goods will then be sold to defray the above Expences. ~ ADVERTISEMENT. MR. WILSON'S WATER- PROOF COM- POSITION, to render BOOTS and SHOES impenetrable to Rain, Dew, Snow, & c. Upwards of 360,000 having been sold within little more than three Years ( including Exportations to the Continent of Europe and America), most amply proves its Utility to the Invalid, the Sportsman, and general Pedestrian. It makes the Leather singularly soft, far more durable, and keeps the Feet constantly warm and dry. Also, Mr. WILSON'S
CLEANSER and BEAU. TI F1 E R for H O R S E and CARRIAGE HARNESS. This elegant Compound may fairly challenge ail Competition ; it gives so little Trouble in its Use, is so clean, and affords so neat an Appearance to the Harness, that scarcely a single Equipage appears at St. James's but what owes its splendid Lustre to its Use. The Man of Fashion is not less pleased with it than the Coachman and Groom, for never before did any Article so happily combine Beauty in Effect, with Simplicity and Dispatch in Use; and it will save the Groom infinite Time and Labour. The Water- Proof Composition and the Cleanser are
prepared by the sole Proprietor, JOHN WILSON, 16, Arlington- Street, Camden- Town; and sold, Whole- sale, by his sole Agents, Messrs. Random & Sneath, Printsellers, tine Colourmen, and Fancy Stationers, " No. 5, Hart- Street, Bloomsbury, London; and, Re- tail, by BARNES, Bookseller and Stationer, RF. DFORD; in Pots at 2s. fid. each, or six Pots in one at 10s. 6d. N. B. None can be genuine that are not signed on the outside Label and Bill of Directions, by the Pro- prietor, John If ' Unn, Live and Dead Stock. To be S O I. D by AUCTION, By Mr. HAWTYN. On Friday the 27th of February, 1807, on the Pre- mises of Mr.
JOHN BENNETT, deceased, at BLOXHAM, near Banburv, Oxfordshire, < ALL the LIVE and DEAD STOCK, IMPLEMENTS of HUSBANDRY, DAIRY UTENSILS, and other EFFECTS, as will be ex- pressed in Catalogues to be had, in due Time, at the | Place of Sale, and at the Office of the Auctioneer, in 1 Banbury aforesaid. To To be SOLD by AUCTION, TOGETHER OR IN LOTS, At Mr. Hodson's, the Pied- Bull Inn, at Peterborough, in the County of Northampton, on Friday the 13th Day of March, 1807, at Thres o'Clock in the Afternoon, AFARM- HOUSE, with the Outbuildings, Garden, Orchard, & c. situated at G LINTON ;
and about 60 Acres of LAND, in the Field, anc- i four A cres of M E A DOW, in the Lordships of P E A KI R K, G LINTON, and WARRINGTON, in the said County of Northampton. CLINTON is situated by the Turnpike- Road leading from Deeping to Peterborough, and is within three Miles of the former, and five of th" e latter. For further Particulars, apply to the Tenant, Mr. JAMES JOICE, of Glinton aforesaid. For Rheumatisms, Sprains, Chilblains, £>- c. Dr. STEERS's OPODELDOC. Hp HIS Medicine, from its extraordinary Efhcacv, I. is justly entitled to the Reputation it'has so long acquired above every other Preparation of the
Kind. By its warm, penetrating, and attenuating Qualities, it is found to be the most powerful Application in Rheumatisms, Spasms, and Palsies; as also in Cramps, Bruises, Sprains, Burns, Scalds, fresh Cuts, and the Sting of venomous Insects. It is particularly recom- mended in Contusions, occasioned by Gun- shot Wounds, and to refresh the Legs and Feet after long Exercise in walking. It speedily removes Chilblains, and if used in Time, will prevent them from breaking, but fer this Purpose it should be dissolved and applied warm. Sold only by F. Newberv and Sons, No. 45, St. Paul's Church- Yard, London', in Bottles, Price
2s. 6d. each; and by their Appointment, by Dicey & Sutton, Marshall, and Edge, Northampton; Seeley, Buck- ingham ; Barringer, and Inwood, Newport- Pygnell; Green, Ampthill; Collis Sc Dash, Kettering ; Robins, Daventry ; and Bull, Sen. Harborough. N. B. Observe that the Words " F. Newberv, No. 15, St. Paul's," arc engraved in the Stamp. Neat Cattle, valuable Sheep, $ c. be SOLD by AUCTION, By ED WA R D NEA LE & SO N, On Monday the 9th Day of March, 1807, on the Pre- mises of Mr. SETH HOPKINS, of WILLI--, , in the County of Warwick, who leaves his Farm at Lady- Day next, RPIIE truly valuable BREED of
EWES, TEGS, 1 DAIRY COWS, HEIFERS, STURKS, and YEARLINGS, capital NAG and DRAUGHT HORSES, in- foaled MARES, and about 100 Acres of GRASS KEEPING until the 5th Day of April next. The LIVE STOCK comprises 51 Ewes, in- lambed, 21 Theaves, 75 Tegs, two new- milch Cows, eight in- calved Ditto, four in- calved Heifers, three Sturks, and six yearling Calves; two Draught Mires, in- foalcd, one Draught Horse and one Mare, rising three Years old, one capital Nag Horse, four. Years old, and one Ditto, three Years old. The valuable Breed, of Sheep have,.' been bred with great Care from Rants of Mr.
Grundy's, of Drayton- in- the- Clay. The Dairy Cows are descended trim Bulls of Mr. Gruady's, andotlier respectable Breeders. The Draught Mares are in- foaled by a Hoise of Mr. Powers', of Stretton- under- Foss. The above Stock will be found well worth the At- tention of Purchasers. The Sale to commence at Nine o'Clock in the Morning. Catalogues may be had at the Hind and Denbigh. Arms Inns, and of the Auctioneers, Lutterworth. For alt Disorders in the Eyes. THE GENUINE Dr. . TOUNSON's GOLDEN OINTMENT, Prepared by WILLIAM SINGLETON, No. 2, UNION- PLACE, LAMBETH, Surrey, rpnis Ointment is an
effectual Remedy in In- J flanimations, Films, Specks, or anv other Dis- order incident to the Eyes; having completely effected some Thousands of Cures when all other Means have failed. Purchasers are tequested to see that the Bill of Direction given them with this Article, has got the Proprietor's Name as is underwritten: All not so signed are Counterfeits. This Ointment) Wm c;.,, i„. „ CNo. 2, Union- Place, prepared by me, $ Wm. Singleton, ^ i! ambsth. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Messrs. Dicey Sc Sutton, Bow Church- Yard, and at their Warehouse in Northampton; and, Retail, by Robins, Da- ventry; Inns, and Gallard,
Towcester; Hariod, Harborough ; Inwood, and Barringer, Newport- Pagnell; Mather, Wellingborough; Collis & Dash, Kettering; and by all other Venders of Medicines in the Kingdom; Price Is. 9d. per Pot, with full Directions.
Wednesday and Thursday's Posts. LONDON, February 19. THER- olla, Capt. Coffin, arrived at Weymouth „ i Monday, in 52 days, from the river Plate, bavin' on board Sir Home Popham, Capt. King, and Mr. Iladden, Sir Home's Secretary. On the 1st of December, the Sampson man of war, Admiral Stirling, arrived in the river Plate, having Oil board General Grey, who is to succeed General Baird in the command at the Cape. Ad- miral Stirling carried out with him orders to super- sede Sir Home Popham in the command of his Majesty's ships at the river Plate. The vessel which has brought home Sir H. Pop- ham sailed on the
27th of December, and arrived at Weymouth on Monday evening, after one of the quickest voyages ever known. Sir Home pro- ceeded to his residence near Windsor, which he reached on Tuesday evening, and arrived in Town yesterday morning. In the course of the day he attended, with Capt. King, at the Admiralty. The Sampson, with General Grey on board, was dispatched by Admiral Stirling, for the Cape, on the 13th of December. In consequence of the alluring prospects held out to the merchants, by the capture of Buenos Avres, a number of vessels had arrived at the river Plate, which were left with Admiral Stirling, at
Moldonada, when the Rolla sailed. Yesterday some French Papers to the 10th, and other Foreign Journals to the 14th inst. arrived in Town. They contain the 54th bulletin of the French army, dated Warsaw, the 27 th of January. The information it brings is very loose, and un- satisfactory. A statement in the Danish Papers, that Marshal Ney had been defeated, receives some countenance from the bulletin. It is there said that some battalions of light infantry belong- ing to that General's corps, having advanced 20 leagues from their cantonments, had given occa- sion to a movement on the part of the Russians, but had returned
without any loss. That they were opposed, and obliged to retreat, is the con- clusion which seems reasonable from this state- ment. It appears, too, that on the 25th of January, an action between part of the two armies took place. A column of Russians, 12,000 strong, had made an advance upon a point of the French canton- ments; the Prince of Ponte Corvo pushed forward to meet them, and the French claim the victory ; but mention no cannon or prisoners which have fallen into their hands. Bonaparte, with his usual activity and attention, has left Warsaw on horseback, to make the tour of the cantonments; and it appears
highly pro- bable that active operations will speedily re- com- mence. The most extraordinary exertions seem to be making to begin the campaign with effect: — An article in a foreign Journal says, " The French force in Poland, according to public report, consists of 300,000 men, besides 80,000 Con- scripts, 4000 Poles, the contingent of the Con- federacy of the Rhine, and that of Saxony. Na- poleon, therefore, may take the field in the spring, with 500,000 men; and, in case of necessity, the army of Holland, that of Italy, and a number of French regiments distributed in Upper and Lower Italy, may also be brought forward."
Bonaparte seems to be all anxiety on the subject of Turkey. He is terrified lest that rich prey escape his claws. Massena is probably sent for, to conduct an expedition against the Russians in that quarter. On the entry of the French into Breslau, M. Mara, the French Intendant- General, demanded the immediate supply of 15,000 cwt. of beef, equal to 5000 oxen, for the use of the French troops. Field- Marshal Kamenskov, it appears, is gone to St. Petersburgh, to concert new measures. • General Bennigsen, who commands in bis absence, has received the Order of St. George. A French Journal, printed at Rouen, in Nor- mandy,
last month, contains the following singular paragraph :— " The success of the French Revolution killed Burke the orator; the battle of Austerlitz finished Pitt; and Fox died through joy on seeing himself in place." General Merck, a native of Germany, and em- ployed by our Government, arrived at Chatham on Sunday night, for the. purpose of engaging all his countrymen, who are unfortunately among the French priso'ners of war, at this depbt, for the British service, and he was very successful. Tuesday's Gazette contains a letter from Captain Lord Cochrane, giving a detailed account of an attack made upon Fort Roquette, at the
entrance of the Bassin d'Arcasson, on the 6th of January. A large quantity of military stores was destroyed, four 36- pounders, two field- pieces, and a 13- inch mortar spiked, the platoons and carriages burnt, and the fort laid in ruins. Lord Cochrane subjoins a list of 15 coasting vessels taken and de- stroyed, since December 15th. The Catholic question is expected to be brought forward this Session.— On Monday se'nnight a meeting of the Catholics of Ireland, summoned by the Earl of Fingal, was held at D'Arcy's, in Earl- street, Dublin, for the purpose of taking into consi- deration the propriety of petitioning the Imperial
Parliament tor a complete Emancipation of his Majesty's Subjects, professing the Catholic Reli- gion in Ireland.— Upon the motion of Lord French, the Chair was taken by the Right Hon. the Earl of Fingal, who informed the meeting that he had been induced to request their attendance there, by a sense of what he deemed his duty, with the intent that they might, in a free, independent, yet dis- passionate style, express their several opinions on a subject of the highest concern to the Empire at large, and of vital importance to Ireland. His Lordship finished by declaring, that he understood, from the first authority, that Government
meant to transmit to them an answer expressive of how far their application was likely to obtain the coun- tenance of the Executive. Mr. Keogh then rose, and, after a speech of some length, concluded by moving the following Resolution:— " Resolved, That this is a fit and proper time to prefer a Petition to the Imperial Parliament, for the complete Emancipation of the Catholics of Ireland." Which was carried unanimously. Forty- one gentlemen were immediately ap- pointed to prepare and forward the same. It is said, that the example of Dublin will be followed by all the counties and great towns in Ireland. In order to procure such
an unity of action, circular letters have been dispatched in great numbers to the leading Roman Catholics in every part of the country. Worcester Election.— Mr. Bromley having va- cated his seat in Parliament as one of the Repre- sentatives of the City of Worcester, another contest has taken place. On Friday, Mr. Wm, Gordon ( one of the candidates) and Mr. John Attersoll, both London merchants, were nomi- nated, and a poll commenced ; at the final close of which, on Tuesday, the numbers were as follows: For Mr. Gordon 766 Mr. Attersoll 414 Majority for Mr. Gordon 352 All in Shares. . In whole Tickets. The Drawing of the
State- Lottery finished on Saturday the 14th inst. The Ticket, No. 18,006, as first- drawn on that day, entitled to Five Thou- sand Pounds, was sold at HAZARD, BORNE, & Co.' s Office, Royal- Exchange, where every fixed Capital Prize this Lottery has been sold and shared. The following are the Numbers of the Capital Prizes in this Lottery which have been sold at HAZARD, BURNE & Co.' s Office: No. 12,283 • -,£. 30,000 24,490 20, 23,815 10, 846 5 24,468 5,276 1,000 18,006 5,000 18,610 500 Parpoutier, a celebrated French chemist, has discovered a new species of utility, besides its nutritive powers, in the potatoe, and his
discovery has been proved in England by stucco plaisterers. From the starch of potatoes, quite fresh, and washed but once, a fine size, by mixture with chalk, has been made; and in a variety of in- stances successfully used, particularly for ceilings. This species of size has no smell; while animal size, putrifying so readily, uniformly exhales a disagreeable and unwholesome odour; the size of potatoes, being very little subject to putrefaction, appears from experience to prove more durable in tenacity and whiteness, and, for white- washing, should always be preferred to animal size, the decomposition of which iuvaribly exhibits
proofs of infectious effluvia. The character of the Parisians is most wonder- fully changed since the days of the Emperor Julian, who declared that " lie loved to reside in that city, on account of the grave character of its inhabitants.'' The violent gale of wind, which yesterday morning accompanicd the fall of snow, we are sorry to state, has occasioned great loss in the shipping on the coast. The vessels in the Downs were mostly forced from their stations. The four Fast- Indiamen got under weigh and sailed for Portsmouth; as did about 50 others, among them part of the West- India fleet, which cut their cables. One brig, of which
the name is un- known, went to pieces on the rocks near Kings- down, and the crew perished. Eifteen others drove on shore between Deal Castle and the South Foreland. Mr. J. Dennison, recently deceased, has left his two daughters, the Countess of Convngham, and Lady I. awley, .£. 20,000 each ; which, with their portions on marriage, will make their re- spective fortunes £. 50,000. To an only sister he has given an annuity of £. 100 per annum; and the residue of his immense property, to the amount of £. 15,000 per annum, he lias bequeathed to his eldest son. Original Anecdote of Garrick.—- When Packer, who lately died,
was a young man, and engaged at Drury- lane Theatre, at a low salary, he was one day attending the rehearsal of a new play, at a time when Garrick was occupied on the stage in an interesting scene, and accidentally let fall bis hat; a circumstance which much disconcerted the Manager, who on such occasions considered the smallest interruption as a very great offence. At the end of • the scene he strutted in great wrath up to the offender, and was proceeding to pronounce the dreadful sentence of dismissal from the theatre, when Packer, iii humble guise, besought his attention for a moment.—" Indeed, Sir, said he, I am not
morally responsible for this act.— My nerves, Sir, my nerves could not with- stand the electric shock of your wonderful deline- ation of this new part."—" Ha! What? Ha!" said the little great man, lowering his tone— " Well, well, do take care in future."— Ten shil- lings a week was added to Packer's salary from that day! Symptoms of Canine Madness, extracted from the Works of Dr. Mead.— The dog first refuses to eat and drink as usual, and seeks to be alone, he ceases to bark, but begins to growl even at his master, tears run down his. face, he carries his tail between his legs, pants much and foams with his tongue out; after
these symptoms, if at liberty, he runs from home, and usually expires in four days. Wednesday the lltli inst. as Thomas Walford was feeding a threshing mill at the Rev. Mr. Dudley's, I. ast^ Hall Farm, Bradwell, Essex, his arm was drawn in, and dreadfully wrung from his body; an amputation of the stump, near the shoulder, immediately took place, and the poor man is likely to recover. Pettrborough, Oundle, Stamford, Lincoln, Gaint- j borough, Boston, Barton, and Hull FLY- WAGGONS, ' DAILY AT NOON, From the Red- Lion Inn, Aldersgate- Street, and the Saracen's- Head Inn, Friday- Street, WDEACON & Co. grateful for
Favours . received in their CARRYING CON- CERNS, which have of late so increased as to put it out of their Power, with three Waggons per Week, to forward Goods consigned to their Care with that Regularity and Dispatch their Friends and the Public are so much entitled to, do, in Consequence, most respectfully give Notice, that from and after MONDAY next, a WAGGON will leave LONDON EVERY DAY, at Noon ( Sunday excepted), with GOODS and PASSENCERS for the above and all adjacent Places. The Proprietors assure their Friends and the Public, no Exertions will be wanting on their Part for meriting a
Continuance of that decided Preference they have hitherto received. These Waggons will leave Peterborough for the Red - Lion Inn, Aldersgate- Street, London, every Afternoon, at Four o'Clock; Lincoln every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Morning, at Nine o'Clock; and Hull every Tuesday and Thursday Morning, and Saturday Night; will reach Peterborough from X. on- don in 40 Hours, Lincoln in three Days, and Hull in four Days, and will observe the same Regularity and Expedition on their Return to London. RFORMED BY BOROUGH of HUNTINGDON LADY- DAY FAIR. \ T the Request of many respectable Farmers,
Graziers, and Others, the above FAIR will be held on WEDNESDAY the 25th of MARCH, 1807, for all Sorts of CATTLE ; and all Cattle brought for Sale to the said Fair, on that Day, whether sold or not, will be allowed to pass into and through the Town TOLL- FREE. By Order of the MAYOR. W, DEACON, London T. NEWMAN, Barnet A. BATTEN, Welwyn T. POR R I NGTON, Baldock D. NORRIS, Ditto J. SCARBOROUGH, Buckden W. PIGCOTT, Ditto London, Jan. 2lit, 1807. J. ALLATT, Peterborough J. SMITH, Ditto J. THORP, Bourne L. SEARSON, Lincoln J. GEAR, Ditto, and GEAR, WILSON, & Co. Barton and Hull
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the next Meeting of the Trustees for repairing and widening the Road from the Great Bridge, in the Borough of Warwick, through Southam and Daventrv, to the Town of Northampton, will be held at the GRIFFIN INN, in SOUTHAM aforesaid, on THURSDAY the 26th Day of FEBRUARY instant. JOHN TOMES, Clerk to the Trustees. War- wick, Felt. 1 it, 1807. HAY. To be SOLD, Quantity of excellent HAY, the Produce of fine Meadow Land, and well got in, being in four Stacks, containing from ten to fifty Tons each, and about 140 Tons in the Whole; standing in NEW. PORT FIELD, a short
Distance from the Grand Junction Canal. To purchase, apply to Mr. LUCAS, Newport- Pag- nell, Bucks. February 19 th, 1807. Capital Freehold Manors and Estates, HUNTINGDONSHIRE. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By 1VILLIAM LEAK, At the Bell Inn, Stilton, on Monday the 2d ef March, 1807, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, in Lots, subject to such Conditions of Sale as will be then produced, \ N improvable FREEHOLD ESTATE ( Land- Tax _ t\. redeemed); consisting of the Manors of Sawtry- Beams, Stilton, and Little- Gidding; and sundry valuable Farms, Lands, and Tenements ( the greater Part Tythe. free), containing
2184 Acres of excellent Arable, Pasture, Meadow, and Wood Land, situate in the Parishes of SAWTRY, STILTON, CAL- DICOT, and LITTLE- GIDDING, six Miles from Peterborough, twelve from Huntingdon, and about seventy from London; at present lett to respectable Tenants from Year to Year', at old Rents, amounting to only afi. 2277 per Annum, capable of very con- siderable Increase. The Public are informed, that for the Convenierce of Purchasers, the Manor and Estates at Stilton will be sold in different Lots; Particulars of which will be ready previous to the Sale. To be viewed by applying to Mr. J. HINDE, the Agent, at
Sawtry, where; printed Particulars, and Plans of the Lots may be seen ; also, at the Bell, and Angel Inns, Stilton; Angel, and Talbot, Peterborough; Swan, and Talbot, Stamford ; George, St. Martin's Stamford; Talbot, Oundle; Fountain, and of Mr. Sweeting, Solicitor, Huntingdon; Sun, Cambridge; George, Northampton; of George Booth Tyndale, Esq. Lincoln's- lnn Fields, London; Messrs. Maule & Sweeting, Solicitors, Huntingdon; and of the Auctioneer, at Fletton. CHEAP COALS, OF excellent Quality, from HAWKESBORr NEW COLLIERY, are'now selling at NORTH- AMPTON WHARF, at One Shilling per HundrU Height, and
delivered into any Part of the Town at I hirteen- Pence per Hundred Weight, exclusive of tins customary Charge for Loading, & c. by FRANCIS PARROTT, Esq. & Co. Proprietors of the aforesaid Colliery. pT The said Coals are particularly recommended to all great Consumers, and are warranted to be the best Coals, at the stated Prices, ever ottered for Sale to the Inhabitants of the Town and Countv of Northampton. * » * HAWXESBURY CoALsdo not take Fire so quick as the best Staffordshire Coals, but when fairly kindled are equal in Heat, and will continue so One- third longer, by the Use of which will be found a Saving to
the Consumer oi forty per Cent. For these Coals, Gentlemen are desired to enquire for Mr JEFFERY, Clerk for the Hawkesbury Coals, who constantly attends at the said Northampton Wharf; and for further Particulars, apply to Mr. STEPHEN YATES, Bedwerth, near Coventry. A RANGE WOOD. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DAY, On the Premises, in STOCKWELL WOOD, near STOWE PARK, Buckinghamshire, on Tuesday the 24th of February, 1807, ABOUT 13 Acres of RANGE WOOD, in Lots, proper for Farmers and Bakers ; amongst which are a Quantity of ASH and SALLOW POLES, fit for Hurdle- making, & c.
The Company are requested to meet at Ten o'Clock, at Stowe Park Gate, near the Tyle Houses, when the Sale will commence. Live and Dead Dairy and Farming- Stock, To be SOLD " by AUCTION, By JOHN DAY, On the Premises of Mr. FRANCIS OLD, who is leaving his Farm, at HARDMEAD, in the County of Bucks, centrically, situated between BEDFORD and NEWPORT- PAGMELL, on Thursday the 26th of February, 1807 ; COMPRISING 28 Dairy Cows, four Heifers, one Bull, and five yearling Calves; 20 Ewe Sheep, and SO Tegs; six stout Cart Horses, one Nag Mare, In- foal, one Two- year- old Filly, and two yearling
Colts ; one Hovel of Beans and Peas, and one Ditto of Tares; one stout Waggon, and four Carts; Field- Roll, Ploughs, Harrows, Gears for eight Cart Horses, and various other Effects. On Account of the great Number of Articles, the Sale will commence exactly at Ten o'Clock, as the Whole is intended to be sold in one Day. Huntingdonshire. Freeholds. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JAMES BIRD, ( Under a Deed of Assignment) on Tuesday the 3d Day of March, 1807, at the George Inn, at Spaldwick, in the County of Huntingdon, between the Hours of Four and Six o'Clock in the Evening, subject to such Conditions of Sale as
will be produced ; Lot 1. A LL that FREEHOLD new- erected HOUSE A and BAKEHOUSE, situate in OLD WESTON, in the said County; with a Barn, Yard, and Garden adjoining; in the Occupation of Mr. John Bright. Lot 2. All those two new- erected HOUSES, large Yard, Barns, Stables, and other Out- Buildings, with a good Garden in Front of the Houses; also a capital POST WIND- MILL on the said Premises, with two Pair of Mill Stones, Machine and Flour Mill complete; together with one Acre of ARABLE LAND lying near, and in the open Field of Old Weston aforesaid. For further Particulars, enquire of Messrs. MAULE and
SWEETING, Solicitors, Huntingdon. Denford, Northamptonshire. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By BROWN & SON, On Thursday the 12th Day of March, 1807, PART of the genteel HOUSFIIOLD- FURNT- TURE, CHINA, GLASS, BREWING- UTENSII. S, and other EFFECTS, the Property <•; Mr. LUCAS, at DENFORD, in the County of Northampton; comprising handsome Mahogam Bu- reau and Bookcase, with glazed Doors; Mahoganv Two- leaved Dining Tables, and Card Table ; Mahoganv Sofa, and Covers; six handsome japanned Chairs, with stuffed Seats, and two Elbows to match • Ma- hogany Pole Fire- Screens; Tea-
Urn; Pier Glass; large handsome Damask festoon Window- Curtains - Carpets; excellent Mahogany Wardrobe; Night Table; neat japanned Chamber Chairs; Bath Stove and Fire- irons; China and Glass; Fowling- Piecr • capital polished Kitchen- Range, with winding Cheeks, Patent Wrought. iron Oven, large Copper, Saucepans. Coal- Scoop, and other Kitchen Requisites; 60- Gallon Brewing Copper and Grate, and 30- Gallon Ditto five Iron- bound Pipes, Mash- Vat, and Tubs; seve:?! Dozen of Glass Bottles, a large Quantity of useful Iron, and numerous other Articles. Sale to begin at Ten o'Clock. Catalogues to be had, in due
Time, at the Inns at Higham- Ferrers, Wellingborough, and Thrapston - Place ot Sale^ at the Printing- office, and of Brown St. Son, Auctioneers, Bedford. Superb Furniture, Farming- Stock, Stc. ADDERBURY - HOUSE, OXFORDSHIRE. To be SOLD by A U By Mr. GARDNER, 1 T I O N. Freehold Estate. To be SOLD by ADCTIO N, By Mr. CHENEY, On Thursday the 5th Day of March, 1807 ( if not sooner disposed of by Private Contract), at the Sign of the Red- Lion, at Clipstone, in the County of Northampton, between the Hours of Three and Five o'Clock in the Afternoon, CLOSE of rich PASTURE LAND, known by the Name
of ASHBY'S CLOSE, containing 1A. SR. ( more or less), and in tile Occupation of Mr. Benjamin Brown, who is under Notice to quit at Lady- Day next; together with THREE MESSU- AGES or TENEMENTS, upon the Premises, in good Repair, situate and lying in the pleasant Village of CLIPSTONE aforesaid. To treat tor the aamc by Private Contract, apply to the Auctioneer, at Nsseby. The Purchaser or any other Person may be accom- modated with SO Acres of exceeding good Pasture and Arable Land to rent, contiguous to the Town. A1 BEDFORDSHIRE. NOTICE is hereby given, That a General Meeting of Lieutenancy is
appointed to be held at the SWAN INN, in BEDFORD, on SATWRDAY the 28 « A Day if this present FEBRUARY, at Twelve at Noon, for carrying into Execution an Act passed in the 46th Year of the King, intituled, " An Act " to enable His Majesty annually to train and " exercise a Proportion of his Subjects in England, " under certain Regulations; and more effectually " to provide for the Defence of the Realm." By Order of the Right Hon. the Earl of Upper Ossory, His Majesty's Lieutenant for the County of Bedford, j. LESLEY, Clerk of the General Meet ings. Houghton- Regis, Feb. 16th, 1807. OUNDLE ASSOCIATION. fJMIE
Annual Meeting of the Society for the L more effectually preventing FELONIES and other MISDEMEANORS within the Town and Neighbourhood of OUNDLE, in the County of Northampton, will be held at the TALBOT INN, in OUNDII aforesaid, on TUESDAY the 24th Day of FEBRUARY, 1807. Creditors and Debtors of Mr. William Blick, deceased. ALL Persons who have any Claims or Demands on the Estate and Effects of Mr. WILLIAM BLICK, late of MAULDEN, in the County of Bedford, deceased, are requested to deliver forthwith an Account thereof to Mr. Davis, Attorney, at AmpthilL— And all Persons who stand indebted
to the said Estate, are desired to pay their respective Debts to Mr. Davis, without Delay. Ampthill, 90th Feb. 1807. Ironmongery, TSruziery, Hmsehold- Furniture, fyc To be SOLD bv AUCTION, By JOHN DAY, BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTORS, On the Premises, at STONY- STRATFORD, in the County of Bucks, on Friday the 27th of February, 1807, and following Day, PART of the large STOCK in TRADE of the late Mr. THOMAS DAY, Ironmonger, Sec. ; comprising Kitchen Grates, Bath and other Stoves, Fire Guards, Fenders, and Fire Irons; Locks, Bolts, and Hinges; Pit and Hand Saws ; Spades and Shovels ; Vices and
Carpenters'Tools; Scythes, Sickles, Chaff- Knives, & c. ; a stout ( new) Tallow Screw; Set of Ground baring Tackle ( new); Shop Stoves; Gen- tlemen's Tool Chests, & e.; Braziery Goods, in Pewter, Brass, Copper, and Tin. HOUSEHOLD - FURNITURE, as Bedsteads, Feather Beds, and Bedding; Tables and Chairs; two Clocks, with Cases, and various other Articles. The above Stock is intended to be reduced by this Sale, at the Request of the Widow of the said Thomas Day, who intends to carry on the Trade as before in all its Branches; and hopes for a Continuance of the Favours of the Customers of her late Husband.
Saleto begin each Day exactly at Eleven o'Clock. WHEREAS a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded and issued forth against THOMAS T1TE, of DAV ENTRY, in the County of Northampton, Auctioneer and Liquor- Merchant, and he being de- clared a Bankrupt is hereby required to surrender himself to the Commissioners in the said Commission named, or the major Part of them, on FRIDAY the SIXTH, and SATURDAY the SEVENTH Days of MARCH next, and SATURDAY the FOURTH Day of APRI L next; at Five o'Clock in the Afternoon of the first Day, and Eleven ot the Clock in the Forenoon of the two last Days, at the
House of JOHN MOORE, known by the Sign of the GRIFFIN INN, in SOUTHAM, in the County of Warwick, to make a full Discovery and Disclosure of his Estate and Effects ; when and where the Creditors are to come prepared to provetheir Debts, and at the second Sitting to choose Assignees; and at the last Sitting the said Bankrupt is required to finish his Examination, and the Creditors are to assent to, or dissent from, the Allowance of his Certificate.— All Persons indebted to the said Bankrupt, or that have any of his Effects, are not t ® pay or deliver the ! Taker of the same Tolls and Engine upon the Terms same but to
whom the Commissioners shall appoint, ' above- mentioned, hut give Notice to Joseph Egerton, Solicitor, Grav's j By Order of the Trustees, Inn- square, London; or Richard Lyndon Rolls, Soli- THOMAS EWESDIN, Clerk, citor, Southam, Warwickshire. Stony. Stratford, Feb. Yith, 1807. Household- Furniture, Chandlery, Grocery, 4r. < § ' c. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DAY, BY ORDER OF THE ASSIGNEES, On the Premises, at STONY- STRATFORD, in the County of Bucks, on Thursday the 5th Day of March, 1807, and following Day, THE neat HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, re- maining PART of the STOCK in
TRADE, & c. of Mr. JOHN LEWIS PASTU R E, a Bankrupt ; comprising Four- post and other Bedsteads, with printed Cotton, Morine, and other Furnitures; Goose and other Feather- Beds; Cotton Counterpanes, Blankets, Mattresses, & c.; Mahogany Night- Tables and Bason- Stands; Pier and Swing Glasses; Wilton and Scotch Carpets; an Eight- day Clock, in Oak Case; Mahogany Dining, Tea, and other Tables; Parlour and Chamber Chairs; Bed and Table Linen; two Silver and one Metal Watches; handsome Set of Tea China, Glass, and Earthenware; Smoke- Jack and Kitchen- Furniture; Beer Casks and Brewing Vessels;
and other Effects. The STOCK in TRADE comprises 17 Cwt. ofTallow, 100 Dozen of Candles, three Pockets of Hops, one Pipe of Vinegar, half a hundred Weight of Gun- powder, a Quantity of Sugar, 10 Cwt. of Clover Seed, and a Quantity of Drugs; a new Cart, with Tilt and Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Pannels, and various other Articles. The Furniture will be sold on the first Day's Sale, and the Stock the following Day.— On Account of the great Number of Articles, the Sale will commence exactly at Ten o'Clock each Day. ~~~ HOCKLIFFE ROAD! NOTICE is hereby given, That the TOLLS arising at the Toll- Gate situate upon
the Tum- gike- Road leading from Hockliffe, in the County of edford, to Stony- Stratford, in the County of Bucks, called the TWO- MILE ASH GATE, with the WEIGH- ING- ENGINE at the same Gate, will be LETT to FARM, by AUCTION, to the Best Bidder, at the COCK INN, in STONY - STRATFORD aforesaid, on THURSDAY the 19th Day of MARCH next, between the Hours of Eleven and Three o'Clock, in the Manner directed by the Act passed in the 13th Year of His present Majesty's Reign, for regulating the Turnpike- Roads; which Gate and Engine produced the last Year, above the Charges of collecting, and will be put up
at, the Sum of =£. 655. Whoever happens to be the Best Bidder, must at the same Time give Security, with sufficient Sureties, to the Trustees, for Payment of the Rent agreed for, at such Times as they shall direct, and pay down a Deposit of a£. 60, if the Sureties shall be approved of; and in Default thereof, the next Best Bidder to be the Prime fat Beasts and other Cattle, Implements of Husbandry, fyc. The Property of a GENTLEMAN, leaving off Farming, Sec. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By BRAMPTON & Co. On Thursday the 5th Day of March next, 1807, at BF. AL'S FARM- YARD, in Gold- Street, in WELLING- BOROUGH,
in the County of Northampton, ACapital FAT OX and MAIDEN HEIFER ( both Home- bred), supposed to - weigh about 170 Sfne each, three fat Bullocks, a short- horned Heifer and Calf, two Sturks, one short- horned Cow, and two yearling Calves; also, an excellent Cart ( or Tradesman's) Horse; a Sow and Pigs, three Porkets; 33 well- bred in- lamb'd Ewes, 33 Lambhogs, and 11 fat Sheep. Also, several Lots of FARMING- UTENSILS, Stc.; consisting of one Narrow- wheel Waggon, one Cart, a good Field- Roll, Harrows, a Plough, Win- nowing- Fan, and Barn Tackle; 10 Dozen of Hurdles, some very large Trays, Sheep and
Cow- Cribs, a ca- pital Steel Mill, and a Variety of other Articles. Also, about 10 Tons of prime MEADOW HAY, about eight Tons of CLOVER and TARES, and COCK and CORE of CLOVER HAY. The Sale to begin precisely at Ten o'Clock, and to commence with the Farming Utensils, Sec.— The Beasts and Sheep, Sec. will be put up exactly at Two O'Clock. The Beasts may be viewed any Day in the Week pre ceding the Sale. The Sheep will be penned in the Morning of Sale for Inspection. Two Months' Credit will be given on approved Security. On the Premises, about the latter End of March next, r ptlAT very extensive and
magnificent AS JL semblage of superb and costly FURNITURF V ADDERBORY- HO. USE, the Residence of J. C HELD, Esq. ( who is retiring to a distant Part „ ™ £° u", r » ')> together with all the LI VE andDEAi ' N G" ST( » C K, A G RIC U LTU R A L IM PI. E MENIS, and other valuable EFFECTS Further Particulars of which are in Preparation and will appear as soon as possible. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, rpHAT the General Annual Meeting of'tlo J.. Trustees appointed by Act of Parliament for r„ pairing the Highways from Old- Stratford, in W County of Northampton, to Dunchurch, in tv County of Warwick, will beheld at
the NEW WHITI- HORSE INN, in TOWCESTER, in the said County cf Northampton, on THURSDAY the 25th Dav of MART* next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon'of the saj- e Day, for transacting such Matters as shall be thnv thought necessary for repairing the said Highways; at which lime and Place the respective TOL1S arising at the four several Toil- Gates on the said Highways will be LETT to FARM, by AUCTION, to the Best Bidders, between the Hours of Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon and Three of the Clock in the Afternoon of the same Day, in Manner directed by the Act passed in the 13th Year of the Reign of
His present Majesty King George the Third, tor re- gulating lurnpike- Roads; which said several Tolls were lett for during the last Year ( clear of the Salaries! for collecting the same), the respective Sums herein- after- mentioned ( that is to say), The Toll- Gate at Old- Stratford ^. 600 The Toll. Gate at To- wcester 612 The Toil- Gate at Stow. Hill 590 Tie Toll- Gate in Drayton- Lane ... 607 and will be respectively put up at those respective Sums, under such Conditions as shall be then and there produced. Whoever happens to be the Best Bidder or Bidders must forthwith pay Fifty Pounds in Advance for eaci Gate, and produce
sufficient Sureties, and give <> curity, for the Payment of the Residue of the Renr at such Time or Times as shall be then agreed o between them and the said Trustees; and at the sam Time and Place new Trustees will be elected chosen in the several Places and Steads of sue Trustees as shall be then Dead.— Dated the 19th Da of February, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seve. By Order of the said Trustees, A. MIERES, their Clerk Nc TURNPIKE - TOLLS TO LETT. OTICE is hereby given, That the TOI. LS arising at the Turnpike- Gate leading from Royston, in the County of Hertford, to Wansfbrd Bridge, in the County
of Huntingdon, called or known by the Name of the GODMANCHESTER TURN- PIKE- GATE, will be LETT by AUCTION, for Three Years, to the Best Bidder, at the COURT- HALL in the Town of HUNTINGDON, on FRIDAY the 20th Day of MARCH next, between the Hours of Eleven and Twelve in the Forenoon, in the Manner directed by an Act of Parliament passed in the 13th Year of the Reign of His present Majesty King George the Third, " for regulating the Turnpike- Roads;" which Tolls were lett the last three Years at the Rent of £. 625 per Annum, and will be put up at that Sum. Whoever happens to be the highest
Bidder, must at the same Time give Security to the Satisfaction ot the Trustees of the said Road, for Payment of the Rent agreed for, arid at such Times as they shall direct. G. MAULE, Clerk to the Trustees. For Coughs, Consumptions, 4' C. PECTORAL ESSENCE OF COLTSFOOT. rpHE Herb Coltsfoot, called Tussilago by the I- Ancients, was distinguished by them, as its Name sufficiently conveys, for its Excellence in the Cure of Coughs, and other Pulmonary Complaints and this Essence has, in the Course of a long Prac tice, been found the most safe and effectual Remedy for Coughs, Asthmas, and all Disorders of the
Lungs. It gently opens the Breast, and immediately gives Liberty of Breathing, without any Danger of taking Cold; it admirably allays the tickling which pro- vokes frequent Coughing, cleanses the small Glands relaxes the Fibres, and thereby enlarges the Cavities of the Vessels. Thus it will prevent Consumptions, it taken before the Lungs are ulcerated. It cures also all husky and dry Coughs, heals Rawness and Sore ness of the Breast, and gives Relief to those who, through Age or Infirmity, are deprived of Rest or Sleep. This Essence is prepared by JAMES RYAN, Sur geon, in Bristol; and sold only by F. Newbery & Sons, No.
45, the East End of St. Paul's, London, in Bottles, 3s. 6d. each, Duty included; and none are genuine but those which have the Words " F. Newbery, No. 45, St. Paul's," engraved on the Stamp. S& ld also by Dicey & Sutton, Marshall, and Edge, Northampton; Seeley, Buckingham; Barringer, and Inwood, Newport- Pagnell; Green, Ampthill; Collis & Dash, Kettering; Mather, Wellingborough; and Bull, Sen. Harborough. MODERN LITERATURE, To be published on the 1st of March, 1807, by JAMI, CUNDEE, Albion Press, Ivy- Lane, Paternoster Row, London; and sold bv W. Birdsall, Nor; ampton; Collis & Dash, Kettering; Harrod,
Hai borough; and by all other Booksellers. 1. Janson's Stranger in America; Elegantly printed in one large Quarto Volume, illus- trated by many coloured Engravings, comprehendiu< Views, Public Buildings, Plans, & c.; Price Two Guineas in extra Boards; NPILLI STRANGER in AMERICA; containing I Observations made, during a long Residence in that Country, on the Genius, Manners, and Customs of the People of the United States ; their Govern ment, Laws, and Criminal Punishments; the Staie of Agriculture, Commerce, Manufactures, Religion, Arts, Sciences, Slavery, and the Slave Trade; to- gether with Biographical
Particulars of Public Cha- racters; a View of the Rise and Progress of th_ Drama; Hints and Facts relative to Emigration; and a Variety of interesting Anecdotes and Detail, Moral, Historical, Scientific, and Descriptive. By CHARLES WILLIAM JANSON, Esq. Late of the State oj Rhode Island, Counsellor at Lav. The Author of this Work was an Inhabitant of tie United States upwards of fourteen Years; and lr> Profession, as well as his many and extensive Jourr, » in various Parts of the Union, afforded him abund. u: Opportunities of delineating the Subjects of wlmii he treats, from actual and attentive Observation Unlike an ordinary
Traveller, whose Opinions .. e formed at first Sight, he has been enabled, by a . • Residence in the Country, to mature his Ideas t i Men and Manners, to compare and correct his C elusions, and to divest himself of the Partiality an f Prejudice which too often influence a superficial Observer. 2. Evans's Parnassian Garland; Elegantly printed with a new Nonpareil Type, i. i Pocket Size, and embellished with two beaut;: 1 Engravings, from Designs by Mr. Uwins; Pri- 2s. 6d. in Boards ; The PARNASSIAN GARLAND; or, BEAUT- S of MODERN POETRY ; consisting of upwards of • • hundred Pieces, chiefly selected from the Works.!
the most distinguished Poets of the present Age, n . Ji appropriate introductory Lines to each Article, <, i new Plan; designed for the Use of Schools, and ; Admirers of Poetry in general. By JOHN EVANS, A. M. Master of a Seminary for a limited Number of Pup;!', Pullin's- Row, Islington. 3. Oulton's Edition of the Works of the lite Gem . c Alexander Stevens; Printed in a small Pocket Size, and illistrated b-. two rich Engravings, from original Desgnsby Mr". Uwins; Price 2s. 6d. in Boards; The WORKS of the late GEORGE ALEX. ANDERSTEVENS, including his celebraedLCC; UK on Heads, and Songs. In the present Edition, the
Lecture oi Heads ha been modernized, and several new Article added, ex- cluding such only as, on Account of their iouii Nature, possess no particular Merit atths present Day. The various Articles are placed uider ap- propriate Heads, and Notes are added by Way ct Illustration. In the Songs, also, a new irnngeme; - has been made, which, it is presumed, vill make the Whole pleasing, and acceptable to evry Class of Readers. By W. C. OULTON, Esq Author of the Traveller's Guide, &. Sc. Printed for JAMES CUNDEE, Ivy- Lane, Piternoster- Row, London.
Friday and Saturday's Posts. LONDO N, February 20. LETTERS from Plymouth state, that Lord Col- lingwood has detached the Royal George, Admiral Sir J. T. Duckworth, and two more ships of the line, to re- enforce Sir Thomas Louis, who, according to the last accounts, was off Constan- tinople. Lord Collingwood, it is said, received accounts of the Turks either having declared war against the Russians, or being strongly pressed by the French influence to that measure. The presence of a large British squadron would probably have no inconsiderable weight in deciding the resolutions of the Porte. But if th- contest between
the French and Russians is to continue, it is not easy to see how the Turks will be able to maintain their independence. Whichever party be victorious, the Porte will probably be the victim ; such is the impotence to which that once powerful Empire is reduced. Singular Instance of Legal Dispatch.— A soldier, who had committed' a theft in a dwelling- house early on Wednesday morning, was detected and charged before the Lord- Mayor in the forenoon, and was committed to Newgate. The prosecutor attended the Grand Jury immediately after, a Bill was found, and the soldier in the evening was tried and convicted of the offence:
all within the space of twelve hours. Messrs. WILL AN & LEVI RESPECTFULLY inform the Public, that from MONDAY the 9th Instant, their NORTHAMPTON LIGHT COACH, ( To carry four Insides only), will leave LONDON and NORTHAMPTON at Seven o'Clock every Morning, and continue to set out daily from each Place, at the same Hour; and will arrive in London and Northampton every Afternoon at Half- past Four. The NORTHAMPTON OLD COACH, at re- duced Fares, leaves London and Northampton at Five o'Clock every Morning. Inside Fare . 12s. Outside Ditto 7s. Inside from Newport 10s. Outside from Ditto 5s.
Passengers by this Coach will Breakfast at the Swan Irvn, Newport- Pagnell, every Morning, in their Way to Town, at Seven o'Clock. Places secured, and Parcels booked, at their Coach- Office, Ram Inn, Newport- Pagnell. FEBRUARY 19th, 1807. ALL Persons who have any Claim or Demand on the Estate or Effects of WM. BITHKEY, late of CARLTON, in the County of Bedford, Yeo. man, deceased, are requested to transmit an Account thereof to Mr. Richard Clapham, of Harrold, in the County of Bedford ; Mr. Thomas Bithrey, of Carlton aforesaid, the Executors named in the Will of the said William Bithrey; or to Mr. Garrard,
Attorney at Law, Olney, Bucks.— And all Persons indebted to the Estate of the said William Bithrey, are desired to pay their fespective Debts to the said Executors, or to Mr. Garrard. HOUSE of COMMONS, Thursday, Feb. 19. POOR LAWS. Mr. WHITBRIAB rose to make his promised motion respecting the Poor Laws. The object he had in view was to regulate, to modify, and to add to the provi- sions made for the poor. His object was to make the poor, if possible, absolutely ashamed to accept of relief, and to give them the strongest motives to pro- vide for themselves, and opportunities for that purpose, so as to render them
valuable members of society, instead of being a burthen to it. His design was to exalt the mind of the labourer, and to give him greater I freedom— to stimulate him by rewards— to render the J burthens more equal— to make parochial relief a matter of degradation, and to discriminate between those who had been reduced to poverty by crimes, and those who had become poor through misfortune. He would propose two or three regulations with that view. His first object was the exaltation of the character of the labourer, by attending to the education of the poor. He begged the House to consider the difference between man in
his rude, and in his civilized state. If any thing human could be more degraded than a brute, it was man in his barbarous state, when every bad passion raged with unrestrained fury. How widcthedifference aj he approached a period of civilization, when vices werelewer, and the virtues greater and more numerous ? He would therefore propose, that the whole of the population should have the means of acquiring infor- mation. The prejudices that had existed against en- lightening the people, had in a great measure disap- peared. He begged them to look at an uninformed mob, and observe how easily they were led by the
cunning and disaffected, and then to mark how craft was exposed and overturned before an enlightened assembly — He then referred to the condition of the poor in Scotland, where the poor laws had in some measure become obsolete; and this was owing to the effects of superior education. To this the Lord- Ad- vocate of Scotland, in 1803, ascribed the good morals of the Scotch; and asserted, that from Manchester alone more convicts were sent abroad than from the whole of Scotland ; and that no more than six persons annually, upon an average, suffered capital punish- ' ment in that country.— In proportion to the
encourage- ment of education, was the prevalence of good order in society. In accomplishing this object, he thought the expence would be moderate; and the improved state ot the people in morals and comfort would fully compensate for that. The second plan which he meant to propose was to throw open the Law of Settle- ment altogether, which produced more litigation than almost any thing else connected with the poor laws. By the Act of Settlement, a person having rciided three years without interruption in one place, was en- titled to relief. The late Mr. Pitt had proposed five years, and this was the time on which he had
fixed ; and lie would add, that no person having been con- victed of a crime should have the benefit of this.— He also proposid that quarter- sessions should grant rewards to labourers under confined circumstances, as a sti- mulous to industry. It was well known,, that many persons, who, from a laudable pride, were ashamed to be indebted to parochial relief, were forced to it ky necessity, and having had recourse to it once, had lost that pride and shame.— He adverted to the benefkul effects of Benefit Societies, and the rewards granted by Agricultural Societies to persons in indigent circum. stances, who had brought up large
families without parochial relief; and praised the Duke of Bedford for his active benevolence in such cases. He approved of these rewards, although he did not think there • would have been many claimants, but he had been agreeably surprised to find them numerous. The effects were, that many oersons who would have been obliged to have recourse to parochial relief, now scorned it. He should therefore propose, that Justices should have the power of granting rewards of this nature according to the number of children, and that the reward only should be given. Beyond that he • would propose, that such persons should have
some badge of distinction to point out that they had been considered as meritorious persons. This would be a cheap stimulus to industry, and a powerful one, as man is fond of distinction.— Another thing which he would propose was, to give security to the property which the poor should accumulate. He could nat reconcile himself to the system of farcing them to lay up any other money. He thought it ought to be left to their own choice, and that there should be as little interference with them as possible. They them- selves were generally the wisest managers of their property; but it often happened that they lost the money which
they had saved, by lending it on im- proper security. To remedy this evil, he would pro- pose, that certain commissioners should be appointed in London to manage a fund, to be called the Poors' Fund. That every poor man should have the privilege of subscribing to this fund, the lowest subscription being 20s. in the year, and the highest =£. 5; that the whole sum belonging to any individual should not cxceed £. 200; that the interest, when it amounted to 10s. should be transmitted— and there should be no duties paid on stamps, and that letters on this subject should be free of postage. These were the regulations he would
propose for exalting the character of the labourer. They would do much, but a good deal re- mained still to be done. Mr. WHITBREAD next proceeded to state, that the 43d of Elizabeth, enacted, that in every parish a rate should be raised ; parishes were of course unequal in their respective sources of means, and consequently the contributions raised were unequal; the necessary consequence was, that in order to equalize the rates of the counties, the more wealthy parishes were obliged to make good the deficit of each of the poorest parishes, and thus one set of parishes were assessed to support another. He should propose
then, that a general return should be made in the second quarters' session of every year by all the different Overseers, of the average amount of poor rates levied for the three last preceding years; and il any parish paid more than double the amount of county rate, that parish should be relieved to the amount of the deficiency of county rate. He should propose, that not only part of the county rates should fall on land, but that all visible productible objects should be made rateable. He should propose, that a power be given to the church- wardens to enable them to lett out cottages to the poor, and enable the parishes to purchase
land to build those cottages upon. The Hon. Gent, next pro- ceeded to a consideration of the Vestries, and proposed many rules for the better regulation of their meetings. — In Mr. Gilbert's Poor Laws he found that £. 5 con- tribution to the poor rates was a necessary qualifi- cation to vote in vestries. He was against this rule— he tliought the sum too great, and was of opinion, that it would be better to enlarge the meetings. As to the present mode of relieving the poor, there was a radical error, as appeared from this consideration, that there was no shame attached to the necessity of being relieved, as well as the obvious
impolicy of putting the idle in a better condition than the honest FEBRUARY 20th, 1807. ALL Persons who have any Claim or Demand upon EDWARD PITTAM, late of WESTON- BY- WEEDON, in the County of Northampton, Shop- keeper, who have not executed the Deed of Trust, are desired to apply to Mr. William Shepheard, of Blakesley, one of the Assignees ( in whose Hands the Deed is left), and execute the same within the Space of two Months from the Date hereof, or they will be excluded the Benefit of the final Dividend intended to be made immediately afterwards.— And all Persons who stand indebted to the Estate
of the said Edward Pittam, are desired to pay their Debts to the said Mr. Shepheard, Mr. Thomas Aris, of Oakley Bank, or Mr. Bartlett, Draper, Banbury, the other Assignees, within the Space of one Month, or they will be sued for the same without further Notice. Cheap, Safe, and Superior Travelling. THE LIGHT NORTHAMPTON COACH, EVERY DAY, CARRYING FOUR INSIDES. THIS Coach leaves WILLIAM CULLEN's, the ANCEI. INN, NORTHAMPTON, every Morning, at Five o'Clock, and arrives at the ANGEL INN, ST. MARTIN'S I. E GRAND, LONDON, every After- noon, at Four; and from the ANGEL INN, ST.
MARTIN'S LE GRAND, at Five O'Clock every Morning, and arrives at the ANGEL INN, NORTHAMPTON, at Four in the Afternoon. WILLIAM CULLEN ( the Proprietor of the above Coach) begs to inform the Public, that the best of Beds, and every other Accommodrtion possible, shall be provided for P_ ssengers at his House ; where they may be accommodated with POST- CHAISES to any Part of the Country. This Coach is well known, ever since its Establish- ment, to have been supported by the genteelest Com- pany, both in the Town and Neighbourhood of North- ampton.— WILLIAM CULLEN will further pay every
Attention to Passengers in the Town of Northampton, and assures them, their Parcels shall be delivered im- mediately on the Arrival of the Coach. Places taken and Parcels booked, as usual, at the GENERAL COACH - OFFICE, WILLIAM GROSS'S Hair- Dresser, Bridge- Street, NORTHAMPTON, and at WILLIAM CULLEN'S, Angel Inn, to any Part of England. The Proprietors of the above Coach will not be ac- countable for any Parcel or Package, of any Kind whatever, above the Value of £. 5, unless entered as such and paid for accordingly. PERFORMED BY WILLIAM CULLEN, Angel Inn, Northampton. CLARK, Saracen's-
Head, Newport. HAYWOOD, White- Hart, St. Alban's. ISAAC NEWTON, Red- Lion, Barnet. JOHN ROBINSON, Angel Inn, St. Martin's Le Grand, London. FEBRUARY 21st, 1807". F) UND, about a Month ago, in a Close belonging to Mr. WILLIAM SHAW, of COTTON- END, in the Parish of Hardingston, near Northampton, A BLACK MARE, of the Cart Kind, Whoever owns the said Mare, by applying as abave, and describing her Marks and paying the Charges, may have her again; it not owned in a Month from the Date hereof, she will be sold to defray Expences. Northamptonshire. A GENTEEL RESIDENCE. To be LETT, for a
Term of Years, At the George Inn, Crick, in the County of North- ampton, on Thursday tne 26th Day of February instant, between the Hours of Three and Six o'Clock in the Afternoon, subject to Conditions then to be produced, ALarge and commodious DWELLING- HOUSE, with good Stables, Gardens, Sec. and every other requisite Out- office attached and detached, fit for the Reception of a genteel Family; situate and being in the pleasant Village of CLAYCOTON, in the County of Northampton; and also, 50 Acres of exceeding rich MEADOW and PASTURE LAND, adjoining the before- mentioned Dwelling- House.— The
present Occupier of the above Premises is going to another Situation. Particulars may be known, in the mean Time, by applying to Mr. CLARK, at the George Inn, Crick. NORTHAMPTON VOLUNTEER CAVALRY. rgMlE Gentlemen of the Troop of NORTH- .1 AMPTON VOLUNTEER CAVALRY are requested to assemble, in exercising Order, on the MARKET- HILL, NORTHAMPTON, < 91 THURSDAY the 5th Day of MARCH next, at Halt- past Nine in the Morning. WILLIAM KERR, Captain- Commandant. The Roll will be called precisely at Ten. DAVENTRY FOURTH SUBSCRIPTION ASSEMBLY WILL be at the WIIEAT SHEAF INN, I MONDAY the 23d of FEBRUARY instant. February 15//), 1807. WANTED, A COOK and HOUSEKEEPER. — No one need apply who is not in every Respect calculated for that Situation. Enquire of Mr. TEAR, Tailor, Northampton; or of Mr. ROBERTS, White- Hart, Kettering. WANTED immediately, An APPRENTICE to a TAILOR. Enquire of C. GROOME, Irthlingborough, near Higham- Ferrers, Northamptonshire. To be SOLD, AN excellent, fine- toned CHAMBER ORGAN, in good Repair, with five Barrels; plays thirty- six Tunes. May be seen by applying to J. ASHTON, at his Furniture Warehouse, Bridge- Street,
Northampton. J. ASHTON embraces this Opportunity to re- turn Thanks to his Friends, for past Favours con- ferred on him, and assures them and the Public in general, that he has now by him a large and pleasing Assortment of FURNITURE in general.— BEDSTEADS, of all Descriptions, made at the shortest Notice, as usual. All Orders executed with Punctuality and Dispatch; and J. A. hopes, by Assiduity and Appli- cation, to engage the future Favours of an indulgent Public. To be disposed of, 500 Feet and upwards of ex- ceeding fine LIME TREE PLANK, from 18 to 24 Inches wide, and 4 Inches thick, calculated for
Leather- Cutters' and Shoe- makers' Cutting- Boards. WANTS a SITUATION, as GAMEKEEPER, a single YOUNG MAN, about 26 Years of Age, who has from a Boy been used to Shooting and the Management of Dogs, and flatters himself a good Shot. He is of a respectable Family, and would give the Preference to board in the Family in whose Service he is engaged; and has no Objection in any Way to render himself useful. Letters addressed to X. Y. at the Post- Office, Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, will be duly attended to. February 16 th, 1807. FINEDON DRIED APPLES. HE Public are respectfully informed, that any
Quantity of the above Article may be had, either in Boxes containing 141b. or in single Pounds, of J. ABEL, Northampton, on the same Terms as from the Person who prepares them at Finedon. Northampton, Feb. 21jr, 1807. T To H be Y. OLD, To be N, SOLD by A U C T I O By Mr. HA WT P N, On Thursday the 5th Day of March next, at the White- Lion Inn, in Banbury, in the County of Oxford, ALL that MESSUAGE and HOMESTEAD, together with 92 Acres of ARABLE, MEADOW, and PASTURE LAND adjoining, situate at BLOXHAM, in the County of Oxford, and iate in the Occupation of Mr. John Bennett, deceased, and
which may be entered upon immediately. For further Particulars, apply to Messrs. WAL FORD, GOLBY, Sc WALFORD, Solicitors, Banbury. All Persons who have any Claims or Demands on the Estate and Effects of the above- mentioned JOHN BENNETT, deceased, are desired to deliver an Account ot the same at the Office of Messrs. Walford, Golby, Sc Walford, Banbury. ABOUT 30 Tons of excellent OLD HAY, in two Ricks, standing near the Grand Junction Canal at NETHER- HEYFORD, Northamptonshire. Enquire of JOHN STACEY, Nether- Heyford. A To Bakers.— In Hand, To be LETT or SOLD, ASubstantial
DWELLING - HOUSE, with a new- erected BAKEHOUSE, Brick- built and Slated, 18 Feet Square, and a Patent Oven therein.— These Premises are most desirably situated in the Centre of the large and populous Village of W E E DON- ROYAL, in the County of Northampton, and oc- cupy a Corner of one of the two capital Streets that cross each other at right Angles, and immediately facing and adjacent to the great Works of Government, the Royal Depot, and stand at the only Passage from thence to the Village, where it must command Trade. — Weedon is now very populous from its local Situ- ation to that great Work, and
is likely to become much more so; the Neighbourhood is very respectable, the Villages very thick, and within four Miles of Da- ventry, seven from Towcester, and eight from North- ampton, all Market Towns, and good Turnpike- Roads; the Grand Junction Wharf joins the Village, where Coals are cheap.— There is a large Garden, walled round, and a Pump of fine Water, on the Premises. For Particulars, and to treat for the same, apply to Mr. CHARLES SMITH, Weedon- Royal aforesaid; or Mr. BLABY, Auctioneer, Floor. Fine Upland Hay, SfC. FENLAKE- BARNS, near BEDFORD. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN k I LP IN,
On Tuesday next, the 24th of February, 1807, at Eleven o'Clock, O U N D R Y HOUSEHOLD - FURNITURE, IOBRE WING- UTENSILS, FARMING- STOCK, with upwards of 100Tons of good UPLAND HAY, See. on the Premises, at FENLAKE- BARNS, in the Parish of Cardington, near Bedford. The Hay is in three large Ricks, and to be taken off the Premises on or before the 1st of May next. Catalogues to tee had at the neighbouring Towns; Place of Sale; at Mr. Webb's Printing- Office, and of the Auctioneer, Bedford. Desiraile House, Garden, and Premises, In WELLINGBOROUGH, Northamptonshire. To be SOLD by
AUCTION, By Mr. THOMS& N, At the White- Hart Inn, in Wellingborough, on Thursday the 12th Day ot March next, 1807, be- tween the Hours of Four and Six o'Clock in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions of Sale as will be then produced ( unless sooner disposed of by Private Contract, of which due Notice will be given), AVALUABLE and TRULY- DESIRABLE Freehold ESTATE, most eligibly situated on the North Side the MARKET- SQUARE, in IVellingborough afore- said; consisting of a genteel Dwelling- House, Stone- built, Slated, and handsomely Sashed, well adapted for. a private Family, or for any Trade which
requires extensive Room ; comprising good dry Cellars; a neat Parlour, convenient Shop and Counting- House ( in Front), an excellent Kitchen, back Kitchen, Pantry, & c. on the Ground Floor; four airy and convenient Bed- chambers, with large Closets, Sec. on the first Floor; and three good Attics; alar; and commo- dious Warehouse ( with a Room over it), Stable and Loft, Brewhouse, and Pigstye; a roomy and neatly- paved Yard ( wherein is a good Pump, and an excel- lent Well of Water), with a Carriage- Road thereout into the public Street; also a spacious Garden ad- joining, well laid out, bounded with lofty and good
Fences ( Part newly built), and planted with choice Wall and Espalier Fruit Trees, in full Perfection, with a pleasant Summer- House, new- erected Privy, excellent Well of Water and Lead Pump therein, and a Road thereout into the Church- Yard; now in the Occupation of Mr. Thomas Knight, the Proprietor ( who is going to reside in London).— Also, a new- erected BUILDING, at the Top of the Garden, now used as a School- House, and in the Tenure of Mr. William Vorley. The School- House has no Communication with the other Part of the Estate. The Premises are in excellent Repair, and replete with every Convenience. The
School- House is on Lease. Immediate Pos- session may be had of the other Part of the Premises. For a View, apply on the Premises; and for fur- ther Particulars, or to treat for the same by Private Contract, before the 13th Day of March next, apply to To Marble Masons and others. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. KIRS HA IV, On Thursday the 5th Day of March, 1807, on the Premises of the late Mr. MIDD1. ETON, of TOWCESTER, Mason and Builder, ALarge Quantity of BIDFORD STONE, in Slabs ( suitable for Chimney Pieces, and which receives a fine Polish, and is equal to veined Marble); several cwved and
ornamented Grave- Stones, plain Ditto; Moulton- Park Stones, of different Dimen- sions; 24 Chimney Pieces of Ditto, worked with Slabs; several Hornton Ledgers, Helmdon Ashler, various Head- Stones, Klngsthorpe rubbed and tooled Paving, several Sink- Stones, and Statuary and veined Marble; one four- wheeled and one two- wheeled Stone Carriages; Benches, and Tools in general; Stone Jars, with a Variety of Articles useful to Masons and Builders. The Sale to begin at Ten o'Clock. Farming- Stock and Utensils, To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. K IRS HA W, On Thursday the 12th, and Friday the 13th of March, 1807,
on the Premises ot Mr. N. JONES, who is leaving his Farm, at ABINGTON, near Northampton. THE LIVE STOCK consists of 90 Ewes and Lambs, 25 Tegs, five Store Pigs, two Four year- old Bay Blood Colts, and two Three- year- old Ditto, good Workers, and warranted sound. The DEAD STOCK consists of Gears for six Horses Steel Bean- Mill, Corn- Screen, Winnowing- Machine and Fan, with Sieves, and Barn Tackle in general; eight Cow- Cribs; one Narrow- wheel Waggon, with Iron Arms ( nearly newJ, three other Waggons, two Six- inch Carts, and two Market Carts; one double Plough, two Single- wheel Ditto, with
several Swing Ploughs; two Sheet and three Pair of Harrows; a Quantity of Hurdles, Shsep- Cribs and Troughs, three Hovel- Frames, and Field- Roll; a Quantity of Oak square Scantlings, Elm and Ash Boards, Oak Hurdle Heads, with various useful Hovel Timber. Also, Part of the useful HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE ; consistinj of Bedsteads and Bedding; Tables and Chairs; large Clothes Press; Mahogany Bureaus; Brewing, Dairy, and Scullery Utensils in general; sweet I ron- bound Casks; with a Variety* of useful and convenient Articles. and persevering industry of the labouring oeasant can Mr. GOODHALL, Solicitor,
Wellingborough; or to possibly place him in. The Hon. Gent', concluded | Messrs. PRESTED & Co. 181, Brick- Lane, Spital- with moving—" That leave be given to bring in a j Fields, London. Bill for promoting the encouragement of. industry in ( fST All Persons who have any Claim or Demand the labouring class of the community, and for the ] against the said THOMAS KNIGHT, are desired forth- more effectual relief and regulation of the criminal and necessitous poor." . After some conversation, the motion was agreed to. with to send in their Accounts to Mr. Goodhall, in order that the same may be liquidated and paid.
Wellingborough, 20; A Feb. 1807. Prime Stock. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. KIRS HAW, On the Premises of Mr. J. CLARK, at WOOTTON, near Northampton, who is leaving his Farm ( fur- ther Particulars of which will appear in a future Paper), npHE entire LIVE and DEAD STOCK, I IMPLEMENTS in HUSBANDRY, Sec. Sec. of the said Mr. CLARK: Coasisting of 13 Dairy Cows, nine barrtn ditto, three lat ditto, five in- calved Heifers, seven Sturks, four Calves, one two- year- old long- homed Bull, and one yearling short- horned Ditto; 162 in- lambed Ewes, 20 Dorset Ewes and Lambs, and 145 Tegs; five Cart Horses and
Mares, two yearling Colts, one Foal, and a Hackney Mare; three fat Hogs, and eight Porkets; Gears for twelve Horses; three Waggons, one Six- inch Ditto, with double and single Shafts ( nearly new), and four Carts; two Field- Rolls, double Plough, two single- wheeled Ditto, three others, and Sheet and small Harrows; Ladders, Cribs, Hurdles, Horse and Pig Troughs, with numerous other useful Articles.— Dairy and Brewing Utensils in general. The Public are respectfully informed, the Sheep have been bred with great Care from some of the first- rate Flocks in this County, and will be found deserving the Attention of Gentlemen
Breeders. Catalogues may be had in due Time. LONDON, Feb. 21. Russian Officer arrived yesterday morning in town, with dispatches for the Russian Am- bassador. lie left the Russian army on the Vistula, Jan. 22, came by St. Petersburgh to Gottenburgh, from whence he sailed on the 8th inst. in the King George Packet, for Harwich, but the vessel having lost her bowsprit, and received much other damage, she was obliged to make for Ramsgate. The dispatches, we understand, state that there had been no general battle, from the 26th of December to the 22d of January, the date of the dispatches; but that there had been
daily skirmishes between the out - posts, with various success. The Rus- sian Officer, who was an eye witness of the events contained in the dispatches, reports to the same effect. He says, that by this mode of warfare the French army was much harassed, and great dis- content is said to have been excited in it. The Russian army amounted to 250,000 men, exclusive of 30,000 Prussians who had joined them; the troops were full of confidence and well appointed. They were still under the command of General Benningsen, on the 22d. The French army was equally numerous, but sickly. In consequence of a pressing order from
the Admiralty, Vice- Admiral Sir James Saumarez has jailed with his division of the Channel fleet from Torbay, to cruize oft" Brest. The Indefatigable frigate, arrived at Plymouth, reports " that the enemy's force in Brest consists of twelve sail of the line, and four frigates, which were all in the condition of sailing at a moment's warning, and in evident expectation of an opportunity."— We trust that the arrival of Sir James Saumarez will confine them to their inactivity some months longer. On Thursday, in the House of Commons, Mr. Praed, Chairman of the Norfolk Election Com- mittee, reported that the Right Hen. \ V. Windham, and
T. W. Coke, Esq. were not duly elected. A new writ was ordered for the election of two Knights for that county. This decision only affects Messrs. Coke and Windham as representatives for that courtty. Mr. Coke will, it is said, be returned for Derby, vice his brother, who has accepted the Chiltern Hundreds, and will stand for Norfolk; Mr. Windham is returned for New Romney. Wednesday the Minister contracted for another Lottery, to finish on the 23d of May, and to consist of 25,000 Tickets, at ,£. 16 10s. each. The Tickets will be ready about Monday next. Sir H. Popham, on his visit to the Admiralty on Wednesday, was received
by Mr. Grenville with tint politeness and liberality to which his long service, and conduct under misfortune entitle him. On his departure a mere form of arrest took place, by the Marshal of the Admiralty informing him of his orders; and his own word of honour was taken as a sufficient security for his appearance when required. Some time before Sir II. Popham sailed from the River Plate, the Pheasant Transport, which sailed along with the Ardent, Captain Donelly, had arrived, and the whole of the expedition under Sir Samuel Achmuty was daily expected. It was supposed that Monte Video would be the first object of attack. Of the
2000 troops at Mnldonado, 400 were mounted. It is reported that there are 10 or 12,000 troops of all descriptions in Montevideo, for the purpose of defending it, but without discipline. The Port letters of Thursday, and yesterday, give most distressing details of the effects of the late heavy gales of wind; and in various parts of the Metropolis, several chimnies have been blown down, as have likewise been a great part of Rich- mond garden wail, and some trees in St. James's Park. Yesterday Elizabeth Godfrey was capitally con- victed at the Old- Bailey, of the murder of NO R THA M P TO N, SATURDAY EVENING, Feb. 21.
BIRTHS.] On Wednesday last, at Stavertoii, in this county, the wife of the Rev. Richard William Wake, of a son. On Thursday last, at Brighthelmstone, the Hon. Mrs. Meade, of a son. Yesterday se'nnight, the Countess of Loudon and Moira was safely delivered of 11 son; and on Saturday the child died, to the inexpressible grief of all the family. MARRIED.] Lately, Samuel Edwards, jun. Esq. of Beaufort - buildings, London, to Mrs. Smith, only daughter of the Rev. John Eceles, of Stoke- Bruerne, in this county. On Monday se'nnight, Mr." Philip Sanderson, of Elton, near Peterborough, to Miss Jane Edgson, daughter of Mr. F.
Edgson, butcher, of Saltrce, Huntingdonshire. On1 Tuesday se'nnight, Robert Harry Inglis, Esq. only son of Sir Hugh Inglis, of Milton- Bryanr, Bedfordshire, to Miss Mary Biscoe, eldest daughti r of Joseph Seymour Biscoe, Esq. of Pendhill, in Surrey. Last week, in London, Captain Fai rer, of the 60th regiment, to Miss E. Holmes, formerly ot Leicester. A few days ago, Mr. Cock, of Leicester, brandy merchant, to Miss Jane Irwin, daughter of Mr. Irwin, grazier, of Wigston, Leicestershire. On Sunday last, Mr. Bassett Burrows, hosier, of Birmingham, to Miss Woodhouse, daughter of Mr. Woodhouse, grazier, of Walcot, Leicester shire. On Wednesday last, Thomas Paget, Jun. Esq. of Leicester, to Anne, second daughter of John Pares, Esq. of the Newark, Leicester. A few days ago, Mr. Edward Martin, of Alcon- bury, Huntingdonshire, to Miss Wigginton, of Oundle, in this county. Lately, Mr. Edward Lord, of Williamscot, to Miss Sabin, of Wardington, both in Oxfordshire. DIED.] On Wednesday se'nnight, in his T5ti » year, the Rev. William Eliiston, D. D. Master of Sidney College, Cambridge, and rector of Keyston, Huntingdonshire. He was uncle to Mr. Eliiston, the dramatic performer, to whom he has be- queathed considerable property — repot t f » v » -£• 17,000. Same day, at Thorpe- Satchville, Leicestershire, aged 68, Mr. Philip Gray. Lately, Miss Hannah Faux, third daughter of Robert. Faux, Esq. of Cliff House, in the county of Leicester. On Monday se'nnight, Mr. R. Wright, farmer, of Castor, near Peterborough. O11 Tuesday se'nnight, at Peterborough, aged 66, - James Cole, appraiser and auctioneer. Mr. M1 No. 19,514, £. 20,000. Dr. GREGORY'S NEW- CYCLOPEDIA, JUST COMPLETED. R. PHILLIPS respectfully announces the recent Completion of Dr. GREGORY'S NEW CYCLOPEDIA ( the only modern Work of the Kind), in two large and magnificent Quario Vo lumes, illustrated by one hundred and forty Iin- gravings, Price £. 5 15s. in Boards. It is doubtless understood by the Public, that this Work contains the present State of every Branch of Knowledge, including all recent Discoveries and Im- provements; and that, although it is comprised in only two Volumes, which are sold at a sixth or eighth Part of the Expence of other Cyclopedias; yet, by the Rejection of extraneous Subjects, not properly connected with a Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, all Objects of useful or probable Reference, and all important Facts and Principles, are given as much at large as in Works ten Times the
Bulk. Either of the twelve Parts may be had separately, at 9s. ; and Persons disposed to take in a Part Weekly or Monthly, may be supplied regularly by all Book- \ India Bonds .. Prince, and will be executed on Monday next. ——— FORTUNATE LOTTERY TICKETS. Fifth day's drawing.— No. 12.283 ( first- drawn), 1 prizeof £. 30,000.— Nos. 5276,17,358, 24,468, .£. 1000 each. — Nos. 11,975 , 21,811, 22,629, £. 100 each. Sixth day.— No. 528, a prize of £. 1000. — Nos. 5304, 24,357, £. 500 each. — Nos. 11,223, 17,225, £. 100 each. Seventh day.— No. 11,867, a prize of £. 100. Eighth day — No. 8716, a prize of £.
5000.— Nos. 44, 1350, 18,610, ,£. 500 each.— No. 3835, £. 100. Ninth and tenth days.— No. 6633, a prize of £. 30,000. 9( 1.000. On Sunday last, at Weston- Favell, near this jwn, after a few hours' illness, aged 69, Mrs. Spencer, who for many years kept a boarding- school in that village. On Saturday last, in his 65th year, Charles Marion Welstead, Esq. of Kimbolton, Hunting- donshire. He has left a widow and ten children to lament his loss. Same day, at Warwick, in the 93d year of her age, Mrs. Goodman, relict of Mr. Uriah Goodman, late of Staverton, in this county. Same day, at Little- Brickh'ill, Bucks, after a lingering
illness, aged SO, Mr. Richard Ilall. Lately, Mrs. Gates, wife of Mr. Gates, of the Post- Office, Peterborough. — » 330£ ® « — The King has been pleased to grant unto the Rev. Charles Henry Hall, D. D. the office and place of Regius Professor of Divinity, in the Uni- versity of Oxford; together with the place and dignity of a Canon of the Cathedral Church of Christ, in the said University, properly belonging to the Regius Professor of the said University, being both void by the resignation of the Right Rev. Father in God, Doctor John Randolph, Bishop of Bangor. The King has also been pleased ts grant to the Rev. Samuel Smith, -
Clerk, the place and dignity of a Canon of the said Cathedral Church, void by the resignation of Doctor Charles Henry Hall.— Gazette. The Rev. Frederick Apthorp, M. A. of Jesus college, is instituted, by the Lord Bishop of Lin- coln, to the rectory of Gumley, in Leicestershire, on the presentation of the Dean and Chapter of Lincoln. Current Prices of Canal Shares.— The following were the average prices of Navigable Canal Shares, at the office of Mr. Scott, Bridge- street, London, in January, 1807.— The Coventry Canal, ,£. 420 to £. 433 per share; the last half- yearly dividend was £. 12 per share net.— Ashton and Oldham. £.
100 per share.— Grand Junction, £. 86 to £. 87 ex. dividend.— Rochdale, £. 45 including the last call of £. 5 per share.— Worcester & Birmingham, £. 39 per share, all calls paid.— Lancaster, ai £. 19.— Monmouthshire Navigation, at £. 97 ex dividend. Last week two persons were convicted before the Magistrates of Ipswich in the penalty of £. 10 each, for making false returns of corn, purchased by them in that market. Thursday the 12th inst. William Sampson WHS executed at Ely, pursuant to his sentence, for sheep- stealing.— He met bis fate with great calmness and composure, and appeared truly penitent; he ex- horted all
around hirh to take warning by his un- happy fate, and particularly recommended them regularly to attend either church or meeting 011 the Lord's day ; and said that his violation of the sab- bath was the primary cause of bringing him to his untimely end.— He was a poor labouring man, about 55 years of age. E P MTRT M, On Lord St. Vincent's asserting, in the House of Pceis, on Thursday night, the 12th instant, that " the W . India Islands are a Paradise to the Negroes, in , st-. parison with their own Country." ST. VINCENT'S praise, ye sons of Afric, tell; Who sees a Heav'n where Negroes find a Iteli! Wuburn. p C3T The order
to stop the advertisement of an Estate at Thedingworth to be sold by auction ( in& ei itJ in the first page), came too late to be attended' to. PRICE OF STOCKS. Bank Stock .. SperCt. Red. 3 per Ct. Cons. 4 per Ct. Cons 5 per Ct. N... Imp. 3 per Cts. sellers. No. 6. Bridge. Street, Blackfriars, Feb 1 uary 11, 1807. Exc. Bills,.. Omnium Cons, for Acc. Sat. Mon. Tu. Wed. Th. Fr. 221$ 225 225J 227 63* 63 62J 63 625M ( « m G24fA 62H 62* i Mitt am 80iH Slit 81H 81 H044 96H % m mi 116 954 96 62* 62 186} 186 185$ 4s. p. 3s4s p 3s4s p 3s4sp Is. p. pals p Isp pa Is. p. Is. p. palsp 62J 62| i 62Hjl62$ H 62?} PRICE of CORN per
Quarter Northampton, Saturday, Feb. 21. Wheat, 72s. to 78s. Od. Rye, 47s. Od. to 50s, Barley, 35s. 6d. to 36s. Od. Oats, 20s. Od. to 26s. Od. J. GRAFTON, Inspector Beans, 40s. Od. to Os. Od. Peas, 32s. Od. to40s. ed. By the Standard Measuic. Corn- Exchange, London, Friday, Feb. 20. The late blowing weather prevents fresh arrivals of Grain in general to- day; and there not being much remaining, waiting supplies, causes the trade in Wheat to be heavy in sales.— Barley at less price - Malt has very few buyers.— There are but few ar- rivals of Oats, and fine samples are dearer.— Flout at last prices. — 1 n • LIST of
FAIRS, from Fab. 23, to March 7, within the Circuit of this Paper. M. Feb. 23. Newport- Pagnell. 25, Mar. Oundle and Burnham. 2. Stamford and Leicester. 3. Market- Harbortugh. 4. Brackley. 7. Nottingham, Uppingham, Buckingham, Chipping- Nerto/ t, and Higham. Ferrers.
A VALENTINE. • From a Volume of Pormsr lately published, > By CHARLOTTE RICHARDSON.* 1. " JSTO tales of love to you I send, No hidden flame discover, I g- lorv in the Name of Friend, Disclaiming that of Lover. And now, while each fond sighing youth Repeats his vows of love and truth, Attend to this advice of mine— With caution choose a VALENTINE. 2. Meed not the Fop, who loves himself, Nor let the Rake your love obtain, Choose not the Miser for his pelf, The Drunkard heed with cold disdain j The Profligate with caution shun, His race of ruin s « on is run: To none ot these your heart incline, Nor choose from
them a VALENTINE. 3. But should some generous youth appear, Whose honest mind is void of art, Who shall his Maker's laws revere, And serve him with a willing heart j Who owns fair Virtue for his guide, Nor from her precepts turns aside: To him at once your heart resign, Apd bless your faithful VALENTINE. 4. Tho' in this wilderness below You still imperfect bliss shall find, Yet such a friend will share each woe, And hid you be to Heav'n resign'd: While Faith unfolds the radiant prize, And Hope still points beyond the skies, At life's dark storms you'll not repine, But bless the day of VALENTINE. * Charlotte Richardson is' a
poor • woman at York, • who n as brought up in the Sunday and Grey- Coal Schools there. HOUSE of T. onns, Mondny, Feb. 16. I. ord GRENVILLE introduced a Bill for altering and improving the mode of administering the civil law in Scotland. The Court of Session, as now constituted, consisted of 15 Members, and before this, all civil causes arising in that part of the kingdom were deter- mined. But it v » as found by experience, that this Court was not equal to the vast quantity of business which was brought before it, and the table of that House was - covered every session with appeals from its decision. To remedy this, the Bill
now offered to their Lordships, proposed that the Court of Session LITERATURE AND THE FINE ARTS. On the 1st of March, ISO", will be published ( Price two Shillings), No. I. of a new and superb peri- odical Work, with splendid Embellishments, entitled, Mil-'. CABINET; or, MONTHLY RKPORT of POLITE LITERATURE; including a Review of Books, and accompanied by a Cabinet Edition ( se- parately paged, and ornamented), of the most popular English i'lays, with Anecdotes and Annotations, Bio- graphical, Critical, and Dramatic. The Contents of this Work will be arranged under 1 should he divided into three distinct
chambers, con- i the several Heads of Biography, the Arts, Criticism iz1... 1 DR..-; . , . ... >• I. ,. ,, sisting of five Judges each, one ot which to be Presi- dent. It was also proposed to establish a v'ourt of Review, to consist of one of the Lords Extraordinary, the Chief Baron ot the Exchequer, and the Presidents from the three chambers. The establishment of this Court, his Lordship trusted, would obviate the ne- cessity of those frequent appeals to their Lordships with which their table was every session crowded. Lords Hawkesbury, Ellenborough, Erskine, and Eldon, approved highly of the principle of the Bill; which was read a first
time, and ordered to be read a second time that day three weeks. Anecdotes, Miscellany, Poetry, the Drama ; a Review | ol Books and Music, ibe London Theatres, the Pro- | vincial and Foreign Stages, & c.; and will consist of a vast Variety of interesting and valuable Articles, j Twelve Half- Sheets, 96 Pages, will be given in each > Number; and two Engravings, one to accompany the | Magazine, the other to embellish the appended Edition Dr T The Original of choosing Valentines.— Valentine was an ancient Bishop of the Church, and suffered martyrdom under Claudius at Rome. Being deli- vered into the custody of one
Astcrius, he wrought a miracle upon his daughter; whom, being blind, he restored " to sight, by which means he converted the whole family r< i Christianity, who all of tliem afterward* suffered for their religion. Valentine, after a years imprisonment at Rome, was be- headed in the Fta « ;: 3'* u way about the year 271, find was enrolled among tor martyrs of the Church; his uav being established before the times of Gregory the Great. He was a man of most admirable parts, and so famous for his love and charity, that the custom of choosing Valentines upon his " festival ( which is still practised) took its rise from thence.— Wheatley
on the Calendar. COLONIES IN NEW SOUTH- WALES. The Britannia, Hussey, arrived on Saturday from Botany Bay, which settlement she left on the 2ith of August. We are concerned to state that the accounts received by her, confirm the previous reports relative to the deploral. de state of the Co- lony. From the scarcity, almost verging upon famine, which prevailed", according to the last advices, the inhabitants had placed their hopes of deliverance in the near approach of harvest. But of this consolation they had been suddenly bereft, bv : uocessive heavy falls of rain, which inundated ail the plantations, and Swept away the
crops. When the Britannia sailed, the wholesale price of flour'was upwards of « £ U per. cwt. Some dispo- sition to riot and plunder was manifested, but nothing serious had taken place; and, considering the sufferings of the people, they had conducted themselves beyond expectation. Suudav morning, Captain Sladen, of the Marines, arrived at the Secretary of State's Office, with dispatches from Lieutenant- Colonel Collins, Go- vernor of the new settlement which has been formed ou Van Dieman's Land. Captain Sladen left the settlement early in September last, in the Caileton whaler, of Liverpool, and arrived at St. Helena
about the loth of December. The accounts which have been in circulation of a scarcity existing in the New Settlement, prove to be correct. Some time previous to (.' apt, Sladen's embarking for England, the rations for the convicts, and Others, were three pounds of Indian corn, one pound of beef, and a pound of rice per man every week. Such persons as had mutton to sell, de- manded half- a- croivu per pound; asmall roasting pig was four dollars, and rum ±'. 5 per bottle, or J. 10 per gallon. Supplies had been received from I'ort Jackson, which, in some measure, relieved their necessities; but, notwithstanding the dis- couraging
appearances, there is no doubt that, in a few vears the Colony will be as flourishing as that of'New South Wales. _ The air is particularly healthy, the climate is mild, and the soil very gocd. PuRt. K- Oi I. ici-, BOW- STREET. Mr. Graham, the Magistrate, has at length completed his laborious investigation of the case of Thomas Greenaway, alias Weeping Billy, who lias been iu custody several months, on suspicion of having murdered Ann Webb, alius Winterfl in Higler's- lane, in the Borough. Twenty witnesses | have been procured, who form a complete chain of | evidence. Oil Friday, they all attended, when their informations, in
writing, were read, and they were bound over to prosecute. Mr. Price, a surgeon, who examined the hotly, stated, that her death was occasioned by strangulation. It was proved by several witnesses, that they had a violent quarrel, and the prisoner hud been heard to say, that he would scrag her some day.— The decerned was seen in St. George's Fields, not far from llig- ler's- lane, about one o'clock on the morning previous to the murder, apparently in much distress of mind. About two tit lock Mrs. Horner, who resides within about twelve yards of the spot where the deceased was found, observed a man and woman leaning
against a rail opposite her house; and afterwards, she observed the man in nearly the same place, hut the woman was removed to a step, and her head appeared lying on her bi'east. She asked him if he was a watchman ? he answered no; but he wanted a watchman, and appeared much an i I ate d. the patrole, Hopwood, took her to the House of Correction, where the prisoner was con- fined, when she. instantly selected the prisoner from a number of others, as the man who was opposite her house on the morrting of the murder. Mr. (.'• lurk, jun. who was returning home about two o'clock on the morning of the murder, stated,
that :„ |, 0 was ery.- ing the end of Suffolk- street, a man passed him, and being a light morning, he had a full vi* w of his face; he appeared much agitated, llopwuod took Mr. Clark to the House of Cor- rection, where he selected the prisoner as the man be bad seen at the end of Suffolk street, on the morning of the murder. The " prisoner declared his innocence, and said, that en the above morning he slept at his lodgings at the White- llorse, Washway, Kennington Com- mon. This was contradicted by the landlady, the servant, and a man who slept m the same room, who proved that ho had been turned out of the lodging the
day before, in consequence of his killing a duck belonging to the landlady. The prisoner was fully committed for trial at the ensuing Assizes for the county of Surrey. HOUSE < f COMMONS, Monday, Feb. 10. The Sheriffs of London presented at the bar a Petition from the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council, praying a Bill for the enlargement and better regulation of Smithfield Market. It was received, read, and, on the motion of Sir C. Price, referred to a committee. PROPERTY TAX. Sir T. TURTON rose for the purpose of asking the Noble Lord opposite him ( Lord Henry Petty) whether he contemplated the introduction
of any change in the Property l ax, either with respect to the scale of assessment, or that of exemption ? If the Noble Lord intended any such change, it might be unnecessary for him to trouble the Committee of Finance with any observations upon the subject; but if not, he cer- tainly should speak his sentiments thereon. Lord H. PETTY rose to inform the Hon. Baronet, that he had no change of the Tax in contemplation upon either ground. THE FINANCES. Lord CASTLF. RF. ACII rose to move, that the consi- deration ot the resolutions which he had the honour of proposing should be postponed to a future day. He should
therefore wish, that the debate on the re- solutions of the Noble Lord ( H. Petty) should be also postponed, as he thought it would be equally im- possible for him to discuss his plan, without at the same time discussing the objections which had been made to it; and he thought the house was not the* sufficiently prepared for such a discussion. Lord HENRY PETTY did not feel it necessary to make any particular rep!;.' to what had fallen from the Noble I. ord, but wished to state, that he had no objection to any day that the Noble Lord might think jil'op,;.' to name for the discussion upon his own re- solutions! Lord Castlereagh's
resolutions were postponed till Mondav next. The House then went into a Committee on Lord H. Petty's Financial Resolutions. Mr. ROSE stated that his great objection was, that the plan was founded entirely on the War Taxes. He thought they could not depend positively upon the amount of excise and customs for ten years. No provision was made for excess, above the 32 millions specified, which lie found in the last twelve years amounted to three millions a year, and in the last year to five millions, but which he would take at two millions and a half a year. The Hon. Member then entered into a variety of remarks, tending to
shew the effect of taxation to reduce the different branches of ^ he revenue. With respect to Goods and Wares, • Sugar bore 32 per cent, duty, and a further duty of IS pef cent. But planters could not pay thus in peace, aud it was so understood when the duty was laid, and that 25 per cent, was as much as { hey could bear. As to Goods and Shipping, he never felt more sur- prised than to. find them under the resolutions, and could scarcely find words to express his astonishment. If gentlemen recollected what came before the Com- mittee of Trade, they would actually suppose that in certain articles of Linen and Cotton, the
Germans, particularly in Russia, had undersold us. If these duties remained after peace, it was worth while to consider how far they would materially affect our Car- rying Trade. In all the great articles we should lose in our revenues. He wished to make a comparison of our present revenue with the demands of even a peace establishment; and after a variety of calculations, the Hon. Gent, said the whole of the public income would make up a total of 43,718,000/. leaving a deficiency of revenue to the amount of £. 8,218,000. Lord HENRY PETTY acknowledged the candour of the Right Hon. Gent, opposite to him ( Mr. Rose), and
he admitted the fairness with which he entered into the matter, but he could not agree with him in consenting to any delay he proposed. With respect to the Property Tax, he wished it to be understood, that what lie said relating to it was, that it was of that description which would, at the arrival of peace, afford a means of reducing, if not itself, at least the other subjects of taxation. It was intended to adopt such measures as would operate considerably to dimi- nish the traffic of smuggling. It was intended to register v. ; sels in such a way as would have that effect. Lord CASTLERSAGH agreed, that it was most de- sirable to
alleviate the burthens of the people, and to diminish the taxes, but he did not think that the Noble Lord's plan, in its present form, could do the one or the other. We heard a great deal about the diminution, but were not told of the debt which must be incurred to produce that effect. What, he would ask, could be thought by any one capable of analysing the system, but that the nation would soon become bankrupt ? what could be more ruinous than a plan which entailed compound interest on the Country. He disapproved of, and deprecated such a mode of conducting our finances. Mr. GiLES observed, that the Noble Lord ( Castle reagli) had reasoned from erroneous data; for instead of calculating on the interest of each year during the heat re, to which 24 Pages will be appro- priated monthly. The Work will be printed with a new Type, tast ; for the Purpose, and on a fine yellow Wove Paper, i manufactured expressly for the Cabinet. ! London: Printed for the Proprietor; and published ! by MATHEWS & LEIGH, 18, Strand; and so] d by ! Birdsall, Abel, and Burnham, Northampton ( where j a Prospectus, explaining the Plan and Objects of this i Work at large, may be had gratis) ; and sold by all the Booksellers, Stationers, and Newscarriers through- out the
United Kingdom. CHILBLAINS cured for Is. ljd. MARSHALL'S GENUINE UNIVERSAL CERATE PREVENTS and cures those painful and trou- blesome Visitants, CHILBLAINS! whether in a broken or unbroken State; removes the Itching aind Inflammation on the first Application, and, when broken, heals in a much shorter Time than can be credited but by Experience. IVounds, ulcerated Legs, Burns, Scalds, Bruises, and Ulcers, of every Denomination, and of however long standing, are eliectuaUy cured by this Cerate. To Mr. MARSHALL. SIR,— Please to send me six Dozen of your Uni- versal Cerate; the Sale of which is very
great, and the Cures it has performed are many in this Neighbour- hood. 1 am, Sir, your humble Servant, SAMUEL Sl. M. VlONDS. Bland ford, Dec. 10th, 1S06. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Shaw & Edwards, 66, St." Paul's Church- Yard, London, Paice Is. fid- and 2s. 9d. per. Box ; and, Retail, by Mr. Marshall, Chemist, Northampton, and at his Shop in Harbo- rough.; and by all genuine Medicine Venders in Town and Countrv. N' ' The Great Restorative to Health is MANN's APPROVED MEDICINE, RECOMMENDED EY THE FACULTY, And patronised by Ladies and Gentlemen of the first Distinction. O Medicine, in so short
a Time, lias been so singularly blessed in restoring such Multitudes, when all Hopes of Recovery had been given over, in violent Coughs, Colds, Convulsion Fits, Hooping- Cough, Consumptions, Influenza, long - standing Asthmas, Relaxed Habits, and Debilitated Consti- tutions. Ladies, in a pregnant Stale, afflicted with Coughs, & c. may take Doses of 15 Drops with the greatest Advantage; and from the Infant in the first Week, to the Aged in any State. The few remarkable Cases, wrapped round each j MaMli" Bottle thereof, , present not the hundredth Part ot the 1 Cures performed by this very superior and established
Remedy, it is hoped will be sufficient for the Afflicted to give it a Trial, and especially so where the Faculty and other Means have not succeeded. Facts are Facts, on such alone Mr. Mann relies ; and feeling that his Discovery is entitled to public- Confidence, so he boldly and candidly asks it. He cannot give Length of Days where " Days are num- bered," nor does he profess Infallibility; but ample Experience has taught, and constantly toaches him, that this great Medicine will reach and remove deep- seated Maladies, where the healing Art in general has not only failed, but also consigned the decaying Suf- ferer to an untimely
Grave. As the Character of this Remedy has given Rise to many Counterfeits, so Persons should be very cautious of whom and where they purchase, and observe, that 44 Thomas Mann, Horsham, Sussex," is engraved on the Stamp ; all others are Counterfeits. Sold, in Bottles, at 2s. 6d. and 4s. 6d. each, Duty included, Wholesale and Retail, by the Proprietor, at his Warehouse, Horsham; and by Dicey & Sutton, Bow Church - Yard, London, and at their Ware- house in Northampton; and Retail by Robins, Daventry ; Beesley, & Marriott, Banbury ; Inwood, & Barringer, Newport- Pagnell; Osborn, Woburn ; Bull, Harrod, and
Dawson, Market- Harborough ; Gregory, and Swinfen, Leicester; Wilcox, and Gallard, ' l'ow- cestet.; Seeley, Buckingham; Palgrave, Bedford; Richardson, Stony- Stratford ; I. oggin, Aylesbury ; Sanderson, Thrapston; York & Summers, Oundle; Horden, and Jacob, Peterborough; Munn, Kettering; Emery, and Fox, St. Ncots; Jenkinson, Huntingdon ; Wallis, Olney; Mather, Wellingborough; and by all the principal Venders of Medicines in the United Kingdom. Rheumatism, Pains in the l. imbs, f\ C. r. Eatcniau"-. Pectoral Drops. MIE Public never bad a more valuable Me- dicine presented to them, than these inesti- mable Drops, as
a certain Cure in Rheumatic and Chronic Complaints, violent Colds, and consequent Pains in the Limbs, giving Relief in the most violent Fits of the Gout; in short, it has now been so long established, and its Virtues so well known to the Public in general, that it would be needless to say more in its Praise : But great as the good Effects are from taking the True and Genuine Baieman's Drops, the Consequences resulting from taking th & Counterfeit Sorts, are too frequently as much the Reverse, the ill Effects of which have been often experienced : It is therefore recommended lo every one to take parti- cular Notice, that the
Words " Dicey and Co. No, 10, Bow Church- Yard," are printed in the Stamp affixed to each Bottle, and. signed at the Top of each Bill of Directions— All otheis are COUNTER T K IT. As a Proof of the Necessity of strictly at- tending to the above Caution, wesubjointhe following Letter, as j Proof of the total Ineflicacy of Counterfeits. " Having been severely afflicted for a long Time with Pains in my Limbs and Joints, from a bad Cold, I was recommended to try Dr. BATEMAN'S DROPS, and took three Bottles without receiving the least Benefit; when I began to suspect that the Medicine 1 had been taking was not the genuine Sort,
and there- fore resolved to procure another Bottle from a different Shop : This I found to be the genuine Medicine, with the Words 4 Dicey and Co.' printed in the Stamp ; and by taking this one Bottle I found Relief from all my Pains, and am now as well as ever I was in my Life. — To prevent the Afflicted from being thus imposed upon by COUNTER it ITS, you have my full Permission to publish this in any Way you please; and, with the utmost Gratitude, I remain, Gentlemen, 44 Your ever- obliged Servant, 44 JAMES BIGGS, 41 Serjeant 11th Light Dragoons. " Blatchington Barracks, Sussex, July Tt, 1804." Sold, Wholesale and
Retail, by Dicey and Co. No. 10, Bow Church- yard, London, Price Is. ljd. per Bottle, Duty included. Also, sold Wholesale and Retail by the Printers of this Paper ( by whom great Allowance is made to Country Shopkeepers}, and Retail by the following Persons, viz. Wilkins, Robins, Bates, & Wilkinson, Daventry; Parker, Merridew, and Rollason, Coventry; Collison, Brackley; Watson, A'ynho; Mrs. Beesley, Banbury; Odell, and E. Pyne, Leighton; Griffin and Co. Tring; j Norwood, Amersham; Aynsworth, & Birdsey, Hemel- ! hempstead; Edwards, Chesham; Barnes, Inwood, and I Barringer, Newport- Pagnell; Osborn, Wobuint Good j man, North- Crawley; Queneborough, and Squires, j Dunstable; Lancaster, Clophill; Alsop, Crawley, i and Mead, Luton; Brown, Morris, and Green Se Co. ' Ampthill; S. and A. Cooper, and Morris, Nuneaton ; Bull, Harrod, and Dawson, Market- Harborough; Adams, and Gamble, Loughborough; Gregory, and Swinfen, Leicester ; Toone, Woolvey ; Pearson, Mel- ton- Mowbfay; Burbage & Co. Nottingham; Inns, and Gallard, Towcester ; Seeley, Buckingham ; Miss Jones, Oxford; Hawkes, Lutterworth; R. Palgrave, J. Okely, B. Bradley, and J. Bradley, Bedford; Hine, Potton; Bunting, Sandy; Gardner, Weston, and Brooks,
Biggleswade ; Richardson, Elmes, l'oulter, and Shcppard, Stony- Stratford; Higham, Old- Stratford; Moxham, Fenny- Stratford; Stevens, Bicester; Marlin, J. Wheeler, Rickford, F. Wheeler,& F. Loggin, Aylesbury ; Wards, Hinckley ; Sanderson & Co. Broughton, Chettle, and Mather, Wellingborough;- Sanderson, Thrapston; York & Summers, Oundle; Horden, and Jacob, Peterborough; King, Gilkes, ws, Chipping- Norton; Baly, Wright, and Stevens, High- Wycomb; Collis & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Newcomb, and Drakard, Stamford; Bird, Uppingham; Gibson, Oakham; Churchill, Dedding- ton; Roberts, Southam ; Sharpe,
Warwick; I. uccock, Kimbolton; Bayley, and Paul, St. Ives; Emery, and Fox, St. Neots; Jenkinson, Huntingdon; Darton, and Tapp, Hitchin; Hovel, Staples, Eadcn, Hodson, and Gee, Cambridge; Leigh, Atherstone; Arch, Sheliord; Fiolland, Winslow; Ward, Stratford- upon- Avon; Mat- thews, Campden; Wallis, Olney; Taylor, Retford; Dexter, Wilbarston; Brinkler, Bicester; and by the Venders of Dicey & Co.' s Medicines in every Town throughout the Kingdom ; Of whom may be had, from Dicey & Co.' s Warehouse as above, | > IIEUMATISMS, Palsies, and Gouty AiTPr- tions, with their usual Concomitants, Spasm or flying Pains,
Flatulency, Indigestion, and general Debility ( originating in whatever Source), are relieved and frequently cured by Whitehead's Essence of Mustard Pill,, alter every other Means have failed. The Fluid Essence of Mustard ( uSed with the fills, in those Complaints where necessary) is perhaps the most active, penetrating, and effectual Remedy in the World, generally curing the severest SPRAINS AND BRUISES, in less than Half the Time usuahy taken bv any other Liniment or Embrocation; and if used immediately after any Accident, it prevents the Part turning black. Prepared only, and sold bv R. Johnston, Apo- thecary, No.
15, Greek- Street, Soho, London; at 2s. 9d. each Box or Bottle. They are also sold by the Printers of this Paper, and every Medicine Ven- der iu the United Kingc « m. ^ The Genuine has a black Ink Stamp, with the Name of R. Johnston inserted on it. cion twenty, he had only taken the interest of one, which j removing glandular Obst i00( j he kept iri view throughout, and hence arose the Noble petite, and destroying i ' | Lord's great mistake, which pervaded the whole of ach* Sense ot Weight, f> his statement. M. DAVIES GIDDY entered into a very elaborate arithmetical detail, the result of which determined him to approve of the
Noble Lord's ( H. Petty) system. He was confident that it would by its oper- ation extinguish, in process of time, the National Debt. The resolutions were then agreed to; after which, the h » use being resumed, the report was ordered to be received on Wednesday next. This Day is published, Price One Shilling, \ SERMON, preached at. Leicester, Sept. 19th, - f V 1806, at the Annual Meeting of the Governors M. of the LEICESTER INFIRMARY, By the Hon. and Rev. H. RYDER, A. Rector of Lutterworth. Published at the Request of the Governors; and printed at the Expence, and sold for the Benefit of the Infirmary. London:
Printed for T. Payne, No. 88, Pall- Mali. Sold also by T. Combe, Leicester; and R. Oliver, Lutterworth. Mr. EDGE, NORTHAMPTON-, has just received a large- Supply of ROBBERDS's BALSAMIC ELIXIR, or COUGH- DROPS, For Coughs, Colds, Asthma, and Consumption. fgMIESEjustly- celebrated Drops, by their happy I. and immediate Effect in removing the most ob- stinate Cough nr Catarrh, and all Tendency to Con- sumption, render them a valuable Family Medicine. And when we consider the Variableness ofour Climate, which constantly induces us to catch Cold, and, that from this taking Cold, originates a Multitude of
Dis- eases, as Asthma, Pain in the Chest, offensive Breath, Inflammation of the Lungs, and Consumption, with a long Train of Evils, no Head of a Family should lay down without a small Supply, at least, of this almost instantaneous Remedy. Many thousand Persons can testify the happy Effects they have received from it, when every other Medical Assistance had failed. A CAUTION.— Observe the Name of R. BUTLER, No. 4, Cheapside, is engraved on a black Stamp, which is affixed to each Bottle} all others are Coun- terfeits. Sold at Mr. BUTLER'S, No. 4, Cheapsif'. e, Corner of Paternoster- Row ; and, Retail, by Dicey ic
Co. and Marshall, Northampton ; and by most Medicine Venders in every Town; in Bottles at 2s. 9d. each. Spilsbury's Antiscorbutic Drops. AMONG the Disorders of Health we class an . habitual Costiveness, and Obstructions in the Vessels connected with Digestion, which, from the Use of Purgatives, are not relieved, but they become a Constitutional Complaint. Calojnel, Antibilious Medicines, and various Formula', have been em- ployed, but they certainly only discharge the accu- mulated Matter, leaving the Cause still existing; and every one, under their Operation, flnds the Necessity of continuing, and periodically increasing
the Dose, from tlie Tone and Sensitiveness of the Stomach and Intestines being partially destroyed. The Success of SHILSBURY'S PATENT ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS, in Obstructions,- improving the Ap. :— that Irritation causing Head- Nervous Allections, & c. gives tull Value to this' Antiscorbutic, as when employed in Gout, Rheumatism, Ulcerations, or Scrofula. Mr. SPILSBURY is not accountable for any Mixture sold, unless the Words 44 By the King's Patent" are inserted at Length on the Bill of Directions, Bottle, and Wrapper; the Stamp also ( the King's Duty) is printed in black Ink instead of red Ink. Sold at the
Dispensary, No. 13, Soho- Squarc, London, in Bot- tles of 5s. fid. 10# and £. 1 2s. Duty included.— Compound Esscncc 8s. ( pf Sold also by the Printers of this Paper; Mr. Okely, and Mr. Palgrave, Bedford; Mather, Wel- lingborough; Collis & Dash, amDMunn, Kettering; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry ; Corral), Luttcr- | worth; and by most Venders of Patent Medicines in I Town and Country. s. d. True Daffy's Elixir 2 6 Smaller Bottles - 18 Dr. Radclilie's Elixir 1 H Betton's British Oil 1 9* Squire's Grand Elixir 1 9 Bostock's Elixir - 2 6 Pike's Ointment - 1 9 Stougliton's Elixir 1 1£ Friar's Balsam - 1 11 Bathing Spirits - 0 9* Clinton's
Snuff , & Oil 1 6 s. d. Dr. Anderson's Scots Pills, 30 in a Box 1 1J Hooper's Female Pills 1 ifj Godfrey's Cordial 0 9 Golden & plain Spirits of Scurvy Grass Beaumede'Vie Rymer's Tincture Walker's Jesuits Drops - - - - Wyman's Pills - 1 Li 3 6 2 9 2 9 2 9 For Coughs, Asthmas, Consumptions, and all Dis- orders of the Breast and Lungs. F () R D ' s PECTORAL BALSAM or IiOREHOUND. frORFTIOUND is an Herb which has ever .. I- been esteemed, by the most able Physicians, for its salubrious Qualities in the Cure of Coughs, Colds, Asthmas, and all pulmonary Complaints As the usual Method of using it was attended with
considerable Inconvenience, the Proprietor of fliis Medicine was induced to oiler the Public an elegant Preparation from that universal and well- known Herb, and the distinguished Approbation it has re- ceived from an impartial and generous Public, is a sufficient Testimony of its superior Virtue over everv other Medicine; and withall so pleasant, that if is preferable to common White Wine; so innocent, that it may be given to an Infant newly ' born ; so effi- cacious, that Diseases, as it were, fly before its in. estimable Power; in all Cases, whether recent and slight, or of long- standing and inveterate, its Effects are truly astonishing,
and almost incredible; in no one Instance has it ever failed to produce immediate j Relief ; and if a Cure be within the Reach of Medicine, this Balsam will most certainly etiect it. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by R. FORD, Chemist, Barbican, and Dicey & Co. Bow Church- Yard, London, i n Bottles at Is. l^ d. 2s. 9d. and 4s. fid. each ; WYMAN's ANTI- BILIOUS PILLS, QO justly esteemed for their easy and certain Operation in removing all Bilious Complaints, Obstructions in the Liver, Indigestion, Sick Hcad- Ach, Jaundice, Sec. They are an excellent Remedy for Persons of Bilious or Costive Flabits; for Per- sons of sedentary Lives,
where sufficient Action of the Bowels is not kept up ; also for Persons who have impaired their Constitutions by free Living; and in early Attacks of the Gout are peculiarly useful, by alleviating the Severity of the Fit, and shortening its Duration. They have been found highly useful preparatory to, or during Sea Bathing. These Pills require no particular Regimen or Confinement, and do uot contain any Mercurial or Antimonial Preparation. Prepared and ^ old by W. Wyman, Surgeon, Ket- tering. Sold, Wholesale, by Dicey & Sutton, No. 10, Bow Church- Yard, London; and, Retail, by the Printers of this Paper, Edge, and Marshall,
North- ampton ; Sanderson & Beale, and Mather, Welling- borough ; Robins, Wilkinson, and Bates, Daventry ; Reeve, Higham- Ferrers; York Se Summers, Oundle; i Bpesley, Banbury; Barringer, and Inwood, Newport- I Pagnell; Queneborough, Dunstable; Alsop, Luton; ! Harrod, and Bull, Market- Harborough; Inns, and Gallard, Towcester; Seeley, Buckingham; Hawkes, Lutterworth; Palgrave, Bedford; Gardner, Biggles- wade; Richardson, Stony- Stratford; Loggin, Ayles- bury; Wards, Hinckley; Eaton, Thrapston; Jacob, Peterborough; Roberts, Southam; Sharpe, Warwick; Luccock, Kimbolton; Emery, St. Neots; Jenkinson,
Huntingdon ; Tapp, and Darton, Hitchin; Wallis, Olney; Rowell, Rugby; Ward, Stratford- upon- Avon; Rollason, and Merridew, Coventry; and by every Vender of Medicines in the Kingdom. Price 2s. 9d. per Box, Dutv included.— Be careful to ask for WY MAN'S Antibilious Pills. BANKRUPTS required to SURRENDER. Francis Chinnery, of Cranboum- passage, Leicester- square, London, linen- draper, Feb. 21, 28, and March 28, at Guildhall.— Attorney, Mr. Walker, Old Jewry. Thomas Harding and Lawrence Crean, of Godfreys court. Milk- street, London, wholesale drapers, Feb. 17, 24, and March 28, at Guildhall.— Attorney,
Mr, Syddall, Aidcrsgate- street. John Tyrrell, of Maidstone, Kent, ironmonger. Feb. 21, 28, and March 28, at Guildhall, London.— Attornies, Messrs. Bolton, Lane, Se Lane, Lawrence- Pountney- hill. Thomas Clark, of Chatham, Kent, corn- dealer, Feb. 17, 28, and March 28, at Guildhall, London.— Attornies, Messrs. Parnther and Son, London- street, Fenchurch- street. Alexander Young and John Bacon, of St. Mary- at- Hill, London, merchants, Feb. 21, 28, and March 28, at Guildhall.— Attornies, Messrs. Gatty Se Haddon, Angel- court, Throgmorton- street. Samuel Fletcher, of Great Russell- street, Blooms- bury, London,
chinaman, Feb. 21, 27, and March 28, at Guildhall.— Attorney, Mr. Dove, Lincoln's- Inn- flelds. George Blunt and John Mouat, of Little Carter- lane, Dot". ors' Commons, London, wholesale grocers, Feb. 24, 28, and March 28, at Guildhall.— Attornev, Mr. Sudlow, Monument- yard. William Coombe, of Queen- street, Cheapside, Lon- don, warehouseman, l eb. 20, 28, and March 31, at Guildhall,— Attorney, Mr. Hall, Coleman- street. Robert Heslop, of Chiswell- street, London, painter, Feb. 24, 28, and March 31, at Guildhall.— Attorney, Mr. Syddall, Aldersgate- street. John West, of Richmond, Surrey, breeches- maker, Feb. 21,
27, and March 31, at Guildhall, London.— Attorney, Mr. Patten, Cross- street, Hatton- isarden. Richard l'owles, of Nag's- Head- court, Gracechurch- strcet, London, merchant, Feb. 21, March 14 and 31, at Guildhall.-— Attornies, Messrs. Swain, Stevens, & Maples, Old Jewry. James Hurry, of Nag's- FIead- court, Gracechurch- street, London, merchant, Feb. 21, March 14 and 31, at Guildhall.— Attornies, Messrs. Swain, Stevens, & Maples, Old Jewry: John Hamilton,' of Newgate- street, London, linen- draper, Feb. 21, 27, and March 31, at Guildhall.— Atiorney, Mr. Atkinson, Castle- street, Falcon- square. John Burghall, of
Great Surrey- street, Blacktriars- road, cheesemonger, Feb. 2J, 28, and March 31, at Guildhall, London. — Attornies, Messrs. Beautain and Dalton, Union- street, Bishopsgate- street. Richard Tomlinson, of Leek, Staffordshire, linen, draper, Feb. 24, March 3 and 31, at Guildhall, Lon- don.— Attornies, Messrs. Berry and James, Walbrook. George Parkinson, of London, warehouseman, Feb. 28, March 14 and 31, at Guildhall.- Attornies, Messrs Meddowcroft and Stanley, Holborn- court, Gray's- Inn. John Dutton, of Levenshulme, Lancashire, fustian and calico manufacturer, Feb. t23, 24, and March 28, at the Dog favern,
Manchester.— Attorney, Mr. Hie- son, Manchester. Morris Powell Evcrall, of Tenburv, Worcestershire, plumber, March 2, 3, and 28, at the Guildhall, Shrewsbury. — Attorney, Mr. Hill, Shrewsbury. William Osier, of Birmingham, baker, Feb. 23, 24, anc March 28, at the Shakespear Tavern, Birming- ham.- Attorney, Mr. Meredith, Birmingham. Wn:. Monk, of Parbold, Lancashire, lime- burner, Marcji 12, 13, and 28, at the King's- Arms, Orms- kirk.— Attorney, Mr. Houghton, Ormskirk. John Travis and Richard Travis, of Prestwich, Lancashire, bleachers, March 2, 3, and 31, at the Palace Inn, Manchester.— Attornies, Messrs. Milne
Se Co. Manchester. William Pope, of Westbury- upon- Severn, Glou- cestershire, dealer in pigs, Feb. 26, 27, and March 31, at the Bear inn, Newnham. — Atiorney, Mr. Lucas, Newnham. William James Lugg, of Worcester, baker, March 11, 12, and 31, at the Talbot inn, Worcester.— At- torney, Mr. Price, Worcester. clan?, e, s £ a>' mer> of Mistley, Essex, corn- merchant, Feb. 23, 24, and March 31, at the Thorn inn, Mistley. — Attorney, Mr. Ambrose, Mistley. Isaac Stone and Parson Custancc, of Great- Yar- mouth, shipwrights, March 9, 10, and 31, at the lhree- Cranes, Great - Yarmouth. — Attorney, Mr Savers, Great-
Yarmouth. John Wild and Wm. Wild, of Stockport, Cheshire, cotton- spinners, March 4, 5, and 31, at the Crown, and- Anchor inn, Stockport.— Attorney, Mr. Chetham. Stockport. Francis Twigden Walker, of Liverpool, merchant, March 10, 11, and 31, at the Globe tavern, Liver- pool. — Attornies, Messrs. Stanistreet & Eden, Liverpool. Evan Banks, of Bamber- bridge, Lancashire, cot- ton- manufacturer, March 2, 3, and 31, at the White- Horse, Preston.— Attornies, Messrs. Ashden Se Shut- tleworth, Preston. Edward Price, otherwise Alexander Spence, of Leeds, Yorkshire, merchant, Feb. 26, March 3, and 31, at the Bull- and-
Mouth inn, Leeds.— Attornev. Mr. Lee, Leeds. Joseph Stevens, of Reading, grocer, March 9, 10, and 31, at the Angel inn, Reading.— Attorney, Mr. Vines, Reading. DIVIDENDS to be. made to Creditors. March 9. Benjamin Sutton, of Birmingham, button- and, Retail, by Messrs. Dicey & Co. Mr. Edge, and maker, at the Swan Tavern, Birmingham' Mr. Marshall, Northampton; Mr. Beesley Banbury ; j March 11. Thomas Taylor, of Birmingham, common Mr. Inwood, Newport- Pagnell; Mr. Gallard, Tow- [ carrier, at Dunn's Hotel, Birmingham cester; Mr. Higgs, Harborough; Mr. Swinfen, Lei- I March 13. Samuel Moore, of Leicester
woolcomber cester; Mr. kobins, Daventry; and by all Venders of' at theSaracen's. Head inn, Leicester Medicines in every Tewn in the Kingdom, I CORDIAL BALM or GII. EAI)- ' Extract of a letter from Mr. William Hodgson, late. Editor of the Carlisle Journal, dated SO th June, 1801. R. .1. HARPER, ati Inhabitant Neighbourhood, for several Years of this laboured i most lamentable Depression of Spirits, which H him inr- oiviKU » K ,.. \ Itl,, i' under rendered almost incapable of either bodily or mental Exertion; and although he had the Advice of several Gentlemen of the Faculty, of unquestionable Abilities, yet I perceived with much
Concern tli^ t i he grew worse, and he ultimately exhibited every I Symptom of a Person in the last Stage ot a Consump- j tion; his Countenance was pale and meagre, and his I Voice had lost its usual sonorous Tone. Through continued Importunity, I prevailed upon him at length to make Trial of your CORDIAL BALM of GII. EAD; and after using two Bottles of it his Spirits were much recruited, his Face began to resume its wonted Bloom and Plumpness, and he is now, I am happy to state, completely restored to his pristine Health and Vigour. The CORDIAL BALM of GII. EAD is sold in Bottles, Price Half- a- Guinea each; there
are also Family- Bottles, Price 33s. containing equal to four Bottles at 10s. ( id. by which the Patient saves 9s. including also the Duty. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by the Printers of this Paper; also, Retail, by Marshall, and Edge, North- ampton; Collis & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; DawsonTand Flarrod, Harborough; Marriott, Banbury ; Inns, and Gallard, Towcester; Seeley, Buckingham; Richardson, Stony - Stratford ; Edge, and Mather, Wellingborough; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry; Okely, and Palgrave, Bedford; Fox, St. Neots i Barringer, and Inwood, Newport- Pagnell; Swinfen, Leicester; by the Printers of the Country
News- papers ; and by all the reputable Medicine Venders, Booksellers, Sec. in every principal Town in England, Ireland, Scotland, and America, who will deliver Pamphlets gratis, with a Variety of authentic Docu- ments noted therein. ( JdT Dr. Solomon, when consulted, expects his usual Fee ot Half- a- Guinea. Such Letters should, for Safety, be thus directed— 44 Money Letter. Dr. Solomon, Gilead- House, near Liverpool." MA R K ETS.— London, Feb. 16. Our arrivals of Wheat to- day were not numerous. The Mealing trade bore a briskness early in the morning, but which went off towards the close, and prices were deemed
nearly the same as last Monday.— We had pretty good supplies of the dilferent sorts of Barley to- day, which gave way full Is. per quarter. Malt is likewise heavy, but there is no material alteration in price.— White Peas, boilers, of the finest quality, fetched neafly last Monday's terms. Grey Peas, and old Beans, of both sorts, were dearer, l'he other sorts remain unaltered. But few Oats have arrived since our last, and rather higher prices demanded for those of the besj quality.— Flour fully keeps its price. Wheat-. 50s. to 60s. 70s. Fine Do. — s. to 72s. 78s. Rve . .. 36s. to 46s. Od. Barley.. 30s. to 36s. Od. Malt... 60s. to 70s. Od.
PRICE of FLOUR.- HOPS, per Pocket. Gats 20s. to27s. 30s. HorseBeans36s. to 42s. Od. Tick Ditto 30s. to 37s. Od. White Peas 50s. to 70s. Od. Grey Ditto 40s. to 46s. Od. - Fine Os. to 70s. Od. Kent, 51. 0s. to 61. I2s.— Sussex. 11.16s. to51. 15s.— Farnham, 81.0s. to 91. 9s. SMITHFIELD, Feb. 16. To sink the olf'al Ox Beef, 4s. Od. to 5s. Od. Wether Mutton, 4s. 4d. to 5s. 4d. Veal, Ss. Od. to 7s. Od. Pork, 4s. 8d. to 5s. 8d. Sold this day, Beasts, 1900— Sheep and Lambs, 18,000. NEWCATE and I. EADENHALL, Feb. 16 By the carcase. Beef, 3s. Od. to Is. 4d. Mutton, 3s. 4d. to 4s. 4d. Veal, 4s. Od. to 6s. 4d. Pork, 4s. 8d to
5s. Sd. TALLOW.— Town, 63s. 6d. White Russia.— s Od to 53s. Od. ( Soap), — s. Od. to 53s. Od. Melting Stuff, — s. to 46s. Od. Ditto rough, — s. to 30s. Good Dregs, 10s. Od. Graves, lis. Od. LIATUER, per lb. Butts, 50 to 561b. 22d. to 27J. Ditto, 60 to 651b. 24d. to 26d. Merchants' Backs, 21d to22d. Dressing Hides, 17d. to 18£ d. Fine CoachI Hides, 18id. to 20d. Crop Hides for cutting, 2fd to 23id. Flat ordinary, 17d. to 18Jd. Calfskins, 30 to 401b. per doz. 26d. to 36d. Ditto, 50 to 701b. per doz. 33d. to 39.1. Ditto, 70 to 801b. 32d. to 34d. Small Seals, per lb. 42d. to 45d. Large Dilto, per doz. 100s. to 140s. Goat Skins, — s.
to — s. per doz. Tanned Horse- Flides, 20s. to 33s. per Hide. N O R T H A M P T O N : Printed and Published by and for T. DICEY and IV. SUTTON.