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The Northampton Mercury


Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton 
Volume Number: LXXXVI    Issue Number: 24
No Pages: 4
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The Northampton Mercury
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The Northampton Mercury

Date of Article: 16/08/1806
Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton 
Address: Northampton
Volume Number: LXXXVI    Issue Number: 24
No Pages: 4
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error?. Vol. LXXXVL No. 24. f Ready Money is expected ) \ with Advertisements. S SATURDAY, August 16, 1806. < C PRICE SIXPENCE, \ Stamp- Doty • • - X t i. a^ of and r. iper and Print • • 2£ d. Sunday and Tuesday's Posts. I. ON DON, August 112. SATURDAY'S Gazette contains dispatches from Earl St. Vincent, giving an account of the capture of La Rhin, a very line French frigate, of 44 guns and 318 men, by the Mars, C'apt. Oliver. All the Hamburgh Mails which were due have been received, witji Paris papers to the 5th, and Dutch to the Oth instant.— The new German Con- stitution i- expected to be promulgated by the first of next month. The French troops, in the mean time, instead of leaving Germany, are only occti- pvin j those positions which will best finable them to overawe any of the Powers who may be sup- p. : ed disinclined to this great innovation. The conduct which will be observed by the Head of the Empire is the principal object of speculation ; though it may be easily seen, that, with whatever reluctance, tic must submit. ' 1 here are found in those Journals some vagne and uncertain intimations concerning the terms of the treaty between Russia and France. A state- ment even of these terms is given in a Hamburgh paper, but evidently incorrect. It is generally understood that Russia has entirely abandoned the King of Naples, and indeed concurred in most of the views of B. mapartc. The magnitude of his concessions, it is said, was the cause of the instructions which were sent after Lord Lauder- dale and has occasioned some fresh difficulties in the negotiation. Of this, however, nothing can be certainly known. Oil the other hand, i. t is stated in one of the Dutch papers, that Lord Yar- mouth attended at all the conferences at Paris with M. D'Oubril, and that England consented to the terms. It was formerly stated, that Bonaparte had de- manded from the King ef Spain the cession of four rich Spanish provinces. It is now added, upon the authority of a letter received with the last Lisbon mail, by a neutral agent in this country, that such a demand was actually made by Bona- parte's ambassador at Madrid, on the 18th of last June. An indemnity for these provinces was offered in the kingdom of Portugal. This acquisition is to be cnlied a Gi « r: d Duchy, and to form, on the o. hersider: the Pyrenees, one of the new federal Sta'cs >-: th which the Usurper intends to encompass France, for. the preservation of the Bonaparte dynasty. Jerome Bonaparte is reported to be the person on whom Napoleon intends to bestow this Xrans- Pyrenean revolutionary Sovereignty. Respecting the French squadron in the West Indies, under the command of Jerome Bonaparte, we have the pleasure to announce, that Admiral Cochrane vas in sight of the enemy on' the 4lJi of July. At that time the French squadron, con- sisting of six- sail of the line and one fiigate, was off the island of St. Thomas, standing to the westward, under easy sail. Sir A. Cochrane had with bun four sail of the line, and, we believe, two or three frigates. lie would, no doubt, seize any opportunity that occurred to attack the enemy, anil the French Commander seemed aware of this intention, for lie kept his squadron in as compact an order as possible, apprehensive that some part of it misfit be cut off. The enemy, we understand, shewed no disposition to court an engagement, but seemed to place himself entirely upon the de- fensive. The first expedition, supposed to be destined for the Cape of Good- Hope, has at length sailed from St. Helens, binder convoy or the Resistance frigate, and fie Prdvoyante store- ship.— The second expedition, intended for the Mediterranean, is not yet complete, owing, as reported, to the want of transports The troops that embarked at Ramsgate remain in the Downs. Advices have been received at Barbadoes, of Miranda having readied Trinidad, where he had been very successful in recruiting his force.— An embargo was laid upofi all vessels at Trinidad im- mediately after his arrival. Another American seaman has lieen killed b'y a shot fired from one of onr vessels, to bring his ship to. liis name was G. Philips, belonging to the John Jav, Captain Pearce. The John Jay sailed from Canton on the 22d of February, and in parsing the Blenheim, of 71 guns, which, with the Ilo-. ve frigate, was waiting for the China fleet, was ordered to bring to, and the Blenheim and Howe's boats were sent off to board her; neglecting, how- ever, to obey the summons, one of the boats fired at her, and hit the deceased. Reduction of the National Debt,— An account, shewing what has been redeemed of the National Debt, the Land-' l'ax, and Imperial Loan, t<* the 1st of August, 1806:— Redeemed bv Annual Million, & c. ... =£. 60,597,325 T>: ttnb\ £ 1 per Cent, per Ann. on Loans 50,142,462 ri. no bv !.; i. id- Tax ... 22,628,569 Ditto bv £ 1 p- r Cent, per Ann. on Im- perial Loan ! 688,389 Total 134,053,745 The sum to be expended in the ensuing quarter is I, 9. i6,490 With the greatest regret we learn, that the Egyptian Opthalmia has spread over tltc whole garrison of Colchester. Prince: r Lewis, of Hesse PhilUpsthaH.— The fol- lowing account of the late brave defender of Gaeta is given in a German paper: — lie is the son of the present Landgrave of I'lesse Phillipsthall, and was born on the 28th of October, 17tiG. He began his military career in the Dutch service, as a Captain in his father's regiment of dragoons. In the com- mencement of the year 1791 he was married to the Baroness Von Trips, a Baroness in her own right. This connection was formed without the knowledge of the parents of either party, the marriage Ceremony having been privately per- formed"' by a Dutch clergyman. Soon after, how- ever, he went to reside with a relative of Ins wife, who lived near Coin. There he spent the autumn of the year 1791, and afterwards entered into the Neapolitan service. Colonel Acton, the brother of the well- known Minister of War, had about the same time married a lady of the family ot Trips. This family connexion, added to the great merit of the Prince, procured him a speedy pro- motion. He was soon appointed Governor ot the fortress of Caserta, and the Princess, his wife, was about the same time placed in a distinguished situation in the service of the Queen of Naples. At the time of the former conquest of Naples by the French, this lady retired to Munich, where she died about a year ago. In the year 1799, the Prince was raised to the rank of Field- Marshal; at the same time lie was appointed Governor of Gaeta, and inspector of all the frontier fortresses of the Neapolitan dominions. In the year 1803 his Nea- politan Majesty conferred ou him the order ot St. Januarius. The furniture of a superb slate bed was lately- worked in Chi tin, and intended as a present to the panish Prince of Peace. The ship. in which it was sent to its illustrious owner having been captured by a British vessel, this magnifi cent piece of furniture was purchased by Mr. Goldsniid, who lias since presented it to the Prince of Wales.— The ground- work is of the most beautiful yellow satin. The counterpane represents the Empress of China seated in state, giving audience to a number of figures, which are most exquisitely de- lineated in the costume of the country.— . Mr. Goldsmid had. been offered for his bargain. The Prince, extremely delighted u'ith so appropriate iv present, has ordered it to be placed in the state bed- chamber of his Chinese Pavilion at Brighton. Trotting against Time.— In consequence of a considerable wager laid by Mr. Freeth, of Walsall, with Mr. Curzon, " that he did not find a horse of mare that could trot 36 miles in three successive hours," Mr. C. fixed upon a mare belonging to Mr. Twist, of Birmingham, which distance she performed with great ease yesterday sennight, in 2 hours, 4^ 0 minutes, and 10 seconds, trotting the last 144 miles in 51 minutes and 20 seconds, carrying 12st. 8lb. As the clock struck five she started, and performed 38 miles in 2 hours, 57 minutes, and 10 seconds, being two miles more than the ground' she was to trot, and had two minutes and fifty seconds to spare before the clock struck eight. Wasps.— As this is the season of the year when these noxious insects generally abound, the following simple remedy has been recommended to remove the effects of their sting, viz. honey, sweet oil, and vinegar, mixed together, to be ap- plied to the part affected.— A mail, some years ago, swallowed a wasp in some beer, the insect . stung his throat, and produced such a violent swelling and inflammation as to threaten immediate suffocation. The application of the above mix- ture afforded immediate relief. The following receipt for keeping flies out'of apartments and stables, and driving them away from horses, was sold, in a sealed cover, at the Leipsic Michaelmas fair, at a high price, and had a very extensive sale:— Put into an'earthen pot half a pound of cantharides, an ounce and a half of gourd seed ; mother- wort, sas- safras, root of the St. John's wort, and spirit of ants, of each half an ounce ; a quarter of an ounce ot orpi- ment, a good handful of savin, the whole cut small or reduced to powder; close the pot hermetically, luting the interstices of the lid with flour- paste. After the contents of the pot have boiled sufficiently, take if from the fire, and let it. stand 24 hours in a cool place; then uncover the pot, and with a feather smear the windows and doors, both of" apartments and stables, from which you are desirous of keeping the flies, A single coat is sufficient for the whole season; but if the rain should chance to take it off, care must be taken to renew it. The smell of this preparation, which is scarcely perceptible to man, is so insupport- able to flies, that there is not a single instance of one having entered by an open window or door to which this liquid has been applied. To keep them away from horses, it is sufficient to besmear the harness, the girth, or the saddle, with this liquid. At a meeting of the Commissioners of the Pro- perty Tax, held at Leeds Rotation- Office, on Sa- turday se'nnight, a person in the neighbourhood was fined in treble the amount of the duty on the interest of 700, in consequence of his having refused to make the mortgager any allowance, agreeable to the Act. COURT OF CHANCERY, August 2.— T. x- parte, THE RUGBY CHARITY- SCHOOL.— This was an application, by petition, by Lords Wentworth and Craven, and o'her noblemen and gentlemen, the Trustees of the Free Grammar- School, at Rugby, in the county of Warwick, praying his Lordship to direct the Master of the Court to inspect certain plans for the conduct of the establishment. On the 2d of August, in the last year, a motion of a similar nature with the present was made by the same persotts to Lord Eldon, the late Chancellor, petitioning his Lordship to direct ihe expenditure of .£. 10,000, the residue of the sum of =£. 45,000, raised on account of this charity, and produced by the sale of lands in the county of Mid- dlesex. The Bill on that occasion set forth the Act of Parliament under which they were sold, and di- rected the Trustees to make application to the Court of Chancery, as to the mode in which the produce was to be employed. The whole of this affair was then referred to the Master, who, after minute exa- mination of different schemes, adopted one of them for the application of the money.— Since that period, the fund not being so applied, another motion was made, and the same result was obtained. A similar inducoment for the petition operated now, and the Trustees requested, that tile Master, besides consi- dering a proper plan for the employment of the fund, would likewise represent to the Court the most eligible mode of expenditure for the sum of i'. 1200 per ann. for the benefit of this charitable institution. The Solicitor- General, who made this application, observed, that, from the great respectability of these Trustees, and the motives which induced them to apply to the Court, be was sure there could be no objection to the prayer of their petition. The Lord- Chancellor observed, that this was not only one of the largest of the great schools of England, but one of the most useful and meritorious ; he could have 110 objection, therefore, to grant the application. Eleanor Whitford was tried at the Surrey assizes, on Saturday, for marrying P. J. James, Esq. a gentleman residing in St. George's- fields, aged 80, her first husband, John Whitford, being still living. — 1). Lang, the famous rivetter at Gretna- Green, having taken the Scotch oath, stated that he was a tobacconist at Gretna, and had been long- in the habit of marrying persons who came to him. » ) n the 20th of November', 1801, lie married the lad)\ at the bar and Mr. Whitford, according to his practice. lie was asked many questions by the Lord Chief Baron. He said lie had no written form of marriage ceremony, nor kept any books. There were no subscribing witnesses to the mar-, riage in question. The only names written on titf. paper were David Lang, John Whitford, and^ Eli- zabeth Howard.— Serjeant Onslow, for the de- fendant, contended, that this was not such evi- dence of a marriage as the Court could receive.— The Lord Chief Baron held, that this was not proved to have been a legal one ; and therefore in a criminal case, no evidence could be received of a second marriage. The lady was therefore acquitted.— The decision in no way affects the question as to the legality or . illegality of Gretna- Green marriages. Youthful Depravity.— Two boys, scarcely four- teen years of age each, were apprehended on Saturday se'nnight, charged with attempting to set fire to a cotton manufactory, at Manchester. Oil thei 10th ult. as Henry Neale, shepherd to Mr. Daniel Gash, of Upwell," Cambridgeshire, Was attending his master's business at the sheep- washing pit, a sheep he was engaged with rolled against one Stafford, a labourer belonging to the said Mr. Gash, by which accident Stafford slipped into the pool, somewhat above knee deep. He jumped out, and with threats saying, " I will cramp you for this either one way or another," passed some short distance, and taking a scrubber used in the washing, pursued and forcibly struck the said Neale, who instantly fell to rise no more.— We wish we had not occasion so frequently to warn our readers against the greatest of all evils at- tendant on tho human raca— Passion. . ROSE - AND - CROWN INN, TRING, HERTFORDSHIRE. C-; EORGE CLAYD< > N returns his most grateful Thanks to the Nobility and Gentry travelling that Road, and also, lo the Gentlemen, Travellers, and the Public in general, for the many Favours he has received from them, and bess Leave to inform them he lias DECLINE I) the PUBLIC BUSIN ESS. DUNCAN BOYD, TTAVING taken and entered upon tho above IB INN, humbly solicits the Patronage of the Public, and the Continuance of the Favours of Mr. CL AYDON'S Friends to his House.; assuring them he will, by his Attention and Accommodation, endeavour to merit them. ( pt He has laid in a fresh Stock of WINES and SPIRITS, of the first Quality, which he will sell, Wholesale and Retail, on the most reasonable Terms.. **'* Good and roomy Stabling tor Horse- Dealers travelling that Road. To DEB FOILS AMI CRI . I >! ! ORS. " VJ'. OTICE is hereby'given, That Mr. JAMES L^ l LOW, of NORT'H- CRAWLEY, in the County ot Bucks, Farmer, bath assigned over all his personal Estate, and Effects to Mr. Juhn Low, of Clopliill, in the County of Bedford, Butcher; and Mr. Win. Nash, of. North- Crawley aforesaid, Maltster, two of his Creditors; in Trust for themselves and such others ot his Creditors who shall execute the Deed of Assignment on or before the 30th Day of August next; and that the same will remain in the Office of Mr. Eagles, Attorney, in Ampthill, Bedfordshire, for their Execution thereof, until that Time.— And Notice is hereby . also given, that all Persons who have any Demands on the said James Low, are re- quired to send an Account ot the same to the said Assignees, or either of them, or to Mr. Eagles; and to whom all Persons who stand indebted to the said James Low, are required to pay their respective Debts forthwith. ' Ampthill, June 30th, 1806. Huntingdonshire. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. LOVELL, On Saturday the 30th Day of August, 1S06, at the Fountain Inn, in the Town of Huntingdon, be- tween the Hours of Four and Five o'Clock in tile Afternoon ( subject to such Conditions of Sale as will be then produced), AVery eligible EST ATE; comprising all that capital Dwelling- House, with the " Orchard, Garden, Dove- House, Barns, Stables, and other Out- buildings' to the same belonging, situate at Fenton, in the said County of Huntingdon, with 401A. 1R. 4P. ( be the same more or less) of rich Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, in the highest State of Cultivation, and well fenced, now in the Occupation of Mr. Robert Hempstead. ( f3r" Further Information may be had of Messrs. MAULE & SWEETING, Huntingdon. %* Printed Particulars may be had at the Crown Inn, St. Ives; Fountain Inn, Huntingdon; and of Mr. I. ovell, at his Office in Huntingdon. Freehold Land and Nursery Stock. To be SOLD by AUG TI O N, By DENNIS & SON, On Tuesday the 2d of September next, at the Swan Inn, Oundle, at Five o'Clock, in four Lots, ABOUT 25 ACRES of FREEHOLD LAND, situate at ELMINGTON, in the Parish of OUNDLE, and now occupied as i Nursery. And on Wednesday and Thursday, the 3d and 4th Days of September, on the Premises, at ELMINGTON, The temaining NURSERY- STOCK of Mr. T. HAYNES, of OUNDLE, a Bankrupt; consisting of Forest and Fruit Trees ( including 800 very strong Cherry Trees), Evergreens, and Shrubs; upwards ® f a Million ot Crab and White- Thorn Quicksets; Po- tatoes, Peas, and Turnip Seed; also, 200 old Cherry Trees, and 91 Ash, Elm, and other Timber Trees; a large 1' antiled Shed, a Market- Cart and Harness, & c. & c. ( f5f* The Stock to be paid for at the Time of Sale, and cleared away by the 14th of February, 1807. BUCKS. Freehold Manor Estate of 116ft Acres, and valuable Church Preferment. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By IV1NSTANLEY & SON, At Garraway's Coffee- House, ' Change- Alley, Com- liill, London, on Tuesday the 30tii of September next, at Twelve o'Clock, in one Lot, AVery eligible and improvable FREEHOLD ESTATE; consisting of the MANOR of H A RDM E AD, extending over the whole Parish, and FOUR valuable DAIRY FARMS, with Farm- Houses and suitable Outbuildings, containing 1159A. 1R. 30P. principally Grazing Land, lying nearly within a Ring Fence, and comprising almost the Whole of the Parish of HARDMEAD, except a small Part, which is in the adjoining Parishes of NORTH - CRAWLEY, CHICHELEY, EMBERTON, and ASTWOOD, in the County of Bucks; about six Miles from Newport- Pagnell, three from Olney, 12 from Northampton, and 56 from London ; in the several Occupations of Messrs. Win. and Thomas Battams, William Clayton, F. B. Old, and T. Brookes, re- spectable Tenants, on Leases, which expire at Lady- Day next, at old Rents, amounting to only One Thousand and Fourteen Pounds per Annum, capable of considerable Improvement ; besides 5A. 3R. 37P. of Wood Land, in Hand. Also, the perpetual ADVOWSON and next PRE- SENTATION to the RECTORY of HARDMEAD, of about the annual Value of £. 200; the present Incumbent is 57 Years of Age. Messrs." WILLIAM anil THOMAS BATTAMS, the Tenants, will shew the Estate. * » " Printed Particulars nny be had at the Swan, at Newport- Pagnell; the Ge « rg-, at Northampton; the Cock, at Stony- Stratford ; th! George, at Woburn; the Crown, at Dunstable; the White- Hart, at St. Albans ; of Messrs. Woodcock Sc Batman, Solicitors, No. 2, Lincoln's- lnn, New- Square at the Place of Sale; and of Messrs. Winstanley k Son, Paternoster- Row, London, where a Plan may He seen. - CAPITAL MANORS AND ESTATES, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. To be S O I. D by AUCTIO N, By Messrs. SKINNER, DYKE, & Co. On Saturday the 18th of October, punctually at Twelve o'Clock, at the Coik Inn, Stony- Stratford, in twenty- seven Lots, AVERY VALUABLE FREEHOLD ESTATE, advantageously situate in the Parishes of Cul- ver ton, Beachampton, Nash, and Wolvcrton, in and contiguous to the Market Town of Stony- Stratford, in the County of Bucks, a short Distance from the Grand Junction Canal, and 50 Miles from London, bounded by the high Mail Road to the principal Manufacturing Towns in the North of England ; com- prising the MANORS of CALVERTON and BEACH, AMPTON, with numerous annual Quit- Rents, Fines at the Will of the Lord, Tolls of the weekly Market and annual Fair at Stony- Stratford, Courts, Royalties, and Immunities, and sundry capital Farms, Lands, Water Corn- Mills, and Tenements, containing about Two Thousand Three Hundred wid Thirty Statute Acres ; the most considerable Part Tythe- free, and capable of great lmprovemen i at present lett to respectable Tenants from Year to Year ( except one Farm on Lease), at Rents amounting to only about Two Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Pounds per Annum. To be viewed, and Particulars had, by applying at the Cock Inn, Stony- Stratford; where a proper Person, well acquainted with the Estate, will attend to shew the same. — Particulars may also be had of Messrs. Dicey & Sutton, Printers, Northampton; Messrs. Swinuey & Co. Printers, Birmingham; Mr. Rollason, Printer, and at theKins's- Head, Coventry; Swan, Newport- Pagnell; George, Woburn; Sugar- Loaf, Dunstable; White- Hart, St. Albans; Red- Lion, Barnet ; of Edmund Estcourt, Esq. Lincoln's- lnn ; at the Place of Sale ; and of Messrs. Skinner, Dyke, and Co. London, where Plans may be seen. JUNE Kith; 1800. f ANDREWS, of MARKET- UAHBOROLXII, *" . begs Leave to inform the Public, that he is now selling off his DRAPERY COODS, without Reserve, five j, r Cent under- prime Cost.— Country Shops may be supplied, at a lower Rate than in the ordinary Course of Trade, with all KII.- ds of Thread, Tape, and Binxling ; and with a Variety of Yard- wide Linen Cloths, at Hd. 12d. 13d. and 14d. per Yard; good Sheeting Cloths, of all Prices; and Ell- wide and Home- made Ditto. ADVANTAGES TO THE TRADE Who may consign their GOODS to this CARRYING CONCERN, from the following Places, namely, Wolverhampton, Shrewsbury, Stourbridge, Dudley, Tipton, Darlaston, West- Bromuich, Walsall, 4<". ON Account of BOATS being sent regularly, twice a Week, from Birmingham to tlie above Places, to bring those Goods ordered bv them, for Tamworth, Fazeley, Atherstone, Nuneaton, Coventry, Hinckley, Leicester, Lutterworth, Harborough, Rugby, Braunston, Daventry, Towcester, Northampton, Wel- lingborough, Thrapston, Cambridge, See. Sec. New- port- Pagnell, Bedford, See. See. Stony- Stratford, Buck- ingham, Aylesbury, Sec. Sec. Fenny. Stratford, Woburn, Dunstable, Hitchin, St. Albans, and all Hertford- shire; also, Leighton- B zzard, ' l'ring, Berkhamstcd, Heniel- Hem- ted, Watford, Uxbridge, Brentford, & c. 83T THOMAS SH ERR ATT leturns Thanks to the Public in general, and in particular to the Gentle- men, Tradesmen, and others, of the above Counties, Cities, Towns, Sec. tor past Favours, and hopes, by Care and Attention, to merit their future Consign- ments; his CARRYING TRADE being carried on for the Benefit of his Creditors, under the Direction ot the Assignees, whose Names are by them under- written. CHARLES NORTON, THOMAS COLEMAN, WILLIAM WH1TMORE. Crescent IVharf, Birmingham, Aug. Id, 1806. Receiving - Houses in London.— The Blossom Inn, Lawrence - Lane, Cheapside; the Ram Inn, Smith- field; Brooks's Wharf, Thame - Street; arid Mr. Nicholson's Wharf, at l'addington. LONDON STAGE BOATS, by Way of the Crand Junction Canal, load DAILY, as usual. COVENTRY STAGE BOATS load every TUESDAY. OXFOJID, BANBURY, and WARWICK SLOW BOATS load every TUESDAY Morning. OXFORD, BANBURY, and WARWICK FLY BOATS load every THURSDAY Morning. WOLVERHAMPTON and SHREWSBURY BOATS load every MONDAY and THURSDAY Morning. *„* GOODS forwarded by these Boats are not un- loaded, and loaded again, between Birmingham and the respective Wharfs on the Canals they are to be landed at, by which Delay and Damage is frequently avoided. N. B. Letters concerning the above Business to be addressed to THOMAS SHERRATT, as usual. A FELON ESCAPED. ESCAPED from the Constable of the Parish of CLOPHILL, Beds, on Wednesday the 6th of August instant, JOHN SUMMER FIELD, of the said Parish, a Labouier in Husbandry, and has been accustomed to Brick- making. ( f5T He is about 30 Years of Age, five Feet ten Inches high, has black Hair, black Eyes, dark Com- plexion, an aquiline Nose, and is rather round- shoul- dered, and looks down very much. He had on a Waistcoat with white Flannel Sleeves, a red under Ditto, a Pair of greasy Leather Breeches, which have been much mended, and light blue Stockings. Whoever will apprehend the said John Summerfield, and deliver him into the Hands of the said Constable, shall receive a Reward of ONE GUINEA, and have all reasonable Charges paid, by me, JAMES MADDAMS, Constable. STOLEN OR STRAYED, IN the Night of the lltli, or early in the Morning of the 12th ot August, 1806, out'ofa Close at the Back of the Town of OUNDLE, in the County of Northampton, A DARK- BAY HORSE, of the Nag Kind, about 15 Hands high, with four black Legs, a black Mane and Tail, and rather full in the Forehead ; the ' Tail docked rather short; foul- Years old last Grass; the Property of the Rev. JOSEPH LODINGTON, of OUNDLF. aforesaid. Whoever can and will give Information of the said Horse, so that he may be had again, if straved, shall receive of the Owner all reasonable Expences ; but ill Case the said Horse was stolen, whoever Will dis- cover the Offender or Offenders, so that he or they may be brought to Justice, shall, on his or their Conviction, be entitled to a Reward of F I V E GUINEAS from the OUNDLE ASSOCIATION ; and to TEN GUINEAS morefrom the said Mr. LODINOTON ; over and above tiie Reward of FORTY POUNDS allowed by Act of Parliament. STOLEN, at the same Time, from the Premises of Mr. JAMES YORKE, near the above Close, a plain WHITE FLANNEL RUG, and a HALTER, with which the said Horse is supposed to be rode away. A: To CHANDLERS TO BE DISPOSED OF, And entered upon immediately, At RUGBY, in the County of Warwick, AN old- established CHANDLERY BUSINESS, with all the requisite Utensils for carrying on the same in an extensive Way.— The Whole, with the Stock in Trade, to be taken at a fair Valuation. ( fj For further Particulars, apply to Air. M. SMITH, Ironmonger, See.; by whom ail APPRENTICE IS WANTED immediately. Rugty, 1th August, 1S06. Prime Building Materials. Near BANBURY, OXFORDSHIRE. To be S O L D by A U C T ION, By Mr. HAIVKES, On the Premises, in Lots, on Wednesday, August 20th, 18i> 6, and following Day, at Eleven, ALL the valuable IVIAI KHLAJLS that now form WARKWORTH CASTLE, to be taken down ny- e nrchasers ; consisting of good Srone and Brick- Work ; Blue Slating ; Lead, in Spouts, Clutters, and Hats; Pavm'g; Marble and Stone Chimney- Pieces; a great Quantity of Oak and lir I. mber; Sashes; clean Deal and Oak Floors; Mahogany and Deal Doors; Wainscoting; two latent Water- Closets- Register and Bath- Stoves; Posts and Chains; and sundry valuable Fixtures. ( p' The Oxford Canal is within one Mile and a Half ot the Premises, from whence Goods may be conveyed, at an easy Expence, to Warwick, Birming- ham, Oxford, and LQndon. ° *** To be viewed two Days previous to the Sale, when Catalogues may be had at the Star- Office, Temple- Bar; at the principal Inn in Banbun , Oxford, Buckingham, Warwick, Coventry, Birmingham, and Northampton; and of Mr. Havvkes, Auctioneer, Reading. To BE SOLD iv PRIVATE CONTRACT, Together or in five Lots, About One Hundred and Twenty Acies of excellent FREEHOLD and TYTHE- FREE LAND, Chiefly Grass, adjoining WARKWORTH CASTLE. One of the Lots '( consisting of about sixty Acres,) includes the Ground on which the Castle stands, with a beautiful sloping Lawn in front, ornamented with Shrub! > eries, Plantations, ai d a fine Sheet of Water. This is allowed to be one of the most delightful Situ- ations in the Kingdom for builuii. g a Residence on: A dry healthy Eminence, the V iews rich and extensive, Water remarkably good, within a Mile and a Half of the capital Market Town of Banbury, and with the Opportunity of purchasing useful Materials upon the Spot.— A House might be erected at a verv moderate Expence. N. B. Mr. PHILIP LAMBERT, at Banbury, will shew the Premises; and further Particulars may be known by applying to Messrs. SHAWES Se I. t LLANC, Solicitors, london; and of Messrs. BICNELL Se WYKHAM, Banbury. To be L E T T, And entered upon immediately, Handsome and convenient Sashed DWELL- ING - HOUSE, situated at Godmanchester, within a Quarter of a Mile of Huntingdon; com- prising a Hall, two Parlours, Butler's Pantry, two other Pantries, two Cellars, five best Bedchambers, and two Attics, for Servants; detached Brewhouse, Barn, Coach - House, and Stable ; a neat Garden, Brick- walled round, containing about one Rood, well planted with'choice Fruit Trees ; and a Close of rich Pasture Ground adjoining, containing about one Acre and a Half, and extending to the navigable River Ouse, which is plentifully stocked with Fish ; with Right of Common upon West Common; late in the Possession of John Hawkins, Esq. deceased. For Particulars, apply to Mr. Fox, Upholder, in Huntingdon. To be" SO LD UCl'ION, By THOMAS MARTIN, On Tuesday the 26th Day of August instant, on the Premises, ANew- built, commodious, and well- established PUBLIC- HOUSE, with suitable Stables and other Outbuildings, called the BISHOP- BLAZE, with about 14 Acres of very rich Meadow and Pasture Land adjoining, situate in NAPTON- UPON- THE- III 1.1., in the County of Warwick, in tlij; Occupation of Charles Taylor. Possession may be had at Michaelmas next, or sooner, if required. The House is situated within a few Yards of the Oxford Canal, and well adapted for a Coal- Master, Timber- Merchant, or Cow- Dealer; and is seven Miles from Daventry, 12 from Banbury, and three from Southam. Also, the HOUSEHOLD . FURNITURE and STOCK in TRADE of the said Charles Taylor; consisting of Feather and Flock- Beds, Bedsteads, and Hangings; Blankets; Linen; Mahogany arid other Dining- Tables ; Pier and Swing . Glasses; a large Quantity of Barrels, of various Sizes; Brewing Utensils, complete; and 420 Gallons of excellent Ale. + 4.+ The above- named CHARLES TAYLOR having conveyed and assigned all his real and personal Estate and Effects to Joshua Green, of Albion. Place, lilack- friars- Road, in the County of Surrey, Gentleman; Thomas Footman, of Lutterworth, in the County of Leicester, Liquor- Merchant; and Cressent Daniel, of Napton- upon- the- Hill aforesaid, Butcher; in Trust for the equal Benefit of such of his Creditors who shall execute the said Deed on or before the Dili Day of October next: Notice is hereby given, that the same now lays at the Office of Tomes & Burman, Solicitors, in Southam, in the County of Warwick, for the Signatures of such as are desirous of taking the Benefit thereof — All Persons indebted to the said Charles Taylor, are requested to pay the same to the . said Trustees, or Tomes & Burman, without Delay. N. B. Particulars may be known upon Application at TOMES & BURMAN'S Office; to Mr. HENRY DURY, Solicitor, Banbury; or to Messrs. ROLLS Se SON, at their Office in Daventry, oil Wednesdays. G5T The Sale of the Freehold Property will begin precisely at Twelve o'Clock. ( One Concern. j The following NEIV and VALUABLE WORKS, are this Day publish- d by JAMES CUNDEE, at the Albion Press, Ivy- Lane, Paternoster. Row, London; and so. d by IV. Birdsall, Northampton; Robins, Dement, i / Collis & Dash, Kettering; Rjtsher, banbwy; Hotrod, Harborough ; and by all other Bookseller, .— Dedicated to the British Nation. MR. CUNDEE has the Honour to inform the Public, that the FOUR DESCRIPTIVE PRINTS, in Colours, of the Ceremonies which took Place previous to the Funeral, and at the Interment of the late illustrious LORD NELSON, are now ready for Delivery, Price £. 2 2s. the Set. The Drawings for these Prints were taken from actual Ob- servation, by C. A. I'UGIN, Esq. ( bv whom the Views to the " Graphic Description of'the Univer- sity of Oxford," are executed), and are engraved in A( Ji^ t!. nla' BY M" SRS- LEWIS, M ER I COT, and HI LL. ( pr The four Prints are of an uniform Size, each measuring 13 by 17i Inches, carefully printed in Colours, on a superfine Imperial Paper.— Outline of the Subjects •• — 1. Interior View of the Painted Chamber at Greenwich, with the revered Remains of the noble Hero laid in State.— 2. Picturesque Repre- sentation of the Procession by Water, from Greenwich to Whitehall.— 3. View of the grand Procession from the Admiralty to St. Paul's, on the Day of Interment. — 4. Exhibition of the Ceremony of the Interment in St. Paul's Cathedral. *** These interesting Prints are accbmpsnied with concise Letter- Press Descriptions, explanatory of the l'espsctive Subjects, printed in a Style of corresponding Elegance, ar. d delivered gratis. N. B. Specimens are left for Inspection at Lloyd's Coffee- House ; Mr. Harris ( late Newbery), Corner of St. Paul's Church- Yard; Messrs. Hookham and Ebers, Bond- Street; Mr. Hatchard, Piccadilly; and at the Proprietors. They may also be had of all ihe most respectable Book and Printsellers in London, and in every Town in the Kingdom j and are recommended as a valuable Article for Exportation to the British Colonies, Sec. Albion Puss, London, August 1 b: h, 1806. White's I. ife of the late Lord Nelson. Third Edition, with an entire new Set of Engravings. TVT'R. WHITE respectfully informs the Public, that a new, enlarged, and improved Edition ( being the THIRD) of his PROFESSIONA L ME- MOIRS of the late illustrious LORD VISCOUNT NELSON, is this Day published, elegantly printed in one thick Volume, small Octavo, and enriched with a new Set of Engravings, Price 8s. in extra Boards. This valuable Production must ever be con-. Sidered as an Englishman's Manual, which includes authentic circumstantial Details of the gallant Hero's ACHIEVEMENTS under the BRITISH FLAG, and a Sketch of his Parliamentary Conduct ar. d Private Character; with. Biographical Particulars of contem- porary Naval Officers, among whom are:— Lords— Mnlgrave, Flood, Hotham, St. Vincent, Keith, Collingwood, and Barham.— Admirals— Corn- wailis. Sir F.. Hughes, Sir J. Siumarez, Sir A. J. Ball, G. Murray, Sir 1'. Parker, and Sir H. Parker. — Governor I. ocker.—- Captains— Suckling, Mark Ro- binson, Richard Bowcn, Westcott, R. W. Miller, Sir S. Flood, Hallowcll, T. Troubrklge, E. T. Parker, Sir T. Graves, Sir J'. B. Thompson, Riou, P. Fyers, Royal Artillery, T. M. Hardy, Sir E. Berry, Hon. H. Blackwood, Duff, Farmer, G. Walpole, Sec. Sec. Popular Anecdotes of Animals, Illustrated by Engravings taken from the respective Subjects. Neatly printed in 12mo. and enriched with a beautiful descriptive Engraving of the Newfoundland Dog saving a Child, and an engraved Vignette fiile- P » ge, TVJ UMBER I. to be regularly continued Weekly, Price only Sixpence, of THE NATURALIST'S CABINET; containing interesting SKETCHES of ANIMAL HISTORY; illustrativeof the Natures, Dis- positions, Manners, Habits, and Mode of Subsistence, of all the most remaikable Quadrupeds, Birds, Fishes, Amphibia, Reptiles, ai d Insee s, in ihe known World; regularly arranged, and enriched with nu- merous beautiful descriptive Engravings. By the Re'v. THOMAS SMITH, Author of a new and improved Edition of Wiiiston'i Josephus, Sec. See. This interesting Work wiT be completed in 40 Numbers, forming in tlie Whole four handsome Volumes in J2mo.— There is also another Edition in Octavo, with Proof Plates, at Is. each Number, and a few Copies with coloured Plates, at Is. 6d. each. Biography of popular modern Characters, with original Portraits. Printed in one Volume, suia'l Octavo, and embel- lished with 30 Portraits ot distinguished Character., Price 6s. 6d. in Boards, rj ' ilE MODERN I'l. U 1' ARC II; or, UM- S VfRSW. ' BIOGRAPHY; including authentic Memoirs of distinguished public Characters, ot- a) 1 Nations, living and recently deceased; u d r the im- mediate Direction of several - eminent Literary Gen- tlemen. This interesting Work is published in Mon, h. y Numbers, Price Js each, enriched with five cor. - t Portraits I'very six Numbers form a Volume. *** A new Number is regularly published on the first Day of every succeeding Month, ineiu. ing bio- j graphical Sketches and Portraits of the leading Cha- racters of the Day. Wednesday and Thursday's Posts. LONDON, August 14. rT~ HJF, SDA^ f- s Gazette contains two letters from A iiipiptain Stiles, of the Adamant. In the first, dated• in : F « lse- Bay, Cape of Good- Hope, May 26th, he relates his arrival with two victuallers at the Cape, accompanied by the Spanish ship Nostra Senora de los Dolores, alias La Reparadora, of 30 guns ( 12 and 24- potmders), and 315 men, which l c captured on May the 6th. " Her crew ( lie says) are a desperate set of French, Spaniards, Portu- guese, and Americans, the principal officers French: she had authority from the Viceroy to • the colours of the King of Spain, and had a board."— The 25 wear .... _ company of Spanish infantry on second " letter is dated at St. Helena, June " 1 arrived ( suys Captain'Stiles) in Table- Bay, with the victuallers, on the 20th of May ; and having seen- them in safety, Without anchoring myself, [ immediately proceeded to sea on my return to St. Helena, according to tneir Lordships'orders; but meeting with a most violent gale of wind from the N. W. and being very short of water ( having been three months from England without touching at any place), with 315 prisoners, both'my main- topsail yards carried awav, and my people Very much afflicted with the scurvy, I thought myself justified in bearing* up for Simon's- Bay for refreshments. The French AdmirUl Wrlleaumez, with six sail- of the line, was in these seas about six weeks ago: his intention was to have gone to the Cape, but hearing it was in our possession he was obliged to go to Fcrnand de Noronba for water, and has not since been heard of. The Cannounier French frigate ( late his Majesty's ship Minerve) put into False- Bay about the 1st of May, not knowing the Cape was in our hands, and sent her boat on shore with a lieutenant, who, with his crew, are prisoners on board this ship. As there was no man of war in either fable or False- Bay, and as she did not quite fetch into the proper anchorage, she got away, and it is supposed she is gone to the Isle of France, where the Piedmontese is lying blocked up by the Russel, Lord Duncan, and Psyche." STATE PAPER. Declaration in Council of His MAJESTY the KING of PRUSSIA, to the ASSEMBLED DEPUTIES of the HANOVERIAN PROVINCES. " GEN. TLEMEN, " By your appointment, your Deputy, Count Von Hardenberg, has laid belore me your representation of the third instant; and J have observed from it, with satisfaction, that you have acknowledged with grati- tude my regulations in regard to the Hanoverian States. The additional sentiments therein contained are to me a security, that you will henceforth be devoted to me and to m> house with the same loyalty which you dis- covered tor your former Sovereigns. I therefore have made no delay in more ciosely learning from your Delegates those concerns that were entrusted to them by you, and now communicate to you the following an. wcr to the declaration given in by them:— " 1. With regard to the secularization of the Abbey of Marienrode, ami the representation relative thereto, that not only the Constitution of the States thereby Suffered an alteration, but that one of'the securities thereby appropriated to the payment of the public levenue, and the discharge of the public debt, would be withdrawn, should the revenues of the said Abbey be inseparably united with the possession of the domains, contrary to the legal agreement between the impropriators and the States, whereby the revenues accruing from secularized spiritual foundations should be distinctly and separately applied to charitable pur- poses ; it should be observed'that this Abbey legally b longs, to Hildesheim, and thus my particular regu- lation respecting the same can in jao way prejudice the said Constitution. Besides I have expressly esta- blished in the Act of Secularization, that in the mean time no change shall take place in respect to the con- tribution chargeable upon this Abbey, towards the national revenue and the redemption of the public debt. For the rest, as it is far from being my in- tention to alter the destination of the effects of the Abbey to charitable purposes, 1 feel satisfaction in aasuring you, that the special administration of such parts as have been separated from the domains, and the application thereof to such beneficent and laudable purposes, shall be scrupulously continued, and the utmost care shall be taken both to augment these re. venues by good management, and to ameliorate the mode of applying them, by the removal of existing abuses. " 2. The ad interim prohibition of home- made salt is to be considered solely as an inevitable regulation of police for securing an equal supply of that article of primary necessity, and cannot have the apprehended pernicious consequences, since the supply of salt will not thereby be diminished, but will only receive Another direction. " 3. The continuance of the hitherto existing con- stitution of the country in general, and " 4. The continuance of the provincial consti- tutions, in particular, pre suppose that a new and more intimate acquaintance with them may be more necessary than, the Commission of Organization has been able to procure, in so short a period, and under such difficult circumstances. But they will inces- santly continue their labours in this respect, and I wili not hereafter intreduce any arbitrary changes, but such only as may be necessary to unite as inti- mately as possible the Hanoverian territory with my monarchy, of which it now coustitutes a'part, and to govern it by such laws as have been found, by long experience, the fundamental pillars of the power, the security and prosperity of the Prussian States ; where- from the established constitution will be so little ex- cluded, that it will much rather be built up and strengthened, as you may learn from tile example of the neighbouring provinces, Brandenburg, Magdeburg, and Halberstadt. " 5. The petition, with regard to any new modi- fications, upon which the States, together with other privileged orders, who may, perhaps, have particular knowledge of the subject, should be consulted before that introduction, on account of any injurious con- sequences apprehended therefrom, is wholly conform- : able to the spirit of the maxims of the Prussian Go- vernment, and will be pursued by the Commission of Organization in all doubtful cases" whatsoever, and without particular instructions. " Finally, the military regulations, as soon as it can bedone with safety, shall be so modified, that the grievances of the country, connected with the present extraordinary measures, shall wholly cease. " From this answer you will infer, and I giveyou with pleasure the strongest assurances on this head, that my whole endeavours are exclusively directed to heal the wounds which the hitherto unhappy wars have produced, and to render your country completely happy. Neither ambition, nor the lust of territory, but solely a conviction, founded on experience, that the incorporation of the Hanoverian States with the Prussian monarchy, is obviausly necessary tor the welfare and security of both, have determined me to this union, and to the sacrifices connected with it. The past has taught you that England cannot protect yon, and that yon can be protected by Prussia alone. Prussia has now taken upon herself this protection, fiom which you have to expect greater security of persons and property, as well as the abolition of all oppressive abuses which the distance of your rulers produced. But you must also closely unite with a Government which has wrought you all these blessings, and support, with counsel and action, a constitution which has been decided upon for your benefit. On the other hand, 1 will always approve myself your giacious Sovereign. ( Signed) " FREDERIC WILLIAM." " Charlotlenburg, June 24, 1806." The following is said to be the outline of the new federative system for Germany :— There are "' in future to be two colleges, viz. of'Kings, and of Counts or Princes. The former is to consist of the Kings of Bavaria, Wirtnmberg, mid Baden. The Elcctor Arch- Chancellor is to be President, and is to he Primate of Germany. The two colleges are to furnish 73,000 men to France upon a requisition from the French Government; and France is to furnish them with 200,000 in case of their being attacked. Baden, Cleves, D'Armstadt, and Wei- burgh, are to be Grand Dutchies. Baden receives the sovereignty of the possessions of die Princes of Leiningen and Furstenberg. Bavaria and Wir- tcuiberg divideSuabia and Franconia. Darmstadt obtains Friedberg; Prince Joachim four- fifths of the territory of Nassau, the rest of which goes to the Prince of Nassau Weilburg alone. The Emperor Alexander has dismissed some of the French emigrants of rank from his service. This is probably a prelude to the recognition. of Bonaparte, and perhaps to the withdrawing of that protection which he has hitherto afforded the head of the Bourbon family. Much military bustle continues to prevail at our several ports, and the whole of the expeditions are expected to proceed to their several destinations in a very few days. A further embarkation has taken place at Ramsgate, and several more corps will immediately embark. Mr. Ware, the oculist, lias published a letter relative to the Opthalmia, which has recently at- tacked several soldiers in some of our regiments, and which is also stated to have shewn itself though with less violence, in some of the boarding- scliools. Mr. W. intimates a conviction strongly impressed on his mind that this disorder is not so likely to be communicated by an infectious state of the atmosphere, as by the contact ' of some small portion of the morbid secretion that issues from the eyes of those who are affected by it. The secretion that takes place in this species of opthalmia, is, he states, not merely an increase of tears, but a thick purulent fluid; a single particle of which, if applied to an healthy eye, is, ac- cording to Mr. W.' s belief, as fully capable of conveying the disorder to it, as the insertion of a particle of variolous or vaccine matter is capable of producing the small- pox or cow- pox. He re- commends, therefore, that the utmost care should be taken to prevent the handkerchiefs, towels, or cloths employed by those having an inflammation in the eyes, from being used by others; and that the basons in which they wash should be thoroughly cleansed. He also considers large and repeated evacuations to be often indispensably necessary, and that these, with the pre- application of cold water, sometimes made colder by the addition of ice, are among the most effectual remedies for the disorder. Singular Escape of a French Prisoner.— A French seaman having lately eluded the vigilance of the guard at Chatham, where he was confined, and reached the neighbourhood of Broadstairs, was in the course of a few days apprehended, and put on board a vessel at that place, to be carried t6 his former confinement. As he had shewn great ingenuity in effecting his escape in the first instance, it was thought advisable to place a guard over him, on board, by way of effectual security ; night, however, being pretty far advanced before the vessel could sail, the Frenchman, who was per- mitted to remain on deek, stretched himself, with great presence of mind, at full length, and pre- tended, by snoaring loudly, that he was fast asleep. — The centinel being thus put off his guard, seated himself naturally enough, at the dead of night, and soon fell fast asleep in good earnest. ' I he prisoner who Was on the watch the whole time, finding that he had thus completely ensnared the soldier, quickly jumped up, and first robbing the poor fellow of two seven- shilling- pieces and his watch, then let himself down in the small- boat from the stern, and, got safely oil shore.— The three or four hands belonging to the vessel, which was a small coaster, coming up soon afterwards to prepare for sailing, awoke the centinel, who then discovered, as may be supposed, with astonishment, both the escape of the prisoner and his robbery. Every search was made for him, of course, in the suicide previous fo his execution. He was dressed black, and appeared to be calm, and " collected. His stature was low, his aspect sallow and cada- verous, and his general appearance mean and despicable. He was attended by the Ordinary, to whose admonitions he seemed to listen with .... , .... . i to oc ieau ai me next rt some anxiety. When turned offi he suffered much, contributes; and the said Court do Hereby give GENERAL INFIRMARY, NORTHAMPTON; i Aucust 2d, 1806. I AT the General Court of Governors, held here I this Day, it was ordered, that the Governors, with the weekly Committee, do draw up the Annual Report of the State and Accounts of this Infirmary, to be read at the next Anniversary Meeting of all the i . i.„ ...: j .. . c i • his body being very light; he pulled up his legs repeatedly with great violence. An immense crowd attended, but the spectators behaved with becoming decorum. Mr. T WARWICK, August 8th, 1806. THREE GRAND CONCERTS, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF Marshall, Mr. C. Ashley, and Mr. IF. Marshall. FIE - Nobility, Gentry, and Public at large, are respectfully informed, that, on MONDAY the 6th of OCTOBER, will be performed, A GRAND MISCELLANEOUS CONCERT, At RUCBY ; On WEDNESDAY, the 8th, at STRATFORD- ON- AVON ; and on FRIDAY, the 10th, at WARWICK; for which Mr. and Mrs. VAUGHAN, as Vocal Per- formers, are engaged. Principal Instrumental Performers.— Messrs. Jackson, Hardy, C. Ashley, R. Ashley, Marshall, F. Mar- shall, Sternberg, & c.— I. eader of the Band, Mr. W. Marshall. Particulars of the Concerts will appear in due Time. Notice, that the Anniversary Meeting above- mentioned will this Year be held on THURSDAY' the 28th of AUGUST instant, immediately after a Sermon to be preached that Morning, at the usual Hour, by the Rev. when it is hoped that all Subscribers who can, will, by their Attendance and Concurrence, manifest their Resolution and Zeal to support so great and extensive a Charity, which, at so small an Expence to themselves, enables them to relieve their honest and poor Neighbours, in the most distressing Circumstances, with such Advice, Medicines, and Accommodations, as cannot be procured for them in any other Way. The said Court take this Opportunity of informing j Stamp, and in such Form and reminding the Public, that, as the voluntary yearly Payments are the only Fund and Revenue of this Infirmary, and consequently as the very Being and Existence of it depend upon their being made I Peace, regular and beforehand, all Subscribers who have not STAMP- OFFICE, KORTHAM! T< O., AUGUST, 16th, 1806* GAME CERTIFICATE1-. THE COMMISSIONERS of lis MAJ1. STY's STAMP DUTIES having dirtxied that strict Attention be given by the respective Distributors acting under them, towards enforcing ai. d rendering effectual the Acts of the 25th and 31st Y ars of H is present Majesty's Reign, " for the graining to His " said Majesty certain Duties on Certificates issued " with Respect to the Killing of Game;" This PUBLIC NOTICE ( hy Way of CAUTION) is given. That under the above- mentioned Act a Penalty of TWENTY POUNDS will be incurred by ever Person using any Greyhound, Hound, Pointer, Setting- Dog, Spaniel, or other Dog, or any Gun, Net, or oiher Engine, for the Taking or Destruction of Gume, without having obtained a Certificate from the Clerk of the Peace, or his Deputy, for the County, Rid. ng, or Place, where such Person shall reside, upon such • " ' ' " the said Acts direct; which Penalty is recoverable by Suit or information^ in any of His Majesty's Courts at Westminster, or by Information before a Justice or Justices of the Aj: d Notice is also hereby given, L O S T, ON Thursday Eteniiig, the 7th of August, between STOKE- BRUERN and HEATHENCOTE, A SILVER WATCH, No. 1152, with a Steel Chain and Silver Seal. The Maker's Name, Walter Prestidge, Towcester. Whoever has found the same, and will bring it to WALTER PRESTIDGE, Watch - Maker, Towccster, shall receive ONE GUINEA REWARD. To be L E T T, And entered on at Michaelmas, 4 Very neat and convenient HOUSE; con- sisting of a Kitchen, two Parlours, four Bed- chambers, and three Garrets ; Wash- House, Stable', and other Out- Offices; a Garden, and with or without a Close adjoining.— The Premises are situate at MILTON, near NORTHAMPTON. Apply to Mr. ABBEY, Attorney, Northampton. already advanced their S^ ibscjiptions for^ the Year^ now j That^ for Newspapers, containing the Name, and Plates of ot who . , . r Certificates, which Publication will from line to Time be continued until the Season for killing Came shall expire. Licences to be taken out. For Medicines 2d Septemb- r. For Hats 2d October ( p- Any Person vending Medicines without a begun ( commencing the 1st of August instant), are desired to do it as soon as possible to the present u Treasurer, Mr. CHARI. ES SMITH, of Northampton, ! Abode of the Persons \ vho have duly taken out Lace- Merchant; or our present Bankers, Messrs. ~ "' GOSLINGS & SHARP, in Fleet- Street, London; and the rather, as none can, according to the Statutes, have a Right to recommend any Patients till his Sub- scription tor the current Year is paid. E. BOUVE1UE, Chairman, pf Gentlemen are desired to meet exactly at Ten in the Forenoon, at the GEORGE INN, to walk in pro- I Licence, will be subject to a Penalty oi £. 20. I'pcdnn frnm tkah.. ... . V... 1, /' I.,....!. _ r All i * * A ,, . .... .. cession from thence to the Parish Church of All- Saints, to hear the Sermon; after which a Collection will be made, as usual, at the Church Doors, that the Inhabitants of this Place and others may, by their Appearance at Church, shew their Approbation, and have an Opportunity, according to their respective Abilities, of contributing Something towards this noble Charity. %* There will bean Ordinary on the said Anniver- sary, at Half- past Three o'Clock, at the George Inn. . Any Person selling Hats without a Licence, will be liable to forfeit £ 50. By OrdSr of His Majesty's Commissioners for managing the Stamp Duties, J. CLARK. ABOUT llth of RIVER NEN NAVIGATION. NOTICE is hereby given, That a Meeting of the Commissioners of the Western Division of the above Navigation, will be holden at the GUILD- HALL. in the Town of NORTHAMPTON, on SATURDAY the. 23d Day of AUGUST instant, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, for the Appointment of a Clerk and Treasurer of the said Division, in the Room of Mr. Gardiner, who has expressed his Wish to resign his Appointment. F. D1CKINS, Chairman. Northampton, August Id, 1806. ' To Carpenters and Masons. OTICE is hereby given, that a Meeting of _ the Commissioners of the Western Division of the River Nen wilt be holden at the GUILDHALL, in the Town of NORTHAMPTON, on SATURDAY the 23d Day of AUGUST instant, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon; when they will receive Proposals for REPAIRING the LOCKS between NORTH- AMPTON and WELLINGBOROUGH, each Lock to be estimated separately ; and thev will at the same Time receive Proposals for SCOURING OUT THE DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE RIVER. Particulars of each Lock and Scour may he seen by applying to Mr. GARDINBH, Northampton. Northampton, 8tb August, 1806. N' I, O S T, Five o'Clock on Monday Morning the f August, 1806, on the'West Chester Road, between the Queen's- Head, Dodford- Lane, and the Red- Lion, at Weedou- Beck, in the County of Northampton, A SMALL POCKET- BOOK, With black Covers, and the Owner's Name, JOHN RUSSELL, DODFOUD, on the Inside; Containing five Coventry local One- Bound Bills ; a Ket- tering One- Pound Bill; a Hill, dated July 25, drawn payable to the Order of Mr. Jeremiah Ash'on, two Months after Dale, Value i'. 95 5t. 6d. ; and another Bill, dated July 25, drawn payable to the Order of Mr. James Russell, two Months after Date, Value £ .49 111. fx/. ; neither oj which were indorsed by Mr. Russell, the Owner. Whoever has found the said Pocket- Book, and will bring or send it, with the Contents, to Mr. JAMES RUSSELL, of Dodford, shall receive a Reward pf THREE POUNDS of the said Mr. Russell. ( f3T Payment of the Bills being stopped, they will be of no Use to any Person who may keep them after this Notice ' Dodford, Uth August, 1806. T BEDFORD INFIRMARY. At a General Meeting of Ih* Subscribers, lisidil. it Day, SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1306, ( Sir GEORGE OSBORN, Bart, in the i. hair,) R ISO LV I D, " MIAT the Right of voting at the Special or _ Monthly Superintending Committee be ex- tended to all Persons subscribing the Sum of I . iree Guineas annually, or who are otherwise qualified to be chosen Members of the same, conformably to the Resolution of the 17th ot Ap- ril last. RESOLVED, That the following Annual Report of the State of the Infirmary lie submitted to the Public. G. OSBORN, Chairman. A Statement of the Patients, from July 19, 1805, to July 19, 1806. In. Patients remaining in the House, July 19, 1805 Out- Patients on the Books, from Ditto 5 111- Patients 143 morning, and during the whole day, but to no purpose; it was believed, therefore, that he had endenvoured to arrive at some other part of the coast, from which he might cut out a vessel and get over to France. Instead of quitting the neigh- bourhood of Broadstairs, however, he lurked about in the Corn- fields till night, when he returned and boarded a fishing- smack, in which, it is now ascertained, he effected his escape to Dunkirk. On the whole, it must be acknowledged that he evinced uncommon sagacity, promptitude, and decision of character, under all the difficulties which he had to encounter. In the Court of Chancery, on Friday, the Lord- Chancellor, in pronouncing his judgment on a bankrupt petition, observed, how melancholy it was that so many commissions of bankruptcy should be issued, where the parties might have their remedy at common law, without wresting the entire of the unfortunate debtor's property out of his hands. He could not but feel that much of this mischief arose from the negligence of solicitors in commissions of bankruptcy, whose duty it was to be certain of the ground they stood on, parti- cularly as to the existence and nature of the peti- tioning creditor's debt, and the act of insolvency committed, before they ventured on so summary a proceeding. His Lordotiip then alluded to the fa- cility with which a wealthy man could procure solicitors ever ready to undertake his cause, and the obstacles with which a poor man had to con- tend, in endeavouring to obtain justice; and ex- pressed a hope that the Legislature would one day interfere; and some rule would be established, by which the doors of a British court of justice would be equally open to a- ll descriptions of persons. The Lord- Chancellor has peremptorily refused to grant a new trial respecting t.' ie validity of Lord Chedworth's will, considering it equitable, after the solemn discussion which the subject has al- ready undergone, without any one material fact having been adduced to establish the Noble Lord's insanity, that there should be no further delay in payment of the bequests to the several parties. LAW DECISION.— Court of Session, Scotland.— Black z>. the Owners of a Coal- Pit.— Black returning home on horseback, in a dark night, by a road leading through the defendants' estate, fell into a coal- pit and was drowned. The pit for many years had been abandoned, and the mouth had been surrounded by a wall of stone and lime, which, at the time of the accident, was about 18 inches high; it lav about four feet from the road, which had been a road used by the proprietor, when the coal was formerly wrought, but which was also frequently used by the neighbourhood. The action was brought by the children of the deceased for reparation for the loss sustained by the death of their father. The Lords found the defendants liable in damages c£. 800, and expences o£. 100. Serious Caution.— A young woman at Greenhill, near Sw ansea, had her arm amputated last week near the shoulder joint. The necessity for this dreadful operation arose from the negligent treat- ment of a burn which she accidentally received some time ago, Murder. — Judge Wythe, who took a distin- guished part in the American Revolution, and was afterwards Chancellor of Virginia, was lately poisoned by G. W. Swinney, his nephew, who re- sided with him. The young man, it is Stated, had forged his uncle's name, and to prevent detection, and at the same time secure a considerable sum bequeathed to him by the Judge, administered poison in the coffee prepared for his breakfast; a servant boy, who partook of the coffee, died also. Judge Wythe lived long enough to discover the baseness of his nephew, and to disappoint his hopes of a legacy. The offender is in custody, and will be tried in September. ' Yesterday morning, David Robertson was executed in front of Newgate, pursuant to his sentence. He was convicted of an unnatural crime, and had made several attempts to commit Leicestershire Freehold Estate. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, Either together or in three Lots, AValuable and very desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, Tythe- free, situate at GREAT- BOWDEN, in the County of Leicester; consisting of four Closes of" rich Grazing Land, containing to- gether, by Estimation, § 3. Acres, or thereabouts, lying at a convenient Distance from the Town of Great- Bowden, and adjoining the Turnpike - Road leading from Market- Harborough to Leicester, in the Occupation of Mr. Robert Hewitt, Tenant at Will, whose Holding will expire on the fifth Day of April next. ( Pf For a View of the Estate, apply to the Tenant; and further Particulars may be known on Application to GEORGE WARTNABY, Solicitor, Market- Harborough. Leicestershire Freehold Estate. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, IN LOTS, AN. eligible FREEHOLD ESTATE, Tvthe- free and Land- Tax redeemed, situate at BLABY, in the County of Leicester; consisting of several Closes of rich Grazing, Arable, and Pasture Land, contain- ing together, by Estimation, 140 Acres, or thereabouts, well watered, and capable of considerable Improve- ment, in the respective Occupations of Mr. James Fludeand Mr. John Freer, who will shewthe Premises. ( jCf A Purchaser may have Possession of nearly the Whole of the Estate'at Michaelmas, and the Re- mainder at Lady- Day next. The above Estate will be sold in I. ots ; a Plan of which may be seen, and further Particulars known, on Application to GEORCE WARTNABY, Solicitor, in Market- Harborough. Single - Horse Chaise, To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. KIRSHA1V, On Saturday the 23d Day of August, 1806, at Twelve o'Clock, on the MARKET- HILL, NORTHAMPTON, AGood SINGLE - HORSE CHAISE, lined throughout, with Head and Harness complete. ,( f3T For further Particulars, enquire of the AUC- TIONEER, Northampton. To I To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, AN excellent Stone- built and Sashed HOUSE, . at the South End of Market- Harborough, in the County of Leicester; comprising three Parlours, a Kitchen, two Pantries, Brewhouse, and good Cellars; four Sleeping- Rooms, on the first Floor, and four in the Attic ; a Three- stalled Stable, with a Loft over it; and other Conveniences; together with a Garden, and upwards » f two Acres of Land, if desirable to the Purchaser; late in the Occupation of Mr. Walker. Also, an excellent Brick and Sashed HOUSE, in Sr. MARY'S, MARKET- HARBOROUGH; com- prising two Parlours, Kitchen, Wash - House, and Cellar; with five Bed- Rooms; a Four- stalled Stable, and a Loft over it; and other Conveniences. ( JdT For Particulars of either of the Houses, apply to JOHN SMITH, of Market- Harborough, the Pro- prietor. Admitted since, i Out- Patients 49 20 17 192 Cured 85 Relieved Incurable Improper Cases.. Irregular Own Desire ....... .... Dead 1 A- Patients in the House, July 19, j> 1806 Out- Patients on the Books, ditto. Freehold Public- House, with immediate Possession. To be SOLD by A U C T I O N, By JOHN DAY, On the Premises, on Wednesday the 20th of August, 1S06, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, THAT old - establislred and good - accustomed PUBLIC- HOUSE, known by the Name of the RED- LION, situate in N EWTON- LONG VILLE, near Fr--- - ->-- • of Mr. FENNY- STRATFORD, Bucks, in the Occupation M. T.. 1.,. TI.. I, • John Norman. The Premises comprise a Kitchen, two Parlours, and convenient Bedchambers; Brewhouse, Stabling, Barns, Yard, & c.; also, a Right of Common for Horses, Cows, & c. in WHADDON CHASE. B5T For a View of the Premises, apply to Mr. NORMAN; and for further Particulars, to the AUC- TIONEER, in Stony- Stratford. Elegant and modern Household- Furniture. be SOL D by A U C T I O N By Mr. HA WT Y N, On Friday and Saturday, the 22d and 23d Days of August, 1806, on the Premises of Miss Freeman, who is leaving BANBURY, entire, neat, and modern HOUSP. HOI. T1- - FURNITURE m< S other EFFECTS; com- prising Four- post M; hogany and other Bedsteads, arrayed in flowered Chntz, white Dimity, and other Furnitures; Down, Grose, and other Feather- Beds; Mattresses ; Floorand Bedside Carpets ; Pier, Dressing, and Swing Glasses; Mahogany Bureau; Sofa; Chest of Drawers; Mahogany, Fancy, and other Chairs; Mahogany Dining, Ca'd, Pillar- and- Claw-, and other Tables; a fine- toned Hano- Forte; a choice Collection of valuable Prints aid Paintings; a curious Iron Chest; Mangle; an< i other Effects. fiCa* The Furniture, & c. may be viewed the Day preceding the Sale aiid the Mornings of the Sale Days, till Eleven o'Clock, at which Time the Sale wili commence. Catalogues may be had, in due Time, at the Place of Sale; and at the Office of the Auctioneer, in Banbury. Materials, the Property of the Valley Company, the Grand Junction Cunal. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DAY, At WOI. VERTON VALLEY - BRIDGE, near STONY- STRATFORD, Bucks, on Thursday the 21st of August, 1806, rplIF, following ARTICLES, viz. the Buildings 1 ofa Blacksmith's Shop, and a Carpenter's Ditto ; two Pair of Bellows, two Anvils, Vices, Beck- Irons, Screw Tackle, & c. ; upwards of a Ton of new Bar Iron, and two Tons of very useful old Ditto; square Stufl', Hoards, & c. ; 100 Feet of Oak Timber, and a Quantity of Ash Ditto; 10 new Gang. Waggons, and 27 old Ditto ; Broad- Wheel Carts, a Pair of Timber Wheels, and near 20 Sets of Cart Harness, in good Condition; and various other Efiects. ( piT The Sale to begin exactly at Eleven o'Clock. To hi SOLD by AUCTIOT," ~ By Mr. S M I T II, Oil Tuesday the 26th of Augiut, 1806, at Five o'Clock at the White- Lion Inn, at Kimbolton, AVery compact small FARM, in high Culti- vation; contairang 80A. 2R. 38P. of rich Pasture, Arable, and Meadow Land, inclosed and Tythe- free, with excellent Quicks and Fences, and Timber growing thereon ; also, a large new- built Barn, upon a centrical Part of the Farm; situate at UTTLK- STAUGHTON, in the County of Bedford, in the Occupation of Mr. DANIEL PKACOCK, on Lease for nine Years, from October the 10th, 1806, at £. 82 per Annum. ( J3t~ The above Estate is held by Lease from Corpus- Christi College, Oxford, and there will remain unexpired 18 Years of the said College Lease on the 10th Day of October, 1806, at the annual Rent of £. 3 0s. 8d. in Money, and two Quaiters and two Bushels of Wheat, and three Quarters and three Pecks of Malt.— I^ nd-' l'ax £. 6 8s. Od. per Annum. *** The Tenant will shew the Estate For further Particulars, apply to Mr. HENRY HORNF, Solicitor, Staines, Middlesex; or to Mr. SMITH, at Kimbolton. 229 n- P. Out- P. Tot. 85 32 117 24 13 37 7 3 10 1 1 2 5 7 S 3 5 1 6 36 26 12 12 163 | 66 | 229 A General Account of the Patients, from the first opening of the Infirmary, August 13, 1803, to July 19, 1806 In- P. Our P. Admitted and discharged 367 | 142 | Cured 206 Relieved 63 Incurable. 21 lot. 5U9 Irregular in Attendance. Improper Cases Own Desire. Out- Patients made In- Patients .. In- Patients made Out- Patients .. Dead Remaining in the House and on) the Books, July 19, 1806 S 4 3 16 1 17 36 84 19 5 13 1 290 17 4 16 5 1 20 43 3 7 I 142 509 The Secretary's Receipts and Payments, from July 19, 1805, to July 19, 1806. RECEIPTS. £ s. d. From the Alms- Box 12 7 1 Soldiers' Subsistence IS 1 4 Discount and Bill over paid 2 7 0 Trusses 3 18 fi From the Treasurer 1499 lt> 6 Total 1536 5 5 PAYMENTS. Mr. Wing, his last Instalment, with Interest Constant's Bill, for Gardening 6 14 Apthorp, nine Months' Contract fo' Ditto ' Insurance from Michaelmas, 1805, to Mi- chaelmas, 1806 Mason's Ditto Ironmonger's Ditto . Slater's Ditto Lamp Oil Surgical Instruments Printing, Advertisements, and Stationary. Drapery Medicines Salaries and Wages Beer and Porter Wine Coals and Faggots G rocery Meat - Bread •' Matron's Incidents Secretary's Ditto 466 0 0 6 14 2 10 4 9 5 8 6 18 1 8 16 0 6 7 19 0 10 7 7 7 18 9 17 0 3 1 7 0 13 1 0 10 1 3 7( 1 fi 2 110 5 10 H> « 11 3 26 5 6 79 lu ^ 9 f 8 1 21 4 tl S 128 15 7 73 IS .0 46 8 11 ASHLEY INCLOSURE. BY Order of the Commissioners appointed in and by an Act passed in the last Session of Par- liament, intituled " An Act for inclosing Lands in the Parish of ASHLEY, in the County of North- ampton," Notice is hereby given, that all Persons having or. claiming any Common or other Right to or in any of the Lands to be inclosed by Virtue of the said Act, are required to deliver to the said Com- missioners, at their Meeting to be held at the House of JOHN WALKDEN, the Sign of the GEORGE, in MARKET- HARBORQUGH,. in the County of Leicester, on TUESDAY the 16th Day of SEPTEMBER next, an Account or Schedule, in Writing, signed by them or their respective Agents, of such their Rights or Claims, and therein describe the Lands and Grounds, and the respective Messuages, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, in Respect whereof they severally claim to be entitled to any, and which, of such Rights, with the Name or Names of the Person or Persons then in the actual Possession thereof, and the particular computed Quantities of the same respect- ively, and of w) iat Nature and Extent such Rights are, and also in what Rights, and for what Estates and Interests, they claim the same respectively, dis- tinguishing the Freehold from the Copyhold or Lease- hold; after which Day no Claim will be received, except for some special Reason, to be allowed- by the said Commissioners. By Order of the Commissioners, GEORGE WARTNABY, Soiiciter. Market- Harborovgh, Aug. 14th, 1806. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. BERRY, On the Premises, at NEWTON - LONGVILLE, Bucks, on Wednesday the 27th of August, 1806, at Ten o'Clock, rpHE HOUSEHOLD - FURNITURE, FARM- I INC,- STOCK, CATTLE, IMPLEMENTS of HUSBANDRY, and DAIRY UTENSILS, of the late Mr. JOHN CHILTON, deceased; comprising four Draught Horses, and one Cow, in- calf; a Cock of Hay, about six Tons, and ten Ridges of Barley, in the Field; Ploughs, Harrows, Sec. ; two Milk- Leads, an Eight- dozen Churn, and Dairy Utensils; House- hold- Furniture ot the usual Description ;, a well- built Wheat- House, on Stones; Com- Stadles, & c. & c. ( pf* Catalogues may be had on the Premises; and of Mr. BERRY, General Agent, Walton - Terrace, Aylesbury. AUGUST 8th, 1806. IE. ANDERSON, of the Parish of LUTON, J Bedfordshire, do hereby certify, that I have been afflicted for seventeen Years with the Scurvy and Leprosy, which deprived me of the Use of my Limbs so that I could not feed myself; but by applying to Mr. CARTER, the Potton Water- Doctor, at the Crown, Luton, on the 5th of May, was completely cured, and am now as well as e » er I was in my Life. ( f3r Mr. C. will attend at Luton, on Monday the 18tli; Leighton, on Tuesday ; Dunstable, on Wed- nesday ; Ampthill, on Thursday ; and no more till after Harvest. Total 1536 Donations and Legacies, from July 19, 1805, io J t 1806. £ Rev. J. Webster, Meppershall 10 E. T. Pilgrim, Woburn 1 John Crawley, Esq. Stockwood Park . .. 20 G. Thornton, Esq. deceased ( by Will), Muggerhapeer 50 G. Herbert, Biggleswade 2 Right Hon. Lord Ashburnham 5 J. Rawlins, Bedford 21 A Fine ( by a Justice ot the Pcace, per the Right Hon. Lord Ongley) 1 s d. 0 0 Total.. 110 () The Subscribers to the Bedford Infirmary in Account with Mr. Joseph Barnard, Treasurer, from Jult 19 l^ ' i to July 19, 1806. J ' '' Dr. £ , d To Mr. liutlin, Secretary, at various Times 1499 16 6 Balance in Hand, transferred below .. 215 1 1 Cr. 1744 17 1 8; By Balance of last Account 115 19 Annual Subscriptions received within the Compass of this Account... 5lfi n Donations " 110 la r. Collected at St. Paul's Church, after 0 the Anniversary Sermon preaehed by the Lord Bishop of Lincoln.. OR la lrv Dividends on Stock ' " 470 I i i Produce of Stock sold VI X Mr. Butliii, for Soldiers' Subsistence" 19 o 0 1744 17 1 Balance in Hand, transferred from above 245 1 Mr. JOSEPH BARNARD, Banker, Bedford, Treasurer. Mr. CHARLES SHORT, ? sureeons Mr. JOHN PULLF. Y, $ 6 Mr. JAMES BUTLIN, House. Surgeon, Apothecary, and Secretary. ( f3T No Phvsician being appointed in the Room of Dr. Yeats, the Surgeons, a' the Request of the Weeklv Board of February 22, 1806, and subsequently of the Governors at a General Meeting held April 17, 1806, have taken upon themselves, gratuitously, the Duty of the Physician; which tliey continue to discharge to the general Satisfaction of the Sub. scribcrs. " s ! Ct ors His His acd r of • Oil h ne, irk ng. ch : t j in, or he of . r to tie C. or it. ee io he of 20 17 W t. 17 W 10 1 7 3 6 25 13 - 9 • t t. j9 to - 2 - S 17 4 IS 5 I to 33 1) 9 6, d. 1 4 0 6 6 8- 6 0 7 9 3 0 0 9 2 10 11 L 0 0 0 0 < 1 0 0 . Friday and Saturday's Posts. LONDON, Auoust 15. PARTS Papers to the Tth, and Dutch to the 12th inst. have arrived. " Bonaparte, by a Decree, dated the 3d instant, and inserted in the Moniteur of the 5th, has. ordered that 50,000 men of the conscription of the present year should be imme- diately called out. To the decree are added some observations, calculated to " dissipate the appre- hensions which this extraordinary measure may be expected to excite. It is endeavoured to re- present it as a common military occurrence, from which no inferences in favour either of peace or war ought to be made. Why has it been found nenessary then to accompany it with ail expla- nation, the effect of which will be the very reverse of what is apparently meant to be produced? What are the Powers of the Continent to look to, when tlirv see the strength of the French army carried to the highest point, as it avowedly will be bv the incorporation of these 50,000 conscripts ? Surely, after having dictated peace to Austria, ne- gotiated successfully with Russia, and secured the friendship and alliance'of Prussia, this is a subject upon which Bonaparte might have given a more explicit assurance than this equivocal de- claVation. What are we to think of his views and intentions when, nominally at peace with all the world except this country, we see him calling out the conscription, a measure which he did not con- sider as necessary, even previous to the battle of Austorlitz, and while the event of the late cam- i 1 1 - Tl.. nKimma mfprpnrp W1 pmgn was y et undecided? The obvious inference is, that l. is ambition is without bounds or measure, and that he confidently looks to the entire subju- gation, with the exception perhaps of Russia, ot ev erv Power upoil the Continent of Europe. The plan of the new Constitution for Germany has been notified bv Bacher, the French Minister to the Diet of Ratisbon. It is curious to hear Bonaparte assigning as reasons for putting an end to the ancient code, the very events and calamities , which he has been so instrumental in producing, j The concluding observations in M. Bacher * note : merit attention. After having by tins new league To the GENTLEMEN; CLERCY, and • forxHOtBins, of the COUNTY of NORTHAMPTON: GENTLEMEN, HEN 1 offered myself to your Notice, as a Candidate for the ldonour if representing you in Parliament, I presumed only to solicit your Support for myself, separately; notwithstanding which it hath been reported, that 1 have united my Interest with that of' some or other of the Can- didates: 1 therefore feet it my Duty distinctly to declare, that I um not in any Manner connected with, nor is my Interest united to, that of either if the other Gentlemen who are Candidates for your Favour. On this Ground I continue to solicit your Suffrages; and if I should be so fortunate to obtain the Ohject of my Wishes, I will endeavour to dis- charge the Duties of the important Trust with Seal and Fidelity. 1 have the Honour to be, Gentlemen, Your faithful and obedient Servant, ALTHORP. Althorp, Aug. 9th, 1806. ' ' So the GENTLEMEN, CLERGY, and FREEHOLDERS, of the COUNTY of NORTHAMPTON. GENTLEMEN, IBig Leave to return you my sincere Thanks for the very flattering Assurances if Support 1 have hitherto received from you on my Canvass, vlliich I have no Doubt will ultimately lead to Success. Offering myself to your Notice as an Independent Country Gentleman, I think it right to declare, thai 1 um not connected or united in Interest with any if the other Candidates. 1 have the Honour to be, Gentlemen, With great Respect, Your obedient, humble Servunt, WM. LAN GUAM. To the, GENTI. EMETT, CI. ERGT, and- FREEHOLDERS, of- the COUNTY, of NORTHAMPTON. GEKTLEMES, .. rAm well aware that it hath hitherto been the constant und'invariabk Practice to abstain from any Canvass or: public Declaration, respecting the Representation of the County, previously to a County Meeting being / widen; but Lord Althorp and Sir William Lang ham having already thought proper to begin a regular Canvass, I am compelled, us one of your present Representatives, thus early to declare, that 1 have not; nor ever hud, any intention of retiringfromyour Service. And I do hope and trust, that, whenever a General Flection shall take place, 1 shall not be thought unworthy of your Support, and if a Continuance of that Confidence which you have reposed in me, in so flattering and honourable a Manner, for almost seventeen Years past. It may appear disrespectful that I have not fol- lowed the Example of my Opponents, in commencing a very warm and active personal Canvass. My Cause, no Doubt, requires similar Exertions to theirs; but when I recollect that 1 never disturbed the Peuce of the County; that when I mas requested, by a great and powerful Interest to offer my Ser- vices, and to abandon the Parliamentary Situation 1 then possessed, it was upon a Vacancy; and that from thai Day to the present I have, exerted my feeble and anxious Efforts conscientiously to discharge my Duty; 1 flutter myself, as no Dissolution of Parliament can be ascertained, and as no Notice has been given of a County Meeting,. 1 may be allowed, as an old Servant of the Public, to wait for the Moment it hen the Sentiments of the. County can be fairly and dispassionately discussed. I have the Honour to be, Gentlemen, Your most obliged, and most faithful Servant, FRANCIS D1CKINS. Wollaston, Aug. 1st, 1806 the late sudden elevation, and is more the result of speculation and fc- ar, than any real information. The question of peace, however, will not be loiig undecided. A Cabinet Council was held on 1 hursday oh the subject of the dispatches brought by Basilico, £ nd a Messenger was sent off on Thursday night with the answer of his Majesty's Government." At two o'clock this day we received the fol- lowing communication:— " Lloyd's, Aug. 15, quarter fast One, p. m. " Extract of a letter from St. Thomas's, dated July 9, 1806:— Last Sunday ( the 6th), the French squadron, with Jerome Bonaparte on board, passed this place, and an hour after passed Admiral Cochrane, with four line- of- battle ships and three frigates; but the French shewing a disposition to give him battle, he did not wish to engage their superior force, and is since arrived at Tortola." We do not give implicit credit to the above letter. Admiral Cochrane must have been aware of the enemy's force, and that he should follow them merely to take a peep, and then run away, is not very probable.— Globe, Friday. o NORTHAMPTON RACES, 180( 5. N WEDNESDAY, the- 27th of AUGUST, Cottesbrook, Aug. 10th, 1806. _ TQ THE GEBTLEMEN, CLERGY, and other FREE- 1 HOLDERS, of the COUN1Y of NORTH- the I AM PI ON. GENTLEMEN'S SUBSCRIPTION PURSE) GENII. EMEN, ot FIFTY POUNDS, by Three- year- olds. Lolts y Am f ( seiis; ile of the fluttering Reception 8st. 21b. Fillies 8st. Bridle and Saddle included. I J ., ( -> „ J , „ , Winners ot one Plate, Match, or Sweepstakes, since 1 '"• "\" e , . W . .. 0 . the 25th of March, 1806, to carry Sib extra, ot two omit, m the strongest terms of Gratitude, returning assured as he hopes, the perpetual tranquillity of ; and of threc 71b extra.— The Best of thtee ^ you my best Acknowledgments and ' lhanks; and tisr- Cimtinpnt we should have expected that the , Heats, about a Mile and a Half eacn. | although, I am proud to say, I have every Reason to rw " J'Aflhirn would have concluded- witb saying, j Any Person meaning to enter a Horse for this Purse, ( d Support, I trust I shall be rtat his MMtcTwould apply himself to cultivate and^ K ^^ J^ ZSZ ^ | eLsedU. ellrty I JlL in earnestly requesting the aits of peace: but there is, it seems, still rull tor in the Year 1807. The Owner of the active Interference and Assistance oj my Friends, something in the condition of Europe worthy to , each Horsg [ u pay 0ne Guinea Entrance, or double at s0 material to my ultimate Success, however confident occupy h? s active mind. He has yet one wish re- j thc pQat. which said Entrance- Money the Owner ot | I feel of the Event; and f 1 have been any where PRICE OF Bank Stock . . sh. I 3 per Ct. Red. . 63 62} 3 per Ct. Cons. . t) 24 jJ | 4 per Ct. Cons. . 83HJ i 5 per Ct. Navy . 95Sji | STOCKS. Imp. 3 per Cents. 61i India Stock . 189± India Bonds . 1 2 dis. Exc. Bills . 1 dis. 1 pr. Omnium 9h 1034 6i mauling—" to employ the means which Providence | the second Horse will be entitled to. has given him in restoring the liberty of the seas, , A HUNTERS' STAKES of FIVE establishing freedom of commerce. gUINEAS and thus sc- I each ( 26 Subscribers), for Horses which have hunted 1 - ir. ,„ j l, o » nmM « of the world " With the Jiufce of Grafton's, Earl Fitzwilliam's, Sir curing the tranquillity and happiness ot t ie worm Mostyn's, Mr. Lee Antonie's, or Mr. Warde's Is it to a man who puts such sentiments into tlie t ' - - mouths of his Ministers that we are to look for a sincere and permanent adjustment of differences? A telegraphic dispatch was yesterday received at the Admiralty, stating, that the expedition, which had again sailed from the Downs, was obliged by contrary wind to put back again. One of the transports, however, has reached Portsmouth. Mr. Fox continues to improve in strength and spirits. He yesterday conversed with some of his political frienrls on the subject of the dispatches which he had received in the morning, and traus- acted business w ith Sir Francis Vincent. ACORNET of DRAGOONS, who hourly expects a Civil Appointment, will resign his Cornetcy in Favour of any young Gentleman ( who can be recommended as possessing every necessary Qualification for such an Appointment,) for the Sum of l our Hundred Pounds. 83" Letters addre scd, Post- paid, to Cornet P. No. 30, Tavistock- Street, Co vent- Garden, London, will be duly attended to. To the Faculty. \ YOUNG MAN, who has served his Time, J~\ wishes for a SITUATION as an ASSISTA NT. ' f Enquire of Mr. MULLINER, Coach- Maker, Northampton ; if by Letter, Post- paid. " YV ANTED", An Apprentice to a PLUMBER, TV GLAZIER, and PAINTER. ( J- j?" Apply ( if by Letter, Post- paid,) to Mr. CHAPMAN, Glazier, &. c St. N.' ots, Huntingdonshire. To Journet/ men Carpenters and Joiners. WANTED immediately, SIX MEN.— Wages according to Merit, and constant Employ. ( yZT Apply to ROBERT NIXON, Builder, Woburn, Beds; by whom Buildings are admeasured and valued in all Branches, on the shortest Notice, and on the most reasonable Terms. •\ V ANTED, A YOUTH of respectable Con- ' v nexions, as an APPRENTICE in a Manu- factory of HOSIERY in Leicester.— A Premium is expected. • IfT Enquire of T. V. at the Printers'; if by Leiter, Post- paid. \ VAN IS a PLACE, ' as HOUSE li REP ER in a ' t small Family, or as an ATTENDANT oil an ELDERLY LADY, A PERSON of a middle Age. who has been accustomed To domestic C hopes she shall be able to give Sati/ factu no Objection to go A broad if required. Fur her Particulars may be known by Appli- cation to Messrs. (' OLLIS & DASH, Booksellers, Ket- te: ing; it bi- Letter, Poit- paid. ANY Gentleman or Lady who is in Want of a sobct, steady, and active YOUNG MAN, to act as GAMEKEEPER, as well as to assist in any Oiii- r Capacity wherein he can render himself useful, on sending a Line, Post- paid, directed the Post- Ofiiee, Buckingham, willbeduh - s H E P H E R IX " Vy" ANTEDimmediately, A goo, I SHEPHERD, v T to have the Careot about 400 Sheep in an open Field H.- will have a Man under him at his Com- mand, a House to live in, and Thirty Pounds per Year; and if deserving and industrious, other En- couragement will he given him. He must have a good Character for Sobriety and Honesty, and be per- fectly acquainted with his Business. il^ f Enquire of Mr. PARRATT, Black- Woburn, Bedfordshire. oneerns, and She has X. Z. at ttended lo. . Horse, HEAVY WOOL RAM '. .(' ROMS'. SHFAV of 11EAVV WOOL 0- RAMS will commence on TUI. SDAY the NINTH of SEPTEMBER next; vvl. cn the Company of his Friends will be esteemed a Favour, or on any other Dav during the Season. Elton, near Stilton, August 1806. A SHEW" OF 1X) NG- WOOLL1U)" RAMS;~ A- EI. I ON, near STILTON, Huntingdonshire. " J'- OJIN EARL respectfully informs the Breeders » " of Sheep in general, that his SHEW of RAMS commences on MONDAY the- 8th Day of SEPTEMBER, lt- MS, and every Day during the Season, Saturdays excepted. Elton, 18/ 4 Aug. 1806. ... Mosty . • • Hounds, in the Season of 1805- 6, and which have never started, paid or received Forfeit, before the Day of Naming, to be bond Fide tlie Property of Sub- scribers. Five- year- olds to carry lUst. 71b. Six- year- olds lust. 111b. and Aged list.— Tlie Best of three Heats, twice round. Mr. Andrew's b. g. Garland, by Volunteer, out of Florella, 6 Years old Mr. Williams's ch. g. Motley, by Little Isaac, Aged Mr. Emden's ch. h. Piccad. liy, own Brother to Cas- trell, 6 Years old General Gyvynn's b. m. Rantipole Mr. Payne's br. h. by Trumpator, out of a Highflyer Mare, 6 Years old Mr. Payne - 0. ill. by Fortunis, Aged Mr. Hill's ch. g. Harlequin, by Buzzard, Aged Lord Lowther's ch. g. oy Cavendish, out ot Strap's Dam, 6 Years old Mr. Wentworth Bayly's b. h, Asfordby, by Oberon, 6 Years old Mr. J. Fletcher's b. g. Alonzo, 6 Years old Mr. I). Faulkner's b. h. by Constitution, out of Stately's Dam, 6 Years old Certificates of the Ages and Qualifications of. the Horses tor the above stakes, to be produced ( if re- quired) before running. Subscriptions to be paid to the Clerk of the Course betoie running. On THURSDAY, the 28th, the TOWN PURSE of FIFTY POUNDS, free tor any Ho: se, Mare, or Gelding, that hath not won a King's Plate this Year. Four- year- olds lo carry 7st. 81b. Five- year - olds 8st. 41b. Six- year- oldsSst. 121b. and Aged 9st. Bridle and Saddle included. Winners of one Plate this Year to carry 3lb. extra, of t-. vo Purses 51b. extra, and of three or more 71b. extra. Maiden Horses and Gefdings allowed 31b. Any Person meaning to enter a Horse for this Purse, is expected to subscribe Three Guineas towards a Purse to be run for in tlie Year 1807. The Owner of each Horse to pay Five Shillings Entrance, or double at the Post ; which said Entrance- Money the Owner of the second Hoise will be entitled to.— Four- mile Heats. ( j- T To start " each Day at Twelve o'Clock. Subscriptions for 180! received by Mr. KIRSHAW, any Time before Entrance. Double Subscription will be required to qualify a Person to enter a Horse at the Post, for eaoli respective l'urse. To enter for eacil Puise at thc KING'S- ARMS INN, on SATURDAY the 23d of Auousr, between the Hours of Four and Eight o'Clock in the Afternoon ; and to run according to siicli Articles as shall be produced at the Time of Entrance, Certificates ot their Ages and Qualifications to be proauccd at the same Time. No less than tlir. e reputed running Horses to start for either of the Purses, without Permission of the Stewards. If but one Horse enter for either Purse, the Owner to iiave Twelve Guineas; if two, Six Guineas each, and their Entrance-. Vloney again. All Disputes to be decided by the Stewards, or whom they shall appoint. The- Winner each Day is expected to pay Two Guineas to the Clerk of the Couise. ' l'he Hurses, & c. for each of the above Prizes, to stand at such Houses, within the Town of North- ampton, as subscribe 10s-. 6d. before thc Day of Entrance No Smith to plate any Horse; nor Booth, Waggon, nor Cart, to stand on the Course, for the Sale of Liquors, unless the Owners pay 10s. fid. each before thc Entrance- Day; tor each Booth haying a Stand over it, to pay 15s. ; and lor the Gentlemen's Stand One Guinea, exclusive of 10s. fid. paid for the Booth under.— No Stand will be permitted within the Circle of the Course. Hon. EDW. BOUVER1E-, Hon. Sl'LNCKR PERCEVAL,>• Stewards. C1IAS. KMGHTLEY, Esq. > H. W RIGHT, Clerk. IfTT There will be an ORDINARY at the GEORGE INN each Day. i supposed remiss in paying my Respects in Person, 1 trust it will be attributed to the little Opportunity of leisure I have had, and to no intentional Omis- sion or Neglect.— 1 think it necessary to repeat, that in the Applications I have made, I am wholly un- connected with any other Candidate, as it is my full Intention to remain; and be assured, so long us you think Jit lo place me in the same honourable Situation 1 now hold, you will ever Jind me steady to the f. ine I have hitherto pursued, and the Prin- ciples I fit st professed. I have the Honour to be, Gentlemen, Your obliged and faithful humble Servant, W. R. CAIITSVRIGHT. Aynho, Aug. 15th, 1806. rpiIAT the Thanks of the Meeting- be giver I- Mr. JOHN HALE TALBOT, Mr. ISAAC HENI At a numerous and respectable MEETING of THREAD LACE MANUFACTURERS, le- siding in the Counties of BDCKI NCHAM, BEDIORD, and NORTHAMPTON, held at the Swan Inn, in Newport- Pagnell, on Wednesday the thirteenth Day of August, 1806, ( Mr. JOHN HALE TALBOT in the Chair,) It iv&' s resolved unanimously ( Amongst other Things J, iven to H| H NLSY HANDSCOMB, and Mr. CHARLES SMITH, for the in- defatigable Attention they have shewn to ihe Interest of the Lace Manufacture, and for their Zeal and Ex- ertions in procuring an Actof Parliament " tor better encouraging the Manufacture of Thread Lace inGreat- Britain," and for their having so completely and suc- cessfully accomplished the Objects for which they were deputed by the Trade. That the above Resolution be inserted in the North- ampton Mercury and London Papers. That the Thanks of the Meeting be given to the Chairman, for the Assiduity and Attention constantly evinced by him in the Progress of the Business. To be SOLD, ALight modern GIG, in very good Condition Price 25 Guineas. if- T Enquire of the Printers; if by Letter, Post- paid. her body to a cinder, and tore her limbs ti- ijifttlniir places: one of her legs was found twenty yards from her body; but the child remained unhurt. The lightning next set fire to her thatched cottage, in which were hi; r four other children, one of whom was killed, and another so dreadfully scorched that its life was despaired of, though hopes are now entertained of its recovery. The cottage, and the wholie of the poor w oman's furniture, were entirely consumed. Monday se'nnight, a boy about eight years- of age, son of R. Swan, Esq. of Morton, near Gains- borough, Lincolnshire, unfortunately fell into a copper of hot water, and was so dreadfully scalded as to occasion his death on the Wednesday following. On Monday se'nnight, an inquisition was taken at Willingham, Cambridgeshire, on view of the body of Hiickle Searle, aged about nine years, w'ho had beeh playing with two other boys about the same age, and running to get an apple which was thrown on the ground for a scramble by one of his playfellows, threw himself down upon the apple in order to secure it, and accidentally thrust a knife which he had in his hand into his left breast, and instantly expired. On Thursday se'nnight, an inquisition was taken on view of the body of a tine girl, about six years of age, daughter of North, of Coventry, who was unfortunately burnt to death oil Tuesday evening, during the absence of her parents.— It appears the little sufferer was left with an ap- prentice girl about 12 years old, and an infant in her arms, with which she fell asleep, and it is supposed the poor child's clothes took fire by sitting too near it, and being unable to extinguish the flames, or awaken the girl with her cries, she ran up stairs, where she was shortly after found by her disconsolate parents, with all her apparel entirely consumed, and her body and head dread- fully burnt.— She survived the melancholy inci- dent but a short time. Verdict— Accidental Death. Hannah Wvkes, Eliiz. Astall, and 1 hos. Astall, of Spratton, in this county, were this day convicted, by the Magistrates at the Record Room, in the full penalty of 20s. each, for stealing peas from a ineld belonging to Mr John Bray, of Sprattou aforesaid; and in default of payment, were committed to ihe gaol of this county for one month. Wednesday se'nnight, while the carriage and servants of Lord Kinnoul were travelling " ii their way to Scotland, on the road between Bugden and Biggleswade, the large trunks, which were strapped on behind the carriage, containing the. whole of the town wardrobe of his Lordship and another nobleman, the servants being on ilie dickey bux of the carriage, were taken away by some unknown persons; the robbery was nut discovered till they arrived at Biggleswade. Saturday, a butcher was exposed on the pillory, for one hour, in the market- place, Manchester, having been convicted of selling unwholesome meat. — ASSIZE INTELLIGENCE. The two following prisoners took their trials at Leicester, last week, after our account left that place, viz. Lacey Wright, for stealing a coat, who was sentenced to seven years' transportation; and John Stevens, charged with robbing the Stamford coach, of w hich he was acquitted. At Coventry assizes, Joseph Frayde, a Black, was tried and sentenced to be hanged, for com- mitting a rape on Betty Pierce, of Coventry; William Wiggs, for stealing wearing- apparel from Mrs. Elizabeth Dewes, was sentenced to be trans- ported for seven years; and Thomas Yardley, for stealing coals out of a boat on the Coventry canal, was sentenced to be imprisoned in gaol one . week; and two were acquitted. At Warwick, Philip Matsell, otherwise Frede- rick Drake, for firing at and wounding Robert Twyford, a watchman, of the parish of Birmingham; William Robathan and Isaac Caddick, for coun- terfeit coining; and Joseph Townsend, for horse- stealing; were capitally convicted and received sentence of death. Townsend was afterwards reprieved, but the three former were left for exe- cution, which is to take place at Birmingham, the Judge having left special ordeis for that purpose. Thomas Mitchell, for robbing a bleaching ground, was sentenced to 14 years' transportation. Win. Swain, for counterfeiting the coin of the King of Prussia; and Sarah Iliron, for burgh. ry; were sen- ! tenccd to be transported for seven years. And been i Samuel Levi and John Lees, for uttering counter- feit coin, were severally sentenced to one year's NORTHAMPTON, SATURDAY EVENING, August 16. MARRIED.] On Monday last, by special licence, at Lambeth Palace, by the Lord Arch- bishop of Canterbury, the Hon. Mr. Pelham, eldest son of Lord Yarborough, to Miss Simpson, only daughter and heiress to the lion. Bridgeman Simpson. On Tuesday last, Mr. John Manners, brother of Sir W. Manners, to the Duchess of Roxburgh. — Her Grace's fortune is said to be 100,000 in hard cash, and ^. 12,000 per annum. On Wednesday last, at Mary- le- bone, Arnold Wainewright, Esq. brother of the Rev. L. Waine- wright, A. M. Rector of Great- Brickhill, Bucks, to Miss Louisa Crooke, second daughter of John Crooke, Esq. of Keinpshot Park, Hants. A few days since, at Cholsey, Berks, William Butler, F. sq. sole heir of Wm. Butler, of Ashbury, to Miss Bacon, of Henley, Oxfordshire. On Thursday se'nnight, at Milton, Cambridge- shire, the Rev. Charles Pine Coffin, of East- Down, in the county of Devon, to Miss Charlotte Knight, second daughter of Samuel Knight, Esq. of Milton. Same day, at Wootton- Wawen, Warwickshire, the Rev. Mr. Bee her, vicar of that place, to Mrs. Scot, of Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk. Same day, Mr. Richard London, to Miss Hands, both of Henley- in- Arden, Warwickshire. Lately, the Rev. Mr. Dolling, rector of Bolne- hurst, Bedfordshire, to Miss Short, second daughter of Mr. Short, of Solihull, Warwickshire. A few days ago, the Rev. E. Bufton, Dissenting- Minister, of Bedworth, to Mrs. Bradley, of Warwick. A few days ago, Mr. Richard Heel, to Miss F. Wright, both of Monk's- Kirby, Warwickshire. DIED.] On Saturday se'nnight, aged 68, Charles Palmer, Esq. of Ladbroke, Warwickshire. On Monday se'ntiight, aged 72, Mr. Stanton, master of the Ram public- house, in St. Martin's Stamford- Baron, in this county. Latelv, at Yaxley, Huntingdonshire, in the 87th year of his age, Mr. Weston, master of the boarding- school there upwards of 50 years, much respected and regretted by his friends and ac- quaintance. A few days ago, after a lingering illness, in the 43d year of his age, Mr. John Miller, surgeon, of Peterborough. On Thursday se'nnight, Mrs. Robbins, widow of Mr. R. Robbins, of Lillington, Warwickshire. Last week, Mrs. Whitehead, wife of Mr. Whitehead, surgeon, of Mountsorrel, Leicester- shire. On Sunday last, at Braunston, Leicestershire, in his 73d year, William Hodges, Gent, formerly an eminent draper at Leicester. Yesterday se'nnight, Mrs. Welch, of Hampton- Lucy, Warwickshire. Same day, at Ullesthorpe, in Leicestershire, aged 79, Mr. Wm. I. iggins, shepherd to John Goodacre Esq. in which occupation and family he had beer employed 56 years.— He had frequently expressed a I ^ _ j desire that he might not live any longer than he could j imprisonment, and each to pay a fine to the King : ard. for he died in the I of £ ^ an( j t() bg bound m a £ 2( X) bolld fOT five years, and also two sureties ill ,£. 50 each. At Cambridge, Henry Gawthorp, for stealing u Mr. with con- To be SOLD, at PATTISHALL, MIE FRUIT of 16 WALNUT TREES, m To 1raluable Building be SOLD by • By FOR Matt rials* A U CTIO N, T. r'ELLy READY MONEY, full Tll. e. iimi. bearing. - Enquiie of JOHN BUTCHER, George Inn, Forster's- Booth, Northamptonshire. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE GAME DU'I V. HIS MAJESTY'S COMMISSIONERS of STAMPS having given express Directions for prompt and immediate Payment tor the- Stamps pro- vided tor the Certificates to be issued with Respect to the Killing of Game; Notice is hereby given, That no such Certificate will in future be issued from the Office of the Clerk of the Peace for this County, without Payment for the same at tlie Time of the Delivery thereof; and all Letters sent for such Cer- tificates, are required to contain a proper Check for the Amount, and to be Post- paid, ( jjf No Deputation of a Gamekeeper can be re- gistered at the above Office, unless properly executed upon a 30s. Deed Stamp.— And every Gamekeeper, not being a menial Servant, must take out a Certi- ficate orl a Stamp of Three Guineas. On Thursday the 28th Day of August, 1806, on tile Premises, at HANNINGTON, in the County of Northampton, the Property of Mr. BUSWELL, ALL the STONE and TIMBER of a lame DWELLING- HOUSE, in small Lots, for the Accommodation of the Company; comprising several Squares of sound Oak Roof, Oak tloors, with Oak Beams and Transoms; seveial Window- Frames and Windows; the Stone Side Walls and Gable Ends; with a large Quantity of Harleston Chimney Water- Tabling, lrusscrs, and Springers; a large Quantity of old Iron; several Lots of Hovel Posts and Hovel ' Timber; with various other Building Materials. *** The Sale to commence exactly at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon. Also to be SOLD by AUCTION or PRIVATE CONTRACT, Two Hundred Thousand of Four- year- old WHITE- THORN QUICK. Apply as above. RAUNDS, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. To l » e S O L D by A U C T I O N, In the Month of September, or early in October next, unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, of which due Notice will be given, AVery eligible ESTATE, situate in the Parish, and'Copyhold of the Manor of RAUNDS, and now in. iheOccupation of Mr. Jonathan Brown, con- taining'about 100 Acres., - - . t^ T The Tenant will shew thc Premises.— Further Particulars may be. had at the Offices of Messrs. \ OPKE Si SHERARD, in Thrapston or Oundle, who I will treat for the Sale by Private Contract'. LONDON, August 16. AT two o'clock on Thursday morning, Basilico arrived at the Foreign Office dispatches from Lord Lauderdale. He was veyed from the French coast in the Vestal frigate, and put on shore at Deal about three o'clock on Wednesday afternoon. A Cabinet Council was held on Thursday forenoon, to take the dispatches into consideration, at which Lord Grenville, the Lord- Chancellor, Earl Spencer, Lord Howick, Lord Sidmouth, Lord Henry Petty, Mr. Windham, and the other Cabiuet Ministers in town, with the exception of Mr. Fox, were ( resent: The Council sat till three o'clock. In tilt evening Mr. Ilasilico again set off" with dispatches for Lord Lauderdale at Paris. The result of the dispatches is not positively known; but if the state of the public funds may be regarded as a criterion of the dis- positions of the two Governments, they do not yet seem to approximate. Omnium, which began selling at 9|, and rose in the course of the day to 10J, declined towards the close of the market to 7; and the Consols fell to 63. Yesterday morning they further declined; Consols to 62J, Omnium to 6J. The rise and fall are the effects of oppo- site reports respecting the " upposed state of the negotiation^* Lord Lauderdale) on his journey to Paris, stopped only at Amiens to take a little rest, lie reached that capital on Tuesday sen- night, in the morning, and alighted at the resi- dence of Lord Yarmouth.— It is rumoured that he did not procure an interview with Talleyrand until Saturday or Sunday last; the latter having, on the announcement of his arrival, sent him a message, " that business, which could not be deferred, would occupy his whole time for two or three days, during which he could not have the pleasure of seeing his Lordship." This circum- stance, if true, very naturally - accounts for the delay of any communication from his Lordship. Another account says, " Mr. Basilico, the Mes- senger, landed at Deal on Wednesday afternoon, from the Vestal frigate, and set off immediately for London, where he arrived at an early hour on Thursday morning. The sreatest anxiety prevailed to learn the contents of his dispatches, but we have reason to believe they are kept a complete secret. Many unpleasant rumours, however, were set afloat, such as the revival of the Marine Con- federacy of the North, and the rumour of an alliance, offensive and defensive, between Russia and France, to be particularly directed against this country. - Though we give no credit to these extravagant surmises, the general inpression was certainly anti- pacific; as may be seen by the fluc- tuation in the funds. It appears to us, however, that this sudden depression is as. unreasonable as work ; and his prayer was heard, field: falling suddenly upon his hands, and telling a fellow- labourer, who was assisting him to pen the sheep, that he could not go any further, and died in two or three minutes.—" Well done thou good and faithful servant, thou shalt inherit tile joys of thy Lord." A Dispensation has passed the Great Seal to enable the Rev. J. Chartres, M. A. Chaplain to Lord ViscountCurzon, and Master of the Grammar- school at Atherstoiie, in Warwickshire, to hold the Vicarage of West- Haddon, in this county, with the Vicarage of Godmanchester, in the. county of Huntingdon, and in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of Westminster. The Right Rev. Spencer, Lord Bishop of Peter borough, has appointed the Rev. Mr. Archard, curate of Wellingborough, Surrogate of the said Diocese, and sole acting Surrogate in the parish of Wellingborough. copper, the property of John Pine Coffin, of Impington, was sentenced to be imprisoned 13 months and fined Is.; Mary Durraut, charged with receiving part of the said copper, knowing it to have been stolen, was' acquitted. And Francis King, for stealing 94 yards of hempen line, the. property of G. Wortham, of Couiberton, was sentenced to be imprisoned six months and fined Is. —— HUNTINGDON RACES. Tuesday, Aug. 5. £. 50, for three, four, and five- year. olds. Mr. Golding's Merry- Maid, 3 yrs old 1- 0 I Mr. Stapleton's Delpini, 4 yrs old 2 0 2 Wednesday, Aug. 6. £. 50, weight fir age. Mr. Stapleton's Delpini 2 1 1 Mr. Williams's Blue- Bell, 4 yrs old 12 2 We have authority to state that the South and North inland districts being united into one, his Majesty has been pleased to appoint Lieutenant- General l'igot to the command of the troops in the inland district, the head- quarters of which are at Litchlield; and Lord Southampton, who is on the staff under him as Major- General, is stationed at Northampton, and has the immediate command of the counties of Northampton, Oxford, Bedford, and Buckingham. A few days since, several pebbles, a piece of flint, part of a black glass bottle, some picces of slate and coarse earthenware, twenty- one in num- ber, were taken out of the stomach of a cow, fed by Mr. John Umbers, and slaughtered by Mr. Kendrick, of Warwick. The piece of bottle, and all the softer substances, are worn round at the edges; and even the flint ( which is a flat rugged piece, about two inches square,) has evidently been reduced since Swallowed by the animnl.— T he beast was healthy and perfectly sound when killed. Oil Sunday the 2Tth ult. Mr. Daniel Webster, of Dean, in this county, had his thigh broken by the falling of his horse upon a gate over which lie at- tempted to leap. The fracture was severe, and Mr. Webster lay upwards of an hour before any person came to his assistance. Fortunately he had a Newfoundland dog with him ; and he instructed the animal to bring to him some splinters from the broken gate, with which, and his handkerchief and neckcloth, he bound up his broken limb with such resolution and dexterity, that it required little alteration by the surgeon afterwards. During the late dreadful thunder- storm, the following shocking event occurred on Bushy Heath, near Rickmansworth, Hbrts:— Several men and women were employed on the Heath in making bricks; when the storm came oh, one of the women, to appease the crying of her infant child, placed it to her breast, and ran towards- her cot- tage, which she had nearly reached, when the lightning struck her in a terrible manner; it burnt 3 2 after heat DERBY RACES. Tuesday, Aug. 12. ^. 50, tueo. mile heats. Mr. Sitwell's b. f. Slielah, by Hambletonian, 3 yrs old 2. Mr. Glossop's b. f. Lark, 3 yrs old 1 Mr. Andrew's b. c. Zofloya ( late Trafalgar), 4yrsold - 1 3 Before starring 2 to 1 Shelah against the field— the first heat 2 to 1 on Lark— after'the second Shelah the favourite— 5 to 1. against Zofloya. Same day, ei Sweepstales offtgs. eachy. for hunters, two- niile I fa:,. Mr; W. Baylev's br. h by Oberon, 5yrseld.. 1. 1 Mr. Broadhurst's ch. h. by Citizen, out of Lo- thario's dam, 5 yrs old. - 2 2 - Eight Subscribers paid forfeit. Mr. Story's ch. f. Lady-' i'air, by Volunteer,- 3 yrs old, 7st, beat MrvTowle's ch. c. Alexander,' by Old England, 3 yrs old, 8s. t. gOgs. p. p. Two miles:— Alexander the favourite. PRICE of CORN per Quarter Northampton, Saturday, August 16, at Wheat, 691. to, 80s. 0d. Rye, 50s. Od. to 53s. . Barley, 36s Od. to 38 = . Od. Oats, 27s. Od. to 34s. Od. Beans, 43,. Od. to 44s. M. Peas, — s Od to— s. lid. By the Standard Measure. IRAFTON, Inspector. Corn- Exchange, London, Friday, August 15. The arrivals of Wheat- sinceour last, with the quantities at hand, make but inconsiderable supplies; fine is . in request, and more readily taken off, at somewhat better price— There are but hort supplies ot Barley, which is dearer. — Malt and Beans are a small vari- ation of prices.— White Peas continue scarce.— Of Oats there are but middling supplies, with a few foreign, and this article tor prime samples is quoted rather dearer: — Prices of Flour without variation. LIST of PAIRS, front Aug. 18,' to Aug. SO, within the Circuit of this Paper. Th. Aug. 21. Oundle, Higbam- F- rrers, Rugby, Bedford, Ifirislow, and DedJington. M. 25. Toddingl'- n. ' 1'. 26. N- rthai/ ipton and Hinckley. P. —— 29. Ne^ oport- Pagnell aim L'jventry. « * THE MANSION OE REST. f The following lires. were wr It n by a British Statesman of celebrity, noit• living— They breathe much morality . and ingenuousness.] I Talk'd to my flattering heart. Aid I chid its wild wandering ways; I eharg'd it front Folly to part, And to husbai d the best of its days; I bade it Ho longer admire The meteor-- tnat Fancy had dres't: I whispei'd, ' rw. i. time to ictire, And seek for a Mansion ot R- st. A Charmer was list'ning the while. Who caught up the tone of hiy lay : " <) come, then," she cry'd, with a smile, " And I'll shew you the place and the way:" 1 fbllow'd the witch to her homs. And vow'd to be alway-. her guest: " Never more," 1 cxclaim'd, " will 1 roam, " In search of the Mansion of Rest." But the sweetest of moments will- fly; Not lone was nty fancy beguil'd. For too soon I conl'ess'd, with a sigh, That the Syren deceiv'd, while she smil'd. Deep, deep, did she stab the repose Of my trusting and innocent breast, And the door of each avenue close That !? d to the Mansion of Rest. The- i friendship enrie'd me to stray t; ;' rh. r l'. ng niagic wiles of romance, B it I foMnd that he- meant to betray, Ami shr'/ nk front the Sorcerer's glance; For experience has taught me to know, 1 hat the soul which reelin'd on his breast, Might toss on the billows of woe, And ne'er find the Mansion ot Rest. Pleasure's path I determin'd to try, But Prudence I met in the way, Conviction flash'd light from her eye And appear'd to illumine my day; She crv'd— as she shew'd me a erave. With nettles and wild fiow'rs V. ress'd, O'er which the dark cypress did wave— " Behold there the Mansion of Rest." Sh' spoke— and half vanish'd in air, For she saw mild Religion appear, With a smile tint would banish Despair, And d- y up the peni'ent tear; Doubts and fears from my bosom were driv'n, As pressing the Cross to her breast, And pointing serenely tn Heav'n, She shew'd the true Mansion of Rest. To THE PRINTERS. G ENTI. F. M EN, y^ S the beautiful and refulgent appearance of the planet Jupiter, w.- ich is seen in the South and South- west pa ts of the heavens in the evening, hath occasioned much discourse respecting its magnitude, according to the best account which 1 tan give of it, which Ins been taken from accurate observations, it is the larie. t planet in our system: its diameter is 94,100 miles, which is more than ten times the dia- me er of the earth; and it? distance from the sun is 491,990,976 miles. This planet, when viewed through a good telescope, is surrounded with" faint substances, which astronomers call belts; It has four moons, which constantly attend and revolve round it, some larger and some smaller than our earth. When it is in conjunction with the planet Saturn, which is hut seldom, the seasons are either remarkably dry or sur- prisingly wet, according to what sign they meet in. And as the ienorant often ridicule the learned, and never more so than when they pretend to predict the weather by the influence of the planets, I will make use of a few observations to prove that there is some- thing more than chance in it. In the month of March, in the year 1762, the two superior planets, Saturn and Jupiter, were in conjunction, in the dry and fiery sign Aries, and the c- vent was, a summer re- markably dry ensued, and such a one that has not happened in Engla id since. The ntxt time of their meeting was in the year 1782,- in the sign Sagitarius, ar. d that was a very wet season. Tils last time of . their meeting was in the year 1802, in the month of July, in the sign Virgo, and the latter end of that year wi. so very dry that there was a great scarcity of water until the snu'w fell in winter; and according to my calculation these two planets will not meet again until the month of June in the year 1821, which they will do in the fiery sign Aries, being the same sign ' they were in in the year 17.62. And here it is to be observed, that 1 do not pred'ct. that there will not be a dry summer until that time, but to shew how different the seasons are when these two planets meet in different parts of the heavens. JOHN NORMAN. Braybrook, Aug. 12tb, 1806. — —— v.* CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE. The following is a remarkable instance of the fal- laciousness of circumstantial evidence, though of the strongest nature:— Extraordinary case of Jonathan Bradford, who was executed at Oxford, for the murder of Christopher Hayes, Esq. in the year 1736. JONATHAN BRADFORD kept an inn in Oxfordshire, on- the London road to Oxford; he bore an unex- ceptionable character. Mr. Hayes, a gentleman of fortune, being on his way to Oxford, on a visit to a relation, put up at Bradford's. He there joined company with two gentlemen, with whom lie supped, and in conversation unguardedly mentioned that lie had then about him a large sum of money. In due time they retired to their re- spective chambers; the gentlemen to a two- bedded room; leaving, as it is customary with many, a candle burning in the chimney corner. Some hours after they were in bed, one oi' the gentlemen being awake, thought he heard a deep groan in the ad- joining chamber; and this being repeated, he softly awaked his friend. They listened together, and the groans increasing as of one dying, they both instantly arose, and proceeded silently to the door of the next chamber, from whence they hoard the groans, and the door being a- jar, saw a light in the room; they entered, but it is impossible to paint their consternation, on perceiving a person welte r- ing in his blood in the bed, and n man standiiu over him w- ith a dark lanthorn in one hand, and a knife in the other. The man seemed as petrified as tliemselvcs, but his terror carried with it all the terror of guilt! The gentlemen soon discovered it was the stranger with whom they bad that night supped, and that the man who was standing over liitn was their host. They seized Bradford directly, disarmed him of bis knife, and charged iiini w ith being the murderer: he assumed by this time the air of innocence, positively denied the crime, and asserted that he came there with the same humane intention as themselves; for that, hearing a noise, which Was succeeded by a groaning, he got out of bed, struck a light, armed himself with a knife for his defence, and had but that minute entered the room before them. These assertions were of little avail, he was kept in close custody till the morning, and then taken before a neighbouring justice of the peace. Bradford still denied the nmrder, but nevertheless, with such an apparent indication of guilt, that the justice hesitated not to make use ot' this extraordinary expression, on writing out his mittimus:—" Mr. Bradford, either you or myself committed this murder." This extraordinary alHw'r was the conversation of the whole county. Bradford was tried and con- demned over and over again, in every company. In the midst of all this predetermination came on the assizes at Oxford: Bradford was brought to trial, he pleaded not guilty. Nothing could be more strong than the evidence of the two gentle- men: they testified to the finding Mr. Hayes murdered in his bed, Bradford at the side of the body with a light and a knife: that knife, and the band which held it, bloody; that on their entering the room he betrayed all the signs of a guiltv man; and that a few moments preceding, they had heard tile groans of the deceased. Bradford's defence on his trial was the same as before the gentlemen: he had heard a noise; lie suspected some villainy transacting; he struck a light; be snatched a knife ( the only weapon near him) to defend himself; and the terrors he dis- covered were merely the terrors of humanity, the natural effects of innocence as well as guilt, on beholding such a horrid scene!— This defence, however, could be considered but as weak, con- trasted with the several powerful circumstances against him. Never was circumstantial evidence more strong! There was little need left, of comment from the Judge in summing up the evidence. No room appeared for extenuation, and the Jury brought in the prisoner guilty, even without going out of the box.— Bradford was executed shortly after, still declaring he w as not the murderer, nor privy to the murder, of Mr. Haves; but he died disbelieved by all. Yet were those assertions not untrue! The murder was actually, committed by Mr. Hayes's footman; who immediately on stabbing his master, rifled his breeches of his money, gold watch, and snuff- box, and escaped to his own room, which could have been, from the after- circum- stances, scarcely two seconds before Bradford's entering the unfortunate gentleman's chamber. T he world owes this knowledge to a remorse of conscience iu the footman ( eighteen months after the execution of Bradford) mil a bed of sickness: it was a death- bed repentance, and by that death the law lost its victim ! It is much to be wished that this account could close here; but it cannot! Bradford, though inno- cent, and not privy to the murder, was, never- theless, the murderer in design. He had heard, as well as the. footman, what Mr. Hayes had declared at supper, as to his having a large sum of money about him, and he went to the chamber with the same diabolical intention as the servant. He was struck with amazement!— He could not believe his senses!— and in turning back the bed- clothes, to assure himself of the fact, he, in his agitation, dropped his knife on the bleeding body, by which both his hand and his knife became bloody. These circumstances Bradford acknowledged to the cler- gyman who attended him after his sentence. TICKETS, SHARES, and CHANCES, in the first LOTTERY for 1G00, Are novu selling by TBRANSCOMB and Co. Joint Contractors . for the present Lottery, and Proprietors of the Lucky Lottery- Offices, No. 11, HOLBORN, No. 37, CORNHILL, and No. 38, HA YMARK FT, PICCADILLY; where the first ,£. 30,000 Prize ever sold, likewise No. 12,719, the last .£. 25,000, were both divided into Shares; and in the Lotteries for ISOland 1805, the following Capitals wete sold in 257 different Shares, namely, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, rpiIAT a Petition will be presented to the § - Honourable the House of Commons, in the next Sessions of Parliament, tor Leave to bring in a Bill for continuing the Term, and altering, amending, en- larging, and making more effectual, the Powers of four several Acts of Parliament for repairing the Roads therein- mentioned, in the County of Buck- ingham, so far as the said Acts relate to the Road from Wendover to the Town of Buckingham, in the said County of Buckingham; and which Road passes through the several Parishes of Wendover, Stoke- Mandcville, Weston-' l urvill, Aylesbury, Flardwick, Whitchurch, Creslow, Dunton, Hoggeston, Swan - bourne, Winslow, Addingtbn, Aclstock, Padbury, and Buckingham, in the County aforesaid.— Dated the 13th Day of August, 1806. By Order of the Trustees, LANCELOT WYATT. Nos. £. 3,330 entitled to 1,000 17,477 21,699 16,801 17,915 4,077 1,000 1,000 2,000 2,000 5,000 Nos. £. 13,747 entitled to 10,000 456 •• 20,000 9,219 20,000 11,643 20,000 7,686 20,020 7,757 20,022 And No. 12,719, .£. 25,000 ; With 12 Prizes of ,£. 500, and a great Number of i. lPO, .£- 50, & c. & c. Likewise, in several former Lotteries, the above Proprietors have shared and registered as follows, namely, TURNl'IKE- lOLLS TO BE LETT. NOTICE is hereby given, That the TOLLS arising at t.'. e Toll- Gate upon the Turnpike- Road leading from Wendover to Buckingham, in the County of Bucks, called or known by the Name of WALTON GATE, with the WEIGHING- ENGINE be- longing 10 the same, will be LETT to FARM by AUCTION, to the Best Bidder, at the BELL INN, in WINSLOW, in the said County, on FRIDAY the FIFTH Day of SF. PTF. MBER next, between the Hours of Twelve and Two of the same Day, in the Manner directed by the Act passed in the 13th Year of the Reign of his present Majesty King George the Third, for regulating Turnpike- Roads, and will be put up at such Sum of Money as the Trustees of the said Turnpike- Road present at such Meeting shall think lit. Whoever happens to be the Best Bidder, must im- mediately pay down into the Hands of the Treasurer one Month's Rent, in Advance, and at the same Time give Security, with sufficient Sureties, to the Satis- faction of the said Trustees, for the Payment of the Remainder of the Rent agreed for, and at such Times as they shall direct. And it is required that such Bidder do produce the Names of his Sureties, to the Satisfaction of the Trustees, at the Time of Bidding. LANCELOT WYATT, Clerk to the said Trustees. IVinslow, August - 1 th, 1806. Prizes of s£, 30,000 20,000 10,000 Prizes of £. 5,000 2,000 1,000 TICKETS AND SUARES Are likewise selling, in great Variety of Numbers, by Mr. IV. BIRDSALL, Bookseller. NORTHAMPTON. ( tT Begins Drawing the ISth of OCTOBER. *** Please to observe, there are more Capital Prizes in the present Lottery than ever were in any former one, with only 20,000 Tickets, and the Price of Shares not so high as has been in several past Lotteries; therefore, an early Purchase is t ' commended. THRAPSTON I URN PIKE- R( > A r). WE the undersigned Trustees of the Hunt- ingdonshire Division of the Turnpike- Road leading from Market- Harborough, in the County ot" Leicester, to the Pound in the Parish of Brampton, in the County ot Huntingdon, do hereby give Notice, that a Meeting of the Trustees of the said Road will be held at the COUNCIL- CHAMBER, in the Town of HUNTINGDON, on TUESDAY the 19th Day of AUGUST instant,' at Eleven o'Ciock in the Forenoon, for the 1 ... - first the HOT acting other business relating to the same Road. Given under our Hands this 5th Day of August, 1806. ( Signed) SANDWICH. VERE WARNER HUSSEY. WM. H. FKLLOWES. JOHN ARUNDEL. WM. ELLIS. JOHN RICHARDS. Betton's True British Oil; AMedicine which stands unequalled for the. Cure of internal or external Bruises, Lameness, Swellings, Inflammations, St. Anthony's Fire, Sore Legs,, Contusions; Green and other Wounds, Burns, Scalds, Contractions of the Nerves, Scorbutic, Rheu- matic, and Leprous Disorders; and taken internally, Numbers afflicted with Coughs, Inflammations on the Lungs, and Consumptions, have been snatched from the Brink of the Grave by the timely Use of it. Purchasers are requested to observe, that the Words " DICEY & Co." are printed in the Stamp affixed over the Cork of each Bottle, and signed in the Margin of each Bill of Directions : Alb others are COUNTERFEIT. Sold, Wholesale and. Retail, by Dicey & Co. No. 10, Bow Church- Yard, London, Price Is. 9d. a Bottle, — the Refined, ,2s. 9d. Duty included. Also, sold Wholesale and Retail by the Printers ot this Paper ( by whom great Allowance is made to Country Shopkeepers), and Retail by the following Persons, viz. Wilkins, Robins, Bates, & Wilkinson, Daventcy; Parker, Merridew, and Rollason, Coventry; Coliison, Biacklcy ; Watson, Aynlio; Mrs. lieesley, Banbury; OdeU. aud E. Pyne, l. eighton; Griffin and Co. Tring ; Norwood, Amersham; Aynsworth, & c Birdsev, Hemel- hempstead; Edwards, Chesliam ; Barnes, Inwood, and Barringer, Newport- Pagnell; Osborn, Wobuin ; Good- man, North- Crawley; Queneborough, and Squires, Dunstable; Lancaster, Clophill; ALsop, Crawley, and Mead, Luton; Brown, Morris, and Ureen & Co. Ampthill; S. and A. Cooper, and Morris, Nuneaton; Bull, Harrod, and Dawson, Market- Harborough; Adams, and- Gamble, Loughborough; Gregory, and Swinfen, Leicester ; Toone, Woolvey ; Pearson, Mei- ton- Mowbray; Burbagi? & Co. Nottingham; Inns, and Galiard, Towcester ; Seeley, Buckingham ; Miss Jones, Oxford ; llawkes, Lutterworth; R. Palgrave, J. Okcly, B. Bradley, and J. Bradley, Bedford; Hine, 1' otton; Bunting, Sandy; Gardner, Weston, and Brooks, Biggleswade ; Richardson, Elmes, Poultcis and Sheppard, Stony- Stratford; Higham, Old- Stratford; Moxham, Fenny- Stratford; Stevens, Bicester; Marlin, J. Wheeler, Rickford, F. Wheeler, & F. Loggin, Aylesbury ; Wards, Hinckley; Sanderson Se Co. Broughton, Chettle, and Mather, Wellingbo- rough ; Eaton, Thrapston; York & Summers, Oundie; Horden, and Jacob, Peterborough; Ring, Gilkes, and Matthews, Chipping- Norton; Baly, Wright, anil Stevens, High- Wycomb; Collis & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Newcomb, and Drakard, Stamford; Bird, Uppingham ; Gibson, Oakham; Churchill, Dedding- ton; Roberts, Southam ; Sharpe, Warwick; Luccock, Kimbolton; Bayley, and Paul, St. Ives; Emery, and Fox, St. Neots; . Tenkinson, Huntingdon; Darton, and Tapp, Hitchin; Hovel, Staples, Eaden, Hodson, and Gee, Cambridge; Leigh, Atherstone; Arch, Shetf'ord ; Holland, Win- low; Ward, Stratford- upon- Avon ; Mat- thews, Campden; Wallis, Olney; Taylor, Retford; Dexter, Wilbarston; Brinkler, Bicester; and by the Venders of Dicey Se Co.' s Medicines in every l'own throughout the Kingdom ; Of whom may be had, from Dicey & Co.' s Warehouse as above, s. d. s. d. ELli'W It K IN CLOSURE. PERAMBULATION of BOUNDARIES.. WE, the Commissioners, appointed by " An Act for inclosing Lands in the Parish of F LIT WICK, in the County of Bedford," intend to enquire into, ascertain, set out, determine, and fix, the Boundaries of the Parish of ILITWICK, and of that Part of the said Parish of Flitwick called PITISLTY, so far as the same adjoin to, or abut upon, the Parishes of Ampthill, Maulden, Flit ton', Weston- ing, Tingrith, Eversholt, and Steppingley, in the said County of Bedford, on WEDNESDAY the THIRD Day ot SEPTEMBER next; and we intend to meet, at Ten o'Ciock of the same Day, at a Place called Ewe- Green- Water, on the Road leading from Ampthill to Flitwick, and to proceed from thence along the Boundaries of the said Parish of Flitwick, and ot that Part of Flitwick called Prisley, and of the Parishes of Ampthill, Maulden, Flitton, Westoning, Tingrith, Evearsholt, and Steppingley, so far as the same adjoin to or abut upon each other; and will, after perambu- lating the Boundaries as aforesaid, adjourn to, and meet at, the House of HENRY SPRING, at the W MITE- HART, in AMPTHILL, in the said County of Bedford, in the Afternoon of the same Day.— And we give further Notice to, and require all Persons who may be interested in, or affected by, the ascertaining, setting out, determining, and fixing, the Boundaries of the said Parishes and Places respectively, so far as the same adjoin to or abut upon each other, to attend and produce such Evidence relative thereto as they may conceive necessary, at the Times and Places above- mentioned.— Dated this 6th Day of August, 1806. JOHN 1- ELLO'WES, THOS. THORPE, _______' FHOS- GOSTKL. OW. AMPTHILL 1NCLOSURE. PERAMBULATION of BOUNDARIES. WE, the Commissioners, appointed by " An Act for inclosing Lands in tile Parish of AMPTH1LL, in the County of Bedford," intend to ascertain, set out, and fix, the Boundaries of the Parish ot ' AMPTHI I. L, SO far as the same adjoin to, or abut upon, the Parishes of Maulden, lloughton- Conquest, Milbrook, Steppingley, and Flitwick, in the s-. tid County of Bedford, on TUESDAY tile SECOND Day of SEPTEMBER next; and to meet, at Teno'Clock of the same Day, at the Point where the Parishes of Ampthill and M. aulden adjoin, being at the Corner of Mr. Spring's Lane; and to proceed from thence along the Boundaries of the said Parishes of Ampthiil, Maulden, Houghton - Conquest, Milbrook, Step- pingley, and Flitwick, so far as the same adjoin or abut upon each other; and we will, after perambu- lating the Boundaries as aforesaid, adjourn to, and meet at, the House of 1- IENR Y SPRINC, at the WHITE- HART INN, in AMPTHILL aforesaid, in the Afternoon of the same Day.— And we give further Notice to, and require all Persons who may be interested in, or affected by, the ascertaining, setting out, and fixing, the Boundaries of the said. Parishes respectively, so far as the same adjoin to or abut upon each other, to attend and produce such Evidence relative thereto as they may cpneeive necessary, at the Times and Places above- mentioned.— Dated this 6th Day of August, 1805. JOHN FELI. OWES, THOS. THORPE. CITY of LINCOLN, March 13th, 1806. I SAMUEL BRISTOVV, voluntarily declare, that > I was afflicted with seven bad Sores in my Leg, painful and offensive, some of which were as large as a Crown Piece. Two Years I uselessly tried recom- mended Applications. At Length, advised by a Neigh- bour, I boiig. it of Mr. John Drury, Printer, three small Bottles of SPILSBURY's PATENT ANTI- SCORBUTIC DROPS, from the Administration of which I became entirely well, as also unexpectedly relieved from a painful Affection of my Stomach and Breast.— Witness my Hand, SAMUEL BRISTOW. Signed before me, JOHN DRURY, Lincoln. The genuine Medicine, in Bottles of 5s. 6d. 10s. and s£.' l 2s. Duty included, sold at the Dispensary, No. 15, Soho- Square, London, has the King's Duty ( the Stamp) printed in black Ink, instead of red Ink. f< 5T Sold also by the Printers ot this Paper; Mr. Okely, Bedford; Mather, Wellingborough; Collis & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Robins, and Wil- kinson, Daventry ; Corrill, Lutterworth ; and by most Venders of Patent Medicines in Town and Country. NAVAL ANECDOTES. This Day is published, elegantly printed on fine wove Paper, in one thick Volume, Demy Octavo, con- taining near 600 Pages, with an emblematic' Front- ispiece, Price 10s. fid. in Boards, " TV I AVAL ANECDOTES; illustrating the iAi Character of BRITISH SEAMEN, and re- cording the" most impressive Examples of Skill, Valour, Fortitude, and Magnanimity which have oc- curred at various Periods, in every Quarter of the Globe. Published by JAMES CUNDF. F,, Ivy- Lane, Pater- noster- Row, London; and • sold by W. BIRDSALI., Northampton; ot whom may be had, The BRITISH TR1D E NT, or R EG 1STE R of N A VA L ACTI ON S, in lour Vols. 12mo. with upwards of 40 lingravings of celebrated Battles, Price £. 1 2s. Boards. KEARSLEY's TAX TABLES, anew Edition, for the Year 1806, are now published, Price Is. including a very full and complete Abstract of the New Property Bill; the £. i per Cent. Deduction; the £. 10 per Cent, on the Assessed Taxes; the Ap- praisement, and all other Taxes* Likewise, Instruc- tions to Journeymen and others, to make their Re- turns under the Property Act. Printed for G. KEARSLEY, Fleet- Street, London; of whom may be had, KEARSLEY'S TRAVELLER'S ENTERTAINING GUIDS through GREAT- BRITAIN, or a Description of the Great Roads and principal Cross Roads; with a con- cise Topographical History of the Cities, Towns, Watering- Places, chief Villages, Antiquities, Seats, & c. with a Map. Price 7s. in Boards. Printed for WILLIAMS & SMITH, Stationers'- C'ourt, London; and sold by Mr. WATTS, Northampton; and all other Booksellers. RPHE COTTAGE LIBRARY: A new Series JL of Tracts, Religious, Historical, and Enter- taining, with Cuts-; proper for Distribution in Schools and Villages. PART 1.— The History of aTract; with an Appendix. The Martyrdom of Polycarp. Life of Faith and Triumph of Glory. Conversion of Mr. I. apiuoth and his Family. Dr. Watts's Divine Songs, adapted tor Sunday Schools. A Sequel to Ditto, for Ditto. PART II.— History of David Saunders, of Salisbury Plain. The Martyrdom of Ignatius, Lawrence, and Cyril. The Life of Sir J. Barnard, M. P. By Rev. II. Venn. Providence Displayed, in the History of" Mr. Rogers, See. The Conversion of Mrs. Nonmus, a Jewess, See. Con- The Death of a Collier, and the Collier's Daughter. The Convened Jew. From Zion's Pilgrim.. The Converted Hottentots. The Affectionate Parent. Memorials of Providence. PART IV.— Stanzas on Mortality. By IV. Cowper, Esq. The Greenwich Pensioner. From the Sailor Pilgrim. Journey from Time to Eternity ; and the Travellers. Poor Robin's Creed ; and Thoughts on the Trinity. The Rake reformed in the House of Mourning. The African Prince. PART V.— A Family Conversation on Providence. Life and Experience of John Bunvan. Great Duty of believing on the Son of God, Address to Jews. By ( Jains. The Best Husbandry ; a Tract for Farmers. The Stable Boy. From Zion's Pilgrim. PART VI.— Present for an Apprentice. Grace Displayed ; and the Ungrateful Son. Life of Dr. Cowper, Bishop of Galway. History of Charles Crawford. The Converted Negro, Babay, & c. The Happy Cottage. By Dr. Hawker. PART VII.— Poor Joseph, tec. Caution against Profaneness; with Anecdotes, Solemn Questions. By Dr. Hawker. Prayer Meetings. By Ditto. Cushoo: A Dialogue on the Slave Trade. On the Sabbath. From Judge Rush. PART VIII .— Industry and Early Devotion. Temperance recommended; with'Anecdotes. Dodd's Sayings, and Sermon on Malt. Gambling: Its Evil Tendency and Effects. The Golden Mean between Prodigality and Covetous- ness. Contrast: The Death of Lord Rochester and Voltaire. The above Tracts may be had singly, forgiving away, at Id. each, or 7s. per Hundred. The Parts ( 6: 1. each) may be separated into distinct Tracts, by only cutting the Thread. The above eight Parts com- plete two volumes, 2s. each, sewed, and 2s. 6d. neatly half- bound. Also may be had, as above, the SUNDAY- SCHOOL MISCELLANY, NO. 1 to 20, at 3d. each; with the greatest Variety of Books for Sunday- Schools. Market- IIarborough / radWelford Turnpike- Roads from Northampton. " IVTOTICE is hereby given, That the next Meeting JLN of the Trustees" of the - said Turnpike- Roads will be held at the House of Mrs. BOSWORTH, called Hi GHCAIE- HOUSE, in the Parish of Spratton, in the County of Northampton, on THURSDAY the 21st Day of AUGUST instant, at Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon. C'HAS. MARKIIAM, Clerk to the Trustees. Northampton, August 9th, 1806. MORE CAPITAL PRIZES, And Five Thousand less Tickets than last State- Lottery THE FIRST- DRAWN TICKET ENIITLFD TO TEN THOUSAND POUNDS; All other Capital Prizes are afloat. PURCHASERS of Tickets and Shares will have the Opportunity of obtaining all the Capital Prizes, provided they purchase before the Drawing commences, which will be on the 13th of OCTOSS* next — The Scheme contains equal Advantages of TWENTY THOUSAND POUND PRIZES, TEN THOUSAND POUND PRIZES, FIVE THOUSAND POUND PR1ZES, lee. * c. To former Lotteries ot double the Number of Tickets. 20,000 Tickets only, and No other Slate- Lottery to be drawn this Year. SCHEME. No. of Prizes. Valueofeach. Total Value. 3 3 3 5 8 20 40 4,100 20,000 10,000 5,000 1,000 500 100 50 20 20,000 Tickets. .£. 60, OCX) 30,000 15,000 5,000 4,090 2,000 2,000 82,000 =£. 200,000 - ..... ... ....... .. UIMIUJ, a UTNWI, CVT The Heavenly Footman. By Join Bunyan. PART 111.— The Two Apprentices— Greenland True Daffy's Elixir 2 6 Smaller Bottles - 1 8 Dr. Anderson's Scots Pills, 30 in a Box 1 1J Hooper's Female Pills 1 U Squire's Grand Elixir 1 9 Bostock's F. lixir - 2 6 Stoughton's Elixir 1 li Clinton's Snuff',& Oil 1 6 Bathing Spirits - 0.9 Godfrey's Cordial 0 9 Golden & plain Spirits of Scurvy- Grass 1 I § Beaume de Vie Rymer's Tincture Walker's Jesuits Drops Wyman's Pills 3 6 2 9 2 9 2 9 That most excellent Medicine, THE CORDIAL BALM OF G1LEAD, IS universally resorted to for its extraordinary Superiority in all Complaints of the Stomach, Relaxations of the Solids, Nervous Weaknesses, the deleterious Effects of hot Climates, and particularly the ill Consequences of Intemperance. In short, in all Cases where the Constitution has been reduced by Disease or Irregularity, the Effects of the Balm of Gilead are unequalled. Also, The ANTI- IMPETIGINES, or SOLO- MON'S DROPS, the most powerful alterative, pu- rifier, and sweetener of the Blood ever yet discovered, and may be confidently relied on as the most safe and certain Remedy for the Scurvy, Scrofula, King's- Evil, Scorbutic Eruptions, Leprosy, and other Disorders arising from an impure or impaired State of the Blood and Lymph. ( p3~ Ladies and Gentlemen may have. their Orders completed for the Half- Guinea, or Family Bottles, which contain four for 33s. on which 9s. is saved. %* Scarce a Person who purchases one Bottle of either of these Medicines, or reads that interesting 3s. Tract, called " Solomon's Guide to Health," but has Reason to sound their Praise. N. B. Dr. Solomon, when consulted, expects his usual Fee of Half- a- Guinea. Such Letter should, for Safety, be thus directed, " Money Letter." Dr. Solomon, Gilead- House, near Liverpool." Observe.— Each Bottle of Dr. Solomon's Medicines has a Government Stamp, with the Name of the Proprietor, '' Saml. Solomon, Liverpool," engraved thereon, to imitate which is Felony. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by the Printers of this Paper; also, Retail, by Marshall, and Edge, North- ampton; Collis & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Dawson, and Harrod, Harborough; Marriott, Banbury ; Inns, and Gallard, Towcester; Seeley, Buckingham; Richardson, Stony - Stratford ; Edge, " and Mather, Wellingborough; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry; Okely, and Palgrave, Bedford; Fox, St. Neots i Rarringer, and Inwood, Newport- Pagnell; Swinfen, Leicester; by the Printers ot' the Country News- papers ; and by all the reputable Medicine Venders, Booksellers, & c. in every principal Town in England, Ireland, Scotland, and America, who will deliver Pamphlets gratis, with a Variety of authentic Docu- ments noted therein. To Mr. Thomas ' Taylor, Surgeon, No. 9, New Bridge- Street, London. SIR, EDINBURGH, Mayl, 1R00. IN the Spring of 1794, I was afflicted with a Venereal Complaint, which 1 treated with In- difference for five Months, but was then obliged to apply to a regular Physician, who put a temporary Stop to the Violence of the Disease ( by Mercurial Applications) for some Time; but growing, in Spite of all Medicine and Advice qf the first Gent! men of the Faculty here, worse and worse for two Years, I was reduced to a State almost unparalleled and beyond Description, being an entire Leper, and ulcerated from Head to Foot. My Head, Throat, Mouth, Nose, Legs, Arms, Sec. have been alternately in Danger of becoming useless; in short, I have had from 20 to 30 earing Ulcers on my Body, and nearly totally deprived of Sight. It would be voluminous to particularize all my Case— suffice it to say, there never was, nor ever will be, one of a more dangerous, or of a more complicated Nature. I was long looked upon by my Friends, and imagined myself, beyond all Hopes of Recovery; and indeed, rn my then Condition, Death was preferable to my more than miserable State. In this dreadful Situation did I drag a most miserable Existence, till Divine Providence threw in my Way a Newspaper, containing the Case of a Mr. B. at Ply- mouth : My Friends read it, I could not.— I sent and procured some of your LEAKE's PATENT PILLS ; by using which, from Time to Time, am now, and have long been, after more than four Years indescrib- able Distress, in as good a State of Health as ever I enjoyed: As a Proof of this, 1 had a fine, thriving, healthy Child born to me a few Months ago. In Gra- titude to God, and in Hopes of rendering my Fellow- Creatures Service, I request you to publish this; and • you may at any Time refer Persons who wish to be satisfied of the Truth of this, or further Particulars*, to me or my Friends, by Letter or Person. As few Cases for Badness wil l ever equal mine, and none exceed it, I have, from Experience, every Rea- son to assure Mankind, that in your Leake's Pills they will find a sure, speedy, safe, and radical Cure, for that most dreadful Stage of the Venereal Disease, which is called a confirmed I. nes. I am, with Gra- titude, Sir, your obliged humble Servant, J. T. * Insurmountable Family Reasons prevent making my Name and Address public ; but creditable Persons, realty wanting Information, may be referred to tt; e ar. d my Friends, by Mrs. S. Clark, Ramsey. Gardens, Edinburgh. Prepared and sold by the sole Proprietor, THOMAS TAYLOR, Member of the PvOyal College of Surgeons, in London, at his House, No. 9, New Bridge- Street ; wliere, after a constant Residence of more than forty Years, in a Practice particularly directed to the Cure of Venereal Complaints, and those inci- dental to the Parts of Generation in both Sexes, with that inviolable Secrecy which Men of his Profession should always observe, he flatters himself the Advice and Assistance he gratuitously administers to Persons taking this Medicine, will be esteemed, by a discern- ing Public, as an Advantage seldom to be obtained, and void of Ambiguity. They are also sold, by his Appointment, for the Convenience of those living at a Distance, by the Printers of this Paper, and Mr. Marshall, Druggist, Northampton; Inns, and Gallard, Towcester; Robins, & Wilkinson, Daventry ; Sharpe, Warwick ; Rollason, Coventry ; Gregory, Leicester; Harrod, Harborough ; Seeley, Buckingham; Loggin, Ayles- bury; Knight, Collis & Dash, and Munn, K. ct- tei ing; Mather, Wellingborough; Marriott, Banbury ; Tookey, Oundie; Palgrave, Bedford; Atkinson, Manchester; and by one Person in every considerable Town in Great- Britain and Ireland, in Boxes of only 2s. 9d. each, sealed up with full and plain Directions, whereby Persons of either Sex may cure themselves with Ease, Speed, Secrecy, and Safety. (( JT Every Box sold in Great- Britain is sealed up with a Stamp, on which, by Favour ot the Commis- sioners, is printed, at the Stamp- Office— 7". Taylor, No. 9, Neiv Bridge. Street— to imitate which is Felony, and all others are counterfeit. TICKETS AND SHARES Are on Sale at EVERY LOTTERY - OFFICE. Ticket .£. 19 I5s. Half .£. 10 2 0 1 Eighth ^£. 2 11 6 Quarter 5 2 0 | Sixteenth 1 6 O • BEDFORDSHIRE,? WE, JAMES DEW, late of to wit. S RLUKHAM, in the County of Bed- ford, Cordwainer; JOHN EVERITT, late of MIL- TON- BRYANT, in the said County of Bedford, Yeo- man; JAMES FIELD, late of MAI DFN, inthesaid County of Bedford, Tailor; FRANCIS SQUIRE, late of BLUNHAM aforesaid, Gardener; MARY A Y R E S, late of BLUNHAM aforesaid, Widow; WILLIAM BUSBY, late of WOOTTON, in the said County of Bedford, Yeoman; and THOMAS BURT, late of the Town of BEDFORD, in the said County of Bedford, Tailor; now confined in His Majesty's Gaol or Prison for the said County of Bedford, and not being charged in Custody on the first Day of February, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Six, with any Debt or Debts, Sum or Sums of Money, exceeding in the Whole the Sum of One Thousand Five Hun- dred Pounds, do hereby give this first public Notice, that we intend to take the Benefit of an Act passed in the forty- sixth Year of His present Majesty's Reign, intituled, " An Act ft* the Relief of certain Insolvent Debtors;" and we do hereby give Notice, that true and perfect Schedules, containing a Discovery of all our real and personal Estates, hereafter to be svvorn to, are now ready to be delivered to aity Cre- ditor applying for the same to the Keeper or Gaoler, or his Deputy, of the said Prison. JAMES DEW. JOHN EVER ITT X his Mark. Witness, JAMES FIELD X his Mark. J. M. HOWARD, FR A N CIS SQUI RE. ' Gaoler. MARY AYRES. WILLIAM BUSBY. THOMAS BURT. BANKRUPTS required to SURRENDER. F. dward Crosby, of Liverpool, merchant, Sept. 2, 3, and 20, at the Globe Tavern, Liverpool. Attor- ney, Mr. Cukit, Liverpool. Richard Moss, of Liverpool, merchant, Sept. 1. 2, and 20, at the Angel inn, Liverpool, Attorney, Mr. Clements, Liverpool. Samuel Hobbs, of Bath, grocer, Aug. 12, 30. and Sept. 20, at Guildhall, London. Attorney, Mr. Welch, Printing- house- square, Elackfriars, London. John Robinson, of Newcastle- upon- Tyne, protcr and porter- merchant, Aug. 26, 27, and Sept. 20, at the Turk's- Head inn, Newcastle- upon- Tyne. Attor- ney, Mr. Harvery, Newcastle- upon- Tyne. John Parker, of Oxford- street, Middlesex, gold- smith and jeweller, Aug. 12, Sept. 12, and 20, at Guildhall, London. Attorney, Mr. Hilditch, Holbi. rn. Thomas Bloore of Caldon Mill, Staffordshire, corn- factor, Aug. 19, 20, and Sept. 20, at the Green- Man inn, Ashborne. Attornies, Messrs. Goodwin, Ashborne. John Hamilton Moore, of Little Tower- hill, chart- seller, Aug. IS, 23, and Sept. 20, at Guildhall, Lon- don. Attorney, Mr. l'asmore, Old Broad- street. William Horn and Richard Jackson, of Red. ross.- street, Southwark, rectifying distillers, Aug. 25, 26, and Sept. 20, at Guildhall, London. Attorney, Mr. Martin, Vintners'- hail, Thames- street. Joseph Coatsworth, of the Dundee- Arms, Wap- ping, victualler, Aug. 18, 23, and Sept. 20, at Guild- hall, London. Attorney, Mr. Withy, Buckingham- street, Strand. Thomas Lowe, of Mottram, Longdendale, Cheshire, cotton- spinner, Sept. 3, 5, and 23, at the Star inn, Manchester. Attorney, Mr. Robinson, Manchester. John Bore, of Bishop's- Castle, Shropshire, plumber, Aug. 18, 19, and Sept. 23, at the Castle inn, Bi- shop's- Castle. Attorney, Mr. Davis, Essex- street, Strand, London. Richard Knock, of Oxford- street, Middlesex, tailor, Aug. 25, 26, and Sept. 23, at Guildhall, Loudon. Attornies, Messrs. Dayvson Se Wfatislaw, Warwick- street, Golden- square. James O'Hara, of Ilford, Essex, linen- draper, Aug. 19, 23, and Sept. 23, at Guildhall, London. Attornies, Messrs. Wright Se Co. Paper- buildings, Temple. DIVIDENDS to be made to Creditors. August 30. William Salisbury Cell, of St. Ives, Huntingdonshire, draper, at the Fountain inn, Huntingdon. Sept. 3. Arthur Lewis, of Banbury, Oxfordshire, mercer, at the White- Lion inn, Banbury. Sept. 5. Joseph I. udlam, of Stoke- Bruerne, North- amptonshire, victualler, at the White- Lion inn, Banbury, Oxfordshire. Wheat. I - 16s. to 5Ss. 60s. Fine Do. 65s. to 70s. Od. Rye . .. 36s. to 42s. Od. - Barley.. 32s. to 38s. 6d. Malt. .. 68s. to 74s. 0.1. PRICE of FLOUR. MARKETS.— London, August 11. We have much Wheat up, in addition to a large quantity on hand. At the close of last week there was an evident decline in the price of the little then sold ; but early this morning fine samples re- vived for a short time, soon after, however, they fell back, and the market finished at a reduction of 5s. per quarter from last Monday's currency. — Fine Flour is down to 70s. pet sack.— Barley and Malt both support their late prices. The supply of the former rather short.— White and Gncy Peas remain steady, at their last reported value. — Beans of both sorts, and Oals of second and interior quality, are cheaper; but good fresh samples of the last- named were quite as high as on Monday. " r" """ ' Oats 22s. to 30s. Od. HorseBeans40s. to 46s. Od. Tick Ditto HOs. to 37s. Oil. White Peas 40s. to 55s. Od. Grey Ditto34s. to 40s. Od. . ... Fine — s. to JOs. Od. HOPS, per Pocket — I ent, 51. 0s. to 61. 6s.— Sussex, 51. Os. to 51. 12s.— Farnham, 71. 0s. to 81. 0s. SMITHFIELD, Aug. 11. To sink the offal. O* Beef, 3s. 8d. to 4s. lOd. Wei her Mutton, 4s. Od. to 5s. Od. Veal, 4s. Od. to 5s Od. Pork, 4s. 4d. to 5s. 4d. I. amb. 5s. Od. to 5s. 8d. Sold this day, Beasts, 2000— Sheep and Lambs, 17,500. NEWGATE and LEADENHAI. L, Aug. II. By the carcase. Beef, 3s. 4d. to 4s. 4d. Mutton, 3s. tvd. to • is. 4d. Veal, 3s. Od. to 4s. 8d. Pork, - is. 4d. to 5s. 4d. Lamb, 4s. 4d.' to 5s. 4d TALLOW.— Town, 05s. 6d. White Russia,— s. 0d. to 64s. Od. ( Soap), 62s. Od. to 63s. Od. Melting Stuff, — s. to 54s. Od. Ditto rough, -- s. to 36s. Good Dregs, 10s. Od. Graves, lis. Od, LEATHER, per lb. Butts, 50 to 561b. 21£ d. to93id. Ditto, 60 to 651b. 25d. to 26d. Merchants' Backs. 21d. to 2I£ d. Dressing Hides, lgjd. to 19Jd. I" me Coach- Hides, 90( 1. to 2H< I. Crop Hides for cutting, 21Jd to 2.! Jd. Flat ordinary, 18Jd. to 19Jd. Calf Skins, 30 to 401b. per doz. 30d. to 40d. Ditto, 50 to 70ib. per doz. 36.1. to 41d. Ditto, 70 to 801b. 34d. to 37d » Small Seals, per lb. SSd. to 42d. Large Ditto, per doz. lOJs. to 170s. Goat Skins, — s. to — s. per doz. Tanned Horse- Hides, 20s. to 36a. p r Hide. NORTHAMPTON: Piiutcd and Published by and for T. DICEY and IV. SUTTON.
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