The Northampton Mercury
Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton
Volume Number: LXXXVI
Issue Number: 35
No Pages: 4
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The Northampton Mercury
Date of Article: 01/11/1806
Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton
Address: Northampton
Volume Number: LXXXVI
Issue Number: 35
No Pages: 4
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A;' ort^ atn^ ton mttfp ••* y> uT"" G [ i s. kl- c< (.'( lU.-' JKI." Vol. LXXXVI. N o. 35. ^ Ready Money is expected } I with Advertisements. ^ SATURDAY, November 1, 1806. PRICE SIXPENCE, \ Stamp- Duty . I Paper and Pnnt Sid. Hd. Sunday and Tuesday's £ osts. From the LONDON GAZETTE. ADMIRALTY- OFFICE, Oct. 25. Copy of a letter from Captain William Hargood, Commander of his Majesty's ship the Belleijle, to Wm. Marsden, Xisq. dated off the Cape oj Virginia, Sept. 15. S I R, IBeg you will be pleased to acquaint my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, that yes- terday morning, at day- break, (" ape Henry bearing
\ V. N. W. twelve leagues, being in company with iiis . Majesty's ships Bellona and Melampus, en- deavouring to fall in with Rear- Admiral Sir R. Strachan, I discovered a line- of- battle ship to leeward of me, under jury masts, standing in for the Chesapeak, to which we immediately pave chase. On perceiving us she bore up, and stood in for the land. At a quarter past eight, observed she had taken the ground. Being then within one mile, 1 came to anchor in about five fathoms water, and immediately sent boats and took. possession of her. She proves to be L'Inipetueux, of 74. guns, and 670 men, commanded by Monsieur Le
Veyer, Capitaine de Vajsseau, one of the squadron that had been cl'uizing under Rear- Admiral Willeaumez, having separated from him and four sail of the line more, with a frigate ( Fcudrovant, 80 gunn, Patriote, 74. guns, Ecsrit , 74 guns, Cassard, 74 guns, Impe- tueux, 74 guns, and Valeureusc frigate) in about lat. 22 deg. long. 64 dea. during the heavy gale of the 18th and iOth tilt, u herein she lost all her masts, bowsprit, and rudder, and otherwise much da- maged. About noon, perceiving two suspicious vessels in tlte ofling, I got under weigh witli the Bellona, directing Captain Poyntz, of the Me- lampus, to receive the crew,
and set fire to her, which he completed before eight o'clock that evening. 1 have the honour to be, ftc. W. HARGOOD. The Gazette also contains a Proclamation for dissolving the present Parliament, and declaring the calling of another. The writs are to be re- turnable the 15th day of December next. The Gazette likewise contains the appointment of the Right Hon. T. Grenville to the olfice of Pirst Lord of the Admiralty; also the rules and regulations for the better ordering and improving the condition of soldiers ( for which see our last Page.) ^ LONDON, October 28. Yesterday the Hamburgh Mails, and dispatches from Lord
Morpeth, brought most important in- telligence. The fortune of the war has been mixed. The Prussians have experienced very con- siderable success, but wc fear they have since en- countered sumo reverse, not, however, decisive or irremediable. In the first operations the French obtained some success over the advanced guard of the Prussians, under the Prince of Ilohenlohe; and we lament to say tlmt Prince Ferdinand, who commanded under the Prince of Hohenlohe, was killed. This affair took place 011 the 10th, at the Bridge of Saalficld, which the Prince Louis, with only 5000 men, de- fended,, with the utmost bravery,
against Marshal Lefebvre's corps of upwards of 20,000 men. The loss of the Prussians was upwards of 1500 men, and some pieces of cannon. That of the enemy was likewise very considerable, though there can be no doubt that, 0: 1 the 10th, tliey ultimately had the advantage. From the 10th to the 14th there was constant skirmishing and inati< suvring. On the 13th, how- ever, a very important action took place, in which the Prussians were decidedly victorious. It was the corps of Prince Hohenlolie, which had been reinforced, that was again engaged, and the corps of the enemy with which he was engaged was that of
Marshal Soiilt. The French lost near 6000 killed, and 14,000 prisoners. In fact Soult's corps is said to have been nearly annihilated. The Prussians got in their rear, and completely cutting off their retreat, most of them were obliged to lay down their arms. The joyful intelligence reached Berlin on the 15th.- It was the birth- day of the Hereditary Prince; the Queen, with the presents she sent him upon the occasion, wrote as follows:— " Rejoice, my Son, the Prince of Holicnlohe has defeated the French I" We should gladly close onr account here, but Government, it is understood, yesterday received dispatcbes'from Lord Morpeth,
which atford too much reason to fear that, notwithstanding the auspicious affair of the 13th, a subsequent action was fought on the 14th, which, we believe, has been to tiie disadvantage of the Prussians. What is most distressing, perhaps, is, that the Duka of Brunswick was severely wounded, and has been obliged to be removed to Magdeburg. The loss of so distinguished a Commander, at a moment so critical, cannot be too much deplored. A Berlin article of the lltli, says, " Prince Louis of Prussia is 110 more; he died like a hero. He lost his life on the lotli, at the passage of the Orla, by two bullets aimed at the star of Ids Order.
His sword has been brought to the King, but his body is in the power of the French. He was the son of Prince Ferdinand, brother to Frederick the Great, and born in the. year 1771." Letters from Berlin, of the same date, assert in decided terms, that the first Russian army comprising 60,000 men, had arrived in Silesia, and were to be followed by 190,000 men more. It is confirmed that a Russian corps of - 10,000 men had entered Wallachia. We understand that two English Messengers, Messrs. Wagstaff and Miller, have fallen into the hands of the French. By the last arrivals from Germany, a letter was received by a Diplomatic
Agent in London, from the Prussian head- quarters, which states that an alliance offensive and defensive, reciprocally gua- ranteeing the integrity of the several States of the contracting parties, has been concluded between Russia and Prussia. It is also said, that the object of General Kalkreuth's mission to Vienna, was negociate a treaty of alliancfe, to which England Sweden, and Denmark, are to be invited to become parties. The King of Prussia lias not only written a letter to our Sovereign, but to the Emperor of Russia, 011 the subject of his present contest with France. I11 both he expresses the spirited reso- lution " to
conqueror to die;" and recommends in the most affectionate terms, his Queen and Family, in the event of any unforeseen misfortune happening to himself. Jt is reported, but we believe without authority, that advices were on Friday received from Sir Smith, stating, that lie had attacked a strong for 011 the coast of Calabria. It was obstinately de- fended by the enemy; but the English finally succecded in demolishing the works. This, how ever, was not effected without the loss of 50 or CO men killed or wounded. Bv a vessel, which left Jamaica on the 7th of September, we learn that Miranda had evacuated Coro, and had gone to
Aruba, to wait fur the assistance and support of the English. ^ JEORGE DUNSTAHU-., Oct. 21st, 1806. CRAWLEY most respectfully informs his Friends and the Public in general, that lie has laid in a large STOCK of WINES, BRANDY, RUM, HOLLANDS, and BRITISH COMPOUNDS, which he purposes to sell on the most reasonable Terms. G. C.' s Connection with the first Houses in London cnr^ ilcs him to olfcr such Com- modities that will, he trusts, give complete Satis- faction, and merit a Continuance of their Favours and future Support. ( jdT The Trade served on the lowest Prices. For the Benefit of the INFERIOR
PAROCHIAL CI. ERGY of the County of Northampton. THE Trustees of the Estates devised by the Will of the late Sir EDWARD NICHOLS, Bart, deceased, to charitable Uses, Give this public Notice, That at their Annual Meeting, which will be holden on THURSDAY the 27th Day of NOVEMBER next, they shall dispose of the unappropriated Parts of the Produce of those Estates in Benefactions to Clergymen who are Incumbents upon small Livings within the County of Northampton ; and that all due Attention will be paid to the Application of such Clergvmen as shall be made before the said 27th Day of Novem- ber, by Letters
addressed to Mr. CLARK, at the Stamp- Office, Northampton, setting forth every Cir- cumstance of Ecclesiastical or o+ her Income, of Fa- mily, of Health, and of whatever else may give the fullest Information to the Trustees of the Claimants' Title to their Favour, ( J3" Clergymen possessed only of Curacies, or of Benefices to which Institution and Induction are not necessary, arc not deemed Objects of these Benefactions. J. CLARK. Northampton, Oct. 31 « , 1806. UNION CANAL. " VTOTICE is hereby given, That the next Ilalf- .1 > 1 yearly General Assembly of the Company of Proprietors of the Leicestershire and
Northamptonshire Union Canal will he held at the THREE- CROWNS INN, in LEICESTER, en MONDAY the 17th Day of NOVEMBER, 1806, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon. J. E. CARTER, ) Clerks to the said G. WARTNABY, S Company. To MALTSTERS. To be LETT, And entered upon immediately, ALarge and commodious MALT- HOUSE, in good Repair, and in full Trade, together with about five Acres of inclosed LAND, Part Arable and Part Pasture, situate in the Parish of Padbury, in the County of Bucks, and lately occupied by Mr. George Harris, deceased. (£ 3" For Particulars, and a View of the Premises, apply to Mr.
PARKER, of Padbury; or Mr. KINC, Attorney, in Buckingham. Z. II O W T O N, SHEEP- STREET, NORTHAMPTON, X> ESPECTI- ULLY informs the Public, that he * » ••; is appointed AGENT to the UNION FIRE- OFFICF, of LONDON, established in 1714, for in- suring all Kinds of Buildings, Furniture, Goods in Trade, in Trust, or on Commission, and Siiips in Harbour, in Dock, or while building; from Loss or Damage by >' ire ; and he requests his Friends and the Public to favour him with their Orders in that Line, which will be punctually executed 011 the usual Terms. ( t3" Policies gratis, where the Premium is 6s.— Farming
Slock 2s. 6d. per Cent. HANSLOP, Bucks, Oct. 29tH, 1806. STOLEN, on Thursday Night the 15th, or early on Friday Morning the 16th of May, a FAT I. AMB; on Saturday Night the 26th, or earlv on Sunday Morning the 27th of July, another FAT LAMB; and on Mondav Night the 27th, or early on Tuesday Morning the 28th of October, a FAT EWE SHEEP ; which are supposed, by the Skinning, to be all stolen by one Person. Whoever will apprehend, or cause to be brought to Justice, the Person or Persons who committed the above Felonies, so that he- or they may be brought to Justice, shall, on Conviction, receive a Reward of
TWENTY GUINEAS of me, JOHN CAPORN. And on Saturday Night the I81I1 of October, EIGHT fine DUCKS were likewise stolen, the Property of the said JOHN CAPOR N. Any one giving Information of the Person or Persons who stole the said Ducks, so that he or they may be brought to Justice, shall, on Conviction, receive a Reward of FIVE GUINEAS of the said JOHN CAPORN. OCTOIIER 24th, 1806. be stolen, from the Farm- R1CHARD RUTUDGE, in the Parish of FIELLIDON, in the County of North- ampton, on the Night of Sunday the 19th of October instant, or early on the Monday Morning following, A BLACK SPOTTED PIG; Weight, about eight Score.— There appeared on the Monday Morning, at the Outside of the Yard, a Pony's Track. If stolen, whoever will give Information of the Person or Persons who stole the same, shall, on his or their Conviction, receive of thesaidMr. RUTLIDCE £. 5 6s. over and above the Reward of £.% 2s. of Mr. RICHARD LYNDON ROLLS, Solicitor to the Northamptonshire and Warwickshire Association, for the Prosecution of Felons.— And if more than one Person was concerned in the said Felony, and either of- them will impeach his Accomplice or Accomplices, lie shall be entitled to the above
Rewards, and every Means will be used to procure his free Pardon. Leicestershire. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, ACompact and highly- improvable F'REEIIOI. S ESTATE, situate in the Parish of TI I. TON- ON- THE- HILL; comprising a Farm - House, and Outbuildings necessary for the Occupation of the Farm, and 280 Acres of Land, chiefly Meadow and Pasture, and a small Part Arable.— Also, the capital WOODLANDS, known by the Name of TILTON; WOODS ( celebrated for the Covers), containing upwards of 80 Acres, and the Timber and Underwood standing and growing thereon.— The Farm is held at Will, at
an old Rent, which will admit of being advanced very considerably. The Woods are capable of great Im- provement, and of being rendered very productive- > oth of Timber and Underwood, to the Growth of which the Soil is perfectly congenial. To a Gentleman fond of Field Sports ( particularly" those of the Chase), this Estate is peculiarly adapted,, being centrally situate in the Midst of several highly- celebrated Hunts, which frequently visit the Covers of Tilton.— The present Farm- House, situate in thei Village of Tilton, may, at a small Expence, be con- verted into a Hiuiting- Box i and a new Farm- House; may, with
Convenience and Advantage, be erected on the Farm. fCJ" TILTON is distant from Leicester about ten Miles, and one Mile and a Half from the Turnpike- Road leading from Leicester to Uppingham. *** Printed Particulars may be had at the Bell Inn, at Leicester; of Mr. JOHN WILDHORE, Tilton, who will direct a Person to shew the Estate; and of Messrs. RICHARDSON, SON, and CORIIELD, Land- Surveyors, Lincoln's- 1nn- Fields, London, who are duly authorized to contract for the Sale. Bow- Brickhill, Bucks. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Messrs. YOUNG & SON, At Garraway's Coffee- House, ' Change- Alley, Corn- hill,
London, on Thursday the 6th of November, 1806, at Twelve o'Clock, AN eligible FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate at . BO W- BRICKH1LL, near Little- Brickhill and Wohurn, and 45 Miles from London; consisting of Farm- House and Outbuildings, and several In- cisures of Land, containing, by Estimation, ninety Acres, lett to Mr. William Boddily, at Will, at One Hundred and Five Pounds. fi^ The Tenant will shew the Estate.— Printed Particulars may be had at the Swan, Liltle- Brickhill; White- Horse, Hockliffc; Cock, Stony- Stratford; George, Woburn; of Messrs. Allen, Exley, & Stocker, No. 4, Furnival's Inn, Holljorn; at Garra- way' 6;
and of Messrs. Young & Son, No. 58, Chan- cery- Lane, London. IOST, supposed to ^ Yard of Mr. R1C BULL INN, OLNEY, LICKS. Cheap and expeditious Travel linf to London, in a new ! To Free Public - House. LETT, for a Term of Years, upon immediately, be And filtered ( The present Occupier having engaged in another Line of Business), RPHAT well- known PUBLIC- HOUSE, called the X OLD COCK, at PAVINGHAM, near Bedford, now in full Trade.— The House consists of two good Cellars, two Parlours, a Kitchen, and five Bed- chambers; a good Brewhouse, Wash- House, & c.; a Stable, and three Barns; Garden,
Orchard, and Y'ard, with a Well of good Water. gdT For Particulars, apply to Mf. JOHN SMITH, the Tenant, or to Mr. WILLIAM WHITE, Auctioneer, Bedford. SALE P O S T 1' O N E D. Northamptonshire. DESIRABLE FREEHOLD ESTATE. To be SOLD by AUG T J O N, By DANIEL FROST, At the Flouse of Mrs. Griffin, known by the Sign of the Fox, situate at Charwelton, in the County of Northampton, 011 Monday the 24th Day of November, 180S ( instead of Monday the 3d of November, as advertised last Week), at Twelve o'Clock at Noon, subject to such Conditions of Sale as will be then and there produced, AVery compact
and desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate at CHARWELTON afore- said, in the following Lots:— Lot I. All that neat and substantial Mansion- House, late the Residence of the Rev. T. Knightley, deceased, and fit for the Receptionofa Gentleman's Family, with the Barns, Stables, and other Outbuildings; Garden, Orchard, and Pools thereunto adjoining and belonging; together with several Closes or Pieces of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, commonly called by the several Names of the Hogstye Yard, with the Point and Spinney at the Bottom thereof, the Hanky Close, the Square Ground, and the Long Meadow, containing
together 34A. 2R. 121'. or thereabouts, and now in the several Occupations of the Rev. Wai. Hooper and Mr. Joseph Dormer. Lot 2. All those several Closes or Pieces of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Ground, called by the several Names of the Barley Field, with the Pond and Spin- ney at the Bottom thorcof, Great Gostilow, Little Gostilow Meadow, and the Green Hill, containing together 57A. 3R. 31P. or thereabouts, and now also in the Occupation of the said Joseph Dormer. Lot 3. All those several Closes or Pieces of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Ground, called by the several Names of the Butcher's Ground, Butcher's Hill,
Butcher's Meadow, and Edwards's Long Meadow, containing together 69A. OR. 36P. or thereabouts, and now in the Occupation of Mr. Thomas Hinde. Lot 4. A small Piece of Land, used as a Garden, containing about 1R. 101'. lying opposite to the above- mentioned Mansion- House, and now in the Occupation of the said Joseph Dormer. 03T The Tenants' Terms expire at Lady- Day next, when the Purchasers may have Possession. » ** CHARWELTON is situate in a good sporting Country, and distant from Daventry four Miles, from Southam eight Miles, and from Banbury twelve Miles, all good Market Towns. N. B. For a View
of the Premises, apply to the respective TENANTS ; and for further Particulars, to Mr. W1 LLIAM SNOW, of Offchurch, near Warwick; or Messrs. WOODCOCK SC TWIST, Solicitors, Co- ventry, at whose Otiica a Plan of the Estate may be seon. GENTEEL RESIDENCE. To be LETT, Neatly furnished, until Lady - Day next, . And may be. entered upon immediately, ALL that neat and convenient liOUSF., . pleasantly situated at PITSFORD, about five Miles from Northampton, ! a theAlarket- Hatborou'gh Road, and in the Centre of the Pitchley and Altborp Hunts; consisting of a large Hall, Dining and Break- fast- Rooms, Kitchen,
Brewhouse, Dairy, & c. on the Ground Floor; sufficient Cellars; good Chambers and Dressing- Rooms; suitable attached and detached Offices, Coach- House, Stables, and Granaries; a good Garden and Shrubbery, tastefully laid out, with or without the Use of two Closes of Land.— The Whole forming a very comforiable Residence. For further Particulars, enquire of Mr. L. KIRSHAW, Surveyor and Auctioneer, Northampton. October Wth, 1806. Convenient and Comfortable House und Lund. To be LETT, And may be entered upon immediately, AL L those convenient and well - adapted PREMISES, situate and being in the
pleasant Town of WEST- HAD. DON, in the County of Northampton, now in the Occupation of Mr. Curtis. The House consists of a good Hall, Parlour, Kitchen, Pantry, two Cellars, a Dairy, and Cheese- Room, on the Ground Floor; four good Sleeping- Rooms on the first Floor; also suitable AVics,; spacious paved Yard, Barn, excellent Three- stall Stable, Coal- House, Piggeries, Lead Pump, and a Well of good Water; two Gardens, well fenced and planted with choice Fruit Trees; also an excellent, rich, fertile Orchard, or Close of Land, adjoining the same, in high Cul- tivation, exceedingly well fenced, and a Barn on the same,
containing 3A. OR. 6P.— The Whole forming a compact desirable Situation far a genteel Family, or any Person requiring Room. ( J3" WEST- HADDON is situated 10 Miles from Northampton, 7 Miles from Daventry, 8 Miles from Rugby, and 6 Miles from Welford. For further Particulars, enquire on the Premises; or of Mr. KIRSHAW, Surveyor and Auctioneer, Northampton. and eiegaht Telegraph Cuacb, called THE ACCOMMODATION, To cany only Jcur Insidei ; " VVnirCH sets out from the above Inn every » ' TUESDAY, THURSDAY, and SATURDAY MORN- ING, at Half- past Five o'. Clock, and will arrive at the GEORCE AND- BLUF.- BOAR INN, HOLHORN, punctually at Half- past Three ( at which Inn Tra- vellers and Families will find Accommodations equal to any House in London); whence it returns on MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY MORNINGS, at a Quarter before Eight. JOHN GILBERT & Co. Proprietors. ^ The Proprietors beg Leave to say, that in Consequence of the numerous Applications from the Inhabitants of OLNEY and its Neighbourhood, they have been induced to establish this Coach for their Accommodation, and hope to meet with their I nterest; assuring them and the Public in general, that Nothing shall be wanting to
render this the most comfortable Conveyance 011 the Road, having provided a Coach upon a new Principle; and every Attention will be paid tn the early Delivery ot Parcels, Sec.— Not ac- countable for any Article lost or damaged above the Value of Five Pounds, unless entered as such and paid for accordingly. *** The Fare from Olney to London is lis. Inside, and 7s. Outside.— All Parcels charged on very moderate Terms*— Passengers and Parcels are regulaily booked by Mr. WORI. EY, Bull Inn, Olney. N. B. For the Convenience of those resident in the City, Passengers and Parcels may be booked at the WINDMILL INN,
ST. JOHN- STREET, at which Place the Coach regularly calls going in and coining Out of London. Eligible Situation in the Drapery, Grocery, and Bacon Trade. To be LETT or SOLD, And entered upon immediately, AN old- established SHOP, in the above Lines, at PADBURY, a pleasant and populous Village, in the County of Bucks.- ( pt For Particulars, and to treat for the Good- Will, Stock, See. apply to RICHARD KING, of Padbury, near Buckingham ( ifjiy Letter, Post- paid); who will give the most satisfactory Reasons for wishing to decline it. Every Requisite, ready fixed, for carrying on the Tallow- Chandlering Business, may
be had, if required. To be SOLD, AFARM, in the Lordship of LODDINGTON, in the County of Leicester; comprising rich Feeding Land, with some Arable and excellent Meadow Ground, amounting in the Whole to about 150 Acres, lying very compact, and capable of much Improvement.— There is no House 011 the Farm, but the Situation is extremely well adapted for building, and rendered remarkably pleasant by the Neighbouring Woods. Early Possession may be had. Apply at the Law Offices of Messrs. PARES, MILES, & ALSTON, Leicester;, or Mr. PALMER, of Uppingham. Warwickshire. To be SOLD by PRIVATE
CONTRACT, AFREEHOLD ESTATE; consisting of Manor, extendihg over upwards of 1000 Acres of Land, well stocked with Game, two Farm- Houses, and 350 Acres of old- iRclosed Pasture and Meadow Ground, Tythe- free, in a Ring Fence, and within six Miles of DAVENTRY. $ 3" Possession may be had on the 21st of December next. *** Apply, for further Particulars, to Mr. BURTON, Attorney, Daventry ; or to Messrs. K > NDERLEY, LONG, & INCE, Symond's- lnn, Chancery- Lane, London. PETERBOROUGH, OUNDLE, UPPLNGHAM, AND STAMFORD FLY. WAGGONS, From the iied- JAon Inn, Aldersgute- Street,
London. \ V DEACON & Co. respectfully inform » * . their Friends and the Public, they have now increased their WAGGONS from TWO to THREE EVERY WEEK, for the above places; which will set out MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY MORN- INGS, at Ten o'Clock. As their Increase of Business has arisen by the free Favours of tile Public, they hold themselves bound to use every Exertion to merit a Continuance of the Preference tliev have received. FLY WAGGONS daily from the above Inn, for YORK, LEEDS, NEWCASTLE, GLASGOW, EDINBURGH, and all Paris of the North. * » * GOODS are also taken in, for all
the above Waggons, as usual, at the SARACEN'S- HEAD INN, FRIDAY- STREET, London, Sept. 24th, 1806. To be SOLD, FORTY- FOUR ACRES OF PRIME LAND, IN THE , Lordship of GREAT- BOWDEN, conveniently divided, and eligibly situated near the Town of MarkeuHarborough, and contiguous to the Leicester Road.— Immediate Possession may ba had. Apply to Mr. STONE, Knighton, near Leicester; or at the Law Offices of Messrs. PARES, MILES, ST ALSTON, in Leicester. To be SOLD by AUCTION, At the Bear Inn, ip the Town of NO RTHAM PTON, Oh Monday the 3d Day of November inst. at Five o'Clock in
the Afternoon, ALL those TWO new- erected MESSUAGES or TENEMENTS, with the Brewhouse, Garden, and Appurtenance's tp the same belonging, situate in NORTH END, in the same Town, now in the Occu- pation of Hannah Pilmuir and Elizabeth Sanders. £ CT The above Premises are held, on Lease, for a Term of 21 Years, of which 17 were unexpired at Michaelmas last. Enquire of Mr. ABBEY, Solicitor, or Mr. JEYES, Solicitor, Northampton. Capital House, . Wharf, and Malting. To be LETT, to the Best Bidder, At the Ram Inn, in the Town of Northampton on Thursday the 6th Day of November inst: at Five o'Clock in
the Afternoon, subject to such Con- ditions as shall be then and there produced, ACapital MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, in - good Repair, with useful attached and detached Offices, situate in the SOUTH- QUARTER, in the Town of NORTHAMPTON, now in the Occupation of Mrs. Alice Peach.— Also, an extensive and convenient WHARF YARD, and an excellent MALTING, adjoining the said Messuage, with all requisite and convenient Buildings thereto belonging. ( jlj" The ahove Premises are most eligibly situated by the navigable River Nine, very near the Grand Junction Wharf, from whence is a direct Commu- nication, by
the present Rail- Way, to the Grand Junction Canal, and are capable of carrying on a very extensive Trade. *** For further Particulars, apply to Mr. THEO. JEYES, Solicitor, Northampton. y To Innkeepers. To be LETT by AUCTION, At the Moot- Hall, in Daventry, on Thursday the 27th Day of November instant, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions as will be then produced, ACapital MESSUAGE, near the MARKET- . HILL, in DAVENTRY, Parcel oi and attached to the MOOT- HALL, with a large Garden, Yard, Stables, and Outbuildings, conveniently and advan- tageously situated for an InH; together with
the Profits to arise from the Butchers' Shambles and other Stalls, to be set up 011 the Sciteof the Old Moot- Hall. ( PT" Apply; for further Particulars, to Mr. BURTON, Attorney, 111 Daventry. To be SOLD b y A U C T I O N , By P. WESTON, On Monday the iOth Day of November inst. between the Hours of Two and Five in the Afternoon, at the House of Jonas Hawkcs, called or known by the Name or Sign of the Carpenter's- Arms, situate at LOWE R- BODD1NGTON, in the County of Northampton ( subject to such Conditions as will be then produced), Lot 1. \ LL the said PUBLIC- HOUSE, which X" Y_ ' s FREEHOLD, and in a
good Situation for Business? consisting of a good Kitchen, Parlour, Pantry, and convenient Bed- Rooms; Yard, Garden, Brewhouse, Cellar, Wood- Barn, Pigsties, & c. & e, in good Repair. Lot 2. A large STABLE, standing at a small Distance from the House, and lately erected by the said Jonas Hawkes. jpT The Premises may be entered upon imme- diately after the Sale. Also, to be sold on the Day following, being the 11th of November, All the HOUSEHOLD - GOODS, and other EFFECTS, of the said JONAS H\ WKIS ; consisting of a good Kitchen- Range; Brewing and Washing- Coppers, Pipes, Barrels, Cooler, Tubs, Sec.;
to- gether with the Furniture in general; a large Quantity of Potatoes, of different Sorts, Sec. See. *** The Sale to begin at Ten o'Clock. N. B. All Persons who have any Claims or Demands on the Estate or Effects of the said JONAS HAWKES, are desired to send an Account thereof forthwith to Mr. Thomas, Attorney, at Brackley, or to him at the Red- Lion, at Banbury, on Thursdays; as a Dividend is intended very soon to be made among the Creditors of the said Jonas Hawkes, as far as his Property will extend. Bedfordshire. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. THOMAS BROOKS, At the Flying- Horse, at Clophill, in the County of
Bedford, 011 Friday the 14th Day of November, 1806, at One o'Clock in the Afternoon ( subject to such Conditions as will be then produced), unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, of which due Notice will be given, Freehold Copyhold ESTATES, in CLOPHILL IN THE THREE FOLLOWING LOTS:— Lot 1. A FREEHOLD CLOSE of PASTURE AM. LAND, as now fenced, called the FURTHER CLOSE, otherwise DRY. CLOSE, containing 5A. 0R. 2SP. ( more or less), adjoining the Public- House called the Compasses. Lot 2. A COTTAGE and GARDEN, and PART ofa FARM- YARD, and a CLOSE of PASTURE, called
the MIDDLE CLOSE, as now fenced, and a CLOSE of PASTURE LAND, late Mr. Home's, containing together 6A. OR. IIP. ( more or less), lying on the North- West Side of the above Lot. I. ot3. A FREEHOLD commedious DWELLING- HOUSE and GARDEN, PLEASURE GROUND, and HOMECLOSE, with COACH - HOUSE, STABLES, and requisite OUTBUILDINGS, to- gether with a COTTAGE and PART ofa FARM- YARD, containing altogether 10A. 0R. 13P. ( more or less), as now fenced, situate on the North- West of Lot 2. (£ 3* Lot 2, and a considerable Part of the Close belonging to Lot 3, are Copyholds of Inheritance,
and held of the Manor of Clophill, under a small yearly Quit- Rent, and Fine certain.— The Land- Tax of all the Lots is redeemed. Further Particulars may be had, and a Plan of the Lots may be seen, upon Application to Mr. DAVIS, Jun. Attorney, at Ampthill. N. B. The Dwelling- House belonging to Lot 3 may he viewed every Tuesday and Wednesday previous to the Sale. LONDON AND DAVENTRY PLY - WAGGONS, IN TWENTY- FOUR HOURS. AMOS PACKWOOD having been solicited by several Friends in the BUTTER and MEAT TRADE to take up and set down Goods at DAVSNTRV, by his WAGGONS, which are well
calculated for the Carriage of the above Articles; under the Patronage of those Friends, he now solicits the Favours of the Gentlemen Tradesmen of DAVENTRY' and adjacent Places, particularly the Dealers in Butter and Meat, as he flatters himself they will find his Conveyance ( for Expedition) far superior to any yet offered; and begs Leave to say, whatever Money may be paid into his Hands iri London, shall be regularly paid in Daventry, or any other Place which may be appointed, and Security, if required, given to any Amount. A. P. in » ends commencing with one Waggon per Week; and, on the sixth of November next, will
send another, in the following Manner:— From the DUN- COW INN every SUNDAY MORNINS early, which will arrive at the CASTLE- AND- FALCON, ALDERSGATE- STREET, LONDON, early on MONDAY MORNING; return from thence the SAME EVENINC, and arrive at DAVENTRY oil TUESDAY EVENING.— And, 011 the 6th of November next, he intends sending another WAGGON, to leave DAVENTRY every THURSDAY MORNING, and arrive at the above INN, LONDON, early on FRIDAY MORNINC ; return from thence the SAME EVENINO, and arrive at DAVENTRY on SUNDAY EVENING. %* The Gentlemen
Butchers and others of RUGBY and its Environs are respectfully informed,' that the above WAGGONS will take up their MEAT, Sec. at DUNCHURCH, every SATURDAY EVENING ; and, after the 6th of November, every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY EVENING. Daventiy, Sept. SO th, 1806. To Millers and Bakers. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, And may be entered upon immediately, ANew Stone- bnilt SMOCK WINDMILL, with two Pair of Stones, one Flour- Machine, and one Flour- Mill, together with a small Piece of Land thereto belonging.— The above Mill is situate at DUDDINGTON, within five Miles of
Stamford, eight of Uppingham, fourteen of Peterborough, and in an exceediqg good Corn Country. There are two Turnpike- Roads through the Village to the abov » Market Towns. ( J3T Further Particulars may be known, by per- sonal Applications, or by Letter, Post- paid, to WM. HOLLAND, at theSignof the Windmill, Duddington. October 16th, 1806. An established Vinegar Manufactory. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, • A Most capital VINEGAR MANUFACTORY, X. V situate at the Foot of FIUNTINGDON BRIDGE.— The Premises consist of an excellent and genteel Residence, with , all suitable and convenient
Office* and Gardens; together with Brewhouse, Malt- House, and Stove, capable of holding 100 Pipes; Ware- house, filled with large Vats; Malt- Room, of ex- tensive Dimensions, with Room over it of equal Extent; a Cooperage for three Coopers, with larga Loft over it; Thralls, in the Yards, for about 300 Pipes; Coppers, and every Requisite adapted to a Trade of great Magnitude.— The Premises are Free- hold, great Part thereof newly- erected upon the most convenient and complete Construction, and the Whol* in good Repair. The Yard was some Time sines occupied by a Timber and Coal- Merchant; and thera is on it an
extraordinary good Lime- Kiln, with th « requisite Offices. The Vinegar Trade is got up in a high State of Perfection; and there is Room to carry 011 the Vinegar Trade, Mercantile Business, and Dis- tillery.— The Whole is nearly insulated by the beau- tiful River Ouze, which opens a most extensive and lucrative Trade to Wisbech, Lynn, and from thenca to most Parts of the Kingdom, and to the Baltic.— So important and desirable a Situation and Concern seldom occurs, and the principal Reason of the pre- sent Proprietor parting with it is, that his State of Health will not admit of his paying the necessary Attention to it. (£ 3' The
Great North Road is in Front of ths Premises, and Common Stage - Waggons and daily Coaches pass the Door.— A large Dovecote, well stocked, has been lately erected, and the Estate is entitled to a Commonable Right in the Meadows of Codmanchester. *** Fot a View of the Estate, and to treat for the Purchase, apply to Mr. MACKIE, Surgeon, at Hunt- ingdon. ~ Ta be SOLD by A U C T I O N,~ By WILLIAM BEES LEY, At LITCHBOROUGH, in the County of North- ampton, 011 Wednesday and Thursday the 5th and 6th Days of November, 1806, ALL the STOCK in TRADE of Mr. THOMAS HOWARD, Carpenter and Joiner,
who is going to leave that Neighbourhood; consisting of 3000, Feet of Oak, Ash, and Elm Boaids; a large Quantity of Oak and Ash Planks, and. square Stuff; a Number of Oak Gate- Posts, Laths, and several Lo^ of useful Timber; likewise about 100 Lots of Carpenter and Joiner's Tools, and four Benches, with Screws, nearly new; and an excellent Wlieel Lathe. ( J3" The Tools will be sold the last Day. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DAY, On Thursday the 13th of November iiisr. between the Hours of Three atod Fivein the Afternoon, at the Cock Inn, in Whitchurch, Bucks, in one or more Lot or Lots, as shall be then agreed
on ( if not previously disposed of by Private Contract, of which, in that Event, due Notice will be given in this Paper), and subject to such Conditions as will be then produced, rjMIE LIFEIIOLD ESTATE and INTEREST , X. of a PERSON, aged about 52, in and to a FREEHOLD MESSUAGU or FARM - HOUSE ( now converted into and occupied as twp Tenements or Dwelling- Houses), with the Barn, Stable, large Y'anl, Garden, -! and a Flomeclose of rich Pasture, containing three Acres ( more or less), thereto be- longing, with their Appurtenances, situate ill the Hamlet of WEEDON, near AYLESBURY, Bucks, and now in the
Occupation of Thomas Ivatts, or his Undertenants. And also, the LIFE ESTATE and INTEREST of the same PERSON, of and in TWO several PLOTS or ALLOTMENTS of new- inclosed LAND or GROUND, containing together, by Statute Mea- sure, 60A. 3R. 21P. ( near 40 Acres of which are fine old Sweard), also lying in the Hamlet of WEEDON aforesaid, and now occupied by the said Thomas Ivatts, as Tenant at Will, at the very low annual Rent of ^. 120.— The last- mentioned Premises are Copyhold ( charged with a small and certain yearly Quit- Rent of i'. l 14s. - Id.), and situate in the Centre of the celebrated Vale of
AYLESBURY. ( PT For Inspection of the above, please to apply fp Mr. THOMAS GREEN, Baker's- Lane, Aylesbury ; and for mo: e Particulars, to the AUCTIONEER, in Stony- Stratford; to Mr. ARROW SMITH, Solicitor, Newport* Pagnell; or to WILLIAM AGEK, Esq. 9, Furnival'a. Inn, London. »
fygp Wednesday and Thursday's Posts. L 0 iVD 0 AT, October 30. THE following is the French official account of the battle of the 14th. We lament to state, that the result of it has been infinitely more dis- astrous to the Prussians than even the dispatches from Lord Morpeth led us to suppose. Detail* of the battle of Jena, fought the Uth of October, at Jena. " At Jena, \ bth Oct. 1806. « The b » ttle which was fought yesterday near Jena, will form an epoch in history. The Prussian army amounted to 150,000 men; they have lost 200 pieces of cannon, 30 standards, and 28,000 prisoners. The Duke of Brunswick and Gen. Ruchel are
both killed, and Prince Henrv of Prussia dangerously wounded. A great number of Prussian Generals and Officers are likewise wounded.— The loss of the French is much smaller; there are 1200 in the hospital of Jena, and 1500 in that of Nauenbourg; and among the killed only one General, De Billy, a soldier full of courage. The French cavalry is covered with glory.— Marshal Da- voust stoy/ ped the enemy at the defiles of Rosen, and before Nauenbourg; he fought the whole day, and routed more than60,000 men, commanded by Generals Mollendorf, Kalkreuth, and the King of Prussia in person.— The Queen of Prussia,
pursued by a squadron of hussars, fled on the side of Weimar. She left that place only three hours before our troops took possession of it. As she took flight in the direction where there » re many' ot our troops, it is still very possible she may be taken prisoner.— The divisions of Cuirassiers and dragoons could not arrive before the end of the day. They broke several square battalions of the Prussians, sud made them prisoners. The Grand Duke of Betg was constantly at their head.— Our troops arrived in the evening at Weimar, pursuing the rear- guard of the left wing of the enemy. Marshal Davoust pursued • lie right wing as
far as Neustadt; he has this morning established his head- quarters at Likardsberg. It is thought the enemy are trying to collect themselves on the side of Frankenhausen, in order to gain Magdeburgh. The loss of the enemy must have been enormous, we can hardly know it for some time to come: six of their Generals, and a great number of Colonels, are prisoners of war." Accounts are received from Berlin of the 18th, stating, that the Queen had arrived there on the preceding evening, and again quitted the capital on the 18th.— The Duke of Brunswick is not killed: he was wounded by a grape- shot at the beginning of the battle,
in reconnoitring the posi- tion of the eneniv.— The loss in killed and wounded is estimated at " from 30,000 to 40,000 men. Ge- nerals Mollendorf, Kalkreuth, Kuchel, Blucher, and Taueuzien, are among the number. The battle was fought at Auerstaedt. The Prussian army was oil its retreat to Magdeburgh. After the battle, the head- quarters of the French nrmy were transferred to Leipsic; and the advanced guard had actually taken possession of Dresden. Lord Morpeth arrived on the 18th at Hamburgh, j He came by way of Weimar and Bruuswick. A man, stated to have murdered Mr. Steel, is arrived in the river, on board a
vessel from the It has been lately reported, that General Moreau had arrived some time since in this country, and that after a short stay, he had taken his departure for Hamburgh. It is now said, that he is still in London, and has had an interview with Earl Spencer, and that he is to be employed in some foreign expedition. General Warde succeeds his Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland, at Winchester. The 3d regiment, or Ohl- Buffs, have marched from Siivei'hiU barracks, for Deal, to embark for foreign service. Lord Percy has declined to stand for West- minster, in consequence of which, Sir S. Hood is . put in nomination
with Mr. Sheridan; Mr, Paul! is likewise a candidate. In the event of Lord Howick being called up to the House of Peers, Earl Percy means to offer himself for IS orthumberland, and this accounts for his declining Westminster.— Sir F. Burdett intends to stand it out. for Middlesex. Mr. Mainwaring, sen. is said to be canvassing. Sir Sidney Smith is expected to stand for Ro- chester again. Some unknown friend has inclosed to his committee £. 5000, to defray the expences of his election. On Thursday a number of the Elder Brethren of the Trinity- House waited upon F. arl Spencer, their Master, at his office, and presented him with
tk'very superb sword, upou his being appointed Colonel of thc River Feucibles. Will of Mr. Fox.— This document was found o few days ago. It simply bequeaths a legacy of ,£. 500, with the interest ( which was left to Mr. Fox by a Mr. Redman, but has not yet been paid), to be equally divided between his nephew, the son of General Fox, and Robert Stephen, a youth living with Lord Bolingbroke, in America. The rest of his property, real and personal, he leaves to his wife; requesting her to " make presents in my name of any bo6ks, pictures, or marble, she thinks fit, as remembrances of me to the following friends:— Lord Holland,
General Fox, General Titzpatrick, Lord Robert Spencer, Lord Fitz- williatn, Mr. Hare, the Bishop of Down, Lord John Towusend, Miss Fox, and Mr. Bouverie. There are many others whom I love and value to the greatest degree; but these are my oldest con- nexions." The Royal Crown of England, which lias been Used by all the Sovereigns since Charles I. has lately undergone considerable repairs, and was deposited in the Tower last week, by Mr. Gilbert, the goldsmith. It is valued at £. 1,000,000. A young lady, daughter of a Noble Lord, was united in wedlock to a gardener, a few days since ! The bride w'as tit a seminary for
young ladies in the New- Road, Mary- le- bone, and in taking her daily walks she used to pass the nursery in which the v bridegroom pursued his daily labour. She became enamoured of his person, and a match was speedily formed. The young lady is under age. Mr. Tobin's manuscript play of the Faro Table is withdrawn from Drury- lane theatre— as bearing tod hard on the manners of the fashionable world ! EARTHQUAKE in SIBERIA.— Krasnoyarsk, Aug. 10. At four in the morning we had the shock of an earthquake here, which lasted four minutes and a half, and during which the Tiver Janiesei so far overflowed its banks,
that several houses situated Upon it were carried away with their inhabitants. This earthquake was followed by a great storm, after which was experienced a new shock, at three quarters past eight o'clock. It was shorter in deration, but more violent than the former, for it overthrew a number of houses, the inhabitants of which were buried in the ruins, or swallowed itp by the earth. The spire and roof of the new ehurch of St. Nicholas fell down; in consequence of which above SO persons were killed. The mtniber who have perished otherwise is estimated tit 80. A very singular circumstance followed this earthquake: the mountain
called Serii Sophra, about; 12 wersts from the town, has disappeared; and there is now in its place a lake of warm water. This lake is oval, and is about 800 fathoms in circumference: it has been sounded, and no bottom was found at. the depth of 120 fathoms: the water has a strong smell of sulphur, and all the sur- rounding ground is covered with volcanic ashes, ef a yellow colour. Four of the French prisoners who lately escaped from Norman- Cross, were taken, > Ust week, at Spalding. They said they were Americans and Portuguese, and drew knives from their clothes to resist being seized. It was with some difficulty they
wero secured.. West- Indies; but is too ill to be removed. It is said, he lias confessed his guilt, and implicated his brother. Receipt for the Jaundice.— At the commence- ment of the disorder take an egg, beat up with a small quantity of wine, every hour, for eighteen successive hours, and by all means to avoid milk at the time. The matter, though simple, has been often proved and never known to fail. DIED"| On Tuesday, at Tilford, near Farnham, in Surrey, after a lingering and painful illness, Mrs. Charlotte Smith, authoress ot Sonnets and other celebrated Works. NEWMARKET THIRD OCTOBER MEETING, 1806, MONDAY,
OCT. 27. Mr. C. Browne's Mountaineer, Sst. beat Major Wilson's brother to Vivaldi, 9st. lib. B. C. lOOgs. Mr. Windham's Glory beat Mr. Andrew's Garland, gst. 41b. each. Two- year- old C. 50gs. I. ord C. rosvenor's Jasper, 8st. 71b. beat Mr. F. Neale's Malvolio, 8st: Two- year- old C. lOOgs. h. ft. Sir C. Bunbury's Snug, 9st. 51b. beat Mr. Wilson's Sally, 8st. lib. Two- year- old C. 50gs. h. ft. Mr. Ladbroke's Achilles, 8st. beat Lord Dar- lington's Hector, 8st. Sib. Ab. M. 200gs. h. ft. Mr. Arthur's Brainworm, 8st. lib. beat Lord Dar- lington's Zodiac, 8st. Ab. M. 200gs. Mr. Arthur's Cardinal Beaufort beat Mr. Watson's Dreadnought, Sst.
21b. each. Ab. M. 200gs. h. ft. Mr. Mellish's I. uck's- All, 8st. beat Mr. F. Neale's Regulator, Sst. 81b. T. M. M. B. C. 200gs. Lord Darlington's Pavilion beat Mr. Mellish's Stavely, Sst. each. Ab. M. 500gs. Lord F". Bentinck's Optician beat Mr. HoWorth's Enterprize, 8st. R. M. lOOgs. h. ft. Mr. Arthur's Wretch, Sst. 31b. beat Mr. Mellish's OS'- she- goes, Sst. each. Ab. M. 200gs. TUESDAY, OCT. 28. " » Mr. C. Browne's Mountaineer beat Major Wilson's brother to Vivaldi. B. C. lOOgs. Lord F. G. Osborn'sNorah beat GeneralGrosvenor's Fricassee ( late Chicken). D. M. lOOgs. Mr. Blachford's Currycomb beat Sir C. Bunbury's Lydia.
Two- year- old C. 200gs. Duke of Grafton's Forrester beat Lord Stawell's Deceiver. Two- year- old C. lOOgs. Mr. Blachfard's Currycomb beat Mr. Mellish's Luck's- All. Across the Flat, lOOgs. Mr. Ladbroke's Slipper beat the Duke of Grafton's Parasol. R. M. lOOgs. Sweepstakes of 25gs. each. Ancaster's M. Sir F. Standish's sister to Duxbury .— . Mr. Windham's Glory Mr. Andrew's Garland - Fifty Pounds, for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6- yr- olds, and horses. Last three miles of B. C. Mr. Goodison's b. f. Flighty Duke of Grafton'sb. c. by Worthy Sir C. Bunbury's b. c. Spy Lord Foley's Kneebuckle - Mr. Mellish's gr. c. Bedaie Five others started—
the Judge could place but five. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 29. Sir F. Standish's f. Sst. 71b. beat- Mr. Ladbroke's Waxy c. 9st. Two- yr- old C. 30gs. Lord Foley's Blowing, Sst. beat the Duke of St. Alban's Merrythought, Sst. 51b. Two- yr- old C. 50gs. l. d Foley's Kneebuckle, 7st. 71b. beat Ld Stawell's Deceiver, Sst. Two- yr- old C. 50gs. Subscription Plate of =£. 50. Two- yr- old C. Sir C. Bunbury's ch. c. Snug, 3 yrs. old .-. 1 Mr, Howorth's b. f. Orangeade, 3yrs. old Lord Foley's b. f. Blowing, 3 yrs. old 3 Lord F. Bentinck's Bagatelle, Sst. 71b. beat Mr. S. Prime's Barouche, 6st. 121b. Two- yr- old C. 50gs. Lord Grosvenor's Jasper, 8st.
lib. beat Mr. How- orth's Plantagenet, 8st. 41b. Ab. M. 50gs. Mr. Mellish's Norval, 12st. 41b. beat Mr. D. Rad- clifie's b. m. 9st. 41b. Ab. M. 25gs. THURSDAY, OCT. 30. Mr. Arthur's Sir David, 8st. 71b. beat Lord Dar- lington's Pavilion, 8st. 21b. D. I. 200gs. h. ft. Mr. Arthur's Brainworm, 8st. 101b. beat Lord Grosvenor's Violante, 8st. lib. Ab. M. 200gs. h. ft. Duke of Giafton's Vanity,. 8st. 21b. beat Mr. Lad- broke's Achillas, 8st. 71b. Across the Flat, 200gs. h. ft. John Wydeville Roger Perewich John Tyndale John Tyndale Giles Malore Roger de la Chambre Giles Malore, Chivaler Philip Harwedon Roger de la Chambre John
Wydevill Giles Malore Henry Grene Roger de la Chambre Henry Grene, Chivaler John Mulsho John Cope Giles Malore Giles Malore John Trussell, Chivaler Ralph Grene John Warwicke John Tyndale John St. John John St. John John Tyndale John Wydevill Roger de la Chambre Roger de la Chambre Robert :! e Holdenby John Tyndale John Wydevill John Mulsho John Mulslio John Mulsho John Tyndale Giles Malore, Chivaler Robert Chiselden John Cope Hugh de Nortnburgh HINRY IV. John Chiselden John Warwicke John Cope Ralph Paries John Cope John Cope Thomas Wake Ralph - BUCKINGHAMSHIRE COUNT?
ELECTION. NOTICE is hereby given, That I have appointed , . a SPECIAL COUNTY COURT to be holden at the I SEbFOUDSIlIftE. IWILLIAM LONG, Esquire, Sheriff bf th& j County of BEDFORD, having received His Nicholas Merburg Thomas Wydevill John Trussell John St. John Thomas Mulsho John Tyndale John Bewso, Chivaler John Knyvet, Chivaler Thomas Chaumbre Richard Knightiey, Esq. John Catesby, Esq. Thomas Grene, Chivaler William Tresham, Esq. John Catesby, Esq. Thomas Chaumbre Thomas Chaumbre William Hodelston HENRY V. Thomas Wake Nicholas Merburg John Mortimer William Huddlestone
Thomas Wake Thomas Wake Richard Knightiey, Est). Simon Kinnesman( Esq. HENRY VI. Henry Mulsho William Tresham, Esq. Richard Bokeland, Esq. Thomas WydeVill Wm. Brauncepath, Esq. William Tic- sham, Esq. Richard Bokeland William Tresham COUNTY- MALI,, in AYLESBURY, in the County cf \ Majesty's Writ to me directed, for electing Two ~ — ' ' KNIOBTS to serve for the COUNTY aforesaid in the ensuing Parliament, do hereby give Notice, That at a SPECIAL COUNTY COURT, which will be held at the SHIRE- HALL, in and for the said County, on TUESDAY the 4th Day of NOVEMBER next, at Ten of the
Clock in- the Forenoon, 1 shall proceed to such Election.— Dated this < Z5th Day of October, 1866. WILLIAM LONG, Esq. Sheriff. Wm. Brauncepath, Chivaler Thomas Wake, Esq, William Tresham William Tresham, Esq. William Tresham, Esq. William Tresham, Esq. Thomas Mulsho, Esq, William Catesby, Knt. William Zouche, Esq. William Zouche, Esq. William Vaux Henry Grene, Esq. William Catesby, Esq. Thomas Thorp, Esq. Thomas Seyton, Esq. Thomas Tresham John Dyve, Esq. John Dyve, Esq. Buckingham, on TUESDAY the 4th Day (/ NOVEMBER next, at the Hour of Eleven in the Forenoon of that Day, for the
Purpose of proceeding to an Election of Two KNIGHTS to ' serve in Parliament for the said County. PHILIP HODDLE WARD, Esq. Sheriff. Sheriff's- Office, Aylesbury, Oct. 25th, 1806. To the GENTLEMEN, CLEROY, and FREEHOLDERS, of the COUNTY of BUCKS. GENTLEMEN, T3Y the Dissolution of Parliament, you will JL3 again be called upon to exercise your Privilege of electing your future Representatives; and I beg Leave again to offer myself to your Choice. I trust and hope, that the few Months which have elapsed since you conferred upon me the strongest and most flattering Mark of your Confidence, by re- electing
me, after my Acceptance of the Office which 1 hold, have not changed the Sentiments of Kindness and Indulgence which induced you, upon that Occasion, to think me not unworthy of your Protection and Support. If I shouid again be so fortunate as to enjoy the same distinguished Honour, 1 beg you will believe it will be the Study ot my Life to make you the only Return in my Power, by exerting myself with a Zeal which 1 can answer for, but with Abilities unequal to the Task, in the Maintenance of your Independence, and in the Support of your Interests and Prosperity. 1 have the Honour to be, Gentlemen, With the warmest
Sentiments of Devotion and Respect, Your obliged and faithful humble Servant, CHANDOS TEMPLE. IVotton, Oct. 22d, 1806. ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 aged ... 1 2 '. I." 3 ... 4 ... 5 EDWARD IV. Ralph Hastings,. Esq. Thomas Tresham, Knt. Ralph Hastings, Knt. Guy Bolston, Esq. John Hulcotes Robert Pemberton EDWARD VI. Henry Williams, Esq. John Cope, Esq. George Tresham, Esq. William Chauncey, Esq. MARY. John Fermour, Knt. William Chauncey, Esq. Thomas Tresham, Knt. John Spencer, Knt. PHILIF AND MARY. Thomas Tresham, Knt John Fermour, Knt. Waiter Mildmay, Knt. Walter Mildmay William Cecil, Knt. Walter
Mildmay The Representation of the' County of North- ampton, from Edward I. to the dissolutien of the last Parliament :— EDWARD I. John Loveil John Dayly de Stoke Thomas Wale Stephen Rabes John de Dyn Hugh Wake Hugh Wake Oliver le Zouehe Robt. de Veer, de Thrapston John de Lyons EDWARD II. John de Bosco William Murdak William Botevileyit John de Bois Hugh Wake John de Dene Hugh Dandelytl John de Seyton William Favell Hugh Wake Hugh Wake Hugh Wake Hugh Wake Geoffrey de la Mare Walter Fitz Robert John de Longueville Robert Baynard Philip de Hastangs Council at Lincoln Robert Barry
John de Longueville Simon de Drayton John de Daundelyu Robert de Thorp John de Ashton Simon de Drayton Lawrence Pavefy Walter Fitz Robert de Da- vent re Thomas Wale Thomas Wale Thomas Wale Robert Barre John de Longueville Walter Fitz Robert Richard de la Rohele Henry de Dean Henry de Deane John de Wolaston William Trussell Ralph Bagad John de Wollaston Thomas de Boketon Henry Trailli William de Drayton EDWARD III. Peter Fitz Warine John de Waldegrave Simon de Drayton John de St. Maur Simon de Drayton Eustace de Burnaby Simon de Drayton Simon de Drayton Robert de Daventr ®
Simon de Drayton Simon de Drayton John St. Maure Robert de Drayton Simon de Drayton Thomas de Verdon Simon de Drayton Simon de Drayton Simon de Drayton Simon de Drayton George de Longueville John de Waldegrave Thomas de Boketon Robert Barry John de Waldegrave John de Waldegrave Giles de Cugenho Robert de Daventre John de Waldegrava William Brabazourt Robert de Thorpe John de Ashton, Bart. Walter de Paries Thomas de Verdon John de Ashton Thomas de Verdon Theobald Trussell John Bassett George de Longueville George de Longueville Nicholas de Burnaby Nicholas de Burnaby
Nicholas de Burnaby Simon de Warde Nicholas de Burnaby William de Quinton William de Quinton Theobald Trussell Theobald Trussell Theobald Trussell John Verdon Thomas de Preston Thomas de Preston Richard de Wydeville Humphry de Bassingbourn Robert de Daventrc Robert de Holcot William Breton Humphry deBassingbourn Edmund Trussell Robert de Daventre Peter le Fitz Warine Robert de Tolthorp Thomas de Birkele Peter Fitz Warine William Breton John Waldegrave Peter le Fitz Warine. Thomas de Boketon Thomas de Boketon John Fitz Warine John de Higham George de Longueville John de Walloston
John de Higham Nicholas de Vieleston William de Thorp Nicholas de VielstoR John Ie Vyneter Thomas de Boketon Henry Trailly Thomas de Byfield John de Vieleston Thomas de Welton John de Vieleston Peter Malore Walter de Paries George de Longueville Walter de Paries Walter de Paries Walter de Parle* John Burdak Richard Wydeville Richard Wydeville William de Quinton Richard Wydeville Richard Wydeville William de Quinton Simon Warde Thomas de Baa William Chauncey, Esq. William Chauncey, Knt. John Spencer, Knt. EL. ' ZABETH. Edward Montague Walter Mildmay, Knt. Robert Lane, Km. Richard Knightley,
Knt. Thomas Catesby, Esq. Christopher Hatton, Knt. Walter Mildmay, Knt. Richard Knightiey, Knt. Walter Mildmay, Knt. Thomas Cecil, Knt. CHRISTOPHER YELVERTON Sergt. at Law, SPEAKER John Stanhope, Knt. William Lane, Knt. JAMES I. Edward Montague Valentine Knightiey, Knt William Spencer, Esq. Richard Knightiey, Esq CHARLES 1. William Spencer, Knt. Richard Knightiey, Esq. William Spencer, Knt. John Pickering, Knt. Richard Knightiey, Esq. Francis Nicholls, Esq. John Crewe, Esq. GilbertPickering, Kt.& Bt Gilbert Tiekering, Bart. John Dryden, Bart. CHARLES 11. Henry Yelverton, Bart. John Crewe, Esq.
Justinian Isham, Bart. George Clark, Esq. Roger Norwich, Bart. John Packhurst, Esq. John Packhurst, Esq. Miles Fleetwood, Esq. John Packhurst, Esq. Miles Fleetwood, Esq. JAMES II. Roger Norwich, Bart. Edward Montague, Esq. WILLIAM AND MARY. Roger Norwich, Batt. Sir Thomas Samwell, Bart. Andrew St. John, Bart., John Packhurst, Esq. WILLIAM 111. ALONE. , Sir Andrew St. John, Hart. Thomas Cartwright, Esq. Justinian Isham, Bart. [ John I'ackhurst, Esq. Justinian lsham, Bart. John Packhurst, Esq. Justinian lsham, Bart. Thomas Cartwright, Esq. ANNE. Justinian Isham, Bart. Thomas Cartwright, Esq. Justinian
lsham, Bart. Thomas Cartwright, Esq. ustinian. lsham, Bart. Thomas Cartwright, Esq. Justinian Isham, Bart. Thomas Cartwright, Esq. Justinian lsham, Bart. Thomas Cartwright, Esq. G EORGE I. February, 1714. Sir Justinian Isham, Bart. Thomas Cartwright, Esq. April, 1722. Sir Justinian Isham, Bart. Thomas Cartwright, Esq. GEORCE 11. August, 1727. Sir Justinian Isham, Bart. Thomas Cartwright, Esq. May, 1730. Sir Justinian Isham, Bart. May, 1734. Sir Justinian Isham, Bart. Thomas Cartwright, Esq. March, 1737. Sir Edmund Isham, Bart, ( in the Room of Sir Justinian lsham, Bart, deceased) May, 1741. Sir Edmund Isham,
Bart. Thomas Cartwright, Esq. July, 1717. Sir Edmund Isham, Bart. Thomas Cartwright, Esq. September, 1748. Valentine Knightiey, Esq. ( in the Room of Thomas Cartwright, Esq. deceased) April, 1754. Sir Edmund Isham, Bart. Valentine Knightley, Esq. December, 1754. William Cartwright, Esq. ( in the Room of Valentine Knightley, Esq. deceased) GEORCE III. April, 1761. Sir Edmund Isham, Bart. William Cartwright, Esq. March, 1768. Sir Edmund Isham, Bart. Sir William Dolben, Bart. January, 1773. Lucy Knightley, Esq. ( in the Room of Sir Edmund Isham, Bart, deceased) October, 1774. Lucy Knightley, Esq. Thomas
Powys, Esq. September, 1780. Lucy Knightley, Esq. Thomas Powys, Esq. September. 1784. Sir James Langham, Bart. Thomas Powys, Esq. June, 1790. Thomas Powys, Esq. Francis Dickins, Esq. June, 1796. Thomas Powys, Esq. Francis Dickins, Esq. August, 1797. William Ralph Cartwright, Esq. ( hi the P. oom of Thomas Powys, who had accepted the Chiltern Hundreds) July, 1802. Francis Dickins, Esq. Wm. R. Cartwright, Esq. I'o the GENTLEMEN, CLRKCY, and FREEHOLDERS, I of the COUNTY of BUCKS. GENTLEMEN, ' TMIJi Assurances of Support which I have JIL received from various most respectable
Quarters, and the Confidence that I have not abused the Trust, which the Partiality of those who first recommended me to your Notice has induced you in three successive [ Parliaments to repose in me, embolden me again to offer you my Services upon the present Occasion. | Stoughton. Grange, 30th Oct As the Principles upon which 1 have represented you continue the same, 1 hope 1 may flatter myself, that 1 shall have the Honour of your Countenance and Support on the Day of Election. -* I have the Flonour to be, Gentlemen, Your most obedient, humble Servant, SCOTT TITCHFIEI. D. To the GENTLEMEN, CI. ERGY,
and FREEHOLDERS, of the COUNTY of BEDFORD. IN soliciting you to confer on me the dis- tinguished Honour of being for a fourth Tiiae returned by you to Parliament, I have the Pride to state, that my Political Cenduct has been strictly conformable to the Principles I professed when I first offered myself to your Notice; and from those Prin- ciples, I assure you, I will never deviate, while I enjoy the Honour of being your Representative. I have the Honour to be, Your most faithful and obedient Servant, JOHN OSBORN. Chicksands- Priory, Oct. 93d, 1806. To the GENTLEMEN, CLERGY, and FREEHOLDERS, of the COUNTY
of LEICESTER. GENTLEMEN, IReturn my most sincere and grateful Acknow- ledgements for the distinguished Reception I have experienced on my Canvas, and assure you, that no Exertion of mine shall be wanting to merit a Con- tinuance of your truly honourable Support. It is my Wfsli to pay iny personal Respects to the Freeholders in general, previously to the Election, which is fixed- for THURSDAY next, the SIXTH of NOVEMBER ; but the Shortness Of the Time will necessarily prevent my making a complete Canvas, and I entreat that such Individuals as I may not be able to wait upon, will do me the Justice of attributing
ths Omission to its , proper Cause.. . The Nomination is appointed for MONDAY next, and I particularly hope for the Attendance of my Friends on that Occasion, as well as on the Day ot Election. I have the Honour to be, With the utmost Respect, ' Gentlemen, Your obliged and faithful humble Servant, GEORGE ANTHONY LEGH KECK. " 1886. To the GENTLEMEN, CLERGY, and OTHERS, the . worthy ELECTORS of AYLESBURY. GENTLEMEN, IN Consequence of the Rumours of the imme- diate Dissolution of Parliament, 1 presume to address myself to you, and to request the Honour of your Votes and Interest at the
ensuing Election. The long Acquaintance with which I have been honoured by many of the worthy Electors to whom I have been known, induces me to hope, although 1 have been prevented, by my professional Duties, from residing latterly amongst you, that I may be deemed not un- worthy of your Regard and Protection; and if I should be honoured by this Mark of your Confidence, I trust that I shall endeavour to merit your good Opinion, by the faithful and assiduous Discharge of the Duties you entrust to me. I have the Honour to be, Gentlemen, Your very faithful, And obedient humble Servant, GEORGE NUGENT. Uctton,
Oct. 20/ I, 1806. To be SOLD, AFashionable TRAVELLING CARRIAGE, with Imperial, Trunk, and Seat, built by Wir. ser, of Long- Acre.— Price 100 Guineas. ( F3" May be seen by applying to Mr. CLARKE, Coach- Maker, Northampton. Tlios. de Preston, Chivaler Thomas Fitz Walter Thomas Lattimer Richard Wydeville RICHARD II.". Thos. de Preston, Chivaler Richard'Wydeville John de Seyron Thomas ue Preston Simon Warde Thomas de i'resto* Giles St. John Giles St.- John Thomas Lattimer William ae Brentingham John Tyndale Walter Lucyen, Chivaler Nicholas Lyl'ing Nicholas L\ lling ROSE- AND- CROWN PUBLIC HOUSE. To be LETT, And entered upon immediately, THE ROSE- AND- CROWN PUBLIC- HOUSE, in SHERRINGTON, nearNewport- Pagnell, Bucks. The Coming- in easy. tC3r' For further Particulars, enquire of Mr. KNIBB, Auctioneer, Newport. Navigation Boats. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. £ IRS HA IV, On Thursday the 6th Day of November, at the Half- Moon Inn, at BLISWORTH, at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, I.' OUR good TRADING and COAL BOATS, in complete Repair. For further Particulars, enquire of Mr. LINNETT, or Mr. CURRIN, at Blisworth Wharf, Grand Junction Canal, near Northampton. SALE by
AUCTION, By T1TE & SON, On Wednesday next, the 5th Day of November iost. on the MARKET- HILL, DAVENTRY, ONE Narrow- wheel Waggon, one new Ditto, and three Narrow- wheel" Carts; neat Gig, with Plated Harness) two Barrel Churns; one 12- Gallon Copper ( new), and one 20- Gallon Ditto ( nearly new), with Grate, See. ; two Feather- Beds, in good Con- dition; one Cast- iron Oven and a Wrought- lron Ditto; capital Patent Smoke- Jack ; Cradle and other Spits, with Reflectors; Fenders and Fire- irons; Copper and Iron Boilers, Cast- iron and other Pots, and twelve new and old Copper Tea- Kettles; two Thirty- hour
Clocks ( quite new), an Eight- day Ditto, and a capital Timepiece; several good Iron- bound Half- Hogshead Barrels and Tubs; Pit and Cross- Cut Saws, Hand- Saws, & c. & c. ; about a Ton of sorted Nails, & c. comprising Horse and Gate Nails, Spikes, and Waggon Clouts ; Waggon, Wire, Horn, and Stable I. anthorns; and Carpenter and Joiners' Tools in general. The Sale will begin precisely at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon. BY MARKET- HARBOItOUGII, Oct. 29th, 1806. IF the Person who came to the House of THOMAS GOWARD, the Sign of the Green- Dragon, in MARKET- HARHOROUGH, on the 10th Instant, and went
away the next Day without discharging the Bill he had incurred, leaving TWO ASSES, does not pay the same, and the Expences of keeping the Asses ever since, within fourteen Days from the Date hereof, they will be sold by the said Thomas Goward for Payment thereof, immediately after that Time. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By RICHARD SMITH, On Saturday the 8th Day of November, 1806, at the Talbot I nn, Oundfe, in the County of Northampton, between the Hours of Six and Seven in the Evening ( unless previously disposed of by Private Contract), ACapital Stone- built SMOCK WINDMILL, conveniently situated , near
the Town of Oundle aforesaid, in complete Repair, carrying two Pair of Stones, with a Six- feet Flour- Machine, Flour- Mill, Gears, and other Implements thereunto belonging; also, about Half an Acre of Land, belonging to and whereupon the Mill stands, now in the Occupation of Robert Brown. n f Possession may be had at Old Midsummer next. * « * The Purchaser may be accommodated ( if de- sirable to him) with about t : ree Acres of Land lying near the said Mill. N. B. For further Particulars, * pp! y to Mr BALDJRITQN, Solicitor, Oundie. THfi KING'S PATENT. R YMER's CARDIAC AND NERVOUS TINCTURE: rpHE onlv
safe and effecti^ al Remedy for Dis- - 1 orders of the Head, Stomach, and Bowels, viz. First,— Head- Ach, Confusion, and Giddiness. Secondly,— Indigestion, Loss of Appetite, Bilious Crudities and Retchings, Yellowness of the Eyes and Skin, Flatulence, Pain, Spasms, Heart- burn, Hiccup, Gripings, Cholic, and CostiVeness. Thirdly,— For the Gout in the Stomach and Head. Fourthly,— For all such Affections of the Nervous System, as are attended with Depression of Spirits, Paralytic and Apoplectic Dispositions, Prostration of Strength, Timidity, Tremors, & c. Fifthly,^- For bracing and strengthening the whole System, in
States of Relaxation and Debility. Sixthly,— As a powerful Antiseptic in Cases'of Putrid Bile, and for counteracting Infection, or pre- venting and curing Putrid, Malignant, and Pestilential Fevers, Sore Throat, viz. Cynanche Maligna, See. prevailing in Prisons, crowded filthy Places, Hos- pitals, Ships, hot and unhealthy Climates, See. Dr. RYMER, Crawley, $ d Month 21)/, 1806. Having for five Years past been afflicted with Indi- gestion and Disposition to Jaundice, and having tried almost every Thing recommended in such Cases, I despaired of finding Relief by Medicine; and had not taken a Mcdicine for almost two Years, and
continued in a weak debilitated State, quite unable to attend to my- Business at Times, not being able to take any Food but such as the most easy of Digestion. About a Month since I was at Reigate, when my Friend William Charman, Draper, knowing my Case, re- commended thy Medicine, the Cardiac Tincture: I took a Bottle Home with me, and, before I had taken the Whole of it, every Symptom of my Complaint was removed, and I enjoy my Health as \ Vell as ever I < lid in my Life. Thine, very respectfully, MATTHEW CAFFIN, Carpenter, & c. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Dicey & Sutton, Bow Church- Yard, London, and
at their Ware- house in Northampton; and Retail by Edge, and Marshall, Northampton; Robins, Bates, and Wil- kinson, Daventry; Mather, and Broughton, Welling- borough; Fisher, Higham- Ferrers; Rollason, and Merridew, Coventry; Sliarpe, Warwick ; Roberts, Southam; Gregory, Leicester; Harrod, Harborough ; Munn, and Collis Sc Dash, Kettering; Newcomb, Stamford; Eaton, Thrapston; York & Summers, Oun- dle; Jacob, and Horclen, Peterborough; Jenkinson, Huntingdon; Hodson, Cambridge; Palgrave, Bedford; Invvood, and Barringer, Newport- Pagnell; Quenebo- rough, Dunstable; Darton, and Tapp, Hitchin ; Inns, and
Gallard, Towcester; Seeley, Bucking- ham; Jones, Oxford; Richardson, Stony- Stratford; Hawkes, Lutterworth; Brinkler, Bicester; and by every Vender of Patent Medicines in the United Kingdom; in Bottles of 2s. 9d. 6s. and lis. each; also in Pint Bottles, at 22s. by which there is a considerable Saving. Of - whom may likewise be had, RYMER's PECTORAL MEDICINE WITH VITAL AIR, a Preventive of the Consumption ot WALPOLE's LIFE OF FOX. This Day was published, elegantly printed in small Octavo, oil a fine Paper, with two Engravings, Price 6s. in extra Boards, RECOLLECTIONS of the LIFE of the late Right Hon.
CHARLES JAMES FOX; exhi- biting a faithful Account of the most remarkable Events in his Political Career; and a Delineation of his Character as a Statesman, Senator, and Man ot" Fashion; compiehending numerous Anecdotes of his public and private Life, and an Account of his Funeral at Westminster - Abbey, on the 10th of October, 1806. To which is annexed, his WILL, as proved at Doctors' Commons. By B. C. WAI. POLE, Esq. Published by JAMES CUNDEE, at the Albion Press, in Ivy- Lane, Paternoster- Row ; and sold by W. Birdsall, Northampton; of whom maybe had, just completed, in two Vols. 12. no. Price 13s
Boards, 1 he MODERN PLUTARCH ; or, Uni- versal Biog aphy of distinguished Public Characters, living and re- cently deceased; with numerous Portraits. TALES OF THE CASTLE! ~~ A new and complete Translation from the French. By FREDERIC SHOBERL. Now first published, neatly printed in 4 Vols. 18mo. and embellished with beautiful Engravings, fronu original Designs by Mr. UWINS, Price 10s. stitched, 10s. 6d. in Boards, or 12s. bound, r|" VALES of the CASTLE: or, a COURSE of I- MORALITY for the Improv.- ment of the Youthful Mind. By MADAME DE Gl'NLIS. From the many exclusive Advantages possessed
by this Translation of the above celebrated Wcrk, th4 Publisher recommends it with Confidence to the Attention of all Parents, Instructors, and Persons who have the Care of Youth. It is executed from the latest Paris Edition, enriched with an interesting Biographical Account of the Author's Nephew, for whose Use the Work was expressly composed, a Memoir of her own Life, and much new Matter not to be found in any other English Fersifn. The Elegance of the Embgliishments, the Convenience of the Form, and, above all, its extremely low Price, cannot fail to ensure this Translation a decided Pre- ference with a discerning
Public, who are respect- fully referred to the Translator's Preface for farthet Proofs of the genuine Advantages of this Edition. The Public are particularly requested to be careful in giving their Orders to their Town or Country Bookseller, tor Mr. SHOBERL'S new and complete Translation. Published by JAMES CUNDEE, at the Albion Press, in Ivy- Lane, Paternoster- Row; and sold by W. Birdsall, Northampton; and all Booksellers and Dealers in Books in the Kingdom ; of whom also may be had, uniformly printed with the above, the interest- ing History of SANDFORD and MERTON, written by the late Drj DAY, in 2 Vols, with new
Plates, Price 5s. stitched, 5s. 6d Boards, or 6s. bound. Extract of a Letter from Sheffield, dated Nuv. 21, 1804. To Mr. LIGNUM, Surgeon, Manchester. SIR, R. THOMAS ROGERS, of GRENOSIDE, in this Neighbourhood, desires that the following Case may be transmitted for your Inspection; and, for the Good of the Afflicted, if you ihink proper to publish it in the Sheffield and other Newspapers, you are at Liberty so to do;— Mr. Rogers had been long grievously afflicted with an obstinate Scrofulous Complaint, for which he had taken numerous and various Kinds of Medicines, but all proved ineffectual, till a few Months ago, he
was by some Friends Strenuously recommended to make Trial of your ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS, fof which Purpose he called at the Shop of A. and E. Gales, Booksellers, Sheffield, and purchased one 4s. 6d. Bottle, from which he found much Relief: He applied a second Time, when he had two small Bottles more, which he found continued to extirpate his miserable Complaint; and lastly he applied for a large Bottle of the Drops, by the Use of which and the'three small ones, he is happily restored to Health and Strength. Mr. Pv. requests, for the Good of Mankind in general, that you will not fail to publish the Particulars as
above related — The above is at. tested by many respectable Neighbours. *** To prevent Counterfeits, observe these Words— " John Lignum, Bridge- Street, Manchester,"- cn- 1 graved on a black Stamp, by Favour ot His Majesty's Commissioners; to imitate which is Felony. ( pi* These Drops are sold in moulded square Bot- tles, at Us. and 4s. 6d.— One Us. Bottle is equal in Quantity to three 4s. 6d. ones. Thev m w be had Wholesale and Retail, at Mr. I. IONUM'S, NO. 57, Bridge- Street, Manchester; and, by Appointment, of Howard & Evans, 42, Long- Lane, West- Smithfield- Dicey & Co. 10, Bow Church- V ard ; Barclays
Son, 95, Fleet- Market; Shaw & Edwards, 66, St. Paul's Church- Yard; Butler, 4, Cheapside; andNewbery& Sons, 45, St. Paul's Church. Yard, London; and P. eiail Of Dicey Sc Sutton, and Marshall, Northampton ; Green & Taylor, Ampthill; Gardner, Biggleswade; Palgrave, Bedford; Beestey, Banbury; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry; Ridge, Newark; Inwood, Newport- l'agnell; Tookey, Oundle; Jacob, Peterborough; Inns, Tow- cester; Paul, St. Ives; Jenkinson, Huntingdon; Collis" & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Mather, Welling-' , , , , borough; Darton, Hitchin; Simson, Hertford; the Lungs, commonly called a Decline; in Bottles at!
ot thi principal Venders of genuine Medicines in the ; 2s. 9d. 6s. and lis, each, Duty included. I Unit*) » | United Kingdom.
mammmsmt S, - y i Friday and Saturday's Posts. LONDON, October 31. DISPATCHES were received yesterday from our squadron off " Havre, brought to Ports- mouth by the Cracker gun- vessel. We understand they state, that all the seamen at that and the neighbouring sea- ports, had been landed, and inarched to Boulogne, to navigate the immense flotilla there to ot. her" ports, as the French are under considerable apprehensions for their safety, from the late attacks made by the purolechnical rockets. The Diamond, Narad, La Fleehe, and Clinker, were left off Havre. American Papers to the 35th ult. have been ' received.
They confirm the accounts lately brought by the Boston papers, of Miranda having re- einbarked his troops; but they state, that this measure was adopted for the purpose of making an attack in some other part of South- America, and not in consequence of any defeat or despair of success where they were. The Eole and Patriote, of 74 guns, part of Willeaumez's squadron, were at Annapolis, in a very disabled state. The King of Sweden has ordered all Swedish subjects to leave the dominions of France, under penalty of confiscation of property, & c.— His Majesty is making preparations to assist in the war against the common
enemy. Statement of the Military force of the French Empire, exclusive of its Allies, & c. :•— Infantry of ihe I. ine and Chasseurs a pied 580,000 Men. dl f' L » le of of lia lis of as v.' b te- K 10. Dm p, ?{ tlio hy tin the Dns ted at> > r's isly t me ice, re- ct- het iful try lett ess, W. and nay tst- : teii tcs, this ring ind, r to you pith . had but lvas lake for E. oie feefi mall •> ate or a and alth i of ilish I at. h- en^ Ity'j pot, il in had, 57, !, of ield; Son, lul's rv & etail. reen lave, ison, nell; ' ow-. ollis, ling-, and I thf H To the OEHTLFEMEK, CLERGY, and FRTEEIIBTDESS, of the COUNTY of NORTHAMPTON. AVIN G ' received His Majesty's Writ, for
the Election of Two KNIGHTS to serve in Par- 1 lament for the COUNTY of NORTHAMPTON, I do hereby appoint a PUBLIC MEETING of the GEN- TLEMEN, CLERGY, and FREEHOLDERS of the said County, to be hotden at the COUNTY- HALL, in the Town of NORTHAMPTON, ore WEDNESDAY the EJFTH Day of NOVEMBER next, at the Hour of Eleven in the Forenoon, to consider of and nominate proper Persons, to serve in Parliament for the said County. THOMAS CARTER, Sheriff. Edgcott, Oct. 27th, 1806. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE HAVING received His Majesty's Writ, under the. Great Seal of Great - Britain, to me
directed, for the Election of Two KNIGHTS to servk in Parliament for the said County, I do hereby give Notice, That a SPECIAL COUNTY COURT will be holden tit the COUNTY- HALL, in the Town of . NORTHAMPTON, in the said County, on WEDNESDAY the 12th Day of NOVEMBER next, at the Hour of Ten in the Forenoon, for the Purpose only of pro- ceeding to such Election,; of which all the Free- holders of the. said County, and others concerned, are required to take Notice. TIIOMAS CARTER, Sheriff. Edgcott, Oct. 27th, 1806. To tlie WORTHY and INDEPENDENT ELECTORS of the TOWN of NORTHAMPTON.
GENTLEMEN, T Reg Leave to return you my sincere Thanks . a- for the Honour you have again conferred upon me, by sending me to Parliafneht as one of your' Repie- sentatives. 1 receive with the greatest Pleasure this flattering Mark of your Confidence; and as 1 , wish not only to shew myself grateful for past Favours, but desirous of deserving them in future, you may rest assured that I shall continue to pursue that Line of Conduct, and adhere to those Principles,, which have been thus sanctioned by your Approbation. I have the Honour to be, Gentlemen, Your much- obliged and obedient Servant, SPENCER PERCEVAL.
Lincoln's. Inn- Fields, Oct, 3Ist, 1806. Italian Legion 30,000) Swiss Legion 12,000£- Ysenbourg Legion — 8,000) Cavalry, 25 regts. heavy horse. .21,250) 25 ditto dragoons 31,2501 15 ditto chasseurs 27,0001 18 ditto hussars 22,500 J Artillery, Horse 8,750) Foot 12,500 £ Engineer corps 3,800} Miscellanies, 2 regts. carabiniers 2,5001 Horse gendarmerie 22,000 I Foot ditto 12,800 Imperial guard .- 15,000 l onagri Municipal guard ^ 20 00Q ' 1 50,000 102,000 25,050 ' 8,000 of Paris Invalids doing , garrison duty ' Ctnxrips ef the year 1806, at least...". 150,000 Total 887,350 This force can be increased, and is generally, in times of
danger, by the cohme mobile, or that part of the National Guard which consists of persons between the ages of 16 and 45. Tile colonne mobile should not, according to the constitution, serve in foreign coun- tries, or without the territory of the French Empire; but this law is never attended to; and no difference is made between this body of militia and the regular soldiery. A few evenings since, a Spanish officer, second captain of a frigate, who was in the hospital of Mill- Bav prison, Plymouth, made his cscape in the following manner:— About dusk of the evening, speaking English very well, and being dressed in black, he came to
the centinel, at the wicket gate, and boldly asked him to open it, which the centinel, supposing him to be one of the at- tendant surgeons, immediately did, and the Spaniard Coolly walked but into the road and got clear off. X'XTANTED to PURCHASE, The . NEXT W IMMEDIATE PRESENTATION or PER- PETUAL ADVOWSON of a RECTORY, worth not less than =£. 400 per Annum, with a good Par- sonage- House, and a Prospect of early Possession, situate in either of the Counties of Northampton, Leicester, or Warwick. ( pT For further Particulars, apply to A. iS. at the Printers'; if by Letter, Post- paid. TANTED
immediateiyTAYOUTH, out of a respectable Family, as ail API'RENT1CE to the CHEMICAL and DRUG BUSINESSES.— As he will be treated in every Respect as one of the Family, a handsome Premium is expected. ( GR Apply ( if by Letter, Post- paid,) to SIMMONS & WELCH, Marker- Place, Leicester. WANTED, A stout, active YOUTH, of Respectability, about 16 or 17 Years of Age, as an APPRENTICE to a MILLER or BAKER, or both. Particulars may be had by applying to K. Y. Post- Office, Higham- Ferrers, Northamptonshire; if by Letter, Post- paid. A Premium will be expected. To the GENTLEMEN, CLERGY, and
other FREE- HOLDERS, of the COUNTY of NORTH- AMPTON. • GENTLEMEN, THE Choice of. your Representatives having again reverted to you, in Consequence of the Dissolution of Parliament, I beg Leave to renew the Offer of my Services, j. triisting that the Line of Con- duct which, as an independent Country Gentleman, I have felt it my Duty steadily to pursue, will be honoured by your Encouragement and Support. 1 take the Liberty of requesting the early • Attend- ance of my Friends at the COUNTY- HALL, on the Day of Nomination, which is fixed- tor WEDNESDAY next, the 5th Instant, at Eleven o'Clock. I have the
Honour to be, Gentlemen, With great Respect, Your obedient aud humble Servant, WM. LANGHAM. Cottcsimh, Nov. 1 st, 1806. To the GENTLEMEN, CLERGY-, and FREEHOLDERS, of the COUNTY of NORTHAMPTON. GENTLEMEN, fTM- IE Period has now arrived, earlier indeed 4. than I expected,- when. the very numerous Pro- mises of Support which 1 received during my Canvas are to be fulfilled. To the Event of a Poll 1 look forward, with the greatest Satisfaction, for I have every Reason to hope, that 1 shall theri be chosen one of the Representatives of Northamptonshire; a Situ- ation which it has long been my
Ambition tu obtain, and which it shall ever be my Pride to deserve. And I now take Occasion to add, that the High- Sheriff having fixed WEDNESDAY the 12fh of NOVEMBER for the Commencement of the Pall, I earnestly and par- ticularly request and intreat the Favour of your At- tendance on that Day. I have, the Honour to be, Gentlemen, Your most obliged and obedient humble Servant, ALTHORP. ( J3* Lord Althorp's Committee will sit every Day till, and during the Election, at the House of Mr. CLARKE, Coach- Maker, Parade, Northampton. Althorp, Nov. Ist, 1805. To the GENTLEMEN, CLERGY, and other FREE HOLDERS, of the COUNTY of NORTH- AMPTON. ADissolution of Parliament having taken Place, 1 avail myself of the earliest Opportunity to offer myself again to your Scrvice,' as one of your Representatives. » The numerous Promises of Support I have received, and the flattering Result of the very general Canvas which 1 have so recently concluded, afford me the fairest Prospect of Success in the Attainment of the Object to which I most ardently aspire, namely, this unequivocal Proof, that my Conduct since 1 have had the Honour to represent you in Parliament, is ap- proved by the Generality of my Constituents. I feel
myself compelled once more to state, that am in no Wayi and nevc- r have been, directly sr To the WORTHY and INDEPENDENT ELECTORS of the TOWN of NORTHAMPTON. GENTLEMEN, rpiIE repeated and decisive Proofs of your t- Confidence and Attachment again shewn me this Day, in electing me one of your Representatives in Parliament, call f ® r my grateful Acknowledgment and- sincere Thanks. The Political Principles of Mr. Fox, which I have ever followed in Parliament, 1 shall retain for my Guide, as my Opinion of him as a Statesman will never be forgotten. That he was one- of the greatest Statesmen that
ever adorned this Country, is now universally acknowledged; but, unfortunately for the Country, his Abilities to assist in saving it from the perilous Situation it was brought. into, were not called for until within a short Time of his Death. Sentiments of Gratitude to my Constituents,- far greater than 1 can express, and the Interest I Dave 1 - felt for the Prosperity of the Town of North NORTHAMPTONSHIRE YEOMANRY CAVALRY. rr IIE Gcntlemrti of the KETTERING I- TROOP are requested to meet in ROWELL FIELD, on MONDAY the 3d of NOVEMBER, at Ten o'Clock in the Morning. G. WATSON, Captain. October 93d, 1806.
BANBURY, Oct. 20th, 1806. IEAGLES, SURGEON, APOTHECARY, and MAN- . MIDWIFE, BANBURY, informs his Friends, that he is removed from WARDINGTON to BANBURY ; where he solicits a Continuance of that Indulgence he has for many Years experienced. { ff Mr. E. attends daily at WARDINGTON. long ampton, are too deeply impressed on my Mind ever to be forgotten. 1 am, Gentlemen, Your much obliged, And faithful humble Servant, E. BOUVERIE. Delapre- Abbey, Oct. 29th, 1806. SHEEP - STEALING. FIFTEEN GUINEAS REWARD. WHEREAS on Friday Night last, or early on Saturday Morning, some
Person or Persons did KILL and TAKE AWAY, from a Close at CLAPTON, adjoining Wigsthorpe Wold, A FAT WETHER SHEEP, the Property of Mr. WILLIAM HOUGHTON, of TITSHMARSH, a Member of the Thrapston Asso- ciation ( leaving the Head, Skin, and Entrails behind): Whoever will discover the Ollinder or Offenders, shall, on his or their Conviction, receive a Reward of TEN GUINEAS from the said WM. HOUGHTON; and a further Reward of FIVE GUINEAS trom Mr. THOMAS KNIGHT, of Twywell, Treasurer of the said Association.— And if more than one was concerned in the above Felony, and either will impeach
his Accom- plice or Accomplices, he shall, on his or their Con- viction, be entitled to the above Rewards, and Appli- cation will be made for a free Pardon. October 28th, 1806. M. L- O E I^ MBRACES the present Opportunity U thanking her Friends for the many Favours received, and hopes, by assiduous Attention, to merit a Continuance of the same; and begs Leave to inform them, she is returned from LONSON with a j fashionable Assortment of MILLINERY, SPENCERS, COATS, and MANTLES;, also, a Variety of TERRY aud PERSIAN VELVETS, SARSNETS, SALISBURY FLANNELS, Sec. which will be open for Sale on
MONDAY the 3d Instant. Sheep- Street, Northampton, Nov. \ st, 1806. EASTON- MAUDIT, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. To be LETT, for eight Years, From Michaelmas las!, determinable on certain Contingencies, ADWELLING- HOUSE, fit for a small Family, - with a GARDE N, and about nine Acres of inclosed GRASS GROUND, and the FEED of ( about an Acre of. MEADOW GROUND; about of I nine Acres of ARABLE and GRASS GROUND, j inclosed, in GRENDON; and about eight Acres j of ARABLE and GRASS GROUND, inclosed, in BOZEAT ; not far distant from each other, and con- venient for Occupation.— The
Whole is Tvthe- free. f£ 3T For a View of the same, apply to" Mr. JOHN CLIFTON, on the Premises; and to treat for the Renting of it, to the Rev. JAMES GIBBS, Wel- lingborough. Mr. M'KORKELL's PUPILS' BALLS. ^^ T NORTHAMPTON, THURSDAY EVENING at the INN the GEORGE the 27th of No- WANTED, for a respectable YOUNG MAN, A SITUATION in the GRAZING LINE. He has been in the Farming Business upwards of two Years, and wishes for farther Improvement.— Salary to him will be no Object. Letters ( Post- paid) addressed to A. B. C. at the Chequers, at Clifton, Bedfordshire, will be im- mediately
attended to. *** The Counties of Leicester or Lincoln would be preferred 20th of NOVEMBER, ASSEMBLY- ROOMS ; At BIRMINGHAM,- THURSDAY VEMBER, at the ROYAL HOTEL; And at RUGBY, MONDAY the 1st of DECEMBER, at the NEW ASSEMBLY- ROOMS'. Mr. M'KORKELI. respectfully acquaints the Nobi- lity, Gentry, and his Friends, his PUPILS' BALLS will consist of the greatest. Variety of fashionable Dances. - The BAND of Music will consist of eminent Pro- fessors from London; the Grand Pedal- Harp, by Mr. WILCOX ; Violin, Mr. SHERRINGTON; Violoncello, Mr. BINFIELD; Double Bass, Mr. WILSON-; the
Rest of the Band for Violins, Flutes, and Horns, by the best Performers. The Music will ba conducted by Mr. STERNBERG ; and, in the Course of the Evening, Mr. WILCOX will- play a Solo on the Harp, in which will be introduced the most favourite Welch Airs, & c. { f5T Particulars will be given in due Time. Abington- Street, Northampton, Oct. lid, 1806. Capital new and old Hay. For SALE by AUCTION, By MASON & SON, On the Premises, in a Meadow near the Turnpike Road, in the Parish of DUSTON, in the County of Northampton, on Monday the 10th Day of No- vember, 1806, - pOLR RICKS of well- got HAY, in Lots— - L'
The Company are requested to meet at the G reen- Man. Inn, in St. James's End, at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, to proceed to the Place of-' Sale. I indirectly, connected with any other Candidate, and that I have in no Instance departed from the Line I originally declared it my Intention to pursue. Permit me, Gentlemen, earnestly to request the Favour of your Attendance on the Day of Nomination, asd believe me to be, with the highest Respect and Gratitude, Your most obliged, And most faithful humble Servant, W. R. CARTWRIGHT. Aynho, Nov. lir, 1806. Farming- Stock, Furniture, Sfc. To be S O L D . by AOCTI O. N, By
JOHN DAY, * OR THE BENEFIT OF CREDITORS, On Monday next, the 3d of November, 1806, on the Premises of Mr. BENJAMIN KING, atBietchley, near Fenny- Stratford, ONE' Rick of Beans in the Straw, a Quantity of Ditto in Sacks, Barley, Peas, Straw, & c.; Turnips and Potatoes, growing; one Waggon, one Horse, two Pigs, Horse Harness, a Tarpawling Cloth, and other Effects.— Also, several Lots of HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, as Bedsteads, Feather- Beds, Blankets, Quilts, Tables, Drawers, Chairs, and various other Effects. The Sale 1O begin with tfce Farming- Stock exactly at Eleven o'Clock. . . For SALE by
AUCTION, - By MASON Sf SON, On Tuesday the llth Day of November, 1806, at the Crow- and- Horse- Shoe Ir. n, in Gold- Street, in the Town of NORTHAMPTON, ALL those MESSUAGES or TENEMENTS, situated in GOLD- STREET, late in the Occupation of Mr. Robert Briscoe, known by the Sign of the Earl Spencer's Arms ( which may, at a small Expence, be again converted into a Public- House), being now ill theTenure- of Messrs. Abraham and Collins. fid?" The above Premises are in good Repair, with convenient Cellarage and Appendages, as the Con- ditions of Sale . will express. Syresham, near Brackley. SOLD
by A U C T To be SOLD by AUCTION, On Monday the 10th of November, 1806, v » a. IN lLti rvi r. , HIS Majesty hath been pleased on to dissolve his Parliament; it how "\ A7" ANTS a SITUATION, A YOUNG MIAN, Vt 21 Years of Age, to superintend a Farm for a Widow.— He has been brought up in the Business, and can haye a good Character for Honesty and Sobriety. fpj- Letters ( Post- paid) addressed to T. C. at the White- Hart Inn, Hockliffe, will be duly attended to. XI/ ANTS a SITUATION, A middle- aged V V PERSON, to superintend a small Family, or as Housekeeper to a single Gentleman, in which Ca- pacity she has
lived upwards of twenty Years in one Place; or as an Assistant in a Shop.— Salary will be no great Object, provided the Situation is agreeable. frS' Letters ( Post- paid) addressed to C. D. at the iPost- Ofiice, Oundle, will be duly answered. W E E D O N. WANTED, for the Works, SIXTEEN LOADS of OAT or BARLEY STRAW. 83" Proposals, in Writing, directed to the Com- manding Officer, will be attended to, if received in the Course of the ensuing Week. November lst, 1806. be SoTTr^ AUCTION, By Mr. BLOWFIELD, • At the King's- Arms Inn, Bicester, in the County of Oxford, on Friday the 21st of November, 1806, between
tlie Hours of five and Seven in the After- noon, under such Conditions as shall be then pro- duced, unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, of which Notice will be given,* ADesirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, Tythc and Land- Tax free, situate at CAVERSF1ELD, in the County of Buckingham, in the Occupation of Mr. John Stuchbury, adjoining to Baintpn- House, the Hunting Seat of'Sir Thomas Mostyn, and distant from the Market Town of Bicester about two Miles; containing 243 Acres, or thereabouts, of Arable, Pasture, and convertible Land, divided into 15 In- cisures, lying compact, in one connected Plot.— The
Fences are remarkably good, and the Poors' Rates moderate.— The Turnpike- Road from Brackley to Bicester bounds the Estate for a considerable Distance. Some of the Buildings might, at a moderate Expence, be converted into Stabling for Hunters, and the Estate may be an eligible Purchase for a Sportsman. Possession may be obtained at Old Lady- Day, 180.7; and a Wheat Crop taken at a Valuation. For a View, apply to the TENANT; and for Particulars, or to treat for the Purchase, to Messrs: JSJONELL .& WYKHAM, Banbury, Oxfordshire. " INTAITFTT This Day are published, in two Vols. 8vo. a new Edition,
considerably enlarged and improved, Price 16s. in Boards, OBSERVATIONS on the NATURE, KIN DS, CAUSES, and PREVENTION of INSANITY. By THOMAS ARNOLD, Fellow of the Roval College of Physicians, and of ' the Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh. Printed for RICHARD PHILLIPS, No. 6, Bridge- Street, Blackfriars; and sold by W. Birdsall, North- ampton; Thomas Combe, Lei « « stei; aud by all . pyekseUers. To the GENTLEMEN, CLERGY, and FREEHOLDERS, of the COUNTY of NORTHAMPTON. GENTLEMEN a sudden how becomes your Duty to select proper Persons to be your Repre- sentatives. The
Crisis is a very important one; and I cannot doubt but that you will exercise the Pri- vilege given you by the Constitution in such a Man- ner'as to secure it to yourselves, to maintain the true Interests of the County, and to protect and fortify its natural and genuine Independence. I have devoted, Gentlemen, the last sixteen Years of my Life to your Service, in the anxious Wish, as far as my feeble Exertions and Talents would enable me, to contribute to the Attainment ot those inva- luable Objects. I veuture therefore once more to offer myself to your Notice, and claim a Favour at your Hands, which you have before conferred upon
me at three suc- cessive Peripds, by ajia'm electing me one of your Representatives in Parliament. I beg to express to you the grateful Sense I shall ever retain of those past Favours, and to assure you, that an additional Mark of your Confidence, on the present Occasion, by giving me your Voles and Interest at the ensuing Election, will be esteemed by me the highest and greatest Obligation. \ Having received a Communication, that some of Mr. Cartwright's Friends have given their Opinion, that certain Expressions in my last Address to you carry a doubtful Meaning, I am desirous of saying, that what I meant to state was, that
my particular Friends, anxious to maintain the Peace of the County, offered their unqualified Support to Mr. Cartwright; and that his particular Friends, by withholding their Support from me, do, in Effect, afford Assistance to our Opponents. I have the Honour to be, With the greatest Respect, Your most obliged and faithful Servant, FRANCIS DICKINS. JVollasUn, Nov. li(, 1806. THE neat HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, and other EFFECTS, of the lateMrs. WILLIAMS, deceased; comprising Bedsteads, Feather- Beds, Quilts, and Blankets; Tables, Drawers, and Chairs; Bed and Table- Linen; Pier and Swing Glasses; Clock and
Case; Pewter, Brass, and Copper; and other Effects. ( jrr The Sale to begin exactly at Eleven o'Clock. Also, immediately after the Sale of the Furniture, will be SOLD by AUCTION, at theKing's- Head, in Syresham aforesaid, A FREEHOLD DWELLING- HOUSE and PRE- MISES, late in the Occupation of the said Mrs. Williams, with Outbuildings, Yard, Garden, and Orchard, containing about Half an Acre, well planted with choice Fruit Trees, and several thriving Ash Trees growing thereon. %* May be viewed by applying on the Premises; and further Particulars known of the AUCTIONEER, in Stony- Stratford. NOVEMBER 1st,
1806. THE particular Friends of Mr. DICKINS are requested to meet on TUESDAY next, the 4th of NOVEMBER, at his Committee- Room, at Messrs. FREEMAN & WHITWORTH'S, in the Drapery, NORTH- AMPTON, at Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon, to con- sider of the best Means of defraying the Expences of, and securing his Election. OCTOBER 30th, 1806. ( OST, on Friday the 24th Instant, a RED U POCKET- BOOK, with a =£. 10, £. 5, and a Note in it; it is supposed to have been dropped in the Parish of KINGSTHORFE, near Northampton. Whoever has found the same, and will bring it to Mr. STANTON, at the Cock
Inn, Kingsthorpe, shall receive TWO POUNDS REWARD. To ba SOI. D by AUG T ION, By A. BROIVNSGRAFE, On Tuesday next, November 4th, 1S06, on the Pre- mises of the late Mr. WILLIAM SMITH, at MOULTON, near NORTHAMPTON, mHE HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, & c.; con- .1 sisting of Bedsteads, Beds, and Bedding; Drawers, Tables, and Chairs; Chests; Kitchen- Grate; Copper am! Brass; Tubs and Casks; Csal and Faggots; also a Plough, large and small Harrows, Winnowing- Fan, Sieves," a Steel Malt- Mill, & c. fee. ftT The S* l » to bejin in the Morning at Ten o'Clock, Wcst- Haddon, Northamptonshire. To
be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. CULL ING WO R TH, On Thursday the 6th Day of November instant, on the Premises of Mr. JOHN DUNN, situate near the Toil- Gate in WEST- HADDON, ALL the STOCK in TRADE, neat and useful HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, Sec. of the said Mr. J. DUNN ( who is going to leave the Town.) The Stock in Trade consists of Drapery and othet Goods; and the Household- Furniture comprises Four- post and other Bedsteads, with Hangings; Beds and Bedding; a capital Thirty- hour Clock and Case, nearly new; ' fables and Chairs; Chests of Drawers; Pots and Kettles; together with Household-
Furniture in general. ( PT The Sale to begin precisely at Ten o'Clock. N. B. All Persons who stand indebted to the said Mr. JOHN DUNN, are requested to pay the sam immediately. Sale of capital Live and Dead Farming- Stock, fyc. in Whilton Field, near Daventry, in the County of Northampton. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. CU LL1NG IVO RT H. On Friday and Saturday next, the 7th and 8th Days of November instant, on the Premises of Mr. THOMAS RUSSELL, in WHILTON FIELD ( who is going to leave the Farm), ALL the capital LIVE and DEAD STOCK, and IMPLEMENTS in HUSBANDRY, in small and convenient
Lots; comprising 25 Wether Tegs, 35 Ewe Ditto, 39 Theaves, 29 Shearhogs, 51 Ewes, 11 fat Ewes, and seven Rams; 12 Milch Cows, a Cow and Calf, an In- calf Cow, 13 In- calf Heifers, nine Yearling Calves, and a Bull; two fat Hogs, and an In- pigSow ; two In- foal Draught Mares, a Draught Mare, two Draught Horses, a Hackney Horse, a Cart Colt, and a Cart Filly; Gearing for seven Horses; three Waggons, a Narrow - wheel Cart, and a Six- inch Ditto; three Ploughs, three Sheet Harrows, and a Pair of small Ditto; Field- Roll, three Field- Drags, four Grain- Staddles, three Cow- Cribs, and two Sheep- Ditto; 30 Quarters of ex cellent Potatoes, & c. Sec. The Sale to begin at Eleven o'Clock each Morning. And, at about Four o'Clock on the Saturday After- noon, will be LETT by AUCTION, at the Grand Junction Arms, at Long- Buckby Wharf, The KEEPING of about 180 Acres of MEADOW AFTERMATH, MEADOW GRASS, SEEDS, STUBBLE and ROUNDABOUTS, OLD SWEARD GRASS, and TURNIPS, in 10 Lots, till the 1st Day of January next. *„* A Shepherd will be upon the Premises to shepherd the Whole, if required. N B. For a View of the different Lots, apply to Mr. THOMAS RUSSELL, at the Farm- House; and for further Particulars, ts the
AUCTIONEER, Daventry; of whom Catalogues may be had on Wednesday next. LONDON, Nov. 1. TWO Hamburgh Mails are now due, " the arrival of which is anxiously expected, as they will probably contain further particulars of the battle of the 14th, and the consequences of that un- fortunate action — It is probable, that, like the battle of Austerlitz, it may have terminated the campaign. Those who calculate upon the. courage and perseverance of the King of Prussia, think that he will hold out as long as possible, in expect- ation of the assistance of the Russians. One of the greatest advantages of the victory of the 14th,
judging from the scanty information which has reached us, is, that it has given the French pos session of Saxony, and placed them between the Prussians and the Allies, who were marching to their assistance. If the French are strong enough to advance to Berlin, to which, after the battle ef the 14th, it appears they were considerably nearer than the Prussians, they interpose completely be- tween the Russians and Prussians, when it will be hardly possible for a junction to take place. A command, and some » ay a most extensive one, on the Continent, is - intended to he given to Lord Moira. It is thought General Moreau has
been consulted respecting it, and may, perhaps, accompany it.— Among the regiments to go with Lord Moira, the Blues, Scots Greys, 13th, 14th, and 15th Dragoons, General Wellesley and Hill's brigades, and all the battalions- of the 1st Foot or Scots Royals, and of the InniskiUeiis, in this country, are mentioned. The French Minister at Hamburgh, Bourienne, opposed the insertion of the Prussian Manifesto in the Hamburgh papers, but the Russian Minister insisted on it, and threatened to leave the town, on which the Senate complied with his request. Letters have been received from the Cape, by the late arrivals, which state,
that an additional force of 1900 men had sailed from that colony for Buenos Ayres, for the. purpose of proceeding against Monte Video, which fortress, it was under- stood, would surrender on the first summons. We are liappy to state, that the Indefatigable frigate has captured two French brigs, and three chasse- marees, from Bourdeaux, and carried them into Plymouth. PRICE STOCKS. Bank Stock .. 3 per Ct. Red. Imp. SperCts India Stoc-' lixc. Bills Omnium . 1 Sat. Mon. Tu. Wed. Th. Hoi. Hoi. Hoi. 213| 60H4 60if « 1 « 78ti" 7HM* 94HS 94M . 182J . . : ls3sp 2s3sp ls3sp p3s p. 1 61 ii Slf Fr. fiiii 60if 944 On Wednesday se*
nnight, William ttarrnan, E » d; Of John- street, London, to Miss Wells, of Great- Milton, Oxfordshire. Lately, Mr. Jonathan Blackwell, of Wigston, to Miss Ellis, of Leicester. DTED,] Yesterday se'nnight, at Sidmouth, in the 3Sd year of iiis age, Henry Mayne Wliorwood, Esq. of Headington- llouse, Oxfordshire. , • On Wednesday last, at Tooley Park, after : v short illness, in the 6!) th year- of his age, Joseph Bonltbec, Esq. of Basterliy, Warwickshire : a man truly respected by all who knew him, and. Whose loss will he very long and deeply lamented by all his family and connexions. Lately, at Hull, Mrs.- Dudley, wife of Lieutenaii!
Dudley, of the Warwickshire Militia. On Wednesday se'nnigbt, aged 40, Mr. Hudson Lambert, fanner, of Morcot, in Rutland. He lost his . fife , fr^ m the fatal practice. of riding oiv the shafts ,- of- a waggon, from which he fell, and was ilijured so shockingly as to. occasion his death, • after living in extreme agony for a week. , On s$> unday last, Mrs. Rerc, wife of Mr. Rew," of Coventry. ; Scua* day, Mrs. Thacker; relict of Mr. Thack'qr, brazier, of this'town. On Tuesday last, aged 70, William Peach-( the];; Holcot postman), remarkable for his honesty, inte--'* grity, and punctuality. He walked at least 13 miles every day for the last
eight years ( Sundays excepted); which" in the course of that time amounts-' o the astonishing ' dumber of 37,- 140 miles I FROM THE LOND' 6 N, GAZETTE. . ' Commissions signed by the Lord. Lieutenant of the C(/: n! y . of Bedford. Bedford Militia.— Ensign James William Amos, to. ; be Lieutenant. Bedford Volunteer 1rfantry.— Lieutenant- J. Pulley, to be Captain, vice Dawson, resigned; Ensign Thos. Lilburn, Lieutenant, vice Pulley, promoted; Ensign • G. Street, Lieutenant, vice Elger, deceased';' ': W. Watkins, Gent. Ensign, vice Lilbu'ra, ' promoted ;' G. Nash, Gent. Ensign, vice Street, promoted. The Rev. Richard
Whittingham is instituted, by commission from the Lord Bishop of Lincoln, to the vicarage of Potton, in Bedfordshire, vacated by the death of the Rev, Mr. Affleck, on the pfd sentation of the Lord- Chancellor. The Rev. John Rose, M. A. Fellow of Trinity- College, Cambridge, is appointed1 Domestic Cliaplain to the Right lion, the Earl of Pom fret. On Wednesday came on the election of lU: j » re-- ; sentatives for this Borbugh; when the Hon, Spencer Perceval and the lion. Edward Bouverie ' were unanimously re- elected.— The da^ of Nomi- nation for the County is fixed for Wednesday next," and the day of Election , for the
Wednesday following.— ( See Advertisements.) . On Wednesday, Lord Ilenrv Petty and Lord Eiist'on were re- elected Members fo, r the Uni- versity of Cambridge; as were Samuel' Smith and . Thomas Babington, Esqrs. for the Borough of Leicester; and VV. Mills and P. Moore, Esqrs. for • the City of Coventry. On Thursday, Samuel Whitbread and William Lc'e Antonie, Esqrs. were unanimously elected Members for the Borough of Bedford. Mr. Halsey declined the contest for the Borough of St. Alban's yesterday evening, and this day the, two late Members, the Hon. J. W. Gtinistone, and W-. S. Poyntz, Esq. were declared duly
elected. The Right Hon. Charles Abbott ( Speaker of the House of Commons) and Mr. Heber, are can- didates to represent the University of Oxford, in the room of Sir WiUJcKi Dolben, who retires. Three candidates ' ave started for the co, unly * of Leicester:— Lord Robert Manners opposes the old Members, Sir Edmund Cradock Hartopp, and G. A. L. Keck, Esq. Viscount Proby, son of the Right Hon. the Earl of Carysfort, is expected to succeed to the re- presentation of the county of Huntingdon in Par- liament, on the resignation of the Right Hon.'. Lord Frederick Montagu. Mr. U. W. Mason, of Goodrest - Lodge, War wickshire, who lately received the silver medal of' the Society of Arts, for his experiments'on the., culture of carrots, observes, that the best way of giving them to horses is not to cut them, but to . mix them with the cut food, and put the whole in the manger. He adds, that horses accustomed to carrots will prefer them to oats when taken to- gether ; but that carrots must never be given to - horses which come to the stable heated by work, nor are they proper for riding- horses, as nimble exercise causes them to be laxative. Store pigs may be fattened on Carrots only. A coroner's inquest was held on Sunday se'nnight, at Pickworth,
near Falkingham, Lincolnshire, on view of the body of a young man named George Rick, who was gored in so shocking a manner on the previous day by a bull as to occasion his im- mediate death. It is remarkable that the bull had, for some time, shewn enmity against the young man, whilst he was in the service ( as a farming man,) of the proprietor of the animal, and had once before so hurt him as to induce him to leave the service of his employer. He had obtained a situation with a neighbouring farmer, when the bull strayed from its owner's grounds, and killed the object of its dislike on the premises of his new master.
Yesterday se'nnight, between eight and nine o'clock in the evening, as W. Worsdaie, of Leicester, was returning home from a journey, after an absence of a month, iu selling stockings up and down the country, he was attacked between Thurmaston'toll- gate and Leicester by two foot- pads, dressed in smock- frocks, who knocked him down, and made a thrust at him with a knife, but providentially without doing him any serious injury, and took from him about twenty- five pounds in notes and silver, the whole of his little" capital in business. This daring robbery was committed within a few hundred yards of tbe last public- house at
the end of Belgrave gate; the moon shone very bright, and Worsdale has no doubt he could swear to the parties if they were apprehended. 2? 3sp ps3sp 3| 4p. NORTHAMPTON, SATURDAY EVENING, Nov. 1. ( pgr* The Order to discontinue the Advertisement ( in- serted in the first Page,) for Letting the ^ Old- Cock Pub- lic- House, al Pavingham, came too late to be attended to. PRICE of COTTN per Quarter at Northampton, Saturday, Nov. 1. Wheat, 72s. to 80s. Od. Rye, 47s. Od, to 50s. Barley, 42s. 0d. to44s. Od. Oats, 29s. Od. to 33s. Od. New Oats, — s. to — s. Beans, 46s. 0d: to 47s. Od. Peas, 42s. Od. to 44s. fd. By
the Standard Measure^ MARRIED.] On Tuesday last, at Ashbv St. Ledgers, the Rev. I. Wilson, A. M. of Welton- House, in this County, to Miss Kelsick, daughter of the late Captain ' Kelsick, of Workington, in Cumberland. A few days ago, Charles Smith, Esq. of Summer Castle, near Rochdale, to Miss Birkin, youngest daughter, of the late William Birkin, Esq. of Sutton, Surrey, and niece of Thomas March Phillipps, Esq. of Garendon Park, Leicestershire. On Monday se'nnight, Mr. Jansen, grocer and tea- dealer, of Coventry, to Miss Smith, of Whit- more Park. On Tuesday se'nnight, at Burbage, Leicestcr- sliire, Mr. Woodhouse,
hosier, of Nottingham, to Daventry; ! Miss Bentley, daughter of John Beutley, Esq. of the former place. J. GRAFTON-, Inspector. Corn- Exchange, London, Friday,. Oct. 31. Wheat is here in large supplies, with several further arrivals; the trade is extremely dull in sales, and second and interior qualities areat a fui* ther- declension in price.— There is a large supply of Barley, and it is rather . cheaper.— Malt has very little sale.— There are several arrivals of White and Grey Peas, both of which nearly keep their price.— The supplies of Oats are very considerable, and this article Is, named rather lower, except samples of best
quality, — Flour continues without alteration. LIST of FAIRS, from Nov. S, to Nov. 15, within the Circuit of this Paper. M. Nov. 3. Toddington, Hinckley, and Leicester. W. —- 5. BLtmo. Th. 6. IVeldon and Furton. F. 7. Litchfield. S. 8. Sutton, Warwick, Biggleswade, Chipping.. Norton, Buckingham, Asbby- ds- la- Zoitch, and Stamford. W. 12. Dunstable. Th. — 13. Loughborough, S. 15. Lktter% corth.. • k
33* 552'.. SStfS! RULES and REGULATIONS 570R the tirtter ordering of His Majesty's Army, ar. d for improving the Condition ot Soldiers, as contained in His Majesty's Warrant of the 7th Octo- ber, law. and in certain Acts passed daring the last Session- of Parliament. Periods and Terms of enlisting. In the Infantry.. 7 Years. Cavalry '..' 10 Ditto. Artillery. 12 Ditto. , 4detl - willing to engage'[ or a second Period of Service, will be re- enlisted, In the Infantry for 7 Years. Cavalrv 7 Ditto. Artillery 5 Ditto. • fi fe* willing to engage lor a'third Period of Savice, iL'ill be re- en/ istfid, In thc Infantry for 7 Years. Cavalry 7 Ditto. Artillery 5 Ditto.
No Non- commissioned Officer or Soldier to be al- lowed to re- enlist for a second Period ot Service, until within twelve Month* of the End ot his first I'enpd, nor for a third until within two Years ot the End ot his scconsl. The new Period in each Case r. ot. to be considered as commencing uiitiT alter the Expiration of the one preceding. No Non- commissioned Officer Or Soidier to be al- lowed to re- enlist, or engage to re- enlist, into any other than his own Regiment, until alter his complete Discharge. „,,.,, • Non- commissioned Officer or Soldier, clanging from one Service to another, viz. from Infantry to Cavalry, Cavalrv to Artillerv,
Sic. to engage for a Term of Years equal to the first Period of the Service into which he enters. . For young Men enlisting under eighteen V ears of Age, the ' l ime wanting to complete eighteen to be added to tire seven, ten, or twelve Years. Periods of Service to be extended, bv the Command- ing- Officer of the Government, Colony, Island, or Station, as to Non- commissioned Officers and Soldiers serving Abroad, tor six Months; and by the King, with Respect to Non- comir. issioned Officers and Sol- diers sWving either at Home or Abroad, until six Months shall have elapsed of continued Peace, subse- quent to the Expiration
of the Period of Service for which tliev wfere serving, provided always that no such Extension of Service shall in any Case exceed throe Years. . . No Non- commissioned Officer or Soldier, having enlisted for, and serving in, bis last Period ot Service, to be compelled to serve under any such Extension ot Service beyond six Months after the Expiration of such last Period. Won- commissioned Officers and Soldiers may be transferred from one Battalion to another, of the same Regiment; or, if disabled, to a Veteran Battalion j but'not otherwise drafted from one Regiment to ano- ther without their Consent. Everv Non commissioned Officer and Soldier en- titled to his Discharge, if then serving Abroad, to be seiit to Great- Britain or Ireland, free of Expence, and to receive the Pav allowed to Non- commissioned Offi- cers and Soldiers' 011 a March, from the Place ot his being landed to the Parish or Place in which he shall have been originally enlisted, at the Rate of twelve Mite for each Day's March, with the usual Number of Hailing Days; and every Non- commissioned Offi- cer and Soldier so entitled to his Discharge, who shall he- discharged at any Place in the United Kingdom, other than that to which he belongs as above, to have the like
Pay, from, the Place of his Discharge to the Place of his Attestation as aforesaid. Rates of Pay voted by Parliament for the Non- commis- sirmed Officers aid Privates of the Army, commencing from the ' Kith June, i 806, inclusive. Dragoon Guarus and Dragoons 0 rison or Veteran Battalion, if required by tha Com- missioners of Chelsea Hospital', to forfeit all Claim to Increase of Pay, or to Pension, on Account of Service; but no Soldier to be liable to be so called upon te serve, either under anv Proclamation, or under any Order of the Commissioners of Chelsea Hospital," who shall have completed his three full Pe- riod-, of
Service, as computed under these Regulations. Non- com missioned Officer or Soldier may be de- prived, by Sentence of General Court- Martial, of all, or any Proportion of, Claim to Increase of Pay, or to Pension, on Acconnt of former Years of Service. Rates of Pensions oj Non- commissioned Ojjicers and Sol- diers discharged as disabled or unfit Jor Service. per Diem, s. d. If incapable of contributing to earn a 5 from 1 3 Livelihood ( to i 6 If disabled, but able to contribute Something towards their Livelihood 1 If disabled, but able materially to assist them- selves 0 i If unfit for Service, but able to earn a Livelihood 0 ( Men who,
in Respect merely to their Disability, would be placed on either of the two lower Classes, shall, if discharged during the third Period of Service, be entitled to the Pension of one Shilling. No Non- c « > mmissioncd Officer or Soldier to be al- lowed to claim, of Right, any such Pension, whose Disability, or Unfitness, has arisen from Vice or ' Misconduct. Commissioners of Chelsea to determine to which Class of Pension each Man belongs, with Power of removing from one Class to another. Non- cemmissioned Officers or Soldiers, having had such Pension allowed, may, hy the Commissioners, be required again to serve till they
shall have completed their Periods of Service. The foregoing Orders and Regulations are t* be under- stood as referring to those Non- commissioned Officers and Privates only, - who have enlisted subsequently to the 24th of last June ; but Nun-. comniission. ed Officers and Soldiers having enlisted ( for General Service) previously to that ' Period, are to be entitled, in Virtue of their former Services, to the full Benefit of < what is therein contained, in all that relates to Pay and Allowances, and also to Pensions, if discharged as invalid, disabled, or - wounded, or after a Period of Service of not lets than fourteen Years. Serjeant-
Major -. - Serjeant — Corporal Ditto, after 10 Years' R « w » i< Ditto, after 17 Ditto Trumpeter Private . £. 0 0 0 Service 0 0 0 per Diem, d. 2 2 Ditto, after 10 Vears' Service , 0 Ditto, after 17 Ditto 0 Infantry of the Line for General Service. per Diem. £. s d. Serjeant- Major or Quarter- Master- Scrjeant . .0 2 6 Serjeant.... 0 1 1 » Corporal 0 1 4 Ditto, after 7 Years' Service 0 Ditto, after 14 Ditto 0 Drummer or Fifer 0 Private - 0 Ditto, after 7 Yeari' Service 0 Ditto, after 14 Ditto 0 ORDERS AND REGULATIONS lu Respect to Non- commissioned Officers and Soldiers who shall have completed certain Periods of Service, or who shall be
discharged at invalid, disabled, or " wounded. Jtale of Pensions of Men win shall have enlisted for, and be discbarrt. lt after having served, the second and last Periods of Service. CAVALRY ANU INFANTRY. per Diem. d. TURNPIKE- TOLLS TO HE LETT. Markel- Harbarough and Welford Turnpike- Roads from Northampton. -\ fOTICE is hereby given, That the Trustees 1\ appointed by Act of Parliament for more effectually amending, widening, and keeping in Repair, the Turnpike- Roads leading from the Town of North- ampton to Chain Bridge, near the Town of Market- Harborough, and from the Direction Post in Kings thorpe, in the County of Northampton, to Welford Bridge, in the same County, will, on THURSDAY the 20th Day of NOVEMBER next, between the Hours of Eleven in the Forenoon and Two in the Afternoon, at the House of Mr. CHARLES HILL, the RED- LION INN, in BRIXWORTH, in the said County, LETT to FARM by AUCTION, to the Best Bidder, in the Manner directed bv the Act passed in the 13th Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, for regulating Turnpike- Roads, the TOLLS ot the Gate or Turn- pike erected at or near LITTLE- BOWDEN, for a Term of one, two, or three Years, as shall be then agreed on,
commencing the first Day of Jannary next; which Tolls were lett, the last Year, at £. 533, and will be put up at that Sum. The Best Bidder is forthwith to pay, in Advance, towards the Rent of the said Tolls, the Sum of ;£. 50, and must produce sufficient Sureties, and enter into Security for Payment of the Residue of the Rent either monthly or quarterly, as shall be required by the Trustees. CHARLES MARK. HAM, Clerk to the Trustees. Northampton, Oct. 18th, 1806. SWINDLER. WHEREAS JAMES HARVEY, of Er. sfow, in the County of Bedford, Pig- Jobber, did, 011 Tues » lav the 2Sth Dav of August last, OBTAIN, of GEORGE
PANTHER, of TITCHMARSH, near Thrapston, in the County of Northampton, Pig- Jobber, SIX HOGS and SEVENTEEN PIGS, under false Pretences : Whoever will apprehend the said JAMES HARVEY, and give Notice thereof to the said GEORGE PANTHER, shall, on Conviction, receive a Reward of TEN GUINEAS, and all reasonable Expcnces, to be paid by me, THOMAS KNIGHT, Treasurer of the Thrapston Association. gST The said James Harvey is about 22 Years of Age, five Feet three Inches high, has black Hair, a fresh Complexion, but rather swarthy, black Eyes, and talks thick, is fond of smoking and singing, and
supposed to be gone into thc Line of Horsedealing. October 9th, 1806; , T( J RNPIKlv'l UL1- S TO BE LET!'. TVTOTICE is hereby given, That the TOLLS - L^! arising at the several Toll- Gates upon the Turn- pike- Road from Dunchurch to Hillmorton, in the County of Warwick, and from thenceto Saint James's End, 111 the Parish of Duston, in the County of Northampton, called or known by the several Names of HILLMORTON GATE and WEST- HADDON GATE, will be LETT by AUCTION or PUBLIC BIDDING, to the Highest Bidder, at the House of Mr. WALTON, called the FOX- AND- HOKNDS, in HARLESTON, in the said
County of Northampton, on TUESDAY the FOURTH Day of NOVEMBER next, between thc Hours of Twelve and Two o'Clock, for one Year, in the Manner directed by the Act passed in the 13th Year of His present Majesty's Reign, for regulating the Turn- pike- Roads; which Tolls produced the last Year the Sums following, viz. at Hillmorton Gate, the Sum of One Hundred and One Pounds; and at West- Haddon Gate, the Sum of One Hundred and Seven Pounds; above the Expences of collecting them respectively, and will be put up at those respective Sums.— Whoever happens to be the Best Bidder or Bidders, must at thc
same Time give Security, with sufficient Sureties, to the Satisfaction of the Trustees of the said Turnpike- Road, for Payment of the re- spective Rents agreed for, and at such Times as they shall direct. Bv Order of the said Trustees, WM. TR. SMYTH, Clerk. 0 5 1 0 After second Period. £. Serjeant - Major, Quarter - Master - Serjeant, Serjeant, Corporal, and Private 0 After third Period. Serjeant- Major and Quarter- Master- Serjeant, having served three Years as such, so much io Addition to his Claim for Pension as Serjeant, as will make in the Whole 0 „ . ' ( from 0 Serjeant jto q One Halfpenny a Day to bi added to the Shil- ling
for every Year of Service as a Corpo- ral, and one Penny for every Year of Ser- vice as a Serjeant, but the Pension ip no Case to exceed Is. 10d, ( from 0 Corporal to 0 One Halfpenny a Day to be added to the " Shil- ling tin every Year of Service as a Corpo- ral, but the Pension in 110 Case to exceed Is fid. " Private ' 0 To Serjeant Majors, Qttarter- Master. Serjeants, Ser- jeants, Corporals, or Privates, serving after third Period, one Halfpenny a Day to be added to the Pen- sion for every Ye., r of Service after tin Expiration of the last Period, without Linit as to the Amount. Soldiers discharged before tit Hxpiration of their Periods
of Servise. Non- commissioned Olfi. er or Soldier, discharged iuring first Period, and re- ml. sting into his own Re- giment, or into any other Regiment into which he may bi permitted to enlist, to be allowed to reckon, for the Purpose ot claiming Pay and Pension, all Vears of former Service. Non- commissioned Officer or Soldier, discharged during second Period, to be allowed to reckon, tor Pay and Pension, all former Service, and one Year tor every two ot Absence, subsequent to such Discharge, and to be entitled to Pension of l ive- Pence 011 the Expiration of the Period so computed Non- commissioned Officer or Seldier,
discharged during third Period, and not receiving a Pension, as invalid, wounded, or disabled, shall immediately re- ceive the Pension due at the Expiration of the second Period, and for obtaining the Difference between it and the Pension due 011 the Expiration of the third Period, be allowed to reckon one Year for every two Years of Absence subsequent to such Discharge, so as to be entitled to the tull Pension of one Shilling a liayat. the Expiration of the third Period so computed. Mdim quitting at the Expiration of their Periods of Service. Non- commissioned Officer or Soldier quitting the Service, and afterwards re- enlisting
into his own Regiment, not to reckon, for the Purpose of claiming anv Increase of Pay, the first two Years after re- oiilisting. Non- commissioned Officer or Soldier so quitting, and re- enlisting into any other Regiment, not to reckon, for thc Pur]> osc of claiming Increase of Pay, the lirst three Years after re- enlisting. Service in East or West l/ tdies. Noncommissioned Officer or Soldier, to be allowed '• to reckon three Years for every two Years ot Service in the East or West Indies, tor the Purpose of claim- ing increase of Pay, and Pension in Case of Discharge, J » ut not tor the Purpose of claiming Discharge, before ihc actual
Expiration of the second Period ot Service. Increase of Pay and Pensions, how forfeited. Non- commissioned Officers and S « Idlers, discharged before Completion of Service, and not conforming to any Rules or Regulations, prescribed by the Com- missioners of Chelsea Hospital, as to registering their Names and Places ot Abode, and notifying the some from Time to Time; or not offering themselves on any f reclamation, of His Majesty, or not joining any Car- lo Mr. SP1LSBURY. SIR, Marlow, Aug. 12, 1806. rF, HE Writer, in June last, called on you with a ! young Woman, of the Name of Brookes, who had a bad Leg, and to
whom you gave a Pint of your Drops, which has nearly effected a Cure. The following Case has also occurred in this Neigh- bourhood James Gybson was inoculated at ten Years of Age; Half a Year afterwards he was seized with Pain in both Legs, supposed for some Time to be Rheumatism, or growing Pains, But it settled finally in one Leg, which swelled, and rendered him inca. pable of walking. He had in four Years, eleven or twelve Ulcers, and thirteen Pieces of Bone were taken out. His Health was impaired, and IK was constantly carried about. A charitable Lady saw him in this State, and asked his Mother if she would
object to his trying SPILSBURY'S PATENT ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS', as she had seen their Efficacy in several In- stances. On her assenting, she supplied him with them, and allowed him Meat and such Nourishment as is recommended with them. He took fifteen Bot- tles, which entirely cured him. It is now three Years since, and he has had 110 Return of his Com- plaint, but is grown tall, healthy, and works con- stantly as a Bricklayer. The Bearer is also recommended as a deserving Ob- ject for your excellent Institution, being a Servant, without Parents. She has been put to much Expence, and can find no Relief. She lives
thirty- two Miles from London, and it has been thought best to send her to Town that you may see her. The genuine Medicine, in Bottles of 5s. 6d. 10s. and £.\ 2s. Duty included, is sold at the Dispensary, No. 15, Soho- Square, London.— To prevent Counter- feits, each Bottle is accompanied with a black Ink Stamp. ( pf Sold also by the Printers of this Paper; Mr. Okely, Bedford; Mather, Wellingborough; Collis & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Robins," and Wil- kinson, Daventry; Corrall, Lutterworth ; and by most Venders of Patent Medicines in Town and Country. BIRMINGHAM FIRE- OFFICE, HIGH- STREET, BIRMINGHAM, _
For insuring Ileuses, Warehouses, Manufactories, and other Buildings, Farming- Stock, Goods, Wares, Mer- chandize, and other Property, from Loss and Damage by Fire. r » > HE Directors of this Office, desirous of ren- - JL dering every possible Accommodation to the Agriculturists in the Kingdom, hive determined to accept Insurance on Live and Dead Farming- Stock, and Implements of Husbandry, on any Part of a Farm, or in any Building therton, in one Sum, on the fol- lowing Terms, viz. s. d. For One Year, at 2 6 perCent. Six Months 2 0 Three Months 1 6 exclusive of the Duty, which will be charged in Pro- portion to the
Period. No Charge made for Policies where the Premium amounts to < s. ; nor to Persons removing from other Offices. Losses by Fire from Lightning made good. Proposals, containing the Rates and Conditions of Insurance, may be hail gratis at the Office, or of the respective Agents to the Company. By Order of the Directors, R. I. W1THERIDCE, Secretary. Birmingham, Oct. 21i>, 1806. Only 1.6,000 Tickets. STATE- LOTTERY NOW DRAWING. rjM/ ESDAY, the 4th of NOVEMBER, will be the next Day of Drawing; till which Day, TICKETS and SHARES, warranted undrawn, will be 011 SALE at all thc LICENSED LOTTERY OFFICES in LONDON, and by their AGENTS in the COUNTRY. Scheme contains immense Capitals oj <£. 20,000, £. 10,000, £'. 5000, ,£. 1000, £. 500, And 110 Prize less than £. 20. ftT No. 7157, Prize of £. 10,000, the first- drawn Ticket, was shared in one Quarter, one Eighth, and eight Sixteenths. , - y-, NE; sf NAVIGATION. " jVTOTKJE is hereby given, That a Meeting of - L^ i the Commissioners of the Western Division of the above Navigation wiil be holden at the GUILDHALL, in the Town of NORTHAMPTON, on . SATURDAY the EIGHTH Day of NOVEMBER next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, to consider the Bye-
Laws, made and now in Force, relating to the Western Division of the said Navigation, and to rescind or to alter the same, and to make such new ones as may appear proper and necessary, and also to transact other Business con- cerning the said Navigation. F. DICKINS, Chairman. Northampton, October 10th, 1S06. _ THRAPSTON TURN PJ KE- ROAD. N'OTICE is hereby given, That an Extraor- dinary Meeting of the Trustees of the North- amptonshire Division of the Turnpike- Road leading from Market- Harborough, in the County of Leicester, to the Pound in the Parish of Brampton, in the County of Huntingdon, will beheld
at tiie GEORGE INN, INKETTERINS, in the County of Northampton, on MONDAY the TENTH Day of NOVEMBER next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, for the Purpose of taking into Consideration the State of the respective Gates, and the Propriety of letting off the Renter of the Kettering Gate from his Lease, in Corsequence of the Erection of a new Gate on Warren Hill, and on other special Business.— Given under our Hands this second Day of October, 1806. T. C. MAUNSEl. L, J. KNIGHT, WM. ROUGHTON, TKOS. MARSHALL, ) CHAS. GIBBON, Clerk to the said Trustees. S JOHN SUTTON. NOTICE IS HEREBY
GIVEN, rl"* IlAT the next Meeting of the Trustees of the Turnpike- Road leading from Banburv, in the County of Oxford, to the South End of Mill- Field, in the Parish of Lutterworth, in the County of Leicester, will be held at the RED- LION INN, in BANBURY, on FRIDAY the 21st Day of NOVEMBER, 1806, at Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon; at which Meeting the T O L L S to arise for one Year at BANBURY BRIDCF. TOLL- GATE will be LETT by AUCTION, in Manner directed by the Statute made in the 13th Y'ear of His present Majesty's Reign, " for regulating Turnpike- Roads;" which Tolls will be put up at such Sum as the
Trustees shall think fit. Whoever happens to be the Best Bidder, must at the same Time enter into Bond, with sufficient Sureties, for Payment of the Rents at such Times and in such Manner as the Trustees shall direct. And Notice is further given, that those Persons who, in Respect of the Occupation of their Farms, are entitled to compound for their Tolls at the said Turnpike- Gate, may attend the said Meeting, and compound their Tolls at such Sums as the Trustees shall tlunk fit, immediately before the Tolls are put up. By Order of the Trustees, EDM. BURTON. This Day is published, in Quarto, with two elegant Engravings,
No. 1, Price Is. 6d. to be continued weekly till completed, in thirty Numbers, rs til:', CABIN R1 of the ARTS; being a new and .1 universal DRAWING- BOOK ; forming a com- plex System of Drawing, Etching, Engraving, Mezzo- tinto, and Aqua- tima; Painting in all its Branches, Perspective, Project - on, and Survej ing, with all their various and appendant Parts; containing the whole Theory and Practice of the Fine Arts in general; displaying, in the most familiar Manner, the whole Rudiments of Imitation, Design, Disposition, In- vention, and Deception; illustrated with upwards of sixty elegant Engravings, from Drawings by the first
Artist's. To which is added, an API'ENIJIX, con- taining several curious and useful miscellaneous Articles. By T. HODSON, with the Assistance of JOHN" DOUGALL, Author of the Accomplished Turor, & c. Sc. London: Printed for T. OSTELL, 3, Ave- Maria. I. ane, Ludgate- Stieet; and sold by W. Birdsall, Northampton. For Disorders of the Head, Dimness of Sight,' Defect of Hearing, S/ c. THE CORDIAL CEPHALIC" SNUFF. A S a Proof of its Efficacy, Mr. RECHAB THORN, il of Itchen- Stoke, Hants, writes, in Februarv 1805, to the Proprietors as follows:— " I am now 74 Years old, andean see to read with common Glasses, and
my Memory is as good as when 1 was only 18. In July, 1776 ( 29 Years ago), I was seized with a dreadful Giddiness in my Head. My Doctor gave me various Medicines; they did me 110 Good. He admitted this, and candidly advised the Use of vour CEPHALIC SNUFF. I took it, and in a few Weeks was much better. After this I took it more freely, and in six Weeks was as well and hearty as ever, and so have continued to this Day, by con- stantly using your invaluable Remedy." It is sold by F. Newbery & Sons, at the Warehouse for Dr. James's Powder, No. 45, in St. Paul's Church- Yard, London; and B. C. Collins, at Salisbury ;
and none is genuine unless the Words " F. Newbery, No. 45, St. Paul's," be engraved on the Stamp. Sold also by Dicey & Sutton, Marshall, anci Edge, Northampton'; Seeley, Buckingham; Barringer, and Inwood, Newport- Pagnell; Purser, Bedford; Green & Co. Ampthill; and Collis & Dash, Kettering; all of whom have Appointments under their Hands and Seal. fiEUMATlSMS, Palsies, and Gouty Atfcc- tions, with their usual Concomitants, Spasm, or flying Pains, Flatulency, Indigestion, and general Debility ( originating in whatever Source), are relieved and frequently cured by Whitehead's Essence of Mustard Pills, after every
other Means have failed. The Fluid Essence of Mustard ( used with the Pills, in those Complaints where necessary) is perhaps the most active, penetrating, and elfcctual Remedy in the World, generally curing the severest SPRAINS AND BRUISES* in less than Half the Time usually taken by any other Liniment or Embrocation; and if used immediately after any Accident, it prevents the Part turning black. Prepared only, and sold by R. Johnston, Apo- thecary, No. 15, Greek- Street, Soho, London; at 2s. 9d. each Box or Bottle. They are also sold by every Medicine Vender in the United Kingdom. Q5T The Genuine has a black Ink
Stamp, with the Name nf R. Johnston inserted on it. To THOMAS TAYLOR, Esq. No. 9, New Bridge- Si R, Street, London, " f Consider it but an Act of Justice due to, the 1- Merits of your LEAKE'S PATENT PILLS, to communicate to you the following Cure, which has recently b- en performed by them:— An Acquaintance of mine, who, by the breaking out of an old Venereal Complaint ( attended by a Complication of Disorders' arising therefrom), was reduced almost to a Skeleton, and although he had the best Medical Advice which could be obtained, and tried a Variety of Patent Me- dicines, Nothing could be procured which
seemed to suit his Case, or to do him any Service: He remained in a most reduced and pitiable Situation for two Years, unable to follow his Profession, and scarcely able to walk or even to stand on his Legs; in fact, no one who knew him ever supposed it possible for him to recover. He was advised at last to try your LEAKE'S PILLS ; Ife did so, adhering strictly to the Directions given with them; he had not taken more than two Boxes before lie found an Alteration for the better; this encouraged him to proceed, and by taking a tew Boxes more he found his Appetite and Strength gra- dually return, and is now as healthy and stout
as any Man I know. You are welcome, Sir, to reter any Person to me for a Confirmation of the above Account if it should be doubted. I am, Sir, your obedient humble Servant, THOS. PURDAY. Library, Folkstone, July 10, 1805. Prepared and sold by the sole Proprietor, THOMAS TAYLOR, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, in London, at his House, No. 9, New Bridge- Street; where, after a constant Residence of more than forty Years, in a Practice particularly directed to the Cure of Venereal Complaints, and those inci, dental to thc Parts of Generation in both Sexes, with that inviolable Secrecy which Men of his
Profession should always observe, he flatters himself the Advice and Assistance he gratuitously administers to Persons taking this Medicine, will be esteemed, by a discern- ing Public, as an Advantage seldom to be obtained, and void of Ambiguity. They arc also sold, by his Appointment, for the Convenience of th » se fiving at a Distance, by the Printers of this Paper, and Mr. Marshall, Druggist, Northampton; Inns, and Gallard, Towcester; Robins, & Wilkinson, Daventry ; Sharpe, Warwick; Rollason, Coventry ; Gregory, Leicester; Harrod, Harborough; Seeley, Buckingham; Loggin, Ayles- bury; Knight, Collis & Dash, and Munn,
Ket- tering; Mather, Wellingborough ; Marriott, Banbury ; Tookey, Oundle; Palgrave, Bedford; Atkinson, Manchester; and by one Person in every considerable Town in Great- Britain and Ireland, in Boxes of only 2s. 9d. each," sealed up with full and plain Directions, whereby Persons of either Sex. may cure themselves with Ease, Speed, Secrecy, and Safety. ( j- 3" Every Box sold in Great- Britain is sealed up with a Stamp, 011 which, by Favour ef the Commis- sioners, is printed, at the Stamp- Office— T. Taylor, No. 9, New Bridge- Street— to imitate which is Felony, and all others are counterfeit. For Rheumatisms, Sprains,
Chilblains, SfC. ^ Dr. STEERS'* OPODELDOC. ' PIUS Medicine, from its extraordinary Efficacy, X , is justly entitled to the Reputation it has so long acquired above every other Preparation of the Kind. By its yvarm, penetrating, and attenuating Qualities, it is found to be the most powerful Application in Rheumatisms, Spasms, and Palsies; as also it) Cramps, Bruises, Sprains, Burns, Scalds, fresh Cuts, and the Sting of venomous Insects. It is particularly recom- mended in Contusions, occasioned by Gun- shot T1 WYMAJN's AiN'l'- BiUOUS PILLS, SO justly esteemed for their easy and certain Operation in removing all Bilious
Complaints, Obstructions in the Liver, Indigestion, Sick Head- Ach, Jaundice, & c. They are an excellent Remedy for Persons of Bilious or Costive Flabits; for Per- sons ef sedentary Lives, where sufficient Action of the Bowels is not kept up ; also for Persons who have impaired their Constitutions by tree Living ; and in early Attacks of the Gout are peculiarly useful, by alleviating the Severity of the Fit, and shortening its Duration. They have been found highly useful preparatory to, or during Sea Bathing. These Pills require no particular Regimen or Confinement, and do not contain any Mercurial or A'ntimonial Preparation.
Prepared and sold by W. Wyman, Surgeon, Ket- tering. Sold, Wholesale, by Dicey Sc Sutton, No. 10, Bow Church- Yard, London; and, Retail, by the Printers of this Paper, Edge, and Marshall, North- ampton ; Sanderson & Beale, and Mather, Welling- borough ; Robins, Wilkinson, and Bates, Daventry ; Reeve, Higham- Ferrers; York & Summers, Oundle; Beesley, Banbury; Barringer, and Inwood, Newport- Pagnell ; Queneborough, Dunstable; Alsop, Luton; Harrod, and Bull, Market- Harborough; Inns, and Gallard, Towcester; Seeley, Buckingham; Hawkes, Lutterworth; Palgrave, Bedford; Gardner, Biggles- wade; Richardson,
Stony- Stratford; Loggin, Ayles- bury; Wards, Hinckley; Eaton, Thrapston; Jacob, Peterborough; Roberts, Southam; Sharpe, Warwick; l. uccock, Kimbolton; Emery, St. NeoiS; Jenkinson, Huntingdon; Tapp, and Darton, Hitchin; Wallis, Olr. ey; Rowel!, Rugby; Ward, Stratford- upon- Avon; Rollason, and Merridew, Coventry; and by every Vender of Medicines in the Kingdom. Price 2s. 9d. per Box, Duty included.— Be careful to ask tor WYMAN'S Antibilious Pills. For all Disorders in the Eyes. THE GENUINE Dr. JOHNSON'S GOLDEN OINTMENT, Prepared by WILLIAM SINGLETON, No. 2, UNION- PLACE, LAMBETH, Surrey. ''
I'HIIS Ointment is an effectual Remedy in In- . « fiammations, Films, Specks, or any other Dis- order incident to the Eyes; having completely effected some Thousands of Cures when all other Means have failed. Purchasers are requested to see that the Bill of Direction given them with this Article, has got the Proprietor's Name as is underwritten : All not so signed are Counterfeits. This Ointment? „, c- ,„„„ < No. 2, Union- Place, prepared by me, 5 ^ m. Singleton, ^ £ ambeth. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Messrs. Dicey & Sutton, Bow Church- Yard, and at their Warehouse in Northampton; and, Retail, by Robins, Da- ventry ;
Inns, and Gallard, Towcester; Harrod, Harborough ; Inwood, and Barringer, Newport- Pagnell ; Mather, Wellingborough; Collis & Dash, Kettering; and bv all other Venders of Medicines in the Kingdom; 1' rice Is. 9d. per Pot, with full Directions. SOLOMON'S GUIDE TO HEALTH. This Day is published, Price 3s. in one Volume, Octavo, of near 300 Pages, with an elegant Portrait ot the Author, A new Edition ( with Additions), of AGUIDE to HEALTH; or, ADVICE to both SEXES, in a Variety of Complaints; explaining the most simple and efficacious Remedies for those Diseases which are treated on under the following Heads, viz.
Asthma, Observations on Bathing, Bash- fulness, Bowels, Cold, Consumption, Nervous Dis- eases, Dejection, Deficiency of natural Strength, Difference between Venereal Symptoms and those often mistaken for them, Digestion, Fits, Gout, Heart- burn, Hysteric Affections, Leprosy, Lowness of Spirits, Loss or Defect of Memory, weak Nerves, Rheumatism, Scurvy, Scrofula, See. Sec,— To which is added, an Essay on an incidental Disease, andcoiv sequent Weakness. r, v S. SOLOMON, M. D. (£ 3" For the very excellent Character of this Work, see the different Reviews. *** Upwards of 95,000 Copies have actually been sold
of " Solomon's Guide to Health," as certified Under the Hands of the Printers themselves. A Num- ber so uncommonly large must be the best Criterion of the Merit of the Werk, and the Approbation of the Public. London: Printed for ths Author; and sold by Mathews Sc Leigh, No. 18, Strand, and H. D. Sy- monds, Paternoster- Row; also by all Booksellers 111 the United Kingdom, Price3s. only, free of Carriage. ut for this Purpose it should be dissolved and applied warm. Sold only by F. Newbery and Sons, No. 45, St. Paul's Church- Yard, London, in Bottles, Price 2s. 6d. each; and by their Appointment, by Dicey & Sutton,
Marshall, and lidge, Northampton; Seeley, Buck- ingham; Barringer, and Inwood, Newport- Pagnell; Green, Ampthill; Collis & Dash, Kettering; and Bull, Sen. Harborough. N. B. Observe that the Words " F. Newbery, No. 45, St. Paul's," are engraved in the Stamp. ~ Dr. WHEATLEY" 7! lnvuluabk Remedies for thc certain and speedu CURE OF THE ITCH. AN OINTMENT w hich euros in four Honrs, and does not contain thc least Particle of Mer- cury, or any pernicious Ingredient whatever, and so perfectly innocent, that Children at the Breast may becured without theleast Hazard, It is of an agreeable Smell, requires no
Confinement, and there is no Me- dicine of the Kind which cures in so short a Time. Price Is. 9d. a Box, Duty included. Likewise his CHYMICAL LIQUID, as pcrfsctly safe as the Ointment, and as ce'tain in its Effects; it has no Smell, nor does it in the least soii the Linen; a Circumstance which renders it highly va- luable, and to some Persons abundantly preferable to any Ointment whatever. Price 2s. 6d. a Bottle, Duty included. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Dicey & Sutton, Bow Church - Yard, and at their Warehouse in Northampton; and Retail by Edge, and Marshall, Northampton; Robins, Bates, and Wilkinson, Da- ventry;
Mather, and Broughtoti, Wellingborough; Fisher, Higham- Ferrers; Rollason, and Merridew, Coventry; Sharpe, Warwick; Roberts, Southam; Gregory, Leicester; Harrod, Harborough; Munn, and Collis & Dash, Kettering; Newcomb, Stamford; Eaton, Thrapston ; York Sc Summers, Oundle; Jacob, and Horden, Peterbarough ;. Jenkinson, Huntingdon; llodson, Cambridge; Palgrave, Bedford ; InwoocL and Barringer, Newport - Pagnell; Querieborotigh, Dun- stable; Darton, and Tapp, Hitchin; Inns, and Gallard, Towcester; Seeley, Buckingham; Jones, Oxford; Richardson, Stony- Stratford; Hawkes, Lut- , terworth; Loggin, Aylesbury;
and by every Vendor « f Patent Medicines in the United Kingdom. " CORDIAL BALM OF GILF. AI). " Copy of a Letter jrem Messrs. Clarke Lomax, Printers and Booksellers, Stockport, to Dr. Solomon, Gilead- House, near Liverpool. SIR, Stockport, May 12th, 1806. Gentleman of the first Respectability, who had lingered under a tedious Illness eight Years, having been snatched from the Jaws of Death by your invaluable Cordial Balm of Cil.- ad, we consider it a Duty incumbent upon us to lose no Time in informing you, that you may be enabled to publish its Virtues for the Sake of our afflicted Fellow- Creatures. You may suppose,
from the Length of his Illness, no Expence or Medical Aid was spared, and provi riyliv tnr liit numerniK Pamllv nf t^. i I ' lii Irlr. m E. ASF, I'ROM I. AMEINLV » AND R.- VLN, IN A FEW HOURS. IIE BRITISH OINTMENT for CORNS, prepared by W. NAYLOR, Chemical Colour- Maker to his Majesty. This most excellent Oint- ment never fails curing hard or soft Corns in a very short Time, and gives Ea.. e in a few Hours. No other Trouble is required in using it, than rubbing a little on the Corn, Night and Morning, with the Finger. The Proprietor begs Leave to observe, the Afflicted may rest assured of a Cure, as this is riot, like many
published Things, an Imposition on ths Public. By Appointment of the Proprietor, it is sold. Wholesale, by Dicey & Co. No. 10, Bow Church- Yard, London; also by Dicey & Co. Edge, and Marshall, Northampton; Robins, Daventry ; Wilcox, and Gallard, Towcester; Mather, Wellingborough ; Palgrave, Bedford ; and by one Medicine Vender in every Market Town, Price 2s. 6d. Duty included. A Wheat.. 54s. to 64s. lis. Fine Do. — s. to 78s. 84s. Rye . .. 36s. to 43s. Od. Barley.. 38s. to 46s. Od. Malt. .. 70s. to 78s. Od. PRICE of FLOUR.- HOPS, per Pocket. — Sussex, 41.10s. to51. 5s. dentialiy for his numerous Family of ten
Children, your inestinfable Medicine was thought of, which has happily restored him to liii former good State of Health. Being a Clerical Gentleman, he wishes his Name not to be published; but to remove any Doubt from the Minds of the Afflicted, any Enquiries re- lative thereto, will be cheerfully satisfied by, Sir, your's, respectfully, CLARKE & 1.0MAX. The CORDIAL BALM of GILEAD is sold in Bottles, Price Half- a- Guinea each; there are also Family Bottles, Price 33s. containing equal to four Bottles at 10s. 6d. by which the Patient saves 9s. including also the Duty. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by the Printers of this Paper;
also, Retail, by Marshall, and Edge, North- ampton; Collis & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Dawson, and Harrod, Harborough; Marriott, Banbury ; Inns, and Gallard, Towcester; Seeley, Buckingham; Richardson, Stonv - Stratford; Edge, and Mather, Wellingborough; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry; Okely, and Palgrave, Bedford; Fox, St. Neots 1 Barringer, and Inwood, Newport- Pagnell; Svvinlen, Leicester; by the Printers of the Country News- papers; aud hy all the reputable'Medicine Venders, Booksellers, Sec. in every principal T « wn in England, Ireland, Scotland, and America, who will deliver Pamphlets gratis, with a Variety
of authentic Docu- ments noted therein. ( J5T Dr. Solomon, when consulted, expects his usual Fee ot Half- a- Guinea. Such Letters should, ! Small Seals, per lb. tor Safety, be thus directed—" Money Letter. Dr. | doz. 100s. to 140s. For a certain Disorder and all Scorbutic Complaints. DR. FREEMAN'S GUTTA SALUTARIS is by far the most safe and eflectual Remedy ever yet discovered for the Cure of that dangerous Disease. Persons unhappily afflicted with a certain Complaint in all its Stages, and under its various Appearances, will find a secure and present Relief by taking tliesa most invaluable Drops; which, for their
Excellency during thirty Years' Practice in the most populous Part of London, viz. Hatton- Garden, have been termed Gutta Salutaris. The Secrecy with which most Persons so afflictcd find it needful to conceal their Sufferings, may be safely employed while using thsse Drops ; since they render Confinement unnecessary, as well as ail mer- curial Preparations, or any surgical Operation whatever. By Appointment of Dr. Freeman they are soid by R. Butler, No. 4, Cheapside, Corner of Paternoster- Row ; Edge, Northampton ; and by most Venders ot Medicines; in Bottles, at 2s. 9d. each, with ample Directions. BANKRUPTS
required to SURRENDER. Thomas Taylor, of Birmingham, gun- barrel- maker, Nov. 13, 14, and Dec. 9, at the Swan Tavern, Bir- mingham. Attorney, Mr. Palmer, Birmingham. John Herbert and Charles Mayo, of London, ware- housemen. Robert Dale, of Maresfield, Sussex, collar- maker, saddler, and harness- maker. Andrew Hetherington and John Mackie, of Drury- lane, Mid- dlesex, perfumers. Bernard Preston, of Holborn, London, linen- draper. Nathaniel Jeff'erys, late of Pail- Mall, Middlesex, jeweller and broker.. Wm. Townend, of Booth Mill, in Rishworth, Halifax, Yorkshire, cotton- spinner. Coulsey Savory, of Twyford,
Norfolk, dealer. William Gamble, of Liverpool, merchant. Edmund Armistead, of Gig- gleswick, Yorkshire, cotton. spinner. J. Perkins, of Hertford, carpenter. Robert Brown, of Lloyd's Coffee- house, insurance- broker. Bernard Ross, of New City Chambers, merchant.-—- Joseph Beil, of Castor, Lincolnshire, mercer. John Humble, of South Shields, linen- draper, Wm." Cowperthwaite and Jas. Waring, of Manchester, manufacturers. T. and Edw. Farrer, of 1' udsey, Yorkshire, clothiers. DIVIDEND to be made to Creditors. Nov. 27. William Bromhead, of Stamford, Lincoln- shire, ironmonger, at the George inn, Stamford- Baron,
Northamptonshire. CERTIFICATE to be grunted. Nov. 15. Sarah Whitehouse, of . Tamworth, War- wickshire, mercer and draper. MAR K ETS^- Lont/ on,' Oct. ST. We had a large supply of Wheat up to- day, the salesof which were made at about 2s. and 3s. per quarter under last Monday's prices. — We were likewi j well supplied with Barley ; but this article, as well as Malt, fully maintained last week's curreney. Beans of both sorts remain without much variation; but Boiling Peas are still upon the advance, with very few samples at market.— We have large arrivals of Oats, and this article generally cheaper. Solomon, Gilead-
House, near Liverpool.' Oats 22s. to26s. 29s, HorseBeans3Ss. to 47s. 0d. Tick Ditto 50s. to 39s. Od. White Peas 45s. to 65s. Od. | G rey Ditto 36s. to 50s. Od. - Fine 70s. to 75s. Od. Kent, 41. 15s. to 61. 0s.— - Farnham, gl. 8s. to 91.15s. SMITHFIELD, Oct. 27. To sink the offal. Ox Beef, 3s. Od. to 4s. 6d. Wether Mutton, 4s. Id. to 5s. 2d. Veal, 4s. Od. to 5s. 4d. Pork, 4s. 8d. to 5s. 8d. Lamb, 4s.' 4d. to 5s. 6d. Sold this day, Beasts, 2700— Sheep and Lambs, 15,000- NEWGATE and LEADENHALL, Oct. 27. By the carcase. Beef, 2s. 6d. to 4s. Od. Mutton, 3s. 4d. to 4s. 6d. Veal, 3s. Od. to 5s. Od. Pork, 4s. Bd to 5s. 8d. I. amb,
4s. 0d. to 5s. Od. TALLOW.— Town, 63s. Od. White Russia,— s. Od. to 57s. Qi. ( Soap), — s. Od. to 56s. Od. Melting Stuff, — s. to 48s. Od. Ditto rough, — s. to 32s. Good Dregs, 10s. Od. Graves, lis. Od. LEATHER, per lb. Butts, 50 to 561b. 23d. to 25d. Ditto. 60 to 651b. 26d. to 28d. Merchants' Backs, 2iid. to 22$ d. Dressing Hides, 18d. to 19$ d. Fine Coach- Hides, 19£ d. to 21Jd. Crop Hides for cutting, 21d. to 23d. Flat ordinary, 17d. to 18* d. Calf Skins, 30 to 40ib. per doz. 28d. te 43d. Ditto, 50 to 701b. per doz. 36d. to 42d. Ditto, 70 to 801b. S0d. to 3Sd. SSd. to S9J. Large Ditto, per Goat Skins, — s. to — pec doz.
Tanned Horse- Hides, 18s. to 35s. per Hide. NORTHAMPTON: Piiuted aud Published by and for I. DICKY and IV. SUTTON,