The Northampton Mercury
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Volume Number: LXXXVI
Issue Number: 28
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The Northampton Mercury
Date of Article: 13/09/1806
Printer / Publisher: Dicey & Sutton
Address: Northampton
Volume Number: LXXXVI
Issue Number: 28
No Pages: 4
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OiAj Vol. LXXXVI. No. 28. < Ready Money is expected ) ( with Advertisements. S SATURDAY, September 13, 1806. PRICE SIXPENCE, j £ t<" » p- I> uty • ( Pat S'aper and Print Sunday and Tuesday's Posts. Supplement to the London Gazette Extraordinary) of Friday, the 5th of September, Published Sunday, September?. Dozcnlng- street, Sept-. 6. ADispatch, of which the following is nil extract, was this day received by the Rt. Hon. C. J. Fox, his Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Afi'iirs, Itorn Hugh Elliott, Esq. late his Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at the Court of ilia Sieilian
Majesty:— Extract of a dispatch from Hugh Eliittt, Esq. to the Right Hon. C. J. Fox, dated Palermo, 5th Aug. • Sir,— 1 inclose herewith the copy of a letter of the 3d of August, which 1 have received this day from Sir John Stuart.— Ry the surrender of Cotrone, and the retreat o>" both Gen. Verdier and Gen. ReKnier, from Upper aid Lower Calabria, those prwvinces are now restored to their legal Sovereign.— The ly. ttle of Maida, upon the 4th of July, will long he recorded in this part of Europe, as a memorable proof of the superi- ority of British courage and discipline. Of the 9000 men which Gen. Regnier commanded in the
province of CHahria Ulterior, not more than 3000 aie left to attempt tneir retreat towards Pug- lia ; the remainder a. e all either killed, w mnded, or made prisoners.— - Every tort aleng the co. jsts; all the depots of stores, ammunition, and artillery, prepared for the attack of Sicily, are become the prey of the victors; and what, perhaps, may be considered as even of still mere con- sequence than those advantages, an indelible impression is established of the superior bravery and discipline of the British troops.— There is not, perhaps, to be tbund in the annals of military transactions, an enterprise prepared with more deliberate
reflection, or executed with greater decision, promptitude, and success, than the late invasion of Calabria by Sir John Stuart. Extract of a dispatch from Major . General Sir J . Stuart, to Hugh Elliott, Esq. dated Messina, 3d Aug. Having occasion to send an express to my Aide- de- Camp, Capt. Bulkeley, at Palermo, I avail myself of the opportunity to acquaint you with another fortunate result of our auspicious day at Maida.— Cotrone, with nil its stoies, magazines, & c. and C00 troops ( now pri- son- rs), capitulated on Wednesday evening last to the laud and naval forces of his Britannic Majesty, under Lieut.- Col. M'Leod, of the
7< th regiment, and Capt. Hoste, of his Majesty's frigate Amphion, who were » ssisted in theii operations against that place, and upon the adjacent coasts, by the gun- boats of his Sicilian Majesty. Three hundred prisoners, who prove to be survivors of the wounded aftiir the action of the 4th ult. are already arrived in this port.— General Regnier, who had endeavoured to hold his position, under much embarrassment for some time past, between Cotrone and Catauzaro, has retreated precipitately towards Ta- rento; and it was reported when the transport left Cotrone, that he had been attacked by the masse, and had lost 6 or 700
of his Hying people.— I am row to congratulate you on the total evacuation of Calabria Ultra, in which single province, previous to the action of the 4th^ we have every certainty that the enemy had a distributed force of at least U000 men; of these, • when Gen. Regnier quitted his position near Cotrone, certainly not 8000 remained. The losses of the French ill Upper Calabria have also borne a proportion.— A great deal of heavy ordnance, lately transported by the French to Cotrone, besides what was found mounted on the castle, amounting in the whole to about 40 pieces, have fallen into our hands. Downing- street, 6th Sept. A
dispatch, of which the following is a copy, has been received by the Right Hon. W. Windham, one of iiis Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, from Genera) the Right Hon. H. E. Fox, Commander of his Majesty's forces in the Mediterranean :— Messina, '. 11 Aug. 1806. SIR,— I have the honour of inclosing to you the ca- pitulation of Cotronc, as well as extracts of two letters received this day from Lieut.- Col. M'Leod, of the 78ih regiment, and addressed to Major- Gen. Sir John Stuart, who had detached that officer for the pur- pose of giving support to the armed peasantry on the ifjacent coast, and of making an attack upon
that place itself. Lieut.- Col. M'Leod appears to have conducted himself with the greatest judgment aiid activity in this service, and to have received the most ready co- operation and essential assistance from Capt. Hoste, of his Majesty's ship Amphion, who has all along acted in conjunction with him.— I have the honour to be, & c. H. E. FOX. Right Hon. W. Windham, & c. & c. Sfc. Extract of a letter from Lieut.- Col. M'Leod to Major. General Sir John Stuart, dated Amphion frigate-, off Cot rone, Tuh July. By the letter 1 had the honour of addressing to you on the 24th inst. accompanying the duplicates of my letters of the
preceding evening, you will be aware that it wa> my intention to move, in conjunction with Capt. Hoste's squadron„ to this place on the following day, under an impression, that a feint on the enemy's rear, and this his sole remaining depflt, would induce hiiri to divide his force, and of course make it so much the more easy for the Chiefs of the . masse to succeed in their projected attacks on his position at Catanzaro. The fleet got under weigh accordingly at eight o'clock P, M. and the following morning ( al- though a considerable distance from the shore) 1 had the satisfaction to observe the French army in full re- treat towards
Cotrone. As their route or road ap- peared to run nearly parallel to, and within gun- shot of the beach, and to be bounded on the opposite side by, a chain of mountains, no better opportunity could be offered, apparently, tor an effectual co- operation with fhr Masse. With this view, Capt. Hoste made a prompt disposition of his frigate and small craft, while the transports were directed to make sail towards a point considerably in front of the enemy's column, and to make* a demonstration'of landing there; this appearance occasioned in the first instance a halt of the enemy's column, and in the next, a change of its direction towards
the mountains <>• Captain Hoste was a enabled, however, to open a brisk cannonade on his centre and rear, which appeared to be immediately sfiected by it, and in an hour's time occasioned those purts of his column to break and disperse in the moun- tains.— The enemy's loss in this affair - amounted to afcout 50 or 60 wounded, who were brought in waggons to Cotrone this morning. After the dispersion of the ctcmy in the mountains, the fleet made sail towards this place, his supposed destination, Where the frigate and transports came to an anchor, after exchanging a few stiot with the citadel, at eight o'clock in the eiening.
In the morning we discovered that the ene- my's army had not yet arrived, but, under an anxious eipectation for their appearance, a disposition was mide with the transports and men of war to give him every possible annoyance; and, accordingly, having pirmitted him quietly to take up his position within gui- shot, the frigate's broadside was brought to bear u| on him, and in the space of half an hour completely dtlodged and obliged him to take up a new position, wthout the range of her guns, in the mountains. Amphion frigate, off Cotronc:, 6 P. M. July'B. SIR,— Several appearances in'the French encamp- rent, concurring with
other information I had received oi the evening of the 27th, that the enemy meditated anove, 1 thought it proper to detain a communication 1 had- prepared for you on that day, until 1 could covey more dccided intelligence on this important inject. 1 have now the utmost satisfaction in ac- « l » inting you, that the greatest part of the French any retreated, in a northerly direction, from Cotrone, jit before day- light on the morning of the 28th. Iimediately on obtaining this information, I dis- pichedexpresses to the different Chief's of the masse, rcuiring them to concert arrangements for a close P'suit, and pointed out the many
advantages they mst consequently have over a flying and dispirited enny in thuir mountains. I have, however, not yet bei able, through any source, to discover, satisfac- toly, by which of the routes to the northward he haretired. Some state it to be in the direction of Tantutn, to join a small force in that province; otlrs as positively assert, that he is endeavouring to pa by the mountains to Cosenza, and by that route to^ assano. Such is the imperfect intelligence I lia on this point, that I have not yet been able to delmine so important a question. _' e enemy'/ route from this city has been marked by cirmstances of the most cruel
devastation. The vil; e of Strongoli, with several others within our ing the town and citadel to surrender to the force under our orders, conceiving that the immediate possession of what we understood to be the enemy's sole depot, and his dernier resort in Lower Calabria in point of po- sition, together with the removal of his stores, & c. might contribute to prevent his attempt to re- enter the province.-— I have now the pleasure to inclose copies of the summons, and of the terms of capitulation finally agreed upon between us. 1 trust our judgment in this proceeding will be confirmed by your approbation.— I shall sine it however
necessary to disembark a consider- able part of my battalion this day to cover the evacu- ation of the town and citadel, and to superintend the completion of the other articles of the capitulation. After which I shall immediately re- embark, and pro- pose to make the best of my way to Messina on the 2d or 3d of Aug. unless previously I may receive such inform- ation as may alter my opinion, that the Frcnchhavecom- pletely evacuated Lower Calabria for the present.— I am sorry to say that a good deal of sickness has prevailed in the 78th since it sailed, in consequence of their pre- vious fatigues, and that it has lost eight men.
The disease is however not spreading ; and having appointed an hospital ship, I trust its progress will be completely checked. This unpleasant circumstance will hasten my return to Messina, unless 1 receive contrary in- structions.— The number of prisoners and deserters with this fleet amount to about 500, of which vie which he concei beeansacked and burnt atir. of yesterday stated that lOOQ men had been left to jrison the town and city of Cotrone. But several desers, who joined us this morning, having men- tioi that the greatest part of this force had marched to ji their army in the course of the night, Captain Hoagrecd with
myself in thu propriety of summon- number one half and upwards are sick and wounded. — The enemy being, 1 believe, now completely driven from the Lower, it not both Calabrias, I cannot resist this opportunity of offering my congratulations on so brilliant a result to the expedition undertaken by the army under your immediate command, which cannot fail to be recorded in the British annals as an achieve- ment of the first order. I have the honour to be, & c. ( Signed) P. M'LEOD. Major- General Sir John Stuart, & c. & c. I have just received intelligence which I can rely . upon, that the route which the enemy pursued yes- terday
was by Strongoli and Cino, and I am to con- clude he will pursue that route coastways to Cassano. Copy of the Summons to the French garrison of Cotrone. The officers commanding the naval and land forces of his Britannic Majesty, hereby summon you to sur. ru- der the town and citadel of Cotrone to the British force now before it.— The officers who deliver this summons to you are directed to lay before y'Ou such articles of capitulation as we are disposed to grant, and to wait one hour for your answer.— Being per- fectly aware of your present circumstances, you may believe that this summons is dictated under mature
deliberation, and with a view of saving that effusion of blood which must be the consequence of a resist- ance on your part. ( Signed) W. HOSTE, commanding his Bri- tannic Majesty's squadron. P. M'LEOD, commanding his Bri- tannic Majesty's troops. To the Officer commanding the French garrison in Cttrone. Terms of Capitulation finally agreed upon between the Officers commanding the British sea and land forces, and those commanding the French troops in th » citadel of Cotrone. Art. 1. The French troops are to march out of the citadel of Cotrone at ten o'clock, A. M. the 30th of July, 1806, with the honours of war, to that
part of the beach where the flag of truce was this dav re- ceived, and there deposit their arms, and immediately after embark on board of transports, to be sent to Messina, where they are to be considered prisoners of war till regularly exchanged.— Art. 2. The sick! and wounded are in a similar manner to be sent to Mes- sina, attended by their own surgeons and assistants, and are afterwards to be considered and exchanged as prisoners of war.— Art. 3. Officers are permitted to wear their swords, and are to be considered as prison- ers of war until exchanged.— Art. 4. The troops of his Britannic Maje& ty will preserve order
and tran- quillity in the city.—— Art. 5. All nrivate property which belongs, hond fide, to either officers or soldiers, will be respccted.— Art. 6. A1". public property that th^ re may be, is to be delivered over, with a proper inventory, to tha officer who takes possession of the place.— Art. 7. The surgeons will attend their own sick and wounded, as mentioned in Art. 2; but all Civilians, who have attended the French army, will be considered as prisoners of war, in consequence of the principle established by the French Government during the present war.— Art. 8. The British troops will take possession of the gates of the town of
Cotrone between eight and ten o'clock to- morrow morning: the French garrison will march out of the citadel at ten o'clock, A. M. precisely, and be immediately embarked for Messina, agreeably to Article 1. ( Signed) W. HOSTE, commanding his Bri- tannic Majesty's squadron. P. M'LEOD, Lieut.- Col. com- manding 2d 78th regiment. ' LON D O N, September 9. A Messenger arrived on Sunday morning with dispatches from Lord Lauderdale. Yesterday a Cabinet Council deliberated on the contents, and a Messenger was ordered to proceed with the answer. Notwithstanding the important preparations. of the Prussian
Government, it is confidently asserted at Hamburgh, that both the King of Prussia and the Emperor of Austria have acknowledged the Rhenish Convention, the Kings of Naples and Holland, and all the changes that Bonaparte has made, or is about to make in the Germanic Empire. Admiral Cochrane with four ships of the line, had an opportunity of coming up with the French fleet, 111 the West Indies, but, 111 a Council of War it was resolved, " that it would be imprudent to attack with the small squadron a force so very superior." General Miranda.— By the Lisbon Mail, which arrived yesterday, we have. the.. following, intel ligence respecting Miranda:— " Vigo, August lith. " A brig has just arrived, dispatched by the Go. vernor of the Carraccas, with the intelligence of Mi- randa having effected a landing in the Bay of Tri- ste, with a force of near 4000 men. A Courier was im- mediately dispatched to Madrid with the news." : Two intercepted letters are given in tiie Sicilian Gazette; one from General Berthier to General Jlegi iley, dated at Naples, the 8th of , Tuly, and the other from General verdier to General Ilegtiicr, dated Matera, the loth of July. Berthier states the vexation of King Joseph at the conduct of the 1st regiment of Light Infantry, in flying
from the English; expresses a hope that something will be done to retrieve this disgrace, and orders Regnier to abandon all Hither Calabria, rather wishing that the English should disembark on that coast than take a position before Naples, where the moral effect of their presence might be still more dan- gerous. Verdier writes in an evident panic: he says he has withstood the whole rebel population of the province; hut he was at last compelled to retreat to Matera, as the best place of security; but he ex- presses apprehension that he shall thero be over- whelmed by his enemies. On Saturday, the Prince of Wales, the Duke of
Clarence, Lord and Lady Hertford, & c. set out to view Warwick castle. Their lloyal Highnesses were met at Warwick by the Volunteers and Yeo- manry, commanded by Lord Clonmel, and received on the castle steps by Lord Brooke and the Hon. Col. Grenville. A. deputation from the Mayor and Corporation attended at the Castle, to entreat his Royal Highness would condescend to receive their address of congratulation upon his safe arrival in that borough, which his Royal Highness was pleased to accept. Having viewed the castle, their Iioyal Highnesses returned to a- late dinner at Raglay.. On Wednesday was executed at
Ilchester, per- T. B. STONE HAVING declined Business in Favour of M. DOLAN, returns his sincere Thanks to his Friends and the Public for their past favours, and solicits a Continuance of the same to his Successor. Amptbill, August 1£ th, 1805. M. ITO'L A N HAVING taken the SHOP and STOCK of Mr. STONE, begs Leave to inform her Friends and the Public, that the Stock will be sold at very . reduced Prices, and a good Assortment of prime LINEN and WOOLLEN - DRAPERY, HOSIERY, HATS, See. of the very best Qualities, offered on such Terms as will insure a Continuance of the Favours that may be conferred on
her. Amptbiil, August 28A6, 1805. GRAND JUNCTION CANAL. WE the Undersigned, being five of the Com- v T missioners appointed by an Act of Parliament passed in the thirty- third Year, of the Reign of his present Majesty, " tor making and maintaining the Grand Junction Canal," do hereby, in Pursuanceof a certain R- quisition made by George West, of the Parish of Winchendon, in the County of Bucks, ap- point a Meeting of Commissioners under the said Act of Parliament, to be held at the MARQUIS of BUCK- INGHAM'S ARMS and GEORGE INK, at AYLESBURY, in the County of Buckingham, on MONDAY the 29th
Day of SEPTEMBER inst. at Twelve o'Clcck at Noon, for the Purpose of considering the Claims made hy the said George West upon the Company of Proprietors of the Grand Junction Canal, in Consequence of any Diversion of Water which usually flowed to the Mill in the Occupation of the said George West, for the Supply of the said Canal. Dated this eighth Day of September, 1806. GEO. LFIE, W. COODHALL, ROBT. BROWNE, EDW. NUGENT. W. LLOYD, Rich Feeding land. Jo be S OLD by A U C T I O N, ' By Messrs. LONDON & SON, On Tuesday the 23d Day of September instant, at the Spread. Eagle Inn, Rugby, in
tte County of War- wick, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon ( subject to such Conditions as will be then produced), \ LL those CLOSES and IN CLOSURES of rich MEADOW and PASTURE LAND, situate at I. ILBOURN, near Rugby, in the County of North- ampton, in the Tenure of Mr. Henry Trustlove, Tenant at Will, at the annual Rent of .£'. 140, called by the Names following:— A. R. 1*. 1. Great Colmore Meadow ( Meadow) .. .12 2 6 2. Middle Close ( Meadow) 4 1 24 3. Little Meadow ( Meadow) 2 3 35 4. Nether Close ( Pasture) 2S 0 16 i. Upper Close and Road ( Pasture) 22 2 17 Total 70 2 IS g5r* This Estate is Tythe- free,
within a Ring Fence, in a most fertile District ot rich feeding Land, whence the Smithfield Market is supplied with its finest Cattle, and is well deserving tiie Attention of the opulent Grazier and Farmer. *** For further Particulars, apply to Mr. JAMES, Land Agent, Warwick; or to the AUCTIONEERS, at Henley- in- Arden. To be SOLD by ADCTIO N, By ANDREW GARDNER, On Wednesday, September the 17th, 1806, and fol- lowing Day, TIIE genteel and useful HOUSEHOLD- FUR- NITURE, BREWING- UTENSILS, and other EFFECTS, of Mr. WILLIAM GOODMAN, of the GOAT INN, WOBURN, Beds ( the said Inn being shut
up); consisting of neat Four- post, Field, Half- tester, and other Bedsteads, with fine printed Cotton, white Dimity, Check, and Stuff Furnitures; seasoned Feather- Beds; Mattresses, Blankets, Quilts, and Cotton Counterpanes; festoon Window- Curtains; Bedside ar. d Floor Carpets; Mahygany Wash- hand Stands; Night- Tables; Dressing and pier Glasses; Card and Pillar and Claw Tables, and two Sets of Ma- hogany Dining Tables, with circular Ends and shifting Leaves; Parlour and Chamber Chairs, with loose Seats, covered with Hair Cloth, and about two Dozen of strong Chairs, covered with red Leather; one Eight- day Clock,
in Wainscot Case, and a Thirty- hour Ditto; large Kitchen- Range, swing Trevets, Spit- Racks, Crane, & c.; capital Smoke- Jack and two Chains; large Colfee- House Boiler, Ditto Pottage- Pots, Saucepans, Kettles, tec.; Kitchen- Furniture in general; circular Screen- Seat; Plated Tankard# and Pints; Wine- Decanters, Glasses, Earthenware, & c.; two Marble Slabs and Brackets; large Hall Lamp; 120- Gallon Brewing- Copper and Grate, Mash- Vat, two Coolers, Stands, Tubs, & c. ; sweet Iron- bound Puncheons, Pipes, and Hogshead Casks ; two Steel Malt- Mills, and one Bean- Mill; an excellent Mangle; three Post- Chaises,
Chaise- Springs and Iron Arms, a Quantity of Pipe Boxes for Chaise Wheels, sundry odd Harness, & c.; with various other useful Articles. Catalogues will be delivered, two Days before the Sale, at the Swan Inns, Newport- Pagneil and Leighton- Buzzard; King's- Arms, Ampthill; White- Hart, Dunstaile; Bull, Hockliffe; Navigation Inn, Fenny- Stratford; and at tlje Auctioneer's, Wobum, Beds. ... . -•;. . .. *** May be viewed the Mornings before the Sale, which will begin exactly , at- Eleven o'Clock each Morning: ; the Cheap and expeditious Canal Conveyance, BY FLY BOATS. Ty" EEKS's BARGES and BOATS, for * ' Conveyance of
Goods between London, Bir- mingham, Wolverhampton, Liverpool, Manchester, tec. load at his WHARF, at PADDINGTOX, and at TRIO- WHARF, UPPER THAMES- STREET, LONDON, for the following Places :— Birmingham Buckingham Brack ley Bewdley Bolton Bristol Coventry Chester Dudley Daventry J> TRBY Gloucester Hereford Halifax Kidderminster Liverpool Rochdale Sheffield Shrewsbury Stone Stony- Stratford Stourbridge Stourport Wakefield Warrington Wolverhampton Worcester Warwick Wellingborough Walsall Uxbridgs York, & c. COMPRISING 250 capital South- Down Ewe 100 Theaves, 90 fine Lambhog
» , 11 one, twi mi aev- uu uifi. ia vwdtill uur • . . i - r ,. T r ved hostile to his cause, have j suant to his sensence, for forgery, J. J it to the ground.— Our " nform- ! " oy Rouvellet. From the time ot his Decke Rom- his sentence to the hour of his execution he evinced a. pious, manly, christian fortitude. He denied with his dying breath the crime for which he suffered, and said " he was the victim of a perjured woiaan, whom he forgare, as well at all th « world.'' To be SOLD by AUCTION, . By ANDREW GARDNER, - On Monday; September 22d, 1806, TIIE LIVE ana DEAD FARMING and DA1R? STOCK, IMPLEMENTS ill HUS BANDRY, - PART of the HOUSEHOLD- FURNI- TURE, and other EFFECTS, on the Premises of Mr. JOSHUA BARLOW, at CIIURCH- ENO, in i< IDG MONT, in the'County of Bedford, who is declining Business; consisting of ten ; young useful Dairy Cowir, three Horses, 17 Sheep, Sow and seven Pigs, SO Fowls, & c.; three Pair of Harrows, four Ploughs, Drilling- Machine, Bean- Drill, and Field- Roll; Harness for four Horses; seven Milk- Leads, six Kivers, Pails, Qream- Tins, Sec.; Iron Drag- Rakes, two Qorn- Scfeens, Steel Malt- Mill, Rakes, Forks, Sieves, & c.; two Six- incli- wh « el Carts, one Narrow- wheel Ditto, and " one
stoiit Waggon ; Wheelbarrows, ChalF- Box, Dung- Drags',"'& c.— The Household- Fur- niture consists of Bedsteads, Feather and Flock- Beds, Blankets and Quilts, Tables and Chairs, Drawers, Looking- Glasses, Pewter and Brass, Brewing and ! Washing - Coppers and Grates, Mash- Vat, Tubs, seven sweet Iron- bound Beer Casks, and smaller Ditto; a large Quantity of old I ron; with various other useful Articles. ( j^" The Sale to begin precisely at Ten o'Clock in the Morning, as the Whole is intended to be sold in one Day. To be SOLD by AUG TI O N, By ANDREW tiARD- NER, On Wednesday, October 8th, 1806, and
following Dav, ALI. the neat and elegant HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, DAIRY, FARMING, and BKFWING- UTENS1LS, and other EFFECTS, of the Dowager Lady LLOYD, on the Premises, near the CHURCH, in Great- Brickhill, in the County of Bucks, who is changing her Residence; comprising handsome Four- post, Field, and other Bedsteads, with Mahogany Feet Posts and Cornices, and fine printed Cotton Fur- nitures, lined with Drapery; Window- Curtains to suit; seasoned Goose and other Feather. Beds; Mat- tresses, Paillasses, Blankets, and Counterpanes; japanned Chairs ; Dressing Tables; neat inlaid Chest of
Drawers; round Bed and Floor Carpets; twelve japanned Armed Cane- seated Drawing- Room Chairs, with Cushions arid Cases; Sofa to match; two Pair of Drapery Window- Curtains to suit, with Tassels, & c. ; inlaid Card Table, Pier Glass, S: c.; a capital Set of Dining Tables, with circular Ends, three Feet nine Inches by ten Feet; six Cabriole Chairs, covered with crimson Damask, and Cases to Ditto; Kitchen- Furniture in general; small Copper, Mash- Vat, Tubs, Casks, & c. ; a stout, convenient Cart, with Harness; Wheelbarrow, Ladders, Shovels, Forks, Scythes, Garden Tools, Hay. Rakes, & c. ; a Quantity of Dung, and about
ten Tons of excellent Hay; with various other Articles. May be viewed two Days before the Sale, and Catalogues hail at the Swan Inns, Newport- Pagnell and Leighton - Buzzard ; King's- Arms, Ampthill; Bull, Hockliffe; Navigation Inn, Fenny- Stratford; Place of Sale ; and of the Auctioneer, Woburn, Beds. *** Sale to begin each MoVning at Eleven o'Clock, Lancaster Leeds Leicester Litchfield Ludlow I. eighton- Buzzard Middlewich Manchester Macclesfield Nampt. wich Nofthwich Newcastle Northampton Newport- Pagnell Oxford Preston ar. d all intermediate Places; and also for all Parts of tiie North of England, and North and
South Wales. From LIVERPOOL, Goods will be forwarded to IRELAND and SCOTLAND. Goods taken in, daily, at TRIO- WHARF, UPPER THAMES- STREET, LONDON, and at his WAREHOUSE on the GRAND JUNCTION CANAL, PADDINCTON. WEEKS'S BOATS load daily at his WHARF in BIRMINGHAM, and also at his WHARF in WOLVER- HAMPTON, for London, Liverpool, Manchester, & c. and the above- mentioned Places. WEEKS'! BOATS load at LIVERPOOL and MAN- CHESTER, for Wolverhampton, Birmingham, and London, and all intermediate Places on the Line of the Canal. N. B. WEEKS'S BARGES and
BOATS load also upon the THAMES for the above- mentioned Places, and GOODS taken in at PADDINGTON as usual. Lei ccs t£ v. s hive To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, - TOGETHER OR SEPARATELY, TWO GRAZING FARMS, at I. ODDINGTON, in the County of Leicester; one containing up- wards of 100 Acres, adjoining the Lordships of EastT Norton and Belton, comprisiug some as good Feeding Land as any in the County ; and the other containing nearly 140 Acres, lying contiguous to tin above, and also adjacent to Belton Lordship. There is no House on eiiher, but both afford eligible Situations for Building;
and more desirable Purchases seldom ofler. ( f3" For Particulars, apply at the Law- Offices of Messrs. PARES, MILES, & ALSTON, Leicester; or to Mr. PALMER, of Uppingham. Prime South- Down Sheep, < S c. 4' f. To Ue S OLD by A V C T I O N, By J. MAIDEN, On Friday the 19th of September instant, I30S, at Eleven o'Clock, on the Premises of the Kight Hon. Lord ONGLEY, at the Farm, situate near the CHURCH, at OLD- WARDEN, lifiar BIGGLESWADE, Bedfordshire; ~ ' es, two, and Three- shear Tups, six Tup Lambhogs, and 22 fat Shearliogs; six fat Scotch Oxen, and six handsome In- calved Heiieis; three Sows and
Pigs, and 40 store Hogs; ( pgr" Catalogues of the above truly- valuable Stock may be had, six Days before the Sale, at the George Inns, Woburn, Buckden, Huntingdon, Potton, and Luton; Crown, St. Ives; Red- Lion, Roysfon; White- Horse, Baldock ; Swan, Hitchin; White- Hart, Ampthill; Sugar- Loaf, Dunstabl^; of Mr. Neal, on the Premises; at Mr, Webb's Printing- Office, Bedford; and of the Auctioneer, Biggleswade. Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire. To be SOLD by AUCTIO N, On Friday the 26th Day of September, 1806, at the Crown Inn, Royston, in the County of Cambridge, between the Hours of Four and Five o'Clock ill
the Afternoon, in the following Lots, unless sooner disposed of by Private Contract, The following very valuable Freehold ESTATES, Which are ail Tythe- free, and the Land- Tax has been redeemed:— Lot 1. rpiIE MANOR FARM, at GUILDEN- 1 MORDEN, in the County of Cam- bridge, called MQRDEN- HALL; consisting of a large and substantial Farm- House, with all convenient Out- buildings, large Garden and Orchard, sixty- tour Acres of very rich inclosed Arable and Pasture Ground ( of which about fifty Acres adjoin the House), fourteen Acres of Wood Ground, and two hundred and eighty- seven Acres of Arable Land,
subdivided into conve- nient Pieces by thriving Quicks, the Parish having been inclosed absmt five Years since. The Estate is now occupied by Mr. Wm. Pettengall, attlie Rent of ^. 500, who is under Notice to quit at Michaelmas next. Also the MANORS of GUILBEN- MORDEN, otherwise BARNWELL BONDSBERR1ES, FOX- LEYS, and PRITCHARDS, with the Fines, Quit- Rents, Rights, and Privileges thereof. g^* All the above Premises are Freehold, except 18 Acres and 1 Rood Copyholdof the Manor of Shingay, which are Fine arbitrary.— A Moiety of the Purchase Money may remain upon Security of the Premises. ***
GUILDEN- MORDEN is distant only seven Miles from Royston and six from Cambridge. Lot 2. A most desirable F A R M, situate at WRESTLINGWORTH, in the County of Bedford; consisting of a new- erected and very convenient Farm- House, with all necessary Outbuildings, most of them also newly erected, and one hundred and fifty- seven Acres of rich Land, lying together, near the Homestall, and subdivided into Pieces well adapted for Occupation by excellent Quicks. The upper Part of this Farm is bounded by a very thriving Plantation, containing about three Acres and two Roods, Lot 3. Another very convenient FARM,
situate also at W R E STLIN G W O R'l H ; consisting of a Farm- House, with proper Outbuildings, and one hundred and thirteen Acres of rich Land, adjoining the Home- stall, and judiciously subdivided for Cultivation in the same Manner as the Premises in Lot 2. The out- ward Part of this Farm is also bounded by a thriving Plantation, containing three Acres and two Roods. A Moiety of the Purchase Money for Lots 2 and 3, may also remain upon the Security of these Estates. [ pi' The Possession of the Farms comprised in Lots 1 and 3 may be had at Michaelmas next. *** WRESTLINGWORTH is only three Miles from Potton
and nine from Royston. N. B. Apply to CHRISTOPHER PF. MBERTON, Esq. at Cambridge, where Plans of the Estates may be seen. TURNPIKE- TOLLS TO LETT. NOTICE is hereby given, That the TOLLS arising at the Toil- Gates, for one whole Year, from the 9th Day of December next, upon the Turn- pike- Road leading from Towcester, through Silver- stone and Brackley, in the County ot Northampton; ar. d Ardley and Middleton- Stony to Weston Gate, in the Parish of Weston- on- the- Green, ; in the County of Oxford; known by the Names of BURCOTT WOOD GATE, with the CHECK GATE near the Soap- Office,
HOPPERSFORD GATE, with the CHECK GATE at Biddlesdon Lane End, and MIDDLETON- STONY GATE, will be separately LETT by AUCTION, to the Best Bidder, at the House of THOMAS WILKINS, called the CROWN INN, inBRACKLEY, on TUESDAY the 7tli Day of OCTOBER next, between the Hours of Eleven and I Four, in the Manner directed by the Act passed in the 13th Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, " for regulating Turnpike- Roads;" which Tolls pro- duced the last Year the Sums hereinafter- mentioned, above the Expence of collecting the same, and will be put up at those Sums respectively, viz.
Burcott Wcad Gate, - with the Check Gate near the Jt Soap. Off. ce 140 Hoppers fird Gate, - with the Check Gate near Biddlesdon Lane End 83 And Middleton- Stony Gate 63 Whoever happens to be the Best Bidder, must at the same Time give Security, with sufficient Sureties, to the Satisfaction of the Trustees of the said Turn- pike- Road, for Payment of the Rent agreed for, and at such Times as " they shall direct.— And Notice is ! hereby further given, that new Trustees will then be elected and appointed in the Room of such Trustees as are dead, and whose Vacancies are not already filled up.— Dated the first Day of
September, 1806. JOHN WESTON, Clerk to the Trustees of the said Turnpike- Road. Sx. i'TEMISF. R 5tty 1806. A IL Persons who arc any Ways indebted to Ue Estate of WILLIAM GARRETT, late of LAST- HADDON, in the County of Northampton, Butcher, deceased, are requested forthwith to pay their respective Debts to his Administrators; Ann Garrett, of East- Haddon aforesaid. Spinster, and Howard Perkins, of Hilimorton, in the County of Warwick, Grazier; and all Persons who have any Claim or De- mand on the said Intestate's Estate, are desired to transmit the same immediately to the above Admi- nistrators, or to Mr.
John Perkins, of East. Haddon, aforesaid. Grazier; or Mr. Busweil, Solicitor, North- ampton; in order that the same may be discharged. SEPTEMBER 2d, 180< L N' OTTCE is hereby given, That Application is intended to be made to Parliament, in the next Session, for Leave to bring in a Bill, and to obtain ail Act, to require and conipei the Company of Proprietors of the Grand Junction Canal to take such Steps as shall be necessary and proper for beginning, carrying on, and completing a Collateral Cut from the Town of Aylesbury, in the County of Buckingham, to join the Grand Junction Canal, in the Parish of Mars- worth, in the
sa. d County, under and according to the Provisions and Powers of the Act of Parliament made and passed in the 34th Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, intituled, " An Act for making certain navigable Cuts from the Towns of Buckingham, Aylesbury, and Wendover, in the County of Buck- ingham, to communicate wit- h the Grand Junction Navigation, authorised to be made by an Act of the last Session of Parliament, and for amending the said Att," and certain other Acts of Parliament in that Behalf made, within such Time as in the Wisdom of Parliament shall be thought meet to be limited for that Purpose. And also, to
restrain the said Com- pany of Proprietors of tiie said Grand Junction Canal from inj'< ingany Distribution, Appointment, or Di- vidend of the i'olls, Rates, and Duties arising from the Grand Junction Canal, or Collateral Cuts, or any of them, until the said Company of Proprietors shall have applied the Sum of twenty thousand'two hundred and fifty- six Pounds, which they, in their corporate Capacity, have engaged to apply towards the Exe- cution of the said Collateral Cut, from the Town of Aylesbury to the Grand Junction Canal, in the Parish of Marsworth aforesaid. And further, to require and compel the said Corporation to apply
such Sum or Sums of Money as have been subscribed arid paid some Years since to them, under the Covenant and Aver- ment of the said Corporation, of their then lmention forthwith to proceed, and without Delay, to the making of a Communication from the said Town of Aylesbury to the Grand Junction Canal, in the said Parish of Marsworth, in the Case of the - jt> ovt Sum of twenty thousand two hundred and fifty- six Pounds, so engaged to be advanced for this Purpose, being found insufficient. To he SOLD or LETT by PRIVATE CONTRACT, AGood Brick and Tiled FBEUIOI. D HOUSE, in • the Centre of the Town of
FENNY- STRAF- FORD, cl ® se by the West Chester Road, and very near the Grand Junction Canal, forty- five Miles from London, sashed in Front, and fit for a private family or any Kind of Business; comprising two Parlours, a good Shop, Kitchen, Backhouse, four Rooms on the first Floor, two good Garrets, Barn, Yard, Garden, and Orchard, late in the Tenure of the Rev. Mr Pmnock. QTJ" To treat for the same, apply to JOHN EDGE, Fenny- Stratford, Bucks Leicestershire. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, ACompact and highly - improvable FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate in the Parish of TILTON- ON.. THE- HI 1. L ;
comprising a Farm - House, and Outbuildings necessary for the Occupation of the Farm, and 2S0 Acres of Land, chiefly Meadow and Pasture, and a small Part Arable.— Also, the capital . WOODLANDS, known by the Name of TILTON WOODS ( celebrated for the Covers), containing upwards of 80 Acres, and the Timber and Underwood standing and growing thereon.— The Farm is held at Will, at an old Rent, which w ill admit of being advanced very considerably. The Woods are capable of great Im- provement, and of being rendered very productive both of Timber and Underwood, to the Growth of which the Soil is perfectly
congenial. To a Gentleman fond of Field Sports ( particularly those of the Chase), this Estate is peculiarly adapted, being centrally situate in the Midst of several highly- celebrated Hunts, which frequently visit the Covers of Tiltsn.— The present Farm- IIouse, situate in th « Village of Tilton, may, at a small Expence, be con- verted into a Hunting- Box; and a new Farm- House may, with Convenience and Advantage, be erected on the Farm. ( P5T TILTON is distant from Leicester about ten Miles, and one Mile and a Half from the Turnpike- Road leading from Leicester to Uppingham. Printed Particulars may be had at the Bell Inn,
at Leicester; of Mr. JOHN VVILDBORE, Tilton, who will direct a Person to shew the Estate; and of Messrs. RICHARDSON, SON, and CORFIELD, Land- Surveyors, Lincoln's- Inn-* Fields, London, who ar « duly authorized to contract for the Sale. : B U CK S. Freehold Manor Eslute of' 1160 Acres, and raluabl* Church Preferment. - To be SOLD bv AUCTION, By WINSTANLEY & SON, At Garraway's Coffee- House, ' Change- Alley, Corn- hill, London, on Tuesday the 30th of September instant, at Twelve o'Clock, in one Lot, AVery eligible and improvable FREEHOLD ESTATE; consisting of the MANOR of HARDMEAD,
extending over the whole Parish, and FOUR valuable DAIRY FARMS, with Farm- Houses and suitable Outbuildings, containing 1159A. 1R. 301'. principally Grazing Land, lying nearlv within a Ring Fence, and comprising almost the Whole of the Parish of HARDMEAD, except a small Part, which is in the adjoining Parishes of NORTH - CRAWLEY, CHICHEI. EY, EMBERTON, : nd ASTWOOD, in the County of Bucks; about six Miles from Newport- Paenell, three from Olney, 12 from Northampton, and 56 from London; in the several Occupations of Messrs. Wm. and Thomas Battams, William Clayton, F. B. Old, and T. Brookes,
re- spectable Tenants, on Leases, which expire at Lady- Day'next, at old Rents., amounting to only One ' Thousand and Fourteen Pounds per Annum, capable of considerable Improvement ; besides SA. 3" P. of Wood Land, in Hand. Also, the perpetual ADVOWSON and next PRE- SENTATION to the RECTORY of HARDMEAD, of about the annual Value of ^£. 200; the present Incumber is 57 Years of Age. ( F^* Messrs. WILLIAM and THOMAS BATTAMS, the Tenants, will shew the Estate. *** Printed Particulars may be had at the Swan, at Newport- Pagnell; the George, at Northampton ; the Cock, at Stony- Stratford; the
George, at Woburn; the Crown, at Dunstable; the White- Hart, at St. Albans; of Messrs. Woodcock & Bateman, - Solicitors, No. 2, Lincoln's- Inn, New- Square; at the Place of Sale; and of Messrs. Winstanlev & Son, Paternoster- Row, London, where a Plan may be seen. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the next Half- yearly ' Meeting of the Trustees of " the Turnpike- Road leailing from Wendover to Buckingham, in the County of Bucks, will be held at the WHITE- HART INN, in AYLESBURY, in itic said Couuty, on MONDAY the 29th Day of this instant SEPTEMBER, at Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon; at which Meeting,
the TOLLS arising at the Toll- Gate upon the said Turnpike- Road, called or known by the Name of WALTON GATE, with the WIIGHING- ENOINE belonging to the same, will be put up to be LETT, to the Best Bidder, between the Hours of Twelve and Two of the same Day, in the Manner directed by the Act'passed in the 13th Year of the Reign of His present Majesty King Georstethe Third, for regulating i'urnpike- Roads, and will be put up at such Sum of Money as the Trustees of the said Turnpike- Road present at such Meeting shall think fit. Whoever happens to be the Best Bidder, must im- mediately pay down, into the
Hands of the Treasurer, one Month's Rent in Advance, and at the same Time give Security, with sufficient Sureties, to the Satis- faction of the Trustees, for the Payment of \ he Re- mainder of the Rent agreed for, and at such Times as they shall direct; and'it is required that such Bidder do produce the Names of his Sureties, to the Satis- faction of the Trustees at the Time of Bidding. LAN. WYATT, Cleik to the TrustcBS. Win slew, Sept. bth, 1806.
Mr. and Mrs. SHARP RESPECTFULLY inform their Friends, that - BA' they have already eleven Boarders in their SEMINARY, for YOUNG LADIES, at Bedford, and flatter themselves that their limited Number will be soon completed. Besides two Female Teachers, Mr. and Mrs. Sharp have engaged Mr. SALMON, a Gentlemen of known Abilities and great Experience, and the Author of several learned Works upon the ; French Language and General Grammar, who has alue, & c.—' The Moniteur makes no mention of i undertaken to instruct the Young Ladies in the Prin- his running avvav from the Gibraltar! I ciples of Universal
Grammar, the Italian and French Although the" Paris papers have hitherto pro- ! ( his Native) . Language, and Arithmetic on a short and aerved the most. profoLd silence respecting the ! ^ ^''" S ^ ilitary preparations of the King ot Prussia, the No Entrance M. Wednesday and Thursday's Posts. LONDON, September 11. PARIS and Dutch Papers have been received. The arrival of Jerome Bonaparte, on the ,26th ult. is trumpeted forth in the Moniteur, with a list of vessels taken and destroyed, with their p'^ JJ' militar Dutch JouNials, have at length ventured to notice them. But while it is acknowledged that these preparations
exceed any that hare been made since the days of Frederick the Great, it is positively shinned, that nothing can be more absurd than to ; his leisure Hours, some Families in the Town • • . II * . T7 , \ T Pi TV> VM-\ II rl : Money nor any Day- Scholars taken. Mr. SALMON ALSO respectfully informs the Public, that he . purposes, after Michaelmas, to attend, during suppose they are intended against France, as the best linderstanding'Subsistsbetween the two Powers, i We have heard several reports of the causes of i the King of Prussia's forbearance previously to the battle of Austerlitz, and, among others, it has j been affirmed.
that the Prussian Monarch was and Neighbourhood of BEDFORD.— His Character and Abilities may be known by a Reference to SAMUEL WHITBREAD, Esq. at Southill, Beds, in whose Family he has resided, tor the last four Years, as Instructor to his Children. ( PF Mr. SALMON'S Terms may be known by Ap- plication to Mr. G. SHARP; and his Publications, Bookseller, Bedford. diverted from acts of hostility by a promise on the j ^ Merits of which are fully stated in the different ' ' . I J • H ™ Reviews, may be had of Mr. WEBB, Printer and part of Bonaparte, that, after subduing and hum- l - . - ' tiling the House of Austria,
France and Prussia should divide the Continent between than ! Ke that Os it mav, we believe, that the King of Prussia lias more than once, since the commencement of GEORGE INN, WOBURN, Beds. j To iar, GROWERS OF WHEAT. GEORGE BULL, impressed with a lively Sense , The INFALLIBLE ALKALY. of Gratitude tor the Favours already conferred « ' o i r on him since he has taken the above INN, begs Leave ! A Sure> cheap, and certain Preservative against to return his most Heart. felt Thanks to the Nobility, : - TX BUNTS in WHEAT.— To those Persons Gentry, and others, who have hitherto honoured him who
have already made Use of this Preparation, it is with their Commands, and to inform them, that he i unnecessary to say any Thing by Way of Rccommend- has purchased the HORSES, CHAISES, WINES, at'ont , he Advantages they have experienced from the SPIRITS, & c. belonging to the GOAT INN, which ! Use , ot 11 being such, that many of them have de- the Revolution, become the dupe of the French Government. The Expedition, so long " wind- bound at Ply- mouth, it would seem, is given up for the present. The troops have been landed. LADIES' BOARDING - SCHOOL, HUNTINGDON. ISS ROBSON informs her
Friends and the jLT. i. Public, that she intends opening a BOARD- ING- SCHOOL for the Education of YOUNG l. ADI ES, in the most fashionable and useful Accom- plishments, at her Father's House, which stands in a very eligible and airy Situation in HUNTINGDON ; and hopes, by the strictest Attention to the Morals, Manners, and Cleanliness of her Pupils, to merit the Mrs. Forsyth on Thursday night opened her , Approbation of those who please to entrust her with house at Broadstairs, that Mrs. Siddons might give j the Care of their Children. Readings for the benefit of the Sea- bathing In-| TERMS, ( innary at Margate. The
tickets, about 300, were | 10s. 6d. each; they were all issued by private hands, ! Music..' £ .1 11 6> f Guinea Entrance. the nuiue of the party being put down on the back, Drawing 1 loin Ditto. and indorsed when transferred. This benevolent j Dancing 1 1 0 V^ Ditto. design was fully answered, but, unfortunately, ill French 1 1 0 | | Education, Board, and Washing, Twenty Guineas per Year, and One Guinea Entrance. repaid. Whilst the bustle of the company engaged the attention of Mrs. Forsyth and family, some person went into a bed- room and stole a box of jewels belonging to Mrs. Siddons, worth about £.' M00, with which the
depredator got clear off. A tradesman in the Borough, who some months ago was robbed of ,£. 50 by two men of genteel appearance, and from whom he received a pro- mise that his money, with interest, should be Writing & Accounts 0 8 0 j ( jlalf- a- Guinea Do No Entrance Money will be required by Miss Rob- son, or the different Masters, where it has been paid at other Seminaries. Every young Lady upon first coming to School must be provided with four Hand- Towels, a Knife, Fork, and Spoon. Miss R. will spare no Expencc in providing accom- plished Teachers, and the most approved Masters, to assist her in the
Education of her Pupils. Ladies who study Music will find a peculiar . eturned to him within six m,, nths, received on ! Advantage from having a Master residing in the House. . . , _ :„;„„ i * A limited Number or DA v - SCHOLAR s at Thursday last an anonymous letter, conummg , £ ju_ Qu who w- u ^ MmftA ( o receWe a £. 50 Bank note;> and a polite acknowledgment i the Tuition of the Masters on the above Terms, if of their lasting gratitude for the loan. T his was ; required accompanied by a present of game. At the same time it was requested, that if chaqce should bring the writers in his way, he would not notice them. P. ARAN
S O N, Surgeon Dentist, & c. to the University of Cambridge, ( Resident in ST. ANDHEW'S- STREET), EGS Leave to return his most sincere Thanks to the Ladies and Gentlemen of BEDFORD and I Farmers, at SUDBOROUGH, in the County of North- its Vicinity, for the Favours conferred on him during ampton, nearlyat the sarneTimei- A REWARD of his last Visit to that Place, and begs to inform them, " N. B. The School will open next Michaelmas. Huntingdon, Sept. 5th, 1806. KETTERING, Sept. 11th, 1806. WHEREAS on Saturday Evening, the SOth Day of August, an ATTEMPT was made to SET FIRE to PART of the
PREMISES of Mr. JOHN WORTHINGTON, and also to PART of the PREMISES of Mr. RICHARD LAWFORD, is now shut up ; and as the George Inn is now the only House in the Posting Line in Woburn, he earnestly solicits a Continuance of the Favours of his former Friends, and hopes to be honoured with the Continuance and Support of the Friends of Mr. GOODMAN, assuring them it will ever be his Study to accommodate them with the most able Horses and careful Drivers, and with the utmost possible Dispatch. ( FJT Good BEDS, a well- furnished LARDER, WINES, & c. of the first Quality and Flavour. Woburn, Sept.
10th, 1806. *** Wanted, a COOK, where a Kitchen- Maid is kept. Good Wages will be given.— No one need apply but those who are perfect in their Business. TOWCESTER, Sept. 12th, 1800. LOST ( supposed to have been stolen), out of a Close in the Parish of TOWCESTER, late on Sunday Night the 7th, or early on Monday Morning the 8th of September instant, A Dark- mouse- coloured HORSE, rising four Years old, and marked with T. 1. on the left Shoulder, the Property of SAMUEL GIBBS, Baker, of TOWCESTER aforesaid. Whoever will give such Information, so that the said Horse may be had again, shall, if stolen,
receive ; a Reward of FIVE GUINEAS from the said | SAMUEL GIBBS, on Conviction of the Offender or Offenders; and if strayed, all reasonable Charges will be paid. Household- Furniture, HfC. To be SOLD bv AUCTION, By JOHN'DAY, On Monday next, the loth of September, 1806, on the Premises, near the George Inn, in CRANFIELD, Beds, the Property of a Gentleman changing his Residence ; COMPRISING Four- post Bedsteads, with J corded Dimity and other Furnitures; Window- Curtains tci correspond ; tine Goose and other Feather- Beds, Cotton Counterpanes, Blankets, & c.; a Set of Mahogany double Chest of
Drawers, and one Wal- nut, l'ree Ditto; Mahogany Dining, Tea. and Coffee Tables; six Mahogany Chairs, and one Elbow Ditto; Pier and Swing Glasses; a Quantity of Earthenware, China, and Glass; with various other Effects. The Sale to begin exactly at Eleven o' Clock. Fir Trees, Oak Tops, 4' C. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DAY, On Mondav the 22d of September, 1806, UPWARDS of 700 FIR TREES, very useful for Carpenters, Builders, & c.; also, the TOPS of a great NUMBERof OAK TIM B E R T RE F. S.— Part of the Firs are on FENNY- STRATFORD WHARF, and the other, with the Oak Tops, at GREAT BRICKHILL, near FENNY- STRATFORD. spr The Whole will be laid in convenient Lots, and will positively be sold without Reserve. *** The Sale to begin exactly at Ten o'Clock with the Oak fops, near the Mansion- House, in Great- Bri'ckhill, and to finish with the Firs on Fenny- Stratford Wharf. he has taken Apartments for a short Time at Mrs. ATTACK'S, in POTTER- STREET, ST. MARY'S, BEDFORD, where all Commands will be thankfully received. Artificial Teeth made on the most improved Plan, v.' hu: h do not change their Colour, and are so skilfully placed, from a single one to a whole Set, as not to be '• distinguished
from natural Teeth, without the least Pain. Teeth, if ever so bad, cleaned to render them perfectly white, and clear of that tartarous Substance commonly called Scales, without the least Pain or Injury to the Enamel, Also fills up decayed Teeth, to prevent the unpleasant Sensation of Air or Victuals getting in. F. A. is also noted for drawing Teeth with the greatest Ease, and extracts Stumps, if even covered with the Gum, momentarily, and Children's Teeth without the Help of an Instrument; likewise assists the Progress ot Dentition in Children, and regulates the Growth of Teeth. P. A. has given the utmost Satisfaction to many
respectable Ladies and Oentlemen in the County of Bedford and in Cambridge, as also to the principal Members of the University, to whom he has Leave to ref.- r for a Confirmation of the above. He has pre- pared an Electuary, which is not only excellent for whiteni'. ig the Teeth and hardening the Gums, but it is also ill " teat Esteem for sweetening the Breath ; like-' wise his Tincture for the Tooth- ach, which gives im- mediate Relief to the most extraiju Pain, and removes the Scurvy from the Gums. CORNS of every Description eradicated in a few Minutes, without the ieast Pair, thereby rendering the Person able to walk
immediately, without any Hindrance whatever. N. B. Mr. P. A. does not call at any House unless tecommended or sent for. RICHARDSON, GOODLUCK, & Co. ' » '> EsPECTFULLY acquaint the Public, the - B~ V ST ATE- LOTTERY commences Drawing on the 13: h of next Month ( OCTOBER), being the only Lottery to be drawn this Year, and no other will be decided by the same. THE SCHEME CONTAINS 3 Prizes of =£. 20,000 3 10,000 3 5,000 See. See. Sec. And the lowest Prizes are TWF. NTV POUNDS. The FIRST- DRAWN TICKET will be entitled to TEN THOUSAND POUNDS. TICKETS AND SHARES ARE ON
SAI. F. BY Mr. W. RUSHER, Bookseller, BANBURY, For RICHARDSON, GOODI. UCK, & Co. Stock- Brokers, Cornhill, and Charing- Cross, London. To be SOLD bv AUCTION, Hy DENNIS & SON, On Thursday the 25th Instant, at their AUCTION- ROOM, NORTHAMPTON, AQUANTITY of UN REDEEMED PLEDGES, the Property of Mrs. ELIZABETH COOK and Mr. THOMAS FOX, Pawnbrokers,, in the said Town ; pledged to Mrs. COOK in the Months of November and December, 1S04, and August and September, 1805; and to Mr. Fox in the Months of November and December, 1804, and January, Fe- bruary, March,
April, May, June, July, August, and September, 1805 ; consisting of Men and Women's new and second- hand Wearing- Apparel, • Plate, Silver and Metal Watches, & c. & c. The Sale will begin at Ten o'Clock. Freehold Estate. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. ROUSE, At the Angel Inn, in Market- Harborough, in the County of Leicester, on Thursday the 25th Day of September inst. at Four o'clock in the Afternoon, '" TMIE utider- imntioned FREEHOLD and TYTHE- 1 FRES ESTATES, late the Property of Mr. R. JlOW, deceased, in such Lots as shall be agreed' upon at the Time of Sale, viz. A CLOSE of rich PASTURE LAND,
situate in She Lordship of GREAT- BOWDEN, in the County of Leicester, containing 5A. 2R. 10P. or • there- abouts, lying on the North Side and nearly adjoining the Turnpike- Road leading from Marke'- Harboiough to Lutterworth, in the Occupation of Mr. William Sheppard. Also, a CLOSE of rich PASTURE LAND, in GREAT- BOWDEN afs- esaid, adjoining the above- described Close, and containing SA. 1R. 21P. or thereabouts, in the Occupation ot Mrs. Abbott. Also, a CLOSE of rich PASTURE LAND, in GREAT - BOWDEN aforesaid, adjoining the last- described Close, and containing 5A. SR. 15P. or thereabouts, in the
Occupation of the said William Sheppard. ( fjr The above Closes are all held under Lease, three Vears of which will be unexpired at Michaelmas next. Also, aCLOSEof very good G RAZING'l. AND, in CREAT- BOWDEN aforesaid, containirig3A. 1R. 20P. or thereabouts, adjoining the South End of Foster's Brick- Kiln Close and the West Side of the Turnpike. pike- Road leading from Market - Flarborough to Leicester, late in the Tenure of Mr. Stephen Line, and now untenanted. %* For further Particulars, apply to Mr. ADAMS, or Mr. GIORSS WARTNABY, Atternies, in Market. Hartwrough. ONE FIUNDRED POUNDS is hereby
offered to those who shall give Information of the Person or Persons who did the same, upon Conviction of the Offender or Offenders. JOHN HENNEI. L, Agent to the Sun Fire- Office. A L O S T, About the lutter End of May last, Red- coloured GREYHOUND DOG; has a Scar from a Burn or Scald upon his Hip, and answers to the Name of MACK. Whoever has found the said Dog, and will give In- formation of him to GEORGE TOMLINSON, of Littie- Addington, nearHigham- Ferrers, Northamptonshire; or to JOHN TOMLINSON, of l. ongstow- Hall, near Caxton, Cambridgeshire; shall be rewarded for their Trouble.— And
whoever detains him after this Notice, will be prosecuted as the Law directs. PIRSUANT to a Decrec of His Majesty's Court of Exchequer at Westminster, made in a Cause BOSWORTH V. HARRISON and OTHERS, the Cre- ditors and Legatees of GEORGE BOSWORTH, late of BR AMPTON- EY- DI K GLEY, in the County of Northampton, Esquire, deceased, are forthwith to come in, by their Solicitors, before Abel Moysey, Esquire, the Deputy- Remembrancer of the said Court of Exchequer, and prove their Debts and Claim their Legacies, at his Chambers, in the Inner Temple, London ; or in Default thereof they will be
excluded the Benefit of the said Decree.— And all Persons in- debted to the Estate of the said George Bosworth, are required forthwith to pay the Amount of such several Debts to Mr. Thomas Inkersole, Market- Harborough, Leicestershire, the Executor; or to Messrs. Gatty & Haddon, Solicitors, Angel - Court, Ttirogmorton- Street, London. Freehold Estate. To be SOLD bv PRIVATE CONTRACT, N eligible FREEHOLD and TYTHE- FREE ESTATE, situate in the Lordship of GREAT- BOWDEN, in the County of Leicester; consisting of two Closes of rich Glazing Land, adjoining each other and the Turnpike- Road leading from
Market- Harborough to Leicester, containing together 27 Acres, or thereabouts, viz. A. R. P. The Close next the Turnpike- Road 13 0 0 The second Close 14 0 0 A Total 27 0 0 For further Particulars, and to treat for the Purchase, apply to GEORGE WARTNABY, in Market- Harborough. clared, they would not be without it were it ten Times the Price it is sold at; but to those who are unacquainted with its Value, the following Fact must necessarily prove, not only the Efficacy, but the great Utility likewise of this Preparation, which is calculated to preserve a Species of Grain from Injury, that is not only the strongest Nourishment, but
the principal Support of Man:— A few Y'ears ago, the Inventor of this Remedy tried an Experiment upon 50 Bushels of Wheat, which was sown upon 20 Acres of Land, in an open Field; the Flat that it was sown upon lay nearly in the Centre of 200 Acres of Fallow, which was all sown with Wheat the same Autumn. The Flat on which the Wheat prepared with this ALKALY was • awn, was lean, old- going, tired Land, far from being in a decent State of Cultivation, having had no more than three or four Ploughings, whereas Land for Wheat ought at least to have six or seven. The 50 Bushels of Wheat was all in the Ground by the 2(
ith of September, it came up very even, and continued a fine healthful Growth until it was fit lor the Sickle. The Bunts were but few in Number, as, upon a careful Examination, by judicious People, they could pot discover more than 4 or 500 Bunts in the whole 20 Acres; whereas the adjoining Flat, which was 12 Acres, was nearly One- half of it Bunts, although the Seed with which both the Flats were gown did not differ in any Respect, except the Pre- paration ; indeed there was not a single Land throughout the whole 200 Acres, that had escaped the Ravages of this < Jiminutive! but destructive Insect. By Appointment of the
Inventor, the Alkaly is sold, Wholesale, and Retail, bv Dicey & Co. No. 10, Bow Church- Yard, London, and at the Printing- office in Northampton, Price £. 1 lis. fid. each Packet, with full Directions for using it. It may also be had by giving Orders to any of the Newscarriers, or Dealers in Patent Medicines. ( f5T Each Packet contains as much Alkaly as will make a Lixivium sulficient to prepare Seed enough tor 30' Acres of Land. ARMY CON TRACTS. Commissary- General's- Offi. ce, Great- George- Street, London, 9th September, 1806. -\ TOTICE is hereby given to all Persons desirous of contracting to supply FORAGE, viz.
OATS, HAY, and STRAW, to His Majesty's Cavalry in Bar- I racks in the undermentioned Counties in England and Scotland, ar. d for the Horses kept for His Majesty's Service in tile Islands of Guernsey, Jersey, and Al- derney ;— SOUTH. BRITAIN. TOWCESTF. K, Northamptonshire. ffc AN AWAY from his Master's Service, ofl ^ Sunday the 31st of August, 1806, HENRY HOWARD, Apprentice to ROBERT COCKERILL, Basket- maker. He is about 17 Years of Age, five Feet high ; had on when he went away a brown Coat, yellow striped Waistcoat, and dark Velveteen Breeches. pT Any Person who will give Information of him
so that he may be found, and brought back to his said Master, or his Mother, at Litchborough, in the said County, shall be handsomely rewarded by the said Robert Cockerill; and any Person harbouring or em- ploying the said Apprentice after this public Notict will be prosecuted. IWILLIAM DUDLEY, having, accused my > Mistress, Mrs. SMITH, the Wife of SAMUEL SMITH, of HUSBORN- CRAWLEY, in the County of Bedford, Miller, of taking some Flour out of a Sack; upon Condition ot my Master's Forgiveness, 1 do acknowledge the Accusation to be false. The Mark of x WILLIAM DUDLEY. Witness, EDW. TANQUERAY. To
be LETT, And entered upon at Michaelmas next, FOR A TERM OF YEARS, AN eligible FARM, of jmcient Inciosure; com- prising 130 Acres of useful Arable and Pasture Land, lying contiguous to the Flomestead, within four Miles of ST. NEOTS, in the County of Huntingdon. ( j5T For further Particulars, and to treat for th « same, apply to Mr. ABBOIT, Auctioneer, & c. Scc. Market- Place, St. Neots. September 3d, 1806. Fee- Farm Bents, in Warwickshire. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, IN one LOT, SUNDRY large FEE- FARM RENTS, issuing out of the Manors of SALTFORD, PRIORS- SALBRIDGE, RIETON, and
RADFORD, in the County of Warwick, amounting together to =£. 60 16s. lOJd. per Annum. For Particulars, apply to Mr. PALMER, So- licitor, Coleshill, Warwickshin licitor, Andover, Hants. By Order of the respective Commissioners for Sale of Land- Tax in the County and Borough sf Leicester. To be S O L D by AUCTION, By Mr. THOMAS FARMER, At the Three- Crowns Inn, in Leicester, on Saturday the 11th Day of October, 1806, between the Hours, of Three and Four in the Afternoon, riMIK following ESTATES, in the County of J. Leicester, in Lots, subject to Conditions then to be produced, for the Purpose of raising Money
to redeem Land- Tax charged on divers settled Estates in the Possession of Edward Loveden Lemeden, Esq. At LEICESTER. Lot 1. A GARDEN, near CHURCH- GATE, called NOON'S- YARD, containing 1A. 3R. 8P. or there- abouts, in the Occupation of Katherine Stubbs, Widow.— Power is reserved to subdivide this into two or more Lots, at the Sale, if deemed expedient. At BUSHBY. Lot 2. CERTAIN PLOTS of GROUND, in the Tenure of John Good, containing the following Quan- tities, or thereabouts, viz. A. R. P. Scite of a Tenement, Gaiden, and Homectose 2 0 4 Padwell Close 10 4 Total 3 0 8 At LITTLE- GLEN. Lot 3.
A CLOSE of MEADOW, in the Tenure of Joseph Peake, containing 5A. 2R. 34P. or there- about. At GREAT- WIGSTON. Lot 4. HOSSOP's ORCHARD, Part of JOSEPH WILSON'S FARM, containing about 2R. 6P. Lot. 5. BALDYKF, CLOSE, Part of Ditto, con- taining about 1A. OR. 14P. Lot 6. FAIL CLOSE, Part of Ditto, containing about 2A. 2R. 5P. Lot 7. An entire FARM, in the Occupation of Thomas Blockley ; consisting of the following Parti- culars and Quantities, or thereabouts, viz. A. R. P. House, Garden, Offices, Yard, and a small Homeclose 1 3 33 Town- End Close, Pasture 5 3 30 Cow Close, Pasture... 10 0 25 The
Meadow beyond 9 S 7 Long Close, Pasture 11 0 24 llroom- Hill Close, Pasture 13 1 7 Folesworth Nook, two Parts, Pasture 9 16 Total 61 1 12 pS" These Estates are Freehold; and the Purchasers must take to them subject to any Fee- Farm, Chief, or Quit- Renis payable thereout.— The Land- Tax charged thereon will be redeemed out of the Purchase Money. For further Particulars, apply to Mr. SELL- U- OOD, Solicitor, Abingdon, Berks; or to Messrs. KING, COOKE, k KING, Solicitors, Leicester. Freehold Estate, Bruntingthorpe. To be SOLD by AUCTIO N, By EDWARD NEALE & SON, At the Olu- Crown Inn, in Lutterworth, in
the County of Leicester, on Thursday the 18th Day of September inst. about Three o'Clock in the After- noon, subject to such Conditions as will be then produced, if not disposed of in the mean Time by Private Contract, of which Notice will he given, A Valuable and very desirable FREEHOLD XV ESTATE, free from Tythe and Land - Tax, situate at BRU NT1NGTHORI'E, in the County of I. eicestei ; consisting of a good substantial Farm- House, Barns, Stables, and other suitable Outbuildings thereto belonging, and about 70 Acres of rich Arable, Meadow, and Grazing Land, divided inlo convenient Inclesures, adjoining thereto,
now in the Occupation of Mr. William Laundon, who will shew the Premises. ( PT BRUUTINGTHORPF. is situate about five Miles from Lutterworth, and about nine from Market- Harborough and Leicester. *** For further Particulars, and to treat for th « Purchase, apply to Mr. WATSON, Lutterworth. Valuable Live Stock, prime Hay, fye. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. BROOKS, On the Premises, oh Friday the 26th of September, IS06, rpHF. valuable LIVE STOCK, fine upland HAY, 1 and sundry EFFECTS, of Mr. LETCH, at FIARLINGTON WOOD END,, near TODDINGTON, in the County of Bedford, who is retiring from Busi ness; consisting of 12 fine In- calf Yorkshire Cows, and one Two- year- old Bull; 109 capital polled Siaeep and Lambs, and one fine Ram ; a good drawing Mare, and a capital Two- year- old Colt; 17 Geese; upwards of GO Tons of fine upland Hay, in Lots ; the After- math of 59 Acres ot good Pasture Land, in Lots; to be eaten off by great Cattle from Michaelmas, 1806, to Christinas, 180S, and from Christmas, 1806, to Lady- Day, 18C7, to be eaten eff by Sheep; a capital Fowling- Piece, by Archer. The greatest Part of the Hay to be spent on the Premises.— The Sheep will be properly penned, ten in each Lot. *** To all
Purchasers of Hay only, above .£. 20, Credit will be given on approved Security until Lady- Day, 1807, by paying a Deposit of 5s. in the Pound. N. B. May be viewed the Morning of Sale, which will begin precisely as Eleven o'Clock, with the Cows. Likewise, on Saturday the 27th of September, 1306, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, will be SOJLD by AUCTION, at the Chequer Inn, Westoning, Beds, in two Lots, Lot 1. A MESSUAGE with two Tenements, with Wood Barns and other Offices to each Tenement, in substantial Repair, with Yard, Garden, and Orchard, well planted with Fruit and Timber Trees, pleasantly situate at
WF. STON1NG WOOD END, now lett ! o Richard Martin and Elizabeth Hall, Tenants at Will; and THR E E A C R E S ( more or less) of rich ARABLE LAND, in a high State of Cultivation, lying in the Fields of WESTONING, in the Occupation of the Proprietor. Lot 2. A MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, with proper Offices, in good Repair, Garden, Sec. plea- santly situated at WESTONING WOOD END, now lett to Mr. Francis Felts, Tenant at Will. All'at old and improvable Rents. K3T May be viewed by applying to the TENANTS; ana Particulars known of Mr. BROOKS, sworn Ap- praiser and Auctioneer, Clophill, Beds. CAPITAL
MANORS and ESTATES, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. To be SOLD bv AUCTION, By Messrs.. SKINNER, DYKE, & Co. On Saturday the 18th of October, punctually at Twelve o'Clock, at the Cock Inn, Stony- Stratford, in twenty- sevttt Lots, AVERY VALUABLE FREEHOLD ESTATE, advantageously situate in the Parishes of Cal- yerton, Beachampton, Nash, and Wclverton, in and contiguous to the Market Town of Stony- Stratford, in the County of Bucks, a short Distance from the Grand Junction Canal, and 50 Miles from London, bounded by the high Mail Road to the principal Manufacturing Towns in the North of England ; com prising the MANORS of CALVERTON and BEACH- AMPTON, with numerous annual Quit- Rents, Fines at the Will of the Lord, Tolls of the weekly Market and annual Fair at Stony- Stratford, Courts, Royalties, and Immunities, and sundry capital Farms, Lands, Water Corn- Mills, an< l Tenements, containing about Two Thousand Three Hundred and Thirty Statute Acres ; the most considerable Part Tythe- free, and capable of great'Improvement; at present lett to respectable Tenants from Year to Year ( except one Farm on Lease), at Rents amounting to only about Two Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Pounds per Annum.
TO be viewed, and Particulars had, by applying at the Cock Inn, Stony- Stratford; where a proper Person, well acquainted with the Estate, will attend to shew the same.— Particulars may also be had of Messrs. Dicey & Sutton, Printers, Northampton; Messrs. Swinney & Co. Printers, Birmingham; Mr. Rollason, Printer, and at theKing's- Head, Coventry; Swan, Newport- Pagnell; George, Woburn; Sugar- Loaf, Dunstable; White- Hart, St. Albans; Red- Lion, Barnet , of Edmund Estcourt, Esq. Lincoln's- Inn ; at the Place of Sale; and of Messrs. Skinner, Dyke, and Co, LoiWoti, where Plans may be seen. Berks Cornwall Devon
Dorset Essex Hants ( including the Isle of Wight) Kent Lancaster Middlesex Norfolk Northampton Nottingham Somerset S urrey Sussex Suffolk Wilts Warwick York NORTH- BRITAIN. Edinburgh I Lanark Haddington | Perth ISLANDS. As also STRAW for filling Paillasses of His Ma- jesty's Troops in Barracks in the following Counties and Islands, viz. Berks Chester Cornwall ( including Scilly) Cumberland Devon ' Dorset Durham Essex Hants Hunts Isle of Wight Kent North - Lancaster Middlesex Norfolk Northampton Nottingham Northumberland Somerset Surrey Sussex Suffolk Warwick Wilts York Britain. ire; or Mr. BIRD, So-
WARWICKSHI RE. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, AValuable and very eligible FREEHOLD . ESTATE, called OLD LEY'S MANOR FARM, Tythe- free, situate in the Parish of BURTON. DASSETT, in the County of Warwick, between tin two Turnpike - Roads leading from BANBURY t » WARWICK, a short Distance from each, only eight Miles from Banbury, eleven from Warwick, and three from Kineton and a Canal Navigation; containing 295 Acres of excellent Meadow, Grazing, and Arabic Land, lying very compact, and within a Ring Fence; a Farm- House and Yard, with Barns, Stabling, Granary, and Outbuildings; of
the yearly Value ol £ AS0, subject to Land- Tax, and may be entered upon at Michaelmas next. fpT For Particulars, apply to Messrs. MFYRICF Sc BRODRIP, Red- Lion- Square, London; or Messrs- WALFORD, GOLBY, 3c WALFORD, Banbury, Ox- fordshire. Guernsey, Jersey, and Alderney. That the Deliveries of Forage are to commence on and for the 25th Day of October next ( except in the Islands, where the Issues will not commence before the 25th of November), and those of Straw for filling Paillasses on the 1st of November next; and those of the latter Article to continue until the 31st of October following. That
Proposals for Forage, sealed up, and marked Tender for Forage, will be received at this Office until the 30th Instant; as also for Straw for filling Pail- lasses, sealed up, and marked Tender for Barrack Straw, until the 25th; but none will be received after Eleven o'Clock on those Days, and if sent by Post the Postage must be paid. FORAGE. Separate Proposals must be made for the Supply of Forage for the Whole of the Horses kept for His Majesty's Service in the Islands of Guernsey, Jersey, and Alderney ; and those for the Cavalry in Barracks in England and Scotland, must be made for each County. BARRACK STRAW.
Proposals for Straw for filling Paillasses must be made separately for the Whole of the Barracks in the Islands of Guernsey, Jersey, and Alderney; as also must those for the Barracks in North- Britain ; and for the Barracks in England, distinct Proposals must be made for each County. Each Tender must contain the Names of two suffi- cient Sureties, with their Places of Residence; and no Proposal will be noticed unless made on, or an- nexed to, a printed Tender, and the Prices expressed in VVords at Length, nor unless the Party or their Agent attend at this Office, on the Days following the above Dates, to know the Decisions
thereon. Particulars of the Contracts may be had, upon Ap- plication at this Office, between the Hours of Ten and Four; at Mr. Deputy- Commissary- General As- siotte's Office, Edinburgh; at Mr. Assistant- Com- missary Rawling's Office, Guernsey; and at Mr. Assistant- Commissary Dumaresq's Office, Jersey. To be SOLD by AUCTION, At the Spread- Eagle Inn, in Rugby, on Thursday the 18th Day of September instant,, between the Hours of Four and Six in the Afternoon, under such Con- ditions of Sale as will be then produced, ALL those THREE FREEHOLD CLOSES of capital MEADOW and GRAZING LAND, situate at
BRANDON, in the Parish of WOOI. STON, about five Miles from Coventry, commonly called the HAMS and HAMS MEADOW, containing together about 40 Acres, and now in the Occupation of Mr. Aaron Heme. ( ff For further Particulars, apply to Messrs. LAMB SC WA& DLE, Solicitors, in Daventry. To be SOLD ty AUCTION," By T. S TO NE, At HAYDON - HILL, near AYLESBURY, in the County of Bucks, on Wednesday the 24th Day of September, 1806, ALL the LIVESTOCK, HAY, IMPLEMENTS in HUSBANDRY, and DAIRY UTENSILS, of a Gentleman declining the Farming Business; con- sisting of 20 new- milch, in- calf,
and barren Cows, and two fat Ditto; a capital Cart Mare, and two Colts; two Carts; 10Milk- I. eads, a Cream- Cistern, aud two Churns; Harness for two Horses; about 70 Tons of fine Meadow Hay, Sec. Sec. ( p?" May be viewed in the Morning till the Time of Sale, which will begin at Eleven o'Clock. %* Catalogues may be had at the George and Bull's- Head Inns, in Aylesbury; and of the Auctioneer, Thame, Oxfordshire. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, IN SMALL LOTS, For tht Convenience of Purchasers, AValuable ESTATE; consisting of upward* of 300 Acres of inclosed PASTURE and ARABLE LAND, lying and being
( in detached Par- cels! in the Parish of PASTON, and in the Hamlet* of GUNTHORPE and WALTON, in the Countv of Northampton, within three Miles of the City of Peterborough: and also of several Acres of OPEN- FIELD LAND, in DOGSTHORPE and BOON- FIELD, in the said County. The above Estate is Part Freehold and Part Copy- hold { Fine certain) of the Manors of Paston, Peter- borough, and Bsroughbury, is exonerated from the Land- Tax, and has Right of Common over Great Borough Fen. A Deposit of =£. 20 per Cent, will be expected to be paid immediately upon each Contract, and the Remainder at Lady- Day
next; when the respective Purchases will he completed, and Possession had. ( pf The Timb- r to be paid for at a Valuation. *** For further Particulars, apply to Mr. SIMPKIK Peterborough; RICHARD COLES, the Woodman, a: Paston, who will shew the Estate; or to Mr. J. W. COLE, Solicitor, Minster Close, Peterborough, wl » is authorized to treat for the Sale. September 4th, 1806. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. THOMSON, By Order of the Assignees, under a Commission of Bankrupt awarded and issued forth against JOHN SAWYER PARISH, lsteof Aldwinkle, in the County of Northampton, Victualler, at the Hind Inn, in
Wellingborough, in the County aforesaid, on Wed- nesday the 2ith Day of September, 1806, at Six o'Clock in the Evening, subject to such Conditions as will be then and there produced, RJ^ HE UNDIVIDED MOIETY, or ONE IIALF- I PARTof56 Acresof prime GRAZING LAND, lying in the I. ordshipof BRAMPTON, in the County of Northampton, and NORTON, in the County of Leicester, during the natural Life of the said Bankrupt, now in the 64th Year of his Age.— The Lands are now in the Occupation of Mr. Munton and Mr. Haycock, or their- Undertenants, at the Very old Rents of near a£. 40 per Annum, and capable of great
Improvement. For Particulars, enquire of the Auctioneer, at Wellingborough; and to view the Premises, apply to the Tenants. To Grocers, Tullozo- Chundltrs, and others. To be SOL D by A U C T I O N, By W. WHITE, On the Premises, on Monday the 15th Day of Sep- tember, 1806, and following Davs, \ LL the STOCK and UTENSILS in TRADE, Part of the neat H O U S E HO L D- F U R N IT U R E, and other EFFECTS, the Property of Mr. JOHN BRADLEY, Grocer and Tallow- Chandler, HICH- STREET, BEDFORD, who is declining Business ( f5r Three Months' Credit will be given to all Pur- chasers above £. 10, on approved
Security. *** May be viewed Friday and Saturday preceding the Sale, which will begin each Day at Ten o'Clock. N. B. Catalogues will be ready' for Delivery ten Days previous to the Sale, at the principal Inns in the Neighbouring Towns; Mr. Webb's Printing- Office, on the Premises, and at the Auctioneer's, Bedford. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By W. WHITE, On Friday the 19th Day of September, 1806, at the Sign of the Barley- Mow, in the Town of Bedford, AVery desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, in three Lots.—' The first Lot comprises a HOUSE, extremely well adapted to the Residence of a private Family or a Tradesman,
being situated about the Centre of the HIGH- STREET, BEDFORD; con- taining excellent Cellars, two Parlours, a Shop, Kitchen, four Bed- Rooms on the first Floor, and four good Garrets; a large Garden, having a Seven- foot Wall on the North Side, well planted with choice Fruit Trees, and a Gate opening into Castle- Lane j a paved Yard, Stable, and Hay, Straw, and Corn- Lofts; a Cart- Way into Castle- Lane; a Brewhouse, two back Shops, with Lofts above them, and all other suitable Offices; a Faculty Pew in St. Paul's Church, Bedford, belonging to the above Lot. The second Lot consists of a very excellent Thrte- stailed
STABLE, with two Rooms adjoining, w « II adapted for a Hay and Straw Loft; a paved Yard, and Pigstye. The third Lot is a TENEMENT, with a Garden in Front, having a Right to the Use of a Pump ( PT The two last Lots are situated in CASTIE- LANE, BEDFORD.— The Land- Tax of the Whole Estate has been redeemed. Its present Possessors are the Family of the late Mr. Pulley, Surgeon, by whem the Premises will be shewn to any Persons who nay wish to view them. CHESTER TURNPIKE- ROAD. NOTICI' is hereby given, That all Perseus havingany Claims or Demands upon the Trusties for repairing the Highways from
Old - Stratford, in the County of Northampton, to Dunchtirch, in Hie County of Warwick, are desired tod liver their ie- spective Bills to Mr. BENJAMIN GURDEN, thir Surveyor, previous to the next Quarterly Mectingof the said Trustees, which is appointed to be held, jy Adjournment, at the CROWN INN, in FOSTER'S- BOOIH, in the said County of Northampton, on THURSD r the TWENTY- FIFTH Day of this instant SEPTEMBK, at Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon.— Dated the 1th Day of September, 1806. By Order of the said Trustees, A JWIERES, their Cl « k. TURNPIKE- TOLLSTO^ BE LETT] NOTICE is hereby given, That the
TOIS arising at the two Toil- Gates situate at RUBY and BROWNSOVER, upon the Turnpike- Road lea/ ng from Dunchurch to Lutterworth, will be LTT separately by AUCTION, to the Best Bidder, athe SPR. F. AD- EAGLE INN, in RUGBY, on TuESnAYthe 23d Day of SEPTEMBER instant, between the Hois of Three and Four in the Afternoon, in the Mannedi- rected by the Act passed in the 13th Year of the lign of His Majesty King George the Third, for reguling the Turnpike- Roads. WJisever happens to be the Best Bidder, mt at the same Time give Security, with sulikient Su: ies, to the Satisfaction of the Trustees of the said
arn- pike- Road, for Payment of the Rent agreed foandl at such Times as they shall dir; ct. JOHN CALDECOTT, Clerk to the Trustees of the said Turnpikeotd, Rugiy, Sep.. itb, 1806.
< p Friday and Saturday's Posts. L O N I) O N, September 12. ARIS Papers to the Pfh inst. have heen re- ceived. The Momteur has at length an- nounced the non- ratification of M. D'Oubril's treaty, in a tone that betrays the great disappoint- ment and chagrin of the French Government. The circumstance is ascribed to the " consequences of the change of Ministry, the new principles of the Russian Government, and the extraordinary ascendancy which the English party had the address to obtain over the new Cabinet." It affects, how- ever, to speak as if Bonaparte was willing to agree to a reconciliation with Russia, while he, at
the saute time, felt no apprehension for her power or her hostility. Prussia and Sweden have compromised their differences. The embargo on the ports in the Baltic has been provisionally raised by the latter. The warlike operations in Austria have been vigorous beyond example. There is not a single regiment but what is at present filled beyond its comp < ment. and a considerable Austrian force has lately encamped below Passau. The British army in Sicily, it is said, now con- sists of about 15,000 men ; but the only cavalry is part of the 20th dragoons, the rest of that corps being at the l ape of Good- IIope. Private advices of a
late date, received at Ham- burgh, assert that the gallant Prince of Hesse Philipsthal, whom the French announced to have died, has nearly recovered of his wounds. ""• J"' J , , " J " I"": DESTROYED by POACHERS, andother unqua- • ient, I presumed only to solicit your li( i(. d persolls. This* is to give Notice, that all such m/ self, separately; notwithstanding , Persons who shall in future be found trespassing To the GENTLEMEN, CLERGY, and FitEF. noT. DEns, OF IHE COUNTY OF NORTHA- MITON. GF. N HJ MKN, WHEN I offered myself to'your Notice, as a Candidate fur the honour « f representing I D" STRV) YBD' you in
Parliament, Support for myse which it hath been reported, that I have united my Interest with, that of some or other of the Can- didates: I therefore feel it my Duty distinctly to declare, that 1 am not in any Manner connected with, nor is my Interest united to, that of either of the other Gentlemen who are Candidates for your Favour. On this Ground 1 continue to solicit your Suffrages; and f I should be so fortunate to obtain the Object of my Wishes, I will endeavour to dis- charge the Duties of the important Trust with Zeal and Fidelity. 1 have the Honour to be, Gentlemen, Your faithful and obedient Servant, ALTIIORP. Althorp, Aug.
22d, 1806. To the GENTLEMEN', CLERGY, and FREEHOLDERS, of the COUNTY of NORTHAMPTON. GENTLEMEN, IBeg Leave to return you my best Thanks, for the continued and increasing Assurances of Support which 1 have received since 1 lutd the Honour of last addressing you. Under * he Circumstances in which the County has BRACELEY MANOR. "\ 17HEREAS the GAME on the MANOR of * T BRACK- LEY ( including 1UI. SE, and the several WOODS in the Parish of BEACKLEY SAINT PETER'S,, has' bedfi for several Years past very much thereon, - will'rriosrcertainly be prosecuted as the Law directs. (
pTThe Tenants and Woodwards have received Directions to discharge all Persons of the above De- scription. NORTHAMPTON, Sept. 10th, 1806. ALL Persons who have any Claims or Demands . on the Estateof Mrs. ELlZ. GOODING, late of NORTHAMPTON, Widow, deceased, are desired to send an Account thereof forthwith to Mr. Thomas Hall, of Northampton, or Mr. John Fascutt, of Little- Billing, her acting Executors; or to Mr. Butcher, Solicitor, in Northampton.— And all Persons indebted to'the Estate of the said Elizabeth Gooding, whether upon Mortgage, Bond, Note, or otherwise, are required to pay their respective
Debts to the said Executors; or to Mr. Butcher, on or before the first Day of January next. HAllLESTON ASSOCIATION. " VITHEREAS some Person or Persons did, ' » late on Saturday Night, or earlv on Sundav Morning last,- STEAL and TAKE AWAY, out of the Rev. Mr. STOCKDAI, E'S GARDEN, at WALORAVE, in the County of Northampton, SEVEN WHITE L1NBN HANDKERCHIEFS, lately marked, in • common Ink, with the Letters and Figures C. j ® S. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE YEOMANRT CAVALRY. rjnilE GENTLEMEN of the TOWCESTER n TROOP are requested to meet, on HEATHENCOTE- GREEN, on MONDAY
the" 35th,. and THURSDAY the 18th of SEPTEMBER instant, at a Quarter before Ten o'Clock, in tile Moriring, in Field- Day Order. J. MANSE L, Captain.. Towcester, Sept. ilth, 1806. ,'..., — • — r Northamptonshire Quarterage- Money. f'T^ HE Chief Constables are to collect and pay jL in, at the ensuing Sessions, Eight single Quar- terly Payments. CHR. SMYTH, Clerk of the Peace. Northampton, Sept. IStb, 1806. GENERAL LIBRARY, NORTHAMPTON." TI^ HE Subscribers are respectfully informed, 1 that the ANNUAL MEETING will be held at the LIBRARIAN'S, on SATURDAY the 20th Instant, from Twelve to Two o'Clock. J.
ABEL, Librarian. been placed, by so ec. ly and unexpected a Cunt, ass, A\ ANTS a SI'l UA'I ION, A middle - aged MARRIED MAN, as Clerk in an Office, such Assurances have been most grateful and flattering to me; and convinced that they have arisen from, those independent Principles alone which have ever distinguished the Countv of Northampton, I look \ forward with Confidence, to the Period when you will _ •.. , .,- i collectively called upon more' ovenly to declare w as Superintendent or Overlooker in some. Mercantile j ydursdve% Jnd t„ ^^ ihut „ fost invaluable of your Privileges, the Choice of your liep/ esentatives in
Parliament. Should I in any Degree have been deficient in making proper Applications to yim, I trust that you will attribute it solely to the Hurry of a Canvass, which, in so extensive and populous a County, would not in the first Instance allow of any certain or ( omplete Arrangeme. nt. I have the Honour to be, Gentlemen, With great Respect, Your obedient, humble Servant, WM. LANGHAM. Cottesbrook, Aug. 23d, 1806. Business Has a Knowledge of Accounts, write: good Hand, and has been used to active liniployment: ( pT Satisfactory References can be given lor Cha- racter and Connexions, by applying, by Letter, Post- paid,
addressed to J. J. Post- Office, Bedford. " VSTANTED immediately, A steady, active \ T YOUNG MAN, as a JOURNEYMAN to a GROCER and TA1. LO W- CHANDLE R. pT Apply to R. VV. ROBINSON, Grocer, Bedford. To Parents und Guardians. /" ANTED, A YOUTH, of a respectable » » Family, as an APPRENTICE toa WATCH and CLOCK- MAKER, where the finishing Part of the Business may be learnt. ( J5T Application ( if by Letter, Post- paid,) to Mr. WEBB, Printer, Bookseller, Sec. Bedford, will meet due Attention. ANTED immediately, An APPRENTICE to a PRINTER and BOOKBINDER. £ 3* For Particulars, enquire
of Mr. ROWBOTIIAM, Printer and Bookseller, Loughborough. — Letters ( Post- paid) will be duly answered. A Premium will be expected. Loughborough, August 11th, 1806. " TXTANTED immediately, THREE JOURNEY- TT MEN MILLWRIG'HTS, who may have con- stant Employment by applying to J. KII. BURN, Mill- wright, North- Kilworth, near Lutterworth, Leices- tershire. from a Well Pole; and did also lately, several Times, STEAL APPLES out of his said Garden: Whoevi- r will apprehehend or discover the Person or Persons who committed the said Offence, so that he or they may l) e prosecuted, shali, on his or their
Con- viction thereof, imtnedia'ely be paid TWO GUINEAS by Mr. BOSWILL, Attorney, in Northampton ( the Treasurer and Solicitor to the said Association); and FIV E GUINEAS more by the said Mr. STOCKDALE. And if more than one Person was concerned in the Accomplice i ™ only at Bramiau, hut hare liknwisc'occupied or Accomplices, he shall, on his or their Conviction, I ., •,'.,, ' .... 1 be entitled to tiie same Rewards, and Interest will be LONDON, Sept. 13. A Hamburgh Mail arrived yesterday. The fol- lowing is a brief abstract of its contents, which are' considerably important:—- A private letter from Griefswald, dated Aug.
30, states, that the Swedish troops have entered Lauen- burgh without opposition, the Prussians having retired.— This is considered as a final adjustment of all differences between Sweden and Prussia. Frontiers of Austria, Aug. $ 3.— According to report, the French wishing effectually to prevent Austria from taking part in a new war, if by chance it should break out, have demanded to occupy the whole circle of Austria till the re- csta- blishment of peace with England. They arc slill WANTED, as BUTLER, out of Livery, A middle- aged MAN, who can dress Hair, and who perfectly understands the Business of an Upper Servant;
he must have lived in the Country, and be well recommended from his last Place for Honesty, Sobiietv, and good Temper.— Also, a GARDENER WANTED, A middle- aged MAN, who understands his Business, and can be well recommended from his Jast Place for Honesty, Industry, and Sobriety. ( pr Enquireof G. H. at the Printers; if by Letter, Post- paid. WANTED TO PURCHASE, AGRAZING FARM, in the Neighbourhood of NORTHAMPTON, or in any pleasant Part of the County, not exceeding 65 Miles from London. The Estate must be Freehold, with from 130 to 180 Acres of good Grazing Land, or about one- fourth
Arable; with a substantial modern- built Dwelling- Ho lse, of handsome Elevation, suitable domestic Offices, Stabling for five or six Horses, and convenient Farming Buildings. The House beinp small would not be objected to, provided the Situation is in every Respect eligible. C- f Letters, Post- paid, containing a full and de- scriptive Account of the Estate, with all Outgoings, and the lowest Terms of the Purchase, will reccive early Attention, addressed to A. B. at Mr. Black- burn's, Stationer, Knightsbridge, Middlesex. TV BROMIUM SWAN STATUTE SESSIONS, For HIRING of SERVANTS, ILL be held on TUESDAY the 16th of
SEPTEMBER, 1806. iDinner at One o'Clock. WELLINGBOIW> UGH STATUTE WILL be" held at the HIND INN, Wrxr. TNC- BOROUOH, on THURSDAY the ISrh Instant. ( PT Dinner on the Table precisely at One o'Clock. w HOGSTYE- END STATU TE ILL he held at the RED- LION, on WED- NESDAY the 21th Instant, ( pr Dinner at One o'Clock. FOSTER'S - BOOTH STATUTE, For HIRING of SERVANTS, " VS/ TEL be held at the GEORGE INN, on Tnutts- T T DAY the 25th of this instant SEPTEMBER. ( f^" Dinner on the Table at One o'Clock. HORTON STATUTE " VJ7TLL be held at HORTON INK, on THURSDAY • » the
25th Instant. ( J3- The Constables of the Wymersley Hundred are desired to meet to pay their Quarterage- Money. %* Dinner 011 tile Table at One o'Clock. made to procure His Majesty's Pardon. Northampton, Sept. 13tb, 1806. To the GENTLEMEN, CLERGY, and other FREE- HOLDERS, of the COUNTY of NORTH- AMPTON. GENTLEMEN, ENCOURAOED by the flattering Assurances I have received from so large a Proportion of the County, I look forward with Cmifidcnce to the Arrival of the Time when you will be called upon to exercise that invaluable Privilege of our happy Constitution— the Right of electing your Repre sentatives in the great Council of the Nation; a Privilege which, when exercised, as 1 am satisfied it always will be by the County iff Northampton, confers the highest Honour, and the deepest Obligation, on the Person who may happily become the Object of your Choice. Such 1 felt it in 1707, when you first sent me as one of your Representatives in Parliament; such 1 considered it at the last General Mlection; and such 1 shall ever continue to esteem it, should my Services be deemed worthy of ytmr Acceptance on a future Day. And should an Lka have been entertained, that I have acted irregularly or prematurely in the Line I
huve thought it. my Duty to adopt, 1 trust it will be considered, that it was not possible for me, under the present Circumstances of the County, to abstain from soliciting your future Favours, without risking the Appearance of being deficient in Respect for my Friends, or not anxiously alive to the Honour heretofore conferred on me. 1 have the Honour to be, Gentlemen, Your most obliged. And most faithful humble Servant, W. R. CARTWRIGHT. Aynho, Sept. 4th, 1806. RIVER NINE OR NEN. NOTICE is hereby given, That a Meeting of the Commissioners of the Western Division of the above River will be holden at the
GUILDHALL, in the Town of NORTHAMPTON, on SATURDAY the 20th of SEPTEMBER instant, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon; when they will receive Proposals for keeping the BANKS and HA LING- WAYS, between NORTHAMPTON and WELLINGBOROUGH BRIDGES, in REPAIR, for one Year, and likewise between WELLINGBOUOUGH and THRAPSTON BRIDGES.— The Proposals to be made separate. Northampton, Sept. 6lb, 1806. To b^ EE T T, And mail be entered on immediately, AHOUSE and BUTCHER'S SHOP, with about two Acres of LAND adjoining the Premises, and between 30 and 40 Acres more if
required, situate in the Parish of FLOWER, Northamptonshire. ( PT Enquire of WILLIAM .. LETTS, Butcher, of Flower aforesaid, who is about to decline Business on Account of his ill State of Health. shafts near StvPtry, and was killedliy th" e whte'e mining over his head, He had frequently'been found asleep riding upon the. shafts, • and was cautioned against doing so tlie very night lie lost his life. An accident of an uncommon 11 at tire happened at Barnack, near Staml'ord, on Tuesday sennight — A lad about 12 years of age, in attempting to j{ et out of a waggon, fell between the wheel and body of the carriage, where, for a
considerable time, he was literally ground ; his cries fortunately brought to his assistance Benjamin Burton, Esq. of Walcot, and three of his servants, but so com- pletely was he jammed in, that it was with great difficulty they could extricate him from his perilous situation, which could not be accomplished with- out taking off the wheel. The boy is miserably crushed, hut none of his bones arc broken.— ft is remarkable, that the father of tlie ab< 5ve lad was run over by a waggon a few days since, without receiving any material injury. A woman of Spalding, considerably advanced in years, and deformed, was lately delivered of a
son, in perfect, health, by means of the Cesarean operation. A lew hours afterwards she died, from causes independent of the operation. On Wednesday se'nuight, Mary Serjeant, of Elton, Hunts, was found dead, hanging bv her neck, in a room where her child was in its cmlle. On Saturday se'miight, about half- past nine o'clock, the inhabitants of Sudborough,. near Tlirap- ston, in this county, were alartntd with the cry of fire. The north- west corner of the thatch of Mr. l. awford's house was, by some unknown incendiary, maliciously set on fire,- which was almost immediately perceived, and, much to the credit of the Inhabitants,
every labourer, & c. ran to give assistance. The quan- tity of rain that had fallen during the week, and a h? avy shower that afternoon, had so saturated the thatch, that it was soon extinguished with little damage; but'before some of the inhabitants had re- tired to their homes, another cry of fire was heard in a different part of the village— a wheat- stack, belong- ing to Mr. Worthington, was in flames. A person who was called out of bed 011 the first alarm, passed this stack on his way to Mr. Lawford's house, and saw it was then safe. The very ready assistance of the cot- tagers soon drained two wells, and made a line to the river
for the supply of water, so that that also was extinguished with but little damage, not half of it being consumed.— The moon was exceedingly bright, the wind fortunately still; had the thatch been drv, and the wind brisk, the village ( which suffered much by fire two years and a half ago) would probably have hardly had a house left standing.— There are some circumstances attending this infamous affair, which lead to a supposition, tiiat it must have been done by a gang, who are not inhabitants of the village: before the cry of fire was given, a person was heard to gallop so furiously through the water at the mill, as to awaken the
miller's family ; a servant of Mr. Dore's, returning hr> me with a lead horse, about half an hour before the fire took place, passing near a Wood at the end of the town, saw a man standing iiiere, who, on sight of him, immediately dashed through a hedge away from him; on the extinction of tile first fire, a loud cracking of a whip was heard on a hill near SEI'IEMBEK 12 th, 1806. TAKEN UP, at. KI- NCSTHORPE, the 27th Ult. An IRISH BIJLLOCK, The Owner thereof may have him again on paying all Expences, by applying to Mr. STANTON, at the Cock Inn, Kingsthorpe, near Northampton. - ______ ( Supposed to be. stolen), ON
Friday Night, the 29th of August, from NUNN MILI., near NORTHAMPTON, A B L A C K II O R S E, of the Cart Kind, fujl 15 Hands high, seven or eight Years old, rather rusty in his Coat, has a little wHitp on the off Heel behind, a T. 011 each Side of hU Back on the Saddle Place, and a Scar on One Shoulder. Whoever can give Intelligence of the above Horse, so that he inav be had again, shall receive ONE GUINEA REVVARI), and all reasonable Charges; and if stolen, a Reward of TEN GUINEAS will be paid by Mr. TAYLOR, I. eather- Dresser, Northampton, on Conviction of the Offender or Offenders. IEFT, in the Privy, at
Mr. WOOD'S, the J Waggon- and- Horses, at BURTON, near Kettering, Northamptonshire, A SILVER WATCH; Name on the Dial Plate, Joseph Jones; Maker's Name, IVindsor, No. 27. Whoever will bring the said Watch to the above Place, shali receive a Reward of ONE GUINEA AND A HALF. Just published, in three Volumes, extra Boards, Price 12. y. THORNTON ABBEY: A Series of Letters on Religious Subjects. By the late Mr. JOHN SATC HELL, of Kettering. With a recommendatory Preface by the Rev. Mr. ANDREW FULLER. London: Printed lor J. BURDITT, 60, Paternoster- Row; sold also by COLLIS Sc DASH,
Kettering. Gardeners' Ground, Northampton. To be LET ! ', separately, adjoining the I own, And may be entered up . u at Michaelmas next, TWO PIECES of GARDEN GROUND, containing eight Acres each. 05T Enquireof Mr. KIRSKAW, Surveyor, North- ampton. September iOtf>, 1801. To Drapers, fyc. To be S O L D bv A U C T I O N, By Mr. THOMSON, On the Premises of the late Mr. VALENTINE WOOD, of WELLINGBOROUGH, in the County of Nerihampton, Draper, Haberdasher, & c. deceased, on Monday the 29th of this instant September, 1806, and four following Davs, at Ten, r 1M1E entire S TOCK ifi TRADE,
HOUSEHOLD- I. FURNITURE, and sundry FFFECTS.— The STOCK in TRA OF. comprises a general Assortment of Woollen and Linen- Drapery, Hosiery, and Haber- dashery, a very large Assortment of Men, WoiTten, and Children's ready- made Clothes, an « i new and second- hand Ditto, of every Description, which wiil be sold in Lots, to accommodate the Trade as well as private Families.— This will be found a good Oppor- tunity for Dealers in the above Branches, as the Stock is large, and the greater I'art in good Condition. It Wiil be sold on the first three Days of Sale. On, Thursday the 2d Day of October will be SOLD,
The HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE; consisting of Four- post Mahogany, Tent, and other Bedsteads, with Chintz and other Furnitures; excellent Feather and Flock- Beds, Mattresses, Blankets, Sheets, Counter- panes, Quilts, & c. ; Mahogany Dining, Pembroke, Claw, and other Tables; Chairs, Side- Board, Maho- gany China Cupboard, and Glass Door; an Eight- day Clock; Kitchen- Range, Wind- up Jack, 20- Gallon Copper, Bath- Grates, Kitchen- Requisites, in Copper, Bra. o, and Tin ; Brewing Utensils, sweet Iron- bound Casks, with various useful Articles. On Wednesday the 1st of October will be SOLD by AUCTION, at the
Fountain Inn, in Wellingborough aforesaid, at Six o'Clock in the Evening, subject to such Conditions as will be then ar. d there produced, Lot 1. A CLOSE of prime FREEHOLD ARABLE LAND, adjoining the East End of the Town of WELLINGBOROUGH, containing 13 Acres ( more or less), now in the Tenure or Occupation of Mr. Lovell Warren, or his Undertenants. Six hundred Pounds of the Purchase Money of this Lot may remain 011 Security of the Premises, during the Life of Mrs. Wood. Lot 2. All that modern - built FREEHOLD MESSUAGE or TENEMENT; consisting of a large Shop, Parlour, Kitchen, Dining- Room, five
Bed- chambers, and a good Cellar; Barn, and other Out- Offices ; and an exceeding good Garden, well planted with Fruit Trees; 3II in the Occupation of the late Mr. Valentine Wood, in full Trade, and worthy the Notice of any Person wishing to engage in that Line of Business. Also, a TENEMENT adjoining ; con- sisting of a House, Pantry, and two Bedchambers, in the Occupation of Mr. John Oudell; the Whole situated in the Centre of the SQUARE, ill W E LLING- BOROUGH, and may be entered upon immediately. — The Fixtures of the House and Shop may be taken at a Valuation. Lot 3. A MESSUAGE or TENEMENT,
situate in SHEEP- STREET, adjoining the Rosc- and- Crown, now in the Occupation ot Cleaver, Tenant from Year to Year. Lot 4. TWO COPYHOLD MESSUAGES or TENEMENTS, in the ROSE- AND- CROWN YARD, in the Occupation of —— Knight and another, Tenants at Will. Lot 5. A COPYHOLD MESSUAGE or TENE- MENT, situate in the WEST END, now in the Occu- pation of Widow Rixon, Tenant at Will. For a View of Lots one and two, apply to the AUCTIONEER, at Wellingborough; Lots three, four, and five, apply to the TENANTS ; and for further Par- ticulars, to Mr. EDWARD WOOD, at Rushden ; or the
AUCTIONEER. N. I!. All I'ers'ons having any Claim or Demand on the late Mr. VALENTINE WOOD, are requested to send an Account thereof to Mr. Edward Wood, of Rushden, in order that the same may be adjusted and discharged; and all ' Persons who stood indebted to the said Valentine Wood, at the Time of his Death, are requested to pay tiiiir respective Debts tothe said Edward Wood imme- diately, or they will bs sued for the same without futtli « r Notice. ( One Ctnccrn.) the right bank of the Isonzo. All the measures that are silently taken, announce that the present tranquillity will soon he disturbed ; a great maga- zine
is forming in Moravia, on the frontiers of Silesia, the artillerymen have received orders to make eight millions of cannon- cartridges, and twenty- two millions of musquet- cartridges. Five companies have been employed iu making them these four or five days. Early on Thursday morning, Mr. Parsons, the Messenger, arrived with dispatches from I. ord Lauderdale. They were yesterday taken into cou- sideration, but we do not Icarn'that, any Messenger has yet been dispatched. On Wednesday nij^ lit Messrs. Basilico and Smith set off for Paris! Mr. Fox was in s » exhausted a state of health 011 Tuesday and Wednesday last, that
his physicians had not the smallest hope of his life; his disso- lution, indeed was hourly expected; but on the night of the latter day'he revived considerably, ! f. he "' ood> which is sul> P° sed to have been a signal and has been recovering ever since; we fear, ' }? L, 1\ ose « , e » d, nS. S » » d « rs- Worthmgton, who was , , - h , ... ' > left almost alone in the house ( luring the tire ot her however, he is too tar gone to look for any per- , husband's wheat rick ( which was at a distance from manent amendment, though some are sanguine ; the house), saw a man standing in the shade, i^ ar a SHARNBROOK, Bedjordsbire. To be
LETT, And entered on at Michaelmas next, \ HOUSE, with a large GARDEN, and about 1\ 15 Acres of GRASS LAND. The House con- tains six Rooms 011 a Floor; and there is a Four- stall Stable, double Coach- House, and other Offices, suit- able for a Gentleman's Family, now in the Occupation of the Rev. P. C. SHERARD, of whom Particulars may be known. gST SHARNBROOK is about 60 Miles from London, has a Turnpike- Road through the Village, and is in the Centre of the Bedfordshire Hunt. enough to hope for his recovery, since it is said his stomach is still strong enough to bear some nourishment. sina enierea
upon at uia micrjcivmas next AN old- accustomed BAKEHOUSE, wit venient Outbuildings, Garden, Orchard, and two Closes of rich Pasture Land, containing six Acres, situate at WEEDON- BECK, in the County of Northampton, which, though a Village, is very po- palous, on Account of the Buildings erecting there. ( J5T For further Particulars, apply to Mr. AT- CHISON, Weedon - Beck ; or to Mr. T. TURLAND, Bugbrook. To he SOLD lj A U C T I O N, By Mr. J. VORES, On the Premises, at HARPOLE- LODGE, in the County of Northampton, on Tuesday next, the 16th Day of September, 1806, PRICE OF Bank Stock . . sli. 3 per
Ct. Red. . sh. 3 per Ct. Cons. 63JJ4 4 per Ct. Cons. . sh. 5 per Ct. Navy 96i 96 Omnium STOCKS. Imp. 3 per Cents. 63J India Stock . 188i} India Bonds . 1 2 dis. Exc. Bills 1 pr. 1 dis. par. SH NORTHAMPTON, SATURDAY EVENING, Sept. 13. BIRTHS.] On Tuesday last, at Dallington, To BAKERS. To be SOLD or LETT, And entered upon at Old Michaelmas next, , . • , , , f r> « r - di - T, - • • . J near this town, the lady of R. W. Blencowe, Esq. 1t. 11 con- , ,. of a daughter.. On Sunday se'nnight, at Lightorne, Warwick- shire, the Hon. Mrs. Barnard, of a son. MARRIED.] On Thursday last, at Finedon, in this bounty, by the Rev.
John Mulso, the Rev. Samuel Woodfield Paul, to Charlotte, second daughter of John English Dolben, Esq. of that place, and grand- daughter of Sir W illiam Dolben, Bart. On Tuesday se'nnight, at Anston, Warwickshire, by the Rev. Edward Jenkinson, the Rev. John Hyde, of King's- Somber, Hants, to Miss Derby, rpHE LIVE & DEAD STOCK, IMPLEMENTS j daughter of the late Edward Derbv, Esq. of Bod- BIMV" HUSBANDRY, fc fa of Mr. DANIEL I dicott, Oxfordshire. BENN ; comprising one Bay of Wheat, one Ditto of On Th,, r, rinv Barley, a Rick of Oats, a Ditto of Peas, and a Ditto of Hay ; two Cart Horses; one Cow, one
Heifer, and a weaning Calf; Cart, Plough, Harness, Winnowing Tackle, Hurdles, Ladders, and sundry other Effects. — Also, the following KEEP until St. Thomas, viz. four Acres of Turnips, nine Acres of Seeds, one Closeof Grass, andone Dittoof Stubble, Part Clover. The Sale to begin at Eleven o'Clock. Stage- Coach, from Wellingborough to London. To be SOLD by A U C T I O N, By Mr. SMITH, At the Swan Inn, in Newport- Pagnell, in the County of Bucks, 011 Monday the 22d Day of September instant, 1806, at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, ALL that well- known, established COACH, going from WELLINGBOROUGH to
LONDON aforesaid, the Property of the late Mr. THOMAS PORTER, and which is now, and has been for many Years past, worked with the utmost Regularity, and is an extremely eligible and lucrative Concern /- The Prc^ perty consists of two very good Coaches, both hung upon the new Principle, with thorough Springs; thirteen Horses, in high Condition, with suitable Harness to the same; and all proper Stable- Furniture. ( PF For Particulars, apply to Mr. FRANCIS GIBBONS and Mr. THOMAS WUE, of Wellingborough, the Executors of the said Thomas Porter; or to Mr. CHARLES BROWN, at Horton Inn. Malting and Malt.—
Freehold Estate. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. KIRS HA IV, On Tuesday the 23d Day of September, 1806, at the Old Sun Inn, in the Parish of Hardingstone, at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, ALL tliat convenient and spa, cious MALTING, situate and being in the Centre of the Village of HARDINGSTONE,, near Northampton, with Malt and Barley Granaries, fitted up complete, and capable ot wetting twenty Quarters per Week; toge- ther with THREE convenient COTTAGES adjoining the same, now in the Occupation of Samuel Howes, Judkin Ekin, and Widow Harrold. ( pf The Malting may be entered upon at Michael- mas
next. At the same Time will be SOLD by AUCTION, up- wards of TWO HUNDRED QUARTERS of ex- cellent MALT; which, for the Convenience of Pur- chasers, will be sold in Lots of five Quarters each, and Credit given upon approved joint Security. *** For a View of the Premises, apply to WILLIAM FREEMAN, at Hardingstone; and for further Parti- culars, to Mr. JOHN KIGHTLEY, or the AUCTIONEER, Northampton. To be S O L D by AUCTION, By Mr. HAIVTYN, At the Wheat- Sheaf Inn, in Daventry, intheCounty of Northampton, on Wednesday the 8th Day of October next, between the Hours of Three and Six o'Clock in the
Afternoon, UPWARDS of ONE HUNDRED ACRES of LAND, all Freehold and Tythe- free, situate at PRIORS- HARDWICK and PRIO RS- MARSTON, in the County of Warwick, about eight Miles from Daventry and four from Southam, in five Lots. ( PIT Printed Particulars and Conditions of Sale will be forthwith made out, and may be had at the Olfice of Messrs. Walford, Golby, . k Walford, at the principal Inns, and at the Auctioneer's, in Banbury ; at the Wheat- Sheaf I1111, in Daventry; the Griflin Inn, in Southam; of Mr. Chamberliu, Cropredy Lawn, near Banbury; or of Mr. Thomas Chapman, the Tenant, of Priors- Hard wick,
who will shew th* sovsral Lots. On Thursday se'nnight, at the Abbey, St. Alban's, Herts, Mr. Thomas Sharpe, of Fenchurch- street, London, to Miss Frances Sibley, eldest daughter of Jos. Sibley, Esq. of the former place. Lately, Mr. Ephraim Buswell, woolstapler and manufacturer, of Kettering, to Miss Porter, daugh- ter of Mr. Porter, ironmonger, of Thrapston, both in this county. A few days ago, Mr. Robert Corlass, merchant, to Miss Sarah Holmes, both of Alconbury, neat- Huntingdon. On Monday last, at Clerkcnwell church, Mr. Douglas, of London, to Miss Langdell, of Ecton, near this town. DIED.] On Monday se'nnight, in the
54th year of his age, Mr. Thomas Pasco, many years an eminent chemist and druggist in Oxford. Same day ( being his birth- day), aged 52, after a lingering and painful illness, borne with exemplary patience and resignation, Mr. Andrews, of Bal- docb, Herts. It is not undeserving of remark, that for some weeks previous to his death, he had a prescience it would happen on that day. Same day, at Baldock, in his 80th year, Mr. Edward Fenn, carpenter, in consequence of a fall from a ladder just as he was leaving some work lie had engaged to finish the next day. On Tuesday se'nnight, at Knightsbridge, Mrs. Wigley, wife of the
Rev. E. Wrigley, Vicar of Yardley and Hall- Green, near Birmingham. Lately, Miss Collier, daughter of Mr. John Collier, of Witney, Oxfordshire. Last week, Mr. Thomas Wright, many years steward to the late George Wrightc, Esq. of Gay- hurst, Bucks. Yesterday se'nnight, at an advanced age, Mr. Fetch, farmer and grazier, of Brigstock Park Lodge, in this cpunty. On Monday last, at Kettering, iu this county, in his 6,6th year, Mr. Samuel Paull, youngest soli of the late Mr. Hugh Paull, of that place. On Wednesday last, after a very lingering illness, Joseph Tanner, of this town, dealer iu earthenware, one of the people called
Quakers. — aSQE*:.-— On Monday se'nnight, Joseph Barnard, Esq. was elected Mayor of Bedford for the ensuing year; the Rev. Thomas Cave and Mr. John Green, Bailiffs; and William Belslimn, Esq. and Mr. John Whitehouse, Chamberlains. The Volunteer Infantry of this town, influenced by the same patriotic feelings which induced them at first to enter into the service of their country, determined, unanimously, at a strong muster of the corps, on Monday, to continue their services under the new legislative regulations, so long as the situation of the country may require them. The whole regiment of Leicester Volunteer In fantry ( with the exception of only 13 men, who from age or inconvenience have been obliged to retire) have engaged to continue their services to Government without pay. On Wednesday se'nnight, Stephen Gosling, driver of Ashby's Huntingdon waggon, fell off the faggot stack, without a hat, and on her asking him what he did there, he immediately retreated. These circumstances lead to a supposition, that the design was to burn the village, and to plunder the sufferers. — It would be highly commendable in the Magistrates- of this county, to follow the exampfe of the Bench of Justices in the neighbourhood of Grantham, in tiie
adjoining county, and order the Constables of the dif- ferent hundreds to apprehend all persons who are guilty of an act of vagrancy, begging, lodging in the open air, leading dissolute lives, & c. See. as their advertisement expresses, which would clear the county of those hordes of gipsies who infest the woods, by poaching, & c. and annoy the villagers, by striking terror into the lower as well as higher classes of peo- ple, who often relieve them in hopes of escaping ' their depredations. — A reward of =£. 100 has been ottered by the Sun Fire- Office, for the apprehension of the incendiary.— See advertisement. Luke Castle and
Samuel Wheeler, who were lately executed at Bury, not only confessed • the robbery for which they suffered, but also acknowledged being concerned in several other burglaries, particularly that at the house of Mrs. French, at Eversden, in Cambridgeshire, which was entered at midnight by four ruffians, two of whom approached her bed side and demanded her keys, whilst a third guarded the door, and a fourth kept watch over the female servant. Castle was a native of Fordhum, in Cambridgeshire, and not more than 22; Wheeler was born at Munden, in Hertfordshire, and only 19 years of age. — » - BEDFORD RACES.
Tuesday, Sept. 9/ b, his Grace the Duh of Bedford's Purse of £. 50, for three- year- olds. Mr. Croft's b. 111. Epsom- Lass 2 11 Mr. Golding's b. f. Merrymaid 1 2 2 A very good race. There was no nice for the Woburn Stakes. Wednesday, Sept. 10th, £. 50. Major Wilson's b. h. Vivaldi, aged ] I Mr. Williams's g. h. Biue- Bell, 4 yrs old 2 dr LITCHFIELD RACES. Tuesday, Sept. 9th, bis Majesty's Plate oflOOgs. Mr. Watts's g. h. Evander,. walkedover. Sweepstakes of lOOgr. > . Mr. Glover's b. g. Chancellor, 6 yrs old 1 Mr. Dvott's ch. g. by Sir H. Harpur's Herod, 5 yrs Wednesday, Sept. 10tb, £. 50, Mr. Burchall's ch. h. Welch- Harp, 4
yrs old 1 1 Lord Grey's ch. c. St. Domingo, 3 yrs old 2 2 Mr. C. Browne's ch. c. Burleigh, 3yrs old 3 3 Sweepstakes of 21 O^ r. Mr. C. Smith's br. 111. Hebe, Syrsold... J 1 Mr. Butler's b. m. Miss Coiner, 5 yrs old 2 Lord Grey's Ch. c. Skiptoii, 3 yrs old 3 Lord Wilton's b. h. Bucephalus, 4 yrs old 4 Mr. C. Browne's b. c. Mountaineer, 4yrs old.... 5 Same day, a . Match for 50gs. was won by Mr. Gil- librahd's b. m. Myrtle, 5 yrs old, beating Air. Tome's b. m. Signora, aged, 8st. each.— Signora bolted. Thursday, Sept. llr^, £. 50.• Mr. Burchall's Welch- Harp 2 1 1 Lord Wilton's Bucephalus 1 2 2 Sweepstakes of IPgs. Mr. Andrew's h. g.
Garland, 6 yrs old.. . — 1 Mr. Hawke's b. g. Featherlegs, 5 yrs old 2 Mr. Dyott's ch. g. by Sir H. Harpur's Herod 3 Sweepstakes, of Lord Grey's Skipton.... . .'_• I Sir W. Wynn's b. c. by Meteor, 3 yrs old 2 Mr. Lord's b. f. by Moorcock, 3 yrs old 3 PRICE of C O RN per Quarter at Northampton, Saturday, Sept," 13. Beans, 44s. Od. to 49s. Pd. p^ as, — s. Od. to— s. Od. gy the Standard Measure. Wheat, 76s. to 84s. Od Rye," 50s. Od. to 54s. Barley, 42s. 0d. no 43s. Od Oats.' 31s. 6d. to 33s. Od, ' J. ( JRAFTON, Inspector Corn- Exchange, London, Friday, Sept. 12. The market to- day is but thinly supplied with Wheat, the few fine
samples fullv maintain their pricr, and very few sales effected of second or inferior.— Barley is dearer, and hardly anv at hand.— Malt is full as dear — Beans of each description keep their prices.— There are tolerable supplies of Oats, which are mostly of inferior quality ; and the. few prime sam- ples are dearer.— In Flour little variation. — » .- « asa.' f- l>.- C » . » >.-'" LIST of FAIRS, from- Sept., 15, to Sept. 27, within the Circuit of this Paper. M. Sept. 15. Dvnchurcb. T. 16. Lutterworth. {.- 19. Northampton, Waltham, Amersbam, an Atberstone. JVI, 22. Rugby, Silsoe, Tbornev, Wimlnv, Burn. ham, and ,.- Tif. W. 24.
Chippingmrton. Xti. 35. Rockingham, AyMwy, Stratfotd- upm. Avon, Woburn, and hurford.
N O li'l'H A M PTONSIMHE, A correc' l. js*. in alphabetical. Order,' of. the CF. R- Tl flCATES that'have been issueiDjo Persons ( not AW acting as Gamekeepers), by the Clerk of the Peace. . brOrtke/ Aug_. 23. EraJlhaw William, Dingier, gamekeeper of John Peach Hungerford, Esq. for the manors of Dingley, Sjutton- Bassett, Weston, and Litfle- Bowden. Aug. 23. Kh'dshaw William, Dingley, gamekeeper of Ridiard ' J. wo'rttPLord Kraybrooke, lor the manor ot Bray- : twg .... , ,, . for the County ot Northampton,, under the Acts ot Parliament of the i. vvemy- tif> b and thirty- first Years of the Reign of His'^ res. nt Majesty King
George the Third; the first intitled, » ' An Act for re- pealing an Act made in the twenty- fourth Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, ir. utled, ' An Acttcr granting to His Majesty certain Duties on Certificates hsued with Respect to the Killing cf Game,' and' for granting other Duties in I. ieu thereof';" and the other intitled, " An ' Act for granting to ! l is Majesty an additional Duty on Cer- fiaff" 3bhn, Thorps- Malsor, gamekeeper of Thomas Cecil Maunsert, Esq. for the manor of Thorpe- Malsor. Aug. 25. , BuUin Richard, Orlingbury, Servant, gamekeeper of Allen Edward Youngi Esq tor the manors of Little- Harrowden, Orlingbury,
and Lodiilngton. Aug. 2G. fcurnham John, Milton, Yeoman, gamekeeper of Edward l. oveden Loveden, Esq. for the manors ot Milton and Collingtree. Aug. 27. Bushnefl Nathan, Edgcott, Servant, gamekeeper of Thomas Carter, Esq. for the manors - of Edgcott, tificates. issued with Respect to the Killing of j Tfaffofd", Tarndon, and Byfield. Aug. 28. Game:" between the 5tli and the 11th Days of September, 1806, both Days inclusive. Pain Joseph, Dob- Hall, in the Parish of Brampton, Son of William Pain, the last gamekeeper of the said manor, gamekeeper of Earl Spencer, tor the manor of Brampton. Aug. 23. Pain Joseph,
Brampton, gamekeeper of Robert Satusbury Cotton, Esq. for the manor of Desborough. Aug. " 23. Pye William, Stoke- Doyie, Husbandman, game- keeper of Dame Juliana Langham, tor the manor of Stoke- Doyle. Aug. 27. Potter John, the Elder, Geddir. gton, Yeoman, game- keeper ot the Duke and Duchess ot Buccleuui, for the manors of Weekley, Kettering, Broughton, and Denford. Aug- 27. Potter John, the Younger, Weekley, Yeoman, game- keeper of the Duke and Duchess of Buccleach, for the manors of Geddington, Newton, and Little- Oakley. Da les of the Certificates. Sept. 6tll. 10th. 6th. 10th. 11th. 30! h. 8th. 10th.
6th. 9th. 6th. aoth. 6th. 6th. Names, Residence, and' Titles of the Persons. Arnold John, Nethercote, Warwickshire, Grazier Barker William, Walgrave. Gent. Bellamy William, Great- Weldon, Gent. Boycott Charles, Esq. Major in the IGth or Queen's Light Dragoon's Cooper William, Crick, Farmer Chapman Daniel, Cotterstock, Gent. Coales Thomas, Aldwiuckle- St.- Peter's, Gent. Corbett Andrew, Pisford, Esq. De Rippe Abraham, WaUerley, Gent. Faulkner William Henry, Huscott, in the Parish of Chacombe, Cent. Haddon John, Charlton, in the Parish of Newbottle, Farmer Jones Charles, Loddington, Captain in the Royal Navy
Lee John, Greensnorton, Yeoman Langley William, Scaldwell, Gent. Lem Joseph, Pattishall, Gent. Masters Henry, Crick, Gent. Marsh John, ' Holcot, Gent. Manton Jonathan, Isham, Gent. Palnier Sir John, Carlton, Bart. Rush George, Farthuighoe, Esq. Spenc. r John Roberts, Helmdon, Esq. Selby Michael, Barnwell- Saint- Andrew, Gent. Smyth Christopher, Northampton, Gent. Woodhouse John, Hevford- Lodge, Gent. Yonge Rev. Duke, Cornwood, Devon- shire, Cierk CIIR. SMYTH, Clerk of the Peace. % Order of His Majesty's Commissioners for managing the Stump Duties, C. E. BERESFORD, Secretary. .... -^^ w iKvV'^.?'^" ™ -- — rl correct List of the Certificates that have been issued to Gamekeepers by the Clerk of the Peace for. tit* County of Northampton, between the first Day of duly and the eleventh Dry of September, 1806, both Days inclusive, distinguishing the Duties paid on each respective Certificate. ON A THREE- GUINEA. STAMP. B. Burt William, Field- Burcot, in the Parish of Greensnorton, Farmer, gamekeeper of the Duke of Grafton, for the manor of Greensnorton, with the hamlet of Duncott thereunto belonging. July 22. C. Coles Joseph, Whiston, Ysoman, gamekeeper of I. ord Boston, for the manor of Whiston. Aug.
28. Clark Joseph, Crick, Yeoman, gamekeeper of Robert Andrew, the Younger, Esq. for the manor of Crick. Aug. 25. Chrimss Joseph, Shitlangcr, gamekeeper of Levison Vernon, Esq. for the manors and tree- warrens ot Stoke Park and Hartwi. ll Park, in the Counties of Northampton and Bucks. Sept. S. Dunckley William, Road, Yeoman, gamekeeper of Sir William Wake, Bart, for the manor of Courteen- ttall. Aug. 30. E. Ellit Jonathan, Preston- Deanry, Yeoman, game- keeper of Charles Newman, Esq. for thi manor of Preston- Deanry. Aug. IS. Eaton Samuel, Earls- Barton, Yeoman, gamekeepei of William Whitworth, Esq. for
the manor of Earls- Barton. Aug. 26. r. Fletcher John, Rushden, Gent, gamekeeper of John Higgins, Esq. for the hundred of Higham- Ferrers, and the manors of Rushden, Raunds, and Irchester, with the Members, in the County of Northampton. Sept. 1. G. Graves Thomas, Abthorpe, gamekeeper of John Coker, Esq. for thc manor of Abthorpe. Aug. 27. Gough Richard Drop£;- Sculdern, in the County of Oxford, Gent, gamekeeper of the President and Scholars of the College of St. Mary Magdalen, in the University of Oxford, for the manor of Astwick, in the County of Northampton Sept. 3. If. Hopkins William, of the Town of
Northampton, Mason, gamekeeper of the Mayor, EaUilis, and Bur- gesses of the Town ot Northampton, for the manors of Northampton and Gobion, with tlwir Royalties, Rights, Members, and Appurtenances thereunto be- longing. Aug. SO. Jones Edward, Cosgrove, Yeoman, gamekeeper of John Christopher Mansel, Esq. for the manor of Cosgrove. Aug. 26. Jeyes Humphry, Cold- Ashby, gamekeeper of Mrs. Margaret Blencowc, for the manor of Cold. Ashbv. Aug. 50. L. Lane Richard, the Younger, Pitch'. ey, gamekeeper of the Rev. Sir John Knightlay, Bart, for the tnsnor of Pitehley and the Demesnes thereof. Aug. 28. M.
Miller Bartlet, Chapel- Brampton, Yeoman, game- keeper of Christopher Smyth, Esq. for the manor of Brixworth, otherwise Bricklesworth. Aug. 26. P. Finckard John, Hanley, in the Parish ofTowcester, in the County of Northampton, Gent, gamekeeper of the Master and Fellows of the College of the Great- Hall, in the University commonly called University College, in Oxford, for the manor of Hanley Park. Aug. 30. Potterton Thomas, Boughton, Yeoman, gamekeeper f Richard Vyse, Esq. for the manors of Kicnarci William Howard vyse, Esq at Boughton and l'isford. Aug. 30. Perkins Thomas, Melchbourr. e, in the County of
Bedford, Labourer, gamekeeper of Leonard Burton, £ sq. for the manor of Dentbrd. Sept. 1. It. Ralphs William, Hellidon, Farmer, gamekeeper of John George Parkhurst, Esq. for the manors of Catesby, otherwise Uppcr- Catesby and Nether- Catesby, and of Hellidon and the Demesnes thereof. Aug. 26. S. Smith Peter, Upton, Yeoman, gamekeeper of Lord Viscount Melbourn, for tha manor or royalty of Duston. Aug. 2. Smith Robert, Stoak- Albany, gamekeeper of Lord Sondes, for the manors of Stoak- Albany aud Wil- harston. Aug. 16. Sharman Samuel, Hardwick, gamekeeper of the Earl of Upper- Ossory, for the hundred of
Orlingbury and manor of Isham. Aug. 16. T. Thompson Samuel, Hasclbeech, Yeoman, game- keeper of" Sir George RobiriSos, Bart, surviving De- visee in Trust under the VVm of the late Shuckburgh Ashby, Esq. deceased, for the manor of Haselbeecli. Sept 1. Thompson Samuel, Haselbeech, Yeoman, game- keeper of Charles Watkins, Esq. for the manor of Clipston*. Sept. Sth. W. Wilson Rev. William, Harrington, Clerk, game- keeper ot the Earl of Dysart, for the manors of Hat. rington * nu N'ewbottle. Aug. SO: Y. Yorke Thomas, Hargrave, Yeoman, gamekeeper of the Rev. John Longmire, Clerk, for the manor of Ilargrav « .
Sept. 1. ^ ON A OSE- OUINJEA 3TAM?. A. Austin William, Hothorpe, gamekeeper of John Cook, Esq. for the manor ot Hothorpe. Sept. 3, Browncil John, Marston- Saint- Lawrence, Servant, gamekeeper of Samuel Blcncowe, Esq. for the manor of Marston- Saim. Lawrence. Aug. 16, Bayliss William, the Younger, Helmdon, game- keeper of Michael Wodhuli, Esq. for tlx manors of * Upi « i' » ni Wappenham. Aug. Bushn'ell Nathan, Edgcott, Servant, gamekeeper of Franiis Earl of Guilford, for the manor and hundred of Chippingwarden. Aug. 28. Peil William, Jun. Staiiion, gamekeeper of the Earl of Cardigan, for the manors of
Stanton; Corby, and the extra- parochial Wood, called Oakley- Purlieus. Aug. 29. Baldwin John, Farthinghse, Yeoman, gamekeeper of George Rush, Esq, for the manor of Farthinghoe. Aug. 30. Baldwin John, Farthinghoe, Yeoman, gamekeeper Of the Rev. William Higginson,' Clerk, for the manor of Gritworth, with Stuchbury. Aug. 30. Bradshaw William, Fotheringhay, Yeoman, game- keeper of William Belsey and Thomas Belsey, Esqrs. for the manor of Fothcringhay. Aug. 30. Beckwith William, Cransley, gamekeeper of the Executors ar. d Trustees under the Will of John Robinson, late of Cransley, in the said County, Esq.
deceased, fot the manor of Cransley. Aug. 30. I Chapman Josiah, Wicken, gamekeeper of Mrs. Elizabeth Prowsc, for the manor of Wicken, in thc Counties of Northampton and Buckingham. Aug. 2. Cross James, Eastou- Neston, Sefvant, gamekeeper of Peter Denys, Esq. for the manor of Pattishall. Aug. 23. Clark George, Wootton, menial Servant, gamekeeper of William Harris, Esq. far the manor ot Wootton. Aug. 30. Chowler Christopher, Altliorp, in the Parish of Brington, Y soman, gamekeeper of Mrs. Mary Kcrbv, for the manor of Floore, otherwise Flower. Aug. 30. Chowler Christopher, Althorp, in the Parish of Brington,
Yeoman, gamekeeper of Earl Spencer, for the manors of Oldthorp, otherwise Aldthorp, Great- Brington, Little- B. rington, Newbottle Grove, Muscot, Murc » t, and Floore, otherwise Flower. Aug. 30. E. Eaton Joseph, Grafton- Underwood, Yeoman, game- keeper of the Duke and Duchess of Buccleuch, for the manors of Grafton- Underwood, Brigstock, Cran- ford- Saint- Andrew, Cranford- Saint- John, Twywell, and Barton- Scagrave. Au|> 27. Fletcher John, Eoitghton- Wood. Lodge, Yeoman, gamekeeper of the Duke and Duchess of Buccleuch, for the manors of BtfUgliton, Warkton, Burton- Latti- mer, and Hale, otherwise Hale-
Fee, otherwise Pauiin?- en- lc- Halc, and of theOL'hace or Royalty of Ced- dington. Cham. Aug. 27. French William, Thorpe- Achurch, Labourer, game- keeper of the Right Hon. Thomas Baron of Lijford, for the manor of Titchmarsh. Aug. 28. Farmer Robert, Brockhall, Servant, gamekeeper of the Devisees under the Will of Thomas Lee Thornton, Esq. deceased, for thc manors of Brockhall- cum- Muscot and Harpole. Aug. 29. Farmer Robert, Brockhal!, Servant, gamekeeper of Thomas Reeve Thornton, Esq. for the manors of Thrup, otherwise Rothersthorpe, and Newnham. Aug. 29. Faulkner William, Welton, Yeoman,
gamekeeper of John Plomer Clarke, Esq. for the manor of Daventry, with Drayton and Welton, with Authority to kill upon Daventry and Drayton. Aug. 29. G. Gaudern James, Nassington, gamekeeper of the Earl of Westmorland, for the manors of Nassington, Yarwell, Apethorpe, and Woednewton. July 24. Gaudcrn Stephen, the Younger, Sulehay - Lodge, in the Parish of Nassington, gamekeeper of the F. arl of Westmorland, for the manor of Tansor. July 24. Gutteridge John, the Younger, Thorpe- Mandeville, Yeoman, gamekeeper of the Rev. Moses Hodg: s Barthalmew, Clerk, for the manor of SulgraTe. Aug. 16. - k Gordern
Jeremiah, Cotteshrook, gamekeeper of Sir ^ NyUliam Langham, Bart, for the manors of Cottes- " fl brook, Faxton, Mawsfey, Walgrave, and Eltington. Aug. 26. Gordern William, Stanford- upon- Avon, gamekeeper of Henry Otway, Esq. for the manor ot Stanford- upon- Avon. Aug. 26. Glithero William, Servant, gamekeeper of the Committee of the Person and Estate of the Right Hon. Borlase Cockayne Lord Viscount Cullen, of that Part of the Uni ted Kingdom called 1 reland, a Lunatic, for the manors of Rushton- All- Saints and Rushton- Saint- Peter. Aug. 28. H. Hensburgh James Raymond, Eydon, Servant, game- keeper of the
Rev. Francis Annesley, Clerk, for the manor of Eydon, together with the manor or manors therein, called Cope's Manor and Wakelin's, with the Royalties, Rights, Members, and Appurtenances thereunto belonging. Aug. 9. Harker John, Fineshade, gamekeeper of John Monckton, Esq. for the manor of Fineshade. Aug. 20. Harker John, Fineshade, gamekeeper of the De- visees in Trust of all the real Estates of the late Most Honourable Henry Marquis of Exeter, deceased, for the manor of Wakerley. Aug. 20. Hitlyer John, Hartwell, gamekeeper of the Duke of Grafton, for the manor of Hartwell. Aug. 23. Haines Richard, Easton-
Neston, Servant, game- keeper of the Earl of Pomfret, for the manors of Easton- Neston and Towcester. Aug. 23. Flillyer Hammond, Delapre- Abbey, Servant, game- keeper of the Hon. Edward Bouverie, for the manors of Hardingston and Cotton, and Great- Houghton, otherwise Parke's Manor, otherwise Atterbury's Manor. Aug. 26. Holland James, Imley Park, Servant, gamekeeper of Mrs. Frances Browne, for the manor of Imley, otherwise Evenley. Aug. 27. Hine William, Wollaston, Yeoman, gamekeeper of Francis Dickins, Esq. for the manor of Woilastan. Aug. 27. Hensman Thomas, Bozeat, Yeoman, gamekeeper of Earl
Spencer, for the manors of" Bozeat and Strixton. Aug. 30. Hales George, Carlton, gamekeeper of Sir John Palmer, Bart, tor thc manors of Carlton and Ashley. Sept. 10. Jacklius Thomas, Deenthorpe, gamekeeper of the Earl of Cardigan, for the manor of Deenthorpe. Aug. 29. K. Kcrby William, Astrop, Yeoman, gamekeeper of the Rev. William Shippen Willes, Clerk, for the manors ot Kingsutton and Astrop. Aug. 80. Lovell Joseph, Sulby, gamekeeper of the Right Honourable John Peyto Lord Willoughby de Broke, for the manor of Sulby. Aug. 27, Aug. Si. Payn John, Fawsley, Yeoman, gamekeeper of the Earl of Bridgewater, for
the manor of Woodford and the Demesnes thereof. Aug. 29. Perkins Richard, I. owick, gamekeeper of Lord Sackville, for the several manors of l. owick, Islip, Slipton, and Woodford, near Thrapston, in the said County, and tiie manor or royalty of Sudborougti Park, within the Parish of Sudborough, in the said ' County. Aug. 29. Padbury William, Charlton, gamekeeper of Wm. Ralph Car'twright, Esq. tor the manors ot Newbottle, Charlton, l'urston, otherwise Purson, and Flinton- in- tlie- Hedges, in the County of Northampton, and the Royalties, Rights, Members, and Appurtenances to the same belonging. Sept. 1. Padbury William,
Newbottle, gamekeeper of Earl Spencer, for the manor of Steene. Sept. 1. Painter Joseph, Radston, gamekeeper of William Holbech, Esq. for the manor of Radston, and the Royalties, Rights, Members, and Appurtenances thereto belonging, Sept. 3. It. Rayson James, Westhay- Lodge, gamekeeper of the i Deyist » s in Trust of all the real Estates of the late Most Hon. Henry Marquis of Exeter, for the manors of King's- Clilte and Collyweston. Aug. 20. Rice John, Great- Billing, Servant, gamekeeper of Robert Carey Elwes, Esq. for the manor ot Great- Billing. Aug. 23. Roper John, Wakefield- Lodge, gamekeeper of the Duke of
Grafton, for the manors of Pottersptiry, Yardley- Gobion, and Grafton. Aug. 26. Rayson John, Fawsley, Yeoman, gamekeeper of the Rev. Sir John Knightiev, Bart, for the manors of Fawsley, Great- Preston, Little- Preston, Hinton, Charwelton, Hellidon, Badby, Stavcrton, Stow, and Farthingstone. Aug, 30. S. Southwell Matthew, Glaptliorn, gamekeeper of Sir Isaac Pocock, Knight, and Dame Ann, his Wife, for the manors of Oundle, Biggin, and Benefield. July 24. Smith Peter, Upton, Yeoman, gamekeeper of Thomas Samwell Watson Sam well, Esq. for the manors of Upton, Harpole, and Kislingbury, and the hundred of Nobottle-
Grove. Aug. 2. Sewell Henry, Tbenford, Servant, gamekeeper of Michael Wodhull, Esq. for the manor of Thentord. Aug. 16. Scotney James, Buiwick, Servant, gamekeeper of Thomas Tryen, Esq. for the manors of Buiwick and Harringworth. Aug. 27. Smith Thomas, on the Service of the Marquis of Buckingham, Stow, in the County of Bucks, game- keeper of the Marquis of . Buckingham, for the manors of Astwcll and Falcutt. Aug. 28. Smith Edward, Horton, Labourer, gamekeeper of Sir Robert Gunning, Bart, for the manors of Horton and Quinton. Aug. 90. St'atiden Nathaniel, Abington, gamekeeper of John Harvey Thursby,
Esq. for the manors of Abington and Little- Billing. Aug. 30. Sharman James, Chapel- Bramptou, Yeoman, game- keeper of Lord Viscount Clifden, tor the manor of Holdenby. Aug. 30. Sharman James, Chapel- Brampton, Yeoman, game- keeper of Earl Spencer, for the manors of Chapel- Brampton and Church- Brampton. Aug. 30. Stone Thomas, Lilford, Yeoman, gamekeeper of the Right Hon. Thomas Baron of Lilford, for the manors of Lilford- cum- Wiggesthorpe, Pilton, A! d- winckle- Saint - Peter, Al" wincklc- All- Saints, and Thorpe- Achurch. Aug. 30. T. Thompson James, Ecton, Yeoman, gamekeeper of Thomas WhalTey,
Clerk, for the manor of Cooknoe, otherwise Cogenhoe. Aug. 2. Thompson George, Ecton, Servant, gamekeeper of Samuel Isted, Esq. for the manors of " Ecton aDd Great- Doddington. Aug. 2. Thompson Benjamin, Overstor. e, Gardener, game- keeper of John Kipling, Esq. for the manors of Overstone and Sywell, and the Royalties, Rights, Members, and Appurtenances thereto belonging. Aug. 14. Thomas William, menial Servant, gamekeeper of William Fermor, Esq. for the manor of Croton. Sept. 3. Tebbutt Sanders, Sudborough, Yeoman, gamekeeper of Thomas Hunt, Esq. for the manor of Wadenhoe. Sept. 3. W.
Williamson James, Kelmarsh, Servant, gamekeeper of William Hanbury, Esq. for the manor of Kel- marsh. Aug. 20. Woolley Thomas, Elton, in the County of Hunt- ingdon, Yeoman, gamekeeper of the Earl of Carysfort, for the manor of Warmington. Aug. 20, Wise William, Lower Middleton- Cheney, Yeoman, gamekeeper of John Wise, Grazier, for the maisor of Middleton- Chendnyt, otherwise Middleton- Cheney, with the Rights, Members, and Appurtenances thereof. Aug. 27. Widowson Henry, Great- Harrowden, gamekeeper of Earl Fitzwilliam, for the manor of Great- Har- rowden. Aug. 28. Webster John, Glapthorn, Yeoman,
gamekeeper of the Earl of Cardigan, for the manor of Glapthorn, with Cotterstock and Southwick. Aug. 29. Wilkins John, Aston- le- Walls, Servant, gamekeeper of Edmund Plowden, Esq. for thc manors of Aston- le- Walls and Appletree. Aug. 30. Wittering William, Ringstead, Servant, gamekeeper of Leonard Burton, Esq. for the manors of Ringstead and Thrapston. Aug. 30. Ward Morris, Nobottle, in the Parish of Brington, Yeoman, gamekeeper of Mrs. Ann Beet, for the manor of Closthorpe, otherwise Clacksthorpe, otherwise Glasthorpe. Aug. 30. CHR. SMYTH, Clerk of the Peace. By Order of His Majesty's Commissioners for
managing the Stamp Duties, C. E. BERESFORD, Secretary. WARWICK, 85t. li Aug. 1806. IVTOTICE is hereby given, That thc'next Moet- X xl ing of the Trustees for repairing and widening the Road from the great Bridge, in the Borough of Warwick, through Southam and Daventry, to rhe Town of Northampton, will be held at the GRIFFIN INN, in SOUTHAM, on THURSDAY the 25th Dav of SEPTEMBER next ; when and where a Surveyor will be appointed for that Part of the saiit Road between Southam and Daventry, and new Trustees will be nominated in the Room and Stead of such as are dead or have refused to act.
JOHN" TOMES, Clerk to the Trustees. LBSS TICKETS AND MORE PRIZES." ™ 4, Cornhill, and 9, Charing - Cross, London. ^ BISII respectfully acquaints the Public, that T ever known in a Lottery, and the most capital Prizes. The last ^. 30,000 Prize, thc last .£. 20,000 Blank, and the last = e, 10,000 Prize, ever shared, were all sold at the above Offices; where Tickets, Shares, and Chances, are selling in great Variety, and where all outstanding Prizes are paying in full, without any Deduction. ( pT* Persons in the Country may be supplied, by sending their Orders, l'ost or Carriage- paid, ac- companied with good Bills, Bank
Notes, Cash, or Post- Office Orders. *** The Lottery begins 13th of OCTO3 » R next. M0HE CA1, ITAL PRIZES" ~ And Five Thousand less Tickets than last State- Lottery THE FIRST- ORAWN TICKET F. NTITLFD TO TEN THOUSAND POUNDS; All other Capital Prizes are afloat. PURCHASERS of Tickets and Shares will have the Opportunity of obtaining all the Capital Prizes, provided they purchase before the Drawing commences, which will be on the I3rh ot OCTOBER next.— The Scheme contains equal Advantages of TWENTY THOUSAND POUND PRIZES, TEN THOUSAND POUND PRIZES, FIVE THOUSAND
POUND PRIZES, Sec. & c. To former Lotteries ot double the Number of Tickets. 20,000 Tickets only, and No other State- Lottery to be drawn this Year. SCHEME. Value of each. — ^. 20,000 • - 10,000 • - fl, 000 • - 1,000 500 * NEW STATE- LOTTERY. AZARD, BURN E, & Co. Stock- Brokers, al their Old State Lottery- Office, No. 93, Roval- Exchange, London, are now selling Tickets and Shares for the Lotteiy which begins Drawing, 13th OCTOBER, 180u. This Lottery consists of 20,000 Tickets only, and the Scheme contains three Prizes of =£. 20,000, three of =£. 10,000, three of £. 5,000, & c. ( KT Countrv Orders
accompanied with short- dated Bills on London, Post- Office Orders, or Cash, in Parcel by Coach or Carrier, punctually attend. d to, and Correspondents may depend on being treated ex- actly on the same Terms'as if personally present. Letters, Post- paid, duly auswered, and Schemes gratis,. N. B. In the Lottery which was drawn in May last, No. 17.0S6, a Prize of =£. 20,000, and No. 2,340, a the present Lottery contains the fewest Tickets I Prize of =£. 5,000, were both sold in Shares by ' " 1 HAZARD, Bu'sfNF., & Co. *** Tickets and Shares for the ahove Office are also on bale at Mr. ABEL's, Bookseller, NORTHAMPTON.
No. of Prizes. 3 — 3 3 — R 20 40 4,100 100 50 20 Total Value. — =£. 60,000 — 30,000 — 15,000 — r 5,000 — 4, t500 — 2,000 — 2,000 — 83,000 20,000 Tickets. TICKETS =£. 200,000 AND SHARES Are on Sale at EVERY LOTTERY - OFFICE. Ticket =£. 19 15s. Half =£. 10 2 0 1 Eighth =£. 2 11 Quarter ...... 5 2 01 Sixteenth 1 6 LIGNUM's PILLS, Price only 2s. 9d. the Box ( each Box contains 16 Doses,) FOR the infallible Cure of all Degrees of a certain Disorder, prepared by Mr. LIGNUM, Surgeon, at his Dispensary, No. 57, Bridge- Street, Manchester.— One small Pill is a Dose, and thc Taking of one Box, in a recent
Case, will convince the Patient of his speedy Rccovcry; Nothing can be better contrived, more safe and convenient than this Remedy, in totally eradicating- every Symptom of this destructive Malady, by Sea or Land, as it needs no Confinement, Restraint of Diet, or Hindrance of Business. A Trial of" this noble Medicine will soon sound its due Praise. With each Box is given a copious Di- rection, and a concise Description of the Disease, from which the Purchasers will be enabled to judge properly of their own Cases, and to treat them as may be requisite, without further Medical Assistance, and with the utmost Secrccy and
Safety. f£ T To prevent Counterfeits, observe these Words— " John Lignum, Bridge- Street, Manchester," en- graved on a black Stamp, by Favour of His Majesty's Commissioners; to imitate which is Felony. These Pills maybe had, Wholesale and Retail, at Mr. LIONUM'S, No. 57, Bridge- Street, Manchester, and by Appointment are sold, at 2s. 9d. the Box, by Howard & Evans, 42, Long- Lane, West- Smithfield; Dicey & Co. Bow Church- Yard; Barclay & Son, 95, Fleet- Market; Shaw & Edwards, 66, St. Paul's Church- Yard; Butler, 4, Cheapside; and Newbery & Sons, 45, St. Paul's Church- Yard, London; and Retail of Dicey &
Sutton, Northampton; Green & Taylor, Ampthill; Gardner, Biggleswade; Palgrave, Bedford; Beesley, Banbury; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry; Ridge, Newark; Inwood, Newport- Pagncll; Tookey, Oundle; Jacob, Peterborough; Inns, Tow- cester; Paul, St. Ives; Jenkinson, Huntingdon; Collis & Dash, and Munn, Kettering'; Mather, Welling- borough; Darton, Hitchin; Simson, Hertford; and of the principal Venders of genuine Medicines in the United Kingdom. TURNPIKE- TOLLS TO LETT. T7TTHEREAS at a Meeting of the Trustees of » ' the Turnpike- Road leading from ti e House formerly known by the Sign of the Black Bull, in
Dunstable, in the County of Bedford, to the Way turning out of the said Road up to Shafford- House, in the County of Hertford, holden on the 19tli Day of August instant, the Tolls arising and to be col- lected at the several Toll- Gates and Side Bars erected across and by the Sides of the said Turnpike- Road- were, in Pursuance of Notice given for that Purpose put up at the nett annual Rent or Produce thereof for thc preceding Year, to be lett by Auction for the lerm ot three Years, from the 29th Day of Septem- ber next, but there was no Bidder for the said Tolls: Notice is therefore hereby given, That the Trustees of the said
Turnpike- Road have ap- pointed another Meeting to be held at the Bun, INN, at REUBOURN, on TUESDAY the 23d Day of SEPTEM- BER next; at which Meeting, between the Hours of Twelve in the Forenoon and Two in the Afteriidon, the said TOLLS will again be put up to be LETT by AUCTION to the Best Bidder, for any Term not exceeding three Years nor less than one Year, to com- mence from the said 29th Dav of September, and at such an annual Rent or Sum as the Trustees then present shall think fit.— Whoever happens to be the Best Bidder will be required, before he enters upon the Collection of the Tolls, to pay
to the Treasurer one Month's Rent in Advance, and to execute a Bond, with sufficient Sureties, to the Satisfaction of the Trustees, for the Payment of the Rent at such Times as they shall direct, and for the Performance of the Covenants to be inserted in the Lease. J. S. STORY, Clerk to the Trustees. St. Albans, Aug. 21, 1806. TURNPIKE- TOLLS to - BE LETT. "\ rOTJCE is hereby given, That the TOLLS arising at the two foil- Gates situate at CLIUON- UPON- DUNSMORE and SOUTH- KII. WORTH, upon the Turnpike- Read leading from Rugby to North- Kil- . Worth, will be LETT by AUCTION, for One Year, from the 11th of
October next, to the Best Bidder, at the SPREAD- EAGLE INN, in Rucnv, oq WEDNES- DAY the24th Day of SEPTEMBER instant, between the Hours of" Three and Four in the Afternoon, in the Manner directed by the Act passed in the 13th Year of the Reign of His Majesty King George the Third, for regulating the Turnpike- Roads; which Tolls at the Cliftor. Gate produced the last Year the Sum of =£. 73, and at the South- Kilworth Gate thc Sum of =£. 26, above the Expences of collecting them, and will be put up at those Sums respectively. Whoever happens to be the Best Bidder, must at the same Time give Security, with
sufficient Sureties, to the Satisfaction of the Trustees of the said Turnpike- Road, for Payment of the Rent agreed for, and at such Times as they shall direct. JOHN C'ALDECOTT, Clerk to the Trustees of the said Turnpike- Road. Rugby, 6th Sept. 1806. 1 LongstalF George, Castle- Ashby, Labourer, game- Tee per of the Earl of Northampton, for the manors of Castle- Ashby, Yardley- Hastings, Denton, Grendon,— Great- Doddington,, and Earls- Barton. Aug. 29. M. Moon William, Thingdon, Yeon^ n, gamekeeper of Sir William Dolben, Bart, for the manor of Thingdon. Aug. 28. Mills John, Aynho, gamekeeper of William Ralph
Cartwright, Esq. for the manor of Aynho and the Demesnes thereof. Sept. 1. Mills John, Aynho, Servant, gamekeeper of the EaH of Guilford, for the manor of Walton, with the. Royalties, Rights, Members, and Appurtenances thereunto belonging. Sept. 1. O. Orme Thomas, Watford, Yeoman, gamekeeper of the Trustees of the Estate of Ann Bennett, the Wife of John Bennett, Esq. for the manor of Watford, and that Part of the Hamlet of Murcot which lies in the said Parish of Watford. Aug. 27. P. Pearson Martin, the Younger, Spratton, Yeoman, gamekeeper of the Earl of Bridgewater, for the manor of Spratton. July 5. Pearson
Martin, the Younger, Spratton, Yeoman, gamekeeper of the Devisees in Trust named in the last Will ahd Testament of. Francis Bevnon, late of Sprat- ton, Esq. deceased, for the manor of Little- Creaton. July 5. Potter John, the Younger, Moreton - Pinckney, Yeoman, gamekeeper of Sir Jonathan Cope, Bart, for the manor of Moreton- Pinckney. Aug. 5. Pell Thomas, Mears- Ashby, Yeoman, gamekeeper of Mrs. Katherine Thornton, for the manor of Hard- wick. Aug. 21. Pell Thomas, Mears- Ashby, Yeoman, gamekeeper of Samuel Osborn, for one- third Part of the manor of Meass- Asliby. Aug. 21. No. 26, Cornhill, 52, Charing -
Cross, and St. Margaret's- Hill, Borough. HORNSBY & Co. respectfully acquaint the Public, that the present Lottery contains more capital Prizes and fewer Tickets than any preceding Lottery.— A great Variety of Tickets and Shares are on Sale at the lowest Prices at the above State- Lottery- Offices, where all Shares of Prizes are paying in full. tpr Orders, by Letter or Carrier, executed on the same Terms as if present. * » * Lottery begins Drawing the 13th of OCTOBER. TICKETS, SHARES, and CHANCES, in the first LOTTERY for 1806, Are now selling by JBRANSCOMB and Co. Joint Contractors . for the present Lottery,
and Proprietors of thc Lucky Lottery- Offices, No. 11, HOLBORN, No. 37, CORNHILL, and No. 38, HAYMARKET, PICCADILLY; where the first =£. 30,000 Prize ever sold, likewise No. 12,719, the last =£. 25,000, were both divided into Shares; and in the Lotteries for 1S04 and 1805, the following Capitals wete sold in 257 difletent Shares, namely, Nos. =£. 3,330 entitled to 1,000 17,477 24,699 16,801 17,915 4,077 1,000 — 1,000 — 2,000 — 2,000 6,000 And No. 12,7 Nos. £. 13,747 entitled to 10,000 456 9,219 11,643 7,688 7,757 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,020 20,022 9, =£ .25,000 . With 12 Prizes of =£. 500, and a great
Number of =£. 100, =£. 50, Sec. See. Likewise, in several former Lotteries, the above Proprietors have shared and registered as follows, namely, 11 Prizes of =£ 30,000 20,000 10,000 Prizes of =£. 5,000 2,000 1,000 TICKETS and SHARES Are likewise selling, in great Variety of Numbers, by Mr. II. BTHDS. l f. L, Bookseller, NORTHAMPTON. Begins Drawing the 13th of OCTOBER. Please to observe, there are more Capital Prizes in the present Lotterv than ever were in any former one, with only 20,000 Tickets, and the Price of Shares not so high as has been in several past Lotteries; therefore, an early Purchase is
recommended, To Mr. Thomas Taylor, Surgeon, No. 9, New Bridge- Street, London. SIR, ^ EDINBURGH, May 2, 1800. IN the Spring of 1794, I was afflicted with a Venereal Complaint, which I treated with In- difference for five Months, but was then obliged to apply to a regular Physician, who put a temporary Stop to the Violence of the Disease ( by Mercurial Applications) for some Time: but growing, in Spite of aH Medicine and Advice of the first Gentlemen of the Faculty here, worse and worse for two Years, I was reduced to a State almost unparalleled and beyond Description, being an entire Leper, and ulcerated from Head
to Foot. My Head, Throat, Mouth, Nose, Legs, Arms, & c. have been alternately in Danger of becoming useless; in short, I have had from 20 to 30 eating Ulcers on my Body, and nearly totally deprived of Sight. It would be voluminous to particularize all my Case— suffice it to say, there never was, nor ever will be, one of a more dangerous, or of a more complicated Nature. I was long looked upon by my Friends, and imagined myself, beyond all Hopes of Recovery; and indeed, in my then Condition, Death was preferable to my more than miserable State. In this dreadful Situation did I drag a most miserable Existence, till Divine
Providence threw in my Way a Newspaper, containing the Case of a Mr. B. at Ply- mouth: My Friends read it, I could not.— I sent and [ procured some of your LF. AKF.' s PATENT PILLS; by using which, from Time to Time, am now, and | have long been, after more than four Years indescrib- 1 able Distress, in as good a State of Health as ever I ' enjoyed: As a Proof of this, I had a fine; thriving, healthy Child born to me a few Months ago. In Gra- titude to God, and in Hopes of rendering my Fellow- Creatures Service, I request you to publish this; and you may at any Time refer Persons who wish to be satisfied of the Truth of
this, or further Particulars*, to me or my Friends, by Letter or Person. I As few Cases for Badness will ever equal mine, and ! none exceed it, 1 hive, from Experience, every Rea- son to assure Mankind, that in your Leake's Pills they will find a sure, speedy, safe, and radical Cure, for that most dreadful Stage of the Venereal Disease, which is called a confirmed Lues. I am, with Gra- titude, Sir, your obliged humble Servant, J. T. * Insurmountable Family Reasons prevent making my Name and Address public ; but creditable Persons, really wanting Information, may be referred to me and my Friends, by Mr.:. S. Clark, Ramsey-
Gardens, Edinburgh. Prepared and sold by the sole Proprietor, THOMAS TAYLOR, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, in London, at his House, No. 9, New Bridge- Street; where, after a constant Residence of more than forty Years, in a Practice particularly directed to the Cure of Venereal Complaints, and those inci- dental to the Parts of Generation in both Sexes, with that inviolable Secrecy which Men of his Profession should always observe, he flatters himself the Advice and Assistance he gratuitously administers to Persons taking this Medicine, will be esteemed, by a discern- ing Public, as an Advantage seldom to
be obtained, and void of Ambiguity. They are also sold, by his Appointment, for the Convenience of those living at a Distance, by the Printers of this Paper, and Mr. Marshall, Druggist, Northampton; Inns, ancl Gallard, Towcester; Robins, & Wilkinson, Daventry ; Sharpe, Warwick ; Rollason, Coventry ; Gregory, Leicester; Harrod, Harborough ; Seeley, Buckingham; Loggm, Ayles- bury; Knight, Collis & Dash, and Munn, Ket- tering; Mather, Wellingborough ; Marriott, Banbury; Tookey, Oundle; Palgrave, Bedford; Atkinson, Manchester; and by one Person in every considerable Town in Great- Britain and Ireland, in Boxes of only 2s.
9d. each, sealed up with full and plain Directions, whereby Persons of either Sex may cure themselves with Ease, Speed, Secrecy, and Safety. if3" Every Box sold ic Great- Britain is sealed up with a Stamp, on which, by Favour ot the Commis- sioners, is printed,^ at the Stamp- Office—?'. Taylor, No. 9, New Bridge- Street— to imitate which is Felony, sod ali others are counterfsit. Mlt. EDGE, NORTHAMPTON, HAS received a fresh Supply of Dr. Freeman's. GUTTA SALUTAR1S, fo" r a certain Disorder, under its various Appearances and complicared At- tacks, which may be speedily and secretly eradicated from the System
by the Use of Dr. FREEMAN'S DROPS; which for their saluiary Effects in cleansing thc Blood from all Impurities, whether from a certain Disorder or Scorbutic, are termed GUTTA SALUTARIS. By persevering in the Use of this Remedy, the Patient gradually loses all Pain and Inflammation, all foul and corroding UJccrs, Lumps in the Skin, and other corresponding Symptoms of this cruel and relentless Disease. Nearly thirty Years' Practice hath proved to Dr. Freeman that all this is accomplished by the Drops, without the Aid of surgical Operations, or the usual Application of greasy mercurial Preparations. Sold by Appointment of
Dr. Freeman, of Hatton- Garden, by R. Butler, No. 4, Cheapside, Corner of Paternoster- Row, London, and by most Medicine Vendeis in every Town, in Bottles at 2s. 9d. each, with ample Directions. We have before noticed the extraordinary succes$ of Dr. Solomon, respecting the astonishing curts per- formed by that all- sanative medicine the Cordial Balm of Gilead, which has amazingly promoted the sale in this neighbourhood. These cases, So respectably at- tested, prove its intrinsic value in ^ er^ tipj and con- sumptive complaints in general, and uAivetsaily stama its fame as the first medicine extant. BANKRUPTS required
to ScitRENDER. Joshua Hopkins, of Alcester, Warwickshiie, grocer, S » pt. 23, 24, and Oct. 21, at the Swan inn, Alcester. Attorney, Mr, Guardner, Redditch, Worcestershire. Saml. Southall and Jonathan Drakeford, of Birming- ham, factors, Sept. 26, 27,' and Oct. 21, at the Sliake- spear Tavern, Birmingham. Attornies, Messrs. Webb & Co. Birmingham. J. Carr, of Pontefract, Yorkshire, grocer T. Roper, of Islington, rope- maker.— T. G. William- son, of Rotherhithe, mariner. Wm. Wilson, of Hunton, Yorkshire, grocer. Thomas Parsons, of Marchmont- place, near Russell- square, builder. Thomas Rogers, of Liverpool, brok er. J. I
arnell- of Deal, innkeeper. Richard Lane, of Bristol, ship- joiner. DIVIDENDS to he made to Creditors. Oct. 6. Thomas Pate Wimberley, late of Huntingdon, grocer, at the Fountain inn, Huntingdon. Oct. 6. Robert Stafford, jun. of Huntingdon, grocer, at the Fountain inn, Huntingdon. Oct. 10. Samuel Sedgley Haw « ey, of Birmingham, button- maker, at the Red- Lion inn, Wolverhampton. CEIITI FICATE to be granted. Sept. 27. John Shillingford, late of Stanton- Saint- John, Oxfordshire, butcher. MARK ETS.— London, Sept. 8. We had a good supply of Wheat for this morning's market, and as there can now be no apprehension of
thc want of Bread Corn, prices have declined 3s. and 4s. per quarter in the sales of fine samples, and more on those of second and ordinary quality We still remain short ot Barney, with an increase in price, and shall do till the new crop finds its way to our stands.— Peas, of the various kinds, continue dear, but they are not higher than last week. Beans, of each sort, are rather declining in value • and Oats, of which we have large arrivals, are cheaper.— Fine Flour has fallen back to 70s. per sack. Wheat.. 50s. to 60s. 68s. Fine Do. — s. to 70s. 7Hs. Rye . .. 38s. to 43s. Od. Barley.. 36s. to 43s. Od. Malt. .. 66s. to 75s. Od Oats
20s. to24s. 30s. FforseBeans38s. to 50s. Od Tick Ditto 34s. to 42s, Od. White Peas 40s. to 60s. Otf. I Grey Ditto 36s. to 43s. 04. PRICE of FI. OUR.— Fine— s. to 70s. Od. HOPS, per Pocket. — Kent, 41.10s. to 61. 0s.— Sussex, 41. 10s. to 51. 12s.— Farnham, 61. Qs to 81. 0s. SMITHFIELD, Sept. 8. To sink the offal. Ox Beef, 4s. Od. toos. 2d. Wether Mutton, 4s. 4d to 5s. Oil. Veal, 4s. 8d. to 5s. 8d. Pork, 5s. Od to 6s. Od. Lamb, 5s. Od. to 6s. Od. Sold this day, Beasts, 1800— Sheep and Lambs, 16,500. NEWGATE and LEADEN H A L L, Sept. 8. By the carcase. Beef, 3s. 4d. to 4s. 4d. Mutton, 3s. 8d. to 4s. 6d. Veal, 4s. Od.
to 5s. 4d. Pork, 5s. Od. to 6s. Od. Lamb, 4s. 4d. to 5s. 4d. TA HOW,- Town, 64s. Od. White Russia,— s. Od. to 62s. Od. ( Soap), — s. Od. to 60s. 0d. Melting Stufr, — s. to 53s. Od. Ditto rough, — s. to 30s. Good Dregs, 10s. Od. Graves, lis. Od. LEATHER, per lb. Butts, 50 to 561b. 22d. to 24d. Ditto, 60 to 651b. 26d. to 28d Merchants' Backs, Sid. to 22d. Dressing Hides, lSJd. to 19Jd. Fine Coach- Hides, 20Jd. to21Jd. Crop Hides for cutting, 21d. to 23Jd. Flat ordinary, 18d. to 19id. . Calf Skies, 30 to 401b. per doz. 30d. to 40d. Ditto, 50 to 70lb. per doz. 38d. to 42d. Ditto, 70 to 801b. 33d. to 38d. Small Seals, per lb. S9d. to
40J. Large Ditto, per doz. 100s. to 160s. '.' oat Skins, — s. to — s. per doz. Tanned Horse- Hides, 20s. to 35s. per Hide. NORTHAMPTON : Printed by DICEY & SUTTON.