The Northampton Mercury
Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton
Volume Number: LXXXVI
Issue Number: 48
No Pages: 4
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The Northampton Mercury
Date of Article: 31/01/1807
Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton
Address: Northampton
Volume Number: LXXXVI
Issue Number: 48
No Pages: 4
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„ m, mmt IPs-' Ttg'i^ ijif^ Vol. LXXXVI. S Heady Monov is expected ) No. 48. > with Advertisements. S SATURDAY, January 31, 1807- PRICE SIXPENCE, 1 Stamp- Diitv • • I I npcr and 1' ri Sid. ' rnit • 2Jil. » ILJJF. II • Sunday and Tuesday's Posts. LONDO N, January 27. WE are sorrv to be at last obliged to credit the account of the re- capture of Buenos Ayres. Dispatches were received on Saturday night r. t the Admiralty from Sir Home Popbam ; ami 011 Sunday the following letter was sent to the Lord- Mayor:— " Admiralty- Office, Jan. 25, One o'clock, A. M. " MY LORD, " I have the honour to inform your Lordship, that
dispatches are received from Sir Home Pop- ham, dated from ltio de la Plata, the 30th of Oc- tober, by which it appears tlmt the town of Buenos Ayres had been re- captured on the 12th of August. It further appears that on the arrival of the re- enforcements from the Cape, his Ma jesty's troops bad taken possession of the town and batteries of Maldonado. I have the honour to be, & c. THOMAS GRENVILLE. " To the Right Hm. the Lnrd- Mlyor." The above intelligence was brought bv the Wellington transport. The following account of the re- capture is said to be given from authentic information:— « The military and inhabitants of
Buenos Avres, amounting to about 12,000 men, having organized and armed themselves rnti. a military body, attacked the force under Major- General Beresford, con- sisting of about 1450 men, on the 10th, 11th, and 12th days of August. The actions fought on these days were bravely and obstinately contested; the Spaniards fought approaching to a state of fury; many of our brave men were killed and beat down by superior numbers at the muzzle of their guns. This glorious defence was attended with the loss on our part of 165 men and officers, killed and wound- ed, and of 1300 men taken prisoners, contrary to the express
articles of capitulation. The troops detained are, 700 of the 71st ( Highland) regiment, 150 of the St. Helena corps, and the remainder, the Marines, and the brigade of seamen; part of which previously reached their ships. General Beresford was detained. Captain Kcnnet, of the Royal Engineers; and Lieutenant W. MitcheTl, of " the 7? st regiment, were killed. The Spaniards lost about 700 incn. The inhabitants of Buenos Ayres are computed at 70,000 persons; many of these fired from the tops of their houses upon our troops as they were marching out of the town " On the 2d of October, a re- cnforccment of between 2 and 3000
men, arrived from the Cape of Good Hope, consisting of the 38th and 47th regiments, and 350 of the 21st Dragoons. On the E8th of that month, an attack was made on Monte Video. It, however, soon appeared that the men of war could not enter near enough to bombard the town, with sufficient effect to cover the landing of the troops, although they succeeded in silencing the batteries; and the attack was given up. The troops were taken to Maldonado, a strong post, near the mouth of the river Plata, rendered im- pregnable by nature; the Island of Gorreti, which is strongly fortified by art, protects them. On this peninsula our
troops are securel y and comfortably situated; the men of war flank them on each side. The Spaniards, soon after they had landed there, meditated au attack on them; but they were so convinced of their hcrmetical situation, that the Spanish troops refused to march against them. The enemy suffered a loss of about 00 persons killed and wounded, at the bombardment of Monte Video; we had none killed or wounded, " Our troops arc anxiously and ardently waiting there for re- enforcements from England; when these arrive, no doubt can be entertained ( we are told) of their permanent success, both against Buenos Ayrcs and
Monte Video: indeed, consi- dering the great disparity of force, it is surprising that our troops were not all destroyed. V,' c lament to hear that many of our brave fellows lost their lives by assassination. The dishonourable conduct of the Governor of Buenos Ayres, ill detaining our troops and marching them into the interior of the country, after he had signed the articles of capitulation, by which they were to embark on board of transports for Europe or the Cape, is a new disgrace to their nation. No merchantmen had arrived at Buenos Ayres from England, when the Wellington sailed; the Justians, which was going ou an adventure
to Botany Hay, and followed Sir Home Popham from St. Helena to Buenos Ayres, was anchored so high up the river that she was taken. " The Wellington sailed from Buenos Ayrcs on the 4th of November, when the Diadem, ltaison- able, Lancaster, Diotnede, Leda, Medusa, Ilowe, Protector, Encounter, and Rolla, were lying there." Sporting.— Mr. Arthur's brown horse Sir David, which was never beaten in the year 1806, is sold for 3000 guineas; the purchaser is as yet unknown to the public.— Mr. Mellish's famous horse Sancho, which fell lame at Lewes in running with Pavillion, is now cantering, and it is supposed that he will
stand sound.— Mr. 1". Neale's bay horse Goth, bought of Lord Grosvcnor, is broken down, and it is^' eared will never be able to stfirt again. Shocking Murder.— On Saturday, Mr. Chivers, of Clapham Common, was most barbarously mur- dered by his own servant. IR the morning, the nieces of Mr. Chivers, who reside with him, went in his carriage to take an airing ; Mr. C. who was between 70 and 80, went into his garden to inspect the gardener at his work. The latter, who is a Scotchman, 22 years of age, and full six feet high, about half past eleven ran into'the house in great agitation, exclaiming to the servants, " Lord, what
have I done! 1 have struck my master, and he has fell;" and immediately left the house and made for the village of Clapham. The footman went to discover what had happened, when he found his master on the ground apparently lifeless. It appeared that the gardener had struck him with a spade, the end of which entered the lower part of his nose, broke both his jaw hones, and pene- trated nearly to a line with his ears, so that his head was nearly separated. The footman immediately gave an alarm, and messengers were dispatched for a surgeon, to Bow- street Ottice, and in pursuit of the gardener. When. the surgeon arrived,
he declared that though life still remained, it could not last long. This proved too true, as Mr. Chivers died in about an hour in great agony. A neighbour's footman arrived at Bow- street Office at half past one o'clock, and gave information to Mr. Graham, who dis- patched Miller and Rivett in a post- chaise in pursuit of the murderer. On the arrival of the Officers at Mr. Chiver's house, their interference was rendered unnecessary, by the gardener having been apprehended previously by one of his fellow- servants in the village of Clapham, and was taken to Wandsworth, before Colonci Fleming, Sir Robert Wilson, and Mr. Newsomb,
who were sitting at the Horns public- house. The fellow did not deny the charge, and the Magistrates com- mitted him to llorsemongcr- lane prison. It seems the prisoner is a very passionate man, and has been heard to say— he was afraid his passion would overcome his reason some day. The cause of the rash act, it is Supposed, was a dispute betwoen him and his master. A murder has been lately committed on the wife of William Ward, shopkeeper, at St. Peter's, Thanet, on her return from her daughter's, at Broadstairs. On Monday Andreas Scbostack, be- longing to the 7th battalion of the German Legion, quartered at
Ramsgate, was committed to Dover gaol, charged on the Coroner's inquest with the murder. It was stated that she was met by the prisoner, about half a mile from Broadstairs. He dragged her from the main road to a corn- field, where, after having robbed her by cutting off her pockets, he strangled her, and carried away part of her clothes, which were found upon him. Ano- ther man of the name of Webb is « Uo in custody on suspicion of being an accomplice. GENERAL INFIRMARY, NORTHAMPTON, JANUARY 21th, 1807. rrHIS is to give Notice, That on SATURDAY the i 7th Day ol FEBRUARY next will be held a General
Court, at Twelve o'clock in the Forenoon, to take the Reports of the Committee concerning the present State of this Society. And such Persons as wish to serve the Infirmary, are desired to send tlieir Pro- ? osals, scaled up, to the Secretary, on or before welve o'clock on that Day; mentioning at what Rate they a. » willing to furnish the following Ar- ticles fo'r the ensuing Quarter, viz. BUTCHER'S MEAT, FLOOR, BREAD, made of all good Wheat, in Loaves of 14 Dunces each, CANDLES, RICE, SUGAR, and SOAP, in order that the most reasonable may be accepted. And it is further requested, that the Bills due by the Infirmary
to the 7th Day of February next, may be then sent in to be examined and discharged. By Order of the Committee, W. INC MAN, Secretary. HUNTINGDONSHIRE TO WIT. Fines faid by Parishes under the Act of 44th Geo. III. V. 56. rpIIE Fines paid for - I- to the Provisions of tl On Saturday, some French, Dutch, and German Papers, to a' laic date, were received: their contents are of great importance: they contain four French bulletins, viz. the 45th, - With, 47th, and 48th. These, with accounts from Warsaw and Berlin, represent the French as victorious in a succession of spirited actions, up to the 26th of last month, on which
day, in particular, a desperate battle appears to have taken place, in which the enemy claim the victory, and state, that the loss of the Russian armv, ( namely, the division of Generals Benningsen and Buxhovdrn) engaged on this occasion, amounted to 12,000 men, killed, wounded, and prisoners, besides 80 pieces of can- non; whilst they modestly mention their own loss as not exceeding 800 killed, and 2000 wounded, including, among the latter, several General Of- ficers.— But, though the bulletins bring the ac- counts from Warsaw down to the Sd inst. they afford no information with respect to some very important
operations which are stated to have taken place from the 27th to the 30th ult. an ac- count of which was sent on Saturday from the Foreign Office, to the Lord- Chancellor, the Sitting Committees of the House of Commons, and the Merchants at Lloyd's, in the following official note:— " Bulletin, Jan. 24, 1807. " T. ord Howick has just received intelligence, of the truth of which he has not the least doubt, that an action was fought between the Russians and French on the 27th of December last, which continued three successive days; and on the last of which the French retreated, with the loss of 40,000 slain, and 80 pieces of
cannon. The scene of actio- i was Osterneske, sixty or seventy miles from Warsaw. The enemy made tlieir retreat to within eight miles of that place, and were also entrenching themselves at Magdeburgh." The information of his Lordship, we understand, rested on the authority of the Russian General resident at Dantzic, where a bulletin w as published by the Prussians, to the above purport. Mungo Park.— We regret to state a fresh report of that enterprizing traveller's death, who is said to have been killed at Sego, the residence of the King of Batnbarra ( iu Africa), by the natives. Northamptonshire. REDEMPTION AND SALE
OF THE LA N. D - TA X. ALI. Persons who have not already contracted for the REDEMPTION or PURCHASE of the LAND- TAX charged upon their respective Estates and Properties, Arc requested to take Notice, That by an Act made and passed in the last Session of Parliament, all Persons who are entitled to the Benefit of Preference may enter into Contracts for the Redemption of their Land - Tax, by a Transfer of Stock, within the Period of sixteen Years from the Date of their respective Contracts, by sixteen even and equal annual Instalments, or by transl'ering the whole Stock, or any Part thereof, in Advance, at the Option
of the Parties entering into such Contracts. The ADVANTAGES to be derived by this Measure, in the Investment of Money so as to yield nearly Five Pounds per Cent. Interest out of real Estates, without incurring any Expence; and the Security it affords the Proprietors of Instates against any Advance in the Assessment, which tney would otherwise be liable to every Year, upon any Improvement upon the Value of them; and the Priority of Security which the Purchasers of Land- Tax have over every other Incumbrance, wholly independent of, and unaffected by, any Question of Right or Title to the Estate out of which it issues;
and the simple and ready Means afforded for its Re- covery ; render this Species of Property an Object well deserving the Consideration of the Public. To which njay b « added, the following material Recom- mendations to the Measure, viz. that Persons who redeem their I. and- Tax are not afterwards liable to be re- assessed, towards making good any' Deficiencies that may arise in the Parish by the Default of the Collectors or otherwise, which is an Event that hath taken Place with considerable Pressure on Individuals in some Parishes, both in this ami other Counties, where Collectors have failed ; and that Persons having the
Benefit of Preference to redeem their Land- Tax, and neglecting to contract for the same, leave such Land- Tax open to be purchased as A FEE- FARM RENT, by. any Person or Persons who may first apply to the Commissioners, and make an Oiler for the Purchase thereof. Attendance is given daily at the Clerk's Office, in the Town of NORTHAMPTON, to receive Instructions for Contracts. WILLIAM TYLER SMYTH, Clerk to the Commissioners for Redemption and Sale of the Land- Tax. Ntrtbampton, 1\ tb Jan. 1807. EFFECTS or CATHOLIC EMANCIPATION. On the hi of February • will be published, NUMBER II. Of a very
important Publication lo every Friend of Religion and Liberty of Conscience; to be com- pleted in sixteen Monthly Numbers, consisting of sixty- four large and elegantly- printed Pages of Letter- Press, on fine Extra- royal Octavo Paper, with Proof Plates, Is. 6d. or, on Wove Demy, Js. each.— The Work will be embellished with upwards of forty elegant Plates of horrid Tortures, Portraits, and other appropriate Subjects, and may be bound either in one or two handsome Volumes. AN ENTIRELY NEW EDITION OF X> X's UNIVERSAL HISTORY of the CHURCH and its MARTYRS, prepared from the celebrated Folio Edition
published in 1684, with copious marginal Notes, Commentaries, and Illus- trations, never before published. By the Rev. j. MILNER, M. A. Assisted by the Manuscript Communications of several learned and eminent Ministers of the Gospel; including many curious Anecdotes relating to the Conduct of the Catholics of the present Age. The unprecedented Demand for the first Number of this cheap as well as elegant Work, is a sufficient Proof of the great Interest it has already excited in the Minds of serious and reflecting Christians. A NEW EDITION of the FIRST NUMBER will soon be ready for Publication. London : Printed for B.
CROSBY & Co. No. 4, Stationers'- Court, Ludgate- Street; and sold by Abel, Watts, Bumham, and Birdsall, Northampton; Robins, Daventry ; Rawbotham, Loughborough ; and by every liookseller, Newsman, and Postmaster in the United Kingdom. Men not found pursuant ofthe Act of the 44th Geo. III. C. 56, being ordered, by the Justices assembled at their adjourned Quarter- Sessions of the Peace, holden for the County of Huntingdon, on the 24th Day of January, 1807, to be repaid to the Overseers of the Poor of the several Parishes and Places by which the saise have been paid. Notice is hereby given, That the Overseers
of the Poor of thesever. il Parishes and Places under- mentioned, may receive back such Fines from Messrs. MARCETTS & WELLS, Subdivision Clerks for the said County, on SATURDAY the 7th Day of FEBRUARY next, at the FOUNTAIN INN, in HUNTINCDON, on producing the Receipts given by them for such Fines. NORMANCROSS. Alwalton - Caldecot - Chesterton ..... Connington Denton .... Elton . . . . Farcet ... Fletton .... Eolksworth .... Glatton . . Haddon ... Ilolm Morborne ... Orton I. ongvlHe ... Orton Waterville Sawtry Beams and Moynes Sawtry Judit ... Sibson and Stibbington Stangrsund ... Stilton .... Woodstone ...
Waternewton ... Woodwalton Yaxley - HURSTING STONE. Bluntishatn ... Broughton ... Bury .... Colne ... Earith - - - Hartford - Holywell and Needingworth Houghton ... Oldhurst ... Pidley and Fenton Ramsey ... Ravely Great ... Ravely Little Ripton Regis Ripton Abbot - St. Ives ... Somersham ... Stewklcy Great ... Stewklcy Little - T Upwood .... Warboys .. . WistOW . ... Witton .... Woodliurst .... St. Mary St. Benedict St. John ... All Saints ] LEIGI- ITONSTONE. Alconbury Alconbury Weston Great Catworth ... Thurning Eakton . - . Upton - - Great Gidding Steeple Gidding - - Little Gidding • Hamerton ... I. eighton - • Barham .... Buck
worth Wiuwick Graff ham Coppingford Swines head . « Brampton Brington - Stow and Little Catworth By t home ... Oldweston - - Wool ley Ellington - Kcyston ... Molesworth Kimbolton - Covington - - . S paid wick - TOSELAND. Buckden ... Everton and Tetworth Abbotsley Diddington - - Eynesbury - Godmanchester Hailweston - Toselaud - Great Staughton Hemingtbrd Abbot Hemingford Grey ... Hilton .... Offord Cluney Ottord Darcey . - - Paxton Great Paxton Little - • - Waresley Yelling .... Fens tan ton Southoe ... Midloe . St. Neots Great Gransden By the Court, SHERARD, Clerk of the Peace. This l) uy is published, In one large
Volume, 8vo. Price 12s. in Boards, npiIE GARDENER'S REMEMBRANCER 1 THROUGHOUT the YEAR; exhibiting the newest and most approved Methods of manuring, digging, sowing, planting, pruning, and training; the Natures of Earth, Water, Heat, Air, and Climate, best adapted for the Culture oi Plants, and Pro. duction of Fruits, Flowers, and esculent Vegetables, in the natural and in the forcing Way ; the Causes and Symptoms of Disease and Barrenness in Trees of every Kind, with Means of Prevention and Cure. To which is prefixed, a View of Mr. Forsyth's Treatise on Trees By JAMES M'PHAIL, Twenty Years
Gardener to the Earl of Liverpool. Printed for T. CADELL & W DAVIES, Strand, London; of whom may be had, by the same Author, 1. A TR EATISE 01) the CULTUR E of the CUCUMBER, second Edition, Price 5s. in Boards. 2. HINTS and OBSERV ATTONS on the IJIPROVEMINI of ACRICULTURI, 5S. in Boards. £. s. d. 7 10 0 3 6 6 1 4 0 7 10 0 - 7 1 25 0 0 25 0 0 - 10 0 0 15 0 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 10 13 6 - 5 5 6 16 9 6 14 14 6 20 0 0 . 11 U 6 24 14 0 18 18 0 20 0 0 3 10 6 - 8 4 6 8 8 6 40 0 0 45 0 0 12 18 6 15 0 0 1G 5 0 23 15 0 7 I 6 - 2- 1 14 0 15 6 0 4 17 0 13 15 0 160 0 0 22 7 6 3 10 6 11 2 0 30 0 0 105 9 0 - 26 5 0 10 0 C 16
9 6 20 0 0 76 19 6 2S 18 0 20 0 0 18 3 6 17 12 6 7 5 6 7 5 6 20 0 0 20 0 0 - 15 0 0 5 0 0 13 6 8 6 13 4 15 5 9 4 14 3 1 5 0 18 15 0 32 14 6 2 8 6 - 4 17 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 2 7 0 16 13 6 - 40 0 0 8 4 8 11 15 • 1 15 0 0 . 25 0 0 2 13 4 17 6 8 - 10 13 4 9 6 8 40 0 0 - 3 6 6 10 5 0 40 0 0 - 29 8 4 10 11 8 3 10 8 - 18 9 4 80 0 0 6 1 0 3 12 9 40 0 0 11 4 0 12 18 0 . 12 IS 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 - 4 0 0 2 0 0 10 11 6 9 8 6 25 17 8 14 4 - 1 0 0 56 7 3 33 19 0 RfVER NINE on NEN NAVIGATION. Ol'ICF, is hereby given, That a Meeting of - LM the Commissioners of the Western Division of the above Navigation will be holden at IIICGUILDHAI i., in the Town
of NORTHAMPTON, on WEDNESDAY the FOURTH Day of MARCH next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, to consider the Bye Laws made, and now in Force, telating to the Western Division ofthe said Navigation, and to rescind or alter the same, and to make such new ones as may appear proper and ne- cessary ; and also to transact other Business concerning the said Navigation. By Order of the Commissioner!, SAML. HOLT, Clerk and Treasurer. Northampton, Jan. '* 2d, 1807. lioyal- Eichange Assurance- Office, ' jjndon, DECEMBER 31st, 1S06. rpiIE Corporation of the ROYAL- EXCHANGE .1- ASSURANCE have
constituted and appointed Mr. THEOPH1LUS J EYES, of the Town of NORTHAMPTON, Solicitor, their AGENT and RECE1 VER for the said Place and Parti adjacent, for the Assurance ot Buildings, Goods, Merchandize, and Farming- Mock, from Loss or Damage by Fire; and also for the Assurance of Lives, and for granting and purchasing Annuities on Lives. By Order of the Court of Directors, SAMUEL PENNING, Jun. Secretary, Notice to the DEBTORS of Mr. WILLIAM LUCY, late of WOLLASTON, in the County of' North- ampton, Maltster and partner, deceased. ALL Persons indebted to the said WILLIAM LUCY at the Time
of his decease, are desired to pay the Amount of their respective Debts imme- diately to Mrs. Sarah Lucy, of Wollaston aforesaid, the Widow and Executrix of the said William Lucy. — And all Persons indebted to the said Sarah Lucy, on her own Account, are likewise desired to settle'their Accounts forthwith, and prevent the Trouble of a further Application. IVollaston, Jan. 16/ i, 1807. N OTIC E To ECTON, Jan. 24th, 1807. ALL Persons having any Demand upon the Estate or Effects of the late Mr. DANIEL CLAYSON, of the Globe Inn, at ECTON, in the County of Northampton, deceased, are desired to transmit their Accounts to
Mr. Jehn Van, of Ecton, or Mr. Luke Kirshaw, of the Town of Northampton, Executors of the said Mr. Clayson, in order that the same may be adjusted and discharged; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate, either by Bond, Mortgage, Note, or otherwise, are requested to pay the same to the said Mr. Van, ^ r Mr. Kirshaw, immediately. \ \' IIEREAS a Commission of Bankrupt is * ' awarded and issued forth against JAMES WARD, of BANBURY, in the County of Oxford, Dyer, Dealer and Chapman, and he being declared a Bankrupt, is hereby requited to surrender himself to the Commissioners in the said Commission :. amed,
or the major Part of them, on the 9th Day of FE- BRUARY next, at the FHYINC- HOR. SE INN, in BAN- BURY aforesaid; and on the 10th Day ofthe same Month, at the REIN- DEER INN, in BANBLRY afore- said; and on the 14th Day of MARCH next, at the PLOUCH INN, in BANBURY aforesaid, at Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon on each of the said Days, and make a full Discovery and Disclosure of his Estate and Effects; when and where the Creditors are to come prepared to prove their Debts, and at the second Sitting to choose Assignees j and at the last Sitting the said bankrupt is required to finish his Examination,
and the Creditors are to assent to, or dissent from, the Allowance of his Certificate.— All Persons indebted to the said Bankrupt, or that have- any of his Effects, are not to pay or deliver the same but to whom the Commissioners shall appoint, but give Notice to Mr. JOHN DURY, Solicitor, Banbury. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, ^ PHAT a Meeting of the Trustees of the » Turnpike- Road leading from Banbury, in the County ot Oxford, to the South End of Mill- Field, in the Parish of Lutterworth, in the County of Leicester, will be held at the RED. LION INN, in BANBURY, on FRIDAY the 2i) th Day of FEBRUARY next, at Eleven
o'Clock in the Forenoon; at which Meeting the Trustees will take into Consideration, and determine upon the Propriety of erecting a SIDE- GATE upon the said Road, at or near a Place called Grims- bury- Green.— Dated the 23d of January, 1807. By Order of the Trustees, EDM. BURTON. TURNPIKE- TOLLS TO BE LETT. Market- Harborough and Welfard Turnpike- Roads from Northampton. NOTICE is hereby given, That the Trustees appointed by Act of Parliament, for more ef- fectually amending, widening, and keeping in Repair, the Turnpike- Roads leading from the Town of North- ampton to Chain Bridge, near the Town
of Market- Harborough, and from the Direction- Post, in Kings- thorpe, in the County ot Northampton, to Welford Bridge, in the same County, will, on THURSDAY the I9th Day of FEBRUARY next, between the Hours of Eleven in the Forenoon and Two in the Afternoon, at the House of Mr. D. HAMSHAW, the SWAN INN, at LAMPORT, in the said County, LETT to FARM, by AUCTION, to the Best Bidder, in the Manner directed by the Act passed in the 13th Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, fur regulating Turnpike- Roads; the TOLLS of the Gate or Turnpike erected at or near LITTLE- BOWDEN, for the Term of one Year,
com- mencing the first Day of March next; which Tolls were lett the last Year at £. 533, and were put up at that Sum, at a Meeting of the said Trustees held on the 20th Day of November last, but no Person having made any Bidding or Advance thereupots, the said Tolls will, at the said next Meeting, be put up at such Sum as the Trustees present shai) think fit. The Best Bidder is forthwith to pay, in Advance, towards the Rent of the said Tolls, the Sum ot £. 50, and must producc sufficient Sureties, and enter into Security, tor Payment of the Residue of the Rent either monthly or quarterly, as shall be required by the Trustees.
CHARLESMARKHAM, Clerk to the Trustees. Northampton, Jan. 17th, 1S07. GRAND STATE- LOTTERY NOW DRAWING. Thirty Thuirsimd Pounds For the First- drawn, Wednesday, February 4th. TICKETS AND SHARES WARRANTED UNDRAWN, Are on Sale at ALL THE LICENSED LOTTERY- OFFICES, And by their ACENTS in the COUNTRY. The Wheel is immensely rich, independent of the above fixed Capital. Non- commissioned Officers and Privates receiving the Pension, and to Persons u ho have, serttd in the rrgulur Army, Fcneilles, or Militia, as Non- commissioned Officers, but are now discharged therefrom.
PERSONS of the above Description, who are eligible for such Duty, by personal Application to the INSPECTING FIELD OFFICER of the RECRUIT- INC SERVICE, at BEDFORD, wrll be informed upon what Terms they will he employed, as Non- commis- sioned Officers on Half- pav ; and others especially appointed to raise Men for the Infantry. Inspector General's Office, London, January 3d, J 807. Peterborough, Oimd/ e, Stamford, Lincoln, Guitis- borough, Boston, Barton, and Hull " FLY- W AGGONS, DAILY AT NOON, From the Red- Lion Inn, Aldersgate- Street, and the Sataeen's- Head Inn, Fridav- Street. W DEACON &
Co. grateful for Favours ' " . received in their CARRYING CON- CERNS, which have of late so increased as to put it out of their Power, with three Waggons per Week, to forward Goods consigned to their Care with that Regularity and Dispatch their Friends and the Public are so much entitled to, do, in Consequence, most respectfully give Notice, that from and atter MONDAY next, a WAGGON will leave LONDON EVERY DAY, at Noon ( Sunday excepted), with GOODS and PASSENGERS for the above and all adjacent Places. The Proprietors assure their Friends and the Public, no Exertions will be wanting on their Part for
meriting a Continuance of that decided Preference they have hitherto received. These Wagpns will leave Peterborough for the Red - Lion Inn, Aldersgate- Street, London, every Afternoon, at Four o'Clock; - Lincoln every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Morning, at Nine o'Clock; and Hull every Tuesday and Thursday Morning, and Saturday Night; will reach Peterborough from Lon- don in 40 Hours, Lincoln in three Days, and Hull in four Days, and will observe the same Regulaiity and Expedition on their Return to London. PERFORMED BY W. DEACON, London I J. ALLATT, Peterborough T. NEWMAN, Barnet | J. SMITH, Ditto
A. BATTEN, Welwyn | J. THORP, Bourne T 1' ORRi NCTON, Baldock Z. SEARSON, Lincoln J. CEAR, Ditto, and GEAR, \ M* LSON, & Co. | Barton and Hull D. NORRIS, Ditto J. SC.\ RBoROucH, Buckden W. PLGGOTT, Ditto London, Jan. 2Ijf, 1807. To Mr. Lathom's new Novel. This Day was published, in three neat Vols. 12mo. Price 13s. 6d. HUMAN BEINGS; a Novel. By F. LATIIOM, Esq. of Norwich, Author of the Mysterious Freebooter— Impenetrable Secret— Midnight Bell, See. Printed for B. CROSBY & Co. Stationer's- Court, Ludgatc- Street, London ; and sold by Birdsall, Abel, Iiurnham, and Watts, Northampton;
Robins, Da- ventry ; Inwood, Newport - Pagnell; Webb, and Barnes, Bedford'; and Collis & Dash, Kettering. lVbere may be bad, published on the same Day, 1. The MONK of DISSENTIS; a Romance, from the German of Augustus Lafontaine. By J. Powell. In three Vols. 12s. 2. SANS SOUCI PARK; or, the Malange; three Vols. 13s. fid. In the Press. ELLEN, HEIRESS of the CASTLE; three Volumes. By Mrs. Pilkington. BENEVOLENT MONK; in three Volumes. By the Author of the White Knight. The SOLDIER'S FAMILY ; four Volumes, By the Author of the Family in Switzerland, Freehold Estate, Bedfordshire. be SOLD by
AUCTIO N, By ANDREir GARDNER, On Saturday the 7th of February, 1807, at the Sign of the Checkers Public - House, Westoning, beds, between the Hours of Two and Four o'clock in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions ot Sale as will be then produced, AValuable FREEHOLD ESTATE; consisting of a Dwelling- House, Stable, an excellent Two- bayed Barn, with a Malting complete ; an Orchard, planted with Fruit Trees, and a Close of rich Sweard Land, with a large Quantity of capital Elm Timber, growing thereon, containing two Acres and a Half ( more or less), and 17 Acres ( moreor less), of Arable and Meadow
Ground, lyingdispersed in theopen Fields of WESTONING aforssaid, now in the Occupation of Mr. Butcher, at a low Rent ( who will shew the Premises). , Further Particulars may be known by applying to Mr. COOKE, of Milton. Bryant, Beds; or'of the AUCTIONEER, Woburn, Beds. Under a Deed of Assignment, for the Benefit of Creditors. To lie SOLD by AUCTION, By B RQIV N & SON, . On the Premises, on Tuesday the 3d Day of February, 1807, and following Day, ALL the neat and useful HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, PLATE, LINEN, CHINA. GLASS, BREWING UTENSILS, about sixteen Tons of HAY, and other EFFECTS,
of . Mr. THOS EYLES, at the SWAN INN, ELSTOW, near Bedl ford; comprising neat Four- post and Canopy Sacking- bottom Bedsteads, with Plaid and other Furnitures- several good Feather Beds, Bolsters, and Pillows; Flock Beds; large Blankets, Quilts, and Counter- panes; Mahogany and Wainscot Chests of Drawers- Bason Stands; Parlour and Chamber Chairs- Pier and Dressing Glasses ; 15 Pair of Sheets; J7 Damask and Diaper Table Cloths; Two- leaved Wainscot Dinmg and Pillar and Claw Tables; Mahogany Bu. reauand Wainscot Ditto; two handsome Sets of China, and large China Bowl; Quantity ef Glass, and Set
of Cruets; Morocco Stand; Silyer Tankard, Punch Ladle, Table and Tea- spoons, Pair of Tongs, Salts, and Pepper Castor; Buffet Cupboard, with folding Doors; Chimney Glass; Bath Stoves and Fire Irons; capital Eight- day Clock; Kitchen Range, Crane, and Smoke- Jack; a large Quantity of Pewter and Brass- 100- Gallon Brewing Copper and Grate, and 30- Gallon Ditto; 24- Bushel Mash Vat, Working Vat, Working Tubs, and Cooler; fifteen Iron- bound Pipes, sweet and good, two Puncheons, and smaller Casks; large Beam and Scales, with Weights; Coach Harness for two Horses; long Ladder, Corn Bins, five Dozen of good
Hurdles, and various other Effects; Part of a Rick of Hay about six Tons, Ditto about ten Tons, and a Quantity of Manure. Three Months' Credit will be given for the Hay, on approved joint Security. Catalogues to be had ' in due Time at the adjacent Towns; Place of Sale; and of Brown & Son, Auc- tioneers, Bedford. Sale to begin each Day at Ten o'Clock, and the Whole to be sold without Reserve. To the Purchasers if DR. ANDERSON'S EDITION OF THE BRITISH POETS. rpHE Purchasers of the above valuable Work 1 are respectfully informed, that this Day was published, Price One Guinea, sewed, VOLUME the
FOURTEENTH, containing the following Trans- lations:— Francis' Horace, Garth's Ovid, and Lewis' Statius. ARC', those who have limited themselves to the Purchase ot Dr. ANDERSON'S COLLECTION of TRANSLATIONS, are now also respectfully informeu of the Publi. cation of the present Volume, which forms VOLUME the THIRD, of PO ETI C AI, TRANS- LATIONS, Price One Guinea, sewed. Edinburgh: Printed for M UKDELL, DOIC, & STE- VENSON; and T. OSTELL, NO. 3, Ave- Maria- Lane, London. To Grazing Farmers, and all Dealers in Cattle. This Day was published, the second Edition, in one large Volume, 8vo.
Price 12s. extra Boards; to which is now added, several valuable Articles on Wool, Livestock, & c. with many beautiful Wood- Cuts of the different Breeders of Cattle; also, two useful Dogs, and other Copper- Plates ; rTIHE COMPLETE GRAZIER; or, FARMER 1 and CATTLE- DEALER'S ASSISTANT; containing Instructions for buying the best Breeds of Live Stock, breeding, rearing, and fattening of Cattle; Treatment of the Diseases of Cows and Ewes at the Times of calving and yeaning; the general Economy of a Grass Farm; various Methods of preparing Food for Cattle in severe Winters and Times of Scarcity ; the general
Management of the Dairy, Watering Meadi ws &- c. & c. illustrated by Engravings of the various Imple- ments used, on Wood and Copper- Plates By a LIN- COLNSHIRE GRAZIER, assisted by several Yorkshire, Nortoik, and Leicestershire Fanners. London: Printed for B. CROSBY & XO. Stationer's. Court, Ludgatc- Street; and sold by Birdsall, Abel, Bumham, and Watts, Northampton; Robins, Da- ventry ; Inv- ood, Newport . Pagrell; Webb, and Barnis, Bcdlord; and Collis & Dash, Kettering.
MMfflwwMwweaB i Wednesday and Thursday's Posts. FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE. DOWNING- STREET, Jan. 27, 1807. DISPATCHES have been received by the Right Hon. W. Windham, from Lieutenant- Colonel Backhouse, commanding a detachment of his Majesty's land forces in the River de la Plata. Royal Charlotte ( Transport), oft'Monte SIR, Video, Oct. 13, 1806. Understanding that a vessel is to sail imme- diately' for England, I do myself the honour to transmit to you a copy of a letter, addressed to Lieutenant- General Sir David Baird, in obedience to whose orders I sailed on the 29th of August last, with the 1st
battalion of the 47th regiment, for the purpose of joining Major- Gen. Beresford, in South America. " Royal Charlotte ( Transport), off Monte " SIR, Video, Oct. 13, 1806. " I have the honour to acquaint your Excel- lency, that, on my arrival here, I had the morti- fication to find the city of Busuos Ayres re- cap- tured, and that Major- General Beresford, with the forces under his command ( alter a most able and galltiut defence), had'been made prisoners of war, so far track as the 12th of August last. " Having arrived last night, I am not, at this moment, sufficiently acquainted with the parti- cnlais to enable me to detail them, though I
presume due and full information of this unfor- tunate and important event, must have been transmitted to you soon after its occurrence. " You are aware, Sir, that the command of his Majesty's land forces, at present in this river, devolves upon me, with which, in co- operation with the squadron under Sir 11. Popham, it is my intention to occupy a favourable position, until a. re- enforcement shall arrive, or I may be honoured with your further instructions; and trust that, by an early opportunity, I shall be able to afford you a satisfactory report of my arrangements and operations io carrying vour designs into execution. " I have the
honour to he, & c. « 1. . R. BACKHOUSE, " Col. commanding the 47th Regiment. « Lieut,- Gen. Sir D. Bui, Mr." Extract of a Dispatch from Lieut - Col. Backhouse, to the Right Hon. H'w. Windham, dated Muldo- nado, on the River de la Plata, Oct. Slsf, 1806. SIR, In my letter of the 13th inst. 1 had the honour to transmit a copy of my letter, of the same date, Pu Lion, one of the Municipality, appears to have been the greatest organ of the revolution, lie applied himself with great art and address in preparing the people tor a general insurrection. ' 1 he alius in the town were secreted ready for the moment of action, the discontented
assembled every night, and attended to his instructions, and he raised all the rabble of the country by the ample supplies of money with which he was furnished. On the north side of the river, Col. Liniers, a French officer in the Spanish service, and on his parole, successfully employed himsell in collecting people at Colonia. Terror was established, and every person who refused to contribute his assistance to this con- spiracy, was threatened with immediate death I have traced this from very unquestionable au- thority, and so rapid was the progress of the revo- lution, when it first shewed itself, that it was not till the 31st of July,
that I learnt by a dispatch from the General, which reached me at Ensenada, on my return from Monte Video, that he was ap- prehensive, from the information he received, an insurrection would shortly be made. On tlie 1st of August, in the afternoon, the Teda anchored off Buenos Ayres, about 12 miles distant; and on my landing on the 2d, which I did as soon as the weather would admit of a boat getting on shore, I found the General had just made a very successful attack on about 1500 Spa- niards, under Pueridon, five leagues from the town, with 500 men, in which h'e took all the enemy's cannon ( I think nine pieces) and
several prisoners. The torrents of rain that fell during the 6th, 7th, and 8th, had rendered the roads totally im- practicable for any thing but cavalry, and conse- quently Gen. Beresford was most seriously disap- pointed in his determination to attack the enemy at a distance from the town : in which, had it taken place, I entertain no doubt that his army would have added another trait of its invincible spirit under his dispositions. The enemy, however, by his inexhaustible supply of horses, suffered little inconvenience from the state of the roads, and he was therefore enabled to approach the town by several directions, without giving
the British army any opportunity to attack him. On the 10th, in the evening, the Castle was summoned, and on the following day I landed, while our remaining vessels were firing on the justice to the conduct, energy, and prowess of General Beresford, and the officers and soldiers under his command, it has been owing to the limited scale of my communications since the 12th, from the extreme jealousy of the enemy, and not from any indisposition to appreciate their merits in the most liberal maimer; a sentiment which I haie held on every occasion, and publicly marked it in all my former dispatches. 1 have the honour to he, & o.
HOME t'OPIIAM. ARTICLES of CAPITULATION. Fort Buenos Ayres, Aug. 12, 1806. " The British General having no further object for remaining in Buenos Ayres, and to avoid an unnecessary effusion of blood, as also the destruc- tion of the property of the inhabitants of this city, consents to deliver up the Fort of Buenos Ayres to the Commander of his Catholic Majesty's forces, on the following conditions:— " 1st. The British troops to march out with all the honours of war, to be considered as prisoners of war, but to be embarked as soon as possible on board the British transports now in the river, to be conveyed to England, or
the stations whence they came. " 2d. The British, on their entrance into this place, made many Spanish prisoners of war, which remained on their parole; and as the number of Officers is much greater on one side, and of men on the other, it is agreed that the whole shall be exchanged for the whole, the English transports returning to the place of tlieir destination as cartels, and to be guaranteed as such by the Spanish Go- vernment from capture on the voyage. " Sd. ' Prijvisions, See. will be furnished for the passage of the English troops, according to the usual custom in like cases. " 4th. Such wounded of the British troops as
cannot be removed in ships, shall remain in the hospitals at Buenos A\' res, either under charge of . Spanish or British surgeons, at the option of the British General, and shall be furnished with every thing Necessary, and on their recovery sent to Great- Britain. " 5th. The property of all English subjects in Buenos Ayres to. be respected. ( Signed) " W. C. BERESFORD. " SANTIAGO CONSIDIDO LINIERS." [ In another letter, dated Oct. 9, Sir II. Popham Spanish posts; and I learnt that, exclusive ot the ) mentions the arrival of some re- enforcements from Spanish army, which was divided into many co-| the Cape of Good Hope;
and details the positions lulling,' occupying the various avenues of the town, 1 the inhabitants were all armed, and sheltered oil to Sir I). Baird, apprising him of my arrival in the ! the tops of the houses and churches, with a design ' of carrying on a war of ambush. Under these circumstances, and the manifest disposition of the enemy to prevent an engage- ment, it was determined to embark the wounded that night, and cross the Rio Chello, for the pur- pose of moving towards Ensenada; but this mea- was in a great degree frustrated by the River Plata, and of my intention to occupy a po- sition on shore, to await his further
orders. I, in consequence, immediately recomioitercd, im one of the frigates, which carried me suffi- fr ciently close in shore for the purpose, the works of the place, and the positions and defences in the vicinity of Monte Video ; from which I formed, as the most eligible mode of attack, the idea of being able to carry the town and citadel by assault, on the South face edging on the water, in co- ope- ration with the ships of the squadron, under Com- modore Sir Home Pophatn', which were to silence the batteries on that face, so as to enable the troops to land and enter. The attempt was accordingly commenced, on the 28th, by the
navy; but the water proving too shallow to admit of the ships coining sufficiently near to cannonade it with effect, a further effort was necessarily given up. Upon this I deemed it adviseable, with the co- operative concurrence of Sir Home,. Popham, to take possession of the town of Maldonado, as a favourable position for the purpose of refreshing the troops, mounting my cavalry, and carrying oil such other arrangements as might thereafter appear most nscessary. Not a moment was lost; and accordingly on the evening of the 29th, I landed with about 400 men, composed principally of a part of the 38th regi- ment, under (.' clonal
Vassal, and advanced against the town, which seemed to be occupied by aboqf 600 Regulars and Militia, mostly., mounted, with one howitzer, and one long four- pounder field- piece, both brass. Notwithstanding we were without any artillery, the enemy were soon dispersed, w ith the loss of their guns, atld about 50 nicti killed and wounded ' I he loss on our side was two killed and four wounded, of his Majesty's 8!} th regiment. To the cool intrepidity of'onr little column on this occasion, much praise is due, as it advanced with the utmost steadinesss and alacrity, and without firing a shot, until sufficiently near to make a certainty
of carrying both the guns and the town, which was principally done by the bayonet, notwithstanding the advance was made uuder heavy discharges of grape and musquetry. At day- break yesterday morning, I detached Colonel Vassal to take, possession of the heavy batteries on the beach of the harbour, and on the Peninsula, which precluded any communication for the enemy between the main land and the strong island and post of Goretti, situated in, and much commanding the Hay of Maldonado, and which, in consequence, in the course of the day, surrendered at discretion to a summons sent from Sir Home Popham, and
thereby prevented the ne- cessity of carrying it by storm, and the consequent bloodshed that might have ensued. During yes- terday and this morning, the chief part of the re- mainder ofthe troops have- been landed, and 1 have already contrived to mount nearly one- half of my cavalry. I herewith have the honour to inclose the re- turn of such ordnance, ammunition, and stores, as have yet been discovered. 1 haie the honour to be, & c. T. J. BACKHOUSE. [ Col. Backhouse speaks highly of the praise- worthy conduct of the officers and men under his command, j Retur n of Ordnance, Ammunition, Sto'e?, : 5V. taken from the ex.
emx in the I ( nun and- vicinity of M& ldor. ado, and Island of Gorreti, on the 29 th of October. Brass Ordnance — One 6- inch howitzer, with 10 rounds of amriiiiniti'on; and one 6- poundet, with 10 rounds of ditto. Iron Ordnance.— Twelve 26 pounders, on sea bat- teries ; twenty 24- pounders, on the Island of Gorreti; TOO- muskets, 200 pistols, 300 swords, and 108 barrels ut powder. ( Signed) A. WATSON, Capt. R. M. Artillery. ADMIRALTY- OFFICE, Jan. 27. Dispatches have been received at this Office from Commodore Sir Home Popham, addressed to W. Marsden, Esq. His Majesty's ship Diadem, Rio de la Plata, SIR,
August 25, 1S06. When the events of war cease to he favourable to any armament, I consider it the duty of Com- manding Officers to state all the circumstances under their knowledge or information with clear- ness and perspicuity, which, either progressively or suddenly, led to a reverse of fortune. In pursuing this course, I feel confident I shall be able to- satisfy the Lords Commissioners of the Admiraltyv. that the liberal and beneficent prin- ciples upon which the Government of General Beresford was conductcd, do more honour to his Majesty's arms, and the character of Great- Britain, than if he had resorted to expedients
completely within bis power, which would have effectually annihilated all the efforts of the enemy, and wrested, probably for ever, these countries from the C'pown of Spain. and manoeuvres of his squadron at the attack on Monte Video : but the British ships not being able to approach near enough to act with effect, the attempt was given up. An account of the surrender of the island of Gorreti, which forms the harbour of Malclonado, is contained in his last letter of October 30; he speaks. of it as. an excellent har- bour where the fleet can procure water and pro- visions— Gorreti is a very strong position, defended by twenty 24-
pounders in four batteries, command- ing the roadstead, the eastern passage between it, and the peninsula; and the only practical beaches for landing.] , i' ill i in — weather, which became very violent during the night, and consequently retarded the progress of embarkation, though the enemy added a consider- able number of men to the houses and churches near the Castle, aud. advanced by all the streets not under the influence of its fire; in short, Sir, his object was to avoid by every means a general action, and to place his men in such a situation that they could fire at 5ur troops while they re- i on Monday the 12th inst.
about five o'clock in the mained in perfect security themselves. ! evening. A vessel, lying in the Rapenburg Canal On the 12th, at day- light, I understand a smart j there, laden with 150 barrels of gun- powder, by fire began from the enemy's advanced posts, but 1 i.. LONDON, January £ 9. In the last Duch Papers, an awful account is given of a catastrophe which took place at Leyden Cheap, Safe, and Superior Travelling. THE ONLY LIGHT NORTHAMPTON COACII, EVERY DAY, CARRYING FOUR INSIDE?. THIS Coach leaves WILLIAM CULLEN's, the ANGEL INN, NORTHAMPTON, every Mowing, at Five o'Clock, and
arrives at the ANCEL INN, ST. MARTIN'S LE GRAND, LONDON, every After- noon, at Four; and from the ANGEL INN, ST. MARTIN'S LE GRAND, at Five o' Clock every Morning, and arrives at the ANGEL INN, NORTHAMPTON, at Four in the Afternoon. WILLIAM CULLEN ( the Proprietor of the above Coach) begs to inform the Public, that the best of Beds, and every other Accommodation possible, shall be provided for Passengers at his House ; where they may be accommodated with IFOST- CHAISES to any Part of the Country. This Coach is well- known, ever since its Establish- ment, to have been supported by the
genteelest Com- pany, both in the Town and N'eighbourhbod of North- ampton.— WILLIAM CULLEN will further pay every Attention to Passengers in the Town of Northampton, and assures them, their Parcels shall be delivered im- mediately on the Arrival of the Coach. Places taken and Parcels booked, as usual, at the GENERAL COACH - OFFICE, WILLIAM GROSS'S, Hair- Dresser, Bridge- Street, NORTHAMPTON, and at WILLIAM CULLEN'S, Angel Inn, to any Part of England. The Proprietors of the above Coach will not be ac- countable for any Parcel or Package, of any Kind whatever, above the Value of £. 5, unless
entered as such and paid for accordingly. PERFORMED BY WILLIAM CULLEN, Angel Inn, Northampton. CLARK, Saracen's- Head, Newport. HAYWOOD, White- Hart, St. Alban's. ISAAC NEWTON, Red- Lion, Barnet. JOHN ROBINSON, Angel Inn, St. Martin's Le Grand, London. PELICAN OFFICE, MARKET- HAKBOROUGII, For Insurance on Lives and Endowments of Children. ~ ~ MIE great Advantages resulting to Society from Life Insurance, require, that the leading Prin- ciples to which it attaches should be detailed, in order that the Benefit to be derived therefrom may be more generally known. Life Insurance is of
material Concern to all who hold Estates or Income dependent on Lives; as by Payment of an Annual Premium, it enables the Person assured to make Provision for his Widow, Children, or whoever he is desirous of assisting; to Persons in Possession of good Estates, it will provide a Sum of Ready Money, for the Purpose of discharging Incumbrances, immediately on the Decease of the Person whose Life is insured; and will be found to operate very beneficially, in a Variety of Transactions, too numerous to recite. * Tables, containing the Rates of Insurance, and ex- plaining the Terms of Endowments, may be had by
Application to THOMAS GURDEN, Agent. WILLIAM HART's INSOLVENCY. rpHK CREDITORS of WILLIAM HART, the 8- Younger, late of FENNY- STRATFORD, in the County of Buckingham, Baker, are requested to transmit an Account of their respective Claims on the Insolvent's Estate to Joseph Arrowsmith, of Newport- Pagnell, in the same County, Solicitor, on or before t'ne 1.5th Day of February next, in order to a speedy Arrangement of the said Insolvent's Affairs, and that a Composition may thereon be ascertained and made to his Creditors with all convenient Dispatch. —• And all Persons indebted to the Estate
aforesaid, are desired, for the above Purpose, to adjust their several Accounts with the said J. Afrowsmith, on or before the said 15th Dav of February. Newport- Pagnell, Jan. 10tb, 1807. T PROVIDENT INSTITUTION, For LII< E INSURANCE and ANNUITIES, SOUIAAMPTON- STHELT, STRAND, LONDON. President, The Most Noble the Marquis ot BUCKINGHAM, K. G. Vice- Presidents, The Most Noble the Marquis of SALISBURY, K. G. The Right Hon. VUcount GUIKILII. The Right Hon. Viscount CHETWYND. The Right Hon. Viscount DUNCANNON, The Right Hon. Lord BRAY BROOKE. The Right Hon. Lord
KENSINGTON. Trustees, The Most Noble the- Marquis of BUCKINGHAM. The Right Hon. Lord BRAYBROOKE. WILLIAM PRAED, Esq. M. P. r jPHE Object of this Institution is to encourage s. the truly laudable Design of Life Insurance, and Provision for old Age, by reducing those Transactions Jo Principles of the utmost possible public Benefit. With this View, an extensive Society of Noblemen and Gentlemen have entered into a Subscription ot" £. 250,000, to constitute an original Capital- and taking upon themselves the sole Responsibility of the Establishment, they entitle the Insured and An- nuitants to participate in Profits
after the Expenses o. an economical Management are defrayed, in which the Presidents, Directors, Trustees, and Auditors act gratuitously. Thus, by the specific Sums in- sured, and the Division of contingent Profits eve'y Member has the fullest Value possible for his Pay- ments, without beingsubject to Calls upon any Losses whatever.— This important aud unprecedented Ad- vantage is peculiar to the Provident Institution Military Men, insured at this Office, are not charged with any additional Premium, unless called into actual Service. No Admission Fees are required; nor is anv Charee- made for Policies. 6 Insurance and
Annuities may be effected any Day within Office Flours, which are from Ten till Four o'Clock.— Proposals gratis. A Pamphlet, fully explaining the Principles and Terms ot this Institution, may be had at the House ot the Institution, and of the Agents and Booksellers, Price Sixpence. AGENTS. Aylesbury,— Mr. LUKE TURNER. Oxford,— Messrs. THOS. WALKER & Co. Bankers. Reading,— Mr. E. S. WHITE, Cornfactor Gloucester,— Messrs. HOUGH & So; , Booksellers Birmingham,— Mr. J. LOWE, Ditto. Northampton,— Mr. T. BURNHAM, Ditto. was soon returned with great effect from our artil- lery, which was planted towards
the principal streets leading to the Great Square, and for a short time the enemy by his immense numbers shewed a greater degree of firmness than on any other occasion, and pushed forward with three pieces of artillery, which Col. Pack, of the 71st, soon'charged and took from him. During this time, - however, fe- enforcements crowded the tops of all the houses commanding the Great Square from- the back streets, and our troops were soon considerably annoyed by people they could not get at. The enemy commanded the castle in the fame way, with the additional advantage of a gun on the top of one. of the churches,
which I consider as an indelible stigma against the character of the Bishop, not only from his situation, but the pro- fessions he made. I can easily conceive how the feelings of General Beresford must, at this moment, vlth A have been on the rack; disappointed in his last i conjecture, efforts to induce the enemy to a general engage- ment in the Great Square, bis gallant little army falling fast by shots from invisible persons, aud the only alternative which could present itself, to save the useless effusion of so much valuable blood, was a flag of truce, which was hoisted at the castle about one o'clock. In an instant, there were near
10,000 men iu the Great Square, pressing forward in the most outrageous manner to get into the fort; and even firing at' our men on the ramparts, so much so that it was with extreme difficulty the British troops were prevented revenging this insult; indeed, the General was obliged to tell the Spanish officers, if their men did not retire in the course of one- minute, he must, as the only measure of safety, haul down the flag of truce, and re- com-, mence hostilities; this firmness had the desired effect, and he then sent his conditions to the Spanish General, and they were instantly acceded, to. I inclose a copy of the capitulation, aiid I
trust the high and independent language in wbich- it is couched, and the terms dictated by General Beres- ford to an officer at the head of myriads Of people, will do him infinite honour in England, aud obtain for him his. Miyesty's most gracious approbation of his conduct; 1 have received aretbrti of the killed, wounded; 1 and missing, by which it • ppear's, tliltt there are' 2 officers, 2 serjeants, 1 drummer, aiid 43 rank aud file, killed; 8 officers, 7 serjeants, and 92 rank and file, wounded; .. and nine missing; making a total of- 105; and scarce any of those misfortunes were, occasioned except from the inhabitants on the tops of the
houses and the churches. The enemy confesses to have lost about 700 killed and wounded, in the short conflict in the streets; and if it had not been for the inhabitants, I have little doubt t. lmt the Spanish troops would have been completely defeated, although seven times tlie number of the British forces. Nothing is more difficult than to give their Lordships an idea of the number of men in arms ; but from the best accounts we can obtain, it is thought Pueridon, and the other principal people engaged in this plot, had collected from 8 to 10,000 men iu the country; that Liuiers may have brought over from 800 to 1000; and the town
furnished, though armed in various ways, about 10,000, under the secret arrangement of the Magistrates. On the 16th, ill conscquencc of receiving, by Colonel Liniers' aid- de- camp, a letter from General Beresford, 1 dispatched two of the transports to Buenos Ayres, where one arrived on the 17th ; but from the prevarication of the Governor of Monte Video in the first instance, and his subsequent dis- honourable conduct, no troops have yet been em- barked. 1 most sincerely regret, however, that my situ- ation has imposed on me the painful duty of making this report to their Lordships, especially as it is done principally by
materials collected from different people, which they probably in many instances deduced from vague mid uncertain con- clusions : if, however, it should hereafter appear that I have failed in any instance to do ample some means took fire, and instantaneously blew up, destroying all the houses in the vicinity, and occasioning the premature death of some hundreds of the inhabitants. At the awful moment, manv families were sitting at dinner with their friends, and thus precipitated into eternity : fathers, mothers, children, servants, all were rapidly hur- ried to one promiscuous grave. Of the number of the dead, various conjectures
have been formed: many respectable persons have been dug out. A number of strangers on visits, were among the unfortunate sufferers. Of sixty children in a board- ing- school, five or six only have been saved, but dreadfully scorched. On the Rapenburg, where the deplorable event occurred, the houses, to a large extent, are levelled with the ground.— Close to the vessel which blew up, lay a yacht, on board of which were from 15 to 20 persons, not a vestise of whom was to be found. The cause of this dreadful calamity no one can ascertain, or even The Emperor. Alexander signed a decree on the 15th ult. for the formation
of- a volunteer1 militia in Russia. For this purpose the " whole empire, the exception of some of the northern Eu- Small Freeholds, Bedfordshire and Bucks. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DAY, On Tuesday the 3d Day of February, 1807, exactly at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, at the House of Mr. Ambidge, the Old George Inn, in Cranfield, in the County of Bedford ( in one Lot), under such Condi- tions as will be then and there produced, ACOTTAGE or TENEMENT, situate in WHARLY- END, in CRANFIELD aforesaid, with a Pightle of PASTURE- LAND ad- A. R. I'. joining, containing, by Estimation 0 1 0 A CLOSE of
PASTURE, called BOURN- CLOSE, and a Pightle of PASTURE, called COOPER'S PIGHTLE, • ontaining together, by Estimation 9 0 0 Also another Pightle of PASTURE, con- taining, by Estimation 0 2 0 The above- mentiofied Lands adjoin each other, with several thriving Trees growing thereon, which will be included in the Pur- chase. There is also a Right of Common for two Cows in the Cow- l'asture, and oth- r Commonable Places, which are likely to be soon inclosed. There is also a CLOSE of ARABLE LAND, in the Parish of MOULSO, in the County of Bucks, adjoining CRANFIF. LD, called GEORGE'S SPINNEY, which
will be included in this Purchase, and contains, by Estimation 2 0 0 ropean and Asiatic governments, is divided into seven districts. Each district is to raise one army, and to form a separate command of this descrip- tion of force, which will amount altogether to 6- 12,000 men. The governments which do not raise men are to contribute to the expence of arming this militia, . and furnishing accoutrements, stores, & c. & c. Yesterday, Herbert the soldier, convicted some time since of a robbery in Ilydc Park, attended with acts of cruelty, was executed in the Qld- Bailey, opposite Newgate. To PRINTERS. : Steady PRESSMAN, who
has been accus- tomed to a Newspaper, may meet with an eligible and permanent Situation, by applying to the Printers of this Paper. " CHEAP COALS^ OF excellent Quality, from HAWKESBLRI . NEW COLLIERY, are'now selling at NORTH- AMPTON WHARF, at One Shilling per Hundred lViight, and delivered into any Part of the Town at 1 hitrieen- Pence per Hundred Weight, exclusive of the customary Charge for Loading, io. by FRANCIS PARRO l'T, Esq. &. Co. Proprietors of the aforesaid Colliery. ( Pf The said Coals ate particularly recommended to all great Consumers, and are warranted to be the best Coals, at the.
stated Prices, ever offered for Sals to the Inhabitants of the Town and County 6f Northampton. *„* HAWKESBUEY Co A. I. S do not take Firesoquick as the best Staffordshire Coals, but when fairly kindled are equal in. Heat, and will continue so One*- third longer, by the Use of which will be found a Saving to the Consumer of forty per Cet. t. For these Coals, Gentlemen ate desired to enquire for Mr. JEFFERY, Cleik for the- Hawkesbury Coals, who constantly attends at . the said Northampton Wharf; and for further Particulars, apply to Mr. STEPHEN YATES, Bedw& rth, near Coventry. TEN GUINEAS REWARD. ESCAPED
from His Majesty's Gaol at HUNT- INGDON, in the Afternoon of Sunday the 25th of January, 1807, WILLIAM GILBERT, a Private in the Cambridgeshire Militia, committed on Suspicion of Sheep- stealing. The said WILLIAM GILBERT is 29 Years of Age, 5 Feet 7I Inches high, and belongs to the Parish of Cov ENEY, in the County of Cambridge; upright Person, slender Make, long Head, oval Face, grey Eyes, large dark Eyebrows, sharp Nose, small Mouth, short Neck, dark- brown Hair, square Shoul- ders, long Arms, thin Hands, slender Thighs and Legs, and long Feet: He is by Trade a Labourer, and had on his Regimentals at
the Time of his Escape, with the Facings taken from off his Coat. Whoever will discover the raid William Gilbert, so that he may be saf'elv lodged in anv of His Majesty's Gaols, shall receive a'Reward of T E N GUINEAS, to be paid by the Treasurer of the County of Hunt- ingdon, over and above the Reward allowed by Act of Parliament tor the Apprehension of Deserters. By Order ot the Magistrates, G. MAULE, Clerk. Total 11 3 0 The above Estate was late the Property of Mr. GEORGE HUCKLE, deceased, and for many Years in his own Occupation ; is now in the Occupation of Mr. George Goodman, Tenant at Will, at a very
low Rent. For a View of the same, apply to the TENANT; and for Particulars, to Mr. Coocn, or Mr. ARROWSMITH, Solicitors, in Newport- Pagnell. Elm, Ash, Arbeal, and Fir Trees. To be SOLD by A U C T I O N, By JOHN DA 1', On the Premises, on Thursday the 5th Day- of Fe- bruary, 1807, I70RTY very fine MAIDEN ELM TIMBER TREES, 8 ASH, 15 large ARBEAL, and 20 large SCOTCH FIRS, in Lots.— The Trees are now lying on the Side of the Turnpike- Road from Newpor*- Pagnell to Northampton, in the Parishes of GAY HURST and STOKE- GOI. DINCTON.— Also, ONE very large WALNUT TREE. May be viewed
three Days before Sale. The Company are requested to meet the Auctioneer at the Gate leading from the Turnpike- Road at Gay- hurst to I. ittle- Linford, exactly at Eleveno'Cloek in the Morning, when the Sale will commence. Freeholds, Carlton and Turvey, Beds. To be SOL D by A U C T 1 O N, By JOHN DA r. On Tuesday the 10thDay of February, 1807, exactly at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, in one Lot, at the House of Mr. E) les, the, Sign of the SWan, in " " " " A. R. P. or TENEMENT, situate in CARLTON, " late the Resi- dence of Mrs. Litchfield, with a Close of Pasture adjoining, containing by Estimation 3 0 0 And
SEVERAL PLOTS of new- inclosed LAND, lying together, oil the Moor in CARLTON aforesaid, near the said Mes- suage, and containing, by Admeasurement.. 23 2 Also, a CLOSE of PASTURE, in TURVEY, near Carlton, formerly in four Parts, but now in three, wyh the Spinney adjoining, called BALL'S PASTURE, contain- ing together, by Estimation 16 0 0 Carlton aforesaid, ^ MESSUAGE 42 2 9 For further Particulars, enquire of Mr. CootH, Solicitor, Newport- Pagnell. Freehold Tenements, Stony- Stratford, Bucks. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DAY, At Six o'Clock in the Evening, on Wednesday the 11th of February,
lb07, at the King's- Head, in the Market- Place, in STONY- STRATFORD afore- said, under siuh Conditions as will be there pro- duced, in the following Lots: — Lot 1. \ New- built Urick and Tile MESSUAGE il'or TENEMENT, situate in the Cow FAIR, in the Occupat ion of Mrs. Collingridge. Lot 2. A TENEMENT adjoining, in the Occu- pation of Mrs. Bavin. Lot 3. One other DITTO, situate in the HORSE- FAIR, in the Occupation of Mr. Barber, Officer of Excise. For a View of the same, apply to the Tenants; and for further Particulars, to the Auctioneer, in Stony- Stmtiord. TOWCESTER ASSOCIATION. WHEREAS some Person or
Persons did, on , Tr, u" day N'Rht, or early on Wednesday Morning last, KILL, STEAL, TAKE, and CARRY AWAY from a Close of Cohseed, in TOWCESTEP., belonginz to Mr. KIRBY, " 4 A FAT SHEARIIOG SHEEP, the Property of Mr. CLEAVER, of CASWELL, but lett the Entrails.— The Sheep was marked with Reddle on the ofr Shoulder, and a Pitch Brand of the Letter C. on the Ribs of the off Side. Whoever will apprehend or give Information of thu Oitender or Offenders, so that he or they may be pro- !? cmed, shall, on Conviction, receive a Reward of 1 WEN FY GUINEAS of Mr. CLFAVER; and a further Reward of FIVE
GUINEAS of Mr. KIRBY, the Treasurer of this Association; over and above the Reward allowed by Act of Parliament. And if more than one Person was concerncd in' the Felony, and either will impeach his Accomplice or Accomplices, he shall, on his or their Conviction, be entitled to the above Rewards, and Interest will be made to procure His Majesty's Pardon. Toixicester, Jan. 1807. To be S O L D ty RUCTION, By Mr. K N IB B, On Wednesday the 4th Dav of February, 1807, at flie Swan Inn, in Newport- Pagnell, Bucks, between the Hours ot Five and Seven o'Clock in the Evening, ' BM1AT old - established and well-
Accustomed I PUBLIC- HOUSE, the RED RULL, situated in the HIGH- STREET, in NEWPORT- PAGNELL aforesaid, now in full Trade; consisting of a roomy Kitchen, and a Bar adjoining; a Dining-' Parlour, and good Sleeping- Rooms; extensive Cellaring ; Brew- house, Piggeries, and Stabling, with a Yard, ar. d an outlett Backway into the Church- Yard; also, the fishmonger's Shop adjoining; and a Rood of Grass in the Bury Mead, with a Right of Common for two Head ot Cattle, from May till Old St. Thomas following. For in ore Particulars, enquire of tho Auctioneer. Huntingdon. VALUABLE FURNITURE, & c. To be SOLD by A
U C T ION, By Mr. ' FOX, On Monday the Sth ot February, 1807, ahd two fol- lowing Days, on the Premises lately occupied by THOMAS COLE, Esq. at Huntingdon, ALI, the elegant HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE; comprising several lofty Bedsteads with rich Cotton Furnitures, fringed; fine seasoned Beds and Bedding; French Window Curtains to correspond; handsome Wardrobe; Commode Drawers; Ladies' Dressing Tables, and Set of Butler's Patent Dining Tables; Pembroke and Card Ditto, fine Wood; elegant Mahogany and Japanned Chairs ; Solas; valu- able Pier Glasses, of large Dimensions; a curious Model of the
Marengo 74- Gun Ship, in an elegant Mahogany Glass Case, cross- bar. ded and strung ; large Turkey and Brussels Carpets; handsome Library Bookcase; valuable Library of Books; Billiard Table; Kitchen Requisites, and Brewing, Dairy, and Laundry Utensils. Also, 130 Dozen of fine OLD PORT WINE, ' MADEIRA, SHFRRY, Sec., in Lots. The Effects may be viewed on Friday and Saturday • preceding the Sale. Catalogues may be had, on the 5th of February, at the Old Eell Inn, Holborn, London; at the Auc- tioneer's, Huntingdon; and at the' principal neigh- bouring Inns. To be— S O L D by" AUCTION, By J. CHENEY, On
Thursday the 12th Day ot February, 1807, if not sooner disposed of by Private Contract, at Mr. Maine's, the Sign of the King's- Head, in Spratton, in the County of Northampton, between the Hours of Three and Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, ASubstantial Stone - built MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, situate'in the oleasant Village of CHAPE I.- BRAMPTON, adjoining the Turnpike- Road leading to - Northampton; comprising a good 1 House and Parlour, three comfortable Sleeping- Apartments, with Attic Stories; Pantries, Cellars, tie. 5 together with suitable © ut- Ol'fces; consisting of a Brew'house, Barns,. Stables, Butcher's Shop
and Fasting- fen, Sic. ; a n: ce Garden, and a Well of good Water.— The above Premises are all in good Repair, and well adapted for carrying on an extensive Line of Business, ar( d in the Occupation of Mr. Thomas Burman, who is under Notice to quit at Lady- Day next, and who will shew the Premises. For further Particulars, and to treat for the same by Private Contract, apply to Mr. JOHN HADDON, or Mr. THOMAS HAI L » DY, of Hollowell ^ or to the AICTIONEEW, Nascby. Freehold, Amplhill, Bedfordshire. To BAKERS." A V£ A. Y DESIRABLE SITUATION, WITH IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. To be SOL D bv AUCTION,
By Jl\ IV HIT K, At the White- Hart Irin, Ampthill, on Thursday the 12th Day of February, 1807, at Fouro'Clock irrthe Afternoon, unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, of which due Notice will be given, \ Convenient DWELLING- IIOUSE and BAKEHOUSE, ( now in full Trade, with the Good Will thereof), with suitable Outbuildings, Yard, and Garden.— The Oven ha* be;- n lately rebuilt, made sufficiently large to bake I'i Bushels, and heats with Wood or Coal, and the Premises arc iii- t; oad Repair, pleasantly situated in WOBURN- STREET, AMP (. HILL, and in the Possession of the Proprietor. Tlie extensive Commons
and waste Lands within the Parish of Ampthill are undcran act ot Inclosure, and the Proprietor is entitled to an Allotment for his Cottage Right, which is expected to be shortly setout by the Commissioners, and will be sold with the. above Premises. The Baking Utensils and Fixtures to be taken by Appraisement. For further Particulars, apply to Mr. THOMAS FLETCHER, Marston- Mortain ; Mr. JOHN ANSTEE, Houghton- Regis; Mr. EAGLES, Solicitor, Ampthill; or the Auctioneer, Bcdfoid.
9 IKS, • G. age and ons ifit. lien » of and j of An- ises lich 3rs, ir.- ery ay-, isei ftd- gcd nto irge Jay our » nd use trs, Irs. on livf ; ing but Idle tter the iri> lof 1 a the > he : or be be file the « •£. led ted 1. L my and ! w- itnd the i in : wo lias roi. by lE,: ich and nd; ies' , ing 3d; | lu- ou. s pnt irge • ary aril and IE, • ' day . at uc. gli- r. ot Mr. en, mis or If of ! Big and OIKI air, lof in as 3ay the the ( the vate and with tigs, iiiit, { tats toad « 7, dor. l the ami pi tout bow t. liy 1' ' Ull Ttt, Pi Friday and Saturday's Posts. L O N 1) 0 A', January 30. TT7" E are happ. v to announce the capture of a VV Dutch frigate and two Dutch ludiamen, richly laden,
from the East Indies. The frigate is named the Pallas, and the other ships the \ ic- torie and Batavie. The cargoes of the two latter are valued at £. 600,000 sterling; the prime cost in the Spice Islands 1,000,000 Spanish dollars ; they comprised the g.- eater part of the produce of the Dutch spioe establishments of the growth of 1305, and will prove of course, most valuable prizes. The capture was made by a British frigate and a brig( the names of w hich are not mentioned). The Dutch frigate was supported in the action bv u coivette, which, it appears, effected her ( scape. The ( aptain and the first Lieutenant of the lJallas were
killed the first broadside.— The following is the official account of the Dutch Governor of Batavia, found on board a Danish ship, which has teen detained and sent into Dartmouth, by his Majesty's ship Pluto: With the severest feelings of affliction I have to mention, thai according to ( he latest authentic intelligence here, upon the 20th of July, 1806, in the latitude of Salayer Islands, the Batavian frigate, the Pallas, and the corvette the Win, coming from Amboyna, and having under their convoy the Vic- torii and the Batavie, two very large ships, belong- His Lordship then, adverting to the Sinking Fund, j observed, that by the year
1S17, it will rise to such \ an amount, a, s to be but one 42d part of the Funded | Debt, and in ten years more to one ITtli part thereof, : insomuch that by the latter end of the year 1826, it will redeem a capilal of 420 millions ; and the. e/ ore taking the average growth of his plan of the Sinking ', Fund'into consideration, and comparing it with any I other, including also loans, & c. 45 years could accom- j • plish the object he first stated, namely, liquidating j rhe whole debt, being a period of five years less than that system submitted by Mr. Pitt.— With this gra- tifying view ol' the situation of thecountry, there was A THIS DAY WAS
PUBLISHED, Pi ice Three Shillings, COPY of the POLL for TWO KNIGHTS __ of the SHIRE for the COUNTY of NORTH- A M PTON ; taken at NORTHAMPTON the 12th, loth, 14th, and loth of NOVEMBER, 1806. THOMAS CARTER, Esq. High- Sheriff. Northampton : Printed by DICEY & SUTTON. Sold by Seeley, Avemaria- Lane, tendon j and all the | Country booksellers and Newsmen. IN01U HAMPTON LIGHT COACH. still another object connected with it of the greatest j * Heport having been industriously propagated, importance namely, the impression which the know- J\ th£ t Mr> |, K$ i> s NORTHAMPTON LIGHT
ledge ot these great means would produce on the 1 country, and theconviction that must necessarily arise in the breast of every man, that he would be able to maintain the burdens which war or wars might muke nccessary. God forbid, however, that this " practical display of our power, as a great people, should be n::\ e with aviewot holding ou: a temptation to war, or of protracting its mis l ies ; this was not the motive by which he was influenced in submitting this state- ment to the House. Ourmeans, it wculdbeobserved, were applicable to the firm, steady, and sincere pursuit of peace on grounds compatible with the interests
and honour ot the country. It was pleasing to know that if we failed in our endeavours to accom- plish the work of peace, we" possessed ample means of prosecuting the war to the most remote and indefinite period. W-- DANCING. . a R. M'KORKEI. L respectfully acquaints Ills lv. 8_ Friends, he has removed from Abington- . - Street to Mr. DUFFIN'S, on the PARADE, where in ingtothc Company, completely, laden with mace, I future' his ACADEMY will be held, for YOUNG cloves, and nutmegs, had an engagement with an \ LADIES and GENTLEMEN, who will have the English frigate and a brig; and the unfortunate •
Advantage of Double Lessons, every MONDAY A FTER- issue, was, that the frigate was forced to surre. <! « r, I » ° fK;. a" d ' hc *> me EVEN. nc> with every particular . ' . ,, <? , . . . ' Attention to facilitate their Improvement in the ana both the Company s ships arc become cite prey ; great, Jst Variety of fashionable DANCES, of the enemy.—\\ e know no further particulars, j Parade, Northampton, Jan. 30th, 1807. except that the William escaped by flight, and got ...,,,„,..,.., ,,, r, 1T1„ ., to Jacasser, but the fact itself has cast an uni- ! GRAND J UN CI ION WIIARI', WLEDON, I J * • I I. I I JANUARY 31st, 1 feO/. versa! dejection
over every one here, and truly not I - f AMES B00TU b Leavc to return Thankg t0 without reason, as the loss amounts to I till a million , , f ,) is Bumerous hrie* ds and the Public in general, of dollars in specie, which the sale of the spices • was to have replaced; and the blow will be severely felt in the Treasury, the chest of which is already in so exhausted a condition." HOUSE of COMMONS, Thursday, Jan. 99. FINANCES. Lord HENRY PETTY, in pursuance of the notice he had given, rose to submit to tne House the state of the finances of the country, and the measuies calculated to maintain thethi.' abi lily of their financial
responsibility, and to meet any exigency that might arise in evjry event ot a protracted war, and to reduce the burden of the people in the event of a peace.— The amount of Supplies voted for the Navy, for the year 1807, exclu- sive of the Ordnance, was >£. 16,977,837 ; for the Army of Cieat- Britain, lor the like period, was 10,132,967, tor Ireland £. 3,415,130, total for the ' *• ' " ' Treat- linaries, includ- ing the Estimates for the different departments, mak- ing the total for the Army, Barracks, Ordinaries and Extriordmarics, £. 18,223,036; Ordnance tor Creat- Britai. v£- 3,264,469; the same for Ireland, £. 479,216; total o' Ordnar. cc,
£. 3,743,716 ; Miscellaneous Ser- vices ( or Great- Britain, £. 1,200,000; for Ireland, £. 6-> iU) 00? total, £. 1,866,000. This year there was a vwicof credit of £. 2,400,000, of which one million wis <*. ue. together with £. 500,000, making the total due on that vote of crcdit of £. 600,000, making a total on Yf Its of credit of £. 3,000,000 ; making altogether a total of supplies of a sum ot £ .48,811,540. Adding to which the sums ot £. 200,000, and £. 280,000, not Ti « ed, on the Five per Cent, or the Loyalty Loan, and the wnal will be of supplies for Great- Britain no less than £. 45,841,340. From whence deducting the shite that Ireland
bears thfcreof, being about £. 6.3( 4,275, there will remain a total amount of supply for Great- Britain of £. 40,527,065, for tlie year 1807; the Ways and Means to meet which were the Mali and Pension Tax of £. 2,750,000, the surplus ot the Consolidated Fund of £ .3,500,000; the War T axes ef £. 19,500,080; and happy he was to have it in his power to say, tint these were all taxes raised within the year, without having recourse to any other measure hut their natural operation and encrease, as appears to lie the case every successive year. To these he should add the Lottery, which, taking it at an average of lust year, hc would
estimate at £. 450,( KX) The Property Tax, he had also the good fortune to say, was encreased so much beyond the la « year, which was £. 10,500,000, that he could this year estimate its produce at least at £. 11,500,000. Tbewholeof the txci.- e and Customs being averaged at £ 3,500,000, it would then be found that the total and grand amount of the Ways and Means for the vear would be £. 41,100,0J0; and he had the satis- faction of saying, the whole of the amount of the Loan for this country would not exceed this year the sum of £. 12,000,000 ; and it will be seen, that the excess of income, beyond that of expenditure,
taking the one at the most moderate, and the other at the highest rate, would not exceed £ 500,000. Having thus stated the present state of the finances of the countrv for the current je- ir, it might be expected that there he would close his laDours. But the Committee would feel with him, that whilst discord travailed to such an extent among the nations of urope, and whilst the firebrand of war was kindling new alarms in every quarter of it, it would be necessary for him to enlarge his vie/.' s, to reach the possibility of future events, and not stop at this narrow and contracted boundary, but to shew to Euro'oe, that, as well as we are
able to maintain the contest now, so we shall be able to struggle with it, whilst war itself, according to all human cal- culations, can possibly last— that we may be able to meet the greatest dangers, even those w hich no eye can see, or thought penetrate, and to guanl against every event of war, and its greatest evils. For this purpose he was bound not to stop at the state- ments he had just nvide, but lo extend his thoughts to objects that would embrace the future security of the country in its financial system. It was not his intention, in the prosecution of that plan, to look for new objects of taxation. It redly was a matter of surprise
to observe how taxation hai increased during the last 22 years. In the j ear 17S1, they did not exceed £ 10,000,000, and Mr. Pitt thon found it a most difficult matter ev - n to raise that sum ; and now they have ris'- n from that to no less than £. 32,000,000, and the exigencies of the year are met by its resources; and the plan he should submit would be such a;, looking to a continuance of the war for any period, the i ,- untry stisll tic provided against its utmost exigencies, and every year shall provide for itseif, without hiving recourse to any expedient that would in the slightest degree militate against the pledged faith and honour ot
the. country ( a general cry of Hear! Hart); and it was a most gratifying consideration, that the plan of finance he meant to propose would leave nothing to chance, bur would embrace at once both certaintv and efficiency. The two great objects which w. re the basis or this new measure, would be the War Taxes and the Sinking Fund. The War Taxes for meeting the expendituie, and the Sinking Fund for reducing the interest of the permanent taxes ; of the latter, Mr. Pitt has all the merit of being its author, and it is one of the most valuable measures of finance that ever entered the head of any Statesman: it was considered of that
im- portance by Mr. Fox, i ut it uniformly met his most sincere and ardent applause, and, if he might be al- lowed the digression,' it made the loss of these rival Statesmen the more to be regretted; that neither of them lived to see a favourite arid great political, as • well as financial measure, mature to perfection. for their past. Favours, and hopes for a Continuance of the same; and wishes to inform them, he is selling the best WEDNESBURY COALS at lid. and the best COMMON DITTO at 9d. per Cwt. J. A. GIBBS PLUMBER and GLAZIER, H'OBURN, Bedfordshire, ~ S> ETUBNS his sincere Thanks to his Friends - K- V and
Customers, for their past Favours conferred on him in the above Branches : At the same Time informs them, he has declined Business in Favour of Mr. WILI I AM HURLEY, whom he begs to recommend to their Notice and Support. WILLIAM HURLEY, PLUMBER and GLAZIER, IVOBURN, Beds, BEGS to inform the Friends of Mr. J. A. GIBES, he has purchased and entered on the STOCK and TRADE of Mr. GIBBS; and assures them, every possible Attention shall be paid to merit their future Favours. KETTERING, N ortbamptonshire, JANUARY 24th, 1807. rpHE PARTNERSHIP lately subsisting i between the undersigned
WM. MANNING, JOSEPH CHETTLE, WILLIAM COOK, and JOSEPH BAYES, as BRICK.- MANUFACTURERS, and carried on at Kettering, in the County of North- ampton, under the Firm of MANNING & Co. was, as far as respects the said William Manning, dissolved 011 the twenty- fourth Day of January instant, by mutual Consent. T he Concern will in future be conducted under the Firm of CHLTTLE, COOK, & BAYES, who are au- thorized to receive all Pebts due to the late Partner- ship, and by whom all Demands on the same will be paid; and who respectfully solicit the Continuance of the Favours of iheir f riertds and the
Public. WILLIAM MAKNING. JOSEPH CHETTLE. WILLIAM COOK. JOSEPH BAXES. To be LETT, And entered upon immediately, or at Lady- Day next, HOUSE, situate in GOLD- STREET, NORTH- AMPTON, late in the Occupation of Mr. MONDILL, Diaper, who has declined Business; con- taining a Cellar, good Shoo, small Room, Kitchen and back Kitchen, Dinin?;- Room, and three Sleeping- Rooms, with Attic Stories. ( pj* For further Particulars, enquire of JOHN MORGAN, Daventry; or of WILLIAM MORGAN, Gold- Street, Northampton. Northampton, Jan. 30// J, 1807. To be SOLD, ~ \ Second- hand CURRICLE, . in pood
Repair, j\ and fit for immediate Use, with Harness com- plete. Enquire of JOHN CLARK, Coach- maker, Parade, Northampton. COACH is to be discontinued, Mr. Li. vi thinks it a Duty he owes to himself ami the Public ( by whom he has been so liberally p itronized), to declare, that there is not the least foundation for such Report; but on the contrary, it is intended that the LIGHT COACH shall forthwith set out every Morning, from London and Northampton, instead of three ' i isties a Week, from each Place. The NORTHAMPTON OLD COACH continues to set out every Day, as usual. Northampton, 19til Jan 1807. TIMBER. To be
SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. KIRS HAH', O11 Monday the 2d Day of February,' 1807, on the Premises, at HARPOl. E, near Northampton, ABOH r 30 very fine ELM TREES, of large Dimensions, and a Quantity of ASH TIMBER TREES, now growing near the Chuicli in HARPOLE aforesaid. The Sale to commence at Ten o'Clock on the Morn- ing of Sale. CANAL BOATS. To be SOLD bv AUCTION, Ky Mr. KIRS HAW, At the Half- Moon Inn, at BLISWORTH WHARF, near Northampton, on Monday the 9th Day of February, 1807, at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, VE good TRADING BOATS, suitable to 1any Canal. Person
concerned on the Grand Junction Timber and Poles. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By WILLIAM FERNELLY, On Tuesday the 3d of February, 1807, THE SECOND COUNTY ASSEMBLY ILL be at the. Gf. 0RGE INN, NOIVJJIA. MPTOS, v 7 on W EDNFSDAY the l « th of FEBRUARY. WM. HANRURY, Esq. ) _ CHA. KNTGHTLF. Y, Esq. $ Stewards. WANTED, by a Graduate in Priest's Orders, ' A CURACY. 1 etters, Post- paid, addressed to C. M. at the Printers', will be duly attended to. aums. A steady, well- disposed YOUTH, Education, as an APPRENTICE 111 goou To Parents and ( htar " ANTED. of liberal to a SURGEON
and A POTHE C Ak V , Practice. lor Particulars, apply to Mr. WILLIAM LOFTUS, Stationer, Banbury. JAN O AKY 29th, 1G07. VST ANTED, A steady YOUTH, as an AP- 7 PRE N TIC E to a C'HEM 1 Si & DRUGGIST. For Particulars, enquire of E. LATES, Huntingdon. \ V Ai\ TED, in a County Town, a YOUTH, * ' about 14 Years of Age, as an APPRENTICE to a good and genteel Mechanical Trade, and to attend ill a Shop. — A Premium expected. Letters, Post- paid, addressed to A. B. at the Prin- ters', will be duiy attended to. To Blacksmiths. WANTED immediately, A JOURNEYMAN BLACKSMITH, who understands Shoeing
well, and Jobbing Woik in general.— A sober, steady Man may hear of a Place by applying to THOMAS WRIGHT, Carrier, Kettering.— If a' married Man, he may be accommodated with a House to live in if required. Kettering, Jan. i^ th, 1807. WANTED, A steady single MAN, from 20 to 30 Years of Age', to look after two Horses and a Gig, and to wait at Table occasionally. He will be required to carry an infirm Gintleman up and down Stairs, and to drive him- out in the Gig every Day.— He must have a good Character from his last Place. Enquire at the Denbigh Arms Inn, Lutterworth, Leicestershire. NORTHAMPTON,
SATURDAY EVENING, Jan. 31. ^ MARRIED.] Lately, James Powell, Esq. of Carex- street, Loudon, son of David Powell, Est. of Homerton, to Catharine, daughter of the Rev. N. Cotton, rector ol'T hornbV) in this county. On Saturday sc'nnight, Captain Giddum- h, of the Oxlordshire Militia, to MisS'Austw, daughter of the late Rev. II. W. Austin, of the island of Barhadoes. On Tuesday se'nnicht, Mr. T. Jennings, to Miss Mary Poster, of Bicester, Oxfordshire" ^ On Thursday sennight, Mr. Thomas Sharp, of Karndon, in this county,, to Miss Susanna Bush, daughter of George Bush, Gent, of the same place. On Tuesday last, Mr.
Morgan, flax- dresser, to Miss Loagstair, both of this town. On Wednesday last, Mr. Win. Croxon, of Bur- ton- Latimer, to Miss Wilmot, of Guilsborough, both in this county. On Thursday last, by the Rev. E. Orlebar Smith, Robert Charles Oriebar, third son of the late R. Orlebar, of Hinwick House, Bedfordshire, Esq. to Charlotte, daughter and heiress of the late Rev. D. Shipton, of Crawley, in the s ime countv. Same day, Mr. William Bryan, of Church- Brampton, to Miss Earndon, of Creaton, both in this county. Same day, Mr. George Viccars, woolstapler, of Kettering, to Miss Ellis, of Clipston, both in this cdunty. DIED.] On the 30th
ult. at his seat at Paul's- Walden, Herts, aged S, » , the Hon. George Bowes, second son of the late and brother to the present Earl of Strathmore. ! Ou Saturday se'nnight, in the 6Rth year of his I age, Sir J. Treacher, Knight, formerly one of the I Aldermen of the City of Oxford. On Sunday se'unight, at a very advanced age, T D. Dean of Litchfield, WANTED immediately, in a genteel regular the , iev. Baptist Prnby, D. family in the Corthtry, a c ever, active , . c A u- . •>' • , , , ,. . „ FOOTMAN, who will be expected to take the il, CCt0r ° f > w! rtl" Ston » m t, ie lsltl ot Ely, and of UPWARDS of 100 ASH, ELM,' and WILLOW j Charge
of a Gig and two Horses, as well as to attend j Thoniiiaugh and Wansford, in this county TREES, together with a QUANTITY of laree ' occasionally to other Out- door Work. His Character ! had held Doddmgtou, winch ivsaid to be the „ „ ' . '' .. . . r- I tr\,\ nimt Ko v- W! ^ i -. _ ! . \ ' i . . . t 1 • i A To be S O I. D, rpHE E N T IRE LOR D: S IIIP of LITTLE- - 8. OXENDON, in the County of Northampton; consisting of upwards of 520 Acres of rich ana ancient Feeding and Meadow Land, divided into 22 Closes; together with tiie MANORS- of GREAT and LITTLE OXENDON. Land- Tax redeemed; and an ancient Payment of £. 4, in Licit of
all Tythes'. The Lordship of Oxendon is within two Miles of the Town of Market- Harborough. The London Road from thence adjoins it; and the Situation is uncom- monly fine for buildim; upon. For furthct Particulars, apply at the Law Offices of Messrs. Pares, Miles, & Eiston, in Leicester; where a Plan of the Estate may be seen. 4iUnder a Bill of Side. To be S O L I) by' AUCTION, By ANDREW GARDNER, On Mondav next the 3d of February,' rJMIF, Useful HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, the 8 Whole UTENSILS of a BAKER'S SHOP, D \ 1RY UTENSILS, and other EFFECT'S, of Mr. WU L i AM HART, Baker, on the Premises
atFENNY- STRA'l FORD, Bucks: Consisting of Four- Post and Half- Tester Bedsteads, with Furniture; seasoned Feather Beds, and Flock Ditto; Blankets and Quilts; Chests of Drawers; Dining arid Pillar and Claw Tables, Chairs, & c.; sundry Dairy Utensils, and the whole Uter. sils of a Baker's Shop ; Kitchen Fur- niture in general; two excellent Dairy Cows; a Nar- row- wheel Cart, and Baker's Ditto; Plough and Pair of Harrows; a Quantity of Straw, and a Stump of HaV, about three Tons; Faggots, hardWood, & c, with various other Elfects. The Hay and Straw must he spent tfn the Premises. — Sale to begin precisely at Ten
o'Clock in the Morn- ing, as the Whole is intended to be sold in one Day. ASH POLES, in Lots, now standing on THORP- LANDS, in the Parish of MOULTON, near North- ampton. For a View of the same, apply to Mr. COLLINS, upon the Premises. The Company are requested to meet the Auctioneer, by Ten o'Clock in the Morning, at Buttock's Booth, from whence they will proceed to Sale. " To be SOLD h^ AUCTION, By S. CATTELL, On Friday next, the 6th Day of February, at a Spinnev called DRY GROUND, in the Parish of BROCKIIALL, in the County of Northampton, under such Conditions as shall be then produced,
RPWENTY LOTS of ASH POLES, lying in the - B. said SPINNEY, and the I. OPS thereof. For Particulars, apply te Mr. JOHN HUGHES, at the Dial House, Brockhall. too must be unexceptionable. Address, Post- paid, to C. Huntingdon. D. at the Po- st- Office, He _ the most i valuable rectory in the kingdom, upwards of 55 Ash Poles. To be SOLD, On Wednesday the 11th of February, at Mr. Thomas Letts's, COLD- ASHBY LODGE, Northamptonshire, AQUANTITY of fine MAIDEN ASH POLES, fit for Coopers', Carpenters', and Farmers' Use. To be S O L D by AUG T I O N, On Monday the 16th of February, 1807, ACompact
HOUSE, in good Repair; consisting of three Rooms on a Floor, with Brewhouse, & c. annexed, situated in the Centre of OLNEY, Bucks, late in the Occupation of a Milliner. L or a view of the Premises, apply to Mr. WORLEY, Bull Inn, Olney. To be S OLD liy AUCTION, By J. JONES, On Thursday, February 19th, 1807, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, at the Red- Lion Public- House, in Kislingbury, in one Lot, subject to the usual Conditions, rjiHAT desirable Fa. EF. npi P PJOT of LAND, L situated between Bugbrook and Kislingbury, in ngbury, ow in c. Occupation of Mr. William Payne ( Tenant), who is under Notice to quit at Old
Lady- Day next; con- sisting of the following Closes, viz. A. R. I'. The Blakemoor 8 § 32 The Middle Close 10 2 12 The Further Close 10 1 36 Total.. 30 0 0 ftdT The Tenant will shew the Land. KISLINGBURY is four Miles from Northampton, and nine from Daventrv. STRAYED, from WEEDON- BEOK, on Saturday the 24th of January, 1807, A light- coloured GREYHOUND WHELP, RANTED, ia a private Family, A MAN- SERVANT, who can occasionally diive a Pair of Horses from the Box, wait at Table, i. e.— Such a Person, who can bring from his last Place an unexceptionable Character for Sobriety, Honestv, and Industry, will
meet with good Encouragement by applying at Mr. ABEL'S, Stationer, Northampton; or at Mr. BLUNSOM'S, Farrier, Wellingborough. SERVANT S. An UPPER. FEMALE " VTTANTED, » T VANT, who understands the Business of the SER- years. Sir Henry Peyton, Bart, is patron of i Doddington, an'dTbornhaugh and Wansford are in the gift of the Duke of Bedford. I Same day, aged 68, the Rev. Humphrey Hyde, I Vicar of Bourn and Dowsby, both in Lincolnshire, i The living of Bourn is in ' the gift of the' Earl of | Pomfret. j On Tuesday se'nnight, aged 69, Sir Richard Hetley, Knight, of Alwaltun, Huntingdonshire, for which county
he served the office of High Sheriff in 1800. Lately, at Bath, Captain Vincent, of the 38th the cleaning of a House in general, and can vyash and iron . well. i Noris need apply who have not lived a Year in theirTast Places, and can be well recommendec . Enquire of Mrs. DAVIS, Market- Place, Stony- Stratford, Bucks. January Ylth, 1807. Laundry in general, to wait upon a Lady, and who: I. allfi s0" of tlie late Francis \ mcent, can use her Needle well. Esq. of Weddingtoii- Hall, Warwickshire. Also, A HOUSEMAID, who has been- i. used to j Oil Tuesday last, John Brown, Esq. of Lei- ' | cester, after a short but severe illness, in which
he displayed all those pxemplary qualifications which were the characteristics of his whole life: in sickness he was patient, to death resigned ; 11 him energy of mind and simplicity of manners were united; as a friend hc was sincere, and us a parent he was never excelled and rarelv equalled. A few days ago, Mr. Cattle, an eminent gold- beater in Wormwood- street, London, formerly of Broughton, in this county. On Thursday fast, at Kegworth, Leicestershire, in the 05th year of her. age, Mrs. Dalby, relict of Mr. Dalby, surgeon and apothecary, of that place. A few days ago, at Cdleorton, Leicestershire, in the 04th year of her tige,
after a short illness, Mrs. Parker, wife of Mr. Thomas Parker. Lately, aged 47 years, Mr. N. Moxon, land- lord of the Bull's- IIead inn, in Market- Bosworth, Leicestershire. —— A Dispensation has passed the Great Seal, enabling the Rev. Charles Isham, M. A. Chaplain the Bishop of Peterborough, and rector of WYMERSLEY ASSOCIATION, For prosecuting ROBBERS, THIEVES, & c. " IV] OTICE is hereby given, That the General i-^ l Annual Meeting of this Association will be held at the House of Mr. JONATHAN HOWKINS, the Sign of the FALCON, in CASTLK- ASHBY, in the County of Northampton, on THURSDAY the 12th
Day ol FEBRUARY next, at Twelve o'Clock at NOQI>. CHAS. MARKHAM, Treasurer and Solicitor, - r. Northampton, Jan., 31st, 1807. about Half LONDON, Jan. 31. SINCE the publication o£ Lord Ilowick's Note on Saturday last, ( inserted in our first page,) the public mind has been ip a state of uncertainty, respecting the great events which have taken place on the Continent. By the arrival of vessels in several of our ports, from different places in the North of Europe, we hear on ever/ side, that the French have been defeated with prodigious loss; while the enemy are publishing bulletins, describ- ing the advantages they gained
over the Russians, previous to their retiring into winter- quarters.— 0j ' The accounts, however, which arrived in Town yesterday, from various quarters, confirm the in- Year old, answers to the Name PRIMROSE. Whoever has found him, and will bring him to telligence communicated by LordHowick:— Freehold Estate, As/ iley, Beds. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By A GARDNER,' On Friday ne; a, the 6th ot February, 1807, at the- Sign of the'Wheat- SUeaf, in Woburn, iii the County of Beds, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions as will be then and there pro- duced, AValuable FBEEUOT. D ESTATE,'
situate in the . Parish of ASPLEY, and facing the Great Nottingham Road, well situated for Public Business; consisting of two well- built, newly- ercctcd, Brick His Lordship said that at the present moment he | and Tile Dwellins- Houses, with a large Barn to each, could take the Sinking Fund at upwards of £. 8,300,000, 1 which at. a . null Expence may be made into two and the War Taxes at £. 21,000,000 making a total of! Tenements; also, five Brick and Tile Cottages, with permaneat War Taxation of about 30 millions. His | Earns, and one Acre of Garden G round ( be the same Lordship then proceeded to state his plan with
regard 1 more or less), fenced round w ith a Holly Hedge, and to future Loans, by shewing . hat not only the expences! a Spring of excellent Water- lett to respectable of the year should be met within the year, but also ; Tenants, at low Rents, the W hole amounting to the interest of the loans within their respective years, I £-_ 29 pc^ r Annum f and that by raising a surplus of 10 per cent, on such loans, and applying the same to the Sinking Fu. id, whereby that measure should be accomplished, taking the ave'rage value of £. 100 stock at £. 60, or at an interest of five per cent. ; and this he illustrated, by shewing how his measure
would operate on the loan of this yeai of 12 millions, proving to the House, the following up the same expedient adinfinitum, it would constantly be equal te the purpose intended; and esta- blished by calculations, that in ten years the Sinking Futid so accumulating wguld amount to 16 millions, and so in proportion till it completely met the amount of the whole of the interest of the funded debt, and, finally, the debt itself, and this he illustrated by a variety of computations. For a View of the Premises, apply to the Tenants; and further Particulars may be known of the Auc- tioneer, Wobum, Beds. To be SOLD by AUCTION, At the
Horse- Shoe Inn, in Daventry, on Wednesday the 4th Dayot February next, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon,, _ • VffO CLOSES of rich PASTURE LAND, _ situate at SAWBRIDGE, in the County of Warwick, containing eighteen Acres ( more or less), now in the Occupation of Mr. William Whitm. ill. JOHN RADBURNE, of Sawbridge, will shew the Premises; and for further Particulars, apply to Mr. BURTON, Attorney, Daventry. T Mr. HEWITT, Dodford, Northamptonshire, will be handsomely rewarded for their Trouble. IMPROVED BOOKS, To teach the Arts of Reading and Elocution. THE FIRST BOOK. npilF. LONDON PRIMER,
or, FIRST BOOK; Is containing the Alphabet, the simple Sounds, and a Gradation of easy and intelligible Phrases and Lessons, ornamented with sixty pleasing Cuts. By M. PELIIAM. The 20th Edition, Price Sixpence. TIIE SECOND BOOK. Dr. MAVOR's SPELLING- BOOK; being an Improvement of all other Spelling- Books, and uni- versally acknowledged to be the most useful, chaste, and practicable Book of this Kind ever published. The 35th Edition, Price Is. 6d. bound. TIIE THIRD BOOK. BLAIR'S READING EXF3RCISES; consisting of easy, familiar, and instructive Tales, Narratives, fables, Desciiptions, and Poems; to
each of which are prefixed, the long and hard Words, divided and accented in the Manner of Brown's Testament, with numerous Cuts; Price Half- a- Crown. T.' LE FOURTH BOOK. BLAIR'S CLASS BOOK, or Lessons for every Day in the Year; combining an elegant Compositifon with Instruction, on every Subject of Human Knowledge, and calculatcd in every Page to create good Taste, and, at the same Time, make the Pupil yvi- er and better; Price- 5s. bound. THE FIFTH » OOK. • CLASSICAL ENGLISH POETRY; consisting of the most admired and popular Pieces of I'oerrv in the English Language, selected and revised- by '
Dr. MAvORaud Mr PRATT; Price 5S. 6d. hound. Printed for RICHARD PHILLIPS, No. 6, Bridge- Street, Blackfriars ; sold by Birdsall, Northampton ; Robins, Daventry; Rusher, Banbury; Harrod, Har- borough; Collis & Dash, Kettering; and by all other Booksellers arid Stationers ; with the largest and fullest Allowance to Schools. Mr. PHI LLIFS has also published the following valuable elementary Books, as Exerciser' in mis- cellaneous Reading, for the. Use of Schools and young Persons:— M. ivor's British Nepos, 5s. Mavor's Plutarch, 5s. Mayor's Natural History, 6s. Gregory's Polite Education, 5s. Goldsmith's Popular
Geography, 12^. Goldsmith's History of England, 3s. 6d. Mavor's History of England, 10s. Mrs. Smith's History of England, three Vols. 15s. Lyttleton's History of England, two Yols. 8s. Burney's British Neptune, 7s. 6d. Burney's Naval Heroes, 7s. 6d. Mavor's Universal History, 25 Vols. £. S. Mavor's Roman History, three Vols. 12s. Mavor's Grecian History, two Vols. 8s. Watkins's Scripture Biography, 5s. Mavor's Father's Gift, two Vols. 9s. Elegant Extracts, Prose, 18s. Elegant Extracts, Verse, I8s. Elegant Extracts, Epistles, 15s. Russell's History of Modern Europe, five Vols. 45s. The Books of Trades, Ranks, Games, Bible
Stories, ! Omnium : Tales of the Castle, Aikin's Poetry, See. Sic. Stc. j Coils, for Acc. Pylelnook, to hold the vicarage of Oundle, in the gift of the King,, with the rectory of Poiebrook, both in this county. A Caution.— A friend to the feathered race begs leave to inform gentlemen sportsmen, who have not read the late Act of Parliament, that partridge shooting now ends the 1st, and not as formerly on the 14th of February. Thursday at a meeting of the members of the Oxford troop of cavalry, it was resolved that the troop should be broken up, and the arms returned to Government. Sir Gilbert Heath'cote has disposed of his cele brated pack of ' hutjjids to Lord Loivther. The- Countess of Jersey has established a free- school, at her own' expence, near her seat'at Mid- restain's I oieton, in Oxfordshire, for 24 girls and boys; Jiers of l'l of them are likewise clothed at her expence. A number of the Dutch prisoners of war at Norman- Cross having expressed their readiness to enlist into the; service'Of this country, this circum- stance has, with necessary precautions, been take'ti, advantage of, by , Government; and last week upwards of 60 of them, whose services have been ' accepted, were marched under an escort of the Pembrokeshire " militia, lo
Portsmouth, to be dis- tributed on bpaid ships of war. Monday se'nnijjht was the appointed dav for detertniiiiffc; the challenge by the chesnut mare, late belonging to Mr. Felson, against all England, to- trot sixteen miles, 8st. Gib. and accepted by the Loadon sportsmen. The ground from Cambridge to Huntingdon.,,. The chcsnut mare was accordingly ready, and'the- London gentlemen had the pheno- menon mare on the ground, mounted and ready, A letter has been received from Mr. Thornton, by Government, inclosing General Mor proclamation, which informs the Dantzicls the victory gaingd by the Russians over the French
on the 29th ult. Other letters from Copenhagen state, that the fact was universally believed there. Bonaparte was at Warsaw on the 81 h inst. but the Russians ha\ e crossed the Vistula, and an en- gagement took place on the 7th atSyachscliaw, on the road between Warsaw and Posen, in which the French have been completely defeated.— Letters from Dantzic mention, that 40,000 French pri- soners have been marched into Koningsburg. Yesterday afternoon a Messenger arrived from St. Petersburg!! to the Russian Minister, with dispatches, which state, that " half ihf French army zt cre immolated on the 29th ult."— These
are said to be the precise words in the official dispatch to the Russian Ambassador. A letter from Deal, received yesterday, says, " A£ American schooner, which arrived here this morning, left Rotterdam two days since, where it was reported, that the Russians had gained a con- siderable victory over the Frciirh, near the river Bug, in which the French lost 60,000 men and 90 ( pieces of cannon.— Bonaparte is said to have got j, this cdunty. He ha^ j left a wife and nine children. back to Paris, and prohibited any papers being published." A Husum Mail arrived yesterday, with Papers from Hamburgh ( o the !> 2d. The surrender of
Breslaw is officially announced in a letter, dated the 10th, from that city. A capitulation was signed on the 5th inst; by which the garrison surrendered prisoners of war. . By New- York Papers to .. the< 6th inst. we learn that Mr. Burr has been acquitted. - SPRING CIRCUITS." Norfolk, Lord Ellenborough and Mr. Justice Grose--— Midland, Lord Chief Justice Mansfield . and Mr. Baton Graham.— Home, Lord Chief Baron Macdcnald . ahd Mr. Justice Heath.— Oxford, Mr. Baron Thompson ahd Mr. Justice Lawrence.— Northern, Mr. Justice Rooke ifiid Mr. Justice Le Blanc.— Western, Mr. Justice Chambre and Mr. Baron Manners
Sutton. PRICE OF Morn STOCKS. I Sat. Bank Stock .. 3 per Ct. Red. j60| U 3 per Ct. Cons. 4 per Ct. Cons. Sper Ct. N... Imp. 3 per Cts. India Stock .. India Bonds .. Exc. Bills ... 60155 594 60', 60iii 781 79I79 95££ 181i 2s4s p 95i* Tu. 216 60J 60M m 95 94PH 3s4s p pr2s p] 2s p p 34 pt. 34 4 604 mil Wed. 60i 784 79 180JJ 3s 4sp 4s. p. Is. d. Is p Sii [%• , . GOiiS ] 60iii| 60| Th. 216 60J 60J 79£ 94i 60i 182 3s. p p Is d 4i Fr. Hoi. hut, at I'lC linjti'uppointcd to start, they declined; coiisiquentlWilfe^ tfhesnut mare walked over the road for the Tptj^-;. On Thursday. inorning last, John Patrick, a poor man, was found hanging in an out house atliushtrtn, On Monday, a'Corgner's Inquisition was " taken at Deritend, near Birmingham, on a woman who was bunit to death in consequence of her clothcs taking fire from'some; Spirits of wine, which were thrown upon a stoVe in a manufactory where she worked.. Verdict— Accidental Death'. The prisoners in the county gaol return thanks to a Lady of this town for one guinea, left in the hands of the gaoler. PRICE of CORN per Quarter at Northampton, Saturday, Jan. 31. Wheat, 68s. to 76s. Od Rye, 47 » . Od. to 48s. Barley, 34s. Od to 37s. Od. Oats, 20s. 0d. to 25s Ou. J. GRAFTON Beans, 40* Od. to 42s Od. Peas,
38s Od. to40s. id. By the Standard Measure. Inspector. Corn- Exchange, London, Friday, Jan. 30. The supplies of Wheat to- da\ are considerable, and prices are lower.— Barley is cheaper.— Malt at less. — White Peas continue dear.— Beans, of each kind", are rather lower — Oats are likewise at l,. ss prices. — Flour is very heavy in sales LIST of FAIRS, from Feb. 3, to Feb. 14, within the Circuit . if this Paper. Th. Feb. 5. Weldon and Leighton- Buxxard, M. 9. Berkhamstead and Litchfield. Tu. 10. Stamford. W. 11. Dunstable. Th. 12. Banbury. F. —— 13. Biggleswade. S. 14. Beaconfield, Bucks.
emsmrogstisasioanetms 7s O N c, In the New Opera of FALSE ALARMS. C A1 D a Smite ( o a Tear, On the cheek of my dear, And beam'd like the sun in spring weather, " In sooth, lovely Tear, " It strange must appear, " Thst we should be both here together. " 1 came from the heart, 1 " A soft balm to impart, " To yonder sad daughter of grief:" " And 1," - said the Smile, " That heart now beguile, " Since you gave the poor mourner relief." " Oh! then," said the Tear, " Sweet Smile, it is clear, » We are twins, and soft Pity our mother: " And how lovely that face " Which together wc grace, " For the woe and the bliss of another I" i • II
.... 1 — ANECDOTES of BONAPARTE. The Emperor Napoleon rises early in the morn- j iu « f, for he sleeps very little, notmore than three or ! four hours a night. After having taken his coffee, | of which he is very fond, as he never drinks less | than thirty cups a day, made very strong, he goes ' to his bath, the water'of which is mixed with some medical preparation, to cure the effects of the impurity of his blood, which is visible upon his skin. As he can never be a momeut idle, and makes the most of his time, he is attended by a person who understands the English language per- fectly, and has the ability of translating it without
hesitation into French. He, therefore, reads the English Newspapers to the. L'tnperor, as if he had a French paper in his bauds. This ho calls his hour of amusement, and sometimes laughs at the absurdity and ignorance of the English writers, as he calls their contents. The person who reads to him is instructed not to pass bv tmv expressions, or to soften them, he must read as he meets them ; for he likes to know what '. he enemy thinks and writes of him. Aftef having bathed, he dresses himself and goes to hi:, ctwnber, where he has always some one to attend hint; his Ministers or Officers have the preference, next his private
Secretary, He is called at. the hour of dinner, and but half an hour is occupied at that meal, for he j eats very little; and seldom has any appetite, | on account of the quantity of coffee which he drinks from time to time. In the afternoon he is as btisyttsln the morning, but allows himself, sometimes thrice a week, an hour to go to some theatre., or other : but it is never known when he goes, or which theatre he means ' to visit; lie very seldom knows it himself till dinner time, when he inquires for the different plays which are to be given in the night. The Empress accom- panies him always; she is fond of him, and he is very much
attached to her. He is always attended by Rostan, a Mameluke, who is very' much attached to him. He was a common man, whose family and relations suffered greatly in Egypt; lionapaiwhen in that country j took a fancy to him, and, after having proved his fidelity, employed him in his service; he raised him from time to time, and he is now a Colonel. He is not only with him every where in the day time, but in the night, he is the nearest to his person. Madame Bonaparte does not sleep with him. Rostan sleeps before the door of his bed- chamber, so that it is impossible it can be opened without disturbing him. When lie is upen
his post, the EmperoV thinks himself safe; for he relies more upon this Mameluke than upon all the pages, guards, and watchmen, that are placed in the dif- ferent avenues to his bed- room. ROUSE if COMMONS, Friday, Jan. 23. Mr. WYNNE, pursuant to notice he had given, moved, " That a Committee be appointed to enquire into the state of the Criminal and Pauper Lunatics confined in Prisons in England and Wales;" which was ordered. Mr. WHIT- BREAD gave notice, that on an early day he should move for leave to bring in a Bill tor the better Regulation of the Poor Laws. COI. ONEL CAWTHOKNI. General PORTER rose
to bring forward a motion upon the subject of Colonel Cawthorne's retaining a seat in Parliament. He could assure that Gentleman, and the Hoifte, that he was by no means actuated by anv motive of a personal nature towards Mr. Caw- thorne; but he felt himself called on by imperious circumstances, as a Member of the House, to assert the honour and character of the Commons. He said, that Mr. Cawthorne, a Member of the House, now present, having been expelled a former Parliament, in consequence of a sentence of a Court- Martial, which pronounced him guilty of eleven charges out of four- teen, he put it to their honour
and dignity, whether the person under those circumstances, who had been expelled by a former Parliament, should be allowed to retain a seat in the present > The sentence of the Court- Martial being read, a debate of some length took place, in which Mr. Cawthorne, Lord Ilowick, Mr. Spencer Stanhope, " and several other Members took apart. The argu- ments were chiefly on the point of torm. The result was, that the House adopted the following motion of Lord Howick :—" That a Committee be appointed, to examine the Journals of the House and Records of Parliament, for precedents of eases of Members who had been
expelled that House, and tpr what causes; and also th: cases of persons who, after having been expelled, had been again returnc"! to Parliament, to- gether with the proceedings there. XIARU'S XFAV ATTN BEATTIFI'L F. TLITIOX OP BUFFOS's NATURAL HISTORY, ( WitA coloured Plates). This Dav is published. No. 1. elegantly printed in Octavo, on superfine Paper, and embellished with a complete Set of beautiful Copper- Plates, ac- curately coloured from Nature, by the most cele- brated ' Artists ; Price only Is. 6d. each, or, with plain Plates, Price is. ( to be regularly continued every Week), of • R > 1 TFFON's NATURAL
HISTORY; containing a > a Theory of the Earih, a general History of Man, of the Brute Creation, and ot Vegetables, Minerals, & c. translated from the French, and inter- spersed with Notes. By J. S. BARR, F. sq. To which is added, bv Way of a complete Supple- ment, H NATURAL HISTORY of BIRDS, REP- T11. ES, FISH, and INSECTS. This valuable Work will ba regularly continued every Saturday, and will be completed in 94 Numbers, forming, beyond Comparison, the most complete and elegant Natural History in the English, or any other Language, beautifully printed, and making fifteen Volumes, in Octavo, which contain
near 5000 Pages of beautiful Letter- Press, beside the elegant and nu- merous Set of original Copper- Plates, taken from Life. TO THE PUBLIC. The Advantages arising from the entertaining Study of Natural History, are too generally felt and acknow- ledged to need Enlargement in favour of a Work cal- culated to assist that enlightening Pursuit; it may therefore be sufficient to remark, that the general Mr. Pinkerton's Modern Geography. NEW EDITION. This Day is published, in three large Volumes, 4to. with numerous Maps, drawn under the Direction of the Author, and forming an universal modern Atlas, Price .£. 6 6s. in
Boards, a new Edition, greatly enlarged. Vol. 1. containing Europe; Vol. II. Asia; Vol. 111. America and Africa, OI) ERN GEOGRAPHY: A Description - of the Empires, Kingdoms. States, and Co- lonies, with the Oceans, Seas, and Isles, in all Parts of the Worbi; including the most recent Discoveries and Political Alterations. Digested on a new Plan. By JOHN PINK ERTON. The Astronomical Introduction by the Rev. S. Vince, A. M. I'. R. S. and Plumian Professor of Atronomy and Experimental Philosophy in the Uni- versity of Cambridge. To the Whole is added, » Catalogue of the best Maps and Books of Travels, in all
Languages, and an ample Index. Printed for T. CADEI. I. SC W. DAVIES, Strand'; and Longman, Hurst, Rces, and Orme, Paternoster- Row, London. The Extension of' the Work to three laffrc Volumes has enabled the Author to give to its several Parts a juster Proportion and greater Harmony than in the former Edition; and, in Consequence of the Foreign Editions having excited the Attention of Statesmen, as well as Men of Letters, he has received so much valuable Assistance, that scarcely a Country can be named, on which new Information has not been given, derived from some distinguished Naiive or scientific Traveller.
During the Author's late Residence in CHURCII's COUGH DROPS, The cheapest and best Medicine for COUGHS, COLDS, and ASTHMAS. A fresh Proof of their astonishing Efficacy. MIOMAS EDMUNDS, Guard to the" Bir- 1 mingham and Sheffield Mail Coach, declares his I Life was preserved to his Wife and Family by the sole Use of CHURCH'S COUCH DROPS. One Bottle ot which, purchased at Mr. Swinney's, Bookseller, High- Street, relieved him from a most suffocating Asthmatic Cough; and that by persevering in taking them, to tile Number of live Bottles, was enabled to resume his Employment, and is HOW perfectly
re- stored, which he voluntarily certifies under his Hand, at Birmingham, the 16th of March, 1805. THOMAS EDMUNDS. Messrs. SIIAW Se F. BWARDS, 66, St. Paul's Church- Yard, London, having purchased this and all Mrs. CHURCH'S Medicines, none can possibly be THIRTY THOUSAND POUNDS For the first - drawn Ticket On Wednesday the 4th of February. r|", HE rich of the Wheel, and the low Price of Tickets, make the present the most i favourable Time for adventuring in the Lottery. ' RICHARDSON, GOODLUCX, & CO. of Cornhill and Charing - Cross, respectfully acquaint the Public,. Tickets and Shares,
warranted undrawn, continue oh Sale at their Offices in London, and at their Agent's, Mr. W. RUSHER, Bookseller, BANBURY. BANKRUPTS required to SURRENDER. Edward Meredith, of Blackmoor- street, London, linen- draper, Jan. 31, Feb. 7, and March?, at Guild- hall.- Attorney, Mr. Hitman, Wine- Office- court, Fleet- street. Outline of the present Design i » ' to give a correct pf>- ^ Paired many scarce Works, the Want of . 1 .... . ' . -. . * . • whi/' h 11/• H. i/ I K -. f/ Afii rac rnHo; - inrl * lw » r Description of, and Theory of the Earth, the History of Man, and of the Brute Creation, of Vegetables, Minerals, and of the various
Birds, Fish, Reptiles, and Insects, which adorn animated Nature; together with a clear succinct Account of their Habits, Customs, and Qualities, on the Authorities of reon ; and to report the same to the House." _ .'< A petition was presented by Lord George Caven- dish, from the Freemen of Lancaster, touching the proceedings intended against their Representative, John Fenton Cawthorne, Esq. NAVY ESTIMATES. Mr. THOMAS GRENVII I. E, First Lord of the Admi- ralty, in a Committee, brought up< the Navy Esti- mates, in which a most important measure, in respect to the British Navy, was adopted, viz,, Kan addition of
10,000 Seamen. The Right Hon, Gentleman stated famous Ales — F the existing necessity for increasing number of I' Beers— Matchles Seamen from 120,000" to 130,000; & « d! proposed a va- riety of regulations, tending to strengthen that great bulwark of our national deteaep. The several resolutions being read in the Committee, and the sums voted, were as follow :— £. 240,500, as Wages for the additional 1.0,000 Seamen for 1807. £. 247,000, for Victuals for the above Seamen. =£. 390,000, for Wear and Tear, of Ships for ditto. £. 32.500, for Ordnance Stores, at as. per man, monthly, for the same number. , G. l, l35,134,
for Ordinaries of the Navy, for the year 1807. £. 2,134,903, for building Ships oi War in merchants' yards, during the same period. .£. 1,500,000, tbrthe hire of Transports, Sec. .£. 300,000, for sick and wounded Seamen. £. 500,000, for Prisoners of War— all for the year A debate of great length and considerable warmth afterwards took place on the Report of the Army Estimates. Sir John Doyle, Bart, a military man, in an excellent speech, defended Mr. Windham's plan for recruiting the army, and, with much humour, ridiculed Lord Castlereagh's long speeches aiju ob- jections to it: lie drew an admirable and a true character of
Mr. Fox: Fie likewise alluded to the Volunteer System, which he had always approved of, and condemned the conduct of Ministers in damping the ardour of that band of patriots. Sir John con- cluded, by beseeching the gentlemen ojt both sides of the house not to dispute about who were in, or who were out, but to assist in keeping our the common enemy to the peace of mankind. The eyes of all the world were directed to the deliberations of the Parlia- ment of this country, which was the last prop of ex- piring liberty in Europe. The enemy was fierce and vindictive, and aimed at our extirpation, and total de- struction.— The
debate lasted till half- past three o'clock in the morning. Buflon Lewenhock Ray Hunter GeoflVe Swammerdam Derham Lettsome Johnson Spallangan Del. aPluche Edwards Malpighi Rheaumur Gouan Pennant Maralu Willoughby Monro and other eminent Naturalists; the Transactions of the various Philosophical Societies in Europe, and the most respectable Travellers and Voyagers. Every At- tention has been paid to render this Work as complete and correct as possible, which the Translator and Editor has more particularly undertaken, at the Desire of many of the Nobility and Gentry of this Kingdom, as ho complete History
of the Kind has hitherto been published. ( pT To prevent Mistakes, and the Obtrusion of former and inferior Works on the Subject, the Public are requested to ask for, or order, EARR'S new and beautiful Edition of BUFFON'S' NATURAL HISTORY, which is executed in a Degree of very superior Ex- cellence, with the Plates coloured. London : Printed from the Translation of Mr. BARR, for the Proprietor; and sold by H. D. Svmonds, No. 20, Paternoster. Row; and may be had of all Booksellers and Newsmen in Town and Country, on 1 the above Terms. Just published, A NEW and EI. ET. ANT EDITION of the above, in fifteen
Volumes, 12mo. which will be found to be the cheapest Edition of But ION ever ofiered to the Public. • £. s. d. In Boards, Price, with plain Plates 3 15 0 Bound in Sheep, and Lettered, Ditto 4 4 0 Ditto, Calf, and Lettered, Ditto 4 10 0 Elegantly bound in Calf, Gilt and Lettered, Pit* 4 17 6 LITERATURE AND THE FINE ARTS. On the 1st of March, 1807, will be published ( Price two Shillings), No. I. of a new and superb peri- odical Work, with splendid Embellishments, entitled, RPHE CABINET; or, MOKTIILY REPORT of I POLITE LITERATURE; including a Review of Books, and accompanied by a Cabinet Edition ( se- parately
paged, and ornamented), of the most popular English Plays, with Anecdotes and Annotations, Bio- graphical, Critical, and Dramatic. The Contents of this Work will be arranged under the several Heads of Biography, the Arts, Criticism, Anecdotes, Miscellany, Poetry, the Drama ; a Review of Books and Music, the London Theatres, the Pro- vincial and Foreign Stages, & c.; and will consist of a vast Variety of interesting and valuable Articles. Twelve Half- Sheets, 96 Pages, will be given in each Number; and two Engravings, one to accompany the Magasine, the other to embellish the appended Edition of the Theatre, to which 24
Pages will be appro- priated monthly. The Work will be printed with a new Type, cast for the Purpose, and on a fine yellow Wove Paper, manufactured expressly for the Cabinet. London : Printed for the Proprietor; and published by MATHEWS & I. EICH, 18, Strand; and sold by Birdsall, Abel,, and Burnham, Northampton ( where a Prospectus, explaining the Plan and Objects of this Work at large, may be had gratis); and sold by all the Booksellers, Stationers, and Nevvscarriers through- out the United Kingdom. DOMES TIC RECEIPTS, And choice Secrcis, in useful awl elegant Arts, Ac. many of which have been singly
purchased at the Expcnce oj'several hundred Pounds, and produced large Fortunes to Individuals. A new, cheap, and most invaluable Work, requisite for all Families, both in Town and Country. THIS DAY WAS PUBLISHED, Price only Sixpence, Number I. to be continued Weekly, till completed in fifty Numbers only, or the Overplus delivered gratis to Subscribers, making one large handsome Volume Quarto, beautifully printed on Superfine Papar, with an excellent Type, of MIE FAMILY RECEIPT- BOOK; or, U. vi- ERRAL REPOSITORY ot useful KNOWLEDCE and EXPERIENCE in all the various Branches of DOMESTIC
ECONOMY; including scarce, curious, jfod valuable, select Receipts, and choice Secrets, in Pickling, Agriculture, Preserving, Farriery, Perfumery, Gardening, Dyeing, Hunting, Gilding, Fishing, Painting, Fowling, Varnishing, See. Sic. Sec. TOGETHER WITH . 1. Familiar Directions for Brewing and Managing the best London Porter, Brown Stout, Amber, and other celebrated strong Beers— Genuine Burton, Dor- chester, Windsor, Welch, Edinburgh, and other " ine Spruce, Cherry, and Treacle Beers— Matchless Home- brewed Ale and Table- Beer, tec. Sec. 2. Original and invaluable Instructions for mana- i ging, as well as for
imitating, all the chief foreign Wines, for making British Wines of all Sorts, pos- sessing uncommon Strength and high Flavour, from our own native Fruits ; and for preparing rich Cordials of every Description, far superior to any ever jet publicly manufactured in England; as well as for im- proving the Flavour of Brandies, Rums, Arracks, Gins, Whiskies, Usquebaughs, Ratafias, Sec. ; and for making Cyder, Perkin, Vinegar, Verjuice, Perry, Mum, Mead,' Metheglin, Sec. '. I. Specifications of approved Patent Medicines, all the most serviceable Preparations for Domestic Pur- poses, and numerous successful Improvements in the
ornamental as well as useful Arts, Manufactures, & c. extracted from the Records of the Patent Office, trans- lated from Foreign Journals, tec. in all the Languages ot Europe. 4. The best and most approved Methods of breeding, rearing, and fattening Cattle. Sheep, Poultry, Pigs, Deer, Rabbiis, and other domesticated Animals ; English and Foreign Birds, Sic.; and for relieving their various Maladies ; as well as for effectually de- stroying noxious Vermin and Insects of every dif- ferent Species. The Whole forming a complete Library of valuable Domestic. Knowledge, and General Economy, se- lected from the Experience of Ages
; and combined with all the chief modem Discoveries and Improve- ments of our own and other Countries, in those useful and elegant Arts, which not only so eminently con- tribute to the Happiness, the Convenience, and the Comfort, of civilized and social Life, but even to the Preservation and Prolongation of Lite itself. London: Printed for the EDITORS; and published by S. A. ODDY Se Co. 27, Oxford- Street; and W. ODDY, 108, opposite Warwick - Lane, Newgate- genuine but such as have their Names engraved on the Stamp, " Shaw ( S Edwards, 66, St. Paul's Church- Yardthe Imitation ot which is Felony.— Price only 2s.
fid. per Bottle. Sold, Retail, by Dicey Se Sutton, Edge, and Marshall, Northampton; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventr. V; Gallard, Towcester; Collis & Dash, Ket- tering; Harrod, Harborough; and by all other Dealers in Medicines in the United Kingdom. which he had before regretted, and the most recent Spanish Materials, concerning their Colonies in North and South America. Hence the Account of New Spain, of the three Vicetoyaltics in South America, of Chili, and the Government of Caraccas, will be found to contain much new, authentic, and important Information. The Description of the United States has also been greatly
improved and enlarged, from the most authentic. Materials; and that of the West Indies extended as their Importance to this Country required. Five new Maps, too, are added, of the vairous Subdivisions of South America. Mr. Aikin has carefully revised the Botanical Part throughout; Dr. Shaw has added Zoological Remarks at the End of each Volume; and every Exertion has been used to render the Work as complete as possible. t — l The Seventh Number, for January, 1807, containing a Sketch of the Life of Dr. Drake, of Hadleigh, and some Account of his Writings, embellished with two elegant Plates, by the best Artists^
Willi, e published February lrf, 1807, Price If. Sd. to be continued Monthly, | ONTIII. Y LITERARY RECREATIONS; 1* S. or MAGAZINE of GENERAL INFORMATION and AMvsFMiNT; being the first Number of the second Volume ; containing the general Index, Title, and a beautiful Frontispiece, from the Romance of Eliezer and Nephtaly, to complete the first Volume. From the unprecedented Demand for the six Numbers already published of this interesting Ma- gazine, the Editors and Publishers feel it their Duty to make every Improvement that may with Propriety be suggested; and, in Addition to the very extensive Variety
contained in tiie former Numbers, the lowing new Articles will occasionally be intradticed:— 1. A Biographical Account ot a celebrated living Author, either British or Foreign, also of one deceased. 2. The Subjects of the Plates to be taken from new and expensive Works, or Portraits of distinguished Lireraty Characters. 3. A' particular Account of all the public?- Places of Amusement in London. 4. Poetical Blossoms, consisting of original and select Pieces from admired Poets of the present Day. Some interesting Particulars of the seventh Number, most of which are Favours from Literary Friends:— Fruitless Search. By Toby
Thatch— Anecdotes of Lord Nelson. W. H. A. M.— A Russian Tale. T. W.— The Morning Ghost. 7..—- Stage Sketches. Z. — Henri and Marianne. R.— Correspondence between two Friends. V.— A Sketch of Cervantes, the Novel Writer. P.— Essay on Natural and Moral History. P. Original Poetry.— Hidallan's Poems. Continued by- Allan Cunningham, a Masr-. n of Dumfries— Ode to the New Year. A.— Myself. J. P.— The Dutchman in London. P. P.— Also, short Pieces by Dr. Perfect. C. S. B. J. M. L. and T. W. Essay on Solitude. W. P. B.— A general View of the State of the Arts and Sciences— Account of Dr. N. Drake
and his Works; also Extracts from his Literary Hours. Prose and Verse Translations.— William Tell, by the Author of Eliezer and Nephtaly— Epistles from Horace. C. S. B.— Woeand Pity— Chess— Sec. Sec. The first Volume, for the Months of July to De- cember, 1806, is now completed, and contains upwards of 500 Articles in Prose and Verse; Price 10s. n6d. Half- bound. Printed for B. CROSRY & Co. Stationer's- Court, London; and sold by Abel, Watts, Birdsall, and Burnham, Northampton; Robins, Daventry; Raw- botham, Loughborough; and by every Vender of Books in the United Kingdom. rpi mable Rheumatism, Pains
tn the Iambs, < Sc. Dr. Bateman's Pectoral Drops. HE Public never had a more valuable Me- d: cine presented to them, than these inesti- Drops, as a certain Cure in Rheumatic and Chronic Complaints, violent Colds, and consequent Pains in the Limbs, giving Relief in the most violent Fits of the Gout; in short, it has now been so long established, and its Virtues so well known to the Public in general, that it would be needless to say more in its Praise: But great as the gocd Effects are from taking the True and Genuine Bateman's Drops, the Consequences resulting from taking the Counterjeit Sorts, are too frequently as much
the Reverse, the ill Effects of which have been often experienced : 11 is therefore recommended to evary one to take parti- cular Notice, that the Words " Dicey and Co. No, 10, Bew Church- Yard," are printed in the Stamp affixed to each Bottle, and signed at the Top of each Bill of Directions— All others are COUNTERFEIT. ( ps" As a Proof of the Necessity of strictly at- tending ti the above Caution, we subjoin the following Letter, as a Proof of the. total Ineflicctcy of Counterfeits. " Having been severely afflicted for a long Time with Pains in my Limbs and Joints, from a bad Cold, I was recommended to try Dr. BATEMAN'S
DROPS, and took three Bottles without receiving the least Benefit; when 1 bega.. to suspect that the Medicine I had been taking was not the genuine Sort, and there- fore resolved to procure another Bottle from a different Shop : This I found to be the genuine Medicine, with the Words * Dicey and Co.* printed in the Stamp ; and by taking this one Bottle I found Relief from all my Pains, and am now as well as ever I was in my Life. — To prevent the Afflicted from being thus imposed upon by COUNTERFEITS, you have my full Permission to publif. h this in any Way you please; and, with the utmost Gratitude, 1 remain,
Gentlemen, *' Your ever- obliged Servant, » JAMES BIGGS, 11 Serjeant lltli Light Dragoons. Blatchingttn Barracks. Sussex, July 27, 1304." Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Dicey and Co. No. 10, Botv Church- yard, London, Price Is. lid Tomlinsons, and Thompson, Copthall- courr, Tliiogl Price morion- street. Thomas Atkinson, of Brown's- quav, Wapping London, wharfinger, Feb. 7, 14, and' March 7, at Guildhall.— Attorney, Mr. Jackson, Fenchurcli- buildings. George Scott, of Upper Thames- street, London, grocer, Jan. 27, Feb. 7, and March 7, at Guildhall.— Attorney, Mr. Godinond, Bride- court, New Bridce- street. 6 William
Richardson, of New- cross, Surrey, baker Jan. 27, Feb. J, and March 7, at Guildhall, London.' Attorney, Mr. Kayll, Crown- street, Newington. William Powell, of Brecon, liquor- merchant, Jan 31, Feb. 7, and March 7, at Guildhall, London — Attormes, Messrs. Smith and Settee, Great St. He- len's, Bishopsgate- street. Thomas Garner, of Greenwich, Kent, victualler Jan. 27, Feb. 3, and March 7, at Guildhall, London! Attorney, Mr. Fillingham, Union- street, Whitc- chapel. William Grove, of the Poultry, London, haber- dasher, Jan. 27, Feb. 7, and March 7, at Guildh, Attorney, Mr. Loxley, Cheapside. uildhall. Josejj'h Spencer, of
Taplow Mill, Bucks, miller, Jan. 27, Feb. 10, and March 7, at Guildhall, London. Attornies, Messrs. Pearce, Dixon, and Allen, Pater, noster- row. John Galloway, of Brook- street, Holborn, London, engineer tool and lathe- maker, Jan. 30, Feb. 14, and March 7, at Guildhall.— Attorney, Mr. Patten Cross- stieet, Hatton. garden. Thomas Wilcocks, of Orchard- street, Westminster baiter, Jan. 30, Feb. 14, and March 7, at Guildhall.— — Attornies, Messrs. Vincent and Upstone, Bedford- street, Bedford- square. John Lockhait Barnard, of Russell- square, London, stock- broker, Feb. 7. 14, and March?, at Guildhall. Attornies, Messrs.
Mayo and Pearse, Cloak- lane. Robert Morlev, of Old- street- road, London, money- scrivener, Jan. 27, Feb. 7, and March?, at Guildhall Attorney, Mr. Calcraft, Lyon's Inn. William Richardson, of Wortham, Kent, innkeeper Jan. 30, Feb. 7, and March 7, atGuildhall, London' Attorney, Mr. Poole, Sergeant's Inn. Edward Newbury, of Old Broad- street, London, builder, Jan. 31, Feb. 7, and March 7, at Guildhall Attornies, Messrs. Smith and Tilson, Chapter- house St. Paul's Church- yard. John Morris, of Union- street, Bond- street, London, lot and shoe- maker, Jan. 31, Feb. 7, and March 7, r... uu. li Attorney, Mr. Metcalf, Basinghall- 1
Cooker; 1, Medicine, Confectionary, Pastry, Brewing, Distilling, Rectifying, Street; sold, also, by every other Bookseller, Stationer, and Newsman, in the United Kingdom. Spilslntry's Antiscorbutic Drops. rj^ HE Return of Eruptive Complaints at this .8. " Season, when the cold Weather prevents the Perspiration from acting as a Corrective, is shewn in miny Habits by itching, and much Irritation under the Skin. It is now ascertained, that the Action of SPII. SBURY'S PATENT ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS gives instant Relief, by removing all Obstructions in the secretory Vessels, even when under the Action of Scrofula. Its good Effects
as a Medicine in giving Appetite, pleasant to take, and requiring no Cessation ol Business or Recreation, and its Existince as a Re- medy in various Complaints for more than thirty Years in Repute, are Facts that deny Deception. Mr. . SPII, SBURY is not accountable for any Mixture sold, unless the Words " By the King's Patent" ara inserted at Length " on the Bill of Directions, Bottle, and Wrapper; the Stamp also ( the King's Duty) is printed in black Ink instead of red Ink. Sold at the Dispensary, No. 15, Soho- Square, London, in Bot- tles of 5s. 6d. 10s. and =£. 1 2s. Duty included.— Compound Essence 8s. ,( f3T Sold also by
the Printers of this Paper; Mr. ( Tkely, and Mr. Palgrave, Bedford ; Mather, Wel- lingborough; Collis & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry ; Corrall, Lutter- worth ; and by most Venders of Patent Medicines in Town and Country. Propriety of personal Appearance. BEAUTY and HEALTH cannot be more essentially promoted than by attending to the Proservation of the TEETH. j\/ I" R. NEWTON's RESTORATIVE TOOTH JTX POWDER having received the Approbation of the first Nobility, Gentry, and a generous Public, by an extensive Consumption tor a Series of Years, as well as the Attestation of its
superior Excellence, from the Analysis of its component Parts, by the most distinguished Medical Characters, who have pro- nounced it the most pleasant Vegetable Tooth- Powder known, to increase the Beauty of" the Enamel, and promote the Durability ot the Tooth; and which has, in Consequence of its experienced Advantages, been honoured with the immediate Patronage of their Ma- jesties, and the various illustrious Branches of the Roval Family, Nobility, Gentry, Sec. in the United K- ingdom.— NEWTON's TOOTH- 1 OWDER is an Astringent and Antiscorbutic Powder, a delicate Aro- matic, extremely grateful to the
Palate, and pleasant in its Use; in fine, to those who apply it, it is a certain Preventative to Pain or Decay of the Tooth to the latest Period of Life. Itcontinues to be faithfully prepared by Mr. Newton ( only), at his House, Kennington- Piace, Vauxhall ( late of Great Russell- Street), London, irom the genuine Recipe of the late Sir Richard Jebb, Physician to their Majesties, & c.; and sold, Wholesale, Retail, and for Exportation, by Messrs. Shaw Se Edwards, No. 66, St. Paul's Church- Yard, whom he has em- powered to make a liberal Allowance to his Town and Country Venders, Merchants, & c.; also, Retail, by Dicey & Co.
Edmonds, and Marshall, Northampton; Smith, Bedford; Merridew, and Rollason, Coventry; Robins, Daventry; Queneborough, Dunstahle; Collis Se Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Dawson, and Harrod, Harborough; I nwood, Newport- Pagnell; Richardson, Stony - Stratford; and by every Perfumer and Me- dicine- seller in the Kingdom, in Boxes, at 2s. 9d. each. N. B. Please to ask for Newton's Toelh- Pswdtr ; and sec that B. H. Newton is wrote on each Box, with red Ink, as all others sold as Newton's are Impositions. s. d. True Daffy's Elixir 2 6 Smaller Bottles - 1 8 Dr. Radclitie's Elixir 1 1} Betton's British Oil 1 9 Squire's Grand Elixir
1 9 Bostock's Elixir - 2 6 Pike's Ointment - 1 9 Stoughton's Elixir 1 1J Friar's Balsam - 1 lj Bathing Spirits - 0 9 Clinton's Snuli; & Oil 1 6 s. d. Dr. Anderson's Scots Pills, 30 in a Box 1 1J Hooper's Female Pills 1 1* Godfrey's Cordial 0 9" Golden Se plain Spirits boot at Guildhall.- street. Stephen Purkiss, of Acton- green, Middlesex, car- penter, Jan. 30, Feb. 14, and March 10, at Guild- hall.— Attorney, Mr. Bower, Clifibrd's- Inn. Joshua Richard Wilkinson, of Three- Oak- lane, 2, 10, and March Attornies, Messrs. Swain and Stevens, Old Jewry. James Mair, of Fenchurch- buildings, London, In- surance- broker, Jan. 31, Feb. 14, and
March 10, at Guildhall.— Attornies, Messrs. Swain and Stevens, Old Jewry. Thomas Wood, of Hereford, statuary, Jan. 28, 29, and March 7, at the City Arms hotel, Hereford.— Attorney, Mr. Woodhouse, Hereford. John Kershaw, ot Shaw Chapel, Lancashire, cotton manufacturer, Feb. 5, 6, and March 7, at the house of Mr. Samuel Searle, Middleton.— Attorney, Mr. Chippendale, Temple, London. Thomas Robinson and M jonaon, rrice is. lid. per Bottle, Duty included. , „ . . c • - Also, sold Wholesale and Retail by the Printers of , , S yr— MV w"? 5'' 500Per\ * eh this Paper ,• by whom peat Allowance ' is made to Country 10', «
GuildhalI, London— Attorr Shopkeepers)? and Retail by the following Persons'^ aml Stevens" ° ld tewrv- viz. Wilkins, Robins, Bates, & Wilkinson, Daventry; Parker, Merridew, and Unllason, Coventry; Collison, Brackley ; Watson, Aynho; Mrs. Beesley, Banbury; Odell, and E. Pyne, Leighton; Griffin and Co. Tring; Norwood, Amersham; Aynsworth, & Birdsey, Hemel- hempstead; Edwards, Cljesham; Barnes, Inwood, and Barringer, Newport- Pagnell; Osborn, Wobtun; Good- man, North- Crawley ; Queneborough, and Squires, Dunstable; Lancaster, Clophill; Alsop, Crawley, and Mead, Luton; Brown, Morris, and Green Se Co.
Ampthill; S. andA. Cooper, and Morris, Nuneaton; Bull, Harrod, and Dawson, Market- Harborough; Adams, and Gamble, Loughborough; Gregory, and Swinfen, Leicester; Toone, Woolvey ; Pearson, Mel- ton- Mowhray; Burbage & Co. Nottingham; Inns, and Gallard, ' l'owcestcr ; Seeley, Buckingham ; Miss Jones, Oxford; Hawkes, Lutterworth; R Palgrave, J. Okely, B. Bradley, and J. Bradley, Bedford; Hine, Potton; Bunting, Sandy; Gardner, Weston, and Brooks, Biggleswade ; Richardson, Elmes, Poulter, and Sheppard, Stony- Stratford; Higham, Old- Stratford; Moxham. Fenny- Stratford; Stevens, Bicester; Marlin, J. Wheeler,
Rickford, F. Wheeler, Se F. Loggin, Aylesbury ; Wards, Hinckley; Sanderson Se Co. Broughton, Chcttle, and Mather, Wellingborough; Sanderson, Thrapston; York & Summers, Oundle; Horden, and Jacob, Peterborough; King,. Gilkes, and Matthews, Chipping- Norton; Baly, Wright, and Stevens, High- Wycomb; Cellis & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Newcomb, and Drakard, Stamford; Bird, Uppingham ; Gibson, Oakhamj Churchill, Dcdding- ton; Roberts, Southam ; Sharpe, Warwick; Luccock, Kimbolton; Bayley, and Paul, St. Ives; Emery, and Fox, St. Neots; Jenkinson, Huntingdlfi; Darton, and Tapp, Hitchin; Hovel, Staples,
Eaden, Hodson, and Gee, Cambridge; Leigh, Atherstone; Arch, Shetford; Holland, Winslow ; Ward, Stratford- upon- Avon; Mat- thews, Campden; Wallis, Olney; Taylor, Retford; Dexter, Wilbarston; Brinkler, Bicester; and by the Venders of Dicey Se Co.' s Medicines in every'Town throughout the Kingdom ;—— OJ whom may be had, from Dicey Se Co.' s Warehouse as above, of Scurvy Grass Beaume de Vie Rymer's Tincture Walker's Jesuits Drops - - - . Wymar.' s Pills - 1 IJ 3 6 2 9 2 9 2 9 To Dr. SOLOMON. DEAR SIR, Bristol, Dec 15: h, 1799. IT would be Injustice to the Afllictod us well as yourself, were 1 not to declare, that
1 am restored from a State of" deplorable Debility, Weak- ness, and the horrid Train ot Symptoms attendant on a Nervous Complaint of long standing, by the COR- DIAL BALM of G I LEAD. My Complaint so emaciated ine as to be almost incapable of performing the Duty in which 1 was engaged ( as Mate in the 1 relawney, from this Port to Jamaica, for six Voyages), at Sea or at Home. But happily I can now declare, that that valuable Medicine ot your's has established my Health and invigorated my Constitution, which had previously been impaired by great Exertion and Heat ot Climate. 1 can further assure you, that my Wife
has taken the Cordial Balm of G i lead for a Complaint in her Sto- mach, attended with a Variety ot distressing arid alarming Symptoms of Debility, with Success; being now, thank God, perfectly free therefrom. Should this LetteV be deemed proper for Publication, you certainly have my Permission. 1 am, dear Sir, your obedient Servant, SAMUEL I. OVELL Witnesses— WILLIAM PINE and SON, Wine- Street. The CORDIAL BALM of GII. IAD is sold in Bottles, Price Half- a- Guinea each; there are also Family Bottles, Price 33s. containing equal to four Bottles at 10s. 6d. by which the Patient saves 9s. including also the Duty.
Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by the Printers of this Paper; alsc, Retail, by Marshall, and Edge, North- ampton; Collis & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Dawson, and Harrod, Harhorough; Marriott, Banbury ; Inns, and Gallard, Towcester; Seeley, Buckingham; Richardson, Stony - Stratford; Edge, and Mather, Wellingborough; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry; Okely, and Palgrave, Bedford; Fox, St. Neots i Barringer, and Inwood, Newport- Pagnell; Swinfen, Leicester; by the Printers of the Country News- papers ; and by all the reputable Medicine Venders, Booksellers, Sec. in every principal Town in England, Ireland, Scotland, and
America, who will deliver Pamphlets gratis, with a Variety of authentic Docu- ments noted therein. ftlT Dr. Solomon, wlien consulted, expects his usual Fee ot Half- a- Guinea. Such Letters should, for Safety, be thus directed—" Money Letter. Dr. Solomon, Gilead- House, near Liverpool." Michael Robinson, ofKirkby- Stephen, Westmoreland, liquor. merchants, Feb. 6, 7, and March 7, at the White- Hart inn, Kendal.— Attor. nies, Messrs. Wilsons and Sons, Kendal. William Handley, of Beverley, Yorkshire, currier, Jan. 29, 30, at the White- Hart Tavern, Kingston- upon- Hull, and March 7, at the Beverley- Arms inn, Beverley.—
Attorney, Mr. Campbell, Beverley. William Morton, of Lancaster, corn- dealer, Feb. 4, 5, and March 7, at the Cortimercial inn, Lancaster.— Attorney, Mr. Clark, Lancaster. John Unsworth, pf Manchester, perfumer, Feb. 16, 18, and March 7, at the Spread- Eagle, Manchester. Attorney, Mr. Check, Manchester. Matthew Armitage, of Altham Mills, Lancashire, miller, Feb. 16, 17, and March?, at the Globe tavern, I. i » erpool.— Attorney, Mr. Orred, Liverpool. John Niblett, ot . Bowbridge, Gloucestershire, clothier, Feb. 2, 3, and March 7, at the George inn, Stroud.— Attorney, Mr. Lamburn, Stroud. John Brown, of Liverpool, draper,
Feb. 9, 10, and March 11, at the White- Lion inn, Chester.— Attor- ney, Mr. Royle, Chester. David Blake, of Nether Compton, Dorsetshire, flax- dealer, Feb. 16, 17, and Maich 10, at the Angel Inn, Sherborne.— Attorney, Mr. Score, Sherborne. Joseph Hall, of Stafford, mercer, Feb. 12, 13, and March 10, at the Hotel, Stafford.— Attornies, Messrs. Collins and Keen, Stafford. George Whitaker. of St. Columb, Cornwall, linen- draper, Feb. 11, 12, and March 10, at the Globe tavern, Exeter.— Attorney, Mr. Santord, Exeter. Humphry Squire, of Exeter, ironmonger, Feb. 16, 17, and March 10, at the Globe tavern, Exeter.— Attorney,
Mr. Sanford, Exeter. Thomas l. awson, of Lancaster, grocer, Feb. 4, 5, and March 10, at the Commercial inn, Lancaster.— Attorney, Mr. Atkinson, Lancaster. Joseph Lovell, of Birmingham, pin- manufacturer, Feb. 13, 14, and March 10, at the Swan tavern, Bir- mingham.— Attorney, Mr. Spurrier, Birmingham. John Battens, of Bitton, Gloucestershire, maltster, Feb. 6, 7, and March 10, at the Bush tavern, Bristol. — Attorney, Mr. Davis, Bristol. DIVIDENDS to be made to Creditors. Feb. 17. A. Arbuthnot and R. Bracken, of Birming- ham, merchants, at Guildhall, London. Feb. 27. T. Martin, of Birmingham, cOidwainer, at the Wliile-
I- Iart inn, Digbeth. MARKETS,— London, Jan. 26. We have farther considerable supplies of Wheat for this day's market; tine samples have given way in price, but not iu any degree with the second and ordinary, which are down 3s. and 4s. per quarter.— Fine Flour has likewise fallen 5s. per sack.— Barley still arrives ingreat plenty, prime samples of which only retain last prices ; the other sorts, with Malt, are cheaper— In the two descriptions of Beans, and Oats, we have no material alteration.— White Peas continue dear, with but few at market.— Grey Peas, on the contrary, are lower. Wheat.. 50s. to 55s. 60s. Fine Do. — s.
to 66s. 72s. Rye . .. 34s. to 45s. Od. Barley.. 2Ss. to 37s. Od Oats 22s. to 27s. 31s. HorseBeans32s. to4Is. Od. " lick Ditto 30s. to 36s. Od. White Peas 48s. to 66s. Od. j . Malt... 64s. to 73s. Od. | Grey Ditto 33s. to 43s'. Od", PRICE of Fi. ou R.— Fine 0s. to 70s. Od. HOPS, per Pocket. — Kent, 51.0s. to 61.10s.— Sussex, 41.16s. to51.12s.— Farnham, 71.0s. to 91.9s. SMITHFIELD, JaiTt 26. To sink the ofial. Ok Beef, 4s. 8d. to 5s. 8d. Wether Mutton, 5s. Orf. to lis. Od. Veal, 5s. Od. t » 7s. Od. Pork, as. Od. tei Od. Sold this day, Beasts. 1700— Sheep and Lambs, 12,500. NEWGATE and LIADINHALL, Jan. 26. By the carcase,
licet, 3s. ? u. to 4s. tid. Mutton, 4s. Od. to 4s. Sd. Veal, 4s. Od. to 6s. 6d. Pork, as. Od. to 6s. Od. TA LLOW.— Town, 67s. Od. White Russia,— s. Od. to 57s. Od. ( Soap), — s. Od. to 56s. Od. Melting Stutt, — s. to 48s. Od. Ditto rough, — s. to 30s. Good Dregs, 10s. Od. Craves, lis. Od. I LEATHER, per lb. Butts, 50 to 561b. 22d. to 24d. j Ditto, 60 to 651b. 24d. to 26d. Merchants'Backs,' iid. ! to 28( 1. Dressing Hides, 17d. to 13d. Fine Coach- Hides, lSd. to 20d. Crop Hides for cutting, 2Id. to I 24d. Flat ordinary, 17d. to 19d. Calf Skins, 30 to ! 401b. per doz. 28d. to 40d. Ditto, 50 to 701b. per i doz. S4d. to 40rt. Ditto, 70 to 80lb.
82d. to S4d. ; Small Seals, per lb. 42d. to 44d. Large Ditto, pef : doz. 100s. to 140s. Goat Skins, — s. to — s. per j doz. Tanned Horse- Hides, 18s. to 34s. per Hide. N O R T H A M P T O N : Printed and Published by and for T. DICEY and IV. SUTTON.