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The Northampton Mercury


Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton 
Volume Number: LXXXVI    Issue Number: 46
No Pages: 4
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The Northampton Mercury
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The Northampton Mercury

Date of Article: 17/01/1807
Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton 
Address: Northampton
Volume Number: LXXXVI    Issue Number: 46
No Pages: 4
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Vql. IXXXVI. No. 46. $ Ready Money is expectcd ) I with Advertisements. S SATURDAY, January 17, 1807- ^ PRICE SIXPENCE, \ ftamp- Duty •• • • Paper aud Print Sunday and Tuesday's Posts. EP. OM THE LONDON GAZETTE. A> the Court at the Queen's ' Palace, Jan. 7, 1807, present, the King's Most Excellent Majesty in Council. ~\\ J HEREAS the French Government has issued W certain orders, which in violation of the usages of war, purport to prohibit the comnicrce of ail neutral nations with his Majesty's dominions;. and also to prevent such nations from trailing with anv other country in any articles the growth, pro duce or manufacture of hisMajesty'sdominions; and whereas the said Government- has also taken upon itself to declare all his Majesty's dominions to be in a state of blockade, at a time when the fleets of France and their allies arc themselves confined within their own ports by the superior valour and discipline of the British navy; and whereas such attempts on the part of the enemy would give to his Majesty an unquestionable right of retaliation, and would warrant his Majesty in enforcing the same prohibition of all commerce with France, which that Power vainly hopes to effect against the commerce of his Majesty'^ subjects, a prohi- bition which the superiority of his Majesty's naval forces might enable him to support, by actually investing the ports und coasts of the enemy with numerous squadrons and cruizers, so as to ipake the entrance or approach thereto manifestly dan- gerous ; and whereas his Majesty, though unwilling to follow the example of his enemies, by proceeding to an extremity so distressing to all nations not engaged in the war, and carrying 011 their accus-. tomed trade, yet feels himself bound by . a due regard to the" just defence of the rights and in- terests of his people, not to suffer such measures to he taken by the enemy, without taking some steps on his part to restrain this violence, and to retort upon them the evils of their own injustice; his Majesty is thereupon pleased, by and with the advice of his Privy Council, to order, and it is herebv ordered, that no vessel shall be permitted to trade from one port to another, both which ports shall belong to or be in the possession of France or her allies, or shall be so far under their cpntroul as ( hat British vessels may not freely trade thereat; aud the Commanders of his Majesty's ships of war tyid privateers shall be, and are herebv, instructed, to warn every neutral vessel coming from auVsuch port, and ijestined to another such port, to dis- continue her vovage, and not to proceed to any Such port; and " any vessel, after being so warned, or any vessel coming from any such port, after a reasonable time shall have been afforded for re- ceiving information of this his Majesty's Order, which shall be found proceeding to another such port, shall be captured and brought in; and, together with her cargo, shall be condemned as lawful prize. And his Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, the ' Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, and the Judees of the High Court of Admiralty and Courts of Vice- Admiralty, are to take the necessary mea- sures herein as to them shall respectively ap- pertain. W. FAWKENER. \ V.\ r.- OrriCE, Januuntj 10. Royal Regiment of horse Guards.— Gen. Hugh Duke of Northumberland, K. G. to be Colonel, vice Field- Marshal the Duke of Richmond, de- ceased. [ The Gaiefte also gives an account of the cap- ture of the following French privateers:— Tho Favourite, of 14 guns, " and 70 men, by the Pickle schooner ; she is well found, and only t> vo months off the stocks:— The Elize, of 14 guns and 60 men, by the Plover sloop :— iAnd Le Jena, of 16 guns; she had been only 14 days off the stocks when taken, is well found in every thing, sails remarkably fast, and had taken three English ves- sels off Flamborough Head, which it was likely would be re- captured.] LONDO N, January 13. Dutch and French Papers to a late date, nnd & Mail bringing Hamburgh Papers to the 3d inst. have been received. The articles of chief im- portance, received by these arrivals, are the Mes- sage of the Senate at Paris to Bonaparte, on the subject of the blockade of England ; a. measure in which that venerable body find every species of merit; and three additional Bulletins, the 41st, 4£ d, and 43d. An article, which states that Na- poleon has insisted upon Austria declaring herself, and that he will not allow that Power to remain neutral, appears to want confirmation. It is not that species of policy which Bonaparte has lately affected to puisne; and from which there seems, at present, no reason for his departing. Accounts by these papers state, that the Russian army in Poland consists of three <^ rps, each of 75,000 men, and a reserve of 150,000 in 1 . ithu-. inia. In the rear of these is another army of 100,000 Cossacks, Calmucks, Tartars, & c. The intelligence from the French armies is in- consistent with those reports which have been Circulated of a victory on the part of the Russians, or, indeed, with nnyHlfuir of importance having taken place between the armies. -. The Russians, it appears, have continued to concentrate them- selves, and to wait for their reinforcements, re- treating iu sitcli a manner as was necessary to secure Ihose objects, and to avoid a general en- gagement. The French have pushed on, but not with great impetuosity. Several divisions, how- ever, have passed the'Vistula, and have occupied a strong position at the confluence of the Bug and Narew, which they have begun to fortify, it ap- pears from this, that Bonaparte does nut expect a speedy termination to his . enterprises in that quarter: and that he is resolved to take measures even for a protracted struggle. His plans are in- volved in much obscurity. The ptomiscd event of declaring the independence of the Polish nation, has not yet taken place, and will probably await the determination of future events. The troops of Bonaparte must have great need of a place of repose, where they may receive pro- tection from the climate, and obtain the means of nursing their sick; and in the position which they are fortifying it is possibly determined that they shull remain till the approach of spring relax the weather. In the meanwhile, however, the difficulties must be immense of supplying them with provisions; and the exhausting effects of such a warfare must be severely felt in Bonaparte's exchequer. His accommodation with SaxJny we find is completed. The terms are very favourable to Saxofiy. Napoleon, however, lias gained no inferior object by adding it to the Confederacy of the fthiue. It is' one of the most important states of Germany, and by its position affords a powerful cheek, upon the designs both of Austria, and of Prussia. It serves greatly to strengthen the Con- federacy. of the Rhine; and on that side, where it was uiost exposed, gives it every fecarity which it is susceptible. We are happy to state, that Government have received advice that Buenos Ayres has been rein- forced by troops from the Cape; and that it was safe in our possession long after the date at which its re- capture has been stated. Letters to a late date were yesterday received from Holland, and tliey made considerable sensa- tion among the Underwriters at Lloyd's Coffee House, for they state that the Decree against English commerce is most rigorously executed; that sixteen vessels with their cargqes have been confiscated— and that not chusing to trust Dutch officers in the bureaus of the Customs, Frenchmen have been sent for to supply their placcs. The letters add, that the Dutch arc in a state of despair at tb< ruin in which this is likely to involve them. Ministers have received dispatches from General Fox, in Sicily, dated the ICth November, in which he is totally silent as to any further operations in Calabria; but Lord Collingwood, in his dispatches to the Lords of the Admiralty, dated the 30th of December, says, that he has received advice from Sir Sidney Smith, that he entertains sanguine ex- pectations of the good effects of the rising cn maise which lie has been able to effect in that country. Government received accounts on Saturday, that General Craufurd's expedition passed Madeira on the 7th of December, all. well. ' I he object of it was not then known. Tiic Nereide frigate hail carried into Madeira a Spanish corvette, laden with arms, ammunition, and officers ( French and Spanish) bound to the Caraccas. The inhabitants of Siltsia arc rising cn masse, to resist the advances of the French and fheir Allies: several villages haves, in consequence, been destroyed. It is now said, we hope with truth, that no further addition is intended at present to be made by Ministers to the Income Tax; on the contrary, it is said, th — some very substantial alterations will be made, « ith a view to mitigate its operations upon particular classes of society.—> It is also said, that a motion will be made to extend the provisions of the Income Tax Bill to the funded property of foreigner^, and consequently renew the question which was so ablv discussed last session. The following distressing account of the Colony at New South Wales, is extracted from a letter received from an officer, dated Sulivan's Cove, New Colony, August 4, 1806:—" ' Ihe Ocean brings you this. Our situation is very bad, under many sufferings, we have had no rations served lately, nor none to serve. We have not a drop of spirits in'the Colony; and are very destitute of meat, bread, clothing, farming and building utensils— in fact of every thing, even to a sheet of paper. The Lieutenant- Governor of this Co- lony is reduced to ail allowance of two pounds of rotten jiork and one pound of flour per week: even at this rate we have not a sufficient supply for one month."— The Captain of. the Ocean says, that he saw a merchantman going up the river when lie was coming down; and he hopes she had supplies for the Colony. The Margravine of Anspach has lost her life interest of ^ .' 2000 per aun. by the French having possessed themselves of the Murgraviato, out of which the King of Prussia paid the annual pension. The Margravine, however, has realized an estate • of of', 10,000 per annum out of the savings of the late Matgrave's. life annuity, which he obtained for the surrender of that principality. On Tuesday last the 13th instant, the State Lottery commenced Drawing, when No. 24,490, the First- drawn Ticket entitled to , i\ 20,020, was sold at Messrs. HAZARD, BCRNE, & Co's Office, Royal Exchange, iu one Half, one Fourth, one Eighth, and two Sixteenth Shares. Tickets and Shares, warranted undrawn, are selling as above, and by their respective Agents. The Second Day of Drawing will be on THURSDAY, the twenty- second instant; and on the Monday following the First- drawn Ticket will be entitled to <£. 10,000. A very serious accident happened a few days since to Mr. John Nichols, printer, of Red- Lion passage^ Fleet- street: Coming down a rather dark stair- case, at his printing- office, he fell over a coal- skuttle, which some careless servant had placed in the way, broke his thigh close to the hip, and. otherwise dreadfully, bruised himself: his recovery, however, is not doubted. Sir. Ludlam has been taken into custody, by order of tin- Lord Chancellor, to the end that a statute of Lunacy may be issued against him.— Peace- officers assailed his house, in Tenterden- street, on Friday and Saturday, but the bird was I'uwn. He was taken at the house of an attorney in- the city, Mrs. Ludlain took part with the mob that assembled about the house in Tcnterden- street, against the Police- officers. Wednesday last, Mr. E. Humphreys, jun. of WalcOt, near Chirbury, Salop, shot a dog otter, on the river Comblet, which weighed 22lb. and measured from the head to the tail four l'eet. There arc al? o now, at Gunley, near Chirbury, two tame otters, taken when young from the same river; they are so tame that they will follow the servants to the spout when washing, Pand one was so voracious as to seize a living toad, and devour it immediately. Two boys were lately convicted before the Ma- gistrates at Wolverhampton, and paid the penal- ties, for playing at trap and ball on the Lord's day; and on Wednesday last, two publicans were also convicted, and the penalties lovicd, for suf- fering tippling in their houses during the time of Divine service. A few days since, at the annu. il meeting of the Members of an Amicable Society in Brighton, Mr. ' 1'. Mitchell, their clerk, was called upon for a song, which he executed with great cheerfulness but, alas ! it was the last he bad to sing, for he had no sooner chaunted the concluding line, than he reclined his head on the back of a chair, and expired without a groan. • Mr. Samuel Chiffiiey, the well- known jockey, died a few days ago iu the Rules of the Fleet prison. On Saturday last, a gentleman came from Hungevford in & post- chaise, to the Globe Inn, Newbury, where he ordered another chaise to take him to Andover. When he arrived at the Star Inn, Andover, he took a bottle of wine; in the evening he walked to the Catherine Wheel at that place, to wait, as he .- aid, for the Mail- Coach; ahd, in coihpnny with some other gentle- men, drank a glass of brandy and water. About eleven o'clock at night they were talking about children, when the gentleman said, " he had nine, and no otic knew what trouble they were, but those who experienced it,'' and immediately left the room: within a minute, the company were j alaniied by the report of a pistol; they imme- i diately went to the door, and discovered that the i gentlsman had shot him « elf in tiie right, temple, | and was quite dead A most extraordinary robbery was committed j at Bath, on Monday evening:—- Three fellows at- ; tacked the servant of the Rev. Mr. Ogle, in the street leading from Catherine- place to St. Jamesis- square, between nine and ten o'clock ; and, al- though it is so great a thoroughfare, they bound liiiii hand and foot, took upwards - of £ .8 from him, and got safe off. The magistrates have offered « f- 50 reward for apprehending the daring gang, and the poor fellow's master the like sum. A few nights since, as M. Overton, a fisheritan, was examining his nets in the river Lune, near Basil Point, he thought he heard a boat approach- ing; but to his great astonishment when lie held up his lanthorn lie discovered a horse swimming, and his astonishment was increased by finding a cart fastened to the horse, with a man in it, who proved tu be Mr. J. Kirby, a farmer of Heyshum. The only account that he" could give of his extra- ordinary situation was, that lie had been in a public- house on Condor- green, with his cart, on his way to his father's house, at Cockersham. He left the public honsein the evening, very much intoxicated, and was put into his cart by some companions, with whott he had been drinking, and they set the horse off. The horse, instead of going forward to Cockeisham, turned off towards GL asson, where it had been accustomed to cross the river. The tide, however, was scarcely half out, and it must have swam with the cart above a quarter of a mile. Kirby was discovered quite in an insensible state through intoxication, and of course not aware of the imminent danger he had escaped. Two shocking instances of manslaughter hap- pened in Lancashire, within the last few days, of a nature which cannot be contemplated without the utmost abhorrence. One of them occurred at Butscough, near Ormskirk, when two men, having quarelled on some trifling subjects, had recourse to blows, and after having fought same time, one of'them laid hold of a thick piece of wood, which happened to be lying near him, and gave his antagonist such a stroke^ that he almost instantly died. The Conner's inquest, on this atrocious case, brought in a verdict of Man- slaughter.—' I lie other accident happened in the neighbourhood of Chowbent, a place long famous lor its sanguinary combats; when two men having determined to fight in the brutal way called pur- ring, k one of them received such severe bruises, that he survived only a short thne. LADIES' BOARDING - SCHOOL, ST.' PETER's, BEDFORD. MRS. GRIGG respcetfullv informs her Friends and the Public, that her SCHOOL opens again on the 26th of JANUARY, on the usual Terms. BEDror. D, Tan. 13th, 1807. MR. and Mrs. SHARP most respectfully inform fheir Friends, that I heir SE Ml N'A R Y, for the Reception of a limited Numb; r of YOUNG LAD1 ES, will re- open on M » NDAY next, the 19th Instant. Those Parents who may honour them with the Care of their Daughters, may'relv op the greatest Kindness being shewn to them, and the strictest Attention paid to their Improvement. The Abilities of the Teachers and respectable Masters engaged, they feel assured will give perfect Satisfaction. No Day- Scholars nor pny Entrance Monev taken; but a Quartet's Notice or Teriiis will be expected previous to leaving the Seminary. I. A DIES' BOARDLVG - SCHOOL, St.. Peter's, Bedford. 1VTRS. COPE begs Leave to inform her Friends TV!- and the Public, that her SEMINARY re- opens on JANUARY 19th, 1S07. Board and Education, £. 2' 1 per Annum ; Writing, Washii-. fr, Tea, and fine Works, included. No En- trance expected. Dancing taught by Mr. M'KORKF. LI.,— French, Mus'rc, and Drawing, by approved Masters. OUNELF, . Tan. 14 th, 1807. MRS. R0YST0N respectfully informs her Friends and the Public in general, that her Vacation will close on the 21st Instant. WESTON, llear MARKET- HARBOROOGH. HPHE Rev. M. SCOTT informs his Friends and the Public, that his SCHOOL will open again L on MONDAY the 19th Instant. January 1thy 1807. T. TOWCESTER SCHOOL. WHITE has the Pleasure of announcing to _ his Friends and the Public, the re- opening of his SCHOOL will be on MONDAY the 19th Instant. January 9th, 1807. GRAMMAR- SCHOOL, DAVENTRY. THE Rev. WM. FALLOWFIELD respectfully informs his Friends, that his SCHOOL, for Classical and Commercial Instruction, will re- open 011 MONDAY thC' 19th Instant. January % th, 1807. ADDERBVRY SCHOOL. MESSRS. WOOLSTON & SON respectfully inform their Friends and the Public in general, that their SCHOOL will open again on MONDAY, JANUARY 19th. Terms and Particulars of the School at large, will, on Application, be immediately forwarded" to any Lady or Gentleman requesting them. AdiUrbury, Jan. 5th, 1807. Notice to the Debtors of Mr. Thomas Cumberland, deceased. ALL Persons remaining indebted to the Estate and Effects of Mr. THOS. CUMBERLAND, late of SIMPSON, in the County of Bucks, deceased, by Mortgage, Bond, or Simple Contract, are requested to take Notice, that unless they pay the Amount of their several Debts into the Hands of Mr. Thomas Fountain, Jun. of Stoke- Haminond, in the said County, on or before the 14th Day of February, 1807, legal Measures will be taken immediately after jor the Recovery thereof. By Order of the Executrix. Stoke- Hammond, 10th Jan. 1807. Boarding- School, at Winshw. MRS. CHIFNEY ( from Mrs. CROSS'S, London), bess respectfully to inform her Friends and the Public, that her BOARDING- SCHOOL, for YOUNG LADIES, will open on MONDAY the 26th of JANUARY, 1807. Terms. — Entrance, One Guinea; eighteen Guineas per Ann.— Washing, 10s. 6cl. oer Quarter.— Writing, French, Muslc;. Dancing, Drawing, Sec. charged separately. ( pj" Coaches to or from London daily. DAVENTRY, Jan. 8th, 1307. MISS COOPER returns her sincere Thanks to the Parents and Guardians of those Ladies who have been entrusted to the Care of herself % nd late Sister; and respectfully acquaints them and the Public, that her SEMINARY re- opens on MONDAY the 19th Instant; and ( havingengaged an additional Assistant), hopes, by a strict Attention to her Charge, to merit a Continuance of their Support. LADIES' BOARDING- SCHOOL. A/ TRS. TAYLOR'S BOARDING - SCHOOL, LTJL AMPTHILL, Beds, opens again ( after the Christmas Recess) on MONDAY, JANUARY 19th.— Young Ladies are treated with Care and Affection, every possible Attention is paid to their Morals and Improvement, and no Restrictions with Respect to Diet. Embroidery taught in a superior Style; plain Work, Readiag, and Grammar, particularly attended to.— Terms, 18 Guineas per Annum, Washing included. Writing, Arithmetic, Geography, Music, Dancing, Drawing, and French, as usual. Parlour Boarders, for Instruction, SO Guineas a Year. fj^ T Mrs. TAYLOR begs Leave to recommend to the Notice of the Public, her INTERSSTINC TALES, in Words of one Syllable, calculator! for the rapUJ Improvement ( as well as the Amusement) of Chil- dren.— Sold by Birdsall, Northampton; Webb, Bed- c ford; Gardner, Biggleswaue; the Author, Ampthill; and by the principal Booksellers in London. To be SOLD by AUCTIO N, By CHURCHILL Sf TURNER, At the Fox, at Souldern, near Deddington, Oxford- shire, on Wednesday the 21st of January, 1807, at Three'o'Clock in the Afternon, under such Con- ditions as shall then be produced, AMost eligible FREEHOJ. D inclosed ESTATE, situate in the Parish of Sou/ Jem; comprising forty- four Acres, or thereabouts, of excellent Arable Land, divided into four Grounds, with a Barn, Hovel- Yard, Rick- Yard, and other Conveniences for the Occupation of the same; late in the Possession of the Rev. John Horseman, deceased. ( PT The Estate may be seen on Application to Mr. JAMES MINN, at Souldern; and further Particulars had at the Office of Messrs. CHURCHILL & FIELD, Solicitors, Deddington; and of the AUCTION! F. SS, Woodstock. *** Immediate Possession may be had. CHEAP OF excellent Quality, from HAWKESBUDY NF. W COLLIERY, are now selling at NORTH- AMPTON WHARF, at One Shilling per. Hun,/ red I'ftgut, and deliveied into anv Part ot the Town at TtiitecK- Per. ee per Hundred Weight, exclusive of the customary Charge for Loading, Sec. by FRANCIS PA RROTT, Esq. & Co. Proprietors of the aforesaid Coiliery. ( pr The said Coals are particularly rfecommefided to all great Consumers, and are warranted to be the best Coals, at the stated Prices, ever offered for Sale to the Inhabitants of the Town and County of Northampton. *** HAWKESEURY COALS do not take Fire so quick as the best Staffordshire Coals, but when fairlv kindled are ccjiial in Heat) and will continue so One- third longer, by the Use of which will be found a. Saving to the Consumer ot forty per Cnt. For these Coals, Gentlemen are desired to enquire for Mr. JEFFERY, who will officiate for Mr. Dix, Clerk for the Hawkesbnry Coals, who constantly attends at the said Northampton Wharf, and for fuiiner .' ar- ticulars, api ! v to Mr. STEPHEN YATES, B.- duo.' th, near, Coventry. Freehold Estate, ut ICeystoii. To be SOLD by AUCTION, ' At the White- Hart Inn, Thrapston; on Tuesday the 27th of January instant, bet. veen the Hours of I- our and Six in the'Af. ernoon, AVery durable FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate at KEYSTON, in the County of Huntingdon, adjoining the Turnpike- Road from Thrapston to Kim- boltou and Huntingdon ; consisting of 438 Acres of old Pasture Land, conveniently divided imo Closes, and now in the Occupation of Messrs. Hurst, Knight, Se Baker. ( pr For further Particulars, and to treat for the Purchase- by Private Contract, apply to Messrs. YORKF. Sc SHERARD. - at Thrapston or Oundle. — —-— j Capital Concern. ' To bo SOLD by AUCTION, At the Plough- and- Bell Inn, in Daventry, on Wed- nesday the 28th Day of January instant, at Ten o'clock in the Morning, if not before disposed of by Private Contract, of which Notice will be given in this Paper, RPHE DAVENTRY MARKET WAGGON'-, - I. with 36 capital HORSES, in high Coi diii;.,.. These Waggons are now, and for many Years past hrrve been, in full trade, and are well worthy the At- tention of any Person inclined to enter into tiiat Line of Business. The Purchaser may be accommodated with the Dwelling- House, Yards, Stables, Granaries, and Offices, in Daventry, which have been ferocted and fitted up for the Purpose, at a great Expenc-'. aid form the completest and most advantageous Siiua" n for a Carrier in the Kingdom. For Particulars, apply to Messrs. THOMAS ADAM: Sc JOHN PENN, at Daventry. Freehold Estate, on the Borders of Huntint.. and Bedfordshire. To he SOLD by AUCTION, On Thursday the 29th Day of January, 1807, at the Cock Inn, in Eaton, in the County ol Bed ord, AFREEHOLD ESTATE, in the Parishes of GREAT- STAUGHTON, in the County of Huntingdon, and EATON- SOCON, in the County of Bedford, containing about 60 Acres of Arable and Meadow Land, in the Occupation of Mr. Cliailes Banks, who will shew the Premises. ( C3" Possession may be had at Lady- Day next; and further Particulars at the Offices of Messrs. YORKI Sc SHERARD, in Oundle or Thrspston. Great Gain and small Risk. GRAND LOTTERY NOW DRAWING. DAYS OF DRAWING. 6th, Friday, Feb. 6 7th, Monday, Feb. S 8th, Wednesday, Feb. 11 9th, Friday, Feb. 13 IOth, Saturday, Feb. 14 s CAT E M B. Prizes oi £. 30,000 JANUARY 7th, 1807. HHHE CREDITORS of RICHARD WRIGHT, 1 of STONY- STR ATFORD, in the County ot Bucks, Grocer, are requested to meet the Trustees under his Assignment, at the CC/ CK INN, in STONY- STRATFORD aforesaid, on WEDNESDAY the 21st Day of JANUARY instant, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, for the Purpose of investigating their Accounts, and promoting a final Settlement of the Business. GENTEEL APARTM ENTS, IN a handsome Brick and Sashed House, at the South End of the CHURCH- STREET ( near the Chapel, in' M A RK. ET - HARBORO UGH, in the County of Leicester, comprising a. Dining- Room, from which is a cheerful Town View, and two neat Bedchambers, are to be LETT, and may be entered upon immediately. For Terms, & c. apply to Mr. WILLIAM TURNER, who resides on the Premises. Bedfordshire. To be S O I. D by AUCTION, By ANDREW GARDNER, At the Flying- Horse Inn, Clophill, near Ampthill, on Wednesday the 21st Day of January, 1807, at Twelve o'Clock, AVery valuable and highly- improvable Freehold ESTATE, situate in the Parish of CI. OEIIILL, one Mile from the Village; consisting of 28 Acres of Arable Land ( lying together), now in the Occupation of Mr. Edward Kitchener, who has had Notice to quit at Lady- Day next. Printed Particulars may be had of Messrs. Richard- son, Son, Se Corfield, Land- Surveyors, Lincoln's, Inn Fields, London; of the Auctioneer, Woburn; at the Place of Sale; and at the White- Hart Inn, Ampthill. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Messrs. TH ACKER & CARTER, At the Dolphin, in Middleton- Chenev, in the County of Northampton, on Wednesday the 2lst Day of January instant, at Two o'Clock in the Afternoonr subject to such Conditions as will then be produced, unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, of whic'. i due Notice will be given, rpiF. following most desirable FREEHOLD 1st,' Tuesday, Jan. 13 2d, Thursday, Jan. 22 3d, Monday, Jan. 26 4th, Tuesday, Jan. 27 5th, Wednesday, Feb. 4 of .... 20,000 of 10,000 of 5,000 5 of =£. 1,000 8 of ... 5( 0 20 of 100 E ST AT E, situate in MID D1. E TO N- C H !• N E Y aforesaid, in Lots: Lot 1 consists of 40 of £ 50— and 5,100 of £. 20. First- drawn, Third Day, £. 10,000 First- drawn, Fifth Day, 30,000 First- drawn, .... Last Day, 5,000 TICKETS AND SHARES Are on Sate at ALL THE LICENSED LOTTERY- OFFICES, And by their ACENTS in the COUNTRY. This Day is published, handsomely printed in two Volumes, Quarto, on a fine Paper, with upwards of seventy Plates, of which sixty- one are froih Paintings after Nature, bv SYDENHAM EDWARIVS, Price £. 3 10s. or beauiiluily coloured, £. 6 6s. in Boards, AComplete DICTIONARY of PRACTICAL GARDENING; comprehending Classification. and Descriptions, as well as the most approved Methods ot raising, forcing, and managing different ' Sorts of Vegetable Productions, whether of the es- culent or ornamental Kinds; with correct Engravings Messuage or Tenement, plea- jpf the vaiious Anparat ' in Buildings and othe Of T" Grand Junction Canal. ' PASSAGE, PACKET, Se PLEASURE BOATS. To be LETT by AUCTION, By Mr. SCOTT, On Friday the 6th of February, at Twelve o'Clock, at Garraway's Coffee- House, ' Change- Alley, Corn- hill, London, in one Lot, HE son-, and EXCLUSIVE PRIVILEGE of the _ USF. of PASSAGE, PACKET, and PLEA- SURE BOATS, for HIRE, on the Grand Junction Canal between Paddington and Uxbridge, and the Head of the first Lock leading from Bull Bridge towards Brentford. Printed Particulars and Conditions of Letting may, after the 15th Instant, be had hy applying at the Grand Junction Office, No. 21, Surrey- Street, Strand; at the New Hotel, Birmingham; the White- Hotse, Ux- bridge; Three- Pigeons, Brentford; at the several Toll- Bars and Lock- Hou es on the Line of the Grand Junction Canal; at Flatchett's Hotel, Piccadilly; at Garraway's; and of Mr. Scott, 25, New Bridge- Street, London. London, Jan. Ut, 1807. santiy situated, with a Barn, Stable, and other Outbuildings, Yard, and Gaiden, thereto belonging, in the Occupation of Mr. John Smith, or his Under- tenants. - Also of one other Messuage or Tenement, with a Claden thereto belonging, in the Occupation of the Pa ria'?. Officers, or their Undertenants. Also of three si- rerar Gardens, in the several Occupations of Mr. Joins, Su'geon, of Banbury, John Simmons, and William Pein.. And of four Closes of very fertile Land, lying together, and containing about 22 ^ Acres, also in the Occupation of the said Mr. Smith. Lot 2 consists of two Closes of verv fertile Land, containing together about 13A. 2R. 5P. with a good Stable standing about the Middle of them, in the Occupation of Mr. Thomas Taylor. The Land is well watered and timbered, ar. d - in excellent Condition. MIDDLETON- CHEKEY is about three Miles from Banbury, and five from Brackley, and the Turnpike- Road leading Irom and to each ol those Farms goes through Part of the same. fySt" To see the Estate, apply to the TENANTS; or Mr. PKNN, at the Dolphin; and for further Parti- culars, or to treat for the satne, to Mr. G. MOORE, of Blakesley ; or Mr. KIRBY, Attorney at Law, in Towcester. _ CLLURCH's COUGH DROPS, The cheapest and best Medicine for COVCHS, COLDS, and ASTHMAS, A f. esh Proof qf their astonishing Efficacy. nnHOMAS EDMUNDS, Guard to the Bir- I mingham and Sheffield Mail Coach, declares his Life was preserved to his Wife and Family by the sole Use of CHURCH'S COUCH DROPS. One Bottle of which, purchased at Mr. Swinney's, Bookseller, High- Street, relieved him from a lhost suffocating Asthmatic Cough; and that by persevering in taking them, to the Number of" five Bottles, was enabled to resume his Employment, and is now perfectly re- stored, which he voluntarily c? rtifies under his Hand, at Birmingham, the 16th of March, 1805. THOMAS EDMUNDS. ( 5T Messrs. SHAW & EDWARDS, 66, St. Paul s Church- Yard, London, having purchased this and all Mrs. CHURCH'S Medicines, none can, possibly be genuine but such as have their Names engraved on the Stamp, " Shaw ef Edwards, 66, St. Paul's Church- Yard-," the Imitation ot which is Felony.— Price only 2s. 6d. per Bottle. Sold, Retail, by Dicey & Sutton. Edge, and Marshall, Northampton; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry ; Gallard, Towcester; Collis & Dash, Ket- terinc; Haired, Flarborough; and by all other Dealers in Medicines in the United Kingdom. us necessary for the Purpose, other Contrivances, from original Drawings made by Mr. BIUNT, as well as of the more rare and curious Plants employed in the Way of Or- nament and Variety in the Pleasure- Grounds, Green- Houses, and Stoves, engraved by SANSOM ; the Whole is intended to afford a full rnd complete View of modem practical Horticulture. By ALEXANDER MACDONALD, Nurseryman and Gardener. Printed for G. KF. ARSLEY, Fleet- Street, London; and sold by all other Booksellers. C5T The Purchasers of this Work, in Parts, are requested to complete their Sets without Delay. Propriety of personal Afpearunce. BEAUTY and HEALTH cannot be more essentially promoted than by attending to the Preservation of the TEETH. MR. NEWTON's RESTORATIVE TOOTH POWDER having received the Approbation of the first Nobility, Gentry, and a' generous Public; by an extensive Consumption tor a Series of Year-:,, as well as the Attestation of its superior Excellence, from the Analysis of its component Parts, by^ the rru st distinguished Medical Characters, who nave pro- nounced it the most pleasant Vegetable Tooth- Ponder known, to increase the Beauty of the Enamel, anil promote the Durability of the Tooth ; and which ha , in Consequence of its experienced Advantages^ bc..-: t honoured with the immediate Patronage » f their Ma- jesties, and the vario'us illustrious Branches of t! J Royal Family, Nobility, Gentry, See. in the Unite j Kingdom. — NEWTON's TOOTH- POWDER is a*- Astringent and Antiscorbutic Powder, a delic'aie Ato- matic, extremely grateful to . the Palate, and pleasant in its Use; in fine, to those who apply it, it is , i certain Preventative to Pain or Decay of the Tooth to the latest Period of Life. It continues to be faithfully prepared bv Mr. Newton ( only), at his House?, Kennington- Place, Vituxlwdl ( late of Great Russell- Street), London, front the genuine Recipe of the late Sir Richard Jibb, i'm .. i to their Majesties, Sec ; and sold, Wholesale, Retaii, and for Exportation, bv Messrs. Shaw k Edwards, No. 66, St. Paul's Church- YaVd, whom he has em- powered to make a liberal Allowance to his Town ti; ul Country Ven. lers, Merchants, & c.; also, !\ nil, hy Dicey & Co Edmonds, and Marshall, North imptt. i ; Smith, Bedford; Merridew, and Roiiason, Co'vuitn , RobinS, Daventry} Quern- borough, Dun'sfabl-;" C- jlli', & Dash, ahd Munti, Kettering; DawsOti, andHa r .;', ; Harborough; luwood,. Newport- Par, IH- II ; Rich intson, j Stony- Stratford; and by every Perfumer ,- nd Mc- 1 dicine- seller in the Kingdom, in Boxes, at \; 9-. . each N. B. Please to ask for Newton's Tooth- Penh- Vr : an' I see that P. Pl. Newton is wroteon each Box, v\ , iii re'' Ink, as all others sold as Newton's are Impositions, d Wednesday and Thursday's Posts. LONDON, January 15. THE Gazette of Tuesday contains a letter from Cant, ftarse, Commander of his Majesty's sloop the Halcyon, to Lord Collingwood, inform- ' ifigtis Lordship of his having fallen m with a ship, a brig, and zebeck, of the enemy's cruizers, off Cape bt. Martin's; and of his succeeding m cap- turing a Spanish ship of 14 guns and 72 men, after a smart action; the brig and zebeck making their escape after their fire was silenced.— A French cutter privateer ( Le Courier) of St. Maloes, pierced ior 14 guns, but mounting 7, and TO men, has also 1,' een captured by the Alcmeue frigate, Captain Brisbane. The accounts from Hamburgh give most dis- tressing details of the fate of that city, and a most curious account of the reception the deputies from that city experienced from Bonaparte. He refused even to" receive their proposals, and treated them with the utmost rigour and contempt. He told them, lie conceived the measures he had taken " were the only means of forcing Great- Britain to make peace;", and that, therefore, nothing should induce him to depart from them. In vain they told liiin that thirty houses had already failed in Hamburgh, in consequence of those measures. His unfeeling answer was—" So much the better, in as much as it will ruin many more than that number in England !" Still they told him, that a perseverance in those measures would reduce the whole city of Hamburgh to Bankruptcy ! His answer was again—" So much the bett, er; then you will not be able to carry on your commercial intercourse with Great- Britain!" Against" thisbrutul exultation they ventured to oppose the dreadful effects which would arise from the whole commerce of the world being stopped! His repty was—" I Some particulars have been published, but not j address, manner, and appearance, much the officially, of the unfortunate occurrence we have : stamp of a military officer. He made his defence, lately had occasion to mention, at Vellore, in i such as it was, with great firmness, recollection, India. It proceeded from an order, tbat the Sepoys i and propriety of diction; but, at the same time should shave their tipper lip, and erase some other with very indignant feelings towards his pro i secutors, and apparent disappointment at the I result of the trial. I John Hartford, William Bridge, John Fordham, ; and John Harvey were indicted lor a burglary, in i the dwelling- house ot John spencer, in South'- religious mark of distinction on their forehead. Government, it appears, beiug warned of the bad consequences that might ensue, meant to recall this order, so revolting to the superstitious preju- dices of the natives; but whether this last deter- mination was not explicitly given, or not sufficiently j street, Ponder's- end, in the parish of Enfield. The understood by the Sepoys, the 16th, and a part of j jury brought in a verdict finding them all guilty.— the 14th battalion, formed themselves in a bo « ly; fired on the sleeping Europeans, and killed, at an instant, 179 men. Lieutenant- Colonels PancOurt Death. During the trial and while at the bar, upon this solemn question of life or death, one of them and M'Kerras, and Captain Mann, fell sacrifices i ( Harvey) actuai| y picked the pocket of one of the to the vengeance of the enraged soldiers, in en- deavouring to suppress the mutiny; and Major C. Armstrong, who just at the instant was passing over die glacis, on his way to Madras, to take his passage for Europe, was killed in his palaukeen. The mutineers were, however, at length over- powered, and put to the sword. Amongst other modes of assistance afforded by the Repository in Lancaster, the plan of selling blankets at reduced prices, to the poor, has been adopted. Twenty pair have been ordered, which are to be paid for by those who purchase them in small w eekly sums. This method has been found in other places to supply the poor with an essential comfort, without takihg from their earnings more than they can conveniently afford at one time, and to be more beneficial than where the relief has been entirely gratuitous. => » * « <= OLD BAILEY, Wednesday, Jan. 14. The sessions commenced this day, before Lord Chief Baron Macdonald, Sir Soulden Lawrence, and . Sir Alan Cbambre, the ltecordcr, & c. ' Frederick Smith, alias Henry Saint John, was capitally indicted for privately stealing from Mr. J. Bartlett various Bank of England Notes, to the turnkeys as he stood beside him at the bar, and some force became necessary in addition to the authority or Mr. Newman, to make him give up the stolen property to the owner. MRS. MACKENZIE ACQUAINTS her Friends and the Public, that she has taken a commodious HOUSE at HUNTINGDON, particularly adapted tor the Ac- commodation Of young Ladies; and that her SCHOOL will re. open on MONDAY the 19th of JANUARY. Mr. MACKENZIE teaches French and Drawing in Schools and private Families. WANTS a SITUATION, as Superintendant or Bailiff over a Farm for any Gentleman or Widow Lady, A sober YOUNG MAN, who can be well recommended for Sobriety and Steadiness. He would have no Objection to a Situation as Book- keeper to a Carrier.— Salary no Object. Letters ( Post- paid) directed to A. N. at the Post- Office, Thrapston, Northamptonshire, will be imme- diately attended to. WANTED immediately, An APPRENTICE to the STRAW BUSINESS. For Particulars, enquire'of Miss SMITHS, Straw- Hat- Manufacturers, Milliners, and Dress- Makers, High- Street, St. Peter's, Bedford. HOUSE of WUDS, Mond< ty, Jan. 12, SLAVE TR^ DE. On the motion of Lord Grenville, the second reading of the Bill for the Abolition of the Slave Trade was appointed for Friday se'nnight, for which day the l. ords were ordered to be summoned. Lord HAWKESBURY adverted to the two resolutions adopted by the house last session— the one declaring that the Slave Trade ought to be ab> v. hed ; and the other, to address his Majesty to make such commu- nications to foreign powers as his Majesty should deem advisable, with the view of procuring the Abolition of the Slave Trade. His Lordship concluded by moving an address to his Majesty, praying his Majesty would be graciously pleased to order to be laid before j the house copies of all communications which had | ^" passed between his Mnjesty and foreign powers re- , specting the Abolition of the Slave Trade, in conse- quence of the address of that lwusc. Lord GRENVILLE said he was not aware of any ma- J terial objection to the Noble Lord's motion. With UNION CANAL. AT a Meeting of the Committee of the COMPANY of PROPRIETORS of the LE1CESTERSHl RE & NORTHAMPTONSHIRE UNION CANAL, held at the SARACEN'S- HEAD INN, LEICESTER, on tile 12th Instant, a Call of £. 5 per Cent, was made on the Shares of the respective Proprietors, and ordered to be paid to the Company's Treasurers, Mr. Inkersolc, of Harborough, and Messrs. Pares, Paget, Pare-, & Heygate, of Leicester, on or before the 16th Dav of March next. CARTER & W'ARTNABY, Clerks to the said Company. Leicester, Jan. Uth, 1807. This Day is published, Price Is. 6d. the Doctrines of Final Perseverance and As- santnee if Salvation, ASERMON; preached at Leicester, June ti, 1806, at the Visitation of the Right Rev. the Lord BISHOP of LINCOLN; by the Hon. and Rev. HENRY RYDER, A. M. Rector of Lutterworth and there shall only be exchange of linen against cattle, and of grain against cloth! The fourth July last. It appeared, that thje prosecutor, Mr. Bartlett, '' some family dispute, was sepa- rrnturv must be" revived before the world can be ! consequence of > century must tie rev^ ca » t ^ ^ he knew he ! rat? d hom , lls , vlte> who quitted his house, and reduced to its proper state should be called a Caligula and a Nero. He cared not for it. He allowed that his own sea- ports would be ruined ; but he could not help it. He declared that the deputations which he knew were on the road to him from Nantz, Bourdeaux, kc. with remonstrances against his decree against the English should not be admitted into his presence. After repeatedly calling Hamburgh —" Une title Angloise," he concluded with those remarkable and never to be forgotten words—" England must be humbled, and dealt with in a very manner from that in which she hitherto has been i treated ! Russia and Prussia are at war with me, j but upon fair and very different grounds; my con resided at Ramsgate, from whence she refused to return, notwithstanding the solicitations of her husband. During this disagreement, the prisoner was introduced as a military gentleman to the pro- secutor, - by an Attorney named Davis: he said he knew Mrs. Bartlett at Ramsgate, and was intimate at the house where she lodged. He advised Mr. B. to endeavour to obtain a reconciliation with his wife, saying he had heard that her friends were about to take out a statute of lunacy against hiin, rv'different! ^ which means he would be deprived of some - 1 funded property in the 3 per cents. He therefore advised him to sell out, and convert his funded I' property into money, and thereby secure the pos- session ; and he offered to be a mediator between his wife; to which the prosecutor acceded. — —. . m^ iut ; m, in.( iMr. B. disposed of his funded property, and rc- aiid have 1 inflicted on that city the smallest injury r r , , . r . c aim unit, i ". 1111.1 . . ^ p Were not the ' celve( l * or 11 a check upon the banking- house of i Boldero and Co. for JL. 619 7 S. 6d. the amount of respect to Frauce, the fact was, that, during the late j London: Printed for T. PAYNE ( removed from, the negociation with the Government of that country, ; Mews Gate), No. f} 8, Pall- Mall. communications on this subject did take place, to the j — —, — production of which he saw no objection. As to I NO CURE NO PAY. Spain and Holland, it was easy to be seen that no QMOKY CHIMNIES effectually CURED by communication could have taken place. With respect ; h ,, rAArprn ,, i • J to Portugal, it was not thou/ t expedient to nke j \ ^ NTINCDON = Ch"? ne>'- Sl"" anv communication on the subject during the nego- i -. y- l , .. . ' , _ „ , . ciation with France; and the tact was that none had ! C 1 ' s '^ TlV % M P±, ' since been made. With respect to the United States 1 ™ » " e, Uart.'. lettering or Mr. Webb, Printer, of America, communications had certainly passed during the negociation between the plenipotentiaries of this country and the United States ; and this subjetit actually formed one of the articles of the treaty which had been signed by those plenipotentiaries. The only difficult) he had in acceding to the Noble Lord's motion was, that this article could not be produced, as it was well known that a treaty, signed by pleni- potentiaries, could not regularly be laid before Par- liament until ratified by the respective Governments. After some altercation in the wording of the motion, it was agreed to.— Adjourned. duct to them is therefore very different from that | session , to England. Have I not Berlin in my possession— " J!" » , m Was not every thing in my power ? men, women, and children at my feet, and might j i not have sold theru as slaves? I have not done : it vet,, but mark my words, it may yet come to j pass." Such were the words of the man who last year told Kcfrope he did not want conquests— all he desired were '• ships, colonies, and commerce!" In the mean while the horrors of famine hang heavy over the devoted countries which lie de- scribes as subject to his will ! Both the provinces of Mecklehberg, hitherto fertile and flourishing, are now literally a wilderness and a desart! Not a house, sheep, cow, or article of stock of any kind, is to be seen ! Not a grain of seed corn has be en put into the ground 1 Bonaparte may well sell as slaves 14 the men, women, and children"— for there will be nothing else on the surface of the land to sell! Frederick William has addressed a proclamation to the inhabitants of Silesia, in whioii, after feel- ingly appealing to their loyalty and patriotism, juuioipating the approach of the enemy, and painting in strongcolours, the depopulating w arfare which lie wages against the peaceful inhabitants of every country in which his armies gain a footing, his Majesty says, " The enemy bowts— favoured by fortune, so liable to change, and nut less favoured by thetrea- chery of base traitors— that he has already anni- hilated the whole force of the Prussiaa Monarchy. But he knows not that his Majesty is at this moment at the head of a formidable army, which burns with eagerness to engage the oppressors of the country. He l', nows not, or appears not to wish 11 know, that the Monarch of Prussia finds himself surrounded by a guard, which no force, no mis- fortune, no talisman, can subdue— the unalterable love of his people. He knows not, that every day thousands of volunteers offer themselves with arms in their hands, to set bounds to his progress ; and that Hie Silesians display 110 less activity and energy in defence of their King and country, and to defend their property from unexampled rapacity.— He flatters himself of the doubts he is anxious to dis- seminate, of the promised aid of Russia. But lie deceives himself in his hopes; the most sacred and inviolate fulfilment of all treaties entered into is one of the principal traits in the character of the noble- minded Sovereigns of all the Russias. Al- ready two formidable Russian armies have arrived near the banks of the Vistula, while a third, much more numerous, is advancing by rapid marches. Already legions of patriots, voluntarily armed, and used to battle, are prepared to join the armies in the field. His Majesty, under these circumstances, depends 011 the attachment of his Silesian states and subjects; and that they will exert themselves, to contribute all in their power, in conjunction with the forces which his Majesty will send to their assistance, to defend their country, and their own province in particular." In another proclamation^" concerning the abuses in the army, dated Ortlesburgh, December 1, after commenting 011 the pusilaniinity of those officers who have surrendered his principal fortresses, the King of Prussia adds, that he has dismissed with disgrace from his service, the Commander of Erfm th, Von Prusclienck; at Stettin, Lieutenant- Cenernl and Governor Von Romberg; Major- Generals Von Knobelsdorf, and Von Ranch; and Major and Fort- Engineer of Stettin, Von Haren- toerg.— In Custrin, the Colonel and Commander, Von Ingersleben, is condemned to be shot.— In Spandan, the Major and Commander, Von Ben- kendorff, is dismissed with disgrace.— In Magde- bntgh, General Von KJeist, and Colonel Du Trussel, are dismissed with disgrace.— All tho re- maining Generals wh<? were at Magdeburgh at the rtnc, and who, in the council of war, voted for tl e surrender of the fortress, are likewise dismissed with disgrace; « s al3o all those officers who have signed any of the above- mentioned capitulations. The conduct . of mnny other officers is to be inves- tigated ; and all Governors and Commandants, who in future, from faar of a bombardment, or under the pretext of a want of the necessary requisites for supporting a siege, or under any groundless pretence whatever, shall neglect to defend the fortieses entrusted to their charge, shall be shot without mercy.— Tie proclamation fuftherdeclares, as an encouragement to merit, that persons, of whatever birth shall be promoted, if they dis- tinguish themselves. which was paid to him in the presence of the pri- soner, in a ci'. UOO and other smaller Bank- notes, They then set out for Ramsgate, on the business of a reconciliation; but this having failed, they re- turned to town. The prisoner now advised Mr. B. to take his son, ( who was a great favourite with his mother) from the house of a friend at Fulham, and threaten to send him to America, unless she consented to a reconciliation: they accordingly went to Fulham; but the friend where the boy w as not being at home, they returned to town without the child, and went to the Welch Harp, in Peter- street, Soho. The prisonert on the excursions both I to Ramsgate and vulbam, continually endeavoured I to induce the prosecutor to drink to excess. On their arrival in Peter- street, he called for some j brandy, which he wanted Mr. B. to drink ; but the I latter declined it, saying he had drank enough al ready, was fatigued, and wished to go to bed.— After they sat some time, he took his pocket- book from his breeches pocket to pay for the brandy, but the prisoner told him, " he need not search there, for there was nothing in that." On starching the ' pocket- book, he perceived all his notes were gone, | and he immediately charged the prisoner with bav- i iug taken them. At this the prisoner started up i ill a rage, clenched his fist at Mr. B. whom he called a rascal, for daring to charge him with such a | crime, and immediately left the room in cofiipany j with some other person with whom he had been • previously conversing, j The landlord of the Welch- Harp proved that he saw the pocket- book in the hands of the prisoner, in his room, shortly before the prosecutor disco- vered his loss, and saw him sitting close to the prosecutor. On the prosecutor giving information at the Police Offices, a strict enquiry was set 011 foot; and the numbers of the notes paid by Boldero and Co. being obtained, it was discovered that the J. .300 note had been paid into the banking- house of Hay- wood and Co. at Manchester, by a person w ho gave in his name as Mr. St. John, but that in the course of a few hours the amount was drawn out in small drafts, all but a trifling balance. Mr. Hanson, the attorney employed by the prosecutor, traced the deposit in the name of jjt. John, arid found the description of the person so called answered precisely to that of Smith the prisoner. The latter, some time afterwards returned to town, and wrote to Haywcod and Co. at M^ i^ iester, for a remittance of the balance in h/ s f avour. He received an answer, referring biin to Mr. Hanson, as their agent, who was authorised to settle the business. He called accordingly at Mr. Hanson's, to receive the balance due to him s. t Haywood and Co's. Mr. Hanson asked him if he was not the gentleman who made the deposit in the name of St. John— he answered in the affirmative. The pri- soner having signed an order for payment, Mr. Hanson found the hand- writing, in the name of St. John, exactly to correspond with the name on the drafts on Haywood and Co. then in his possession, and also his personal description with that of Smith. The prisoner being taken into custody, was identified by the prosecutor, and also by a cleric from the house of Haywood and Co. as the person who deposited the note there.— It appeared from the prosecutor's evidence, that he called on the prisoner since he has been in custody, and asked him how much of his money he bad remain- ing unspent ?— to which the prisoner answered, he had £. 218, which he would return to him if he would drop the prosecution, but that he would get nothing if he persisted. The prisoner's defence was an utter denial of the charge, and a positive declaration that the principal witnesses were perjured, and particularly the clerk of Messrs. Haywood, and Mr. Hanson; for he said he had told the latter gentleman, that he was not the person calling himself St. John, but that the person so stiled was then along with the lady in the coach that waited for him, and that if he would come to the coach he would find that person, and have' an opportunity of doing full justice, for th; it he had only signed the name of St. John, by that person's permission and request. The Learned Judge summed up the evidence for the Jury, who found the prisoner guilty— Death. The prisoner is a tall dashing young fellow, about 29, fashiouably attired, and of gentlemanly HOUSE of COMjUONS, Monday, Jan. 11. OAK BARK. Lord FOLKESTONE presented a Petition from the Tanners of London against the second reading ot the Oak Bark Bill. « , ord TFMPLE stated, that M had, upop the subject of this petition, taken occasion to communicate with the tanners of London, among whom he found some alarm prevailed, relative to the Bill before the House; but the result of this communication served fully to convince his mind, that that alarm was not well founded. In order, however, that the grounds upon which the Petitioners rested their Objections to the Bill before the House might be amply investigated, he would move, that the second reading of the Bill should be postponed till this day fortnight. The Petition was ordered to lie on the Table, and Lord Temple's motion tor the second reading of the BiU on this day fortnight was ngreed to. ' l'he 10J Million Exchequer Bills Bill was read a third time and » assed. THE ARM V. Lord CASTLEREACH rose, and stated the points upon which he thought it his duty to require information. The information respecting the regular Army, Militia, and Artillery, he should only demand from the date of the last returns laid before the house, namely, the 1st of March, 1806, and from that period to the 1st of January, 1807, he should call for a return of our ef- fective force. The next point would relate to the sources from which that force was kept up, in order to enable the house to judge whether certain induce- ments, which were last session so much relied on as the means of augmenting our army by encouraging recruits, have had the effects so confidently promised > Also, whether such means are to be depended upon as a certain and efficient resOurc* for the supply of our army f Whether the resource now trusted to, be adequate to maintain that rank and character in our army, which ought to be looked for, according to the obvious military policy ef the country. Upon the subject of the Volunteer force, there was much in- formation which he felt desirable to be laid before the house, hut which, perhaps, was not quite attainable, namely, the state of the general organization, spirit, and discipline at present prevailing among that body, and how far they have been affected by the new ar- rangements introduced among them by the Act of last Sessions. The next point upon which the Noble Loid said he felt solicitous to be informed was, with regard to the general training of the people. The reply he received 011 a former evening seemed to amount to this only, that nothing had yet been done in execution of the Training Bill, and that the Right Hon. Secretary's mind was unsettled as to whether any thing at all would be done. What the papers to whichhi^ motion referred might shew he would not say, but unless he were at present ill- advised by those who were abie to judge upon military questions, the change alluded 10 in the Mutiny Act would be found to have had a mischievous operation, and to threaten more mischief if it were not removed. Mr. WINDHAM had no objection to grant to the house every information that could be desired upon this subject; but, he had very serious objections to let such information go abroad as might instruct the enemy, and it was notorious, that any thing publicly laid on the table of that Flouse, was exposed 10 the danger of such communication ; to some part of the Noble Lord's motion he therefore must object, for it Would go to expose the distribution ot our military force, which was precisely the thing with which they ought not to be made acquainted. The whole case re Bedford ; will be punctually attended to. Mr. F. can produce the most respectable Tes- timonials of his superior Skill in the above Art. FORTY FEATHER., BEDS. G A HDNER, UPHOLSTERER AND AUCTIONEER, // i the Horse- Fair, Banbury, T. I AVING recently purchased a large Quantity » of LINCOLNSHIRE FEATHERS, respectfully informs the Public, that he has now upwards of FORTY BEDS on Hand, remarkably clean and well prepared, at the very low Price of from Five to Ten Guineas each. He cannot omit this Opportunity of expressing his jjrateful Sense of the liberal Encouragement which he I has already met with, and of further soliciting the i Attention of those who may have Occasion to fur- | nish; assuring them, that in all his Dealings Equity I and Moderation will be his uniform Study. To Ash Timber. FOXLEY, near TOWCESTER. be SOLD by AUCTION, A] By Mr. KIRS HA If, On Wednesday theSlsr and Thursday the 22d Days of January, 1807, BOUT 450 ASH TREES, now growing, blazed and numbered, 011 Faims in the Occu- pation of Messrs. Lem, Cooke, & Pittam. The Company are requested to meet the Auctioneer at Ten 0' Clock in the Morning of each Day's Sale, at Foxley aforesaid, and proceed to Sale. , Corn, Hay, Farming- Stock, & c. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DAY, On Wednesday next, the 21st of Janusry, 1807, on the Premises, called CHELSHTX FARM, in the Parish of THORNBOROUGH, near WINSLOW, Bucks, in the Occupation of Mr. Wm. Ride- way; CCOMPRISING Wheat, Barley, Oats, and J Beans, in the Straw ; one Cock of Hay, and the Keep of the Grounds; tw• Acres and a Half of Tur- nips ; three Cart Horses, one Nag Mare, and one Colt; seven Cows, three Sturks, and two Calves; one Waggon, one Six- inch and one Narrow- wheel Cart; Harrows, Ploughs, and Cow Cribs ; Waggon Hovell; Wind Fan and Barn Tackle; Gears tor five Cart Horses; thirteen Dozen of Fleak Hurdles, and three Dozen of Rail Ditto; Ladders, Forks, Rakes, and various orher Articles. The Hay and Straw to be spent on the Premises, and convenient Places will be allotted for that Purpose. The Sale to begin, if possible, exactly at Elaven o' Clock. To be 3 0 L t> by AUCTION BY EDWARD NEALE Sf SON, On Saturday the 24th Day of January, 1807, at the House of Mrs. Bromwich, the George Inn, in Rugby, in the County of Warwick, between the Hours of Two and Five o'Clock in the Afternoon, subject to Conditions of Sale then to be produced, in two Lots, Lot 1. \ FREEHOLD MESSUAGE or TENE- X\ ME NT, with a spacious Shop in Front 5 a good Kitchen and Cellar; two good Bedrooms, with an Attic over the same; and a Brewhouse at the Back of the said Premises.— The said Dwelling is pleasantly ' situated opposite the MARICET- HOUSE, in RUGBY aforesaid, and late in the Tenure of Mr. Hall. Lot 2. A new- erected MESSUAGE or TENE- MENT, with a Kitchen to Ditto; Yard, Garden, and Out- Office adjoining the same; situate at the Back of Lot 1, and now in the Tenure of John Laundon. There are two Sittings in the Parish Church, which will be sold with the said Premises, or at the same Time, if more agreeable to the Purchasers. Immediate Possession may be had. For a View of the Premises, apply to Mr. H ARROLD, Mason and Plasterer, and for further Particulars, to Mr. Fox, Attorney at Law, both of Rugby. PARTICULARS of the FREEHOLD ESTATES, ^ SITUATE IN The CITY of COVENTRY, Which will be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. PALE JVHITITELL, On Wednesday the 2ath Day of January, 1807, pre. cisely at Three o'clock in the Afternoon, at the House of Mr. John Wood, known by the Sign of the White- Horse Inn, in the said City of Coventry, subject t » such Conditions of Sale as shall- be then arid there produced. Lot 1. \ LL that very capital, commodious, and XI. desirable, modern FREEHOLD DWEL- LING- HOUSE, fitted up elegantly, with the Yard, Garden, and Appurtenances thereunto belonging, si- tuate in the HIOH- STREET, in the City of CO- VENTRY, and few in the Occupation of Dr. Simson, as Tenant at Will. The Premises are quite entire, very desirable, and in good Repair, admirably calculated, in Point of Respectability and Convenience, tor the private Re- sidence of a genteel Family. Lot 2. All that capital, valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, known by the Name of the WHITE- HORSE INN, situate in HAY- LANE, in the said City, and now in the Occupation of Mr. John Wood, as Tenant at Will. The Premises are in good Repair. — This is an old- established and accustomed Inn and ' Market- House ( in the Centre of the City), for Tra- vellers, Farmers, Graziers, and Tradesmen, as any in the Kingdom. The House possesses every Accom- modation within itself for a Public Line of Business; and the singular, extensive, and commodious Stabling and Out- Offices belonging ai d attached thereto, are all in good Repair. At this Inn is carried on, every Friday ( Coventry Market- Day); the buying and selling of Stuff Goods, from the Manufacturers of North- amptonshire and Leicestershire to the Wholesale Buyers in the City, and others, and so has been for near a Century last past. There are two Entrances to tfiis very desirable Freehold Estate and Inn, the one to the Front in Hay Lane, and the other a back Road from Bayley • Lane, coming direct from the London Road into it, almost without a Turn, into the Centre of the City, and very convenient for the Reception of large Wag- gons and Carriages. Lot 3. All that neat, compact, and certainly very desirable FREEHOLD DWELLING- HOUSE and PREMISES, now in the Occupation or Mr. Wm. Pickard, Fishmonger arid Poulterer, Tenant at Will, situate in the HIC. H- STRIET, and Corner of HAV- LANE, in the said City, and nearly adjoining the White- Horse Inn. These Premises are in good Re- pair, and desirable for an advantageous Residence for Trade. G3T The respective Tenants will shew each of the Estates they occupy; or Mr. VALE WHITWELL, Appraiser and Auctioneer, Cross- Cheaping, Co- ventry, and of him any further Information required may be had. Particulars may be had at the Inns in Coventry ; at the Warwick- Arms, Black- Swan, Woolpack, and of Mr. Sharpe, Printer, Warwick j of Messrs. Knott & Lloyd, Printers, and at the George Inn, Birming- ham; Red- Lion Inn. Atherstone; Buli's- Head, Hinckley; liull's- Head, Nuneaton; Hind, Lutter- worth; of Mr. Gregory, Printer, Leicester; Messrs. Dicey & Sutton, Printers, Northampton; at the Bear Inn, Rugby; Star, Dunchurch ; and of Mr. Vale Whitftrell, Auctioneer and Appraiser, Croas- Cheaping, Coventry^ t I To be SOLD by AUCTION, By J. JONES, On Thursday, January 22d, 1S07, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, QEVENTY- TWO fine grown ELM TREES, O now standing in the KILN CLOSE, in GAYTON VI [. LAG E, Northamptonshire, in the Occupation of the Executors of the late Mrs. ASHBY, Widow, deceased. Gayton is six Miles from Northampton, and six from Towcester. To By THE KING'S PATENT. RYMER's CARDIAC AND NERVOUS TINCTURE. I rj^ HE following, from a married Lady of Dis- L tinction, is a further Proof of the Efficacy of the above Medicine in alarming Cases of Spasm :— To Mr. RY. MER, Surgeon, Reigatt, Surrey. SIR,— Last October I was taken with an unpleasant Sensation in my Head, attended with a Degree of Drowsiness unusual to me. The Medical Gentleman who attends us, bled me moderately, and applied a Blister to my Back, which relieved my Head; but soon after I was seized with an alarming Spasm on my Chest, with invariably a Pain down my lett Arm, and which would only give Way to some very waim Medicine, or a little strong Brandy and Water: This, by occasioning an Eructation immediately, removed it for some Hours; but at length it recurred period- ically, and attacked me at Five in the Morning, Eleven in the Forenoon, and Six or Seven in the Evening, and sometimes oftener. Phe Physician having strong Reasons to suspect my Case to be angina pectoris, his Prescriptions were principally Opium, combined with warm ntrvous Medicines ; but the momentary Benefit derived from them was counterbalanced by the Elfects produced by their costive Quality. Carminatives, Sic. were also prescribed, but they afforded only a transcient Relief. Being very nervous, hysterical, and dispirited, a Friend recommended your Tincture, which I am happy to say in a few Weeks, entirely removed the Complaints, without the least Return for more than a Month. I perhaps acted unwisely as ... as the Spasms returned.— After some time I again ad- verted to your Medicine, mixing the proper Quantity be SOLD by AUCTION, By Messrs. R. & E. B LA BY, On Thursday the 29th of January instant, at the White- Hart, in Floore, in the County ef North- < ampton, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, subject j " t0 the Medicine, by discontinuing it too abruptly to Conditions then to be produced, 1 • - .... . \ Convenient and roomy DWELLING- HOUSE, with all ncccssary attached and de-| in Camomile Tea, and have found it equally efficacious t. ich? d Offices, viz. Brewhouse, Stable, Barns, & c. a I'unip of excellent Water, three Gardens, and an Orchard, well planted with choice Fruit and Timber Trees, containing about two Acres; well calculated for a Fellmonger ( having been formerly occupied for that Purpose), Woolmongei", Tanner, Brewer, or any other Business that requires Room. The Situation is eligible for :* nv of the above Businesses, there being military subject, wtych the Noble Lord ex- 1 plenty of Water, and in the Centre of three capital specting a pressed his desire to discuss, might be brought before the house without producing the information, he de- precated. The amount or the increase of our public force, which the Noble Lord desired to ascertain, might be communicated to the house, but it was not ne- cessary to state the purposes to which any part of that force was applied. Lord CASTLIREACII admitted the justice of the Right Hon. Secretary's principle, instating, that too much information had been laid before the house, upon the state of our military force, for the last three or four years. The Right Hon. Gent, had, however, his full share in that practice, which he now professed to think it wrong in others to follow. The inform- ation which he now required, the Neble Lord con- tended, was not fairly liable to the objections staled by the Right Hon. Secretaiy. The species of inform- ation for which he called, was precisely that which was necessary, while at the same time not at all dangerous. After some further remarks from Mr. Windham and Lord Castlereagh, the Neble Lord made the following motions:— 1. For a return of the military effective force from the 1st of March, 1806, to the 1st of January, 1807, distinguishing the different corps, & c. at home and abroad. 2. A like return of the artillery for the same period. 3. A return of the numbers of the regular army, from Jan. 1, 1805, to Jan. 1, 1807, distinguishing the numbers raised by the ordinary recruiting, by volun- teering from the Militia, and by the Bill passed last session for recruiting the army and bettering the con- dition of the Soldiers. 4. A report of the volunteer force from the latest return, previous to the 1st of January, 1806, to the 1st of January, 1807. 5. Abstract of the instructions issued to the Lieu- tenants of Counties, respecting the Training Bill, with • their proceedings thereon. Mr. WINDHAM observed generally, that the Noble Lord's several motions should be complied with as far as returns would permit. Markets, each about 6 Miles, good Roads, and In a fine Sheep Country ; distant from the Royal Depot, the Grand Juction Canal Wharfs, and theGreat Chester Turnpike- Road ( all at Weedon- Beck), only one Mile. Particulars may be known by applying to Mr. W. S. DENNY, Solicitor, Long- Buckby; or the Auctioneers, Floore. To the CREDITORS and DEBTORS O/' WILLIAM SUMMERS, of SAINT " NEOTS, in the County of Huntingdon, Poulterer and Waggoner. / HEREAS the said WM. SUMMERS hath, ' V by Indenture, bearing Date the 12th Day of January, 1807, assigned over all his Estate and Effects unto Mr. William lnkersole and Mr. George Fowler, both of Saint Nepts aforesaid, in Trust, for the Benefit of themselves and all other the Creditors of the said William Summers, who shall, within two Months from the Date thereof, sign the said Deed, and prove their Debtsi to the Satisraction of the said Trustees : Notice is hereby given, That the Trust Deed is lodged in the Office of Mr. Day, Solicitor, in Saint Neots, for the Signature of the Creditors of the said William Summers; and all Persons who shall not execute the said Trust Deed, and prove their Debts to the Satisfaction of the said Trustees, will be excluded all Benefit thereof — All Persons who stand indebted to the said Wm. Summers, are hereby required to pay their respective Debts to the said Trustees immediately, or they will be sued as at first. ItselFects are, wanning the Region of my Breasr, expelling the Wind, and acting as a gentle Aperient. I have taken one Pint and five Halt Pints of your inestimable Tincture, which I purchased at Messrs. Hazjrdand Binns's, of this City. From the dread I feel of the recurrence of the Spasms, 1 shall not willingly be induced to leave it off; and as we have taken a House at Weymouth for the Summer, I wish to have your Advice, and what Quantity you think nccessary for my future Use, immediately fr « m yourself, and a Remittance shall be duly made for the Amount, & c. 1 have the Pleasure to subscribe myself, Sir, your truly obliged humble Servant, Bath, May \ 5tb, 1806. I.. D. The tiequent Instances of sudden Death from Spasmodic Diseases, Induce Mr. Rytfer to state, that the CARDIAC and NERVOUS TINCTURE is used with . the greatest Success in all Gouty, Nervous, and Paralytic Spasms in the S{ pmach, Chest, and Head, generally termed Gout or Cramp in the Stomach ; Spasmodic Asthma, Palpitation of the Heart, Vertigo, Apoplectic Habit, & c. In all violent Attacks of those Complaints, which by Neglect, or improper Treatment, so often terminate fatally, the above Medicine gives instam Relief. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Dicey & Sutton, Bow Church- Yard, London, and at their Ware- house in Northampton; and Retail by Edge, an4 Marshall, Northampton; Robins, Bates, and Wil. kinson, Daventry; Mather, and Broughton, Welling- borough; Fisher, H'gham- Ferrers; Rollason, and Merridevv, Coventry ; Sharpe, Warwick ; Roberts, Southam; Gregory, Leicester; Harrod, Harborough; Munn, and Collis & Dash, Kettering; Newcainb, Stamford; Eaton, Thrapston; York & Summers, Oun- dle; Jacob, and Horden, Peterborough; Jenkinson, Huntingdon; Hodson, Cambridge; Palgrave, & Okelv, Bedford; Inwood, and Barringer, Newport- Pagnell; Queneborough, Dunstable ; Darton, andTapp, Hitchin; Inns, and Gallard, Towcester; Seeley, Bucking- ham ; Jones, Oxford; Richardson, Stony- Stratford; for the same without further Notice. ......, „—-, , In the Morning of Wednesday next, the 21st Day of Hawkes, Lutterworth; Bnnkl- r, Bicester^; and by January, will be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. Abb » tt, | ? yery ~~ ' ° * U" J'"' " "" , T J on the Premises of the said WILLIAM SUMMERS, in ST. NEOTS, All his HORSES, WAGGONS, CARTS, FARM- ING IMPLEMENTS and UTENSILS, HAY, CORN in the STRAW, DUNG, See. And, in the Afternoon of the same Day,' His HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, and other EFFECTS, ( One Cir. ce rnj. Vender of Patent Medicines in the United Kingdom; in Bottles of 2s. yd. 6s. and lis. each; also in Pint Bottles, at 22s, by which there is a considerable Saving. Of iL'hotn may likewise be had, RYMER's PECTORAL MEDICINE WITH VITAL AIR, a- Preventive of the Consumption of the Lungs, commoMy" ealled a Decline; in Bottles a 2s. yd. 6s. and lis. each, Duty included. I'l'ida mm'-'- Mrmi and Saturday's Posts. L 0 ND 0 N, Jan uary 1G. ADutch Journal, of the 8th inst.' was received yeteriay', containing the 44th Bulletin- of the French army, dated Warsaw, Dec. 21. No affair of consequence had taken place at that time; but there appears to have been some shovt skirmishing on the 18th and 19th, in which the enemy do not boast of any material advantage. On the former day, Marshal Davoust felt himself under thd ne- cessity of strengthening his camp upon the Rug. Letters from Holland of the 10th, brought by neutral vessels, are also in town. These make 110 mention of any battle, but are filled with com- plaints of the daily vexatious proceedings carried on against almost every kind of foreign commerce in Holland. The disposition of the people of that country is, however, manifest, notwithstanding all the restraints imposed upon them ; and no doubt is entertained that should the French experience the least check in the North of Europe, the new throne of Louis Bonaparte would he shaken to its foundation. A remittance has just been made by our Govern- ment to the Allies. A policy was on Thursday opened at Lloyd's to insure the money, which amounts to about half a million. A report in consequence became very prevalent, that a fresh subsidy of at least ,£. 5,000,000, was determined upon by Ministers. We believe that this is' not true, and wfi hope there is no danger of any such event. It appears thiit the presejit remittaivcels Only part of the balance of thevofe of credit for continental. purposes which was obtained lUsf session, the whole of wliich, we trust, will not be,( demanded. The hatred of Bonaparte to rhe commercia' prosperity of this country, next to its Constitution, ( the great foundation of its glory and pre- eminence) is not confined to the mere exclusion of British produce and manufactures, from the countries under his controul, but it extends to the absolute prohibition of any trade whatever with the British Empire. By the latest accounts from Spain, it appears that the Spanish Government has been compelled, by a peremptory mandate from France, to prohibit the sending of any wool t » this. conntrv, as has been the practice during the present . as well as former wars. The same prohibition has been issued in the Kingdom of Italy, against the expor- tation of raw silk to this country. The experience of a few months will prove; that the subjects of their Spanish and Italian Majesties are likely to be, the greatest sufferers by these splenetic and im- politic regulations. Of the accounts given of the sickness prevailing in the French army there is no doubt. All the troops from Italy, and the Southern parts of France are pressed forward to Poland! The winter is now set in there, and, amongst the deep and dreary snows and frosts of Poland, in anexhausted coun- try, where every step forward carries them into a more rigorous climate, and every step backward takes them through a region which they have al- ready laid waste and consumed, we shall see these soldiers opposed to Russians bred in those snows, and inured to those hardships. I. et it " be remem- bered, too, that Potolia, the richest corn country in • that part of Europe, is, very far in the rear of the Russian armies. Past events have taught us rtot i • to be very sanguine : under circumstances, how- ever, such as these, we may be permitted to hope. The Plica Polonica, with which the Frenoh sol-' dier^ are said to be afflicted, is a disease peculiar to Poland and Lithuania, and of a singular nature. At, the approach of winter, an eruptive fever is prevalent in these countries; the eruptions prin- cipally affect tIt?' head, and when at the height, ' an ichorous humour flows from the'm; the matter running down the hairs mats them together, arid minute blood vessels shooting into the mass from the ulcerated surface of the head render it vascular. In this state it is too tender to admit of being touched; and the complaint is horribly painful and disgusting. The vascular folds of hair are some- times prolonged in broad flat portions to a. very considerable length. No certain method of cure is known. A report has been in circulation for some days past, of a landing having been made from a French vessel, in the Orkneys. On this subject, a letter from/ fhurso, dated the 28th ult. says, " All the country is now in an uproiir. The Thurso Volun- teers, commanded by Major Sinclair, are gone on board of four smacks, and sail this evening for the Orkneys, and ail the country volunteers are to be at the East Ferries to- morrow; the cause of all this is a French privateer, with a number of guns, and about, 70 men, that came into the Longhope, On the 2- ith inst. and was driven oil shore on Christmas- day. The men have taken the guns on shore, and placed themselves in a state of defence, expecting soon to get their ship repaired ; but I bope our Thurso friends will be able to give a good account of them to- morroyv. This ts a certain fact, and report says, that there are several others in the Orkneys." Agreeably to a general system of economy that is intended to be introduced by ( the. present Admi- nistration, in the various departments of the public expenditure, the ordnance and barrack boards are about to be consolidated. It is rumoured, thatarevisal of the code between debtor and creditor, at present engages the atten- tion of some of the leading Members of the Ca- binet. It would prove highly honourable to the credit and character of the country, to have a more appropriate remedy for the recovery of debts, established by law, than the present. The Dublin Papers to the 9th, received yesterday morning, all concur in stating, that the reports of meetings, for treasonable purposes, in the counties of Cork, t'arlow, & c. are wholly destitute of foundation. The Kev. Thomas Milncs, late a Fellow- com- moner of'Christ's College, Cambridge, has been instituted to tliethe valuable living of Agnes Bur- ton, with Harpham annexed, in the East Riding of Yorkshire, on the presentation of his father, the Rev. Dr. Millies, of Newark, and vacated by the death of the Rev. Dr. Dade. LITERARY PREMII'MS.— A Scotch Gentleman, lately deceased, has bequeathed « £'. 1200, to be paid to the person who shall Write the best, treatise, and 400 to the second best, before Jail. 1st, 181- 1, on the following subject: " The evidence that there is a Being, all power- ful, wise, and good, by whom every thing exists; and particularly to obviate the difficulties regard- ing the wisdom. and goodness of the Deity; and this, in the first place, from considerations inde- pendent of written revelation; and, in the second place, from the revelation of the Lord Jesus; and from the whole, to ' point out the inferences most necessary for, and useful to mankind.'' The Ministers of the Church of Aberdeen, and the Professors of the Colleges there, are to choose three judges to decide the merits of the essay. Georgiana Courser, alius Oeorgiana Barrington, was tried yesterday, at the Surry Sessions, on a charge of stealing from Harry Dann, in the public street, one guinea, and four shilling* in silver: when she was found guilty, and « otitenccd to Sevan years transportation. A curiotis wedding look place it? Holyhead oi; New- year's ( lav, where the b. ride was first chw^ hed, then touirjef!, " and. thirdly, had. 1ier. fliUd christened/• The bride is but sixteen years of ' agg.' •••• Wednesday.- was executed at Edinburgh, pur- suant to her sentence, Margaret Cunningham, lately condemned at Perth circuit, for poisoning ; THE FIRST COUNTY ASSEMBLY 7 ILL BE at the GEORGE IKS, NORTHAMPTON, O: J t J. A V the 23d of J ANU ARY, l ord AI. THORP, " Sir WM.' WAKli, 1307. ^ Stewards., DA VEX TRY THIRD SUBSCRIPTION ASSEMBLY her husband, and whose execution was delayed on VV' lid. be at the WHEAT- SHEAF IKS, on account of her being pregnant. .* * M DIED.] Lately, Sir Stephen Lushington, Bart, for many years} one of the most distinguished Members of the East- India Direction: he had been a martyr to the gout, and was for a long period totally unable To walk.— On Wednesday, at Bath, Arthur Achesor., Earl of Gosford, Viscount Gosford, of Market- Hill, and Governor of Armagh. MONDAY the 26th of JANUARY instant. January 15th, 1807. ~~ HIKT\ T; ASSEMBLY 011 MOKDAY the 26th Instant. Dancing to begin precisely at Nine o'Clock. The Hon.* WM. COCKAYNE, Rev. W. I.. MAYDWELL, Kettering, Jan. lath, 1307. THE KE be Stewards. lioyal- Ecchange Assurance- Oliice, London, • DECEMBER 31st, 1806. npHE Corporation of the ROYAL- EXCHANGE B ASSURANCE have constituted and appointed Mr. THEOPHI I. US J E YES, of the" Town of TTORTHAMPEON, Solicitor, their AGENT and RECEIVER for tile said Place and Parts adjacent, for the Assurance of Buildings, Goods, Merchandize, and Farming- Stock, from Loss or Damage by Fire; and ai- Jo for the Assurance of l. ivcs, and for granting and purchasing Annuities oil Lives. In Order of the Court of Directors, SAMUEL' PENNING, . Juti. Secretary. Nolkc lo the DEBTORS of Mr. WI LLIAM LUCY, • late of WOLLASTON, in the County of North- ampton, Maltster ami Farmer, deceased. ALL Persons indebted to the said WILLIAM j . LUCY at the Time of his deceas.-, are desired I ' tt> - pav the - Amount of their respective Debts imnie- j diatelv to' Mrs. Sarah Lucy, of Wollaston aforesaid, the Widow and Executrix of the said William Lucy. — And all Persons indebted to'- thesaid Sarah Luey, on • hef'owh Account,• are'likewise desired to settle their Accounts forthwith, and prevent the Trouble of a further Application- • • .- mtt& uh, Jan. 16/ A, 18P7. ' • TO be SOLD• or LETT, . And'. may he entercd upon immediately, A< CLOSE of exceeding rich PASTURE I AND, . in the Centre of the Town of Y E LV. 1-: RTO FT, in the County of Northampton, containing about six Acres and a Half, lute in the Occupation of Mr. Lydall. Apply to Mr. HOWES,. Solicitor, Northampton. BUCKINGHAM SECOND SUBSCRIPTION BALL WILL be held at the COBIIAM ARMS INN, BUCK INGHAM, on THURSDAY, J AN U ARY 22d. Dancing to coi. imence at Eight o'Clock. W1 THE FOURTH SUBSCRIPTION ASSEMBLY at the SWAN INN, NEWPORT- O'i Monday the S'J qf February v> H itr friillislted', B_ v the PRINTERS of this PAPER, and may be had by , giving Orders to any of the Country Booksellers, or ' the Newsmen, . .... . Price Three Shiilijigs, ACOPY of the POLL for TWO KNIGHTS of the SHIRE for the COUNTY of NORTH- AMPTON; taken at NORTHAMPTON the. 12th, 13th, 14th, and loth of NOVEMBER, 1806. Pt" The Country Booksellers are requested to transmit their Orders to the Printers on or before Thursday the 29th Instant. To Shoemakers. •~ V\ TANTED, A MASTER, for a YOUTH to be * ' put Apprentice to the above Business.— A Person of good Character, and ' a Member of the Church of England, may apply to tile CHURCH- WARDENS or OVERSEERS of the Poor of Lowcr- Heytbrd, Northamptonshire. NEWPORT ILL be PAC. N ELI., oil TUESDAY the 27 th OF JANUARY instant, 1307.- R. CAUTLEY,-) R. 1.0WNDES,> Stewards. P. H. WARD, > Newport- Prgnel/, Jan. 15th, 1807. ________ __ SECOND SUBSCRIPTION ASSEMBLY " VVTILL be held at the WHITE- LION, on MONDAY < T the 26th of JANUARY instant. Ladies'Tickets, 7s. each, and Gentlemen's, 10s. 6J. may be had of Wu. RUSHER, Bookseller. HORSE- MARKET, NORTHAMPTON, JANUARY 16th, 1807. RCOMFIELD begs Leave to inform his . Friends and the Public, that his SCHOOL will open on MONDAY the 26th Instant; when the usual Course of Instruction will be resumed, with many additional Advantages. NEW NORTHAMPTON COACH. TtriLLIAM CULLEN & Co. beg Leave to ' * acquaint their Ftiends and the Public, that, for th-' ir Accommodation, thev purpose to continue the NEW NORTHAMPTON COACH, to and from LONDON every Dav, from the Time Messi s. BF. NTO. N, PYWELL, & Co. relinquish that Concern; and they humbly solicit the Patronage and Support of a generous Public; who may be assured, every Attention will be pnid to their Convenience, bf' their obedient, husnble Servants, V,'. ClfhLEN Co. The Proprietors cannot be accountable - for any Articles above Five Pounds value, unless entered as such, and paid tor accordingly. wm < S# X. .^ sstair* if /? . LONDON, Jan 17. Sale s> f Poles, . S'c. To be SOLD - bv AUC'lTON, By A. BROWNS GRAVE, On Friday next, the 2Sd of January, at GREAT- BILLING, near Northampton, 4 Large Quantity of FIR DEAL POLES, and f\_ other's, of different Dimensions, from three to twelve Inches square, fit for ' Builders,- Cabinet- Makers, Joiners, Carpenters, Farmers, See.; also, a QUANTITY of FAGGOTS from the said Poles, in Lots. The Company are desired to meet the Auctioneer, at Ten o'Clock in the Morning, at the Barn on the East Side of Billing Lings, and proceed to Sale. To be S O L O bv A U C T I O N, By R. TO ML IN, At the Bull Inn, OLNEY, Bucks, on Friday next, the 23dDay of January, 1807, Gentpcl Assortment of DRAPERY GOODS; consisting of Ell and Yarrt- wide printed Cottons, Irish Linen, Muslins, ued- Furnitures, Bath- Cloaks, Moleskins, Yard- wide Cloths, l'oilonets, Velveteens, Corduroys, Pocket- Handkerchiefs, . Shawls, and a Variety of other Articles in the Drapery Line. The Sole to begin in the Morning at Ten o'Clock. Timier. To be SOI. D, At DODFORD, on Monday, January 26th, 1807, A QUANTITY of ASH and ELM TIMBER, il\ suitable for aw Purpose that requires large Di- mensions, the principal Part being lar^ e. The Company are requested to meet exactly at Ten o'Clock in the Morning at the Swan Inn, in Dodford, to proceed'to Sale. For a V iew of thfc Timber, apply to JAMES RUSSELI., Dodford. • ORIGINAL WINE VAULTS, In PARSON'S- LANE, BANBURY. \ | 11. RICHARD ROBERTS having disposed . VI of his Business, as a WINE and LIQUOR- MERCHANT, returns his sincere Thanks to his Friends and the Public, tor the Favouu he has re- ceived, and solicits a Continuance of them to his Brother, Mr. JOHN ROBERTS. AVING taken to the above Concern, I beg H " y ESTERDAY a Mail arrived from New- York ; X the letters and papers to the 11th tilt, are of a pleasing nature. They announce, that, in pur- suance of a special message Iron) the President, a Oil Saturday, io'iitriglit; of, a • cetifu-. npj^ oii; at • Cambdkli- ilill," near Birmingham, iV » rs. Leggt, wife of- John I. egge, Esq. On Sunday so'nnight, far advanced in years, & Wohn' Joiissfco'nfectiotier; of Warwick. On Monday sc'nnight;" Mrs. Scotney, wife of Mr. R. * cotney, of 1 hoinhdugh, near Wahsford, in this county. On Tuesday se'nnight, in the 39th year of his age, . Mr. John Swarm, an eminent paper- maker at Wolvercott, near Oxford. ' Yesterday se'nnight, : tt Cosgrove, in this county, Mi's. II. Wilson, many years housekeeper to John Mansel; Esq. On* Satwday last, in his 84th year, Mr, Alder- man Price, of Leicester. On Tuesday last; at the advanced age of 94, Mrs. Elizabeth Davie, of this town. On Wednesday last, aged 84, Mrs. Peppin, of Leicester. Same day, Mr. Clayson, of the World's- End Itm, at Eoton," near this town. « 3 « C « ® - Thfe Rer. Dr, Moss, Caiion of St. Paul's, is promoted to the Bishopric of Oxford, in the room of the late Bishop thereof, appointed lo the See of Bangor. Wft learn \* tth peculiar satisfaction, that the Friends called Quakers, of Birmingham, with a liberality which entitles them, to the respect and love of every friend to humanity, have entered into a subscription for the relief of the British prisoners in France, and raised the sum of One I'honsand pounds for that purpose; a part of which has already safely reached the wretched sufferers. — ft is hoped this praise worthy example will be liberally follow ed in every other town. Two of the noble oaks a. Warkworth Castle, in this county, were sold by'auction, by Mr.. Jarvis, last week, for ^£. 113 10s. and beech trees from £. 7 to i .14 each. O. i Wednesday se'nuight, as a gentleman of Warwick was conveying Mrs. Stiles, wife of Mr. Bill was immediately brought in for suspending | T, t \ ' conveying ivtr . the operation of the Non- Importation Act against , bt, ieS' " f, Ji, r, Vl." 6h » m' " I Great- Britain, which was. pressed forward wfth all I g'S' the horSe took tr, 8ht. « t Camp- hill, near that expedition through all its'stages, and passed oil Saturday, the 6tli, by a great majority. There was no objection to the principle. The only dif- ference was upon the length of the suspension, some recommending the 31st of December, 1807, others the 1st of July; the latter was adopted. There was' a report yesterday, that Bona- Leave to solicit the Favours of my Friends and ' parte had succeeded in surrouudin" - a large corps ' LI:. I 1 . I R> .. L- O .. • 1 J _. • .1 ' ,, . 1 A i the Public in general, and assure them, every Care shall be taken to procure such Wine and Liquors as shall merit their Approbation. JOHN ROBERTS. , To be LETT or SOLD, AN ASS, with a FOAL one Day old ; and TWO OTHERS, near foaling.— Enquire of JOHN TITK, Mayorjiold, Northampton. TURNHlOvWLLS TO BE" LETT. M'arket- Harborwgh and Welftrrd Turnpike- Roads from . Northampton: ^ J OTICE is hereby given, That thg Trustees of Russians and totally defeating them. — Such an i account has been received in a letter from the Con- tineht, by the Austrian Minister, but we hope it \ is not true. We are sorry, however, to learn a. cir- I ] town, and ran away with the carriage at hi » utmost speed; oil entering the top of Deritend, by a sudden jerk from one of the wheels passing over a heap of rubbish, the lady was thrown out, and had her right leg and thigh broken, and was otherwise very severely bruised, by the extreme violence of the fall. The gig was overturned, a little farther down the street, where the gentleman was also thrown out; but he, most fortunately, received only a slight sprain ni the ancle.— It " is an extraordinary circumstance, that the horse, after breaking from the gig,' and continuing to gallop down the street, leaped over a child that . li^ i appointed by Act of Parliament, for more ef- : fectually amending, widening, and keeping in Repair, ! the Turnpike- Roads leading from the Town of North- ] ampton to Chain Bridge, near the Town of Market- , Saxony to any foreign Harborough, and from the Direction- Post, in Kings- ! to a party to the thorpe, in the County ot Northampton, to Welford I the ( JnthOlic and cumstance that seems to confirm the report. of the ! stood in his way, without hurting it— The gig was French having gained some successes. 1 here have 1 dashed to pieces been, within these two days, great rejoicings on the c , „, French coast, such as have been too frequently I , » ° o » two o clock on Tuesday morning, the found to correspond with the periods of their ; avy Lhester coac! l stopped at the house of ' l'hos. victories. The report of the defeat of the Russians, : paS" a! l> of Eccleshall, in Staffordshire, thehorsc- is revived this day, with increased confidence keeper to the said coach; who coming out per- Bonaparte's accommodation with Saxonv being that fhcre » ' f ^ box, nor completed, the Elector is to assume the ' title J! ^ P^ ger, but there were two passengers King ; and to accede to the Confederation ot the ! ft?" thef coac, h- ; lPPc% s ^ t the coachman Rhine. He is not to allow a passage through ' ^ i6" f ™ m. at al> ouc three Bridge, in the same County, will, on THURSDAY the : f „}__ • t,,;. ,, ,.;. , - , . 19th Day of FEBRUARY nixt, between the Hours of : to « ijoy. the same civ. l and political rights This Elev n in the Forenoon and Two in the Afternoon, at ls a particular object with Bonaparte. By the the House of Mr. D. HAMSHAW, the SWAN INN, I future treaty with Prussia, Bonaparte engages that at LAMPORT, in the said County, LETT to FARM, ! the circle of Cothus shall be ceded to the King of by AUCTION, to the Best Bidder, in the Manner Saxony; who in return is to give up to any person directed by the Act passed in the 13 th Year of the Reign named b Bonaparte, an equal territory, in that • f His present Majesty, for regulating Turnpike- Reads; „ . R .' KIIHUIJ, m mji the TO LLS of the Gate or Turnpike erected at or near. Pa" of ihurmgia, situated between the prmci- ' ' — ' I pahties of Eichfield and Erturt. The contingent To 21tillers, SfC. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. BRAMPTON, On Tuesday the 3d Day of February next ( if not dis- posed of before that Time by Private Contract), at the House of Mr. Kje, known by the Sign of the Sun Inn, in Rowell, in the County of Northampton, AN excellent POST- WIN DMILL, carrying two Pair of Stones, one Pair of Frenches, and one Pair of Peaks ; » nd a Flour- Machine, with a Ware- house underneath— l'he said Mill is situated in the Fields of ROW ELL aforesaid, and now in the Occu- pation of Mr. John Cox. Possession may be had at Lady- Day next. For further Particulars, enquire of the AUC- TIONEER, or the said JOHN Cox. Under a Deed of Assignment, for the Benefit of Creditors. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By B ROIV N G? SON, On the Premises, on Tuesday the 3d Day of February, 1807, and following Day, LI. the neat and useful HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, PLATE, LINEN, CHINA, GLASS, BREWING UTENSILS, about sixteen Ions of HAY, and other EFFECTS, of Mr. THOS. EYLES, at the SWAN INN, ELSTOW, near Bed- ford; comprising neat Four- post and Canopy Sacking- bottom Bedsteads, with Plaid and other Furnitures; several good Feather Beds, Bolsters, and Pillows; Flock Beds; large Blankets, Quilts, and Counter- panes; Mahogany and Wainscot Chests of Drawers; Bason Stands; Parlour and Chamber Chairs; Pier and Dressing Glasses j 15 Pair of Sheets^; 17 Damask and Diaper Table Cloths; Two- leaved Wainscot Dining and Pillar and Claw Tables; Mahogany Bu- reau and Wainscot Ditto; two handsome Sets of China, and large China Bowl; Quantity of Glass, and Set of Cruets; Morocco Stand; Silver. Tankard, Punch Ladle, Table and Tea- spoons, Pair of Tongs, Salts, LITTLF- BOWDEN, for the T& m ot one Year, com- mencing the first Day of March next; which Tolls were lett the last Year at at'. 533, and were put up at that Sum, at a Meeting of the said Trustees held on the 20th Day of November last, but no Person having made any Bidding or Advance thereupon, the said Tolls will, at the said next Meeting, be put up at such Sum as the Trustees present shall think fit. The Best Bidder is forthwith to pay, in Advance, towards the Rent of the said Tolls, the Sum of ^. 50, and must produce sufficient Sureties, and enter into Security, for Payment of the Residue of the Rent either monthly or quarterly, as shall be required by the Trustees. CHARLES MARKHAM, Clerk to the Trustees, Northampton, Jan. 17th, 1807- A1 LITERATURE AND THE FINE ARTS. On the 1st of March, 1307, will be published ( Price two Shillings), No. I. of a new and superb perU odical Work, with splendid Embellishments, entitled, RIMJE CABINET; or, MONTHLY REPORT of " POLITE LITERATURE; including a Review of Books, and accompanied by a Cabinet Edition ( se- parately paged, and ornamented), of the most popular English Plays, with Anecdotes and Annotations, Bio- graphical, Critical, and Dramatic. The Contents of this Work will be arranged under the several Heads of Biography, the Arts, Criticism, Anecdotes, Miscellany, Poetry, the Drama ; a Review Of Books and Music, the London Theatres, the Pro. vincial and Foreign Stages, & c.; and will consist of avast Variety of interesting and valuable Articles. Twelve Half- Sheets, 96 Pages, will be given in each Number; and'two Engravings, one to accompany the Magazine, the other to embellish the appended Edition of the Theatre, to which 21 Pages will be appro- priated monthly. The Work will be printed with a new Type, cast for the Purpose, and on a fine yellow Wove Paper, manufactured expressly for the Cabinet. London: Printed for the Proprietor; and published by MATHEWS & LEIGH, 18, Strand; and sold by Birdsall, Abel, and Burnliam, Northampton ( where " oreign troops, not appertaining T, t ,'' 7 Eccle » hall and that the horses had confederation! The foLwe s of i ' h\ coa. ch ffe. t0 ^ hitter place, but 1 Lutheran forms of worshfo are I T d Mpp," g ( f " ? the P?"" 1"">- ° 1 the sagacious a/ nmals proceeded to the house of the horse- keeper, a distance of eighty yards from the inn. The coachman was found dead on the highway, his arms bent upwards, in the posture he held them when driving, and his legs" were crossed in the manner in which he asually sat; and as there were no outward bruises on his body, it is supposed he died suddenly on the box. At the Quarter- sessions for this county, on Thursday last, William Baseley Was convicted of riotously assembling, witb several others, in the parish of Staverton, and assaulting T. Burn ham, the constable, in the execution of his oflice; he was sentenced to be imprisoned in the house of correction, and kept to hard labour, for six months, and to pay a fine of 40s.— J. Wihnore, for stealing same leather, the property of Robert Hawkins, of Wellingborough ; and Stephen Clarke, for assault- ing Wm. Waite, of Braunston, were ordered to be confined in the house of correction for one month. At Huntingdonshire quarter- sessions, George Screeton, for . stealing a box containing some we ir- ing- appai f I, the property of Jane Barker, of Fer.- stanton, was sentenced to twelve months' hard labour in Bridewell; and }. A. Wilson, for as- saulting Ann ' Waterfall, of St. Neots, was fined ot. and ordered to be imprisoned one month. Joseph Hurst, who had, been ordered by the Magist rates to* be. committed to Warwick gao' for a burglary in , Birmingham, but being taken very ill in prison was humanely sent by. the peace- officers to the'General Hospital, in Birmingham, made his escape from thence on Friday niuht the 9th instant.' Great precautions were taken to of Saxony is fixed at 20,000 men, but for " the present it is to be only 1500 cavalry, 4200 infantry, 300 artillery and 12 pieces of cannon. On Thursday some intercepted dispatches from Admiral Willaumetz, at the Ilarannah, were re- ceived at the Admiralty. They were taken from on board an American ship, by one of Admiral Berkley's cruisers, and sent home from Bermuda, by the Admiral, in the Avon sloop of war. The Avon left the Bellona, of 74 guns, Melampus and Squirrel frigates, cruising off the Chesapeak, watching the remains of the French squadron, which had put in there after the hurricane. A Gentleman who lately left Holland, and landed at Ramsgate on Saturday, states, that the most rigorous measures are adopted, in- order t » raise a new levy of 80,000 conscripts; one male 1 in each family was obliged to serve, and the I parents are made responsible for their children: and such is the aversion to this service, that he ! saw many instances of the conscripts being es- ' corted to join the army handcuffed and - chained, guarded by the gins ( Turfites. The British and Foreign Bible society, of. tvliich-; Lord Teignmouth is President, have communicated j with the. Archbishop of Moscow, with S per Ct.(? ons.| 8S|} | 59ii i per Ct. Cons. l77i 78 78s a Prospectus, explaining the Plan and Objects of this j jn< i; a jjonds Work at large, may be had gratis); and sold by all the Booksellers, Stationers, and Newscarriers through- out the United Kingdom. 100- Gallon Brewing Copper and Grate, and 30- Gai! on Ditto; 24- liushel Mash Vat, Working Vat, Working Tubs, and Cooler; fifteen Iron- bound Pipes, sweet and good, two Puncheons, and smaller Casks; large Beam and Scales, with Weights; Coach Harness for two Horses; long Ladder, Corn Bins, five Dozen of good Hurdles, and various other Ffleets; Part of a. Rick of Hay about six Tons', Ditto about ten Tons, and a Quantity of Manure. Three Months' Credit will be given for the Hay, on approved joint Security. Catalogues to- be had in due Time at the adjacent Towns; Place of Sale; and of Brown & Son, Auc- tioneers, Bedford. Sale to begin each Day at Ten o'Clock, and the Whole to be sold without Reserve. Freehold Estate, Bedfordshire. To be SOLD bv AUCTION, By AND REir ' GARDNER, On Saturday the 7th of February1807, at the Sign of the Checkers Public - House} Westoning, Beds, between the Hours of Two and Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions of Sale as will be then produced, AValuable FREEHOLD ESTATE; consisting . of a Dwelling- House, Stable, an excellent Two- bayed Barn, with a Malting complete ; an Orchard, planted with Fruit Trees, and a Close of rich Sweaid Land, with a large Quantity of capital Elm Timber, growing thereon, containing! two Acres and a Half ( mot" or less), and 17 Acres ( more or leis), of Arable and Meadow Ground, lyinedjs|< ersed in theopen Fields of WESTONING aforesaid, now in the Occupation of Mr. Butcher, at a low Rent ( who will SIKW the Premises). Further Particular', mav lie known bf applying to Mr. COOKI, of MUtoti- Bryant, 3edi; ot it. the AUCTIUN » ER, W » l » uro, Beds, CAPITAL BOOKS ON AGRICULTURE; Forming, by themselves, a complete Library, the sixth Edition, improved, in one large Volume bvo. Price Half- a- Guinea in Boards, '' 111'. FARMER'S CALENDAR; containing R full Account of the Business necessary to be performed on all Kinds of Farms during every Month 1 Exc. Bills Ommum Cons, for Acc. 93M view, to : . . - „ the printing bf the'Scripture- in the Russian lap- 1 seem*' the prisoner, by fetters fastened to his bed; guage. At present, i, t is said Bibles are so scarce, but ho f? uud n, c « » s to ulllock tl) e chains, and got that there is but one to 16,000 Russians ! : • » * » . » without being overheard by any of the .. Kr— sssM.- i patients in the same ward. A large rewaal is I offered for his apprehension. i On Friday sennight, an inquisition was taken i at Afconbury, in the county of Huntingdon, before j 1). Welstead, Gent. Coroner for the hundred of j l. bightonstone, in the said county, on view of the ' body of a male child, newly born, and which was ; found quite naked, floating in a pond in the parish | of Alconbury aforesaid, supposed to have bfen | there1 upwards of a fortnight; but no evidence ! whatever appeared who committed this' horrid crime. Verdict—- Wilful Murder against some Per- son or Persons unknown. Oil Saturday last, an inquisition Was taken at Addingtan, iii the county of Bucks, before James Burnham, Ce » t. one, pf his,' Majesty's Coroners for the said pouiity^ bu. View of the body of James Stevens, labourer,.. who, was suddenly seized witb au apoplectic lit, « f . wfiicli'litt died. PRICE o? STOCKS. .1 . Sat.*| Mon. i Tu. | Wed. l Th. Bank Stork | 21 ® $ 2* 3 J per Ct. Red. .60J60 60 r>? f ® i>$ ii{ § 9! U ; 59ii 77| < S'; 78& JT-' I 93* 9Siii 93iJi O8T 58J 59 ,179- 1 I T— Is. p. 4s. p. p Ss4sp m. kv per Ct. N... Imp 3pcrCts. India Stock 5s4s p Ss4s iisSs p| 2s4s a % 2Ji pr - w 6HJ |< il£ 61 60| 61| flt) l 61 fcls p 60- Hi Fr. 59H 59 Is p is4sp 6' 0J NORTHAMPTON, SATURDAY EVENIsr., Jan. - 17. MARRIED.] Last week, at Coventry,, the Rev. Robert Shr. son, LL. B. vicar of St. Michael's, of the Year, with the latest Improvements,' and the I Coventry, and Chaplain to Lord Eardley, to Miss ModeBOyfeAXecu^ them. uNGj ^ R ^ ' jX^ uaghfer of D, Tandy, Esq. of the Cus- YOUNG Secretary to the Board of Agriculture, and Member oi various Philosophical and Agricultural Societies in Europe and America. OST It is impossible, in the Compass of an Adver- tisement, to enumerate the important Contents, and the great practical Advantages, which must rebuit, in the Management of Land, from a constant Reference to this useful Work. Many th ® usand'Copies are sold in every year; and intelligent Farmers and Country Gentlemen in every County in England have acknow- ledged, not only that it enables them to perform evei y Operation in the best and m » st successful Mariner, but effects, in the general Business of a Farmer, a Saving of from ten to twentv- tive per Cent. 2. A NEW EDITION, corrcctid to January l't, 1S07, in two large Volumes Quarto, illustrated with nearly one hundred Engravings, representing the most im- proved Implements, the various Grasses, and the principal Breeds of Sheep and Cattle, Price Four Guineas in Boards, A COMPLETE SYSTEM of PRACTICAL AGRICULTURE; including all the modern Im- provements and Discoveries, and the Results: of all the Attention and Enquiry which have been bestowed j on this important Science, during the last30 Years; ; the Whole combining and explaining fully, exten- 0n Monday se'nnight, at Ipswieh, Lieutenant - Barry, of the ^ Leicestershire Militia, to Miss Sarah Durham, tljest daughter of Mr. Thomas Durham, attorney at law. Oii'Tuesday. se'umght, Mr. Stanley, of Rugby, Warwickshire, to Miss Malmg,. of Sjtamford. ' . Last- week, Mr. Uarrjs,- surgeon and apothecary, of Long- Buckby, in this county, to Miss. Sarah Copch, daughter of Mr. T. Cooch, of Ilarleston, hear this town. On Wednesday last, . Mr. John Neal, woadman, of Watford, to Miss Gudgeon, daughter of Mr. Gudgeon, butcher, of Lon^- Buckhy,. both in this county. * ','•-' Lately, at Nuneaton, Warwickshire, Mr. Jtolui Bond, plumber and glazi<£, of : Cl| ilver's- Cotoii, to Mi. ss Mary Arnold,, of. the former place. DIED.] On Sunday. last, atPentonville, Mrs.- DolLen,' wife of John English Dolben, Esq.- of Finedon, in this county. The prisoners in the county gaol return thanks to the G- x d Jury at; the Quarter- Session's, for 9s. fti. ***- The prisoners"'!, i Aylesbiliv gaol, Bucks (, n number 63), return their grateful thanks to the Rev. William LloytL- D,- D,. and the Rev. Thomas Hopkins, for their animal donation'of one guinea each, Jaidoit in ljieat. PRICE of C O R N per i^ uatter at Northampton, Saturday, Jan. 17 Wheat, 68s. to 79s~. Od. " Rye. 4tK-. 0d:: to. 49s. Barley. Itgs: OA. to 41s. Od. Oati, 23s; 0d. to 25s. 6d. ' - . J. GRAFTON Beans, 40>. 0tl. to 43s Oil. Peas. aws. Od, to40s. Od. By the Standard Measure. Inspector, On Wednesdayrlast, - aged 23, Mrs. 1' Boycott, sively, and completely, the Principles and* Practice wife of Major Boycott, of the 16th Light Dra- of the modern Art ot Husbandry in all its Branches g00g„ and grand- daughter of Christopher Smyth, and Relations. ^ ^ DICKSON, M. D. .. • j Esq. of this olace 8 ' - Honorary Member of the Board of Agriculture. | Lately, at ivmghtsbndge, m her 70th year, Mrs. Printed for RICHARD Pmitirs, Bridge- Street, Pownall, relict of Governor Pownallyof Overton BUckfriars; and to be lud of all Booksellers. House, Beds. Qohi- Exthange^ London, Friday, Jan. 10. The supplies Vyjieat here to- day, are tolerable, with some further art ivals"; and the trade is heavy in sales • fine scireeiy « t last currency ; and second, with • ordinary qualities, give Way in price.—- Rye at less. ^ Barley in plepry ; . second and inferior is lower.— • Malt likewise.-^ I. n Eease and Beans of each descrip- tion, but lTttle variation.— Oats its in large supplies, and the' samples of ordinary quality ratiier lower. Flour without vaiiation. LISi' of FAIRS, from Jan.- 19, to Jan. 31, , within the Circuit of this Paper. ' Th. Jan. 22: Buxiury. F. -— 23. Sbrffird and Aylesbury-. T. -— 27. Potion. Tb. —- '.' 9. M bbutn>. Ferrers, THE BATTLE OF MAID A. Sung at the Subscription Concert at Bath, Itnt week. QTRIKE, strike the harp 1 to glory lift the strain, 0 Hark! Vict'ry shouts on bright Euphemia's plain; Sound, sound the chords! let peals of rapture rise, With swelling symphonies salute the skies ! All grateful raise the patriot voice, In strains of harmony rejoice ; BRITANNIA TRIUMPHS ! swell the string! Calabria's glories loudly sing! Hark ! Fame her brazen trumpet sounds, With martial notes the air rebounds ; Throughout the spheres resounds the lay, r• That British valour wins the day ! Now Glory sweeps the golden lyre, And Genius wakes the strains of tire ; Enraptur'd Fancy swells the key, And bids the day immortal be. Rejoicing voices fill the choral strain, And shout the glories of Euphemia's plain; With loftiest raptures shake each trembling sphere, And thril) with extasy the ravish'd ear 1 ON TIME. Tho' brighter than the diamond's blaze thine eye; Tho' livelier than the ruby's glow thy lips; Tho' than the lily fairer is thy skin, And thy cheek lovelier than the opening rose;— Yet be not vain ! for Time shall these destroy, Time's hand shall pluck the diamond from thine eye; Rude Time shall snatch the ruby from thv lip; Time's breath shall fade the lily on thy skin; Time's scythe shall mow the rose- bud from thy cheek : — Nor yet despair! Time shall not all destroy. Fair Truth is brighter than the diamond's blaze; Good Humour livelier than the ruby's glow; Charity fairer than the lily's bell; The blush of Modesty beyond the rose; These, all immortal, Time'i rude power defy— These shall outshine the skin, lip, cheek, and eye. STATE TAPER. The Prussian Royal Gazette, published atKon- ingsberg on the 1st of December, contains the Proclamation, or Stale Paper, of the King of Prussia, of which we gave the concluding para- graphs in our last:— This instrument opens'with noticing the unfor- tunate issue of the battle of Auerstadt; after which, " the King was of course induced to pro- pose an armistice; he thought he might promise himself a good reception in this undertaking, as, daring the battle, he had received a letter from the Emon- or ' Napoleon, full of friendly expressions."— How weak— how very weak must the King of Prussia have been, to rely upon the " friendly ex- pressions" of Bonaparte. . Lucchesini, as we already knew, was afterwards dispatched to the head- quarters of Bonaparte, with 1 fall / powers to negociate a peace; and, says this paper, " his Majesty's proposals were deemed so moderate, that, on the 30th of October, they were accepted, as the basis of a peace, by the Grand Marshal of the Palace, Duroc, who was charged by the Emperor and King with the conduct of the negociations.— Upon these bases, the peace might have been concluded without loss of time; and the King, on his part, had actually taken all the necessarv measures to fulfil the conditions of the peace without delay, immediately after its conclusion." The King of Prussia, however, soon found, that Bonaparte had no wish for peace; and the. latter, a: length, declared, that he " must atuil himself of lit unjhiMtute situation into uliich Prussia had fallen, in consequence, of the. battle < f the 1- U/ i, to conclude a pence tctf Russia and England." This declaration left no doubt remaining. The base* of peace which had been formally concluded were now entirely set aside; and, instead of these, an armistice tfas proposed on lilie part of the French, the conditions of which, at the very moment when it was supposed every difficulty had beengdt over, were increased with every advantage obtained by the enemy.— The King of I'russia, at length, con- cluded the armistice," the terms of which have been some timv. before the public. This armistice * as accompanied by a declaration from Talleyrand, on the part of France, containing the foil nving passage: Four coalitions, the la^ f. of which has iqueieo. i in- iiuMiiuvuini...'. v..,.. ... In, have placed vast tei ritories in the power of Majesty the Emperor and King. Three times produced the present war, have been formed against France. Every one of the four has been conquered. The victories obtained over each of tlieli his Majesty the i. mpe has France, with a moderation unexampled in history, restored the whole, or nearly thpr whole of its conquest!, and rs- cstablished on their thrones, without almost any diminution of their power, Princes who were hurled from them by victory. The conduct which his Majesty the Emperor has tfcrice pursued, he is still disposed to follow, without considering that this extreme moderation may, before the expiration of ten year;, produce a fifth coalition. But in the course of these per- petually reviving wars, France, Spain, and Holland have lost their colonies. It is natural, it is just, that the countries which the right of war has placed in the Emperor's power, shouid be em- ployed as compensations for these colon. ts." Talleyrand proceeds to state, that that which particularly distinguishes the injury done to France, by the fourth coalition, is, that the Porte has lost its independence; and concludes with insisting, that Bonaparte cannot restore any of the territories which the chance of arms has placed iu his power, before the Ottoman Porte shall he reinstated in tire plenitude of all its rights over VValiachia and Moldavia, and that its absolute independence shall be recognized and guaranteed. Iiis Majesty novy saw no hopes of peace; and, if he had been inclined to indulge such a hope, " it was no longer in his power to fulfil the con- ditions expressed— to compel the retreat of the RtissilfB armies; for as the French troops., even during the armistice, had advanced towards the Vistula, it na then impossible to arrest the inarch of the Bur. siau?, who saw th « r own frontiers threatened." The Pru Atari Pioclama/ ion then states, that the King was under the necessity of withulding his ratification of the armistice; and that " it only remained for his Majesty to solicit, the Courts of St. James's and ft. Pttersburgh to negotiate with him for the basis of a general peace with the Emperor Xajioleon. "— This, we find, his Majesty did. We can perceive nothing great or magnanimous in this part, of the proclamation; — nothing that can inspire us with confidence in the character or con- duct of the King of Prussia. His sordid policy, : n so long submittio- to the insults of the French, and in sciiiuf npon liunover, could only be equalled fy • he meanness with which he sued fur peace. In Jib application to the English and Russian Cabinets, he appears to have been weak, to suppose that Great- Britain would restore the Cape, Buenos Avres, & c.; and that Rtt^ a would concur in the re- establishment of the French influence at Con- ttantinople, in order that he might regain pos- sessision of bis capital.— We must really congra- tulate ourselves that ttofcRussians are in sufficient fore* on the- other side.. 6fdjte" Vistula, to oppose the French, and * t the same time. to con trout the Prussians'. The Emperor of Rtrssia, we siuceHely hope, . will continue to act as. a' 1 principal, and not as an auxiliary. ' _ jmainder of this nroclamatibii ANECDOTES from the HISTORY of ItUSSIA. Stratagem of Admiral Cruys. In 1T08, the Swedish army in Finland, under the command of Major- General Ltibeckcr, passed the Neva, to make incursions in Ingria, and attack St. Fetersburgh. Admiral Cruys, a man of great merit, and one of the principal officers who had assisted Peter the Great in forming a marine, an- noyed the enejnv greatly during their passage, and after the Swedish troops had reached the opposite side of the river and taken up a position in the country, Cruvs hit upon a method of making them decamp, by a stratagem, the success of which was equal to the design. He blockaded the Neva with a fleet which had the appearance of being formi- dable, but which was entirely composed of da- maged and unserviceable vessels. He then burnt all the Russian magazines in that part of the country which was indefensible, dud stopped the supplies of provisions destined for the Swedes, so as to occasion a dreadful scarcity. At the same time making use of the name of the Grand Admiral Apraxin, he wrote to Brigadier Fraser, who was posted with a few troops in the vicinity of Keporin, to defend himself with • courage, for that in twenty- four hours, a body of forty thousand men would arrive to support him; and besides, that the enemy's fleet would be opposed by another fleet of equal force. The Admiral gave this in charge to a peasant to deliver, in the firm persuasion that he would be taken, and the letter intercepted, but the messenger reached Eraser's tent in safety. The latter guessed at once the intent of his mission, and defended himsnif as long as he was able. Being compelled to yield to numbers and abandon his baggage, he left this letter in his tent as if he had, forgotten it. Lubecker having found and read it, was so terrified that he instantly ordered a retreat. He reimbarked his army with such precipitation that the carriages were broken, the horses killed or maimed, and they were obliged to abandon eight hundred men, who either fell, or were taken prisoners! The effect of this happy device was such that instead of the invasion being serviceable to the enemy, it turned out very unfavourable. Opinion of the Emperor, the Great Peter of Russia, concerning War. The Prince who had acquired so much glory by hi » military exploits, and who was almost always victorious, did not delight in success of this de- scription, An old wooden palace, falling t* » ruins, was made use of for exhibiting a fire- work. The variously coloured rays produced a spectacle as magnificent as striking. On this occasion, the hero said to Charles Frederick, Duks of Holsteiu: " Behold the semhlaticfeof war ;• the most brilliant actions are followed by ravage and destruction : perish that building in which I conceived the plan of attacking Sweden-! perish, with it, every idea of taking up arms against her, and may she, in future, be the most faithful ally of my Empire 1" Address of Colonel Miehelson, the present General , if the Russian Army. This officer contributed greatly to repress the disturbances incited by Pougatchef, and prevented him from extending his inroads as far as Moscow. Among'other stratagems which he made use of, he caused a courier to fall into his hand with a letter; in which a General, who was known, an- nounced to the Colonel that he was waiting for the rebels with thirty thousand men, in the vicinity of the capital. Michelson was therefore directed to leave the road open to the cossuck, that he might surprise him, and exterminate him and all his fol- lowers. The brigand being terrified at this infor- mation, instantly retreated. AXKDUTES OF THE' EMPEROR ALEXANDER. Just Refusal. Some one having requested an estate in absolute right, of the Emperor Alexander, the Prince ex- plained to him the reasons why he could not yield to his demand. He wrote thus to him-—" In ge- neral, the peasants of Russia are slave's; it is un- necessary for rue to enlarge on the degradation and misery of such a state; but I have made a vow nevSr to augment their number, and, with this view, have laid it down as a principle not to give an absolute right over peasants. The estate shall bo made over to you and your descendants for ever, at a life- rent: this is the same thing, with the sole difference, that a peasant cannot he sold or alienated like a beast. These are my motives, and I am persuaded thai, were you in my situation, you would act in the same manner." Instance of Courage and Humanity. A young Officer of the Police, who, at the setting in of the winter, was stationed on the quay at the Neva, to prevent any one from attempting the passage of the river till it was sufficiently frozen, discovered a person on the ice who had escaped the notice of. the guard on the opposite side. Apprehensive of his danger, he called to him to return. The other, heedless of his intreaties and his threats, kept advancing, until, suddenly the ice gave way under his feet, and he sunk. The guard called for assistance; but perceiving that none of the spectators attempted to succour the unhappy man, he threw off his coat and plunged in, regardless of his own danger, and, by his strength and courage, brought the man to the shore,' who, two minutes later, must have lost his life. The1 Emperor Alexander, who was riding, arrived on the spot at this interesting moment. He addressed the officer in the most flattering terms, and, giving him a ring from his finger, promoted him to a station greatly superior to the one he filled. Complete Restitution. Before it was incorporated with Russia, the city or Fieban was iu the receipt of an annual revenue of eleven thousand crowns, for maintaining the schools and churches, and, generally, for the benefit of the community. On the union of Courland to the empire, Lieban lost this receipt, and for six years afterwards was reduced to the last extremity. The present sovereign restored the city to the possession of its rights, not only for the future, but he also paid them the arrear of seventy thousand crowns. The Widow Comforted. A few days before the opening of the new school of Toula, a woman badly dressed, with two chil- dren whose garments denoted indigence, threw herself at the feet of the governor, and offered him a paper. " Here," said she, sobbing, " is the diploma of nobility of my husband, who is dead from chagrin and misery : receive iny children. The Emperor is just; your heart is good^ have pity on these poor orphans: I should die in peace if I were sure they would be placed in the new Mr. Latham's new Xcfel. This Day was published, in three neat Vols. ISmo. Price 13s. 6d„ HUMAN BEINGS; a Novel. By F. LATHOM, Esq. of Norwich, Author of the Mysterious Freebooter— Impenetrable Secret— Midnight Bell, & c. Printed for B. CROSS,- & Co. Stationer's- Court,' Ludgate- Street, London; and sold by Birdsall, Abel, Burnham, and Watts, Northampton; Robins, Da- ventry; Inwood, Newport - Pagnell; Webb, and Barnes, Bedford; and Collis & Dash,. Kettering. IVhere may be had, published on the sm? re Day, 1. TheMoN^. of DISSENTIS; a Romance, from the German of Augustus Lafontaine. By J. Powell. In thrfe Vols. 12s. 2. SANS Souci PARK; or, the Malange; three Vols. 13s. 6d. In the Press. ELLEN, HEIRESS of the CASTLE; three Volumes. By Mrs. Pilkington. BENEVOLENT MONK; in three Volumes. By the Author of the White knight. lhe SOLDI ER'S FAMILY ; four Volumes. By the Author of the Family in Switzerland. ' 2b Grazing Farmers, and ail Dealers in Cuttle. This Day was published, the second Edition, in one large Volume, 8vo. Price 12s. extra Boards; to which is now added, several valuable Articles on Wool, Live Stock, & c. with many beautiful Wood- Cuts of the different Breeders of Cattle; also, two useful Dogs, and other Copper. Plates ; M1E COMPLETE GRAZIER; or, FARMER and CATTLE- DEALER'S ASSISTANT; containing Instructions for buying the best Breeds of Live Stock, breeding, rearing, and fattening of Cattle; Treatment of the Diseases of Cows and Ewes at the Times of calving and yeaning ; the general Economy of a G rass Farm; various Methods of preparing Food for Cattle in severe Winters tr. d Times of Scarcity ; the general Management of the Dairy, Watering Meadows, & c. Sec. illustrated by Engravings of the various Imple- ments used, on Wood and Copper- Plates, its a LIN- COLNSHIRE CRAZIER, assisted by several Yorkshire, Norfolk, and Leicestershire Farmers. London: Printed for B. CROJJV & Co. Stationer's- Court, Ludgate- Street ; and sold by Birdsall, Abel, Burnham, and Watts, Northampton ; Robins, Co- ventry ; Inwood, Newport - Pagnell; Webb, and Barnes, Bedford ; and Collis & Dash, Kettering. T Lately published, Price 5s. in Boards, arid sold at J. WEBB'S, Bookseller, in Bedford, AF^ AI; or, The EVEKIKCS of SouTitiLL; By NICHOLAS SALMON, Author of several Philological Works, and Master of Languages, lately settled at Bedford, whence he attends lespectab/ e Families around. rp H E following Extract will shew that Mr. - I- SALMON is not unworthy of being countenanced by the Public :— , " The Author of The Evenings of Southill appears " to have been led to his Design, principally, by " some real or supposed Errors and Imperfections in " The Diversions of Parley; and, though we cannot " admit that he has surpassed his Predecessor in " Acuteness of Discovery, or Accuracy of Investi- " gation, yet we cannot deny him the Praise of having " contributed, in a great Oegrce, to fill up the Outline " which was previously sketched for him.— Mr. SAL- " HON, who is by Birth a Frenchman ( though he has " given us ample Proofs of his familiar Acquaintance " with the English Language), appears eminenth quali- " fied to instruct his Countrymen in the fundamental " Principles of their Language. It would lead us " beyond the Limits necessary prescribed to us, were " we to discuss the Merits of every Etymological " Investigation pursued in the present Treatise, " which we recommend to the Philological Student, " as containing much Information compressed within " a small Compass, and published, as such Works " ought to be, without any Ostentation, Parade, or " unnecessary Expence." The Oxford Review, published Jan. Irf, 1807. Among the Works published by Mr. SALMON, are, The first Principles of English Grammar, 2s. bound. Footstep or Introduction to the French Language, 2s. Boards. Complete System of the French l anguage, 7s. 6d. bound. Stemmata Latinitatis, or Etymological Latin Dic- tionary, J'. l ils. 6d. Boards. Gramruaire'Angloise comparee avec la Grammaire Franfoise, 5s. bound. Guide pour ia langus Angloise et la Franfoise, Ss. bound. The Expeditious Accountant, cut of Print. " EASE" Fitost LAMENESS AND PAIN, ~ IN A FEW HOURS. npi- JF, BRITISH OINTMENT for CORNS, S prepared by W. N. WI. OR, Chemical Colour- Maker to liis Majesty. This most excellent Oint- ment never fails curing hard or soft Corns in a very short Time, and, gives Ea^ e in a few Hours. No other Trouble is required in using it, than rubbing a little on the Corn, Night and Morning, with the Finger. The Proprietor begs Leave to observe, the Afflicted may rest assured of a Cure, as this is not, like many published Things, an Imposition on the Public. 6 1-. By Appointment of the Proprietor, it is sold, Wholesale, by Dicey & Co. No. 10, Bow Church- Yard, London; also by Dicey & Co. Edge, and Marshall, Northampton; Robins, Daventry ; Wilcox, and Gallard, Towceste'; Mather, Wellingborough ; Palgrave, Bedford; and by one Medicine Vender in every Market Town, Price 2s. 6d. Dufy included. DICKY &. Co.' STrue Daffy's Elixir. fl^ IIIS most excellent Medicine has been I- faithfully prepared for upwards of EICHTY Years, from the purest Drugs and Spirits that can be procured, by Dicey & Co. No, 10, Bow Church- Yard, London ; and has* been attended with the happiest Success in the Cure of tlx Gravel, Stone, Fluxes, Spitting of Blood, Pains in the Breast, & c.; but in the most excru- ciating Fits of the Cholic, and in all Complaints of the Stomach and Bowels, the Genuine Dalf)' s Elixir is unquestionably Superior to every other Medicine in the World:— Spurious Sorts, ot a very inferior Quality, are, however, offered for Sale in almost with Extracts from'Montgomery's Poems and original | every Town, and some of them even with the Names Useful Annual Publications, Now selling by B. CROSBY & Co. London; and by Birdsall, Abel, Burnbam, and Watts, Northampton"; Robins, Daventry ; Inwood, Newport - Pagnell) Webb, and Barnes, Bedford; Collis & Dash, Kettering; and by most of the Booksellers in the United Kingdom. 1. ft ROSBY's LADIES NEW ROYAL POCKET V^ COMPANION, for 1X07, with ruled Work for a Cash Account, and for Memorandums lor every Day in the Year; many useful Tables and Observ- ations for various Seasons; also, Charades, Rebusses, and Enigmas, entertaining Extracts, Songs, and Dances, embellished with a beautiful Plate from Mr. Francis Latbom's admired Novel, entitled, Human Beings ; Price Is. 4d. 2. CROSlSY's ROYAL FORTUNE- TELLING POCK ET- BOOK, with an interesting Story on that Subject, and an Engraving from the same; containing also all the ruled Pages, Songs, Dances, Poetry, Enigmas, Tables, & c. in the above; Price Is. 4d. S. C ROSBY's CHRIST! AN LADIES' POCKET- BOOK, for 1807. embellished with Heads of Dr. Samuel Parr, Dr. George Campbell, the Rev. David Bogue, A. M. and the Rev. John Evans, A. M. adapted to the several Sects and Denominations ot the Christian World; containing Biography of the Por- traits, and a Variety of moral and religious Articles, Poetry; a List of the principal Churches, Chapels, and Meeting- Houses, in London, with the Names of the Ministers, and Times of Worship, Hackney- Coaches, Marketing, and a Variety of other useful Tables; Price Is. 4d. or, extra hound, 2s. 4. CROSBY'sGENTLEMAN's, MERCHANT'S, and TRADESMAN'S COMPLETE ' POCKET- BOOK and JOURNAL, for 1807 ; containing Tables of Interest, correct l. ists of the London and Country Bankers, Tillies of buying, selling, and transfering Stock at the Eank, South- Sea, and India- House, Holidays, Public Offices, Value of the Funds and Annuities, List of Stamps, Term- Table, High Water, Navy and Army Agents in London, Places of general Resort in London, Hotels, Taverns, Coffee- Houses, Inns, & c. ; List of Newspapers, both Town and Country; Alphabetical List of the Cities, Towns, and principal Villages in England and Wales, with their Market Days and Distances from London ; As- sessed Taxes, am! consolidated Duties of Excise; and 108 ruled Pages for Memorandums, Appointments, and Observations for every Day in the Year; the most complete Thing of the Kind ever published. To be continued annually.— Price 2s. or, extra, with Tuck or Clasp, with Pockets, 3s. neatly printed, on the finest Wove Paper. 5. CROSBY'S COMPLETE FAMILY JOURNAL; or, HOUSEKEEPER'S ACKOUNT- BOOK, for 1807, improved by additional Lines in the Account on 54 ruled Pages of fine Writing Paper, with cross Lines; containing a Register of every Article used in a Family; Abstracts of various Acts, remarkable Events, and various useful Tables ; also, the Laws relating to Rent, Notices to quit, & c. & c.; Price 2s. of Dicey & Co. in the Bills ol Directions, and on the Bottles ( which are also made in Imitation ot theirs:) The surest Way therefore to prevent Deception, is, to ask particularly for DICIY'S DAFFY'S EI. IXIX, and to observe nor only that the Words Dicey & Co. No. 10, Bow Church* Yard, are printed in the Stamp affixed to each Bottle, and signed in the Bills of Directions ; but also, as a further Mark of Distinction, that the Words Dicey and Co.' s True Daffy's Elixir ire printed, in large Characters, at the Top of each Bill of Directions. It is sold. Wholesale and Retail, by Dicey & Co. No. 10, Bow Church- Yard, in Bottles at Is. 8d. and2s. 6d. each, Duty included. A ho, sold Wholesale and Retail by the Printers of this Paper ( by whom great Allowance is made to Country Shopkeepers), and Retail by the following Pc » sons, viz. Wilkins, Robins, Bates, & Wilkinson, Daventry; Parker, Merridew, and Rollason, Coventry; Collison, B rack ley; Watson, Aynho; Mrs. Beesley, Banbury; Odell, and E. Pyne, Leighton; Griffin and Co. Tring; Norwood, Amersham; Aynsworth, & Birdsey, Heinel- hempstead; Edwards, Chesham; Barnes, Inwood, and Barringer, Newport- Pagnell; Osborn, Wobum; Good- man, North- Crawley; Queneborough, and Squires, Dunstable; Lancaster, Clophill; Alsop, Crawley, and Mead, Luton; Brown, Morris, and Green Sc Co. Ampthill; S. and A. Cooper, and Morris, Nuneaton; Bull, Harrod, and Dawson, TWarky- Harborough; Adams, and Gamble, Loughborough; Gregory, and Swiiifeu, Leicester; Toone, Woolvey ; Pearson, Mel- ton- Mowbray; Burbage & Co. Nottingham; Inns, and Gallard, Towcester ; Seeley, Buckingham ; Miss Jones, Oxford; Hawkes, Lutterworth; R. Palgrave, J. Okely, B. Bradley,' and J. Bradley, Bedford; Hine, Potton; Bunting, Sandy; Gardner, Westsn, and Brooks, Biggleswade ; Richardson, Elmes, Poulter, and Sheppard, Stony- Stratford; Higham, Old- Stratford; Moxham, Fenny- Stratford; Stevens, Bicester; Marlin, J. Wheeler, Rickford, F. Wheeler, & F. Loggin, Aylesbury ; Wards, Hinckley; Sanderson & - lie. EDGE, Nor. THAMrioK, has just received a large Supply of ROBBEROS's BALSAMIC kl. lXIIt, or COUGH- DROPS, C" ld,\ and •; jCo. Broughtoo, Chettle, and Mather, WeUingbo'rough; ' I" 11 hoFjjustly- celebrated Drops, by their happy I Sanderson, Thrapston; York & Summers, Oujidle ; J. and immediate Effect in removing the most ob- ' Horden, and Jacob, Peterborough; King, Gilkes, stinate Cough or Catarrh, and all Tendency to Con- and Matthews, Chipping- Norton; Baly, Wright, anil sumption, render them a valuable family Medicine. I Stevens, High. Wycomb; Collis 6i Dash, and Munn, And when we consider the Variableness of our Climate, j Kettering; Newcomb, and Drakard, Stamford; Bird, which constantly induces us to catch Cold, anu, that j Uppingham ; Gibson, Oakham; Churchill, Dedding- from this taking Cold, originates a Multitude of Dis- ' ton; Roberts, Southam ; Sharpe, Warwick; Luccock, eases, as Asthma, Pain in the Chest, offensive Breath, Kimbolren ; Bayiey, and Paul, St. Ives; Emery, and Inflammation of the Lungs, and Consumption, with " VI T ' a long Train of Evils,- no Head of a Family sliou" lay down without a small Supply, at least, of almost instantaneous Remedy. Many thousand Persons J Holland, Winslow; Ward, Stratford- upon- Avon; Mat- can testify'the happy Kttects they have received from ! thews, Campden,; Wallis, Olney; Taylor, Retford; ' Dexter, Wilbarston; Brinkler, Bicester: and by the The remainder proclamation relates . to the military arrangements of Prussia,' fflid' to, the ;' proofs of their concern rc^ iancc which is placed on the aid of Kttssia. i dijconsolate mother. school." The infants lifted their eyes in suppli- cation to the magistrate, who was greatly affected at the scene. He raised the mother, and placed her by his side, embraced the children, receiving them as pupils of Alexander, and ordered the uniform of the institution to he given to them. The gratitude of the mother was unbounded— she was unable to articulate her thanks. Several cadets of the establishment being present, looked, at first, upon fheir new comrades' with indifftjrence; but when they learnt that they were gentlemen like themselves, though poor and urtlitftunSte, they ran to embrace them; andjoaded them with ca- resses, each one tendering them a part of his wardrobe, ahd his linen. The witnesses of this scene were melted in tears, and all were eager to give and tenderness to this T it, whenever) other Medical Assistance had failed. A CAUTION. — Observe the Name ot R. BUTLER, No. 4, Cheapside, is engraved on a black Stamp, which is affixed to each Bottle; all others are Coun- terfeits. Sold at Mr. BUTLER'S, No. 4, Cheapside, Corner of Paternoster- Row; and, Retail", by Dicey & Co. and Marshall, Northampton ; and by most Medicine Venders in every Town; in Bottles at 2s. 9d. each. Dr. SOLOMON'S ABSTERGENT LOTION. OF THE FACE. HE Face is the most common Seat of cu- taneous Eruption, in Consequence of its being more particularly exposed ta the Action of the Air; and it is supposed, that the extreme cutaneous Vessels which, in a natural State, circulate colourless Fluids,, on being excited in the Manner here mentioned, or on the Application of Stimulants, or perhaps from Causes at present unknown to us, absorb Oxygen from the Atmosphere, which occasions a Heat, Inflammation, florid Appearance, and cutaneous Eruption. The ABSIERCENT LOTION renders the Face fair and delicate, and removes every Kind of Stain, Tan, Sun- burn, or Freckles, which Rouge, long Uiness, or Fatigue, generally produce; in short, it is the only Cosmetic a Lady can use at her Toilet \ Vith Ease and Comfort. ( f3T Price 4s. 6d. a Bot^ j, Duty included.— A Government Stamp is pasted oh each bottle, with the Name and Place of Abode of the Proprietor, thus, " Saml. Solomon, Liverpool," engraved therein; to imitate which is Felony. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by the Printers of this Paper; also, Retail, by Marshall, and Edge, North- ampton; Colli:, & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Dawson, and Flarrod, Harborough; Marriott, Ban- bury; Inns, and Gallard, Towcester ; Seeley, Buck- ingham; Richardson, Stony- Stratford; Edge, and Mather, Wellingborough; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry; Okeiy, and Palgrave, Bedford; Fox, St. Neots; Barringer, and Inwood, Newport- Pagnell ; Swinfen, Leicester; by the Printers of the Countrv Newspapers; and by. all the-• reputable Medicine Venders, Booksellers, See. in evtiy principal Town • n England, Ireland, Scotland, and America, who will deliver Pamphlats gratis, with a Variety of authentic Doumencts noted ther in. , i . i..——..... . in ... i. I. i'of the Farrier, Fanner, utitt others. This Day is published, in one very large Volume^ Quarto, with thirty- nine Coppet-' Plates, elegantly engraved, Price Two Guineas and a Half, in Boards. AD1CT1 ON A KY of the V E'l ERIN A RY ART • containing the latest Improvements and Pre- scriptions recommended by the College, as well as by modern Writers on that Subject, viz. Prof. Coleman, R. Lawrence, } Ryding, Taplin, St. Bell, Freeman, Feron, White, J. Lawrence, Clark, | Denny, & c. Ac. And including such Parts of Comparative Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacy, Chemistry, & c. as aie cohl nected with the Veterinary Art. The Whole illustrated by numerous ahd elegant En- gravings of the Anatomy and Diseases of the Horse- and forming a Work no less calculated to assist the Professional Veterinarian, than the practising Farrier, the Farmer, and the private Oenilemati, in acquiring a Knowledge of the morbid Affections to which Horses, Dogs, Cows, Sheep, Pigs, andother Domestic Animals aie subject. By THOMAS BOARDMAN, Veterinary Surgeon to the 3d ( or King's Own] Regiment of Dragoons. " The Work before us, though called a Dictionary is not confined to the mere De'rinitions of th. Term- or Words used, but like James's and oilier Medical Dictionaries, contains full Descriptions ot the several Objects that appear to have a Relation to the Veteri- narian Art:— The Methods of rearing and feeding Horses, and of training them, as Racers, Hunters, or for Draught, are given under distinct Heads; also, Directions for the Conduct of Grooms and Coachmen Descriptions of their Harness and 1' iappings, and In- structions for Riders, with the whole Art ot Horse- manship; likewise, the Anatomy of the Horse, ai. d Histories and Descriptions of the Diseases to which . that Animal is subject, arc also given, with the Method of treating them, as practised at the Veterinary College, or taken from Gibson, Taplin, and other Writers particularly ifom Mr. H. Bell, and Mr. John Lawrence." And then having quoted numerous Passages, the Reviewer continues thus;— " Having given our Opinion of the Parts we have noticed, which in general are exceedingly well executed, we will only add, that We hope, and can scarcely doubt, tftit lhe Dictionary will bj favourably received - and that t'ne Author will obtain Encouragement,, in some Degree commensurate to the Diligence he has shewn iu foiming the Work. British Critic, November, 1806. " This appears to be a Work truly scientific; com- bining three of the principal Recommendations to general Acceptance, viz. a requisite Portion of Learning, a good Taste, and a copious Shaie of Information. " From a cursory View, it seems to beexactlv what its Author intended it, a Kind of Focus for con- centrating all the Light of ancient Invention, and modern Improvements, in the Veterinary Science." Sporting Magazine for December, 1805. - Printed for G. KEARNEY, Fleet- Street, London- and sold by all other Booksellers. " » C< J0:, 2OCjC' » reatn, n. imuuiran; rsayiey, anu raui, St. Ives; limcry, and with Fox, S t.. Neots; Jenkinson, Huntingdon; Darton, and should | Tapp, llitciiin; Hovel, Staples, Eaden, Hodson, and > f this i Gee Cambridge; Leigh, Atherstone; Arch, Shefford; Venders of Dice" & Co.' s Medicines in every town throughout the Kingdom ;-;— Oj whom may be had, from Dicey & Co.' s Warehouse as above, s. d. s. d. Dr. Bateman's Drops 1 ] J Bathing Spirits. -. - 0 9 Hooper's Female Pills 1 Dr. \ nderson's Scots Pills, 30 in a Box 1 1J Dr. Radi.' liffe's Elixir 1 H of Scurvy- Gras's .- Bostock's Elixir - 2 ( i Beaume de'Vie - - Stoughton's Elixir - 1 1J Eetton's British Oil F riar's Balsam - - 1 H Rymer's Tincture - | Pike's Ointment - 1 !) Walker's Jesuits ! Clinton's Snufl,& Oil 1 6 Drops - - - - | Dr. I. ockyer's Pills 2 9 Wyman's Pills - Spirits Squire's Grand Flixir 1 9 Godfrey's Cordial - 0 9 Golden & Plain Spirits 1 lj 3 6 1 9 2 9 2 9 2 9 CORDIAL BALM OF GILF. AD. From Mr. WATKIX, High- Town, Hereford. AN OFFICER of the Tth Dragoon Guards had long been subject to a Nervous Disorder, which affected his whole Frame; his Hand shook so violently that he could not write. Seven Bottles of the COR- DIAL BALM of GiLEAD perfectly cured him, and he can now write as well as ever he could in his Life. The CORDIAL BALM of GILEAD js sold in Bottles, Price Half- a- Gtiinea each; there are also Family Bottles, Price 33s. containing equal to fourBotlles at 10s. 6d. by which the Patient saves 9s. including also the Duty. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by the Printers of this Paper; also, Retail, by Marshall, and Edge, North- ampton ; Collis & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Dawson, and Harrod, Harborough; Marriott, Banbury ; Inns, and Gallard, Towcester; Seeley, Buckingham; Richardson, Stony - Stratford ; Edge, aijd Mather, Wellingborough; Robins, and Wilkinson," Daventry ; Okely, and Palgrave, Bedford; Fox, St. Neots i Barringer, ahd Inwood, Newport- Pagnell; Swinfen, Leicester; by the Printers of the Country News- papers ; and by all the reputable Medicine Venders, Booksellers, See. in every principal Town in England, Ireland, Scotland, and America, who will deliver Pamphlets' gratis, with a Variety of authentic Docu- ments noted therein. 03" Dr. Solomon, when consulted, expects his usual Fee ot Half- a- Guinea. Such Letters should, for Safety, be thu » directed—" Money Letter. Dr. Solomon, G ilead- House, near Liverpool " BANKRUPTS required to St; F. RENDEE. Jam; s Epworth, of Spalding, Lincolnshire, grocer, Jan. 23, 24, and Feb. fl, at the White- Hart inn, Spakiing.— Attorney, Mr. Green, Spalding. Thomas Kidd, of Newcastle- upon- Tyne, sail- cloth manufacturer, Jan. 23, 24, and Feb. 21, at the Turk's- Head inn, Newcastle.— Attorney, Mr. Harvey New- castle. Benjamin Trickev, ofPlympton Earl, Devonshire, butcher, Jan. 17, Feb. 20 and 21, at the Pope's Head. Plymouth.— Attorney, Mr. Boger, Plympton. Joseph Lancaster Cox, of High- street, Lambeth, victualler, Jan. 20, 24, and Feb. 21, at Guildhall, London.— Attorney, Mr. Meymott, Charlotte- street, olackfnars- road. John Lucy, of Liverpool, merchant, Feb.'?, 3, and 21, at the Globe taVerrn, Liverpool.— Attorney. Mr. Alcrott, Liverpool. . Thomas Tills, of Wymondham, Norfolk, cord- wainer, Jan. 17,23, and Feb. 21, at the White Swan, Norwich — Attornies, Messrs. W. and J. Mitchell, Wymondham. Wm. Blindell, of Wclwyn, Hertfordshire, maltster, Jan. IS, 17, and Feb 21, at Guildhall, London — Attorney, Mr. Taylor, Old- street- road. Joseph Osment, late of Yeovill, Somersetshire, victualler, Jan. 12, 20, and Feb. 21, at the Vlermaid inn, Yeovill.— Attorney, Mr. Bat, en, Yeovill. Thomas Barton, of Liverp ol, merchant, Feb. 3, 4, and 21, at the York hotel, Liverpool.— Attorney, Mr. Greaves, Liverpool. George Boorne, of Norwich, draper, Feb. 7, 9, and 21, at the Stafford Arms, Wakefield, Yorkshire.— Attorney, Mr. Flarmer, Norwich. John Wood Dixon, of the Crescent, Minories, Lon- don, merchant, Jan. 17, 24, and Feb. 24, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Hillyard, Copthall- court, Throgmor- ton- street. Joseph Hawkey, of Piccadilly, London, army- accoutrement- maker, Jan. 20, 31, and Feb. 24, at Guildhall.— Attorney, Mr. Cole, Southampton- stieet, Bloomsbury. Anthony Thomas, of Duke- street, St James's, and Charles Henry Roslein and Charles Schenling, of Arundel- street, Strand, London, merchants, Jan. 17, 27, and Feb. 24, at Guildhall.— Attornies, Messrs. Berry and James, Walbrook. Charles Swannack, of Russell- street, Covent- garden, London, grocer, Jan. 20, 31, and Feb. 24, at Guild- hall.— Attornies. Messrs. Gatt£ and Haddan, Angel- court, Throgmorton- street. George Godwin, of Stailbrd, cordwainer, Jan. 20, 21, and Feb. 24, at the Star, StalFord.— Attorney, Mr. Brearley, Birmingham. Richard Weaver, af Hardwick, Herefordshire, miller, Jan. 28 , 29, and Feb. 24, at the Crowa inn, Worcester — Attorney, Mr. Wall, Worcester. John Taylor, of Micklehurst, Cheshire, cotton- spinner, Jan. 27, 29, and Feb. 24, at the l'alsce inn, Manchester.— Attornies, Messrs. Milne, Sargeawt, and Milne, Manchester. William Garland, of Shepton- Mallet, Somersetshire, innholder, Jan. 17, Feb. 2, and 24, at the George inn, Shepton- Mallet.— Attorney, Mr. King, l'ook's- court, Chancery- lane, London. Thomas Smith, of Coselev, Staffordshire, coal- seller, Jan. 30, 31, and Heb 24, at thj Casile, Bir- mingham— Attorney, Mr. Bird, Birmingham. D tviDENt) to be made to Creditors. Feb. 25. John Hewitt, of Birmingham, druggist, at the George inn, Digb- th. MARKETS.— London, Jan. 12. We had a middling supply of Wheat from Essex and Kent this morning, but mostly of second and in- ferior quality. The few fine sampies that were pro- duced, fetchcd nearly as much money as la » t week; but all others were dull, and raih'er drooping in price.— Bailey comes to market in abundance, and prices are declining. Malt is likewise h- avy, and a trifle lower.— White Pease, ( Boiler ) though still dear, have given way 2s. per quarter. — Small and Tick Beans are heavv sale, but have varied little from our last report.— We have r, o fresh Oats up, but a tolerable quantity on hand. This article, with most others, wear a declining aspect, though little variation can be stated from last Monday's puce. Wheat.. 50s. to 60s. 65s. Fine Do. — s. to 70s. 7Ks. Rye ... 38s. to 15s. Od. Barley.. 30s. to 40s. Od. Malt... 64s. to 74s. Od. PiucE Of FLOUR.- HOPS, per Pocket. Oats 23s. to26s. 32s. HnrseBeans34s. to 44s. Od. Tick Ditto 30s. to 38s. Od. White Peas 45s. to 60s. Od. Grey Ditto 32s. to 46s. Od. Fine 70s. to 75s. Od. ent, 51. 0s. < o 61. JOs.- Sussex, 41.15s. to51. 16s.— Fa'rnham, 81. 0s. tn9i. 9s. SMITHFIELD, Jan. 12. To sink the offal. Ox Beef, 4s. 0: 1. to 5s. Qd. Wether JVlutton, 4s. 4d. to 6s. 4d. Veal, Ss. Od. to 6s. Od. Pork, 4s. 4d. to 5s. Od. Sold this day, Beasts, 2200— Sheep and Lambs, 18,000. NEWGATE and LEADENHALL, Jan. 12. By the carcase. Beef, 3s. Od. to4s. 4d. Mutton, 3i. Od. to 4s. Sd. Veal, Ss. 8d. to 5s. 4d. Pork, 4s. 4d to 5s. Od. TALLOW.— Town, 67s. Od. White Russia,— s. Od. to 57s. Od. ( Soap), — s. Od. to 56s. Od. Melting Stuff, — s to 48s. Od. Ditto rough, — s. to 30s." Good Dregs, 10s. Od. Graves, lis. 0d. LEATHER, pet lb. Butts, 50 to 561b. 22d. to23Jd. Ditto, 60 to 651b. 24u. to25 « Merchants' hacks 21d. to21Jd. Dressing Hides, 17Jd. to l8jd. fine Coach- Hiues, I9d. to20Jd. Ciop. ll. des tor cutting, 21d to 24U Flat ordinary, 17ffl. to 19d. ' Calf Skins, SO to 40ib. per ddz. 28u. to 40d. Ditto, 50 to 701b. per doz. 34d. to 40.1. Ditto, 70 to ,801b. 32d. to 34( 1. Small Seals, per lb 42d to 44d Large Dnli , pel doz 10' is. to 140s. Goat Kl. ins, — s. to — per doz. Tanned Florse- Hides, 18s. to > 4- per Hide. N O R T H A MP'i O. N: Printed and Published by and for T. B1CEF and tV. tiU'i'JUN.
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