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The Northampton Mercury


Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton 
Volume Number: LXXXVI    Issue Number: 43
No Pages: 4
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The Northampton Mercury
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The Northampton Mercury

Date of Article: 27/12/1806
Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton 
Address: Northampton
Volume Number: LXXXVI    Issue Number: 43
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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Vol. UXXXVI. No. 43. { Readv Money is expcctcd ) I wiih Advertisements. S SATURDAY, December 27, 1806. Sunday and Tuesday's Posts. L ON no N, December 23. SATURDAY'S Garetu: contains dispatches from Admiral Cochrane, Commander in Chief at the Leeward Islands, giving an account of the capture of four Spanish and four French vessels, by the British cruizers upon that station. Parliamentary Intelligence.— An Address' to his Majesty, thanking him for his most gracious Speech ( which was inserted in our last) was moved, on Friday, in the House of Lords, by the Kail of . Jersey, and seconded by Lord Somers, which, after a few observations made by Lord Hawkcsbury, passed una- nimously. The Address in the House ot Commons was moved by Mr. W. Lamb, and seconded by Mr. John Smith. The Address passed without a division. The most prominent proceedings in- the two Houses which claim attention, is the fact broadly and une- quivocally stated by Ministers, that not only did tliere exist no concert between this country ar. d Pi ussia, with respect to the war between the latter and France, but that even after the disastrous battle of Aiiorstadt, the Prussian Government did not deign to make any reply to the conciliatory overtures, of which Lord Morpeth was the bearer. On the misfortunes of Prussia, and the recent, and terrible wound which Europe has received, Mr. Canning dircctly maintained that the positive demands of the Ministry respecting Hanover, presenting motives to France for wresting from Prussia that country on which her affections were so deeply fixed, was the cause of the unfortunate and " precipitate resolution which has now laid the hopes of Europe so low. The fear of losing through Great- Britain a possession so important, drove Prussia to despair, and to the dread- ful chance of the sword, as her last resort. Lord Howick answered this by alledging the necessity under which they were placed of reclaiming Hanover without an equivalent, as it was unlawfully seized, being not subject to the laws of a war in which Great- Britain alone was engaged; and as, should it not have been thus rigidly demanded, it would have afforded a precedent to seize it in a similar manner, as often as a war broke out between France and England. Mr. Canningseverely ani- madverted upon the appointment of Maj.- Gen. Crauford to a distant- command, over the heads of many Officers of superior rank— the recal of Sir John Sruart from Sicily ; and likewise the recal of Sir Home Pophain and Sir David Baird, from the Cape of Good Hope. To thesecharges Lord Howick replied, that Ministers had ever the selection of Officers ; witness the choice of Lord Nelson, a junior Admiral, to a command in the Mediterranean, & c & c. The appointment of General Crawford, his Lordship said, could not give so much offence to the army, as the appointment of Sir Home Pophain did to the navy, who was so low as ICO in. the list of Captains, and only made Post in 1795. With regard to the recal of Generals Stuart and Baird, and Sir Home Popham; General Stuart had under him, at lirst, a force of - 1000 men, afterwards increased to 7 - 00. but now that it was augmented to lti. OOJ men, it wis to great an army to be commanded, except incascof necessity, by a Major- General. He said this without any disparagement to the gallant Officer, of whose exploits no man could entertain a higher opinion than. he did. General Fox had succeeded te thecommand. As to General Bairdand Sir H. Fopham, he acknowledged that lie felt himself in duty compelled to advise their recal. These. Ollicers on their own authority, undertook an expediiionto South America, which was entirely out of the limits of their com- mand. They were destined for the East Indies, but instead of obeying their orders, they proceeded in their South American expedition, and for that purpose stripped the Cape of Good Hope of all its troops and shipping, so that that valuable conquest must have surrendered to any hostile force, had any such ap- l> eared before it. They also took up in that expe- dition the troops destined for the East Indies, and the money that was intended for their payment. When the House looked to the otlcct such a conduct must have upon military discipline, it would be evident that it could not be endured. He acknowledged that Buenos Ayrcs was J very valuable conquest, and might be turned to the greatest advantage for the com- merce of this country ; but he could not avoid cen- suring tile invitation ' if Sir Home Popbam to the manufacturers to send out their goods there merely upon his own authority. Such conduct afforded a very bad precedent, a it encouraged officers to look up to that ill- advised institution of the Patriotic Fund, for the reward of services, instead of looking only to the Government. Besides, if ollicers in any part of th- j world were to act as they pleased, instead of obey- ing their orders, the authority of the Government was gone, and tne interest of the country dependent upon any specula'ion. To encourage, therefore, sucli a conduct, however fortunate it may turn out, would be to sap the vital principles of our navai and military establishments. The House of Commons met on Saturday, to receive the report of the Address to his Majesty, and on othe' business.— Son- re furfher discussions took place" relative to public affairs.— A Petition from Mr. Paull, against tile return of Mr. Sheridan for West- minster, was presented i> y Lord Folkestone. In the whole, the number of Petitions against returns to tbi new Parliament will amount to no less than forty- eight. Dutch Papers to the 18th inst. were received on Saturday. Bv them we have accounts of the ope- rations of the armies in Poland to the 2d insf. No general action, however, had then taken place. It appears, that on the 20th ult. the advanced guards of the two armies fell in with each other, and a skirmish took place, in which it is stated, that the Russians were repulsed, and a regiment of Cossacks taken prisoners. On the 27th, some mor skirmishing took placc, in which the French are represented as having had the advantage; and on the 23th, the French, tinder Devoust, entered Warsaw, the Russians having previously re- crossed the Vistula, and burnt the bridges. It also ap pears, if we are to believe the assertions contained in the 38th Bulletin, that the Poles have hailed Bonaparte as their deliverer, and pant to become once more a free and independent nation. 1 he arrival of the King of Prussia at Osterodc, in East Prussia, is mentioned, where, it is said, Uuroc is gone to meet liirn. If this statement be true, wo may sooa expect to hear of the complete degrada- tion and disgrace of this unfortunate Prince. To the above Bulletin is annexed a Proclamation of Napoleon to his army. It tells them that they are the conquerors of Austerlitz, and that the blamcable generosity he then shewed was the cause of the 4th coalition. But the enemy who supported it, he says, is now no more. The French armies have overcome every difficulty, and the Russians have in vain hoped to defend the capital of Poland. Lastly he informs them that lie will not lay down his arms " till a general peace has restored freedom to his commerce, and given him back his colonies." " On the Elbe and the Oiler," says he, " we have reconquered Pondicherry, all our possessions in India, the Cape of Good llope, and the Spanish colonies." The concluding sen- tence is worthy of Bonaparte; " Shall there be a comparison made between the Russians and us? Are we not, then the soldiers of Austerlitz?" By an American vessel from the East Indies, letters dated the 28th of July, were yesterday re- ceived at the East- India House. We are sorry to hear that they communicate intelligence of a very disagreeable occurrence. At Vellore, shortly before the date of the letters, a battalion of Sepoys, in consequence, as it is supposed, of a quarrel about some women, fell upon the loth, regiment of native infantry, and put every man to death, including Gen. Armstrong and another Officer. ' A regiment of cavalry, brought from Arcot to quell the insurgents, attacked the Sepoys, and refusing to give quarter, desisted nut till every tnnn of them wift cut to pieces. We are assured, that this unfortunate disturbance did not originate in any disaffection to the Government. Saturday a notice was stuck up at the Custom- Ilouse, for carrying into effect the Act for abolish- ing all fees and holidays in that department, ex- cepting the following holidays, viz. Sundays, Christmas- dav, Good Friday, the Anniversaries of the Restoration of King Charles II. of the Corona- tion of the King, and of the birth- days of their Majesties, and the Prince of Wales. It would tend much to the accommodation of the Public, if similar regulations were to take place at the Stamp and Excise Offices; and we understand that Go- vernment intend speedily taking the subject into consideration. We are happy to state, that a letter was received on Friday from Mr. Maxfield, of the Portsmouth Theatre, contradicting the account of Mr. Sliat- ford's company of Comedians being drowned on the 10th instant. On the contrary, he asserts, that the company played at Poole Theatre on 1 hurs- day, Friday, and Monday last; and that Mr. Shatford dined with hi « i, at Portsmouth, on Thurs- day and Friday. It appears they did embark on board the Ann, at Cowes; but, owing to bad weather, the vessel put into Lymington, where they disembarked,, and travelled the rest of the journey by land. " J PURSUANT to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery, made in a Cause, ERRINGTON Creditors of THOMAS against CHAPMAN, the I. RRINGTON, late of OLD, in the County of Northampton, Apothecary, deceased, who died in or about the Month of March, 1803, aie to come in and prove their Debts before James Stanley, Esq. one ot the Masters of the said Court, at his Chambers, in Southampton - Buildings, Chancery- Lane, London, on or before the 12th Day of February, 1807 ; or, in Default thsreof, they will be peremptorily excluded the Benefit of th.-. said Decree. . Freehold Estates. To be SOLD by AUCTION, IN TWO LOTS, By JOHN K1LPIN, On Tuesday the 30th of December, 1806, at the Swan Inn, Bedford, at Six o'Clock in the Evening, under such Conditions as will then be produced, Lot 1. \ LL that substantial, well- built, Brick A HOUSE, with Sash Windows, and Iron Palisades, in Front, pleasantly situate in ST. I'AUL'S- SQUARE, the centncal Part of the Town of BEDFORD; comprising a large Parlour in Front, large Hall, back Parlour, Kitchen, and Pantry; a Brcwhouse, witli a Well of good Water, and a Lead Pump; on the second Floor, a large Dining- Room, and five good Bedchambers, with Closets; three large Rooms on the Attic Story ; largeOutbuildings, contain- ing a Stable and Coal- House, with a large Drying- Room over the same; large Yard and Garden, with several Fruit Trees, and a Summer. Housenext to the River.— Also, an eligible Family Seat, in St. Paul's Church. ( pr* The above Premises were formerly used as a Coal Wharf, but lately occupied as a Ladies' Boarding- School, and are well calculated for a School for young Gentlemen, as there is not one of that Description within several Miles of Bedford. Part ot the Purchase Money may remain on Lot 1. Lot 2. TWO DWELLING- HOUSES, situate in WELL - STREET, in the Parish of Sr. PAUL'S, BEDFORD; consisting ofa Tenement, with a Kitchen, Pantry, Chamber, and Closet, now in the Occupation of Widow Hart; also, a Tenement adjoining, com- prising a Kitchen, Chamber, and Closet, with Out - houses, a large Garden, 100 Feet long and 20 Feet wide, and a Number of valuable Fruit 1' iees, with " a Well of good Wafer, in the Occupation of Thomas Merrill." IF3" Further Particulars may be had of the AUC- TIONEER, Agent to the Norwich Fire- Office, Bedford. E. B A R L O W y) F. GS Leave to return Thanks to the ladies of 5 NORTHAMPTON and its Vicinity, for the Encouragement they have been pleased to favour her with since lier Residence in Northampton, as STAY- MAKER; and hopes, by a punctual Attention to thfir Orders, to be favoured with their future Patronage. (£ 3* All Orders from the Country, directed to E. HARLOW, King's- Head- Lane, Northampton, will be duly attended to. 11AI LEY's INSOLVEN C Y. SUCH of the CREDITORS of JOHN BAILEY, - of WELLINGBOROUGH, in the County of Nortli- ampton, Baker, as have not yet sent the Amount of their Debts, are desired forthwith to transmit ihe same to his Assignees, Mr. Adam Corric, Sen. Mr. James Beale, or to their Solicitors, Messrs. Hodson, in Wellingborough; or tlicy will be excluded the Benefit of a Dividend intended to be made on or before the 21th Day of January next. Bedford and Leicester State- Lottery- Offices. ^£. 20,000 for the First- drawn Ticket, First Day, 13th JANUARY, 1807. rplCKETS and SHARES are on Sale by Mr. I J. BARNES, Printer, BEDFORD, and Mr CANT, Post- Office, LEICESTER, for HODGES & Co. Stock- Brokers, on the same liberal Terms as at their Offices, Cornhill, Oxford- Street, and St. James's- Street, London. First- drawn Ticket, 3d Day, ;£. 10,000 Oitto 5th Day, 30,000 Ditto 10th Day, 5,000 N. B. This Lottery contains two immense Prizes of £ .30,000 each, in Addition to the usual Number of Twenty Thousands, Ten Thousands, Five Thousands & c. & c. ' ( KT Schemes, with a List of capital Prizes re- cently sold in Shares by HODGES & Co. may be had, gratis, as above. Freehold Estates, Bucks. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, AVery desirable ESTATE, situate in the Parish of I1ANSLO P E, in the County of Buckingham; consisting of several Farms, in a high State of Cul- tivation, Tythe- free, and Land- Tax redeemed, and containing together 711A. 1R. 20P. in the Tenure of lUr. Joseph Kitelee and others; together with the Advowson of the Vicarage of llanslope aforesaid. Also, a very considerable ESTATE, situate in the adjoining Parish of CASTLE- THRU P, in the said County of Buckingham; consisting » f two Farms, in a high State of Cultivation, Tythe- frec, and Land- Tax redeemed, and containing together 25- 1A. 3R. IIP. in the Tenure of Mr. Thomas Kitelee and Mr. Thomas Nicholls. The above Estates are situated within 55 Miles of London, in a pleasant Part of the County of Buckingham, and within four Miles of Stony- Stratford, six of Newport- Pagnell, ten of North ampton, and Half a Mile of the Grand Junction Canal, which opens a direct Communication with the Metropolis. Printed Particulars may be had at the principal Inns, in Stony- Stratford, Newport - Pagnell, and Northampton; at Messrs. Macdougall & Hunters' Chambers-, 9, Lincoln's Inn, London ; at Mr. Con- greve's Office, in Stony - Stratford; and at Mr. Terrewest's Office, Lincoln, where a Plan of the Estates nvay be seen. N. B. The TENANTS will shew the Estates; and for other Particulars, and to treat for the Purchase, apply to Mr. TERREWEST, Attorney, Lincoln. C II E A P C O A I, S, OF excellent Quality, from llAWKr. sBt'Rr j NEW COLLIERY, are now selling at NORTH- j A MP TON WHARF, at One Shilling per Hundred | ! Height, and delivered into any Part ot the Town at Thirteen- Pence per Hundred Weight, exclusive of the I customary Charge tor Loading, Sec. by FRANC." IS • PARROTT, Esq. Sc Co. Proprietors of the aforesaid I Colliery. C- T The said Coals are particularly recommended to all great Consumers, and are warranted to be tlie best Coals, at the stated Prices, ever oiiereri for Sale to the Inhabitants of the Town and County of Northampton. * » * HAWKESBURY GOALS do not take Firesoquick as the best Staffordshire Coals, but when fairly kindled are equal in Heat, and will continue so One- third longer, by the Use of which will be found a Saving to the Consumer of forty per Cent. For these Coals, Gentlemen are desired to enquire for Mi. JEFFERY, who will officiate for Mr. D; x, Clerk for the Hawkesbury Coals, who constantly attends at the said Northampton Wharf; and for further Par- ticulars, apply to Mr. STEPHEN YATES, Bedworth, near Coventry. To MiUtrt.— A desirable Situation. To bo SOLD by AUCTIO N, By Mr. CtiENEY, On Friday the 2d Day of January next, at tho George Inn, in G uilsborough, in the County of. North- ampton, at Three o'Clock in ihe Afternoon, \ Substantial, Stone - built DWELLING- XI HOUSE, together with a most desirable CORN WATER- MI LL adjoining, upon a good Stream, car- rying three Pair of Stones, with two Dressing- Machines, and every other Requisite, now in full Trade; also, necessary Outbuildings, and a- Close of rich Pasture, containing two Acres ( more or less), situate and being in the llamlct of COTON, in the Parish of RAVENSTHORPE, in the said County, in the Occupation of Mr. Thomas MooTe, the Pro- prietor, who is going to another Situation. The Premises may be viewed by applying to the Proprietor; and Particulars known, and treated for by Private Contract in the mean Time, by an Application ( if by letter, Post- paid,) to Mr. DENNY, Solicitor, Long- liuckby. • » Freehold Estate, mi the Borders of Huntingdonshire and Bedfordshire. To be SOLD ' by AUCTION, On Thursday the 9Sth Day of January, 1807, at the Cock Inn, in Eaton, in the County of Bedford, AFREEHOLD ESTATE, in the Parishes of GREAT- STAUGHTON, in the County of Huntingdon, and EATON- SOCON, in the County of Bedford, containing about 60 Acres of Arable and Meadow lard, in tlic Occupation of Mr. Charles Banks, who will shew the Premises. tp'f Possession may be had at Lady- Day next; and further Particulars at the Offices of Messrs. YORKE & SHERARD, in Oundle or Thrapston. FIFTY- FIVE GUINEAS REWARD. Olney, ' 1 urvey and Harrold Association. WHEREAS on Friday Evening the 5: h Day of December instant, a RICK of HAUM STRAW, belonging to JOHN HIGGINS, the Younger, Esq. standing in a Pightle, near the Home, lead of his, in the Village of TURVEV, IK. the Couivv of Bedford, WAS WILFULLY SET ON FIRE, whereby the whole was consumed. Mr. Hicci. vs hereby offers a Reward of FIFTY GUINEAS to any Person who will give such Infor- mation as shall lead to the Detection of the Offender or Ollenders, to be paid upon his or their Conviction And a further Reward of FIVE GUINEAS will be paid out of the Fund of this Association, to the 1 erson who shall give the above Information, upon Commitment to Prison of the Oifenderor Offenders. It more than one was concerned in the above Felony, and either will impeach his or her Accomplice or Accomplices, he or she will be paid the above Re- wards, and all proper Means will be used to procure his or her Pardon. JOHN GARRARD, Secretary. Olney, Dec. 15th, 1 S0 « . WELI .1M J1 IO 1< OL1GII, OLN K V. - V M: N T'ORL PAGNIXL. ORIGINAL POSI COACH, To cany only Fnur inside- O ETSout from the Hi AH 1, NN, WI i u.\ . Ronorcn, O Monday, Wednesday, mid I riday Mornings, at Five o'clock, and ariives at the CROSS- KEYS, ST. JOHN'S STREET, LONDON, early the same Afternoons, at which Inn Accommodation to Passengers by rnis Coach is particularly attended to ; from whence it returns Ttiesuay, Thursday, and Saturday Mornings, at Five. Pertoimcd b\ W. BROWN, | !>. HAWKINS T. SANDERSON, j W. SPO.\ G, - j B. TUCK, | J. bROWN\ Who earnestly solicit the Patronage of the Inhabi- tants of Wellhigboiough, Olney, and their Vicinities, assuring them every Fiiort shall be exerted to rem. tr this Conveyance superior to any on the Road. i'lie I'.. re from Wellingborough to I ojidon is IPs. Inside, 10s. Outside.— Olney, 14s. and 7s — Newport! 12s. and 6s. N. B. Not accountable for any Article lost Or da- mag'd, above the Value of Five Pounds, unless entered as such, and paid for accoidingiy ; but d.. e Attention paid :<> the tin warding and immediate Delivery of Parcels intrusted to their Care. (,- V Passengersand Parcels bookedat Mr. SPONC'S, Wellingborough. KING ay SWEDEN. This Day is published, in one Volume, thick 12mo. Price5s. extra Board;-, embellished with a fine Porl trait of Voltaire, printed on a line Paper, riHlK HISTORY, LIU, and CAMPAIGNS, of f CHARLES. X11. KING of SWrDFN, from the French ot M. De Voltaire. A new Translation, from the last Paris Edition.— To which is prefixed a Sketch of the Life of the Author. ' London: Printed for M. JONES, No. 1, Pater- noster- Row ; where may be had, Dr. SHAW'S English Editiou of Lord BACON'S WORKS, complete, in 12 Vols Price £. 3 I2s. Boards. A1 Sale of Capital Timber. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By R. JARVIS, On Monday the 5th Day of January, 1807, and fol- lowing Days, on the Premises, ALL those noble OAK, ASH, ELM, BEECH, andSPRUC'E FIRS, of extra Dimensions and superb Quality,- fine LARCH 11 RS,& othcr WOOD wiih their TOPS, LOP, and TAN of OAK., now- standing in the Park, Pleasure- GrotHid, and Wood, surrounding WARKWORTH CASTLE, near BAN- BURY, Oxfordshire; the Whole forming a desirable Collection; comprising upwards of 4000 Timber and other Trees, which will be lotted in the best Mode to accommodate Purchasers. ( J3T For a View thereof, apply to RICHARD TAYLOR, on the Premises, five Days previous to the Sale, where Catalogues may be had; also, at the following Inns, vii. ihe Red- Lion, Brackley ; Crown, Bicester; Swah, Buckingham; Saracen's- Head, Tow- cester; Griffin, Southam; Woolpack, Wafwick; Saracen's- Head, Birminghamj Crawn- and- Cushion, Chipping- Norton ; Bear, Woodstock; Angel, Oxford ; and at the Auctioneer's, in Banbury aforesaid. The Sale to commence each Morning at Eleven o'Clock. The Whole of the above Timber is situated within two Miles of the Oxford Canal and Banbury Wharf. Phoenix Fire- Office, Lombard- Street., London. LIVE and DEAD STOCK. For the Benefit of Creditors. To lie SOLD by AUCTION, By IV. WHITE, On the Premises, on Tuesday the 30th of December, 1806, and following Day, LL the LIVE & DEAD FARMING- STOCK, HOUSEHOLD - FURNITURE, BAKING and BREWING UTENSILS, HARD- WOOD, FAGGOTS, and sundry EFFECTS, of Mr. Thomas Saivell, Baker, at Weotton, near Bedford; consisting of dire" useful Draught Horses; one Fat Pi£ and two Store Ditto; Narrow- wheel Dung Cart; Ditto Baker's Cart, with a Tilt; two Ditto, with Iron Arms; long and short Ladders; six Do; to of new Hurdles; Harness for three Horses; Bridles and Saddles;' Chaff- Box, Sieves, and Barn Tackle in general; Forks, Rakes, & c. ; Ploughs and Harrows; Corn Drags, Hog Tubs, Troughs, Wheelbarrows, & c. ; 23 very useful Ash ajsd Elm Trees, three Stacks of Billets, about 2000 dry Faggots, Ash and Elm Poles, Oak Lop, 250 Feet of Feather- edged Elm Boards, a Quantity of Chips, & c\; Corn in the Straw, Hovel of Barley, Rick of Seed Clover, Ditto of Beans and Oats, Ditto of Straw, and Ditto of Haum ; and about 50 Loads of good Dung. The HOUSEHOLD.. FURNITURE consists of Four- post and Half- tester Sacking - bottom Bedsteads, with neat Plaid Furnitures; Stump Ditto; Feather and Flock- Beds; Mattresses; Walnut- Tree Chest of Drawers; Dressing TabK and Glasses; Chamber, Parlour, and Kitchen Chairs; Quilts, Blankets, and Linen; a Linen Chest; Mahogany, Wainscot, and Deal Dining, Dressing, and Card Tables ; Mahogany Bureau ; Eight- day Clock, in a Wainscot Case; China, Glass, and Earthenware; Kitchen Requisites, in Copper, Pew- ter, Brass, and Tin; Salting- Tub, lined with Lead; three swefct Iron- bound Puncheons, and six Ditto Hogsheads; Drinkstalls, and four Brewing Tubs; large Beam and Scales, fivefitilbs. and one 281bs. Iron Weights, two smaller Scales, and sundry Lead Weights; Flour- Bins, and other Effects. (; V The Straw to be taken off the Premises.— For Conveniency of the Public, the Wood will be put into small Lots. May be viewed hy applying on the Premises, three Days before the Sale." „ Bedfordshire. To be SOLD, or LETT, In the Parish of LEIGHTON- BUZZARD, ALL that commodious and old- established INN, known by the Name of the UNICORN INN, situate in the CORN- MARKET of LEIGHTON- BUZZARD aforesaid, with convenient Stabling for 30 or 40 Horses, and I. ofts over them ; with or with- out a Plot of three Acres of LAMMAS SWEARD in King's- Mead, and an inclosed Close of two Acres and a Half of rich SWEARD at the North End, with a large Barn and convenient Tenement thereon. Also, about thirty- one Acres of COMMON FIELD and LAMMAS I. AND, eligibly situated in the Com- mon Fields, whereof Part is Sweard and Part Arable ; all which Premises and Lands may be entered upon at Lady- Day 1807. ( Pa* Persons who may be inclined to treat for the said Premises and Land, are requested to make an early Application to Mr. THO. WOOD, Auctioneer, at Leighton- Buzzard, of wliom further Particulars may be had. To be SOLD by AUCTION'", By ANDREW GARDNER, On Wednesday the 31st of December, 1803, THE useful DAIRY- STOCK, HAY, KEEPING, sundry IM P L E M E N TS in H U SB A N D R Y, and other EFFECTS, of the late Mr. JOHN ODELL, on the Premises at HOLCUT- MOORS, near Cran- field, in the County of Bedford ; consisting of 19 prime In- calf Dairy Cows,' two Heifers, and one yearling Bull ; four Cocks of well- got Hay, about 70 Tons; with 126 Acres of good Keeping until the 5th of April, 1807 ; Ploughs, Harrows, Field- Roll, Malt- Mill, & c. N. B. The Hay must be spent on the Premises. The Keeping will be put into convenient Lots for that Purpose, and Credit will be given for the same until the 5th Day of April, 1807, on approved Security. fi- T Sale to begin at Eleven o'Clock. *** Some Time before Lady- Day next will be sold, the Live and Dead Farming Stock, Dairv- lJtcnsils, and remaining Part of the Implements in Hukbandrv, with Part ot the genteel and useful Household- Fur- niture, and other Effects, on the said Premises, of which due Notice will be given. rpiIE firm Support which the PiiCENlx- OrriCE » continues to ieccive from its numerous Friends, demands the i'hanks of the Directors. This Oliice has ever been impressed with an ardent Desire to give Encouragement to the Agricultural I nterests of the Kingdom; and the Directors rely, that the Regulations which they from Time to Time have introduced for tlut Purpose, will be satisfactory to the Public, and secure the Continuance of its Favour and Patronage. Stock on a Farm maybe insured in one Sum, with- out the average Clause. The Receipts for Policies falling due at Christmas are now in the Hands of the several Agents. itf The important Sums annually paid by this Office to Sufferers by Fire, strongly prove the Benefits resulting from 1 ispiance, as well to Noblemen and Gentlemen to secure the Value ot their Mansions and Effects, as to Farmers, Manufacturers, and all the Commercial Orders. *„* Persons insuring for Three Hundred Pounds, or upwards, will not be charged for the Policy. Bv Order of tiie Directors, H. A. HARDY, Sec. of Country Department Neat Cattle, Valuable Sheep, 4 c. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By EDWARD NEALE Sf SON, On Tuesday the 30th Day of December instant, 1T06, and following Day, on the Premises of Mrs. MARTHA and Mr. WM. LUCAS, of GREAT- CLAYBROOK, in the County of Leicester, who quit their Farm at Lady- Day, 1807, at Ten o'Clock each Morning. riMIF. LIVE STOCK, & c. comprises 81 Ewes 1- and'fheaves in- lambed ; 87 Tegs, three Shearling Rams ; 11 in- calved Cows, two in- calved Heifers, seven Barren Cows, four Stirks, six Yearling Calves ; one Draught Horse rising four Years old, one Draught Mare In- foal; a Piece of Turnips; several Stacks of Hay, to be spent upon the Land, and Keeping until the' 5th Day of April, 1807. N. B. The valuable Breed of Sheep have been selected with great Care from Rams of Mr. Joseph Hill, of Cottesbach, and Mr. Grundy, of Drayton- in- tlie- Clay ; and will be found well'worth the At- tention of Purchasers. Chancellor small 8vo. This Day are published, Price Is. 0d. ^ MIOUGHTS the MARRIAGES of on LABOURING- POOR; the lnstruc- . containing lions tor their Conduct before and after entering into that important State; with four authentic and moral Stories, illustrating the Subject. By THOMAS KELLY. Printed for G. Kearsley, Fleet- Street; J. Hatchard No. 150, Piccadilly; and T. & R. Hughes, Corne of Siaticners'- Court, I. udgate- Strect, Loudon ROYAL- EXCHANGE ASSURANC E. for assuring Established by Royal Charter in the Rtign of George I. Houses, Build- ings, Core, Hay, Goods, Sec. and also for the Assurance of Lives. 11 a » !> y, Warn ic l; sh ire. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By EDWARD NEALE & S 0 N, On Monday the 5th Day of January, 1807, and two following Days, on the Premises of Mr. Jeremiah Dufftin, of RUGBY, in the County of Warwick, who is going to reside at Leicester, rpHEneat and genteel HOUSEHOLD- FURNI- I. TURE, CHINA, GLASS, BREWING BRITISH FIRE- OFFICE, LONDON. INSURANCES granted on Houses, Buildings, Shipping, Water Craft, Goods, Merchandize, FARMING- STOCK., and other Property, from Loss or Damag e by Fire. Agricultural Stock insured at 2s. 6d. per Cent. The Office grants Insurances short of a Year; and makes good Loss by Fire from Lightning. Insurances due at Christmas must be paid on or before the 9th Day of January next. Proposals and Rates gratis, by application at the principal Offices in the Strand and Cornhill, London, or to any of their Agents in the Country. ROBERT SKELTON, Sec. Messrs. FLETCHER an i DODD, Agents at ' NORTHAMPTON. VESSELS, DAIRY UTENSILS, some IMPLE- MENTS of HUSBANDRY, tec. & c. The HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE comprises neat Four- post Bedsteads, with Mahogany Pillars, upon Castors, clothed with printed Cotton and other Furniture; well- seasoned Goose- Coat, Feather, and Flock Beds; superfine Blankets, Bedquilts, and Counterpanes; Set of Mahogany Dining Tables, with round Ends, and Mahogany Dining, Dressing, Card, and other Tables, fine Wood; Mahogany Chest- upon- Chest; Mahogany and Oak Bureaus; Mahogany Frame Chairs, with loose Horse- Hair Seats, almost new ; Pier and Swing Glasses; Brussels and Scotch Carpets ; neat Eight- day Clock, with Compass Plate; Stair- case- Lamp; China and Glass; Brass Pots and Kettles; a Quantity of Pewter; Kitchen Requisites; Mash- Tub, with smaller Tubs to correspond; some well- seasoned Barrels; Barrel- Churn, Cheese- Press, and other Dairy Utensils, with numerous other Articles. The IMPLEMENTS of HUSBANDRY consist of one Narrow- wheel Waggon, and one Six- inch- wheel Cart; a Single- wheel Plough, aad two Pair of double Har- rows ; Winnowing - Fan and Corn- Tray ; Horses Gearing; a capital Oak Malt Garner; several Lots ot Fleaks, with other Implements of Husbandry, and about one Acre and a Half of Turnips, a good Crop, and good Lare. C3T The above Household- Furniture, Implements of Husbandry, Sec. are in high Preservation, and will be found well worth the Attention of Purchasers.— The Household- Furniture will be sold on Monday and Tuesday, the two first Sale Days; and the Imple- ments of Husbandry on Wednesday, the third Sale Day. %* The Sale to commence at Ten o'Clock each Morning. N. B. Catalogues may be had in due Time at the Spread- Eagle and George Inns, Rugby; Denbigh- Arms and Hind Inns, and of ths Auctioneers, Lut- terworth. DEC- MBER 10, 1806. riMIE CORPORATION of the ROYAL- I EXCHANGE ASSURANCE do hereby give Notice, that they have authorized their respective Agents to receive Proposals for the Assurance of Farming Stock at the Rate of 2s. 6d. per Cent, per Annum. Persons whose Annual Premiums fall due on the 25th Instant, are hen- by informed, that REcripisare now ready to be delivered by the COMPANY'S respective AGENTS under- mentioned ; and the Parties ass. ired are requested to apply for the Renewal of their Policies, on . or before the 9thJDay of January next, as the u, ual fifteen Days allowed for Payment beyond the Date of each Policy will then expire. SAMUEL I- ENNING, Jun. Secretary. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Northampton,— ERAS. WM. JEYES. Thrapston,— J A M ES ROBINSON. Towcester, — JOHN JINKINSON. VAillingborongb,— J. N. GOOOHALL. Daventry,— R. SHEPPARD. BEDFORDSHIRE. Bedford,—.\ 1. PARTRIDGE. Biggleswade,— Jo us LANCASTER. Leighton,— D. WILLIS. Luton,— D. L. WILLIS. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. * Aylesbury,— LUKE TURNER. Beaconsfield,— THOS. WITTS WAI. FORB. Buckingham,— ROBERT MILLER. Chesham,— CREED & BAYLIE. G reat- Marlow,—' I'HOM AS EM ES. Newpcrt- Pagnell,— R. COLLISSON. Olney,— RICHARD HARROLU. Stony- Stratford,— J. DAY. Winslow,— R . READING, R HUNTINGDONSHIRE. Huntingdon,— ROBERT STAFFORD. St. Neots,— WM. DAY. Stilton,— J. BODCER. LEICESTERSHIRE. Leicester,— JOHN KING. Market- Harborough,— WM. SPRIGO. Melton- Mowbray,— EDW. BRIGHT. WARW ICKSHIRE. Birmingham,— JAMES KINDON. Coventry,— JESI MIEL SMITH. Kineton,— THOMAS ABBOTTS. Rugby,— RICHARD FOX. N. B. Fire Policies will be allowed, free of Ex- pence, where the Annual Premiums amount to ( is. or upwards. ( f- V This Company have invariably made good Losses by Eire, occasioned by Lightning.— Proposals may be had of the different Agents. Assurances on Lives being found to- be advan- tageous to Persons having Otficfs, Employments, Estates, or other Incomes determinable on the Lite or Lives of themselves or others, Tables of the Rates for such Assurances, and for the granting Annuities on Lives, may be had of the said Agents. And lor the greater Convenience of the Public, the Company have determined lo extend ( by special Agreement) the As- surances on Lives to the Age of 75 Years. WYMAN's ANTI- BILIOUS PILLS, SO justly esteemed for their easy and certain Operation in removing all Bilious Complaints, Obstructions in tile Liver, Indigestion, Sick' Head- Ach, Jaundice, & c. They are an excellent Remedy for Persons of Bilious or Costive Habits; for Per- sons of sedentary Lives, where sufficient Action of the Bowels is not kept up; also for Persons who have impaired their Constitutions by free I iving ; a: d in early Attacks of the Gout arc peculiarly useful, by alleviating the Severity of the I' it, and shortening its Duration. They have been found highly uselul preparatory to, or during Sea Bathing, These Pills require r. o particular Regimen or Confinement, and do not contain any Mercurial or Antimonial Preparation. Prepared and sold by W. Wyman, Surgeon, Ket- tering. Sold, Wholesale, by Dicey & Sutton, No. 10, Bow Church- Yard, London; aiid. Retail, by the Printers of this Paper, Edge, and Marshall, North- ampton i Sanderson & 11'. ale, and Mather, Welling- borough ; Robins, Wilkinson, and Fates, Daveniry ; Reeve, Higham- Ferrers; York & Summers, Oundle; Beeslev, Banbury; Barringer, and Inwood, Newport- Pagnell; Queneborough, Dunstable; Alsop, Luton; Harrod, and Bull, Market- Harborough; Inns, and Gallard, Towcester; Seeley, Buckingham ; Hawkes, Lutterworth; Palgrave, Bedford; Gardner, Biggles- wade; Richardson, Stony- Stratford ; I. oggiii, Avie-- bury; Wards, Hinckley i Eaton, Thrapston; J icob,' Peterborough; Roberts, Southern; Sharpe, Warwick ; Luccock, Kimbolten; Emery, St. Neots; Jen' inson, Huntingdon; Tapp, and Darton, Hitchin, Willis, Olney; Rowell, Ruebv; Ward, Stratford- upon- Avon; Rollason, and Merridew, Coventry; and every Vender of Medicines in the Kingdom. Price' 2s. 9d. per B) X, Duty included.— Be careful to ask for WYMAK'S Antibilious Pills. Wednesday and Thursday's Posts. I ON DON, December 25. BY the Htisum Mftil, letters have been received, wh'ch state positively, that so late as the 3d • of December no movements had taken place • among the Poles situated between Posen and Warsaw, indicative of their disposition to arm in • defence of France. These letters likewise assert, that the King of Prussia had, before his departure for Russia, signified his determination to listen to 110' new terms of Armistice; as also, that all the actions which took place between the 20th and the £? ih, when the French entered Warsaw, had ter- minated in favour of the Russians, their move- ments in the neighbourhood of the Vistula being • greatly facilitated by the situation of the country. This fact may account for the silence of the Stith Bulletin in regard to the. issue Of those movements, and warrant the reports which continue to prevail respecting the losses sustained by the enemy in this line of march. It will, we believe, be found, that tfeeir entrance into Warsaw was, as the Rus- sians had previously manoeuvred their ground, : iind of retreat. Tuesday arrived some French and Dutch Papers ^ bringing " clown the Paris news to the. 10th, and " Dutch to the 14th inst. The most interesting article in these Journals is •{ hat which relates to Turkey. Every line evinces the reluctance with which it Is announced that the Russian Ambassador at Constantinople has re- gained his ascendancy over the Porte," and brought it to conditions highly unworthy of its dignity, and the present relations in which it stands with France." The decree of blockade is'stated to have been already executed in Holland, and the northern part o'f Germany, LOSS OF L'AmiiN^ NNE. The following interesting narrative of the loss of the L'Atbenienne, is given by one of the persons saved:— " His Majesty's ship L'Athcnieune, commanded by Captain Robert Raynsford, having on board 470 men, sailed from Gibraltar on the Kith of October, and arrived off Sardinia on the 20th; from whence she proceeded towards Malta: buf unfortunately, at about half- past nine o'clock in the evening of that day, w hen going nine knots, struck on the rocks called the Esquerques. It immediately became necessnry to lighten the ship, to prevent her from falling over on her broadside; and the masts were cut away for that purpose; but, in less than half an hour after, from the violent concussion of the'rocks on her bottom, she filled up to the lower- deck ports, and fell on her beam ends, on the larboard side. Captain Rayns- ford ordered the boats to be hoisted out, with an idea tha- they would be useful in towing a raft that was constructing to leeward, but so soon as the two jolly- boats were lowered down from the quarters, and clear of the ship, the men ( for there were no officers with them), bore up, and were no more seen by the unhappy persons who staid by the wreck. The Cutter and barge, in hoisting out, were stove and swamped, and thirty men, unable to regain the ship, perished. By the fail of the masts several people were killed, and desperately mangled, and two midshipmen were killed by the spanker- boom crushing them between it and the side. The termination of the miseries of all ap- peared fast approaching; and the launch, being the only boat that was not either stove or wrecked, was filled with men » n the booms, and without having the means of mechanical power, or the op- portunity of using it, the water having at this ! time covered the whole wreck, with the exception I of the poop, she floated off the booms, to the I great joy of every one, and escaped the many ' dangers she had to encounter from the broken It is reported in the above Papers,- that Austria j masts and floating pieces of the ship; and after ns consented to cede her Polish territory, together j wards came under the stern, where many, in at- with Salr/ burgh, Berchtolsgaden, and the Iiinver- tiel; And that she is to receive Silesia.— Eight thousand Russians have landed atMarasca in Dal- matia, from Corfu. The fellow who proposed to Mr. Fox, to assassi- nate Bonaparte, is said to lie now in the Bicetre; " Bonaparte ( adds the Paris Papers) seeing nothing in such a project but a proof of insanity." The following intelligence is brought by a vessel which left Husum on the 5th inst.— Letters from Altona of the 2d inst. repeat the account of the French having been defeated by the Russians. Travellers arrived from Berliu state, that from 900 to 1200 waggons of wounded French soldiers ar- rived in that city on the 2? tlr, and three following davs. The hospitals of Custrin and Stettin are described as full of sick and wounded. On the 55th ult. Davoust was attacked by a corps of 600 Cossacks, while reconnoitring the Russian out- posts, and compelled to fall back,- although sup- ported by 1000 Poles; most of his cffv'alry were killed.— The French have emptied the Hessian and Saxon arsenals, and sent their contents partly to France, and partly to Poland.— A Russian column passed through Memei on the 20th and 21st. Lord Hutchinson and suite arrived at C/ ipen- hagen on the 2d inst. and they immediately set sail In prose iitios of his mission, on board the Alert. American f.- cer tempting to swim to her, shared the untimely fate [• of those that preceded them.— At this time, about half- past eleven at night, there being but little I hope of the ship holding together till morning,! I urged Captain Raynsford to save himself by I swimming to the launch, but in vain, he declaring ; to me that he was perfectly resigned to his fate, ! and was determined not to quit his post whilst a man remained, but advised me to do that which I had recommended to him; and at the moment that the launch, full of people, was bearing up before the wind, I leaped from the stern gallery into the sea, and, swimming through a very high surf, gained the boat, and providentially escaped A- n Order of Council has passed for permitting the opening of trade with thc Government of Hayti. The traffic in negroes is strictly prohibited. Contested Harmonious Ringing.— The inhabitants of Spitaltields have, for six weeks back, had their attention drawn to a contest between two Societies of change ringers ( the Senior and Junior Societies of Cumberland Youths) for the first peal of Sieadman Grandsire Cinques, on the peal of twelve bells at Christ Church, each taking their turn; the Juniors' weekly day on Mondays, and the Seniors on Saturdays. The Junior Society took the lead, and completely brought round an abstract of a peal of Steadman Grandsire Cinques, con- taining 5080 changes, in 3 hours and 5o minutes, on Monday the 15th inst. by twelve men only, and conducted by Mr. John Noonan.— And on Satur- day last, the 20th, the Senior Society of Cumber- land Youths ascended the steeple of Christ Church, and ill 4 hours and 55 minutes completely brought round also an abstract of a peal of Steadman Grandside Cinques, containing 6334 changes; the peal was conducted by Mr. George Cross, and rung by twelve men only, notwithstanding the tenor is 44 cwt. bell- metal. This contest ended harmo- niously; thc Junior Society being highly delighted hy ringing the first peal in that method, on those bells ; and the Senior Society equally pleased by ringing the greatest number of changes in that difficult method on them. The whole peal on 12 bells contains 479,001,600 changes. On Monday evening last, a fire broke out in the dock- yard, at Portsmouth, which threatened very alarming consequences. Between four and five o'clock, the flames were seen to burst from the house in - which the rope is baked, and the twine tarred, for the use of the sail- makers. The wind was high, and blew directly towards the rigging and sail- lofts, between which and the fire was a quantity of light dry timber. The moment the fire was discovered from the Audacious, lieutenant Smith hastened on shore, with a party of sailors, to assist in extinguishing it; but on arriving at the spot, no engine had arrived, and there were no buckets at hand: a supply was immediately pro- cured from the Audacious, and, by the exertions ! of the seamen, the fire was prevented from i spreading farther. During Robbery.— Some evenings ago, about j seven o'clock, four men with crapes over their i faces, entered the house of Mr. Spencer, at Pon- ! dei's- End, Middlesfcx, in the following manner :— j The maid- servant, who was with her mistress in , the parlour, hearing a knock at the door, imine- I diately opened it, when a man presented u pistol, i threatening to blow her brains out if she made any alarm; and himself and three more rushed into | the parlour to Mrs. Spencer, whom, with the LADIES' BOARDING - SCHOOL, St. Peter's Green, Bedford. RS. COPE bees Leave to inform lifer Friends and thc Public, that her SEMINARY re opens on JANUARY 19th, 1807. Dancing taught by Mr. M'KORKEI. L. ' CD - 1 . , 1 , » | ".•• v- J' • « • « •' » . » • i - t- i- H. W. » JJV. I I V- A- 1 j " Ulllllj tt uti nit the unhappy catastrophe of the remaining officers j servant- girl, they conducted into the kitchen, in and crew, 347 in number, who, I lament to say, most probably perished that night, as the wind continued to increase after she first struck, and the next day blew still stronger. Early on the next morning, we fell in with a Danish brig, and put two officers and seamen, into her to beat to windward, to endeavour to save as many of the people as might be still clinging to the wreck ( but without effect); we continued our course for Mari- I which were Mr. Spencer and his son; and after demanding their keys, shut them all up together, one of them keeping guard, and threatening- them at- the same time with instant death if they offered to move. Meanwhile, thc other three rummaged the parlour and different rooms in the house; but not finding much money, they returned t* the kitchen, and demanded of all separately their oney, which was immediately complied with. CAMPTON ACADEMY, Near SHEFFORD, Bedfordshire. YOUNG Gentlemen are genteely boarded, and carefully instructed in the English, Latin, Creek, and Erench Languages, Geography, Writing, Arithmetic, Book- keeping, kc. at 25 Guineas per Annum, without Entrance. By the Rev. G. 1. DAVIES, A. M. and able ASSISTANTS. fpJT Music, Dancing, and Drawing, by experienced Masters. *** The SCHOOL will open again on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21st, 1807. HUNTINGDON, Dec. 24th, 1806. THE Public are respectftillv informed, That the VACATION of CROMWELL HOUSE SEMINARY, will terminate on the 13th of JA- NUARY, 1807. t£ T An ASSISTANT WANTED, who is a Pro- ficient in the English Language, understands Ac- counts, and is capable of instructing the Latin Minor Classics. *** Application by Letter, Post- paid, addressed to Mr. PETERKIN, Huntingdon, will be punctually attended to. Northamptonshire Quarterage- Money. f j" MIE Chief Constables are to collect and pav JL in, at the ensuing Sessions, Eight single Quar- terly Payments. CHR. SMYTH, Clerk of the Peaee. Northampton, Dec. lAth, 1806. Northamptonshire Quarter- Sessions, j N'OTICE is he'rebv trivew, That the next ... . GENERAL QUARTER- SESSIONS of the ' PEACE for this COUNTY, will commence on i THURSDAY the 8th Day of JANUARY next, at I Ten o'Clock in tile Morning precisely; ;:::*! that til ® Court will immediately impanr. el the Grand Jury, and transact orher formal Business, and at Twelve o'Clock proceed to the Trial of such Appeals as were entered at the last, and respited until the- ensuing Sessions. Those Magistrates who have taken Recognizances tor the Appearance of Persons at this Sessions, arc requested to return them to the Clerk of the Peace on or before Tuesday thc tith. And all Persons who are bound over hy Recognizances to prosecute, or to give Evidence 1 on any Bill or Bills ot Indictment, are required to at- tend and deliver the proper Instructions at the Clerk j of the Peace's Office on Wednesday Evening, as the ' Grand Jury will be discharged as early as the public Business will permit. And it is recommended to the Solicitors and Parish. Oiflcers, who have Appeals to try, to deliver their Briefs to Counsel on the Wed- nesday Evening, and to be ready to try the same the next Morning, as the Court will be punctual in en- tering, on that Business at the Time above- mentioned. By Order of the Court, CHR. SMYTH, Clark of the Peace. Northampton, Dec. 27/ ® , 1806. T\ VENTV ctniNfeAS REWARD. Sdckty fur protecting Persons and Property against Thieve! and Robbers. WHEREAS on Sunday Night, or early on Monday Morning last, some Person or Persons entered a Ground belonging ; o Mr. JOHN CHAM- BERLIN, of CROI- REDY- LAWN, near Banbury, in the County of Oxford ( one of the Members ot this So- ciety), and STOLE THEREOUT, T W O MAR E S, Of the following Descriptions:— A BROWN MARE, of the Nag Kind, above 20 Years old, very badly broken- winded, about fourteen Hands and a Half high, long in the Body, low in the Back, with a black Mane and Tiiil, a Blaze in the f ace, and the off Heel behind White. She had but ope Shoe on when missing. A dark or rather rusty- coloured BAY MARE, of the Nag Kind, rising four Years old, about fourteen Hands and a Half high, with a black Mane and Tail, the Mane remarkably short, and the Tail thin of Hair. A small white Spot upon the Forehead is the only IVhite about her, but she is light and mealy- coloured about the Muzzle. Had only three Shoes on when missing. Notice is hereby given. That whoever will discover the Ollend « r or Offenders, so that he or they may be prosecuted to Conviction, shall, on such Conviction, receive a Reward of TEN GUINEAS ot the. said John Chamberlin ; and a fur- ther Reward ofTEN G UIN EAS of the Treasurer ofs this Society. It is supposed they could not be taken far without being fresh shod; and any Smith having shod Mares of this Description, or either of them, - ip-> n giving immediate Information thereof to the said Air. Cham- berlin, or Mr. Bignell, will be handsomely rewarded. A lusty broad- faced Man, with high Shoes, and a drab Coat, called at Mr. Law's, at South- Newton, the same Night about Nine o'Clock, with a Mare like the above- described brown Mare, in very bad tra- velling Condition. He said he was going to Chipping. Norton. RD. BIGNELL, Treasurer. Banbury, 17tb Dec. 1806.' To be were humanely treated by the Governor set out lor ' 1 repani, in Sicily, where, finding a | small boat bouud to Malta, embarked and arrived j there on the 25th, with the Master and Surgeon of the Bcr'gere, after encountering all the terrors of a shipwreck, as dreadful, perhaps, in its conse- quences, as was ever experienced." Extraordinary occurrence at the London Tavern, Bishopsgate- street.— A meeting of the Subscribers to the Philantrophic Annuity Society, proposed by Mr. Ludlam, of Welbeck- street, Mary- le- bone, took place at this Tavern on Wednesday. It is necessary to premise, that Mr. Ludiam, for some time past, has had the misfortune to be snbjet to temporary derangement; and the very great atten- tion he bus given to the Philantrophic Annuity Plan, us it is called, has had the effect not only to I revive, but to fix his disorder. In conducting the meeting, he evinced the utmast propriety and regularity in his proceedings, until iie was opposed in some of his resolutions by the share- holders, when lie became irritable and incon- ; 21st, and The sum being only a few shillings, which they ; next day j happened to have in their poekets, quite exas- to the 20th of November, We been received. It would seem that another j revolution, preceded by the most atrocious and • sanguinary transactions, have taken place in St. Domingo. The following article is extracted from a New- York Paper of the 19th ult:— " Philadelphia, Nov. 16.— By advices from Cape ISrancois, via Alexandria, information is received that the Emperor Dessalines had been assassinated. It appears that, previous to this event, he had ordered the General Capua, at Port de Paix, and General Bcaayes, at the Cape, to be shot, which j fc. is obeyed. Several other of his principal officers ' bad also'been executed previous to his death. No ^ _ ^ ^ eertaia accounts of the situation of the Americans j buVjiu'ss" of'the are received, but the island is stated to have been 1 in a great ferment, & c. This news comes by the ' Pmckuey schooner, from the Cape." The Votes of Thanks of both Houses of Par- sistenHn hi" s behaviour". He proposed to such liament to Major- General Sir John Stuart, and j gcnt| emen as were dissatisfied with his management, tiie officers and privates who served under bun ( aml h. irt all interest in the plan, to purchase their • t the glorious battle of Maida, were on Monday < sl, arc, , u a gu; nfia premium. Manv of them ac- passed uuammously. In the House ot Lords, the j ce( ied t(, thc proposal, a„ d arranged " with him ac- • ubject was introduced by Lord Grcnville; in the cor( jjngi„ As soon as the proceedings were over, House of Commons, by Mr. Windham. I he j al) out fjur o'clock, Mr. Ludlam ordered a dinner wonderful achievements ot our gallant countrymen > tol. |, j, nsejf and his clerk, Mr. Noble, in one of the parlours, which looks into Bishopsgate- street. Mr. Peacock, one of the proprietors, as is usual, tirok in the first dish, and remaining after the • in this celebrated contest were very properly com- pared with the most brilliant actions m our history; • and its happy effect was described as inestimable • t this particular period, because it not only raised our national glory to the highest degree of renown, but proved beyond a doubt, that, man to man, or even wiien we were very inferior in numbers, the courage and capacity of the British truops were superior to every effort of our common enemy— that enemvwho has nearly conquered and subjugated the whole inhabitants nf tUe Continent of Europe. The effect, of this contest— so eloquently described by Sir John Stuart in the official account of the battle of Maida— also very happily proved, in complete contradiction to the assertions of the French, that e>'. r brave countrymen were as far superior to them by land as by se a; and that, on great occasions we v. cre still animated by the same national spirit tvhich bad gained us immortal glory ill the battles » f Poiotiers, Cr » ssy, aud Agincourt. In this view, the victory of Sir John Stuart in the Plafns of Maida wa « of the very first consequence to our unliury character, and served to impress upon thc minds of our French foes what they had to expect fnujj the bayonet when directed and pushed forward by British troops. The official copics of the Papers on the late Negociatioii. between France and England, as published by the British Court, were on Monday presented to both Houses of Parliament. In many respects they are totally different from the garbled arid imperfect documents lately given through the medium of the Aloniteur. The l'cench have not only omitted whole passages, but whole papers, to lerve their abominable purposes.— In these pdpers, liime of the great points in dispute have been clearly and decidedly ascertained ' and settled. Mr. f Ws letters have established, beyond all doubt or possibility of suspicion, that the first ovst tares for peace were made by France. Com- bined with the numerous notes of Lord Yarmouth, they also prove with equal certainty, that the f* possidetis was the basis of the negOciation mu- tually agreed upon, and from which the English Government ivas determined never to depart; while in the steady arid persevering conduct of the Earl of Lauderdale, after the French Ncgociator had sought to fly from the basis, may be traced a most laudable and successful desire to fix the failure of the negociation upon the craft and trea- chery of the enemy. In fact, nothing can be iMre evident, than that the proposition for peace, on the part of Fiance, was a mere piece of political Jitiesse, mid that peace, in the spirit of peace, never entered into the heart or mind of Bonaparte.— In the letters and conversation of the French Mi- nisters, every line is marked- with prevarication and duplicity.— Thc language of Mr. Fox, on the contrary, displays a dignity, a simplicity, and candour, worthy of his great name, and the English Wuuter and constitution. perated the villains; one of the fellows presented a pistol at Mr. Spencer, which luckily missed fire; however, not likely to succccd in obtaining a greater booty, they effected their escape, anil have not since been heard of. Caution to Drivers of Coaches — Monday night the 15th instant, the driver of the mail- coach from Bristol to Birmingham unfortunately fell from the box as the coach was descending a hill, near Thorubury, and was killed on the spot. The horses, not feeling the reins, set off full speed, but, happily, the guard, after much exertion, and at the peril of his life, was enabled to stop thmn before they had proceeded i'ar on the road, by which means, the lives of the passengers were preserved. It is stated, that the coachman was intoxicated; we trust, therefore, this accident will prove a serious caution to drivers of carriages, and prevent them from wantonly risking their own lives, and the lives of their passengers, by the effects of in- temperance. ~\\ T ANTED immediately, A steady active ' ' YOUTH, of a respectable Family, as an APPRENTICE to a PRINTER, BOOKSELLER, STATIONER, and BINDER. Apply to C. JACOB, Printer, & c. Peter- borough. Very large sound Timber. SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. KNIGHT, At the Bell, in Aston - Clinton, near Aylesbury, in the County of Busks, on Thursday the 8th Day of January next, at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, subject to Conditions then and there to be produced, ALL those very fine, large, and valuable BEECH and ' ELM TIMBER TREES, to- gether with some very useful ASH, now standing and growing upon the Estate of Mr. Thomas Horwood, in the Parish ot BUCK. 1. AND, near Aylesbury, in sixteen Lots, as now marked, or in such other Lots as may, at the Time of Sale, he thought moreeligible. ^ SS" The Trees, about 120 in Number, are very sound, stand within Half a Mile of the Wendover Branch of the Grand Junction Canal, and : ire of Dimensions fit for a great Variety of Purposes. * » * For further Particulars, apply to Mr. EDWARD HORWOOD, of Buckland aforesaid, who will appoint a Person to Shew the same. N. B. The Conditions of Sale will require a Deposit of £. 10 per Cent, and Credit will be given for the Remainder, on approved Security, till Midsummer next. Sale cf capital Timber. To be SOLD by A U C T I O N, By IVI LI. I AM LONG, On Monday the 12th Day of January, 1807, and the following Day, on the farm in the Occupation of B. Preedy, at Middle- Aston, in the County of Oxford, ; TTPWARDS of 1000 fine, large MAIDEN 1 yj OAK, ELM, ASH, FIR, WALNUT, SPANISH CHESNUT, andother TIMBE R TRE ES, with the TOPS, LOP, and BARK., all blazed, numbered, and lotted, and now standing on the Farm in the Occupation of the said B. Preedy, at Middle- Aston aforesaid, and surrounding the late Mansion- House, well calculatcd tor Shipping, Building, Wheel- wughts, and other Purposes; distant, one Mile from the Turnpike- Road leading from Oxford to Banbury, and two Miles from the Oxford Canal and Heyford Wharf, where a Conveyance may be had to any Part of the Kingdom. ( pf For a View thereof, apply to RICHARD SMITH, on the Premises, ten Days previous to the. Sale, of whom Catalogues may be had, with Con- ditions of Sale annexed; also at the following Inns, viz. Hopcroft's Holt; Bear, Woodstock; Roe- Buck, Oxford; Crown- and- Oushion, Chipping - Norton ; Red- Lion, Banbury; Kiijg's- Arms, Bicester; White- Hart, Buckingham; Crown, Brackley; and of the Auctioneer, Witney. *** In Addition to the above, will be sold, at the same Time, four l. ors of desirable ASH POLES. N. B. Credit will be given till Michaelmas, on approved Security. yvr ANTED, ' » API'REN w aiters had left the room, Mr. L. iu a few minutes produced two large horse- pistols, and swore he would blow Mr. Peacock's brains out if he at- tempted to leave the room. In a short time one of waiters returned, when he found Mr. L. abusing his master, and threatening to shoot him. Mr. L. attacked the waiter with very violent language, and said he would shoot him also; and, as he was leaving the room, snapped- a pistol at him, but. providentally it did not go off. The waiter informed Mr. Farley, another of the proprietors, of the perilous situation of Mr. Peacock, aud what had happened. At this moment the Lord- Mayor en- tered the tavern; Mr. Farley communicated the circumstance to his lordship, who immediately sent off to Mr. Nalder, one « f the City Marshals. While the messenger was gone, Mr. Peacock took an opportunity to rush out of the room; but as he was leaving it, Mr. Ludlam discharged a pistol at him, and immediately jumped out of the window, and into his carriage that was waiting, and shut the door of the carriage with such force as to break the glass. The coachman drove off with great speed down Bishopsgate- street, pursued by a num- ber of people. The pistol that was discharged at Mr. Peacock, proved to be loaded with several balls, all of which providentally missed him. They were lodged a little above the door of the room. The pistol that was attempted to be discharged at the waiter was found near Mr. L.' s chair, and proved to be loaded with three bullets. It is added, that although Mr. Ludlam was closely pursued, he is not yet. taken. It appears that this irritable and insane Gentleman took offence at Mr. Peacock for not sending him some money from the bar. Mr. Ludlam punished him as nurses sometimes do naughty children, by ordering him to stand in the corner with his hands behind his back, threatening every moment to shoot him if he changed his posi- tion. He also occasionally threw boats, full of melted butter and gravy at him; made him drink four or five glasses of Madeira by way of periance, and afterwards irrigated his clothes with the re- mainder of the bottle. A bottle of claret and another of port, were employed in the same way. After Mr. Ludlam left the London tavern, Mr. Noble arrived in Welbeck- street before the City Marshal, and apprised the family of the strange events of the day, and the means taken to ap- prehend the author of then). The return home of the carriage, in the night, was strictly watched for. About two o'clock in the morning, Mrs. Ludlam and Dr. Heaviside ( who was once in danger of losing his life by Mr. Ludlam firing at him as he entered a room), set off together in a coach to Tenterden- street; afterw ards they took post- horses, and w ere supposed to take the Uxbridge road, iu pursuit of the unfortunate maniac. A stoat active LAD, as an ENTICE toa CURRIER. He will be treated as one ot the Family. ( fsT F. nquireof HENRY STEVHENI, Emberton, near Olney, Bucks. *** A Premium will be expected. 1/ 17" ANTED, in the STRAW BUSINESS, at II DUNSTABLE, FIVE . YOUNG LADIES, of recpectable Character, as APPRENTICES. ({ 3" 1>( Particulars, apply to W. HODCIS, S'tVaw- Hat- Manufacturer, Dunstable, Beds. A small Premium will be expected. X\ TANTED immediately, An APPISNTIcJf. » v to a GROCER, TEA- DF A1. E R, & c. & c. Apply, by Letters, Post- paid, to Mrs. JI. NKIKSOK, Printer, Huntingdon. WANTED immediately, A JOURNEYM AN PLUMBER, GLAZIER, and HOUSE- PAINTER .— A good Hand may have constant Employ by applying to AVERY SMITH, Plumber, & c. Daventry. W A N TED, For the 14th, 49th, and 85th Regiments, FEW YOtJNG MEN ( Bounty TWELVE A GUINEAS), who are above servile and mean Employment, and are desirous of quashing that Tyrant BONAPARTE. JpT" Let tliem repair to tht THRSE- TU. NS, on the Market- Hill, NORTHAMPTON, where they shall be taken into present Pay and good Quarters, and shall receive every Encouragement as I » sttts » i NT VO- LUNTEERS. GOD SAVE THE KING. To he SOLD ty AUCTION, By THACKER & CARTER, Under Conditions that will then be produced, on the Premises of the respective Tenants, at CHIPPING WA RDEN, in the County of Northampton, on the 12th Day of January, 1807, and following Days, till all is sold. , NE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED and EIGHTY- ONE TREES, consisting of OAK, ASH, ELM, SYCAMORE, BE ECH, CHESNUT, FIR, LIME, WALNUT, and YEW. CHIPTINC- WARDSN is about three Miles from the Oxford Canal, communicating with the Grand Junction, Warwick, and. Coventry Canals. Catalogues to be had in due Time at the Office of Messrs. Walford, Golby, & Walford, Banbury ; Mr. Philip Hayes, at Wroxton; of the AuJfior. eer, at Wardington ; and at the Inns in Chipping- Warden. TOWCESTER TURNPlKE- ROAD. ' NOTICE is hereby given, That the next Meeting of the Trustees appointed for putting into Execution the Act of Parliament for amending, widening, and keeping in Repair, the Road leading from TO^ CESTER to the Turnpike- R » ad in COTTON- END, in the Parish OFHARDINGSTONE, in the County of Northampton, will be held at the DUKE of GRAFTON'S ARMS, in BMSWORTH, io the said County, on WEDNESDAY the 31st Day of DECEMBER instant, at Eleven o'Clock in the Fore- noon, for the Purpose of auditing the Treasurer's Account, and for transacting other Business relative to thc said Road. By Order of the Trustees, W. T. SMYTH. 20th December, 1S0S. BY THE KING'S PATENT. RYAIER's CARDIAC AND NERVOUS TINCTURE. nnHE following, from a married Lady of Dis- I- unction, is a further Proof of thc Efficacy of the above Medicine in alarming Cases of Spasm :— To Mr. RYMER, Surgeon, Reigate, Surrey. SIR,— Last October I was taken with an unpleasant Sensation in my Head, attended with a Degree of Drowsiness unusual to me. The Medical Gentleman who attends us, bled me moderately, arid applied a Blister to my Back, which relieved my Head; but soon after I was seized wjth an alarming Spasm on my Chest, with invariably a Pain down my left Arm, and whicn would only give Way to some very warm Medicine, or a little strong Brandy and Water: This, by occasioning an Eructation imnakliafely, removed it for some Hours; but at length it recurred period- ically, " and attacked me at Five in the Morning. Eleven in the Forenoon, and Six or Seven in the Evening, and sometimes oftener. Pile Physician having strong Reasons to suspect my Case to be angina pectoris, his Prescrii tions were principally Opium, combined with warm nervous Medicines ; but the momentary Benefit derived from them was eounterbalanced by the Effects produced by their costive Quality. Carminatives, ice. were also prescribed, but they nftcrded only a transcient Relief. Being very nervous, hysterical, and dispirited, a Friend recotr. merried your Tincture, which 1 am happy to say in a few Weeks, entirely removed the Complaints, without the least Return for more than a Month. I perhaps acted unwisely as to the- Medicine, by discontinuing it too abruptly, as the Spasms returned.— After some time I again ad- verted to your Medicine, mixing the proper Quantity in Camomile Tea, and have found it equally efficacious as at first. Its effects are, warming thc Region of mv Breast, expelling the Wind, and acting as a gentle Aperient. I have taken one Pint ar. d five Half Pints of your inestimable Tincture, which 1 purchased at Messrs. Hazard and Binns's, of this City. From the dread I feel of the recurrence of the Spasms, 1 shall To Timber- Merchants, Navy- Contractors, Builders, a/ id others. To be SOLD by AUCTION, The, 14th and ,15th of January, 1807, at Mr. Sheppard's, the Mostyn- Arms Inn, known also by the Name of Swift's- House, in the Parish of Stoke- Line, in the County of Oxford, UPWARDS of 5400 exceeding fine OAK, ASH, ELM, BEECH, CHESNUT, fine LIME, and SYCAMORE TIMBER TREES; 2000 of the Oak, and 1500 of the Ash and Elm, are off large Dimensions, from 50 to 120 Feet Meetings and upwards. The Oak and Elm is fine Navy Timber; consisting of large Compass, Planking, and Keel Pieces, superior to any in the Kingdom; the remaining Timber is very fine, of Meetings, from 20 to 50 Feet. Also 100 Load and upwards of exceeding fine piping Elm. The said Timber Trees are blazed and numbered with white Paint, standing on the Estate of WILLIAM FERMOR, Esq. atTUSMORE, in the said County. tpw May be viewed, till the Time of the Sale, by applying at Tusmore- House, where a Person will attend to shew the same. *** Catalogues will be delivered, in due Time, at Tusmore- House j of Messrs. Hopcraft & Son, at Crowton, Northamptonshire; and at Mr. Charles Darrell's, No. 10, Henrietta - Street, Manchester- Square, London. N. B. The said Timlwr is within five Miles of the Oxford and Coventry Canal, eight Miles from the Grand Junction Canal, and 17 from Oxford, to which Places the Roads are very good. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By CHURCHILL & TURNER, At the Fox, at Soulde'rn, near Deddington, Oxford- shire, on Wednesday the 21st of January, 1807, at Three o'Clock in the Afternon, under such Con- ditions as shall then be produced, AMost eligible FREEHOLD inclosed ESTATE, . situate in the Parish of Souldem; comprising forty- four Acrcs, or thereabouts, of excellent Arable Land, divided into four Grounds, with a Barn, Hovel- Yard, Rick- Yard, and other Conveniences for the Occupation of the same; lat: in the Possession of the Rev. John Horseman, deceased. ( GT The Estate ruaybeseen on Application to Mr. JAMES MINN, at Souldern; and further Particulars had at the Office of Messrs. CHURCHILL & FIELD Solicitors, Deddiligton; and of the AUCTIONEER*, Woodstock. * » * Immediate Possession may be had. t " t? ie and as we Summer, 1 not willingly be induced to leave it have taken a House at Weymouth for wish to have your Advice, and what Quantity you think necessary for my future Use, immediately fr* m yourself, and a Remittance shall be duly made tor the Amount, & c. 1 have the Pleasure to subscribe myself, Sir, your trulv obliged humble Servant, Bath, May 15M, 1806. I.. D. The frequent Instances of sudden Death from Spasmodic Diseases, induce Mr. Ryttter to state, that the CARDIAC and NERVOUS TINCTURE is used with the greatest Success in all Gouty, Nervous, ar. d Paralytic Spasms in the Stomach, Chest, and Head, generally termed Gout or Cramp In the Stomach ; Spasmodic Asthma, Palpitation of the Heart, Vertigo. Apoplectic Habit, & c. I nail violent Attacks of those Complaints, which by Neglect, or improper Treatment, so often terminate fatally, the above Medicine gives instant Relief. . Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Dicev & Sutton, Bow Church- Yard, London, and at ' their Ware- house in Northampton; and Retail by Edge, and Marshall, Northampton; Robins, Bates, and Wil- kinson, Daventry; Mather, and Broughton, Welling- borough; Fisher, Higham- Ferrers; Rollason, and Merridew, Coventry ; Sharpe, Warwick; Roberts, Southam; Gregory, Leicester; Harrod, Harborough j Munn, and Collis Sc Dash, Kettering; Newcomb, Stamford; Eaton, Thrapston; York & Summers, Oun- dle; Jacob, and Horden, Peterborough; Jenkinson, Huntingdon; Hodson, Cambridge; Palgrave, Bedford; Inwood, and Barringer, Newport- Pagnell; Quenebo- rough, Dunstable; Barton, and Tapp, Hitchin; Inns, and Gallard, Towcester; Seeley, Bucking- ham; Jones, Oxford; Richardson, Stony- Stratford; Hawkes, Lutterworth; Brinkler, Bicester; and by every Vender ef Patent Medicines in the United Kingdom; in Bottles of 2s. 9d. 6s. and lis. each; also in Pint Bottles, at 22s. by which there is a considerable Saving. Of tvhous may likewise be had, RYMER's PECTORAL MEDICINE WITH VITAL AIR, a Preventive of the Consumption of the Lungs, commonly called a Decline; in Bottles at ? s. 9d. • » . and Us. eash, Duty iucludgd. Freehold Estate, at Kei/ ston. To be SOLD by AUCTION, At the White- Hart Inn, in fhrapston, some Time in January, or the beginning of February next, in such Lots as shall be specified ai the Time ot Sale ( unless previously disposed of by Prnte Contract), A Very desirable FREFIIOLD ESTATE, situate- X- V at KEYSTON, in the County of Huntingdon adjoining the Turnpike- Road from Thrapston to Kim- bolton and Huntingdon; consisting of 438 Acres of old P.- isture Land, conveniently divided into Closes, and now in the Occupation of Messrs. Hurst, Knight, & Baker. ( pj' For further Particulars, and to treat for the Purchase by Private Contract, apply to Messrs. YORKS & SHERARD, at Thrapston or Oundle. A rich Meadox. To be SOLD bv A U C T I O N, By BENJAMIN MASON & SON, In March next, at the George Inn, in Northampton, AVery rich MEADOW, Tvthe- free, containing two Acres, situate near PETER'S BRIDGE, » I> the Road from NORTHAMPTON to HOUGHTON, in the Occupation of Mr. Robert Deacon, Tenant at Will.— The Meadow is held of the Master and Co- Brethren, of St. JOHN'S HOSPITAL, tor three Lives, ( which are now in high Health), renewable by the Payment of a small Fine. Forfurther Particulars, apply to Mr. PERCIVAL, Banker, in Northampton. Ihrnpike Tolls to Lett. WILLIAM HOLT, of BUCKINGHAM, having neglected to fulfil his Engagement with iu « -..- ustees of the Turppike- Road leading from Towcester through Silverstone and Brackley, in the County of Northampton, and Ardley and Middleton- Stoney, to Weston- Gate, in the Parish of Weston- on- the- Green, in the County of Oxford, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the TOLLS arising at the Toll- Gates upon the said Turnpike- Road, called HOPPER'S FORD GATE, with, the CHECK GATE at BIDDLESDEN- LANI- END, will again be put up to AUCTION, at the House of THOMAS WILKINS, called the Crown Inn, in BRACKLEY, on Monday the 12th Day of Januarv next, between the Hours oj' Eleven and Four. Whoever happens to be the Best Bidder, must at the same Time pav a Deposit after the Rate of ^£. 10 per Cent, as a Pledge for the Performance of the Contract to be then entered into. J. WESTON, Clerk to the Trustees of the sai* Turnpike Ro » d. Brackley, 12/< t DecemberK 1806. Mh On $ Aitir lay ihdniiiig tasl, cutout ten o'clock, a mast violent storm ot' wind, accompanied by tbu'. ider, lightning, and hail, catne on at and in the neighbourhood of Alnwick, in Northumberland. The hailstones, which were driven by the gust with uncommon force, consisted of picces of complete ice, three quarters of an inch square. Very great , , . .... , damage was done to the windows and glass- work at iat. ye to the demarcations in Louisiana, are_ un- AImv| c, and at Swansfield, Mr. Selbv had not settled for the present. he Spaniards retired ; f ^ bn, ken" t0 shivers c..,.,,, rlicfn^ i- unnn u/ hirii thev nan ffnrroacnen. i . , , • , , • .! in the west front of his house, and in the vinery Friday and Saturday's Posts. LONDON, December ' 26. BY the American Papers, ( which have been received to the 2;' ld ult.) it appears that the dispute between Spain and the United States, re- from tkc district upon which they had encroached, and it was occupied, without resistance, by a de- tachment of the American army. The question of right, however, is as far from being d- cided as ever. It appears that Colonel Burr, the Vice President of the United States, has incurred the suspicion of treason, in consequence of which an order for his apprehension has been issued. We can scarcely conceive, that a person of his acknowledged ta- lents could be guilty of the very foolish and cri- minal designs with which lie is charged. Although it is highly probable the American, Union will fall to pieces," sooner or later, we do not think the time for abruptly breaking it up is yet- arrived. Thursday arrived three Gottenburgh Mails, from which, we learn that no events of any consequence have taken place on the Continent, " luce tiie last advices. It appears that the French troops are marching with great expedition towards Poland; but there is 110 intelligence of any importance from that quarter. It is, indeed, stated, that various reports had reached Gottenburgh, of a severe check, which the French had received from the Russians and Prussians; and we are inclined to j lay considerable stress upon so many concurring testimonies; but the authority is not vet of that nature 011 which we can rest our full belief. It appears that the French troops had left Ham- burgh, and a Deputation " of the leading, people had° gone to Barlin to remonstrate with Napoleon, but he had left the place before they arrived. A Deputation from Lubcck had been very graciously received. The restrictions 011 their commerce, however, will not be removed, till experience has convinced Bonaparte, that they can injure very little the British trade. and peach- house. Other gentlemen in the neigh- bourhood sustained similar losses. The skirts of the storm reached Newcastle, but without sufficient violence to cause damage. It was very severe to the westward. The flag- staff upon the new quay at Whitehaven was shattered by the lightning, and several panes of the light- house were broken. In Liverpool, between twelve and one o'clock, the wind was so tremendous, as to blow down a new- built house in. Nile- street, unroof several houses, and upset a boat on the river, in which there were three Inen returning from a vessel lying at the rock, who were all drowned. Murder vf Mr. Steele.— On Monday Ilolloway, Ilaggutv. and., the evidence Uantield, were re- conduced to the Public Ollice in Worship- street. The same chain of circumstances, as related be- fore, were substantiated, and some new tacts came out. llamicld was confronted with the other two prisoners, and they neither - acknowledged their 1 guilt nor denied the fact. The prisoners were all remanded Fur re- examination 011 Monday next. During the several examinations of the men, charged with hav ing committed this murder, there has not been the slightest ' corroboration of the testimony given by Htpifipld, the accomplice, liotr withstanding the exGrtions that have been made. Goi. D- SrREr. Tji NORTH A MP ION, jJS EC EMBER £/ tll, 180{ i. MARY BALAAM ( widow < » F the late cimries Balaam, SADDLER, deceased), reiurns her grateful Acknowledgments to the Mobility, Gentry, her- Friends, and the Public in general, tor the past Favours conferred on her late Husband, and begs Leave to inform them, she intends continuing the Business ; and hopes, by strict Attention, and keeping a neat and fashionable Assortment of Goods, to give Satisfaction ro her Friends, whose Patronage and Suppott it v/ ill be her Study to merit. All- Persons having any Demands on the Estate and Effects of the late CHARLES ISAL A A. M, are desired to send an Account of the same to Mrs. Balaam, Mr. Luke Kirshaw, or Mr. Wm. Balaam, in order that the same may be adjusted and discharged; and ait Pel sons standing indebted to the said Esiate, are de- siiau to pay the same to Mrs. Balaam, Mr. Kirshaw, or Mr. W. Balaam, as soon as convenient. TOWCESTHR, Dec. 24th, 1( 306. \ LI, Persons who have any Demand upon the XX EstateofMrs SARAH PAIN, of CALDFCUTT, deceased, are desiied to send their Accounts imme- diately to Mr. GRANT, of Towcester. BANBURY SUBSCRIPTION ASSEMBLY VY ILL he held at the WHITE- LION, on FRIDAY * ' EVENING, the 2d of JANUARY next. ( J: T Tickets of Admission, to Non- Subsciibeis, 10s. 6d. j Ladies, 7s. *„* Books are open, to receive Subscriber's Names, at the WHITE- LION, and at Mr. RUSHER'S, Bookseller and Stationer, where the Regulations may be seen. — Terms of Subscription.— Gentlemen, £ L lis. Gd.; Ladies, 15s.— The Subscription Books will be closed on the Evening ot the first Ball.— No Inhabitant can be admitted without being a Subscriber. Mrs'. SPENCER", iFEST'ON- FAV'ELL, near ii- MhUmfloh, BEGS Leave to infohh lifer Friends, that her SCHOOL opens JANUARY 12th, 1805.— Terms, £. 11 per Annum, Washing included. Entrance, Haifa Guinea. There is a good Writing- School in the Village. IJA VENTIIY SECOND SUBSCRIPTION ASSEMBLY ILL be at the WHEAT- SHEAF INK, on » ' THURSDAY next, thclstol JANUARY. December loth, 1806. The appre". e lisions which were entertained of an evidence against the murderers, of Mr. Steele, Altoua, irom '. lie vicinity of the French, hare en- Sharnbrook, Bedfortkhit e. To be LETT, And entered upon immediately, „ \ HOUSE, with a large Garden, and about 15 With respect to Ilanfield the accomplice, the story j J V Acres of GRASS LAND. The House contains of his bavin ® confessed the murder in India, is in- • six Rooms on a Floor; there are, a tour- stall Stable, correct. He had been for mar, y years a notorious double Coach- House and other Offices, suitable for ... .1 , 1 • " i i 1 „ a Gentleman's Family; late in the Occupation of character 011 the town, and 111 July, 1804, he was I ^ p q Sherard convicted of felony at the Old Bailey Sessions,! GG- Apply to Mr.' LOVELLSTONEBANKS, at Sharn- and sentenced to transportation. It was 011 board j brook. N. B. Sharnbrook is about 60 Miles from London; a Turnpike- Road through the Village, and in the j Centre of the Bedfordshire Hunt. the hulks, in Langston harbour, where he was j undergoing his sentence, that he offered to become : W E L P O R D. MRS. KING respectfully informs her Friends - and the Public, that she has entered on a more convenient HOUSE for the Reception of YOUNG LADIES, and that her SCHOOL opens on' 1' UESDAT the 13th of JANUARY. LUTTERWORTH, Dec. 26th, 1806. ¥ BOTTKR1LL respectfully informs his Friends ' f . of LUTTERWORTH and its Vicinity, and the Public in general, that his SCHOOL re- opens on MONDAY the 19th of JANUARY, 1807. Terms per Annum. £. s. d. Board, English Grammar, Writing, Arith- metitvand Book- keeping 16 16 0 Geography, Use of the Globes, and Land- surveying 2 2 0 Entrance - 1 1 0 IP3" J. B. returns his sincere Thanks to his Friends of Lutterworth and the adjacent Villages for their liberal Support, and assures them, he will endeavour, by strict Attention ( a the Improvement of his Pupils, to merit their future lavours. DECEMBER 27th. 1806. R. CHENEY wishes to inform his Friends and the Public, that the DWELLING- HOUSE, MILL, & c. advertised ( in the first Page of this Paper), to be SOLD by him, at the George inn, Guilsborough, 011 the' 2d disposed of by Private Contract. ot January next, aie A. On Tuesday so'qniglit, Mr. , t. A'd'cy, lata of* W arwick. Miss Benaii. soii, daughter of Air. ijunmso::, to builder-, of Birmingham. Lately, Mr. Thos., Eriktnf, timber, < jf Shrbwlcvj near Warwick, to Miss Mary Destur, third daugh- ter of the Ute Mr. Dcstcr. Lately, Mr. Treslove, surgeon, of Clipstone,. to Miss Builivant, eldest daughter of the laie Rev. John Bullit- ant, rector of Marstou- TrUsscil, i: i tln » county. Yesterday se'nnight, Mr. Miles Havilatul, of London; to Miss Israel Tatnall, of Warftick. O11 Tuesday last, Mr. Joseph H. Lomas, wool- stapler, of Leicester, to Miss Manning, daughter of William Manning, Esq. of this place. On Wednesday last, at Welford, in this county, Mr. Win. Adkins, farmer and grazier, of Lnthburv, Bucks, to Miss Mary Lovell, second daughter of Mr. J. CJook Lovell, of the former place. Same day, at Hardingston, near this town, Mr. Samuel Rice, butcher, of this place, to Miss Shaw, of Huntsbury- Hill. Same day, Mr. Win. Chambers, of Farthingston, to Miss Mary Salmons, of Maidford, both in this county. DIED.] Lately, at MiraLles, Me of Wight, George Arnold, Esq. of Ashby- Lodge, iri this county. On Saturday se'nnight, at Loughborough, after a long illness, Mrs. Collins, wife of John Collins, Gent. On Sunday se'nnight, aged 53, sincerely regretted by all who knew her, Mrs. Burton, wife of Mr. li. Burton, of Markct- Haiborough, j On Thursday se'naight, Mr. Aldermi- i Elgef, I of - Stamford; i Same day, aged 52, the Rev. Joseph Lodington, j vicar , of Outidle, in this comity. Yesterday sc'nnight,, at Loughborough, in tins I end year of her age, Mrs. Palmer, wife of Mr! I Thomas Palmer, gmcor. On Saturday night last, after a gradual decay, in the 76th year of his age, Mr. John Freeman tirely subsided I i'tcrs of the 5th ceived yesterday, state, with great f instant, confidence, that the Danish neutrality would be respected. Bonaparte may find it convenient, at preset;'., to temporize; but we are persuaded, should the tor-: mi nation of the campaign be as brilliant and de- cisive as its commencement, he will compel ( he Court of Denmark to accede to his favourite project of excluding this country from all commu- nication with the Continent. ' Circumstanced as he actually is, he would find considerable dis- advantage in forcing Denmark into, a war. The Right Hon. Charles Abbot, the Speaker, has been pleased to appoint the Kcv. Frederick Barnes, B. D. Student of Christ- Church, Oxford, ( eldest son of the l! ev. Archleacon Barnes), to be Chaplain of the House of Commons, 111 the present Parliament. The House of Commons have adjourned for the Christmas recess tili Monday next only, when it will again meet for the dispatch of business. Thirty- two lawyers ara returned to the new Parliament. The troops which Government are about, m send tt) Ireland, are required to fill up a Considerable vacancy occasioned by drafts made from that country, and not in consequence of any appre- ' tension entertained respecting the designs of the enemy. Doctor Beatie, who extracted the mortal ball from Lord Nelson, wears it, mounted in an elegant case, in the form of a vvsfch, which, sus- pended by a watch- chain, he carries in his left fob. — He has refused, it is said, a thousand guineas for this interesting relic. There is no truth in the report that the relict of the late Mr. Fox is to receive a pension of £. 1000 per ah num. — London Patket. Threshers.— At a Special Commission opened at Carrick- on- Shannoo, on Thursday, Dec. 18, bills of indictment were sent up to the Grand Jury, against James Ferguson, Michael Graut, and . Tames Conuollv, when after some deliberations and exa- mining several witnesses, true bills were found against those persons, who are charged, under four several counts, with associating under the name'of Threshers, dressed, in a garb not usual with his Majesty's subjects on their ordinary occa- sions, in white shirts, armed with guns, pikes, and other weapons; and that they did assemble after such maimer on the night of the 20th of October last, at Goitlnmore, in the county of Lritnm. The prisoners were put to the liar and pleaded not guilty. The jury retired about half an hour, aud found the prisoners guilty. Sentence, Transpor- tation for life. On Monday se'nnight a Tilrctiiig of the Magis trates of the county and city of Limerick, was held in that city, for the purpose of considering of the most effectual means to preserve the peace of the country; when a Committee of seven, con- sisting of the following:— Right Hon. Lord Cldrina, Colonel Prcndegast Smyth, Colonel Verekcr, B. Waller, F. sq. F'. Crokes, Esq. the Mayor, and Col Monsell— was formed, for thu purpose of pre- paring Resolutions expressive of the disturbed state of the country, the prompt exertions ncccs- sarv for its suppression, the rewards intended for discoveries, and the resolution not to let ground to any person concerned in such nets of outrage as disgraced the country. General Flood, Com- mander of the District, who was present, felt highly sensible of the force and propriety of the Resolutions. Capt. Mellish's racing stlid has returned to New- market, with the exception only of two or three inferior horses, and a few brood mares; the prin- cipal racers having engagements, which no man of the turf felt bold enough to adopt. Trotting Match.— A trotting match took place ontheBagshot road, 011 Wednesday, between a bay mare, the property of a Captain Ranger, and a black horse belonging to Mr. Rav, of Newingtun. The distance was nine miles to and fro, and bets 5 and 6 to 1 on the horse. The marc made play at starting, and broke her pace, and was turned round four times in the first mile. The horse gained an advantage, and headed her above 100 . yards for about three miles, when he broke from the road, and the animals again were together neck and neck, with very little variation, until within the last mile, when the horse, which carried feather- weight, broke again from the road, and lost the race by about 70 yards. The mare was turned round eight times, and the horse three. The distance was performed by the winner in 34 minutes and 40 seconds. A numerous quantity of pears, the second of this year's produce, are now growing on a tiee in an orchard at Buttsbury, Essex. Many of them have attained the size of a walnut. On Wednesday, the Celebrated Mrs. Barrington was brought to Union- hall Polices- office, in the Borough, charged with robbing a carpenter of Stockwell, at a late hour on Tuesday night, of a guinea and six shillings, in tiie Borough. One of the shillings being very remarkably marked, and the cxact, sum of which the prosecutor had been robbed being found upon W, shit was fully sora- mitted for trial. Genteel and expeditious Travelling. RUGBY and DUNCHURCH new and elegant LIGHT COACH, cai'cd TIIE A CC OM M Or) A TION, [ To carry fcitr h:: ij, 1 only), NUES to set out, as usual, from the I ;..; . ,1 I„ i / CONTINUES usufc 0 th ant ami tie- • , ,. . ' , , ..., , , | V GEORGE INN, RUGBY, evety Tuesday, 1- riday, and Sunday Mornings, at Half- past I ve o'Clock ; \ from the- STAR INN, DUNCH URCH, a Quartci before, Six ; and arrives at the GOIDEN- I. ION, ST. JOHN- STREFI, LONDON, at Six o'Clock the same Evening. Leaves LONDON every Monday, Thursday, and Satur- day Mornings, at Half- past Five o'Clock, and arrives at DUNCHCRCH and RUGBY, about Six the same Evening. DAV ENTRY ACCOMMODATION COACH, j to and from LONDON every Morning ( Wednesday ex- j cepted), at Half- past Five o'Clock. Performed by R. DAVIS & Co. The Public may be assured, that 110 Exertions or Fxpence, oh the Part of the Proprietors, shall be wanting 10 work the above Coaches in a Style far superior to any Thing yet offered to them on tiie Co- ventry Road. The Proprietors will not be accountable for any Package or Passenger's Luggage, above the Value of Five Pounds, unless entered as such and paid for accordingly. To be S O L D by AUCTlO N, By JOHN DAY, On Tuesday next the 30th instant, at the House of Mr. Thomas Kemp, ( the Black Horse) in the Parish of Great- Linlord, Bucks, between the Hours of Three and Four in the Afternoon, ( under such Con- ditions as will be then produced) AFREEHOLD New- erected COTTAGE or TENEMENT, with the Btiildings, Piece of Garden- Ground, and Appurtenances thereto belong- ing; situate in G REAT- LINFORD aforesaid, and now or late in the Occupation of one John Goss. More Particulars may be known by Applica- tion to the Auctioneer, in Stonv- Stratford ; or to Mr. Arrowsmith, Solicitor, Newport- Pagnell. WAKF. I IF. LD- LODCE, Dec. 26tb, I806. | RPHE FISH in the RIVER and CANAL within I I the MANORS of ALDKRTON, ASHTON, GRAFTON, and YARDLEY- GOBION, in the County of Northampton, having been much destroyed by Poachers and unqualified Persons, Notice is hereby giren, That wliocvr is found trespassing without Permission, after the Date hereof, will be prosecuted; and that Mr. John Carville, of" Bosenham Mill, and Edward Charlton, of Yardley- Wharf- Hoase, are duly en- trusted in the Care of the said River and Canal. Nos. 33,979 and 42,569, draun Prises of £. 30,000, WERE BOTH SOLD BY II O R N S B Y & Co. Besides 214 CAPITAL PRIZES, from £. 500 to ^. 30,000. ( i LUBS, Societies, and Individual Purchasers, J in the present STATE - LOTTERY, are re- quested to peruse the Scheme, which contains THIRTY THOUSANDS, TWENTY THOUSANDS, TEN THOUSANDS, FIVE THOUSANDS, and many other Prizes of Note, sufficient to induce every one who wishes to have so promising a Chance, The Drawing of the New Year's Lottery commences on the 13th of JANUARY, in a peculiar grand Style, with <£. 20,000 for the first- drawn Ticket, in Addition to what else it will be entitled to.— HORNSBY Ic Co. respectfully acquaint their Countty Friends, that they have a Variety of TICKETS and SHARES on Sale, and at the lowest Prices. Orders, by Letter or Carrier, executed exactly on the same liberal Terms as if present, at the old- established State- Lottery- Offices, 26, Cornhill, 52, Charing- Cross, and St. Margaret's- Hill, Borough. Rugby, Warwickshire. To be" SOLD or LETT, I FREEHOLD HOUSE, in RUGBY, with a 1 large Yard, Stable, and convenient Out- ;.,, , ,. ; • buildings, and a spacious Garden.— The House con- j tavior, ot this town. tains two Parlours, Kitchen, and Laundry, on the; On Wednesday last, at the house of her nephew. Ground Floor; with roomy Chambers, and Atties the Rev. R. R. Bloxatu, at Rugby, in the county of in Front; roomy Cellaring, and other usual Conve- j Warwick, in the 75th year of her ago, Mrs. Ami Sr » C, 2a7- D° aye$ S, 0n miy either immedil, ely | Rowland French, relict of Edmund French, late G3-" D'irect' or apply to Mr. DUFFKIN, or Mr. " f Market- Harborough, in the county of Leicester, CALDECOTT, Attorney at Law, in Rugby. •'"-"' I' Yesterday, in the prime of life, after a few days illness, deservedly respected and esteemed by n numerous circle of friends and acquaintance, Francis William Jeyes, of this town, attorney at law. A few days since, at St. Ives, Huntingdonshire, Mrs. Hutchinson, wife of Mr. Thomas' Hutchinson, currier and leather- cutter, of that place. Lately, in the parish of St. Mary, 111 Norwich, Sarah Blackwood, aged 49 years.— For the last six The letters by this conveyance continue to years of her life, this poor woman supported, wiifi . L _ I R . . . Y _ 1 • 1 _ C NR. 1 , IHMIR^ HL*. FNRTLTURL., I; ......! ...; :— LONDON, Capital Oak, Ash, film Timber, & c. Tp be SOLD by A U C T I O N, By JOHN DAY, On the Prem'ies/ in the Parish of THORPE- MANDhVII- LE, in the County of Northampton, four Miles from Banburyf and about three Miles from the Oxford Canal, 011 Thursday the Lst Day of January, 1807, and following Day, exactly at Ten o'Clock each Dav, I70RTY- V0UR OAK, 88 ELM, 393 ASH, five SYCAMORE, 18 BEECH, and 3 POPLAR TREES, the Property of WM. PEARETH, Esq. ' ft" T Catalogues may be had, five Days before Sale, at the Saracen's- Head, Towcester; Red- Lion, Brackley , Compasses, Silverstone ; Bull, Weedon- Beck ; Fox, Byfietd; Hare- and- Hounds, Wardington; Red- Lion, Banbury; and at the Three - Conies, in ' l'horpe- Mandeville. *** ' f he Timber will be numbered and marked for Inspection, which may be seen by applying ta Mr. WILLIAM JEFFS, or the respective TENANTS. HOLcrr, ~ Freehold Estate and Household- Furniture, To be SOLD by AUCTlO N, By Mr. KIRS HAH'', On Thursday the lst Dny of January, 1807, on the Premises of the late Widow WRIGHT, deceased. fjpUli TORN ITU RE consists of Bedsteads and HARLESTON ASSOCIATION. WHEREAS some Person or Persons did, late on Sunday Night, or early on Monday Morning last, STEAL and TAKE AWAY, out of a Close called SANFOIN CLOSE, in HARDINGSTON LORDSHIF, in the County of Northampton, A FAT KIWE SHEEP, branded with the Letter F. on the near Hip, the Pro- perty of Mr. JOHN FROST, of HARDINGSTON afore- said ( a Member of this Association): Whoever will apprehend the Person or Persons who stole the said Sheep, so that he or they may be pro- secuted, shall, on his or their Conviction thereof, immediately be paid TWENTY- FIVE POUNDS, by Mr. BUSWELL, Attorney, in Northampton, the Treasurer and Solicitor to this Association ; and TEN GUINEAS more by the said Mr. FROST. And if more than one Person was concerned in the above Felony, and either will impeach his Accomplice or Accomplices, he shall, on his or their Conviction, be entitled to the same Rewards, and Interest will be made to procure His Majesty's Pardon. Northampton, Dec. 91th, 1806. Furnitures, flock Beds and Bedding; Straw Mattresses; Tables and Chairs; Chests of Drawers; Kitchen- Utensils, in Copper, Brass, and Pewter; Grates and Fire Irons; China and Earthenware in general; with a Variety of ussful Articles. The House or Tenement consists of a Kitchen, r. irlotir. Scullery, and Pantry, 011 the Ground Floor, and two good Sleeping Rooms one Pair; Barn, Yard, and Garden, with a Well of good Water. The Whole forming a neat and convenient Situation for a small I altered. Family, and may be entered upon immediately. \ * » .* The Sale of the Furniture will commence at Ten o'Clock in tile Morning, on the Premises ; and the House will be sold at Four o'Clock in the After- noon, at Mr. Tho. Cook's, the Chequer Inn, Holcot. For further Particulars, enquire of L. Kirshaw, Surveior and Auctioneer, Northampton. TWENTY GUINEAS REWARD. Society for protecting Persons and Property against Thieves an4 Robbers. WHEREAS on Saturday Night, or early on Sunday Morning last, some Person or Persons entered a Ground in the Parish of MIBDLETON- J CHENEY, in the County of Northampton, in the] Occupation of Mr. JOHN WILLIAMS, of THENFORD \ ( one of the Members of this Society), and STOLE THEREOUT, TWO COLTS, Of the following Descriptions: — A BLACK GELDING, of the Cart Kind, rising three Years old, plain in the Head, with a large Star in the Forehead, low in the Back, white hind Heels, and a small Spot of White on one of the fore Feet yESTERDAY three Gottenburgh Mail? arrived. insist 011 the defeat of a French army of 60,000 men nearPosen. This report^ which was credited at Elsineur 011 the 5th inst. comes however, we regret to say, without any additional circumstance to warrant its authenticity. The French, it is probable, were greatly harassed 011 their march ; but it is evident that if they had experienced such a disaster as those letters would intimate, they could not have advanced from Posen to Warsaw. Great bodies of French troops are certainly marching from all quarters to Poland, and Bona- parte has himself quitted Berlin with all his staff, for that destination. The Russians also have un- doubtedly arrived in that country in very great force, and a violent struggle must speedily ensue, unless the winter puts a stop to all operations. The same letters say, that the Danish Government has, on the requisition of the Usurper, shut the ports of Ilusum and Tonaingen, against the English. This we can scarcely credit, as letters of a later date than those from Elsineur have been received from Husttm. Ten thousand Russians from Corfu have landed at Macarsa, in Dalmatia, and so closely blockaded General Lauriston's force of 5000 men in Ragusa, that all the communications being cut off, it is supposed he will be compelled to surrender. Some of our ships have bombarded Venice for two days, in consequence of the Viceroy of Italy having fitted out some armed vessels to cruize against our trade. The English troops have also taken possession of the batteries in Istria, which the French have abandoned. A ship arrived from Elsineur, we understand, has brought a German Paper, that contains ac- counts from Berlin to the date of Dceemher 8th, by which it appears, that the French had evacuated Posen, leaving 110 other force than a small Polish garrison, under the command of General Dom- browski.—- The left wing of the Grand Army had advanced in force towards Dantzic, of which city it was reported a vigorous siege was immediately about to commence, and the enemv flattered them- selves that a speedy surrender would be the con sequence, as the garrison was represented as short of provisions, and extremely disaffected A report prevailed in the City yesterday, that, the Spanish Government had ceded to the French the Island of Cuba. Upon what authority it rests, or whether it be ill or well founded, we have not been able to ascertain. Of this, however, we are convinced, that if Bonaparte takes it in his head to require that, or any other settlement, from Spain, the Cabinet of Madrid will not venture to refuse compliance. We cannot forget how easily Louisiana was ceded, when the French influence A BROWN FILLY, of the Cart Kind, rising _ three Years old, straight in the Back, white hind Iwas not ne3r st) predominant as it now is. Heels, a Blaze in the Face, and a small Blemish on | the near hind Heel; both have long Tails, if not Owing to the distressed state of commerce, the IJainburgh merchants chiefly engaged in the wine trade, have countermanded all the wines latterlv ordered from France, and sent back the bills from NORWICH UNION FIRE- OFFICE. " pOUR MILLIONS of Property is insured at 3 about One- fourth of the usual Expencc. Nine Year,' experience by this Socictv has proved that the Premium charged by all the Insurance Companies is Two Shillings in Three more than the Losses amount to, which Surplus in this Office is returned, whereby One Hundred Pounds is here insured for less than One Shilling, which would cost Three in any other Office. A Saving so considerable must command the Attention of the Public, and accounts for the rapid Increase of the Society, which now consists of above six thousand Members; and its Funds are so fast increasing as to' leave no Doubt but it will continue henceforward to alfbrd as much Advantage to every Insurer as it has hitherto done. rr Printed Proposals, with a List of the Trustees Directors, may be had, on Application to the following Agents:— Mr. ABEL, Northampton, who is likewise Agent for Wellingborough ( in Lieu of Mr. Spoire), with the Assistance of Mr. STANTON, Grocer. Mr. THOMAS WILKINSON, Druggist, Daventry. Mr. Jos* m MEEN, Biggleswade. Mr. W. WHITVVORTH, Attorney, Bedford. Mr. JOHN RABAN, Olney. Mr. THOMAS GURDEN, Haiborough. Mr. JAMES GURDEN, Bicester. Mr. E. HANSCOMB, AmpthilL Mr. J. W. MORRIS, Dunstable. Mr. JOSEPH WALLIS, Leicester. This Office makes good Leases occasioned by Lightning,— Policies gsatis. that country unaccepted. The French merchants must, thus shortly feel, in the severest manner, the consequences sf the occupation of that city. It is understood, that Admiral Louis has suc- ceeded thi gallant Sir Sidney Smith, in the com- mand of tho Mediterranean squadron. PRICE OF STOCKS. 1 Sat. | Mnn. Bank Stock . I209JJ 3 per Ct. Red. ; 59 SS^ oSii 3 per ( A. Cons, [ shut 4 per Ct. Cons SperCt. N... Imp. 3 per Cits India Stflck. .. India Bonds ., F. xc. Bills ... Omnium Cons, for Acc. shut Is d. Is2s d'pi2s d -- li pr. p Pt - I60ilil60i Fr. Hoi. Notice is hereby given, That whoever will discover the Offender or Offenders, so that he or they may be prosecuted to Conviction, shall, on such Conviction, receive a Reward oi TEN GUINEAS ( if stolen) of the Treasurer of this So- ciety; and a further Reward of TEN GUI N E AS ot the said John Williams :— But if strayed, all rea- sonable Expences will be paid. RICHARD BIGNELL, Treasurer. Banbury, Dec. Ibth, 1806. B PUNT's BANKRUPTCY.' THE Commissioners in a Commission of Bank- rupt, bearing Date the 3d Day of September, 1805, awarded and issued forth against WILLIAM BLUNT, now or late of HARTWELL, in the County of Northampton, Farmer, Dealer, and Chapman, intend to meet on the 30th Day of DECEMBER instant, at Ten of the Clock in the Forenoon, at the WHITE- HORSE INN, in TOWCESTER, in the said County of Northampton, in order to m:^ ke a first and final Divi- dend of the Estate and Effects, of the said Bankrupt ; when and where the Creditors who have not already proved their Debts, a^ e to come prepared to prove the same, or they will be excluded the Benefit of the said Dividend; and all Claims not ther- i proved will be disallowed. J. M. K1RBY, Solicitor. To- wee tier, Dec. 3J, 1806. ' ESGAFED FROM JUSTICE, MATTHEW IIIGGINS, OF WINSIOW, CHARGED with stealing 15 Sheep from Mr. KING, of Drayton- Parslew, Bucks. He is about IK Years of Age, 5 Feet 3 Inches high, has dark- brown Hair, very straight, dark Eyes, and dark Complexion, ai. tl walks very upright; had on when he escaped a light- co- loured t rock, much torn, but more on one Side than the Other, dark - brown Waistcoat, dark Corduroy Breeches, a yellow- coloured Silk- Handkerchief, and " Whoever'will apprehend the said Matthew Higgins, ( Jn jSatunlay last, at and lodge him in any of His Majesty's Gaols, and j Rev. Philip Laycock Story, second son ot the Hev. give Notice to the Constable of DRAYTON- PARSLOW, ! Philip Story, of Lockington- Hall, Leicestershire, or deliver him to the Constable there, shall receive 1 t0 \| jss l. vdia Baring, daughter of Sir Francis FIVE GUINEAS REWARD and all reasonable Uarinir, Bart, of Strattbn- Park, Hants. Charg"- Constabhfof Drayton- Patslow. IT On Tocsday sennight, Mr Francis Bryan, of Dtccvicr % iht lSQji, I London, to Miss Morgan, of Daventry. Tu. 59 58J 7S1H Wed. 5S| 59 7SiS 58 57 5 Th. Hoi. 1,2s d 2sls (' i m Is. p. ,2s. p. _ cm admirable fortitude, the complicated miseries of one of the most enormous cases of dropsy on record.— In the course of about 50 moaths, she was tapper times, and discharged 350 gallons of a fluid, weighing - 1666 troy pounds.— The gieatest quantity discharged at one operation, measured 11J gallons, and weighed 15S£ lbs. —— Lectures on Experimental Chemistry, < § e.— We learn that. Dr. Stancliffe will continue his Lectures on this interesting and useful branch of know- ledge. The 2d Lecture will be given this evening, on Light, Heat, and Fire, at the Assembly- room, at the George Inn.— For the benefit of those who cannot attend this evening, the Lecture will be repeated at twelve o'clock on Monday next, the 29th instant.— Admission, 3s. 6d. Tickets trans- ferable. The King has been pleased to present the Rev. Stephen Sloane, to the rectory of Gedney, in the county and diocese of Lincoln, void by the death of the Rev. Jonathan Rasbleigh. The King has been pleased to grant to the Rev. Henry Fitzroy, ( commonly called Lord Henry Fitzroy) Clerk, Master of Arts, the place and dig- nity of a Prebendary of the Collegiate Church of Sit. Peter, Westminster, void by the death of Sir Richard Cope, Bart. Clerk, Doctor in Divinity, late Prebendary thereof.— Gazette. On Thursday, John Ward, of Beccles, Suffolk, corn- dealer, was convicted before two of his Ma- jesty's Justices of the Peace, under the Act of the 31st of his present Majesty, in the penalties of 40s. and ^. 10, having made two false re- turns of oats purchased in Bungay market, at. 20s. and 30s. 6d. per coomb; the highest price at the time of purchase, as returned to the con.- iuspectqr, not exceeding 13s. per coomb. Last week Thos. Sennet, servant in husbandry to John Wham, farmer, of Stanton, iii Suffolk, was convicted before a magistrate of neglecting to perform his contract for threshing barley in a work- man- Uke manner, he having left so much of the said barley in the straw, tiiat two inen, in four days, threshed out of the same three coombs of corn.— For this offence he was ordered to be im- prisoned and kept to hard labour in the House of Correction for two months. A widow woman, of Southwick, near Oundle, in this county, had three horses pois « ned a few days ago, in consequence of their eating the fibres of a yew tree. Thomas Hayes, gardener, and Thomas Ward, labourer, both- of Markfield, in Leicestershire, were committed to that county gaol, on the 17th inst. on a violent suspicion of having assaulted, upon the King's highway ( between Thornton and Stanton- uuder- Bardon, 011 the 9th instant), John Willows, of Markfield, horse- dealer; and taken from him a purse containing seven guineas and a half, and also a pocket- book, with eighty- four pounds four shillings in notes inclosed.— Joseph Dawkins a » 4* Vf in. Wright, servants to Mr. Bead- man, of Market- Bosworrh, were also committed 011 the 17th iiist. 011. their own confession, with having robbed their said . master of a quantity of British gin, about three quarts.— John Stretton", of Oversea!, butcher, was also commit ted, or. the 23d inst. on suspicion of having stole a two- shear wether sheep, the property of James Oakley, of Willesley, Derbyshire. NORTHAMPTON, SATURDAY EVENING, Dec. 27, MARRIED.] Lately, the Hon. and Rev. R. Bagot, to Lady Harriet Villiers , daughter to the Dowager Lady Jersey. On Thursday se'nnight, George Seabrook, Esq. to Miss Pick ford, daughter of T. Pickford, Esq. of Market- Street, Herts. Same day, at Wolverhampton, Mr. Jenks, of the Marsh," to Miss Miller, of Dunstable, Beds. On Saturday last, at Bedington, Surrey, the pr The prisoners in the county gaol return thanks to a Clergyman near this town, for one guinea, left ill the hands of the gaoler; also to a person unknown, for a lot of fine mutton. PRICE of C O R'N per XJUarter at Northampton, Saturday, Dec. 27. Wheat, 64s. to 80s. od. Rve, 50s. Od. to 51s. Barley. 38s. Od. to 41s Od Oats, 21s. Od. to 23s, 6d. New Oats,—- s. Od. to — s. Beans, 42s. 0d. io44s.. 6tl. Peas, 88s. Od. to 44s. Od. By the standard Measure. J. GRAFTON, Inspector. Corn- Exchange, London, Friday, Dee. 26. The supplies of Wheat to- day are short, principally of second and ordinary qualities, waiting the ex- pected arrivals— few purchases are made, and those scarcely support the last quoted price-. In barley. Malt, or Beans of both sorts, little vitiation and dull sales— but few White Peas— there ate a few further arrivals of Oats from Yorkshire, and this article is a trifle cheaper. Tiie prices ot flour still remain at a small fluctuation. LIST, of FAIRS, from Dec. 99, to Jan. 10, within the Circuit of this Paper. M. Dec. 29. Rugby. Th. Jan. 1. IVoburn and Charlbury. M. 5. Daventry aad Leicester. T. —- 6. Market- Harhrtkgb, EPILOGUE TO THE HISTORICAL TRAGEDY OF KING RICHARD THE THIRD, Performed at Asplev School, on Wednesday Evening, December 3d, 1806. The stage bell rings long ; the curtain araws up, but no one appears ; at length enter tiuo Young Gentlemen. lst. \ V'HY ceaseless tinkles that discordant bell ? All seems confusion— what's the matter?— tell. 2nd " Me miseruni 1" our Poet, careless rogue 1 Has quite forgot to write an Epilogue. 1st. Indeed !• the Epilogue is half the fun, For ASPI. F. Y'S credit something must be done. 2: id. Come then— lets club our wits, and instant try An Epilogue duet,— first vou, then I.—- lst. I. adie.! we've lately had, by high direction, That bustling farce, a general Election, Its business complicated, great its rout, Various its denouement, some in, some out.— Then, as of passing times my verse may savour, 1 bow, a Candidate who seeks j our favour! I ask no plumpers tho'— my colleague there Has every claim your second votes to share, And, if what thus we seek your grace imparts, Success is certain,— we're returned for Hearts. Yet, hard the task your friendly suffrage gives, The task of, Ladies' Representatives ! What nowers of speech by us must needs be shown ! The tongue h . w voluble ! how clear the tone ! Pitt only dwelt four hours on right- anil wroug, We must speak every day, and all day long- Yet, those whom you shall send, what zeal shall cheer them ! L What general cries of " Hear them, hear them, hear them." As for professions— Worthy Ladies 1 pray Believe me, on my honour, when I say, For vou, I'll feel an interest most sincere, To me, you. favour shall be ever dear, I'll seek no ylfice, take no state directions, And wish no place, except in your affections.— Of you, be certain, oft I'll have my pate full, And ever prove, your most devoted, grateful, Obedient, humble Servant.— Your commands Shall be my law— so prav hold up your hands. 2nd. Mv humourous friend, is quite a public man; But I dccl'ine— domestic is my plan.— Seldom my unambitious wishes roam From duties, pleasures, found at this my home j Here, in each fibre of my frame, I feel The ardent force of Emulation's zeal; Here, all my. talents, with a full employ Seek to convert improvement into joy ; Tho' here, occasion other pleasures court, Here smiling exercise, and active sport, For Friendship's energies here's amplest scope, The present— Happiness— the future— Hope. Still may such blessings on this spot attend, And Oh! may he, the master, and the friend, With renovated health, his middle age In labours, not without their meed, engage; And when at length, declining years come on, And ebbing Life's more active toils are done, When Memory takes her retrospective view Of obiects, glistening in Reflection's hue. Here may she rest; and hence a joy derive Which shall beyond the grave itself survive; That, not in vain, were fondly cherisii'd here Virtue's warm love, Religion's holy fear, That, not in vain, did here the wish arise; To form alike the worthy, and the wise! BEDFORDSHIRE GAME- DUTY. A further List of CERTIFICATES issued to Per- sons not acting as Gamkeepers, by the Clerk of the Peace for the County of Bedford, from the 14th Day of September, 1806, to the 16th Day of De- cember, 1806, both Days inclusive. Names and Residence. Arch John, Gentleman, Clifton Etnerv William, Yeoman, Ravensden- Grange Fane Thomas, Yeoman, Ampthill Inskip William, the Elder, Gentleman, Lower- Cal-- decott Kitchen George, the Elder, Gentleman, I'otton Monk George William, Esq. Holme Miller John, Esq. Bedford Mole William, Yeoman, Little- Barford Macqueen Malcolm. Esq. Ridgmont Nelthorpe George, F. sq. Howbery- in- Renhold Nicoll Edward, Esq. Studham The Right Hon. Lord John Russell, Woburn- Abbey Wood George, Gentleman, Lidlington Examined by me, THEED PEARSE, Clerk of the Peace. BEDFORDSHIRE GAME- DUTY. A further List of CERTIFICATES, on a Three- Guinea Stamp, issued to Gamekeepers, by the Clerk, of the Peace for the County of Bedford, to the 16th Day of December, 1806, inclusive. Dobson John, Gamlingay, gamekeeper of George Kitchen, the Elder, Gentleman, for the manor of Potton- Regis, Jefferies Benjamin, the Younger, Great- Barford, gamekeeper of John Franklin, Esq. lier the manors of Mavern, Glintell's, Veysey, and Newtonbury, otherwise Chamberlainsbury. Examined by me, THE ED PEARSE, Clerk of the Peace. A further List of CERTIFICATES, on a Guinea Stamp, issued to Gamekeepers, being menial Ser- vants, by the Clerk of the Peace for the County of Bedford, to the 16th Day of December, 1806, in- clusive. Golf Thomas ( omitted in the former List), Brom- ham, gamekeeper of the Right Hon. Thomas Lord Viscount Hampden, tor the manors of Biddenham, Bromham, and Stagsden. Goff Thomas, Bromliam, gamekeeper of Thomas Alston, Esq. for the manor of Steventon. Long John, Kawnes, gamekeeper of the Right Hon. Henry Frederick Lord Carteret, for the manor of Wilshamstead. Perkins William, Melchbourn, gamekeeper of the Right Hon. Saint Andrew Lord Saint John, for the manors of Melchbourn, Bletsoe, Upper and Nether Dean, Radwell, and Riscley. Pheasant Edward, Hawnes, gamekeeper of the Right Hon. Henry Frederick Lord Caiteret, for the manor of Hawnes. Savage William, Odell, gamekeeper of Thomas Alston, Esq. for the manors of Odell, Pavenliam, and Carlton. Savage William, Odell, gamekeeper of the Right Hon. Thomas Lord Viscount Hampden, for tiie manor of Chcllinvton. Wiles William, Colmwortli, gamekeeper of the Rev. Leonard Town, Clerk, for the manor of Colm- worth. Examined bv me, THF. F. D PEAUSE, Clerk of the Peace. ALBION FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF LONDON, Established 1805, For Insurance from FIRE, throughout Grew - Britain and Ireland, and in Foreign Countries ; for the In- surance of LIVES ; and for the granting of ANN UITI ES. Capital — ON E MILLION. rr^ IE following Persons have been appointed I RESIDENTS for the Company, for the under- mentioned Places, and their respective Neighbour- hoods; and have been authorised to undertake In- surances from Fire and on Lives, on the Company's Behalf, viz. Mr. SPENCER HESKETH, of Northampton, Mr. JOWN WHITE, of Dunstable, Draper. A large Deduction is made on the Premiums of all Fire Insurances, out of London; and a very liberal Commission is allowed on Insurances on Lives. No Charge is made for Policies, or Indorsements; nor is the Person insuring responsible for the Losses of others, as is the Case in all Centributionship Societies, whether for Insurance from Fire or on Lives. ( PT The Company's Proposals may be had of the said Persons; by which it will be found, that other material Advantages are afforded. By Order of the Court of Directors, WARNER PHIPPS, Secretary. II To THE FASHIONABLE WORLD. new Discovery, zcorthi/ l/ ie Attention of the Public. AWKINS's BALSAMIC LIQUID BLACKING; which being, by a peculiar Chemical Process, prepared with Wax and Oil, it admirably softens and preserves the Leather, at the same Time rendering it both pleasant and durable to the Wearer; nor will the dampest Atmosphere diminish any Thing of its extreme brilliant black Lustre, which can be equalled only by the highest Japan Varnish. Also, their LIQUID, for the present light coloured BOOT- TOPS, SADDLES, & c. Price Is. and ls. 6d. each Bottle. Prepared and sold, Wholesale and for Exportation, by the Proprietors, HAWKINS 4C CO. 34, King- Street, Borough, London; and. Retail, by tiie following Venders:— Castell, Sharp, Balaam, Inwood, Roddis, Campion, and Pilmuir, Northampton; Grant, Tur- ner, Creatrix, Reynolds, and Jenson, Coventry; Robins, and Collingwood, Daventry ; Johnston, Dunchurch; Knight, and March, Wellingborough; Sanders, and Parker, Higham- Ferrers; Wiffin, Wo- burn; Inwood, Newport- Pagnel 1; Ames, Markct- Stieet; Thompson, Barnet: and by one or more re- spectable Dealers in every principal Town in the Kingdom. G GLOBE I N 8 U R A N C E, Pull- Mall, and Cornhill. FIRE, LIFE, AND ANNUITIES. ALL Persons whose Insurances with this Com- pany become due at Christmas next, are requested to take Notice, that Receipts for the Renewal thereof are^ now ready for Delivery at the Company's Offices, and in the Hands of their respective Agents in the Country. Insurances due at Christmas must be paid on or before the 9th ot January next. FARMING- STOCK is insured generally. New Rates and Proposals for Insurance on Lives and Survivorships, making Provision for Sons, and securing Marriage Portions for Daughters, on their respectively coming of Age, and other Endowments, and Tables for granting immediate, deferred, and pro- gressive Annuities, will be delivered gratis. No Entrance- Money or Admission- Fees are re- quired.— Life Policies allowed gratis. By Order of the Board, THOMAS HEATH WILKINSON, Secretary. London, Dec. 20th, 1806. STATE- LOTTERY Begins Dra- wing the 13th of JANUARY, 1807. GUANO SCHEME. T irfSSI w BIRMINGHAM FIRE- OFFICE, HIGH- STREET, BIRMINGHAM, For insuring Houses, Warehouses, Manufactories, and other Buildings, Farming- Stock, Goods, Wares, Mer- cbandiz: e, and other Property, from Loss and Damage by Fire. "• HE Directors of this Office, impressed with a lively Sense of Gratitude for the distinguished Patronage and Support with which they have been honoured, most respectfully return Thanks to their Friends and the Public, and beg to inform those Persons whose Insurances become dile at Christmas- Day next, that printed Receipts for the Renewal thereof are ready for Delivery by the respective Agents ; of whom Proposals, containing the Rates and Conditions of Insurance, may be had gratis. FARMING- STOCK, on any Part of a Farm, or in any Building thereon, may be insured, in one Sum, on the following Terms :— s. d. For One Year, at 2 i6 perCent. Six Monti s ,-- 2 0 " Three Months 1 6 exclusive of the Duty, which will be charged in Pro- portion to the Period. Losses from Fire by Lightning made good. No Charge made for Policies where the Premium amounts to 8s. ; nor to Persons removing from other Offices. By Order of the Directors, R. 1. WITHERIDGE, Secretary. Birmingham, Dec. 10th, 1806. AGENTS. Northampton,— FRANCIS BIRDSALL. Peterborough,— GEORGE CLIFTON. Thorpe- Malsor, near Kettering,— JOHN MEADOWS" Daventry,— WILLIAM GODRICH. Woburn,— RICHARD CAMPS. Ampthill,— SAMUEL MAY. Buckingham,— JOHN SOUTHAM. Newport- Pagnel!,— EDWARD CLEAVER, Leicester,— THOMAS AIREY. Hinckley,— EDWARD THORNLEY. Lutterworth,— SAMUEL BURDEIT. Loughborough,— SAMUEL MARTIN. Dr. AKDERSON's, Or, The True Scots Pills, H To Mr. SP1LSBURY. SIR, Marlon', Aug. 12, 1806. rpiIE Writer, in June last,' called on you with a I young Woman, of the Name of Brookes, who had a bad Leg, and to whom you gave a Pint of your Drops, which has nearly eliected a Cure. The following Case has also occurred in this Neigh- bourhood :— James Gybson was inoculated at ten Years of Age; Halt a Year' afterwards he was seized with Pain in both Legs, supposed for some Time to be Rheumatism, or growing Pains, but it settled finally in one Leg, which swelled, and rendered him inca- pable of walking. He had in four Years, eleven or twelve Ulcers, and thirteen Pieces of Bone were taken out. His Health was impaired, and he was constantly cariied about. A charitable Lady saw him in this State, and asked his Mother if she would object to bis trying SPILSBURY'S PATENT ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS, as she had seen their Efficacy in several In- stances. On her assenting, she- supplied him with thi- m, and allowed him Meat and such Nourishment as. is recommended with them. He took fifteen Bot- tle.;, which entirely cured him. It is now three Years since, ajid he has had no Return of his Com- plaint, but is grown tall, healthy, and works con- stantly as a Bricklayer. The Bearer is also recommended as a deserving Ob- ject for your excellent Institution, being a Servant, w ithout Parents. She has been put to much Expence, and can find no . Relief. She lives thirty- two Miles from London, and it has been thought best to send her to Town that vou may see her. The genuine Medicin..-, in Bottles of 5s. 6d. 10s. and =£. 1 2s. Duty included, is sold at the Dispensary, No. 15, Soho- Square, London.— To prevent Counter- feits, each Bottle is accompanied with a black Ink Stamp. ( ft Sold also by the Printers of this Paper; Mr. Okely, and Mr. Palgrave, Bedford; Mather,' Wel- lingborough; Collis & Dash, and Alunn, Kettering; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry ; Corrall, Lutter- worth; and by most Venders of Patent Medicines in Town and Country. AVE been faithfully prepared and given the greatest Satisfaction " for upwards of fourscore Years, by DICEY & Co. at their Original Medicine Warehouse, No. 10, Bow Church- Yard, London ; and are singularly efficacious in bilious, flatulent, and dropsical Complaints, and all Disorders of the Sto- mach and Bowels. They promote Digestion, create an Appetite, remove Obstructions in theKidnies, and consequently are Antidotes to the Stone and Gravel; but forthe Expulsion ot'Worms in Children or grown Persons, the whole Materia Medica has not their equal. Travellers, who are too often obliged to drink all Kinds of Liquors, as well as Sea- faring People, should never be unprovided with them, as by fre- quently taking one or two of them, they arekept from Costiveness, Scurvies, Fevers, and most malignant Distempers. The Scots Pills prepared by Dicey & Co. retain their Virtue for any Length of Time, and in all Cli mates; and from the Peculiarity of the Composition, they never run together ; an Advantage no other Scots Pills possess: And therefore, for Exportation, or the Use of Gentlemen in the Maritime Line, they have a manifest Superiority. ( iCJ* Spurious Sorts, of a very inferior Quality, are sold in almost every Town ; be careful therefore to ask particularly for DICEY'S Anderson's Scots Pills, and to observe, that the Words Dicey £? Co. No. 10, Bow Church- Yard, are printed in the Stamp affixed to each Box, and signed in the Margin of each Bill of Di- rections. They are sold, Wholesale and Retail, bv Dicey & Co. No. 10, Bow ChurchiYard, at Is. 1- jd. per Box, containing Thirty Pills. Also, sold Wholesale and Retail by the Printers of this Paper ( by whom great Allowance is made to Country Shopkeepers), and Retail by the following Persons, viz. Wilkins, Robins, Bates, & Wilkinson, Daventry; Parker, Merridew, and Rollason, Coventry; Collison, Brack'iey; Watson, Aynlio; Mrs. lleeslcy, Banbury; Odell, and E. Pyne, Leighton; Griffin and Co. Tring; Norwood, Amerahain ; Aynsworth, & Birdsey, Hemel- hempstead; Edwards, Chesbam; Barnes, Inwood, and Barringer, Newport- Pagnell; Osborn, Wobutn ; Good- man, North- Crawley; Queneborough, and Squires, Dunstable; Lancaster, Clophill; Alsop, Crawley, and Mead, Luton; Brown, Morris, and Oreen & Co. Ampthill; S. and A. Cooper, and Morris, Nuneaton; Bull, Harrod, and Dawson, Market- Harborough; Adams, and Gamble, Loughborough; Gregory, and Swinfen, Leicester; Toone, Woolvev ; Pearson, Mel- ton- Mowbray; Burbage & Co. Nottingham; Inns, and Gallard, Towpester ; Seeley, Buckingham ; Miss Jones, Oxford; Hawkes, Lutterworth; R. Palgrave, J. Okely, B. Bradley, and J. Bradley, Bedford; Hine, Potton; Bunting, Sandy; Gardner, Weston, and Brooks, Biggleswade ; Richardson, Elmes, Poulter, and Sheppard, • Stony- Stratford; Higham, Old- Stratford; Moxham, Fenny- Stratford; Stevens, Bicester; Marlin, J. Wheeler, Rickford, F. Wheeler, & F. Loggin, Aylesbury ; Wards, Hinckley ; Sanderson & Co. Broughton, Chettle, and Mather, Wellingbo- rough ; Eaton, Thrapston; York & Summers, Oundle; Horden, and Jacob, Peterborough; King, Gilkes, and Matthews, Chipping- Norton; Baly, Wright, and Stevens, High- Wycomb; Collis& Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Newcoinb, and Drakard, Stamford; Bird, Uppingham ; Gibs* i, Oakham; Churchill, Dedding- ton, Roberts, Southam; Sharpe, Warwick; Luccock, Kimbolton; Bayley, and Paul, St. Ives; Emery, and Fox, St. Neots; Jenkinson, Huntingdon; Darton, and Tapp, Hitchin; Hovel, Staples, Eaden, Hodson, and Gee, Cambridge; Leigh, Atherstone; Arch, Shefford; Holland, Winslow; Ward, Stratford- upon- Avon; Mat- thews, Campden; VVallis, Olney; Taylor, Retford; Dexter, Wilbarston; Brinkler, Bicester; and by the Venders of Dicey & Co.' s Medicines in every Town throughout the Kingdom ;—— Of whom may be had, from Dicey Sc Co.' s Warehouse as above, s. d. s. d. True Daffy's Elixir 2 6 iiHooper's FemalePillsl 1J Smaller Bottles - 1 8 [ Bathing Spirits - 0 9 Dr. Baleman's Drops 1 1M| Godfrey's Cordial 0 9 Dr. Radclitte's Elixir 1 1A| Golden & plain Spirits Squire's Grai-. d Elixir 1 9 1 For Coughs, Hoarsenesses, fyc. REENOUGH's LOZENGES of TOLU, so T justly celebrated for their superior Efficacy in immediately removing all Coughs, Hoarsenesses, Sore Throats, Shortness of Breath, Defiuxions upon the Lungs, Soreness of the Breast, & c. And TWO TINCTURES; the one for cleansing and preserving the Teeth, and effectually curing the Scurvy in the Gums, preventing the Teeth from further Decay, and rendering the Breath perfectly sweet; the other for the Tooth- Ach, which gives immediate Ease, without injuring the Teeth or Gums. ( J5T The above Articles have been held in the highest Esteem for fifty Years past; but as the great Benefit to be derived from them can only be secured by having them Genuine, every Purchaser is requested to observe, that R. Hayward, No. 10, Litdgate- Hill, is printed on the Stamp; all others are Counterfeits. They are prepared and sold by R. HAYWARD, Chymist ( Successor to T. Greenougb, the Inventor), No. 10, Ludgate- PIill, London; and sold also by Dicey & Sutton, J. Edge, and G. Edmonds, Northampton; and the Venders of genuine Medicines throughout the United Kingdom; Price Is. Iki. each. For all Disorders in the Eyes. THE GENUINE Dr. JOlINSON's GOLDEN OINTMENT, Prepared by WILLIAM SINGLETON, NO. 2, UNION- PLACE, LAMBETH, Surrey. ^ piIIS Ointment is an effectual Remedy in In- JL flammations. Films, Specks, or any oiher Dis- order incident to the Eyes; having completely effected some Thousands of Cures when all other Means have failed. Purchasers are requested to see that the Bill of Direction given tllem with this Article, has got the Proprietor's Name as is underwritten: All not so signed are Counterfeits. This Ointment? ,„,,, <-:„„,„.„„ <> No. 2, Union- Placc, preparedbvme. P m, S'ng et0"'? Lambeth. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Messrs. Dicey & Sutton, Bow Church- Yard, and at their Warehouse in Northampton; and, Retail, by Robins, Da- ventry; Inns, and Gallard, Towcester; Harrod, Harborough ; Inwood, and Barringer, Newport- Pagnell; Mather, Wellingborough; Collis & Dash, Kettering; and bv all other Venders of Medicines in the Kingdom; Price Is. 9d. per Pot, with full Directions. H EUMATISMS, Palsies, and Gouty Affec- V- tions, with their usual Concomitants^ Spasm, or flying Pains, Flatulency, Indigestion, and general Debility ( originating in whatever Source), are relieved and frequently cured by IVbitehead's Esience of Mustard Pills, after every other Means have failed. The Fluid Essence of Mustard ( used with the Pills, in those Complaints where necessary) is perhaps the most active, penetrating, arid effectual Remedy in the World, generally curing the severest SPRAINS AND BRUISES, in less than Half the Time usually taken by any other Liniment or Embrocation; and if used immediately after any Accident, it prevents the Part turning black. Prepared only, and sold b.' R. Johnston, Apo- thecary, No. 15, Greek- Street, Sdho, London; at 2s. 9d. each Box or Bottle. They are also sold by the Printers ot this Paper, and every Medicine Ven- der in the United Kingdom. \ fT The Genuine has a black Ink Stamp, with the Name of R. Johnston inserted on it. 2.. Prizes of.. =£. 30,000 I 2 20,000 2 10,000 3-. Prizes of.. =£. 5,000 5 1,000 500 And 5,160 others, from = 6.100 to =£. 20. SWIFT and Co. are selling Tickets and Shares in great Variety, at their Offices, ly>. 11, POULTRY, and No. 12, CHARING- CROSS, LONDON; also by their Agent, Mr. J. WEBB, Printer, BEDFORD. The first- drawn Ticket in this Lottery will receive =£. 20,000. SWIFT and Co.' s Offices have been re- markable for the Sale of first- drawn Tickets entitled to Capital Prizes. The following, all first- drawn Tickets, were sold by Swift & Co. in the LAST and late Lotteries:— No. 6,791 =£. 20,000 7,157.... =£. 10,000 I 9,362 =£. 10,00( 1 . 8,041 10,000 ! 20,952 10,000 STATE - LOTTERY. 2 Prizes of =£. 30,000 2 20,000 2 10,000 3 5,( 000 & c. & c. Sec. AZARD, BUltNE, & Co. No. 93, ROYAL- EXCHANGE, LONDON, are now selling TICKETS and SHARES for the STATE- LOTTERY which begins Drawing the 13th of JANUARY, 18( 17; the Scheme of which contains the above Capitals, besides the usual Proportion of other Prizes. In the last I. ottery, No. 9,550, a Prize of =£. 20,000, and No. 19,574, a Prize of =£. 10,000, were both sold in Shares by HAZARD, BURNS, & Co. ( f5T Correspondents, accompanying their Orders with Remittances, will be treated on the same Terms as if present. *** Letters ( Post- paid) duly answered. N. B. Tickets and Shares, for the above Office, are also on Sale by Mr. ABEL, BooksellerNORTHAMPTON, By whom a Share of the =£. 20,000 in the last Lottery, No. 9,550, was sold. II For Coughs, Asthmas, Consumptions, and all orders if the Breast and Lungs. FORD's PECTORAL BALSAM or Dis- II THE NEW LOTTERY, Which. begins Di lining January 13th, 1807, CONTAINS 2 Prizes of =£. 30,000 are =£. 60,000 2 _— 20,000 40,000 2 10,000 20,000 3 5,000 15,000 v 5 1,000 • 5,000 8 500 4,000 20 100 2,000 40 50 2,000 5,100 20 102,000 25,000 Tickets. =£. 250,000 Capitals determinable, First- drawn Ticket .. lst Day =£. 20,000 Ditto Ditto Ditto Half Quarter Ticket .. ...=£. 10 5 3d Day 10,000 5th Day 30,000 last Day 5,000 PRICE. =£. 19 15s. Eighth =£. 2 11 Sixteenth 1 6 Bostock's Elixir - 2 6 Pike's Ointment - 1 9 Stoughton's Elixir 1 H Friar's Balsam - 1 l| Clinton's Snulf, & Oil I 6 Dr. Lockyer's Pills 2 9 of Scurvy- Grass 1 1£ Beaume de Vie - 3 6 Betton's British Oil 1 9 j'Rymer's Tincture 2 9 Walker's Jesuits Drops .... 2 9 iWyman'o Pills - 2 9 HOREIIOUND. OREIIOUND is an Herb which has ever been esteemed, by the most able Physicians, for its salubrious Qualities in the Cure of Coughs, Colds, Asthmas, and all pulmonary Complaints. As the usual Method of using it was attended with considerable Inconvenience, the Proprietor of this Medicine was induced to offer the Public an elegant Preparation from that universal and well- known Herb, and the distinguished Approbation it has re- ceived from an impartial and generous Public, is a sufficient Testimony of its superior Virtue over every other Medicine; and withall so pleasant, that it is preferable to common White Wine ; so innocent, that it may be given to an Infant newly born ; so effi- cacious, that Diseases, as it were, fly before its in- estimable Power; in all Cases, whether recent and slight, or of long- standing and inveterate, its Effects are truly astonishing, and almost incredible; in no one Instance has it ever tailed to produce immediate Relief; and if a Cure be, within the Reach of Medicine, this Balsam will most certainly elfcl it. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by R. FORD, Chemist, Barbican, and Dicey Sc Co. Bow Church- Yard, London, in Bottles at Is. l£ d. 2s. 9d. and 4s. 6d. each; and, Retail, by Messrs. Dicey & Co. Mr. Edge, and Mr. Marshall, Northampton;' Mr. Keesley, Banbury; Mr. Inwood, Newport- Pagnell; Mr. Gallard, Tow- cester; Mr. Higgs, Harhorough; Mr. Swinten, Lei- cester; Mr. Robins, Daventry; and by all Venders of Medicines in every Town in the Kingdom. To Dr. SOLOMON, Gilead- House, near Livepool. SIR, Birmingham, Dec. C\ tb, 1798. ILong laboured under the painful Effects of Indigestion, aud could obtain no Relief from regular Medical Advice. In this State I was recom- mended to try your CORDI A L BALM of G ILE AD ; but having an Objection to public Medicine, I resisted the Idea for some Time. The Weakness, however, gaining on my Constitution, as scarcely any Sustenance remained on my Stomach, I determined to give your Cordial Balm of Gilead a fair Trial, and immediately sent for some lo Mr. Svvinney's, Printer, in this Town, and the Consequences hsve fully justified the Report I had of your Medicine; for ray Spirits were soon recruited, and my Appetite and Digestion, after eighteen Months wasting and excruciating Illness, are now happily restored.— As this singular Case may be the Means of inducing others, under similar Com- plaints, to use the same Remedy, you have full Consent to make it public; and remain, Sir, with great Respect, your very obedient Servant, EDWARD FOX, Livery- Street, Harper's- Hill. The following Gentlemen, Inhabitants of Birming- ham, are Witnesses to the above Cure:— James Miller, Esq. John Ellis, Walter Archer, John Robotham, John Taylor, Esq. Henry Hawkins, and James FerraL The CORDIAL BALM Of GIL « AD is sold in Bottles, Price Half- a- Guinea each; there are also Family Bottles, Price 33s. containing equal to four Bottles at 10s. 6d. by which the Patient saves 9s. including also the Duty. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by the Printers of this Paper; also, Ketail, by Marshall, and Edge, North ampton ; Collis & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Dawson, and Harrod, Harborough; Marriott, Banbury ; Inns, and Gallard, Towcester; Seeley, Buckingham; Richardson, Stony - Stratford; Edge, and Mather, Wellingborough; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry; Okely, and Palgrave, Bedford; Fox, St. Neots; Barringer, and Inwood, Newport- Pagnell; Swinfen, Leicester; by the Printers of the Country News- papers ; and by all the reputable Medicine Venders, Booksellers, Sec. in every principal Town in England, Ireland, Scotland, and America, who will deliver Pamphlets gratis, with a Variety of authentic Docu- ments noted therein. ( j^ T Dr. Solomon, when consulted, expects his usual Fee ot Half- a- Guinea. Such Letters should, for Safety, be thus directed—" Money Letter. Dr. Solomon, Gilead- House, near I iverpool." TICKETS AND SHARES Are on Sale at - ALL THE LICENSED LOTTERY- OFFICES, And by their AGENTS in the COUNTRY. ( J5T The above immense Capital Prizes are the greatest, in a Scheme of so few Tickets, ever pr< j, sented in the Annals of Lottery Adventure. This Fact is indisputable; but the Votaries of Fortune, to participate of such unprecedented Opulence, must be on the alert, as the Drawing commences so early as the 13th of January next. For Rheumatisms, Sprains, Chilblains, Dr. STEERS's OPODELDOC. THIS Medicine, from its extraordinary Efficacy, is justly entitled to the Reputation it has so long acquired above every o. ther Preparation of the Kind. By its warm, penetrating, and attenuating Qualities, it is found to be the most powerful Application in Rheumatisms, Spasms, and Palsies; as also in Cramps, Bruises, Sprains, Burns, Scalds, fresh Cuts, and the Sting of venomous Insects. It is particularly recom- mended in Contusions, occasioned by Gun- shot Wounds, and to refresh the Legs and Feet after long Exercise in walking. It speedily removes Chilblains, and if used in Time, will prevent them from breaking, but fer this Purpose it should be dissolved and applied warm. Sold only by F. Newbery and Sons, No. 45, St. Paul's Church- Yard, London, in Bottles, Price 2s. 6d. each; and by their Appointment, by Dicey & Sutton, Marshall, and Edge, Northampton; Seeley, Buck- ingham ; Barringer, and Inwood, Newport- Pagnell ; Green, Ampthill; Coliis & Dash, Kettering ; Robins, Daventry ; and Bull, Sen. Harborough. N. B. Observe that the Words " F. Newbery, No. 45, St. Paul's," are engraved in the Stamp. Mr. EDGE, NORTHAMPTON, has just received a large Supply of ROBBERDS's BALSAMIC ELIXIR, or COUGH- DROPS, For Coughs, Colds, Asthma, and Consumption. flMIF. SEjustly- celebrated Drops, by their happy .8 and immediate Effect in removing the most ob- stinate Cough or Catarrh, and all Tendency to Con- sumption, render them a valuable Family Medicine. And when we consider the Variableness of our Climate, which constantly induces us to catch Cold, and, that from this taking Cold, originates a Multitude of Dis- eases, as Asthma, Pain in the Chest, offensive Breath, Inflammation of the Lungs, and Consumption, with a long Train of Evils, no Head of a Family should lay down without a small Supply, at least, of this almost instantaneous Remedy. Many thousand Persons can testify the happy Effects they have received from it, when every other Medical Assistance had failed. A CAUTION.— Observe the Name of R. BUTLER, No. 4, Cheapside, is engraved on a black Stamp, which is affixed to each Bottle; all others are Coun- terfeits. Sold at Mr. BUTLER'S, NO. 4, Cheapside, Corner of Paternoster- Row; and, Retail, by Dicey & Co. and Marshall, Northampton ; and by most Medicine Venders in every Town; in Bottles at 2s. 9d. each. For a certain Disorder and all Scorbutic Complaints. DR. FREEMAN'S GUTl'A SALUTARIS is by far the most safe and effectual Remedy ever yet discovered for the Cure of that dangerous Disease. Persons unhappily afflicted with a certain Complaint in all its Stages, and under its various Appearances, wili find a secure and present Relief by taking these most invaluable Drops; which, for their Excellency during thirty Years' Practice in the most populous Part of London, viz. Hatton- Garden, have been termed Gutta Salutaris. The Secrecy with which most Persons so afflicted find it needful to conceal their Sufferings, may be safely employed while using these Drops; since they render Confinement unnecessary, as well as all mer- curial Preparations, or any surgical Operation whatever. By Appointment of Dr. Freeman they are sold by R. Sutler, No. 4, Cheapside, Corner of Paternoster- Row ; Edge, Northampton; and by most Venders of Medicines; in Bottles, at 2s. 9d. each, with ample Directions. V:< yages and Travels round the World. This Day is published, Price only Sixpence, con- taining a SUPERB FRONTISPIECE, repre. sfcinyig Atiac supporting the Globe, surrounded by Emblematical Representations of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America ; in the front Ground, lime and history recording the memorable Events of Antiquity, engraved in a highly- finished Manner, by Charles Warren, from an original Drawing, by Uwins;' Number i. ( thesucceeding Numbers to follow Weekly), of a NEW WORK, entitled, rgTIE WORLD; or, the present STATE of the .1- UNIVERSE; being a general and complete Col- lection of modern Voyages and Travels ; selected, ar- ranged, mid digested from the Narratives of the latest and most authentic Travellers and Navigators. By CAVENDISH PELHAM, Esq. The Whple illustrated and embellished with appro- priate Maps, Picturesque Scenes, Striking Re- pre- sentations of the Persons, Customs, Ceremonies, & c. of the respective Inhabitants, and whatever may lend to elucidate and elecorate a Performance so interesting, essential, and universal; consisting of upwards of one hundred and thirty Engravings, by the first Artists, among whom are Charles Warren, Milton, Landseer, Filler, Watts, Anker, Smith, Ambrose Warren, Hawkins, Taylor, Poole, Sparrow, Cook, See. & c. — The Maps and Charts by the celebrated Mr. J. Russell. The Work shall be completed in one hundred and thirty Numbers, making two handsome Volumes, in Quarto, and a Promissory Note given with the first Number, to deliver the Overplus gratis should it exceed that Quantity.— Indexes and a List of Sub- scribers will be given. To expatiate on the Utility or Entertainment of a Work which has immense Regions for its Object, ajiel all animated Nature lor its Speculation, would be manifestly unnecessary. A judicious Collection of modern Voyages and Travels presents the Earth to our astonished Eyes, anddisplays the Wonders o. t the Deep. All the Inhabitants of the various intermediate Regions, from the Torrid to the Frigid Zone, pass in Review before us, and we uis- tinctly behold them in their genuine Characters of Civilization, savage Ignorance, Superstition, and Ferocity, It exhibits to our View the vegetative Produce of the most distant Climes, and enumerates the sanative and commercial Uses of the innumerable Plants which decorate the fertile Bosom of the Plain, or venerably crown the aspiring Mountains. In this ' Work, the Essence of numerous Voyages and Travels will be carefully incorporated with such valuable Materials, as we have assiduously procured from other unquestionable Authorities. Tiie almost infinite Variety of Publications, from which we have gathered much of our Information, have ail been recently ushered into the World ; and the Reader neeJ not be informed, that a Collection of Voyages and I ravels is rendered the more interesting and valuable when its Kourcesare from modern Inform, rion. C. mdour must readily admit, that the nearer su? h Information ap- proaches the pre- ent Period, so much the nearer Per- fection will our Collection arrive than any similar Productions which h;. ve preceded it. A larger and very ELEGANT EDITION will be printed on fine VellLm Wove Royal Paper, which will be Hot- pressed, with the Advantage of Ptoof Impressions of the Engravings, besides appropriate Vignette Title Pages to each Volume.— The Price ot this Edition will be One Shilling each Number. Besides the Quality of the Paper, and the superior Impressions of the Engravings, the Maps, Charts, See. of this Edition, will be highly coloured, and the Whole will form the most elegant, beautiful, and complete Collection of VOYAGES AND TRAVELS Ever submitted to the Public. The first twenty- five . Numbers being already pub- lished, may be had together or separate, and will form a complete Specimen of the Excellence of the whole Work, the Proprietor being determined there shall be no Deviation in Respect to Paper, Printing, or En- gravings, between the first and last Numbers. Indeed, the Accumulation of upwards of THREE THOUSAND Subscribers, in the short Space of six Months, is . lie most flattering Testimony of Public Approbation; and the Proprietoreloubts not, by continuing the same unrivalled Degree of Excellence, that in the same Space of Time an equal Number of new Subscribers will be added to the Work. London: Published by J. STRATFORD, No. 112, Hoi born- Hill; and sold by all Booksellers and News- carriers in the United Kingdom. BANKRUPTS required to SURRENDER. Thomas Baucutt, of Long- Buckby, Northampton- shire, Money Scrivener, Jan. 8, 9, and 31, at the Wheat Sheaf inn, Daventry. Attorney, Mr. Burton, Daventry. Thomas Sutton, of Ringmore, Devonshire, ship- buileler. Geo. Leathern, of Topsham, Devonshire, shipwright. Robert Mason, late of Purleigh, Essex, dealer in cattle.^ - John Hubbard, of Betlinall- grcen, Middlesex, ale and table beer brewer. John Kens- ford, of Fleet- market, London, victualler. William Wright, of the Borough High- street, Southwark, plumber. James Millar, of Liverpool, merchant. George Hawkes, of Longficet, in the parish, of Great Cranford, Dorsetshire, tanner. James Burt, lite of New Lisle- street., Leicester- fields, straw and chip hat manufacturer.. John Bowman, of Water- lar. e. Tower- street, London, brandy- merchant. John Spearing, of Brighthelmstone, cabinet- maker. William Berridge, of Maiden- lane, Wood- street, Lon. don, hosier.—- John Fletcher Curtis, of the Mino- ries, linen- draper. Alexander M'Craitb, of Lower Brook- street, Grosvenor- square, wine- merchant. William Hughes, of Queen street, Souihwark, porter and cider dealer. Jacob Israel Levy, of Hayelon- street. Minories, London, merchant.—- Ihomas Jones, of High- street, Marybone, London, carpenter. Thomas Warwick, o't' Great Sutton- street, London, watch- maker.— George xVugustus Child, of Bristol, scrivener. Thos. Cooke, of. C loucester, merchant. — Selby Clement 1' ringle, of Newcastle- upon- Tyne, grocer.—— Will. Waller, of Exeter, ironmonger. William Williams, of Bedwellty, Monmouthshire, maltster. Bankruptcy superseded. Samuel Burhage, of Fenny- Stratford, Bucks, inn- holder. Di VIDEND to be made to Creditors. Jan. 15. Charles Lock, of Reading, Berks, horse- dealer, at the Bear inn, Reading. Jan. 24. C. Greatrex, of Sutton- Coldficld, Warwick- shire, broker, at Guildhall, London. Feb. 7. R. Barker, of Wellingborough, North- amptonshire, common carrier, at Guildhall, London. MAR K ETS.— London, Dec. 22. The fresh arrivals of Wheat to- day, with some re- mains of last week, constituted a tolerable supply. The sales were generally very dull, and with ati abatement of Is. and 2s. per quarter. Barley has come short to market, and is dearer. Malt obtains rather better prices. So little has been the variation in White Pease and Beans, that we have nothing to report of those articles, but to repeat last week's currency. Oats are a short supply, and full as dear as last week. Flour heavy, at 75s. per sack. Wheat.. 50s. to 60s. 70s. Fine Do. — s. to 78s. 82s. Rye . .. 36s. to 46s. Od. Barley.. 30s. to 42s. Oil. Malt... 60s. to 75s. Od. per i Oats 25s. to28s. 33s. HorseBeans42s. to 48s. Od. Tick Ditto 30s. to 37s. Cd. i W hite Peas 46s. to 66s. Od. | Grey Ditto3- ls; to48s. Od. PRICE of FLOUR. — Fine 70s. to 75s. Od. HOPS, per Pockct. — Kent, 51. 0s. to 61. 10s Sussex, 41.15s. to51. 16s.— Farnham, 81. 0s. to 91. 9s. SMITHHELD, Dec. 22. To sink the offal. Ox Beef, 4s. 4d. to 5s. - Id. Wether Mutton, 4s. 8d. to 5s. 8d. Veal, 4s. 8d. to 6s. Od. Pork, 4s. 8d. to 5s. 8d. Sold this day, Beasts, 2500— Sheep and Lambs, 9,500. NEWGATE and LEADENHALL, Dec. 22. By the carcase. Beef, 3s. 0d. to- ls. Sd. Mutton, 4s. Od. to 5s. 4d. Veal, 4s. Od. to 5s. 8d. Pork, 4s. 8d to 5s. 8d. TALLOW.— Town, 63s. 6d. White Russia,— s. OFL. to 57s. Od. ( Soap), — s. Od. to 56s. Od. Melting Stuff, 48s. to 49s. Od. Ditto rough, — s. to 30s. Good Dregs, 10s. Od. Graves, Us, Od. LEATHER, per lb. butts, 60 to 561b. 22d. to24d. Ditto, 60 to 651b. 26d. toMd. Merchants' Backs, 21 Jd. to22d. Dressing Hides, 17£ t. to 18JJ. FineCoacn- Hides, 18£ d. to 20d. Crop Hides for cutting, 21d. to 24d. Flat ordinary, 17Jd. to 18id. Calf Skins, 30 to 401b. per do7.. 26d. to 40ei. Ditto, 50 to 701b. ixr doz. 36d. to 41J. Ditto, 70 to 801b. 30d. to 34d. Small Seals, per lb. 33d. to 42d. Large Ditto, pet ' loz. 100s. to 140s. Ooat Skins, — s. to — s. per doz. Tanned Horse- Hides, 18s. to 35s. per Hide. NORTHAMPTON: Printed and Published by and for T. DICEY and JY. SUTTON.
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