The Northampton Mercury
Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton
Volume Number: LXXXVI
Issue Number: 31
No Pages: 4
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The Northampton Mercury
Date of Article: 04/10/1806
Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton
Address: Northampton
Volume Number: LXXXVI
Issue Number: 31
No Pages: 4
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Vol. ixsxvr. No. 31. i, ReaVlv Money is expected £ ( witli Advertisements. i SATURDAY, October 4, 1806. PRICE SIXPENCE, * Stamp- Duty; •; • • • - 3 ( Paper and Print • • 1 Sunday and Tuesday's Posts. Ill \ /)<) N, September 30. SATURDAY'S Gazette contains the following appointments, viz. Lord Howick, Principal Secretary of Stale for Foreign Affairs; and the Right lion. ' . Grenville, I irst Lord of the Ad- miralty.— ' he Gazette also contains an order to discontinue the'blockade of the coasts of the Continent, from the river Elbe to the river Ems; and the Prorogation of Parliament to the 29th of Octal er. Two Hamburgh Mails
arrived yesterday; and French and T> u'ch Papers, both to the 26th inst. have horn received.—' I he symptoms of war all over the Continent become every day more strong. The military preparations of Prussia seem to be carried to nearly their state of maturity. The same activity is communicated to the Governments of Stixonv and of Hesse, which are ready to bring into the field together 60,000 men for the rein- forcement of Prussia. It seems to be stated on good authority, that 150,000 Russians are on the inarch to . join the contest. It is staled in the Monitcur that Bonaparte has left Paiis, without any further comment, than that
it is supposed he is gone the way of Maydnce. it seems to be very generally supposed that he pr# c - i ) s to take the command of the army, and that ' lis departure bespeaks immediate hostilities. Toe Swedes are dropping down into the Electo- rate of Hanover. It is very likely some arrange- ment ' ins been made, by which they are to co- operate with the Prussians. Their force is not vt- rv groat— 25 or 30,000 men at most— but it would aHf> rd incalculable benefit to the Prussians, in the quarter where we believe they are weakest. We understand Government has appointed Gen. Bcresford Commander in Chief at Buenos
Ayres, with the same salary as possessed by the Spanish Governor, viz. 10,008 per annum. The business before the Board of Treasury, on Fridav. which occupied their attention from two o'clock till live, is supposed to be a memorial which lias ht cn presented to the Lords, by an agent in London, of a Spanish Company called the Phil- lipine Company, stating that the dollars brought to England in the Narcissus frigate, from Buenos Avres, wort! not the property of the Spanish Go- vernment, hut were there as private property and onlv deposited at Buenos Ayres for the con venience of trade, and praying that they may be restored
them. The matter is still under consi- deration. • There is no abatement of the astonishing spe- culations of our merchants in fitting out ships for Buenos Avres. The articles shipped consist chiefly of . Manchester goods, Birmingham ware, and fur- niture cottons. One house in the City, which speculated in the event of the conquest, has fitted out two merchantmen with cargoes to the amount of . f .300,000. Advicc has been received of their having arrived safe at the Cape of Good- Hope, from whence they were to proceed to Buenos Avres, as soon as the Captains were apprized of its being in our possession. They have by this
time reached their destination, and will of course have the cream of the market. The Missionaries, both Catholic and Protestant, have lately been treated with so much ignominy by the natives of different parts of South- America, whom they have attempted to convert, that they have declared their inability to proceed in their duty; and their lives being in perpetual danger, they are about to return home. Dante's.— It having been discovered that the Omnium which this person fraudulently got pos- session of at the Stock- Exchange, was that species of property not recognised by the statute law, of course be could not be indicted for
the offence, and has been set at liberty. From the excess of a supposed subterraneous sea of water, and a cavern below in w hich the waters were engulphed, a most dreadful explosion took place on the 2d of September, in Switzerland, which destroyed several villages in the Canton of Schwitz. The Knippenouhl Rock, which formed the summit of Mount Rosenberg, was suddenly detached from its situation, and at the same time, part of the mountain, several feet thick on the western side, and about 280 feet thick oh the east side, gave way, and fell into the valley which separates the Lake of Zug from that of Lauwertz,
overwhelming the whole of the villages of Goldan- Roethar, Busiugcr, lluzloet, three parts of that of Lauwertz, and some houses in the village of Stein.— The villages of Go'ldau and Rothen, con- sisting of 115 houses f that of Busingen, of 120; and that of Kazlock; have totally disappeared. Of Lauwertz, which lost twenty- five houses, about ten buildings remain, the whole of which have received very considerable damage.— Upwards of 1000 persons fall victims to this calamity, which, in the course of five minutes, completed the dread- ful catastrophe. It appears that there were but four cabin pas- sengers in the King George
packet, lately lost. One of them was a Mr. W. Benson, a practical farmer of Lcicettt rshire, who'occasionally visited Ireland, lie had in the packct six rains of the Leicestershire brand. Mr. Richardson, who was so dangerously wounded ill the late duel ( as mentioned in our last), is pronounced in a state of recovery. W. BUItNELL, " 1 STAVING declined Business, takes the earliest JS I Opportunity of returning his most grateful Acknowledgyients to his Friends and the PuVlic for past Favours, and begs Leave to iccommend Mr. C. TILL as his Successor. C. T I L L, Draper, Mercer, Hosier, Hatter, fyc. ( Successor to Mr. W. BURNEI.
L,) nPAKES this Opportunity of informing the - I Friends of Mr. BURNELL, and the Inhabitants of BEDFORD and its Vicinity, that he has taken the above SHOP and PREMISES, and intends re- opening the same on Saturday next, the 4th Day of October, with an entire new and fashionable Assortment of WOOLLEN and LINEN- DRAPERY; consisting of every Description of superfine Cloth, Marseilles, Swansdowns, l'eilonets, & c.; Muslins, of all De- scriptions; Yard and Ell- wide Town- printed Cambrics and Calicoes, warranted fast Colours; an excellent Fabric of Colerain's Irish, of the new- approved Bleach ;. which C. TILL
intends offering on such Terms, accompanied with unwearied Attention, that he tiatters himself of being honoured with the same liberal Support his Predecessor has hitherto ex- perienced. ( f3T Funerals completely furnished. *** An ASSISTANT WANTED IMMEDIATELY. N. li.- Letters ( Post- paid) addressed as above, will be dulv attended to. Bedford, Oct. In, 180S. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ALL Persons who have any Claims or Demands on Mr. JOHN WOOD', of BURCOTT- I. ODGE, in the Parish of Wing, in the County of Buckingham, Dairyman, are requested to send Particulars of the same', within one Month from this
Date, to Messrs. Willis & Son, Solicitors, of Leighton- Bussard, Beds, in order that such Creditors may have the Benefit of the Composition which will arise and proceed from the Sale and Disposal of the Stock and Effects of the said John Wpod, he having made an Assignment thereof for the Benefit of those of his Creditors who will accept of the same.— And all Persons indebted to the said John Wood, are desired to pay their respective Debts immediately to the said Messrs. Willis it Son. Leighton- Bussard, Sept. 20rA, 1806. Toys, Cutlery, Haberdashery, and Japan Ware. MRS. WHIT E having, in Addition to her own STOCK,
purchased that of Mr. MARRIOTT and Mr. SPURRET, has it in her Power to ofier those Articles at reduced Prices; and can assure Country Shopkeepers, Hawkers, and Pedlars, that they will find them pecuH; irly worth their Attention. ( P- WANTED, A JOURNEYMAN, of A rc- spectablc Character, who understands Book- keeping and the above Businesses. Banbury, Sept. l2bth, 1806. OUNDLE, Northamptonshire. ADSON solicits to return his most grateful Acknowledgments to his Friends and Customers, for Favours already received in the PLUMBING and GLAZING BUSINESSES, which he intends leaving on the 10th Day of
October instant; he also wishes tQ recommend Mr. S. COI. E to succeed him in the above Businesses, who he believes to be well qualified to execute the same in both Branches, and in a modern Style. — I. ADSON likewise wishes to inform the Public in general, he intends entering on theTA LBOT INN, in OUNDLE, on tl t, above Day, where he hopes to merit the future Favours of his Friends, by the best Accommodations, and endeavouring to provide the best WINES, LIQUORS, & C.— Neat POST- CHAISES and able HORSES, by their humble Servant, I. ADSON I. ROAD MEETING. npilE next Meeting of the Trustees of the
.1 Turnpike- Road from Northampton to Newport 1' agncU, will be held at the NEW INN, in HACKLETON, on MONDAY tile SIXTH Day of OCTOBER, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon. ROBT. ABBEY, Clerk to the Trustees. Northampton, Tub Sept. 1806. Dinner at Half- past Two o'Clock. Northamptonshire Quarterage- Money. Chief Constables are to collect and pay JL in, at the ensuing Sessions, Eight single Quar- terly Payments. CHR. SMYTH, Clerk of the Peace. Northampton, Sept. YMh, 1808. A DESIRABLE SITUATION. To be LETT, And erlereil upon at Michaelmas next, rpHAT old- established PUBLIC- HOUSE,
known JL by the Namf; of the SALUTATIO N INN, situ- ated at the Entrance into COVENTRY, on the Lon- don Road from Daventry and Dunchurch; together with the Stabling, Bowling- Green, and extensive Gardens, well planted with choice Fruit Trees; now in the Occupation of Mr. Samuel Barton, who is joing to retire from the Public Business.— The Stock jn Trade, and Part of the Furniture, to be taken at a fair Valuation. li^ f The Tenant may have the Lease made over to him, of which eleven Years are unexpired at Christ- mas next. Apply to Mr. S. BARTON, the Occupier.— Letters, Post- paid, requiring Information, will be
attended to. L E T T, tobcr, 1806, at the s Hall, in the City To be On Tuesday the 7th Day of Oci Council- House, at Saint Mary's of Coventry, bei'ween the Hours of Ten and Twel v'e in the Forenoon, on Lease, to commence on the 5th Dav of April, 1R0S, subjsct to such Conditions as - will then be agreed on, A LL those TWO PIECES or PARCELS of Jr\ excellent PA. STUK E and M E NDOW GROUND, with th- APPURTENANCES, lying and being at SPRATT ON, in the County of North- ampton, in a certain Field heretofore called SOUTH RYE FIELD, and neat to Holdenby Mill; and con- taining by Admeasureu lent 22A. SR.
16P. and now in the Tenure of Mr. ] ohn Bray. [ cr The Tenant wil 1 shew the Premises; and for further Particulars, aptj ly to Messrs, INOI. & CARTIR, Solicitor^ Coventry. * Wl T to ire By Order of the respective Commissioners for Sale of Land- Tax in the County and Borough vf Leicester. To be SOLD by - AUCTION, By Mr. THOMAS FARMER, At the Three- Crowns Inn, in Leicester, on Saturday the 11th Day of October, 1806, between the Hours of Three and Four in the Afternoon, M1E following ESTATES, in the County of Leicester, in Lots, subject to Conditions then ire produced, - for the Purpose of raising Money to redeem
Land- Tax charged on divers settled Estates in the Possession of Edward Loveden Loveden, Esq. At LEICESTER. Lot 1. A GARDEN, near CHURCM- GATE, called NOON'S- YARD, containing 1A. 3R. 8P. or there- abouts, in thfc Occupation of Kathcrine Stubbs, Widow.— Power is reserved to subdivide this into two or more Lots, at the Sale, if deemed expedient. At HUSH BY. Lot 2. CERTAIN PLOTS ot GROUND, in the Tenure of John Good, containing the following Quan- tities, or thereabouts, viz. A. R. P. Scite of a Tenement, Garden, and Homeclose 2 0 4 Pad well Close 10 4 Total 3 0 At LITTLE- GLEN. Lot 3. A CLOSE
of MEADOW, in the Tenure of Joseph Peake, containing 5A. 2R. 34P. er there- abouts. At CREAT. WIGSTON. Lot 4. HOSSOP's ORCHARD,- Part of JOSEPH WILSON'S FARM, containing about 2R. 6P. Lot. 5. BALDYKE CLOSE, Part of Ditto, con- taining about 1A. 0R. ) 4P. Lots. FAIL CLOSE, Part of Ditto, containing about 2A. 2R. 5P. Lot 7. An entire FARM, in the Occupation of Thomas Blocklev ; consisting of the following Parti- culars and Quantities, or thereabouts, viz. A. R. P. House, Garden, Offices, Yard, and a small Homeclose 1 2 33 Town- F. nd Close, Pasture 5 3 30 Cow Close, Pasture 10 0 25 The Meadow
beyond 9 3 7 Long Close, Pasture 11 0 21 liroom- Hill Close, Pasture 13 1 Folesworth Nook, two Parts, Pasture 3 1 Total 61 1 12 pf These Estates are Freehold; and the Purchasers must take to them subject to any Fee- Farm, Chief, or Quit- Rents payable. thereout.— The Land- Tax charged thereon will be redeemed out of the Purchase Money. *** Fox further Particulars, apply to Mr. SELL- WOOD, Solicitor, Abingdon, Berks ; or to Messrs. KING, COOKE, & KINO, Solicitors, Leicester. CAPITAL MANORS ami ESTATES, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Messrs. SKINNER, DYKE, & Co. On Saturday the
18th of October, punctually at Twelve o'Clock, at the Cock Inn, Stony- Stratford, in twenty. seven Lots, / AVERY VALUABLE FREEHOLD ESTATE, advantageously situate in the Parishes of Cal- verton,- Beachampton, Nash, and Wolverton, in and contiguous to the Market Town of Stony- Stratford, in the County of Bucks, a short Distance from the Grand Junction Canal, and 50 Miles from London, bounded by the high Mail Road to the principal Manufacturing Towns in the North of England ; com- prising the MANORS of CALVERTON and BEACH- AMPTON, with numerous annual Quit- Rents, Fines at the Will of the Lord, Tolls
ot the weekly Market and annual Fair at Stony- Stratford, Courts, Royalties, and Immunities, and sundry capital Farms, Lands, Water Corn- Mills, and Tenements, containing about Ttvo Thousand Three Hundred and Thirty Statute Acres ; the most considerable Part Tythe- free, and capable of great Improvement; at present lett to respectable Tenants from Year to Year ( except one Farm on Lease), at Rents amounting to only about Tvjo Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Pounds per Annum. ( J3" To be viewed, and Particulars had, by applying at the Cock Inn, Stony- Stratford; where a proper Person, well acquainted with the
Estate, will attend to shew the same.— Particulars may also be h: id of Messrs. Dicey & Sutton, Printers, Northampton; Messrs. Swinney & Co. Printers, Birmingham; Mr. Rollason, Printer, and at theKing's- Head, Coventry; Swan, Newport- Pagnell; George, Woburn; Sugar- Loat, Dunstable; White- Hart, St. Albans; Red- Lion, Barnet ; of Edmund Estcourt, Esq. Lincoln's- Inn ; at the Place of Sale; and of Messrs. Skinner, Dyke, and Co. London, where Plans may be seen. Northamptonshire Quarter- Sessions. " V! OTICE is hereby given, ' That the next JL> GENERAL QUARTER- SESSIONS of the PEACE for this COUNTY, will
commence on THURSDAY the 9th Day of OCTOBES. next, at Ten o'Clock in the Morning precisely; and that the Court will immediately impannel the Grand Jury, and transact other formal Business, and at Twelve o'Clock procecd to the Trial of such Appeals as were entered at the last, and respited until the ensuing Sessions. Those Magistrates who liave taken Recognizances for the Appearance of Persons at this Sessions, are requested to return them to the Clerk of the Peace on or before Tuesday the 7th, And all Persons who are bound over by Recognizances to prosecute, or to give Evidence on any Bill or Bills of
indictment, are required to at- tend and del iver the proper Instructions at the Clerk of the Peace's OHice on Wednesday Evening, as the Grand Jury will be disckarged as early as the public Business will permit. And it is recommended to the Solicitors and Parish- Officers, who have Appeals to trv, to deliver their Briefs to Counsel on the Wed- nesday Evening, and to be ready to try the same the next Morning, as the Court will be punctual in en- tering on that Business at the Time above- mentioned. By Order of the Court, CHR. SMYTH, Clerk of the Peace. Northampton, Sept. Ttth, 1806. . Buckinghamsh ire Quarter- Sessions.
TVTOTICE is hereby given, That the next . L^ i GENERAL QUARTER- SESSIONS o'f the PEACE for this COUNTY, will commence at AYLESBURY, on THURSDAY the 9th Day of OCTOBER next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon precisely :— That immediately after, the Court will pro- ceed to the Trial of all Appeals that may be entered in due Time. It is proposed that the Crand Jury shall be impannelled as soon as they are assembled; and all Persons who are bound over by Recognizance to pro- secute, or to give Evidence upon any Bill or Bills of Indictment, are required to attend and deliver the pro- per Instructions at my
Office on Wednesday Evening, as the Grand Jury will be discharged as early as the public Business will permit. And it is recommended to all Solicitors and Parish- Officers who have Appeals to try, to deliver their Briefs to Counsel on the Wed- nesday Evening, and to be ready to try the same the next Morning, as the Court will be punctual in enter- ing on that Business immediately after the opening of the Court. ACTON CHAPLIN. Clerk of the Peace's Officc, Aylesbury, Sept. 23,1806. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE & WARWICKSHIRE ASSOCIATION, For the PROSECUTION of FEi ONS. rpiIE numerous Instances of Transgression
- I, against the Laws now in being for the Protection of the Persons and Pioperty of Individuals, have determined the Undersigned to form them stiver ints an Association, to be called " lit Northampt* shiie and Warwickshire Association, for the Prosecution of Felons," and to olfer the following REWARDS for apprehending any Person or Persons guiltv of the O[ fences - hereafter- mentioned, on his cr their Con. viction, viz. s. d. For Murder 10 10 For Burglary ] Q 10 For Highway or Footpad Robbery 10 10 For setting Fire to any Bliildings or Effects 10 10 For receiving stolen Coods, knowing them to be stolen .... « For stealing or
maiming any Horse, Mare, or Gelding, Cow, Calf, or Sheep £> 5 Q For stealing Pigs or Poultry 2 2 0 For stealing Corn, Hay, Straw, or Fodder; v stealing or damaging any Waggon, Cart, Plough, or other implementcf Husbandry 2 2 0 For stealing Clothes 1 1 0 For cutting or stealing any Tifljbcr or other Tree, Wood, or Underwood; breaking or stealing any Gates, Stiles, Boards",- Planks, Posts, Rails, Pales, Poles, Hedged, or Fences, or any I ron Work belonging thereto 1 1 C For stealing any Wheat, Pens, Beans, Tur- nips, Carrots, Potatoes, Cabbages, or other Roots, Fruits, or Vegetables, from any Field, inclosed Ground,
Garden, Oichard, or other Place 0 10 6 SUBSCRIBERS' NAMES. 0 0 0 0 5 0 FREEHOLD FARMS, & c. BUCKS, Within the Hundred of ATLES'BURY, To be SOLD by AUCTIO N, By Mr. B ERR Y, At theKing's- Head Inn, Aylesbury, on Monday the 27th of October, 1303, at Two o'Clock. Lot 1. A FREEHOLD FARM, with suitable IL Buildings, situate at 1' RF. STWOOD COM- MON, in the Parish of GRF. AT- MISSENDEN; con. taining 248 Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Wood Land, occupied by the Executors of the late Mr William Ollifte. Lot 2. A FREEHOLD INCLOSURE of ARABLE LAND, in the Parish of WENDOVER ;
containing 14A. IR. 41'. occupied by Mr. William Pratt. Lot 3. A FREEHOLD MESSUAGE in two Tene- ment;, Orchard, Gardens, & c. situateat WESTON- TURVlLLE; containing 3R. 35P. occupied by the Undertenants of Mr. Thomas Mobley. Lot 4. An ALLOTMENT ot FREEHOLD MEA- DOW LAND, nearly adjoining Lot 3; containing 1A. OR. SIP. occupied by Mr. Thomas . Mobley. Lot 5. A FREEHOLD GRASS FARM, called DUNSHAM, in the Parish of AYLESBURY; con- taining 6.1A. 3R. 5P. occupied by Mr. John Shclton. Lot fi. A FREEHOLD ALLOTMENT of ARABLE LAND, in the Parish of BURTON; containing 2A. 0R. IP.
occupied by Mr. John Shelton. Lot 7. A LEASEHOLD INCLOSUREof ARABLE LAND, called CROWN LEYS, in the Parish of AYLESBURY; containing ISA. 3R. 13P. occupied by Mr. Edward Terry. Lot 8. A CLOSE of PASTURE LAND, adjoin- ing the Town of AYLESBURY, called WHITE HILL C'LOSE( with a House thereon); containing4A. 0R. 35P. occupied by Mr. John Baily. Lot 9. TWO FREEHOLD HOUSES, in AYLES- BURY, occupied by Mr. Thomas Flatten, Attorney at Law, and Mrs. Jenkins. Lot 10. That capital MANSION- HOUSE, Offices, See. ill AYLESBURY, late the Residence of Joseph Burnham, Esq. deceased.
Lot 11. A FREEHOLD INCLOSURE of partly MEADOW and partlv ARABLE LAND, called MILL MEAD, in the Parish of AYLESBURY; con- taining 35A. 1R. 6P. occupied by Mr. John Shelton. Lot 12. TWO FREEHOLD I NCLOSU R ES of partly MEADOW and partly ARABLE LAND, in the Parish of AYLESBURY; containing S5A. OR. 5P. occupied by Mrs. Brooks. Lot 13. THREE FREEHOLD INCLOSURES of GRASS LAND, with a Cottage and Outbuildings, situate in the Hamlet of WAl. TON, near Aylesburv; containing 10A. OR. 6P. ou; upied by Mr. W. 13. Eagles. tt3" Lots 9, 10, 11, 12, and 19, will be sold subject to the I. ife
Estate therein of a Lady, aged 78 Years in December next. *„* May be viewed by Leave of, and on Application to, the respective Tenants. N. B. Particulars may be had at the Chequers, Prestwood Common; the White- Hart, Great- Mis- senden; the Lijn, Wvcomb ; the Lion, Wendover; the Place of Sale; of Messrs. James & Rose, Soli- citors, Aylesbury ; Messrs. Rose & Munnings, Gray's Inn, London; Mr. Burnham, Solicitor, Winslow; and of Mr. Berry, General Agent, Walton- Terrace, Aylesbury, where Plans of the Farms may be- seen, Desirable Freehold Estates, At MARCH and COVENY, Cambridgeshire, To be SOLD by
AUCTION lly Mr. ROBINS, At Garraway's Coffee- House, ' Change- Alley, Corn- hill, London, on "• uesday the 21st of October, at Twelve o'clock, in four Lots. Lot 1 / COMPRISES a capital Freehold ESTATE ( EARLS FEN), containing upwards of one hundred and ninety- eight Acres of Meadow, Pasture, and Arabic Land, all lying compact, and divided in dif- ferent lnclosures, situate at MARCH, in the Parish of DODDINCTON, and County of Cambridge; on Lease to Mr. John Gray, which expires at Lady- Day, 1811, at a low Rent. Lot 2. A FREEHOLD ESTATE ( Bices FEN) situate at COVENY, in the County of Cambridge; com prising upwards cf forty- one Acres of Meadow, Pas- ture, and Arable Land, lying together, and in a good State of Cultivation. Lot3. A FREEHOLD ESTATE, near Lot 2; com- prising upwards of twenty- six Acres, as before. Lot 4. A FREEHOLD ESTATE, near Lot 3; con- taining near fifteen Acres, as before. jf3T The last three Lots are in Possession of Mr. John Moulson, Tenant at Will. *** The Estates may be viewed by applying to the Tenants, of whom Particulars may be had ; also at the White Hart, and Griffin, March; Lamb, Ely; Rose- and- Crown, Wisbech; Sun, and Black- Bull, Cam- bridge; Fountain, Huntingdon; of Mr.
Thompson, Solicitor, Stamford; Mr. Houcliing, Wereham- Stoke, Norfolk; at the Crown, Soham; Ram, Newmarket; Kjng's- Arms, Bourne- Bridge; Crown, Hockerill; Saracen's- Head, Ware; of Messrs. Blake & White, Solicitors, Essex- Street, Strand; at Garraway's; and of Mr. Rebins, Warwick- Street, Golden- Square, Lon- don, where- l'lans of the Estates may be seen. Capital Freehold Estates, Manor, Fishery, Water- Mill, eligible Farms, and Lund, CAMBRIDGESHIRE, On the Borders of Suffolk, a short Distance from Newmarket. To be SOLD bv AUCTIO N, By Mr. ROBINS, At Garraway's Coflee- House, ' Change- Alley, Corn hill, London, 011 Tuesday the 21st of October, 1806, at Twelve o'Clock, in Lots, riMIE extensive aud capital Freehold ESTATES, J- comprising near FIVE THOUSAND ACRES of MEADOW, PASTURE, and ARABLE LAND, all in high Cultivation, the principal Part lying compact, divided and lett in eligible Farms, with excellent Dwelling- House-;, Barns, Stables, and Outbuildings, situate in SOHAM and FORDHAM. SOHAM MEERE, Part of the above Estate, contains upwards of one thousand three hundred Acres, in a Ring Fence, and Tythe- free.— Also, The CROWN INN, and sundry TENEMENTS, at SOHAM. The truly noble
and valuable MANOR, extending over near FOURTEEN THOUSAND ACRES of LAND, with arbitrary Fines and Quit- Rents. The annual Value of the Estate is upwards of three thousand six hundred Pounds, which in a tew Years may be considerably increased; the Property of a Nobleman. These very valuable Estates, the principal Part lying compact, are lett to most respectable Tenants, Part at Will, the Remainder en Lease, short Terras of which are uncxpited. The Estates are Part bounded by the navigable Rivers the Ouse and Cam, which, from their Situa- tion, command a Trade to fhe principal Parts of the Kingdom; are
well worth the Attention of Gentlemen or Trustees wishfhg to invest large Sums of Money in Land; and are situate six Miles from Newmarket, sixteen from Cambridge, twelve from Bury, and sixty- six from London. (£ 5" The Farms may be viewed by applying to Mr. John Slack, Heny Farm, or the Crown Inn, Soham, where Particulars may be had; also at the Cock, Mildenhall ; Angel, Bury; Ram, Newmarket; Lamb, Ely; Rose- and- Crown, Wisbech; Sun, and Black- Bull, Cambridge; Post- House, Fakenham; King's- Arms, Bourne- Bridge; Crown, Hockerill; Green- Man, Harlow; Fountain, Huntingdon; Saracen's- Head, Ware ; of Mr.
Thompson, Solicitor, Stamford; Mr. Houching, Wereham- Stoke, Norfolk; Messrs. Blake & White, Solicitors, Essex- Street, Strand; at Garraway's; and of Mr. Robins, Warwick- Street, Golden- Square, London, where a Plan of the Estate may be ste » . Hertfordshire. To be SOLD by A U C T I O N, By J. MALDEN, At the George Inn, Hitchin, on Tuesday the 7th of October, 1806, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, in two Lots, ATruly- valuable ESTATE, Part Freehold and Part Copyhold, situate in the Parish of Hitchin, in the County of Hertford. Lot 1 comprises a convenient Farm- House and Homestall, and twenty- six Acres ( more
or less) of very rich Arable ani Pasture Land'adjoining, within a Ring Fonce ( about three Acres of which is Pasture), pleasantly situated at WALSWORTH, in the Parish Ot HITCHIN ; and three Acres ( more or less) of rich Meadow Land, in BURY MEAD, near Burnt Mills; 111 the Occupation of Mr. Edw. Sale, Tenant at Will. Lot 2. All that Picce or Parcel of rich inclosed Arable Land, Part Freehold and Part Copyhold, situate at HITCHIN, near or idjoining the Moorhens Public- House, containing six Acres ( more or less), in the Occupation of Mr. Lucas, Tenant at Will. ( pS" Printed Particulars may be had at the Angel Inn, Hertford;
Half- Moon, Ware ; Swan, Stevenage; George, Luton and lialdock; White- Hart, Ampthill aud Sheltord; Printing- Office, Bedford; ef Messrs. Hindley & Roe, Baldock; and of the Auctioneer, Biggleswade. Bedfordshire. WATER- MILLS, LAND, & c. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By J. MALDEN, At the Swan Inn, Biggleswade, on Wednesday the 8th of October, 180S, at Three o'Clock, in four Lots, ATruly- valuable ESTATE, Part Freehold and Part Copyhold, situate at BIGGLESWADE, in the County of Bedford, called BICOLESWADE MILLS, in full Trade and good Repair, with a genteel House and Appurtenances thereto belonging,
and four Pieces or Parcels of rich Meadow and Arable Land near or adjoining, containing 12 Acres ( more or less), the Property, and late in the Occupation, of Mr. G. Cooper, deceased. If3" Immediate Possession may be had, on taking the Sacks, Scales and Weights, Iron Bar, and other loose Articles about the Mill, at a fair Valuation, and the Purchase completed by the 21th of December next. *** Printed Particulars may be had, nine Days before the Sale, at the Angel Inn, Hertford; Halt- Moon, Ware; Swan, Stevenage; George, Hitchin, Luton, Baldock, Buckden, and Huntingdon; Crown, St. Ives; White- Hart, Ampthill; of Mr.
Webb, Printer, Bedford; Messrs. Hindley & Roe, Baldock; and of the Auctioneer, Biggleswade. Jonas Welch John Selby Thomas Budd William Weston Charles Foxley Robert Reading William Fessey James Walton Thomas Reading Richard White Daniel Knibb Edward Reading William Herbert William Ledbrook, Sen. W'illiam Ledbrook, Jun. William Fessey, Jun. Richard Griffin Henry Rolls William Coling Edward Aris William Elkington Cressent Cubbings William Ralphs Richard ' l'oach William Dunckley Thomas Cleaver John Horley John Johnson, Jun. Thomas JefFs William Blackwell John Guntrip George Armitt Notice is
hereby given, That the Annual Meeting ot the Subscribers to the above Association will be held at the CROWN INN, in TJYFIELD, in the said County of Noithampton, on TUESDAY the 7th Day of OCTOBER next, when the Company of any Gentle- man desirous of becoming a Member will be esteemed a Favour; at which Time printed Particulars of the Rules of the Association will be ready to be delivered to the Members, and all other Persons requiring the same. ( f^ T Dinner on the Table at Two o'Clock. RICHARD LYNDON ROLLS. September 19th, 1806. Richard Jones John Blackwell William Cox William Griffin Samuel
Wliitmill William French Matthew Jessop William Cowper John Fessey George Hitchcock William Fairbrother Jeremiah Mumford William lew Richard Cleaver William Claridge Robert Orton Ann Griffin James Maud Richard Rutlidge William Kertland George Cooke William Cox Thomas Reynolds Thomas Allard John Band William Linnell George Bradshaw James Kinj Samuel Hands Thomas Stevens Richard Tew To be SOLD by ADC TIO N, By ANDREW GARDNER, On Wednesday, October 8th, 1806, and following Day; ALL the neat and elegant HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, DAIRY, FARMING, and B KE WI NG- UTENSI LS,
and other EFFECTS, of the Dowager Lady LLOYD, on the Premises, near the CHURCH, in Great- Brickhill, in the County of Bucks, who is changing her Residence; comprising handsome Four- post, Field, and other Eedsteads, with Mahogany Feet Posts and Cornices, and fine printed Cotton F ur- nitures, lined with Drapery; Window- Curtains to suit; seasoned Goose and other Feather- Beds; Mat- tresses, Paillasses, Blankets, and Counterpanes; japanned Chairs ; Dressing Tables; neat inlaid Chest of Drawers; round Bed and Floor Carpets; twelve japanned Armed Cane- seated Drawing- Room Chairs, with Cushions and
Cases; Sofa to match; two Pair of Drapery Window- Curtains to suit, with Tassels, & c. ; inlaid Card Table, Pier Glass, Sec.; a capital Set of Dining Tables, with circular Ends, three Feet nine Inches by ten Feet; six Cabriole Chairs, covered v. ith crimson Damask, and Cases to Ditto; Kitchen- Furniture in general; small Copper, Mash- Vat, Tubs, Casks, See. ; a stout, convenient Cart, with Harness ; Wheelbarrow, Ladders, Shovels, Forks, Scythes, Garden Tools, Hay- Rakes, See.; a Quantity of Dung, and about ten Tons of excellent Hay; with various other Articles. May be viewed two' Days before the Sale, and Catalogues had
at the Swan Inns, New port- Pagnell and Leighton - Buzzard ; King's- Arms, Ampthill; Bull, Hockliffe; Navigation Inn, Fenny- Stratford; Place of Sale ; and ot the Auctioneer, Woburn, Beds. *„* Sale to begin each Morning at Eleven o'Clock. Bedfordshire Freehold Estate. To be* SOLD by AUCTION, By ANDREW GARDNER, On Saturday the 11th Day of October, 1806, at the Chequers Public- House, at Marston- Shelton, in the County of Beds, between the Hours of Three and Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions of Sale as will be then produced, ACompact FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate at ASHBROOK, in
the Parish OI'MARSTON afore- said ; consisting of a Brick anl Tiled Farm- House, with Barns, Stable, and other convenient Outbuildings ; Yard, Garden, and Orchard, well planted with Fruit Trees; and 23 Acres of inclosed Sweard and Arable Land ( little more or less), lying together, in conve- nient Pieces; in the Occupation of Mr. Dimmock, at a very low Rent.— Possession may be had at Lady- Day next. fiCf For further Particulars, apply to the Auc- TiotittR, at Mr. DAY, Solicitor, Wolium, Beds. Capital Residence for a genteel Family, To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, or LE'lT for a Term of Years, Either with or without 16
Acres of exceeding rich GRAZING LAND attached to the same, advan- tageously situated in the Hamlet of PAII. TON, in the Parish of MONK'S- KIRBY, in the County of Warwick, and late in the Occupation of W. Brooks, Esq. deceased. '' FTM1E Premises consist of two roomy Cellars, Jl an excellent Kitchen, Larder, Pantry, Scullery, with a Pump in the same, Dairy, large Hall, Lobby, and three Parlours, on the Ground Floor; a capital Dining- Room, and six Bed- Rooms, with convenient Attics over the same.— The Out- Offices consist of a Brewhouse, C'oal- House, Tub- House, and Coach- House; an excellent Six- stall Stable,
with Lofts over the same; a Room for Harness, with Servants' Bed- Room over Ditto; Fold Yard, with convenient Cow. Pens, Barn, Cisterns, and other convenient Offices: a spacious Yard, and a large Kitchen Garden, well walled round, and planted with choice Fruit Trees; an Orchard adjoining the said Garden, well planted with Fruit Trees, ' containing one Acre; and 16 Acres of exceeding rich Grazing Land adjoining the Pre- mises.— The Whole of the Premises are in excellent Repair. PS" PAILTON is a pleasant Situation, and a fine, healthy, sporting Country, being 10 Miles from the City of Coventry, six from Lord Craven's,
five from Lutterworth, one from the Earl of Denbigh's, and the same Distance from Lady Skipworth's; *** If more agreeable, immediate Possession may be had, and the Fixtures taken at a fair Valuation. N. B. For a View of the Premises, and to treat for the same, apply to Mr. VARNON, ef Pailton aforesaid. ____________ Leicestershire. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, A Compact and highly - improvable FREEHOLD xY ESTATE, situate in the Parish of TIIITON- ON- THE- FIILL j comprising a Farm - House, and Outbuildings necessary for the Occupation of the Farm, and 280 Acres of Land, chiefly Meadow aud Pasture,
and a small Part Arable.— Also, the capital WOODLANDS, known by the Name of TILTO* WOODS ( celebrated for the Covers), containing upwards of 80 Acres, and ihe Timber and Underwood standing and growing thereon. — The Farm is held at Will, at an old Rent, which will admit of being advanced very considerably. The Wjods are capable of great Im- provement, and of being rendered wry productive both of Timber and Underwood, to the Growth of which the Soil is perfectly congenial. To a Gentleman fond of Field Sports ( particularly those of the Chase), this Estate is peculiarly adapted, being centrally situate in the
Midst of several highly- celebrated Hunts, which frequently visit the Covers of Tilton.—' Tjje present Farm- Hpuse, situate in the Village of Tilton, may, at a small Ex pence, be con- verted imo a Hunting- Box; and a new Farm- House may, with Convenience and Advantage, be erected oil the Farm. IF3R TILTON is distant from Leicester about ten Miles, and one Mile and a Half from the Turnpike. Road leading from Leicester to Uppingham, % » Printed Particulars may be had at the Bell Inn, at Leicester; of Mr. JOHN WILDBORE, Tilton, who will direct a Person- to shew the Estate; and of Messrs. RICHARDSON, SON, and
CORFIELD, Land. Surveyors, Lincoln's- Inn- Fields, London, who are duly authorized to contract for the Sale. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. HAWTYN, At the Wheat- Sheaf Inn, in Daventry, in the County of Northampton, on Wednesday the 8th Day of October instant, between the Hours of Three and Six o'Clock in the Afternoon, UPWARDS of ONE HUNDRED ACRES of LAND, all Freehold and Tythe- free, situate at PRIORS- HARDWl CK and PRIORS- MARSTON, in the County of Warwick, about eight Miles from Daventry and four from Southam, in five Lots. O" Printed Particulars and Conditions of Sale will be forthwith
made out, and may be had at the Office of Messrs. Walford, Golby, & Walfotd, at the principal Inns, and at the Auctioneer's, in Banbury j at the Wheat- Sheaf Inn, in Daventry; the Griffin Inn, in Southam; of Mr, Chamberlin, Cropredy Lawn, near Banbury; or of Mr. Thomas Chapman, the Tenant, of Priors- Hardwick, who will shsw the several Lots.
Wednesday and Thursday's Posts. LONDON, October 2. THE Gazette of Tuesday night contains a notice fropi.- the War- Office, to all Officers now on the half- pay of the Land Forces or Marines, or receiving allowances as reduced Adjutants of ^ „„.„„„. .,„, Militia; as well as to all persons who, having , the Trade, or as formerly held Commissions in his Majesty's Army, } for it as a School, must write a good Hand, be a good Marines or Militia, have since retired, that upon ! Accountant, and come well recommended, tendering their service to his Royal Highness the | *** This Advertisement w. ll not appe; BOARDING- SCIIOOL,
AMTT11ILL, BEDS. RS. TAYLOR respectfully informs her Friends and the Public, that she has altered her Intention of leaving AMPTHILL. Finding her Attachment so great to her young Ladies, she has determined on continuing her School, and hopes for that Preference she has hitherto experienced.— Terms, as usual, IS Guineas per Annum. ( pf The large and comiTiodious Draper's Shop will be detached from the Premises, and lett, either to Boy's School.— Any one applying Commander in Chief, ' such of them as are ap- proved, and whose services shall be thought ne- cessary, will be allowed to engage in the Recruiting
Service upon the terms of receiving a certain sum, in full of all expences,. for every man whom they Shall bring, and who shall be accepted; and of their rendering themselves liable to. the observance of fill such rules and regulations as his Majesty ehall think fit to prescribe, A Messenger arrived from France at an early hour on Monday morning. The subject of his dispatches have not transpired, but they are sup- posed to contain an answer to the ultimatum of our Government, . and such an answer as will lead to the immediate recal of Lord Lauderdale. Yesterda" morning Lord Morpeth, attended by his Secretary, Mr. Ross,
quitted London, on his way to Berlin, on a specific mission to that Court. On Monday, Sir William Leighton, Kut. was clected Lord- Mayor of London for the ensuing year- Jerome Bonaparte has been made a Prince, and is to lie married to a Princess of Wirtemberg. One great advantage arising from the capture of Buenos Ayres is, that from this colony our West- India islands can be supplied with their articles of consumption and necessity, at a cheaper rate than from any other part of the world. The conduct of M. Palm, the bookseller of Nuremberg, who was murdered by the French com- mission at Brannau, was so heroic, that it
deserves to be generally known. This Wave man was offered his pardon, upon condition that he gave up the author of the work, which he refused to do even at the place of execution, exclaiming " that he would rather die than betray the author." A subscription has been opened for his widow and three children. DIED.] On Tuesday, at his house in Brompton, after a lingering illness, aged 84, Earl Clermont. Last week, of an apoplectic seizure, Admiral Gell. NEWMARKET FIRST OCTOBER MEETING. MONDAY, SEPT. 29. Second year of a renewal of a Subscription of 5 gs. each, for 4- year- olds carrying 7st. 71b. 5- year- olds
8st. 61b. 6- yr- olds 8st. l31b. and aged 9st. 21b. B. C. Lord Sackville's ch. h. Prospero, 5 yrs old 1 Mr. D. Radcliffe's b. c. Barbarossa, 4 yrs old 2 Sweepstakes of 100 gs. each, for 3- yr- old colts and fillies. Across the Flat. Mr. Mellish's b. c. Smuggler, by Hambletonian..- 1 Lord Foley's b. c. Paris, brother to Stamford, 2 Lord Grosvenor's b. c. Tudor, by John Bull 3 Duke of Grafton's b. c. Podargus, by Worthy 4 Mr. R. Boyce's Sir David bent Lord Foley's Sir Harrv Dimsdale. B. C. 200 gs. Duke of Grafton's Vanity beat Lord Foley's Knee- buckle. Across the Flat. 100 gs. Lord Sackville's Witchcraft beat Mr. Mellish's Czar r<; tcr. B.
C. 260 gs. Mr. R. Boyce's Currycomb beat the Duke of Craftort's Forrester. Across the Flat. 200 gs. Mr. Ladbroke's Cardinal beat Lord Foley's Paris. Ah. M. 200 gs. ,, , , Mr. Wyndham's Glory beat Lord Stawell's brother to Ringtail. Ab. M. 100 gs. Mr. Howorth's Plantagenet beat Mr. Mellish's Jerboa. Ab. M. 500 GS. TUESDAY, SFPT. 30. One- third of a Subscription of 25 gs. each, for 4- year- old colts and fillies. D. I. Mr. 1). Radcliffe's b. c. Barbarossa 1 Duke of Grafton's b. f. Dodona 2 General Gower's b. c. Swinley 3 Lord Grosvenor's b. c. Jasper -.... 4 Mr. Panton's Tim beat Sir J. Shelly's Merryman. Two- year- old Course.
300 gs. : appear again. SWAN INN, on the Sands, near WOBURN. RICHARD HIGGINS, who kept the Swan Inn, Newport- Pagnell, Bucks, many Years, informs the Nobility, Gentlemen Travellers, and others, that, in Consequence of the Goat Inn, Woburn, being shut up, and of there being only one Post- House in the Town, he has, at the particular Request and Solicitation of several of the Nobility and Gentlemen Travellers, whose Favour and Friendship he so liberally expe- rienced during his Residence at Newport, taken upon himself the POSTING BUSINESS again; and begs LCLVC to assure them, every Attention and
Accom- modation, both in the House and Yard, will be strictly attended to. Comfortable Sleeping- Rooms and well- aired Beds, the best Wines and Spirits, and a well- supplied Larder. Post- Chaises, able Horses, and careful Drivers, with Expedition. The Distance from Newport is eight Miles, and ten from Dunstable. fiRRELL's INSOLVENCY. CtHARLES TIRRELL, of MAIDWELL, in the > County of Northampton, Butcher, having de- livered over his Ellects to John Payne, of Maidwell, Shoemaker, and Thomas HoWcott, of Brixworth, Butcher, in order that an equal Dividend may be therr- of made amongst his Cieditors, it is
proposed to distribute such Eflects at the GOAT INN, at MAIDWELL, on MONDAY the 3d Day of NOVEMBER next; where such of the Creditors as are willing to compound, are requested to meet the said John Payne and Thomas Howcott.— And all Persons who stand indebted to the said Charles'l'irrell, are desired to pay their Debts to the said John Payne or Thomas How- cott before the 28th Day of October instant; and, ori Non- compliance, compulsory Means will be taken against the Defaulters. Maid- well, If? October, 1806. PENDRED's AFFAIRS. rMIE CREDITORS of ISAAC PENDRED, heretofore of DUNTON, in the
County of Bedford, but late of WILLIAN, in the County of Hertford, Yeoman, are desired to meet at the Office of Mr. Chapman, Solicitor, in Biggleswade, in the said County of Bedford, on Wednesday the 8th Day of October next, at the Hour of Eleven in the Forenoon, for the Purpose of signifying their assent or dissent to the Assignee of the said Insolvent's Effects agreeing, compromising, or compounding certain Suits at Law and Equity, brought for recovering the Possession of certain Property late belonging to the said Isaac Pendred, and on other special Affairs. WILLIAM CHAPMAN, Solicitor for the said Isaac Pendred's
Affairs. Bigglesiua. de, Sept. 29th, 1806. To be L E T T, Hnd mail be entered on immediately, All, that well- accustomed INN or PUBLIC- HOUSE, known by the Sign of the Greyhound, pleasantly situated in the Centre of the BEAST- MARKET, in LUTTERWORTH.— The above Pre- mises consist of excellent Cellars, large Kitchen, Dining- Parlour, Breakfast- Parlour, Bar, Larder, and Scullery, on the Ground Floor; a capital Dining- Room, in Front, with 10 good Bed- Rooms; a large lirewhousc, and good Stabling for 30 Horses, with a large Loft over the same. The Whole of the Pre- mises are in excellent Repair.— Also, about 14
Acres of exceeding rich Grazing Land to the same, lying adjoining the Turnpike- Road leading from Lutterworth to Leicester. 83T The Fixtures and Part of the Household- Furniture may be taken at a fair Valuation. V* For a View of the said Premises, and to treat for the same, apply to Mr. MASH, at the Deiibigh- Arnv, Inn, Lutterworth. 7 LIQUOR TRADE. " VtTTLLIAM COOK havine; lately laid in an TV Assortment of SPIRITUOUS LIQUORS, begs to solicit the Favours of his Friends and the Public, assuring them, that they shall be supplied with the very best Quality that can be procured. ff3" Being a Retail Dealer he can serve
his Friends with any small Quantity. Ampthill, ' Sept. 15th, 1806. CORN AND COTTON- MILLS. APerson desirous of doing Business in the Meal Trade, may be accommodated with grind- ing, from 3 to 600 Bushels of Wheat per Week, at a moderate Price; or have a commodious Corn- Mill, with two Pair of Stones, & c. and sufficient Power to work them at all Seasons ot the Year, at a fair Rent; or a steady industrious Man, who understands the Business, may have a Connexion with a Person con- versant in the Trade, who will advance Two- thirds of the Capital, but cannot attend the Marketing Depart- ment. The Situation is
eligible, being only Halt a Mile from the Canal communicating from London to Manchester, Liverpool, & c. and one Mile from War- wick. Satisfactory Reference will be given and ex- pected. WANTED, several active healthy BOYS and GIRLS, from 12 to 14 Years of Age, as APPRENTICES ill the COTTON SPINNING. TWO new Dresses will be re- quired, but no Premium cxpected. *** Apply ( it by Letter, Post- paid,) to BENJAMIN SMART, Jun. Warwick. ( One Concern.) IMPERIAL FIRE- OFFICE. THE Public are respectfully reminded, that 1 RECEIPTS- for Policies falling due at Michaelmas j next, are in^ the Hus of the
Company's Agent, ready for Delivery. This Office grants Policies for short Periods, and allows Discount on all Premiums and Duty paid for more than one Year. The Terms of the Office will be found, in all Cases, j as moderate as those of any similar Institution in the i the Price it is Kingdom; and Liberality and Promptitude will be! quainter! with its" found in the Adjustment and Payment of Losses. ' necessarily prove, no Farming- Stock is insured at 2s. fid. per Cent. ; and Utility likewise'of IRISH LINEN WAREHOUSE, Near the THREE- CROWNS INN, LEICESTER, WC. LINDSAY has just imported from . BELFAST, by Way of
Liverpool, several Thousand Pieces of BLEACHED and HALE- BLEA/! HED IRISH LINENS, of different Widths, from Is. to 2s. 6d. advancing Id. ; and from 2s. 6d. to 6s. ad- vancing 2d. per Yard; which, as usual, will be sold on the lowest Terms, in Boxes, Half Boxes, Rounds, single Pieces of 25 Yards, and ( under 2s. 6d. per Yard) in Halt Pieces, at Wholesale Prices; also fine CAMBRICS,' LONG LAWNS, DIAPERS, and TOWELLING — Any Quantity sent as ordered to Noblemen and Gentlemen's Houses for Inspection, to be returned if not approved of. A long Residence in Ireland has enabled W. C. I.. to connect himself with
the first and most able Manu- facturers of Irish Linens, and as he is desirous of establishing an extensive Connexion, he trusts the Mode he has adopted will not osly be found bentficial to the Public, but deserving of their warmest Pa- tronage and Support. The Best of Articles are se- lected, to which a small Profit is attached, from whioh no Abatement will be made. The strictest Principles of Honour will be uniformly adhered to, and should any Damage appear on opening, the Goods will be exchanged, or tiie Money returned, at the Option of the Purchaser. ( RT Commissions to and from all Parts of Ireland executed with Care
and Dispatch. Leicester, 20th Sept. 1806. Te A THE OROWERS OF WHEAT. The INFALLIBLE ALKALY; sure, cheap, and certain Preservative against BUNTS ill WHEAT, those Persons who have already made jL Use of this Preparation, it is unnecessary to say any Thing by Way of Recommendation, the Advantages they have experienced from the Use of it being such, that many of them have declared, they would not be without it were it ten Tifnes old at; but to those who ale unac- Value, the following Fact must not only the Efficacy, but the great tv . ...... BULL INN, OLNEY, BCCKS. Cheap and expeditious Travelling ta
London, in a new and elegant Telegraph Coach, called THE ACCOMMODATION, To carry only four Insides ; WHICH sets out irom the above Inn every TUESDAY, THURSDAY, and SATURDAY MORN- ING, at Half- past Five o'Clock, arid will arrive at the GEORCE- AND- BI. UE- BOAR INN, HOLBORN, punctually at Half- past Three ( at which Inn Tra- vellers and Families will find Accommodations equal to any House in London); whence it returns oil MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY MORNINGS, at a Quarter before Eight. JOHN GILBERT & Co. Proprietors. ( Pf The Proprietors beg Leave to say, that in Consequence
of the numerous Applications fretn the Inhabitants of OLNEY and its Neighbourhood, they have been induced to establish this Coach for their Accommodation, and hope to meet with their interest; assuring them and the Public in general, that Nothing shall be wanting to render this the most comfortable Conveyance on the Road, having provided a Coach upon a new Principle; and every Attention will be paid to the early Delivery ot Parcels, & c.— Not ac- countable for any Article lost or damaged above the Value of Five Pounds, unless entered as such and paid for accordingly. *** For the Convenience of those resident in the
City, Passengers and Parcels may be booked at the WINDMILL INN, ST. JOHN- STREET, at which Place the Coach regularly calls going in and comii. g out of London. PETERBOROUGH, OUNDI. E, UPPINGHAM, AND STAMFORD F L Y W A G G O N S, From the Bed- Lion Inn, Aldersgate- Street, London. WDEACON & Co. respectfully inform , their Friends and the Public, they have now increased their WAGGONS from TWO to THREE EVERY WEEK, for the above Places; which will set out MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and " FRIDAY MORN- INGS, at Ten o'Clock. As their Increase of Business has arisen by the free
Favours of the Public, they - ' ise of this Preparation, which is cal- j hold themselves bound to use every Exertion to merit Losses caused by Lightning, or the Hand ot the in- culated to preserve a Species of Grain from Injury, I a Continuance of the Preference they have received. that is not only the strongest Nourishment, but the ! ( pf FLY WAGGONS daily from the above Inn, for principal Support of Man :— A few Years ago, the ! YORK, LEEDS, NEWCASTLE, GLASGOW, EDINBURGH, Inventor of this Remedy tried an Experiment upon , and all Parts of the Noith. 50 Bushels of Wheat, which was sown upon 20 Acres | *#*
GOODS are also taken in, for all the above of Land, ill an open Field; the Flat that it was sown ; Waggons, as usual, at the SARACEN'S- HEAD INN, upon lay nearly in the Centre ot 200 Acres of Fallow, which was all sown with Wheat tiie same Autumn. cendiary, are by this Company made good. jtjf" Policies and Stamps gratis. Northampton, Sept. Tub, 1806. " FEF, FARM RENTS. ~ | " VTOTICE is hereby given, That an AUDIT will - I-^ be held at the GEORGE INN, in NORTHAMPTON', on MONDAY the 13th of OCTOBER instant, for re- The Flat on which the ' Wheat' prepared with this ceiving FEE- FARM and other RENTS
due to His ALKALY was sown, was lean, old- going, tired I FRIDAY- STREET. London, Sept. 1\ tb, .1806. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. A correct List, in alphabetical Order, of the CER- Ti FICATES that nave been issued to Pcfsens ( not acting as Gamekeepers), by the Clerk of the Peace forlhe County ot Northampton, under the Acts of Parliament of the twenty- fifth and thirty- first Years of the Reign of His present Majesty King George the I'hird; the first intitled, " An Act for re- pealing an Act made in the twenty- fourth Year of the Re'. gn of His present Majesty, intitled, ' An Act tor granting to His Majesty certain Duties on
Certificates issued with Respect- to the Killing of Game,' and for granting other Duties in Lieu thereof;" and the other intitled, " An Act for granting to His Majesty an additional Duty on Cer- tificates issued with Respect to the Killing of Game;" between the 26th Day of September and the 2d Day of October, 1806, both Days inclusive. Oates of the Names, Residence, and Titles of Certificates. the Persons. Sept. 27th. Grant William, Wilby, Gent. 29th. Sclby Christopher, Irthlingborough, Wine- Merchant CHR. SMYTH, Clerk of the Peace. By Order of His Majesty's Commissioners for managing the Stamp Duties, C. E. BERESFORD,
Secretary. —^ VxV^ VCvi- cV'v^' W- J correct List of the Certificates that hate been issued to Gamekeepers by the Clerk of the Peace for the County of Northampton, between the IQth Day of September and the 2d Day of October, 1806, both Days inclusive, distinguishing the Duties paid on each. re- spective Certificate. ON A TIITTEE- OUINEA STAMP. Wilson Daniel, the Younger, Moreton- Pinckney, Grazier, gamekeeper of Godfrey Scholey, Esq. and J. ady Elizabeth Dryden, his Wife, for the manor of Canon's- Ashby. Oct. 1- OS A ONE- GUINEA STAMP. Robinson John, Sulby, Servant, gamekeeper of Sir William Langham,
Bart, for the manor of Sibertoft. Sept. 30. CHR. SMYTH, Clerk of the Peace. By Order of His Majesty's Commissioners for • managing the Stamp Duties, C. F. BERESFORD, Secretary. SEPTEMBER 26th, 1806. ALL Persons who are any Ways indebted to the Estate of JOHN HAWKES,' late of ABI NGTON, in the County of Northampton, Grazier, deceased, are requested forthwith to pay their respective Debts to his Executors, Mr. Nathaniel Jones, of Abington aforesaid; Mr. George Battams, of Great- Houghton, in the said County; or Mr. Stephen Hawkes, of Abington aforesaid.— And all Persons who have any Claim or
Demand on the Estate of the said John Hawkes, are desired to transmit the same immediately to the above Executors, or to Mr. Buswell, Solicitor, in Northampton, in order that the same may be discharged. THRAPSTON TURNPIKE- ROAD. ~ NOTICE is hereby given, That an Extraor- dinary Meeting of the Trustees of the North- amptonshire Division of the Turnpike- Road leading from Market- Harborough, in the County of Leicester, to the Pound in the Parish of Brampton, in the County of Huntingdon, will beheld at the GEORGE INN, in KF- TTERI NO, in the County of Northampton, on MONDAY the TENTH Dav of
NOVEMBER next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, for the Purpose of taking into Consideration the State of the respective Gate., and the Propriety of letting off the Renter of the Kettering Gate from his Lease, in Consequence of the Erection of a new Gate on Warren Hill, and on other special Business.— Given under our Hands this second Day of October, 1806. T. C. MAUNSEI. L, J. KNIGHT, WM. ROUGHTON, THOS. MARSHALL, J CHAS. GIBBON, Cierk to the said Trustees. $ JOHN SUTTON, Modem Household- Furniture, 6ft:. To be S O L D bv A U C T 1 O N, By' EDWARD NEALE & SON, On Monday the 13th Day
of October, 1806, and following Days, on the Premises, at the GREYHOUND INN, in LUTTERWORTH, in the County of Leicester, A Variety of modern and genteel HOUSE- - t\ HOLD - FURNITURE, BREWING VES- SELS, and other EFFECTS; comprising modern Four- post Bedsteads, clothed with Cotton and other Furnitures; well- seasoned Feather- Beds; Blankets, Bed- Quilts, and Counterpanes; Mahogany and Oak Dining and other Tabids; Mahogany framed and other Chairs; Pier and Swing Glasses; a 30- Hour Clock, in an Oak Case; Kitchen Requisites; some well- seasoned Barrels, from 30 to 140 Gallons; with nu merous other Articles, & c. Also, a Rick of Hay, well got, and off good Land; and a capital Hackney Mare, rising four Yeats old. * » * The Sale to commence at Ten o'Clock each Morning. MAJESTY at Michaelmas, 1806, likewise those in the Collection of Mr. White, Mr. Pepys, and the late Mr. George. At which Time and Place, all Persons concerned are desired to pay the Rents from them respectively due. JOSEPH BELL, Receiver. Gougb- Square, London. TEN GUINEAS REWARD. TTTTHEREAS JAMES HAItVEY, late of * T BEDFORD, Pig- Jobber, did, on the 19th Dav of August last, OBTAIN A NUMBER of HOGS from Mr.
CHARLES PANTHER, of Ti toiiMARsii, in the County of Northampton, under false Fritences, and has since absconded : Whoever will apprehend the said JAMES HARVEY, so that he may be brought to Justice, shall, upon his Conviction, receive the above Reward, by applying to Messrs. YORK?. & SHERARD, Solicitors, Thrapston. (- Tt* The said James Harvey is about 22 Years of Age, of a brown Complexion, five Feet three or four . in Northampton, Price £.\ lis. 6d. each Packet, with Inches high, speaks rather thick, has lately been con- full Directions for using it. Sold also by Robins, fined ni Bedford Gaol for Debt, and has
been seen at Daventry ; Harrod, Harborough ; Coliis & Dash, Chipping- Norton, m Oxfordshire, and is supposed Kettering; Barringer, Newport- Pagnell; Palgrave, to be 111 the Haberdashery Line. 1 Bedford; Danon, Hitchin; Queneborough, Dunstable; Northampton. 1 ^ nk,' ns0"' Huntingdon; Gee, Cambridge; Sanderson, T , 1 p ... T ; Wellingborough ; Yorke & Summers, Oundle; Rowell, to ue 1. 1. 11, I Rugby; Beesley, Banbury; Inns, Towcester; Jacob, And entered, upon immediately, | Peterborough ; Hawkes, Lutterworth; Wardes, ACommodious DWELLING- HOUSE, situate Hinckley ; Loggin, Aylesbury; Seeley,
Buckingham; in BIARWARD - STREET, in the Town of; Collison, Bracklev; Alsop, Luton; Richardson, NORTHAMPTON", late in the Possession of Mrs. ; Stony- Stratford; and Brinkler, Bicester. It may Gooding, with Yard, Garden, a Pump of excellent ! likewise be had by giving Orders to any of the News Water, convenient Outbuildings adjoining, and a —" ' *->-- - « « J- • Communication with the back Lane leading into SEPTEMBER 27th, 1BOO. FF JOSEPH ADNITT, of BLISWOUTH, North- amptonshire, does not fetch the Tree away he sent to WILLIAM GOOD, Virginia- Row, Bcthnal- Green, in the County of Middlesex, within
fourteen Da; s from the Date hereof, it will be sold to pay ail Charges, it not being Willow, as warranted. NORTHAMPTON NAVIGATION. XTOTICE is hereby given, That the next General the' whole 20 Acres; whereas the adjoining Fl:^ Q » " terly Meeting of the Commissioners acting Which was 12 Aces, was nearly One- half of it Bunta ! fp0r ^ Western Division of the Navigation ot the although the Seed with which both the flats were I R, ve' N, neor Ne"' wlU £ I, eld at , he C> » this diminutive but destructive Insect. j r ' ' By Appointment of the Inventor, the Alkaly i? I sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Diccy & Co. No. 10, Land, far
from being in a decent State of Cultivation, having had no more than three or four PlouJ, lings, whereas Land for Wheat ought at least to have six or seven. The 50 Bushels of Wheat was all in the Ground by the 2Sth or September, it came up very even, and continued a fine healthful Growth until it was fit for the Sickle. T; ie Bunts were but few in Number, as, upon a careful Examination, by judicious People, they could not discover more than 4 or 500 Bunts in Sheep- Street. The above Premises will be lett separate, or with others, if required, to accommodate any Person whose Business may require much Room. *** For further
Particulars, enquire of Mr. WM. MARSHALL, Druggist, or Mr. BUTCHER, Solicitor, in Northampton. To be LETT ' or SOLD, And entered upon immediately, Substantial Stone - built MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, situate in OUNDLE, with ex- cellent Stabling, Coach- House, and other Out- Offices, a capital Garden, and a Close of Pasture, late in the Occupation of Mr. Sherard. KW For further Particulars, apply at the Offices of Messrs. YORKE & SHERARD, in Oundle or Thrapston; or to Mr. JOHN SOUTHWELL, of Warmington. A: Valuable Sheep, Com und Hay- Stacks, fyc. To be S O L D by A U C T I O N, By EDWARD NEALE
& SON, On Tuesday the llth Day of October, 1806, and fol- low* nz Day, on the Premises of Mr. THOMAS WARNER, of ULLF. STHORPE and FROLES- WORTH, in the County of Leicester, who is going to decline Part of his Business, HPUE truly- valuable Breed of SHEEP and J. RAMS,' LIVE and DEAD STOCK, IMPLE- MENTS of HUSBANDRY, CORN and FIA\- STACKS, EDDISH and KEEPING, until Lady- Day, 1807 ; comprising 90 Theaves, 82 Shearhogs, 11 Rams, and seven Shearhog Rams ; acapital Nag Horse, five Years old, three Draught Horses, and one Draught Mare and Foal; three Narrow- wheel Waggons,
two Six- inch- wheel Carts, and one Narrow- wheel Ditto; double and Single- wheel Ploughs, Harrows, Gearing for four Horses, Winnowing- Fan, Corn- Tray, Drag- Rakes, Forks, Field- Roll, Corn and Hay- Stacks, with numerous other Articles, & c. ; also, 270 Fleaks, in Lots, seven Cow- Ciibs, and six Ladders. ( J3" The Implements of Husbandry, and Part of the Corn and Hay- Stacks, will be sold on the Premises, at Frolesworth, on Tuesday the first Sale Day; the Live Stock, and the remaining Part of the Hay and Corn- Stacks, & c. will be sold on the Premises, at Ulles- thorpe, on Wednesday the second Sale Day.— The
Sheep have been bred with great Care, and will be found worth the Attention of Purchasers. *** The Sale to commence at Ten o'Clock each Morning. N. B. Catalogues may be had, in due Time, at the Three- Crowns Inn, Leicester; Bull's- Head, Hinckley; the Hind and Denbigh- Arms Inns, and of the Auc- tioneers, in Lutterworth. Elm Timber. To be SOL D bv A U C T I O N, By Messrs. BRAMPTON C.. At WALGRAVE, in the County of Northampton, on Monday the 6th Day of October instant, 1806, T TP WARDS of 8000 Feet of ELM TIMBER. — The Company are requested to meet the Auc- tioneers at Mr. Jakes's, the Sign of
the Old- Bear, ill Walgrave, by Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon. *,.* Three Months' Credit will be given on ap- proved joint Security, and paying a Deposit of 2s. &. I. in the Pound on the Amount. To be SOLD bv AOCI'IO N, By Messrs. BRAMPTON & Co. On Wednesday the 15th Day of October, 1806. on the Premises of the late Mrs. DAVIS, at Ltddington, in the County of Northampton, ALL the HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, PLATE, LINEN, and CHINA; consisting of Mahogany and other Chairs, Tables, & c. ; Feather and Flock- Beds; Bedsteads, with Morine and other Hangings; Counterpanes, Blankets, and Coverlids ; Pier and
Swing Glasses ; Chests of Drawers ; Bed and Table Linen ; Kitchen Requisites, in Copper, Bra^ s, and Pewter; Washing- Copper, Iron and Wood- bound Tubs, with a Variety of other useful Articles. ftir On Account of the great Number of Lots, the Sale to commence exactly at Ten o'Clock. BIGGLESWADE, Sept. 29th, 1806. D • p, : •- -- —-—, —- —. • • ,- » < ; OTOLEN or STRAYED, supposed to be stolen, Bow Church- Yard, London, = md at, the Printing- office J ^ on Kriday Night the 26th, or early on Satu^ Morning the 27th Day of this instant September, from off the Farm of Mr. HARRY INSKIP, of OLD- WARDEN, in the
County of Bedford, A DARK- BROWN BLIND HORSE, about 14 Hands and an Inch High, has a Star in his Forehead, cut Tail, a Blemish between the Hair and Hoof of one of his foie Feet, and a smail chaliced Swelling upon the Bridge of the Nose; has been used to the Collar, but is a very Hackney- like Hor » e. If lost, whoever has found the same, and will help it again to Mr. INSKIP, will be handsomely rewarded for their Trouble; but if stolen, whoever will give Information of the Olfender or Offenders, so that he or they may be brought to Justice and convicted thereof, shall, on Conviction, receive a Rewaro of FIVE GUINEAS
of Mr. CHAPMAN, the Trtasurar and Solicitor to the Biggleswade Association, for the Prosecution of Felons. Buckinghamshire Freeholds. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Air. KNLBB, On Tuesday the 14th of October, 1806, at the King's- Head, in Sherington, near Newport- Pagnell, Bucks, between the Hours of Three and Five o'Clock in the Afternoon, THREE compact MESSUAGES or TENE- MENTS, with a Plot of Garden Ground to each, and convenient Outbuildings, pleasantly situated in CHURCH- END, in SHERINGTON aforesaid, in the several Occupations of J. Joyce, Feasey, and Rose, respectable Tenants, at old and
improvable Rents.— The Premises have lately been put in good Repair. For a View of the Premises, apply on the Spot. Bozc- Brickhill, Bucks. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Messrs. YOUNG & SON, At Garraway's Coffee- House, ' Change- Alley, Corn- hill, London, on Thursday the 6th of November, 1806, at Twelve o'Clock, AN eligible FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate at . BO W- BRICKHILL, near Little- BrickhiU and Woburn, and 45 Miles from London; consisting of a Farm- Hotise and Outbuildings, and several In- clcisures of Land, containing, bv Estimation, ninety Acres, lett to Mr. William Boddily, at Will, at One Hundred and
Five Pounds. grr The Tenant will shew the Estate.— Printed Particulars may be had at the Swan, Little- BrickhiJI; White- Horse, Hockliff; Cock, Stony- Stratford; George, Woburn; of Messrs. Allen, Exley, & Stocker, No. 4, Furnival's Inn, Holborn; at Garra- way's; and of Messrs. Young & Son, No. 5Si Chan- tcry- Lane, Londsa. To be SOL D by A U C T I. O N, By T. BR 00 ICS, On the Premises, on Thursday next, the 9th of October, 1806, nptlE LIVE STOCK, HAY, FARMING UTEN- R SI LS, and sundry valuable EFFECTS, of Mrs. PATCH, at AMPTHILL, Bedfordshire, who is leaving her Farm; consisting of two fine in- calf Cows,
two new- milch Ditto, one barren Ditto, and two good fat Calves; two Cocks of fine upland Hay, about 10 Tons each, which may be taken off the Premises; three good Dung Carts, 1 Plough, Corn- Screen, Barn Tackle, Cribs, long Ladders, a large Quantity of Wheat Straw, a Quantity of Wood, three Buildings, & c. ( f3" The Sale to begin precisely at Eleven o'Clock. carriers, or Dealers in Patent Medicines. Each Packet contains as much Alkaly as will make a Lixivium sufficient to prepare Seed enough for 30 Acres of Land. TOWCESTER TURNPIKE- ROAD. rpiIE next Meeting of the Trustees of the I Turnpike- Road leading from
Towcester to the Turnpike- Road in Cotton - End, in the Parish of Hardingston, in the County of Northampton, will be held at the DUKE- OF- GRAFTON'S- A RMS, in BLIS- WORTH, on MONDAY the SIXTH Day of OCTOBER instant, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon. By Order of the Trustees, October 4th, 1806. WM. TR. SMYTH. Valuable Live Stock. To be S O I. D by A U C T I O N, By RICHARD SMITH, On the Premises, at HIGHAM PARK, near RUSHDEN, Northamptonshire, on Friday the 10th Dav of October, 1806, THIE following LIVE STOCK, beloneing to Mr. .1 JOHN HIGGINS, viz. 300 well- bred Ewes, and 100
Wethers ; 20 in- calf Heifers, eight Sturks, and eight barren Cows; a Mare, eight Years old. a yearling Cart Filly, a Coach Colt, three Years old, a Hackney Mare ( by Scot), a yearling Nag Filly, a Cart Gelding, seven Years old, a Pony, five Years' old, and a black Cart Colt, two Years old. ( jilT The Sheep will be penned for Inspection by Nine o'Clock, and the Sale will commence on them at Ten o'CIfflck in the Forenoon. *** Six MoRths' Credit will be given on approved joint Security, or a legal Discount allowed on prompt fay. " To be SOT. D by AUCTION, By R ICHA R D S MIT U, At the George Inn, in Thrapston. in the County of
Northampton, on Tuesday the 2Sth Day of October instant, between the Hours of Four and Six in the Afternoon, in one or more Lots, as may be agreed on at the Time of Sale, AVery eligible ESTATE, Part Freehold and Part Copyhold, situate in the Parish of Raunds, and now in the Occupation of Mr. Jonathan Brown, containing about 100 Acres. v CT The Tenant will shew the Premises.— Further Particulars may bs had at the Offices of Messrs. YORKE & SHSRAP. D, in Thrapston or Oundle. To Maltsters, Carriers, 4'<". To be SOLD by AUCTION. By T. BROOKS, On Friday the 10th of October, 1806, at the Bell Inn, in
Toddington, Bedfordshire, at Two o'Clock in the Afiernoon, Lot 1. r jPHAT gooc!, FREEHOLD, long- establishel, J. Brick, Stud, and Thatched MALTING, capable of making 10 Quarters per Week, with Lead Cistern, Drying- Kiln, Bins, Lofts, & c. now in full Trade, in the Occupation of the Proprietor; and THREE substantial Brick, Stud, and Tiled DWELL- ING- HOUSES, with spacious Carrier's Yard, good Stabling for 10 Horses, lofty Loading- Sheds, with nu- merous other attached and detached Offices, in good Repair; a Pump of excellent Water, a fertile Garden, & c. ; eligibly situated near the Centre of the Town of
TODDINGTON, now lett to Mr. Ellis, Carrier, Mrs. Webb, Grocer, and Mr. Garret, Maltster, Tenants at Will, at old and improvable Rents. (( 3* May be viewed by applying to Mr. GARRET, on the Premises. *** The greatest Part of the Purchase Money may remain on the Estate, by giving proper Security; and the Purchaser may be accommodated with a Quantity of prime Malt, if required, for which Credit will be given until Christmas, 1806. Lot 2. A FREEHOLD MESSUAG E orTENEMENT, with proper Offices, in good Repair, with Garden, & c. situate at WESTONING WOOD END, now lett to Mrs. Felts, Tenant at Will, N. B.
Further Particulars may be known of Mr. BROOKS, sworn Appraiser and Auctioneer, Clophill, Beds. SALE by A IJ C T 1 O N, By T IT E & SON, On Tuesday the 14th Day of October instant, 1806, on the Premises of Mr. JANE, of CATESBY, in the County of Northampton, who is going to leave Part of his Farm on the 5th Day of April, 1S07, r| AOE LIVE and DEAD STOCK, & c.; com- S. prising 15 capital Dairy Cows and two Sturks, one Cart Mare, and an useful Hackney or Gig Horse ; a , Rick ot exceeding good Meidow Hay, about 14 Tons; 13 Acres of Meadow Keeping, till the J5th Day of April, 1807; a Rick of exceeding good
Hay, about eight Tons; 16 Acres of capital Aftermath Meadow Ground; a Rick of Hay, about 13 Tons ; 61 Acres of Keep, called or known by the Name of High- Fields; a Rick of Hay, about 10 Tons ; and 14 Acres of good Meadow Keep,. till the 5th Day of April, 1807. Two or three Months' Credit will be given, if required, on the Dead Stock. *** Messrs. Tite & Son beg the early Attention of their Friends and the Public in general, as the Sale will commence at Ten o'Clock precisely. 1 N. B. For further Particulars, enquire of Mr. JANE, on the Premises; or of the AUCTIONEERS, Daventry. Freehold Lands, 4- c. Northamptonshire. To
be SOLD by AUCTION, Br W. WHITE, On Wednesday the 15th Day of October, 1806, at the Chequers Public- House, Hargrave, at Five o'Clock in the Evening ( subject to Conditions, to be pro- duced at the Time of Sale), > A Desirable FREEHOLD and TYTHE- FREE FARM, with House, Barns, See. situate at Hargrave, in the County of Northampton, in two Lots. Lot 1 comprises two Closes of rich Arable Land, containing twenty Acres ( more or less). Lot 2 comprises a House, two Barns, and three Acres ( more or less) of very good Pasture Land. £ 3T The Whole is in the Occupation of Mr. Wm. Cox, at a low and improvable
Rent. *** HARGRAVE is situate five Miles from Kim- holton, five from Higham- Ferrers, and four from Thrapston, all Market Towns. N. B. The Premises may be viewed by Application to Mr. NEWTON, at the Public- House; and further Particulars known of the AUCTIONEER, Angel- Street, Bedford. PROVIDENT INSTITUTION, FOR LIFE INSURANCE AND ANNUITIES. PRESIDENT. The Most Noblethe Marquis of BUCKINGHAM, K. G. VICE- PR F SID I NTS. The Most Noble the Marquis of SALISBURY, K. G. The Right Hon. Viscount BULKELEY. The Right Hon. Viscount CHETWYND. The Right Hon. Viscount DUNCANNON.
The Right Hon. L ord BRAYBROOKE. The Right Hon. Lord KINSINGTON. TRUSTEES. The Most Noble the Marquis of BUCKINGHAM. The Right Hon. Lord BRAYBROOKE. WILLIAM PRAED, Esq. M. P. rPHE Object of this Institution is to reduce the A laudable Design of LIFE INSURANCE, and Provision for old Agg, to the most advantageous Principles for the Public that are possible. With this View the Insured and Annuitants are therefore rendered Proprietors, and after the Expences ot ah economical Management are defrayed, they share the surplus Profits; so that by the specific Sum insured, and the Division of
contingent Profits, every Member of this Institution has the fullest Value possible for the Payments which he has made. This Institution comprises every Mode of Ir. S'irance upon Lives, and in a particular Manner it affords a Provision against ihe Infirmities of old Age, vyliich promises incalculable Advantages to the industrious Classes and the Community at large. It will be seen, by an Inspection of the Tables, that by a single Pay- ment of ^. 22 Is. or by annual Payments amounting to little more than a Penny per Day, commencing in the early Fart of a Man's Life, he may be secured from Want when past his Days ot Labour. The
Plan is developed to the Public under the im- mediate Recommendation of several Lord- Lieutenants of Counties, and other distinguished Personages, and from the important Advantages which it secures, an Increase of present Industry, of Morality, and Sobriety, may be justly anticipated ; the Revenue of the Country will be consequently improved, th Poor Rates diminished, and the Aged, the Widow, and the Fatherless provided with a comfortable Support, through this salutary Application of their own Re- sources. Attendance is given daily 3t the Office in South- ampton- Street, Strand, from Ten until Four. By Order of the
Board, N. D, ST. CROIX, Secretary. G^ F Mr. BURNHAM, BOOKSVI. LER, is appointed AGENT for the Town and N ei ghbourhood of N O RT H- AMPTON. An APPRENTICE WANTED, Northampton, 3d Oct. 1806. AMPTHILI. INCLl > SU RE. T\ 7" E the Commissioners appointed by " An » * Act for inclosing Lands in the Parish of AMPTHILL, in the County of Bedford," l ave set out and appointed the following public Carriage- Roads and Highways, through and over the Lands and Grounds in the said Parish, that is to say, the Bedford and Ampthill Turnpike- Road to continue in the present Track, of the Breadth of sixty Feet.
One public Carriage- Road and Highway, of the Breadth of forty Feet, leading from the South- West End of Dunstable- Street, in Ampthill ^ foresaid, in its present Track to Blackwater Gate, from thence by the South- East Side of old Inclosures belonging to the Grange Farm to Flitwick Water, where it enteri the Parish of Flitwick. And one other public Carriage- Road and Highway, of the Breadth of forty Feet, leading from the East End of Church- Street, in Ampthill aforesaid, in its present Track till it enters the Parish of Maulden. And we the said Commissioners declare, that the said public Carriage- Roads and Highways so by us
set out and appointed, are ( previous to the Publication of this Notice) ascertained by Marks and Bounds, and that we have prepared a Map, in which such Road* are accurately laid down and described, and have de- posited the same, signed by us, with Messrs. DAVIS & GREENE, of Ampthill, our Cl. rks, for the In- spection of all Persons concerned; and we appoint our next Meeting to be held at the WHITE- HART INN, in AMPTHILL aforesaid, on SATURDAY the FIRST Day of NOVEMBER next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon ; when and where all Persons who may be injured or aggrieved by the setting out of the said
Roads, oreitlier ot them, or bv the Omission of any other Road, may attend and make their Objections to us.— Dated thi » 1st Day of October, 1806. JOHN FELLOWES. THQS. THORPE,
p • MMWMmBIIM Wl— Friday and Saturday's Posts. LONDON, October THE Hamburgh Mail, due on Sunday last, ar- rived yesterday. The accounts brought by it from Berlin arc- of ' the date of the 20th ult. His Pntss- in Majesty was to set out for the army on the tu day without fail. His Cabinet and Aids- du- Cauip were immediately to follow him, and the Minister, Count Ilaugwitz, was to repair to the head- quarters on the 22d.— On the 17th, say these acc i" ius, the impatiently- expected courier arrived from Paris about one o'clock in the afternoon, and about three, Lieut.- t'ol. Krusemark set out as a courier for St. Petersburg!!.—
Bonaparte, it is said, requires his Prussian Majesty to cede the whole of Westphalia, as well as tiie county of Marck. An articlc dated Lemberg, Aug. 27, states the number of Russian troops assembled in Courland, Russian Poland, and the country extending to Oczakrm and Chersow, at about 350,000 men, of which 152,000 are in the vicinity of Kaminiee- Podolsky. The report that firannau was given up ta the Austrians on the ( 5th ult. is now positively contra- dicted. The French troops retain all their former positions, and are making movements in various parts, which indicate a renewal of the war. The army of Bernadotte had
orders to hold itself in readiness to march on the 15th. The Saxon army was to march on the 20th or 21st. The Hereditary Prince of Brunswick, brother of her Royal ' lighness the Princess of* Wales, d'-: d suddenly on the 19th ult. of a nervous colic. A Mail from Gottenburgh arrived 6h Wednesday. — It announces what we- v.' cre prepared to expect To the Gram. MTETF, CI. BBOT, and PBPXHOT. DP. BS, of the COUNTY of NORTHAMPTON. GENTLEMEN, HAVING completed as accurate, a personal Canvas throughout the County us the Nature of the Case mill admit, 1 embrace the earliest Oppor- tunity of expressing to my
very numerous triends the Sense I entertain of their Kindness and Support. The very favourable Reception which 1 have met with in event Part of the County is such as will never be effaced from my Memory; but will, to the latest Period of my Existence, be acknowledged with the most lively Feelings of Gratitude and Affection. I trust it is unnecessary for me to dwell upon my Attachment to the County of Northampton: The least Acquaintance with my Character and Habits will plainly prove, that a close Connexion with this County, and a constant Attention to its Interests, must always he the principal Object of my Life. 1 have only,
therefore, for the present, earnestly to entreat a Continuance of your Favour, and to assure you, that, whenever a Dissolution of the present ' Parliament shall take place, I shall less no Time in again coming forward and renewing my Solicitation for your Countenance and Support. 1 have the Honour to be, Gentlemen, Your most obliged, And obedient humble Servant, A1 thorp, Oct. 4th, 1806. ALTHORP. To the GENTLEMEN, CLERGY, and other FREE- HOLDERS, of the COUNTY of NORTH- AMPTON. GENTLEMEN, Peg Leave to acknowledge, with Gratitude, the numerous unequivocal Assurmieeji of Support
NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. IN Pursuance of an Act of ParCimient passed in the forty- second Year of Hii present Majesty's Reign, intitled, " An Act for amending the Laws relating to the Militia in England, and fdr aug- menting the Militia;" NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That a General Meeting of the Lieutenancy of the said- County will be held at the GEORGE INN, in the Town of NORTHAMPTON, on TUESDAY the SEVENTH Day of OCTOBER next, at Twelve o'Clvck at Noon. By Order of the Right Honourable Charles Earl of Northampton, Lord- Lieutenant of the County of Northampton, CIIAS. MARKHAM, Clerk of the General
Meetings. Northampton, 20th Sept. 1800. B1 I _._ r.. _ 7 r with tohish you have honoured me; and, imjlditig m that peace is actually concluded between Sweden - the Prevalence of those independent Principles a huh and Prussia, though the event has not yet been have ever particularly distinguished the County of stated officially. ' j Northampton, I test assured, that uU who have ' A letter from Baltimore, of the 20th of August, j hitherto felt unwilling to declare their Sentiments on French fleets were I the present Occasion, will ultimately make such a " ' '' best and most effectually CHARLES POWELL, Draper, Tailor, Habit- Maker,
and Man's- Mercer, DR Arr. R V, NORTH AM PTON, E G S Leave to inform his Friends, the Nobility, Gentry, and Public in general, he has engaged in the above Businesses ; and, from his very extensive Experience, he is confident it will he in his Power to make GENILIMIN'S CLOTHES of all Kinds, LADIES' HAEITS, CHILDREN'S FANCY DRESSES, with every other Article in the above Line, from 15 to 20 per Cent, lower man the general Prices.— Having established a Connexion, he will be regularly supplied nub every fashionable Article in the Trade. ( J5T C. P. intends making Centlemcn's Best Superfine Cloth Coats, from
50s. upwards,; good Secor. ds, from 25s. upwards ; Fancy Waistcoats, from 7s upwards; Kerseymere Breeches, from 16s. up- wards; Velveteen, Cord, & c. & c from 10s, upwards; and every other Article proportionably low. — C. P. Hatters himself, that, by Assid'uit) anO^ Attention to Business, he shall merit the Patronage of a discerning Public.— jailors and Shopkeeper.! supplied on the most reasonable Terms. ii ' .. iis, that the British and within a few clays sail of each other ou the American coast. " Never leave that which should be dooe to- day till to- morrow." This caution is particularly re- commended to Lottery
Adventurers, who have not yet secured their Tickets and Shares in the present State- Lottery. There are only 20,000 Tickets, which is scarcely sufficient for the usual demand prior ti> the Drawing, which commences the 13th instant. Y ANTED to PURCHASE, The NEXT IMMEDIATE PRESENTATION or PER- PETUAL ADT. OWSON of a RECTORY, worth not less ' han -£. 400 per Annum, with a good Par- sonage- House, and a Prospect of early Possession, situate in either of the Counties of Northampton, Leicester, or Warwick. 83" For further Particulars, apply to A. B< at the Printers'; if by Letter, Post- paid. To Linen and
Woollen- Drapers, &- c. ~\\ f ANTS a SITUATION, A YOUNG MAN, » ' as an ASSISTANT, who has served his Apprenticeship to the above Business. p. S" Enquire of Mr. WALLIS, Diaper, Higham- Ferrcrs. WANTED, An active, steady MAN, as a JOURNEYMAN to a TEA- DEAI E R and" GROCER. Cleanliness, Honesty, and Sobriety are indispensable Parts of the Character expected from any one who applies. He need not be a Chandler. G3" Enquire of Mr. OKELY, Bedford; if by Let- ter, Post- paid. 17" ANTED, An APPRENTICE7> 7gROCER and TALLOW- CHANDLER. ( t3* For Particulars, apply to Mr. JOSEPH HOLMES,
Huntingdon. WAN FED immediately, Ail active YOUTH, of respectable Connexions, as an APPREN- TICE to » BOOKSELLER and STATIONER.— A Premium will be expected. 83" Apply to C. D. at the Printers'; if by Let- ter, Itjst- pjid. ~ V\ 7~ AN i El.) immediately, A steadv, active V » ' I. AD, as an APPRENTICE toaBUTCHER. PR Enr.., ire of Mr. THOMAS BATES, Floore, or Stow- nini - Churches, near Daventry. Gentleman's Family, near Northampton, A KITCH E N- MA1D, ancl a DAIRY- MAID who understands Poultry. ( pr Apply to Mr. BRUCE, Shoemaker, Bridge- Street, Northampton. " V'I ' ANTED, at the WIIF. AT SHEAF, DAVENTRY, 1 > A COOK, who understands her Business, and can have a good Character from her last Place. / ANTED, : I the Town of Northampton, A sober, steady MAN, as a weekly Servant, out of the House, to go out with a Horse and Cart to deliver Goods, and to work in a Garden occasionally. Also, A MAN in the Hous", to wait at Table and look after a Horse — Good Characters will be expected. Apply to !•:. F. at the Printers of this Paper; if by Letter, Post- paid. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE P R K S E k VA i • J V li S 0 CIE T Y. rpil E next Quarterly Meeting of the above J. Society will be ho'lden at the House of W.
BIRDSALL, 1 on FRIDAY next, the 10th Instant, at Twelve o'Clock. W. BIRDSALL, Secretary. Northampton, Oct. Mh, 1806. Determination as may secure its Interests. I have the Honour to be, ' Gentlemen, With great Respect, Your obedient, humble Servant, WM. LANGHAM. Cotte& brooke, Sept. 27th, 1806. To the GENTLEMEN, CLERGY, aiid other FREE- HOLDERS, of the COUNTY of NORTH- AMPTON. GENTLEMEN, LITCHROROUCH, Oct. 4th, 1800. LOST, from- LiTCitBOkotjca. v> n the 3d Instant, A Dark- speckled GREYHOUND BITCH, which answers to the Name of CATCH. Whoever will bring the same to Mr.
low. GRANT, of Litchboroug .; or to Mr. IORSTER, of Bignell, near Bicester; shall be handsomely rew. rded. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE YEOMANRY CAVALRY. rjrilE Gentlemen of the WELLINGBOROUGH JL TROOP are requested to meet, for Exercise, on the MARKET- PLACE, WELLINGBOROUGH, on MONDAY the 6th of OCTOBER, and two following Qays, at Ten o'Clock each Morning. F. DICKIN'S, Captain. " yy ANTED, in \ V NORTHAMPTON PAVING STOCK. " lyy OTK.' E is hereby given, That a Meeting of IT the Commissioners for Paving, Cleansing, Lighting, anu Watching the Town ot Northampton, will be held at
the GUILDHALL, in the said Town, on Tui SDAY the SEVENTH Day of OCTOBER ' nstant, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, wi'- m the Treasurer will attend to pay the Interest which became due to the Proprietors of Paving Stock the 29th of Septem- ber last. CHARLES MARKHAM, Clerk to the Commissioners. Northampton, Oct. ith, 1806- NORTHAMPTON, > Oct. 3d, 1800. PERSONS who are desirous to supply NORTHAMPTON BARRACKS with good HAY ancl STRAW for a TWELVEMONTH, to commence from the 24th of OCTOBER, 1805, are re- quested to send their Proposals, sealed up, and di- rected to Mr. WM.
COOPER, at the Saracen's- Head, on or before the 10th Instant. ~ NO" CURE NO PAY: SMOKY CIIIMNIES effectually CURED Mr. R. FOOTTET, BUILDER and CHIMN SURVEYOR, HUNTINGDON. ( S2T All Orders ( by Post or otherwise,) strictly attended to. RU811TON, Northamptonshire. ANew- milched ASS to be LE'IT, with a Foal three Days oid. Enquire of Mr. RICHARD BLUNSOM, of Kushton aforesaid. October Id, 1806. Arrival of the Tunc when you zeill be called upon to exercise that invatuuble Privilege of our happy Constitution— the Right of electing your Repre- sentatives in the great Council of the Nation; a
Privilege which, when exercised, us I am satisfied it alwat/ swill be by the County of Northampton, confers the highest Honour, and the deepest Obligation, on the Person who may happily become the Object of your Choice. Such 1 felt it in 1797, when you first, sent me as one of your Representatives in Parliament; such 1 considered it at the last General Election; and such I shall ever continue to esteem it, should my Services be deemed wort hy of your Acceptance on a future Day. And should cm Idea have been entertained, that I have acted irregularly or prematurely in the Line. 1 have thought it my Duty to adopt, I trust it will
be considered, that it was not possible for me, under the present Circumstances of the County, to abstain from soliciting your future Favours, without risking the Appearance of being deficient in Respect for my Friends, or not anxiously alive to the Honour heretofore conferred on me. I have the Honour to lie, Gentlemen, Your most obliged, And most faithful humble Servant, W. 11. CARTWRIGHT. Aynho, Sept. 4th, 1806. Convenient and comfortable Freehold House and Land. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. KIRS IIA IF, In one Lot, on Tuesday the 7th of October, 1806, at the House of Mr. Baucutt, the Dun- Cow Inn, at West-
Haddon, at Four o'Ciock in the Afternoon, LL those convenient and well- adapted PRE- MISES, situate and being in the pleasant Town of WEST- HADDON, in the County of Northampton, now in the Possession of Mr. CURTIS ( who is leaving Haddon) and his Tenants.— The House consists of a good Hall, Parlour, Kitchen, Pantry, two Cellars, a Dairy, and Cheese- Room, on the Ground Floor; four good Sleeping- Rooms, with Closets and Cupboards, on the first Floor; also, suitable Attics; a spacious paved Yard, Barn, excellent Three- stall Stable, Coal- House, Piggeries, Lead Pump, and Well ot good Water; two Gardens,
well fenced, and planted with choice Fruit Trees; al< o, an excellent, rich, fertile Orchard; a Close of Land adjoining the same, in high Cultivation, exceedingly well fenced, with a Barn on the same, and a Pump, with a Well of good Water, containing 3A, OR. 61 . more or less.— The Whole forming a compact and desirable Situation for a genteel Family, or any Person requiring Room, and may be entered upon immediately. Together with THREE TENEMENTS adjoining the same, in the Occupation of William Burbage, Robert Cole, and William Eaglestone, with Gardens to each. And on Wednesday th » 8th of October, 1806, will
be SOLD by A UCTTO^, Part of the useful HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE of Mr. CURTIS; consisting of Bedsteads, a Bureau, Tables, Chairs, 30- Hour Clock, Fire- Screen, Chest of Drawers, two Coppers, Kitchen- Grate, Smoke- Jack, Candlesticks, seven sweet Half - Hogshead Casks, China, Glass, and sun. lfy useful Articles; one Fowlin ;- Piece; Winrtowing- Faii, large Hurdles, Fire- Wood, Posts and Rails, & c. & c. ; also, a steady useful Mare, and a fine Two- year- old Blood Colt. 03r The Sale to begin at Ten o'Clock. A1 FRO. vi THE LONDON GAZETTE. TWO HUNDRED POUNDS REWARD, And His Majesty's Free
Pardon. WHITEHALL, Sept. 23, 1806. XTTHEREAS it has been humbly represented V T to the King, that on the Evening of Saturday the 30th Day of August last, about Ten of the Clock, ihe THA i CH of a G RANARY in the same Range with the Dwelling- House of RICHARD LAWFORD, of SUDBOROUGH, in the County of Northampton, Farmer, was discovered to be on FIRE ; ancl, within ! a few Minutes, a WHEAT- HOVEL, on the Pre- I mises of JOHN WOKTHINGTON, ef the said Parish, at the Distance of three Furlongs from the former, was also discovered to be on FIRE; both which ] were, through timely Interference,
providentially I extinguished without material . Damage; and that ! th- re are strong Grounds tor suspecting that these Fires were wilfully and maliciously occasioned by some Person or Persons unknown : His MAJESTY, for the better apprehending and bringing" to Justice the Persons concerned in the Felonies above- mentioned, is hereby pleased to pro- mise His most gracious PARDON to any one of them ( except the Person who actually sec Fire to the said Granary, or to the said Wheat- Hovel,) who shall discover his or her Accomplice or Accomplices therein, so that he, she, or they may be apprehended and con- victed
thereof. SPENCER. And, as a further Encouragement, a Reward of TWO HUNDRED POUNDS is hereby offered to any Person or Persons who shall make such Dis- covery as aforesaid ( except as is before excepted), to be paid on Conviction of one or more of the Oifenders: One Hundred Pounds by the SUN FIRE- OFEICE, LONDON ; and One Hundred Pounds by Mr. SANDERS TEBBUVT, Churchwarden of the Parish of Sudborough aforesaid. NORWICH UNION FIRE- OFFICE. npHE Members are respectfully informed, that JL Mr. JAMES ABEL, of NORTHAMPTON, is appointed to succeed MI. SPONG ( whohas
declined) in the Agency of this Office for the WELLINGBOROUGH DEPARTMENT, with the Assistance ot Mr. STANTON, Grocer, of Wellingb" roug! j. 85T Printed Receipts are in the Hands of the above, who are authorized to receivrj all Monies and Orders for Policies ior this Ofliec in future. THOS. BIGNOLD, Secretary. NORWICH UNION FIRE- OFFICE. C" OUR MILLIONS of Property is insured at J about One- fourth of the usual Expence. Nine Years' Experience by this Society has proved that the Premium charged by ail the Insurance Companies is Two Shillings ;; i Three more than the Losses amount ' to, which Surplus in
this Office is returned, whereby One Hundred Pounds is h; re insured for 1- ss than One Shilling, which would cost Three in any other Office. A Saving so considerable must command the Attention of the Public, and accounts for the rapid Increase of the Society, which now consists of above six thousand Members; and its Funds are so fast increasing as to leave no Doubt but it will continue henceforward to atibrd as much Advantage to every Insurer as it has hitherto done. Printed Proposals, with a List of the Trustees and Directors, may be had, on Application to the following Agents:— Mr. ABEL, Northampton, who is likewise
Agent for Wellingborough ( in Lieu of Mr. SPONG, who has declined), with the Assistance of Mr. STAN- TON, Grocer. Mr. JOSEPH MEEN, Biggleswade. Mr. VV. WHITWORTH, Attorney, Bedford. Mr. JOHN RABAN, Olney. Mr. THOMAS GURDEN, Harborough. Mr. JAMES GURDEN, Bicester. Mr. E. HANSCOMB, Ampthill,. Mr. J. W. MORRIS, Dunstable. Mr. JOSEPH WALLIS, Leicester. This Office makes good Losses occasioned by Lightning. — Policies gratis. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE YEOMANRY CAVALRY. rpiIE Gentlemen of the CHIPPING WARD EN A TROOP are requested to meet, for Exercise, at the usual Ground
in EDCCOTT, on FRIDAY the 10th Instant, at Ten o'Clock in the Morning. T. CARTER, Captain. Edgcott, 4th Oct. 1806. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE YEOMANRY CAVALRY. rpHE Gentlemen of the TOWCESTER TROOP S are requested to meet on HEATHENCOTE- GREEN, in Field- Day Order, ori FRIDAY and SATURDAY the fOth and 11th of OCTOBER, at Half- past Nine o'Clock in the Morning. J. BEAUCLERK, Lieutenant. Ttrwcester, | j/ October, 1805. SII EN LEY INN STATUTE, For Hiring of Servants, X/ STILL be held on TUESDAY the llth Day of T T OCTOBER, 1806. GRAND CONCERT. MR. BARRETT respectfully
acquaints the. Nobility, Gentry, and his Friends in this Place, his C O N C E R T Is fixed for MONDAY SE'NRSIGHT, OCTOBER 13th, At the New Assembly- Rooms, at the George Inn, Northampton. The following Noblemen and Gentlemen have kindly allowed Mr. Barrett their Names as Stewards on the Occasion :— Right. Hon. the EARL of NORTHAMPTON, LORD V I SCOU NT A LTHORP, Sir G. ROBINSON, Bart. Hon. SPENCER PERCEVAL, EDWARD BOUVERIE, Esq. G EORGE Rom NSON, Esq. ROBERT BLENCOWE, Esq. J. I'I. OMRR CLARKE, Esq. J. H. THURSBY, Esq. JOHN ARMYTAGE, Esq, ROWLAND
MAINWARING, WILLIAM KERR, Esq. JOSEPH CLARK, Esq. Focal Ferformtrs, Mr. and Mrs. FAUGH AN. The principal Instrumental will be engaged from London, Oxford, and other Places. Leader of the Band, Mr. MARSHALL. The Music will be selected from the best Masters, ancient and modern, and will consist of OVERTURES, CONCERTOS, QUARTETTOS, TRIOS, and DUETS, Vocal ancl Instrumental. Tickets, at 7J. each, to be had of Mr. BAR- RETT, at his House in St. Giles's- Square; of Mr. BIRDSALL and Mr. ABEL, Booksellers; and at the BAR of the GEORGE INN.— The Doors will be opened, for the Reception of
Company, at Seven o'Clock, and the Concert begin precisely at Eighr. *** A Band of Music, under the Direction of Mr. STERNBERG, will be provided for a BALL. N. B. Ladies and Gentlemen are respectfully re- quested to provide themselves with Tickets, to pre- vent Inconvenience at the Door. tiifct tliese vessels are to take b" acfc the Oerr. iaA Legion to Hanover. Mr. Whitbread is to supersede Gen. ritzpat.- ick as Secretary at War; the latter is to be Lieutenant- General of the Ordnance. PRICE I Sat. Bank Stock ..' shut 3 per Ct. Red. Ishut 3 per Ct. Cons, 63i 4 per Ct. Cons. shut 5perCt, N... Imp. 3 per Cts. India Stock .. India
Bonds .. Exc. Bills ... Omnium . ... 7iii Cons, for op.. „ ' 63£ i$ of STOCKS. 186 8; Mon. Hoi. Tu. Wed. Th. 63 G2{ 03i 3. 63J 63 95IH S2£ 95Hi 9SJ J — ls? sd. p. ' is d lt> 4i 3 ls2sd t s2. sd. i iii S Hi Is. d. 2slsd. 7H (> 3H Fr; shut ' - hut £ 1 ti hut " ii Is. d. Upr. mi Esq. NORTHAMPTON, SATURDAY EVENING, Oct. 4. MARRIEDv] On Tuesday se'nnight, Thomas Coker Adams, Esq. second son of the late Simon Adams, Escf. of Ansty - Hall, Warwickshire, to Miss Marv l'istor, youngest daughter cjf Johnson Pistor, Esq. of Bath. Lately, Life Dacre, Esq. of the 1st Royal Dragoons, to Miss M. Gorges, of South Lawn Lodge, Oxfordshire.
On Monday se'nniglit, Mr. W. Collingfidce, of I'lardwick, Oxfordshire, to Miss Helen Simons, of Weston- Turvill, Bucks. A few days ago, Mr. Waldron, of Lubbestborpe, to Miss Clarke, of Oadby, both in Leicestershire. DIED.] On Saturday last, rmist deservedly and sincerely regretted, the Rev. Jolm Mordaunt, rector of NVigken, in this county, second son of Sir J. Mordaunt, Bart, of Walton, Warwickshire. On Sunday se'nnight, Mr. Charles Lancelot Peck, youngest soil of . the late Walter Peck, Esq. of Hilton, Huntingdonshire. On Monday se'nnight, at ICenilworth, Warwick- shire, Mrs. Bird, widow of John Bird, Esq. for- merly an
Alderman of the city of Loudon. The following Gentlemen have been elected Fellows of Trinity College, Cambridge:— P. Dobree, Esq. B. A. J. Clark son,' Esq. B. A. Rev. J. Powell, B. A. j W. Maihews, Esq. B. A . The Rev. Jolm Rose, M. A. Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, has been nominated, by the 1 Master and Senior of that Society, to the seques- i ( ration of Arrington, Cambridgeshire. ! On Monday, Joshua Cooch, Esq. was sworn into the office of Mayor of this Corporation for the ensuing year; as were Mr. John Bull Collins ' and Mr. William Paine into that of Bailiffs. , After which an elegant entertainment was given by
! the Mayor, upon the occasion, at the George inn. | On Monday last, Thomas Kidman, Fsq. was ! elected and sworn into the office of Mayor of ! Bedford, in the room of Joseph Barnard, Esq. | On Saturday last, Mr. John Heydon was elected one of the Assistants to the Corporation of 24th, early Morning Thursday the 25th of September last, some Person or Persons did KILL, in a Close in the Parish of CASTLE- ASHBY, in the County of Northampton, A LA M B, the Properly of Mr. SC RIVEN, of CASTLK- ASHBY, a Member of this Association, and did TAKE AWAY THE SAME, leaving the ENTRAILS near to the said- Close :
Whoever will apprehend, or cause tob? brought to Justice, the Person or Persons who committed the above Felony, so that he or they may be prosecuted, shall receive a Reward of FIVE GUINEAS of Mr. C. MARK HAM, Attorney, ill Northampton, the Trea- surer and Solicitor of this Association; and shall also, on Conviction of the Offender or Offenders, receive a further Reward of TEN GUINEAS of the said Mr. SCRIVEN.— And if more than one Person was con- cerned, and either will impeach his Accomplice or Accomplices, he shall be entitled to the same Rewards, and Interest will be made tp procurc His Majesty's Pardon.
Northampton, Oct. ith, 1806. To be SOL D, ARemarkably good CARRIAGE, built by Godsatl, with Barouche- Box, Patent Axletrees, Imperial and Trunks complete; lowest Price 120 Guineas. ( t5T Apply to Mr. CLARKE, Coach - Maker, Parade, Northampton. by GOod- accustomed Public- House. To be SOLD or L E T T, NOW IN FULL TRADE, ALL that MESSUAGE, known by the Name of the WAGGON- AND- HORSfcS, situate in Sheaf- Street, in the populous Town of DAVENT. RY. ( pj" For further Particulars, enquire of Mr. KIR- SHAW, Northampton. To he LETT, And entered upon • immediately, ASubstantial DWELLING HOUSE; com- prising a Hall, two Parlours, Kitchen, Brew- house, and Study; five Chambers, with Garrets; large Garden, Orchard, Stables, and Out- OfHces; pleasantly situate in the Centre of the Village of BLOXH AM, three Miles from Banbury, Oxfordshire, late in the Occupation of Mr. I. Councer, deceased. (£ 3" For Particulars, apply to Mr. SPURRETT, Ironmonger, Banbury; and for a View of the Pre- mises, to Mr. EDWARD BATES, Maltster, Bloxham. * » * A few Acrcs of LAND may be had. with the xbove, if required. Household- Fu rn it are. To be SOLD by AUCTION, liy Mr. KIR S HA IF On Friday the 10th Day of
October, 1806, at Milton, near Northampton, rpiIEnoat, useful HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE of Mrs. AA. EN ( who is leaving MILTON); consisting of four- post and other Bedsteads; Feather and Flock- Beds; Bedding, of Descriptions; Mahogany Tables, Chairs, & c. ; Pier and Swing Lookimr- Glasses; Thirty- hour Clock; Kitchen and Scullery Utensils, in Copper, Brass, and Pewter; China ancl Earthenware ; sweet Iron- bound Hogsheads and Casks; Tubs, Wash- Trays, Bowls, & c. ; togerher with a Quantity of Timber and other useful Articles, flrf The Sale to commence at Ten o'Clock. To be SOLD by AUCTION, fly Mr. KIR S HA
IF, At the White- Hart, in Cotton- End, in the Parish of Hardingstone, in the County of Northampton, on Thursday the 23d of October instant, between the Hours of Three and Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, FIVE FREEHOLD MESSUAGES OR TENE- MENTS, adjoining each other, with Gardens, and a Well of good Water behind the same, now lett to John Reeve, Richard Riddington, and others, at the yearly Rents of =£. 19 15s. situate in COTTON- END aforesaid, all in good Repair. ( pit* For further Particulars, apply to FRANCIS WILLIAM JEYES, Attorney, Gold- Street, North- ampton. Household- Furniture, fyc. To be SOLD by
AUCTION, By JOHN' DAY, On Monday the 13th of October, 1806, on the Pre- mises, at OLD- STRATFORD, ' IP11E HOUSEHOLD- FU RNI PURE, and other JL EFFECTS, of Mrs. KIGHTLEY, Widow, who is leaving Stratford; comprising Four- post and other Bedsteads, with Furnitures; Feather and Flock- Beds; Quilts and Blankets; Dining, Tea, and other Tables; Chests of Drawers; Bureau; Pier and Swing Glasses; Clock and Case; Kitchen - Furniture in general; Brewing Tubs, Beer Casks, and various other Articles.— The Sale to begin exactly at Eleveno'Clock. To be SOLD by AUCTION, At the latter End of October, or the
Beginning of November, 1806, 4FARM, at CAVERSFIELD. in the County of Oxford, in the Occupation of Mr. John Stuchbury ; consisting of a Farm - House, with suitable Offices, and upwards of 200 Acres of Land. ( JdT The Time of Sale will be advertised in this Pnper, sud Particulars in due Time published by Messrs, JBICNSTT 8c WVXIIAM, of Banbury. To be SO L D by AUCTION, liy JOHN DAY, On Thursday tile 30th of October instant, between tile Hours of Three and Five in the Afternoon, at the Cosk Inn, in Whitchurch, Bucks, in one or more Lot or Lots, as shall be then agreed on ( if not previously disposed of by Private
Contract, of which, in that Event, due Notice will be given in this Paper), and subject to such Conditions as will be then produced, AFREEHOLD MESSUAGE or FARM- HOUSE ( now converted into and occupied as two Tene- ments or Dwelling- Houses), with the Barn, Stable, large Yard, Garden, and a Homeclose of rich Pasture, containing thrte Acres ( more or less), thereto be- longing, with their Appurtenances, situate in the Hamlet of WEEDON, near AYLESBURY, Bucks, and now in the Occupation of Thomas lvatts, or his Undertenants. And also, the LIFE ESTATE and INTEREST of a. PERSON, aged about 52, of and in
TWO several PLOTS or A I. LOTMENTS of new- inclosed LAN D or GROUND, containing together, by Statute Mea- sure, 60A. SR. 21P. ( near 40 Acres of which are fine old Sweard), also lying in the Hamlet of WEEDON aforesaid, and now occupied by the said Thomas Ivatts, as Tenant at Will, at the very low annual Rent of =£. 120.— The last- mentioned Premises are Copyhold ( charged with a small and certain yearly Quit- Rent of £ 1 14s. 4< 1.), and situate in the Centre of the celebrated Vale of AYLESBURY. fj. 3~ For Inspection of the above, please to apply to Mr. THOMAS GREEN, Baker's- Lane, Aylesbury ; ancl for
more Particulars, to the AUCTIONEER, in Stonv- Stratford; to Mr. ARROWSMITH, Solicit ® !, Newport- Pagnell; or to WILLIAM AGER, Esq. 9, Furnival's- Ir. n, London. WYMERSLEY ASSOCIATION. VTTHEREAS late in the Night of Wednesday 1 ' . Ar , , VV the 24th. or earlv in the Mornin? of Thursdav Baubury; and on Monday, Richard Chapman, F., sq. was sworn into the office of Mayor, after which the Members of the Corporation were en- tertained at his house in an elegant manner, and the day was spent with much harmony and con- viviality. , In addition to the sum of ^. 100, given about, two years ago, by a person who
desired to remain unknown, towards the establishment of a Lunatic Asylum, we have the satisfaction of informing the public, that the Rev. Mr. Vye, rector of Wootton, has signified his intention of presenting the Infirmary with 100 " guineas, whenever that benevolent plan shall be put into execution. Yesterday and to- day four troops of the 2d regiment of Heavy German Dragoons marched from this town, on . their route to Canterbury, and will be followed, on Monday and Tuesday next, by the remainder of the regiment. Breach of Promise of Marriage.— TIOBMNS v. IIF. MINGS.— The plaintiff in this cause WAS Miss Mary
Hobbins, daughter of the late Mr. Hobbins, a reputable linen- draper, of Alcester, Warwick- shire, and Mr. Richard Ilemings, formerly of Alcester, but now a clerk in the banking- house of Messrs. Fletcher and Parsons, of Oxford, defendant. The action, which was for the breach of a promise of marriage, was brought in the Court of King's- Bench, where the defendant suf- fered judgment to goby default; and it . was on Wednesday se'iinight brought forward at the War- wick- Arms, in Warwick, before Mr. R, Hobbs, the Under- Sheriff, aud a respectable Jury, in order to award damages, which in the declaration were laid at „ f.
lOOO.— Counsel were heard on both sides, when the Jury awarded „£'. 200 damages. About three o'clock in the morning of Sunday se'iinight, a tire was discovered in a yard belonging to Mr. Thomas Bromhead, of Duddington, near Stamford, w hich destroyed the produce of about ,50 acres of land, principally barley, a. barn, stable, wheat- safe, and hovel.— The farm- yard is situated above a mile from any dwelling- house, and from the flames arising from different parts of the pre- mises, and smoke issuing out of the barn at the same time, there is no doubt, but they were set on fire by some vile incendiary. In the apertures of
the wall, which were made to air the corn, some matches were found, and it was not until the doors were opened, that the flames burst out of the barn. The loss sustained, including the buildings, amounts to at least ^ f. 500, no. part of which was insured.— Early the same morning, some coro- st. rcks, & c. ware burnt at Head's mills, near Biggleswade. The True Briton stage- coach broke down last Sunday evening at Loughborough, on its way to town from Wakefield, with nine outside passengers and seven insides, together with as much luggage as would load a town cart. ' File weight was so excessive as to break the axletree
short in two. Bv this means several passengers ware dreadfully braised; and one poor woman was in such a deplorable state that she was obliged to be left on the road. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By BROIVN & SON, On the Premises, on Friday the 10th of October, 1806, PART of the LIVE and DEAD STOf ' K, 11A Y, GRAIN in the STRAW, HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, and other EFFECTS, the Property of Mr. HENRY STAINES, at SOUTH MILL, in the Parish of BLUNHAM, near Bedford ( removing to Salford Mill, near Crantield, in the said County) ; consisting of three stout, useful Draught Horses, Sow and nine Pigs, Fowls,
and Ducks; a capital • Waggon, with Iron Arms. Tilt, and Hoops complete, and two Carts; Gears and Harness; Fallow aro Seed Ploughs, with Tackle, & c.; Harrows, Cow- Cribs, long and short Ladders, eight Dozen of good Hurdles and Stakes, some Utensils in the Mill, & c. ; about 14 Tons of good Hay, eight Loads of Spring Wheat, in the Straw, and one Acre of Potatoes; some neat Hoosehold- Furiiiture, and other Effects; and two Sacks of good Turnip Seed. ( pT The Hay and Straw may be taken off the Premises. *** The Sale to begin at Ten o'Clock. LONDON, Oct. 4. CAPTURE OF FIVE FRENCH FRIGATES. YESTERDAY,
at twelve o'clock, Lieutenant Henderson arrived at the Admiralty, in a post- chaise and four, with dispatches from the Channel Fleet, ( hey contain the important intel- ligence that Sir Samuel Hood fell in with a French squadron, consisting of five large French frigates, off Rochforr, bound to the West Indies, and lias taken four out of the five. One of the prizes arrived at Plymouth on Wednesday. The following Bulletin ( which likewise gives an account of the j capture of Le President frigate,) was shortly after sent from the Admiralty to the Lord- Mayor:— " Admiralty- Office, Oct. 3, 1806. * MY I. 0RD, " I have the honour to acquaint
your Lordship, that an Officer has just, arrived from Sir Samuel Hood, with an account of his having fallen in with : ive French frigates, four of which have been captured by the squadron under his command, viz. La Gloire, of 46 guns, broad pendant; La Minerve, L'Armide, and L'Indefatigable, 44 guns each.— The above ships were full of troops. Our loss is nine killed and thirty- two wounded. I am sorry to add, that Sir Samuel Hood has lost his right arm. " Accounts are likewise received from Sir Thomas Louis's squadron, of his having taken a French frigate, Le President, of 44 guns. " I have the honour to be, & c. " THOMAS
GRENVTLLE." " To the Right Hon. the Lord- M^ yor." PRICE of CORN per Quarter at Northampton, Saturday, Oct. 4. Wheat, 7S « . to 81s. 0d. Rve, 50*. Od. to 52s. . Barley, 42s. Otl. to 43s Od. Oats, 30s. 0: 1. to 34s. Od. J New Oats, 24s. to 25s. Beans, 46 ,. Oct. to 49-. Od. Peas, 41s. Od. to— s.' ud. Bv the Standard Measure. GRAFTON, Inspector. Government lias issued orders, through the medium of the Transport Board, for the imme- diate engagement of any number of horse ships | which can be procured for three months, at of. 15 ; per ton per month. They are ordered to assemble j at Deptford, but no forage is to be
provided, in- put on board, until further orders. It is supposed Corn- Exchange, London, Friday, Ott. 8. There are since our last several fre h imports of Wheat, and this trade is extremely dull in sales, and at a small declension in price. Many samples of the late crop of Corn in general now arrive.— Rye is lower.— Barley is in considerable supplies, and goes off" more readily, at rather better prices.— Malt is full as dear.— White Peas likewise.— Iu Beans but little variation. LIST of FAIRS, from Oct. 6, to Oct. 13, within the Circuit, of this Paper. T. Oct. 7. Tmi- cester and Harrold. W. —- 8. B< ackley and Chipphg- Norton. Th. -—- 9.
Kettering, Lutterworth, Stratford- upon- Avon, and IVinslow. F. 10. Market- Deeping, Shejfori, Thame, Churl- bury, St. Ives, and Leicester. S. . 11. High am - Ferrers, Fenny- Stratford, and Berkhamstcad. M. 13. Oundle, Warwick, Dedding'on, Aylesbury, Solihull, Southam, Bedford, and Hitchin. Th. 16. Banbuty and Market- Boswerth. F. —— 17. Alcester and Ivinghoe. S. 18. Luton. . L
GLOBE INSDR A N C E, rail- Mall, andCernhill. FIRE, LIFE, AND ANNUITIES. ALE l'ersons whose Insurances with this Com- pany become due at Michaelmas next are requested to take Notice, that Receipts for the Renewal thereof are now readv for Delivery at the Company's Offices, and in the Hands of . their respective Agents in the Country. Insurances due at Michaelmas must be paid on or before the 14th ot Odder next. FARMING- STOCK is insured generally. New Rates and Proposals for Insurance on I. tves and Survivorships, making Provision for Sons, and securing Marriage Portions for Daughters, on their
respectively coming of Age, and other Endowments, and Tables for granting immediate, deterred, and pro- gressive Annuities, will be delivered gratis^ No Entrance- Money or Admission- Fees are re- quired.— I. it'e Policies allowed gratis. THOMAS HEATH WILKINSON, Secretary. London, 20< h Sept. 1806. R- IIEUMAT1SMS, Palsies, and Gouty Affec- tions, with their usual Concomitants, Spasm, or living Pains, Flatulency, Indigestion, and general Debility ( originating in whatever Source), are relieved and frequently cured by Whitehead's Essence of Mustard Pills, after every other Means have failed. The Fluid Essence of
Mustard ( used with the Pills, in those Complaints where necessary) is perhaps the most active, penetrating, and effectual Remedy in the World, generally curing the severest SPRAINS AND BRUISES, in less than Half the Time usually taken by any other Liniment or Embrocation ; and if used immediately after any Accident, it prevents the Part turning black. Prepared only, and sold by R. Johnston, Apo- thecary, No. IS, Greek- Street, Soho, London; at 2s. 9d. each Box or Bottle. They are also sold by every Medicine Vender in the United Kingdom. The Genuine has a black Ink Stamp, with the Name of R. Johnston inserted on it.
ALBION EIRE AXD LIFE- OFFICE, LONDON, SEPTEMBER 20th, 1806. CAPITAL— ONIi MILLION. THE DIRECTORS of the ALBION FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, of LONDON, have appointed Mr. SPENCER HESKETH, of North- ampton, to be the Company's Resident for that Place and its Neighbourhood, and have authorized him to undertake Insurances from FIRE, and on LIVES, on the Company's Behalf. A large Deduction is made yearly on the Premiums of all Fire Insurances out of London; and a con- siderable Commission is allowed on Insurances on Lives. No Charge is made for Policies or
Indorsements; nor is the Person insuring responsible'for the Losses of ethers, as is the Case in all Contributionship- Societies, whether for Insurance from Fire or Lives. ( pg" The Compaq's Proposals may be had of Mr. HF. SKF. T « , by which it will be found that other material Advantages are afforded. Bv Order of the Board of Directors, WARNER PH1PPS, Secretary. Ten Thousand Pounds for the first- drawn Ticket. RICHARDSON, GOODLUCIv, & Co. RESPECTFULLY acquaint the Public, the STATE- LOTTERY commences Drawing on the 13th of the present Month ( OCTOBER), being the only Lottery to be drawn this
Year, and no other will be decided by the same. THE SCHEME CONTAINS 3 Prizes of £. 20,000 3 10,000 3 5,000 & C. & C. & c. The lowest Prizes are TWENTY POUNDS, and no fixed Capital, except the first- drawn Ticket, entitled to TEN THOUSAND POUNDS. TICKETS AND SHARES ARE ON SALE BY Mr. W. RUSHER, Bookseller, BANBURY, For RICHARDSON, GOODLUCK, & Co. Stock- Brokers, Comhill, and Charing- Cross, London. N' BEDFORDSHIRE GAME - DUTY. A correct List of the Certificates, on a Three- Guinea Sfatnp, which have been issued by the Clerk of the Peace for the County of Bedford to
Gamekeepers, between the 1st Day of July and the 13th Day of September, 1806, both Days inclusive. Manors. Gamekeepers' Names and Residence.' Allen John, Egginton Berry John, Lidlington Brown Thomas, Dunton Brown George, Whipsnttde Checkley Hattil, Brogborough Cripps William, Cranfield Fletcher Thomas, Nether- Shelton, in Marston French Thomas, Maulden Hare William, Gravenhurst How Thomas, Edlesborough, Bucks Egginton, Clipson, Stanbridge, and Bil- lington — — Lidlington — — — Joyes and Chamberlain's- Bury — Whipsnade — — Brogborough and Lidlington — Cranfield — — — Nether- Shelton
Maulden Hopkins Samuel, Egginton Marshall William, Staughton Morris John, Holcot Arlsey — — — Eaton- Bray and Totternhoe, in the County of Bedford, and Bates, in the Parish of Edlesborough, or elsewhere, in the County of Bucks — Manor of Hockliffe, with the Royalties annexed, in the Parishes of Tilsworth, Chalgrave, Wingfield, Milton- Bryant, and 1' otsgrove — Little- Pertenhall and Howbells, otherwise Co- vington- Fee — — Holcot- cum- Salford — Masters Thomas, Eyeworth Parsons William, W ootton Race John, Biggleswade Rotherham Thomas Eversden, Milton- Bryant Smith Hugh, Edwortli Seabrook Geo.
Market- Street Sawcll John, Milton- Ernest Sear John, Studham Eyeworth Pillinge, Stringay, John's — Stratton — Milton- Bryant Edworth — Whipsnade Milton- Ernest Studhara Rowsberry, and St. • By whom appointed. George Goodwin, Esq. The Most Noble John Duke of Bedford The Right Hon. George John Earl Spencer Thomas Vaux and Dixie Gregory, Esqrs. Lady Frances Ratcliffe The' Most Noble John Duke of Bedford John Foster, Esq. The Most Noble John Duks of Bedford Richard Edwards, Esq. John Pedley, Esq. Francis Moore, Esq. William Bricheno, Gent. Elizabeth Harvey, Edward Orlebar Smith, Clerk, and
Charlotte his Wife Charles Lord Yarborough Sydney College, Cambridge Charles Barnett, Esq. Sir Hugh Inglis, Bart. William Hale, Esq. John Pedley, Esq. Thomas Fisher, Esq. Elizabeth STATE - LOTTERY, Begins . Driltring 13th October, 1806. SWIFT & Go. Contractors for the present and the late Lotteries, are selling Tickets and Shares, in great Variety, at their old Office, No. 11, POULTRY, established in the Year 1759, and at No. 12, CHARI NO- CROSS, London. fp?" This Lottery contains a greater Proportion of capital Prizes than any former one. The first- drawn Ticket is entitled to £. 10,000, and is the only Prize fixed for
any. particular Day ; consequently a Ticket drawn at any Period of the Lottery will have the Chance of all the Prizes in the Wheel. SWIFT & Co. have had, for many Years past, the Satisfaction of selling a great Proportion of the capital Prizes, particularly in the last and late Lotteries, and most of them divided into Shares. N. B. Tickets and Shares for the above Office are also on Sale at Mr. WEBB's, Printer and Bookseller, BEDFORD. I'URNPIKE- TOLLS TO LETT JOTICE is hereby given, That the TOLLS arising at the Toll- Gates, for one whole Year, from the 9th Day of December next, upon the l'urn- pike- Road leading from
Towcester, through Silver- stone and Brackley, in the County of Northampton; add Ardley and Middleton- Stony to Weston Gate, in the Parish of Weston- on- the- Green, in the County of Oxford; known by the Names of BURCOTT WSOD GATE, with the CHECK GATE near the Soap- Office, HOPPERSFORD GATE, with the CHECK GATE at Biddlesdon Lane End, and MIDDLETON- STONY GATE, will be separately LETT by AUCTION, to the Best Bidder, at the House of THOMAS WILKINS, called the CROWN INN, in BRACKLEY, onTuESDAY the 7th Day of OCTOBER next, between the Hours of Eleven and Four, in the
Manner directed by the Act passed in the 13th Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, " for regulating Turnpike- Roads;" which Tolls pro- duced the last Year the Sums hereinafter- mentioned, above the Expence of collecting the same, and will be put up at those Sums respectively, viz. Burcott I food Gate, - with the Cheek Gate near the £. Soap- Office 140 Hoppers ford Gate, - with the Check Gale near Biddlesdon Lane End . 83 And Middleton- Stony Gate 63 Whoever happens to be the Best Bidder, must at the same Time give Security, with sufficient Sureties, to the Satisfaction of the Trustees of the said Turn- pike- Road,
for Payment of the Rent agreed for, and at such Times as they shall direct.— And Notice is hereby further given, that new Trustees will then be elected and appointed in the Room of such Trustees as are dead, and whose Vacancies are not already filled up.— Dated the first Day of September, 1806. JOHN WESTON, Clerk to the Trustees of the said Turnpike- Road. THE ONLY LOTTERY TFAT WILL BE DRAWN THIS YEA%. ,£. 10,000 FIRST- DRAWN TICKET. Begins Drawing 13th this Month, Containing^ more CAPITAL PRIZES and less Tickets than any former Lottery. Only 20,000 Tickets. PURCHASERS will have the
Opportanity of obtaining all the CAPITAL PRIZES, provided they purchase before the Drawing. SCHEME. No. of Prizes. Value of each. 3 £. 20,000 - 3 3 5 8 20 40 4,100 20,000 Tickets. 10,000 5,000 1,000 500 100 50 20 Total Value. — £. 60,000 — 30,000 — 15,000 — 5,000 — 4,000 — 2,000 — 2,000 — 82,000 £. 200,000 PRESENT PRICE. Ticket £. 19 17s. £. 10 3 0 ~ Eighth £. 2 11 Sixteenth 1 6 Half Quarter 5 2 0| TICKETS AND SHARES Are on Sale at EVERY LICENSED LOTTERY- OFFICE. Two hundred and thirteen capital Prizes, From =£'. 30,000 to £ .500, Have been shared, sold, and registered at the old established State- Lottery- Offices of IIORNSBY Sc CO. No. 26, Corn/ till, b'- l, Charing- Cross, and St. Margaret's- Hill, Borough. riMCKETS and SHARES for the present State- .8 Lottery, which begins drawing the 13th of OCTOBER ( and is the only Lottery to be drawn this Year), are now selling a't HORNSBY & Co.' s, in great Variety, and on the lowest Terms. The first- drawn Ticket is entitled to £. 10,000, and all the other capital Prizes are afloat, so that the Chance of ob- taining them is as likely to happen on the first Day of drawing as on any other; as such, it is greatly in Favour of those who purchase Tickets and Shares
before the Drawing commences. Orders, by Post or Carrier, executed precisely on the same Terms as if present. SEPTEMBER 26th, 1B06. rpHE M ANAGERS of the SUN FIRE- OFFICE, » tor the Accommodation of Farmers, will in future issue POLICIES on FARMING- STOCK, for six MONTHS, at 2s. per Cent, charging the Dutv only for that Period.— All Kinds of BUILDINGS', Ho U SE HO L D- F U RN IT U R F , STOCK I N TRADE, & C. & C. insured on as low Terms as by any other Office. R. SCRIVEN, Agent, NORTHAMPTON. Walker John, Eaton- Socon Eaton- Socon Examined by me, Shipley Pestell, and Samuel
Wyatt, Gent. — Ann ' Nicoll, Widow, Edward Nicoll, Esq. and Thomas Ni- coll, Gent. — The Most Noble John Duke of Bedford THEED PEARSE, Clerk of the Peace. BEDFORDSHIRE GAME - DUTY. A correct List of the Certificates, on a One- Guinea Stamp, which have been issued by the Clerk of the Peace for the County of Bedford to Gamekeepers ( being menial Servants), between the 1st Day of July and the 13th Day of September, 1806, both Days inclusive. Gamekeepers' Names and Residence. Ashwell Samuel, Henlow Ashwell Samuel, Henlow Achurch V/ illiam, Sandy Bampford William, Cople Brampton Thomas,
Cople Banes John, Old- Warden fXitcher Thomas, Chicksands Butt Robert, Clophill Bates John, Harrold liurton Edward, Ilowbury Manors. Benbow Thomas, Turvoy Brooks John, Woburn Barron Charles, Letchworth, Hertfordshire Collins William, Leighton- Buzzard Cole Jelin, Moggerhanger Pelahay Thomas, Wootton Delahav Thomas, Wootton Dines Edward, Stopsley Kmery Ebenczer, Eaton- Socon Flint John, Shitlington Fair William, I. imbury foster James, Oakley Hill Thomas, Silsoe Hardy Joseph, Sovtthill Hare' James, Lilley - House, Heits Johnson John, Kempston Parkins John, Luton Payne Richard, Patton Payne
Richard, Potton Perkins William, Mclchbourn Snoxel! Norman, Toddington Smart John, Flitwick Stanford Edward, Arlscy Smart Jahn, Flitwick Tomlin John, Ampthill- Park TomlinJolm, Ampthill- Pafk Watson Joseph, Ickwell Woodward John, Norfhill Whitfield James, Sandy Worsfold George, Roxton Henlow and Warden — Holme and I. angford — Hassells, Girtford, and Little- Staughton, in the County of Bedford, and Hard- wicke and Caldecot, in the County ef Huntingdon — — Cople and Willington' — Wyberson, Honeydown, and Begry Southill, Stamfordbury, and Hill Chicksands and Polehanger — Houghton- Conquest and
Beadlow Harrold — — — Ilowbury, Salphobury, Favclls in Renhold and Goldington, andBirchfields in Great- Barford Turvey — — — Eversholt and Priestley — By whom appointed. Elizabeth Edwards, Widow Dean and Chapter of St. Peter, Westminster Stotfold — — — I- eighton- Buzzard, otherwise Grovebury, in the County of Bedford, Stewkley, Bow- Brickhill, and Bragnam, otherwise Bragenham, in the County of Bucks Moggerhanger, Chaulton, Southmills, Bees ton, Thorncoat, Hatch, Beeston, with Caldecot, Everton- Mossbury, and Everton- Biggin — — Wootton — — Marston- Moretain and Lidlingtoa Hayes — — Ea: on,
otherwise Eyton — • Shitlington —• — Limbury- cum- Biseott — Oakley — — Flitton- cum- Silsoe, Gravenhurst, and Jon, Higham, Gobion, Pulloxhill, Clophill, and Ulophill- cum- Cainhoe, and Hen- low- G rey Rowr. ey, Castlings, and Stamfordbury Bennetts — — Kempston- Greys, otherwise Hastingsbury, and Kempston- Haidwick — Luton — — * Potton- Regis, Poffon- mueh- manuted, Pot- ton- Burdetts, and Potton- Rectoria Sutton — — Knotting and Souldrop — Toddington and Yongs — Flitwick — — Francis Pym, Esq. The Most Noble John Duke of Bedford Thomas Whetham, Esq. Lord Ongley Sir George Osborn, Bart.
Elizabeth Harvey, Edward Orlebar Smith, Clerk, and Charlotte his Wife Right Hon. Annabella Baroness Lucas John Polhill, Esq. John Higgins, the Younger, Esq. The Most Noble John Duke of Bedford John Williamson, Gent. Rev. Thomas Leigh BRITISH FtRE - OFFICE. INSURANCES granted on Houses, Buildings, Shipping, Water Craft, Goods, Merchandize, FARMING- STOCK, and other Property, from Loss or Damage by Fire. Agricultural Stock insured at 2s. 6d. per Cent. The Office grants Insurances short ot a Year, and makes good Loss by Fire from Lightning. Insurances due at Michaelmas must be paid on or before
the 14th Day of October instant. Proposals and Rates gratis, by Application at the principal Offices in the Strand and Cornhill, London, or to any of the following Agents. ROBERT SKELTON, Sec. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. ^ Northampton,— FLETCHER & DODD. Peterborough,— COLE & SIMPSON. Wellingborough,— SANDERSON SC BCALI. Daventry,— JOHN HALL. Towcester,— THOMAS CLARKE. Brackley,— RICHARD COLLISSON. Kettering,— COBB & BENTON. Oundle,— MATTHEW BURRELL. HUNTINGDONSHIRE. Huntingdon,— JOHN LONGI. AND. St. Ives, LINDSEI. L. Stilton,— THOMAS STRANCWARD.
Olney,— JOHN GARRARD. Great- Marlow,— B. H. COOPER. Chesham,— CHARLES JONES. Stony- Stratford,— JOHN OLIVER* OXFORDSHIRE. Oxford,— IIANWELI. & PARKER. Banbury,— COBB & CO. Woodstock,— CHURCHILL & TURNER. Witney,— SAMUEL SHUFFRIY. Deddington,— H. CHURCHILL. Wheatley,— Jos. HOLIDAY. Henley- on- Thames,— Z,. A LLN UTT. Watlington,— CHARLES NUNDY. Bicester,— T. M. BI. OWFIELD. Chipping- Norton,— WILLIAM HOUOM, HERTFORDSHIRE. Hertford,— EDWARD TROTTER. St. Alban's,— R. MASON, Sen. Hitchin,— THOMAS TIMES. Tring,— JOHN
JONES & SON. Hemel- IIempstead,— A. C ASEBOURN, Barnet,— M. SMITH. Baldook,— CHRISTOPHER BARBER. Bishop's- Stortford,— JAM BS DODD. WARWICKSHIRE. • Warwick,— Jos. COTTON. Birmingham,— JOHN GOTTWALTZ. Coventry,— BENJAMIN PRATT. Coleshill,— PROCTER & SON. Stephen Thornton, Esq. Sir Philip Monox, Bart. George John Earl Spencer John Morris, Gent. John Brickwood, Esq. Joseph Musgrave, Esq, John Crawley, Esq. The Most Noble John Duke of Bedford Right Hon. Annabella Baroness Lucas Samuel Whitbread, Esq. John Sowerby, Esq. William Long, Esq. The Most Noble
John Marquis of Bute Samuel Whitbread, csq. Sir Montague Burgovne, Bart. The Most Noble John Duke of Bedford John Cooper, Esq. George Brooks, Esq. and Ann his Wife Astwick, Langford, Rectory of I. angford, and Eatonsbury — — Westoning and Worth- End^ and Part of Tingrith — — — Honor and Manor of Ampthill, Manors of Milbrook, Houghton- Conquest, Hough- ton- How- End, Ellensbury, and Marston- The Right Hon. John Earl of Up Pillinge — r- per- Ossory Jahn Jackson, Esq. Sir John Everitt, Knt. Manor and Park of Beckerings Ickwellbury College Farm and Hartsholme, with Blundells < — — Northill — — —
Sandy — — Roxton, Chawson, and Netherbury Emilius Henry Delme Ratcliffe, Esq. Woodcraft " William, Warden Yarrow John, Bedfoid Warden and Caidington Elstow — Examined by roe, John Harvey, Esq. John Harvey, Esq. Sir Philip Monox, Bart. Susanna Metcalfe, Widow, Rev. Frogmere Gumming, Clerk, and Henry Soane, Esq. — Samuel Whitbread, Esq. — Samuel Whitbread, Esq. THEED PEARSE, Clerk of the Peace. ROYAL- EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. Established by Royal Charter in the Reign of George I. for assuring Houses, Buildings, Corn, Hay, Goods, & c. and also for Assurance of Lives. SEPTEMBER 17,
1806. Till: CORPORATION of the ROYAL- - I- EXCHANGE ASSURANCE do hereby give Notice, that they have authorized their respective • Agents to receive Proposals for the Assurance of Farming Stock at the Rate of 2s. 6d- per Cent, per Annum. Persons whose Annual Premiums fall due on the 29th Instant, are hereby informed, that RECEIPTS are now ready to be delivered by the COMPANY'S respective AGENTS under- mentioned ; and the Parties assured are requested to apply for the Renewal of their Policies, onor before tlie 14th Day of October next, as the usual fifteen Days allowed for Payment beyond the Date ot
each Policy will then expire. SAMUEL PENNING, Jun. Secretary. NORTH A MPTONSHI RF.. Northampton,— FRAS. WM. JEYES. Thrapston,— JA'MES ROBINSON. Towcester,— JOHN JENKINSON. Wellingborough,— J. N. GOODHALL. Daventry,— R. SHEPPARD. BEDFORDSHIRE. Bedford,— M. PARTRIDGE. Biggleswade,— JOHN LANCASTER. Leighton,— D. WILLIS. Luton,— D. L. WILLIS. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Aylesbury,— LUKE TURNER. Beaconsfield,— THOS. WITTS WALFORD. Buckingham,— ROBERT MILLER. Chesham,— CREED & BAYI. IE. Great- Marlow,— THOMAS EMES. Newport- Pagnell,— R.
COLLISSON. Olney,— RICHARD HARROLD. Stony- Stratford,— J. DAY. Winslow,— R. READING. HUNTINGDONSHIRE. Huntingdon,— ROBERT STAFFORD. St. Neots,— WM. DAY. Stilton,— J. BODGER". LEICESTERSHIRE. Leicester,— JOHN KING. Market- Harborough,— WM. SPRIGO. Meiton- Mowbray,— EDW. BRIGHT. WARW ICKSHI RE. Birmingham,— JAMES KINDON. Coventry,— JESIMIF. L SMITH. Kineton,— THOMAS ABBOTTS. Rugby,— RICHARD FOX. N. B. Fire Policies will be allowed, free of Ex- pence, where the Annual Premiums amount to 6s. or upwards. ( PT This Company have invariably
made good Losses by Fire, occasioned by Lightning.— Proposals may be had of the different Agents. * « .* Assurances on Lives being found to be advan- tageous to Persons having Offices, Employments, Estates, or other Incomes determinable on the Lite or Lives of themselves or others, Tables of the Rates for such Assurances, and for the granting Annuities on Lives, may be had of the said Agents. And for the greater Convenience of the Public, the Company have determined to extend ( by special Agreement) the As- surances on Lives to the Age of 75 Years. For a certain Disorder and all Scorbutic Complaints. DR.
FREEMAN'S GUTTA SALUTAR1S is by far the most safe and effectual Remedy ever yet discovered for the Cure of that dangerous Disease. Persons unhappily afflicted with a certain Complaint in all its Stages, and under its various Appearances, will find a secure and present Relief by taking these most invaluable Drops; which, for their Excellency during thirty Years' Practice in the most populous Part of London, viz. Hatton- Garden, have been termed Gutta Salutaris. The Secrecy with which most Persons so afflicted find it needful to conceal their Sufferings, may be safely employed while using thase Drops; since they render
Confinement unnecessary, as well as all mer- curial Preparations, or any surgical Operation whatever. By Appointment of Dr. Freeman they are sold by R. Butler, No. 1, Cheapsiae, Corner of'Paternoster- Row ; Edge, Northampton; and by most Venders of Medicines; in Bottles, at 2s. 9d. each, with ample Directions. Phanix Fin- Office, Lombard- Street, London. npHE firm Support which the PHCENIX- OTW K I- continues to receive from its numerous Friends, demands the Thanks of the Directors. This Office has ever been impressed with an ardent Desire to give Encouragement to the Agricultural Interests of the Kingdom; and
the Directors rely, that the Regulations which they from Time to Time hi. e introduced for that Purpose, will be satisfactory to the Public, and secure the Continuance of its Favour and Patronage. Stock on a Farm maybe insured in one Sum, with- out the average Clause. The Receipts for Policies falling due at Michaelmas are now in the Hands of the several Agents. ( J3r The important Sums annually paid by this Office to Sufferers by Eire, strongly prove thp Benefits resulting from Insurance, as well to Noblemen and Gentleiiien to secure the Value of their Mansions and Effects, . as to Farmers, Manufacturers, and all the
Commercial Orders. *** Persons insuring for Three Hundred Pounds, or upwards, will not be charged for the Policy. By Order of the Directors, H. A. HARDY, Sec. of Country Department. To Mr. SPILSBURY. SIR, Marlo- Ui, Aug. 12, 1806. THE Writer, in June last, called on you with A young Woman, of the Name of Brookes, whu had a bad Leg, and to whom you gave a Pint of your Drops, which has nearly effected a Cure. The following Case has also occurred in this Neigh- bourhood :— James Gybson was inoculated at ten Years • of Age; Half a Year afterwards he was seized with Pain in both Legs, supposed for some Time
to he Rheumatism, or growing Pains, but it settled finally in one Leg, which swelled, and rendered him inca- pable of walking. He had in four Years, eleven or twelve Ulcers, and thirteen Pieces of Bone were taken out. His Health was impaired, and he was constantly carried about. A charitable Lady saw him in this State, and asked his Mother if she would object to his trying SPII. SBURY'S PATENT ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS, as she had seen their Efficacy in several In- stances. On her assenting, she supplied him with them, and allowed him Meat and such Nourishment as is recommended with them. He took fifteen BM- tles,
which entirely cured him. It is now three Years since, and fie has had no Return of his Com- plaint, but is grown tall, healthy, and works con- stantly as a Bricklayer. The Bearetis also recommended as a deserving Ob- ject for your1 excellent Institution, being a Servant, without Parents. She has been put to much Expence, and can find no Relief. She lives thirty- two Miles from London, and it has been thought best to send her to Town that you may see her. The genuine Medicine, in Bottles of 5s. 6d. 10s. and £. 1 2s. Duty included, is sold at the Dispensary, No. 15, Soho- Square, London.— To prevent Counter- feits, each Bottle
is accompanied with a black Inlc Stamp. ( f^" Sold also by the Printers of this Paper; Mr. Okely, Bedford; Mather, Wellingborough; Collis & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Robins, and Wil- kinson, Daventry; Corrall, Lutterworth ; and by most Venders of Patent Medicines in Town and Country. I ANTI- IMPETIGINES. PERSONS who have unfortunately made Use of that dangerous Mineral Mercury, would do well to weigh the Consequences before it is too late, and resort to those Medicines of established Celebrity and Character for a permanent and radical Cure, and thereby establish their Health upon the most firm and lasting
Foundation. The ANTI- IMPETICINF. S, or SOLOMON'S DROPS, prove of the highest Utility in all Cases of depraved Habit, with Affections of the Skin: Flence its Ef- ficacy in Cases of Scurvy, Scrofula, or Leprosy, as well' as in the confirmed Lues; and hence, by its sanative Power, it expels the Virus out of the System, and restores it to Convalescence. In Scorbutic Com- plaints, Lues, & c. Mercury, Antimony, and Aqua- fortis have been recommended and tried, but they reduce Patients who have made Use ot them to the most deplorable State, and have left Complaints which the Skill and Abilities of the first Physicians have
been unable to cope with. These Disorders fly before the Effects ot the Anti- Impetigines, prepared by Dr. Solomon, C. ilead - House, near Liverpool, which restores the afflicted Patient in the most gentle Manner, even when Salivation has failed, and leaves the whole Frame firm and healthful. The numerous and respectable Signatures which have appeared in our Paper from Time to Time, will speak more than any Encomiums we can bestow upon it. Sold in 10s. 6d. and 33s. Bottles ; the latter contain four of the former, by which the Purchaser saves 9s. Every genuine Bottle has a Stamp, which bears the Proprietor's Name and
Address, " Saml. Solomon, Liverpool," to imitate which is Felony. ( PIT The Postage of all Letters to the Doctor must be paid, and 10s. 6d. as a Fee, inclosed for Advice. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by the Printers of this Paper; also, Retail, by Marshall, and Edge, North- ampton ; Collis & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Dawson, and Harrod, Harborough; Marriott, Banbury ; Inns, and Gallard, Towcester; Seeley, Buckingham; Richardson, Stony - Stratford; Edge, and Mather, Wellingborough; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry; Okely, and Palgrave, Bedford; Fox, St. Neots; Barringer, and Inwood, Newport- Pagnell; Swinfen, Leicester;
by the Printers of the Country News- papers; and by all the reputable Medicine Venders, Booksellers, See. in every principal Town in England, Ireland, Scotland, and America, who will deliver Pamphlets gratis, with a Variety of authentic Docu- ments noted therein. To- THOMAS TAYLOR, Esq. No. 9, New Bridgc- SIR, Street, London. IConsider it but an Act of Justice due to the Merits of your LEAKE's PATENT PILLS, to communicate to you the following Cure, which has recently- been performed by them:— An Acquaintance of mine, who, by the breaking out of an old Venereal Complaint ( attended by a Complication of
Disorders arising therefrom), was reduced almost to a Skeleton, and although he had the best Medical Advice which could be obtained, and tried a Variety of Patent Me- dicines, Nothing could be procured which seemed to suit his Case, or to do him any Service: He remained in a most reduced and pitiable Situation for two Years, unable to follow his Profession, and scarcely able to walk or even to stand on his Legs; in Fact, no one who knew him ever supposed it possible for him to recover. He was advised at last to try your LEAKE'S PILLS ; he did so, adhering strictly to the Directions given with them; he had not taken more
than two Boxes before he found an Alteration for the better; this encouraged him to proceed, and by taking a few Boxes more he found his Appetite and Strength gra- dually return, and is now as healthy and stout as any Man I know. You are welcome, ' Sir, to refer any Person to me for a Confirmation of the above Account if it should be doubted. I am, Sir, your obedient humble Servant, THOS. PURDAY. Library, Folkstone, July 10, 1S05. Prepared and sold by the sole Pr^ rietor, THOMAS TAYLOR, Memberof the Royal College of Surgeons, in London, at his House, No. 9, New Bridge- Street'; where, after a constant Residence
of more than forty Years, in a Practice particularly directed to the Cure of Venereal Complaints, and those inci- dental to the Parts of Generation in both Sexes, with that inviolable Secrecy which Men of his Profession should always observe, he flatters himself the Advice and Assistance he gratuitously administers to Persons taking this Medicine, will be esteemed, by a discern- ing Public, as an Advantage seldom to be obtained, and void of Ambiguity. They are also sold, by his Appointment, for the Convenience of those living at a Distance, by the Printers of this Paper, and Mr. Marshall, Druggist, Northampton; Inns, and
Gallard, Towcester; Robins, & Wilkinson, Daventry; Sharpe, Warwick ; Rollason, Coventry; Gregory, Leicester; Harrod, Harborough ; Seeley, Buckingham; Loggin, Ayles- bury ; Knight, Collis Sc Dash, and Munn, Ket- tering ; Mather, Wellingborough ; Marriott, Banbury ; Tookey, Oundle; Palgrave, Bedford; Atkinson, Manchester; and by one Person in every considerable Town in Great- Britain and Ireland, in Boxes of only 2s. 9d. each, sealed up with full and plain Directions, whereby Persons of either Sex may cure themselves with Ease, Speed, Secrecy, and Safety. Every Box sold in Great- Britain is sealed up with a Stamp, oil
which, by Favour ot the Commis- sioners, is printed, at the Stamp- Office— T. Taylor, No. 9, Neiv Bridge- Street— to imitate which is Felony, and all others are counterfeit. If nny one man has ever been more successful than another, it is Dr. Solomon, who has brought his Cordial Balm of Gilead to such perfection that it never fails removing the worst and most crabbed disorders of the nerves. It always exhilirates and cheers the spirits, and braces and invigorates the whole frame. Such a medicine, for its healing, balsamic, friendly, and sanative qualities upon the debilitated constitution, deserves the wondrous encouragement it
meets with from all ranks who have been fortunate enough to have recourse to it. It is peculiarly efficacious in all inward wastings, loss of appetite, indigestion, depression of spirits, trembling or shaking of the hands or limbs, obstinate coughs, shortness of breath, consumptive habits, Sec. Sec. At this season of the year, Dr. Solomon's medicines are highly useful to the vale- tudinarian; but caution is necessary to guard against counterfeits, by observing the words " Saml. Solomon, Liverpool," engraved on the stamp affixed to each bottle, without which it cannot be genuine. Sold at 10s. 6d. or four in one 33s. bottle ( which saves
9s.) by the Printers of this Paper. Dr. Solomon, when consulted, expects his usual fee of half- a- guinea. Such letter should, for safety, be thus directed, " Money- Letter, Dr. Solomon, Gilead- House, n£ ar Liverpool." BANKRUPTS required to SURRENDER. Anne Harding, of Bristol, haberdasher. Francis Oliver, of Tottenham High Cross, Middlesex, grocer, Jos. Bragge, of Girton, Nottinghamshire, dealer and chapman.—- Claudius Chervet and Jas. Fletcher, of Walbrook, London, merchants. James Clark, of Houndsditch, London, cock and brass founder. . Alice Halbert and George Halbert, of Newcastle- upon- Tyne, drapers.
Tedmar Banck, of Queen- street, Cheapside, London, sugar- refiner. Henry Richard Bowen, of Bath, chinaman. Thomas Jackson, of Liverpool, hatter.— Samuel Bottomley, of Salfbrd, Lancashire, liquor- merchant. John Stubbs, of Bristol, house- carpenter. MARKETS.— London, Sept. 29. We had a tolerable good supply ot Wheat from Essex and Kent this morning, and which experienced a decline of from 3s. to 5s. pet quarter below last Monday's currency.— Barley has likevvise fallen 6s. per quarter, and which has also brought d& wn the price of Malt.— White Peas, of which we have plenty, have likewise given way 4s. and
5s. per quarter.— Rye is cheaper. — In Beans and Oats there is not much variation; the latter, of good quality, are not lower, but the ordinary are un- questionably cheaper.— Flour remains at 75s. sack. per Wheat.. 50s. to 60s. 65s. Fine Do. — s. to 70f. 78 » . Rye . .. 40s. to 45s. Od. Barley.. 36s. to 42s. Od. Malt. .. 72s. to 78s. Od. PRICE of FLOUR.- HOPS, per Pocket. Oats 24s. to28s. SSs. FlorseBeans41s. to 50s. Od. Tick Ditto — s. to 44s. 0d. White Peas 50s. to 66s. Od. Grey Ditto 40s. to 46s. Od. Fine — s. to 75s. Od. Kent, 41. 10s. to 51. 12s Sussex, 41.10s. to 51. 2s. — Farnham, 71. 0s. to 81. 0s. SMITHFIELD, Sept.
29. To sink the offal. Ox Beef, 4s. Od. to5s. Od. Wether Mutton, 4s. 4d. to 5s. 2d. Veal, 4s. 6d. to 5s. 4d. Pork, 5s. Od. to 6s. Od. Lamb, 4s. 8d. to 5s. 4d. Sold this day, Beasts, 1900— Sheep and Lambs, 17,500. NEWGATE and LEADENHALL, Sept. 29. By the carcase. Beef, 3s. Od. to4s. 0d. Mutton, 3s. 8d. to 4s. 4d. Veal, 3s. 4d. to 5s. Od. Pork, 5s. Od. to 6s. Od. Lamb, 4s. Od. to 5s. Od. TALLOW.— Town, 61s. Od. White Russia,— s. Od. to 61s. Od. ( Soap), — s. Od. to 58s. Od. Melting Stuff, — s. to 50s. Od. Ditto rough, — s. to 32s. Good Dregs, 10s. Od. Graves, lis. Od. LEATHER, per lb. Butts, 50 to 551b. 22d. to 21d.
Ditto, 60 to 651b. 26d. to 28d. Merchants' Backs, 21d. to 22d. Dressing Hides, 18£ d. to 19Jd. FineCoach- Flides, 20Jd. to21£ d. Crop Hides for cutting, 21d. to 234d. Flat ordinary, 18d. to 19Jd. Calf Skins, 30 to 40lb. per doz. SOd. to 40d. Ditto, 50 to 701b. per doz. 36d. to 42d. Ditto, 70 to 801b. 33d. to 38d, Small Seals, per lb. 39d. to 40d. Large Ditto, per doz. 100s. to 160s. Goat Skins, — s. to — s. per doz. Tanned Horse- HMe% 20s. to 35l . n r Hide. < NORTHAMPTON: Printed and Published by and for T. DICEY and JY. SUTTON.