The Northampton Mercury
Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton
Volume Number: LXXXVI
Issue Number: 47
No Pages: 4
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The Northampton Mercury
Date of Article: 24/01/1807
Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton
Address: Northampton
Volume Number: LXXXVI
Issue Number: 47
No Pages: 4
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"• mwlrnwm < J Vol. LXXXVI. No. 47. ( Ready Money is expected \ I with Advertisements. \ SATURDAY, J miliary 24, 1807. — Y'' I'RICE SIXPENCE, \ Stajnp » Duty^ T' • t- Ssd. I Paper and Print • 2$ d. Sunday and Tuesday'- s Posts. FITOM THE LONDON GAZETTE. Queen's Palace, January 17. JAMES Munroe, Esq. Minister Plenipotentiary from the United States of America, having received new letters of credence, • giving liiin, jointly, with WilliamPirickney, Esq. the character of Ministers Extraordinary and Plenipotentiaries from the United States, they had this. day a private audience of her Majesty. Doxcning- Street, jan.
14. The King has been pleased to appoint Alexander Stratton, Esq. to he his Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at the Court of Stockholm. The King has also been pleased, to appoint William Wellesley Pule, Esq- to be his Majesty's Secretary of Embassy at the Sublime Ottoman Porte. LO ND O N, January 20. The Public has been thrown into a state of con- siderable agitation for the last two days, by the following coninwnieatiun made to the Lord- Mayor from the Admiralty 011 Saturday evening:— " Admiralty- 0 § icc, Jan. 17, 1807. " MY Loan, " 1 have the honour to inclose to your Lordship a Message
just arrived at the Admiralty, by Tele- graph, from Plymouth. " I have the honour to be, & c. tcc. " THOMAS GRENVILLE." TELEGffocPHIC DISPATCH. " Buenos Ay res taken, and the army prisoners — August the lath." It is not easy to describe the anxiety and dis- appointment which this intelligence seemed to produce; not only in the mercantile world, by whom large adventures had been already under- taken or projected, but in the general body of, the people, who had conceived the highest hopes of national benefit from this important settlement. We arc extremely happy to state, that, from a comparison of all the
circumstances which have come to light, there is reason to believe that the communication was premature, and that the in- telligence is not to be depended upon. Ill the course of . Sunday the following particulars were communicated:— ' " Admiralty- Office, Jan. 18, 1307. " MY LOUD, " I have the honour to transmit to your Lord- ship an extract of a letter received this morning from Lord Collingwood, and also an extract of a letter from Captain Mudge, from Portsmouth, describing the information given to him by the Master of the Spanish schooner El Cupiilo, cap- tured by' the Colpovs schooner, on the 27th nil. ( Signed) THOMAS
GKENVlLtE." " To the. Right lion. the Lord Mayor." I'. rtract of a letter from Vice Admiral Lord Co/- lingaood, dated Ocean, off Cadiz, Jun. 1, by the Princess Elizabeth Packet. " I !> « <; you will be pleased to inform my Lord's Commissioners Of the Admiralty, that the lieagle has just joined, with a Spanish schooner she cap- tured yesterday from Montevideo, which she left on the 17th of September ; I am sorry to inform their Lordships she brings the account of Buenos Ayres being re- captured on the 12th of August, mid GeneralBeresford and the whole of the troops, amounting to 1100, were made prisoners of war, and marched
into the interior." - - • Extract of a letter from Captqin Mudge, of his Majesty's ship Phanir, to Win. Marsden, Esq. dated Spithead, Jan. 12, 1807 :— " The El Cupido, a small merchant vessel, taken by the Colpoys, sailed from Monte Video 011 the 13th of September last, bound to St Sebastian's, in Old Spain, but lost her mizen- mast about ten days after. She put into Rio Janeiro, where they saw a Master of a vessel, that reported Buenos Ayres to have been retaken 011 the 12th of August, one month prior to his sailing; but as the distance from Buenos Ayres to Monte Video is only 107 miles, and not having heard any thing
further 011 the subject, the Master of the vessel did not credit the Report." The. Princess Elizabeth packet, Captain Fea- therstone, arrived at Falmouth on Friday, in 15 days from Gibraltar, and which packet spoke Lord Coilingwood's fleet on the Sd of January, and ob- tained till; original of the following copy:—• " SIR, Ocean, off Cadiz, Jan. 1, 1807. " Ilis Majesty's brig, the Beagle, yesterday cap- tured a Spanish schooner, from Monte Video, in the Rio Plata, by which intelligence was receivc d that the Spaniards, on the 12th of August, recap- tured Buenos Ayres, making General Bcresford and his army prisoners of war. " I have
to desire that you will please to give this information to every man of war you may he spoken by 011 your passage to England, and also such English merchant vessels as you may have any communication with. " 1 am, & c. ( Signed) " COLLING WOOD." All these accounts agree in stating the 12th of August as the date of the re- capture. Now this is the same date which is assigned in the reports which had already reached us, and which govern- ment had ascertained to be untrue by accounts of a later date from the same place. We understand besides, that bills from Sir Home Popham, for the cxpences of the navy, at so late a
date as the 18th of September, have been received. And it is not credible that five months should have elapsed before rfe received from our own officers intelligence of such au event, by a voyage which generally occupies about two mouths anil a half, and seldom extends to three. American papers to the 21st ult. have been re- ceived, in which the same report, concerning the re- capture of Buenos Ayres, is contained. The paper, however, in which it is stated, gives it 110 credit; and states some reasons to shew that it is altogether unworthy of regard; because vessels from Buenos Ayres, within eight weeks from the 20th of
December, had been spoken with at sta, and had made no taention of the re- capture. We are happy to perceive by these papers additional proofs of the cordiality with which the measures of conciliation and friendship towards this country are adopted by the American legislature. The Senate made an amendment upon the proposition of the House of Representatives, by extending the date of the suspension of the non- importation act, empowering the President, if he shall find it neces- sary, to prolong the suspension to the second Mon- day in December. The force which Sir S. Aclnnuty took with him in October, to Buenos
Ayres, comprised the 9th dragoons, 40th, 45th, and 87th regiments. It has been ascertained, that by the dreadful earthquake at Naples, oil the 28th of July las , It is stated, that the reduction of Naples has cost France 35,000 men. Vast numbers of them have perished from the unwholesome vapours of the Calabrias," more, in fact, than have fallen by the swords of the Calabrese, though in Naples scarcely a night passes without several Frenchmen being murdered. King Joseph has not for many months ventured to sleep in the city. He has fitted up and fortified the Palace of Capo di Monte, whither hp retires every evening. ' I he
inhabitants of Henley and its environs ha'' e presented Thomas Chapman, only 13 years of age, son of Mr. Chapman, stationer, of Henrqv, with a pair of silver cups, value 15 guineas, and a watch, with gold seals, & c. value ^£. 9 5s. as a rew ard for his intrepidity in saving William Russell, a child of eight or nine years of age, from being drowned, 011 the 10th of' May, 1800. He had all his clothes 011, and leaped from a height of seven feet from the water, which was from 12 to l( i feet deep, and close to the side of that part of the stream called the Mill Fail. The child, who had also his clothes on, had sunk twice, but was saved by
the intrepid youth's taking hold of him as he was sinking a third time, and swimming out with him. On Thursday night the 15th inst. about twelve o'clock, a fire was discovered in a small room ad- joining the town- hall at Louth, Lincolnshire, which ts occasionally used as a prison, and where one of the privates belonging to the 5th regiment of dra- goons was at that time confined for being in a state of intoxication. The alarm was immediately given, but the key of the room not being at hand, every effort was for some time ineffectually made to break open the door: it was at length, however, effected, and the poor man was dragged
out of the flames a miserable object. There appeared some signs of life; but lie died in a very few minutes. It is conjectured that some person had imprudently given him a lighted candle through a hole in the door, and that it had caught the straw on which he lay, after he had fallen asleep. Concern. by AUCTION, Freehold Estate, at Keyston. To be SOLD by AUCTION, At the White- Hart Inn, Thrapston, on Tuesday the 27th of January instant, between the Hours of Four and Six in the Afternoon, AVery desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate at KEYSTON, in the County of Huntingdon, adjoining the Turnpike- Road from
Thrapston to Kim- bolton and Huntingdon; consisting of 4118 Acres ot old Pasture Land, conveniently divided into Closes, and now in the Occupation of Messrs. Hurst, Knight, & Baker. £ 3" For further ' Particulars, and to treat for the Purchase by Private Contract, apply to Messrs. YORKE & SHE « ( KD, at Thrapston or Oundle. Capital To be SOLD At the Plough- and- Bell Inn, in Daventry, on Wed- nesday the 28th Day of January instant, at Ten o'Clock in the Morning, if not before disposed of by Private Contract, of which Notice will be given in this Paper, r| MlE DAVENTIiY MARKET WAGGONS, I with 36 capital HORSES, in
high Condition. These Waggons are now, and for many Years past have been, in full Trade, and are well worthy the At- tention of any Person inclined to enter into that Line of Business. The Purchaser may be acsommodated with the Dwelling - House, Yards, Stables, Granaries, and Offices, in Daventry, which have been erected arid fitted up for the Purpose, at a great Expellee, aijd form the contpjetest and most advantageous' Situation tor a Cairier iti'the Kingdom. For Particulars, apply to Messrs. THOMAS ADAMS & JOHN PENN, at Djventry. PART1CULARS < f the FREEHOLD ESTATES, SITUATE IN The ' CITY of
COVENTRY, Which will b- o SOLD bv AUCTION. By Mr. VALE H'lilTlVELL, On Wednesday the 28th Day of January, 1807, pre- cisely at Three o'clock in the Affrrnoon, at the GENERAL INFIRMARY, NORTHAMPTON, JANUARY 24th, 1807. RJMHS is to give Notice, That 011 SATLIUIAY the - 1 7 th Day ot FEBRUARY nextwill beheld a General Court, at Twelve o'Cleck in the Forenoon, to take the Reports of the Committee concerning the present State of this Society. And such f" rHons as wish to serve the Infirmary, arc desired to send their Pro- posals, scaled up, tw the Secretary, 011 or before Twelve o'Ciock 011 that Day;
mentioning at what Rate they arc willing to furnish the following Ar- ticles for the enduing Quarter, viz. BUTCHER'S MEAT, FLOUR, BREAD, made of all good Wheat,' in Loaves of 1- 1 Ounces each, CANDI. ES, RICE, SUGAR, and SOAP, in order that tire most reasonable may be accepted. And it is further requested, that the Pills due by the lnlirman to tiie 7th Day of February next, may be tlien sent in to be examined and discharged. By Order of the Committee, W. 1NGMAN, Secretary. UNION CANAL A T a Meeting of the Committee of the XI- COMPANY of PROPRIETORS of the I. E1CESTK RSHLRE &
NORTHAMPTONSH1 RE UNION CANAL, held at the SARACSN'S- HEAD INN, LEICESTER, on the 12th Instant, a Call of £. 5 per Cent, was made on the Shares of the respective Proprietors, and ordered to be paid to the Company's Treasurers, Mr. Inkersoie, of Harborough, and Messrs. Pares, Paget, Pares, Se Hey gate, of Leicester, on or before the ISth Day of March next. CARTER & WARTNABY, Clerks to the said Company. Leicester, Jan. 14th, 1807. To BREWERS, DISTILLERS, & c. WILLIAM TF. ANBY ( late Partner with Mrs. ANN MORELAND), of Old- Street, LONDON, Bricklayer, returns his most grateful Thanks
to his Friends and Customers for their past Favours, and begs Leave to inform them and the Public in general, that he continues to carry on the Trade of a BRICK- LAYER iu general, and particularly in setting Brewers' Coppers, Stills, and all Sorts of tire- Work, upon the most improved Principles; and that their Orders, s. ent to him at No. 132, Old- Street, London, will be duly attended to with the utmost Diligence and Punctualitv. LITERATURE AND THE FINE ARTS. On the 1st of March, 1807, will be published ( Price two Shillings), No. I. of a new and superb peri- odical Work, - With splendit} Embellishments, entitled, NPILK
CABINET; of, MONTHLY REPORT of 8 POLITE LITERATURE ; including a Review of Books, and accompanied by a Cabinet Edition ( se- parately paged, and ornamented), of tiie most popular English Plays, with Anecdotes and Annotations, Bio- graphical, Critical, and Dramatic. The Contents of this Work will be arranged under the several Heads of Biography, the Arts, Criticism, Anecdotes, Miscellany, Poetry, the Drama ; a Review of Books and Music, the London Theatres, the Pro- vincial and Foreign Stages, & c.; and will consist of a vast Variety of interesting and valuable Articles. Twelve Half- Sheets, 96 Pages, will be
given in each Number; and two Engravings, one to accompany the Magazine, the other to embellish the appended Edition of tiie Theatre, to which 24 Pages will be appro- priated monthly. The Work witt be printed with a new Type, cast for the Purpose, and on a fine yellow Wove Paper, manufactured expressly for the Cabinet. London: Printed for the Proprietor; and published by MATHEWS & LEIGH, 18, Strand; and sold by Birdsall, Abel, and liurnham, Northampton ( where a Prospectus, explaining the Plan and Objects of this Work at large, may be had gratis) ; and sold by all the Booksellers, Stationers, and Newscarriers
through- out the United Kingdom. This Day is published, Price 3s. sewed, • JW, LAW of TYTIIE8, upturn original and J- practical Plan ; comprising the Statutes, Ad- judged Cases, Resolutions, and Judgments, in Equity and the Ecclesiastical Courts; originally compiled By JOHN PAUL, Esq. The SECOND EDITION, with an Appendix; con- Lately published, Price 5s. in Boards, and sold J. WEBB'S, Bookseller, in ' Bedford, A1 CREDITORS AN- U DEBTORS. IX Persons who have any Claims or Demands against the Estate and " Effects of THOMAS WHITE, late of BANBURY, in the County of Ox- ford, Ironmonger, deceased, are
requested forthwith to deli- ver in an Account thereof to Mrs. Mary White, his Widow and Administratrix, or to Messrs. Bignell & Wykham, Solicitors, in Banbury, as a first and final Dividend of the Estate and Effects of the said deceased is intended shortly to be made. And all Persons who stand indebted to the said Estate, are hereby required 10 pay their respective Debts to the said Mary White, or Messrs. Bignell & Wykham, otherwise immediate Proceedings will be taken against them for Recovery thereof, iBanbury, Jan. 20th, 1807. Notice to the Debtors of Mr. Thomas Cumberland, deceased. A LL Persons remaining indebted
to the Estate 1\ and Effects of Mr. THOS. CUMBERLAND, late of SIMPSON, in the County of Bucks, deceased, by Mortgage, Bond, or Simple Contract, are requested to take Notice, that unless they pay the Amount of iheir s . veral Debts into the Hands of Mr. Thomas Fountain, Jun. of Stoke- Hammond, in the said County, on or before the 14th Day of February, 1807, legal Measures will be taken immediately after for the Recovery thereof. Bv Order of the Executrix. Stake- Hammond; 10/ A Jan. 1807. Notice, to the DEBTORS of Mr. WILLIAM LUCY, late, of WOI. I. ASTON, in the County of North- ampUm, Maltster and farmer,
deceased. ALL Persons indebted to the said WILLIAM . LUCY at the Time of his decease, are desired to pay the Amount of tReir respective Debts imme- diately to Mrs. Sarah Lucy, of Wollaston aforesaid, the Widow and Executrix of the said William Lucy. — And all Persons indebted to the said Sarah Lucy, on her own Account, are likewise desired to settle their Accounts forthwith, and prevent the Trouble of a further Application. » IVollaston, Jan. 16f/ j, 1807. and there produced. Lot 1. i LL that very capital, commodious, and desirable, modern FREEHOLD DWEL- LING- HOUSE, fitted up elegant.!)', with the Yard, Garden,
and Appurtenances thereunto belonging, si- tuate in the HIGH- STREET, in the City of CO- VENTRY, and now in the Occupation of Dr. Simsotj, as Tenant at Will. The Premises arc quite entire, very desirable, and in good Repair, admirably calculated, in '' 01:> t of Kespectabiuty and Convenience, tor the private Re- sidence of a genteel Family. Lot 2. All that capital, valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, known by the Name of the WHITE- HORSE INN, situate in HAY- LANE, in the said City, and now in the Occupation of Mr. John Woud, as Tenant at Will. The Premises are in good Repair. — This is an old- established and
accustomed Inn and Market- House ( in the Centre of the City), for Tra- vellers, Farmers, Graziers, and Tradesmen, as any in the Kingdom. The House possesses every Accom- modation within itself for a Public Line of Business; and the singular, extensive, and commodious Stabling and Out- OIIifces belonging and attached thereto, are all in go © d Repair. At this Inn is carried on, every Friday ( Coventry Market- Day), the buying and selling of Stuff Goods,' from the Manufacturers of North- amptonshire and Leicestershire to the Wholesale Buyers in the City, and others, and so has been for near a Century last past. There are
two Entrances to this very desirable Freehold Estate and Inn, the one to the Front in Hay Lane, and the other a back Road from Bayley Lane, coming direct from the London Road into it, almost without a Turn, into the Centre of Jhe City, and very convenient tor the Reception of large Wag- gons and Carriages. Lot a. All that neat, wmpact, ano; . mainly very desirable FREEHOLD D W E LL1NG - HO USE and PREMISES, now in the Occupation or Mr. Wm. Pickard, Fishmonger and Poulterer, Tenant at Will, situate in the HIGH- STREET, and Corner of HAY- LANE, in the said City, and nearly adjoining the White- Horse Inn.
These Premises are in good Re- pair, and desirable for an advantageous Residence for Trade. tds" The respective Tenants will shew each of the Estates they occupy; or Mr. VALE WHITWELI,, Appraiser and Auctioneer, Cross- Cheaping, Co- ventry, and of him any further Information required may be had. Particulars may be had at the Inns in Coventry ; at the Warwick- Arms, Black- Swan, Woolpack, and of Mr. Sharpc, Printer, Warwick; of Messrs. Knott & Lloyd, Printers, and at the George Inn, Birming- ham; Red- Lion Inn, Atherstone; Bull's Head, Hinckley; Bull's- Head, Nuneaton; Hind, Lutter- worth; of Mr. Gregory, Printer,
Leicester; Messrs. Dicey & Sutton, Printers, Northampton; at the Bear Inn, Rugby; Star, Dunchurch; and of Mr. Vale Whitweli, Auctioneer and Appraiser, Cross- Cheaping, Coventry. Freehold Estate, on the Borders of Huntingdonshire and Bedfordshire. To be SOLD by AUCTION, On Thursday the 59th Day of January, 1807, at the Cock Inn, in Eaton, 111 the County of Bedford, between the Hours of Four and Six in the After- noon, FREEHOLD- ESTATE, in the Parishes of ! GREAT- StfAUGHTON, in the County of I Huntingdon, and EATON. SOCON, in the County j of Bedford, containing about tjO Acres of Arable and >
Meadow Land, in the Occupation of Mr. Charles | Banks, who will shew the Premises. ( pT Possession may be had at Lady- Day next; and further Particulars at'the Offices ot Messrs. YORKE St. SHERARD, in Oundle or Thrapston. calculated upon the most equitable Terms of. Com- position; and a comprehensive Index, constituting a practical Guide to the Country Gentleman, Farmer, Parson, Solicitor, Sic. & c. . By JOHN IRVING MAXWELL, of the Honourable Society of the inner Temple. London: Printed for W. J. & J. RICHARDSON; LACKINGTON, ALLEN, & Co.; H. D. SYMOND. S; LONGMAN, HURST, REES.& ORME;
andT. OSTELL ; Of - whom may be bud, by. the same Author, the second Edition, trice 5s. sewed, A DIGEST of the BANKRUPT 1. AWS; or, DEBTOR and CREDITOR'S Compendium; being a perspicuous Arrangement and familiar Explanation of all the Laws, Decisions, and Proceedings, under a Commission of Bankrupt, from the Act of Bank- ruptcy to the final Allowance of the Certificate; with an Appendix of Precedents, Bills of Costs, a copious Index, Sec. See. Ninth Edition, Price 3- R. The LAWS relative to LANDLORDS, TE N ANTS, and LODGERS; or, every LANDLORD and TENANT his own LAWYER ; comprising
Agreements, Ejectment, Fixtures, Assignments, Lodgings, Rent, Double Rent, Mortgages, Repairs, Distress, Notices, Waste, Sec. with select Precedents for letting Houses, Lands, Apartments, and other useful Deeds; Tables of Costs, Stamps, Sec. Sixth Edition, Price 3i. Gd. The PARIS H- O F F I C E R ' s COMPLETE GUIDE: comprising the Laws relati# e to the re- spective Duties of Churchwardens, Overseers, Con- stables, Surveyors of Highways, Sec. Sic. ; including all the Acts of Parliament and Adjudged Cases regu- lating the Poor Rates, Parish Settlements, Certi. hcates, Apprentices, Repairs of Highways, & c. & c.
fourth Edition, Price 3J. A DIGEST of the GAME LAWS; comprising all the Statutes now in Force, relative to Forests, | Partridges, 1' idgeons, Deer, 1 Pheasants, Dogs, Hares, Red Game, Sea Fish, Rabbits, ] Black Came, River Fish, & c. Regulations for Gamekeeper's Certificates, Sic. In giving Orders for the above Works, be particular in saying those by JOHN PAUL, Esq. KING OF PRUSSIA. On Saturday, January 31st, will be published, Price One Shilling and Sixpence, rpiE UNIVERSAL MAGAZLN R, for January, JL 1SW7, embellished with an highly- finished Portrait of FREDERICK WILLIAVI the THIRD, King of Prussia,
accompanied with Memoirs of his Life and Campaigns. The Universal Magazine is continued regularly on the first Day of every Month, each Number containing 96 Pages of Miscellaneous Information, in Literature, History, Politics, Arts, Manners, and Amusements of the Age. And is enriched with a correct Likeness of some distinguished Character, accompanied with authentic Biographical Memoirs. Thirty- seven Numbers of this Work are now before the Public, comprehending from January, 1S01, to December, 1806, and containing, besides a great Variety of valuable Articles 011 every Subject of Human Knowledge, Lives
and Portraits of the fol- lowing eminent public Characters:— A. A1 Freehold Estate, Bedfordshire. To be SOLD by ~ A U C T I O N, By AND RE If GARDNER, On Saturday the 7th of February, 1807, at the Sign of the Checkers Public - House, Westoning, Beds, between the Hours of Two and Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions of Sale as will be then produced, \ Valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE; consisting of a Dwelling- House, Stable, an excellent Twa- baved Barn, with a Malting complete ; an Orchard, planted with Fruit Trees, and a Close of rich Swep. id Land, with a large Quantity of capital Elm Timber,
growing thereon, containing two Acres and a Half I ( more or less), and 17 Acres ( more or less), of" Arable and Meadow G round, lying dispersed in the open Fields i of WESTONING aforesaid, now in the Occupation \ of Mr. Butcher, at a low Rent ( who will shew the ' Premises). . . - . .. , , Further Particulars may be known by applying to upwards of 20,000 inhabitants lost then lives in . j Mr. COOKE, of Milton- Bryant, Beds; 0. of the the county of Molina. J AUCTIONEER, Woburn, Beds. Under a Deed of Assignment, for the Benefit of Creditors. To be S O L D by A U C'lTO N, By BROlfN & SON, On the Premises, on Tuesday
the 3d Day of February, 1807, and following Day, LL the neat and useful HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, PLATE, LINEN, CHINA, GLASS, BREWING UTENSILS, about sixteen Tons of HAY, and other EFFECTS, of Mr. THOS. EYLES, at the SWAN INN, F. LSTOW, near Bed- ford; comprising neat Four- post and Canopy Sacking- bottom Bedsteads, with Plaid and other Furnitures; several good Feather Beds, Bolsters, and Pillows; Flock Beds; large Blankets, Quilts, and Counter- panes; Mahogany and Wainscot Chests of Drawers; Bason Stands; t'ariour and Chamber Chair's; Pier and Dressing Glasses ; lj Pair of Sheers; 17
Damask and Diaper Table Cloths; Two- leaved Wainscot Dining and Pillar and Claw Tables; Mahogany Bu- reau and Wainscot Ditto; two handsome Sets of China, and large China Bowl; Quantity ef Glass, and Set of Cruets; Morocco Stand; Silver Tankard, Punch Ladle, Table and Tea- spoons, Pair of Tongs, Salts, and Pepper Castor; Bullet Cupboard, with folding Doors; Chimney Glass; Bath Stoves and Fire Irons; capital Fight- day Clock; Kitchen Range, Crane, and Smoke- Jack ; a large Quantity of Pewter and Brass ; 100- Gallon Brewing Copper and Grate, and 30- Gallon Ditto; 24- Bushel Wash Vat, Working Vat, Working
Tubs, and Cooler; fifteen Iron- bound Pipes, sweet and good, t> vo Puncheons, and smaller Casks; large Beam and Scales, with Weights; Coach Harness for two Horses; long Ladder, Corn Bins, rive Dozen of good Hurdles, and various other Eftects; Part of a Rick of Hay about six Tons, Ditto about ten Tons, and a Quantity of Manure. Three Months' Credit will be given for the Hay, on approved joint Security. Catalogues to be had in due Time at the adjacent Towns; I'lace of Sale; and of Brown & Son, Auc- tioneers, Bedford. Sale to begin each Day at Ten o'Clock, and the Whole to be sold without Reserve. Bishop of Landaff
Dr. l. ettsom Lord Sidmouth General Moreau Dr. Jr Priestley General Pichegru Dr. .1. Sims, Pres. Med. Soc. London I William Coxe, A. M. ® J. Pinkerton, Esq The You'ng Roacius Colonel Sir R. T. Wilson Right Hon. Wm Pitt Right Hon. C. J. Fox B. West, Esq. F. R. S. S. Whitbread, Esq. M. P. Duke of Roxburgh Lord Viscount Melville Earl St. Vincent , J'W. I'aley, D. D. Lord Nelson Emperor of Russia Marquis Cornwallis Lord Collingwood Archduke of Austria f. ord Henry Petty R. Cumberland, Esq. Bishop of London Sir W. Sidney Smith Captain Hardy Thomas Moore, Esq. Lord Howick. • A, The EVENIXGS of SourHILL; By
NICHOLAS SALMON, Author of several Philological Works, and Ma Her Languages, lately settled at Bedford, whence he alter; J.: respectable Families around. fp IIE following , Extract will shew that MK - I- SAI . MON is not unworthv of being oountenanced by the Public:— " The Author of The Evenings of Southi'l appears " to have been led to his Design, principally, b> " some teal or supposed Errors and Imperfections ill " The Diversions of Parley; and, though we cannot " ad mit that he lias surpassed his Predecessor in " Acuteness of Discovery, or Accunvv of Invest!. " gation, yet we cannot deny him the Praise of iirv. .; "
contributed, in a great Degree, to till up t* e Outline " which was previously sketched for him.— Mr. SAI " MON, who is by Birth a frenchman ( though he has / I' given US ample Proofs of ills A miliar Acquaintance " withthe English Language), appearsemincnth quali- " tied to instruct his Countrymen in the fundamental " Principles of their Language. It would lead us " beyond the Limits necessary prescribed to us, were '' we to discuss the Merits of every. Etymological " Investigation pursued in the present Treatise, || which we recommend to the Philological Student, " as containing much Information compressed within || a small
Compass, and published, as such Works I' ought to be, without any Ostentation, Parade, or ' unnecessary Expence." The Oxford Review, published Jan. 1st, 1807. Among the Works published by Mr. SALMON, are, The first Principles of English G rammar, 2s. bound. Footstep or Introduction to the French Language, 2s. Boards. Complete System of the French Language, 7s. GIL. bound. Stemmata I. atinitatis, or F. tvmological Latin Dic- tionary, £. 1 lis. 6d. Boards. Grammaire Angloise comparee avec la Granimaire Franfoise, os. bound. Guide pour la langue Angloise ct la Francoise, 3s. bound. The Expeditious Accountant, out
of Print. 1. This Day teas published, ByB. CROSBV & Co. Stationer's- Court, Paternoster- Row, London ; andsold by Birdsall, Abel, Burnham, and Watts, Northampton ; Kobrfis, Daventry ; Inwood, Newporr- Pagnell; Webb, and Barnes, Bedford; and Collis & Dash, Kettering; riMIF. MONK of DISSENT1S; a Romance, in 8.. three Vols, from the German of Augustus Laf'ontaine. By J. POWELL; 12S. 2. HUMAN'BEINGS; a Novel; in three Vols. By F. LAI HO M, Esq. of Norwich, Author of the Mvsterious Freebooter, Sec. Sec. ; 13s. 6d. 3. SANS SOUCI PARK; or, the MELANGE; three Volumes. By MARIA THARMOTTJ 13S. ( jd. In
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Wednesday and Thursday's Posts. LONDON, January 22. THIS morning a Mail from Denmark arrived, bringing German Papers to the 6th instant; they do not, however, contain intelligence of much importance. The accounts from the French army are down to the 25th ult. It is stated, that on the 23d, the French threw a bridge over the Wrka, near its junction with the Bug, and forced two islands in which the Russians had entrenched themselves. On the 24th, the Russians were driven from their positions at Fomikowo and Czarnowo. They fell back, and joined a body of about 10,000 nan, near Nasielsk; which is also said to be de feated, aud some prisoners and three pieccs of • camion taken. —* tT?** * THE QUEEN's BlRTH- DAY. On the 19th of last May, the Queen completed her t> 2d year, the. celebration of which has always been postponed-, on account of its being so very near his Majesty's; and the 10th of the following January has been fixed on fof the celebration. Tiifc 18th happening on Sunday, the celebration took place on Monday last; when the day was ob- served with much joy, magnificence, and splendour. As the clock struck one, 62 cannons were dis- charged in St. James's Park, and the 61 cannons on the Tower Wharf, were
discharged at the same. time. Soon after nine o'clock, their Majesties and Princesses breakfasted together, at the Queen's | Palace. In the course of the morning the Dukes of York, Kent, Cumberland, Sussex, Cambridge, and Glou- cester, Princcss Charlotte of Wales, the Bishops of Chester anil Exeter, & c. attended at the Queen's Palace, to pay their early and private congratula- TIIE accounts of the landing of the crew of a French privateer in tlie Orkneys, appear to have been unfounded. The following is the substance of a letter received yesterday morning:— " Kirkwall, Jan. 1. On Christmas night we were informed, by an
express, that the crew of a French privateer wrecked in Flotta, had fortified them- selves there, and were committing depredations on the defenceless inhabitants, intending to seize some vessels in St. Margaret's Hope, and make their escape. Twenty fishing smacks were scuttled in St. Margaret'sHope in consequence of the alarm, and the crews offered to dislodge the Frenchmen if provided with arms and ammunition from Kirkwall. A meeting was scarcely called in the town- house of Kirkwall, to consider the offer, and provide for the safety of the town, when we were informed, bv a letter from Stroinness, that the whole was
without foundation; and it has since been found to have originated in an idle story, told to the crew of a smack by a boatman from Flotta." Statement of the naval losses sustained by the maritime powers of war, during the year 180G :— Line. Frigates. Small Vessels. French 7 la 15 Spanish 0 2 30 Dutch 1 2 0 British 2 1 8 Extraordinary Murder.— Geo. Allen, labourer, of Upper- Mayfield, Staffordshire, who for some time past has been subject to epileptic fits, last week had been ill for several days; on Sunday he was considerably better, and on Monday appeared quite well. At eight o'clock in the evening of this day he retired to
rest; and when his wife followed served, that the Right lioh. Cent, always avoided thS mentioning of the new expenditure, and the actual strength against theenemy. He should be glad to vote the supplies, if he could bee any reason to expect a de- gree of vigour, which might justify the House in looking to a great proportion of the supplies being speedily and properly expended. The Rt. Hon. Gent, had stated the gross amount of our force at 334,180, which, with various necessary deductions, making about one- eighth, amounting to 41,700, left 292,400 men, to be voted upon the fare of the resolutions. The deficiency in rank and
file he considered to amount to 37,000 men ; but the Rt. Hon. Gent, had made out no satisfactory ease whatever to call upon the House to vote the supplies for these 37,000 men.— The Noble Lord stated the force of the army at the change of the Government last year. The whole increase, he con- tended, to the regular force of the country, by the Rt. Hon. Gent, amounted to about 4000 men. He would take it at from 4 to 5000 men. Comparing this mea- sure with what preceded, he must call it a most me- lancholy difference. In five months by Mr. Pitt's Bill, as it was called, or the Additional Defence Hill, 5700 men were raised;
and 3000 men were raised be- tween the 21st of March and the 21st of June. Our forces acting against the enemy, his Lordship reckoned at 80,000, and after deductions for casualties, & c. he considered the acting force at 60 or 70,000 men. Com- paring the annual ordinary recruiting of the last and preceding year, the numbers were If ,667 to 11,900; so that this last year, with all the recruiting arguments employed in those halcyon six months, was really less than the year before.— Great part of the additional expence in the Navy had been rendered necessary in consequence of the conduct of the Right Hon. Gent, respecting
the Army. We were now left stationary with regard to the Army, as to its numbers, but not as to its expence; for the Right Hon. Secretaiy had saddled the country with £. 700,000, for an unnecessary and useless experiment. The Bill of the Right Hon. Secretary of State had sown the seeds of weakness and tions to her Majesty; likewise dignified Clergy and others. A little before two o'clock her Majesty and the Princesses, in their court dresses, proceeded to him in the course of an hour, she found him sitting I decay, and went to the very root of the British army;. king a pipe, as was his custom. ?" d. Jhe...!,'?, rjkln « , of th'A new
system, the longer it % Sl ™ aklng * P'lJe> - — j lasted, would make matters worse and worse." We In another bed in the same room lay three of his wcre now at a stand> and could „ ot „„. witj, nevye infant children asleep; the eldest a boy about ten I and accumulated expences, and at a tirxe, he tearc- d, years old, the second a girl about six, and another ; not very remote from the deeay and waste of the boy about three. The wife having got into bed, , j1 ™ )'- „ ® ' nce, ' he present Session began, the number of the ! w't' 1 an infant at her breast, Allen asked her what Right Hon. Gent. had preserved an extraordinary other man
she had had in the house with her; to , SSTSSUg 6? fife which she replied, " that no man had been there j particularly why reinforcements were not earlier sent but himself." lie insisted to the contrary, and his j ' ' ' lie then 1 the Grand' Council Chamber, to hold a Drawing- I wlfe continued to assert her innocence, room. In an anti- room the Archbishop of Canter- j .[ 4mPed 0Ll£ oi bc: l> : llul < a" down stltlrs; and on bury, ami several other Bishops, were waiting to ! hls rcturn wcnt t0 the l) e< 1 where his children were, compliment her Maj'estv, on the happy return of I aud ! urned down the clothes. On his wifeendea- thc day. The
Archbishop delivered to her Majesty Ivol"' mg t0 hold him, he told her " to let him alone, a suitable oration upon the occasion The Drawing- room was completely filled very soon after her Majesty entered, so much so, that or he would serve her ihe. same sauce," and immedi- ately attempted to cut her throat: in which he partly succeeded, and also wounded her right breast, but it was with difficulty Earl Morton and Colonel | a handkerchief she wore about her head and neck Desbrow, ( who conducted the Queen,) could pre- Prevented the wound from being fatal. She then vent a pressure against her Majesty. The company
extricated herself ( having had the babe in her arms all the time, which she preserved unhurt), and to Buenos Ayres ? Government had, early in the month of June, received a letter from Sir H. Popham, informing them of his arrival at St. Helena, on his way to the attack of that Colony, and yet it was not until the month of October that they sent any rein- forcements. Mr. SECRETARY WINDHAM confessed, that he might in some degree have deserved the accusation of taciturnity from the Noble Lord, as few occasions had occurred during the present session until that night, when he conceived it necessary tor him to deliver any
opinion. In his answer to the Noble Lord, he should begin with Buenos Ayres. His Lordship began his observations on this point by stating, that Government had received information experienced considerable inconvenience at " their r; — £" 7.?"^ fir!^--" TZ T' f- re5Pectins , he ^ P^ tion early in the month of June', entrance, particularly the Ladies, with their uu-; JlulPoa Ijwci tell down stairs, lie foe fciie » and | hen , le went6n t0 a „ haf great thing* micht manageable hoops. 1 ?'" ld * el1 ,8 « UP' one ol the children ( the girl) , have been done if Ministers had acted in the ma^ er His Majesty's band performed the Ode for the ! luil : it
W teet" 1 ile Poor woman opened the door . he pointed out. In answer to this argument he New Yr ir finserted in our last Da » e1 ill the Grand a, ld screamed out that her husband was cutting off , should first say, that it was not early in the month rolwif ciSor ; the children's heads. A neighbour shortly came ( as his Lordship stated), but it was upon the 24th of llsMnWv « ',' s not at Court owin » to his eves ' t0 her assistance, and a light having been procured, : f, Un= A^ I,^" ™ ™ *? recei ™ d « hl » ^ formation and ills Majesty was not at L/ Ouit, owing to tits eyes 1 , ' . » .-> 1 ' it certainly was a piece ot information that nobodv still
continuing disordered. , tf'e "' onster was found standing m the middle of t0uld have expected them to anticipate. The Noble The Court closed about half past five o'clock, ' thf house- place, with a razor in his hand. He was ; Lord might . speak of preparing expeditions, and send- when her Majesty and the Princesses retired to usk « l " hat he had been doing, to which he replied ; mg them to sea in ten days; but it must be recollected their private iartments: takin* Nothing I | regiments he spoke ot must go over in Court dresse dinner. In the evenin^ at Carlton- house, apartments; and after taking off their ! < f% » " Nothing yet; 1
have only killed three of I ® hc sPokf ° f milst ® > over in s returned to the Queen's Palace to > thcm- 0n the"' ? omg up stairs,, a most dreadful ® hip » , iand that those ship must have ample stores s, return » d Queen . 1 alace g ^ J .^ P^ ^ of onc the [ vessels proper to Her Myaty— As usual, on her own Birth- day, I teinptt0 C51. ape alld was taken without resistance, was extremely neat; her dress was of brown velvet, | He savs that u was , lig illtention to mm. der his wi,- e embroidered with scarlet and white silk ; the dra- . aild aj| | ier childreil aI, d tben have put an fiud t0 pery trimmed with point lace, tied up with silk , hi, nself.
An old woman who lay bed- ridden in cords and tassels, the mantle to correspond. , the ganMJ ) 10us^ he professed his i„ te„ tion also to Princess Augusta- brown velvet petticoat, em- | llav0 mlrt- dercd.— Wednesday an inquest was held broidered with silver ; a large drapery on the right ; on the bodies when AMen c^ nfessed his guilt, but Side, with a brilliant border; with damask and | without expressing any contrition. Provence roses, 111 shades, intermixed 111 small ; drapery 011 the left side, tied up with a bouquet, and bordered with Idalian chains; train of brown and silver tissue. Princess Elizabeth— A dress of green
velvet, em- broidered with gold; the right side composed of drapery of a novel cast, striped with gold spangles, and furnished at the bottom with a massy border of Mosaic pattern, intermixed with pine leaves, embroidered in dead and bright foil, bullion, & c. smaller drapery in shell- work, with rich borders; the whole furnished with a border at bottom of - . ..'."'" fy.. aoa- 11 — ''... in. HOUSE of LOHVS, Wednesday, Jan. 21. On the motion of LORD GRENVILLE, the order for the second reading of tlie Bill for Abolishing the Slave Trade, o, n Friday next, was discharged, and a fresh order was made for Monday se'nnight. HOUSE of
COMMONS, Wednesday, Jan. 21. ARMY ESTIMATES. The SECRETARY at WAR rose for the purpose of ! moving the customary resolutions upon the Annual foil and bullion, and iooped with superb cords and | Estimates of the expences of our Military Establish- fassels. A robe of green velvet, tissue ' sleeves, 1 ment. One very satisfactory result would appear ornamented with tiaras of gold and green, alu! I from a comparison. It was this, that the number of .... , i 1 r • 6 our effective force was increased, and the expences trimmed with point and gum trin » e. of the establishment diminished. The number of Princess Mary— A
dress the same as the 1 nncess j the army, it would appear, from the papers on the I'. Iizaheth, in scarlet and gold. I table, was increased ' about 5000 men, and the ex- Princcss Sophia— A velvet petticoat, trimmed pences ot' our military establishment were reduced round the bottom with gold twist and spangles, by about ^ .9000 below what they were in the last , ... ^ , .- ill and the preeddmg year, lhe scale of establishment, A most magnificent drapery of gold leaves, em- 0r, in other words/ the description of force, was pretty bussed with points, i lie robe ot puce and gold, j much the same as last year. The first part of the
Princess Sophia of Gloucester— Purple velvet, J Estimates to which he would call the attention of with an elegant drapery, embroidered with silver, j the house, were those embracing guards, garrisons, ]) uchesi. of York— A white crape petticoat, the ! *< v fid the forces in the plantations. In these two • 11 1 1 ,, i , ,1,1 .... „ 1,.,. ,1 1 articles there was an increase amounting to £ 2il, 537. ground richly embroidered w ith gold spangles, and This - t wou) d be necessary t0 explain8 There e bordered with wreathes ot oak and acorns, inter- , first> the expcr. ces of six garrison battalions, whose mingled with bunches of acorns. The
pocket- ! services at first it was intended to limit to home duty; holes ornamented with gold cords and tassels, fas-', but which it was- afterwards found necessary to depart tened with diamonds. Train of blue velvet, trim- 1 from- There was another new corps also established itiprl with pnhl fringe with - i orofusion of diamond* lor garrisoning Canada, which was productive of med with gold tnnge, with a piotusion ot diamonds. , further ex Ano, her new corps was also created, Head - dress, ostrich feathers, necklace aud ear- , by dividing tiie Royal African corps, and adding two ruii; s of diamonds. ; new companies to that part of it
which was serving Countess 1' itzwilliam— A white crape petticoat; ] in the West Indies. There were also eleven eom- pocket- holes superbly with gold; train of brown satiir, trimmed round with gold fringe; body and sleeves ornamented with point lace and diamonds; head- dress, neck- lace, and ear- rings of diamonds. Countess of Derby— A white crape dress, em- broidered in spangles, with a magnificent Grecian border; the whole of the draperies trimmed with a ring chain, looped with bullion, and tied with gold tassels and cord. Head- dress, plume of feathers and diamonds. Countess of Cardigan— An embroidered brown •
net petticoat in drapery, composed of beautiful through the whole of the items. They were stated in the papers in so clear a manner, as to be intelligible at the first glance. The grand total of increase might be stated at ^ .439,732. The next head of i ncreased expence was occasioned by the new arrangements. These produced an increase in the expences of the out- pensioners alone of Chelsea and Kilmainham, of at". 113,170. Against these increases, however, he had to set off a decrease in the expence of the Volunteer establishment of ^£. 248,504. With respect to f oreign Corps, the decrease of expence in that part of our
establishment was, in the whole, not less than 153,538. Another important item in the estimates was the article of contingencies. The estimates for the year preceding the accession of the present admi- 1 . u „ ,-„,, rl » A.,. hordpr oil the : nistration to office, amounted to -£. 13,930,331. The t- iindrd roses, with a rich vandyke border on the : estimatcs for this'yeari excluding the additional pay aud allowances, which he did for the sake of sim- plifying the comparison, amounted to =£. 13,710,921. ' The additional pay and allowances amounted to some- thing about =£. 223,329, which would bring the ex- pcnces of both years pretty
nearly to a level. The whole of the additional expence produced by the new arrangement, consisted of the following items :— =£. 260,000 Increase of Pay to Regulars. 23,000 Militia. 160,000 Out- Pensions. 7,000 Widows' Pensions. Every effort had been made by Government to in- troduce all possible economy into every branch of the public service. The military measures introduced last year, he was never sanguine enough to hope would produce much immediate advantage, but he was con- fident that they would ultimately produce the most beneficial effects upon the character and composition of the army. If the low bounty
had not produced a great number of men, it had the effect of entirely putting an end to desertion. Havingmoved the first resolution, LORD CASTLEREAOH rose, and made some observations upon the motion of which notice had been given, tor 10,000 more men for the navy. He could not admire . this anticipation of supplementary measures; and on I the ground of irregular proceedings, he lamented to ; find Parliament called upon that night, to vote, not ' simply for any military measure, but fornew military systems, counled with old on*":- Inihp leftside, rich gold chain, cords, and tassels; the sleeves, body, and train, were all
correspondent. jCountcss of Buckinghamshire— A lavender satin petticoat, richly embroidered in gold, with a superb border and drapery, intermixed with velvet of the name; a train of lavender satin, trimmed with a velvet border, embroidered in gold; body and sleeves French lace; bandeau of diamonds, and plume of lavender ostrich feathers. Countess if Pom/ ret— A dress of white crape, elegantly trimmed with draperies of the same, tastefully ornamented with satin, and festoons of bends, finished with beads, cords, and tassels; the lobe of white satin, trimmed with lace and beads. Countess Cuaper— A petticoat of white
satin, embroidered with silver; the drapery in waves of silver spangles, with a fringe of Maltese silver ornaments; body and train of blue velvet, embroi- dered with silver. Head- dress, a coronet of fea- thers and diamonds. Countess Temple— A superb dress of azure blue velvet, embroidered with showers of silver spangles; the drapery edged with bunches of Maltese silver oak, and festooned up with chains of Maltese silver oak, with a profusion of diamonds. Ministers no means f Buenos Ayres „.... - -- capture. With regard to the bounty, which it was said had been re- duced five guineas, the truth was, that on the former plan, for
twenty- one guineas, a man was procured I'or life; and 011 the present, for s£. 17, a service of only seven years was obtained. Thus for the trilling difference of £. b 5s. three times the duration of service was acquired. Lord HOWICK said, that Ministers wereaccused of not having resorted to the necessary means for the pro- tection of Buenos Ayres. The answer given to this charge was, that no supplies could have arrived in time to prevent the re- capture, if, indeed, that un- fortunate event had happened ^ and this was the only proper reply to such an accusation. It had been said, that 110 steps had been taken to secure this
impo. tant acquisition. But the monient tfie capture was made known here supplies were provided to support : t. A line of battle ship surtcd with the first fair wind for that purpose, and troops were ready to depart at the time the report of the capture was received, and they actually set sail in Octeber. Lord H. PETTY said, the Noble Lord opposite had said, that it was the duty of Ministers to bring forward all the estimates as nearly as possible in the session. He coincided in that opinion, and there were only two estimates which he had withheld. He had kept the commissariat estimate out of the extra- ordinaries of the army, because
he thought it did not properly belong to them, and he meant to move in a Committee a charge of =£. 55,000, tor that department for this year. The other related to the Barrack Department. He had the satisfaction to state, that the year before last, the expences of that department amounted to =£. 1,100,000, which had been reduced to =£. 550,000; arjl there would this year be a further saving of =£. 500,000. There would, however, be a charge of -£. 55,000, for new works at Hilsey Barrack. , near Portsmouth, if it should be found necessary to carry them on, which was not at present absolutely de- termined on.— The following
resolutions were then put and agreed to, viz. " That there be granted his Majesty a sum not exceeding =£. S41,526, for the Conunissary- General's Department in Great- Britain, for 1S07." " That a sum not exceeding =£. 506,237, be granted for the Barrack Department in Great- Britain, for 1S07." Adjourned. N O T 1 C V. Tn Non- cammissioned Officers and Privates receiving the Pension, and to Persons who have served in the regular Army, Penciblis, or Mi/ itiu, as Non- commissioned Ufficeis, but are now disclaimed therefrom. PERSONS of the above Description, who are eligible for such Duty, by personal Application to the
IKSPECTIHG FIELD OFFICER of the RECRUIT- ING SERVICE, at BEDFORD, will be informed upon what Terms they will be employed, as Non- commis- sioned Officers 011 Half- pay; and others especially appointed to raise Men for the Infantry. Inspector General's Office, London, January id, 1807. N01 inamptoiishu e. REDEMPTION AKD SALE OF TLJS , LA ND - TA X. ALI. Persons who have not already contracted for the REDEMPTION or PURCHASE of the LAND- TAX chargeo upon their respective Estates and Properties, Are requested to take Notice, That by an Act made and passed in the last Session of Parliament,
all Persons who are entitled to the Benefit of Preference may enter into Contracts for the Redemption of their Land - Tax, by a Transfer of Stock, within the Period of sixteen Years from the Date of their respective Contracts, by sixteen even and equal annual Instalments, or by transfering the whole Stock, or any Part thereof, in Advance, at the Option of the Parties entering into such Contracts. THE ADVANTAGES to be derived by this Measure, in the Investment of Money so as to yield nearly Eive Pounds per Cent. Interest out of real Estates, without incurring any Expence; and the Security it affords the Proprietors of Estates
against any Advance in the Assessment, which they would otherwise be liable to every Year, upon any Improvement upon the Value of them; and the Priority of Security which the Purchasers of Land- Tax have over every other Incumbrance, wholly independent of, and unaffected by, any Question of Right or Title to the Estate out of which it issues; and the simple and ready Means afforded for its Re- covery ; render this Species of Property an Object well deserving the Consideration of the Public. To which may be added, the following material Recom- mendations to the Measure, viz. that Persons who redeem their Land- Tax
are not afterwards liable to be re- assessed, towards making ^ ood any Deficiencies that may arise in the Parish by the Default of the Collectors or otherwise, which is an Event that hath taken Place with. considerable Pressure on Individuals in some Parishes, both in this and other Counties, where Collectors have failed ; and that Persons having the Benefit of Preference to redeem their Land- Tax, and neglecting to contract for the same, leave such Land- Tax open to be purchased as A PEE - FARM RENT, by 3ny Person or Persons who may first apply to the Commissioners, and make an Offer for the Purchase thereof.
Attendance is given daily at the Clerk's Office, in the Town of NORTHAMPTON, to receive Instructions for Contracts. WILLIAM TYLER SMYTH, Clerk to the Commissioners for Redemption and | Sale of the Land- Tax. Nirlhampton, 24th Jan. 1807. This Day is published, Price One Shilling, THE FIRST NUMBER OF r pilE FATHERS of the KNGLISH CHURCH; i. or, a Selection from the Writings ot the Re- formers and early Protestant Divines of the Church of England. The Series - commences with t'he Works ofTiNDALL; and a Number will regularly be pub- lished on the first of every succeeding Month. Conducted by
CUHVMEN of the ESTABLISHED CHURCH. Printed for JOHN HATCHA& O, Bookseller to Her Majesty, No. 190, opposite Albany- House, Piccadilly; and may be obtained, or. Application, from evtry Bookseller in the United Kingdom. Timber. To be SOLD, At DODFORD, on Monday, January 26th, 1807, , \ QUANT1T Y of ASH and ELM TIMBER, suitable for any Purpose that requires large Di- mensions, the principal Part King large. The Company are requested to meet exactly at Ten o'Ciockin the. Morning at the Swan Inn, in Dod!; d, ' to proceed to Sale. For a View of the Timber, apply to JAMES P^ USSELL, Dadford. w
NEW NOlll HA MP ION COACH. ILLIAM CULL F. N h Co. beg Leave acquaint their Friends and the Public, th: for their Accommodation, they purpose to cornin the NEW NORTHAMPTON CO ACH, to and frt LONDON every Day, from the Time Messrs. Bi \ TO PYWEIL, & Co. relinquish that Concern ; ml th humbly solicit the Patronage and Support ot a genero Public; who may be assured, every Attention wl be paid to their Convenience, bv their obedien humble Servants, W. CULI. EN & Co. The Proprietors cannot be accountable for any Articl above Five Pounds value, unless entered as such, ai paid for accordingly. Parcels
booked and Places taken, for1 the abo' Coach, at the ANGEL IKN. CHEAP COALS, OF excellent Quality, from HAWKESBUR NEW COI LIERY, are'now selling at NORTH AMPTON WHARF, at One Setting pr Hundri IIeight, and delivered into any Part ot the Town 1 Thhteen- Pence per Hundred Height, exclusive ot' tl customary Charge tor Loading, & c. by FRANC! PARROTT, Esq. & Co. Proprietors of the aforesai Colliery. gT The said Coals are particularly recommence to all great Consumers, and are warranted to he th best Coals, at the stated Prices, ever ottered for Sal to the Inhabitants of the Town and County c
Northampton. *** HAWKESBURY CoALSdo not take Fire soquicl as the best Staffordshire Coals, but when fairl kindled are equal in Heat, and will continue so One third longer, by the Use of which will be found . Saving to the Consumer ot forty per Cent. For thesi Coals, Gemlemen are desired to enquire for Mr jEfFERY, who will officiate for Mr. Dix, Clerk fo the Hawkesbury Coals, who constantly attends a the said Northampton Wharf; and for further Par. ticuiars, apply to Mr. STEPHEN YATES, Bedw& rth near Coventry. For SALE by AUG T I O N, By MASON SF SON, On Tuesday the 27th of January, lf. 07, and following Day,
on the Premises, near BF. RRY WOOD, iii UPTON LORDSHIP, in the County of North- ampton, ALarge QUANTITY of~ - , ELM, SALLOW, POPLAR, B I R cm> and SYCAMORE POLES, of a large Size, ; " the principal Part of them Maiden, with the UNDERWOOD, incon- venient Lots, and sundry otherTOPSand PIECES, well worth the Attention of the Public in general. The Auctioneer requests the early. Attendance of the Company at the Red- 1. ion, in Duston, at Nine o'clock in the Forencon, and proceed to the Place of Sale; as nuicli as possible is intended to be disposed of the first Day. Timber and Poles. To be SOLD by
AUCTION, Hy WILLIAM FERNELLY, On luesday the 3d of February, 1807, TTPWARDS of 100 ASH, ELM, and WILLOW U TREES, together with a QUANTITY of large ASH POLES, in Lots, now standing on THORP- LANDS, in the Parish of MOULTON, near North- ampton. For a View of the same, apply to Mr. COLLINS, upon the Premises. l'he Company are requested to meet the Auctioneer, hy Ten o'Clock in the Morning, at Buttock's Booth, fiom whence they will proceed to Sale. IVeeks's Wharf, Grand Junction Basin, Paddington, Middlesex, . WITH IMMEDIATE PO^ SSSSISIN. To be SOL D by AUG T I O N, Sv M- vm- r r To be SOLD bv AUCTION, By S. C ATT ELL, On Thursday and Friday next, the 29th and SOth Days of January instant, on the Premises of Mr. JOHN OLIVER, of BARBY, in the County of Northampton, who is going to quit the Farm, ALL the LIVE STOCK and IMPLEMENTS . in the FARMING BUSINESS; consisting of 20 Shearhogs and 60 Tegs; four barren Cows, two Cows and Calves, three iu- calved Cows, three in- calvcd Heifers, two Sturks, and two yearling Calves; two Draught Mares; Gearing complete for four Hor- ses ; one Narrow- wheel Waggon, one Narrow- wheel Cart, Ploughs, Hariows, & c. & c. Also, a general
Assortment of HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE ; consisting of Bedsteads and Bedding, Tables, Chairs, Chest of Drawers, l'ier and other Glasses, Kitchen Requisites, Brewing and Dairy Utensils, Copper and Brass, & c. & c. The Live Stock to be sold the first Day of Sale, and the Sale to commence each Day at Ten of the Clock. To On the < ' ou' :- ess Temple's dress was much admired for systems, coupled with old ones,' in the same estin I. hnoss anil cost. She wore three yards of dia- 1 collectively, and without an opportunity being gi otitis, valued at .£. 90,000, an h* r d'reis, besides ? l d, sti: iguishing the merits or defects of
either. amented that the Right Hon. Gent, had taken so very 1 limited a view of the question. His Lordship ob- nioiid tfrijiu on lie; head'and ne given He TURNPIKE- TOILS TO BE LETT. Market- Harborongh and Welford Turnpike- Roads from Northampton. NOTICE is hereby given, That the Trustees appointed by Act of Parliament, for more' ef- fectually amending, widening, and keeping in Repair, the Turnpike- Roads leading from the Tow n of North- ampton to Chain Bridge, near the Town of Market- Harborough, and from the Direction- Post, in Kings- thorpe, in the County of Northampton, to Welford Bridge, in the same
County, will, on THURSDAY the 19th Day ot FEBRUARY next, between the Hours of Eleven in the Forenoon and Two in the Afternoon, at the House of Mr. D. HAMSHAW, the SWAN INN, at LAMPORT, in the said County, LETT to FARM, by AUCTION, to the Best Bidder, in the Manner directed by the Act passed in the 13th Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, for regulating Turnpike- Roads; the TOLLS ot the Gate or Turnpike erected at or near LITTLE- BOWDEN, for the Term of one Year, com- mencing the first Day of March next; which Tolls were lett the last Year at A'. 533, and were put up at that Sum, at a Meeting
of the said Trustees held on the 20th Day of November last, but no Person having made any Bidding or Advance thereupon, the said Tolls will, at the said next Meeting, be put up at such Sum as the Trustees present shall think fit. The Best Bidder is forthwith to pay, in Advance, towards the Rent of the said Tolls, the Sum of £. 50, and must produce sufficient Sureties, and enter into Security, tor Payment of the Residue of the Rent either monthly or quarterly, as shall be required by the Trustees. CHARLES MARKHAM, Clerk to the Trustees. Northampton, Jan. 17th, 1807. Hertfordshire. be SOLD by AUCTION, By Messrs. HILL
S? SON, Premises, on Monday, February 2d, 1807, and four fallowing Days, Monday the 9th of Fe- bruary, and four following Days, and Monday the 16: h ot February, and following Days, ripHE neat and genuine IIOUSEHOLD- 1 FURNITURE, BOOKS, BREWING UTENSILS, LIVE and DEAD FARMING- STOCK, See. late the Property of the Hon. GEORGE BOWES, deceased, at PAU LS- W Af. DON- BU RY, five Miles from Hitchin, five from Welwyn, 10 from St. Alhan's, and 30 from London; comprising Four- post and other Bedsteads, with Mahogany Feet Pillars, and fashionable Hangings; Window- Curtains to cor respond; prime Goose Feather- Beds, and excellent Bedding; Mahogany, Japan, and Bamboo Chairs; Chests of Drawers; Wardrobes; Bureaus; Piir and Swing Glasses; Bedround and other Carpets; superb India Cabinets; Gentleman's Dressing- Tables; Bason- Stands; Dining, Pembroke, and Card Tables; Tab!'- Cluck*; Verde Antique Marble Slabs; large billiard- Table ; Mahogany Bookcases ; large and valuable Col- lection of Books; some Pictures; China and Glass; large Quantity ot fine old Beer; choice Wines, con- sisting of IJort, Madeira, Champaigne, Claret, Sherry, Old Hock. Burgundy, and various, other.-.; capital
Brewing Utensils; Timber, Hard Wood, Faggots, and Charcoal; an elegant Phaeton; Blood Mares, Hackneys, & c. The FARMINC- STOCK consists of Horses, Cows, Sheep, Hogs, Store Pigs, Sec. ; Waggon, Carts, Ploughs, Harrows, Rolls, and Barn Utensils; Park Hurdles; Hay, Straw, and Manure; large Collection ot Green and Hot- House Plants; Orange Trees; Garden Tools, Horse Harness, and numerous other Articles. May be viewed ( with Catalogues only), the Friday and Saturday preceding, and on the Mornings of Sale, which will begin each Day at Ten o'Clock. Catalogues ( at or. e Shilling each), may be had, five Days
previous to the Sale, at the Three- Cups, Al- dersgatc- Street, London; Red- Lion, Barnet; Wool- pack, St. Alban's; White- Hart, Dunstable; Sun, Hitchin; Half- Moon, Hertford; Swan, Stevenage; White- Hart, Welv- yn; Bull, W'hitwell; the Place of Sale ; and of Messrs. Hilt & Son, Auctioneers, Luton, Beds. Freehold, AmpthiV, Bedfordshire. To BAKERS. A VF. RY DESIRABLE SITUATION, WITH IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By II'. WHITE, At the White- Hart Inn, Ampthill, on Thursday the 12th Day ot February, 1807, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, of
which due Notice will be given, AConvenient DWELLING- HOUSE and BAKEHOUSE, ( now in full Trade, with the Good Will thereof), with suitable Outbuildings, Yard, and Garden.— The Oven has been lately rebuilt, made sufficiently large to bake IS Bushels, and heats with Wood or Coal, and the Premises are in good Repair, pleasantly situated in WOBURN- STRFF. T, AMPTHILL, and in the Possession of the Proprietor. The extensive Commons and waste Lands within the Parish of Ampthill are under an act of Inclosure, and the Proprietor is entitled to an Allotment for his Cottage Right, which is expected to be shortly set
out by the Commissioners, and will be sold with the above Premises. The Baking Utensils and Fixtures to be taken by Appraisement. For further Particulars, apply to Mr. THOMAS FLFTCHER, Marston- Mortain; Mr. JOHN ANSTEE, HoughTjn- Regis; Mr. EAGLES, Solicitor, Ampthill; or the Auctioneer, Bedford. spacious well- known VVHARF, extending 250 Feet in Front, with the roomy Warehouse, Stabling, covered Parge Dock, and Buildings, erectcd at a Yery considerable Expence, very convenient for general Business, but eminently desirable for a Carrier, Wharfinger, Coal ar. d Timber Merchant, & c. The Premises all- held
of the Grand Junction Com- pany, at Terms which will be stated at the Time of Sale. Printed Particulars 111 < y be had at the Office of this Paper; at the New Hotel, Birmingham; on the Pre- mises; ' at Garraway's; and of Mr. Scott, 25, New Bridge- Street, London. Grand Junction Canal. PASSAGE, PACKET, & PLEASURE BOATS. To be LETT by AUCTION, By Mr. SCO T T, On Friday the 6th of February, at Twelve o'Clock, at Garraway's Coflee- House, ' Change- Alley, Corn- hill, London, ill one Lot, r ( M1E SOLE and EXCLUSIVE PRIVILEGE of the 1 USE of PASSAGE, PACKET, » nd PLEA- SURE BOATS, for HIRE, on the
Grand Junction Canal between Paddirygton and Uxbridge, and the Head of the first'Lock feailing from Bull Bridge towards Brentford. , Printed Particulars and Conditions of Letting may, after the 15th Instant, be had by applying at the Grand Junction Office, No. 21, Surrey- Street, Strand; at the New Hotel, Birmingham; the White- Horse, Ux- bridge; Three- pigeons, Brentford; at the several Toll- Bars and Leck- Houses 011 the Line of the Grand Junction Canal; at Hatchett's Hotel, Piccadilly; at Garraway's; und of Mr. Scott, 25, New Bridge- Street, London. London, Jan. hf, 1807. Huntingdon. VALUABLE FURNITURE, & c. To be
S O L1") bv AUCTIO N, By Mr. ' FOX, On Monday the 9th ot February, 1807, and two fol- lowing Days, on the Premises lately occupied by THOMAS COLE, Esq. at Huntingdon, ALL the elegant HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE; comprising several lofty Bedsteads, with rich Cotton Furniture?, fringed; fine seasoned Beds awl Bedding; French Window Curtains to csrrespond; handsome Wardrobe; Commode Drawers; Ladies' Dressing Tables, aud Set of Butler's Patent Dining Tables; Pembroke and Card Ditto, firte Wood; elegant Mahogany and Japanned t'hatrs; Sofas; valu- able Pier Glas/ es, of large Dimensions; a curious Model
of the Marengo 74- Gun Ship, in an elegant Mahogany Glass Case, cross- banded and strung; large Turkey and Brussels Carpets; handsome Library Bookcase; valuable Library of Books; Billiard Table; Kitchen Requisites, and Brewing, Dairy, and Laundry Utensils. Also, ISO Dozen of fine OLD PORT WlNE, MADEIRA, SHERRY, & c. in Lots. The Effects . may be viewed on Friday and Satirday preceding the Sale. Catalogues may be had, on the 5th of February, at the Old Bell Inn, Holborn, London; at the Auc. tioneer's, Huntingdon; and a' the principal neigh- bouring Inns. Spilsbury's Antiscorbutic Drops. A MONG the
Disorders of Health we class nil il habitual Costiveness, and Obstructions in the Vessels connected with Digestion, which, from the Use ot Purgatives, are not relieved, but they bccome a Constitutional Complaint. Calomel, Antibilious Medicines, and various Formulte, have been em- ployed, but they certainly only discharge the accu- mulated Matter, leaving the Cause still existing; and every one, under their Operation, finds the Necessity of continuing, and periodically increasing the Dose, from the Tone and Sensitiveness of the Stomach and Intestines being partially destroyed. The Success of SPILSBURY'S PATENT
ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS, in removing glandular Obstructions, improving the Ap- petite, and destroying that Irritation causing Head- ach, Sense ot Weight, Nervous Affections, & c. gives full Value to this Antiscorbutic, as when employed in Gout, Rheumatism, Ulcerations, or Scrofula. Mr. SPILSBURY is not accountable for any Mixture sold, unless the Words " By the King's Patent" arc inserted at Length on the Bill of Directions, Bottle, and Wrapper; the Stamp also ( toe King's Duty) is printed in black Ink instead of red Ink. Sold at the Dispensary, No. 15, Soho- Square, London, in Bot- tles of 5s. 6d. 10s. and = t'. l 2s. Duty
indoded.— Compound Essence 8-'. ( p- Sold also by the Printers of this Taper; Mr. Okely, and Mr. Palgrave, Bedford; Mather, VVci- lingborough; Collis & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Robins, arid Wilkinson, Daventry ; Corral!, Lutter- worth ; and by most Venders of Patent Medicines in Town and Country.
lii. Leave to i plic, that,! » continue! p and from j BENTON, ; m l they 3 generous ] htion will , obedient, & Co. v Articles such, and The above • KESnuEY I MOKTH- Hundrei ; Town at ve of the ^ ANCIS 1 aforesaid mmended o be the for Sale ounty of • so quick in fairly so One. found a For these for Mr. • lerk for trends at her Par- idworth, allowing OOD, in f North- I LI. OW, MORE Part of ! in con- [ lECLS, ' neral. * : e of the * o'Clock Sale; as of the K LLOW of large LORP- North- LLINS, tioneer, Booth, II ngton, N, [ clock, fenees, in that Sng 250 tabling, ; a very ytneral - airier, 1 Com- ' ime of of this liel're- i, New > ATS. Clock,
Corn- of the LEA- nction Id the Bridge ! may, Grand at the [ Ux- icveral Grand ly; at Iridge- P io fol. ied by fcRE; I rich Is awl bond; [ adits' lining food ; valu- Urious kgant t'arSe ibrsry illiard and 1NE, Urd; ry, at ; AUC » neigli- j-— ss nn p the n the tcomc lilious [ em- « ccu- and : essity Dose, I and Ess of s, in [ A p- Head. ' gives lio yed a. ixture f' are jottie, ity) is at the pot- h: sringi Httcr- IKs in \ Friday* and Saturday's Posts. L 0 ; V D 0 N, January £ 3. VIE Aviaduc frigate, Captain Lord Falkland, Till ... . . . yesterday arrived at Yarmouth from Gotten burgh in twelve days. At the time of her sailing lio intelligence had'reached that port
of any battle having taken place between the Russians and French. The former were retreating, and Con- centrating their annv,. which would soon amount to about live hundred thousand men. By a Gottenburgh Mail which has also arrived, no intelligence has been received deserving of notice.— The winter in the North of Europe is described as less severe than in most seasons, but the Navigation of the Baltic seemsito have been stopped. The Third Report of the Commissioners of Mi- litary Enquiry has been printed. ' Ihe subject matter of it is the- conduct of the barrack depart- ment rcspectingthe stores and supplies provided
for the use of barracks in Great- Britain, & c. under the directions of the late and present Barrack- MasterVGeiieral. It contains letters of Major- General De Lancey, and Mr. Alexander Davison, from which the Commissioners inter, " that the management of this important eoncerpj. at one time, was left verv much to Mr. Davison's dis- ! cretion; and we cannot find that the barrack- I office made use of any ciieck to ascertain the rea- : sonableness of the articles provided by him." The barrack accounts of General Dejancey, it j is now said, cannot be brought into an auditable j train foi'inany years to come. It appears from an abstract
of the Estimates of the army services for the year 1807, presented to the House of Commons, that the expences for Great- Britain amount to .10,246,370 2s. 7d.; for ! Ireland, .£. 3,914.581 9s. 9d.— making a total of i .£'. 14.160,951 10s. 4d. A statement which is asserted to have been drawn from actual observation and authentic sources, gives the following as the number of foreigners dependent on the British government: i Foreign troops in British pay, mostly Ger- mans, 12,500.- 2. Foreigners of different nations in our army and navy, 3000.— 3. In the merchants' 1 NORTHAMPTON LIGHT COACH. AReport [ laving been
industriously propagated, that Mr. LEVI'S NORTHAMPTON LIGHT COACH is to be discontinued, Mr. I. EVI thinks it a Duty be owes to himself and the Public ( by whom he has been so'liberally patronized),, to declare, that there is not the least Foundation for such Report; but on the contrary, it is intended that the LIGHT COACH shall forthwith set out every Morning. from London and Northampton, instead of three Times a Week, from each Place. The NORTHAMPTON OLD COACH continues to set out every Day, as usual. Northampton, 19th Jan. 1807. James Litchfield's Insolvency. rpHE Creditors of JAMES LITCHFIELD,
late .1- of MOULSO, in the County of Buckingham, Farmer, are requested to transmit an Account of their respective Claims ® n the Insolvent's Estate, to Joseph Arrowsmith, of Newport - l'agnell, in tlje same County, Solicitor, on or before the tenth Day of Fe- bruary next, in older to a speedy Arrangement of the said I nsolvent's Affairs, and that a Composition may thereon be ascertained and made to his Creditors with ail convenient Dispatch.— And all Persons in- debted to the Estate aforesaid, are above Purpose, to adjust their several Accounts with the said J. Arrowsmith, on or before the said tenth Day of Fcbriiarv. Newport.
l'agnell, 13d Jan. 1S07. The hue Richard Clarke' » Insolvency, r jPHE Administrators of the Estate of RICHARD X C LA RK. E, late of LOUGHTON, Bucks, Farmer, deceased, Insolvent, earnestly request the Attendance of the several Creditors of the said Insolvent at the SWAN INN, in NiwrotT- l'iCsuL, Bucks, by Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon of FRIDAY next, as well S for the Purpose of examining the Administration j Accounts, as for taking into their Consideration va- I rious special Businesses and Claims touching the said Administration Property, and thereon to conclude on Measures proper to be adopted reiaiive thereto; and
such of the Creditors who have not already delivered ; in their Claims on the Estate aforesaid ( verified by ! Affidavit., are required to do so at the Time above- mentioned. By Order of the said Administrators, JOS. ARROWSMITH, Solicitor. Newport- Pagnell, 13d Jan. ISO7. SERVANTS. WANTED, An UPPER FEMALE SER- VANT, who understands the Business of the Laundry in general, to wait upon a Lady, and who can use her Needle well. Also, A HOUSEMAID, who has been used to the cleaning of a House in general, and can wash and iron well. None need apply who have not lived a Year in their last Places, and can be
well recommended. Enquire of Mrs. DAVIS, Market- Place, Stony- Stratford, Bucks. January 1& th, 1807. WANTED, for a large Family, A complete LAUNDRY MAID. No one need apply who is not perfect in her Business. The strictest En- quiry will be made also as to Character. For Particulars, apply to the Printers. January 15tb% 1807. THE KETTERING ASSEMBLY WILL be on MONDAY the 26th Instant.-^— Dancing to begin precisely at Nine o'Clock. The Hon. WM. COCKAYNE, Rev. W.. L. MAYDWELL, Kettering, Jan. 15th, 1807. Stewafds. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, ^ B^ HAT all Persons who have any Claims or X .
Demands on Mr. ROBERT AUSTIN, late of HAMMERTON, in the County of Huntingdon, Farmer, ANTED, in a private Family, A MAN- ' V SERVANT, who can occasionally drive a Pair of Horses from the Box, wait at Table, & c.— Such a Person, who can bring from his last Place an unexceptionable Character for Sobriety, Honesty, and Industry, will meet with good Encouragement by an I crsons in- applying at Mr. ASEI.' S, Stationer, Northampton'; ,' . I or at Mr. BLUNHOM'S, Farrier, Wellingborough. VWANI-. D, A SERVANT- MAN in I1US- * » BANDRY. One who is a gosd Ploughman, and capable of undertaking the
Management of an extensive Farm, will meet with Encouragement.— No Objection to a married Man, as a House will be provided for him. None need apply who cannot give References ss to Character, & c. Apply ( if by Letter, Post- paid), to Mr. LEVI, Northampton. To bb S O lU, rj^ HE ENTIRE LORDSHIP of LITTLE- - 1. OXENDON, in the County of Northampton; consisting of upwards of 520 Acres of rich' and ancient Feeding and Meadow Land, divided into 22 Closes j together with the MANORS of GREAT and LITTLE OX FN DON. Land- Tax redeemed; and an ancient Payment of £ A, ill Lieu of all Tythes. The, Lordship of
Oxendcn is within two Miles of the Town of Market- Hatbofough. The LondoD Road from thence adjoins it; and the Situation is uncom. monly fine for building upon. For further Particulars, apply at the Law Offices of Messrs. Pares, Mile?, & Elston, in Leicester; where a Plan of the Estate may be seen. dA vii Nf n f j It is stated, on this authority of private jitter? THIRD SUBSCRIPTION ASSEMBLY j from Paris, that Bonaparte has passed a decree, XX' LIE AT TLLE WHEAT- SHEAF INN, on prohibiting all Frenchmen from paying their V T MONDAY the 26th of JANUARY instant. English creditors, or at least has ordered the sus pension of such payipents. Private letters from Hamburgh, to the 9d inst. mention, tly* the confiscated British property has not yet been removed, and that the English in that city continue to have their parole. The American Legislature has taken up the question of the Slave Trade with a zeal equal to that which has been manifested by the Government of this country. A Bill has been brought into the; Senate, prohibiting the importation or exportation of slaves from or into any port or place within the jurisdiction of the United States, after the 1st of January, 1808. If we are to credit the reports in the Hamburgh Papers, the best
understanding prevails between the French and Austrians, and the latter allow the former to draw from the Austrian territories whatever supplies they require. PRICE OF STOCKS.— The public Funds have ex- perienced but little variation since our last.— Yes- terday prices were as follow— 3 per Cent. Reduced 59J1— 3 perCent. Consols. 59 il-— India Bonds 2s. pre. THE FOURTH NEWPORT SUBSCRIPTION ASSEMBLY WILL be at the SWAN INN,- NEWPOKT- P A G N £ LL , on TUESDAY the 27th of JANUARY instant, 1807. Stewards. R. CAUTT. EY,) R. LOWNDF. S,> P. H. WARD, ) Newport. PhgxelL, Jan. 15th, 1807.
OUNDLE SECOND BALL WILL be at the TALBOT INN, on WEDNESDAY the 4th of FEBRUARY. ROBT. SHERARD, Esq. j> c, , MILES BERKELEY,' < STEW; 1 ™ S. To he SOLD, ANUMBER of EMPTY WINE PIPES and HOGSHEADS, and some good old HOPS, at 6d. per Pound, ay the Pocket. Enquire at Messrs. CRICKS, Coopers, Northampton. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By A. BROlf'NSCRAFM, of NORTHAMPTON, SATURDAY EVENING, Jan. 24. service, as seamen, 500.— 4. Elnigranc French also given, at the OIORCE INN, at THRAPSTON aforesaid, on TUESDAY the I7th of FEBR UAR Y next, forthe Purpose «
> f paying a Dividend arc requested to send the Particulars thereof imme- diately to Mr. John Knight ar. d Mr. Robert Coales, i ' e" Cj ' Titchmarsh, in the said County of Northampton ; clergy resident amongst us, 250.— 5. Italians and j or to Mr. Everett, of Hamrnerton aforesaid, Trustees Swiss, 800.— 0. French, 5000.— 7. Germans, 2500. | under an Assignment of the Estate and Efiects of the e Dutch 500.- 9. Americans, 700.— 10. Russians, said Robert Austin; or to Mr, ' Tenney, Solicitor, 150.— 11. Spaniards, 300.- 12. All other nations, ' i'hrapston; ^ ^ & 1200. Total, 27,400. ! That the said Trustees will meet a Orders Wi re
received in Norwich last week, fi 1111 the East India company, for 20,000 pieces of fine camblots. From some late researches and analysis by Mr. ; Davy, it is proved that bread made. of the flour of 1 spring wheat is more nutritious than that of- winter | NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, \ vkoat; as the spring sort contains a greater portion I rt", HAT a Meeting of the Trustees of the ofalutc- ii orlialf animaliied matter. Bread made of : Turnpike- Road leading from Banbury, in the Si. nna wheat is not so white as that made of the ! "! ° flor< J- Somh ?•><• f A ™ - Field. n . : , - , , • I.,, m the Parish ot Lutterworth, in the County of better sorts
01 winter wheat, but is more palatable, | I. eicester, wiu be held at the RED- LION INN, in Application is shortly to be made to Parliament ! BANBORY, on FRIDAY the 20th Day of FEBRUARY r Vet hridce over the ' Thames from next, . at hkyen o'Clotk in the Forenoon; at which Meetmgthe trustees willtake into Consideration, and determine upon the Propriety oferecting a SIDE- GATE Under a Bill of Sale. To be SOLD by' AUCTIO N, By JOHN DAY, On Wednesday the 28th Day of January, 1807, on the Premises of Mr. JAMES LITCHFIELD, at MOULSO, near Newport- Pagnell, Bucks, rpHELIVE and DEAD FARMING STOCK,
S DAIRY VESSELS, HOUSEHOLD- FU R- N1TURE, and other EFFECTS; comprising one Hovel of Wheat and Frame, three Sacks with Wheat, . , i ,, , , • ! - .. . . 0 i and five Ditto with Barley, and three Cocks of Hav; i Mat to those Persons who nave executed the said Assign- i 17 Dairy Cows six Sturks and one Bull- Calf; three I fine Sheep Country; distant from the Royal DepSt, ment, or signified their Intention todo so. Cart Horses, and one Poney ; 29 Sheep; seven fat i the Grand Junction Canal Wharfs, and the Gteat Hogs; sundry Ducks and Fowls ; four Acres 0f , Chester Turnpike- Road ( all at Weedon- Bcck], only Turnips;
two Waggons ( one of which is new), three 1 one Alile. On Wednesday next, January 28th, 1807, THE neat HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE Mr. GEORGE ROGERS, of KISLI NUBURY, near; Northampton; consisting of Bedsteads; Flock Beds; Chest of Drawers; Dining and Dressing Tables; Pier and Swing Glasses; Bath Grate; Brewing Copper; Mash Vat and other Tubs; Half- IIogshead and smaller Casks; also, Harness for one Horse, a Lot of Poles, & c. Sale to begin in the Morning at Ten o'Clock. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Messrs. R, fif E. BLABY, On Thursday next the 29th of January instant, at the White- Hart, in Floore,
in the County of North- ampton, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, subject to Conditions then to be produced, Convenient and Roomy DWELLING- HOUSE, with all necessary attachftl and de- tached Offices, viz. Brevvhouse, Stable, Barns, ice. a Pump of excellent Water, three darkens and an Orchard well planted with choice Fruit and Timber Trees, containing about two Acres; well calculated for a Fellmonger ( having' been formerly occupied for that Purpose), Woolmonger, Tanner, Brewer, or any other Business that requires Room. The Situation is A MARRIED.] On Tuesday se'nnight, in London, the Rev. Richard Hohnden
Amphlett, son of the late Richard Amphlett, Esq. of Hadsor, Wor- cestershire, to Sarah, youngest daughter of the late Nathaniel Paul, Esq. of Bleemsbury- sqiiare. On Wednesday sennight, at Blocklev, Wor- cestershire, Mr. Stott, chemist and druggist, of Coventry, to Miss Susanna Fretwell, of Uptou- and- Wold. On Thursday se'nnight, at Warwick, Mr. A. Chapman, to Mrs. Sarah Mull is, of the New Inn, Guv's Cliff, Warwickshire. Lately, Sir. Robert Underwood, of Wisbech, to Miss Susanna Ashton, eldest daughter of Mr. John Ashton, of St. Ives, Huntingdonshire. DIED.] On Sunday se'miight, aged 72, in Rathbone Place, Mrs.
Kidd, mother of Dr. Kidd, Professor of Chemistry at Oxford. On Tuesday se'nnight, Mrs. White, wife of P. White, Esq. of Broxbourn, Herts. On Thursday se'miight, aged 83, at the Rectory House, at Barton on the Heath, Warwickshire ( of which parish he had been Rector upwards of 27 eligible for any of the above Businesses, there being i . • , ,, , „, , r; r_ .- — — plenty of Water, and in the Centre of three capital ' years), the Key. James Wilmot, O. D. formerly Markets, each about 6 Miles, good Roads, and in v'-"~ ' r Thiapstou, Jan. 22./, 1807. for an Act to build a bridge the Strand, and to form a new road from Covent- gardeH
market to the Obelisk, St. George's- fields. Last ' Thursday's post from town must have upeeditv conveyed, throughout the kingdom, the interesting intelligence, that the two 30,000 1/ nze?, exclusive of several other great Capitals, are still in the Lottery Wheel. The consequence obviously will he, that, by return of post, orders upon orders will flow in from all parts of the country, for the purchase of Tickets and Shares. Mr. Ludlam.— A petition from the Committee of this unfortunate Gentleman was heard on : Friday in the Court of Chancery. Lord Erskiue, j after attending to the details of facts, made an j order that he should be
delivered into the hands of i his committee; intimating at the sa'iic time, that he should be confined ill his own house, and that lie | was not by any means to be sent to a receptacle for lunatics. upon the said R< ud, at or near a Place called Grims- bury- Green.— Dated the 23dof January, 1 » 07. Bv Oidet of the Trustees, . EDM. BURTON. GRAND STATE- LOTTERY NOW DRAWING. Thirty Thousand Pounds For the First- drawn, Wednesday, February 4th. TICKETS AND SHARES WARRANTED UNDRAWN, Are on Hale at ALL THE LICENSED LOTTERY- OFFICES, And by their AGENTS in the COUNTRY. 03" the Wheel is
immensely rich, independent of the above fixed Capital. This Day is ittbUshed, No. I. of a new Monthly Publication, Price Is. each Number, entitled, I > ECORDS of LITERATURE, Domestic and The following cure for the bite of a mad dog, ^ TTe has been used by the family of Colonel Hodder, I followingSections:— near Cork, for many years:— Give to the patient j 1. CORRECT IN FORMATION relative to two spoonfuls of the juice of the leaves of the ; proposed Object ribuorth plantain every morning, or as much as the stomach will bear, till all apprehension is re- moved. Near to Cork- beg, the residence of Col. R. U. Fitzgerald,
a mad dog lately bit two children and a cow. To the children was given the juice of ribworth plantain, and they had no symptom of j hydrophobia— the cow ran mad. A few days since, the housekeeper of a gentle- man at Chcam, in Surry, being requested by the son to place a quantity of damp gunpowder in an the . Size, and Price of all Works an- nounced at Home or Abroad. 2. A succinct Account of the CONTENTS of Works published, with Abstracts or Extracts. The PRIZES proposed and distributed by Learned Societies. 4. A brief NECROLOGY of Literary Cha- racters. In fact, this Work forms an EPITOME OF THE
LITERATURE OF THE WORLD. Six- inch Carts, one Narrow- wheel and one Market Cart; one Pair of high Wheels for moving of Timber ; Field - Roll, Ploughs, Harrows, Cribs, Ladders, Horses' Gears, Barn Tackle, Tarpawling Cloths, & c. DAIRY VESSELS, as one large Churn, and one smaller Ditto, nine Milk- Leads, two Salting- Ditto, four Pair of Buckets and Yokes, Tubs, See. HOUSEHOLD- FURNITUHE, as Bedsteads; Feather and Flock- Beds; Quilts and Blankets; Tables, Drawers, and Chairs; Pewter, Brass, and Copper; Clock and Case; Beer Casks, Tubs, and various other Articles. The Sale to begin with the Farming-
Stock exactly at Ten o'Clock, as the Whole will be sold in one Day, if possible. Small Freeholds, Bedfordshire and Bucks. To be SOLD by A U C T'L O N, By JOHN DAY, On Tuesday the 3d Day of February, 1807, exactly at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, at the House of Mr. Ambidge, the Old George Inn, in Cranfield, in the County of B « dford ( in one Lor), under such Condi- tions as will be then and there produced, ACOTTAGE or TENEMENT, situate in WHARLY- END, in CRANFIELD aforesaid, with a Pightle of PASTURE- LAND ad- A. R. I'. joinir. fr, containing, by Estimation 0 A CLOSE of PASTURE, called BOURN.
CLOSE, and a Pightle of PASTURE, called COOPER'S PICHTLE, containing together, by Estimation 9 Also another Pightle of PASTURE, con- taining, by Estimation 0 The above- mentioned Lands adjoin each nther, with several thriving Trees growing thereon, which will be included in the Pur- chase. There is also a Right of Common for two Cows in the Cow- Pasture, and other commonable Places, which are likely to be soon inclosed. There is also a CLOSE of ARABLE LAND, in the Parish of MOULSO, in the County of Bucks, adjoining CRANFIELD, called GEORGE'S SPINNEY, which will be Particulars may be known by
applying t « Mr. W. S. DENNEY, Solicitor, Long- Buckby; or the Auctioneers, Floore. TIMBER. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. Kl'RS HA ll\ On Monday the 2d Day of February, 1807, on the Premises, at HARPO'LE, near Northampton, ABOUT SO very fine- ELM TREES, of large Dimensions, and a Quantity of ASH TIMBER TREES, now growing near the Church in HARPOLE aforesaid. The Sale to commence at Ten o'Clock on the Morn- ing of Sale. To te SOLD by AUCTIO N, At the Horse- Shoe Inn, in Daventry, on Wednesday the 1th Day of February next, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, RPWO CLOSES of rich
PASTURE LAND, . L situate at SAWBRIDGE, in th « County of Warwick, containing eighteen Acres ( more or less), now in the Occupation of Mr. William Whitmill. JOHN RADBURNE, of Savvbridge, will shew the Premises; and for further Particulars, apply to Mr. BURTON, Attorney, Daventry. 1 0 0 0 The 1st Number, just published, contains upwards i included in this Purchase, and contains, by of 300 Articles ot Literary Information. " oven toifry, and having shortly after- occasion to ! , p" bl'shed by C TAYLOR. 10S, Hatton - Street, bake, kindled the wood without recollecting tl « | K'jf a'so by Birdsall, Burnhain, and Abel, ', ... i , •
K , Northampton; Robins, Daventry; Harrod, Harbo- circumstanoe ot the gunpowder m the oven. An , rough; Collis & Dash. Ketterine: & Rusher. Rinhnrv gunpowder immediate and most tremendous explosion took | lace in consequence , and the unfortunate woman had her head severed from her body. No other life was lost, but ever square of glass in the house was shattered, and the building much injured. Estimation Total 11 To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. KNIBB, On Wednesday the 4th Day of February, 1807 ( unless disposed ot by Private Contract, of which timely Notice will be given), at the Swan Inn, in Newport-
Pagnell, Bucks, between the Hours of Five and Seven o'Clock in the Evening, rp^ HAT old- established and well- accustomed 1 PUBLIC- HOUSE, the RED BULL, situaied in the HIOH- STREET, in NEWPORT- PAGNELL aforesaid, now in full Trade; consisting of a roomy Kitcfien, and a Bar adjoining; a Dining- Parlour, and good Sleeping- Rooms; extensive Cellaring; Brew- house, Piggeries, and Stabling, with a Yard, and an outlett Backway into the Church- Yard; also, the Fishmonger's Shop adjoining; and a Rood of Grass in the Bury Mead, with a kight of Common for two Head of Cattle, from May till Old St. Thomas
following. For more Particulars, enquire of the Auctioneer. ** Boarding- School, at Wintlow. MRS. ( JillFN FY ( from Mrs. CRoss's, London), > begs respectfully to inform her Friends and . the Public, that her BOARDING- SCHOOL, for j YOUNG LADIES, will open on MONDAY the 26th of JANUARY, 1807. Terms.— Entrance, One Guinea; eighteen Guineas j per Ann.-^ Washing, 10s. fid. ner Quarter.— Writing. : French, Music, Dancing, Drawing, & c. charged ! separately: Coaches to or from London daily. DAN C I N G. MR. M'KORKELL respectfully acquaints his . Friends, that the next Quarter commences at the ACADEMY on
MONDAY the 26th Instant; when young Ladies and Gentlemen will have - the Advantage of double Lessons every Monday Afternoon and the same Evening ( which, on Account of Mr. M'Korkell's numerous Engagements, is the only Time appropriated for Teaching in NORTHAMPTON), and where every particular Attention will be given to facilitate their Improvement in the greatest Variety of fashionable New Steps and Dances. Northampton, Hi Jan. 1807. ECTON, Jan. 24th, 1807. ALL Persons having any Demand upon the Estate or Efiects ' of the late Mr. DANIEL CI. AYSON, of the Globe Inn, at ECTON, in the County of
Northampton, deceased, are desired to transmit their Accounts to Mr. Jubn Van, of Ecton, or Mr. Luke Kirshaw, of the Town of Northampton, Executors of the said Mr. Clavson, in order that the same may be adjusted and discharged; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate, either by Bond, Mortgage, Note, or otherwise, are requested to pay the same to the said Mr. Van, or Mr. Kirshaw, immediately. JANUARY 23d, 1807. RPHE CREDITORS who have proved their 1 Debts under a Commission of Bankrupt awarded and issued against THOMAS BAUCUTT, of LONC- BUCKBY, in the County of Northampton, Money-
Scrivener, Deatwr and Chapman, are dsired to meet the Assignees of the said Bankrupt's Estate, on SATURDAY theSlst Day of JANUARY instant, at Eleven o'Clock ill the Forenoon, at the WHEAT- SHEAF INN, in DAVENTRY, in older to assent to, or dissent from, the ; aid Assignees selling all, or any Part of tlie Bank- mpt's real and Personal Estate by public Auction, or Private Contract; and also to assent to, or dissent from, the said Assignees commencing, prosecuting, > r defending, any Suit or Suits at Law, or in Equity, ior Recovery of any Part of the Bankrupt's Estate and Effects; and also to their compounding, submitting
to Arbitration, or otherwise agreeing any Matter or Thing relating thereto, pntl on other special Altiir » . Dash, Kettering ; Sc Rusher, Banbury; where the Work may be seen, and Prospectus be ob- tained gratis. . DivsKTEf, Jan. 24th, 1307. T EFT, at tl « DOK- C. UW INN, in DAVENTKY, J- ' ' four Vests ago, A BOX,, containing a Quunlity. of SHOES. NORKF. is HEREBY GIVEN, That unless; the; Owner' pf such Box comes forward and claims'the same, and'pays the Expences left thereon, the Contents will be sold to defray such ( Expences without further Notice. HATH. ESTON ASSOCIATION: j . VYTIEREAS some Person or
Persons did, late | * » on Saturday Night, or earlv on Sunday ! Morning last, S T. HAL and TAKE AWAY out of a Ground in HORTO. N LORDSHIP, in tile Occu- i P'ttion of Mr, THAMAS SMITH, of Great- Houghton, I ! near Noiihampton, A FAT EWE SHEEP, the Skin, Head, and Entrails, were left, but the Carcase was taken away : Whoever will apprehend the Person or Persons who committed the above Felony, so that he or they may be prosecuted, shall, on his or their Conviction I thereof, immediately be paid TWENTY - FIVE POUNDS by Mr. BUSWU. L, Attorney, in North- ampton, the Treasurer and Solicitor to this Asso ciation, and TWENTY PO UN DS more by the said Mr. SMITH. And if more than one Person was concerned therein, and will impeach his Accomplice or, \ cconiplices, he shall, on their Conviction, be intitled to the same Rewards, and Interest will be made to procure His Majesty's Pardon. Northampton, Jan. 13d, 1807. ~^ SIIEEP STOtEN- Olney, Turvey, and Harruld Association. WHEREAS some Person or Persons did, on Tuesday Night, or early on Wednesday Morn- ing the 21st Hay of January instant, Feloniously Kill, on a Farm called Findon's, situate at WESTON- UNDER- WOOD, in the County of Bucks, A SIIEERHOG
SHEEP, The Propertj of Mr, JOHN JAMES, of Weston- Ur. der- wood aforesaid; and steal and take away the Carcase thereof, leaving the Skin, Head, and Entrails ( m the said Farm. Any Pirson whowill give such Information as may lead to the Discovery of the Offender or Offenders, so that hi or they may be committed to Prison for Trial I for the above Offence, will be entitled to the Sum ! of 1 IVE GUINEAS, out of the Fund belonging to i this Association. And. a further Reward of TEN GUINEAS will be paid by the said John James, upon the Conviction of the Offender or Offenders. JOHN GARRARD, Secretary. Oh. ey, !* n.
23./, 1807. The above Estate was late the Property of Mr. GEORGE HUCKLE, deceased, and for many Years in his own Occupation ; is now in the Occupation of Mr. George Goodman, Tenant at Will, at a very low Rent. For a View of the same, apply to the TENANT ; and for Particulars, to Mr. COOCH, or Mr. ARROWSMITH, Solicitors, in Newport- Pagnell. F. hn, Ash, Arteal, and Fir Trees. To be SO L D by AUCTIO N, By JOHN DA 5', On the Premises, on Thursday the 5th Day of Fe- bruary, 1807, T70RTY very fine MAIDEN ELM TIMBER - F TREES, b ASH, IS large ARBEAL, and 20 large SCOTCH FIRS, in Lots.— The
Trees are now lying OH the Sideof the Turnpike- Road from Newport- Pagnell to Northampton, in the Parishes of GAV HURST and STOKE- GOLDINGTON. May be viewed three Days before Sale. The Company are requested to meet the Auctioneer " ' " the Turnpike- Road at Gay. exactly at Eleven o'Clock in Sale will commence. To A Freeholds, Carltcit and Turveyj Beds. be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN D A Y, On Tuesday the 10th Day of February, 1807, exactly at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, in one Lot, at the House of Mr. Ejles, the Sign of the Swan, in Carlton aforesaid, A. R. P. MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, situate in
CARLTON, late the Resi- dence of Mrs. Litchfield, with a Close of Pasture adjoining, containing by Estimation 8 0 0 And SF. VE RAL P LOTS of new- inclosed;. LAND, lying together, on the Moor in CARLTON aforesaid, near the said Mes- suage, and containing, by Admeasurement.. 33 2 Also, a CLOSE of PASTURE, in TURVEY, near Carlton, formerly in four Parts, but now in three, with the Spinney adjoining, called BALL'S PASTURE, contain- ing together, by Estimation ... 16 0 0 - X LONDON. . Tan. 24. DISPATCHES were . received yesterday at Lord Howick's Office from Mr. Adair; and it is 42 For further Particulars,
enquire of Mr. COOCH, Solicitor, Newport'- Pagnell. TWENTY GUINEAS REWARD. " WHEREAS a FAT WETHI'. R SHEEP, be- V V longing to Mr. EDWARD GRANT, of LITCHBOKOUGH, in the County of Northampton, WAS KILLED on Thursday Night or Friday Morn- ing last, in a Turnip Field in the Parish of FAR- THINGSTONE, the Whole of which was carried away except the Head and Entrails, which were found in the Wood adjoining. Whoever will give Information of the Offenders, shall, upon their Conviction, receive the above Reward. lAtcbbwmgb, Jan. 21 .</•>, 1807. reported, that Government received very important
and satisfactory intelligence of the slate of the Russian ai'njv. ' Use rumours, respecting the immense losses of the French army by sickness, are said not to have been in the least exaggerated. No less than fo* ty thousand men ate computed to have been carried off by the disease, during the two months that they have been in Poland. Pro- bablv this number is exaggerated; but we are persuaded, they must have suffered greatly in this respect. . Some late accounts state, that Breslaw has sur- rendered, while others say, that Jerome Bonaparte has been ordered to march to Warsaw with the forces under his command, and that
only sufficient have been left to blockade Breslaw and the other fortresses in Silesia. , The William transport, from the Cape of Good Hope, is arrived at Portsmouth; she left St. Helena on the 1st of December. It is presumed this ship must have brought some intelligence from the Rio de la Plata. On the subject of the reported capture of Buenos Ayfes bv the Spaniards, the following notice was yesterday exhibited at Lloyd's- Coffee- house :— " The American ship Alexander Hamilton, Capt. Cajlahan, from Savannah, has arrived at Liverpool. She sailed on the 25th of December, and brings an-. accouiit, that an American vessel
had arrived at Charleston from Buenos Ayres, where she had been embargoed, bui by slipping her cable in a gale of wind, got away; and says, that Buenos Ayres was re- captured by the Spaniards while she was there." Without disputing theaccuracy of this statement, we have simply to observe, that it is very inex- plicit, inasmuch as we are neither informed of the name of the American vessel arrived at Charleston, when she arrived there, or at what time she sailed from the Rio de la Plata. Ilow long she had been embargoed at Buenos Ayres we are, moreover, not told, but we learn that she got away by slipping her cable in a
gale of wind! In this she was sin- gularly fortunate, and the account she has brought, ij' correct, places the fact of the re- capture of i Buenos Ayres beyond all doubt ! Fellow of Trinity College, Oxford. Same day, in his' 06th year, Mr. Wright, of Lowesby, Leicestershire. - A few days ago, in London, Mrs. Palmer, wife of the Rev. Mr. Palmer, of Ileadington, near Oxford. Last week, Mrs. Wakelin, of Barnacle Hal!, Warwickshire. On Saturday last, at Oundle, aged 33, after a severe illness, Mrs. Sugars, wife of Mr. J. Sugars, draper. Same day, in the 64th year of his age, Air. Robert Marriott, of Bai'by, in this county. On Tuesday last, at
Hillmorton, Warwickshire, Mrs. Smith, widow of Mr. Thomas Smith. Saturday's Gazette contains his Majesty's Pro- clamation for a General Fast, to be obserwd Wednesday the 25th of February next, in England ; and on the 26th in Scotland. t His Grace the Duke of Bedford, though en- gaged in the arduous government of Ireland, has not forgotten the poor of Woburn, having ordered his annual donation of one hundred pounds to be applied for their relief; and which was this week distributed accordingly in meat, fuel, and clothing. A meeting of the principal persons in Shrews- bury, concerned ill the manufacturing and cutting of
leather, was held last week, in consequence of the Bill now depending in Parliament, to repeal the Act of James I. respecting the regrating of - Oak Bark; and it was resolved, that the Act intended to be repealed was of great advantage to the leather trade, and, if duly enforced, would tend to remove one of the principal causes of the pre- sent high price of that article; and, therefore, requesting that the Members for that town would oppose the Bill in every future stage. On Sunday morning, about five o'clock, Mr. Burf « ird, of Coventry, who was going to Bir- mingham, was stopped by' two footpads near Meriden, and robbed of
eleven one- pound bills, half- a- giwnea, some silver, and copper, with which the villains unfortunately made off.— It appears, one of them pretended to ask the hour of the morning, whilst the other at the same instant gave him a violent blow, which threw him on his back, and then rilled his pockets of the above hoatv. At Worcester quarter- sessions, last week, Ihos. Smith/ for enlisting as a soldier, being an appren- tice, was sentenced to two years imprisonment and hard labour. A bill of indictment was found at Warwick sessions, against Richard Cleaver, George White- head, and others, lor a misdemeanor, in having, a short
time since, assembled. in a riotous manner at Southam, in that county, where the former ex- posed his wife to sale in the public market, with a halter round her waist, of whom \\ hitehead was the purchaser. Cleaver aiid Whitehead are both in custody in Warwick gaol, until they find sure- ties for their appearance at ^ he next sessions. On Saturday se'nnight, au inquisition was taken at Old- Stratford, in the parish of Cosgrove, in this county, before John Lovell, Gent. Coroner, on the body of Thomas Chetterdl, who being digging for stones in a deep pit, a great quantity of earth fell in upon him, and killed him upon the spot. Verdict
— Accidental Death. And on ' Tuesday last another inquisition was taken at Wappcnham, before the same Coroner, on the body of Martin Brown, an old man, aged about 73, who set out the preceding morning to go to work, in apparent good health and spirits, but was soon after found dead in the field. Ver- dict— Died by the Visitation of God. PRICE of CORN per Quarter Northampton, Saturday, Jan. 24. Wheat, J64S. to 79s. Od. Rye, 47s. Od. to 48s. Barley. 38s. Od. to 39s. Od. Oats, 21s. Od. to 25s. 6d. J.. GRAFTON, Inspector, Beans, 40s. 0d. to 42s. Cel. Peas, 38s; Od. to4Qs. 0d( By the Standard Measure. Corri-
Kvchunge, London, Friday, Jan. 23. The fresh arrivals of wheat to- day are few, but the quantities on hand are considerable; and owing to the continuance of the late dullness of sales, this trade further declines in prices.— Barley is here in very large quantities, chiefly of second quality, and is lower. — Malt dull in sah- s.— Old Beans, of both sorts, are cheaper.— There are tolerable suppliys of Oats ; and, excepting prime samples/ this article is lower.— Flour is. cheaper. LIST of FAIRS, from Jan. 26, to Feb. 7, within the Circuit of this Paper. M. Jan. 26. Bmkinghtua. T. 27. Porlon. Th. 29, Hicham- Ferrers-. Th. Feb. 0. Ifcldon
and Lei( 6tin- Buzzard. XJ.
ODE FOR THE NEW YEAH, 1807. By H. J. PYE, Esq. P. L. I. WHEN loud and drear the tempests roar, When high the billowy mountains rise, And headlong ' gainst the rocky shore, Driven by the blast, the giddy « i* ssel flies ; Unguided, by the wild waves borne, Her rudder broke, her tackling torn; Say, does the seaman's daring mind Shrink from the angry frown of fate ? Does he, to abject fear resign'd, Th' impending stroke in silence wait ? No— while he pours the fervent prayer To Him whose will can punish or can spare, Cool and intrepid ' mid the sound Of winds anil waves that rage » round, The powers that skill and
strength impart, The nervous arm, th' undaunted heart, • Collecting,— firm he fronts the threat'ning storm, And braves, with fearless breast, fell Death's terrific form. II. So, though around ou'r sea- encircled raign, The dreadful tempest seems to lower, Disiyiav'd do Britain's hardy train Await in doubt the threat'ning hour ? J. o ! to his sons, with cheering voice, Albion's bold Genius calls aloud: Around him valiant myriads crowd, Or death or victory their choice ; From ' v'ry port astonish'd Europe sees Britannia's white sails swelling with the breeze ; Not her imperial barks alone Awe the proud foe 011 ev'ry side, Commerce her
vessels launches on the tide, And her indignant sons awhile. Seceding from their wonted toil, Tttui from the arts of peace their care, Hurl from each deck the bolts of iVar, To sweep til' injurious boasters from tile main, Who dare to circumscribe Britannia's naval reign. III. And see with emulative zeal Our hosts congenial ardour feel; The ardent spirit, that of. yore Flam'd high on Gallia's vanquish'd shore; Or burn'd by Danube's distant flood; When flow'd his current ting'd with Gallic blood; Or shone on Lincelles' laterJight; • Or fir'd by Acre's tow'rs the Christian's knight; Or taught on Maida's fields the Gaul to feel, . I'rg'd by the
Briton's arm, the British steel; Now in each breast with heat redoubled glows, And gleams dismay and death on Europe's ruthless foes. IV. . Not to Ambition's specious charm. Not to th' ensanguiu'd despot's hand, Is conquest bound— a mightier arm Than Earth's proud tyrants can withstand, The balance holds ot human fate, Raises the low and sinks the great. Exerting then in Europe's cause Each energy of arm and mind, All that from force or skill the warrior draws, Yet to th' Almighty Power resigned, Whose high behest all Naturo's movements guides, Contrails the battle's and the ocean's tide'.; Britain still hopes that Heav'n
her vows will hear, While Mercy rears her shield, and Justice poims her spear. -^ N^ N^ tt^^ Vw— ATHLETIC EXERCISES. Sir John Sinclair, who so actively devotes his time and talents to disquisitions calculated to pro- mote the public welfare, lias lately tdraed his at- tention to nil interesting enquiry into [ he effect of Athletic Kxerciscs on the human frame, as thev rona ' d health and longevity. With a view of Solvi: ig so important ail enquiry, he has taken every possible means to collect the best information rc- spccting the success with which men have been trained to these exercises; and also the arts by which tli « Y are
improved in strength, spirit, r, r speed. Men ( i ' high professional character have voluntarily assisted the worthy iiaroyct in this laudable under- taking, by drawing up Queries to persons most likely to furnish intelligent and useful answers, litis has - laturally led to analogical comparisons between the human and animal race, which afliird much interesting, as well as curious infor- mation. ." sir John properly remarks at rhe end of hi- ('. lurries—" That these are questions, of the importance of which, those who are best able to answer, may not be fully aware. But nothing which so suddenly changes the powers, and the very form and
character of the body, from gross ' to lean, from weakness to vigorous health, from a breathless and bloated carcase, to one active and nntiring, can never he unimportant, either to the art of physic in general, or to the branch of it more immediately connected with enquiries re- garding health and longevity !" JOCKIKS. The following answers wei'e transmitted to Sir John Sinclair's Queries, respecting the training of Jo- kits, by I » lr. W. Saudevir, an eminent surgeon, residing at Newmarket:— Q. 1. How long the training of Jockies generally continues? A. With those of high repute as riders, in a greater or less degree, from about
three weeks before Faster to the end of October; hut a week or ten days are quite sufficient for a rider to reduce himself from the weight he is naturally of, to sometimes a stone and a half below it. Q. 2. What food do they live on, both solid and liquid, and what quantities are allowed them of each ?. A. For breakfast, a small piece of bread and butter, with tea, in moderation. Dinner is taken in a very sparing way ; a very small piece of pud- ding, and less meat; and when fish is to b » ; ob- tained, neither one nor the other are allowed ; wine and water is their usual beverage, in the proportion of one part wine fo two of water. Tea in
the afternoon, with little or no bread and biitter, and no supper, Q. 3. What exercise do they get, and what hours of rest? A. Afier breakfast, having sufficiently loaded themselves with clothes, that is, live or six'Waist- coat?, two coals, and as tiiuny pairs of breeches, severe walk i> taken, from ten to fifteen or tixieeri miles; after their return home, dry clothes ate substituted for them that arc made very wet and uncomfortable by sweat, and if much fatigued, some of them lie dow n for an hour before dinner, after which tio severe exercise is taken, but the remaining part of the day is spent in the way that ntav be most agreeable to
themselves; they gents ill 1 y t'o to bed by nine o'clock, and continue there till six or seveu the next morning. Q. 4. Are they purged, and what purgatives, or other medicines are given them? A. Some of them that do not like excessive walking have recourse to purgative medicines; two ounces of Glauber salts is the usual tlose, and rt is very seldom that any other medicine is had recourse to. Q. 5. Would Mr. Sandevir recommeud a similar process to reduce corpulency in other people, whe- ther male or female? A. Mr. Sandevir would certainly recommend a similar procoss to reduce corpulency in either sex, as from experience
he perceives that the consti- tution does not appear to be injuted by it, but he is apprehensive that hardly any person could be prevailed upon to submit to such severe discipline, thatihad not been inured to it from bis infancy. John Arnall, w hen rider to bis ltoyal Highness the j 1' rince of Wales, \ ia> desired to reduce himself as much as he possibly could, to enable him to ride ' some favourite horse, without his earning more weight than was agreed upon; in consequent of which he abstained from animal, and even fari- naceous food, for eight succeeding days, Mid the j only substitute was now and then a piece of apple; he was
not injured, by it at the time, and is now in good health; added to which, Dennis Fitzpatrick, a person at this time continually employed as a rider, declares, that he is less fatigued by riding, and has more strength to contend with a determined horse, in a severe race, when moderately reduced, than when allowed to live as he pleased, although he never weighs more than nine stone, and fre- quently has reduced himself to seven stone seven pounds. Newmarket, Jane " 28th, 1805. THE SUBSEQUENT ANSWERS WERE RECEIVED rnoM ANOTHER PERSON. Q. 1. What is the process used in training them, and reducing their
weight? A. Abstinence; sweating in consequence of additional clothing, and long continued walking. Q. 2. What effect has it'upon their health and strength ? A. Neither the one nor the other are impaired when the above arc had recourse to in moderation ; but when carried to excess, both of course must be more or less affected. Q. 3. What effect has it upon their minds, in regard to courage, quickness, & c. A. When much reduced, peevish and irritable; but perhaps not less courageous than usual. Q. 4. llow long do these effects continue? A. Till the cause is removed. Q. 5. After being reduced, tlo they quickly get fat ajain, . or do
they continue long in the state to which they were brought? A. Many of them are naturally lean, but Buckle, the great rider, after severe wasting, has gaiited nine pounds in eighteen hours. Q. ti. Are Jockies, accustomed to be thus treated, healthy and long lived ? A. Their health does not appear to be injured by wasting, and the continuance of life 011 the contrary does not appear to be affected by it. OLD BAILEY, Friday, Jan. 16. . T. L. P. Barrieliet, was capitally indicted for stealing in the dwelling- house 91' the Karl of Ca- ledon, a quantity of wines, linen, & c. Lord Caledon stated, that the prisoner had been six months in his
service as valet. In the mouth of August last, he sent bis steward, and the greater part of his servants, to the (' ape of Good Hope, to which place he was going. The property, which was t; iki 11 care of by the steward, devolved to the care of the prisoner; and witness, having received intimation from the Admiralty on the 28th of De- cember, that a sloop of war was waiting to take him to the Cape, gave orders for his property to be sent to the waggon; but it was in such bustle and confusion, that he could not say what the packages contained. His Lordship saw 32 put into a cart, to be conveyed to the Oxford Arms in Warwick- lane;
and the next, day he went to settle his private affairs in Ireland. The prisoner had 110 business in the wine- cellar after his absence. James Morris, coachman, proved that the pri- soner brought back one of the packages the day after Lord Caledon left town, and that he had wrenched off the lock. When they were put into the cart to be conveyed to the inn, the prisoner counted a less number than witness, and he had brought several back. Witness once saw a ladv breakfast w ith the prisoner at his Lordship's house. Mr. Alley here endeavoured to prove the stealing of the wine, which constituted the capital offence; but an
argument taking place respecting the en- tering into proofs of felonies committed at several times, Mr. Alley consulted Lord ( Jalcdon, and that part of the charge was dispensed with. Mr. Smith, linen- draper in Piccadilly, proved, the prisoner asked his opinion of the worth of some table linen, which was produced, and sworn to by Lord Calcdou. Miss Kennet also proved,, that on the day she breakfasted with the prisoner, he made her a present of some handkerchiefs, which were also sworn to be the property of Lord Caledon. John Batty, book- keeper at the Oxford Arms, proved that the prisoner obtained back several packages
from the inn by Assuming the order of Lord Caledon. The fact being proved, the pri- soner was found Guilty of Stealing. He was then indicted for stealing property be- longing to Mr. Alexander, and acquitted without going into evidence, the ends of justice being ob- tained. To the Emouragers of the. Polite Arts, Lovers of Antiquity, Topography, 4' C. On the 1st of February, 1807, will be published, in Octavo Foolscap, Price 2s. ( id. containing nine highly- finished Engravings, with appropriate Letter- press Descriptions of each Subject, No. 3, of l. tBKlUL EDUCATION. Just published, in two large Volumes, Octavo, Price 18s.
Boards ( or in 17 Numbers, to be had by one or more at a Time, Price Is. each), each Number containing 58 Pages of Letter- Press, and the Whole embellished with 26 useful and elegant Copper- Plates, rpHE ACCOMPLISHED TUTOR; or, COM- A PI. F. TE SYSTEM of LIBERAL EDUCATION; being an Introduction to Scientifical Knowledge, and genteel Accomplishments; containing the most improved Theory and Practice of the following Subjects:— English Grammar and Elocution— Penmanship and Short- hand— Arithmetic, Vulgar and Decimal— Stock- holding and Merchants' Accounts— Mensuration and Architecture—
Optics— Algebra— Doctrine of Annui- ties— Trigonometry— Logarithms— Geography— Astro- nomy— Mechanics— Electricity— Pneumatics— Hydro- statics— Hydraulics— Drawing, Engraving, and Paint- ing— and a Variety of other useful Matter. Second Edition corrected. By THOMAS HODSON. To enumerate the various Classes of Individuals to whom the present Work will be highly acceptable, would be to particularize almost every Description of Mankind. The Scholar, under the Tuition of a Master, would find his Labours greatly abridged by a Reference to such a Treatise. The mechanical Youth, and Man of Business,
will find all that is necessary to qualify them for the Shop and Counting- House. Those who have missed the Advantages of a liberal Education, may here supply that Defect, and the ex- perienced Scholar may find his Account in reviewing the earlier Part of his Education. " This certainly is a useful and cheap Work j the modern Improvements on each Subject are introduced; and we have no Scruple in giving it our general Re- commendation." Fide British Critic, November, 1802. Printed for II. D. SYMONDS, NO. 20, Paternoster - Row ; where may be had, Price 6s. in Board*, MENTOR; or, the MORAL CONDUCTOR of YOUTH
from the ACADEMY to MANHOOD; a Work, the Result of actual but painful Experience, candidly stated, and usefully adapted to the Level of youthful Understanding. To which is added, as an Incitement to the Study of it in grown Youth, dvtring their I lour* of Relaxation from Business, ari ESSAY 011 the extensive Utility, Advantages, and Amusement, of MATHEMATICAL LEARNING, By DAVID I. IORRICE. BAKU'S NEW AND BEAUTII TA LNMOS OF BUTTON'S NATURAL HISTORY, ( Willi coloaretl Plates). This Day is published, No. I. elegantly printed in Octavo, on superfine Paper, and embellished with a complete Set of
beautiful Copper- Plates, ac- curately coloured from Nature, by the most cele- brated Artists; Price only Is. ( id. each, or, with plain Plates, Price Js. ( to be regularly continued eyejy Week), of ORIT'ON'S NATURAL HISTORY; containing & * a Theory of the Earth, a general History 01 Man, of the Brute Creation, and ot Vegetables, Minerals, Sec. translated f/ om the lreiich, and inter- spersed with Notes Jiv J. S. BARR, Esq. To which is added, bv Way of a complete Supple- ment, a NATO HAL HISTORY of BIRDS, RElJ- i'l Li- is, FISH, and INSECTS. This valuable Work will bit regularlv continued every Safurda}, and wili be
completed in 9* 1 Numbers, forming, beyond Comparison, the most complete and elegant Natural History in the English, or any other Language, beautifully printed, and making fifteen Volumes, in Octavo, which contain near 5COO Pages of beautiful Letter- Press, beside the elegant and nu- merous Set of original Copper- Plates, taken from Lite. TO THE PUBLIC. The Advantages arising from the entertaining Stud'.' of Natural History, are too generally felt and acknow- ledged to need Enlargement in favour of a Work cal- culated to assist that enlightening Pursuit; it may therefore be sufficient to remark, that the general Outline
of the present Design is to give a correct Description of, and Theory of the Earth, the History of Man, and of the Brute Creation, of Vegetable.-, Minerals, and of the various Birds, Fish, Reptiles, and Insects, which adorn animated Nature; together with a clear succinct Account « t' their Habits, Customs, and ( futilities, on the Authorities of He tilltj/ tin- lain Yleii. iay fof COUGHS) COLDS, ASTHMAS, PKfUIAL'S ntJ Medici lib ever obtained moffe Credit, or conferred greater Advantages 011 Man- kind, than LORD'S PECTORAL BALSAM of HOREHOUND, for the Cure ot the most obstinate Coughs, Colds, Asthmas, and
Consumptions. In no one Instance has it ever failed to produce imme- diate Relief; and if a Cure be within the Reach of Medicine, this Balsam will most certainly effect it. It possesses such healing Qualities as to remove a common Cough or Cold by a few Doses, and so inno- cent that it may be given to an Infant newly born with the greatest Safety. Sold, Wholesale and'Retail, by R. FORD, Chemist, Barbican, and Dicey & Co.. Bow Church- Yard, London, in Bottles at Is. I^ d. 2s. Sd. and 4s. 6d. each; and, Retail, by Messrs. Dicey & Co. Mr. Edge, and Mr. Marshall, Northampton; Mr. Beestey, Banbury; Mr. Inwood, Newport l'aguell; Mr. Gallard/ Tow- cester; Mr. Higgs, Harborough; Mr. Swint'en, Lei- cester; Mr. Rohins, Daventry; and by all Venders of Medicines in every Town in the Kingdom. For all Disorders in the Eyes. THE GENUINE Dr. JOHNSON'S GOLDEN OINTMENT, Prepared by WILLIAM SINGLETON, NO. UNION- PLACE, I. AMBETH, Surrey, npms Ointment is an effectual Remedy in ln- 8 Inanimations, Films, Specks, or any other Dis- order incident to the Eyes; having completely effected some Thousands of Cures when all other Means have failed. fJ5T Purchasers are requested to see that the Bill of Direction given them with this
Article, has got the Proprietor's Name as is underwritten: All not so signed are Counterfeits. This Ointment? prepared by me, ) Wm. Singleton, jNo. VJjtaj. PW, Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Messrs. Dicey & Sutton, Bow Church- Yard, and at their Warehouse in Northampton; and, Retail, by Robins, Da- ventry; Inns, and Gallard, Towcester; Harrod, Harborough ; Inwood, and Barringer, Newport- Pagnell; Mather, Wellingborough; Collis & Dash, Kettering; and by all other Venders of Medicines in the Kingdom; Price Is. 9d. per Pot, with full Directions. 0 1', Dr. The ANDERSON'S, True Scuts Pills, H J" AYE been faithfully prepared
and given the greatest Satisfaction for upwards of EIGHTY Years, by DICEY & Co. at the; r Original Medicine Warehouse, No. .10, Bow Church- Yard, London; ai. d „* re singularly eiftcacieus in bilious, flatulent, and ( irppsical Complaints, and all Disorders of the Sto- 1 Hutch and Bowels. They promote Digestion, create I an Appetite, remove Obstructions in the Kidnies, and 1 consequently are Antidotes to the Stone and Gravel ; but forthe K& pulsion of Worms in Children or grown i Persons, the whole Materia Medica has not their 1 equal. Travellers, who ate too often obliged to tiring all Kinds of Liquors, as well as Sea- faring
People, should never be unprovided with them, as bv fre- WIMAYS ANRI- BLI. TOUS TIL. 35. 80 justly esteemed for their easy and certain" - Operation in removing all Bilious Complaints, Obstructions in the Liver, Indigestion, Sick Head- Acli, Jaundice, & c. They are an excellent Remedy for Persons of Bilious or Costive Habits; for Per- sons of sedentary Lives, where sufficient Action of the Bowels is not kept up; also for Persons who have impaired their Constitutions by tree Living ; and in early Attacks of the Gout are peculiarly useful, by alleviating the Severity of the Fit, and shortening its Duration. They have been found
highly useful preparatory to, or during Sett Bathing. These Pills require no particular Regimen or Confinement, and do not contain any Mercurial or Antimor. ial Preparation. Prepared and sold by W. Wyman, Surgeon, Ket- tering. Sold, Wholesale, by Dicey & Sutton, No. 10, Bow Church- Yard, London; and, Retail, by the Printers of this Paper, Edge, and Marshall, North- ampton ; Sanderson & Bealc, ar. ci Mather, Welling- borough ; Robins, Wilkinson, and Bates, Daventry ; Reeve, Higham- Ferrers; York & Summers, Oundle; Beesley, Banbury ; Barringer, and Inwood, Newport- Pagneil; Qucneborough, Dunstable; Alsop, Luton;
Harrod, and Bull, Market- Harborough; Inns, and Gallard, Towcester; Seeley, Buckingham; Hawkcs, Lutterworth; l'algiave, Bedford; Gardner, Biggles- wade; Richardson, Stony- Stratford; Loggin, Ayles- bury; Wards, Hinckley; Eaton, Thrapston; Jacob, Peterborough;"- 1 0—-•-- I. uccock, Ki Huntingdon; . —, • Olney; Rowell, Rugby; Ward, Stratford- upon- Avon; Rollason, and Merridew, Coventry; ami by every Vender of Medicines in the Kingdom. Price 2s. Jkl. per Box, Duty included.— Be careful to aik tor WYMAN'S Antibiiious Pills. AOOOOOOC! C ' VI BANKRUPTS required to ST 11 RENDER. Thomas Ridlev, of Bow- lane,
London, victualler, • Tan. 20, 31, and Feb. 28, at Guildhall.— Attornies, Messrs. Smith arid Co. Chapter- house. James Nabbs, of Newington Butts, Surrev, linen- draper, Jan. 22, 30, and Feb. 28, at Guildhall, Lon- don — Attorney, Mr. Hurd, King's- Bcnch- Walk, Temple. William Richmond, of Mark- lane, London, auc- tioneer, Jan. 20, 31, and Feb. 28, at Guildhall.— Attorney, Mr. Page, Gray's- inn- square. Edward Weaver, of New ark- upon- Trent, Notting- hamshire, draper, Feb. 13, 14, and28, at the Punch- Bowl, Nottingham.— Attornies, Messrs. Coldham and Co. Nottingham. Thomas Parker, of Keighlcy, Yorkshire, cotton twist- spinner, Jan. 30, 31, and Feb. 28, at tlie De- vonshire Arms, Keighley.— Attorney, Mr. Schofield, Skipton. Edward Pheasant, of Three- Crane- court, South- ward hop- merchant, Jan. 20, 31, and Feb. 28, at Guildhall.— Attorney, Mr. Watkins, Pump- court, Temple. John Harris, of the Old Jewrv, London, watch- maker, Jan. 20, 31, and l- eb. 28, at'Guildhall.— Attor- ney, Mr. Rutherford, Bartholomew- close. Charles Greensword, of Itciienor, Sussex, ship- builder, Jan. 20, 27, and Feb. 28, at Guildhall, Lon- don.— Attornies, Messrs. Mavo and Co. Cloak- lane. William Williams, of Lad- lane, London, victualler, Jan. 20, 31, and
Feb. 28, at Guildhall.— Attorney, Mr. Adams, Old Jewry. Francis Henry Christin, John Calvert Clarke, and i? ... — ' RPHE ANTIQUARIAN & TOPOGRAPHICAL *. CABINET, displayed in a Series of Views of the most interesting Objects of Curiosity in Great- Britain. Tlrlselegapt Work, which will contain eight Tlates in each Number, besides its unexampled Cheapness, will possess the singular Advantage of displaying, in a short Period, the greatest Assemblage of interesting Engravings that has yet been offered to the Public. Every six Numbers will form a Volume; consisting of fifty Plates, 96 Pages of Letter- Press Descriptions,
appropriate Indexes, & c. ; and each Number will be published regularly 011 the 1st Day of the Month. The Whole will be printed on a most beautiful yellow Wove Paper, hot- pressed; and, for tile Advantage of Gentlemen who illustrate other Works on Antiquity, Topography, & c. a few Copies are printedon Demy Octavo, at4s. each Number. London: Published for the Proprietors by W. CLARKE, New Bond- Street; J. CARPENTER, Old Bond- Street; andl!. D. SYMONDS, Paternoster- Row ; and may be had of all thfc Booksellers in the United Kingdom. GERMAN LANGUAGE. This Day is published, Square 12mo. Price £.\ Is.
bound, \ COMPLETE POCKET DICTIONARY of the ENGLISH & GERMAN, and GERMAN and ENGLISH LANGUAGES, in two Parts. By the Rev. W. RENDER, D. D. Each Part may be had separately, viz. The first, containing English and German, t. d, Price 7 The second, containing thev German and English 14 0 In this Dictionary, the Article indicative of the Gender is added to every Substantive ; such Words as 1 have various Meanings are elucidated by a pro- I portionate Number of Examples. I Instructions for the true Pronunciation of the German Language, and the genuine Articulation of each Letter of the Alphabet, are
prefixed to the Dictionary, which will be found extremely useful. The Appendix contains a List of such Words as are difficult to be distinguished in their Pronunciation, though they vary in their Orthography; also, a List of proper Names, and the Naples of Countries, Cities, and Towns, principally those of Germany. Printed for H: D. SYMONDS, Paternoster- ROW ; and may he had of all Booksellers and Newsmen in Town and Country. Where m. iy be had, by the same Author, 1. A PRACTICAL GRAMMAR of the GERMAN and ENGLISH LANGUAGE; second Edition; Price 5s. bound. 2. EXERCISES to the RULES and
CONSTRUCTIONS of GERMAN SPEECH; second Edition; Price 5s. I bound. j Also, a Concise ENGLISH and GERMAN SPELLING- . BOOK; or, an easy Introduction to the German Grammar. By GODFREY AUGUSTUS MULLER. Price 4s. bound. Buflbn I. ewenhock Ray Hunter Geoffre Swammerdanj Derham Lettsome Johnson Spallation DeLal'luc'hc Edwards Malpighi Riieaumur Gouan Pennant Marald WHloUsbby ! Monro and other eminent Naturalists; the Transactions of the various Philosophical Societies in Europe, and the most respectable Travellers and Voyagers. Every At- tention has been paid to rendpr this Work
as complete and correct as possible, which the Translator and Editor has more particularly undertaken, at the Desire of many of the Nobility and Gentry of this Kingdom, as no complete History of the Kind has hitherto been published. ( f5T To prevent Mistakes, and the Obtrusion of former and inferior Works 011 tbeSubiect, the Public are requested to ask for, or order, BART'S new and beautiful Edition of BUFFJIN'S NATURAL HISTORY, which is executed hi a Degree of very superior Ex- cellence, with the Plates coloured. London : Printed from the Translation of Mr. IBARR, for the Proprietor; and sold by H. D Symonds, No.
20, Paternoster- Row; and may be had ot ali ! Booksellers and Newsmen in Town and Country, on the above Terms. Just published, A NEW and ELEGANT EDITION of the above, in fifteen Volumes, Pino, which will be found to be rhe cheapest Edition of BUFJON ever offered to the Public. J-:. s. d. I11 Boards, Price, with plain Plates 3 15 0 Bound in Sheep, and Lettered, Ditto 4 t 0 Ditto, Calf, and Lettered, Ditto 4 10 0 Elegantly bound in Calf, Giit and Lettered, Ditto 4 17 6 Ft IILUMATISMS, Palsies, and Gouty Affee- tions, with their usual Concomitants, - Spasm, or fiving Pains, Flatulency, Indigestion, and general Debility (
originating in whatever Source), are relieved and frequently cured by Whitehead's Essence of Mustard Pills, after every other Means have failed. The Fluid Essence of Mustard ( used with the Pills, in those Complaints where necessary) is perhaps the most active, penetrating, and effectual Remedy in the World, generally curing the severest . SPRAINS AND BRUISES, in less than Half the Time usually taken by any other Liniment or Embrocation; and if used immediately after any Accident, it prevents the Part turning black. Prepared only, and soltl by R. Johnston, Apo- thecary, No. 15, Greek- Street, S0I10, London; at 2s. 9d.
each Box or Bottle. They are also sold by the Printers ot this Paper, and every Medicine Ven- der in the United Kingdom. £ f3T The Genuine has a black Ink Stamp, with the Name of R. Johnston inserted on it. their Virtue for any i cngth of Time, and in all Cli- mates; and from rhe Peculiarity of rhe Composition, they never run togeiner; an Advantage no ether Scots Pills possess: And therefore*, for Exportation, or the U, e of Gentlemen in the Maritime Line, they have a manifest Superiority. ( IT Spurious Sorts, of a very inferior Quality, are sold in almost ever? Town ; be careful therefore to ask particularly for DICKY'S Anderson's
Scots Fills, and to observe, that the Words Dicey (£? Co. No. 10, Ho~, v Church. Yard, are printed in the Stamp affixed to each Box, and signed in the Margin of each Bill of Di- rections. They are sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Dicev & Co. No. 10, Bow Church- Yard, at Is. IJd. per Box, containing Thirty Pills. Also, sold Wholesale and Retail by the Printers of this Paper ( by u- hom great Allowance is made to Country Shopkeepers), and Retail by the following Persons, viz. Wilkins, Robins, Bates, & Wilkinson, Daventry; Parker, Merridew, and Rollason, Coventry; Collison, Braekley; Watson, Aynho; Mrs. Beesley, Banbury; Odell,
and E. Pyne, Leighton ; Griffin and Co. Tring; Norwood, Amershani; Avnsworth, & Birdsey, Hemel- hempstead; Edwards, Cliesham; Barnes, Inwood, and Barringer, Ne\ vport- l': tgnell; Osborn, Wobmn ; Grxd- nian. North- C raw ley;' ( iueneborough, and Squires, Dunstable; Lancaster, Clophill; Alsop, Crawiev, and Mead, Luton; Brown, Morris, and Green & Co. Ampthill; S. and A. Cooper, and Morris, Nuneaton ; Bull, Harrod, ami Davvsctn, Market- Harborougli; Adams, and Gamble, Loughborough; Gregory, and t. vii. f. n r. • r,,^,.-. w.^ nlv.- v- P... r-. An. Mel- monger, Jan. 30, 31, and Feb. 23, at the Jerningham Arms, Shiii'uall.—
Attorney, Mr. Price, Wolver- hampton. John Heyes, of Wigan, Lancashire, linen- manufrc- . turer, Feb. IS, 17, and 28, at the Buck- in- the- Vine, Wigan.— Attornies, Messrs. Baron and Co. Wigan. Jonathan Parser, of Gosport, baker, Jan. 27, 28, and Feb. 28, at the Dolphin, Gosport.— Attorney, Mr. Wilkinson, Cosport. John Carbrey, of Vine- street, Westminster, ware- houseman, Jail". 27, 31, and Feb. 28, at Guildhall.— Attorney, Mr. Sarel, Berkeley- square. William Valentine Scotney, of Oxford- street, Lon- don, linen- draper, Jan. 20,31, and Feb. 23, at Guild- hall.— Attorney, Mr. Few, New North- street, Red- Lion- square.
John Smith, of Broughton, Lancashire, calico- printer, Feb. 6, 7, and 28, at the Spread- Eagle, Manx Chester.— Attornies, Messrs. Sliarpe and Co. Man- chester. James Malcolm, of Brentford, Middlesex, gardener, Jan. 21, 30, and March 3, at Guildhall, London.— Attorney, Mr. Willoughby, Clifford's Inn. John Warren, of the Crescent, Minories, London, merchant, Jan. 31, Feb. 7, and March 3, at Guild- liall.— Attornies, Messrs. Palmer, Tomlinsons, ami Thomson, Copthall- court, Throgmorton- street. John Hannam, of Sloane- street, Chelsea, music- seller, Jan. 24, 30, and March 3, at Guildhall, Lon- don.— Attorney, Mr.
Mayhew, Boswell- coutt, Carey- street. I'eter Archdeacon, of High- street, Marvbone, scri- Swinfen, Leicester • Toone" Woolve'y ; Pearson", Mel- j vener, Jan. 27, Feb. 3, and March 3, at Guildhall. ton- Mowbrav; Burbase & Co. Nottingham; Inns, Attorney, Mr. Harvey, John- street, Adelphi. ' .. R. , . , ST" O^ K..-, CI,.,.,,!!,,- CI : R. . I. I and Gallard, Towcester ; Seeley, Buckingham ; Miss I Jones, Oxford ; Hawkes, Lutterworth; R. Pal grave, i J. Okely. B. Bradley, and J. Bradley, Bedford; j Hine, Potton; Bunting, Sandy; Gardner, Westan, ! ami Brooks, Biggleswade ; Richardson, F. lmes, i Poulter, and Sheppard, Stony- Stratford;
Higham, , Old- Stratford; Moxhani, Fenny- Stratford; Stevens, ' Bicestef; Marlin, J. Wheeler, Rickfovd, F. Wheeler, & Log- girt, Aylesbury ; Wards, Hinckley; Sanderson & Co. B, roughton, Chettle, and Mather, Wellingborough; Sanderson, Thrapston; York & Summers, Oundle; Hordeu, and Jacob, Peterborough; King, Gilkes, arid Matthews, Chipping- Norton; Baly, Wright, and Stevens, High- Wycomb; Collis & Dash, and Mimn, Kettering; Neweomb, and Drakard, Stamford; Bird, Uppingham; Gibson, Oakham; Churchill, Dedding- ton; Roberts, Southan*; Sliarpe, Warwick; I. uccock, Kimbolton; Bayley, and Paul, St. Ives; Emery, and
thews, Campden; Wallis, Olney; Taylor, Retford; ] Dexter, Wilbarston; Brinkler, Bicester; and bv the : j Venders of Dicey & Co.' s Medicines in every Town ! throughout the Kingdom; OJ u- hom may be had, ! from Dicey & Co.' s Warehouse as above, s. d. s. d. True Daffy's Elixir 2 6 i Hooper's Female Pills 1 li Smaller Bottles - 1 8 • Bathing Spirits - 0 9 Dr. Batemon's Drops I IJ Dr. Rwlclifle's Elixir 1 U Squire's Grand Elixir 1 9 Bostock's Elixir - 2 6 Pike's Ointment - 1 9 Stoughton's Elixir 1 14 Friar's Balsam - 1 H Clinton's Snuii;& Oil 1 ti Dr. Lockyer's Pills 2 9 Godfrey's Cordial 0 9 Golden Sc plain Spirits of Scurvy- Grass
BeaumedeVie Bettori s British Oil Rymer's Tincture i Walker's Jesuits Drops - - - • Wvman's Pills - 1 U 3 ti 1 9 2 9 2 9 2 9 Robert Chandler, of Slioreditch, chees- cmonger, Jun. 21. Feb. 7, and March 8, at Guildhall.— Attor- nev, Mr. Stratton, Slioreditch. Joseph Clarke, of Wapping High- street, London, victualler, Jan. 22, 30, and'March 3, at Guildhall.— Attornies, M? ssrs. Harvey and Bnant, Stone- build- ings, Lincoln's- Inn. Thomas Longbottom, of Holbech, near Leeds, York- shire. clothier, Jan. 31, Feb. 7, and March 3, at Guildhall, London.— Attornies, Messrs. Gleadhill and Payne, Tokenhouse- yard, Lothbury. Abel Drewell, of
St. Thomas the Apostle, Devon- shire, brewer, Jan. 24, Feb. and Ma.' ch 3, at Guildhalh, London.— Attornies, Messrs. Williams and Darke, Bedford- row. William Ramsev, of Bury St. Edmunds, cabinet- maker, Feb. II., 12, and March 3, at the Half- Moon inn, Burv St. Edmunds.— Attorney, Mr. Pate, Bury ncolnshire, bookseller, Peacock inn, Boston. John Branch, of Manchester,, broker, Feb. 9, 10, and March 3, at the Dog tavern, Manchester.— Attoi- nies, Messrs. Halsteadand Ainswortlt, Manchester. R. Chamberlain, of Wisbech St. Peters, bleofEly, grocer, Feb. 16, 17, and March 3, at the Uov- amt- Crown, Wisbech. Attorney,
Mr. G'milestone, Wisbech. Thomas Stevenson, of Liverpool, merchant, Feb. 10, II, and March 3, at the York hotel, Liverpool.— Attorney, Mr. Greaves, Liverpool. DIVIDEND to he inude to Creditor*. Feb. 17. ]. Parkes, of Birmingham, plater, at the Woiseley's Arms, Stafford. SOLOMON'S GUIDE TO HEALTH. This Day is published, Price 3s. in one Volume, Octavo, of near 300 Pages, with an elegant Portrait of the Author, A new Edition ( with Additions), of AGUIDE to HEALTH; or, ADVICE to both SEXES, in a Variety of Complaints; explaining the most simple and cHicacious Remedies for those Diseases which are treated on
under the following Heads, viz. Asthma, Observations on Bathing, Bash- fulness, Bowels, Cold, Consumption, Nervous Dis- eases, Dejection, Deficiency of natural Strength, Difference between Venereal Symptoms and those often mistaken for them, Digestion, Fits, Gout, Heart- burn, Hysteric Affections, Leprosy, I. owness of Spirits, Loss or Defect of Memory, weak Nerves, Rheumatism, Scurvy, Scrofula, Arc. & c.— To which is added, an Essay on an incidental Disease, and con- sequent Weakness. By S. SOLOMON, M. D. For the very excellent Character of this Work, see the different Reviews. *** Upwards of 95,000 Copies
have actually been sold of " Solomon's Guide to Health," as certified under the Hands of the Printers themselves. A Num- ber so uncommonly large must be the best Criterion of the Merit of the Werk, and the Approbation of the Public. London: Printed for th: Author; and sold by Mathews & Leigh, No. 18, Strand, and H. D. Sy- monds. Paternoster- Row; also by all Booksellers in the United Kingdom, Price 3s. only, free of Carriage. To Dr. SOLOMON. I Am sixty- one Years of Age, and acknowledge, with Gratitude that I received infinite Benefit from seven Bottles of the CORDIALBAI. M OIGILEAD; having been thereby restored
from an Asthma, Cough, violent Wheezing of the Lungs, strong Hypochondriac, Lowness of Spirits, great Relaxation, Weakness of Body, restless Nights, uncomfortable Dreams; all which reduced me very mush. I am now lusty, strong, and hearty, and enjoy better Health than ' l have experienced for these 35 Years. JAMES VAUGIIAN. Pari. Street, Bristol, 26th June, 1799. The CORDIAL BALM of GILIAD is sold in Bottles, Price Half- a- Guinea each; there are also Family Bottles, Price 33s. containing equal to four Bottles at 10s. 6d. by'which the Patient saves 9s. including also the Duty. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by the
Printers of this Paper; also, Retail, by Marshall, and Edge, North- ampton ; Collis & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Dawson, and Harrod, Flarborough; Marriott, Banbury ; Inns, and Gallard, Towcester; Seeley, Buckingham; Richardson, Stony - Stratford ; Edge, and Mather, Wellingborough; Robins,- and Wll( tinson, Daventry ; Okely, and Palgrave, Bedford; Fox, St. Neots; Barringer, and Inwood, New port- Pagnell; Swinfen, Leicester; by the Printers of the Country News- papers; and by all the reputable Medicine Venders, Booksellers, & c. in every principal Town in England, Ireland, Scotland, and America, who will deliver
Pamphlets gratis, with a Variety of authentic Docu- ments noted therein. ( pi* Dr. Solomon, when consulted, expects his usuil Fee ot Hatf- a- Guinea. Such Letters should, for Safety, be thus directed—" Money Letter. Dr. | Solomon, Gilead- House, near Liverpool." MARKETS.— London, Jan. 10. Our supply of Wheatwas very considerable from Kent, & c. this morning, and the Mealing trade heavy, with declining prices of 3s. and 4s. per quarter, and this particularly in the sales of second and inferior quality.— The same remark will apply to Barley, which has arrived in great abundance, and is 2s. per quarter cheaper.— Malt, of
course, is lower. — White Peas ( Boilers) are still scarf- e and dearer. — Beans and Grey Peas have experienced no amend- ment since our last; and Oats, of which we have large arrivals, are rather cheaper. Wheat.. 50s. to 60s. 65s. Fine Do. — s. to tiSs. 74s. Rve . .. 36s. to 45s. Od. Barlev.. 28s. to 38s. Od. Malt.-. 64s. to 73s. Od. , PRICE of FLOUR.— Fine' 70s. to 75s HOPS, per Pocket. — Kent, 51. 0s Oats 22s. to27s. 51s, HorseBeans32s. to 42.,. Co. Tick Ditto : i( ls. to 36s Oil White Peas 45s. to65s, M. Grey Ditto 34s. to 44s. 0d. Od. 61. 10s.— Sussex, 41.16s. to51. 12s.— Farnham, 71. 0s. to 91. SMITHFIELD, Jan.
19. To sink the olial. 0\ Beef, 4s. 4d. to 6s. fid. Wether Mutton, 4s. 4< l. to 5s. 8d. Veal, 5s. Od. to 6s. 6d. Pork, 4s. 8d. to 5s. 8d. Sold this day, Beasts, 2300— Sheep and Lambs, 14,0Oti NEWGATE and LEADINHA I. L, Jan. 19. By ti carcase. Beef, 3s. Od. to4s. 6d. Mutton, 3s. 8d. in 4s. Sd. Veal, 4s. Od. to 6s. Od. Pork, 4s. 8d. to 5s. 8d. TAI. LOW.— Town, 67s. Od. White Russia, — s. Od. to 57s. Od. ( Soap), — s. Od. to 5fis. Od. Melting Stttl;. — s. to 48s. Od. Ditto rough, — s, to 30s. GovO Dregs, 10s. Od. Graves, lis. Od.. LEATHER, per lb. Butts, 50 to ftfilh. 22d. to 24c. Ditto, 60 to 651b. 24d.- to 26d. Merchants' Backs, 21ii
to 22d. Dressing Hides, 17d. to 18d. Fine Coat,, Hides, 18d. to20d. Crop Hides for cutting, 21x1. 24d. Flat ordinary, 17d. to 19( 1. Calf Skins, 80 i- 401b. tier doz. 23d. to 40d. Ditto, 50 to 701h. pi, doz. 3- 1,1. to 40d. Dit to, 70 to 801b. 32d. to 34ft. Small " Seals, per lb. 42d. to 44d, Large Ditto, pei doz. 100s. to 140>. Goat Skins, — s. to — s. pes, doz. Tanned Horse- Hides, 18s. to 34s. per Hide. N O R T H A M P T O N : Printed and Published by and for T. DICEY and IV. SUTTON.