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The Northampton Mercury


Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton 
Volume Number: LXXXVI    Issue Number: 27
No Pages: 4
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The Northampton Mercury
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The Northampton Mercury

Date of Article: 06/09/1806
Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton 
Address: Northampton
Volume Number: LXXXVI    Issue Number: 27
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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•' fry tamSfk c tiSiife - Vol. LXXX. V1. No. 27. ^ Ready Monev is expected ) I with Advertisements. S SATURDAY, September 6, 1806. PRICE SIXPENCE, ^ amftDuty• ••••• Sjd. '•( Paper aud Print • • 2JH. Sunday and Tuesday's Posts. From " the L O N D O N G A Z E T T E. Daicnina- streef, Aug. 20. THE King has been pleased to appoint the Right Hon. Henry Richard J. ord Holland and the Right Hon. William Lord Auckland, to he Joint Commissioners and Plenipotentiaries for arranging and. finally settling the several matters in discussion between his Majesty's Government and the Govern- ment of the United States, with James Monroe and William Pinckney, Esqrs. the Commissioners appointed for similar purposes on the part of the said United Stales. The lung has also been pleased to appoint the Hon. William Frederick Elliot Eden to be Secretary, and John Allen, Esq. to be Assistant- Secretary, to the aforesaid Com- mission. • —— L O N b ( J A, T. B. STONE HAVING declined Business in Favour of M. DOI. AN, returns his sincere Thanks to his Friends and tiie Public for their past favours, and solicits a Continuance ot' the same to his . Successor. Amplhiil, August'J. 6th, 1808. H M. J) ULAN AVING . taken the SIKH' and STOCK of Mr. STONE, begs Leave to inform her Friends and the Public, that the Stock will be sold at very reduced Prices, and a good Assortment of prime LINEN and WOOLLEN - DRAPERY, HOSIERY, HATS, & c. of the very bt: st Qualities, ottered on such Terms as will insure a Continuance of the Favours that may be conferred on her. Amflbilt, August 2Sib, 1806. September 2. The Hamburgh Mail due on Sunday, has arrived. It appears that Prussia has assumed a formidable warlike attitude, and her armies are every where in motion. All absent Generals have been ordered to Berlin to receive their several commands. The rapacity of France is the cause assigned for these military demonstrations. Bonaparte, it is said, lias demanded the Cession of Easr Friesland, . V. mbden, and some other little corners of the Prussian dominions, for the purpose of consoli- dating them with the new kingdom of Holland, aud lias sent an army to carry his views into effect. The Russian army, by the addition of the late levies, is now increased to 500,000 men. There appears, by the accounts by the last mail, to be some foundation for the report of a northern con- federation, under the protection of that power. It was reported yesterday, that a sharp action liad taken place near Hanover, between the Prussian and French troops, in w hich a Prussian General was killed. A contention, it seems, has arisen between the King of Bavaria and the Archbishop Primate, re- lative to the spoils which arose in consequence of the abdication of the Emperor of Germany. The Imperial Crown, which was kept at Nuremberg, aud the other Imperial insignia, which have been preserved at Frankfort, have been claimed by the Kins; but the demand, as far as regards the latter portion of the regalia, has been contested by the Archbishop. It is supposed that thefiat of Bona- parte will decide the controversy. The 06 Jew Deputies arc very constant in their sittings at Paris. They dress in black, and deli- berate with heads uncovered. A guard of honour, of fifty men, attend at the door, and turn out, with presented arms, on the arrival and departure of the Deputies. Such as have 110 equipages of their own, are conveyed thither and back in the Emperor's carriages. The latest accounts respecting Gaillaumcz's squadron, upon which any reliance can be placed, mention, that it was left off Charlestown. in lat. S2. 40. A. long. TG. W. 011 the 20th of July. Con siderable hopes are entertained that it will be intercepted.— I here is too much reason to fear that the Veteran has escaped, and reached either Vigo, l'errol, or some of the ports in the Bay. The Fortune frigate, which is arrived at Ports- mouth, has brought some further details of the capture of the Spanish convoy off the Havannah It consisted of 27 sail— upon the approach of the Fortunee and a schooner, they ran under the land and anchored. Our boats immediately took po: session of tlicm; they were deeply laden, but so unseaworthy, that it was found necessary to destroy them. Two armed gun- vessels were also destroyed Saturday, the Magnificent, a beautiful lino- of- battle ship, mounting 74 guns, was launched from Perry's dock, Blackwall.-— There are, at present, in commission, 131 ships of the line, 11 fifties, 169 frigates, 101 sloops, and 259 gun- brigs, & c. comprising, in the whole, 754 ships of war, ex- clusive of hired armed vessels, & c. The subscriptions for the relief of the poor Sufferers in Germany amount lo ^£. 17,77!' 10s. 4d. of which, the sum of ^ .15,190 has been remitted to that country. Mr. Fox was tapped on Sunday for the second time, about half- past two o'clock in the afternoon, at the Duke of Devonshire's seat, at ChiSwick; twenty- nine pints of water were drawn away. The Morning Chronicle says, the operation was performed without the slightest symptom of alarm, and that Mr. Fox's general health is so much amended, that the best founded confidence is now entertained of his perfect recovery. The Living of Simonburn, belonging to Green- wich Hospital, is 36 miles long, and 14 miles broad. Dr. Scott, the present Rector, estimates it now at <£. 3000 a year; and when the intended inclosure is carried into effect, he thinks il will be worth £". 5000 a year. A Lady of fortune, married to a Gentleman in Berkshire, eloped with an Oilicer during the late Reading Races. The fugitives were pursued and overtaken at Hounslow, where the lady was re- stored to her husband ; but the Officcr escaped. To render Cucumbers wholesome.— Slice cucumbers into a bason of cold spring water, and it will not only make them eat by far more crisp and fine, but will also render them much more wholesome, and effectually prevent their rising in the stomach. The water will completely extract and take away the pernicious juice of the cucumber, which is the principal cause of their so often disagreeing with the stomach. Steephill, the Earl of Dysart's beautiful seat 011 the back of the Isle of Wight, was unfortunately burnt to the ground last week. The fire was occa- sioned by a candle being loft in one of the chambers. At Stafford assizes a cause came 011, Rooker v. Newton, which is of considerable importance to tradespeople. In January, 1H04, the defendant inserted an advertisement iu the public papers, that he would not pay debts of his wife's con- tracting; but as Mrs. Newton still resided in the house with her husband, and as some part of the goods ( mercery) were used in his, the defendant's house, the plaintiff conceived the defendant wits liable, and brought an action to recovcr the amouiit of his bill, £ M 4s. Id. A part of this bill the defendant had before admitted to he due, for which, previous to the action, lie had tendered seven guineas, and had subsequently paid the sum into Court.— The learned Judge said, that after such notice, a tradesman was highly blameable to give credit to the wife ( which was the case here), aud that the wife being in the dwelling- house < vith ker husband, made it highly so, as it could not be supposed " that she was not provided with ne- cessaries there.— The plaintiff was non6uiteH. Castle and Wheeler, for the desperate burglary at Mr. Chapman's, of Stradishall, were executed at Bury, 011 Wednesday. They were both very penitent, and confessed the crime for which their lives were forfeited. WARWICKSHIRE. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, AValuable and very eligible FREEHOLD . HSTATE, called OLD LEY'S MANOR FARM, Tvthe- free, situate in the Parish of BURTON- DASSETT, ill the County of Warwick, between the two Turnpike - Roads leading from BANBURY to WARWICK, a shott Distance from each, only eight Miles from Banbury, eleven from Warwick, and three from Kineton and a Canal Navigation; containing 295 Acres of excellent Meadow, Grazing, and Arable Land, lying very compact, and within a Ring fence; a larm- House and Yard, with Barns, Stabling, Granary, and Outbuildings; of the yearly Value of j£. 130, subject to Land- Tax, and may be entered upon at Michaelmas next. ( pT For Particulars, apply to Messrs. MEVRICK & BRODRIT, Red- Lion- Square, London; or Messrs. WALFORD, GOLBY, & WALFORD, Banbury, Ox- fordshire. WHITE- HART INN, BUCKINGHAM. j TOSBORNE & CO. respectfully inform the j . Nobility, Gentry, and Public in general, that ' they have provided neat POST- CHAISES, with able Horses and " careful Drivers; aud hope, by strict At- tention, to ensure their Patronage and Support. August 2\ sl, 180S. Leicestershire. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, TOGETHER OR SEPARATELY, rpWO GRAZING FARMS, at LODDINGTON, J. in the County of Leicester; one containing up- wards of 100 Acres, adjoining the Lordships of F. ast- Nortnn and Belton, comprising some as good f eeding Land as any in the County ; and the other containing nearly 140 Acres, lying contiguous to the above, and also adjacent to Belron Lordship. There is 110 House on either, but both afford eligible Situations tor Building; and more desirable Purchases seldom otier. (£ 3~ f or Particulars, apply at the Law- Offices of Messrs. PARES, M ILF S, & ALSTON, Leicester; or to Mr. PALMFR, of Uppingham. CAPITAL MANORS AND ESTATES, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. To be SOLD bv AUCTlO N, liy Metsrs. SKINNER, DYKE, & Co. On Saturday the 18th of October, punctually at Twelve o'Clock, at the Cock Inn, Stony- Stratford, in twenty- seven Lots, \ Vi m VALUABLE FREEHOLD ESTATE, X V advantageously situate in the Parishes of Cal- vertm, Beachampion, Nash, and IVolv'crton, in and contiguous to the Market Town of Stony- Stratford, iu the CJounty of Bucks, a short Distance from the Grand Junction Canal, and 50 Miles from London, bounded by the high Mail Road to the principal Manufacturing Towns in the North of England ; com- prising the MANORS of CALVERTON and BEACH- AMPTON, with numerous annual Quit- Rents, Fines at the Will of the Lord, Tolls ot the weekly Market and annual Fair at Stony- Stratford, Courts, Royalties, and Immunities, and sundry capital Farms, Lands, Water Corn- Mills, and Tenements, containing about Two Thousand Three Hundred and Thirty Statute Acres ; the most considerable Part Tythe- free, and capable of great lmnrovemen ; at present lett to respectable Tenants from Y ear to Year ( except one Farm on Lease), at Rents amounting to only about Two Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Pounds per- Annual. (£ 3* To be viewed, ami Particulars had, by applying at the Cock Inn, Stony- Stratford; where a proper Person, well acquainted with the Estate, will attend to shew the same.— Particulars may also be had of Messrs. Dicey & Sutton, Printers, Northampton; Messrs. Swinney & Co. Printers, Birmingham; Mr. Rollason, Printer, and at the King's- He » d, Coventry; Swan, Newport- Pagnell; George, Woburn; Sugar- Loaf, Dunstable; White- Hart, St. Albans; Red- I. ion, Barnet; of Edmund Estcourt, Esq. I. incolii's- Inn; at the Place of Sale; and of Messrs. Skinner, Dyke, and Co. London, where Plans may be seen. Capital Freehold Estates, Manor, Fishery, Watcr- Mill, eligible Farms, and Land, CAMBRIDGESHIRE, On the Borders of Suffolk, a short Distance from Newmarket. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. ROBINS, At Garraway's Colice- House, ' Change- Alley, Corn- hill, London, on Tuesday the 21st of October, 1806, at Twelve o'Clock, in Lots, '' I' HE extensive and capital Freehold ESTATES, 1 comprising near FIVE THOUSAND ACRES of MEADOW, PASTURE, and ARABLE LAND, all in high Cultivation, the principal Pait lying compact, divided and lett in eligible Farms, with excellent Dwelling- Houses, Barns, Stables, and Outbuildings, situate in SOHAM and FORDHAM. SOHAM MEF. RF., Part ot the above Estate, contains upwards of one thousand three hundred Acres, in a Ring Fence, andTythe- f. ee.— Also, The CROWN INN, and sundry TENEMENTS, at SOHAM. The truly noble and valuable MANOR, extending over near FOURTEEN THOUSAND ACRES of LAND, with arbitrary Fines and Quit- Rents. The annual Value of the Estate is upwards of three thousand six hundred Pounds, which in a few Years may be considerably increased; the Property of a Nobleman. These very valuable Estates, the principal Part lying compact, arc lett to most respectacle Tenants, Part at Will, the Remainder on Lease, short Terms of which are unexpired. The Estates are Part bounded by the navigable Rivers the Ouse and Cam, which, from their Situa- tion, command a Trade to the principal Parts of the Kingdom; are well worth the Attention of Gentlemen or Trustees wishing to invest large Sums of Money in Land; and are situate six Miles from Newmarket, sixteen from Cambridge, twelve from Bury, and sixty- six from London. ( pST The Farms may be viewed by applying to Mr, John Slack, lleny Farm, or the C. own Inn, Soham, where Particulars may be had; also at the Cock, Mildenhall; Angel, Bury ; Ram, Newmarket; I. amb, Ely; Rose- and- Crown, " Wisbech ; Sun, and Black- Bull, Cambridge; Post- House, Fakenham; King's- Arms, Bourne- Bridge; Crown, Hockerill; Grecn- Man, Harlow; Fountain, Huntingdon; Saracen's- Head, Ware ; of Mr. Thompson, Solicitor, Stamford; Mr. Houchiiig, Wereham- Stoke, Norfolk; Messrs. Blake & White, Solicitors, Essex- Street, Strand; at Garraway's; and of Mr. Robins, Warwick- Street, Golden- Square, London, where a Plan of the Estate may be seen. Desirable Freehold Estates, At MARCH and COVENY, Cambridgeshire, To be SOL D by A U C T I O N, By Mr. ROBINS, At Garraway's Coftee- House, ' Change- Alley, Corn- hill, London, on Tuesday the 21st of October, at Twelve o'Clock, in four Lots. Lot 1 f * OMPRISES a capital Freehold ESTATE V/ ( EARLS FEN), containing upwards of one hundred and ninety- eight Acres of Meadow, Pasture, and Arable Land, all lying compact, and divided in dif- ferent Inclosures, situate at MARCH, in the Parish of DODDINGTON, and County of Cambridge; on Lease to Mr. John Gray, which expires at Lady- Day, 1811, at a low Rent. I, ot 2. A FREEHOLD ESTATE( lliccs FEN) situate at COVENY, in the County of Cambridge; com- prising upwards of forty- one Acres of Meadow, Pas- ture, and Arable Land, lying together, and in a good State of Cultivation. Lot 3. A FREEHOLD ESTATE, near Lot2; com- prising upwards of twenty- six Acres, as before. Lot 4. A FREEHOLD ESTATE, near Lot 3; con- taining near fifteen Acres, as before. fpt" The last three Lots are in Possession of Mr. John Moulson, Tenant at Will. *„* The Estates may be viewed by applying to the Tenants, of whom Particulars may be had; also at the White- Hart, and Griffin, March; I. amb, Ely; Kose- and- Crown, Wisbech; Sun, syid Black- Bull, Cam- bridge; Fountain, Huntingdon; of Mr, Tliompson, Solicitor, Stamford; Mr. Houching, Wercham- Stoke, Norfolk; at the Crown, Soham; Ram, Newmarket; King's- Arms, Bourne- Bridge; Crown, Hockerill; Saraoen's- Head, Ware; of Messrs. Blake & White, Solicitors, Essex- Street, Strand; at Garraway's; and of Mr. Robins, Warwick- Street, Golden- Square, Lon- don, where Plans of the Estates may - be seer.. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, AVery neat and convenient Brick- built and Sashed DWELLING- HOUSE, situate in the plea'saAr Town of KIMbOLTON, in the County of Huntingdon; comprising two Parlours in Front, con- venient Kitchen, Pantries, and Cellar; a detached Brewhouse, Stable, Cliaise- House, Warehouse, Store- Rooms, and other Out- Offices; late in the Occu- pation of Mr. John Smith, Arctioneer, The Whole in complete Repair, and may be entered upon imine- dja'fcfy. Also* COTTAGEorTENEMENTand GARDEN, in STONELY, in the Parish ot Kimbolton,. also late in the Occupation of Mr. Smith. FTRR May be viewed by applying to Mr. JOHN COSTIN, of Kimbolton; and to treat fortlie Purchase, apply to Mr. DAY, Solicitor, Saint Neots, or on Fridays at Kimbolton. Cheap and expeditious Cuntd Conveyance, BY FLY BOATS. " V\ 7" EEKS's BARGES and BOATS, for the » * Conveyance of Goods, between Loi- don, 13ir- f mingham, Wolverhampton, Liverpool, Manchester, ! & c. lead at his WHARF, at PADDINGTOK, ancl at | TRIC- WHARF, UPPER THAMES- STREET, LONDON, for • the following- Places: — Birmingham Lancaster Rochdale Buckingham Leeds Sheffield Brack ley Leicester Shrewsbury Bewdlcy Litchfield Stone Bolton l. udlow Stony- Stratford Bristol I. eighton- Buzzard Stourbridge Coventry Middlewich Stourport Chester Manchester Wakefield Dudley . Macclesfield Warrington Daventry Namp'wich Wolverhampton Derby Northvvich Worcester Gloucester Newcastle Warwick Hereford Northampton Wellingborough Halifax Newport- Pagnell Walsall Kidderminster Oxford Uxbridge Liverpool Preston York, & c. and all intermediate Places; and also for all Parts of the North of England, and North and South Wales. From LIVERPOOL, Goods will be forwarded to IRELAND and SCOTLAND. Goods taken in, daily, at TRIO- WHARF, UPPER THAMES- STREET, LONDON, and at his WAREHOUSE on the GRAND JUNCTION CANAL, PADDINGION. ( PF* WEEKS'S BOATS load daily at his WHARF in BIRMINGHAM, and also at his WHARF in WOLVER- HAMPTON, for London, Liverpool, Manchester, & c. and the above- mentioned Places. *** WEEKS'S BOATS load at LIVERPOOL and MAN- CHESTER, for Wolverhampton, Birmingham, and London, and all intermediate Places on the Line of the Canal. N. B. WEEKS'S BAROES and BOATS load also upon the ' THAMES, for the above- mentioned Places, and GOODS taken in at PADDINGTON as usual. To Rkh Feeding iMnd. l, e SOLD by AUCTlO N, By Messrs. LONDON Sf SON, On Tuesday the2Hd Day of September instant, at the Spread- Eagle Inn, Rugby, in tlit County of War- wick, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon ( subject to such Conditions will be then produced), ALL those CLOSES and INCLOSURES of rich . MEADOW and PASTURE LAND, situate at LILBOURN, near Rugby, in the County of North- ampton, in the Tenure of Mr. Henrv Trustlove, Tenant at Will, at the annual Rent of £. 110, called by the Names following:— A. R. P. 1. Grest Colmore Meadow { MeadowJ 12 2 6 2. Middle Close ( Meadow) 4 1 24 3. Little Meadow ( Meadow) 2 3 3b 4. Nether Close ( Pasture) .' 28 0 16 5. Upper Close Road ( Pasture) .... 22 2 17 Total 70 2 18 C3" This Estate is Tythe- free, within a Ring Fence, in a most fertile District of rich feeding Land, whence the Smithfield Market is supplied with its finest Cattle, and is well deserving the Attention of the opulent Grazier and Farmer. * » * For further Particulars, apply to Mr. JAMES, Land Agent, Warwick; or to the AUCTIONEERS, at Henley- in- Arden. Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire. To be SOLD by AUCTION, On Friday the 26th Day of September, 1806, at the Crown Inn, Royston, in the County of Cambridge, between the Hours of Four and Five o'Clock in the Afternoon, in the following Lots, unless sooner disposed of by Private Contract, The following very valuable Freehold ESTATES, Which are all Tythe- free, and the Land- Tax has been redeemed: — Lot 1. RPIIE MANOR FARM, at GUII. DEN- .1. MORDFN, in the County of Cam- bridge, called MORDEN- HAI. L ; consisting of a large and substantial Farm- House, with all convenient Out- buildings, large Garden and Orchard, sixty- four Acres of very rich inclosed Arabic and Pasture Ground ( of which about fifty Acres adjoin the House), fourteen Acres of Wood Ground, and two hundred and eighty- seven Acres of Arable Land, subdivided into conve- nient Pieces by thriving Quicks, the Parish having been inclosed alxnut five Years since. The Estate is now occupied by Mr. John Petteugal), at the Rent of ^. 500, who is under Notice to quit at Michaelmas next. Also the MANORS of GUILDEN- MORDEN, otherwise BARNWELL BONDSBERR] ES, FOX- LEYS, and PR1TCHARDS, with the Fines, Quit- Rents, Rights, and Privileges thereof. ( pf All the above Premii. es are Freehold, except 18 Acres and 1 Rood Copyholdof the Manor of Shingay, which are Fine certain.— A Moiety of the Purchase Money may remain upon Security of the Premises. *** G uiLDEN- MORDF. N is distant only seven Miles from Royston and six from Cambridge. Lot 2. A most desirable F A R M, situate at WRESTLINGWOR'l'H, in the County of Bedford; consisting of a new- erected and very convenient Farm- House, with all necessary Outbuildings, most of them, also newly er . cted, and one hundred and fifty- seven Acres of rich Land, lying together, near the Homestall, and subdivided into Pieces well adapted for Occupation by excellent Quicks. The upper Part of this Farm is bounded by a very thriving Plantation, containing about three Acres and two Roods. Lot,'!. Another very convenient FARM, situate also at W R ESTLI N G WO RTH ; consisting of a Farm- House, with proper Outbuildings, and one hundred and thirteen Acres of rich Land, adjoining the Home- stall, and judiciously subdivided for Cultivation in the same Manner as the Premises in Lot 2. The out- ward Part of this Farm is also bounded by a thriving Plantation, containing three Acres and two Roods. The " ossession of the Farms comprised in Lots 2 ai\ d 3 may be had at Michaelmas next. *** WRESTLINCWORTH is only three Miles from Potton and nine from Royston. N. B. Apply to CHRISTOPHER PEMRERTON, Esq. at Cambridge, where Plans of the Estates may be seen. BUCKS. Freehold Manor Estate of 1160 Acres, and valuable Church Preferment. To be S O L D by A U C T I O N, By WINS TANL E Y Sf SON, At Garraway's Coflee- House, ' Change- Alley, Corn- hill, London, on Tuesday the 30th of September instant, at Twelve o'Clock, to one Lot, AVery eligible and improvable FREEHOLD ESTATE; consisting of the MANOR of HARDMEAD, extending over the whole Parish, and FOUR valuable DAIRY FARMS, with Farm- Houses and suitable Outbuildings, containing 1159A. 1R. 30P. principally Grazing Land, lying nearly within a Ring Fence, and comprising almost the Whole of the Parish of HARDMEAD, except a small Part, which is in the adjoining Parishes of NORTH - CRAWLEY, CHICHELEY, EMBERTOA', and ASTWOOD, in the County of Bucks; about six Miles from Newport- Pagnell, three from Olncy, 12 from Northampton, and 56 from London; in the several Occupations of Messrs. Win. ar. d Thomas Battams, William Clayton, F. B. Old, and T. Brookes, re- spectable Tenants, on Leases, which expire at Lady Day next, at old Rents, amounting to only One ' Thousand and Fourteen Pounds per Annum, capable of considerable Improvement,; besides 5A. 3R, 37P. of Wood Land, in Hand. Also, the perpetual ADVOWSON and next PRE SENTATION to the RECTORY of HARDMEAD, of about the annual Value of sf. 200; the present Incumbent is 57 Years of Age. ffST Messrs. WILLIAM and THOMAS BATTAMS, the Tenants, will shew the Estate. *** Printed Particulars may be had at the Swan at Newport- Pagnell; the George, at Northampton; the Cock, at Stony- Stratford; the George, at Woburn; the Crown, at Dunstable; the White- Hart, at St. Albans; of Messrs. Woodcock & Baieman, Solicitors, No/ 2, Lincoln's- Inn, New- Square; at the Place of Sale and of Messrs. Winstanley & Son, Paternester- Ruvr London, where a Plan may be seen. Fumily Residence and rich Fasturc Land, in Warwickshire. To be 1- E T T, Ard . entered upon immediately, ALL that uew- crected capital MANSION- HOUSE, called SPRINGFIELD, lately oc- cupied by Francis Parrott, Esq. situate within five Miles of the City of Coventry, and at an agreeable Distance from the Turnpike- Road between that City and Nuneaton, Hinckley, and Atherstone.— The House is finished in the best Style, the attached and detached Offices are particularly convenient, and the whole Premises are in complete Repair.— Two large Par- lours, with elegant circular Windows to the Garden Front, two other Rooms of 14 Feet by 12 Fget, one of which has also been used as a Parlour, and the other is well adapted for a Study or Library, connected by a handsome Vestibule, constitute the principal Story. The attiched Offices consist of a Butler's Pantry, Kitchen, common Pantry, Scullery, and Brevvhouse, with the necessary Appendages, all spa- cious and arranged, and fitted up in the most convenient Manner. The first Floor consists of six handsome and airy Bedchambers, and in the Attic are several Lodging- Rooms for Servants. The Cellarage is arched, dry, and complete. A very convenient Coach- House, an excellent stalled Stable, and a Saddle- House, con- stitute the detacl'. ed Offices. The Garden is large, and the Walls will be well supplied with Fruit Trees where necessary, agreeable to the Choice of any Gen- tleman who may rent the Premises, at the Expence of the Proprietors.— The Premises will be lett for a short Term of Years, or for a longer Term, as may be most convenient to the Occupier; and the Tenant may- be accommodated, for a reasonable Compensation, with the Use ot the Kitchen Range, the Coppers in the Brewhouse, the Fire Grates, and various other useful Fixtures, unnecessary to be specified in an Adver- tisement. With the Mansion- House and Premises may also be lett, if desired, about twenty Acres of fine rich Land adjoining thereto, or any lesser Quantity; and any Gentleman who becomes the Occupier thereof may likewise purchase the extensive Manor of Bedvvorth, with its Court Leet and Court Baron, Privileges, and Appurtenances. *„* For a View, apply to Mr. STEPHEN YATES, of Bedworth aforesaid. ' To treat for the Purchase of the Manor of Bedworth, apply to the said FRANCIS PARROTT, Esq. at Hawkesbury- Hall, near Coventry ; and to rent the said Mansion- House, Land, and Pre- mises, iapply to the said Mr. YATES; or to Mr. DICKENS, Attorney at Law, High- Street, Coventry, at whose Office a Ground Plan of the House may be inspected; or otherwise at the Office of Mr.* E. D. DICKENS, Attorney at Law, Hay- Lane, Coventry. August Ibtb, 1806. > Leicestershire. . To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, A Compact and highly - improvable FREEHOLD TV. ESTATE, situate in the Parish of TILTON- ON- THE- HILI.; comprising a Farm - House, and Outbuildings necessary for the Occupation of the Farm, and 280 Acres of Land, chiefly Meadow and Pasture, and a small Part Arable.— Also, the capital WOODLANDS, known by the Name of TILTON WOODS ( celebrated for the Covers), containing upwards of 80 Acres, and the Timber and Underwood standing and growing thereon.— The Farm is held at Will, at an old Rent, which will admit of being advanced very considerably. The Woods are capable of great Im- provement, and of being rendered very productive 30th of Timber and Underwood, to the Growth of which the Soil is perfectly congenial. To a Gentleman fond of Field Sports ( particularly those of the Chase), this Estate is peculiarly adapted, being centrally situate in the Midst of several highly- celebrated Hunts, which frequently visit the Covers of Tilton.— The present Farin- House, situate in the Village of Tilton, may, at a small Expence, be con- verted into a Hunting- Box; and a new Farm- Hoiise may, with Convenience and Advantage, be erected 011 the Farm. ' EF" TILTON is distant from Leicester about ten Miles, and one Mile and a Half from the Turnpike- Road leading from Leicester to Uppingham. *** Printed Particulars may be had at the Bell Inn, at Leicester; of Mr. JOHN V.' ILDBORE, Tilton, who will direct a Person to shew the instate; and of Messrs. RICHARDSON, SON, and CORFIELD, Land- Surveyors, Lincoln's- Inn- Fields, London, who are duly authorized to contract for the Sale. TURNPIKE- TOLLS 10 LETT. is hereby given, That the TOLLS arising at the Toll- Gates, for one whole Year, from the 9th Day of December next, upon the Turn- pike- Road leading from Towcester, through Silver- stone and Brackley, in the County of Northampton; and Ardley and Middleton- Stonv to Westou Gate, in the Parish of Weston- on- the- Green, in the County of Oxford; known by the Names of BURCOTT WOOD GATE, with the CHECK GATE near the Soap- Office, HOPPERSFORD GATE, with the CHECK GATE at Biddlesdon Lane End, and MIDDLETON- STONV GA- VE, will be separately LETT by AUCTION, to the Best Bidder, at the House of THOMAS WILKINS, called the CROWN INN, in BRACKLEY, OOTULSDAY the 7th Day of OCTOBER next, between the Hours of Eleven ancl Four, in the Manner directed by the Act passed in the 13th Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, " for regulating Turnpike- Roads;" which Tolls pro- duced the last Year the Sums hereinafter- mentioned, above the Expence of collecting the same, and will be put up at those Sums respectively, viz. Bun ott II eod Gate, - with the Cheok Gate near the £. Soap- Office 140 Ihppersford Gate, with the Check Gate near Biddlesdon Lane End ... - ...... .. — 83 And Middleton. Stony Gate 63 Whoever happens to be the Best Bidder, must at the same Time give " Security, with sufficient Sureties, to the Satisfaction of the Trustees of the said Turn- pike- Road, for Payment of the Rent agreed for, and at such Times as they shall direct.— And Notice is hereby further given, that new Trustees will then be elected and appointed in the Room of such Trustees as are dead, and whose Vacancies are not already filled up.— Dated the first Day of September, 1S06. JOHN WESTON, CUrk to the Tfustees of the said Turnpike- Road. STATE - LOTTERY, Begins Drawing VM October, lf! 0Cj. Q^ IIT & fjo. Contractors for the present and the late l otteries, are selling Tickets ami Shares, 111 great Vai iet), at their old Uiiice, No. 11. POULTRY, established in the Year 1760, I. jidatN' 0. 12, CHAIU. VC- CROSS, Loudon. ( J-. T This Lottery contains a greater Proportion of capital 1' rizes than any former one. ' l'he first- drawn Tickei is entitled to. J1.10,000, and is the only Prize fixed lor any particular IJay ; consequently a* Ticket drawn at any Period of the Lottery will have the Chance of all the Prizes in the Wheel. V* SWIFT & Co. have bad, for many Years past, the Satisfaction of selling a great Proportion of the capital Prizes, particularly iu the last and late Lotteries, and most of thtni divided into Shares. DAVKNTUV, 29th Aug. 1806. rFHE Assignees of the Estate of FRANCIS X MONTGOMK RY, late of MORETON- PINKMV, in the County of Northampton, pur, pose, immediately alter the 15tls of September next, paying a first Divi- dend of Eight Shillings in the l'ound to such of his Creditors who liflve dieady executed the Deed of Assigni#_- nt, or ivho shall execute the same upon the Receipt of their Dividend ; and those of his l reditors w ho have not delivered their Accounts, are oe- iied to transmit a Statement of the same, before the 12th of September ne:. r, either to Mr. William Muinford, or Mr. John Hall, of Daventry, the Assignees, other- wise they will be excluded the Benefit of the said Dividend; and those who still remain indebted to the Estate vf the said Francis Montgomery, are desired to pay the same tu the said Assignees, or Actions will be commenced to recover the same. Freehold und Tythe- free Estate, at Cosby, Leicestershire. To be SOLD, by AUCTION, By E D tVA RD NEALE Sf . V O N, O11 Wednesday the 10th Day of September instant, at the Dog- and- Gun Inn, in th- Parish of Whetstone, iu the County of Leicester, about Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions as will be then produced, unless sooner disposed ot by Private Contract, of which Notice will be given, ASubstantial FARM - HOUSE, with a good Barn, Stable, and other suitable Outbuildings thereto belonging, in complete Repair, situate at COSBY aforesaid, with SIX CLOSES of excellent ARABLE and PASTURE LAND, in a high State of Cultivation, adjoining thereto, containing 61 Acres or thereabouts, now in the Occupation of Richard Orton, who will shew the Premises. ( fS- COSBY is situate about six Miles from Lei- cester, about the same Distance from Lutterworth and Hinckley, and the Turnpike- Road from Leicester to Lutterworth adjoins the Lordship.— A more eligible Situation than the above Estate is seldom ottered to the Public. The Payments thereon are very low, and Possession may be had on Payment of the Purchase Money. *** For further Particulars, and to treat by Privat* Contract, apply to Mr. WATSON, Lutterworth. Freehold Estate, Bruntingthorpe. To be SOLD by A U C I I O N, By EDWARD NEAI. E & f SON, At the Oki- Crown Inn, in Lutterworth, in the County of Leicester, on Thursday the 18, h Day of September iiist. about Three o'clock in the Alter, noon, subject to such Conditions as will be then produced, if not disposed of in the mean Time by Private Contract, of which Notice will be given, AValuable and very desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, free from Tythe and Land - lax, situate at BRUNTINGTHORPE, in the County of Leicester; consisting of a good substantial 1 arm- House, Barns, Stables, and other suitable Outbuildings thereto belonging, and about 70 Acies of rich Aiable, Meadow, and Grazing Land, divided into convenient Incisures, adjoining thereto, now in the Occupation of Mr. William Laundon, who will shew the Premises. Q2T BRUNTINGTHORPF. is situate about five Miles from Lutterworth, and about nine from Markct- Harborough and Leicester. For further Particulars, and to treat for the Purchase, apply to Mr. WATSON, Lutterworth, To be SOLD by A U C T 1 O N, ' By Mr. HAWTYN, At the Wheat- Sheaf Inn, in Daventry, in the County of Nortiiampton, on Wednesday the 8th Day of October next, between the Hours of Three and Six o'Clock in the Afternoon, TTPWARDS of ONE HUNDRED ACRES of IJ LAND, all Freehold and Ty the- free, situate at PRIORS- HARDWICKand PRIORS- MARSTON, in the County of Warwick, about eight Miles from Daventry and four from Southam, in five Lots. ( pT Printed Particulars and Conditions of Sale will be forthwith made out, and may be had at the Office of Messrs. Walford, Golby, & Walford, at the principal Inns, and at the Auctioneer's, in Banbury ; at the Wheat- Sheaf Inn, in Daventry; the Grifiin Inn, in Southam; of MrjkChamberlin, Cropredy Lawn, near Banbury; or ofjtfr. Thomas Chapman, the Tenant, of Priors- Hard^ k, who will shew the several Lots. ^ ff. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, rjMIAT a Petition wilSbe presented to the JL Honourable the House of Commons, in the next Sessions of Parliament, for Leave to bring in a Bill to enlai? e the Term, and to amend, alter, and make more effectual the Powers of several Acts of Parlia- ment passed in the 5th and 25th Years of His Ma- jesty's Reign, for repairing and widening the Road from the Turnpike- Road in Banbury, in the County of Oxford, through Daventry and Cottesbacb, to the . South End of Mill Field, in the Parish of Lutter- worth, in the County of Leicester; which Road passes through the several Parishes of Banbury, in the Countv of Oxford; the Hamlet of Grimsbury, and the Parish of Chalcombe, in the County of North ampton ; the Hamiet Of Wilscott, and the Parish of Wardington, in the County of Oxford; and tha several Parishes of Chippenwarden, Aston - le- Walls, Bytield, Charwelton, Fawsley, Badby, tha Hamlet ot Drayton, the Town and Parish 01 Daventry, Weiton, Ledger's - Ashby, Kilsby, and Lilbourn, in the County of Northampton; Hillmorton, Clifton, and Newton, in the County of Warwick; and Catthorp, Cottesbach, Misterton, and Lutterworth, in the County of Leicester.— Dated the 21st Day of August, 1806. By Order of the Trustees, EDM. BURTON. TURNPIKE- POLLS TO LETT. V\ 7" HERF. AS at a Meeting of the Trustees of » ' the Turnpike- Road leading from the House formerly known by the Sign of the Black- Bull, in Dunstable, in the County of Bsdford, to the Way turning out of the said Road up to Shaffbrd- House, in the County of Hertford, holdcn on the 19th Day of August instant, the Tolls arising and to be col- lected at the several Toll- Gates and Side Bars erected across and by the Sides of the said Turnpike- Road, were, in 1' ursua i*; of Notice given for that Purpose, put up at the nett annual Rent or Produce thereof for the preceding Year, to be lett by Auction for the Term of three Years, from the 29th Day of Septem- ber next, but there was no Jidder for the said Tolls-; Notice is therefore hereby* given. That the Trustees of the said 1 urnpike- Road have ap- pointed another Meeting to be held at- the BULL INN, ; it REDBOURN, on TUESDAY the 23d Day of SEPTEM- BER next; at which Meeting, between the Hours of Twelve in the Forenoon a> l Two in the Afternoon, the said TOLLS will again be put up to be LETT by AUCTION to the Best Bidder, for any ' Term not exceeding three Years nor less than one Year, to com- mence from the said 29tb Day ot September, and at such an annual Rent or Sum as the Trustees tlien present shall think fit.— Whoever happens 10 be the Best Bidder will be required, before he enters upoiv the Collection of the Tolls, to pay to the Treasurer one Month's Rent in Advance, and to exc- i ute a Bond, with sufficient Sureties, to the Satisfaction ot the Trustees, for the Payment of the Kent at such Times as they shall direct, and for the Performance of th* Covenants to be inserted in the Lease. J. S. STORY, Cleik to the Trustees. St. Albans, Aug. 21, 1806. Wednesday and Thursday's Posts. LONDON, September 4. MR. Basilico, the Messenger, arrived in town this morning, about one o'clock, from Paris. There is some reason to suppose that the dis- patches which he brings are important. No Mes- senger was expected to be sentoff by Lord Lauder- dale until it was known by Napoleon in what manner the. treaty of peace with Russia was re- ceived at St. Petersburgh. As the determination of Bonaparte on several points of importance was supposed to depend on this circumstance, the de- cision of some leading articles in the negociation may now be expected. It is at least probable that the knowledge of the real terms of the adjust- ment between Russia and France will now be ob- tained. Nothing, however, as yet, has been per- mitted to transpire. Letters from Holland of the 26th ult. mention, , that French troops we actually on their march- to occupy East Friesland, and that the Prussian - garrison in Embden had evacuated that town, and fallen back upon the main army in Hanover. It is supposed that the account of the Russian treaty would first reach St. Petersburgh from this country; for it is said, that three days after it was signed, our Ministers dispatched a swift sailing vessel to St. Petersburgh, with the intelligence of it, ami witli their observations, upon it. The vessel might arrive before'M. D'Oubril. We have the pleasure to announce the safe ar- rival df the China fleet off the Isie of Wight, under convoy of his Majesty's ship Adamant. The fleet left Macao the 4th of March,, arrived at St. Helena the 2d, and sailed from . China the 9th of July ; consisting of the following ships:— Exeter, Captain Mcriton'; Cumberland, farter ; Henry Addmgton, Kirkpatrick ;• Bombay- Castle, Hamilton; Wexford, Clarke; Windham, Stewart; Earl Howe, Murray; Royal George, Gribble; Hope, Peudergrass; Ocean, Williamson; Coutts, Hay; Warley, Wilson; and Scalesby- Castle.—- The following ships were left in China:— Ganges, Dorsetshire, Warren Hastings, and Surat- Castle. Four more of the Champion's conyoy from Quebec are arrived, viz. Sarah, Gill; Ceres, Wilson ; Wilton, Thompson, at Liverpool; and the Fox, at Plymouth. Notwithstanding all the measures taken for the intercepting of Jerome Bonaparte, it appears that lie has had the good fortune to escape. It is stated in a French paper that he had arrived at Paris; and advice has been received, that, after being chased for two days by the Gibraltar man of war, he got into L'Orient.— It is to be hoped that the squadron to which he was attached, and which he has left with the sole view of making his escape, will not have the same good fortune. The Cape of Good Hope and the other Expedi- tion still remain at Plymouth. The following British squadrons are now at sea: — Nine sail of the line, under Sir C. Cotton, off Brest; six ditto, under Commodore Keats, off Bellcisle; six ditto, under Admiral Harvey, off Cape Finisterre; six ditto, under Commodore Hood, off llochefort; five ditto, under Sir R. Strachan; six ditto, under Sir J. Warren ; seven ditto, sailed from Plymouth, last week under Ad- miral Louis; and four or five sail of the line, under Earl St. Vincent, in the Tagus. Besides a squadron off Cadiz, and two others in the Mediterranean. New- York Papers down to the Sd ult. have been received.— The trials of Ogden and Smith, upon a charge of being accessary to the fitting out of Miranda's expedition, are over. The parties have been acquitted.— A letter from Admiral Cochrane to the British Consul at Norfolk, Virginia, dated off Tortoia, June 12, states, that it was the intention of the gallant Admiral to have attacked Jerome Bonaparte's squadron in the night, had they not changed their course, and been joined by three more ships. It having been announced that the Prince of Wales intended to make an extensive tour, his • Royal Highness left London the 25th ult. and called at Bushy- park, to take with him his brother and his companion, the Duke of Clarence.— At hall- past five the Royal brothers set out from Busliy- • park, accompanied by Colonel Lee and Major Bioomficld. Their Royal Highnesses slept that night at Benson, Oxfordshire, and passed through Oxford about one o'clock on Tuesday; they then proceeded to Blenheim, and drove through the park, expressing themselves highly gratified with both the internal and external beauties of that magnificent place, and testifying their regret that they could not devote more time to view and inspect them. They next proceeded to the Earl of Guil'dford's, " Wjoxton- Ahbey, where they dined on Wednesday ; i, round of entertainments were provided for the jtnusement of the Royal Guests during their stay7 among which was a play, per- formed on Friday.— On Monday their Royal High- nesses proceeded the Marquis of Hertford's at Ragley, where they will remain the whole week. The medical men who attend Mr. JJox were of opinion, that the whole of the water which had accumulated since the first operation should not be let off at once. When, therefore, he was tapped on Sunday, the operation was not completed, and on the following day seven additional pints of water were discharged. We are informed that Mr. Fox retains his usual spirits. Sir A. S. Hammond, M. P. for Ipswich, has retired from the office of Comptroller of the Navy, on a pension of J. J 500 a year, in addition to his half- pay as naval captain, with the reversion of .£. 500" a year to Lady H. An Act of Parliament was passed in July last, to exonerate small livings, and charitable insti- tutions, nor exceeding jj. 150 a year, from the payment of land- tax, as far as the annual amount of'^. 600. Daniels, the Stock- Exchange swindler, has been arrested in the Isle of Man. R. Birt, of Whitcombe, waB lately convicted by the Magistrates at Dorchester, on the oath of Mr. Sherren, churchwarden, in the several penal- ties of Is, for absence from church, on Sunday the 17th ult.; 6". for being drunk; and SiOs. for swearing 30 profane oaths ! The poor town's- man who was killed in the late affray between the Germans and the Irish militia at Tullamore, was the sole sup;*> rt of an aged father and mother. The afflicted parents sought relief from the Duke of Bedford, who munificently gave them 20, and settled .£. 20 per annum on them during life. Monday morning, at six o'clock, a fire broke out at the distillery of Messrs. Smith, Cook, & Tate. in Mill- Bank, Westminster, which burnt with in- credible fury for near two hours, destroying the valuable steam- engine, estimated at ,£. 5000, it being capable of working eight stones at a time. Two barges, laden with coals, in the dock, caught fire, and were burning for a long time. DIED.] At Cheltenham, G. Rooke, Esq. eldest Son of Mr. Justice Roqke. On the 13th ult. in the 2fth year of her age, sincerely and deservedly re- gretted, Hannah, the daughter of ME Wni. Wright, * considerable blacksmith at Wereham, near Stoke Ferry, in Norfolk. It may be truly said she died of a broken heart, leaving an infant son and disconsolate parents to lament her loss. The death of this unfor- tunate young woman stands on record as a warning to the fair sex against the allurement and decei t ® i young men. NOTICE IS IlEltEUY GIVEN, THAT all unqualified Persons found SPORTING. 011 the MANOR of BLUNHA M, in the County of Bedford, wiil be prosecuted; and it is also requested, that- qualified Persons will desist from the same. Blunbam, August 26tb, 1806. Nc GAM E. GREAT AND LITTLE- OXENDON. OTICE is hereby given, That all unqualified Persons who shall be found sporting within the MANORS of GREAT and LITTLE- OXENDON, in the County of Northampton, will be prosecuted ; and ail qualified Persons are requested to sport sparingly on the above Manors, as the Game has been of late much destroyed. BURTON- L ATTIMER, Northamptonshire, WHEREAS the GAME upon the MANOR of BURTON- LATTIME R has of late Years been almost extirpated by Poachers, unqualified Per- sons, and others, sporting thereon: This is to give Notice, that the Lords of the said Manor are deter- mined to preserve the Game; and Persons offending after this public Notice, will be prosecuted as wilful Trespassers. JOSEPH HARPER, < 22d August, 1806. WILLIAM KING. MANOR OF BRADDEN. WHEREAS the GAME within the above MANOR hath of late Years been greatly DESTROYED by POACHERS and others: All unqualified Persons are hereby'warned from sporting upon the said M^ npr, and incurring the Penalties annexed by the Law to such Offence ; and qualified Persons are earnestly requested not to trespass, for the future, unreasonably upon the same. CORNELIUS IVES. Braiien- Hmse, Sept. 3d, 1806. " WOllSTED- YARN MANUFACTURE., NOTICE is hereby given, That the Committee appointed according to the Direction of an Act of Parliament passed in the 25th Year of His present Majesty's Reign, intitled, " An Act for the more effectually preventing Frauds and Abuses committed by Persons employed in the Manufactures of Combing Wool, Worsted- Yami and Goods made from Worsted, in t( ie Counties of Bed ford, Huntingdon, Northampton, Leicester, Rutland, Lincoln, and the Isle of Ely,", will hold their next half- yearly Meeting at the FOUN- TAIS'IMH, HUNTINOIION, on MON DAY the 224 Day of . SE PTEMBER instant, for the Purpose of putting the said Act into Execution. By Order of the Committee, HUGH JACKSON. Stamford, lfi Sept. 1806. , Yo~ be LETT, And entered upon at Michaelmas next, • FOR A TERM OF YEAR!, AN eligible FARM, of ancient Inclosure; com- . prising 130 Acres of useful Arable and Pasture Land, lying contiguous to the Homestead, within four Miles of ST. NF. OTS, in the County of Huntingdon. ({ 3T For further Particulars, and to treat for the same, apply to Mr. ABBOIT, Auctioneer, & c. Sec. Market- Place. St. Neots. September 3d, 18( 56. Bi DIOKD, August 30th, 1800. TV/|~ PEARS respectfully informs her Friends, JLYJL, she has just returned from LONDON with a fashionable Assortment of MILLINERY, DRESSES, and FANCY GOODS, of every Description, which are ready for their Inspection. ( pf M. P. begs Leave to return her sincere Thanks for the liberal Encouragement she has received during her Partnership with Miss AMBER; and acquaints her Friends, she has taken the Business on her own Account, and respectfully solicits a Continuance of their Favours. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. NOTICE is hereby given, That a SPECIAL SESSIONS of the PEACE of this COUNTY will be holden at the RECORD- ROOM, adjoining the COUNTY- HALI., in the Town of NORTHAMPTON, on SATURDAY the 13th Day of SEPTEMBER inst. at Twelve o'clock at Noon, for the Purpose of executing the Powers avid Authorities " of an Act of Parliament passed in the last Sessions, intitled, " An Act for the Relief of certain insolvent Debtors." By Order of two of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the said County, SMYTH, Clerk of the Peace. MILLINERY- and FANCY DEESS- MAKJJNG. J J^ BLAXLEY returns hel; sincere Thanks to ' THRASHING MACHINES. ,, , , • r • ! WW SHEPHERD begs Leave to inform the the Ladies of BRACKLEY and its Environs, I V V 4 Noblemen, Gentlemen, and Farmers that for the liberal Patronage she has experienced from he makes ( at his established MANUFACTORY for them; and, as she is leaving BRACKLEY, begs Leave I AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, WOBURN Bedford — „ shire,) a PORTABLE TWO - HORSE - POWER w. Fee- Farm Kent), in Warwickshire. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, SUNDRY ! arge" FEE- FARM* RENTS, issuing out of the Manors of SALTFORD, PRIORS- SALBRIDGE, RIETON, and RADFORD, in the County of Warwick, amounting together to =£. 60 16s. 10Jd. per Annum. [ f5T For Particulars, apply to Mr. PALMER, So- licitor, Coleshill, Warwickshire; or Mr. BIRD, So- licitor, Andover, Hants. To be LETT, And may be entered on. at Michaelmas next, AN eat, genteel HOUSE , with a small Garden, in ST. GYIES'S- SQUARE. FPJ- For Particulars, apply to Mr. KIRS HA W, Auctioneer, Abington- Street, Northampton. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, AFREEHOLD FARM; consisting of a Farm- House, and 124 Acres of Arable and Pasture Land, in the Parishesof PYTCHLEY and OI< LINGBURY, in the County of Northampton. gdT Apply to Mr. BURTON, Attorney, in Da- vent ry. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, ' IN SMALL LOTS, For the Convenience of Purchasers, AValuable ESTATE; consisting of upwards of 30') Acres of inclosed PASTURE and ARABLE LAND, lying and being ( in detached Par- cels] in the Parish of PASTON, and in the Hamlets of - GUNTHORPE and WALTON, in the Couuty of Northampton, within three Miles of the Ci. ty o'f Peterborough; and also of several Acres of OPEN- FIELD LAND, in DOGSTHORPE and BOON- F1 ELD, in the said County. The. above Estate is Part Freehold and Part Copy- hold ( Fine certain) of the Manors of Paston, Peter- borough, and Beroughbury, is exonerated from the I. and- Tax, and has Right of Common over Great Borough Fen. A Deposit of = 6.20 per Cent, will be expected to be paid immediately upon each Contract, and the Remainder at Lady- Day next; when the respective Purchases will be completed, and Possession had. The Timtvr to be paid for at a Valuation. '** For further Particulars, apply to Mr. SIMI- KS. V, Peterborough; RICHARD COI. ES, ; the Woodman, at Paston, who will shew the Estate; or to Mr. J. W. COI. E, Solicitor, Minster Close, Peterborough, who is authorized to treat for the Sale. September Htb, 1806. BEDFORDSHIRE. Capital Copyhold Estate, Leighton- TZu aard, To he SOLD bv AUCTION, By Mr. WO O D, At the Eagle- and- Child Inn, in Leighton- Buzzard. on Wednesday the 10th Day of September, 1806. between the Hours of Four and Six in the After- noon ; CONSISTING of a substantial, niodern, and well- built DWELLING - HOUSE, bricked, tiled, and sashed; containing five genteel Sleeping- Rooms, with requisite Dressing- Closets, and two roomy Attics; a Breakfast- Parlour, Dining- Parlour, and a handsome Drawing- Room; a convenient Office or Counting- House ; large Kitchen, with a Brew house attached, and near it is a Well of fine Water, with a Pump ; dry and cool Beer and Wine Cellarage; Laundry, Piggeries, Wood - Barn, Stable, and other uitable Outbuildings; with Flower and Kitchen Gardens, Yard, and Drying- Ground adjoining, all well fenced round with a Brick Wall. This complete Residence is situated in the Centre of the CORN- MARKET, in LEIGHTON- BUZZARD, and in good Repair, well calculated for the Reception of a genteel Family, or Trade of any Description. The Possession of the Premises maybe had at Saint Thomas next. *** For further Particulars, and to treat for the Purchase, apply to Mr. WILLIS, Solicitor, Winslow,. Bucks; Messrs. WILLIS & SON, Solicitors, or Mr. WOOD, Leighton- Buzzard. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. BLABY, On Thursday the Ilth Day of September inst. on the Premises, at Gayton, in tile County of North- ampton, at Threeo'Clock in the Afternoon, in such Lots as shall be then agreed upon, ALL that old- established PUBLIC- HOUSE, called the SQUIRREL, with the extensive and convenieHt Outbuildings, Barns, Stables, Yards. Gardetjs. and a large Orchard thereunto adjoining and belonging, situate and being in GAYTON aforesaid, and now in the Occupation of Mr. Isaac Bedford. ( The Tenant will shew the Premises ; and further Particulars may be known of the Auctioneer. To be. SOLD by AUCTION, Bv Mr. ROUSE, On Tuesday the 9th of September, 1806, about Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, at the Talbot Inn, in Market- Harborough, ACompact, convenient, Brick- built and Slated . MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, situate at the East End of the KING'S- HE AD YARD, in MARKET- HARBOROUGH aforesaid, in the Tenure of Win, Tailby and others; comprising a useful Kitchen., Pantry, two Chambers, & c. and a Warehouse, with two Lofts or Granaries over it; also a roomy Build- ing, extending Southward, heretofore used as a Plumber's. Casting Shop and Glass Warehouse, and convertible, at an easy Expence, to any Purpose which requires Room and good Conveniencies. There is a good Lead Pump on the Premises, supplied from a never- failing Source of excellent Water; and in the little Yard, with Part of the adjoining Garden, a Range of very useful and convenient Stables may be erected. ( pT For any further Particulars which may be desired, or to treat for the Purchase of the above- described Premises by Private Contract, apply to Mr. THOMAS BULL, of Market- Harborough; or to Mr. THOMAS BLOUNT, in Great- Bowden Suburbs. to recommend to their Attention Mesdms. HOLLIDAY | & ATKINS, as young Persons every Way qualified in the abBve Businesses, and in whose Favour she has declined. Mesdms. HOLLIDAY & ATKINS, as Suc- cessors to Miss E. BLAXLEY, beg Leave to acquaint the Ladies at and in the Vicinity of BRACKLEY, that they intend carrying on the MILLINERY and FANCY DRESS - MAKING BUSINESSES after the newest Fashions, and hope, by unremitted At- tention and reasonable Charges, to merit their Favours, which will be gratefully acknowledged. Brackley, Sept. itb, 1806. MILLINERY AND FANCY DRESS- MAKING. EBLAXLEY begs Leave to inform the Ladies . of DUNSTABLE and its Vicinity, and the Public in general,- that she intends carrying on the MILLINERY and FANCY DRESS- MAKING BUSINESSES, in all their Branches, after the most fashionable Style ; and by due Attention and the most moderate Charge, hopes to merit their Patronage ahd Protection. ( PI* LADIES' CORSETS and SHOES on the lowest Terms. Dunstable, htb Sept. 180S. SEPTEMBER 2d, 1806. NOTICE is hereby given, That Application is intended to be made to Parliament, in the next Session, for Leave to bring in a Bill, and to obtain an Act, to require and compel the Company of Proprietors of the Grand Junction Canal to take " such Steps as shall he necessary and proper for beginning, carrying on, and completing a Collateral Cut from the Town of Aylesbury, in the County of Buckingham, to join the Grand Junction Canal, in the Parish of Mars- worth, in the said County/, under and according to the Provisions and Powers of the, Act of Parliament made and- passed in the S- ith Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, intituled, " An Act for making certain navigable Cuts from the Towns of Buckingham, Aylesbury, and Wendover, in the County of Buck- ingham, to communicate with the Grand Junction Navigation,, authorised to be made by an Act of the last Session of Parliament, and for amending the said Act," and certain other Ai ts of Parliament in that Behalf made, within such Time as in the Wisdom of Parliament shall be thought rtteSt to be limited for that Purpose. And also, to restrain the said Com- pany of Proprietors of the said Grand Junction Canal from making any Distribution, Appointment, or Di- vidend of the Tolls, Rates, and Duties arising from the Grand Junction Canal, or Collateral Cuts, or any of them, until the said Company'of Proprietors shall have applied the Sum of twenty thousand two hundred and fifty- six Pounds, which they, in their corporate Capacity, have engaged to apply towards the Exe- cution of the said Collateral Cut, from the Town of Aylesbury to the Grand Junction Canal; in jhe Parish of Marsworth aforesaid. And further, to require and compel the said Corporation to apply such Sum or Sums of Money as have been subscribed and paid some Years since to them, Under the Covenant and Aver- ment of the said Corporation, of their then Intention forthwith to proceed, and without Delay, to th? making of a Communication from the said Town of Aylesbury to the Crand Junction Canal, in the said Parish of Marsworth, in the Case of the above Sum of twenty thousand two hundred aiid fifty- six Pounds, so engaged to be advanced for this Purpose, being found insufficient. To T To be SOLD by AUCTION, At the Spread- Eagle Inn, in Rugby, on Thursday the 18th Day of September instant, between the Hours of Four and Six in the Afternoon, under such Con- ditions of Sale as will be then produced, • ALL those THREE FREEHOLD CLOSES of capital MEADOW ard GRAZING LAND, situate at BRANDON, in the Parish of WOOLSTON, about five Miles from Coventry, commonly called the HAMS and HAMS MEADOW, containing together about 40 Acres, and now in the Occupation of Mr. Aaron Heme. ( jST For further Particulars, apply to Messrs. LAMB & WARDLI, Solicitors, in Daventry. - Freehold Estate. AUCTION, T Oak Timber. To lie SOLD by AUCTION, By ROBERT ANDREWS, At the Wheat- Sheaf Inn, in Harrold, in the County of Bedford, on Thursday the 11th Day of Septem- ber, 1806, at Four o'Clock, O EVEN TEEN OAK TIMBER TREES, now O lying at SANTON, in the Parish of Harrold, Nos. lto 17; and SEVEN OAK TIMBER TREES, lying on Leonard's Leys, in the Parish of NEWTON- BI. OSSOMVILLE, Bucks; containing together about 850 Feet. Several of the above Trees are of large Dimensions, and the Whole will be sold in such Lots as may be most agreeable to the Company attending the Sale. ^ g" Further Information may be known by Ap- plication to the AUCTIONEER, at Olney. I'd Carpenters, Wheelwrights, S( C. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DAY, On Thursday the 11th of September, 1806, on the Premises, at C REENSNORTON, near TOWCESTER, in the County of Northampton, pHE STOCK, & c. of Mr. JOHN WILLIAMS, Carpenter, & c. who is leaving Norton ; com- prising several Hundred Feet of 3 - Inch, 2 - Inch, and other Oak Planks, for Barn Floors, See.; upwards of 1000 Feet of Ash Planks, of various Scantlings; 3000 Feet of Elm Boards; Six- inch Fel- lies, Hubs, Axletrees, Spokes, and various other Articles. Also, immediately after the Sale of the above Effects, will be SOLD by AUCTION, at the Butcher's- Arms, in Norton, The FREEHOLD DWELLING - HOUSE and PREMISES, the Property and in the Occupation of the said Mr. WILLIAMS. £ rT The Sale to begin with the Stock exactly at Eleven o'Clock. TURNPIKE- TOLLS TO BE LETT. NOTICE is hereby given, That the TOLLS arising at the two Toll- Gates situate at RUGBY and BROWNSOVE*, upon the Turnpike- Road leading, from Dunchurch to Lutterworth, will be LETT separately by AUCTION, to the Best Bidder, at the SPREAD- EAOLE INN, in RUGBY, oh TUESDAY the 23d Day of SEPTEMBER instant, between the Hours of Three and Four in the Afternoon, in the Manner di- rected by the Act passed in the 13th Year of the Reign pf His Majesty King George- the Third, for regulating the Turnpike- Roads. Whoever happens to be the Best Bidder, must at the same Time give Security, with sufficient Sureties, to the Satisfaction of the Trustees of the said Turn- pike- Road, for Payment of the Rent agreed for, and at such Times as they shall direct. JOHN CALDECOTT, ' Clerk to the Trustees of the said Turnpike- Road. Riigiy, Sept. lib, 1806, . .. To Grocers, Tallow- Chandlers, and others. oe SOLD by AUCTION, By IK WHITE, On the Premises, on Monday the 15th Day of Sep- tember, 180S, and following Days, ALL the STOCK and UTENSILS in TRADE, Part of the neat HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, and other EFFECTS, the Property of Mr. JOHN BRADLEY, Grocer and Talknv- Chandler, HIGH- STREET, BEDFORD, who is declining Business. frST Three Months' Credit will be given te ail Pur- chasers above ^. 10, on approved Security. *** May be viewed Friday and Saturday preceding the Sale, which will begin each Day at Ten o'Clock. N. B. Catalogues will be ready for Delivery ten Days previous to the Sale, at the' principal Inns in the Neighbouring Towns; Mr. Webb's Printing- office, on the Premises, and at the Auctioneer's, Bedford. To be SOLD by AUCTION,"" By W. WHITE, On Friday the 19th Day of Septemher, 1806, at the Sign of the Barley- Mow, in the Town of Bedford, \ Very desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, in XI three Lots.— The first Lot comprises a HOUSE, extremely well adapted to the Residence of a private Family or a Tradesman, being situated about the Centre of the HIGH- STREET, BEDFORD; con- taining excellent Cellars, two l'ailours, a Shop, Kitchen, four Bed- Rooms on the first Floor, and four good Garrets; a large Garden, having a Seven- foot Wall on the North Side, well planted with choice Fruit Trees, and a Kate opening into Castle- Lane; a paved Yard, Stable, and Hay, Straw, and Corn- Lofts ; a Cart- Way into Castle- Lane; a Brewhouse, two back Shops, with Lofts above them, and all other suitable Offices; a Faculty Pew in St. Paul's Church, Bedford, belonging to the above Lot. The second Lot consists of a very excellent Three- stalled STABLE, with two Rooms adjoining, well adapted for a Hay and Straw Loft; a paved Yard, and Pigstye. The third Lot is a TENEMENT, with a Garden in Front, having a Right to the Use of a Pump. ( JCF The two last Lots are situated in CASTLE- LANE, BEDFORD.— The Land- Tax of the Whole Estate has been redeemed. Its present Possessors are the Family of the late Mr. Pulley, Surgeon, by whom the Premises will be shewn to any Persons who may wish to view them. To be SOLD by AUCTION" By Mr. THOMSON, By Order of the Assignees, under a Commission of Bankrupt awarded and issued forth against JOHN SAWYER PARISH, late of Aldwinkle, in the County of Northampton, Victualler, at the Hind Inn, in Wellingborough, in the County aforesaid, on Wed- nesday the 2ith Day of September, 1806, at Six o'Clock in the Evening, subject to such Conditions as will be then and there produced, """ HE UNDIVIDED MOIETY, or ONE HALF- PART of 56 Acres of prime GRAZING LAND, lying in the Lordship of BRAMPTON, in the County of Northampton, and NORTON, in the County of Leicester, during the natural Lifeof the said Bankrupt, now in the 64th Year of his Age.— The Lands are now in the Occupation of Mr. Munton and Mr. Haycock, or their Undertenants, at the very old Rents of near =£. 40 per Annum, and capable of great Improvement. ( f3r For Particulars, enquire Of the Auctioneer, at Wellingborough; and to view the Premises, apply to the Tenants. Malting and Malt.- To be SOLD by By Mr. KIRSHAW, On Tuesday the 23d Day of September, 1806, at the Old Sun Inn, in the Parish of Hardingstone, at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, ALL that convenient and spacious MALTING, situate and being in the Centre of the Village of HARDINGSTONE, near Northampton, with Malt and Barley Granaries, fitted up complete, and capable of wetting twenty Quarters per Week; toge- ther with THREE convenient COTTAGES adjoining the same, now in the Occupation of Samuel Howes, Judkin Ekin, and Widow Harrold. ( f3T The Malting may be entered upon at Michael- mas next. At the same Time will be SOLD by AUCTION, up- wards of TWO HUNDRED QUARTERS of ex- cellent MALT; which, for the Convenience of Pur- chasers, will be sold in Lots of five Quarters each, and Credit given upon approved joint Security. * » * For a View of the Premises, apply to WILLIAM FREEMAN, at Hardingstone; and for further Parti- culars, to Mc. JOHN KIGHTLEY, or the AUCTIONEER, Northampton. ~ WYMAN'S ANTI- BILIOUS PILLS, C" justly esteemed for their easy and certain Operation in removing all Bilious Complaints, Obstructions in the Liver, Indigestion, Sick Head- Ach, Jaundice, & c. They are an excellent Remedy for Persons of Bilious or Costive Habits; for Per- sons of sedentary Lives, where sufficient Action of the Bowels is not kept up ; also for Persons who have impaired their Constitutions by free Living ; and in early Attacks of the Gout are peculiarly useful, by alleviating the Severity of the Fit, and shortening its Duration. They have been found highly useful Sea Bathing. ' These Pills THRASHING MACHINE, which, trom its- Siiwl plicity and Strength, he flatters himself is preferable to any Machine for the same Purpose now in Use It will thiash from 12 to 16 Busliels of Wheat per Hour, and all Sorts of Grain equally clean and in the same Proportion. The Price is 80 Guineas, when Completely ready for fixing; which mav be done by any Millwright or Carpenter in a Day's Time, and removed from Barn to Barn and re- fixed in the same Time, if required.; but should the Purchaser think proper, a Man will be sent to put the Machine pro- perly to work, and give Instructions respecting work- ing the same, for 30s. extra, the Purchaser paying ail Travelling Expences ( which is not the Case in general, for the Expence of fixing is often equal to the Pur- chase of the Machine); and as there are many of them now in Use, Reference may be had to the Owners respecting their Performance.— Letters, Post- paid, and dn- ected as above, will be duly attended to ( PT WANTED, TWO JOURNEYMEN MILL- WRIGHTS.— Good Workmen will meet with con- stant Employ and good Wages.. ^ SEPTEMBER 5th, 1806. ALL Persons who are any Ways indebted to the Estate of WILLIAM GARftETT, lateot EAST- HADDON, in the County of Northampton, Butcher, deceased, are requested forthwith to pay their I respective Debts to his Administrators, Ann Garrett, of East- Haddon aforesaid, Spinster, and Edward I Perkins, of Hillmorton, in the County of Warwick, Grazier; and all Persons who have any Claim or De- mand on the said Intestate's Estate, are desired to transmit the same immediately to the above Admi- nistrators, or to Mr. John Perkins, of East- Haddon, aforesaid, Grazier; or Mr. Buswell, Solicitor, North- ampton; in order that the same may be discharged. . To be SOLD by AUCTION, By ANDREW GARDNER, On Wednesday, September the 17th, 1806, and fol- lowing Day, HE genteel and useful HOUSEHOLD- FUR- NITURE, BREWING- UTENSILS, and other EFFECTS, of Mr. WILLIAM GOODMAN, of the GOAT INN, WOBURN, Beds ( the said Inn being shut up); consisting of neat Four- post, Field, Halt- tester, and other Bedsteads', with fine printed Cotton, white Dimity, Check, and Stuff Furnitures; seasoned Feather- Beds; Mattresses, Blankets, Quilts, and Cotton Counterpanes ; festoon window- Curtains ; Bedside and Floor Carpets; Mahogany Wash- hand Stands; Night- Tables; Dressing and Pier Glasses; Card and Pillar and Claw Tables, and two Sets Of Ma- I hogany Dining Tables, with circular Ends and shifting Leaves; Parlour and Chamber Chairs, with loose Seats, covered- with Hair Cloth, and about two Dozen of strong Chairs, covered with red Leather; one Eight- day Clock, in Wainscot Case, and a Thirty- hour Ditto; large Kitchen- Range, swing Trevets, Spit- Racks, Crane, Sec. ; capital Smoke- Jack and two Chains; large Coffee- House Boiler, Ditto Pottage- Pots, Saucepans, Kettles, & c.; Kitchen- Furniture in general; circular Screen- Seat; Plated Tankards and Pints; Wine- Decanters, Glasses, Earthenware, & c. { two Marble Slabs and Brackets; large Hall Lamp; 120- Gallon Brewing- Copper and Grate, Mash- Vat, two Coolers, Stands, Tubs, Sec. ; sweet Iron- bound Puncheons, Pipes, and Hogshead Casks ; two Sfeel Malt- Mills; Chaise- Springs and Iron Arms, a Quan- tity of Pipe Boxes for Chaise Wheels, sundry odd Harness, Sec.; with various other useful Articles. Catalogues will be delivered, two Days before the Sale, at ihe Swan Inns, Newport- l'agnell and Leighton- Buzzard; King's- Arms, Ampthill; White- Hart, Dunstaile; Bull, Hocklitfe ; Navigation Inn, Fenny- Stratford; and at the Auctioneer's, Woburn, Beds. *** May be viewed the Mornings before the Sale, which will begin exactly at Eleven o'Clock each Morning. To" be SOLD by A IJ C T 1 O N, By ANDREW'GARDNER, On Mondav, September 22d, 1806, THE LIVE and DEAD FARMING and DAIRY STOCK, IMPLEMENTS in HUS- BANDRY, PART of the HOUSEHOLD- FURNI- TURE, and other EFFECTS, on the Premises of Mr. JOSHUA BARLOW, at CHURCH. ENB, in RIDGMONT, in the County of Bedford, who is declining Business ; consisting of ten young useful Dairy Cows, three Horses, 17 Sheep, Sow and seven Pigs, 50 Fowls, Sec. ; three Pair of Harrows, four Ploughs, Drilling- Machine, Bean- Drill, and Fieid- Roll; Harness for four Horses; seven Milk- Leads, six Kivers, Pails, Cream- Tins, & c.; Iron Drag- Rakes, two Corn- Screens, Steel Malt- Mill, Rakes, forks, Sieves, Sec.; two Six inch- wheel Carts, one Nariovv- wheel Ditto, and one stout Waggon ; Wheelbarrows, Chaff- Box, Dung- Drags, Sec.— The Household- tur- niture consists of Bedsteads, Feather and Flock- Beds, Blankets and Quilts, Tables and Chairs, Drawers, Looking- Glasses, Pewter and Brass, Brewing and Washing - Coppers and Grates, Mash- Vat, Tubs, seven sweet Iron- bound Beer Casks, and smal ier Ditto ; a large Quantity of old Iron; with various other useful Articles. The Sale to begin precisely at Ten o'Clock in the Morning, as the Whole is intended to be soil in one Day. I To be SOLD by A U C T I 0 N, By ANDREW GARDNER, On Wednesday, October 1st, 1806, and following Day, ALL the neat and elegant HOUSEHULIJ- FURNITURE, DAIRY, FARMING, and BREWING- UTENSILS, and other EFFECTS, of Lady LOYD, on the Premises, near the CHURCH, in GREAT- BRICKHILL, in the County of Bucks, who is changing her Residence; comprising handsome Four- post, Field, and other Bedsteads, with Mahogany Feet Posts and Cornices, and fine printed Cotton fur- nitures, lined with Drapery; Window- Curtains to suit; seasoned Goose and other Feather- Beds; Mat- tresses, Paillasses, Blankets, and Counterpanes ; japanned. Chairs ; Dressing Tables; neat inlaid Chest i of Drawers ; round Bed and Floor Carpets; twelve preparatory to, or during require no particular Regimen or Confinement, md do j L"' awers ; r° und lied and t not contain pny Mercurial or Antimonial Preparation, j J- Panned Armed Cane- seated Drawing- Room Chairs, P r^ TVjrpH ur\ i\ cr » lr1 Kxr VI/ iS/ umin C, V ^ t- ! Cases: Prepared and sold by W. Wyman, Surgeon, Ket- tering. Sold, Wholesale, by Dicey & Sutton, No. 10, Bow Church- Yard, London; and, Retail, by the Printers of this Paper, Edge, and Marshall, North- ampton ; Sanderson & Beale, and Mather, Welling- borough ; Robins, Wilkinson, and Bates, Daventry; Reeve, Higham- Ferrers; York & Summers, Oundle ; Beesley, Banbury.,; Barringer, and Inwood, Newport- Pagnell; Queneborough, Dunstable; Alsop, Luton; Harrod, and Bull, Market- Harborough; Inns, and Gallard, Towcester; Seeley, Buckingham; Hawkes, Lutterworth; Palgrave, Bedford; Gardner, Biggles- wade; Richardson, Stony- Stratford ; Loggin, Ayles- bury: Wards, Hinckley; Eaton, Thrapston; Jacob, Peterborough ; Roberts, Southam; Sharpe, Warwick; Luccock, Kimbolton; Emery, St. Neots; Jenkinson, Huntingdon; Tapp, and Darton, Hitchin; Wallis, Olney; Rowell, Rugby ; Ward, Stratford- upon- Avon ; Rollason, and Merridew, Coventry; and by every Vender of Medicines in the Kingdom. Price 2s. 9d. per Box, Duty included.— Be careful to ask for WYMAN'S Antibilious Pills. JL | To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. J. ' PORES, On the Premises, at HARPOLE- LODGE, in the County Af Northampton, on Thursday next, the s 11th Day of September, 1806, rj THE LIVE & DEAD STOCK, IMPLEMENTS I in HUSBANDRY, Sec. Sec. of Mr. DANIEL BENN ; comprising one Bay of Wheat, one Ditto of " Barley, a Rick of Oats, a Ditto of Peas, and a Ditto of Hay ; two Cart Horses; one Cow, one Heifer, and a weaning Calf; Cart, Plough, Harness, Winnowing Tackle, Hurdles, Ladders, and sundry other Effects. — Also, the following KEEP until St. Thomas, viz. four Acres of Turnips, nine Acres of Seeds, one Close of Grass, and one Ditto of Stubble, Part Clover, i { f5T The Sale to begin at Eleven o'Clock, IV the Wind, Cholics, Fluxes, and other Disorders in the Boecels of Infants, us well as of Adults. DALBY's CARMINATIVE. CAUTION. MANY counterfeited Preparations of this Medicine having been offered for Sale, under specious Pretences, all Persons are requested not to take any unless they observe that the Name " F. New bery, No. 45, St. Paul's," is engraved in the Stamp, and that in the Bill of Directions round each Bottle is an Extract from the Will of the late Mr. JOSEPH DALBY, viz. " Wftereas I did many Years since instruct my Daughter FRANCES, now the Wife of ANTHONY CELL, of North- Street, Westminster, Gentleman, in the Art of compounding a certain Medicine, of which I am the sole Inventor, called DALBY'S CARMINA- TIVE: I do hereby constitute and appoint my said Daughter the sole Preparer of this useful Medicine; I likewise give to my said Daughter, FRANCES GELL, my sole Property in the said Carminative, and all Profits arising from the Sale thereof, to her and her Heirs for ever." It is sold only by F. Newbery & Sons, No. 45, St. Paul's Church- Yard, London, Price Is. 9d. a Bottle, Duty included; and by their Appointment by the Printersof this Paper, and Marshall, and Edge, North- ampton; Seeley, Buckingham; Barringer, and Invvood, Newport- Pagnell; Purser, and Palgrave, Bedford; Green, Ampthill; and Collis & Dash, Kettering. with Cushions and Cases; Sofa to match; two Pair 1 of Drapery Window- Curtains to suit, with Tassels, Sec. ; inlaid Card Table, Pier Glass, See. ; a capital Set of Dining Tables, with ciri- ular Ends, three feet nine Inches by ten Feet; six Cabriole Chairs, covered with crimson Damask, and Cases to Ditto; Kitchen- Furniture in general; small Copper, Mash- Vat, lijbs. Casks, Sec. ; a stout, convenient Cart, with Harness ; Wheelbarrow, Ladders, Shovels, Forks, Scythes, Garden Tools, Hay- Rakes, Sec.; a Quantity of Duny, and about ten Tons of excellent Hay; with various other Articles. $ 3T May be viewed two Days before the Sale, and Catalogues had at the Swan Inns, Newport- Pagh. ll and Leighton- Buzzard; King's- Arms, Amptliill; Bull, Hockliffe; Navigation Inn, Fenny- Stratford; Place of Sale ; and ot the Auctioneer, Woburn, Beds. *** Sale to begin each Morning at Eleven o'Clock. Dr. W'IIEATLEY'S Invaluable Tiemedies for the certain and speedy CURE OF TUB ITCH. AN OINTMENT which cures in four Hours,, and does not contain the least Particle of Mer- cury, or any pernicious Ingredient whatever, and so perfectly innocent, that Children at the Breast may j be cured without the least Hazard. It isof anagreeaoie Smell, requires no Confinement, and there is no Me- dicine of the Kind which cures in so short a Time. Price Is. 9d. a Box, Duty included. Likewise hisCHYMICAL LIQUID, as perfectly safe as the Ointment, and as certain in its Effects; it has no Smell, nor does it in the least soil the Linen; a Circumstance which renders it highly va- luable, and to some Persons abundantly preferable fo any Ointment whatever. Price 2s. 6d. a Bottle, Duty included. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Dicey & Sutton, Bow Church - Yard, and at their Warehouse in Northampton; and Retail by Edge, and Marshall, Northampton; Robins, Bates, and Wilkinson, Da- ventry; Mather, and Broughton, Wellingborough; Fisher, Higham- Ferrers; Rollason, and Merridew, Coventry ; Sharpe, Warwick ; Roberts, Southam ; Gregory, Leicester; Harrod, Harbt rough; Munn, and Collis & Dash, Kettering; Newcomb, Stamford j Eaton, Tlvapston ; York & Summers, Oundle; Jacob, and Horden, Peterborough; Jenkinson, Huntingdon; Hodaon, Cambridge; Palgrave, Bedford ; Inwood, and Barringer, Newport - Pagr. ell; Queneborough, Dun- stable;. Darton, and Tapp, Hitchin; Inns, ^ nd Gallard, Towcester; Seeley, Buckingham; Jones, Oxford; Richardson, Stony- Stratford; Hawkes, Lut- terworth; Loggin, Aylesbury; and by every Vender of Patent Mcdicines in the United Kingdom. 1 the that lot <> i; i- er i Ill- able Use. per the Then ' by „ and a arne blnk pro- Ork- 5 all fral, Pur- hem jicrs , laid, ' t Lt- eon. ( P I to col I ; on, heir ett, ' ard tk, De- 1 to mi- en, : th- ol. fi- ller of nit M, ted Its, » S I ind Mi ,1a- ing ose ten ht. Dur > it. wo ge- nre ind c- S ' Pi nid eel in- > iid ore and ite- tie, ich ind IS. > 11. of in is ful fen sur id- six . es, ks, ur. ds, trs, ind bs, : o; ful in in u- ind of « . ts, ine py ir- to it. s I air Is, tet • ed In- bs, Is; cs, kg. IUS nd ell B> sO a v Die e- le. by Is; he ra- y> k, > n, in ill, \ ) a- tl'i < w( fn; nn, fe in j Ind tn- knd ies, lit- tler Friday and Saturday's, Posts. ION DO iY, September 5. ARegular series of the Moniteurs and other Paris Papers down to Monday last, the 1st inst. inclusive, have been received.—- They convey to us ( he important news, thstt' the- Emperor of Russia hus refused to ratify the treaty concluded by M. D'Oubril at Paris. The Moniteur is silent on the subject, but all the other papers of Paris of Monday last announce the arrival of M. D'Oubril at St. Petersburg!) on the 5th ult. A grand Council was held, at Which the Emperor was present in person, and after the Council the rejection was officially notified to all the Ministers at his Court. The Mmiteur contains the ^ details of the cru- elties exercised by the French upon the loyal Cala- brians, down to the 13th of August. General Regnier'js said, in a letter from Naples of the 12th, to have formed a junction with Massena, and purged the provinces which they marched through of the rebels, thiit is total subjects, that infested them.— Their career was every where marked with blood. All prisoners, in every action, — ed military judgment on the spot; b_ v which CI. tft6* R, AND other Fitfete- C O U N T f- of • KOitTil- receive we suppose it is meant., that they received quarter >" the llcat Of battle, and were afterwards, shot \ for my Friend's, or not anxiously aim to the Honour heretofore conferred on me, To the GkNI!. V. Mf2 » , HoiLDtrtts, of the AMPTON. QENTJ- EMES, ENCOUilAGIiD by the flattering Assurances 1 have received from so large u Proportion of the County, I look forward with Confidence to - the Arrival of the Time when you will be called upon to exercise that invaluable Privilege of our liappy Constitution— the Might of electing your Repre- sentatives in the great Council of the Nction : a Privilege zohich, when exercised, as I am satisfied it always mill be by the County of Northampton, confers the highest Honour, and the deepest Obligation, on the Person who may happily, become the Object of your Choice. Such I felt it in 1797, when you first sent me as ohe of your Representatives in Parliament; such 1 considered it at the hist General Election ; and such I shall ever continue- to esteem it, should my Services be deemed worthy of your Acceptance on, a future Day. And should an Idea have been entertained, that I have uctcd irregularly or prematurely in the Line I have thought it my Duty to adopt, I trust it will be considered, that it was not possible for me, under the present Circumstances if the County,- to abstain from soliciting your future Favours, without risking the Appearance of being'efficient- hi Respect in cold blood. The Hamburgh Mail due on Sunday arrived last night. Besides- other intelligence of- considerable interest, it also contains the important fact of the refusal of the Court of St. Petersfcurgh to ratify the treaty with Prance. An account was yesterday received, that King Louis had made a demand on the King of Prussia of five millions of florins, as a debt due to the Republic. This requisition is also said to have been accompanied with a threat, that in case of. a have the Honour to be, Gentlemen, - Your most obliged, And most faithful humble Servant, W. U. ' CSRTWRIGHT. Aynho, Sept. 4th, 180G. To" the GENTLEMEN'. CLCJUGY, and t'iter HOLDERS,- OF THE COUNTY OT NORTHAMFION. GENTLEMEN, NCRTHAMPTCiNSiURE, , Coldh » l Mscleod; Sflci the gist regiment; uhdsr Major —.. t, , , ,. .. , . • Plenderleath, both distinguished themselves e/ this TN Pursuance o( an Act of Parliament passed in ^ CCJIsion. The en£ mv fted" Wlth dismay and dlsoMer A the last Session oj Parliament-, in tit led " An Before them, leaving the . plain covered with their dead " Act for the' Return of correct Lists' of Pi- rsons and wounded. " liable to serve in the Mi. litit: under an Act passed j The enemy being thus completely discomfited on « in the Aid Year of His present Mujes'y, and to . *! « >' lett. beg ™ t0 » " ew effort with their ,, , ., ,, , , - • ,.- , , right, in the hopes of recovering the day. They suspend the Ih/ lpt Jor the Militia pi England for were resisted mostlgaUantly by tlie grigadc u;, deK " two tears;' JSIohce is hereby given, ' lliat His j gadier- General tole. Nothing could shake the uri- Majesty's Lieutenant for the County of Northampton daunted firmness of the grenadiers under Lieutenant. hath issued' Precepts' to the Chief'Constables of the j Colonel O'Callaghan, and of the 27th regiment under _ c : M • , „ -, ,, , T Beg Leave to return you irjf- best I hanks, for the refusal he will invade Prussia with the Dutch army, I . ...->. „-„.„„, <- .,,„/ <• if/ im i I- i • X continued and increasing As^. trances < rt Impart! t coBSisting ot So, 400 men, and a trench force o .... , . • . . , , ' , , i u ' ,„ ,*/, , 60.000, which is to be furnished on this occasion, ! 1 h" VR recemd unce 1 hud thc ilmWUr^ M according to a treaty between France and Holland, j ^^ ITcirc^ tM^ « rchich Munty has . By the last Leeward Island Packet, letters and ' been ^ hl/ h0 edH l< nd , Reefed a Ca/ tMss, papers lrom Barbados, to the 9th of July, have such Assurances have been most grateful imdfitter, nff been received, stating, that Jerpmd Bonaparte's to me; um{ em) vitKcd tlwt theif jum arisen from squadron had taken the defenceless island of Mont- these impendent Principles alone uduch have' ever ,]' e must observe; that the French squadron distinguished the County of Northampton, 1 look sailed from Martinique m two or thr. ee divisions,-. jW4Cm., i mM Confidence ' tot He Period xohen yon wilt previous to . the 3d ot July, ami was pu., led clear be C(, l/ a- tively called upon more openly to' declare wards received. Oi the W est Indies, standing- North, by Admiral y0Hrse/ veSj and to ^ eixiie that most invaluable of Cochrane, on the 7th. Upon the hrst appearance yoltr p^/ L^, the Choice v/' your Representatives ot the French, there was a report . of their having Parliament captured St. Kitt's, Nevis, and Montscrrat. The | Sim- fiu j { n amj ]) egr'e'e have ' been deficient in- several Hundreds if the said County, requiring them to cause Lists to be returned of Persons between the Ages of 18 and 45 liable to serve in the Militia; and hath appointed Subdivision Meetings to be held at the Places and at the Times under- mentioned, when the • Constables, Headboroughs, or other Peace- Officers, are to produce such Lists, arid verify thc same upon Oath respectively ( that is to say), For the Division of BRACKLEY. AT the THRE F.- CONIE*, in THORP E- MANDEVI LLE, on WEDNESDAY the J Ot h Day of SEPTEMBER next, at Ten o'clock in the Fotenoon. • DAVENTRY. At the WHF. AT- SHEAF INN, DAVENTRY, on WED- NESDAY the 10th Day qf SEPTEMBER next, at the same Hour. KETTERING. At the WHITE- IIA'RT INN, KETTERING, on . FRI- DAY the 12th Day of SEPTEMBER next, at the same Huur. NORTHAMPTON. At the RECORD- ROOM, adjoining the County- Hall, in ihe T JWD of NORTHAMPTON, on SATURDAY the 13tli Day of SEPTEMBER next, at the same Hour. OUNOLE. At the TALBOT I > N,. in OUNDLE, on THURSDAY the 11th DJ>- of SEPTEMBER next, at the same Hour, i' F. I' K R BOROUGH. At the. ANGEL INN, in PETERBOROUGH, on SATUR- DAY the l. Jih Day of SEPTEMBER next, at the same Hour. TOWCF. STER. j At the NEW WHITE- HORSE J N N, TOWCESTER, oft i WEDNESDAY the lOih Day of SEPTEMBER next, at i the tame Hour. WELLINGBOROUGH. At the HIND 1\ N. WELLINGBOROUGH, on WED- NES. D \ Y the 10th Day of SEJTEMBER next, at the same. Hour. And Notice is hereby further given, That all Per- sons who may think themselves aggrieved by having their Names inserted in the said Lists, or by any others being omitted, are to attend the Meetings so to be held us aforesaid and make their Appeal, and that mi Appeal or Claim of Exemption will be after- Lieutenant- Colon'el Smith. The cavalry, successively repelled troin before their front, made an effort to turn their left, when Lieutenant- Colonel Ross, who had that morning landed from Messina, wftli the 20th regiment, and was coming up to the army during the action, having observed the movement, threw his re- giment opportunely into a small cover upon their flank, and by a heavy and well- directed file, entirely disconcerted this attempt. This was the last feeble struggle of the enemy, who now, astonished and dismayed by the intrepidity with which they were assailed, began precipitately to retire, • eaving the field covered with carnage. Above 700 bodies of their dead have been buried upon the ground. The wounded and prisoners already in our hands ( among which are General Compere and an Aid. de- Camp, the Lieutenant- Colonel of the Swiss regiment, and a long list of Officers of . different ranks), anrount to above 1000. There are also aboye 1000 men left in Monteleone and the different ports between this and Reggio, who have mostly notified their readiness to surrender, whenever a British force shall be sent te receive their submission, and to protect them from the fuiy of the people. The peasantry are hourly bringing in fugitives, who dispersed in the woods and mountains after the battle. In short, never has the pride of our presumptuous enemy been more severely humbled, nor the superiority of the British troops more glori- ously proved, than in the events of this memorableday. His Majesty may, perhaps, still deign td appreciate more highly the achievements of this little army. for at nine scorti yard?; rtiid won jii- I lidS. Palmer; Esq.— Friday, the silver bugle was shot foil at lbj Score yards, and won bj the ltev. . Tohti Dilke:— In the Lottery, Miss Sharp, was the fortunate'winner of the gold arrow ; and Miss Boultbee, the gold bugle. The meeting was humerdusly; attended, notwithstanding the Weather was unfavourable. The following were the dverag ® prices of Navi- gable Canal and Dock Shares, for August, 180( 3: — The Leeds and Liverpool Canal, J:. 176 to o£\ 17i! per share, paying j^. 8 pe; r. share per annum The Warwick and Birmingham, ^'. 93, paving £. 5 per share per a « n.—- Grand Junction, ^, 98.—- Ashtcii and Oldham, £. 75.— Peak Forest, /. SO.— Roch- dale, cf^ O.- r— Lancaster; £. 10.— Swansea, £ M, paying £. 5 pet share.-- I511. esmere, — West India Dock Stock;'£. per cent, paying £. 10 per cent, nett per annum'.— East India Dock, £. 124 tOj£. 1^ 5, beanng, a present interest of £. S per cen. t.— London Dock Stock, ^'. 103 to ^. 105, paying £. o. per cent, nett, per annum. Yaxley Barracks.— The North I. incolij and East Kent regiments ol" militia . continue to'. guard, this prison* in which ttjqre are- upwards of^ 5! fiW pri- soners, of whom there are not 30 on the sick list. The First Batfalioiv of Xoynl Birmingham. Vo- lunteers have unanimously agreed to continue Vfteir services, under the new regulations lately i-.. uti from the War- Office. ,. . On Monday se'iihiiht, - two dhimmer<- belonging to the aboVp Voluiiteet^ \ vere flogged liirmhig- ham Heath, for, enlisting, into o, ther corps. , A child abouf four years old, bel. Oiit. ing to Mr. Pugmore, carpenter, of Empiugh. am, ne. ar M am ford,' was killed a fetf.- day's ago', in : i mcluTchory- p.. id when it is known, that the second divi .< o » ~ which ; extraordinary way. The; fiither had, ciimbe'd i account in the Barbadocs paper appears to be a K„ kilTpriper Ap^ lic^ om'ta^ Jl^' tiMyou repetition of that report. jwiU uttrilmte it to the Hum, of a Canvass, Mr. Parsons, the Messenger, left town this 1 which, in so extensive and populous a County, would morning, with dispatches for Lord Lauderdale. ! not in the first Instance allow of any certain or I complete Arrangement. \,\/ ANTS a SITUATION, A middle- aged MARRIED MAN, as Clerk in an Qflice, or as Superintendent or Overlooker in some Mercantile Business,. He has a Knowledge of Accounts, writes a good Hand, and has been used to active Employment. IP* Satisfactory References can be given for Cha- racter and Connexions, by- applying, by Latter, Post- paid, addressed to J. J. Post - Office, Bedford. "\\, RANTED, & JOURNEYMAN in the LINEN and WOOLLEN' - DRAPERY LINE, in the Country. His Character for Honesty and Sobriety must bear the strictest. Enquiry. He must well understand his Business, write a good Hand, and understand Accounts, as he will have to keep the Books.— Any Person wanting a comfortable Situation in this Line, may hear of further Particulars by applying to Mrs. JENKINSON, Printer, Hunting- don, personally, or by Letters Post- paid. / ANTED, A YOUTH, of respectable Con- nexions, as an dfifirentice to a DRUGGIST, GROCER, and TEA- DEALER. . $ 3" For Particulars, apply to Mr. SARSON, Leicester. *\ STANTF1) immediately, An- APPRENTICE " V to a PRIN f ER and BOOKBINDFR. ftTT For Paiticuta'rs, enquire of Mr. ROWEOTHAM, Printer and Bookseller, Loughborough. — Letters ( Post- paid) will be duly answered. *** A Premium will be expected. Loughborough, August 17th, 1806. To Parents and Guardians. WANTED, A YOUTH, of a respectable Familv, as an APPREN TICE toa WATCH and CLOCK- MAKER, where the finishing Part of the liusin mav be learnt. ( 55T Application ( if by Letter, Post- paid,) to Mr WEBB, Printer, Bookseller, & c. Bedford, will meet due Attention. WANTED immediately, An active steady LAD, as an A PPRENTICE to a TAILOR — A Premium will be expected. For further Particulars, enquire of WI LI. IAM WILSON, Little- Addington, near l'hrapston, North ampronshire. LittU- Addlttgton, Srpl SJ, 1806. A have the Honour to be, Gentlemen, With great Jlespect, Your obedient, humble Servant, WM. LANGI1AM. Cottesbrook, Aug. 23d, 1806. ANTED, in a Gentleman's- Familv, about 52 Miles from London, A YOU. NG WOMAN, who works well at her Needle, and who- has been accustomed to get up Muslins. She will be expected to do a Part of the House Work.— A Person who understand;- Something of Mantua- making would be very desirable.— A good Character will be expected from her last Place. grr Address X. Y. at Mr. Barnes's, Printer, Bookseller, Sec. Bedford. " ANTED, A COOK MAID, at an Inn, where a Kitchen Girl is kept.— One who understands plain Cool'ing may hear of a Place by applying at the WH'TK- I- IA RT INN, KETTERING. ' FOOT M A * n! WANTED, in a Gentleman's Family. 50 Miles North of London, A steady, middle- aged MAN- SERVANT, who is wellacqliainted with his Business. He may be either in or out of Livery.'— An ui exceptionable Character will be required from his last 1' laCe. grT The Situation is particularly suitable for a religious i cr ; on, and such a Character will be the more estimable. Apply to B. C. at Mr. Nichols's, Linen- Draper, Olney, Bucks. To the CI- NTLEMEN, CLEROY, and FREEHOTDERS, of the COUNTY of NORTHAMPTON. G- EN. TtEHBB, WH'! N 1 offered myself to your Notice, as a Candidate for the ilonour of representing you in Parliament, I presumed only to solicit your Support for myself, separately; notwithstanding which it hath been reported, that I have united my Interest with that of some or other of the Can- didates: I therefore feci it my Duty distinctly to declare, thai I am not in any Manner connected with, nor is my Interest united to, that of either of the other Gentlemen who are Candidates for your Favour. On this Ground 1 continue to soliit your Suffrages; and if I should be so fortunate to obtain the Object of my Wishes, 1 will endeavour to dis- charge the Duties of the important Trust with Zeal and Fidelity. 1 have the Honour to be, Gentlemen, Your faithful and obedient Servant, AL i ll OR P. Althorp, Aug. 22d, 1806. M ~ M'KORKELL ESPECTFULLY acquaints the Nobility, Gentry, and his friends, his PUPILS' ANNUAL BALL is fixed for the 27 th of NOVEMBER, at the GEORGE INN ASSEMBLY- ROOM; and which will consist of the greatest Variety of fashionable Dances.— Particulars will be given in due Time. (( 3T The Band of Music will consist of the first Terformers ; the Grand Pe « ! al Harp by Mr. WILCOX, from London, who will play a Concerto. Abir. gtonStrect, Northampton, Sept. 6th, 1806. " OAR D N E R, Upholsterer, Broker, Appruiser, and Auctioneer, HORSE- FAIR, BANBURY, EGS to inform his Friends and the Public in general, that he has removed from his late Residence in the Shambles, to a commodious Shop in the HORSE- FAIR ; where he hopes for a Conti- nuance of that liberal Encouragement, which, during the very short Period of his commencing Business, he has been so highly favoured with. jjrtT He particularly solicits the Attention of those who may want to furnish, whether it be in Articles j of the most plain and useful Description, or those of the first Style of Elegance and Fashion, having at this Moment a general and very extensive Stock; which, in many Instances, he is enabled to olier on Terms of unusual Advantage. By Order of the Right Honourable Charles Earl of Northumpt'onLord- Lieutenant if the County if Noiihamptim, CHARLES MARKIIAM, Clerk of the General Meetings. Northampton, Aug. 30th, 1806. NOII t HAMPTON VOLUNTEER INI- ANTRY. npHE above Corps is requested to meet in the 8 MARKET- SQUARE, on MONDAY the 8th, at Seven o'Clock in the Morning. HENRY LP COCK, Major- Commandant. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE YEOMANRY CAVALRY. npHE Gentlemen of theTOWCESTER TROOP 1 are requested to meet on HEATHENCOTE- GREEN, in Field- Day Order, on WEDNESDAY the 10th and THURSDAY the 11th of SEPTEMBER, 1806, at Half- past Nine o'Clock in the Morning. J. MANSEL, Captain. Tcivcester, Sept. bth, 1806. WEST- HADDON STATUTE "\^ 17TLL be held at the CROWN INN, ip WEST- ' ' HADDON, on FEIDA-" the 26th Insrant. 05T Dinner on the Table precisely at One o'Clock. Of TV IV JOHN WARWICK'S BANKRUPTCY. THE outstanding Debtors to the Estate . JOHN WARWICK, of Lo NG- BUCKBY, who have hitherto neglected settling their Accounts, are desired to pay them immediately to Mr. William Mumford, Daventry, or Mr. Thomas Amifield, North- ampton, the Assignees, or Actions will be commenced to recover the same. September 5th, 1806. the enemy were said to b expecting, had all joined them the night Ijefore the action ;.. no statement that I have heard of their numbers places them at a less calculation than 7000 men, Our victorious infantry continued the pursuit of the routed enemy so long as they were able; but as the latter dispersed in every direction, and we were under the necessity of preserving our order, the trial of speed became unequal. The total loss occasioned to the enemy by this con- flict cannot be less than 4000 men. When I oppose . to the above our own small comparative loss, ijs under- j who, being at play in Go'w- Meadow on the j neath detailed, his Majesty will, 1 hope, discern in the fact, the happy etfects of that established disci- pline to which we owe the triumphs by which our army has been latterly so highly distinguished. J. STUART, Major- General. To the Right Hon. IVm. IVtndham. [ Geneial Stuart then states that it is his intention to reimbark with his army for Sicily, as soon as his Sicilian Majesty shall have arranged a disposition of „ , ,,,,„,, „• , his own forces to secure those advantages which have I U. A- Keddall, Cent. Cor, ouer for the' honor ot been gained by the present expedition. . Thp. entire force i Ampthill, upon . view of the body Of ancu- h rn engaged in this action, under Gen. Stuirt, consisted | female child, which on ' the ' Mon'Iay ' evening pi - of 4795 rank and file, including the Royal Artillery.] I ceding was found dead m" a pii\ v,' - v er ! i : Total of killed and wounded.- X, officer, 3 sergeants, j g h CJu, d MUorn.— And on tV. epiidav ft, d 41 rank and file, killed. 11 officers, q spmparK I , ... ... , lowing, another inquisition was taken a* thc : ; i place, before the same'. Goroner, upon yew '• t. •' body of another new- btirn female < in hi, plum- tree on his premises in order ro shake ( town the fruit, which the infant',. stood hetow u> pi, k up, when the hough upon which lie satWokV, an* in falling violently dashed the. head the child against a stone trough, and killed it upon the sp> t. : An inquisition was taken oil Wednesday last, before Charles Freeman, Gent, one of his Majes; v's Coroners for this town, upon, view off the body of James Collins, an infant about three yodrs of age, Ceding evening, went, unobserved to a horse which was grazing there, and touched his hiu. d legs, upon which the animal immediately kicked, the child on the stomach, which occasioned its- immediate death. Verdict— Accidental Deulhr On Wednesdayse'naight, ail inquisition was taken at Dunstable, in. the county of. Bedford, before and killed; 8 sergeants, 2 drummers, andStil rank and file, wounded. Names of Officers killed and wounded.— Killed. Light Infantry battalion, Captain M'Leane, of the 20th foot.— IVsunded. Grenadier battalion, Major Hill, of the Royal Regiment of Malta. Light Infantry Bat- talion, Major 1' aulett, of the 44th foot ( severelv).- 78th foot ( 2d battalion), Lieutenant- Colonel M'Leod, Major D. Stuart, Captains. D. M'Pherson and D. M'Gregor, Lieutenant James M'K- ay, and. linsigns Colin M'Kenzie and Peter M'Cregor.' 81st foot ( 1st battalion), Captain Waterhpuse, and Lieutenant and Adjutant Ginger. Stall', Lieutenant- Colonel Moore, of the 23d Light Dragoons, acting Aid- de- Camp to Major- General Sir John Stuart. ( Signed) R. TOMLlN, Assist.- Adj. t- Gen. To be LET T, And entered on at Michaelmas, AVery neat and convenient HOUSE; con- sisting of i Kitchen, two Parlours, four Bed- chambers, and three Garrets ; Wash - House, Stable, and other Out- Offices; a Garden, and with or without a Close adjoining.— The Premises are situate at MILTON, near NORTHAMTTON. ( J3T Apply to Mr. ABBEY, Attorney, Northampton. PRICE OF Bank Stock . 220i 220$ S per Ct. Red. . sh. 3 per Ct. Cons. 62J JJ 63 4 per Ct. Cons. . sh. 5 per Ct. Navy . 95i STOCKS. Imp. 3 per Cents. 62J India Stock . sh. India Bonds . 2 dis. Exc. Bills2 dis. 1 pr. par. Omnium . 6$ 7i 64 8 NORTHAMPTON, SATURDAY EVENING, Sept. 6. AUGUST 26th, 1805. fOST, supposed to be stolen, in LUTTERWORTH - J or LEICESTER, on Monday the 25th Instant, A SEAT BOX, from a One- Horse Chaise, containing some white Muslin Frocks, and other Ar- ticles of a Child's Wearing Apparel, marked in patent Ink with the Letters H. A. Whoever will give Information of the Offender or O( lenders, shall, on Conviction, receives Reward of FIVE GUINEAS; or if lost, the same Reward, on restoring tiie Box, with its Contents, to the Printer of the Leicester Journal. WANTED TO PURCHASE, AGRAZING FARM, in the Neighbourhood of NORTHAMPTON, or in any pleasant Part of the County, not exceeding 65 Miles from London. The " Estate must be Freehold, with from 130 to 180 Acres 4) t' good Grazing Land, or about one- fourth Arable; with a substantial modem- built Dwelling- House, of handsome Elevation, suitable domestic Offices, Stabling for five or six Horses, and convenient Farming Buildings. The House being small would not be objected to, provided the Situation is in every Respect eligible. ( pi" Letters, Post- paid, containing a full and de- scriptive Account of the Estate, with all Outgoings, and the lowest Terms of the Purchase, will receive early Attention, addressed to A. B. at Mr. Black- burn's, Stationer, Kniglitsbridge, Middlesex. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. THE CREDITORS of JOHN PEllKINS & SON are informed, that a final Dividend of Two Shillings and Fiv;- Pence in the Pound is now in the Course of Payment. C3" Apply to Mr. LOVEDAY, in the Town of Huntingdon,' from Ten o'Clock in the Morning till Three in the Afternoon. HUNTINGDON. To be L E T T, For tivo Years and a Half, from Michaelmas next, AGenteel DWELLING- HOUSE, in the HTGH- STREET of the above Town, either furnished or unfurnished.— The Premises are in good Repair, and consist of a Dining- Parlour, Drawing- Room, and six Bed- Rooms, besides other Conveniencies. (£ 9" Th? Furniture, which is nearly new, may be taken at a Valuation, if agreeable. *** For further Particulars, enquire, personally ( or by Letter Post. paidJ, of Mrs, JINKINSON, Printer, Huntingdon. LOS T, ( Supposed to be stolen), ON Friday Night, the 29th of August, from NUNN MILL, near NORTHAMPTON, A BLACK HORSE, of the Cart Kind, lull 15 Hands high, seven or eight Years old, has a little white on the off Heel behind, a ' f. on each Side of his Back on the Saddle Place, and a Scar on one Shoulder. Whoever can give Intelligence of the above Horse, so that he mav be had again, shall receive ONE GUINEA REWARD, and all reasonable Charges; and if stolen, a Reward of TEN GUINEAS will be paid by Mr. TAYLOR, Leather- Dresser, Northampton, on Conviction of the Offender or Offenders. LOST, About the latter End of May last, AKid- coloured GREYHOUND DOG; lias a Scar'from a Burn or Scald upon his Hip, and answers to the Name of MACK. Whoever has found the said Dog, and will give In- formation of him to GEORGE TOMLINSON, of Little- Addington, near Higham- Ferrers, Northamptonshire ;, or to JOHN TOMLINSON, of Longstow- Hall, near Caxton, Cambridgeshire; shall be rewarded for their Trouble.— And whoever detains him after this Notice, will be prosecuted as the Law directs. SEPTEMBER 5th, lfc>"( j WHEREAS TWO HEIFERS were TAKEN from a Close in YARDLEY PASTURE, on the 26th of August, and TWO BARREN COWS were LEFT in an adjoining Close, at the same Time ( sup- posed by Mistake): The Owner of the above Cows, upon restoring the Heilers, may have them again, bj applying to JOSEPH BSRRILL, of Yardley- Hastings, near Olncy, and paying the Charges of keeping, ad- vertising, iiC. LONDON, Sept. 6. WE are happy in having it in our power to lay before our readers another convincing proof that, whatever success may have attended the French when opposed to other forces, their boasted superiority vanishes when they have to contend with British prowess, even in the field. The ac- counts which have been received during the week of the successful operations of our countrymen in Calabria, have been authenticated by dispatches from General Stuart, published in an EXTRA- ORDINARY GAZETTE yesterday morning, of which the following is an extract:— Camp on the Plain of Maida, July 6, 1806. SIR,— It is with the most heartfelt satisfaction that I have the honour of reporting to you, for the inform- ation of his Majesty, the particulars of an action, in which the French army quartered in this province have sustained a signal defeat by the troops under my command. ( Jen. Regnier having been apprised of our disem- barkation at St. Eufemia, appears to have made a rapid march from Reggio, uniting, as he advanced, his de- tached corps, for the purpose of attacking, and, with his characteristic confidence, of defeating us. On the afternoon of the 3d instant 1 received intel- ligence that he had that day encamped near Maida, about ten miles distant from our position, that his force consisted at the moment of about 4000 infantry and 300 cavalry, together with four pieces of arti'lery, and that he was in expectation of being joined within a day or two by 30i> 0 more troops, who were marching after him in a second division. I determined there- fore to advance towards his position. General Regnier was encamped on the side of ; woody hill, below the village of Maida, sloping into the plain of St. Eutemia; h^ s flanks were strength- ened by a thick impervious underwood. The Amato, river perfectly fordable, but of which the sides are ejuremely marshy, ran along his front; my approach to him from the sea side ( along the borders of which I directed my march, until I hjid nearly turned his left) was across a spacious plain, which gave him every opportunity of minutely observing ir. y movements. After seme loose firing of the flankers to cover the deploiements of the two armies, by nine o'clock in the morning the opposing fronts were warmly engaged, when the prowess of the rival nations seemed now fairly to be at trial before the world, and the superi- ority was greatly and gloriously decided to be our own. The corps which formed the right of the advanced line was the battalionof light infantry commanded by Lieut.- Cel. Kemp, consisting of the light companies of the 20th, 27th, 35th, 58th, 61st, 81st, and Watte- ville's, together with 150 chosen battalion m « n of the 35th regiment, under Major Robinson. Directly op- posed to them, was the favourite French regiment the 1st LegSre. The two corps at the distance of about 100 yards fired reciprocally a few rounds, when, as if by mutual agreement, the firing was suspended, and in close compact order, and awful silence, they ad- vanced towards each other, until their bayonets began to cross. At this momentouscrisis the enemy became appalled. They broke, and endeavoured to fly, but it was too late ; they were overtaken with the most dreadful slaughter. Brigadier - General Ackland, whose brigade was immediately on the left of the light infantry, with great spirit availed himself of this favourable moment to press instantly forward'upon the corps in his front; the brave 78th regiment, commandsd by Lieutenant- MARRIED.] On the 21st ult. Mr. J. H. Barber, grocer, ef Nottingham, to Miss Gresham, daughter of R. Gresbam, Esq. of Chicksands- Lodge, Bedfordshire. Lately, Mr. F. Skelton, of Market- Bosworth, to Miss Thompson, of Sheepy- Magna, both in Leicestershire. A few days ago, Mr. Thomas Juffs, Officer of Excise, to Miss Elizabeth Fisher, both of Stony- Stratford, Bucks. DIED.] On Tuesday se'nnight, Mr. Sayvvell Jenkinson, of Huntingdon, bookseller. He had spent the day festively with some friends who were commemorating the establishment of the book club in that town, and is supposed to have died in an apoplectic fit soon after retiring to bed. On Sunday sennight, after a lingering illness, in the 28th year of his age, Mr. Keppel Hodson, son of the printer of the Cambridge Chronicle. Same day, aged 28, Miss Ann Whitehead, of Radford, near Warwick.— And on Monday se'n- night, Mr. Isaac Dodd, a respectable farmer of the same place. On Thursday se'nnight, Miss Simson, daughter of Dr. Simson, of Coventry. A few days since, at his house in New North- street, London, the Rev. W. W. Fitzthomas, Rector of Arrow and of Beaudesert, in W ar- wickshire. On Sunday morning last, at Fulham, after a short, but very severe illness, in his 18th year, most highly and justly esteemed by all who knew him, Robert Wilmot Copley, Esq. only son of Thomas Copley, Esq. of Nether- Hall, in the county of York. On Tuesday last, in the 09th year of his age, Mr. John Morris, linen- draper, of Bridge- street, in this town. On Saturday last, of an apoplectic fit, aged about 53 years, Mr. Thomas Porter, proprietor of the Wellingborough coach to London, which he had also been the driver of for upwards of twenty- eight vears. Allowing all above twenty- seven years for time he had rested or be ™ prevented by illness ( which is thought to be more than sufficient), he must have travelled 564,404 miles, equal to twenty- two times the circum- ference of the globe: the distance from London to Wellingborough being 67 miles, which he went over six days a week; during all which time the passengers in this coach were never robbed, though no guard was employed.— He was much respected tor. his sobriety and stability, ar. d has left a widow and eight children to lament their loss. He drove the coach home from London last Saturday, and appeared as well as usual for about two hours, when being in his shop, he sud- denly dropped down, and expired in a few minutes. —— « K£ OXIE— The Bishop of Lincoln has instituted the Rev. William Ralfe to the Rectory of Maulden, in Bedfordshire, on the presentation of the Earl of Aylesbury. A dispensation has passed the great seal to enable the Rev. W. Scott, Chaplain to the Earl of Duntnore, to hold the Rectory of Broughton, in Oxfordshire, together with theRectoryof Willersey, in the county of Gloucester. Mr. Alderman Newcomb is nominated to serve the office of Mayor of Stamford, for the ensuing year. On Wednesday se'nnight, a match at cricket was played on Rovston Heath, between ten players of Hitchin and one of Kimpton and eleven of Cam- bridge, which was wou by the former, leaving nine wickets to go down. Archery.— Mondav se'nnight, the annual meeting of the woodmen of the Forest of Arden took place upon Meriden- heath. The gold medal, for the best shot, was won by the Earl of Aylc sford; and the silver medal, for the second best shot, by Sir Grey Skipwith.—- Wednesday, the silver arrow was shot day before in the- same ( iVivy ; when vestigation of eight hours, the jury hi verdict of-— Wilful Murder against the. A:,-: r. While, single woman ; and the Coroner < n, • her to Bedford gaol, to take her trial for the at the next assizes.— Fiwm the circumstances duced in evidence, it appeared that Ann White nns the mother of both children. On Thursday se'nnight, an inquest was taken in Birmingham, oil the body of a child, near tw « years old, to whom its mother gave some fly water instead of snail water. It appeared from the examination of the witnesses before the Coroner, that the mother and the child being both unwell, she sent a girl about eleven years old to a druggist's shop, for a pennyworth of snail water, but by mistake the girl had fly water given to her, part of which the mother drank, and the other she gave to her child. They were both taken immediately- very ill, - and notwithstanding medical - assistance was instantly had, the child died in a few hours afterwards. The mother is still ill, but is thought likely to recover. Yesterday se'nnight, between nine and ten o'clock in the evening, three daring villains en- tered the turnpike- house, near the Bridge- end, on the Banbury road, Warwick, seized the woman who kept it, rifled her pockets, and took from them and a cupboard, & c. in the house, cash and notes to the amount of near £. 19. In the nijjht of Thursday the 21st ult. the work- shop belonging to Mr. Win. Cooke, weaver, of Melton- Mowbray, was entered by breaking a bole through the roof of the building, by some person or persons hitherto undiscovered, who cut from the loom a piece of fine flaxen cloth, containing 34 yards,, also a piece of hempen cloth, ot 21 yards. — It is somewhat remarkable, that about nine months ago the same shop was broken " open, and a considerable quantity of cloth in the loom was cut therefrom, and taken away, which has not since been heard of. On Saturday last, a respite during his Majesty's pleasure was received for Joseph Frayde, now under sentence of death in Coventry gaol. Saturday last was committed to the gaol of this rountv, bv the Rev. Edward Bayley, D. D. John Leek, charged on suspicion of stealing fourteen sheep from an inelosure in the parish of Titfield, the property of Mr. Thomas Bill, of Hulcott. WARWICK RACES. Wednesday, Sept. 3d, hit Majesty's Plate if Wfygs. Lord Derby's b. h. Milo, 4 yrs old .. 1 1 Mr. Stratum's br. g. Witchcraft, aged 1 2 Mr. Sanders'sb. h. Collingwood, 4 yrs old. 3 dr Lord Brooke's bl. h. Mungo Parke, 5 yrs old dis Mr. Andrew's b. h. Fathom, 4 yrs old dr A Szoeepftakes of 10gJ. each ( IP subscribersf. Sir S. Shuckburgh'sb. h. Doubtful,' 6 yrs old. I 1 Mr. Hawkes'sb. g. Feather- Legs 2 2 A Subscription Purse of ^. 50. Mr. A. Birchall's c. h. Welch- Flarp, 4 yrs old i 1 Mr. T. L. Brook-' sb. h. Royal- Oak, 4 yrs oM il dr Thursday, Sept. ith, a Maiden Plate of .£. 50. Mr. Faulkner's b. h. Doubtful, 6. yrs old 1 4 3 1 Mr. Lockley'sb. f. Princess- Royal, 3 yrs old .....'._ 4 3 1 2 Mr. Stratton's b. g. Witchcraft, aged 5 12 3 Mr. J. Turner's b. f. by Moorcock, 3 vrs old 3 2 Mr. Andrew's b. g. Garland, 6 vrs old.. 2 dr A Sweepstakes cflVgs. each ( 9 subscribers). Mr. Butler's Miss Coiner, 5 yrs old. .. Mr. Andrew's Fathom, 4 yrs old A Subscription Purse of £ : 5' K Mr. J. Turner's b. g. Coekspinner, (< yrs old 2 1 t Mr. Contt's b. h. Green- Dingon, 5 yis old 1 .2 2 Mr. Emben's br. h. Latitat, 5 yrs old 3 3 dr • 1 dr 1 1 The sale of Farming- Stock at Harpole- Lodge, by- Mr. J. Vores ( advertised in. the preceding pa^ ej,- is POSTPONED. PRICE of CORN per Quarter at Northampton, Saturday, Sept. .6. Wheat, 72., to 82s. Od. Rye, 50^.. Od. to- 52-.. ' Barley,' 40s. 0d. to 43s. Od. Oats. 29s. 6d. to 33s. 6d. J. CPAFTON Beans, 45s 0a. to 46s. Od. Peas, — s 0d to— s. I'd. By the Standard Measure. Inspector. . Corn- Exchange, London, Friday, Sept. 5 The Wheat trade is dull in sales, and those made scarcely support last prices.— Barley is at a further advance.— Malt and Peas keep their price - Wins of each kind are rather dearer — Oats are rather lower. LIST of FAIRS, from Sept. 8, to Sept. 20, within the Circuit of this Paper. T. Sept. 9. Oakham. W . 13. Leicester. M. 15. Dunchutcb. T. lli. Luttenvorth. F, — 19. Northampton, IValtham, Amersham, and Athtrstone. i Aug. 28th. 30th. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. c'eSfrcct List, in alphabetical Order, of the CF. R- I Ti t- TCATFS that have been issued to Persons ( not , Sept. Kiting a. Gamekeepers), by the Clerk of the Peace i lor the County ot Northampton, under the Acts of ' Parliament of the twenty- lifth and thirty- first Years of the Reign of His present Majesty King George rhe Third- the first intirled, " An Act for re- pealing- an Act made in the twenty- fourth Year of ( he Reign of His present Majesty, mailed, ' An j Act tor granting to His Majesty certain Dutjps on. Certificates issued with Respect to the Killing of i Game,' and for granting other Duties in Lieu thereof;"" and the other iutitled, " An Act for granting t » His Majesty an additional Duty on Cer- tificates issued with Respect to the Killing of Game " between the 1st Day of July and the 4th Day of September, 1806,. both Days mcUfsive Dates of the Certificates. Aug. 26th. 27th. ' 28th. 29th. Names, Rcsideuce, and Titles of the Persons. Armitt George,' Woodford, Gent. Adams William, Towcester, Gent. Adk- ins John, Helmdon, Gent. Alington Rev. William, Twywell, Clerk Aspinal John, Moulton, Gent. Andrew Robert, Harleston, Esq. Andrew Robert, the Younger, Harleston, 30th. 1st. Aug. 1st. 5th. 8th. 16th. 20th. 23d. 26th. Sept Aug. Sept. 1st. 2d. July 21tk. 30th. Aug. 2d. 11th. 21st. " Id. 26th. 27th. 28 th. 30th. Sept. 1st. Aflg. 9tli. 11th. 20th. 23d. 96th. 27th, 58th Esq. Avers Winckles, Greensnorton, Farmer Aisagerjohn, Northampton, Esq. Allen Thomas, Weedon- Beck, Gent. Althorp the Right Hon. John Charles Lord Viscount, Althorp Arnold Thomas, Brackley, Gent. Armytage John, Northampton, Ambrose Rev. John, Blisworth, Clerk Ashwell John, Crifck, Gent. Burgherst the Right Hon. Lord John, Apethorpe Blencowe Robert Willis, Dallington, Esq. Bright Rev. John, Grafton- Regis, Clerk Brooke Sir Richard Brooke de Capel, Grcat- Oaklev, Bart. Barber William, the Younger, MouJton, Gent. Brittain William, Stoke- Bruem, Gent. Bouverie Edward, Delapre- Abbey, Esq. Bull Joseph, Daventry, Grazier Booth Richard, Glendon- Hall, Esq. Bosworth George, Lubenham, Leicester- shire, Gent. Brooks William, Norton, Grazier Bollard William, Newton - Erqrnshold, Gent. Barrett Thomas, Farthinghoe, Gent. Blencowe John Jackson, Culworth, Esq. Blencowe Rev. Thomas, Weston- and- Wecdon, Clerk Blencowe James, Marston- St.- Lawrence, Esq. Bradshaw John, Dingley Brjfield John, TiffieM, Farmer Bliss Thomas, Stow - nine- Churches, Farmer Buller William, Maidwell, Esq. Butterficld John, Brackley, Gent. Baker Thomas, Islip, Gent. Bates John, Thrapstoa, Genu Beauclerk the Hon. and Rev. Henry, Whittlebury, Clark Boulton Henry, Cottingham, Esq. Bonney Rev. Henry Key, King's- ClifFe, Clerk Burton Leonard, Ringstead, Esq. Brawn John, Grendon, Gent. Buckby Rev. John, Guilsborough, Clerk Harnett Thomas, Staverton, Gent. Britten William, Collingtree, Yeoman Ber. ton George Sollers, Northampton, Esq. Brown William, Northampton, Gent. Blcek Thomas, Weston - and - Weedon, Bouverie the Hon. Edward, Old Bur- lington- Street, in the County of Mid- dlesex Benton John, Northampton, Esq. Cleaver Winckles, Greensnorton, Baker Cleaver William, Greensnorton, Farmer Carvsfort John Joshua Earl of, Eiton, in the County of Huntingdon Clurke William, Old- Stratford, Innholder Crawley George, Dunstable, Beds, Gent. Clare Samuel, l'assenham, Farmer Clark William, Brixworth, Gent. Clark John, East- Haddon, Gent. Clark Thomas, Broughton, Esq Croome Rev. John, Chacombe. Clerk Chinner Charles, Chacombe, Gent. Chinner John, Chacombe, Gent. Collins John Sanderson, Woodford, near Thrapston, Gent. Cook John, Whittlebury, Gent. Cole James, Sulgrave, Miller Carter Thomas, Edgcott, Esq. Cowley Richard, Kilsby, Cent. Cattle' William, Bury Fields, in the Parish of Braunston, Gent. Carpenter George, Stow- nine- Churches, Farmer Cooke Thomas, Paulerspury, Farmer 29th. Cook Thomas Alderston, Peterborough, Esq. Clark Henry, Peterborough, Clerk Clarke John Plomer, Welton- Place, Esq. Clarke Richard, Welton- Place, Esq. Cooke John, Foxley, in the Parish of 1' attishall, Farmer Cole Rev. Thomas, Daventry, Clerk 50th. Carvel John, Hartwel), Gent. Chapman John, Cogenhoe, Gent. Crawley Rev. John Lloyd, Heyford, clerk • . j* • , Sept. 1st. Clarice John, Denshanger, in the I ansh of Passenham, Gent. ) Cartwright William Ralph, Aynhoe. Esq. 2d. ' Carpenter William, of the Royal Depot at Weedon- Beck, Cent. Crowther Rev. Robert, Spratton, Clerk Chapman Thomas, Spratton, Gent. Cunlitle Ellis, Helmdon, Gent. Drage Binyon, Scaldwell, Gent. Dent John, Milton, Gent. Dickins Steplten, Hotcot, Gent. Drage William, Stanwick, Gent. Danes Charles, Kingsthorpe, Gent. Dunkley William, Staverton, Farmer Dowbiggin Rev. John, Slapton, Bucks, Clerk Delaval Colonel Francis, Northampton Denny Willian) R. Long- Buckby, Gent. Dore John, Sudborough- House, Esq. Drage William, Holcot, Gent. Dickens John, Passenham, Gent. , Earl Robert, Dallington, Gent. Elwes Robert Carey, Great- billing, Esq. El win F. J. Crookhill, Yorkshire, Esq. Edmonds Robert, Boughton- House, Esq. Edwards William, lilakesley, Gent. Eastwick Rev. John, Aldwinckle, Clerk Eaton Stephen, OeeHe, Gent. Ella John, Northampton, Esq. Aug. 19th. Farrer Henry, Ashley, Esq. 25th FUsher Rev. John Thomas, Tiffield, Clerk 27' h. Freeman Samuel, Floore, Gent. Sijth. F^ irbrother Luke, the Younger, Helm- don, Gent. Fawcett I'ev. Thotnas, Bradwin, Cleik Fairbrsther William, Bytield, Gent. Fletcher Thomas, Rushdcn, Esq. Fletcher John, Rushden, Gent. S9th. Farrer Richard, Ashley, Esq. 30th. Fowler Robert, l'apley, in the County of Northampton, Gent. Fowler Robert, the Younger, Papley, in the County of Northampton, Gent. Fairbrother Giles, Wappenham, Gent. Sept. 1st. Fletcher Johp, Northampton, Gent. Aue 21st. Groocock William, Collingtree, Gent. 2S4. Griffin Rev. Edward, Dingley, Clerk Gibbs William, Hannington, Gent. Gibbs Rev. James, Wellingborough, Clerk Garlick John, Moulton, Ge « t. SStli. Gray John, Finedon, Esq, Gray John, the Younger, finedon, Est[. Goodacre Robert, Boughton, Servant 8{ th, Gulliver William, the Younger, West- Hartdon, Gent. » Gulliver William, the Elder, West- Had- don, Gent. Garratt Richard, Thorpe- Malser, Gent. 57th. Goodman Job, Towcester, Gent. 23th. Grant William, I. itchbo rough, Esq. Grant Edward, Litchborough, Esq. 27 th. 28th. 29th. 30 th. Sept. 1st. 3d. 4th. Aug. 2d. 8th. 26th. 27th. 28th. 29th. Sept. Sd. 4th. Aug. 26th. 27th. 29th. 30th. Sept. 1st. 3d. Aug. 5th. 11th. 20th. 23d. 26th. 27 th. 28th. 29th. 3d. Aug. 16th. 26th. 28th. 29th. 30th. Sept. 1st. Aug. 12th. 23d. 26th. 27th. 29th. Sept, Aug. 11th. 23d. 26th. 27th. 23th. 29th. Gurden Benjamin, Towcester, Gent. Gladwell Henry, Drayton, Gent. Gunning George. Horton, Esq. Gibbs Gafliekl, Blisworth, Gent. Green Gascoyen, lrchester, Gent. Goodhall John Newton, Wellingborough, Esq. Gibbon James, Kettering, Surgeon Howard the Rev. Robert, Thornhaugh, Clerk Hill Charles, Wellingborough, Esq. Harrison Samuel Wyment, Daventry, Esq. Hopcraft Thomas, the Younger, Crough- ton, Gent. Hanbury William, Kcimarsli, Esq. Hanbury George, Kelmarsh, Esq. Hungerford John Peach, Dingley- Hali, Esq. Hitchcock George, Jun. Hinton, in the Parish of Woodford, Gent. Hitchcock George, Sen. Hinton, in the Parish of Woodford, Gent. Harbert Richard, Grimsbury, in the Parish of Walk worth, Gent. Houghton Thomas, Whitmale Park, Gent. Hoare Rev. Edward Henry, Orlingbury, Clerk Hitchcock William, Chippingwarden, Gent. Hands Stephen, Newbold Grounds, in the Parish of Catesby, Grazier Hughes Samuel, Bugbrook, lisq. Hiliyard Clark, Northampton, Esq. Harden Rev. William, Sulgrave, Clerk Hunt Rev. Edward, Stoke- Doyle, Clerk Humphrey Rev. Nathaniel, Thorpe- Mandev'ille, Clerk Humphrey Ptolemy, Thorpe- Mandeville, Gent. Holdich William, Marston - Trussell, Gent. Hopton John, West- Haddon, Gent. Hinton George, Helmdon, Farmer Hickman Henry, the Younger, Newn- ham, Gent. Hewitt Richard, Dodford, Gent. Hartshorn William, Clipstone, Esq. Hanbury William, the Younger, Kel- marsh, Esq. Head John, Covington, in the County of Huntingdon, Esq. Hall John, Northampton, Gent. Howes William, Aynhoa Grounds, Gent. Harwood the Rev. Uriel, Priors- Marston, Warwickshire, Clerk Hornshy the Rev. Thomas, Ravensthorpe, Clerk Harris William, Wootton- Hill, Esq. Harrison Rev. Henry Bagshaw, Bug- brook, Clerk Haynes William, the Younger, Long- Buckby, Gent, Haynes Thomas, Long- Buckby, Gent. Harper Richard, Burton- Lattimer, Esq. Hall John, Braunston, Gent. Herbert John, the Younger, Farthingston, Gent. Hinton George, the Younger, Helmdon, Farmer Houghton Thomas Alderman, Holcot, Gent. Howes Thomas, Rothersthorpe, Gent. Flemingway Jeremiah Shepley, Crough- ton, Gent. Hunt Rev. Samuel, Easton, Clerk Horner Rev. William, Raunds, Clerk. Herbert George, Sibcrtofr, Gent. Hamilton Rev. James, Northampton, Clerk Hancox Isaac, Ryton, Warwickshire, Gent. Isted Samuel, Ecton, Esq. Jones Rev. Humphry, Little- Houghton, Clerk lvens Edmond, Wolfhampcote, War- wickshire, Grazier Jetfs William, the Younger, Marston- Saint- Lawrence, Grazier Janaway Joseph, Lilbourn, Grazier Jones Rev. Pryce, Abthorpe, Clerk Jones Matthew Easton, Wellingborough, Esq. Johnson Godschall, Knuston- Hall, Esq. Johnson Rev. John, Cambridge, Cam- bridgeshire, Clerk Ives Cornelius, Bradwin, Esq. Johnson Ebcnezer, Moulton- Park, Gent. Keep Joseph, Broughton- Lodge, Gent. Knott Rev. Isaac, Everdon, Clerk Knightley Charles, Preston, Esq. Kingston' Valentine, East- Barnet, Mid- dlesex, Esq. Knightley Henry, Preston, Esq. Kilsby Robert, West- Haddon, Gent. Kightley John, Northampton, Gent. Kendrick Buxton, Duddington, Esq. Linnett John, Blisworth, Coal- Dealer Lamb Edward, Daventry, Geiit. Lamb Rev. John, Charwelton, D. D. Lynn George Francis, Southwick- Hall, Esq. Lovell Randall, Claycoton, Gent. Lovell William, Cold- Ashby, Gent. Lovell Thomas, Winwick- Warren, Gent. Lovell William, Winwick- Warren, Gent. Lovell Arthur, Mears- A* iby, Gent. Luard Charles Bourryan, Northampton, Esq. Lamb Rev. Matthew, Culworth, Clerk Lilford the Right Hon. Thomas Baron of, Li 1 ford Lambert John, Middleton, Gent, l. eete Rev. John, Kettering, Clerk I. ongstalF John, Castle- Ashby, Gent. Litchfield Robert, Teeton, Gent. Luard Peter Francis, Northampton, Esq. Law Thomas, King's- Ciilfe, Gent. Marriott Robert, Daventry, Gent. Manning William Dodington, Little- Houghton, Gent. Manseil John Christopher, Cosgrove, Esq. Manseil l. ongueville Henry, Cosgrove, Esq. Masters Robert, Nethercote, in the County of Warwick, Grazier Manning John, Harpole, F'armer Marriott Thomas, Everdon, Gent. Manning William, Harpole, Farmer Manning John, Orlingbury, Gent. Maydwell William Lockwood, Gedding- ton, Esq. Morris William, Welton, Gent. Montgomery William, Ledger's - Ashby, Gent. Murray Alexander, Gayton, Esq. Miller Moses, Daventry, Gent. Malim P. ev. George Warcup, Higham- Ferrers, Clerk Mercer Thomas, Hackletog, Esq. Monkhousc Rev. John, Syresham, Clerk Marlon John, Braunston, Farmer Marshall Thomas, Kettering, Gent. Montgomery Rev. Francis, Milton, Clerk Markham Charles, Northampton, Gent. Norton Richard, Yelvertolt, Gent. Northampton the Right Hon. Charles Earl of, Ashby Castle Nethercoat John, Clipstone, Esq. Orton Thomas, Welford, Surgeon Orton John, Welford, Surgeon Otway Henry, Stanford, l! sq. Oshorn John, Long- Buckby, Gent. Philips Thomas Congrave, Badby, Gent Payne Thomas, Watford, Gent. Pell John, Watford, Gent. Pell Samuel, Catesby, Gent. Pell Walton, Clipstonc, Grazier Pelt Samuel, Mears- Ashby, Gent. Powys the Hon. and Rev. Frederick, . Al'dwirickle, Clerk Powys the Hon. and Rev. Littleton, Titchmarsh, Clerk Pilkington Robert, Weedon- Beck, Esq. Prinset C. R. Gayton, Esq. Portington Rev. Henry, Little- Billing, Clerk Pell Jonathan, Moulton- Lodge, Gent. Rokeby Rev. Langham, Arthingworth, Clerk Robinson Rev. Ijaac, Culworth, Clerk Robinson Thomas, a Member of Queen's College, Oxford, Esq. Aug. 9d. 14th. 27th. 28th. 29th. 30th. , 1st. 2d. 5th. 9th. 12th. 16th. 19th. 23d. 25th. 26th. 27 th. 28th. 29th. 30th. Sept. 1st. 3d. Aug. 16th. 26 th. 27th. 30th. 27th. 30th. July 17 th. 24th. Aug. 2d. 5th. 13th. 23d. 25th. Rose John Capel, Cransley, Esq. Russell John, Bugb. rook, Esq. Robinson Rev. William, Grafton- Under- woixl, Clerk Roper William, Pottersputy, Gent. Rushin Thomas, Cold- Ashby, Gent. Robinson James,. Thrapston, Esq. Rodick Archibald, Wellingborough, Gent. Rodick Rev. John Tole, Wellingborough, Clerk Russell William, Dodford, Yeoman Robinson Thomas, Denton- Lodge, Gent. Robinson George, Cranford, Esq. Sam well Thomas Sam well Watson, Upton, Esq. Scriven Edward, Harpole, Gent. Sheldon John, Walgiave, Gent. Strickland Walter, Urixworth, Esq. Slmrman Samuel, Hardwick, Gent. Stratford Francis Paul, Thorpe- Luben- ham, Esq. Sapcote Samuel, Hannington, Gent. Sheppard Richard, Stoke'- Bruern, Gent. Stockdale Rev. William, Walgrave, Clerk Sibley William, Harrington, Gent. Southwell John, Warmington, Gent. Smith John. Oundle, Gent. Smith William, Collyweston, Cent. Stopford the Hon. and Rev. Richard Bruce, Barton- Seagrave, Clerk Smith Thomas, lrthlingborough, Brewer Sawbridge Henry Barne, East- Haddon, Esq. Sparke Thomas, Higham- Ferrers, Esq. Satterthwaite Rev. William, Doddington, Clerk Sibley John, Haslcbeech, Cent. Smith Thomas, Islip, Merchant Stanley William, Cottingham, Gent. Scriven Thomas, Castle- Ashby, Esq. Sutton William Henry, Northampton, Gent. Sanderson Rev. William, Little- Adding- ton, Clerk Sanderson Thomas, Little - Addington, Gent. Shaw John, Northampton, Gent. Sharman Samuel, Wellingborough, Gent. Smith Rev. Thomas, Claycoton, Clerk Scholey Godfrey, Canons- Ashbv, Esq. Spencer the Right Hon. George John Earl, Althorp' Smith Thomas, Weedon- Beck, Gent. Salisbury Ambrose, Nortoft, Farmer Spencer William, Kingsutton, Gent. Slater Rev. Thomas, Wilby, Clerk Stevens Richard, Rushden, Gent. Smyth William Tyler, Northampton, Gent. Smith Charles, Weedon- Beck, Ge> n. Standen Nathaniel, Little- Billing, Yeo- man Thomas George, Brackley, Gent. Tibbits Richard, Flecknoe, in the County of Warwick, Grazier Tibbits James, Braunston, Grazier Tibbits Charles, Barton- Seagrave, Esq. Taylor Thomas, Thorpe - Mandeville, Farmer Tryon Thomas, Buhvick, Esq. Towers Thomas, Lutterworth, Surgeon Thornton Rev. Robert, Cold- Ashbv, Cl. « Thursoy John Harvey, Abington, Esq. Upston William, Culworth, Farmer Underwood Thomas, Nortoft, in the Parish of Guilsborough, Farmer Vane Robert Morgan, Suuborough, Esq. Williamson James, Wellingborough, Gent. Westmorland the Right Hon. John Earl of, Apethorpe Whalley Rev. Thomas, Ecton, Clerk Whitton John, Sulgrave, Gent. Whitton John, Greensnorton, Farmer West Charles, Dallington, Gent. Wright Rev. John, Great- Billing, Clerk Warde John, Boughton, Esq. les, the Younger, Boughton, WARWICK, 35th Aug. 1806. " VTOTICE is hereby given, That rhe next Mcet- _ L\ ing of the Trustees for repairing and widening the Road from the great Bridge, in the Borough of Warwick, through Sbutham and Daventry, to the Town of Northampton, will be held at the GRIFFIN INN, in SOUTHAM, on THURSDAY the 25th Day of SEPTEMBER next ; when and where a Surveyor will be appointed for that Part of the said Road between Southam and Daventry, and new Trustee:', will be nominated in the Room and Stead of such as are dead or have refused to act. JOHN TOMES, Clerk to the Trustees. ~ MOltR CAPITAL PHIZES, And Five Thousand less Tickets than last State- Lottery " J" HE FIRST- DRAWN' TICKET ENTITLED TO TEN THOUSAND POUNDS; All other Capital Prizes are afloat. PURCHASERS of Tickets and Shares will have the Opportunity of obtaining all the Capital Prizes, provided they purchase before the Drawing commences, which will be on the 13th ot OCTOBER next.— The Scheme contains equal Advantages of TWENTY THOUSAND POUND PRIZES, TEN THOUSAND POUND PRIZES, FIVE THOUSAND POUND PRIZES, & e. & c. To former Lotteries ot double the Number of Tickets. 20,000 Tickets only, nnd No other State- Lottery to b^ drawn this Year. SCHEME. No. of Prizes. Valueofeach. Total Value 3 3 3 5 8 20 40 4,100 20,000 Tickets. j£. 20,000 10,000 5,000 1,000 500 100 50 20 £. 60,000 30,000 15,000 5,000 4,>) 00 2,000 2,000 82,000 =£. 200,000 26th. SOth. , 2d. 30th. Sept. 1st. Aug. 23d. 29th. Sept. 3d. Aug. 19th. 20th. SOth. 26th. 28th. 29th. 30th. Sept. 3d. July 28^ 1. Warde Ch Esq. Wills George, Upper- Boddington, Gent. Wartnaby John, Hothorpe, Gent. Woodyeare John, Crookhill, Yorkshire, Esq. Ward John, the Younger, Husbands- Bos- worth, Leicestershire, Grazier Williams Rev. Richard, Northampton, Clerk Wade Thomas, Clipstone, Esq. Wood Thomas, Brixworth, Gent. Whitmell William, Yelvertoft, Gent. Wills Robert, Yelvertoft, Gent. Wright Rev. William, Cotterstock, Clerk Wallis John, Irthlingborough, Farmer Whitton Corbett, Sulgrave, Farmer Walcot William, Oundle, Esq. Weston Robert, Stutchbury, Yeoman Weston John, Brackley, Esq. White Rev. Samson, Maidford, Clerk Warner Charles, Rushden, Gent. White William, Thrapston, Gent. Webster Daniel, Deene Park, Gent. Welch Rev. Thomas, Pattishall, Clerk Worley George, Sywell, Gent. Watts Rev. John, Northampton, Clerk Wooding Robert, Handley, in the Parish of Towcester, Gent. Wills William, Long- Buckby, Gent. Wake Sir William, Courteenhall, Bart. Wright Rev. Edward Collins, Boughton, Clerk Worley George, Byfield, Gent. Whitlark George, l. oddington, Gent. Wilson Samuel, M o ret on- P i nc k ney, G en t. Wilson Daniel, the Younger, Moreton- Pinckney, Gent. Wakefield Joseph, Potcote, in the Parish of' Cold- Higham, Gent. Wise Richard, Overthorpe, in the Parish of Miodleten- Cheney, Yeoman Y'oung Allen Edward, Orlingbury, Esq. Yorke William, Brigstock, Gent. Yates Charles, Brackley, Gent. Yates John, Bracklev, Esq. C11R. SMYTH, Clerk of the Peace. lit/ Order of His Majesty's Commissioners for managing the Stamp Duties, C. E. BERE5FORD, Secretary. 27th. 23th. 29th. 30th. Sept. 1st. 3d. Aug. 16th. 36th. Sept. 1st. TICKETS and SHARES Are cn . Sale at EVERY LOTTERY - OFFICE. Ticket 15s. Half ^. 10 0 0 1 Eighth £. 1 11 6 Quarter 5 2 0 | Sixteenth 1 6 0 I) UEUMA'ilSMS, Palsies, andlS^~ Affec- J. lotions, with their usual Concomitants, Spasm, or Hying I'ains, Flatulency, Indigestion, and general Debility ( originating in whatever Source), are relieved and frequently cured by Whitehead's Essence of Mustard Pills, after every other Means have failed. The Fluid Essence of Mustard ( used with the Pills, in those Complaints where necessary) is perhaps the most active, penetrating, and effectual Remedy in the World, generally curing the severest SPRAINS and BRUISES, in less than Half the Time usually taken by any other Liniment or Embrocation; and if used immediately after any Accident, it prevents the Part turning black. Prepared only, and sold by R. Johnston, Apo- thccarv, No. 1* 5, Greek- Street, Soho, London; at 2s. 9d". each Box or Bottle. They are also sold by every Medicine Vender in the United Kingdom. (£ 3" The Genuine has a bfack Ink Stamp, with the Name of R. Johnston inserted on it. ANTI- IMPET1GIN ES. PERSONS who have unfortunately made Use of that dangerou; Mineral Mercury, would do well to weigh the Consequences before it is too late, and resort to those iledicines of established Celebrity and Character for a permanent and radical Cure, arid thereby establish their Health upon the most firm and lasting Foundation. The AN ri- 1 MPF. TICI NF. S, or SOLOMON'S DROPS, prove of the highest Utility in all Cases of depraved Habit, with Affections of the Skin: Hence its Ef- ficacy in Cases of Scurvy, Scrofula, or Leprosy, as well as in the confirmed Lues; and hence, by its sanative Power, it expels the Virus out of the System, and restores it to Convalescence. In Scorbutic Com- plaints, Lues, & c. Mercury, Antimony, and Aqua- fortis have been recommended and tried, but they reduce Patients who have made Use ot them to the most deplorable State, and have left Complaints which the Skill and Abilities of the first Physicians have been unable to cope with. These Disorders fly before the Effects ot the Anti- Impetigines, prepared by l) r.' Solomon, Gilead - House, near Liverpool, which restores the afflicted Patient in the most gentle" Manner, even when Salivation has failed, and ieaves the whole Frame firm and healthful. The numerous and respectable Signatures which have appeared in our Paper from Time to Time, will speak more than any Encomiums we can bestow upon it. Sold in 10s. 6d. and 33s. Bottles ; the latter contain four of the former, by which the Purchaser saves 9s. Every genuine Bottle has a Stamp, which bears the Proprietor's Name and Address, " Saml, Solomon, Liverpool," to imitate which is Felony. The Postage of all Letters to the Doctor must be paid, and 10s. 6d. as a Fee, inclosed for Advice. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by the Printers of this Paper; also, Retail, by Marshall, and Edge, North- ampton; Collis & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Dawson, and Harrod, Harhorough; Marriott, Banbury ; Inns, and Gallard, Towcester; Seeley, Buckingham; Richardson, Stony - Stratford ; Ed{; e, and Mather, Wellingborough; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry ; Okely, and Palgrave, Bedford; Fox, St. Neots i Barringer, and Inwood, Newport- Pagnell; Swinfen, Leicester; b> the Printers of the Country News- papers ; and by all the reputable Medicine Venders, Booksellers, tec. in every principal Town in England, Ireland, Scotland, and America, who will deliver Pamphlets gratis, with a Variety of authentic Docu- ments noted therein. STATE- LOTTERY for 1806, To begin Draining Vith OCTOBER next. rpICKETS and SHARES for the above Lottery I are on Sale at HAZARD, BURNE, & Co.' s OFFICE, No. 93, ROVAL- EXCHANGE, LONDON. The Lottery consists uf only 20,000 Tickets, and the Scheme contains three Prizes of a?. 20,000, three Prizes of ,£. 10,000, three Prizes of .£. 5,000, Sec. tec. QCS" In the late May Lotterv, No. 17,086 a Prize of 20,000, and No. 2, i! 40 a Prize of =£. 5,000, were both sold in Shares by HAZARD, BORNE, & Co. Tickets and Shares for the above Office are also on Sale at Mr. J. ABEL's, NORTHAMPTON. DUNCHURC1I~ TURN PIKE- ROAD. NOTICE is hereby given, That the first Meeting of the Trustees appointed for putting into exe- cution the Act of Parliament lately passed tor more effectually repairing the Road from Dtinchurch to Hillmorton, in the County of Warwick, and . from thence to Saint James's End, in the Parish of Duston, in the County of Northampton, will be holden, pur- suant to the Directions of the said Act, at the House called the FOX- AND- HOUNDS, ill HARLESTON, oa FRIDAY the nvurtH Day of SEPTEMBER next, at Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon. Bv Older of the Trustees, WM. TR. SMYTH, Clerk. August 30lb, 1806. ' To Mr. SP1LS13URY. SIR, . Marlon:, Aug. 12, 1806. rJ^ llE Writer, in June last, called on you with a i. young Woman, of the Name of Brookes, who had a bad l. eg, and to whom you gave a Pint of your Drops, which has nearly ellected a Cure. The following Case has also occurred in this Neigh- bourhood :— James Gybson was inoculated at ten Years of Age; Half a Year afterwards he was seized with Pain in both Legs, supposed for some Time to be Rheumatism, or growing Pains, hut it settled finally in one Leg, which swelled, and rendered him inca- pable of walking. He had in four Years, eleven or twelve Ulcers, and thirteen Pieces of Bone were taken out. His Health was impaired, and he was constantly carried about. A charitable Lady saw him in this State, and asked his Mother if she would object to his trying SPILSOURV'S 1' ATE. NT ANTISCORHUTIC DROPS, as she had seen their Efficacy in several In- stances. On her assenting, she supplied him with them, and allowed him Meat and such Nourishment as is recommended with them. He took fifteen Bot- tles, which entirely cured him. It is now three Years since, and he has had no Return of his Com- plaint, but is grown tall, healthy, and works con- stantly as a Bricklayer. The Bearer is also recommended as a deserving Ob- ject for ;, ur excellent Institution, being a Servant, withotit Parents. She has been put to much Expence, and can find no Relief. She lives thirty- two Miles from London, and it has been thought best to send her to Town that you may see her. The genuine Medicine, in Bottles of 5s. 6d. 10s. and £. 1 2s. Duty included, is sold at the Dispensary, No. 15, Soho- Square, London.— To prevent Counter- feits, each Bottle is accompanied with a black Ink Stamp. ( J^- Sold also by the Printers of this Paper; Mr. Okely, Bedford; Mather, Wellingborough; Collis Sc Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Robins, and Wil- kinson, Daventry ; Corral!, Lutterworth ; and by most Venders of Patent Medicines in Town and Country. To THOMAS For Ej) cs. all Disorders in the THE GENUINE Dr. JOHNSON'S GOLDEN OINTMENT, Prepared by WILLIAM SINGLETON, No. 2, UNION- PLACE, LAMBETH, Surrey. ^ J^ HIS Ointment is an effectual Remedy in Tn- J- fhmmations, Firms, Specks, or any mher Dis- order incident to the Eyes; having completely effected some Thousands of Cures when all other Means have failed. ACT Purchasers are requested to see that the Bill of Direction given them with this Article, has got the Proprietor's Name as is underwritten: All not so signed are Counterfeits. This Ointment? „, „ £••,„.„, SNo. 2, Union- Place, preparedbyme, rVin- S" lglet0n'? Lambeth. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Messrs. Dicey & Sutton, Bow Church- Yard, and at their Warehouse in Northampton; and, Retail, by Robins, Da- ventry; Inns, and Gallard, Towcester; Harrod, Harborough ; Inwood, and Barringer, Newport- Pagnell; Mather, Wellingborough; Collis Sc Dash, Kettering; and bv all other Venders of Medicines in the Kingdom; Price Is. 9d. per Pot, with full Directions. For a certain Disorder and all Scorbutic Complaints. DR. FREEMAN'S GUTTA SAJ. UTARIS is by far the most safe and . effectual Remedy ever yet discovered for the Cure of that dangerous Disease. Persons unhappily afflicted with a certain Complaint in all its Stages, and under its various Appearances, will find a secure and present Relief by taking these most invaluable Drops; which, for their Excellency during thirty Years' Practice in the most populous Part of London, viz. Ilatton- Garden, have been termed Gutta Sslutaris. The Secrecv with which most Persons so afflicted find it needful to conceal their Sufferings, may be safely employed while using these Drops; since they render Confinement unnecessary, as well as all mer- curial Preparations, or any surgical Operation whatever. By Appointment of Dr. Freeman they are sold by R. Butler, No. 4, Cheapside, Corner of Paternoster- Row ; Edge, Northampton; and by most Venders of Medicines; in Bottles, at 2s. 9d. each, with ample Directions. LOR, Esq. No. 9, New Bridge- Si R, Street, London. IConsider it but an Act of Justice due to the Merits of your LEAKE's PATF. N'l PILLS, to communicate to you the following Cure, which has recently been performed by them:— -\ n Acquaintance of mine, who, bv the breaking out of an old Venereal Complaint attended by a Complication of Disorders arising therefrom), was reduced almost to a Skeleton, and although he had the best Medical Advice which could be obtained, and tried a Variety of Patent Me- dicines, Nothing could be procured which seemed to suit his Case, or to do him any Service: He remained in a most reduced and pitiable Situation for two Years, unable to follow his Profession, and scarcely able to walk or even to stand on his Legs; in Fact, no one who knew him ever supposed it possible for him to recover. He was advised at last to try your LEAKE'S PILLS ; he did so, adhering strictly to the Directions given with them; he had' not taken more than two Boxes before he found an Alteration for the better; this encouraged him to proceed, and by taking- a few Boxes more he found his Appetite and Strength gra- dually return, and is now as healthy and stout as any Man I know. You are welcome, Sir, to refer any Person to me for a Confirmation of the above Account if it should be doubted. I am, Sir, your obedient humble Servant, THOS. PURDAY. Library, Folkstotte, July 10, 1805. Prepared and sold by the sole Proprietor, THOMAS TAYLOR, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, in London, at his House, No. 9, New Bridge- Street; where, after a constant Residence of more than forty Years, in a Practice particularly directed to the Cure of Venereal Complaints, and those inci- dental to the Parts of Generation in both Sexes, with that inviolable Secrecy which Men of his Profession should always observe, he flatters himself the Advice and Assistance he gratuitously administers to Persons taking this Medicine, will be esteemed, by a discern- ing Public, as an Advantage seldom to be obtained, and void of Ambiguity. • They are also sold, by his Appointment, for the Convenience of those living at a Distance, by the Printers of this Paper, and Mr. Marshall, Druggist, Northampton; Inns, and Gallard, Towcester; Robins, & Wilkinson, Daventry ; Sliarpe, Warwick ; Rollason, Coventry ; Gregory, Leicester; Harrod, Harborough; Seeley, Buckingham; Loggin, Ayles- bury; Knight, Collis & Dash, and Munn, Ket- tering; Mather, Wellingborough; Marriott, Banbury; Tookey, Oundle; Palgrave, Bedford; Atkinson, Manchester; and by one Person in every considerable Town in Great- Britain and Ireland, in Boxes of only 2s. 9d. each, sealed up with full and plain Directions, whereby Persons of either Sex may cure themselves with Ease, Speed, Secrecv, and Safety. ifT Every B. JX sold in Oreat- Brita'in is sealed up with a Stamp, on which, by Favour ot the Commis- sioners, is printed, at the Stamp- OIFice— T. Taylor, No. 9, New Bridge- Street— to imitate which is Fefony, and all ethers are counterfeit. The CORDIAL BALM op GII. EAD is a restorativt unequalled— a bracer of the whole animal functions. This remedy— this Balm is now in thehighest Repute; it is resorted to by the first nobility and gentry in the united kingdom. Every day adds more encomiums to the virtues of this exalted medicine than can possibly be published ; yet those cases which from time to time have appeared in the public prints are so convincing, well attested, and extraordinary in their nature, that, that person must be void of - belief indeed who doej not attach credit to them. BANKRUPTS required to SURRENDER. Richard Barlow, jun. of Sheepshead, Leicestershire, hosier, Sept. 5, 6, and Oct. 11, at the Kedleston inn, Derby. Attorney, Mr. Wolley, Matlock, Derby- shire. Thomas Paterson, of Nicholas- lane, London, un- derwriter and insurance- broker, Sept. 2, 13, and Oct, 11, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Wilson, Staples- Inn. John Ferrys, of Bathwick, Somersetshire, tailor and grocer, Sept. 2, 15, and Oct. 11, at theBunchof Grapes Tavern, Bath. Attorney, Mr. Shephard, Bath. John Barns, of Truro, Cornwall, mercer, and linen and woollen. draper, Sept. 15, 16, and Oct. 11, at the Globe Tavern, Exeter. Attorney, Mr. Jones, Exeter. Oliver Holden, of Clithero, Lancashire, calico- manufacturer, Sept. 15, 16, and Oct. 11, at tlie Spread- Eagle inn, Manchester. Attorney, Mr. Hewitt, Manchester. Joseph Elkan Daniels, otherwise Joseph Elkin Daniels, of Coleman- street, London, merchant, Sept. 6, 13, and Oct. 11, at Guildhall. Attornies, Messrs. Catty & Haddon, Angel- court, Throgmorton- street. William Price, of Leadenhall- street, London, tailor and man's mercer, Sept. 16, 23, and Oct. 11, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Davies, Lothbury. David Roberts, of Trump- street, warehouseman, Sept. 4, 13, and Oct. 14, at Guildhall, London. Attorney,* Mr. Drake, Old Fish- street, Doctors'- Commons. John Callaham, of Pavement, Moorfields, merchant, Sept. 16, 20, and Oct. 14, at Guildhall, London. Attorney, Mr. Warrand, Castle- court, Budge- row. James Smith, of Manchester, plaisterer, Sept. 29, 30, and Oct. 14, at the Bridgewater- Arms inn, Man- chester. Attorney, Mr. Partington, Manchester. George Hunt, ot Stalbridge, Dorsetshire, linen- draper, Sept. 11,12, and Oct. 14, at the King's- Arms inn, Sherborne. Attorney, Mr. Score, Sherborne. John Simpson, of Fairford, Gloucestershire, car- rier, Sept. 6, 11, and Oct. 14, at the Crown. and- Thistle inn, Abingdon. Attorney, Mr. Morland, Abingdon. William Williams, of Falmouth, grocer, Sept. 26, 27, and Oct. 14, at Mr. James Wynn's, innkeeper, Falmouth. Attorney, Mr. Tippet, Falmouth. Giles Gimber, of Sandwich, linen- draper, Sept. 5, Oct. 3, and 14, at the Guildhall, Canterbury. At- torney, Mr. Lee, Sandwich. DI VIDENDS to he wade to Creditors. Sept. 27. John Sprigg, of Birmingham, linen- draper, at the White- Hart inn, Burton- upon- Trent. Oct. IS. Charles Greatrex, of Sutton- Coldfield, Warwickshire, broker and auctioneer, at Guildhall, London. MARKETS.— London, Sept. 1. Our market was again sparingly supplied with Wheat this morning, but which circumstance did not tend to enhance prices beyond those of last Monday.— Fine Hour, however, has risen to 75s. per sack! The other article* of Grain have advanced generally. — Barley and Malt are both dearer, having very short supplies.— White Peas, likewise ( there being raw on sale), and Beans, of both sorts, are all of them higher.— In the Oat trade we have not many fresh arrivals, the sales of which are without any material alteration. Wheat.. 56s. to 66s. 76s. Fine Do. — s. to 78s. S'is. Rye . -- 36s. to 43s. Od. Barley.. 36s. to 42s. Od. Malt- r-.. 68s. to 75s. Od. PRICE of FLOUR.- Oats 22s. to27s. 31s. HorseBeans'Ms. to 50s. Od. Tick Ditto 36s. to 42s. Od. White Peas 45s. to 60s. Od. Grey Ditto 38s. to 42s. Od. Fine 70s. to 75s. Od. HOPS, per Pocket.— Kent, 41. 10s. to 51. 12s.— Sussex, 41. 10s. to 51. Os.— larnham, 61. 0s. to SMITHFIF. LD, Sept.' 1. To sink the offal. Os Beef, 4s. Od. to5s. Od. Wether Mutton, 4s 4d to 5s. Od. Veal, 4s. 6d. to 5s. 4d. Pork, 5s. 4d. to 6s. 4d. Lamb, 4s. 8d. to 5s. 8d. Sold this day. Beasts, 1800— Sheep and Lambs, 16,0( 10. NEWOA'TE and I. EADENH A I. L, Sept. 1. By the carcase. Beef, 3s. 4d. to4s. 4d. Mutton, 4s. Od. to 4s. 6.1. Veal, 4s. Od. to 5s. Od. Pork, 5s. 4d. to 6s. 4d. Lamb, 4s. 4d. to 5s. 4d. TALLOW.— Town, 64s. 6d. White Russia,— s. Od. to 63s. Od. ( Soap), — s. Od. to61s. Od. Melting Stuff, — s. to 53s. l) d. Ditto rough, — s. to 36s. Good Dregs, 10s. 0d: Graves, Us. Od. LEATHER, per lb. Butts, 50 to 551b. 22d. to 23d. Ditto, 60 to 651b. 27d. to 28d. Merchants' iiacks, 214d. to 22d. Dressing Hides, 18£ d. to 19d. Fine Coach- Hides, 19Jd. to21d. Crop Hides for cutting, 21id. to 24d. Flat ord; nary, 18Jd. to 19£ d. Calf Skins, 30 to 401b. per doz. 30d. to 40d. Ditto, 50 to 701b. per doz. 36d. to 42d. Ditto, 70 to 801b. 35d. to 38d. Small Seals, per lb. S9d. to 42d. l. atge Ditto, per doz. 100s. to 160s. Goat Skins, — s. to — s. pet doz. Tanned Horse- Hides, 20s. to 36s. p. r Hide. NORTHAMPTON: Printed and Published by and for T. DICEY and JY. SUTTON.
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